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15 13 31 A It K S lit ELDER BRIGHAM YOUNG, At (As Tu'jcrnncte, Salt Of, Sunday, Match I2fA, 1S03. UirottLU or AfiTimn Miarts. Brethren rind titter, Latter-day !Bltit, for ihlsopiottunlly of standing Ufotu you I feel grateful lo my 1'atbtr and my God. It Itan opportunity that I have longed to come to me. Although Island hero In tlio fiar of man, to iom extent, and urcatly In the fiar of Clod, I rejoice In have the oppor tunity of beholding tno facus of my frlendt once mote. A stranger In a ttrauK land, Ihtitijli lis le preaching the Gospel, learns tn nppreclstu thti liomo where Ills friends dwell. Al thiuih many choiijun hata occurred wllhliiltio lait two and a half aoara , that I hato beeu absent and you may iy within tho lut eight aiars- yet It It my home, It It tho home of the Latter-day Balnls, and I rijalce tu mltiRle with them once more In Ihli life. Happliisia doea net lornei lo me from external circum stances, tut It cunea from wltblii. Within my briaat la tho liapplm as that 0(.d hat plauti-J there. Man did hot give It, neither hat Ills labor taken It from mr. 1 rijolce today In thu plenitude of Clod's mercies that have brought ut lo tie the fulfilment of prophecy and Ilia handiwork among thlt people and among the Italians of llieeartb. Kldert aru not tent out Into llatiylon today wllh the very gnat liopuof converting; the world. I did not leave my homo with the ixirrUtlon of heme ablo to convert thu eolo of Kurope, nor In America, but with an lutentu dielro In my heart to trll the people the glad tidings, declare unto them the Imowl tdgn which (lod had given me, and clear ray skirls of the icipuiitiblllly that I knew to te letting upon me. Not many convert! were made In lonipnrlaou with what hat been done by the LUira lu aeara that are tail; but a fuw clioli-o splills havu been added tn the people uf Uod, and tho rlnclUt of the Uotel lu lialniiite have beeu aud am lulng placed la-turu tho people for them to ricilT.ior tonlett. llut I havu found, somewhat to my turprlie, tliat a kind. Jit r fielliig sums tu ptrvade the hiarlaof all honest men toward tho Latter-day Haliits. A kindlier leellng haa bent manlfeited lu mo petioually by gentlemen whom 1 havu met In tho world, for they believed that the linpurltlet" of my religion wele eliminated. Ae nnu keiillemau laid to me, "What rtliglou will you adort now, at I iiudrttlund that your re Union It wiped out entirely by law;'1 I tried to eullgbteu hit mind In rela tion to Ihieu matteir, and he was very much aaloiiMiod lo find that tho Laltir-day Halnts bellevid In anything . excel t plural marriage. Hut the UjijcI uf the Hun of Uod, 1 know, ilrcumicrlbtt llieuulvrrte aud all tho creations of (led. That which wo pee, that wo hear, that we behold, In thu heavens and lu the earth, la clrcum. icribtd by the religion that Uod lut levtaled, and that thla people have received. I do not ftel thai tno Lirl haa removed from me, nor from thlt peole. Ilia arm la not aborleued, ntlllitr It lluatleei; but lie la mindful, watohlul, a preterit help to thoao who frtea nun taftiiaiij, 1 have nut a few Individual! lu thlt I city who have txpretsed tome aorruw at in situation lu which the Latter- 1 duyrialnta aru plared. I am anew comer among you, lo tome extent. It It saldlheru Is a i-liaugn lu, the religious, thu tolltlcal and the I lliiauclal cuuultloii ot this people since I I mlugkd wllli you. Hut I Uud no change lu tho htartof thu I-utter-day dalnt who I ticking lilt or her Uod wllh nu tarmalneiaborn of tbetcsll luony of Ihu Hplrlt of the Almighty. I have seen nu diminution or labor atnoug the l.ldeit acatltrrd through out i:uroHi In promulgating tho prlnclIie of Urn uaerlattlng Uospol, flu no oliniizin have not allecled, to far at I koow, the work at hoiueornurond. 1 or I tttltiy tu J oil thlt da that I kuow that the kingdom of (Jon la roll lug foruuru; the Church of Christ la Increasing, uud thu kingdom of Uod la nlgu ll mo ua. I'lie purports of the Almighty will bo fulfilled, uud no powir (but it arrayed agalnat tlioiu pruvldencta Khali prevail. Thin com lorn my heart, for I know It by the tiillmouyof thu Hplrlt of Uod, lthat Uiu remaiked by the l'real dent of tbo, i I underataiid, that In the t arly daj a a hen tho Elders were proailt Hug In J.uroje, onu good termou uu Hie rluctplea of the (lotpcl would convert huudrodt. Today It tukit hundred of good eennont to one period lo luvitllgate Iho prlucl I lei uf the Uotpil. I have kuuwn ul IlOO) Invitations lelng given cut tolthe liopleof uolly toalloiiJ a J.ulter-day Halut meeting, lu a retiei.tablo hall, aud only one ttrangirhaaapiarej Not viry encouruglinl And unless u nun la wcaliny a Ihu JJldira bear their own exiuie hu ImJ better ooullne hlmttlf tu tlieet corners, or to lutilloiqilutte, lo rr.aili theUjtil, tliun atlcuipt to hire halla to preach In. Hut wu get enthutlattio once lu 1 awhllt, and wu SJeud eomu muniy, thinking that we can ration lllllu tx clttmeut. It la noute trying, liorf ever; wu cannot du It, If It wire not lor our nn-iulii, tlio world would for get thla people, llime, euimlia aru uiiiaary. lilt weienot fnrmtii who at detirmltiul tu dtalroy ut, If wu were let alom, ivo uoulJ not be trained aufUclunlly to bu erfcclly atiauy lu the u.urau that we aru pur tulng. Like the unci nit that dwell upon thlt continent, thu euuiilge mutt Low I lied uccatlonally, or wu would deviate from Ibeilght. Wen havu or ganized wllh a determination In hnuk up our meetlnga in Ureal llrlialu, lattlcularly In tho north uud south, aud they havo aucicciluj lu la ting txclteiuent whloh haa l.ioiulit ut convert, I have looked upon theae proceedings and comsred them wllh the executions thai the piople wero enduring at home, I havetaldln m heait, Uod be thankee; we never could havu reachidlhie)olnta without we had upjotlllou. Ho far at pioiclyllng in Ihu world la contented, ea I under Hand It, lloU several thoutmd dol lait to oouvcrl cue Individual. Hut I lie otlict la r.tid hat biiu (or Ihu l.ldera tn apie I abroad tho knowledge of theUoaielamoig thu people, that the) sua) be leltwuuout exiuic; for calamines wilt conic and thla r'o aru rwpuiialidof irlim daitm y wme i haatuliu noriiu tilinukind. 1 do u it dttpnlr; I havu not lu the ni, timl l d not In the pueeiil; hut I havu prayed earuellr thai o -night In unlitd together auflli lenlly thai Uod would accent thu tacrlllte we hivo made and not iermlt i.ur enemies to tiled our bluod. Tho Latter-day HMntt today litvuonly to lead up tho hlitory of tho trriccullont of early dayr, and then liok Into their comfortable homea, their pleaiutt tin roundlugr, thu bvaulllul vnlle), clliea and lowna, aud thu ubundanue that mt ton nd a them, to bo icftclljr eatla fled lint thu kingdom Isgriwlu;, There la a fact connected wllh send ing KUert forth tu the uilloat r tin, rarlli that hat alriRk im at Vury tlrange. I have met liuu Jrcda of men who have been sent from 7a hi to ttreuglheu our hands In the ul i emu. Iry, and 1 would ipiu-tlou ihemwhni they arrived lu thlt lie U "llreihien, are there any pretunl whu liau r formed n inlttlou bcfori?" I'lie Invariable atitwtr has leen, " wo have novir buau on trend ing mllont lefoiu." I wi llvuyearaln the mliilairy In the old woild, from lS'l.'tolSU?, aud thee mil try wat filled nlth uur mhalmiailia, Nut onu uf thoae men haa on enroll In thoyeart that 1 havu been there lln lott time; and very rarely have I found a miu who hat ever been Utiou n mlatlon lifura or had any experience In thomlulalry. Vouiigm n in slly tomuold: lut nevir been on mlpthuiN before, litis la very tlugulnr, and I cannr.taccuuiitfor It. Hill I will any Ihlt: the spirit, thu Kiwer, Ihu ability maulfeited by Ihu you in- men who luvu been teut out to Ihu llallnuaof the earth It not Inferior tu that eno)ed liv any that weru sent Ironi lb J J to 1607, when I wat tin re. They havu ireachid thu Uotcl wllh n (kiwi! itillotiual many ul the l.hlert that I havu ever heuid teak. Voting moo who had neer reachid the Uuaiiel havu prepared themaelvea so that within I wo or three montlilthry were moro than a match fur tho mliiltlera who havu h en trained to punch n gospel. Uu uno occatlon a young man came Into the country whohal nuver vi ii attendu J meetlnga at home, aa far at I could Irani; I ut he had thn (lam. tua touccuft thu a mlnlment dud to come to Kcgland uu a miMlon. Ho waa there about a yuir, or a lille more, wbeiihowaa challouged by Iho miat Intelligent nf the mliilttcra that were lu that ait of thu country (near (Jambrldge)tua lubllodleitiiaion. He accepted, and thtlr clin uplon was aiMtalueJ by a tcore or more uf minis ten, who camu In to wllneas lilt lrluiuli over Ihlt "Mormon" I'.l lor. I will say, toinyturprltunndatloulah meut, the )OUug man delivered nu aigumoutln favor of baptNm which Utlnaopioncnteullrily i ll.llt. Hu did not udvanie one Idea that could bu compared wllh thu light. Intelli gence and strong argument nf this In experienced young man. Thu mliilt tert claimed thauhey had not beeu fairly repreaentid. Thoy ohotu an other champion, and atkod that the) might havu another evening to tut thlt (jueailuu, "Is baptltm ettentlal to talvallon?" Thtlr eucoud champion w at woraltd llko tho other. Tin to joung mcu that have hid no exierleiict, tiutllug in the H lilt uf Uud, Iho Uoil beioro thu IopIe In u minnir thai has pleated lltoia who aru experienced. It haa bien attunlihlng tu me. Hut I can tsy that the klngJom It grovlnf, and thehtarttof llmiwoploaie i-ularglng. 1 teu nltu that thu training uf more than sixty yeara In thu princlplta uf Ihu Uoael haa brought ua lu auoh a coudltlonof ultalrithut wu aio to bu educated In thl ngt tottalnlng to thu kingdom of Uod aa wellaa Ihu Church of Uhrltt. I look upon It that If u young man can lay a foundation of lallh lu Jeaua (Jllllat, fallli In the principles of the Uotpel and lu Iho invitations, hu la In tho irojer way, having received thu Church of Chrlit, tn prepare hltmtlf for tho king dom of Uid which will be uihercd In upon thn earth. Drethreu ami tltlerf, I rejolcn to mt with you. I hopul havu been able tu make myaelf hoard lu tile few re ruirki whloh 1 havu made, nud I fee' In my heait to say,Qod blest Ihu Latter" day daluli; Uod bleat thoae who aru friendly to them and aio honest enough tu accord them thu pralie which Is their due. J-very thing that I it earn! hear en couraget.ine lu the ciutu In which I sin engugod. I have not beeu dis heartened for a moment, nor ha I nnu shadow cast upon my mind In relation to thla glorious work which Uoi has Instituted. I pray that Hu may glvu us faith and union aulllclent that our euemlra may not I revull uvcr ua tu anyixtenl only liillli lent lu kteput lu thn Hue of our duty; and that trl. umphand tucctts may come unto lit III the duu llmjiof the Lord, la my prayer, lu the name ul Jetui. Amau. A UUEAT hCML'MK. How ilOOO Arret nf l.nnl are lo He llrougltt Uuiltr (.ullltiitlon. Hy meant of thu Waihlugton field canal and dam, whloh will bu com plttedsoon,30i)Jacreaof thu but land In tho county not now avallablo, will bu biought Into utc. 'I Ills will bu about three timet at much at the Ht. Uiorgo and Waeblngtnn people i ow have. TheNKWala Indebted tj Hon. It. O. Lund for the following title of tt, educations and coat uf the work to datel Aiuoaalof rod. aadcarlli la oxcaratlon for t ill tauo rami roil Itork . II T III IT no latll MH 11147 6.M1 w I aid oaltli In Ham tl.ljl to Uiutliol .1,111, uw Im lltiuMol flaiii ii teat ID, tn el mam canal lllmtloa a ! rue til Ituln niaa) 0 II I In. NuMl'ir otanl in eaorfva Hoik 11.7W WHU l.r.KilanJ teiueLt,.., H. u,' ,3 W) I arm .. ... iv,U1 1,1ft! tw Nilibber i.r luuiiola a 'lolKllrislhiil lunnola rUIl 4 4- 00 tual ul aalrt, i HlntoriDg aud Hber Indiiltnuit. 4.WI HO Titkl yarJt ...-. llliT IV.IOO 00 Thlt dma not Iniludu laletal dllclitt, nf which thele will havn to beuboul fl ty iuIIii, nor Uteral gatis, fall la dllchea, one and ouc-flilh Inchea to leu rode, nr one foot to 100 rods. J SAVlSJANK. L 3GO main ciTriiarrr. (ijieu HatuMnr cveuiuxi from 1 to H n'olork firr rn t interim putt on ncitOiiUof tw ur iLorc, amt roinHitiuued (our Huh. yvt Utah Tltta Iniuranoe &. Truit Co. LATUM ItW.WXJ, r ILL I ill' J K, DuuLr.lrCsvUoat. W. S McConittK, i a U lll0Mi, o.y, f. J V.Kttl I'iiliur. 'THE DEEP CREEK RAL'.Y. i Councilman Waalland Bit; amlat nam or Ui Consttuciloa. leTaihaoii Hie llrireteil limilllinn ol ilia Ileal laUle Mnrktl nn, I Ilia cetaill)r r e l.lle. Couiicllmau VViintltnd Ii trending n great deal of hla time niwilaya lu In teresting pruplo oil the Djep Creek rnllwiy prejeul. When one aeheme fails ha Invents another. To a Nkw repurti r Inlay lie talkej as follow, " Tirnea will ha better Immediately afhrtliudedlaatloiiif the renide and theoloenof thu Confers ice. Tlio puj lie from Utah and Idaho who oi-mot, attiiil litndedlcilary ciiiiionlei and tlio Conference, will spend a good deal uf money hire. While t met are htrd all around, yet thu eo;.e lu the out side dlttriuu alw iy Ii4u aonio liuney tlowul nwiy. Now, II la rillnuteil ttitt theiu will be 4u,iMu etraugira visit Uiali during the next tnreu weeks,'ltoro will leave heru from V to flu eallng iha average ld will mtku Hie until tu Hall l.sko City, fSua.OUO. "N.ailyamlllloti djllart will thus he lumped Into the hitidt of uur men hauls, alreetcars, hotelt, railroads hoti ., thiatereand inltcellaneous In etiiini ua Now, supiuw twenl-flv pir.iut of this coull bu cvutldired P' lit r, If not, thoulllerencii beiHion the real profit nud Ihe twiiity-t1euHr cent i uiu iv uied by thn puupln aud tlio ioiii utiles who get thu money, and sup,, nu tbu ieople who thua piollt were pitrio lo enough to uuulilbutu tnat imiitvllvu sr cent (which mi lot J.ii.noil) towaidt thu Deep Creek railroad, what n change tberu wuu d be Immedlalil) lu ihu lot) tela and nllaltavl thu ell)! And thla tan bu donulf collective!) thu people cm I u male to tiy mid du all tootlur what '.hey say Individually they aiunllllnKtudu. Tho hiinlieil thousand dollars In vettud lu Ihu ruad wiat llther on bonus lunutildu capital or put lu con-, tttuoilon wulk for a home ooniuuy wlh put the aotieme units leet so that thuretl wl I in 1 1 tin tailing. " There nuer ha-been a uiiren?rt utulciteif tlur tlgtileiiuai oxnibit cd anywhere In Hie witt titan Ihe dan. emus con tie uf deity untv being foil ,Hed by the ;ieu to of this city con cernl iglhernal nl. '.uposlliii Km dratiln Weittra or Uuun I'aclflu thou d build ws from Unlit? Who om ettlimtn thu less uf ptrttge and adantokut whluli this ilty wouli .ullo ? Wbt u Ihu city would uudiuitedly inn If the road tliotild ttait Ircm rinllc, ttlll tho r I .live gain would be to much leta thai tnu psuplu of thla town ntigbituttlriip uvtry polutnud get a start in-t from here. "I I la not tloi ly thu matter ot a road lo Deep Creek or llugway ur l'lth Hprlngs. It It alto the mala Hue for Ihe uext road to Cahiornla. It, there f re, means that Kilt 1-atu Ully will ha Ihu railway luutcr wllhciii thu thalow ol n rival. Wllh the atari Halt I.lfeu City hat lu llnanclat ttrength, vutume ot bual nets aud sympathy of men who con trol the ojieratluua lu inlneaand rauge Interest in Ihu surrounding dlatrluis, Ihu only thing needed tu eon! liar ahead la thu wta'eru road. "If Ihe tuwu was not ablo to build thu road thu ixlusu would bu tuf llclent, lut tho fact It that If tbu mirgy that has Itoli exh blted lu dozena of towut of tlio weal, uf one third thu alie nnd ability of this Lily couiu uu wuikiu up ueie, tin- I'looioin would be an (sty onu losjlve. "Itaud values aru deprctte I. A man whu cculd havu toll out thnu yeara ngo for $100, mw die) not know now whether huiau get $Y),UWor uoU A small iercentagu ut h a lund If put I ilo thu lJiep Creek scheinu will maku tbu balaniu of It wurth from lo to 1U0 per cent more. Then why n t try 1l? "Thla road would help ml Utuli, and why not ak all Utah tu hel,ihulid II? Labor will bu contribute I by leoplu uuttldnof rialt Lake county. If the people will not road Ihemtehes It ought to bu known julckly, and thin another Hon ought tu bu uinlo tu raltu siy JL'oO.UUO tu give to eomu puu elan to du (or ls what wu ought tu do furouraelTtt. And that elTort, If prsj etly mauaged, can hu made tu wurk, riuppuso the Chamber of Commerco would get up u scheme tu levy nn ut sesanil lit of five mills oil thu niuattd valuation of Hall Lake county, of course thla would bo a voluntary mat ter nnd tbu irldu of tho liopluwould be Irought into pla). Would notauvenly.llvuperceniof thu prop, erly owu.rareonu? At kail tulrty per cent of Halt Lake proiorty is owned by non-rcsldeuti. I anitatltflail that ot leatt ninety er ceut of thu nou-rrttdent uwnera would retpoud promptly, anil Ifthuouttldert camu tu thnn certainly our own toplu could bu heggtd or thamtil loto riipondliig and It ninety per lent of Ihu atatstinent could bu collected thu elTort wuuld bu a auiceti; $(W,wuO,nuu Miluttlon would brlngf tuu.uuo; eighty rer cent ol thlt would brlni'$JI),UUO, wlncli would bu a bonus tutllclent lo bring the Deep Creilcioadlnalturr). Homelhliig mutt b done. Ultimo! tir will blip ut but it will uot bu tulllcleut to lurid Hilt Lake ahead lu u innnnu tint will help buslmta as It ougnt to lu helpid, ur that ill enable Uudowneis lu hold up valuta or meiuhaula to ixeud thu r butlneaa or in ntihuluruia ,o Incrtaau the factory lutiret la. "All th Ii i le an m linw tobollovti lutlio aiviuiaiB which will coniolo lliuulty If tbu wetteru ruad laatcured. ll w'uldmtan quhkly an ndJItlonul exltiiiluutu lua AligeltJorHiu 1'ran il.c,, and then wbut uldltlonal maiketa wmld lu nptnud up lo tbu menhai.taoi Ihciltjl thu traMl to bu directed from ollur routi, tbecoil tubuauiit lotuppi) thu I'aoflo Coutl, tho Iron ol nuutheru Uiahlubi uillltid uud Iho rcaouroea of Ulahtu bo dually luviatlgatod nud duvt lopt d are all laitora In thu general I ror erlty that would eomu to u. The new mint t tube upeuid tin would j0. uulie iboutandsiif tint of grain, hay, aigetabltt, tilt, urooerlca nod other tuppllia. Hall Liku nlono ttoca not produce nil of these ahd the other por tions ol tho territory would bo drawn from and develop accordingly. There loru a priper illotl tu ixplalu the proposition to iroplu of Utah oufaldu ul Hall luko county would romli cer tainly lu contrllutlona tnaurds the ruad, I'rotn Ligan lo Ht. Ueorge the eopIu would be bent fllid and the I eopluaoonbu convinced uf the bane Ilia luturrd be wllliug coutrlbutois. I Ulali peoplparecontetv n an 1 si w I i im vi 111 new scliem. - i won Hits iron sitlongila a inirtln ( i f II sl.U hands, and the Utah p. 1 1. n, i, made l ten Ihal It wllli. i h, ir ad. aantagu lluatclally lo lie, this western roal, Uellcvolhtywll! I . n "Iho thing ncctetaty ii w Is to get ii good rlau atartod, have the mailer In charge of pertont In wliom the pMiilehavuenttroaonfld'UOi! aod Ihu rot will I esy. Tliolenven Is working Tho people ale dltcuttlng the Deep Creek iut-tlon as never beiure l'rloo luHalt Lake's lutuiii and Hip deilre lu lllllu worth what they aie stiro they oauld have said for n while ago will mate It vasierfor ill's aii) inr,.i tiis I coeisaty money lo secure Ihe We ern ruad than It was tu rain 11 1 en o ter bjuur. Whol cverylwdy I . lovesmuit besa. Almiatall ireltevM ii ttiat tht Wtntcrii load '"' I be the making f the ell) , mid therefore c. rj l, , ty mutt and will In Ip to aocuru the in. "Halt Ltfceiuoplu uU)ni t, , nibrace naery opiorlunlly t nvime out siders thai It will alio In t.Miotr uj. anlaguliltoli uiln lint ropotillou and tiilllalent nilsilonary u u can bu dorm wllh Iho people n ho will be lure during tho coming Cutm tenon totton tu prove uf giual advat.tup, lu us lu the next ninety dsys. Nuw i- the lime lu think uvtr tbls nutter and alutit Uf tnlauleanllur It Is though uu I talked over la the proper time i iku npllou." Coming (d lltr Hi tin jIioii. It wuuld be advisable f,r Ihotn who I nil lid tn bo rtactit at theTtinple tlollcalory services to mtu the hour at whh lilt It tteceisary tu pnsent them selves at thn Temple Jllork gates. Thotti who aiu to in admitted to a morning teivlie thou u apply nl tho gatu at H a. in,, nnd for thu afternoon tervlce at 1:..V) i, m. Hlionld liny whu llvu out sldu uf thu city aullclpate tbat by com ing In on n train which arrived hern at 11 n. m. they could gnln sdrulttloti tu n morning service, they nrn apt tutu dim pointed. Their arrangements tin, ul, I bu to reach tbetii) uotlstir than Ha in., or eorno In the evening rtvlous. .CIlilUOSMft Lny Uuilly Allllrlrd Thrrn r.iri I riff. Mnny lurlri. II. rr uinl In I.liRhintt Ulthoi.l Iliitr- fit Cum! 1 Ciiikiim. Mr wilhiTlnRutfr! ir tn - f rnla Mrfi ft lhi tmrk (or btt Ytr n I t i arl p uMnAti itttownftihKlit,iti t. ueiftiitiia rtoaiit I rounltTfl. tina kl. n in t mcUnl lo Ur ttrnt i rurvi therti. m I nil if iKaa. ini'ttj, iiitl til I tir thr ro i n i it trK (or ler an1lTlhK IHM All kinfc rrnnnhil hi iwllrua one Imxm your i nm t k LKM MMKl.kndlvl4y ht lUs Isvvrrwu in litr lilt, ftitd her lut U o ftr r k a 11 u if, nnl (or nn n u mwtfA I I III I IU ItKMIIillH ft tl nlr r In.tllil Dnd lo tiltx.1 eurit. U,W Juh tUHo. tfcyirfctiti i nt ii I Ohio, Scrofula Ten Years, I lti ft ruDninft Mrtf In j rir f n t rofu t miurr f'r tn jtr lUd m tntly cr rrfti 1 1 r-tsin. ttut ottlilm in r i ( until f lrilt uiu Uiu, whtcJi lirt c 1 it tii In a taw 1 ha l.Mtl do tntulilii wllh i hu t rui it tor rljrL.nR.ltU ItRUKIHICi unrkCctlcd lot lb UucMci juu cimm to carp Uu. 1L A u-onrunii, fclt rurouJ.Bo.Ulk. Cutioura Remedies ATfi tte irrtttf.t (Skin Cnr . IU-wJ runflfri nU Humor Itcmctlici Ui world li etor known, lUTUUIli riSOMlVr thfl llrw ItlaOil BOlt Ftin I'unatr Iuutdii ) la rlftnn tho Uo, f r )l Imjiarltie ittiO nou clttnirnt,itnil t ilicuta, tlittj-rrnfl-Lin tore, nnd ( I utt m mm) fn rtitii!!! r nl uriflVran I Itextiuriar, rKlftnillf (lieirar lit Mkm anl icalpantlre lorn tho liftlr , euro tty tlltia aii l I uiu r ofllmtkln aralp an i l IimhI. with Im tt hair, truut InfAOfljr t Biir ir iilaiiilfk Uiotrttfuta wlrn tnt heat tiyi aua, lua.lUla, nl all otltcrrctuoliia fai Co til aver ter llt,r I i a (tiTId m .Ma. a for, ato, lti.nji.wM fioik iVtparMbrili I IHIU JJMIIU AM t JILUICAL CUUI OHAtlU1! 4 "Hnw toLura Hn Meait,N f4 iaKra, M uiaitrauobi, and iv teattmoniali, iuu.vl frca. I AVri-IMT. W bum t Aarralhkln ami toft v ! Hah la pr In rallytUTICUIUMiir- SfFA WEAK, PAINFUL KIDNEYS, V-tf Wllh Hi f aisry.dall, aelilnir life f ft I leM,all.m .nxlliie llrll-ar.lii, 'k nin.i.l Of liig -4AII lnll U.ier.llis uahr pain klllltH tatter 2'I 2 n n v to ;l q a n rOI.I.ATl HAI HIXUltlTY, At lteaonable Ital.1-. rsrtlea eatlnas la bor row money canto aj talttioul liuUlicllv Itml n, tt ttnctly ) mate 11. I Itl.I.KH, So " l..,hecond HouthW r.e, iticiunns, Tuot. i Wrntirt. IrttllBDL lea I ratldofit O. II lUCKUif Sec'j aad Traaa. gECDBITY ABSTRACT CO, Ofrico In Dooorot Nntlonal Dank Dulltllng. bait Lolte city, Utah. Tntophono, 142. rirtcruRs r & it iurdi,Thoi u. u'ttiter IV. ( lajrtoft, E at . Srollh, Jt, I Cum eilnirt. James 11 yta.Ctiat. U. llicaardi. A.M.UarUon.d.1 tutltr, JC. MURPHY & CO., Xaaulaeturcta or .,"....' STENCILS. SOLS, STEEI wB?"" mo Eueeiii sumps.' No, 213 SOUTH, MAIN StTi, via vr PLLS VC iji" onlyon v-.t'JU tr FORADOSC RESULTS AHi- VHAT TELL l-autr.n I OeMpillattftriMe. l , aiKi!,'"ri.i" 2C.C, H. 1. 1 it'u Uirr Aaiux I W WTK1). -"Hill t.llll tun i.hMltXI UOI SK r ir., -na l lamily ,,lj Inire, l.odlat yilla ll aa "lore TioTin -i oaiutAMi mv,r is tttsia sail luano ar elilarnrf ,ah imnlitnwB li!rea, y lateliaitshT Vtst, salt l.aki ur, Utah ir..itiiii iaiiik ms ii laTtTTr J I niiniy to d,.trlbino urru ir rnausr al taper iliiiMni ssntt stamp t , islittsrilea !f.rft.."lo,,,; M" AV" lil'IlKWtTIVil IIUIIl ti.lxitter MtN HI TAKK OlitlMlH, Ml lis7Tls.ll insoeealltetloe, nninae. , "leiat wo k, It. I terms, oellil Irae. M.LKK M)K eniv i il.lloehetter. VJ At ana in nuii im ai itthmmiiii: lor meat home titan itar no canvass lei Ili ttlllt ua. Mitt I erna I sarloa So lien.,, In I A f (ft It nil tlniMi niNii rijiriTlMi. .W Wlllarhhihe.l.,e l leaemi llrsiar, II. aitlsa nn I atlirina i ,llin sHietlalle, lata t leaaeo, llalrlmined will . a. Stats wort lor Heitioa apparel a I ll-, ii wait srenail Snatt, CauToiKuaio hit Tin ill, umiaa- rlssatil 0ij sad repaired, al M (om it i rrial St. Ato. imt soinI prleca tor aeeoad haail siiiiliiiia-ornert aliaune 1 1 j mail or ail WAKTHl W)r -ttK UlN II.VIK tour inoee; al lh l,i(tom,alre ea Iwil "eeorllt ae ua. J II Ktanadf A Co , lllllt'-l,Mtll UK A -V It tit AlKatlllllN AIImmIiiiiI t win. r tu i ,,n Tow roi: unnii I llrufflit -erap Iiee I Muiiaara lji lletisaruiid touili street, Cilr FOR SALE. ClIIKAI'IIOMICI INCMIIL- MIM.1IIK lotAltaol In Ltah ini farrtlant fr nie atitdlMitr arn A )ilrntial niititnunl rrjttla draiitna: lre ,rarm tt tuirv o( J 7 Hr-warl .to,liy.i,,l tali. m i tENTlUt I'AIIK LJT fin I Kit MTII rt - ' ' U K ' nitk ' J ' -ft"! " '""I 10Q liarea nf llffislitnti S I', ('.ti.i Mock, klftut Itart Nurihl'ulntt'An. l)Atial('o flit a. i ft uth Mmn W . J MonnwmrrT i)l 1 f Willi OLHmMiiri7li itTr- litltt eottlti. fatim, fmr UrAia. U K Holt ant 4lwal ") rnml Month MONKY K0KEKS. JTAItttlS .t UII.IIS1W )I,MS STIIHH 1 I. In 0 pre rt nl on real relate, nana nor., monirtrftakitlthllritrl-t trewnnea ""i'U IP IIIM. ON" t ITi I lit r IIM a- tealtr sptncsr A knowldea, .No t Wrtl tnd SimiiIi ' ' " TOVICl" Til lIAN IN AN MtlllNT1 all nn tsrins Impnireilnr unimproved ear proitrtr nl'uon toilalerala J it Kenneclr (- ."'SK III. ek ' ON ilium, t in milium amkol laliral N . Jlixss A tu , tie lloa alllull.mllllll I n ' B UTH MITE. IK It raft-IK ASH CHAT lea, loans taailn J lllisus, til Main SI. Alt. J inks, m Mi aiUKi.r Jl ihgt l,ant en H-raunsl au.l nat ro rrtr MONHI HI 1llN lTt7 Til a I'FIS . ..eilil llaehe. beron t i r, Honlf llloet, MONIul 111 TllAN ATUIIIIIlKNl IIATI." J Ii Tlllllllt'lN H seeon.1 eouln. II I' 0 inlTKa " .Note, innk -iTrka lloadt, H ier -. npl Trun tun 1- lor nnal I title l!oomlalomnier.ial lll.iek Te' tfts Jl T ANII ' l-Hllt.N1 IININMIHIM I t .proved r. nerlr, montr rs1y no delay JolinJ. enyder, r,ionjiej liiolr lllo, a. IN HUM, MtllJI II ro III U0,o OS K Til (Its yeara. al lowrai rates. Ueder uem mereta! SaUonal Hank. Jainaa It. atuw. MUSt rt) MMN (IV lAltJIS ANIU ITY property, ami rnllatrtal HikhI noioa leUKtil, en, rt lime loans on eednrtetl notes ll aterman llrot. Loom i. Central nines NTIINK, AT I'lIllllE.NT IIITIA Nil UK i 1 lay II J. Il re a X M I nmVI.I lll.k ON 1)11 KUII II fllifKMII IS ANI iiuinllly. i r,..l,r,ll)r,i.l y,l lllrnardatu T UU IIISK TU lllllllllin IIIINKl 1 Tall oa KAI1 I AM. VAIIKI lIIN A TIIUBT I Oil IMS r, taat, tnat boma MISCELLANKOUs! S.I AIU OK OO'IMISMOV TO AliVSTi to litndln tho 1'atent licmlcal Ink frat in Iinnl rbo inuat uaifL)lai.(l nuxfllnvvn tinii of tbo ac. t raoea luk thoroiuhlr hi to irninla, irka hk niacin Swi lo AOU i rr rrntsirud Asvnta inaklmc tt,cr wrek Ue nltM) want a ronoral airaot In ttka etiarto of tar tiutf aud appoint (.( arrnl. Ararthan(M in innko in' ne jr. nto for trrmt n aam le or main Mouroo ratr llfjr. Uo,, iM. la IIltLY inijlk. IOOMjJ ih"am V, I I CAtflO 1IIIWX, IsOAl loaao tad InioatmcnU. If K YiiUlt UAtKII TAM-H l-Alll AT I room intHioit Ant rlark bmlliitg-. Fon rcnt. 1-OOHS roil IIKNT Thu (urolilicd X rcMima,3U 3d south " PKOFESSIOXAL. JM'lu" TAYLOR, LAWYCn, tagt Mek J tu Jl awl Iff, CIlKHtHlNf MNNM. ATTOUNh AM) UoiiDaoIorat M, WJ U4 Mrtorolck llk flNl ttftOllWt. IlkHKr , TAN ILLT. h tiy tstn., N. Iiiik. GOODWIN & YAM PELT, Lawyers. tl net if 4 in ell r1inndtfort V 8 Istwl Off t I ovm JU it 1 irmmfriat Mwl llilUUUHG & MOYLE. Iiluwlnv 1... aM,u U.,1,. ATTORNCYS-T-tAW. Vtwtt AVIaaatiTani Vutlttre Sail Ltti CVy johh h. ihm, BARLOW FERGUSON, ATTOBHCVa-AT-LAW. rWf Asst 430 331 9 3 (Vwiltfuhwt i,u IJ-,, tall Lik I Ut III ,a. itl. WATROUS" TTonr.rv.T'UW. ftswi 3t at iranteh VvUiithj , RICHARDS, MOYLE ft RICHARDS, ATTORNCVt-AT tAW. Jvesia Av ro it'll tMvtHttlt riWe rornere, lir.l av.lA mid Hutu. ," S. W. DARKE, Lt ATTOBNtY AMD COUNorton. BfiTwprr I'.lixk, - Ji tslt CVr E. L SHEETS, ACCIDENT AND FIHC INSURANCE "A pollry slfi t a foellnir nf Security " llrrr Iwrrtrtia atlotntt riant C.VE AND EAR DR. IRA LYOhS, 49 S MMN ST DR. J. D, KEYSOR & BR0 DrNTIBTJ Beu liitlh Wl sirtorA KulUtm jlrtt Soor 1U JU SlrtU. DR. J. THOMAS, cunacoN dentist no iomainst. JMw im ra s t 1 ItftrU I . RK THOMAS. I I "THE SILK HOUSE." I ! 2G, SS, SO, SB East, Flit ST SOUTH STREET. ' H LLUUILI 111 I LU III Ull JlUJiiilL IThTTi I H -lYISITOllSK- I Come and see us when in Salt H Lake. We are anxious to H show you our Goods, and H will convince you that we H are the Best All-Round Dry H Goods House in the city. H IIIMilfffoiiriLLill I TIIAX YOU EVKlt JIAJ) UEFOUIJ. H Special Values in H Every Department! H CJalllasIM T AfatlAss' Ta ala BBBBBBbH Till: I'lllSTfl.S Tllllf.IHl'WIl.l, 111! A 111 l.lno of I.n.llet' Jackctt auj M HII.KM.IIl'CAUMi: Wn.Vlll:' llli: Ittefcrs (Illact) lo clots M IIOUSK" ANII Hl'.l.l, out at tlioso iron lor- M MUlli: THAN A I, I, tul reductions. M uu: iiiMi'Ttiiiiniii'.it. faH t S ; Jacket for .,. H To coiiinieneo aa lilt aao liaio extra goo! 7 '-' 4 75. H Hurali Bilk, all t'olora, for SSo. r "C" LT- H aanl 1173. H .Bplctns 1'rlnle.l Clilna bilks, for a run l&M 7.75. Bl 36U ilocca raucy Sllka, all colork anil ' H slylcs, worlliljl.i'i, lor Mo. srnrira H waists. l.nJI' l'lalto.lWaltt,AV. H TlflCC ir-AnnC! Laillss' I'laltnMValtt, with null), Mr. H alaJL UtSO Via UUUOa I jM' fimy Waist, light colore, worlli M tt.hnieirs.allciolors.ak.. A H.!li!f' Clotllti for your bor for M.IOl H Your eholco of about (Ifly rloros I'aney A .,,,, fif , ' BVH Dross Uoods, all wool, ttonli 00c, for a lullr I'aii's iie aaBBBBaal ISc' I.Jloa' llnnillierililefa,llfir2.-.i. H TXrieln r'nnrlei laces anrl Eiabro'dirlos M V V abll VaTOUUS. At otaotit lialf what you arc In tbo liablt H of paylogelRowlierc. aH Apron, floo.1 'liiHolliiir, Jo. H 1 alia lliwvy fliovlot, IUo. At I'm.. JUU, WK-. worlli.' ,3 , 50o. H l'xlra Heavy Onlliii;., b'.o. Ijtdles' Jtreoy Itlbhwl I'uiliirvoata, 3 for M I'lnolliiby l'littini.l, iS'.ciiiiil lilKe. , ,,,,. . .. H ICO) lletiiiianta of aoc, fj.ttHi.ia, lo clos0 I-"1,W a11 o1 Uu, '" 25" """ H at lOo. A aujitrb Hue of Wool Clialllea, newi;utt - . H to seotliem uoijulck wo'llsay Hoc. H 2tX)pera L'lirrron Hulllns Twills, only QnAflf atB so. pirjanl. rViXUCti. VH l'luu rlili Uatoeiit, Itltio, v ,. ,,..,,,. ,P, ,, .... H tjtdlesiUilil 1W. Tlphlioo, 1.7S. fH , A lot Children's Miuvt, odda and sudt, li tlf rezttlar priet. H COD ncmnant, Tras Ocois, Mo-.,78e; "d ,'" 'u'n our H Ol.SOIIAMH, TAIII.K l.ISIi.NS,, Splendid aalim InMcn'aWorklni-Slilrlii B at "toll-llioin. quick" prices, Kk.'.,(lii'. and 75c livery Depart menl in our xnat establish- H liiout Is now full ol New doods. No H inatttM' what kind of a urchasu you nia H Avish to make, if you (toino to us wo will H save you money. H Tn u J li i ij 1 1 TTUTiTm" ifuTTTjTL 1 1 I II K THOMAS. I