Newspaper Page Text
I a DEST3m:T EVENING KlSWSt PAT! HDAY; UrAKCII 25. 1803. I i petmetti and ypi. Southorn on Monday Night. Wnrdo and Jamos. Maudlo i Adams' Dobut. Tho Magistrate) and Ilia K Shaughraun. h ' it i Holhern'i coming on Mondny night V ' will be looked Uck on, nflertlietoMon 't I ! over, as one ol the roJ leller oycuIs t of tho yer. Ho long go InslnlleJ lilraself iu ono of our prime favorites if 1 from hla rarely nrtlstlo pretentMlom t of Lord L'liumley nj the lllghoil if Didder, and slnco thoso ilsys lie li" ' Kone itlll higher on Iho liddcr of feme V from file produclloni of TlioMalstcr of I WooJbsrrow, Tho Hsnolug Ulrl and I Ceptsln l.ttlarblalr. I'or llie rail I) j three months there lia Leon couilaul " i mention of hli cmphatlo ucon In f tho last named play ot the l.jcuiini t ' ' theater, Now Vork, where contlnuou. j crowded bounce Induced Jlauager ,' ' Daniel Frohman to reeott to the uu. S ueual plan of gltlng three matinee a I week, to try to accommodate tin ' l muy who went away at night un f able to obtain Umlealou. Hoou ' ii..mtinrm became necrowdtd aelhe nlglita. len the last work of the I, three monthe' run showed , . ment, and nothing but tho li flexible nrlor arrangoincnu for the tour, and i the eetaollaliod date for the regular 0.enliiR of tho fcjeeum Theater com- .' i,,ny at their homo theater, made tno t ft termination of the run nec.Mary. I he ' 1 author of UaiUIn Letterblalr la Mia i B Marguerite Merrlngton, fonneily Greek and Latin luatruclur In the A I York Normal college. It la tier first uramatlo writing, although ho has been a recognlteu magailnu oontrlt,u tor for eonie time pa.t. The company euriortlngMr. Hothern will be tho an eni 'that which idajed during the New Voik run.Bnd.tiioeameetaRiiaet. tinge, to the. mlnuteet detail, will bo brouithtbere. Vl'glnlallaiu.dl. the leading lady. Clever Maud Auame, the young leading lady with John Drew In he Mukedl!.ll,l.ll. of her debut, In the following lauguoBB to a Ht. Louie 8M year. PMd from tho date of my mat ligo eiperlonce totho second. r r jo uoi remember whit deiirce f prompted my first going on the etage. i waa nine mouths old at the time and J have to take my friend, word for the accuracy of the account. 1 was hi ' Halt Lake City, thoy tell me. My ' ! mother war., at the time, playing lead. ng role, til the local .took company '. ' hero. BhewM at the theater audi wm at homo with the nurse, when I ' , became so uproarious that the uureo R . feared I would destroy my vocal or. I . and, bundling me up, look me to I ' the theater for nymolher to subdue i my sorewshlng. Iho play that night k wicue,i,u"Lo''cl,"i1''"ia.".8l,;!:k would havo it, the baby usidlu the 5 iTltco did not materlalUe. The ataijo . ) manager sleied me from my mother's i I ' arms. stlU .creoohtng, I M eve and carried me on the aUge. The footlights 4 ' ' pcUKised a aoothlug eflect, chronicles j , Jay, and 1 quit my uproar. They said i ' ! I waa as good uuactrtsaaa tho other I Infant who had been playing the tart, which was very enoouroglng to me, as 1 was more of an amateur. "The second opportunity camo when my mother was pie log with Kruratt. 'lheoomedlau wanted a child fpr the i play and bo leased very hard w lib my 1 mother aud father. Neither ot tueiu I was ntixlous to have mo go, but the i matter caino up ot the dliiuer Ublepne I i jay lu my presence. My lather had i, a ' lut said -no, 1 wilt not have the ohlld ,3t ' make a fool ot herself.' I novo been . i li told you eeo how twor are my early , j rocollectlons-ttmt I laid down my ! V knllo and folk with great dlully and II remarked: '1'apa, ou need not bo A J afraid, I won't make a fool of myself.' jjdf t 'I hat fcoltled It, and my real stage life i beuan. I ''As tho child In The Celebrated Case I attracted K great dial ot atten tion 111 tho West, and when tho com I 1 any ployed at Victoria, 11. C, the . olllcersof 11. M. B. Triumph gave mo I i. i.utimiftt. whluh I can remember en f S Joying greatly. Boon oiler that my i I mother ueclded that I should deiert i j the stage for Iho sihoolroom, and 1 was :' ( lent to Iho l'rtsbyterlan school for I J girl 1 Bait Lake City. If my lovo ! ( for the theater had not been deep. ' t rooted, that school tralnlug would i , certainly haveturodnio from any pio- feulooal ambition. To the dear good women who taught mo iuthuiodaya the theater was a pitlall of sin. l.very. thing that could bo douo to weau me 'I from It was done, but It was done lu 1 J valu. 1 was looking forward totho k time I could return to the work I ' Jovod, ncd al 10, alter oouijuorlug no I email amount of opposition, I ouco more camo back to tho footlights a the young tclioul teacher lu Tho Midnight Well." LtwtoncollarrtU'a untimely death aud the baaklng down of Mr. lloolh's health, eleated a void among the gnat iroducera ot tho claulo and tiaglo mama: but tho void aeeiua to have been Mleil by Frederick WarJo aud Louis James, who ure acqulilug fieah , ' luinu and luttuno by Uielr artistic , '' ability, tho thoroughness ot their utl. J lug eompany, aud tho ejIoLdor ol their J j producllons. Alloftheeieulo pror- hW ! ties, ofcsiuims, elc, formerly tlio F ( ! iiroperly ol tho l!oothll irrett coin- ik t' nauy, are now lu their posseeiilou, and ft; will beseeuattlieTheuterdurlugthelr El , engagement which oceurs April lird, If I 4tliaudCth. The tragodlta of Julius I Liomr, Francebca du Itlmlul aud I i Othello will be pretouted In thn orJer f i named and will no doubt glvo Iho eaiue amount of gontral sslltfacllju to our theater goers that has Utu tn. corded them wlunovir they hovo ' apinarod. Their engagement prom- v liestobenmemorablouut. t ' The Home Club'a four nights at the Inciter during Coufereucu will be dlv trlbuted ua follows: April bth and 7th, Tub Magistrate, 81h and lUlh, 'Hie I World. Iho club havo tekcted ttiu tett comedy un J the beet sensation theyroiild Hud to give a variety that would suit all tunics. Their city J friends will most generally wish to siu 1 I thim In tho comedy mode famous by John T. Ituymoiid aud Auguitlnr i! Daly, while llii'lr country patrons will Bl. probably prefer tho thrills and excite. ' ment of tho famous World, r, Tho Majlslrato, by the way, la done by Mr. Daiy'a porinUslon.though j thuclubhavoto pay the highest roy alty each ulght that thoy have ever been tailed upon to pay lor the priv ilege of doing u mcyrlghted piece. I The permission to do the World came at the kit moment from J. It. Urlamer, Just as the club hid decided to take up IhoHhauguraun. Uncle Tom'a C'aoln dlod auatuial deadliest ago, but it Is occasionally resurrected and galvanlted Into lein notary aorl of llle b' the addition of bloodhounds, donkeys and double ropuja oud Maikr. U( late even theie processes havo not been aullUlent to arouio public curiosity, and It has been reserved lor thu comiduu Mtockwell lo hit on a new Idea fur Investing thu oil play with n new charm. He engaged tho colored Uglllit l'eto JacLaou to do Uncle Tom, and the aiorllti: man Turaoii Davles to acl ni the auctioiieei; with lilmieU an Matks, and "the lllack Loltlu Collins" llcislo Carr In a colorej Ta-ra-ra act whatever that may be he lias put Uncle Turn onco nioro on the high road of success. The 'omblnatlou puts lu two nights at the theter on March .Hal aud April lsi; or this engagement the audi eucu will probably wiar full dress and tho society reporters aroalnady sharpening their enclls lo take down tbo narnt a of the occupants of the stalls and buies. Haydn' Creatluii waa wrltlen lu Mi'J, nearly a hundred yeara ago, and hero are we In Halt Lake conning uver lis beauties Just aa If It Vvote tho newest thing our. Art Is Immortal, truly. Wu see, by tho way, thut last Buuday night, Iho 10th, was the on ueverauryof tho Ural production of Uih Crealluo. The New York World lays: To commemorate tho first publlu ierformauco of HaydL'a Creation, In Vienna, on March lU.UliO, tho wolk will be sung thls(Hunday) uveiilng by thu Ht. James choir, Bt. James's M. L. Church, One Hundred and Twenty sixth street and Madison avenue. Tliero will be oimpetout soloists audu chorus or eighty, under tho direction of Mr. Freuerlo Dean. The Hthar weuka Hiring (Juartet will play Aus trian liyiuua aa an olfertory. It la unknown us ytt whrther tho two groat military banda thu Yuutu (lerman einpi rur tends over to play at thu World's Fair, will comu further wt at of Chicago or not. They gave a few concerts In Nuw York, and Iho Jttldir has this Item concerning them: 1 he advent ol the two groat Uerman military bands, which are to be heard lu Iho Madison Hquaro Garden troni April LM to 1.9 nnu afterward at Iho World's Fair has awakened an eager tutenat among musi cians. Tno members wulo chosen, after n rigid examination, from auiongovor "MHl applicants. Tue bauds will como together two months before their do taiture for New York, aud will havu two performanoeH dally. Thu perform ances of thu cavalry band will bo uju ducted Jointly by Leader Herold and HcrrKoaleck. The latter has taken up Iho study of the old historical trumpet uiualo on antique valveleaa tiumpets. Tills kind of niuslo la belug Introduced lu various cavalry regl nienta by apeclnl desire of theemjieror, William 11. The trumpets havu been directly under the leadership of Mr. Kosleck, nud will, with their vari colored embroidered Hags, be an ob ject of curiosity ill New York. Tho eupervlstou ol the coucerls baa been tuaeii 111 charge by rruuUn Armv Mualcal lusicctor lloitb'rg. lloili bands are Uropaed In lull iuiado uui fcrms, which have been madu lu ex act accordance with thu 1'iusalali at tern designed by tho emperor himself, Thu Infantry band will wear tno uni form af tho Third (Juten i;ilzaboth Uuard regiment, and liiu cavalry baud will wear the blue as ell as the wbllu uniform of the liody Guards. ThuHowella cluu entertainment at tbo Congregational church parlors last evening hardly drew the crowd It was exoted to have done; imsslbly tho reueon was that few people knew what was meant by tho brief announcement "Thu Howell Club In Hvenlug I Iron." Iluil It klinwilllint Mln ITnl and Miss sue, who made so plcaaaut an hnpresilou at the last appearance of the club lu the theatre, with Miss Young, Mr. Veatorvelt and Mr. Nye, wele to render u dainty nrlor farce by Howolls tho result would probably have bietidllltrent. The ihataotirs lu thu sketch are much thu same as thosuluthehumorousUarroters,andtbu delicate points wero very well brought out. The musical putt of the program was somewhat chopped up, owing to the non-appearance of Mha Itoylo and Mr. Havens. Tho Twentieth Kurd choir, which, uuder l'roliS)or Daynea' atilu charge, cuoya thu distinction of being ono of tbo best cholts In thu city, If, Indeed, it dots not stand at the vtry headof thu roll, attempted eaniethlug very am bitious last uvonlng, and accomplished the attempt with entire credit through out. Tho caulata of Joreph, by Mr. ilrood of Ilostou, was rendered In nru turluatylo, without tho action uud his torlo costumes. Tho story is that of tho captivity In Lgypt of Jucoh'a fuvorltu nun u theme which for beauty ond for musical treatment cannot bu ex tolled within the lids of the lllble. 'Iho composor caught the spirit of thu wotk thoroughly, und his muslo Is excellent nud striking (hniogh out. The cart Willi which the choir rehdered tho cantata haa already bten glvou In thu Ni:ivs, aud It only uteds to boeuld that the awret-toued tenor Janus. T. Dunbir and tho chamilng soprano Mary Itomuey, tho two leading volioa ol the choir, who had tho roles of Joicph nud Ilia aliter enrriud oil the vocal lienors, recalls and llowtra being bestowed on both. Mr. Dajnes'l'haraoh MieaHweusoii, Qiitcn and Miss Daym a' Uuardlsu Angel were all woll .mtutuod, w hlle the remainder of (he last wua lu capable hands. The chorus of 0 voices s.uu tuuelully aud with good thuu nnd cxprtBsluu, uud thu ucc.mpjnl incuts of organ (Mr. Dayuis,) pUno (Miss Kilo ltimuey) aud violin (Masler Hcueltler) weru jilaed txtrimely well. There is some tail! of repealing tbooantata lu other parts ol tliu city. JOTTIMIi lIKItK AMI) TIIKIIK. Maudo Harrison lias been engaged for the principal female character in Tno Uuardsruau, when it Is produced at tho Lyceum, New York, on 1'aater Mouday, and for the road tour to follow. Josiph Jcflerton nnd hla son Charles played together In Lend Me Five Hhllllnga at tho benefit for Ueorgo Howard In lloatou. Tbo benefit netted toOOIJ. Lady Windermere's Fan will be sent by Charles Frohman next so eon on n forty weeks' lour that will extend tu Ban Francisco. Henry C. do Mllle, who wrcto a number nf succefsful plays and helped Mr. llelasco to write others, left an estate of $IO,6Ut). A brother of the composer Hchubert died lu Vienna reoently at the ago of U0. Alice Harrison, who his not been sceu ou tho singe In several years, is seriously 111 lu New York. Nell Jlurgesa In tho County Fair Is ono of the attractions due In the near future. The Tabornaclo Choir are diligently nt work on the new uiualo composed for the dedication. Harry Ulles, the Stephens of Utah county, la lehiarallig choruses In l'rovu, Hprlngvllle, Lehl, Hpanlsh Fork mil American Fork. He still aaya they are going to tne World's I'ulr, aud actually believes it. Charles Coghlan lias been terlously III, aud Do ilellovlllu has taken hla place lu tne cast of Diplomacy. Dual ness dropped, lu consequence. Dull's revival of the (Juiidolleraha proven a failure. Helen lleriram waa sovertly criticised lu New York. Humor has It that Coflln, Carleton nud Luula Hariinon ure much dis satisfied Willi their parts lu Ulr lie Ulrullii that they havu decided ou re tiring links the ulll la changed. Tom Kteue hai Just concluded a euiceialul engagement In New York. Tlie critics luuuced upju hlui but tho people tilled his house. lit. J. T. White, who has been oil thu uoards foreaveMl yuan, reaqiurs with the Home Dinmatlo Club lu tho MaUlrate and tho World. D, J, Watts, a young gentleman well known ns a mciuiier of the old Lycuum club, appeals 111 the Mag litratu as a Welsh police sergeiul, n jart which ought to suit him. Frauds Wilson la earning money lu Chicago with the Lloii 'turner. Luke Hchoolcraft, Iho well-known mlustrol, formerly of tho Hchoolcraft ond Coca team, and recently seen here lu n farce comedy, dlod Recently lu Cincinnati. Minnie Hauk la on her way to A mo ilea. All Halm opens Its World's Fair sea son May "rid. Heuderaou has re engaged Lddlo Foy lor two yoats longer. The very many frlonds of Annla Ilusaell-rrtabrey will bo glaltohnar that her health la Improving rapidly. Hhe left New York on I'ebiuary 4th for Kurojie. Hhe la now ut Villa Cap pi Ha mar Naplea, Hhe will remain thereuntil she sails for home about thu nilddleol June, lly that time alio ux pecla to bo perfectly well. Mirror. Nowa comta from Loudon by way ot Loulavllluof thosetleiia Illness of Dr. Hamilton Urltllu, wiu la spendlug his declining years with hla stepdaughter, Mary Andeinou-Navarro. Wm.,Hoey, of Lvana uud Uoey, Is alio I rostrated by Illness. Frederick Warde and Louis James are going to play "Henry IV" next season, Mr. WarJo taklug tho art of I'rlnce Hal aud Mr. James that ol 1'alstau". Mary Andorsou.Navarro la said to be employing her lelturo at Tunbrldge Wells lu wilting her rtmlulicetcii; while Henry Irvine's elJeit son la willing a llfo of thu notorious Judge Jellrrya. Clear Wlldo contradicts thu report that ho wrote "rialomc" for Birah llernhardt He says, "I have never written u play for any actor or attrtsi, nor shall I ever do so. Huch work Is for the urtlsou In literature, not for the nrtlsf." OGD353ST. 1 ho Tr nit t'oinpati'' hoiu'i Ncllltd. 'I bo Japaticto l.xlilblt for Iho Morld's Fair. It la expeclcd that ou Monday morn ing theru will arrive at Ugden Irom the West a eptolal train or twenty. ono box cars, four tourist aleopers and ono tint class sleeper lor Chicago. Tho train will convey a Jevanteo colony aud the exhibit the government ot Java will make at the great Lxpsltlou. Late Wednesday night the mall a earner (Jaollo reached Han Frauohco from China and Japan, having ou board an entire Javutuse village for tho World's Fair at Chicago. Tho material for thu village takes up 1100 tons, or uno-thlrd of tho big steamer's entire catgo, aud consist of Javaueie huUfts' limplee.etores and a bauk.Thevillagera who will occupy thu novel setlleineut consist ot lot) men, twenty women aud live (Children. On reaching tho fair grounds they will set up their holms and live In lueiu exactly aa Ihey did lu their own country, und the men, some of the best artisans In Java, will show tho A morions who visit the fair Just how the tooplu work aud live In Jaa. Tho Javaueoaro lu charge of Mr. Mundt, who la responsible furtho safe return of the outtro urty to their native laud alter tho big fair Is uver. 'iho entire colony, If such It may bu called, attracted thu greatest posilblo attention both lu Hung ICoug aud Yokohumu, und tho olllters of the duello say Cloy ato far morn Intelli gent than either thn Chinese or Jap anese who come to the United BtaUr. None of the parly speak llnglhh, but several of them wtio werosuutto the. Furls txpoaltlnn sriveral years ago speak French llueully. Tno wonieii nud chlldieu aiu tne most demuru end modest little people Imaginiblo and modeUsf pollleota. 'Ihey take grtut Intettst in everything they see, Thu work uf building the village will com., mence nasoon aa Chlcagu la rtaehedi" und It Is expected It will be tlnl.linl iutlde of thirty days. Last evening at 4.30 o'clock tho flro chlrf Invi silgatlou elided and thu com-iiiltb-o took tho i oeo under advisement. Thu ovldeuo will bo Irauadlbed mid probably eubmit'td to the council un Monday. Two sessloua were held yesterday and u great deal of evi dence waesubmlltod. lllnford's friends weru out In forco nnd the testimony Mkon wni more lu Ids favor thin on the opening day. Hut few responses wnru madelu the requests Irom Major Luudy by thu buslntes men of the city ond tho intercut In tlieproceeuluge was somewhat diminished. When the final adjournment wa taken lilnlord was atiout us happy a man, seemlogly ut least, as there wai lu Ogden anu toaelWS"-M w,.i in... nw. - Viwwiu guaiiaiaia-a remirkcd to newspaper min that ha hail received a whole lot ofadvorlls Ing, If nothing else, on account ol tho lire. All doy yesterday expert con. traotors and builders, Including the builder tummoutd from California by the Insurance adutcis, wero at work un the Truat bullulng, making ulti mate of tho losses sustained through the recent fire, and last tvenlng e'lb milled n statement to a n.oi tlim of the adjusters and boards or dlr idols of the I'tnh Loan .V. Trust and Ogdon In vestment companlea placing Iho fair amount of diiuige done to the building nud bank fixture at $3,S01. These flt-nre wero rfectly satis factory totho Inturauce men and tlio olllcera of the cornpanles,tho ncce-ary pajiers were draw., up and signed and thu money piid over with roost com meudable promplneas. Tbo cnniianle ami the proportion of Iho loss on Iho building each pays are at follows: I'Matlna ol Manctiol r. I IIIM M We.l.h.srotN. ..rk . ... e.JS! H llorheurr Herman ef Nc lurk .'7 n 1'alreillo ol lteUn'1 .''' ;' Ainetlciaot !.erTirk ....- I.ll l Uleo'a talis or New 1 rk 1,11 U Work lias' aln-aJy begun on Iho repair of the building, aud It Is ex. pe ted that within sixty days thu structuru will bo compleloJ and attain ro idy for the reception of tenants, Ogden's board of education held a minting lait night, but transacted little business of nn Itilcre-tlng or important nature Un Tuesday night the board will most wlih the bond, men ol Messrs. Carr oV Callahan and the Urant nvenun Lulldl g mattors will probably ho straightened up, tho bonds men having decided to accept the proposition made by the board. Hberlll Ilelaapycslerdiy received on commitment from thu Justice of Hooper, Thoma aud Ilobert Muuti, aged 11 and la yiars respectively, on tbecliargo of )wtly liroen), to servo out a sentence of Jj and c is'. enon. Burvcyi weru mado yesterday of the alto for thu leu manufactory and ground was broken for 1tho building. Utile's the weather regains It oldtlmo so verily the foundation will within a Week. Two special orango Iralnr, thirty cars, wern delivered by tlio Houthcrn l'aclflo to the II ibil l'aollli) thla morning. Nothing but Shoes. Hponcrr A Lynch Co. 151 Main. Watoh for tho big W. rioarll. Tlireo huudrc I Unlaundrled Hhlrti worth Gdo, at "Do. New York Cash Btore, Opposltu l'olotllci'. All flrst-cla grocers keep (inld Hand (VITre In stock; try n package and you will bo pleased. $2.00 will buy a Ladles' Flue Bhor. Bpcncor d. Lynch Co. Lcaicrj In I ortwtar. v no ro Eackmeier's Hotel, 123 lo 120 EDDY STREET, SAN FllANOISCO, Cal. RATES: $1, $1.25 fi $1.50 PER DAY. PURE California WINKS. jr. ,t. wotjLAcott. 131 ,j un -v srnixa STIISKT, IiOB ANCSIiHB,aal. I MAKE A SPECIALTY of rare rallfor. ni WINIH, iut up in rales ot 00 itoira ouarti , and a ill dsilTer to nnr larl ot Uuti onlholin olllia railroad Itro rai(3l) liottlrat ror III eoauinlnso Ixitlles lMrt, n to'ilei Antellrn.n t-oltlvs Bberrr. I bet lie. kluicalui. sbotUcauld Crape Itrand. Kiaivous nruiLiTY. d. t ai-n wxtvi n mm triatmiit. tllar tafri..'.fIlI,4irafiM4. ..'! tT4 millT '''' " Csk, UM4 M HU BUS BUTTERMILK toim:t soap. 3Inlie the face and handa ua auft aa rlvft; uhlteua the akin. Ilaa no equal for tho fVlir ' Soat".'"11 '"" jff2-3 ;J Over a.0..Wiar1 ' SWII'liK. full f5Sil3' l3 COSMO BUTTERMILK SOAP CO,, 81 Ailrtma Hreet, ClllOAm). III. HI G.f.KOGIi (SucT.,,.r fj tfmlts, ilrii t Aoea.) , Uaautaclarer of sod dealer la butonora' nnd Paokora' Supplies, . i Sausago Casings, Snlcoo, I etc., nofrlgerators. I stin ioa mtJaiaraoCkTAi.ooca KANSAS CITY. MO. Ou, STOVI3S Aro -CJ IlTilAPEE Than any First-Class Stovo Maclo. Your Dealer Knows About . . . . SlorlLna 5oyo jtjetnjnBci, At 4. Pripp iaJwa iMh fnmm, pa-l SUM, NtnH, feMUr, t JHItel lrMa, IssfMs Urrn, fmlK IN4HMI, (), l.aTt1lla, iMkM, IMifi, tXnaplarlt, ! Mrn-ria Hio4 Itrta, tarews frnHmHuelrtM, laaatat XIIK rirr. tf-, frs atllt Ilk, tisTt, rlmt, ktllrCt. nairsMlHlHllrfMlilS, llliifiiiit 'caic ta atxt coTcfc'Y Iiu Star Horse Nails, n 1'oUabed or Illiied, 1 Hata kesa sold 1 7. U !. I. fcr 9 oterll rears. It7 us tea BEST NAILS MADE, eed sssrantMS to 1 sue ihs ben er ailutsetion. Vfll m boldaaboeoalosisrlbaa aef etasr. I uina at TUB J ONION HORSE NAIL CO, W ciiicturo, in. j HXH- rmius by Z.O.U.L a4 m it is so. l1ic.'..",.1"","",l, Salors never I lit e .".' I horror,oren, ui.plkin" His atsa saj, twhni.l. I ,it jou too eare." Tbacaralsalliaailla DR. SCBEHCK'S . . . . . . PULMONIC SYRUP. (ell Witt) IWiriMt and .v. latajt ftnJ their ftpprocbet. Flfty-elgbt Year3 of Sncctss t!I!."'"." 'epalatloo of a seoeirl la ton t,2!S.I!iiio!"Uc,"",0,,M,'lw "" """" The llarielons Discovery rail liwainj a fee alte 1 itanilsr I Is loJir lb rorea saenl tat Oolit. Uiii(h Ootiirtillun., lallanalliiDi, sad Uoa sumption., la tbe-prliL lr eebenik-a I'rstural Trratlis on Con saispllm, tJtae llm,lalnt aa.l liesnensla, inane I rtee an arplicauon. lit, J. II. ecbinck Sun. I'liuajslf ila, ra oen.oos W WEAR gycoos RUASD yrrVT Linen Collars gAPONIFIER ! Ilio Ol.l lutuhl ronroQ trati I.isfor FAMIIA v)l' iany varh ran for maktoa; liard, aoil, ttllt-t toaii qulehlr ItUrullwrlitbtanil i iron .ft G Akk jourrrocrr for SAPONIFICn, ami lake no oilier. I'fiDa'aflaltMinlfcCo., ltilaJe.j.Ma. JUST LOOK l onr "trick of dollilng. lAioVn, llko I'oople, dlflor. 8omo looks nro ubIj-j (ithora aro ploailntf nnd atlroctlvo. 'Iho look of our Bull aro lejjnnt, linndiniuo and liiTlttni, tlint'g why iho looka of nil our euitomera Imllcato dollRht and ftltv factlon. U coaU notlilnR to look. Tlio coat wilt como In when youdou'ttook, for hi that cako vou'tl yny inoroformt In for tor auiio, tind then a pirp In tho inlrrnr irill aliow you look of tlliKtiftt. Don't nialco yourself look dlau-uMod, but como and nmko youraelf look plciuod, woll droaafld and comf or table In ono of our tyllahaulU. 03NTX3 X0EXiaX3. J. P. GARDNER, HI MAIN STREET. CMJKltTsMCKltS, ZSTJBLJSiUD, J98M. JobpS E. Won, Pioucor Uudertaker of Utah. ViHMaetrtr mnd fit<rt AXl Kindt if J), m. tfvci hJ Cloth Coiurti COFFINS AND CASKETS. 1 nil Linfi of roHlu rnrnUblnff kept cnuatftully on tiniKt Tttephontmmt Tit graph Ordr$ frmptlg Jltltd. 4.T DiilefpreiierTello tbalr lYaturat Codi tloa wtibottt eitra cftargc, OPEN PAYANP NIOHT. VXL:z1 Bo. 253 E. First Soath, Oat and a half Llacka eait of Tb antra, Joseph William Taylor OTiU'4 LllPIfO- UHDERTAKER Ado EMBALMER. Corre ll Lvial tmi inl CmpUC CM COFFINS, .-. CASKETS, And Undertaken' Qood In Utah. HTa?7i iit J'ttail t JnmnAtltt rsWJ . I'rUti, lAfwtr than urrt ri tr vfftrtu I't I tiL LOIS ISO EBMESrVi'.'A.a.0- Ml ordtrtjll td Hay cr Klght tn t aa Shtttul orrioa avo wiaaaooMi kitbh cloibd. Hoi. 21 and 23 WEST TEMPLE STREET. MiiiMM A FEW WOflDS OTf Tl. 9 W For Sprinfl wonr, Doublo Bronstod Sooquo Suits of soli fabrics will lmvo Iho call to bo tho "Propor Thiny," thoy must bo tho right length and ihshlon oblo cut. You can depend on gotting thorn from us. OUR K STYLISH SPRING OVERCOATS- j Aro, In tho languago of a purchaser, "Doautlos" for 7 j olonanco of fit nnd construction. Thoy cannot bo I I boat, Como In nnd try ono on, and you will arjrco C with U3 that no custom tailor could proJuco ono ns j good for doublo our prlco, nnd Soo What You Savo. TIIIJ Boys' and Gliildreii's Suit Department Havo on thoir oountors somo of tho nlcost novoltlos you ovor saw, Hat DePament Is stockod with moro stylos than any houso In tho city for Mon Doys and Chlldron, at tho .... TEMPLEFASHION. Ol, (HI, OS Main Street. i Bpoi'tsmen's Headquarters ! BBO WNIBfGT. BK0S-, i65 S. Ilaln St-, Silt Lake City, Utab. 2J6I Washington A!e.,0jdeD, Dtab. hotpunj,nUlss, J-ftff,ifcrTX-,tt?r'-'r nlllnsoinaMng, ristols. Amniunl- VgX!?Z&& SportJnn and lion and s gsnsr- K& Athletlo QoodSi 3- THOMSON WATCRPnOOF DOOTS AND SHOES. TBI StnU for Nltro I'owdcr, Cp olul Kuac, Du font Hporilns nnd IlloaUnt: Tow urr and Isstloual Typewriter. crrTnAOK fiurrMKO. bcxd ton ova illustiutxd catalogue. mux to all. JAIES-SPENCER-BATEMAK CO. (Suecoaiora to David Jomo ft Co. nni Spcnoor-Iljrwiitsr Co.,) PLUMBEBS, TINNERS, Sleam and Gas Filters. Va carry a Comploto Lino of GEM AMD PENINSULAR STOVES AND RANGES, Gasoline and Oil Stoves, Tlnwnro, Orsnlto Ironware sind Houss Furnishing Goods. 1 FOR THE MIME FOR THE IV11LL Tea Hull, Kails, Jicltlnu, JTosc, l'aelitnsj Jlmullcii, H "-d" Compound, Tool Stcil, JlruHS Work, 7'Utso, Caps, Speed Indicators, Poteder, Tsxthrtcallny Oil, Candle Sllclis, 1'lpo and l'lpo letting, licllowtt, 1'owcv Drills, llnotncerif Wools, mowers, Machinists' Tools, Oaknm, J Anvils, Illacltsmtlh Tools, Ciantdc, lTolstlnu Tackle, J Tnrn-Tablo Steel, Slcdaes Machine Holts, Waste, J IikJ Strlhlnu Hammers, Cordane, Cast Washers, j Merchant Iron, Shovels, Lay Screws, I Picks, l'Me Steel, Scale llemovcr .0 Preventer, Candles. Asbestos Preparations. E.C.C0FFIN HARDWARECO