Newspaper Page Text
DKSKUTT rV1-TNTG KinVS: SVTTJHDVl, SrVltCII L-., 180.1. 1 WESTERN HEWS ITEMS. A Carson, Kev , Editor Horsewhipped by a Young Woman. snuiMMi mioriir. The Canton (jr.) MnruVr Uc Large lalclica uf Hill lif Indians. Juliie Chanty of Keno, NtIi Iim declared tlio new grand Jury 1W laiwd by Hie laat Nevada Icglalaluri, ' which mductd Ilia number of Krnd lurori lo leu and provided Ibnt elgutor them could nnd a Iruo till, uucouall tuttonal. HtaitllDir doMloiroentiare Pf"! oou leiult cf the lneeUMllon by the Ada oouuty, Idaho, Brand lury J the iharK ot lrl. ,'""'" V' "l What waa M llr.t a hut,e Joke, wblch would "end In li1" ieruiillkoly to ttrmltiato 111 a terribly "bet reality wblcli will .' lolltlcal Held ll tornado Hie Indiana ato catching larRe num. bernofialmiu trout. One "duikj aan of Iho loit famlllailj ki.uwii 01 rommy nought In ll1'1 ,1,,,,,!lVili t taullte this weU na I roof of lila aalll In the I Itcatorlal H The lot nwrancu (rom elRhl t flatten lounle mcIi Our winto flilitrnieii ar catctilii: ruauy brook irout mi I wlillo flili Sal mon city (Idaho), Arcofi'tr. ClieyouneSun Ittioalteu dcclled by tlio rotund aloutte of Julmton county, Wjotniinr, to withdraw thu I retention o( the Canton murder ca,c, at they am unable tu find niattrUI wltmwe, and they do not care lu Iioto tho cuutily bear thu ureal txiuuio Imldinl li tin trial Willi uotiiNirict uf conviction. Tlucaol to bo rolled iilJ.yaiMou A rll J, on a tliaiiiia- of euue, I) II mllo Irom Hullahi, and thu titlul ,t.d eaten, of h trial tliturinl Ij llieioiuin kilolitre would beJlD.DOd A reclal dlialcli Irom Welles evd, esy ileflullu retort, from II Hi ale river ramie art, that II e now Ima (tone oil and that the flock hud lei li wintered without lot'. Thu Humboldt raiiKta liaxo from 01 o tu two fet of i ow and lc Jit, without uny Immediate I re a, ect nf a thaw, but hi the wilder Harlid In late there will be but little Iota of rouae alock Winter waa nevtr known beloie lu Hold out aa late te Ilile without a brink rhtru artirotoitaof aonioloraoi iitepliilliu utlcrn tanut oil tloudtfeol White l'iuecouhDt Utah A li ltlce I "Juitoloaed a contract fir lh i i atructloii of u innal and linrvulr at or near I.tuia, M iiitana Tho main canal will be thirty mllte louitaul twilvo lt wide, an I with later ila will make over hundred lnllta duelling The rtiervolr will iitcia.iinlo thu bulloliu ul a dam ilnrlj fee I, whim w III back tin watei uii f o neloimao a lake ubout Unlit mllte lornf aud three milt wide, Mr lllce raja It will laku about mvinlyllvi Lama all runiimr loilo thowotk, and be will luobllgrdto hire, uldltloual learnt The w oik will I commenced aa toon a the w catbt r will eritilt 1 .J. I'arUlnaon, editor of thu (.anon Jventng Triitiiic,wne horaewhl peil on Muln nirtetuu Inureday ovenlm, by a joumi woman whom character he had aetalled lu tho nvlour ulglil'a liue id thu 7iJue It a jra Uiat two i m iMiaollhe Arliuitlon llouio wero aeverel da)e li fort, mil l'aiklnaou wrulo a very tmrutitivo luratrai h on to the cauti lie waa nut llila evening lu front of Hwieney'a eoloon ly a jouni; woman, who aiiroached Im Willi llru lu her t)i. Hailing her wlil, ehoairuck lilm airoia the face, aud rei urln to fallow her lead when hu raliod lila Lam, eiclalmliiir, "uu fhall not i o hi Jo mi" rihe then loit lurl tnlicaeeddellverlUKblowa A clow I ol uieu,ullln ajmnalh) wllh the ulrl, I athered, au I a uuod riaiuarltuu lu the fhaiwot a iritViine couipoiltor catuo to l'Aiklnaiii'a atltlau(u aud iscortet him I ome rho jouniwomau'aaui,tr then Increased and the etarlei atler l'arklnaou axalu, vowlnu to thraih him within an Inch of Mi llli, reieat i lly fayln, "I'll whip that cur I'ark iuenn nud mark him " An cxpntiut thronit gethtred ft the fool of theatroet lo are thu war, and ulllKUitli the hlrl walked ra Idly thcoljtitof lur wralh reaibcd hie houio I dure tho caught him An I untii.1 1 ife I tulcd. Hlalcr Harriet Wight Holmef, who dkd at Muiiteller, Hear IiakeC'o, Idaho, 17th, 1601, aged utarly ill yean, was re eminently a lomer A lorrrapomleut Willie that the waa the daiikhtir of the Into Morrla C. I'll el pa "li I hit wife Laura ( lark l'holif, wlioae naniei aiu familiar to all thu earlier Haluta Tuo ImprUom ment of Morrla I'lielps, with the l'ro het Jiiti li and l'arley 1' l'ratt in Mlaaoutl, nud thu herolo part layod by tho mothir of Ilia dtveati d, lu her liu. band'e and l'arley ' ncoe from ILIleity Jail, Mo , are groj Ideally de- cribtd In Tarley'a lllilory aud on the aunala ol Church hlatory. Harriet Inhirllid thu noble tiallaofher nr enta and nefer durlnic her eTemlul lllodldehe falter or eh rink Irom I er ilullteaH wife, mothir aud Hulut Her homo waa alwnjaun o en houaefor all, and her acta ol ho Itahty and kind lu uulliulted nud proverbial Who waa born III I,yman Wlglit'a tent, at Inleiieudence, Jacktou Ci, Mlnourl, aptli 7th, 1S1.', I elug the lint Itmile thill lorn amongit tnuHilnta In that hlatorlcal ) Uce With her irenla' family thu m ived to ilatce donla, Illluolt, after being driven out of Mlnouil ly the incl , wheru her mother died In 181.! 1 rom that lace the family moved to Nauvto. wl ere they remained until IbofummirollSlU, whenlheyjolneltho emral exodua making their next ator Ink. luce near i ouncll lllullf, 1'utawaumlu count, lown atnilace called 1 rrry vllle on the banka of the Mlnourl, oolle Winter Qunrlera At thli Hare de ciaaed waa married Dec .lii. lbH. to Janiei Ilolmra In the n rii g of lbol with her I uil aud mid fatner'a famlli the emigrated to Utah, ruaklni, a home In Allne, Utah count', Utah, In , 18114 with her huaband an lathei'a famll the removed lo and felllidln Miulpeller llur lakocount, Ionho riubaiquently llr. Jlolmre wlih hia family removed lo Mi-fatlty, Arliona, but not llklug I lie loiallty they riturned to Moulrcllrr, rihe leu eioru uhild ren, all living in Hear I,akucounly, txce t Iter oldeat daunhler Laura, who reildea In Jdeia U y, Arizona. Jler eon llyrum la now nn a nilffbinln Iho Indian Territory Hhe han twenty nx living gtamlchlldreu, Ihlrtien who hate died, In all tulrly.ulhe, and ono great r ran 'chill A Ruddy Glow on check V!v and brow j ' ' body is "J cctting proper nourishment When this nlowof health is absent assiniihtion is w rong, and health is letting down. Scott's Emulsion taken ininicdnlcly arrisU waste, regardless of the eiusc. Consumption inut icltt to trcitment tint stup wastc aud builds llcbh anew, Almost as palatable as villi. fnpiwj br Bcfill a !. H Y AIMtii i EXCrjiSIOR BAKEItY. No IO Cnat Templo St. FRESH BREAD, ? BUNS, CAKES, .?. AND CRACKERS PURE CANDIES GROCERIES, ETC. Eoitercup Crackers a Specially. imWAitn nonAon, Xi-.i lo,...-. THE COMIKG BOOK' MR. DURANT SALT LAKE CITY. ANEXPJSJH 0? DlDllil look out for it. We: Heiredy Promise: 'Jo cfunil all inoiny juld ui for Haller's Remedies if ) oil nro nut BENEFITED 1 tlulr DSE. 'i li ho im rkimtluui i insist of SURE COKE C60CB STRU?. AU5TRAIIAK SALVE. EIOJD FtSUFIER, PAWPARAU'ZES, MiArAMLA ri BURDOCK (Ccffijirl) CCKOIIICS KWDIUS, BARB WL1E IISIOT, Mm, LITTLE CEAHAIT FILLS, ami nro ABSOLUTELY CUmNTEFD by I. NO CUKE HO PV ou toko Hi; nances Sol 1 by ull UrugRtita llanulaeliirra in I llri lr Nllk, HUH nnil huft lluu fa xi 2 sT i Mjlilill!WW7 p tC4 Stat St i J reel Artatlt vpioiUi A nwfi'or DELINQUENT NOTICE. ToThomailt I wi riniirt iHKiNcmr. ioiiTiUTniTAnr JL, indole l toineli Uii mmor il rrolunlrr.1 du Ian (iito f r u r itrform I lor you in 110 Mcms i m,i tUHlHl In Dry () un itj li r In ii ir n mi t, io. tj ( u r tuh, Sr mi is Mtoui nilt i in frt 1 1 ii ti Hi lijtn Ireuiure lulaa in ultwttifrlr dlro lion nn I iut I lf m tnl s from tl a Moi t t inn in a a ult rr r tJ rrt on. in 1 1 joint I ru Iho t o Iti Ly Ut tourih of July in I to K nur yrat Icrforini-J ftiiuriRn ni w rkfory it f rilu year IH i I ni M n pm j i tiy itu Si no will In nmo y (WMim U ' i! o Uu I errof y ir Interest will Ln f rfrl e to me no cor Initio I w MATIO MKsai trUuiry3 ltftt. r NUTICE TO CnEDITOKS. EiUi )c( tUrbirft II II lue 1 1 coned NOTitPifliiicurii) uwrs jit nuns tfi- pnod It o m 1 ii uiiftli f of tl a on Mo ir lurt rft Jloflmvi utcci.c.I to lie crol mrt if a X an irrioni lav i ilaiim ariiDit il u tal4 iicreaie 1 ti exbltlt Ibeui uilh Ihti urceitary roucl sr( wt in f ur inoutin m er il o ami i ui alio t of tl. tiutire tulMRiUftl MnUtratlor a li outre r ti anmiMl 01 il tution Halting bal I ii City, InuoU. unty ut bt i ! llona H Ih Ji i r of thg citato uf llaralara Jloin no. Ueroaaod HatoJiltrcUKJrd ujj. .1 LEGAL NOTICE, i In lie i n c n 1 f r Sail 1 1 a n-r Tcrriloryof ttati In the otftU-r t he ritair of W fc. Jo n I 1 r rl irdfrio kHowuiim why uTdtrof r ot twl ffitlU faHmlrt .Olt4 mtvto. Mr CAIMHANT i. I)MINT11AT0H ortnoetuttor W r nht d-ar I J fllai hu Minion burin milr tttiiloii. jraymn f r an inlt of o i all iho real ' teofra llco.teot for ihnit not irre " ' nti li I tlitrtf r orrttriM lyiho 'udnol MHronrt Rii)itMtiaiiirrwif I inilntaaieot uil lrwd a, rear tMforo I f all IfolMto ronri on ln0y th- SMll day of April I'M at II o r r in the fort no. ti t !! day at Iho ronrt room uf aai I -rotHii r rt at tho l otthly toon llouao in the rlty ft d roomy of rail Uli . Llah Termory.i J lloaald ftrlmio irairtl) mur-h of t orea Miitonfitioaail Hafilat ul i .! ap- nil 1p nmraaarr and nai a r y of h r r t lublUhe-l at lenat f nr auivoh . in iho dally 1 mkuki Nmy., nt. liiririiiiJ and oluli in MtdttiyanJ IlelfattUUCltr, Marfh 1 I R jAum ii iii m Itobalt JntfM lyilKIIiIU UrXAMKR VlTOIIRfl t an t Jwl.M Mllrhell h a mfr. I y inolr ft n dU of tiat latel ti nth hy of M )r ant reooMed in the offir of tho !. .r .r M .I11 ' r'y I Uh on Iho u ildavifMu w in bool. r raortnaro iaoMlioni-ytiIi II J (Manny aa Ir i in n urriy mm 1 4 o l bat an l i afitr dtirtibMi i rn i, luril J A o of piI rtttmty thtr iyitnlala l r .wiry note for four nun ired anl tnirlr a I liaMl Jinei x i Art l .Uir. tieaamo dnyanaini irulJrnt ayw to on iho lal day I n r inyj nithiurrralA tho ralo of r I iwr frnltor aoniim w l l nolo u moro I Ur y rioai nlwj dm I tru-i Md. Anl . . oandimi dvrd ere nln I riatt f leiurrhaao r re l a I .r i tny 'And ' "" MMlrtut lood in tide! mat tn II t t I I Ml rb II n iwlclamtamonay ' I I anl a thonln areoJ itt lty f im amwi .r mwul iruT r tbo arli ik nhrrtfl ur roll j it. mlv ftt mo rwineai of tl o it I r iMiin loiDK 1 1 rare! to toll II r ) i aa I dtM-1 ol im doerlled at li. nr lo then ahtal bidder tor rwh it II f r m loorut tho i mniy Doitrt hoo in f I t. C nil y o Mir van lit rly da)aul i or I f i mr i rina at 1 1 taoo or aa p 1 J n ol ty d rorriy to l aJ I I y ' n ifiirtoe nowi tririotfif and Am a Ir anil ha bvt n mad ft In tho !) t Mlnlp.ol Inteioal aulaail I i r bu Irrd anl thirty dollar ai l mtir ft n tattduolr) the let i t T ph. I li M I rnd.anlftriKMhalh arlenli taiti Htr l lend lnriol wod aid lie lrtl oder tl r to rrrt H. , rlnol) 1 atittl Inl r t reiitinlOR-uniald Nowihrr I ro n tloo U herrty rlfeti that at llorlr nor tin rajal huld rani ownfr f rait leu i tnl drM an I tr tlrluo r tl e Horabl nutl r ty on no ly law ant Mil u d f iru i ntftr ol I. il undrraljrnt-d iru.trw nil Mh lajrofMaroh IM at li nun i i n h t il at t is in nl door of II o tointyl uril u o nil o olty anl ot ui ty nf ot I r a If at ublio rn I to m Iwil ad) i t ci rI ttwdrrtir rath n rial rain I l treJ ol truat . vijod alliatrd in Ito t)o olr of lall Uo Territory f ( ia and tfear-rlue I In t I leodtif triM na f n txtt No nlno (t. ten t ii) an tip l l lortv i t.e (It. la I rr nn' a tJtho-t I fa I Ur I lly hi tnrr Mlth al -nontnan . an irr naiu art nil Tht utfo Iwnrllt in ir iij-nf rrxlemition of aalt V vandrrMlrh i iJoim M SI tdl ell In nn I ti a-l I reiol t t () m I n tt at Mnltrvtttlcrton andlhnroauai loaicnao or ll truit. 11 J IllMNN.Truilco. ItMfUeir nrrniti tu SUMMONS Intlif hatrlet (oirt in and for Iho Tl rJJu d cut liloirt tnl Itab t uunty of JanaMinihne 1 lalotliT ChirleaA Hondorann ani M nn K ITen1r aou hia wit He r tit aadoa liMnre b lotion hor h i I an l Vlua'eliakor Urot )iannfaclu I g Lvtnanf (aat-orora ton), Ikfrndanu The Ieo loof ilioTimttryol I uhaend greet I UK ToLlarlriA IlMdenon anj Minnlo K Hen tvraoul avrfe llnr etlt Yea Inn lleorao I . m n l or bu I an I an I bin tfl Ur lf Minufart irltip- lui i any (ft coriKira llou llUQdfeola rov m iir-iiLin urtvtmi) to ap L I ar in ho ftJlin m ici t ft nit )o i by Ito fthro named 1 1 nl tf n the I oort or II o J I trdJuJ ii Ir ttrirt of 11 o Ter r lory of luti an I t anawrr tU ro 1 1 latnt il cd il ere n wuhin ten aval x imivoir tl o day ot ten i o aftortlioaenl nynaof tbia tuinmona t rerved w ttiin thu c untyj or If aervodott thli rouuly I ut in l U d air ri will n Iw ntv day. 0 miav wtih n forty 1 --or iKmo t by lafault Hill 1o takmi a.a on u according to ll c prayor uf aal 1 l ho aa i artl n li 1 roud t to t tro 1 1 Igmeo In Ho aura ol IIW withinatall ne tcrinicint il Hrreon lei rtury 0. I" i an I InietiKi on a 11 x from rej uary itu alio tcrrtnt i-r an u n tor I 9 at ton ey a irr ftn I c ala ol s u al fired lo lie not artrt'l I ro ula Mm l on ulelly lofrndaiulli leraon t ia it tf utmt ImJ forlldt w tl i Ur fxt fro i utio at 10 1 rr e nt i r an ut i an o Irlijrduoaud wholly tin il aiyo Invert t lo Nor n 1U, aalini u a ftirol t ai onpaio if t ndateoniitmiaral rclnafter learrild ex u c I It aal I drlri lint 1 1 i lalnt ff 1 1 bit to t o utual de rev of 11 ia r urt f r the aalo tt nil iruui thai ro eel then of Lo nn lrllnlftyncnlir ninouma luo aa atoro II at rtefen lauta no I all rr ona rl n log unJcr II e n ho I arrr t ai I fore I o i ot all rial it or 9 it f r l 1 1 lo t i anl I i reiulieat tl at lUnltTlft. Ji gi nir runy lefl i try anl I ntlerr ltf, a il iirmte ar r.iril a follow I ult All u ilo kl fount d I li o ub I n hring 1 art til ft S3 )vo roll t A ll g fell aurrey, lualo lu tt lMterounly Uiab Irrrltory nlnuarohrrrly no tn I that If you fall 10 i i e r and ananor tl o an t rmii atnt aa al r nlreltloaad tUMlll will aiily to tl oL ur.fortlrler Inoandoltl erei ' t eia tho Hon Charlea h 7aue J irtgn, an I the iol ol tha I I. tnci Court or tho 1 1 ir I J d rial Ii ir I In and for ti olerntury uf tUli, (hia iMh lay or M& c in tl u year of Iuur tMTu oo in iim run (unireiftni n nety three llr SI ll Mo MM ( icrh 'llrll U ll i III lift my Ulcrai K 1, K.Tboi i ton laid ft attorney SUMMONS. In tho nutrlrt Court In nn I for tl o Third .Jiidi ill I lamct ol I tau irrrltory. louoijr of halt Uke ' Siuxxr Tumkt Ilalntlir 1 ktih lonShr, Iiefandant Tl o I eoplo of tl o Territory of Utah tenj itrce t ng To I eter lo nncy dtfrn lant lou uro I r tT rc-jutr! to an ear In an an n Ir light agailtat jou ly H vmIovoha el (Until In Ho JNitkl L irt of tholhrd JuUihII lrirtoi tl o lorrll ry or Uui mi 1 lo ai awry It o c u lalnt del iherein w tl In ten d4j (excloa a f tl day of ami a) attcr It air oonytdot thia auinmoia-tt airtrtid will in tl ia count, or f icne I nut of ihi c unly hut liiio aalrkl witlilniweniy dayai ttlarwio wit hi i f rty rta)-or ludg luvi 1 1 y Off 1 1 w II uo laion a. oil you W cirlmctit oiraycrof eailromi a nu Iho tald nc l n la truukhtto i ato a. decreo of till court t a. Ulnar ito bond or uiutrl t onyestiliugliClw ui U i tmn I tic fee Ixuti fttvatdioglo h nt tt t ro of tl u t hor cl tJ t.iua of aa 1 lu irag aid grant ug i lalnt it aucti oil er an 1 tu er rel er n i ity l9 Juat ahororo ltf )r)vd un tl o follow ng gr u da l m 11 kt n Icbtuary SO low tifrndant del riot an I al andoi.cdtl.ia i U n till andtaaovcriiuLo "ad date continued o t ideLriait ftl an uh ranJaa d rl llj ttat for i ore ll au one ytir I I ro aal 1 al an loi tit tit and air o ajid dute I hfte tailed lu ro r luior la I if tho r on ueccatar ea of I fat au I ll at for troro l un ono year I vfor aa lal ndonna t l f ndaut troaiel ) Mntlft In a ( r ii loat t r ca ti ng i U nt U grmt d . lrcaiidnnikty . . . And jo ar Urciyn t (lod that If yon fall to at ptiar ft I ft urr inr aa1dcoro lalnt ft (torrjuriit 1 1 a nl If wl 1 at y , ttJi ourttortl errl rl d naude l here i irraa Hu 11 arte h ne Judge ii tin H tf ihn 1 trrt Dami ol iho I llr Un t laliutr l man I for IhQ Territory of I UI II a Uth In) f Marfl In Hit yoar of rur l.orI ono I ouaai l e ght iMhond ait "'iMtil1'0 HkMl (1 MCMIM V ilyt rO U lOOMIa (jlfrk H rk. dtr NOTICE TO CHLDITUHB. lattttoof dwln( ray I'creaacil XTllUr I IILUHIY UKS 1IV TIIK SS i ndcra an I rxv i lor ol U o laat m 1 anl tcalttt onlof I Iwip t 1 ra dot ated to Horrid tor of anl II leriona hiring claim galoalltoa Id dc eel lo oibll itlbti will to urCiMoiy tou I r w Ihln len ru ntl a f er H o dm n m on t r thia uoiico to tte aid x miora (ariontiiy, krctngntl ouuty oiato ot t o m( ( HKIIltt 1 1 !, Executor or tho lad will a a 4 Uitainent of Fdnint; lira Hfttcd Ma ill ICI) htt. LEGAL NOTICE. In tbo I rot al n n t f rk County, I rrriior of I ' tn tho mailer of tha Knlat ( n Tt mn XT oik k in HiuTn N THAT Xl Jubn 11. nowiaau ad r tor r lh latata of naaao Norrt-an drr a naa ren rfeted for eettlement an 1 B ft iil( ouri, hie nnal acfonrtef rtlial n n al n of aa d route and pit t on fr nnat 1 r I t on of He ictllu. of fail cat I anon tbe peraona ent tlfrl thctcto an4 that lueaday lo llth iy of vrU , a i t . at lo bcUcaani,ttltOtirlt.o r J 1 Oou t. In 11 o county urt llodo ilt al. (lyntii itnnty Utah Territory ua n i atolnt ' edtytltJaige if aadln i f th aitl mentor aa I account audi rn old ieti I on for duinUiilon at fll t i ml t laro any xrann tnUrotod In an 1 t lo nay nn tnr aad ahUff eauo H ftny I r ( wlyail aernnnlahonll net b" cll l t nu i tel an I final I ttrtbntion waioa t f r uairta!..!.!.... , 1( rt (Jerk of (he 1 t art. IlrOiCftTKY IIIIUMIIB J" I i T LEGAL NOTICE. In the rrobftlo Uourt in kn i r 1 1 1 tbo Uuunly. Territory on In Iho matter of thfUI r lei r Krckaon dCCCMcd Order to ihowcanpwhyord r f aloof roal eaiaioahdulliwt I n TTcMl I rUPIi.N AN l.AAf II II froaattn Itoiidininutr tl no late or i eter Krekeon lrreaett, h t thtr I t ilon herein dnly trrine i r ng (or an ord r or aalo of all ot tl e t tale of ia) I ' tie odent inr H opon0"1'' forth It laHirrnf roirilerctll rtbI n ttdm. lha allterainli trrcalct in tMfof ld ne eaafxl at i ear I eloro the t t t 4 i un ou il iraUf ltill Uf nf f l at in nrlurk m tlotorct oonota la at iho ot rt r of aa d I rm aifl Our n l nut t'nurt h ne In the city an n v K Hill lUke t Uli rcrrltory, to a ttb an I or Ir l ul I nn I grai te 1 1 I a dm t lalMtor- lu aell ao much nl r a ri to or lo aatl decArl at rna n hall l I r tnaarr and thai ft rot I rr t 111 it t e I al leaat fonr iiu.t e 1 1 it o I irnn.TKrrKiiuNr.wa a ) r tnntotl a no t ubi hr I in as d my a d my Hated Jlarrh Slat HftU JtOH I I .lit. I r ate Judre LEGAL NOTICE. ta tho IroAte Oort In a I i r iHlt Uke Oounty.TirrlWryof I ui Iutbernattcrof ttioettatooft aro inc I rick ton, defeated XTOTKP 13 IIIUMIi HUFVTMAT I X Itepatr pi ft linlntatrftt' f loowiaiotf Car .Una trirkaHiu lec4e I la ivnlrrelftir aetlleroeni ai l (1 el in aa l t hia flaat acrnutttof I a ad ntnUtrat r aid eatate anl i-ctilioii for Dual tiMr L n f tho riaiduo of rail etftte a tl jer ana mi tl 1 ll crcio. an n lucday, the Ilh lay if April A K 1-ti. at ti n clock n allherourt room f anid r nrt In ll e l untr 1 otirl IIoum- fta I uke I Ity an I L t nty I tati Trrr toty, I aa l ,." nt rlly IheJillKK IHIIU i rtn eltle monlof aailaeei unt an lie r rf mi l n ti tt f r 1 air luiht (A1 whlrli I i an I r uny iicraou lot created In aatl n mar oncir anl al w rauae ir any I r - M .1 1 ftp trhoull n tin aelt I an t a irutcl ai ti) a I atniutlyn male a jra)rdl r lUUIMar 111 IW. II M1HH, rierk l I r at i rl lly CUsTB IliuwHR Jr I ci ul) CUrtv. LEGAL NOTICE In the 171.1 ato Court m u i for Halt take County, letrit ry ot Lt. I In He mtiter of the Ktt f Marencui JoahuaJohna n ftl tr la-alareueua Jott ua li Order act! rig lime anl a o milK Atlltl K.MhAl UF AMNH jn L an tho m tber if Unm nantHl ml I anl I eatilcinentalrnel a I aworn to ll ro iii. y Icr In lloirr n f two It nriae a I H Oaiattment t I l AliAViaand o Mary tutu luatanl tiulr t eroi 1 1 airing I ia pt at 1 ctl) 1 a hntlng Ixcn eigne lan I att n to let re l i the I rot ato ludg it ia t rrohy ordered in 1 1 1 ur lay me rtti lav if rll A H IW M I cl ck ft m , toftnltlif a no la 1 ereti) at imlntel aa tho Hue audtlo tturt llou4j f ituiourtlhe I I art? for the hear ng of aalt a lot tion wl eu and wleroall i cron lnUrtle 1 i ay pear An tat vriwi wIvmmi d luldn lit a l j ted to tat 1 Joai ii. Im ia at d 1 lilo Iary 1TI Ula fnrttcr ordered tl a copy of tl la or Icr to I ull al td on e a tt it for reo tn ka in trior to aatl I n ng In tleDCBKlitT 1 teiimj srp HatealtlulStl 'I it Much iva Minllli ii IIU1 rot ato Judge tAio( v n nniauv Mtarntjt ASSESSMENT NOTICE. I ucky Mill Mining ( y, location ot i nn MM ilaco r i Im Llty UUb Ia at on n IMine vo (reck Jim ng 11 a trtl Uaanlrut Utali. NOIICr In HI HI t Ul r v Til VT T A meviiiK I t I rlcfTru.Ur I rl I ui the $ hUay uf It r liW at Malt take i ity Ul t au naa number acten, tf Itt e iicralaro tlcl tn Ho ci lal s m 1, of tiocoriH ra ayahlo to It t aicro lary within tl irtr da from aboto dam at ha 1 1 ako City Lul Anj hoc a, uKu tt rh Ihia ftaaeaainenl ro a or aid on Ito itli I y of March IMh a 11 n lUont at d A I trrt tt 1 1 r c at ju miction and uuWa I r rbt u ma lo t e mi 1 1 1 aol I o i li o Hh tlay uf May, ia i at t tour of 12 o c iw ton at rn No i lution Iluildl t ball take t lit Llan i lellaqueit Atteaa ment logctlcr wltn of a Iteming and cilcnieoi aalo. J UUitiON No mtirtonaf urt Second Couth nrret lictwcpit firuond anl ll rJ cat bait take (Ity Utah. rtuiiut iu biitui luna. FaUteotMar) I Hall dcieaied VTOTICI H IH-li-ll, dlWS 11V Till iX untttagnel il atrator of lha vitatu ul Mary 1 Hal I a I to tt cred tor t f, i laiticrton I at ir a a agali at ll o aal 1 tic cane I 1 1 nti I th will Hu iieceaaarr nurhera wit n I nu after tt e Dm I ublt at on of l to Iho aal I n l ti ia trat r at No I ( tutoti hint t nir hall Uko City in the n n y tr fiftlt laka J US M UtNNON. Admlnhdratflrof the 1 tato of ilarjr L. Hall Hated Uanh rth 1 NOTICE TOCREDITORS. KitateoIUary n nlUU deceaieJ NOTirr li nr tr aitrN.Jir nir un 1rruoe I a n rator c I the euto or Mary Ai C if rated, lo it e cred tor of aoda!or a n un claim airalnataaid decrnaej to ti i t u with He i orratary toucher M ithl 4 t" afier II o first l uhli catl noribian l tl aai I a InilriafiMor tin ritttiMrrct.Mli take I Hy t ill e County uf halt take I tah ' It tC ll 1lll JOHN CMPKALU Ad ninUtrato ot Ha iitato or iltry Aon Call I d c a I. J mi M tAsviv Attj foradmlnlttnlor luted Uarcl 3, I" NOTICE TOCREDITORS. Ptlftlftof WU am A Nuinoycr. dcietael TOTirp IN lltl VHIr V TIIK i iidertlgn I 1 If Meli oyer eticu Uiv ot thee luiatl W 1 A No i oter do ceaed lo ll r of ai I all vr, nB hav dbcUiuh ug n lh W J dec Mied, l hihltlUm with ll-n n t vAuira will ia len mouihe aittr t 1 ul li atinofthi notice iiUihI ti ris attheonicoof ano A I utna al i -alltw m lt ,rri bu Itllng hall take n it o uuuly nf Malt take t'tal U ll St WOii'l! . t-aeoutr xor thne l (.(William Nci i oyir leteaael laud Mar I th 1 NOTICE TOCRLDITOnS Tftato uf Jane lirtiuton, I)ert.atcU. vroTitr I, it nrti OIVFN fir ll tho undu t.n I t J n nlitralrix of tt a tato ot Jan rt kUoi, durcaa L t He ere n ore it i l Hiwu hurl g climi fttianit tted de naard t,ca I lit Hen Mitntl n atkry touct t-ra wit n leni onttaafier Ho t lubllratl n of in a hoti o lo th as tti i alratrU or I er at lorney atthn uh o f Harlow ftrgmnn halt takn ( tv t touity of all tai """'""""iniirrntntiioN A linlntiratrlof i u atoot Janorrguioo dureatt 1 Datol rolrnary i t r IUhuiw k lu tia Attorney format I' i SUMMONS. I llw II llr llo l II rl tTltjJ d 111 Ualrlilof liahTar ll ri I nl ct ajlt I Ikp William V TTr r I alal IT Ula M Oaray lrtelant Ta. IjajJ af lha Tnrltat) ot 11. h icnj A'OU AIIE lirill lit IUI lllKIl Til 1. Kir In an action tmiavhl aaain.l v i I y iiti v. "vr"1 v.'' v ,h" ii-i'irt Irlrl or tho Tt rr lory nt t ui Rh .ik .?" '"" '"I'alat Hlo.1 ilicrrln Wllaia Ian layi r u. to r lha day I i r tiro) a lortl.i.ric.onvo ol Ihn "nni r.".VI "aiiliiiwir ul r HIM I fl ihi limy, Im m ihn nrl I nu Intnl. In. mherr aithi i I ,iy ,, r lidlini ll y lolaullwil Ih, ukn ua iy . acf I nil Iholtllrr I u I nilu i ' III i anion 1 1 r i nilt i into n u r on ol it ri lliihmrll tnamagc rrUi n now l.iion ci weonilani ll mid 1 ,1ml, oni',"" Si I "'" "' """ ,,''' nxlir r.htininenHinnl,ril a in I cnilini l.iivttuliN two ul 4U u I joiwid nd a an onrti thl. ( MM If anJ t ti 1 1 , aira n lire w il An I ) u ara I rrn r to 1 1 I II at ir y In li .,.ri I anmrr IU .in ,om itnln. aiH va r iuur 1 1 p adl all n ill Ni i ly in lha rourt foi ihi. ri r( trtnanntdllrrp witnaaa lha lulMnl no J u., anil lha Hal ol lha until Lotirl o( in I mr t JuloialUlilrlcl, in aad I r lha larrl r ( U ah IIUMnldiy ot M.rrl in ll",r,rl nrLml ooa th PUlit houlrol anl hiaaty Ibraa .KVI I IIINIH II M Ull I i nrra llyllLii I, IMitiM lirmi. i icrh ronniii, iiiom.jii.rilintn NOTICE. Mall Annla Minlnc intl Slilllpa roraiinr j'rla al IM-o uf Vat nraa aa I Uko I ll) NOTII r - Tllltl F HK IHINOIINT BMn lha fol owina damn I no. h on a eoaniot Anaiiraont Nt I lariwl on Ihp rih day Kptaahar, A ll lal), iha nteral hiaoanlt irl Anialw lha namta ut lha rpapta ihaanircnoldcM Mtiiotvi No ol , I art Ho ol Jim I if All, Jr aj i tiaao) Wmj N iilai, Jr Kl Mi in nllirkf iaa it a mm Jlmllurao iw tioi latin Unliurap nt ma ooi II hi llurkt ii aal al ll J.fnl!. HI ItVW ir4 lolnlltoa IW im mitt rornolury v m 7i'fol'ltr 'ai 'i UM 'irii" 1I "lYl 'S I u ). inn m aa mui 1 Madton, 11 III aT fl. M.rria, Ijm urn rluaSlwrla, Hl III , llniKarlur III IM llKMylor l l u tilllcrtnn In M ui r I ai naa Jt; 1 a II I I ta au 0 tt I lllrhirti T5 an Jo. fl It rl nrd. Id IM t HI J ia b It charili pw X la Mnlol.iiyrt.r t fi Uui Aiu ol enyltr tit J I rA liiral m ,1 , fliH lioral Hnotr yia at a at Nlilinac.r M law ttu rtiiiiifn.r ti (ii John linil ., . i, J i ii in iu aa Han him John i 1 1 eu aa i m m J in I ill n si in 9THM John nn tit t a IJU1 Inn Join llll tu JW Mo avio lohn 1 uli tu an i o) liylor llomnty Arm trona l lot 9eu UOO Tai lor llomnay Arm Mr win tIT tt 1.11 Uolto anllorbt HI 4W tn II flout an Jlorna It, IW van hkiiioWn norno IM Nl a la 1 1011 au llornt tff 'a 4 at Al,uinu 1 I0.IM al a noimii h no it on Alil.iutii lo am t iti a in. nm li MU MUI AIMoutit ii rtaj mu) Alljtu.a n tw wiv Ainrnw w lu mm I ll l II 0 Alljounic II H,l tllUi W luut,t K U lull! A ii limn in j,joo iiaM a ii.uu mi hm n 7 Aliouna tt-j tioai tty o Alllnuiil. JU So IJWI 1itrnk I, lonr-ic Ir la tA j u lArrnrol, lounaJr ttfi tti la ll a rtiiui ll ouoaJr tu ti sta u.ina ou, -l l,il ui no ,10110, aa III not AIoko outu IM Ull to id Alcncolouoir la) hll niti loorol una Ua IJOII iva Aloyttoitiic VTt JM MW ila It i out a ai i i.i to ui III. IP II loon m III 11 7 llol..r1iuu n Mu tow iiob.ri.uiv! rri u aai Ii P louna i aai -im ii a. lo u in 90 it oi II k.1 ui. rao 7 l ot Mnrrnr II lodnx VI id jmiu, UtAitnrell louna kl tun to W Unruroll InuoK .tl lit hot And lu a cor linco III, law an J ll p nrdrr ol llo llnirdot lirrclurt n He on Hot th diy of t ttrnl tr 1MH to imny tl irt. i r taeh i urral ol mcl l Kk at may It itt-a mry wi I La ..Million. Vo all anl 31) I iilntl u llu Idmir, MU Ul' I lly I lal nn i hliy ll 0 I II lal 1 1 1'lliiuilj A II Mil 1 j nploril n I, l) llo.t.ll I ,utnt a.ipitintll 11 rt it I aalt r m tti tbo eo.t ol a lytrluii and tti ti it it aalt JOHN I.Milll.l UL Ball Mka tlly. J.noiry 1 IW. "cc,,ur' Tl 0 lilo ol 11 1 ta o 1 del nui thl llork aliototiltrcly oxipnlcd li tltrrh In lyjLal Iho inn 1 1 la and I our lly ordtr ol Ila l ,hl i ( d rtt Ion I a la It It till J I II ocetiurr lined rclrutry li imm 11a limn ft talo 1 1 lha above dpllni tnl HKk it ttrely tilandtd to AirlllQ Itiii. at tin nt a tan 1 1 our lly ordtir ot tho llotid bf lllrtclort niadt ihlt '' J I.NIIIPI.KI! nttrclarr luloJ Ball Uli my March 0 18 NOTICE. rilllr- frMI ANNUAI MrrilNO or Tilt X Morkl Idtr. ot llo Itoilttt iu lab a (o o tnlltt a.kkI tlonlll! l.fl in lltlr Hurt 7 an I Mninilrtnt Mall I ako I lly on Sloulay kin li t II li il Ti. lu. lie n Jr. ol II t intol 1 1 11 I I air II ti t-nanrltl I tMri lor t e la! tlx luoatha an I Ua Irani a iloiul I Hurt ilupuaimay roio Lo I rei pu put Juaaill AMicatov halm a o in. ttcictiry Mr i ii Ito. NOTICt. ASTOChlllllllpitl 1IHSTIM1 Ol Till I nlrnlir litMlo. iiltrtliy nil, u, mttlatltip litatrot Nilioml Hi a ofUot it I II Airl rd Itu I rllttkcitnil nl m andiuru olbtr tu tiriiat i lyronoui Itlore I II 11 ll ,U B( Jkl, itte THE UTAH SUOAR C0MPA"r7y rpllKANNLAI SirKIISOOt'Tllt BTOI I 1 I old rt ot Ihu Huh n laar 1 I ni a y will I o hold at II o odl ol llo i a, M III n lilt I rultldkot I llll unTluriliy Airitl. Itwl iltor rk I n 1lpurottIr wl mil nl I mirllna-ii c I e 1 1 II pott aula Loir 1 ot I rt tort to turyp I r Iho ton li r. vilr and II u Irni ,1 II i 1 1 turh other I Ull nttt aa I ay liwl lye nnlrlorn llo I Ptl nt nilllttr ll niinNrl,Hertlan 'itLikoUiy, tier IHI ltd. !( DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNEnSHIP. vruriLL 19 tinimi lllKN THAI Till i firm on rn I lot rr I erelor re dull luintiiiINn u Itp.l toll pulthtrte aalt Uke Cllv Hi I hu tl u liy beta 1 Milud 1 l lull, lltUkiil tp . innl Ml liitHrnlatelttnlarel In ma I in I ol lltoriro I. Nye L nntrcil HI k wh 1. 1 tr ya llorlit luirore vaall linney. duellol Itllrin anlr ooltIiirtltaa e Hand l.lruiry 11 law. J I rOttll It. JOHN l IIAan. DISSOLUTION OF COPAnTNEHSHIP. . riMIF MIIM 111 111 IOKI111 rMMINO 1 unlerlhonaiiiandily eotllrortol I dtr I A I i l mi I li bu. nt la rait I tka ' CUT. tub I ll lay duo ted ly in null co tool ll omo I od Urd M-uri nir II e y uuutol a I the ludebte Intii or ll e w a y IIIUII Mill KMllll Fill Uke Cly llah Mai lit ItM " Co op Wagon aad Mictilas Co AliD M ThllLY llMIHll of Tllltr K irtt t w lllei.ll n II t IUI oik or lei il ill I I1MIW tt tl IS A1IA.CIIINE CIIUIANI IIA lil 1 JI tolloitock hoi len ol rt r I li r I ii l i Tie trtnifcr Ih it ttill ta oen bnlll Ito lalttr dilt liter it li oh I e II ey w ll te cloitd outtllhe 1 1 uenit in d aall Uke L ly alir h I Ih lx .... iiuioi b. MLia dt hocreiiry lift, i --T--T1-Tyj FASHIONABLE and HEALTHFUL sJ""' riinoiMiMt tK"evr. p Jackson iBw WL Corset Waist . tt-j2 suprnii i ohai ppui rcr i it. t&- ,aKlc-,.,W ,.,. ri h. , .,. , mmyni, J ,.,.,.,, TAKE NO OTHKR ' '" J" """' ' Mad..a.y iy ,.. JACKSON CORSET CO., Jackson, Mich. ir YOUR DLALLIt ItAtNT IT WK1TL. TO Ua. "B. SI. OLUTF, - M.mno-oi., J It IV Jilt IIIIU. CO.. FINE FAMILY GROCERIES, WINES AND LIQUORS Tilkpi nam 214 S MAIN STREET. -THE ONLY FIHST-CLASS GROCERYS- IN 1 (All Ml lltl KAMII 11.3 CAN till "v if rs ios .-. -v j .-. i.iouoitf, AMI AT Till HAM 7IMI III r 3J I XT ST - O Xt .A. ia y-j onooEixiua. JULIUS GAUER, Manufacturer. HIGHLJUro'" mm ibpa$ca ! pS, AX JNrAi'rs rooi) : CTUNAItV AKTIPLi:. "ou """ a hit onooiiiia and DituartrHiu. m& . T mm m$m 0 fl K f" wb Hour lot l$Mfc rVornciut' 6oiatWs? xkAx unit nmxM mffi' ron ham! nr Z. C M I , - Solo AgonlB In Salt Lako City. 1-A ROSE GARDEN " VI W Vlj 4 O HNII ROin PLANTS Uuritlrctlon Iron loo Rjffl 1 hr a ivJC Standard arltllct roil ptU '' U Ki Sni yi Ou,c",0 f "atila andFloraorelllei for ojlinottrtidy alio (YJ Vf?, " ""'t ""a" "0t loUlucceufulwltUGatiltnaua Home 1 lanti. KL " YJ l! 'S U0O,tLET TELL0 H0W T0 "Al8e BIQ OlrBANTHEMUMB U Jtt "oor".... SOUTH DENVER FLORAL CO. Lfl fA 'J? ha. ttt M Oiv, MUutfitl, NKtt4AftkrSi ' O.O0Xl 10UTH CII.VIA. COLO. BS2zzm!7EafSi,icrB!nnrrcs?Jsrt! rfj i Trill Why iilTer Irom lit UHtll ell ol ID I LaUrlope I.lmo lurk Klilnty J llttl B ; i I III. 11, a llhtutniuiro Ia.ll.-tit 00 Ilyi.rp. fsC fl J H a any kind ilweaknr.i or othor dli I I i B 1 II "'" "htn Kltrlrlct J Kill fort you and I U ilr ket you Inheallh (Htaluherellertdla IB iii oneainuta.1 lonroiethi Iwlllitndla -U- -iV V n H H f ,njr one on trill Ittt DR. JUDD'S ELECTRIC BELT. 1 rice 11 l flOtnilfft If tmlifletf Altn F p irl Truf loti Hot Itillr!e CotU BOiMujt to trj the n tain t rrgul tied to lull tt latrAtiieaJ to lait for years A Hell tn t mil try coisblor I nni n li eei u air lent I vetr.ei.7 to ibock rro Utlictil t4rke. 1.1-.IA tola? t ljewA tnntiure 1 rlcoksd rail pinlculin Atui wnutc I M d" DFl JUDD Detroit MIoh