Newspaper Page Text
H 8 imsismyr Eviaayo- irawst hatuhtmv mahcii go, isn. H DESERET EVENING NEWS. V O.lnrclKj, smreh S.J. IM1. j FBAOMhhTa. Hj Tub Feandlnaslan tlomocratlo eooletjr 1 will meet In (Social Hall neil Tossdajr ' eTenine;et7iW. H) Tub Nonton military company's i niaeqnorade will lie clvcn In lounger H lull, Mar ket eiroot, 1 rlday nldliU H tUxronDll. I. Aim, of Kansas City, liss j neon admitted lo taction otllio bar or W tbo Tetrltorlal Hiipremo oourt. H A JtAimunn lleonno liai been Issued M by llio county clork to Onrln Morris M stij Mary 1- Patrick, 11 li of retl Ijtkfc Hj TitAYrMiti Pamsnomi Aiikit Vh.' t Itluu. of llio Union l'liclOa toturned lo i Hall Lalto from Kotchuin, M , llile morn- B Ing. lie renorta lint tlm snow l seven H foil deep on Ilia IotiI at that plant. LLI TiiRfunoraleorvloeaoeertlio remains H of tbe lalo Aloriso II. Huilly "' H nonnced .ictdav.l.r mistake, or noon bLI todaj. lliey will commence, at noon H tomorrow, at tl H "d '"fc""2 1 Tiik rear waltiofan old a lobe, bull 1- LH Ini at .s 1.3 aim 121 wot Hocoud H rtoulli alroel oitoJ In about l-l. o'clock aaaH laul nlitht. It waa occuflol by Mra H li'ilM 1 nullm-n and II. Nclioenlrit aa H I ho eccldoutwae Una lo H tbo dripping of wator from llio btm, 1 Tun Hot. John Lhslwlck ofllrook- M lyn. .X Y., will preach In tbe '1 heater M loniorrow inoriilne upon "Man SmiI or H llelllon" lleerybodv Inslled, aerri H Iwidns at 11 tfclock. Mr. Cl.ajlwlok!!! H lecture In tu enlng In Mr. Utters H bundayorenlnRtarloa. Subjecti "Whit- H Ufa In aoiiK." H In tIow of llio faot that the team which H ran away yeetirdaY ruined Its captor a H clolhot with mud, Ilia ptoK(Hl tn rIe H another ault for the jounir man by auu- H acrlptlon Tlio owner of llio leant ealil M lie would not glee enough water to wait; H oiribn mud, a elatcment which irritated H Andy ltriion so much that bo wauu to Live a dollar. H Aiitici of Incorporation of the H Tanner A Haker company bare lwcn H UlMl whli Territorial Becroury Bella. Tho firm will urry on a Loneral iner- chandUlnii bualneaa at Ileawr City, H lloarcr count , Ulah Tha oil lul atuOc H la (1000 'Ilia olllccn uro 1.. Janncr, rre.ldcnt, Moc l.lwonla, tico 1 rml; H .lent, W.U. inker, 1- Ullaina and H Joaeph MUlaina, Irualeea, uud Altliur Hj,; Urnlry, troaaurer. H'J TllBcaioa of William Qarland va. the Hear ljikoA lllrtr Wncrworka A Irrl- Kalloucomiauyotul occaplod the alien M lion of llio Territorial Muoroino court H VMlenlay arternoon Oarlanil waa aeon. H tractor on an Urination ditch Uinircon' H airuclexl by tho H'r ! A "l,," H 'W aterworka A Irrigation nnmiuny In H Ilox 1 Idor county, Utah, and tho main B uueallon Imolred la ai lo tho I roprlely or H llena. Tho caao waa aubinltlotl at a lato H Home Missionary Metliug. H . Tbo regular roontlily mctllng of tlio H Homo lllMlonarlra of tbo Halt Lako H Htak of Zlon will couTcne In tho B Boclal Hal), Halt Laku Ulty, on H WodnnJay, March SO, 1SD3, at 7 SO H iv. m. Full attendanoo nqueited. Tim H brethren whom names were added to H tho llat at the HtakeConfereuce recent- B ly held are ipcclally lllTilcd to le M lircaentatlhomeotlnK. . , H James U. Hiiulinu, Clerk. GRAND AND PETIT JURORS. A DrawingHade This Homing For the April Term of Court. nosr oiiims ms mstiiAnai- Two lloji loinmllltil lo the Ittform M liool 1 lie Herman Dltnrco l'c. Tho loullifiil.lorgfr, AldrUsr. Oblef Justice Z.llio held an hout's rrnlonof tho Third dlitrlct court this moruliiK and at 1U1S adouruei until Haturday licit. Throughout tbe ootn InK wack. his Honor will boocciil led wllh the otherjudgrs of 111" Huprerno court. The atlendauco of attorneys In the Third ilMrlct court this mornlDR was muoti smaller than usual on motion day and the builmm Iraniacted was llRht. The rlril tiling done was the draw Ing of names from the Jury-box of Juruls who may be called upon to. servo during the April term of court. Die following Hit wai callod: on Nil JUIWIIS. Wm. r.lby, A. It. Maynr, I). 0. I'owell, O. W. Hteel., O. V. Bnow, Juhu Darker, (Ifo. Blade, J. C. Conk lln, Don C. l'ack, A. K. Keeler, J. W. Hummeihaya, r. H. Hnarr, J. I. Hardin, II. N. Htaiidlli, Huith Anderaon, CsWIn McUormlck, J, II. Jemiiu, AlexCohti, l-ou l rriT jujtoits. J. W. FlUgeratd, Jat. ltustell, Jat. (. Ilobluiuu, Jrank K. (Jllloaple, Jamta lllakv, V. J. Moore, Thomas Carter, Wm. C. McDonald, Joaeih (lienor, J. II. llarlon, James II. Iiln ford, John MoDul!, Wm. I,. Crane, N. A. Hcrlbner, II. M. Hlntdill, A. ilanauer, Jr , M. Clibbuns. J, It Miller. JolinT. Lynch, Itenry llawdMi,Cail C. Fablau, l.ratmusHorenreu, l.ucene F. Jones, Joieph Olson. H. I'. tVisler Ueld, V.. M. lllihop, N. A. Wulrolt, Charlta 1). ilami, Danlrl Moltae, Mans Collin, D. M. (Jrlflln, Diulel Clays, C. M. Hammond, 11, i John sou, J. T. ritrluger, Charl.n While, head, It. M. Harmon. William J. Croft Hit r, Hue Harris, J. A. Chute, os ms own mcoiiNii'AMJru. In the cii.o of Frank KlctiarJt, a colored man, Indicted mid awalllnc trlalounchargoof adultery, Asslslanl District Attorney Hmlth upilled to the ccurt that thodefendant be rolia'od from tbe peiillrnllnry on hi" own rroodnlianroa. Tho order was made by Ilia court. THAT lOUKU tOltUEIl. Mr. Hmlth also mentioned the care of W. F. Allrtdge, tho young inuu agalmt whom thero inn two Indict ments for forgery. Couneel staled that the county court reevntly adjudged the defendant Insano and ho had been committed to l'roto asylum. Ho therefore asked that tho charges bu now dlsmlued. It waisi orJeitd. Itf IiFl-umi DIMS 200. Attorney H. H. Lewis a lluj to tho court on behalf of Wm. l.Htir, await- 1 FREED FURNITURI HI XL.TSTX3 I CARPET COMPANY M uo, as, m, sa, as v. 'XHiiin sovxjr. HB er i I Bash "Easy Payment t-EP!IIIB HE i SPICE Ij It fill le to Your Interest li Visit Ills Hamttk EsSIiloint I FREED FURNITURE k CARPET CO. , H From 30 to 38 E. Third South St. Hfl i , , : at : Hi - Ing trial on n charge of crand larceny, thsl the defendant be admitted to ball on his making a lath depult of 20), which was all the money ho now Had In lila Ofclon. fho application was granted. 1, liter Is iharged with Heating $15 on n"urn IWDg" trans action nllh another man. tiik iiinxANDtvoncEOAir- In llio raro of Maggla Herman ts. F. J. Herman, Attorney ilinny an tirared tor the ilalnllir and Judge llogo for tho defendant, who h I been died to show cnuio why he should not bo commlllo I for conlemi t In ills obeying an order of ourt In tho dlTorco roceedlngs Instituted by his wife. Defendant was calloJ to the witness stand by Judge Jloge and questloneJ as to his financial tualtlon. tin Is by trade a car inter, an 1 stiteil that at the tlmo tho order of tho uciirt waa made he had no available funJa In his pofsoialon, ami Is still In much the same flx. He had had no work to do and had failed to borrow Urn money, though he tried toilo so In order to com) ly with tho order. All the money that hu had he sunk In Ills houit , mi which thoro was a mortgage, and Ihern was sllll duo about tlWO upon II. Defendant was also now In nrrcar wllh his boar I till. His wife waa itlll llTlng In tho lioufe. Fending the trial of the case, the dofenlant waa directed to lay JiJ attorney's fern and f.Uleomt cot, also I".) per month temporary alimony, It was now ahowu, hoviuTer, that the wife herself Is at I relent ocupylng the roar portion of the pnmlaand alio rtcelrlng (be rout of thefroi tiarl. Judge Zsne, under thu clrcum. stancca detllued to commit the de fendant Judge Hoge then urged thecourtlo set the trial of the cam lor an early day. All thu allegations In tho complaint urcro, he ssld, denied, nud the diioud ant was anxious to hate It disposed of. Judge Zauo said It must comoonlu thuordluary couiiv. ItrtullS! CCIIOOI, llltlDS. Twoauiall Itoys, whose nanus were glTenasltobert MaDoiialdand Henry llrowD. and who haj been ootivluted by n jury lu Justice Ore's court of rctlt farcin, wero ushered beforo Judgo Zine w Ith a view t J their being committed lo the Hrform Hchool. McDonald Is 11 years old, mid his ite father ssld that for the last slxtcou months lie had been aulto ungoTirn able. The age of Drown, whose real name tumtd out t bo Welohehky, li la (though ho dors not look It) and the lathtr reliled how his ton had run away from home on ono occasion and otherwliu of late given his larunU much trouble. Tho boys were convicted of stealing a number ot sacks from Urant Ilros.' livery stables. Juilgn Katie directed that tho lads bo seut to thu Ogdeu ltiform Hchool. SluTIuS OMHIIULU). In tho case of l.zra Thompson et al. vs. Daniel Keith, it al , win motion for a new trial was overruled and ten dajs stay allowed. m lintAUI.T. Wm. I.cKoy t. Jos. I.llli. Judg ment ly default. DixiitK uv lonrcLosunr, In the casa of the Xorlli Amirlcan Havings, Loan and Dulldlng oomiany vs. Faul l.mmersou et al , u dicreo i f foreolosuro was entered ly default, S1UU attorney's ft o being allowed. A H. Haya et al. vs. Louis M. Johnson et al. Demurrer to answer submitted and taken under advUement. JAIK )IOt ION'S- OASK. In tbe case of Jack Ilolton vs. Oeo. Naylor,the defendant wna allowed live days' stay In which lo serve statement torn new trial. 011TA1N8 ms lit Ll'ASE, III the matter of thu application of Henry Host for a writ ofhauuaa corpus, theanuie waa demurred to on tho hear ing this morning b County Attornr) Murjhy. llio defendant wus repre suntidnyH 1. Armstro.ig. This Is the case mentioned In Wedmsday's Nl-MB, In which tho defendant was lined JV) and costs by Corainlsilouer 1'ralt on Hi ptember 7th, ltiJ., pleading guilty lo a charge of embeisleiutnt and ordered lu bo Imprisoned till thu money was paid. Dsfendsnt's coun sel held that the ludguient was llhgal on the grounds that thu commissioner hud no lurlsJIctlou torondcr a Judg ment which amounts to an ImiiHjii. mi lit of over six luonths, and that it was not staled In tho Judgment how long tho defendant should bu lmils onod for each ot the said flnu uud coli. Judge Zne ordered that tbe defend ant bo forthwith discharged, holding that hu could not bu legally detained niter thu expiration of tho six months. DiSMiesi u. Thu I'eoplu vs. Arthur Kews and Llull Hchlag (an old ludlotmeut for houiebreaklng) wna dlimlsaed on mollouof Avslitaut District Attorney Hmlth. TO AJIrlu COM 1 1 AI.Nf. A. II Cuitur vs. I'. Tlernan. I Ivo daya allowed pinlutlir to nnicud com I lalnt on stipulation. l KFonr jurxit UAUTLII, Jutgu llartcli sat lu thu Hupreme court-room thlsmornlu and also took In lhlrd dlalrlct work. Die followltig matters among others camu biforu hi in up to llio noon hour: Anna C. Mai iulit vs John T. Msl quisl. riio di fondant had btun cited no show tausu for oonttmpt for failure to I ay alimony. Thu lourt, altor hear ing thu defendant's itatement at to Ills lnabllll) to (aj, luforuied III in that he mutt endeavor henceforth to pay alimony nud conts, and lu con eloorailon of his futuixcllort ho would not now bo held In contempt foe past falluri. JinnloM. King vs. Fred King. On motion of plaluilll's attoruuy this di vorce suit was dismissed. A commltteu consisting of Attorneys W. II. Dickson, W. Van Colt and H. liowii., wasu) t.olulid lo txamluelutu thu limits of 11. T. Lloyd, upon his application to bu admitted to j raotlcu in tho Third district court. 'Aan'n Havings HjiiU and Trust Co. vs. Wm. M. Itjdalcb ut al ; do. fuult ordered aa to thu defendants m. M. llydulch and Margaret W. llydalch. 'lriimanU. Angell et al. vs. I,. D lluucoital. Motion to tlistulsH na to IteUccn A, lluuci,on llio grouud of Iplulutllls' failure to amend cum lalnt granted. Hocksworth vs, White; suit for fore closure Deurto granted Ij' default, Higliojtof all in I-cavcnin I'oHcr lite tb b Gov't Report k&& Powder AS OLD bOLIIIKH'S 1'llOTtST. Ho Slulri the Irlluwi Utio Implnr Hobos anil Turn Hid llonttt Jinn Uut lo static. On January Olh, I.dltor C. C. Good will addreised a Kt'rrof which tho following is n copy to City Biiurln tendont of Hewers Hhsltou, who Is aspiring to the ofllco of surveyor gen eral Dear Bit. Tho bearer of this, Mr, James Ilrown, li an old soldier, carry ing an honorable discharge Ha Is deitltute and willing to work; If there Is any poMlblu place In which you can Ktvuhlm eruilojmont, I shall lemoit glad an I will hold It as a personal favor," On r rrientlng this letter to Mr. Hhel ton, Mr. Ilrown tlsclsres hu waa promised employment and told to pall again. Inch tlras I it has ut III an a pearancu he says he has bun urn ed as though ho wire stricken with Boroo dreadful contagious Uesiaie, "I haven't mado a cent th winter and have homctlnus bleu almost at the point of starvation. I will do an) thing lu thu shape of work, but thu Liberal bosses wlio promised us wu could grata In fields of clover have turned their backs upon us. They say they haven't got work to give ui. I know that work has been soiree nnd money too. Ilut I would Just like to li told why outsiders men who don't live in tho Territory, who aru single and who don't own any properly hero are given nearly all the work thu city has to do. Judgu Uooiwlu was very kind In giving me n recom mendation audi auriclatu what hu did for me. lint If ha know tho City Hnll gang as well m I do he would unit work on the Tribune. "I havo uisrclud through mud up lo my knees, yelled m)seli hoarsu aud hava heeled for the Liberal part), but I will nover do It again. Yes, jou can say I am dotio with tho fellowa whoetaudlu wllh thu hobos nud tell an honest working man to go cut on the street and starve " Wondcrliuii. A ery fluo pirorniauco Is being given at this amusement retort by tho lafahle Btock compiny thu drama being "Tho Ualloy Hlavu." On thu ltljuii atago one ot tha best programs yet offered, Is being presented, such ar tists as Hmlth and Fuller, tho unlquu muslclal team; John Holllngaworth thu gnat Buck and Wing dancor. and LJ will Lateel lu lilt musical apeclalt), are sien. Sin thu curio hall, John Hanson Craig, the largut living man la on exhibition. Ills height la U feet S Indus und hu weighs 875 pounds. "I'oillllblltoi." The March number (S) of that oxcel lent magazlno the CWrtfjufor Is fill ed with the usual quantity ol choice reading matter for oil an I young. The number la emmilllsucd with ixiel lent lllutttotlons, and altogether If a source of jliaiuro aud rotlt to Its readers. Toihj's I'ro'jito Court. Estate of John Norman, dtccased. Hearing on petition for allowance of final account and Ocroo of distribu tion made. The matter of tho estate of W. W. I'lajer was contlnuod till this after noon. This was all thu business disposed of by Judgu lllalr this morning. IlfFfMC Mission. The Ileiouo Mission keeps on In Its good work of lurulshlng meals and lodgings to unemployed men. Tbe meals and lodgings are not given nwny, but thu men aro required to work for what they reielve. In this way 4100 meals have been furnished iluoe January lOlli. I ho Jl.ii Hlio Unew Illnlne. The man who kuow lllatnu is out In force, thiso days. Hu Is proud as thu father of a air of twins. Ho Is seen In all public phots. He Mill tako you In a corner, alter he has shaken hand, and In n sorrowful tono of voice will say: "Ho lllalnu Is gone? Too bad, too bail! It Is tho griatest calamity that has befallen our diplo matic Htvlce slncu thu diath of Mr. Clay." "Yis.yn," you say, by way of as. (out. "Let mo set," says tho man 'who know lllalue, qulszlcally doting an eye, as though It was u talk to renieiu tier. "Letuiu see; I was lit tho hotel ntUlnuernnadu) and who should sit licit to mu but Mr. lllatni." "Is that so?" "Well, 1 guois. Mr. Illalne hell qullu a conversation with int., He laid to mo oh, 1 shall never forget Ills wordi hu said to mu he said" "Whatdllhosajt" "Hu asked mu to I ass thu butter." Iew lor. Jltralil WITHIN OUR HATIA Mrs. No'.tleHmll has returned from a somewhat oitiuded trip through Kurcrr, which she sirms to havo in. J y tl as thoroughly aa though sho had nuvir bun thero te'ore. V.i Chief cf I'ohiu Farley of Denver I; In our mldit nud Willi our Chief I buI as a chaperocu was looking al ut our struts. Thty didn't at teuiit turois except at regular crou Inga for obvious rea-oos. Ccl. Isaac Trumtii li a complcuous flguruunuiir streits, as Inuieit he Is on any itreels that he a) inrs on. Hi Is marly as rompli u( us In Ilepubllrati elicits as Is Hon. J. H. Clarksou and li Hilly ai ctoss to tha newspaper Iraler nil;. L. Kewmsti", . tiavellng agent from Cnlcagi ; 15. Kirvlu, nephiwul 1'fll Kervlu, the weil-kuown mluli t man ot Virginia city; M. Hoteaid, traveling rcpio entatlvo of I tie .i llonil Tulu works of Chicago, aid J W. , Whlttcoltoi), n dliclpln e Illackitouu from I'ruro, sru gucits ai llio Culleu, L. M. Hart, one uf tho earliest and mo?t enUtent of cur local lliiubll can pnllllclans, who has not been seen for u -rlille, luvuJei! the NlttH sanc tum todaj. As an uvldincp of lie put Ileal, honrsty, hu bore In his hand apucketlook which lie had plckid up on tho street; It contsliod n fifty cent dus bill nul li nickel, rhupuraols I eihatn worth ruoru than Its contents. Thu owner can luvo Itstl by calling at this otllcc. A deputy marshal, who obleols to having his name imoil ( urhn a becauiu of thatlnhcrvut modeity wllh which such ftlclals nro Inveilcd, came up from I umL.i totlay and is going out right oQ. He says race spreads her white wtugs over thu aceno lu that I lice, that all la moving smoothly, and in rciult tin. f uiteiu drUllia on IvUsrdtheruwIlI bo (.radually reduced until but a few and then uouearu re quired. HOTEL AlllttAla Tnr cinr.x-liinAllea Ifiileri m I. Itlli 111... It rk, w Itlelnrilioo c'llj. J Ul tidm ill linxki t.xoeai Uuipbr AnJn.o. t ut J M rnlord Oily, I. Men matin ilk as I Kervni irmnla Cltr. Nv t A l Hrnir llio M Jour,, 8 Mose, N n tletliel nhlo llowmSD, 0Jcni U. How ard I nunr,iirt. .Tile KMuroan-ClmF Deane, thlriiai I lihmo, loriKnl Oreoa It in (1 Hot wenoy I i no ttmll llurke. I bUailelnhU lbert rlr. New erk I rank A Cabin, Merer, ev Mill Mabel 1mrr, MilwauLcs: JoellAlauila and wife llcnvrri Jkmea 1. Illil.ry, II L Knnn IMIll uritl II tl h-eler, lionteri'Ili h llmu. Jr lamprTlll" Hailii ClitsML.m SraUr.Nsvr 0ik Mr II lire nl lirnrcr, alias V luvy, t blraeotlleorse llnSlinaDlwlre New Ynrk Mra Lha Amorv. t.e . I eilir, lie. Ion S H Mrl nral4l. 1 nrekal K II Kuaatll, lartCllr.J It ll.nlrra lowall. Slaaal lu'tlarocr, New llrleainl til., li Itartowuan St liulat OS Jonea, 1 litis leli lilai J II HrrsliDcliJ, Ueoveri 11 llotre. Cm iko. Moitmv-J ! r Icy. licotor, coloi ChtUlia KenaK oJeu) Clarsnea Uonral, Mra I, lit I licnear, J I roaaer Mm O sfott, tlnels leina I o wllh t ctcr Ja. kaon J U Hall, lleillantla, I al i 1 1, Coeulus Juabtlr I Hlerloualti Ire 1 tloawrrtli, llavenporl la, John J na, piatah Fork, J tj has lillara, Ihoa III k.T. lelsic t Mod lleient Mra M II llaloa, Sire lAinli llclirer, tro!n, M 11 Iteed tlmalia NebtKd Cunklet 111 latleraonanl ratnllr, Unite Moat, u arrin. Nsvr Urlesna, Iji. Tin Hilltr. llocsa-JHIarsollnllo Mon tanai II Uonila, Ilea Jlulnea, Imai J n llartell Oakley. Kan-as.t V lu.h rsioaeler tlJen Vtkn it boona ltlnalaiai lko tlols man lIouitKonst It bUlchwcll Sowarki i lata uaftulwlfu r Halts an I wifa, ecltytnan, AT M fr ti, loralellit li tner t,ooorlcb, UlDMsam Urjrel 1 alien Ualtnuore Md. A Mjllali 4orie, Hhowas tho most styllili corpiol" wu hearJ a womtn rematk thu otlur day In i caking of a lesdir of fmhlou lately deceased, and prompttd 1) curiosity, wo Inquired what went to mnku up a ' styllsti oore.'' "Obi" repllnl tho gitiher with no hesllatloii, ")m woro a black volvot gowu with point laco trimmings, had her eyebrows 1 onolled and her cheeks rouged, huljes having her hair donu up In thu most delightful fuhlon iomHIc. l'oslllvely to be suck n btautlful coriwa was worth dying for." To our prorala mind thu loleuiuity of deuth siemud to huvo been robbed uf nil Its grandeur and forcu by the artl fclal trap; Ings and adornment of the complexiousjeclallst, yet lu Ihla agu of fails tho time Is not far oft whin lust such caprices may bu expictrd, for if fashion sets the aco thero will lie, Luldta other niodliu follies, fads lu funerals that will J robably be oven mote rldkulous than thu others lli'adelfhxa lmtt xsuvrrxxfa. flmtll -Mlrrli 11, Hi3, oleatanlial I neu inonn flk nab Antlieaa etuitti Iicceaacd aa liura le rnary t I put, in I.IToimoro, OilorJ county, ls no. Us was taillilul to tl o ltaivuoLTr lolao ItolQholU, of contutnp tlon. loneral front (the liew) MDCIeonth vard nctt nx I ouau Sunday, at It o clock rrlcnda mallei III Catltaa loll I The leslimonlala frequently publ'shed In this pat t r relating to IlMtl'sBana parllls, I hey nro from reliable uo le, tale simple facia, ind si nw beyond a doubt that HOOD d CUMM. Wjy don't you Irv this inedlclue? llu euro to get Hcod's. Constipation, and all troubles with the digestive organs nud the llvor, are cured by Hood's X Ills. Unequalled as J i dinner) III. i OR O P I IP IfC? a " r m J Ijh fL r The only l'uro Crca a of Tartar I'owder No Auunonia, No Airnn. Used in Willious of Homes io Years tlie Staudard fHE HOTEL TEHPLETON. Tho Hotel roinileton Is opnoslto Tem to Ht into. Tithing ODIcir, Lsgle Oite.Drit iirr Nrt s Ilulldltig nnd all IHiints of Interest In Halt LakuCIt) 'fur Cuiirv, H. v Lwmg I'roprlc tor. Half Mock from FeitOfllce, 1 doors from l'tillman ticket enter, Main HL Hates tV0 ter de). Special Iftcal tale: Halt Lake's big, new hotel Is The Knutsford. Homelike, elegant, cen tral and rensonable Tim Witm. lloi'st Again under good management, Mrs. C. L. I'odlech having relumed Ircm California an J taken charge, wllh popular holelnun M 1. Uermo ns tnansger. Keep Iiosted ' on prices and styles In footwear by watching our ' show wljdowa. Lvury thliig warranted. Hemcr& Lynch Co., 100 lllsck Halln Conels, 4, cents. Now Vorl. Caih Htore, 0) ponlte I'ost ofllce. (Jet your AtsirscU ol title nt the. County llrcorder'a ofllce. They aro m letilrectly from the utlglnal records. One llu liar, n, Imih III tolllercenU C'ONWAi A DOMNEMAV, 8 Itioni 59. (.' mmt rclal lllock. (Ij to Hcuifl'sfor I'reecrlpUans. ills. II. I 'irnl' Mliilnery llereinlnii Halurday nllernoou and uveulug, March Ulli. Lovely imi oriel goods, late novelties Any goo Is selectid luring ricertlun ou bu urchssid. 41 louth, Mainslrrel. Tho atlnntlon of economic house ktefers Is called to thu (.oil llninl rnrang-r ttlfw. It la llie. tn-tt. Mrs. Durrows' Mllllnory. Oj enlng uay Monday, March 7. Tho finest Millinery display of the season All the latest Impoilatlons. Nothing handiomcr on bu tuowii In thnclt). Ladles are rordlall) Invito.!. Mis. M J. Iliuruws, 18 Main Hi. As an alter dinner collro you will be rlissed with Hnlil llrnid. PnOVO MILLS CLOTH Will outwanr anything; In tho markot. Wo Mako Man's Suits to Orclor. Wo nlsohavonutockof noady- mado Clothing on hand. JOHN C. CUTLCn &. DRO., 30 MAIN STREET. Your breakfast tahlu will not bo com pkto without Uulil llsml t . IT.c. Thcru Is only one Hcntll. Nothing but Hhots. Hpencir.V. Lynch Co. 121 Main 500 I.adlin' lllsck Hose, While fool, 10 ceule. New Yotk Cah Htore, op- potto l'ostofllcf. Hear IT can till any prescription. lanianaravnlreT It Is this lfyouhavu a Cough or a Cold, a tickling In tho Throat, which keepayou mualantly coughing, or If you aro iiflllctud wllh any Cheat, Throat or Lung Trouble, Whooping Couch Ac, and )ou uso llaltartl'i Jlvrtliound flrup as dlrrclud, giving It afalr trial, and uu benefit Is experi enced, wo nuthorlte our advertised agent to refund your money on roturn nf Imlllu. It never frilli to glvo litis faction. It promptly relieves Ilrou chills Hold by Z, O. IT. I. Drug Dcpt. 1 Tliii leaders In footncir. Nothing Lut ,. Hhoei. Bpcncer i Lynch Co. 184 Main. Alt 11. I I tl VllllVt Omueada), March SJih, atll o.m. liBtp, No.7Hlioutli Main street. l'l lor, Dliilng room an I Hod room FurnU tun, Kltchtn Utonills, Canned I rult. lino lot o( good-, ' K. A.AmiHF".n, Atictloneir. NOTIOEljF SALEJJF RCAL ESTATcT iTOTICF IS IIKIirill I11WV, TIHT1V XV Inrauanee or an ordrr nl lbs I robs coun or sail lake rooelr, Ternta" or I til laths natter .ttlncat to ol narah Usikina! 'K. ," m"I. 'J e I'll' ay el Mareh pw. the timlrreiirne I John T Itnekle. adininla Iraturir aaid eatale wlllen orbelorelhslrtli h.,,:'.1,fl ''''"H" r'l", salewSL, h le.t 0,0 icrlurra. I, tct tn lha ar" total ol said ITebat. tontt all ihe nstit. !'"." ".".I1" f n,i y,M"' " "la arah tt at k l as liad allhe I lino et I er deeeaaeor whirl, rail eatste haa tinea ariintred, in sn I tu It a loll, w Insltsrlol land lualail l'i sail Lake tnr. Mumytt Hall Ijike and Territory or Utah! !" ",'I, ,Tli' ""'liaif ol the wea( half or li I..(J1 nboeklhitty 0.. (13, , ,iu Bali l.aka ( lly mrrrr. lermaol aalnea.t. Hee. at lha cspenaent flilrha-er III I lauatleln "titles and inay I j leltal ilionoreot llnekle fJirc.?!.vu ,iT"""' ""'' si" JOHN T IILCKir, Adralnlatralnr el the kalats ot Sarah tl aUlni AtiSESbVENT NOTICt.. " Aorfi J'oliU CVwuof (fufcJ Inlgat'o i Cu, lJOMlon ef nil 0 an 1 tin,. Ipil l.llfe ol bull n-a. n Hotel. vt Secont Soatli Slrtel PllI,kaUtr Ulah Njorii k is nu Mik nirs that it - a teaular merlins or the hoard ot oiree I '..""! '!" eotapiav.riell on ll,n Slh day nl trr aharr. wa-leTlni no tl a rai UI alneknr Its rnrrnrit ott e imnieihately to id aertrlar) at I lit. Oln ol II aim,nr. nniii lit ".".'.I '."!' '""' n ' "H" '!, s.ii 141 Clly I tnlilvtrtif ry Any emrkuwin hlen ihla saa aamenl .hill rrmaintnuilinluealay ttll (tn l-melll lis le lo urnl ai I adorn eil I ir kale at ublie anrliiin aa I I now; arinrni la oiadnlrloro wil Ih. aoll on Ihural,, JUy Jjih, lfs,a 1 frlork iu , n,, Na .l.htqnenl aaaeaamenl, I seiner with the coat ol a irerlialns and ea lly ordor ot the liar I of tl rerinra J tt nillirilrAll Jn., Beertlsry North 1 o n Unnao IdaleJ, ti-..ri","IIOBO"m',,,"r alatihtlth l-tq , I UK Ml K. 7n" "l8 "K "AtlMtMH tMi near J,'' (iris) am Clly, Under ( uitivauon. t.llf.ell on long time Ih J rr renllnlrreat, orekchansr lor fall Uks teal eatale, Inlita ltabl '" A E ''"'"""'"""-"r. gJPORATED CREAH fessa . Bsei&&1!i Do Yoi Use the Aim Brand? o Most Popular Dnby rood Known. Cold on tho can, bottor than gold In tho can. FREE EXHIDITS nil tho Wook. Look for dally onnoitncomonta Monday at 20th Ward Co-op, 405 C. South Tomplo. Raymond &. Armott, 70 W. 1st South. Donty & Rawlins, 258 South Main THE OLD RELIABLE BodbB-Pitts Driig Bo. Aro itlll ot llio Old Stand, Corner Main and First South Streets Tho Larrjeit ond Be,t Stock of Drugi, Chemicals and Patent MEDI CINES In tlio Territory. Prlcci try Moderate. Everybody call and ee ui. $5,0D Dill E GBfflilK 01 this atlverliscmonl v;o will papor any room 12 foot by M fcot aud 0 fool blgli ov about that slzo) including sldowalb, border and coilintj for SS.OO. Tlioso Wall Papers aro perfectly now and includo an immonso varioly of boaullful doilgns. Thty aro not by any means tho choapo3t iapors. Call and ico tho goods. llNMOTiT WE "have moved. Como and soo us In our Elogant Now Storo In tho McCornlrk Block, 18 W, First South St., Just Round tho Corner from former location. Utah Book & Stationery Co. Duncan M. McAllister, Manager