Newspaper Page Text
-ia-Yay- UllJltiLLl A 111 V llixlliHj ilJJjVVkJo I n -edition. THUTII AND LIDtKTY, ko. foq. "ritiDAYTsiAiini jjj, aeon, sai i lake city, utau." " vol. xxvr. ALLEGED SCAI1DAL This Time In Connection with the Bering Sea Arbitrators. nounix sauuiis niuiS. DiiIJchiIi Paid 1)J Mining (.ouipaules. lit llicclnw Nor, tc. Chicago, March 31. A special from Washington to the JUcortlnyr, BooretarlesUtcshara nil Carlisle have brought to lljht R scandal of senta llonal dimensions, atlbctlns Ibo stair of tho lifting ioa commission, I now In iwslon In rrls, uod adds! ' "It li probable that lIJor Wlu W. llalford, who while prlvatu aocro lry to Harrison, waa appointed paymaster In the army, will be recalled from thotreeeut poll aa die I urslng olllcer of tbe listing sea com missioner, unlua he consents to coitaln material chaugea lu ths condition of utlalrs, aa Urcelium aud Catltila find Ihcni. Moreover, It la probable that Ilia services uf tx Becrrlary of Htats John V. Fcalrr, uow serving aa American agent of Ibe luring ara arbitrators, wouM be dls btused with, If bit recent hlf-lt position aa cabinet c 111 cor did not In some measure prottot him from too liarili orltlclini and too summary na tion." Tlio story then goea on to say that members of the atari of tliaoorumlM Ion havo beau allowed extremely liberal perquisites In addition to the regular compensation. It l not known what Prater receives, Lut It la 1' It lo b Inferred that It la qultu a larr.o aunt, lu Tlaw of tba statement that Ualford, In addition to hla re.ular y aa major of $1200 lo $3t00 tor year, la allowed $15 per day, or In all about $9079 par year. J. Btanloy Ilrown, huibandof llolllo (JarflilJ, daughter of Iba lato President Uartleld, la draw log two salaries, ono of 310 and Ilia oilier of $15 ter day, or $91.8 per year. Beveral othrra receive tlouble (ay, the extra ranging from $0 tolS per tie). I A Mil II I IIHIIY AllOUNr. The SHary or tlie Hank llubberj by m Aalluu'a rir.l Jlau New Ycwk, March SI. The atory from Man .Domingo to the etlrct thai the prtitJeut of the republlo bad broken Into Iho Trench bank la not generally credited here. Tho amount pokenof aa taken by I'realdent lieu reux, suja P. I Vaaquez, the Domini can consul general here, wna adjudgtd due tba pnaldant lu hla personal capaolty by the aupremo court, lie threatened lo enforce the decree of the court, n the bank refuted to abide by tho court'a decision. Then the bank appealed to tho Frenoli contulandha called for the auppotl of the I ranch warship In port. Oontul Vasqucz hat seml-clllclnl advices yesterday that the matter la atlll lu ubejauce. Mora llnill.. louuil. Highland Liomt, Main., March 31. 1 Three more bodies from thodorlra of the fishing eobooner Damon, which went adrift, were licked up on the beach at Nuuict Inst night. Ht( IlLTAItV Jioitrovi vi.s. Ila Ilopta lu l,l n Net or llrl !. I liiplaj- Wabiiivotov, March . II. Becrotnry Mortou, cf thouciartmeiitof agrlcul luri, liaadirlnd Ilia plan to teat tba (Uncle of appllcanta fur Ilia tioalllona not KonrneJ by the civil aerTlca riilet, Kacli Hi illcaul on tiling lilsan IIoa tlou wlllbonqulrod toumwern act of queallona aa to the moral aud 1 iiualllloatlona, and on tba work which he will ba niUlreJ li jerform, Ua hoieabylhli meana to aecura a high atandard at the department. IAIHII llltllll.MIH. I'rulll r Hie llmlua luiliiilry Mr Tliraa Mnullia. NlwYonir, March 31. The Ingi. nttring and Vtmng Jlccortl ublltbca n table of dlvldenua (old by mining comianiea In March, and alfo alnco Jnuuary let. Thirty eight are Included In the Hit. They paid In March $500,. tSO, and alnco Jauuary lit, $2, 170, 120. In the column for the quarter, Molllo Ulbton leada with the other large dividend pa era In the following ordrrt Minnesota Iron (Je , $.10,000, Qulncy of Michigan, IISO.ouo, 111 Metallic of Montana, $UO,00V; Daly of Utah, $ltl! 600, and Co per Quceu of Arltoua,and Dalamarof lUaUoflOO, 000 each. aburfroubl. H Ni.w Yoiih, March .11, Prealdent g Hornthal of lliu Clothing Manufuo. KJ turora' araoclallou, nya there are iW rually only 430 men locked out, and VK that Kulghta of Labor are rapidly IW fllllni; tba plact-a and the mambora of U thetederailonof I.ubor lo wlikh the nt cutlira belong aru liavlug It uvery IK day and olnlng the Knlghui All IS contract tailors belong to the I adera. m Hon and It la aald the contractora may m dacldetolocklluniout and not wall M for any aympalhello atrllie. IIIHIIOMST IIAILUDAIIIII V. g How Tli.x N.Hn.llf.l ilia tauivany an Budalia, Mo, March 81. A big I ileal among the lRlmcra an I firemen on the MlMourl 1'atlflo Jtallroad lma 1 I tan brought to light lu till, city, re. II Bulling In the dlicbarge of the lima 1 k"r" nine englntora and alx flrtmen, J with tho liroballllty that many otheri jR aro being Impllcnltd. The trainmen m In colluilou with the tlmekeei or, drew U i liroki for time uot put In by them, IS Tlin company' Iota will txtond Into Bl thouianda aud extenda over a i arlod of X leuinontht, o namea aro glveu. (Jllllll I Hill VI. Comnltureiiifiil nr Din Jawltli nt ntrr Taiilslti Krw Yomr, Murch March 31, To. day la Cloud I rlday. Hpeclal nrvlcea are held In nearly all the churchti; the custom liouiu, tub-treasury, alt commercial and uiarllluie exchangee, mid many o.her lluca of btiiliiaa nn closof. Aa It la not a lezal hollJny, however, nod cnmmeiclal lapi r tut. luring mutt be rait, tho bonka remain ofen. The celebration of l'efncb, 1 1 Pau over, will bv ligun ly the Jawthe worl I over at anii"l tulj avanlns "Ud contlnua tlgllt ilajn nnnii j tlio nrth i. ilix Jewa,whl otcformid Jena will ob leivullievon ila'l. at iiiluiiitk lioisr. Wasiiiv(HO(, March 31 do 1 I'rlday mi apcnl q jlelly at tlio White Uouie. The l'rilditil i n lew cougrctimiii frtm 10 to 11 oMo'k when Iho tabluit nutting bian. Mra. Cleveland usually rccilvia on l-rldna but did lot loluy. luittad ibo went out for an airing In au optn carriage with llaby ltulh. ANIIIIIII 1 A NtlllUI. Terrible txprrlrtica brHliliwrcrktl WitllorM. Bavansaii, (Ja , March Hi. Tlio tug Matcotta went atliore on Cumburland beach )tlerdy afternoon In n heavy atorm. The craw ailccieded lu nnclf Ing thu ahore alter n lerrlbla trilsle with Iho wavrr,xcc t bteward J! mm who waa drowned. 1 Iteinau llozen waa uscomcleua when ho rotche 1 the ahoro, and hla companions thinking lilni dead left him, and ilnrtid lo walk lo Cumberland, ten mlleiawn). Tlio Weaiher waa viry cold, and with tin Ir anaked garmebttlhey aullircd terribly. Ca lain Potter falntu I ut tho and uf leur mllea and waa curled to hla com I Jiiloua thu rrit of the ). Borne of IbemdroPiHd unconrclouaon reaching their deillnatloD. Later a parly went to the iceoaof tho wreck and found llozen Hill alive, In (Hoof the atorm and cold. Nlata Aarnla tpalnlril. Washimitoi, March 81. Secretary Mortou baa appointed flvealato ogcnui In the departmaut of agriculture lu taknellcat on April lat They are: Frank A. C. Dllllluih, Illlnola, vlcu B. 1). 1 liber, removed, A. B. Mericr, Wyoming, vlco I'. A. Black. remoeJ. U. I,, iryer, Tannessae, vlco 1'. II. Ittever, rriuovcd. li, M, Nay, Wlacsmln, vloe II. L Adama, reinovid. athuu I'ruwt, Detroit, vice I). Jl. Htewart, nmoved. DISCOVERED JUST 1H TIME. A Bold Plan to Kindle tbe Fire of Revolution In Costa Rica. Tba tonaplralara ctil In lie llaile au Laainple or by ibo Ueirruulenl. Panama, March 81. Ths govern inoutha dlicoverad, uit In lima to Iteveut It, a plot lo Inaugurate a revolution In C'oaU Klca. Iho con llratora plotted to attack tbo military tlorea depot and with thu (tarturod armi and irumu. nlllon njulp the ruvolutlonliU. The leader In the conspiracy, (lutlcr lez, recently returned from exllu lo wnlch ho had been condtniuid on acoountof a previous revolt agalmt tbe government. The authorities ere advlied of their plana and diet led to allow thim toiroceod and capture them lu the act of treason. Thu couiplratora ninde an attack on tlio depot, secured arms aud ammuni tion and at the momont they were tnkui by tur rite by tlio government troojw, who look jossesslon of both conspirators and their munitions of war, Tho country waa at once J laced under martial lat. Thu government Intends to maku an example of thu conspirators. A Cllr t.,11 lu llarkuri. McKkisi-oiit, Penn , March 31, The 1 leclrlo company's laut waa butned lo tlio ground tbts morning. Tho loss Is $90,000. Tho electrlo lines aro lelt without power aud the streets will be lu dai lines tonight. iuriti iiinimj llrldxra Ha.l.f.l Anr an.l llallroail Trallle Miuili,il. Mamian, N. I), Maroll 81, The Heart river Is so high that railroad tiiilneiawas suipended on tho tait end of the Missouri dlvlilon this morning. The bridge at the crossing of tlio Heart jmt west of Maudau, waa cnrrlid awny tills morning and all wist bound lrulnsstopd at Mandan. IheMlisoutl liver Is still solid and the water In tho Heart Is (.rudually UltliiU awny, lul It has risen soma lire fret III one night. Bo far there Is no danger to tho town. till. IIIIIIIAII AII. I..UI-.I on Arrniiui i,r ilia Irillral Nllualluu. Wabiiimiiov, March 31. In re el outu tu a telegram from Commis sioner Ulbboua ut Antlcrr, Indian l'irrltorj, sent last night, taylog that bloodihea: la Imminent bttHten tho rival Choctaw factions, Beire Inry Hoke Bmllh has commuuleated with the tiiritur) of wur with the ttiult that the olllcer In command of the United Btatus troow noarist the sceuo of disturbance, hoa beeu Instruct ed to Inform hlmnelf on Ibo situ ation nud Uku whatever action a necisiary. Agent Jlennutt at Muiko giehssalso beundiroctid to rocoed at once to tho locality and rerort ou the situation. The trouble grew out of thecharge of Immorality against Jllsbop Dubba who forthwith tocoded from tbo church protr and uslabllshed what ho clalmel was tho real church. Wlillo pelngat the head of this rival ecckslsstlcal body, he named Itev, Husier to preside over Iho worship era of Bt. John's church lu this city. II la estimated that about a huudrid thousand of the church members In all; sections of thu country professed faith and fealty tu Duble. Miauuhlle lllshop I.iher ap pointed IIuv. Bchwulker to sea to tbe destinies of (he Chicago cIiutlIi In question. Jloth clernymin roceeded lo assume the I ostnrate aud a law suit resulted on thu ttsult of which huug tbu autnf iU'.np U.inb ll'-ml I thsl more than n liundrsl iuiHircn ir pen Iiiik inroiiiii ut tlni Unl.i I StiKa wniilidtcltloii nllldiricil) nlliut In this cl y twelvo cvangillcal th itchis. IH.ablKt aimnirr Nfv omcMarill 11. The French simmer I, Ni rnntiillo arrival this nioriilug ieiottlbK that four dsjs ago she spuko lo thas lamerllekla, of the rnlcgfa'la Hue, die tilled lu mid. ocean. Brio made leinpiraiy le lira to tbo illsibleil macblni ry nod was rtunmlug on her coutso at thu rale l tlitlit rains tr hour, riio vriuel lisa jbwt tod niengcrs, of which sixty nru In the cabin. I II I III II u. X of Mnlrllual Namra In nSlrll lar (iinrl OTrAWA, Ills, March 31. Tho u it-mi court lu an i lalKirata c lulun fxreurf mi, has stilled tbo l.vaugoll eil churtli war, by oustlnr tbuDubbi lactlonacd liolJIng that tho InJlJn aillagciuril conftrenco Is Hie uuly lawful bu J, nn I thai Its adjudications an I findings regarding tho division lu tbo ihunli are flual nnd t hiding. Tho oplnlou has lasn looked for ward to with great Interest, no' only lu Illinois, but aim in Ohio, Penneyi vaola, Ore j on nuj Iowa, where spills liavobeen organized lu thu I.vauitell cal clmrih by tlio Dulls faction. The csia at hand upon which tlio supremo curt leuoJ, Is that of lluisers vs. HcliMelkerfromChlcau Tliesui runo Court iqlnlon Is practically In accoid wltbtbalof tbe Chicago coutt. SSIprillliil br lire, WiuttsuTuN, Del , March 31. The chit! of the lira department haa rrcelvi d word that the lost n of (laletia, EOillnbabltinU, was wiped out ly n lira this morning. No further panic UllM. Two htinJred houira were destroyed and several Hrsons wero severely turntd, righting thu fire. No, llvta wero lost. As thero Is no railroad or telegrai u ofllce in the town, It Is Im possible to el further details. Tho Homes wtre frame, neat aud substan tial lut built close together. Will. OJI! Ill MITIII1U Xn llr.uruaiilii.ll. hi I anecled this hra.lna Wabiiixiiun, Marcli 31. A Ilepub llcan senator who slauds high lu the (arty councils suld today that the iroposodsenBtorlallnviitlgatloua of a rlvatt character nud the re-orginlzt-Hon schemes would come to nollilni; thlsstsslou. They could not bo (til shlered while tlio uonlcsttd stsla u under tonslderatlon aud when ha suiject was dlsjisnl of Iho Bmac would protably u!Ji,uru, asthequ tu il would otherwise UKuipsar with li tar daya alter tbo Pnsldeut notltl t u Beuale that he haa bo further lldn j, to I resent to II. Ibe sub-committeo of ILo Bouato Judiciary oommllliawaa engaged for a time this morning In lotklug Into tho chareta jnade by W.N. Weeks, chairman of the Indian Territory Democratlo committee against J. J. McAllister, nominated to bo United Htltn marabalof that tirrltory. Ilia claimed tnat McAllister by reason ol having married a Chickasaw woman, weauolougtra iltlzeu of thti United Btatts lutuf tbo territory, and thero fore lnelli,lble to the a polutmeul; also that he has opposed thu Democrat ic organization lu the territory and uldtd tbe III liana In the recent ui rising, sii tiled them with arms and roinlsid them money; lhat ho Is a man of great weilth and power nmong tbe Indians, und by reason of Ills lulluento alleged lo bo Improperly used, hu Is beta rocr man lor Itaco olllcer. McAllister and his friends appeared before the ttomtullloc,, this morning and declared Hut these ohsrges were tiumi vd up for the purpose of defeating him In Ilia Intorcst uf rival candidates. The matter waa I ostuonoJtlll Monday. In tho meantime Weeks will lay the chargta before thu President. Arounil llir H.irl.liiu llirela. hT. Ix)CI3. March 31. Thomas O. Allen nnd William Bscbtltban, Wash ington university atudeuts,whu started from hero June 1.3rd last, to rldo arouod the world on blcjclti, arrived here today from Ban Franolsco, hav ing acuompllsbed the remarkable ftat. They wero caOJHed Into town by a cavalcade of local wheelmen who went out to mtet them. tAlllllT AT IT. Ill.liniir.l Anplleaularur I'u.llloiia an tba 1-allra I area. ClIIOAdO, March 31. Tho oily la prearlug to ut on several hundred extra policemen for the World's I air. Apj llcunts must I ass a writ ten examination. It was discov ered today lhat aorne one lad worked upascnemoby which appll oints carnocure Iho necissary question blanks ntrtady filled out In lerfict ahspe. The applicant comes to tlio examination room, lakis his blanks, pntenls to fill them out and slips them Into his, substitutes tho pre ared answers and lurna them In, Ono of them was caught at It this morning and confessed so much, flie name of tho man furnishing the bogus a era Is not at learned. Japan. Trmpla olililaleil. ClIICAUU, March 11, The Japanese tcnii la at the World's Fair Is complet ed, und at noon tho ke)s were de livered, with a ropalatoceremonles,tu the Jaj antso commissioners. I'loulbltioil. A ubllodtlalewlll be held In tbe Botlal hall tonight on Ibe question of prohibition. Messrs. PJalstod and Walters defend I rohlblllon and Messrs. Young nnd Druser 0)osolt. These gentleman aru able del alerr, belonging lo the V. M. ('. A. club, and a treat may be expected Thu chair will be taken at 8. Admission fret. "AlliQl HftJ." Tomorrow I elng a legal holiday, tho banka of the city III bo closed, riiolait session of the Territorial Legislature, e!otiguated Ibe first Saturday In April as "Arbor Day," and It was Injur euaucu of this provision that thu Governor Issued his proclamation, IthreeIf them go. TheCoumlssloncrs' Case Ruled Upon by tbe Supreme Court. MUim, JIOTI It AM) IIHOTII Ire HrqiU'teil to Krilgu Ihtlr li-pohitiiienli.-Yi'tiiit tlio InVMll gating Conimlllco 'llilul The anxlouily awaited report of tlio committee appolntud to Inquire Into tho charges nslntt United Blatcs Coranilsilouera Martin an I Moyer was made public jestirJsy sflernoon, shortly alter -1 o'clock, when Ihejudgea of the Territorial Supreraa ceurttook their seats on tbe bench. Tlicro was a largo attendance of members of tho bar, whosu curiosity In the matter was very manifest. Wtion lUllltl Bj raguo ha 1 declared the court tu be In session, Chief Justice Kino rimtrked, In substance! With refcrenco lu tho letlllonof certain members of the bar of this Territory brlr.?ng charges against fommlistoncrs Moyer anl Martin, the cummlllee at pointed ty thla court, consisting of Hon. C. B. Varlati,lIou,Androw,HowatuudUou. Thos. Marshall, having nude nnd t rescntoj their report to (ha uourl, the court orders that the report te filed nud calls for the real jnatlou cf C'ominlssic er Moyer, Commissioner Martin aud Couimlailaner liooth, to take efTeol on thu IStlidayof April Tlii oilier com missioners of this court heretofore ui pointed nro still continued. Thu court further orders the clerk of Iho court to cell upon trie various commissioners of tho Territory to furnish cerllllcitcs of the clerks of Ihe various counties In whlcjthoy icsldoand to which they aioaproluted, showing lht lliey havu compiled wltn the order of this court male on October 21st, IbST, In regard tu the giving of security u required b that order. Tllf liKivnT 1TSKU. The committees report was an ev cetdlugly lengthy one, and rovers ull the ground traveled over during tho four da) a' Investigation. It gives the nanus of nil the witnessed eximlned, Ihe plrt of their evidence, and the dls. closures In rogsrd lo certain omlsslous and coiuQsslous on the in of Martin and Moser. The llolbj and Freed cases, wmi.ll cime Into Marlln'a court, and tbe singular olrcumsliucss lu con nection with which were set forth lu thu ciluuius uf tbu N HUB st the time of the Inquiry, wero prominently Irought forward. The neii docketing of civil suits InUioeuni toull, with the understanding that the iilalntllle were not uxpeclal nnd should uot be required to pay costs unless and until the same wero collected from tlio de fendants wns referred to, and Ihe fol lowing letter, written by thocommls sloucr to thu Workingmea's Co opera tive association, setting forth the agreement In the cases brought by Blbley, Its collector, was reproduced In lull. Heed aud Criok, collectors, tuld the committee had substantially tho sumo uuderstuudlng with Commis sioner Martin, aud secret ermttted lo bring civil suits belurehlru, with the understanding that the tusts were lo bo mld only whon collected from the defendant, these collectors brought a large number cf oases, lu which, Ht private recess servers, they were permlltod lo seru the summonses, and when the casta weracjlected,$J werui paid to thcu lu a uumber of oases, $1 in about twenty one iw, aud $1 in two cases. '1 he evidence did not dls clone what became of the other dollar In eachof the iHouty one casts. It also apjtared from the evidence In this case that Commissioners Moyer and Martin ( racllccd In each other's courts. As lo Commissioner Moyer tho com mittee founJ lhat he carried over to hla docket from Iho docket of his predecessor about 100 civil tases, nnJ that duilnglhotune that ho hud LtU ofllce, OSUuddltlonsI cssia wero com menced boforo him; that he had twenty-seven criminal cases, and that at the datu when this Inquiry was ordered, he had In hla hands $53 col leclcd aud received by him as fees during thoyears lhSl and IbO.', which he has since aid over to the county, Bpoclat reference waa made to tha case uf the People vs. W llllam Hammond, charged with an auvilt Willi Intent to kill. Alter thu hearing and tbe ex. nmlnatlon tho tjmuilssloiier adjudged lua defendant guilty of an rutault and i!iiedhlin$-3 with $13 60 costs. Thu defendant paid Into court $3t 10 and was released upon hla own rtcogul zancr, but It seemed thu remainder of line was never laid. In another criminal case, tbe tommlssleuer re ceived n certified or guaranteed check for $100 on account of ball for the defendant, und panted Ihe same to his own bunk account, ant so kept thu money until he finally paid It over to Ihe owner. Il apptared that lie waa generally In the habit of mingling jubllu moneys rot el veil aa incl nr on aooouutof tall with hla own. Il also lrauilreil Irom the evldeucu that Moyer solicited accounts for col. lection, nud lu una instance uQored to buy accounts lor collection, the I rice could be arranged satisfactorily It did uot ar, that thu Intention was to bring the suits ou utcounts so obtained lu hla own court, but bo did bring suits on collections and radioed In Ihe courts of other commissioners luavery large num. tier of cases tefore him, process was served by private Individuals, aud tbe ollloial fees tliere'pre thargtd to and collected from tho defendants, 'Ihu committee found, top, that of the total number ot 05(1 civil Cases proughtle. fore Ihe otiuiniUslouijr, -123 were brought y fine llrm of lawyers, onu of whom was alsi Commissioner llauth nu J l.oforu whom Commissioner Moyer brought cists an i I faatlued. As a general rule no cosls have been paid lu those coli'Sf extort sa collected from thedefemlanls, aud 1M or more wero yet roudlug n(on Ihudotkul of the ucmmlsslouir uusettlud and unsatls. fled, In which thoccsti have not been ald. The committee denned It un important to determine whether there was an express airtcimnt lietween tin. mmmlsslunernnd this linn uf ntlcir writ. It unsa net lu ntlii't cssossurh au Hcreornsiit was ha I, nrd there .e.nisto lirevti letn n ilillliull in Uicm tartles nccomiliihlog thu iir posn just aa ell, cllvelj- ns I there had In in mi rrcea avrremont. Ihe evldeucu showed lhat both cimml' slobers In default e-m grnerall) chargeil $1 W, whlc I luclu Jts n 1 per dlsmiee, that res a rule the tosts are uot llrmizeil lu t lie Ir decke.a nn I Hint uenersll) tbo lie till for Unlti I Btitcs rotinnlsiloiHila has keen lol. hneii; that under tbu r villous of the United Btatea statutes, which er mils commlsaloners tho stmn couiixu tatlun lor services a Isnlloweil ehrks botn commissioners hnvethnrgcJ what Is termed u docket feu for maxlng docMts, InJi x tiy, tto. riio statute autlioiltliij this chargo was rieacd InlSSO. Iho eummutoo were uf thu Ol lulun that thu cbarglngof a trial per diem fou In dtfault cases, of docktl ftcr, of thu $J service tie, when paid lo rrlvato Indlvl luals. und uf the fees Ittsctlbed for Unite I Btates commit alone ra In tho UulledBtnto statute In civil cases or lu ti rrltonil criminal cases, nra llletel, nud In this pnitliii lar found Hint both commissioners charged txcesslvu fees Wu are of thu opinion (the tepoit went on) that time is no authority of law fjrthelailug of coats niiuit li fendants 111 criminal cases utouthe dlsmlsatlof tho charges against them, nor the Uilng or uati ngalust tbu oomplalnlug wituessia In cote of felony, when examinations aru held by Ibu committing magistrate, nor at ah, exce t as irovldaj by thoststu es u lascs evheren defendant charge I w in nuollente within Ihojurls He I m tun magistrate, Istrlsdaud arquiitnl, rinu the rosecutlon Isregulatly a iJuJe I to be unrounded and mallclou- Wo are further uf the o Inlon that the exacting of eommlsslouei'a toils Irom u dt fendanl charged with u crime, as A condition of an order font thango of venue, Is Illegal and an extortion. Htm wo direct attention lo tlio law of the Territory which makes tin mlede tneiuorforn Justice of the fence lo neglect to fay over nny flue recelvud bylilm within thirty ela)S niter Its colli ction. Wo think that lliu rautlce of solltlllu,; accounts for collection by the commissioner, whether asjudlclal olllcers or attorneys, Is lni ro tr, nml lu Hits particular It Is hard lusearatu tho personality oflliojujge from the attorney, thai the poruilltli g of suits, as a rule, lobe broujhlln their onirla by commissioners or Justices of tho I eaca with Ilia understanding lhat the costs aro not to bo paid ii) tlio laliitlllf, and baaatlsrled uuly us they nro col lected rrom the defeudsnts Hi ezecu lion, Is scandalous uul has a dirt it tendency to corru I the ndmlnlstratlon of Justice aud tuopiressdefeiilaulr. Wu think the ruction of ermlttlhg prlvntu collectors whu brlnrf suits U on many accounts buforu thuconinilsslou ers or Justices of the e ate, tu be come the process seivers of Iheee emits Ins ulsan like tendency. Ihe evi dence In these tases disclose, lu our Judgment, a statu of Ml sirs lhat lepieudsan Immudlalu remedy. We direct attention to the fact that lliero are llflytelght commlraloneri of this court now lu Ibis territory, six ol whom aru In Ibis til), riiese ofllcurs do not give bonds, and are In no wise risionslblu lo Ibo o lu whose nllslis they so largely administer. It would seem thai there Is a strugtlu for exist. ence betwte i some, at least, of Judicial ifllcers, auit that they rival each other In their endeavors to secure business for tlitlr rcsjitotlve courts. If these efilclnls could be required to give bonds, aud II their number could bo leluctd so as to meet thu attual wauls of the community, we btlieve that many of Ihe evils toniplalnid of nud found lo exist lu Huso cvsea would dls aiear. In conclusion, uu find that both commliulouers, as hereinbefore stuled, sulfired Improper ucts au I practices to themanlliat detriment and perver sion of Justicound lothuuresslouiif litigants, and which Undo I to tiling theadmiulstratlonof luitloalnto con teuj t, A rUiiiMSUC hKA.MI'. A Coal Healer an I t lunclliiian Illch liidiilgolna !tcrjpiing Mitch. There was au oxoltlng nercln no down ou the program at tho meeting of thncommllleeon markets with thu Mayor aud eighteen coat denlurs, lu thu Council chamber last night, Illch, In speaking to tho qutallon unJer consideration, said the coal comllnoaild coal to Iho dealers at so cloiu u riirure that In order to be auru of making something they wern cont rolled lo maku uvery move count hoi instance, If a consumer orders 1 Itick Bl rings ooal Ihe dealer would ofttu glvo him a mixture, say of (lasllu Uatuand Hank Bprlngr, anJ "You'ru u d d Hail" came tiuox reeled from SV. I, Cooper, oncu a lookkreper In thu rmiluy of Mr. lllon, but uow In tho coal bula less. Wllhubounl Itlch s rauij Into tho mid He of tbu 11 tor and towards Cooper exclaiming 'Take thai back" 1 hu two lulhgetenls met but were ic urated before a single rouud wna fought, James 1.. I'oote, at ol ler coal man, lolued In tho fracas in less than throe mlnutts the two tliok diamond dual era wire uirested ly Chief Paul ami required to put up $10 each, tilikh liny forfeited today for falling to aj prar bofore Justlcu Qeu ULd auawer tu a case uf abusive language and assault and lattery. AH TO iilK JIIMMJ (IK lOAIi. lx Inspector llrardslty Makes oiiie Marlllii0' Mali merits l h tunic ful Iluvlucss. Tho coal men, Hie Mayor and the committee on markets weru to hold un other meeting tills afternoon to agree on boiuu I Ian to aulmlt ut thu council session toulght. At thu time of going to press, however, they had arrlvod at uodellullu understanding. Council man lluardsle, who acted us chief executive of the city during the visit of Mayor Ilasklu to Washington, enld to u reporltrt "Mr. Illch li right when he acousca the dcalera of mixing coal. I was chief Inspector lor the rliy up to Hits tl no uf Mavur Ilniklii's deattuio east and t know what I nm talking nnoul. Bhorlly niter thu haw urdlnaucewan passed anl I was ipulnled chief Insr trior, several coal yard employes whose names I have Hi my pocket , cunio lo mu and said liny weru ordeied lo mix the cheat tr rradol of coil with Iho bttter klndi nnd lo send tho vholn out asnsuerlor quality and that thiy weru afrall to u Hils knowing they would be ar. rested. Phry refused tu ob y orders nnd every ono uf them weru diichnrge I. Hie moil will nil make allldavlts to tills slTrcl. I havn repotted lliu matter In the committee on markets nu I n full Investigation will now bo ma le. I lainenileranotliertase.whcra tsloppel two drivers ou the street. They wero delivering what uriortcil In bu Itock Bprlnta coat, runt kin I was lace 1 on lop, lut lhat which was under vs Cattle Uatr, while Itaok Bpnn js had betn I aid lor. urn Mirmvi: i.s ut. lnocli llatls' luunscl Mill tppeal to tho United Males Supremo lourl. In the Territorial Bupreme court yrsli iday altrrnooii District Attorney Varlan mintloui'd thecvoof Lnocli Davls.thu Vernal wife murlerer,wbose apealwaa illsmlssedb) the Judges on Wednesday. He stated that Davis had no attorneys In oourl, but that hla counsel Iiul Informed him that they IntondeJ appealing thu case tu thu hiipremo Court of tho United Butter, lu view of this fact he submitted the question as to whether or not the court should make an urder beloru adjourn ment la thu i fleet of nllowlbg Ibu aioslf Dsvls counsel ordered Ihe record sent up within n russonablo Hint. Mr. Vurlan fmther called at. tentlon to Ihe fact that It was a nutrition of Kin or death with Davis, and hu did not with lo see lliu defendant ny the death en!ty with ah) right of thla kind iiudeleriilmd, Mr. Varlan'a re marks v, cru made with the iindi return! Inz that the court wuuld adjourn until June, but ho was luformed that the court would meet again ou April loth. Judge lllackburn I'll see that he gotsall the lima he needs for auappeul, unyway. RUSHING WATER INSANPETE Sanpllch River and Canal Creek are Booming. Ilrslilsiila limn lli,,. stlrrain. rlar llasa li. Mote In lllclirr llruiinil lu linn tbrlr ltd llrj. CVrrrv etfriwl hturxi twt Mokomi, March LO, 1M3. Bptlng seems to hevo utmu at Inr'.l The Bin rcta valley la atlll covered (ith a thett of Ice and snow, but thawing bus let In so ra Idly that thu Ban Itch river la lust about (o overllow Its hauls at Ihe brljgu betueen Chester and Wale. Thisuflcrnuon tho water commenced pouring Into tho low laces aud guile) s from all uver thu fields mid lilllslJc. It looks uuw as if lots of ieorle living aloug the tanks uf tbu Han Itch, as well us many uf thosu uu the banks of Canal creek, will have to takurelue,u on higher ground before lliu siring thaw is uver. Wu shall not le able to do much crnpi Ing before lliu middle of Apill. lliu mountains uru limped with vast quantities uf snow much moiu than lias been known belorc alncu Hils val ley aus llrsl settled ly whltu ieule In 1DI9. Hjiuu aru roJIctlni; that all the brldki a uu the river will I u wuslu d away. Olberaauy that the croi a hav ing to bo planted so late will bo taught by thu frost beloru maturing In the autumn. However It may be, we should hoj a for thu best. It la quite certain that crone on the higher land will do Ihe btsl thla season, for Iho low ground that does not get ovorllowed will he so much uuderaoaktd lhat grain will not thrive at all. J. II. Ciiilu. Tho l.lit l)i). Hsvoral local sportsmen have been enjoying themsolvos tho ast few days ly lutting In Ihtlr best tlforts lo bag some wild gceiu ur ducks before tlio tlmewhtu Ills unlawful to kill the birds Onu business man Alio can.n In this afternoon reports results us filljwsi "llurned face, euro musoles, two duckaund $ U I twain bank uccour t. Hut that Is better than paying doctrr'j bills. The vlior I get Irom roughlip; It for a few daya more It a i camion saeiforlheoutlay. Hill it th laslu.y thu law ullows ahootlug uuiks, until after Bepteml erl.0, so 1 came lu," 'J hose Illlt-Ian. The Ihrte burglars who had been arrested for breaking luto the Tithing house store, a couple of weeks ngo, and sit sling some $301 worth of Jewelry, weru to have a hearing beforuCom mlsslouer (ireenmuu this morning. Charles Walker, one o' the trio, was ushered Inlothe presence of the com missioner at 10 o'clock, bul he pleaded not (.ullly, waived examliiatlou, and was hell to await Hie grand Jury's action in thu sum uf $.0Jo. A. 13. 1 rankllti unit J, II, Conway weru t comu up latter In the day, Other worthies may yet bu drnwu Into thu net. t oui t I'icKiiij'H. B. P. Carlson Is suing M. U. Bmllh in Justice Hall's cuurt to collect a merchandise bill amounting to $01. William U. Dean A. Hon have begun suit ognlnit the Ball Liku Ploklo com inriyin Justice Cltu's court to collect $110.1. flie Anderson Pressed llrlck com I any haa Instituted attachment I ro cccdluics Injustice Hall'sourtagaluit A. IrolutotolIeotJlH J3 Che II. M. Moj tr company has be gun attachment i roceedlugs in Justice Hull's court against thu 1 C. Collin Hnrdisaru company to collect fV-S. KZZ2tBmSSmmmillmESS3mi GETTIHG TO WORK, Directors of tbo Utah Manolicturers' Exchange Elect OUcers. STlli: OP UI llllS IT TINTIl. llcporlrd lltidlnguf a Mining Miner's llody In a Mcll.-allnlng lleiiH. riie directors of Ihe Utah Manu facturers' l.xchauge met at thrJCham bar of Comuiercu building last oven Ins nnd elected tho following nrvrrt l.llas Morris, resident. A. M.Urnnt, Hist vice president. John C. Cutler, second vice presi dent. Jacob Morllz, treasurer. A onmmltiiu uf Ihreo Meisrt, A. M dram, J.C. Cutler and F. W. Mardiier wire nptwlntcd lo arrango to recuru n. secretary who can work up Iho btisluess of tin. exchange. This commltteo will report i.t the next meet, liii, which Is to lu hold ou Monday, Arll 3rd, nl7p.m lu the Chauiber of Commerce. AVS-AIIUJATTINTIC. Frank V, Taylor cnuie up from J I.urek.i list nlgnt. He aaya that everi thing Isgolugouwith compara tlvu sinuolhness at the llulllon-llecit. There are now about 100 men lu the mine and mill, nnd this uuaiUr Is teadlly Increasing. ltcitnrdlng thu disturbances thero Mr. Taylor ssys, "Ihe Mayor and other local otlliers arodolng their best lu enforce Ihe law and preserve order, and lire doing well. 1 do uot appre hend any trouble Allaire aro going " ou all right ao f sr us general conditions are concerned. Till. ULATIMI OP MINMIS. The assailants uf the two Ilulllon Hoc miners at l.ureka hive not yet been apprehended The meu assaulted nud beaten weru completely taken by eurirlsu, und lu thu darkness were uiiubletotecogulza auyofthe lawless gsng, or oven lo Identti them. Inn miners' union secrutary sends a state ment that two of trio assaulting arty "looked liku a nlglilwatehmaii and a deputy marshal " As there ara only a few drpiiltea there, and the exact whereat outs if Ihrsnat the time of the icaurrencelsknowu, any sufgeitlou thai triplicates the olllcers Is eapeble of being dlsprivej. Tha statement referred to creates n strongs Jstlcluu ol "thief calling stuplhlef." I IKIIIAllbe lIUIimitEII Today another emsbu of the coro. net's Jury was being held ut Lutcka, totompltlethi In iiel over Ibe body ol Patrick 1.. Pltzjeralj, who dl.ap eaied II Tu witks agi, and whesn cor so wns found ycetardn) In a welt near thu poilolllcu. hen i'ltzgerald left Mairitnotli In I'ebiutry 1..1 for Lurrks, he told his brother hs would return In tao days Tho nsxlday he was teen lu l.ureka, but suddenly disappeared, and his Inuu Is OjUld find notrneuof him, He had alio it $113 In his i saessloti. Voitcrday P at. ma-ter Drlsooll wtnt tu the well, which la eighteen feet deep, and had ulout teu feet of water, uud madu thu horrible dlsojvery that a deal boly was at the uoltnn Ho summoned asdstance and Fllzzerald was brought out. A coronet's Jury was admnioned by Justlcu Pike. Au ex amination of the boly showed thatlt had beeu In tho water some time. Tho base of the skull was Iruetured at If by a blow or null, but how causul toull not bu determined by the evl deucu attainable. 1 Itzgcruld was -I ) ears of ne. I UuM 1111 ban JUAN. '. A. Hammond Is up from the Ban Juan country, llesnjs "Our mining biotii has subsided aud wu aru going qu ellj along. Thurewas a big rush in there for about slxweeks,aud then a rush nut agalu Boniuriiualned and kept ou roij ectlng, und 1 think It has aid them. 1 lollevo tbcru will bo several permanent cumj s uu Iho Bsn Juan. Thcie Is gold there that will pay fur taklug out, but the tleld Is net such as lu ullly the rush we had. lliu Henry Mountains district haa aome lairmaucnt camps, there Is aomo good machinery lu there and some ol lliu rulues aru turning out well. That teems tu ban rich district." MJTJ8. Dr. Heury Dodroot, a pioneer miner of California, and a well known con tributor to mining andeclentlrlojour rials, was killed at Alameda on Tuea daj. He waa passing over a railway track and was struok by an approach ing looomotivu whloli hu had uot y noticed. V The excitement at lectio, Colorado, lias stirred not only the people who ru.ll to each new discovery, but thu old tlmo pros ettors who havu struck It rich aud settled duwn aro carried away by the reports and are hurry I in; tu la among the llrst. Itecent reports give $S0J assays on the surfsco aud are heavy quartz veins BALI t.AKr. CI.KAlUMl IIOUSK. TuJay'a oleirlug house exchanges amounted to $231,000, same day last jeer, $330,111, Decrease, $l02,lol. Thu mucunt for the week was $1,312, 410, sane week lost year, J1,1P),7.1, lucreato$1S1701. 1 he t le irliiks lor Ai ill amounted to $0 1(0,109, same month last your $7,. 101,441. Decrease $1,311,018. TtlDAY'd qUUTAIIONa. New York Silver, 81c; lead, $3 83, London No quotations today,owng to it being observed In Luglaud as a holiday, out, AMI IIUI LION. Wells, l'argo V ('. received today; Mingo I ulllon, $5211. T. It, Jones & Co. received today I Ilulllon, $1300, ores, $3200. Total, $0700 McCotnlck & Co received today. Hllver nud leaa utes, $3300 W. fl M. B award had In todsv for assay two lots uf Old Jordau aud Oa. knu nre, 30 tone, und one lot of J, M. ore, SOS prniuds Aasayer Hodges ha I lu today for testing! Orolotof Utah ore, 121 tons; one lot of Horn Bilver oru, 117 tote, oce lot of Old J irdonuml Uiluua ore. :i tour, and four other controls.