Newspaper Page Text
II DESEIIET EVENING KTSWS. PKTD.AY, arAHCn ill, 3803. A )M TELEGRAPHIC. BEADY FOR BATTLE, The Greatest Excitement Prevailing at Antlers, I. T, I AT T11K JiATIOVS CU'lTAI. Senator Mlltlit-ll oil tlio Onutlon or lllglit to Stall In tlio Senate 1 he i oriel's Fair. ANiLrus, I. T., Mnrclt 8O.-TI10 Kreulest excitement prevail bero, iiil Itcilonra wkllttiK "U- bMcJ b""1" for the end. Today active iireiralloM were golui, on by both parllea tor n battle. This afternoon sixteen mount ed militiamen went through Here en route to Uoodland, where the mllltl I. being massed. On the southbound tralu there were elxlyflve more. lie. Idee these there are already Jaw. ! forces at Uoodland. J.ocko hae Willi, drawn (rom tho town and crowed tho river to hla ranch. Io one. knowa positively how many men ho bat w.lth Kim, but 11 li lielloved he bat a itroag. er torco than ever before, lloth aldei are manifesting tho most UoBiied delermlnatlou uoi to yield. When the iloih cornea U tho militia Is vlctoiloui fears aro entertained that they will wreak vengenuce upon those clllieni who endiavor toeetlle tho matter without low of life. Ho atrong had the feeling of uneasiness becomo tonight that Hon. John O. Olbbom, United Htatea commissioner, sent the I following telegram to llennitt, ludleu agent at Muikogee: Tho forces are atlll Incrcailng. Wood Ihod Html unavoidable, and that aoon. JIopu no United Htatei Lltlieni will be Involved, but am afraid they will. If you am coming, you lie Iter bo quick. John C. (Imno.NS. The following was alio eenlt IIun.llokeBmltb, Washington: The Choctaw forces are within two miles of each other. Bloodshed Is Inevitable unlets Immediate relief Is had. Governor Jones can bo reached at l'arla, Tex., tomorrow morning. I John C. Oiiiiiuns. I tub only oiriciAi. inhjiijiaiio 1 reirlved at the Indian bureau In ro- 1 gatd to tho recent troubles between tho rival factious on the (,'hoctaw reservn I Hod, was received yesterday from Agent Jlenuutt of Union Agency, 1. T. who telcgraphod as follows: .'lie Hal le dispatches from Antlers report that both factions of OhocUwa Iiuto disbanded. Tho fight yesterday re. suited In several ttlng wounded but liouo killed." WINIIIMITOV IT! JIN. I.Uaelrnns tot)ilf nets that Nnlllil ulluwllincitllMSurleeMulU. ' WAEHINUION, Match Si). Ill tho debate on the question of tho right of seats In the tionato of the irous apiolnted by the governors of Montana, Washington aud Wyoming Mitchell said! It would unreasonably augment and extend the prerogatives of a state executive over those of the legislative and subordlnatu and constitutional functions of the legislature to these of the executive. It would plsce a premium on treason to patty organization aud patty disci (Hue. It would encourago factious and minorities in legislature! In tlllUiitir ' lug ctlorts to Uefout tho election of seoulors and It would tend to prevent a fair expii'slou of the will of tho ma jority of thelrglilatute. In conclusion he expressed the con viction that a maoiliy of the Beuato would vote for tho admission of the thrio senators, but that such vote would overturn tho dellberatu pre. Lcdeut established by thoBenste alter full consideration over sixty-light yeateaL,o. It would tstabllsii u,re ledent that wculd result Inside of ten years lu havlngouo-thlrd of tho eiuat. ors men who oh od their teats to exeat live appointment aud It would lulllcta fatal slab to a great principle of alto. ) ubllcan government. The matter then went over, Mr. Tut pie having the lloor when tho subject next comes up. Alter an executive r-essslon the Benato adjourned till Moil day, KLATL3 01 COMQIUSSIONAI, Dl I LGA J10.SS. "But, Mr. President, what are )ou going to do with the slstes the congres sional delegations are fixing up for tho distribution of local patronage?" "I am gulug to smash them." This Is the question reoited to hava been put to the I'roaldeut by a con gritbiuaii end tho reply of the l'resl dent. lo make the matter a little clearer the congressman learned that while the aureement of a delegation upon local olllcere may have weight the President will not he bound by It. The Alabama delegation has decided to ahuudon Its slate and Ihls lend will bo followed by other delegations with tho reiult probably that the contest for tftlce will become n free-for-all race, and each candidate will run on his Asiltlant (Secretary Spauldlng has written tho following letter to tho col lectori 011 the Pacific const. This department la Informed that the practice obtains among Chinese laborers In this country of entrusting money lo merchants, which Is treattd as part of the capital of tbehuilueis, Chinese laborers who hao ntado such ajapoiltlon of their eavlugs, although not actively cngajod III the mercantile lutluess, aroilalmod to bo merchants and thereby entitled to ltavo tho tounlry aud return. Tho deiartment desires you to closely scrutlnlioLtrllll cateo which may he presented at your port of returulug Chinese. Innocase ehell Chinese bo jerraltted to enter as merchants unlets their right to the prlvllego bo clearly established and I where It o pears tho practice hortlu I referred to Is not attempted. 10 IIUIIT Ull, CHOMItA. I The cablegrams announcing cholera J lu Au.trla and Itosila do not create i ny alarm In oflklal clroles hire, No clllelal continuation of tho news has been reielved, but the govirntnent It ) rrparod for any ordinary emergency B that may uriro. I MT1E5. ' H Minister Kgon esterdiy cabled tho dejarimuut of stito that tnu pretldent H of Cblln hal appointed Uomlngo D Uauo envoy exlraordlnury and nilu t l.tur plenlpotmtlary to tho United Btatei. There woro no signs of a Isltlng lit In the rush of olllce-seekers at the White llooso yesterday, lhcycame early and stayed late, and soma of them would have stajed later II un opportunity had been presented, unitn"t 1 A I it.". lor l.llor. -Hull rtiuil Italrs. ClIIOAUJ, Match M President Hlglnbotuaniof the Woild'a Pair has luued an address to tho puUlla regard ing tho mlsroireientutlons nnd mis statements rolatlvu to the Imposition meuei-emeut. Ho f tho Kxpoil lion will bo oenfor visitors on Ma) 1st: that an abundance of drinking water will bo I tovlded ftco lo all; Hint amplo provision for siallng will Le inado without charge. About 1500 toilet rooms will be located at cinvenl ent irolntsondwlll bo absolutely free to the r ubllc. An admission fee of BO cents will entitle a visitor to enter all thoKxpcslllou bulltlngs, lnsct the exhibits aud tee everything within thu grounds excel t the liulmux village nnd tho rr roductlon of the Colorado clltl dwelling. Tor these as well as for special attrac tions on Midway PJalsauct, a email feo will bo charged. Pre o medical and emergency hospital service will bo provided, as well at commodious wait log-rooms In various I arts of the grounds. Tho presidents of tho roads forming tho western parsnger orsocla Hon will meet Tutsday next to Una ly settle World's Pair rout. It Is about dclirmlned that the rate will bo two and two-tenths cents per mile. For ixcurtlons roads may make their owu rates, but nosliepcta will 1 attached to excursion trains and no baggage will bo allowed beyond what the pas sengers can carry Unnanl Will rrnbablr Aeenil. Wiiiiinutov, Del, Motoh SO. Thomas F. Jlayard tayi his appoint ment as ambaisidor to Ureat llrllnlu was not unexpected and he will prob ably accept thu honor. Nat Nnranle 1'lifon. Piiif.Ai)U.liHA, March 3d. Mrs. II. H. Blarr, general racu agent if the American pigeon fanciers, esjs the pigeon's reported captured lu various sections of the country, having leg bands markid N, welo Irom Philadel phia lofts and not from tho missing steamer Naroulo. A Tjiirnritrr Trust. Tiifmon, N. J , Manh SO. A type writer lonipauy, with a capital of $.d, OOU.UOO, baa bem formed, aud thuar tides of Incorporation were tiled yestsrday. Among the companies luleresled are the Itrmlugton, Vest, llauimoud, Callgraph nnd American. THBFRENCH CABINETCRISIS The Ministers Resign. Excitement In tin Chamber of Deputies. llinrje Acalllsl Hie (nimilliiil llotrru liiriil.-llriitnllaiill Utlltd - Miser lu Irimunx l'Altig, March SO. Tho minister!, nftsr tho vote In tho chamber on tho liquor amendment, tendered their resignations to President Carnot. Tho president e-rged them to noonslder their determination. Ills arguments wero In vain, howuver, and the minis ters Insisted that their resignations must leaccef taj. At B IS o'clock the dcrutles rjar sembled. All outward eigne of acabluet crisis wero npurent In the crowded galleries aud among tho nnhn iled groups on the floor. Whin Castltnlr J'erler took the chair all llio mlnlsti rlul places wiro vaiaut, but a moment later M. Tlrard, minister of flusuce, announced In it few wurds that the cabinet had resigned, but was charged by President Carnot to carry on the allalrs of elalo for a short erlod. lie would thereloru ask tho cnainber for a vote on account to cover the next two mouths. Tlio chamber relerred the retort to the budget coimnltleo and then took n recera. At 10 b'olock, tho hour Set tor riawembllug, not a ihalr In the whole lioue was vaeaut, and hundreds who could not gain Httendatioo were wait Ing at the entrance to L,et the earliest losslble news. The disorder which the president was unable to quiet was hushed the moment I-ockroy stepped to the tribune to aunounce thedeol slon of tho budget committee. In a few words ho stated that tho com mlttoofeltlt would be Inexpedient to grant the request mado by Mr. Tlrard lor two months' tu piles, Lut would recommend a vote covering one month from tho present time. Bhouts of api roval groeted the state ment. The brief discussion which followed was oue tldid, as thu dltler enco lu tho o lulon lu.thoihumber praollcally concerned only the quea. Hon ot whether euppllis should be cited for oue month or not at all. Eventually the report of thu commit tee as adopted by a vote of 61) I to 5 and tho chamber adjournud until '1 ucsday. It la rumored that Devello, minister of forelgu allalrs lu thu Itlhol cabinet, will be uiked by Prisldeut Carnot to form a ministry. Till III IIIMI AHIIITItVTIOV. Thelasel'rcaeulril li, Hit, I', N.r,runte nuil llrlllali I'nrllnniriit. Paris, March .10. Tho cases and couutercateaof the Unlled Btaloa and Ureal Ilrltaln under tho treaty to arbitrate tho Ilerlug Hen dltllcultlea between the two countries, wero sim ultaneously tent to tho United Blates Benato toJay, and tot tin house of r llamtut In J.ondun. Ilrlelly stated, tho cat" of thu United Btutea ib that all the rights of Ituislo In respect to leal llshirics lu llerlng Bea, us to tho water boundaries established by the treutyof Maroh rti, 1SU7, between that nation and the Untied Btates, uud all the power aud authority posiested and asierted by Itmsla to protect tald rights, raited unimpaired to the United mates; that tho United Htatei shall havo such property and Intereit lu llio Alaskan seal herd as to Jurtlfy the employment by thai tui tion upon the high teas of such means as nre reason ably ntcosary to prevent the destruc tion of such herd and lo lecuru the touHSfilonand teneflt of tlio tamo to tho United Btates, and that all acts and roccedlngs thu United States had donu and had for thu purjiose bf pro tecllng such property and interest were jusllhable and stand justified, aud Hint ttomjiouiailou should bo made to the United Blates by Ureat Ilrltaln of the amount of loiuia of tho Unlled Btatts, irsuchothiriura as may boio med I to ho in I, I Tho ean nf Ureal Ilrltaln, on the olherhsul, Is that llerlng sea It an otn "oi In which nil notions have a right to fish. Iloth parlies flics claims for ilsmaget, tho Unlled Btutea for losieato its rovenuo and on account of tholotsesto the Alaikau Commercial compin), because of tho reduced number of skins taken owing to tho dlmiinltlon cf the herd by the relaglo tealuf llrltlidi vcesclt, aud Urent Ilrlt aln on account of losses to owners of Vettcls tilled by the United Blates. rilactali.llr'a 'liilliitl. liONDov, March 80. In the com niotit this morning Mr. Uladstouo mado a motion that after I.ailrr gov ment builnrts should havo precedence. Alter oljecllona by Mr. llalfeur, (let ebon and others tho motion was carried, liiilrrn llrpiirt Innlrn llrlril. HALirAV, K. H, March JJ- Dr. wytkwm, pott oincer, und Dr. Mc l'owi-ll, reprttentlng the Unlled Btates government here, tclegroihcd thu agents of tho Jletver rileutushlp I.lno lu Now York this eeulng that their slrjnierliikoBuperlor lolt liero with acTcun bill of heallliaud none of the Immigrant! had cholera or any other contagious disease. Nriiaallmi In lb Innaillail l'arlla in nil. OrrAWA, Ont , March 30. Utter, a Liberal, created a sentatluu In parlia ment tonight by atscitlng that ho could prove that the government had sold n ludgeuhlp and poBlmattrrihlp. and used the money for catupilgn I ur poses. Us mm cilled lo order and com; oiled lo withdraw. HeT'ilnlloiiUla llrntrn. Panama, Columbia, via Uilviatou, March do. A telegram from an otllclil toutcu has been recolve.l fruitt Comagaqua, lu whlc'i It Isitalud that Ueneral Vainuex attacked tho revo lutionist, and won a signal victory. Many revolutionists were killed, but tho government troops tacaf od without loss. I similar llrinoiiillsra Miter. Vai l'Aiutii). March SO Them has been Issued lu Uruguay a decreu order ing thedemouttlzitlou of all foreign silver. Tho forces tout by CaUmaroa to Bauta Iloia bine puldonrn tho ro vo lution there by armi. Il.ii laterranluxlllTr. VAtl'AliAiw, March :tj A corres pondent at Arllgas tclegrahs that General Tcllm with his forces has arrive 1 at ltsge. Ueneral Tavent abandoned his petition near thero und lied louurd laouBtembo. A deterUr Irom Baravcls't urmy says the wcund rd wtrolelt topcrlih lu tho tuud,tbu levolters hthesdlng thu (risouers whom they tajtured. Uo to biarll'a for Patent Medicines. No sckage uollee hua attracted so much nf the consumer's attention as tho (lohl Hand. Try it. Uo to Bcatll's for Drugs. J. C. Jensen wishes to loform his friends and ntrons that he hasauumed the manage ment of tho Inter-Mount aln Abstract Co ; will guarantee nil abstract worl. entrusted to us to bo ac curate mid complete. Ofllcc Itoonii 00 and C7 Commercial Illock. 'Xullrr. U. h. llllason has removed lo No. 20 Main Bt , opioslte . C. M. I. Ycur breaklast t iblu will not be com pleto without Quid Kami ( ff-e. The ro IsonlyoneHcarll. THE HOTEL TEMPLETOH. The Hotel Templeton Is opnosllo Temple hipiatcs Tithing Ofllces, Ilsglo Uale.Dui HIT Nl lliilldlng n id all points of Interest In Bait hakuCitj. Tnr- t'ui I kv, B. C. living Proprie tor. Half block Irom Post Olllce, 4 doors froui Pullman ticket olllce, Main 8t Itatci $3.00 tr da;, bftctat IKal Jtattt. Bait I.iko'a big, now hotel Is Tho Knutsfor.1. Homelike, elegant, cen tral and renBonablf. TilK WlliTh HouaK. Again under good management, Mrs. V. li. Podlech linvlng relumed irom California and Inken charge, Willi po ular holelman M. P. Uerrno as manager. beam Isyourlrlmd. II Toiile Irnulile, lint lie l.'ot II. Atxiut tno or three rnontha ago I purchased from) on a bottle of Cham lerlaln's Cough llemedy, put up In Des Moines, Iowa. Buch good results wero obtalued from Its uso that I encloso on dollar and ask that ynu tend me two Imtth-Bby express J, A. Bcnnr-v, 18 K. loth Bt, New York City. To II. li. l.tne, Druggist, Peeksklll, N. V. Mr. Bcrlven Is presi dent of one of llio largest thlrt faotorlca lu New York, mil widely known lu business circles When troubled with a cold give this remedy a trial and, like Mr. Bcrlven, jou will want It wleu again In rued ot such u medi cine. 00 cmt bottles for sale by Z. O. M. I. Drug De t. dAs A-I.anr. Blncelts Hrtt Introduction Elcctrls. Hitters hss gahwl rapidly In populat favor, until now It it clearly In the lead among lure meillclusl tontra and alteratives coctilolug nothing which t ermlls Its use as a I eve-ate or InloxVt cam; It Is recognlMd at tin besl aud purest medlolue for all ailments of Blomaoh, I.lvsrlor Kidneys. It will ouru Blca Hodache, In llgestlon, Oon etlpatlou, and drlvn Malaria from the sys'em. Bctltfsctlon guaranteed with etch bottle or tie money will be re funded, l'll-u only 00c. per bottle. Bald ly A. C. Buiilh A Co , Druglita ats 1I...I li. Nate llnelur Hill. Iron Chicago Vallf Catvmtt. Many n doctor's bill has bem taved by thu uio of Chamberlain's Cough llemedy. Thu name Is a household uord In many parts of the country. Chamberlain's medicines havo an ex ton.lvo sale lu the World's Fair City and many people testify to Ilin mirlt of their dtllerrnt remodica. 1'or saio by '.. C. M. I. Dtug Dei ' d is Help us to help ypu by cilllng for Hold .land Ufr,u when ordering ) our groicrlos. Bcarll wanltyo'ir trade. tlllrnuu. The flrit-clata round ttip rato to Chli'sgo via the Itlo Urando Wi Hern la iOJSJ. TIckelH on tale every dsy. Tw o through fstt trains dally at 8 03 a m. audi) .5 p.m, Finest tqulpment. Uo lo BcarlT'a for Poifumet. ! DEDICATION OF THE TEMPLE , And 63rd Annual Confd trice. Thu Union Patino will tell t xi urslon tickets from all points lu t till, and prlnclral points In Idaho and Wyom ing to Bait l.ako nnd return, helling iniOjden,Paysnii,nn I (ntoriuo dlate pnlntruncludlng Utah & l,tala and B. Ji. eV. W. branch, A nil ".rd to vtli Inclutlvr, gooit for return until April 10,and Irora nil other joints, April Sill toOthlucluslTe,good for return iiu Ill April SOU. , ,,.,. Tralut tetwetn 0;iltn and Bait Lake will run et follow irom Ali tth to l)llijtirliitl BTATIOM ::i.ul IIIUUHII r.tul " - Ln tm am am itul " OrSeti Iv s.t5seo eoli nA.ee1 ieo liooisr Ml, '" hi i li,loa " tMlMIODlllliMS w, ; M-,,5',.'"J" " larmlnctoa '- WW I-II nil 'O lMM?nt " HII I til I, tl W (,Me?He " OIJ "" Mull'ike nil. Ar 0-tM.M l.e It 10 t lei Uetiirnlug trains will leave Bait I.ikeasfollowsl lnrOfaeasnilrotnur-ttt ..... ...t.Wem laltrneaiaM lelals lielaw ninth an macho etleT;.. .. 10 OJ am loreiatn.lntcriiiiliateiolniscacee allryaat l'aik Ulr ,nd;joS loronilen lolenneellato eelnli in J ex m iojo&titn apil'aVlTDtriMeii'ia'la lielnls 11,11 fin Tralna from polnlt Houth will run at follows A.nlM'h to DIM 8ttlos (t BCIAI MiaviA laro l,"!,'...J ' w """"'""""""I"" -air :::: ' 1?.l! 4 M Jn.l, (0 lt 1W Jar::::::fcu:HS.-rS iS fnl,li folk .... .. 7IJ ;j ;;' eirlnirllle . ' .A(j- ' t,m Avii too e.lo 119 loo Uio lew . . ha t it I ft I to !leanll.m. 7 1J Ml . I 60 Arnrrlcaiilort. !i "!'!? ! JJ Unl 7J - "HMSI 111 hercs-I J llliili alley"" ZZZ -U "Ul '" f laliOell-- - " ' I eilar t.rl .-lilt l Uli JuuciiiuT "str ZZ jw I J M li w ea'S"" rr 'HTn m Junniin ... en n)w an l-.nmniii , mi . so iltrmai la BUI "' ,M, tt Iraarvln .... Ill Ml it 17 11 emu.-, mr mo ftsijiew ir ltFliinilng trains letve Bait l.ako for Kureka, lMlltord anl ull olut Bouth at T.-SO n. m., for Juih and inter mediate, points Ht 4 .1 p, m , end for Provo and Intermediate points ut 6 00 p in. nnd 0.00 li m. 1 rains on Utah A. Nevada Branch will run an follow. T-rnilnul J a in 1 II W i imkIo .,... a li . uo I n i ma a in : io lUllvTsy llnuisl s 41 I) Id lklolnr tin HI Itsillclil N 5S Ml Tt I liatni ers ... 0 In 3 n Afl Jonlnn vil) 1 ;l as Salt Uko 0 1' I I 00 Ileturnlmr, tralrs will ieavu Bait Lake ut 7. J'i a.m. nud 6 (HI p.m. NiiTfc. Train leaving Terminus at l.KApm. and Bait l-ike nt 7: 1 1 a. m. will not run Sunday, priivin. D i;. Huitt.i v, Oi n. Aft. Pass. I)cptHalt l.tku Cltr. The Union Pacific Depot nt Bait Iiake City Is only t.irnu blocks from thu Temple and Tsliernaole thteu blocks nearer than ioni etitor'a depot. Blrcetctriconrictwlth till Incoming nnd oulgolng trains. Call on our nearest agent for one of cur lcmpluBouvenlrs. Bcarll! Bctrfl' BiarUI BcarlH iMimneiiov I beg to Inform my friends nnd thu I ubllo generally that I am located at t West, Flret Bouth Btreet (In 1.. U. Holding's electrical supply store.) Bollctt orders for a!ntlug, graining, aer hanging, aper cleaulng, raloo mining, glazing. etc. My aim will bo to glvo tho best of tallsfacllon by my lirronal eupervlslon over nil work In truilcd to my care. Very ltespcclflllly, Wm. I'. ICnaito'T. Beo the liandrome pictures eonlnlnf d luvich package of (inld Hind lofTet. BcarlTcBU Hllnny ireicrlptloii. 1lrl,er;tnl I rom lllil lillrell Sllne At J. B. Morse A. Boca, removod hi ISO B. MaluHt., Ill Western Union Tele gra h Olllfi'. If your grocer does not Keep f.'nld llaml toiro jog hit memory till he does keep It. EneklSM'a Arnica Metre. Tun Uxor Balvi. In the world far Cuts, Unities, Boree. Uioera, Bait llheum, Fete r Bores, Tetter, Chappel Handa, Chilblains, Corns and all rtkln KruptiOHs, and positively cures Pile, erno pay required, It is guaranteed t-i give perfect satisfaction or money is. iunded. Price So eenU per box. IT,, 'rajtj'j A, V Umlth b Co. Wa author!! our advertised diuggltt lo sell Dr. King's iow Dhnnvery for f onsumptlou, Coughs and Colds, upon Ihlscoudltlou. IfJouarHsirilcted with a Cough, Cold or auy I.uug, Throat or Clint In uble. and will use this remedy us directed, i,lvlntH a fair trial, a-iu ei irltnoe uo btnellt, yuu may return the boltle and have your money re funded. We could not make this offer did we not know that Dr. King's New Discover) could bs relhd on. It never dhappoluts. lllil bottle free at A. U. Iiullh 4. V D lie. Store. te Its blue tiVtiirlil Slide Iteniilal un. Counif J u , own, Aonparltl Chamberlain .Medicine Co , of Dm Moines, Is on Iowa lnaiiufuoturlng Institution nnd oueln which thu resi dents of tho stale look ur on with ride. Chamberlalu's Cough Itrmedy has becomo national in reputation anil known In marly every househol I in tho Btato and lhroiir,hout the treat west. Itimirlltare beiiomlng ettab lUhed In all Wis of America. 1 or tale by Z. C. M. I Drug Dept. die Collma Coflee It unequalej for Purity mil Fltvor, ,';' ' A.U, BiiiTure Co.,I)rugeHti,t,oiits otltebsrls' Hesperian t'ealo. Dr. liurrsirs, Oculist, Aurlst and Op. Ilcian. biKctatle lltlod. ComiBUClal Dlcck. , i Hcaitl wTllUieloti right, I Cluaplbut good. The (lull Ilnnd (.11 i'fl Is nost on Iho high road tube oomo the rci lo'afaierllo, i Salt Lake Theatre ChnitJ, tiort n Minigtr I-C5 rntir n ! i t&y ?-, HarciTify prTl' '. jt"$rlf A rliiZNov1y ( i OactETDMSGABia e '.'T I tli" I Hans vTOV' PttirJaolton lmi3rf tndcrtts Manses raao ii v i-rii-c-, tir. aor, se, fflj Ul i Ull Alltarllnn flSI I ,,"' Loolj Jarnei. it 1 ,'k lawdas -Irser.soa WI A if P " Ulniloi ViiOfJ. Oi r We Ine lnjr-lltl ello. (CTJl,'53l-, l'rlivall W,ll,Mil s-' to;4 anjr. sit ,m eslolrl March II. i "- HJ'.'T ' an., TTfri'WtsKa Vrrk 01 Till I ItAl XIAllltSitK Our 1 ojiultr so kin ipn in tho Great A Runaway Wlfoj rurnlshod nooma. An CBlirft new iiow on in)cni Since John lUbiuD tr it, lie SUtitoJon, la Curio ' "' XQo. ADMISSION -XOo. NOTICE. BY ItmilMf STATION Or THRO MP ilonmn CtiHt et Mil IjiVo Cttjr. a ronvrn tun Ut.ricbr railed tifontcnt In lli I Irrk LltkiaUm, In aatcn lluil 1 uft nl B m, prll ;ih, of U a protf h pro li f tholcrrltoryc f Llih forltiei or.smtj of Ukinc umteJ Helton in rfjisrlto a inirr rrprMPntfitlon nf 11 e t-rntcli rrrUrnttt of Ultti at tho lo.ui.ibian J koittou Onrinr tie nrrk Uftolttl lu rllltl iramr and atnupen-ciili, Joly Iiiri i-i July UI. iwx r-ciurntncnin tiitir rr rt lire I x alltira arn re luolr 1 1 1 tnct nut! fleet rriioeniallvr anl fch I ai many a ioiBttl iiiat a HiorouRlt rf t reiiittit.ort inarleliaC let tho icfti-nnne loiyicalif a toi le l o.tinwm urri lavtt Lcenthe Uo uetra cf liberty and rh iliatlon Aul 1 1 all ton airlrk U ynur itrone. An 1 liKl ll (.tan'ini n muitrr, An 1 1 Ity tak llm irnMltM ark i I at trio t iilia tour lutro. Lnrnniurrf4l yftfur lrarn ur train, t rae toltiro or frae ha' ga WeM truaiyoftillio I am) yuu rain At tiome ur In Chicago liAMIl MIUOV. Chalrpi an nf otnntittco in charge A Wolcomo Moqaonpor faihnbnnfrerof soo-lnevti. ouojuMn t fd letter ntnatban ile anooanrtinent ofouraalo of Hen a ai J TliiMrc n a cloth I rn ItftMelr ma bcoauie it rnrnra wfll for yott anl lor lh eo.tttiJ any ult you I uy will T- iiioyouHlulenymi utir it Wvlrume loixrttorai o ruMn t ro anfttticruclte Itil alf aofcood adatae. c nro urffrhii: Hprln; NiiIIa for II ru runK."K from ft...-U lu H2 (10, antl for tlillttreit rutifilri from H 1 .00 luUm 00 Tbote gooJf are not itiop worn remnania Lut frftti imrrbatfta for tlio ring trade Coma i ut ratcti (urytti)u(i in the frit Uuib ot IjirlP blooui OTSTJSl XTtlOE. J. P. GARDNER, 141 MAIN iiTRiCr. ClteJapaHBe Bazar. - ORNAMENTAL & FNCTCOOPX ld Ktnjlblnulu Nowflljlt, -';- ttcdui'cd I lice. QUONG CIIONG WING, D4 CAST SECOND SOUTH. WE KNOW OF NOTHING THAT CAN COMPAflE WITH THE GRAEFENBERG PILLS AS A FAMILY PILL. THEY ARE NOT ONLY MILD OUT EXCEED INGLY EFFEOTIVE. TIIE BEST HEADACHE PILL. THESE PILLS CURE ALL rORMS Or MALARIAL DISEASES, OIL- IOUSNESS, LIVER AND KIDNEY TROUBLES. THE BEST PILL -ron- YfElKNESS AKD MERYOOSHESS. Sold by All Drugglili. GRAEFENBERG CO., Ill Clurabiis Street, M.Y. PECK'S HOT SPRINGS, J SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. jHi X PLEASURE ttnJHEflLTH RESORV"" S trstrn lefallible er rionrrstl.m l-cnt catarrh, Lea I l'ntiotunf, and all LlooJ Iritwlii snililtD OLesscs TeDir-erattlrollr.. Il!auti Swimming Pool 250 loot long. '.'. Plunrjo Bath 70 feet Ion a mM Prlvato Plungo Calhs for 'indies. Mat HOTHL AND nCSTAUftANT ATTACHED .... flfM SMPPESI ; LADIC3' PELT SUPPERS F0H 75c, WAS SI.00 and 5125 - 3 CHILDREN'S FELT BL1PPEHS FOR 2 jc, - WAS 40o jjj UIS3E3' FELT SLIPPERS FORMOc, - - WAS GOo B LADIES' FELT SLIPPERS FOR 50c, - - WAS 70o ft jk fUBBEH BOOTS Ladies' Rubber Boots - for $1.25 11 Misses' Rubber Boots - for 1.00 JS Children's Rubber Boots - for 1.00 Wk Special Cat on m Pom Poms, Feathers, Velvets. Ladies' VK Underwear and Ladies' Coats. ' TEflSDELi'S. J TO BUILDERS! I Wlll.V iOU WANT I.UMIII It, SAHIf, DOORS, HAIID- jf9. tIH, LOMniVATIUK I UNCI. Oil IN I 'ACT ANY SBi ailINd KMT IN A MltST-CLASS I.UMIII. It YAIID, 111! SM bum. ami camj on mK JAMES W. EARDLEY, M 625 STATE STREET jl QOALTIffl & Stox.'RnvBjY. W0 j Will Sell You a PIANO, ORGAN, VIOLIN, GUITAR, MANDOLIN, BANJO B CLARIONET In fact anything In tho Muilctl Llnot at Lower Prloes and on fl Deltcr Torms than ony olhor firm In the Western Stttei. COALTER & SNELGROVErr&eSalt Lake MUSIC DEALERS j JAY O. WEMPLB OOMF Y j J31.W1V. NEW YOItK. Wa.;2'.,? iVV. CHICAGO. '- !B3CFIS,EiZ 'J WINDOW SHADESsSPRINO ROLLERS AIIE THE BEST MADE. Gold by all Dealers. 1'tieae Qooda are all Hand Jfacltv , f . t I 't QOLOMQNr BROTHE-RQ J ft J Tho Most Sucoossful of all of our 11 -3- HOMEvINDUSTRIES w , AM lathu manufnoturo of Boots and Shoos. jfci, t Unoxcolleel by any aro thoso f of OUH MAKE, k 'j WE USETHE RESTOF IEATHER AXD flLUTRIAlS. TjJ Our work la ilono by hand und warrantad. J j """ Wo carry alao Comploto Linos of " Jl 8Ladlos' Flno Footwoar and jjfl Mon'a Glovos, jl OLOMON BUOTHErO 1 fim RUPTURE 'I & PERHAHENTLY CURED OR NO PAY. il ( Utfi " eleleiillon from Imtlni-ii. i.l.r ri li I sail eOalleiiUlullil.lnlarrolorailiianl ,ll a. . Lf) llonal Ilaulia In llruter, al.u SIcLelnlck Co. KM A J& "ankers, dill laao B ft f iDeMlljataourmetlnvl Written innraotea to atilo. l ii'M A UtaicnwallkloU.tltWrt I Hitbottisem with. M Bief J 'iieleos orllMl'l. Ull bllUMIL.numaluruthuir .) S5SrJjr- ton.: nn-uina IVBB .?ir EXAMINATION TREE. (tJJJ dSKMSifcek THE -E-MILLER C0MPANY- m SitlwwSeftri. ' """' " ' o I J C inilltBtlrai lltocV, Salt LaLs If tjSmWWJW'K) luor u Man luBl in ,WM lfv5MVeSlaSi. I.U.lalvr, eUNU iOU LILlIILAK " jU