Newspaper Page Text
w 'rnr.r evening .raws, hmdai MAnot :n, son. r, ll BRIGHAM YOUNG AlADEHY An IntfiMlhiK Msii to Ibis l'loncir ISoiuiil l'.TtrjwIicroln tlio Tertltorr, nml, Indeed, In man) lotns ot nelulitotlnx llatet and territories, ouo hears of the IlltlRlmm, thu leading Mormon liiBtltulloii of secondary edu. cation. Ittliereajounir, liller wlio iptiU rattleiilarly well; a man putlied far In ndraticool lilt jean lntoitonll lo I oslllona In political, social or butlucsi llfi; it yuutti httoautt them poliilt I to bylatkeis and mothers as a altera? 'riiooddrohlllLo named te you an IibtIiib bteu a student o( lull famout Imlltutluli. I-anioiii allko It Is for Ita nnmo nJ the nature of lta teachings A to thn latter It ! enough. t say thai lit motto lioi evidently beoni Character lint. I knowledge atletwards. Jlavlnii occislon to 1 an through 1'roTo on ray way to the capital, I de termined to pay tliu icbool a Tlilt. Ten yrara aico I to'ir.l oil for a similar luriuae. lheii It was located on Center street, In n commercial build. luK uLlch had uTldcutly been I ro Jcrted on too largo a scale for thu town, or thu lulldei's urse. At any rate, It , was not stocked with itoods, tut ur chaatd liy President Young for a tcliool. Thotiir lloor had scned thu pirposo of u theater. At tho tlmo of mj Tlall the wliolo building Inilde had lecn romodclod and lUBiif.lfil nothing so much at a cum lex behlen till til with wutkers. Already thu ijuarlers hud become toj narrow for tbualtvudaiiie,uud splendid uddlliotm Imd Ueu iiujictud ty Ihn board additions which eru no turner euuijlfttd a juir later than the whole tliucluru wua uistruycd ly lire. "Wliatwllltkcydo now?" thought I, when I riad tticiraduiinoiiiiccmeut. "1'raollcall), the. Intellectual rool, lolu eiicak, has lean burned orvr the hca la oHouetudttilr. Muit tiny all iH(eran fur their lii-nite?" Ill n lew days uimo llioiieua that lliu ichcol waa In full l.loll; It Imd loit Lut olio day. l'ltsl dent A.O. Hmoot, wliun bank bull J. lug wa juiicoin, leted, ami Mr. U. H. Jones, who wasjual ready tu move Into ii new aioiti Ketieruusl. turned orer thu uu ut tlielr tiouaca till lieller accomodations could Ui secured. lSur can one couculru of a more noble bouit-waruill K than Illll. 1 Ueru ruoma will never net cold aitalu. Whenl all.lited from the train, my loiiiji wilon, wlin, by the by, was a last ear's student, but like me Uti vlill. niK ttieatHJeiii), pointed out n barn like itruclurs near the Ueput,ii ereut 1 entering an new of ground. "Unit la the Z. CM. 1. narehouic," Mid hit "lu the upper liall, the J I. i. Academy liai iieeu mall I say caiutlnii? tlnce '31, six mo itha alter the II Ii. Herluutl., 1 ouytil only tu sieak Willi gratitude of thotu Yac-ut lulls In reality they wero more roomy than thuoldonit, and we soon l,ol accustomed to the clamor of the locuRiitlrca and tlio III. slnKofsteani. "1 shall i-oeer forget the morning we vucated. It waa the 4ih uf Jan uarya)urni(o. 1'iclure fjuoatudcntt arranged lu matching tile In the lirge utieuioly room, tinging at they atanj with lieaili uncovercu; l'ralse Uad Iron whom all bettings How,' led by that grand old uiau, Dr. Karl (J. Mutter, wtiorehrad had cronu while lu ranaluK the academy what II If, and whom etirj studout luvod at u lathi r. " 1 he recei tlon la tho new I ulldlnir," coutlnued ei) eiithuilaatlu coiupunlon htwiiwalked aloutf, "waa mote lm laiiliiKbut lias touching aavo when Ur. Mtoaer alniott broke down with emotion In dellverlne up the charge ktveu him by 1'realJent Young alxtteii jrara brlolt, lo attume hla preaelit wider Hell of uaefulueaa aageueral luicriiitendint of cliunh cliool. "The iirtaleat comlort a-ild hi, that litlped tuauitaluhlui lu Ihua tearliu liliutellawsy from endeared aasocln. tloua waa the IhoiiKht that lilatuc ribaor, l'ror. ItenJ. Clult, whom, aa htudetit and toaouer, ho ha I known from boyhoud, waa lully nuallHeU ti fill hit lai.e lu the Imlllutiou, a con II H uce which the laat two eara' work howa waa will laced. Allogether the day l not la.lly forgotten, l'romliient vliltors from all atlic( the rerutory, am og whom ire UoTtruor Tnomaa nlid thu Hrt l'retldeucy uf the (.hurcli, added their cheerful jretence to help tho warming. Hut lieru u u are lu slht of the bu Idlng, so 1 need nut attempt to dtacrll u It." I regret that I cannot retvnt ray rruilers with a bctler lciuroof the ucademy than thu letter cut at the lu iid of this ulticltj how ever, It mutt mmu 111 lliu ol a dwcrlpllon of thu i utaldi . Oueof the tlrtt facts I learned on enuring waa thul thu building waa made to sccumnodate about 1IIUJ students, nud Hi) lu round numbers had actually beeu eurollrd thla jcur. Uuouflbe featurra that first ainkea theTMtor la the uclou lulls and wide stairways I am told that thu en liltut, Mr. Dju C. Youuj, a sou uf the founuer, ha I lu view the "riuhei" tbnt aharatttrite eastern luheei. "KiDhia" an, honuTer, entirely un- ' known In theeciidenij'a hlttory. Nor (re tiny likely to bo encouraneJ. riuiu aiu about thirty rultuUon rooms llnlnhrd utid luont of thilll , lurulrhed Willi tetltes havlus iirm Inbetafor Inking noli a Die ilbrarj will teat about SOU ttudeius. Ihu buildlnu la trimmed In oak and maplu nulltniihid In oil. Iher lomaun threu Hours are riimpleled, but the halls and skylight rcums still ueed Ihu tlulihlng touchea ot Ihu laaterer and tarinnlir. Oulildo theru la n nioal beautiful la u, ttc, turrouudiUby a mat Irou feuie ( not et visible to the nakud eye), do nated, as 1 am Inloriued, by Die 1'rovo ( iiamtarof lommerie on pajer. 1 win must tirougly luitietcil li. thu hot air eyttetn of heating uni i. vintllatlug. lu the biiement to SJ 1 1 hort-uwtr iiiRlius tuntralo ihu Vl elciiiu which licita up u coiuaol K tystim of radiators piled onu ubovo ' nuotliir. riiecoldnlr cornea III on the II lop and It drawn tliroimli tho fluu B luteratlcea of the radiators bj a pou ec I lul fan. lliut heulud It Is drawn I through plica Into every room wtcro II forort out tlirougli opening! near the lloor, Ihu colli and loul air wliloli being liiavy always Ilea low. A I tunprratureiquabluui that of spring B Itlhutmalutaiiied. ta wonder I'riilJrut l'lllol, In a teieutuddriMbeoielhu itudenti, ex intaed h run rim and d t and that for over, i) oara Harvar i ,tfciiu I luu I.uIIOiuk Inlin r tuth Hut what sudden pro;piriiy uav over whelmed the aradeui), the vultor It rtady lu ink, thalltthould all at onm busu flllely lioufej. ljccially tu tlie vlaltor tomewlint atiiualuted with Ilie lualltuiloa'a lluanclil history, la this queallon pruiilnenU l'retldeut uuu meant to do great thlniia by thlt WKllhleal cf thu olIrliig if lin geulur. ,llut the good man died ere he could algu thu indurauiiiili his neiierotlly ha I tit niaitlrll llo gave It homt, which Ihe II in reduud lo nkhea, and a riutm, abuvn thunach uf tho Haines, rimi tiieru me n fewncretol real ratato winch lime It llkily to make valuable. Hut fur fourteen years tbo aciieui) uc 1 iniltd solely ii on tuition Ii r the j uientof teacinrs, aulujioii Ihe inu. nlHceocuof lta board fur luiiiUhlogol bulldlnijtnud apiaratu'. And b Hi beard and faculty navedouu their duly nobly. Illadltllcult to say which I. airvetliogieatcr I raise, thu tiaiiuis, who, llku true tulMlouarlc, con-1 Rr-d the w irk first, and the r, let It le what It might, eicuini; or the trualees, who, tlniu una again, havu gone lulu their uwu pockets lor means to avoid tomeirl If. 1'nn splendid tulldlng, tlngu' aa the Idia inayetrlku the teadir a I roduct of lullh Mormon faith. am palllculartu l-ollit ell' the icl f lalth, f r noiio but tlm kin I thu luovea ruoiiutalna c tint accuiuj lull such a wora. Mormon faith la iculur lu that it coiiUliu liu r cent rajir audhai uud ninety r cint woik Tlie llu HOW points the dllectloll that irijeraud hotittlid, lul Itwaaunro milling toll that undo It ulnt to lu be lers Hgurallveand more acctir nt(,the intmUisot tho board pledged their rlvate property to get mouiy U erect thla bull Hug. What waa tnelr tecurll)? 'IhulellifthatUol tliruiigh his pw lo would ecu that thu venture Ul I nut fall, riiclrs win n faith mat took taui(lblu shape In stone, mortar, brick mm wood a faith that ill penis lo llieejt, the Intillicl and Ihe heart. l'uor eecurll)? It Ju Iged I y the null of Invettora lor It generally. Trut; but thesu men evidently lessoned thai If worntcauiDlu worst, audit brought them tluauclal rulu, It u uld by no means liu a bad Investment. Tne merely taking such a risk fortho Rood of u wnolu 101 le was then by oJda a better Inveslminl. Hut If any man think I'lealdent Hmoil mid hla i..o. elate trustees vlilouiry liu ii, who do not calruiiitu coolly their ventures, let him iiimuliere on I luthla uiuuiaue cunning lu competition with their I iialiieia tart an i ability. Ihu end of llilt uxpenmiut l not jot, nar may thu roadie very dlttlnut for any nil Uiiiuahiad; lul Jit this l leitaln. tiuudrwls oi young people aro e i Joj lug the bletslngs quite as It tho building was unencumbered. Did a mortgage uu the farm iverdcatrof the llavor uf the up) le In Ihe orchard? The faculty la remittal lo for being competed almost exilutltely of jcuiu men, the prluclal being but 31 jikii all ardent ttudinta themielvoi 1 naturally think uf one fiaturo more iroiulneut tluu any other resulting from such a conjunction i uthurlu-in Hut tnltuiilatui Is cjiitaglout! If tlio teichcr have It, the ttudinta will tatch Ii; ami juJglug from the ad Jrcttvia of koine of my trleudt now ulUndm,', thij have caught It In earimt. It It u form of contagion which onu will do well tu go out of hla way tolecxtoel lo. Under lta ex hlK rating attack, llfu fairly galloia tlucuitli uue's volns, and all the world la beautiful. Another splendid qualification these teachers hn e one wnlch ui Itlu r Iwoka nor colleges can tutilj,aud which Is ciirreiitij counted n disadvantage they liavuroughed"lt lu tarm and workshop, canyon anl trail, lhat llioj have use 1 their ejro uud eara well while hob uobulng with dame nature la best evlncid by thu os. Iiona they hold. Most ot them havo taken thorough couraea lu collates uud unleralthe and while the culture of thetchool has nodjubtdonu much, tlio fuel that acholattlo training coull do much Is chlcflj uwlugto this same rugged patroness having opened Ihu way. What ludcod distinguishes the the Uncher from the uiau equally well Iniormed? tjlmply thu ability to make others rouse what bo feels; to I reed thoughts lu their mill la. Tu d i this the teacher must bu It title him tilt tortile In Illustrations, Iho corn lost that mint accompiuy the teed ul thought that thu j luut may become vigorous and fruitful. 1 lltteuid to a lictiiro or uce hour on atntruct moral prlnclplip, and for the first time, ue truth afur truth was I ut Into concrete garb, whut an Intxhaustlblu au ly uf lllustrallcn maj be laid up ly uno whuol tones accurately thu relatloaof thluc,t wllh which lie comet lu contact. Comurufor Inataucethu valid ele. guides ot thu man ulicie dainty flu here have scanely louche 1 the thorn In plucking a hot House rosi, wllh the direct, ticlllc, trulh-beartng uvldencu of uatJiu's own I U II who at a lad wadud lu thu ud lor tiilllwigs, and ua u youth bistrlded lliu I ronoho of llieditiit. Let the authorities of our iiiucatluiial Instltullaiia keep this Itiuunht in view when they are cngag lug the i rere tora of ourtlilldreu. lltlt nut tu be e 1 awaj bj plillnao ihlslng, wlutof the atudeiita that 1111 theu nail.'.' 1 or a oumparatlvelj small oily like l'r vo, they are nuiiiei. out. If leu J ears ago they awaruied lu the lilve, now they np car tu awarui over themllro city, O every Mrtet wlieu iclmol hours are over, they are teen III Hint and groups, greedily abaotblug the long delayed minium. Ihe swell lliu riuMath schools uud elm relies cu Huuday and msku the merchants tmllo on week ilajs. Heveral thouttiul ilol lata. It Is safe to saj,uro Hietit every week of thetchool jcar bj this tun- orary poj ulelloii aud t Ills loo without o btlng thu oily a tingle criit addltluual f riollcu forro or older regulation. In let J, on Ititap hit It la sale tu tsj ti at thu moiul furcu uf the II. Y, ncalemj It no small factor In ileireu lugixieiititof this kind. Karltllilt uloneiiuauf l'rovi; eviry tuwu and hamlet throughout the entire llialu Is reluforcfi In moral and social urlty by ihu work nf this luatllutluu. tSiclllo Information ciucerulng thu worn being iloiiu lu tho ncadtmy la wl ily ulsauniluated through Ihu ages of Ihe Itorinal, illbllshtd by the Mil. ciunlH lu Itdagogj, and through the builnets Journals, thu oran ut tlm jjAVirjhK baniCl JOO MAIN OTKlilET (ii in ssior lay ei etiiuat rrom Huso clock, tpir i l lueictl a d uu uei oailaef Ileal ur l ul , an 1 1 ii I (our unit u jur Ulih Tlilo Imumnca &. Trust Co. j r noon Pretideaii , 8 SI CmiMcK, elri0tt A 1 llluuas, ecir i t, U MICXS lsthir m u I 1 1 e, itlnifiit a a urn IhoiKind ul ii cuius I itmiive f c uittf, eli n s in the at oiia mil film no In u-uuilluii., sjihat my readera will srarrvly eatect mo lo I treat these topics In this llm ted sketoh 1 tutinot, however, lefrnln irom nollcliK alew features lately adJed lo thecuirlculum. Ilii-lnost I lonilncnt if these la tho normal Kali lug school. Thu fuel Is liu doubt Well kuuwn ihr ulirut the Per ntury, that lliu Ifnuroli lias maiiu this deiMliucut J mentally Iree, anil III cousiquencu about luu hunlred olid I Oily embryo traders are inking this uuune. In addition In tho u-ul pid eg ,lo itiidlis, such at ycuoli gv, histuryol, theory and tsc- , tliu ot tiaililng, tnise Mudsills Klii n an hum's scluul rncllce dolly Intern lung successlvelj the clira In the tight t'radea of too ireparatory .uu ol. Tho observers, students wno will In their turns take the cuuisi, mid on ruirrsgr acllux as critic teacher, nie irerent In the rum making nuies At n Hireling laur lu the day of students uud crillo leachut tlie tallutea an 1 buicit-m hi thesu i Rui ileum urn pointed uut lu klndlj . cilllultms I utlcmle I llnsu exir tlseau itimbir uf do J a In tuccieslili an 1 must conltss that thtj seem ad iniiiiiiiy adapted lo tit tlie teacher lor hit ro tatlou. The itnclail luiormed me that this was nu iuiiHcr u qtiisllui ; wuu took thetrainlugeohKii j mime laal yiai, and are now leaching I loie uulloiiulj succemlul. lm J el ter iiiuri ibpir work, knowing Juit what luuuandhuw to do it. lluvitltor caunct fall to be Inter eaimi lu tlie couiiuerclal coilegi. Here the fl Ids of activity elosviy tmltines the i-telitialsul actual btlllueislllc 11 clumjj Iffacttiialthu sluJeiil uu uu leruig tliu ocuntlng room la llki ly to I u mil rind In iioihiug tuvu in Letting u talury llitllad uf paylug n tlllllull fie. riio stu lints buy end sell Ihu coin moduli ol cuiuiuirci, uud even the i llriK Huciliiilu ua lu actual busllleis. There l a I auk at w hlch each etude 1 1 makes lua ui utile uud draHiiahla outi'k. at nlu i.iuiiiin rciiulrea l.verj day lua aicuuntaaru overhauloi uud lilt business methods lusecteu ly we uf the i r lessors. I oiuuierilai law anl huxii ary studies suoii osj -U-IDIUlhh,, i,iaiuiuar, cumiveltiuii uud uilhiigfajliy, is i.dlid tu tutllicss needs, f nu inrlul tliejcourse. Twu ncwuiu luiiorliiut fiatuns In thu acaiiimv's umulueM are uoriual coiitsea for Mutii Imj (uveiueut assa elattun oill irs mid riuudiij tcliool leacUeit. As It thu ti icher so will be tie icno I, I lio idiicatlng uf llitte olllciralu iholiuw at well aa lliu what uf tnelr uulii i-almost iqulvalint lu leaculiigiliruitiy the aeaoontlona nLd claaiea uver wnkli ihty leside. A new era of lul Hernial u llvliy Is uawnlu; upiu tin Julter-day rJauits. . ltMheiilileof the ncauuiuy tu bei Ihe .1 mil 1i.fcr uf uailj three-icuie high acliuult aud eitiiLe academlea lliruughout the Intoriiioutitalu riiui . Ihla Is u tjstem uf tchoola quliu ns distinct lulianliia and melboia as Is Moruiuiileuidlniiiiitfrom the flint ut ru called Cliritliuullj. Aa euiciselu the ast has hliigid upon recognizing Ihu lusulllclciicy of luiclleoiual eduoa (I n ut an uiiUiotu lor rascality uud rotunuies In euuotj, and consequently lit eniilioslxmg moiul and religious training. Its dangers In the future llu In the uplng uf other liutllulluut, Its trluiui In lu being tiuo tu Itself. a m. a Pitoo, March 29, 1601 Salt Lnlio Cyolo Co., C.A. EMI3E,Minagcr. Ho. 272 State St., opp. Knotsforl 7cr t trial tinti fur CLEVELAND, UNION, STERLING, EAGLC a-BICYGLES trttoo I ItYO Rfrenti wanted Ibe Urirctt ryclo ttoro bctToen lienTCi Hhol cflotonkt So. rSMHocrL, orr Knntirortt Motel, NOTICE TO LUMOEfsMEN. SKM H 11.0109 1 A i ltFi:M'MKH until li in, rMurdn Apt II Uli, 1 Ut t Hi till ruf IbertKltLJiks I it) iprr Wvt l:utiiii4ullrtumlck lluiltlinir, fur sbout ofl i illll q fot vt lumbrr common unit cl rt PrtAll 1 Ititl of tit luniUir can bo obtnnc tl tho aboTu Mtneil urtlt e UTIOSTAIMAN UjiiiKcr, hOTlCE. rilllK 81 ,UANMMI MrKTISU OPTIIfi X block holder of . n t. 6 emtlva Mer cuntiln liiituulion Willi I I4 In ih Initltu Hon i iHco in Mill I-nko lily, im WrtoeintRr, Jril tti, iBJi. tt 12 i lm lMfio uri o.c ul Inrm tha I rr.l tcnl rc)H rt n l (or tlm trjnftticiionof u lioiti rlni m iinr roiufl Ulu cj the incctiiifr. 11 HH.U WKUUHI bvej tttrr, Bait uu cur, Mirct. vt, m fDR. GUNN'S JRfaUVER if PILLS y? OhLYOKE - ' FOnIDOSC IGYOUF1 CTOMACH SOUR, Una hla In n it i. o r ihfM pll! i 1 av I i i hulr wlwli.1., innaMllpI n 1 j . rrilM SUM1I frSkUtalh h If O.H -lllUMl Ibrr r ' """ '""" ' ' ,U. M, I. i ntu IjFIt,, Aourn, L. L. SHEETS, ACCIOtlWT AND riHE IMOUriANCC p llryslTfisfoetlniriif OKUrtly' 0'r 1 erltan .Wlotin! iltnL, EVE ANP TAR DR. I1U LYOhS, 40 B MAIN ST Wl. B. KEYSOR & BRO., OENTItlTS. ram. J a-J Jj,""' smi"' "" DR. J. THOMAS, oiiRnroii DrriTiri no.iomainbt, AUvtitmin ItiJ AwiIMih sds (iliftrsl. WANTI 1). Sl Tit Mil eiilW" I lAiui t ly 1 1 v nritaspi s sf -a mi i i"it nNrni u i s.ork. Inin'is II 8eulh. Ill i i -I MIV tonkr OlltifB" Villains!! ii k or eollcetlnei n ri in , tie at wi k.N.l li-r-isl milil Ires Mlli vuif M- IIV 1 II . lliartler. Nil A I ll, IN l.hll Mil II 111 TIIWIIITK lor mi al home. . lay , iranTasl laa lleplr una nan, Jll.i l cms lomailoa s llsnrt lag MlUlrill! SKCOMI lltNIl I MiMII IMlMarhlalicilirlrn I irnnine lleins, luialilsa anl Allerlmr J lelh as- a Wls!t, llsiaeJeaneiJ, llelrllttilied r II atBlsieark lor octrinr eiiarel A I Al IS, af srsit eieoad euulh -. CTuaTinifliSTiuliT muit i luTIIBa j r eane I eied and rr 1 ,. I al M eo n rrrlal al Atao iwir e"d 1 1 I r scroa I baail clrtitiina--orJcrianei i ir i mi ir nil AATI II MOVE -UK IIV 111 r your eiofttf atlliellsl .ttaita r. t tt tr urlti Mill J himclr A C o , Un re lllnek llullal slim liu AMI III tllialllrilN AllMllll.lll Itiitb rw ill aa i mi T iv rut timiii lr uilil "trap I'ou ( II uikara bfl l SI! ssrunil fomli gltccl I I FOR SALK. 't TiTT5VTiTirStt.t'l. ni IWTiCT IT Jul !,' enesn, ninsl be Id laa I lul A llmriii ii ilislilul, tM.-l taaKoaiii TeAtlTirui linMBATIvn iBaalllAV J ,l I aid lloitet, ii Vlaara lllora u Vl e.l. bid eoulh I. rpllllllllTullllHEII IIMIOUTII HI X 1 am i I !! etreel ti Mitt Tit iiTnr"tu mi Slit. sell ailir any itrlor n,f r cxae, or nn lima al li aiinrme neeurll 11 L Claia laa Malic JJ ulhl. lall I j a I I III UK Ml HIT, 7 a II il, N.HITII II ea.let I rnltculiarr lira l rawilnn iu south llh Late. TlIK liiuu ItalNTlATlll inn Tile" . I trhrailn I !ah tins Mr i Innil lorssls an i lie i er sere. A s eii-i I ci ortualty I iiinn ilralrinn larsa ilari . hMiuIra ol J Mwirt 1 u. loalrsli I lb CUMI1AI I Milt HITS II IrllMUSTII ie II Mctciaa tin, i M ml Manh 100 'tares of IIIUM-nS I I absl larki sla J alsreaSormlvuaU.i i anal Co. Moon les s nih Mate W.J Mowls u wrr On I", wit" ni luu "in i-iimiiK -S1X lt J blM IJlll I rlxesa lonlhsea iilin poiiiii vv, J) Irrraa. M, 1 Itobbsr! 41 rrril, ffrosn I suulli " MOXKY HHHKHKS. IT llllla A MIIJIIV-M II MV bTilKKI 1 In ar rem no real i nil lank, slock iir saa ai d all fr.lrl.a. .. ru n A I" t VIS S AMOI ST" Al tlllllll-ST iM rnlia. l-aul A llul u lleara llloek, i ileal tnilrouiu t i liifti' M iisTTTis" Tii im ui J really eiraecr V Kn nllcn, So IA WiaHnaeoulli Moss, in iamn in ani twin sn on I anna lm ruteil r Mini n tail euy I uiellr aUonarollslrrala J M htbusdr II to .un-rn. Ill e J O" S KM15IS tlTT 1 lll 1 III l" SII UOL lalrrsl h JUISACu, JI0 ton nuanoii llnlld n OUlASOTEMtiSAI )Tlll ASIILIKT J- teal loana ml la J in - n ti! Ilaiu l AM Jtsr ntiiAis mi -i r jimiks a 1-oane oa erioosi i l r al i ro any , MllSf TO I (UN 11 , Til I Kit cent llacbo. second n m r InHilylllock. MUSUr 111 UIAS ATOI Illll NT ItATFl J II TllllMlnOS II seeoa I enallL II ! 1) I ITKa! Iiuya Notca. I ask euxk I ondi, llalerr c Truit Fnudi Inr i rsl I alato Hoomltcoianiffr i) lllick lel.faA. "I 7 ASH '1.1 LIU I ST !)S INSIII) 1)1 t)J iruTivlir lerl ousyrssde no ileliy Ji.lmJ enydcr, 11 i Ibwlr lilies. TNKUMs tl.UU II IIIIU.O'O OSKTI) rlrs yean, It l w l rstsa. Un Isr toui lucrcial Nsuonal I uc Jamei K. sbaie MOSH 111 IJIIS ONI 111)19 ANllt-m iroitlly. sal r illsttrsl t.ool nilel IrfiustL eb rl l tnr 1 am on en toraid Holes. Waterman III ia 11 i Cf blral lllock OSn AT I I I IIIS1 HATI") SI) IIB lay IV J 11 r I sllViin rial III k ON 1)11 HUM II III i Kim IN AM nosnlliy r TI roaly.tnilcbsrlabu XI inn MIJII lo llnilliun lliiSKi Tall on SAIT IIU VALIK. IAJS A TI1US1 COllllSl. II esal, tint M nib MJSCEIiliANEOUS. SMJIIH lilt COUMIStlON TO Al.lSTs In bandla tbo 1 alrlil l I snilesl Ink Ktaa laa 1 enril. Tbo I i uieru! an 1 noval Inecn lion or tbo asc L -Ink llioriiuably Inlao iconndl ttlmka ilk maaln. SlO lo toil I ar in u troll AsentiinaklDirfV);,lreek lis slau w lot a ccnaral Kibl 1 1 tile cliarse ol Isr tltory aud appoint . ascult A rare rhanea lo inaho ronnvy 1! r i lor Irrnie aa I la in lo ot metal Monroe kill. Cn , XVl la Croalc, II li IIAIUEV HAlIlt, I 00)1 S II AMI 13, 1 1 krlo I l Lcalealaie I u .an llnTcitmsnlt II imiiucii m. n rcnuinni 7 XAMlalliLII HAIKU TXIH I Alll AT il room lac Ancrlack bulldine. FOB RENT. X.OOSH 1011 1 1ST Two furalahed t loomi JiW Iboulh iraFiMNTn ruiiNHiiEii iiooms. JLI in sla or en tuilo la 1 ail, Htron eoulhslrtct. ITlUltslSIIHH lloOU-a XOIt 1-AMIIMS ' eturlr-2 confer u OM M aoulliTemi le TO t-AE. irilllST ILtaa 111 1MKM. COMIMTI I' Ad Irca. n I lo I r.nii cry llu l'iioFESSJOXAl,. JhO. LU TAYlOii, LAWYER. laglt Jit 1 Juosil 11 ant 13 Clin.Dos. I ism). AiToitsi v ash J Counselor al c-u OM eua Mcuirnlck lllk kV,A,,,,'in'.T...k ". COODWIti & VAN PELT, Lawyers. rratlittinalict t ftyer V ? nnfOArA I om I ti nimertiul JUott YOUNG, YOUNG & MOYLE. (fCosftntr f trf 0,,rtt Jv. ATTORNEYS AT-LAW, lUttnt ,attelll fit EutUtvg Salt LaU Cify JOHh ti. (AhKGN, BARLOW FERGUSOK, ATTOftNfVS ATLAW, r lephw a 490 W 3 fmitttuticn UuMIhj H R WATROUS, ATTonN.y.AT-LAV;. roemf AM Jl iroliltfA uilrlaff Richards; kovleTricharis7 ATTOHNEYS'AT LAW toemt 601 t Vcti-tnitk tsct. eonur 01 i it if t't oiut JjU S, W. DARKE, ATTOfNiy and coiiNsrcon wimi nwnmnw 04 b Mm Stioot tmy mil sicilt l.n.l-i. lu inuliry I, nils mid teaelnblra I eleia lilil Ine Imtllrr anil lrn Inetc "rll- (..- I'M,,, nmuy ,c lllrned nil Itceeliil r llneda. SiiiiiiZiiili i (hlliilrnla taail. I III- Hub mill H.ill.lacllnii li Itiutiioa, Maaair luaiaa, lept 34 S. WEST TEMPLC STRCCT. 7WficM tai SALT LAKE GRAIN CO. and Htitl Iitn in Wh SEEDS 32 West I Irst South Street reffj-aonr 117 Half Let Iftt, CII Titioh. o E nauaai eriiMnl ! aa Tree TAYLOII, ROMNEY,: ARMSTROITQ CO., LUMBE'rI) Sisli, Doers, Hoaldln.a, Etc. fl.ul.a villi nud T.rd. flao lllssti East oft' V. Depot, '.It Lake Clly, fish. (iroliDlsn M, n,- r ITTi ImlSK) Tcraaiac.r . )i sasr IMM r. - Mllorrc ontcira ''""" 11II.-1UI.V Will Mollll, l.inplcMrcrl. 1'L i:a s v. : it m mm t Tint wi illll carry a Cenplcls Lisa ol Signs' Gdolrftiotl h cossiiTlail IN riaf oe feets Cu) Ileal, One -. a Unrlch , mil. Il.lirt, Itlti, 1'anel. Tcnnii, friiuliie. I o-iriais, llulehrr, Cicik, lleyhole, rlr. nlan CIrcnlr,b3th Solid & Chisel Point To.tb And THIUMril, Tor Tell en Treat wllh, and ara Stltlnf i toirxn rutin nuvrikK. Alaoarotint rkollboir Itrnci-.rf RASPS tnd r 11X9 "a l I'"' tau o. rrt. X. iarpeiiler Papor Co, V71tDLl.OAl.Il PAPER and STATIONERY VmUnu om kii-i t-iLirti it Hourttat rttoit OU MILL! PRIBTCD MPFI1C PAFEB 1 5FECULTT. tlr Tntcc Titr .nt chtttaUf oaipp'J catlco. A tdrrta CiJULNTI It rilFIILO, iJti, lilt IIqwaiii) mnitrr, omivua. , rvnu CHAS. SIEBEU, Jr., "ianuaHtirtr r i?Iv-..... COPYIN& BOOKS. IllauU llonUa, I'rlulliiK ami llllio Erni.lilim, llnlironl UT tlluM l ml III I III at l-l-III a. Not. 300 and 308 Ollvo Stroct, a'Vm iioirio, 2kxo. Mm- Iter II ray joa to nrite tor prlcel - Thomson TaylorSpiooGo., Importers ssl Ulaarseterf rs of tbs Finest Spioeq FJUflVORirJC EXTRHOTS MOWH TO THE TRIDC. f-Torrlttort of tat ftlinou ltraa4 sf RED .' OHOSS V LiYK. Michigan Avonuo, Cor. Lake, O XX X O -r,. t. ts: uuui t::: iii.:ri:::ij c:::i cr ::t vi:t. BECKTOLD Si CO., (I B.I I HAL Book Hanufactureis:E--- "and Book Binders. 202-212 Plnu Stroot, 8T, LOUIS. . till tti.ll. t skukin, Jlt'-i tui nou. ritttei, 2!if:j lataailn hr Oi liliri. TJSfJif ' I- tlkll tl-.OT. PiH ' UtlUJ, tu r nut, tfkr " l,t,J' lit :i:i, t'.i tu e oiiioss i! Bi;a7sriVp!rciLr on uwuccg . tnika ua I fiuinii Ct for lr.ntrr -J fuUlitLiert At it rlutiir m mrrf Ur tAaoriiucnt of Pi-ii-iM. Drnamciiu I.cltcr mgi, ftdil k itoi k i r in&trial iccbud tu iioufii. tha roDtiirjr Fimt Cut LwVVoH.sMQc7sici-iTr Ciiimttc t-hecrfullr Ulvrn our Order fro le'Ud xiiiciit'jpoxt oi oo. Htc4a joa doa t EKGLisHMlRRmORATIYE I.UAIIlNTlKtl 11 MIMI tH hill Produce a I HioUrunth of Hslr on a Bali) HoaJ In Tlireo Monlln which ulll Coit Ion Hvo Dollar!. STOP 11,11 lllllt I IILIMI OUVI ntu milt iMiiLMjAiri IMI II1.IIHI IIUIlAtlltl Eoltonl lllio llsoafaclurir, .. ar -.sanxa,ia, 5 McCormlck Ulock, Curne lie rlwrii auil Ian 0li Stto la, CHICAGO, ILLU. a. m.w iuu at unit, -a E.K. THOMAS, I km """"" 9 S'THE SILK HOUSE." 1 1 '81 SO, 2S, SO, 82 East, FIRST SOU Til STREET ) I l m l Mil I LI J 1 1 LI LI HI IJUlJUJlLlTLTiriT -YISITOliSK- j Come and see us when in Salt jB Lake. We are anxious to , ; il show you our Goods, and J- will convince you that we J are the Best All-Round Dry W Goods House in the city. IIIIrpr!)LLilE j THAN YOU J3VJ:il HAD DEFORK. Jffl aha Special Values in w Every Department I m Silks. nil. 1 MIST US TIIKMUTttlMi 1111 rii.iei,ni oaum: wi: vni:1 nu: hllk IIOUSI.' AM) MM. MOIIi: THAN A I.I. 'iiu: Tucnramcnru xIvjimo hao eitre koI Surati hillr, all colors fur 2&c rr yanl locos l'rluteil China Ullka, for a run at Mo. SM lecee 1 ancy Rllka, all colon anil at) let, urtli I 25, lor fco Dress Goods. CAatiiiitro, mII oolori., 'Jtoc. Your cholrn of bmt fifty I loect Taucy I)rtt tio(J U wool, wonh 00c t tut Wash Goods. Aj ron Check tliiijrtiauis, fai. 1 ilra Heavy Choi lot, loo 1 air i llnivy Oullnirx, ft .i' 1 lno lliliy 1 lannel, 1 2 So. ami !0e ICOO lteinnanta of JDc. rulleelis, tu clo.0 nutatlui. A ailierb line of oul ChalllNi, litirtjuat to sio them cu quick we II aay '.So. .MOllcew Lherron Hulthic Tnllli, ulily 6. rjaril l'luo rich fsalceiis, l'l!.'o COO ncmua.ts Erass Gcojs, 1!1MIIIMH, 1AIIM IIM.SS, Uc, I at "nil Dim qulik" frl'ei. Ladies' Jackets. M A Itlc I lno of Iiilloii Jackets aud Mi ltoefsrt (lllack) to olosa I In oat at llieaa won lsr- IV lul reductions. m I S 75 Jacket fur (3.73. I . 7 as " 7J. ' 000 ' 6.73. II t " 0.73. 18 30 " 7.73. ' Waists. t I a Ilea1 1'laite 1 Waltt, -So. I Ia ItuV l'lalle 1 Walil, Willi ruflla, 50c. I a lloa' Taney Waist, lllit colors, wortti I ,' Jl 03, fir 73c. M A Suit of Clothes fir your boy forl 10. S A V alst for our bo) , .o. (B A pair Taiita, ,c t Idlos'lfsndkerclilefs,tiror3T. V'l Laces anil Emtiroidorlos h At al'oul half what yuti are In Ilia habit ' . j of I aytnz elsewhere. K aood loisclln., to. ."I At lAo.JOe, 3fto., worth SVi.SjO., Wo. ' f; Ullm'Jtrsey UlbW Uiulerreta,3 for il J30. ; Ladles' all wuol IIoio for 33a., worth tOc , Shoes. tallies' Kid I'at. 1 lp Shoe, (I 73, I I V lot Children's hhooi, odda and ondi, 4 M half regular 1 rice. B juc,, 73c. an 1 l uu lteductlon on our n ' Moti'e hhooa . HI il lendld ealuo-i In Moil's orUuSUIrls fi Uc, G3o, aud 73a I M I Kvci-y Duimvtuitiiil in our vast establish- J incut is now lull of Now Goods. No ml niiitlor what kind of a .Mirclinso you may I Avisli lo lnako, it' you coino to us mo avIII k savj you money. TU i iiiLLMJ 1 1 1 iTijTiTUTn I It K THOMAS. I j