Newspaper Page Text
DKsrjinri' ivirsryQ yinvs; rarnw, vakch a., i8o;i. j fl HEWSjFTHIEST. A Rancher's Font-Year Old Dacgbter Burned to Death run ciiim : ani tiij (if .lit ui Morilcr tjr lountcrffltiri at lrr- uirnto. Lai I rlnre ItnHnl Hon. I trie s Mill lo Am rlca. iJotin Ilopcr, tun New Mtilco cow boy who allot un 1 Mill J riaru Marlf, luJtut atttiu flgtlculiutul collf K,tli" witkt llio, bM Uuii imltuctU lo l 1..DJ.J Atll 18 IIj liM ON rteurd, iitiTitiu kllloJ ut least two men Ufom. Two Toulliful titirer. daiie W') utllnnu 1 1 enwoitli lllly. I roUi Into l'rnll'a tlatlontry tloieM l'l uiuli.A; lender ''J tliele llnr iiuri.omnlory ";,'lu,,'Vv In tlin tarrlttttjr lliwjr wr Uua Jli.ujr mil llliemteil Merced countj't $3000 quiittr lluuor Hunan which wtut Into l.t ni.ntly Imd tlio rtlf ct of iiotluK fy ouei of Uie UiUty-rivo open talooi lit Ilia county, I ut iirrordluK to tho noil I rev, cluu" nJ datk allty mioiu uto ai ilnilnK up on all tide. Jolin Mi Morof latbrmka, re lo teiillnir th itmernl ljn I oMie, jia. urrlTt I at Banta 1 , X M , from Kos well, wlirulio Inn U i amgiiirt lot lindayilnTcitlKatlhKthn aocoiuila ot tho mlatltis; rooelver, trunk l.imel. lie mniloyed an expert lo on 1Mb aifoand f tund tho tliorlae,e to Lo bo UTnJHl,0l)QanJll,0W A frlglitlul iuloldo wan illttovmil near I'leieott, ArlX9nn,ou W luwJa), In a, ratine. Hit victim had br-n llown to alouii ly Riant lowdcr ntid not a pirllclo of lleati remained e oj t tho Unit I'lacea lit thu bjdy were thrown n hundred jarda. Nothing whatever left by which to Identify hliu 1IU clothing would that ho wax a luluer, (lencral ThoniM K.WIlioiiolTucann, United Htitrs dlitrlot attorney lor Allium, n few daa ago received a check from MoUvlllp, la, for tlulS fur hi it-rTiio In a caw in which lie waa llret employed n a young attorney InlbSJ Uler h liimel lila clilm over lo another niton ey on .(O)Ulit c f liuvlliq Meadvlllr, an I tho man ha Juit toen atllle.1 (Inneril Wilton ruelTlntf lila lauK del J id tttt A rlvalo Ul atch rtiled In Lot AliRiIca, (Jul, Auuouuiea tbal tho ricond carlnad of nralirfia taliped lo 1 tiflnml t y n local liult to ii any had Leon o d I n Liverpool at an average 1 1 ...4 Usi. trioa. llilt carload wm iuad u at HWeral lo a an uxpril lueiit, levlouxlilpmrutehavliiK uone Ireiu Alum II o i rieu name I will net llm grower aloulfl n box, which I. a I lihir irlcelbau Ibey can obtain In I.ot ADt,le Thafourj ear old daughter of J. V. Kelif), a r idler retldluj f ur mllei nuth uf 'Vtlirr, Idaho, hat lion fatally I un ed wlilln playing In a fit Id where I I father wai burnlug ctutiblt, hei ilolbluic cauubt lira from ono of tho plica of burning rubhlab ller ttreaiui attractod the alleutlon if j (Jeorgn I) tkerion, who haileuod to ' i) I er relief, euiolhorlnr: the llamea nllh I tarlli, Lut not until thiy bad done H tboir deadly work, ' i(VL j 01 eyenheV-erriffr A Ul atcli ha l 1 been lecelvtd at ttio tjvi ruor cflho Ar (addrekned to UoViOftbime) anuounc- itlv nK in I'rluca Iloland llsnaparto wM fould thurtl) visit Auieilcn nud Kg! whiu hero would vljlt thu Wrat In WR onlerti (tiruo tcleiillflo reaearchtb R riio llooo wlilioi lolleri oflntroduo H tlou and II m deelred to know If the H irovernor would bo al U lo aelt Iho I aclon of royally. 1 rivate Hucretary R lllll replied Dial the goveruur woul I Ml iHipleaud to do i Ihlnn In hli HI rawer to luilherlbo uljuta of I'rluca llouaparto'i vulttotuu Wost. H TI o roof of llio new city I all alHjn HJ irancliicoba boni a field of 0craltqu Hj for tblevee fur mauy jtar riiu MJ tldgea of the temporary rouf ara cov Hj fled with lead, well beaten dutvu lo Hj liolJ H lu I lacu, nnJ It Ihla mital, J worth ilx or leeen coute u pound, j which aUractn llio thlevei At Ullltr. HJ uni ttinii tho lead baa be u cut, rullx HJ up an I carried nwy tj flu I a I laco In J iho itockola ineju ik dialer. Durloj, J tho heavy ralna of lait weik llio runf HJ waafiiiul to taleiUliuover tho room HJ ocouj ltd ly tho boar I of oluoatluu Hj An viomlnathii wanmilH ly Arohl HJ teclHtira nulHui'tiiittiiduiil llunlue, HJ who found that a item of thret liidd, Hi 8x1 feet bad Lten tut oulnud carrlu I HJ away, HI Although tboClilneeo In Han hran IH clii o aia eX rcted to regleitr un ler tin H UearV utl btloto May 6tli, Iho fact Hj lemalui tbat only JA cl tbo paauk HJ havu t een rcootiltid u date, jy tlm H C7iroioi lha htivlrit relatratlou H on any uoiuj nai laat Honda, when H twenty llvo rcel la wer luueu In H order to kcf thouumtir of fiaudulent H cottlllcntteatamli muni Deuty Cai H lundan li taklim every recuuiloii, an J H he ttilnka that llio wny htatheu will H beablo t eot uto tut Itw duplicate! H Jim i hotcgrai ll uf ach Uhliitto appll. H tantlacirtfiiily latlid ou llio u nil H catr, and Hun, ui an aJdltiunal ealt- H kU rd, Ihniial of IhorevciiUooellector H lnaUmitd ou ttio document ao that H one hilf Iho tllo la lni iluted ou tlio H phot tira h Hnoult un attempt lw Mf mada to reiuoa thla ihatograih and IS tubitltuto Hiiulher Iheu one half of tho X aeal will nlo lo removed, aud tbo W Chtnrae will find 11 exirtnitly dang r- oua a well aa dlltlcult to forge the cftlo al aeal of tho revel ue HI e I lie nullioililK think that thu iruuutluu of ilailnittlir ttal ou the hot grah of tho Lhluire will iretiut tLo ajle andtraikfrruf Hit cerlltlcaUr, cittpt J trial a In lm calreintly ramcatoof twoChlteao tolug ound wh top uto. MM la aud Idet tlllcallou mart aru exailly alike II o tcvemi i llltera eitlmatotbat at Irait .U OUU ( bluiyu tboull iiglatrrluHauI'rauciicobefoie May Sill lioula rndhunler.thoiiluetun jcar I ol 1 eun of Ut uty Uou.t.b o ludbuuter ( t Wathli utou, wm ihut and killed on I WeJutidoy uvunlug wiille ndeuii Hug I toarrtttlwu luiiuierfeltni m haciu I menlo, (Jal. Thut loreiioon Couelablo I ludbunter ricelvtd a dUialch from I tlio conMabla at Knltflil'a lliu- ru I (pleating hliu toarrett two nun who Ml wtrociiaa&cd lu CLUuleritllliiB l'lie I tllii atch ttatod that tho coutiterftUrra I had lutrej tltloutly left Kulght'e l.jiij. I Ing and were liea Hug lor Uaoinmontii I In a miiall boat LouMablo ludhuiiter I luruod over thu dlf atch to hla father, I who Ian dejuly couetuble, und tolj I liliu lu keep a tliarp lookout fur the tounterfolten i uter Tcdhunter, Ur B think lug Ibol bo lulkhl jedlUy uu cuuultr Iho toiiiilerieit n on their way t the city, lummonel lila nun and rodo up tbo Mv.r. Wiicu nr Iho mouth of the Amerl an ner 11114 ToihuiiUr u,lid twu lieu rowing dowu the ttrtim un awerlug tho detcill Ion of tho coum terleltira Thoy rotol toward tbo euipccta, nud ludbuuter, Hr , I ado them lutrouder. Jtjtb m 11 threw up their liandt nut about d to ibo dtuly Mintablo tothrowllitina r c luJImnttr, Hr, rti.cliw lor a ioa which waa allai lied lo the aitru uf bl boat, an J aa bo did ao ono of 1 1 coui telfeilriadrewn revilveraul tiled at llio ctcurasta of tbo boat, young Tudhuntir Immellatoly drew Ills ro volcraud loik natiotatlho 0 uuter lelterh Hy thla tlma Hie Ixiatitwcie nlniott againtt oath other, and 1 La ,1 tl tuuulcrieltcta lelzed n 1I10 t,uu wh oil wai III rolliuuler'a boat tl fired at tue boy, Tlio latter receive I thecbarLO In tho rl lit el It, an I fell dend at lilt fullicr'a fa et Ariel rlrli g Ihofatalahot thu nittr lertr lo k aeli t at tho ol ler lo lhuiilor,but I Ituuatoly uilirod I1I111. rimcouutimllera turn ruwol to tho lo aide an I c.uiol In tbotulci. UiarchiDgiAtlleiKtuKir d and It tho men nro caught tbty may 1 0 lynched. Coural J. Hmllh, bookknter fur Luvy, Hplegl A, Co, of Xuitlanl, Oregon, waatlot nn I lerhapafatallj wouodud on Hui djy nUht at I u corner uf Third an 1 Alder tlrtetat) C. A (Jove, u rial mttludcalir. 0 ie then blew hlacwu tralm out rin men were ktandiug on the conn, lululglug In a helled cuuvtr a lo , when suddeulyUovo drew u rev ivir IM11 hla incatl and Itgiiu llrinii. tVhen Smith taw Oivo loath f r hit weapon lio elirlnl to iui. (JoVf'a aim, hiwover, waa accun-t , and liu hit H ntth lu thu buck, tl " la I 1 1 iflni. In thu obdo lieu Alter llrll g two enota at Hmllh ho tur ed tlia weapon 111 It own bead and fired He fell mid died In a ahult linn. Thu Unit wat crowdtd at tlio tin 0,011 lh ehootlug drew au Iniinemu throng tJthuaceut Huiltli waa laktn lo the hoipltal and (iove'a bjdy to tho oioigue, Ihudtedwua ) lime lltaled, aa a Hrgo knife waa foil 11 on the body of Iho dea I man liu left a itatomenl aicualng rirnltli of naaaulllng hit wl n MVeral)iaraagCi Mia t) vulaawtlN known toulitr lu thu public tthioltuf Ihla ell) , au 1 about leu yrata "t, 1 wai olaclr 1 county ni crimen lent liu u reuje ojun In Id ti at aim wai not tll.lUI', ni I li-r waa appoint ed lithe loilllon For Golds, Cough, Croup, ltiflumin, mul IJiouihitis, AKS CHERRY PECTORAL tlio licit ot till uuo(l)iio Lpce,t01IlllU) 1' o net, Sure to Oure iVe Hereby Promise To fund all money paid 111 for Haller's Remedies ir J on nro not nrtEFITEU by tliolr CFSE Tlicao prcruratloiit tonslst ut SURE CUBS C9USBSTR9?, AQSMUKS.UVE. ELC03 FUPIFIZR, PAIHPAMYZJR, FAaSAPARILLA rl MM (Cjaprai) COHSITIOH FOWDERS. BAP-BWlREUHIOr, G9BX CUSS, Liifis mm m, ndnro AB30I.OTSIY OUAiUNTETD I Sol I by all l)ruKl.l,le liOTICE. CHANGE OF FII1M NAME ALL lrilll INIlKIITKII TO a I 1 eaadel are I erebr ndillalt, inaaa ar rai (meni lur ell einei 1 by 1 010 or o I rwlie or naai' onnladue aa II u title an I ta e 01 flrei frn 1 ai I a ler A nl Ir laiJ w II Ot cl antra 10 leal lei t ona All re a liu I o anT'atore from II Oful lo Intbrpail I ml tell I Ir io dl aconl nuallun cllatura anil 1 air anno for lha niv arm e I TaAblH L HALT I ikKllir, Martotl IOI, DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. NOriCl. H 111 lilllN TlltTTIIC Qru 01 1 raia 1 1 w 1 r I erolnrore 0 ax tutluoiiatNo IJ7Wial t u li Ir uileDlrca , ha l Uke LIIT I I ll ha lata Oaf teD 0 a aolTiO 171 lua roaltnt lleliookaol ao iianlittlolalellruibatuloantlarel la lie hi li of 11 into I iS) I mimical lllock tit labiir fa tto la ll 1 rare ra all inoaeya Uu.11 I la Ir an I r ril t lor Ilia aa n. laltdlcbruary II mi. J I I ill 1 Fit JOIIM.IIAI". DISSOLUTION OFOOf' AnTNERSHIP. r 1111 1 mum ur it imoitr fv.istimi X 1 Oder 1 10 1 ai o end air e of Uoon.u Ho I flirlAI in) T d It I II nria In halt 1 k Illy tub albailnr laaxerl ly 1 itual to a Dl li ore Mdril aani lax the p y lucblbl al iLolaiULIetneaair 11 a 001 paw ill Ml II Cl ll imiii nn ii.mii sin in rtltlaioOlly ttal alatilit 11M NOTICE TO t-ONTHAOTORB SIM!' V II III OiAl 4 Milt IE IH 11 luulll 01 1 battlKlay, Ar f BO at Hit Iro al no fall Law I nr 1 uxr Horka rnlU MrCH rnltk 1 11 1.1 Dj lu, tl 0 a ualt irtl in or Iba ao 1 0 anil brick w fk or II a 1 ro oao4utr rtHuioi auil luauulait r nil Inlormallon rriianl or Ilia work aa well aa drawlakiaaitaiaa.lloalu a ri boiblalnulal Ilia abote nan r I offir ii j Ir rrj 1 1 mi 1 to a 3J am Olio l LilAv Alaaaccr I I AjS SMENT NOTILC Ata r 1 v , , 1 ,n r In I ll a a "all a .-. an y aa.n. (11 raj l .101 1 I Ida I . Mil llama a I "n lt t 1, , "V t V,.', ' tt". .,;" ;:. J. J . , . ., nsx. n 1 m j a r nnln Hit will folI t rM (to li m onAr 1 ir urh a . 1 77o IBlltl til I Ifioir Ji Ml twu i ftory 01 rt H ri orii on " NOTICt. AHTorKiia!irn Mrinvo or ?n titn( IV frrcM Co. h I trobr rn i to t eel At tit ltrt NtUlonftl Itttmt fflrr ut 4 I m rlIelrtl li" lor tht erun f mreri I iocd cthw bu lacHM mnyrnmitui I eforo . H II 1IMVMH In nrt THE UTAH SUOn COMPANY. rpiu WXUAl mMlSUurTHKaUlM 1 lti rtfiM Of th Uth nt ttr ( imir. y vrtll I I ttlbt 0I a l ll a an hn, w fTfr. MLkoCtv I Uh o rtuirf ljr ) iv4,Hitoelnekti li lurinMfor I Id mntUMK I Mile I li ll i Hon r A l rl of Hrt"rt tOMPTf f r tl turn n ir nn l ti tfUMHrtloD if i b ibtr I an ttttoiuinfty Idwtpl J eotnit iwf r ihc mrfttni . llfillUf 0 WIIITXKY Strrelrr t IjiU . Hy, March II iw Ji tEOAt NOTICE. In ib lrAii Ootirr, m mi it for Suit Ijo oirntf, Turnioiy vt Utah Ir tho lowlier tt IIS cti tf W I Joboi itotaatd Ortcrtoh wenM"rt7ar(irofl9ot tel rtUW kbuBid no! b mttd. Mr rjktl HUNT I AUMlNHTIIlTni I the, rUta of U f nhot iefai1 " ii bi imun I ajfn iiu r vrnoi. I ifrni Mrr t f a (all lltft r nl olal'ldcr deni fir Iho tun im Ihora h t I nh li I hmrt r ordfra l t y Um lulrf i-.ittt.erl ihnl n ItHMnna mivraata I in t h u r m I dir I k) i rar Uf ra i Ir I Ma to n i n I ur lay the tMI " " atl o Hark n lha fort-noun l'l ar at tl ro rl it m ol aal I l"n ata - my l nn hoom in lha Ujr I u i) r en i lAkp uuii loir tor? ui r w auoi K n n ir ho 1 1 not ba ri I el H r ta I a In initlralur to !! wrio h of Ibcrea r at f I uaii ldfrraaltl an i aato aa l all U n ir anil that a o pf of thla t.rirr U i l uhrl at lnt fi nr lucrMt.o wrPlta in In ilalr I MKHkTMtwa.a naa lar i rial I aad i utiiiahrtt in aailniranJ roiialr IUlarjaUlaltlity, Marrl.'J l't JCtn 11. III.MIt I 'roUte fudfc LEGAL NOTICE In tbe lrAlMM ( onrt in ud for "ill Uk Lonaiy tarntorjr of Luti In Iho matter f tbo I UM of MarcbCUl Joibtia Jott. n a I tad a Marcnc la J I ua Imr a Order I. it nr i and pinto fPIIB A(lKlhMb Tt AM M, JOHN J. an t do t ll r of ti u a r nauitxl cbil I and tbentalr ttit uned n d twoni to Iwf romi ) ln I a , ream c f lru wit nriaoa m 1 ll a t u m i ol Jtihua Havia an 1 t mrlnftna ii an d r 111 alaolM-rtiff Ucn iBncUnl x i lu lur re tilt tho ITobaie Ju (rOuh cy r p t ll t Ihiiradav tin ih lay fAi i I l at l t. tMka in be ai i ihr t.n m i ercl r ai noli ted aa ll e lint- and ll r rt I u if ibatoaiill I iKiortu I rm nf a I aduiiou wlin amwher m I u lod n ny iir and ah w mun Ml) at i 1 1 d ati uldu i La al ird to J Jualu 1'ittUahd t uie Mart III I urther ordered ihj n eo jot ibtaorcr U1 uliliahc4 ou a a week f r I rrn trnrki lest trior to Mid leartr la tUDtailtT I ttMIO Ntt DaltHlhuUltatHvof MikIi 198 JMtilt li. li Mil lTobaleJadfe. Uiot X H.UCH!I A lortirja bUMMONS. In lie IiUtrlrt ( onrt in an 1 for lha Th rd Ju U rial liUtrirt ot I lh, .QuMf ot rait f ako Jane Mioo Mole lHlntirf ChirleaA Hrndiraonan t M nn e I Ilcnlcr aonl a wife Henrietta eatfoa.lieonte U. lealo lr 1 1 ban I ant fctulMtkrr I r sinni lariuilDir tXm any (a wn, ora t on) Defendant TnolroitooflnaTerr toryot t liliacnlsreet ItKi ToUlfrWA llendrrton anj Mu nle K Urn aeraon h a w fe lUnrlnia italun Hrgv h aa inn l er bu ban I an I Mu Id alter It roe ManufMtai itg touiaDy (a condor lion, Pefendnnla riiu i k nuiKiiY iinjuntH) 10 ai ,1 ar in an a i on i ro ght atf nn oit i j lU abtre nanod In ui IT lo the Huii-if. i nrt uf tbo J hiru lud cul iiiitrirt of the 1 ar r lor) ot Utah ant t ankner Iho ooinilalht It et therein w thin teu larafcx nalretrtta nay of aart tfej aflfr thu c r Iro on you of thla autimoaa-it mrvdH t in ll U r uily or. If rrvedi it f Ibia rouutvlut in t ! tl Uriel within tw ntv ttara. uttiTwite nil n f rty tuy -or ul.Ti.otiy efuu t w I o taken i.a oai you a cording to I e i ryrr ot tall c ir lah t lioaa d a ll n lit rout-1 lo hate ludi wet t litbeaumof M4 Httti inalallt ifflnmrel I itltfrt n ru rv MU an I I In ! on eat I f iw (roi i n- uary a lain at lu rr i ent I it am um lor 0 auoruey a I au I roata I I a ll al rtd lo bo due on a ertal j roi a la a 1 1 tf uKtiit n liu f r llti o tti InT r r i ti aalo at lot irr nl i r an un aa o I ting dun an 1 wh fly mil auto Intern I lo Nor tl trmJ aM l no o ar uro I I r a i lorttttie of tun lateontnn ara hinlnalterdea nl car uiul hr mil delen lai u li t lainl if l la.ot ei ual lerree of ilia court fnril oaa e rt anil pr ucaj ll at ro tela llireifbu aut I ed I I ay men t of atnounta dna aa abme i It at dnfet la ta an I a 1 1 crtoua rlaim nr under Iho i be tarred aut foreJoej of all claim uf e Kfl !" I lO.lniall pfiril.rai 11 at I U bhtt hateuitnrntforanyun)lcnry and fortlhrrrrlcfi ald irenuo are farritud rafoll vta t wit Al Jot II I lock I foui tain I lace utHl v a beluv rt tin k rite Acre 1 at ll if K M I tuner toatc in fall laaerounij tJuh Urruor) Ai d yo i nrn I rrrby no ll d that If you fait to an r and aniwer the ati I rup u t a abo, v to i Iroltbeead i la mlJT will ai t ly to ItoUounf rtl lelrf uauanlo thirr U t ia lie lion l bar c p a no J iditn. d the teal t the LtUtrirt t ttinfi elhrd Judicial It air rt in an I f r the Irrniory of Mat Ihla 1 lb lay of Ma th lu tie Trarof our I rl oie thnnaanl i at t I tin I u I and n acty ihrre JtKNU. (1 JltLUAN t lork llrtl tt 1 lu Mia liri uly Liork ) li. JI.U omj ion i Un l fl a iltorny SUMMONS. ' In tl c DUIrlrt (ourl In an I fnr the Third Judi i I iMatrirt of tun Icrtltory, County ot ielt 1-ale Eipkt lOMjn, llnfnt It IkTHitTuMvar ItefonJ t The Ieole ot tbo Territory of Ltati leml Ttletrrl nter Irfirndanb pit hro irr by rcijuirpi to aipear In an art t-ubrt uliaitailnat ou by U eauo.onan nl llantR In the 1) alrlrt 4 utl ot thelltrd Juoicul l mi tot ilelcrrli of Uuii am I I ananrr tl e co np taint ll e t I ere n w tl n teDdtya(ei luair of tl euuy of emro altar llttafi, covu uot a a mm na if atrrvd Mitt in tl a go ail r if ienil tot or I hit r umy but lu f ho I airlit w tl in (meaty daiai uterwi. i w I I Mi u)-or Jut)j( mentby drfau tm n aitamat juu ao certinift t ti r r t id o j a ot. Itoaaidar na r uicbt lo ) u.e a decrea 0 t la ur tan k I J oi d t f amXt 1 byeiiLlI ,t e w a ntlR an Ido CLil.r I) kvm inirti I 1 11 t faro of thu t it ur cl Id lai o of a t m rrNiiej Hn 1 jtraoiinjr 1 1 i til aurli on r a d I roi er rel i aa may ll lua kb'Tei f ravl n tbo follow n hr u da i t i i al n b uarv to lw drfuodant Uiaurt I an I it' ai douetl in a j la u t It a d haa eter r u al 1 date rootln , t ao t lurn a n nl r nlaadthllj tl at furtuorellan no v ar let ro al I aLau Ion i ei t a I tdtt e be I at tat ed t t v lu lor 1 1st Mia con i on nectaaar c of I foj ju I that t r mora liu i ot e jear befor a fnbanduni tut f t lant tiealel Ulnlif I a cr t I mut i rr rauiinK ) lain it grou d t ''"oifjro'afflVrelii t tlil that If Jo t fait to en-ear a d a atirr tie aaldeoinbitM atjuv rr Ulr l thv ill 1 1 lalnt if mI'I 4 ly to Iftot-ourtlurtlci Iff I' 'a da ibcrein l.ttreaa ll e II n inane f an Ju le an I the aanl of lleUalrrt Uoitt rjf lit) IhlrlJul la! Ilat let, man for tbe Territory or I til thai Hi lay of alarai , lo tl t ywir t f i ur 1-o'm -ma tioueaid vjilt tunrd and m!?JII""' IIKMU 0 MC3I1II IV ilyt tb l KJOMln Clerk LEGAL NOTICE. IntUTro atetonii a t t ia4t County iw' ' In (l natrror lb rat t l a dreca e t iS John II. Itwwaa. ;dn rni- thi fttat" of taaen VOfUMn ''' r n dna 1 for at filament wH'l t la i nal touatpf Maadn u atrai ' i r lata an 1 U 10 LVr 0' ." t the tea dna of aatd . " poiaona enltltl thrttlo. an I that i the ii h day of Al11 ,. x ' ' " rloikain t theOwn Ito ti f aal ( u lu the t o nlr Ofturt lleoat fa 1 1 aVo t hntl i unty ttab Terriwry l"n luij at i n t rdtythfl IndJW t.f aird t f r it mIiIp mrntof aadaeeuntaadli itmil f .altwm loaf r dlitnltitlon at bir imii I i lae any nrraon inteiratml In aai I r inte may au i-enr kndahowcaaae It aart r in why aaM ar mintahoul not bo f n ar t ai .inred an i Snal I (trlhntion mado aa raje I fof UatcJUachlfalM. MtM OttV. ct the 1 r bue UourU UrCiianf Itunwitk Ju v tr LEOAL .NOTICE. In t) e I rnbam lat in an If r Kali UU County.lcrrtioTyof I al In tl matter ot lb Kiln in of I cter nr ekaon, Urdcr to alow cauaeMtyordr f aaloof rtal catateattould not b i ada nLMY J 1 KhRfON Wl IVO ti I taaaon tbo adrtinlatrat re of thee tai of 1 1 tcr I rtkaon drceed, I at tl ed their I M Hon I erein duly Jtrted i riling forftn order f aale ot all Af loriealeaUleof eall If odint tt.rtheturnO'e tfte c u ael ferlb tl ta lUrr'toro ordml i t lb J r taai 1 otrt. that a I a aona intrrcatml n 11 e Mtalf of aal 1 let eae I at near before the uld Crobaie Court oPlture-iar;ti'wr lT ,f i " ,'i,"J,., i ovk in the forenoon tf tut I dar at H-ei'antl man of tad lr-t 0n ai the I onnty ( onrt I ua. In the eltf an i i-mibit if I l.aar I Uh Icriltiry. to a ow naawhyan orlr il nldna l irnn-'l ' iho an d adm n lalrnlor td aril a. tAUth of lhf r al rat l of he ti't ueeaaet at imtu at aa faMI ) tierMarT ant lhai a oo r r li a or bo i -d tlealfoarin?ce rnt-etaln lha I MihiTlrTrHiiiM.i wnerprintail an 1 1 bl hed In and city ai rt uniy Hated I?rcb Iat Itffc ,.., JACtMl 1 I I iIB. I roi am Juftte. LEOeAL NOTICE la lie liuUU Ourt lu and ( r Halt Lake tvut ty,Tett Wry of t un In the natter ot tbo c-tate nl Caroline 1 rklaofi. tdereMd vToncr is ui uTiiTuiar-s TIIXT I JCS Uenattuni alwlniMtbl r ftletauiaof ar llio trtckaon dottlaoU I te idere I fer ettloinenu and tlol In aal 1 i nurt hla tie a I arrouotof bia adallairatl n I aad eauta anl i-euimn for Dual dialr bu ion of the rratdue of tail eatal a nr iho r a ua enl tied thereto, awl II t lueaday, the Uh nay f A rit A I lA At 10 orloch a m at iho mart Kwm r Mil ooort tnthMC unlr t omt ltoiie h t Like t liy ait l C unty I laiiTtrr lory uaaUrn i apint edlf Ibe JulReuf aai-l Ou n l r ll arttle n ent of aai I aomtint and I err i it ald et lion f r I itr I otto at wblh Hi and ( lure titiy ler-oi innreatrd In aatl wu o may an oar anl thnte raue it any I r bo hvaaii ar nnt ihotil 1 nit le aoll I aid m i rorcd a fl a l Ur li th n mado a i riyed f r .MIUreklM. .MM)V t leik r ir atKt un lly CALaTK'dlitowMH.Jr le uty clerk. ASSESSMENT NOTICE. I ticlr Hill 1 ning roitinany a atlon ot t rln rial i lace of Latin l nr t ti) Llth lauott on o Ollne nnait. r kM uiuic Uu irlot, Uaaatrn County Ltab XTonu it nuiMii oii that vr v Xl meeilDjc of tie lloarl f Trui s hell mile U h day of telru ri 1 m rlt Lake lly Ul.U an aaaeMutem nu or aeven of two ml i er tbare wae lev I tin ritjt tal aitx-Lofl e rorM ration a t in aecre tary Hltl in thirlr daya fr a Mite date at t)a 1 1 ake City Utah. ny x a u on whleft thla aaaeaaneut remain i Ho etytti it y r klarrl liVj Hill b J nleulad ,ertrlt raalc at Ubl ai tbntraa lajment i male bo ore vr Idnntha fclh tuy tf Mar, lAt. at He lo il ltow oon at rm St 311 tv. a lutlon Hulldlea bill Xjiket Hy ttab to pay I iueataa metii t leticr with coat oi nurrianf nnt Ml cnae ot aale. f JILKION tfecratary ha tJMurlontt nrt I 1 aouth alrrH, Irtwiruhtcond and II rJ .et frail Lalo Utiy. Utah. NOTICE TOCREDITORS. ttatoof Marr 1 Hall docoaict. NOTIfF It IIHlKin (IIKV 111 TIM under ,f nr I at lalraU r ofll ftalate tf Xaryl Hall d a I lu ll a rredllor i f, and all i tn n I at i k al n ajralnat tho aal I tlLMel U rxhlll 1 With tie nrreeaary toucher wtnn I ur tnontl a after the Or I ubiiratioii or hi n i e to the aal I a tin u a trator al So it ( r itilon I n Idlnj suit Uko Cuy ii tie r u it r fait Uke Jt IIS M UaNNOV, AdmlnMraiorot th I uto of Mary L. Hall deceaaedi Hate l&lairh tit lvt. NOTICE TOCREDITOnS. Uuteof Mary A tiffalt decoaaed Notilk m nriTh otiv,iir tiiu uodrratfnel m ma rator of the ruio I I Marr Ann UUail eaied. to I he rred t ra of ai d a 1 1 eraona hit nc claln t aainat aa 4 tleim 1 1 10 rth 1 t 1 n wilt the 1 ectar vunrhrra Hitllnl 1 after ll 0 flmtt u 1 rl on of thia noil e It n a d ad tilnlralor at7l5i-iMbMrfet.t)i i Lako City in tbo Oouuir ot (alt lAlte t 1 ah UK 11 11 lJOIIV OAKrALU Adm nUtraior ot lie eataio ot Mary Abu 1 un M cjikx it Atir foridtntntitrator Uatud March 3 1l, NOTICE TO cnEDITORS. ritatoof IMUam Sflmoycr deccued. VTOTICE IN HriTuVuirN, t UIK X utderaijrnci L ta Neimoyrr ex ecu tr x rt tbo rute of W a u A Nr mortr do rraaed 1 1 tbo rr d t of ant all 1 era n bar nt rlalin ay in U a aal 1 dcraaci lo t x h hit them with t) xary tutichrra r tt 111 leu 1 ut 11 a niter ft t l ubli auo nr ti null e 10 tbo aald x uirU at the (Moot jtne V 1 uti a n aim n al law 4U I rotreaa lul d nr nit ULe 11 n tl 0 r unly nt halt Uke I tat 11 1NIIA NKIMOihlt otr x of 11.0 c otMiliiaut a .Net 1 Jlf at liai U tb 1 NOTICE TOJ,lttDITOns Fatate tt Jane lir uirn, licceaied, NOTlLh H IIUtHl t 1KN fir the tin le a nrd a 1m nlitrairlx nf th eitalo ot Ja 1 le au n tl ore air I ti tie rrouiiora of au all t eraona larlilt cla me a? nal It 0 a lid decerned to tx 1 lltlhf n vithlhni ary .0 ict rr wthn leu 1 oult a atur 11 t ul Icauou t f 11 l lire to tie aa I In atratrlx or ler at lornty.'Utho lawt l e f Harlots termton hall like lllv in tbe County of aII fke Icrrltoryof ttali MM r fhltnLBOV dnlnitrairlzof Hot alo of Jane iercmoo, drroaard Italrl ebraryi Ih Jtl lUi tow t Lit in r Attorney for tittle NOTICE TO CHEDITUHS. I itate of tdtr l ray, Hccciac 1 XTOTitiK is mutir iikn nr tiu i tindtiarird utor ot tto i&at will an I U. in tut f flt V I ra ' deitoatctt tu llenvd t raor a t n ptreona havmccuitt apulballle Idle fa ed to rxbiUt thun vttlll ar er 11 e Cm n f 11 a noiien 1 1 ,lq raid raeentor nil af n ty ttcinonl Count . Hal of lolnralo uuii am t imirnwu, Kxrruttrof lh Ja w ll (tud Utnmct.t of rdmnt) Urar Datrd Mann 1 l ' NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Cilateof Iiatb alt thine licceaied XrOTIuriHIIRHfliyUIVKN UT riliCITK Ay der ned t lie - I n atraior of tl etil tf ItarUra 11 tl nta aireaiol lo lie ere I tor l ' ul btraone iBTittf nlaltua ayaintl tho aal 1 rteccatid tu eahlblt item th Ihn nrreaiary touel tri. w Unit foi r 1 ton 1 1 a af ar the Urn 1 uuiirail o oftlUnoure toibN" ladmlulatrator at h otLce r 01 a Ht an 1 n Uonat lullou liu Idloic. call 1 alo City, In the V uoty t,r i 1 1 tie Ilumaa I lew adtnlnlttratur of tto eilate of llara) a all ' ti,Ueiaaed, Dated Mibi. rd SUMMONS. ttI 'tr tCnu t n a df tneT&rd J d al li unrt 0 L it Uf r tory unt of At t ake MM ami. I ar r 1 Mr.l If til f Carey Defaadaat The I'J ' the Territory of LUh ml ro FiniM onrey lefendani rou Ar iiKiiMtr ukui mtn tu m X )-win an aeitonbrooaMaeaiaatrnq by 1 iTe named Ktainuit m tho lmtrtei m .r.v,b0-ThM drial iVa irn of the Terrtnry of t ita and 1 .1..."'. Ihe rot''nt n'd tbtrrln wilhlt Ir laya exclua re of the day or er vi 11 lerihaaervi ennyonvl iiu aunaon t aer r I within ihla oouolT or if terretlni rf tin ounty mi in tht d ttrtrt within iMOnl lay ottterwlae with n forty daya-or )udtmni by dfai It wilt l-e taken Mti t yon, nctrordinit to tbe rrayerof d roe t taint Ihl aald aettrni 1 brouiht id have a d eree ot thla court dlaeolv nr the marnan relation no exlaUav ihi mo ma m if and 4m dtnt. anditraniinK p aiotiir um ral rl el m-ayej ite tte tronn I tbat tor imn than one e-r ijUllrtoriUher tninon ment r ihh atton Irtcitdani haa wtllul y a t w iht ut rau e de tftifrlanl ainni nedtm. lalnt rt and re fu el to again I ve w l 1 1 Art I jron are 1 -rt,i v n t til d tt at tf y u fall loailrabl a w r ik a 1 oin nil nbnvo rt ml t 1 1 a d , m t rl wi I a 1 to IheeMrtf Ml ere lef cumartie llhrrein. VttiwH the ll n cnr)ea a e Judae, itlitMeraUfihoi itn tt url of ih-lb r I JeiteinllhaiM 1, 1 an tor tho lomior tf tftah lllalwndriay of Marrlt n the yeartf ar U rd one th uaanl piU hundre I and bihelr three fir AC.) m.U u M Mill V.terk llyUfo H Umimi l.r,ut 1 iri fotn JkCbxt atkira yaitirlabt H NOTJCE. - cll Anal Mimas and MiUln fJom 1 any Prit i-ipal ( tare of buelneaa en t Uke City "Vomi ahr iikiinqikmt X h n the lol ow n tearrijed atock a neoonniot tmeui Sn 1 laned on tbe Itn day ot ftf.tmbr 1 ij. the eater tl mount aai opfioaite the namfa jf the rtevto Iheabarrnvjaert fo 09 No of 1 em So), of m l s Mim Jr n 1 to ))) ttmLN titer, Jr IM IM list JnlfwHi iw toe in 01 J;m iuir4e, im mm i 00 JJiiillurn HO 1000 0 01 V P ' lirhe- I" John heck 1(9 V licf JolitilleM im lifl B? ihmriie forty 01 nv tXtM V.porge' bily 1T M IS 31 Mmlnller 1 lit OiiT 1 VtMMtHa W nn M 1 t U0eon. IWlii 0 et MlMorra, in mm Uleaaofrii WO ill 5t UotiKM'r ltl j 110 tlooVkyler ail 1 n efc 1 atffrton ID 10. m Alex latieraon WT U $ U Wl lijrbaMa w iota wi uu hard 6 ill Jo ittrlianl lh) 01 in Joe lticMrd mi X U An.leUM.yeer A 9to U nuto I Onydir in at l M lioral Now ti M in luaml Roowr ffld Ot) Nathan beer M lai (0 ua ixii.anne.r 14 111 oof J l 11 Tfhnett m 0 ftl Jubu liielt M 6i mti JohMlbfeil bb) MuO John I tell 11-1 CMT. WTO IV) John 1,iU t il) HI7i Join iipnttt tu loo Mo 10 John T l Uti ltl j Dim ta)ior lUwner Arm atronc CVi IW Sft) II 09 Tajkrlionuny Arm .. lKiirv 117 tt Ml iJoie van Homo 111 4 MM Klmao an ifutae 11 IW ivi I lota an Home im aa 0 14 )- en Hot ne to "S IU Duuo 3 lojno crow A in OU fe,t n BU a&miManfc ll (UI m) AiMoma ii mu utud vttouetc u fw fcoa V U 11 UUf 11 JOU WW A moon l louo tai 01 l Moans i & ij M) AlOouMt 41 UIV Ul 61 A l .0111..T It COO UU a nioum 111 i,w luou Alllngnir l hKt K U AllYron Ski b u mtoi AU.1.U.1K, 711 2W 11 W 1-oiCMA l Yonrc Jr l tf in UicdaoP eutwJr 1 Rl ivil Irtiiii oiajtJr 2it li aim Mtiaait it hiw 01 lw co 00 utaitn oul,( 3W ltl CI AIMtIO VtMiU 1M fttll MlO AtoiffoAountt IV oOl 80 01 l ttfOlvUCfC Im 1AUI Mtt) Alonao . outtj JTT 1 4 n ftl Hate ll loun vi 1 im tti w ilalaic touoif 7i)l m Ht llfber onno U ftw uro llelieMtunc M 3 JU II t Touuir m aw nm ll K. 11 X 144 Kit IHM ti h -. mns SM 17 4 in Ijiitrrnrell Aonntf bl -00 ftv Ijiurrneatl ounr M tto sn no aUnreurell .ourtf ltl 111 b 17 l I n a flordanrohltt law an I lit ot ler of tie floard of 1 rirlora mide on ll nil dy 1 f etietnlr lefl o inanv ahare of (afb 1 r el of aurl titoelt aa may U nere aary will e au. Im 1 ooto No Ml and 819 Conitiuilon ltulldiutf, Mil IjiI t ity Utat on t May the 1 th da) or Yv roirj A It inkj a 3 cloeV 1 1 t layltiu tvliatjuenl aaaeaai tit llertiont vcih r unit the co.i of anvcrtiaiug and en en 10 of aale 1 JUUN I. NCIiritKIL UUkeClty,Janiary88 !. Mr,lar' Tbe due ot tl aa e of dellnqnrnt ttn k a totH Irrrlyrxten let to March lo liOL at llioaunei tuiiillur Uy order t f tbo l nr t f d rrrlor made it 1 da J I NHlLI Ml, secretary Iialedlelruaryo lfL Ti-n l lino fit ute r Hi il ve dellr 1 cnl nock, i lereby extended to At rllio it- at II oaa oj ar ai i but r Hy ordir of tbo Uoatu of Hirertor made Ihli da) ' J I.Nf IIKI Kit ftcmiary Dalol Salt I ale tuy March n rOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE. XT (UUP XH HKKKin (llN TIITIV L turauaure of an order tit the I rebate Court of rait 1-tlo ruu Ir Terr tory of I tali li II a inattrr of tteeinu of harah aik 1 a made the 1 l day of Marri lut It e unteraiirnel John r Uuekle ed n nla trator of liilalt wl t rn or lfrro ll Uib dayM Ajril ifttlt el at tritatu aale to the h K t e t b I ter I reah kt 1 aubjert 1 1 tt e ap ir tl ( mJ Ir ltl Com l all tbe njMt title an 1 in e nl wl I li ll ti aal 1 eaiali atain I I tlheim ol l tr teceaaerr wl Irlt aald ratrite t aaaiuroar ju ret 11 andiotlolol tr It sua ui laaiatuatea it rait Lake ar 0 un yot Hntl l-ako aidlerrtory ot Utah t w lie ta-thaf of tho weat half cf lot 1 b o k tl 1 ty Ore (aU) t 1 lai II ha t 1 ake 1 Ut nrvr 1 er 1 a t f aale rath I Or 1 .u Up cm en. cot lid 1 it I 10 writ hit nn I may I le t at I e itftre of liu k u lit N rtin ull I ait Term le a reel !a!t I ike my, Ctit joiin t nici il Adm niMratorof tie tatatoor earah ttatllii At- oed "" ASSESSMENT NOTICE. Aurth loti I UuiiMoUtlattd Irnuatfo 1 tb I on tlou of otlt an I I nn Ipnl l tare nf I nl nn lulen Hotel at btnond Houit) htrttt HaitUloCiy uuh XTU1KK 1 llhltl'tl tlWVTHAT VT AN a rtRblar meet 1 r c t the board uf i rorl raofaail coiwpm y d 11 li tb Jrt f Mairh I" aueaone t No, 7 ( f rty rente 1 rr ahare waa lev el on ll a auiui pUhiI t f tlu r rHral on jatatlr 1 ned alety li the amivlary at the lUoa tf the pouij ny rot 1 .Stub-nil tel ..e.,1 1 ondfKuthatteel Salt Ul Ct) 1 ul 1 ri ry inyeoekblMii whl b tt la aaaMimn t at all remain von I on Tueaday Ainivtlb 1 11 will I e v I 1 tent an 1 adrert ed for aala at ub 10 nue l 11 uni 1 nle iv ent la made I etore w I be d 01 lltrauv MayOHl l a 4 1 lurk 1 i.tonuy ll ett I r quint aai aan ent t Llb rwitb the coat of nqrerl ain and i il) order of the boar I of dire, or ' J MIlilKllKAIl.JK. herrctary N rib I 1 n (Jonaolld.tot lnliatlonUuili aiy ltTke(lir M 1 Marrl Vll !. d DELINQUENT NOTICE. ToTboma It Lniui. rniiiH isiiixoTirr ihutiiai louAiir X in tekled to uie in the aunt t three I und red do Ian (Moo. fur Ubcr varforin 1 mr ytu on ll Mraaa mu e a mated 1 1 I ry Uai.Min in bir 1 Una: 1 11 nrt. Tooele bounty. Cih Haid wu e a about half a 1 lie fn n tl 11 in ten Ireature mine m a aouib tt rrly direction anl Aootit half a ml 0 from tho Mona ibine lu n aoultitr ) 1 ractiou. and la Joined on tho north by tin lou rth or July m to ham wor waa ltrrorued luaarrtanietiiwoilf r yu for tto year IMij and IM4 an 1 tinleaa you py 4u aa tie will In v nety (Wl uay froui im dalo Lett f riUTialerCklwiUbet tfeludtu nu lord nit to I W MAT) U MCddA lebruaryl K. u 1 Or SYONCY.RINu refMoTleK OpInPl.T l S A IhMOl tho blind r I j kotThomnouTrO-' wlUlilV j IH i l llo n I aju j llrf Aiiriiinm! Wv , a I ml3?iir 1 "rorV'p'i ul'll' "jvfc, n-fLrapouilcaaroQuTJe-. VFiM Tht Jirr i'll a w j Vt" vr v I'lon I ll. err I H III fiT GOSTI 1 My Enllro Stock of SHOLS AT COST. Evorythtnn "id Now nnil Stylish Socuro Bargains rnANK J 'll 'I DUNFOHD 27 W. Tlrat South St., flvo doora ' ,iJB Cast of Dlnwooeloy Furnlturo Co IhI AMERICAN NATIONAL BM, j'll ---Or SALT TAICL oity.- I 11 Capital $2B0,CO0 Jorplts $60,000 Organized October, 1890. Bsr ismntsT PAtii o smoi au rivit in.rosiTS.Toa J 11 OaatS0?! niuSS a "i0"". .'J? "' " M '-atl. lra ITaKaldatDt I I. lloHlafl. j Tal eraaaaar ll llollabl.AaaMtaM l-aaa rr A M I raat M I urar a ll Jar. a J JaJiL 4 IH I I I Mtwraar I rf Mo.. Hl.Bt.ll. ll u T..."lill T A lama. 11 "CORTICELLI." s J - Wash, Embroidery Sill;, ' N jl i o0hti3? 1 1 11 (-H riieic tie Llit ill, In b!ie and In rtdt f-l j Ifl fl.i IliJe ei lit iJiootitil, itmnjeit ol Ihreiil, vJ Ml I i lie (ica OirtiJ, that tt'rjr one iii.ll P3 'II O U worth; tht MUlt KiU r "CorlluU" bsU. iU ! C. IT SAMPSON, AsrortA MM JAfflES-SPENCER-BATEMAN CO. I iSaxcaiora io Dm Id Jami-a A Lo. anj Iponccr-IIira or Co. i O I PLUMBEES, TINKERS, ii S learn and Gn& IPillovs,. Ill hj Vo carry a Complulo Llnu of I 1 UH GEM AND PENINSULAR STOVES AND RANGES, 11 Gitsolln and Oil Stovo, Tinware, Cranlto tronwr I II nti Hour Purnlthlng Good J j jfffl S HI6HE.AND i Biwl Q '" II flB AN 1NI'A'A'S l'OOL) II i on nAni iiy anooiaitu vzvr xnixjcvrAifii . a t mflShm ft ' 1 J "& TF?vviyi5welllnow7 ifv". fl ihJL- ... , .ljrltrtofafnMmOj;-v' M ifupll -evvfryooodplinj '' )!! "Nl . Sf ? Ifyoullgivimeahome. ,r 'j ' Hyp ' will; a amniioM Id ft In ,- l j M&4 1 H ta &d III brew , ' , ') I M M . Jll boil And III slew J,-v wi !l V IWM And tbpdAlntiejwelffr'asloosxi'.. ju M KM . shall nmrbpfeiv' (?;?. lfc Ifl M for Irjpfopd that ws ru Jneii wr-'m i ri iip Tnpre ran bp no excise. fl I,,. .M J jfl CfJ VVllhlhatWl,iE0AUJEOO0l:ei4teil-vf' P pon ralr nr . H Z C M I , - Solo Agonls In Salt Lalco City. 51 lnRGEGnRDENmtJ . i U A$J'J 1 O r,NB li0SB ' LASTS ralll.ntr.n(io RIW l . Ifl '3 f&V,t SlaruiarJ arltllel rl raU P " 9 S. ,- Our Calilccut of riant, onJ lioral Mvrlllta fjr .jjll new rtajy a.'n lal P ir!? nvl,lt1l'l'OwlltiitcMafuIwHUOarilenaBllloultrUoli - O " YA4 THieOOOKLCrTtLLBHOWTO nAI8E BIQ CRrflt.NTHeMUMS. jffl J7T ffln eai M im luwualaia a vau.uaiti.aaie.aa9.aiaa rjaV ffi t3-, soo,i.v.t. SOUTH DENVER FLORAL CO. Ic f 40 000 Gd rr ClAtl mimaM aiiaauma AaTJ vS&wSC&Cfi o. no tti, touTH oiavia, reo. mm I -awn ' "-" avtywata.. - r.Tirrr. i. ..a V -a"NMw''B