Newspaper Page Text
IP I i 0 m:?mwjv jrvxynre iraysi rniPAY mahcii ai, isoo. : !. . ADJAGENT-fiL! I , I " Stureli til, IM3. t, 1 ' J FRAGMENTS. B I i Tiik Territorial Ho prame court yeilcr K'l i day afternoon adjourned till April l&lh. ,Sf ' r-.nrsiC.W. I'i-iiiosk Is announced to M , l address ths Twenty-first rjuoruin of , ! l.lders at its moating In Ilia MnoioonlS ' H l ! J ward IMi evening, al 7i30. 31,1 Tim law firm of Condon A Nelson, nf f' thU city, has ln dissolved, an I tho h V ,' j first named will In fuluro conduct boil I 1 , nene on hie own account al his old olllco ' j g i In Iho Commercial building. f f 1 1 ' Tub Roeond quorum of LMire, com 1 II i rioting those rsuJIeK In Iho lint snd pi Tenth ward, will hold Its tigulir f,5 , monthly meetlns: In llio Tenth war I I,. mealing lloueo, Monday OTenlns, Atrll ft t rd,at?.30. I?) Tun Tabernacle choir will meet for J) i i tiracllco In tbo largo Tabernaclo tonight I J. J i it 7.30, and attend to thq work which M i should ham been aliended to lait nl it ' lj not their rebennal Inalvertenily j len broken Into by thoHalvatlou Army. I j A corr of the law and motion .Ji) whWiwIllcomoup on iwroinptory call f brJndteanoneil Monday mornlnit. H was handed to llio rourt riimrtor of tho r" ' i Nswa liy tlerk .McMII an lodeyi but. for f ' waul of paw, IU publication hai had to I l ' ba withheld. The list contains lslcaios. R J A fi, ? AMUSEMIiNTS. 3 ' i Trim Jacitiwr In Undo Tom'a ' Cabin under tbo management of the 4 , well known comedian, Hlockwell, la 1 , the attraction at tho Theater tonight, v Probably the flttlo euoounter Utween t'i) Jackson and Choynskl, whlcll occurt i ', ltween Ilia acU, will attract moro j 1, , I atronage than Iho hhtrlonlo merits of 3 i ' the iierrormance. Ij WATtDUANIi JAUUI sale opened this i i ,7 raomlng with ruin, second only Io jf 4 that aeen nt the engagement of the 7 f Jloilonlans. Tho demand for all llirea Jj it nlghta waa about equal, but It U riroba. 1 i X Lie that Jullua Crcsar will wllnne tho Ill's banner gathering of Hie engagement. Jj S "A Correction. 'IS?) In Hie synopsis of amusements for If jj tueflrstweekof Conference, published J 't'f ' In lait nlght'a Nr, Thuraday night I fly and Monday night were Riven on the !t j ft, first and last uljlitu, reipeotleely,of llio II V , Tabernaclo oonccrU. Title waa a ruli. tiff , take. Wedneiday night li eet for Iho I' 3 tint concert for the benefit of the IJX World'a Fair mutlc, and Thuriday lie night for lbs Hunday rchool union. I Ijfi I'llday and Haturday nlghte again for t ' fi tbo World' Fair and Tucaday J i )3 night for the Tabernaole and vltltlng ' kv? choir. Tho program for each of Ilicro ti will bo the 'International Hong ; ! j Conceru," under the direction of I i!!f l'rof. l:. Hterheno, which created o I S ' J) much enthuiliitlo and farorable com- I , V uienl on Waehlngton'a lilrlhday, II it Mocdoy oTenlug will alio bo mod k7 ' il for the World'! lair benofll, Willi a Sic program furnlihed and arrange I un SIU' iter tlm illrrcllon of 1'rofeMora iCrouie, fK lladolllla and We I he, while tho Utah .- JIK' county cholra will hold lorth ou thr 7 b fillowlng Friday night, and toulbly ' N a ir ormanc may bonlven on riolur- " ; jjIH day night for the benellt of Improrv , - A luenla on lha great organ. I i 1 Jp i -- THE TEMPLE DEDICATION. Apportionment of tha Wards In Silt Lake Stale. lite lumbere thai Mill be Aitnill U.I in the l.rlrni. ! of Hie Merler. Tho apportionment of Hilt I.ike Htake, by warJn, fjr ndmUilon Io lha Tenile dedication eertlces li glrcn herewith. Hhould there be any not yet reported who aro entitled to be Untitled, they will trobably be erilgniil Io the morning r-ctebn of April lOlbl I'lrtt Ward tjunday morning April Dili, ISO; tiaturday morning ltth, "iZ, Hunday afternoon lOthJM. Total 000. Heoond Ward Hunday morning Otli 16 J, Haturday morning loth, IS) HunJay afternoon 10th, S0. Total U0 Third Ward Bundny mortilug Oth, ICO; Haturday mornlmr ISth, 100, Huu day nllemuou 10th, 151. Total IJI. Fourth Ward Hun lay morning Olb. U0, Friday morning 1 Itu, 201. Total Ml. Filth Ward Hunday morning Olb, 160: 1'rldty morning Uth, 180. Total 330. Hlxlh Ward Hunday tunning Oth, 160; Friday mornlnx 14th, 250; Hun. day afternoon 10th, 201. 'I otal DO I. HeTentli War I Hunday morning Oth, ISO, Hunday aflurnooii 10th, ISO, Tuetday attcrnoon ISth, 129. Tulai 129. l.lghlh Ward Hunday morning Olh, ISO; Hunday nllernoon 1Mb, 150, Tueiday altetnoon 18th, 100. Total 400. Ninth Ward Sunday morning 0th, ISO; Hunday afternoon lGth, ISO, Tun. day alternoon 19th, 107. Total in. Tenth Ward Hjnday morning Vth, ISO; Hunday alternoon I Dili, IS), Tuteday morning loth, 2)0, Tuueday aflornoon 18lli, 200. Total 7ud. Klerenth Ward Thiiralay niter noon Oth, 78; Hunday morning 0th, ISO, Haturday morning ISth, 100; Hun. day alternoon 101b, ISO; Tucaday morning 181 1, 200; Tueeday allernuou 18th, 283. Total IliS. Twelfth Ward Hunday morning Oth, ISO, Hunday alternoon 10th, ISO, Tueiday afternoon lbth, 114. Total 414. Thirteenth Ward Bumlay morning Oth ISO, Thundoy afternoon 13th. ISO, Hun lay ailcruoon 101b, 19. Total 403. Fourteenth Ward Hunday morolfig Olh 100; Thuraday arteruoon 13th, 73, Hunday alternoon 16th, 1C0. Torn! 311. Fifteenth Ward Hunday afternoon Olh, 200, Hunday morning 10th, 300, Tueiday morning 18th, 100, Tuuday afternoon 18th, 2UJ. Total IM2. Hlzteeutli Ward Hunday alternoon Olh, 230; Haturday morning ISth, 123; Hunday morning 10th, 4)0, Monday afternoon 17lh, 200, Tueadey after noon lSlh, 223; Total I .'00. HoTeiitechlti Ward Hunday after, noon Oth, ISO; Hunday morning 16th, 200, luriday morning 18th, ISO; luce. day alternoon, 18lh, 2JI. Total 723. i:ighleentli Ward Hunday alter noon Olh, ISO; Hunday morning loth, 200,Tunday morning 18th, ISO; Tuee day afternoon 18th, ii. Total 721. I m J , . liHl II FREED FURNITURES " ' .CARPET COMPANY r so, as, ui, ao, ;; j:. xniiin souTjr. fit , -' f CashEasyPaiiment li nHsxDccial Stilo oC . ' Gffl F0II1 BIS, )yl QDantel Beds, i Bedroom Suites, ' i Carpets, J . Parlor Goods, i j PORTIERS AND LACE CURTAINS. i A.,. Klneleeoth WarJ Sunday after noon Otb, 200, riiurnday alternoon 131b. 200, Bundey morning loth, Wf Monday afternoon 17lh, 2 0. Total 001. Twentieth Ward-Hunday naorrluou Olh, 20o; Hunday morning loih, 2o; Tuesday alternoon ISth, 200. Total M i. Tweoty.rirl Ward Hunday alUr noon Olh, 223; Hunday morning 10th, 23n; Monday afternoon 171b, 2IS, Tues day morning 18th, ISO; Wadueidoy morning ltlh, ISO. Total 003. Twenty-eeoond Ward Su nday after noin Oth, 200, Hunday morning 10th; 200, Monday nftemoon 17lh, 200, Tues day morning ISth, 200, Tuesday arior noon 18th, IS. Total 021 Tnenty-thlrl Ward-Hunday after noon Oth, 73; Thursday alternoon 13 h, 1.2. Total 1.7. Center Ward Thurliy morning 13th, CO; Tuesday morning 181b, CO. Total 120. Hugarhouio Ward Thuriday morn i g nih, 230; Monday morning 171b. Mil, Tuesday rooming ISth, 20O. Total 70 0, Farmere Ward Thuraday morning 13th, ion, Monday morning 171b, 115. Total 215 Mill Creek Ward Thursday morn ing 13th, 400 Monlay morning 17lh, 3.15; Tuuday mortilug 18th, IM. Total 1200. Last Mill Creek Ward-Thursdiy morning 13lh, 123; Tuttday morning 18th, 125. Total 230. Mountain Dell Ward Tueidsyaflcr noon 11th, 33; 'Thursday alternoon 13tb, 31. Total U'J. lllg Cottonwood Ward Tuosday afternoon 11 tie, 200, Thursday after noon 13th, 201; Haturday ailcruoon ISth, 200. Total C01. Houlli Coltonwiod Ward Tuefday afternoon II lb, 310; Thursiay after nonnl8th,4, Monday aftornosn 171b, 318. Total 1014. Union Ward Thursday nlornlng ltlh, 200, Haturday afternoon 15th, 2SS. Tutul423. Uranlla Ward Tucaday afternoon Utli 123; Thursday nltornoon 13th, liS Total 230. Hindy Ward Tuesday afternoon ltlh, 230; Thursday allernooii 13tb, 230. Total SOd. Draper Ward Tuesday afternoon llll',2-V, Thuraday afternnm 11th, 200; Haturday alterooju 13. li, 10.'. Total 617. Ulull Dale Ward Tuesday afternoon lltli, 7S; Thursday attirnoon 13th, So. T.ital US. Illrt rlon Ward Tuetday afternoon Utli, 113; Thursday altersoon 11th,110. Total 2 II. Houth Jordan Ward Tuesday after noon 11th, 130, Thuraday nltornoon l.llh, 150. ToUl 100. llurrlman Ward Tuesday after noon lllh, 73. Thursday afternoon 13th, 74. Total ISO. West Jordan Ward Thursday morning 13th, .123; HalurJiy afternoon Utli, 200, Monday alternoon 17lh, 431. Total 070. ISorlli Jordin Ward Thuraday morning 13th, 200; HaturJay afternoon ISth, 200. 'VoUl 400. Orangvr Ward Thuriday morning 13 h, 150; Haturday alternoon 15th, 173. Total 323. Ilrlghton Ward Thuraday morning 18th, oo; FiUay morning 14th, 70. Total 10). Ilunlur Ward ThursJay morning ltth, 73; Haturday altiruoou 13th, 60. Total 101. l'Jrusant (Inen Ward Thuriday morning I3lh, 10), Haturday alternoon ISIh, 100. Trial 100. Notlh l'olat Ward Thuriday morn ing ISt'i, 25; Haturday alieruoou ISIh, 32. Total 57. Ulthuts abould aee that Ilia exact numbtr of twreon arolnlod Is on haLd on Iho daya and at thu llinei l-rclfletl- 1 f nny fall to oomo as algn td they will loio thu rlTllegu ol ad mission to Ibo terriers. M. Canndv, Joaiui i:. rALuul Ciiaiii 13 W. l'l siiuji:, Halt l.aloHtuka 1'resldeucy. l'l'lcstooil Mftllll. Tho rigular monthly nuotliigof thu rrleelhood of the Halt I.ako Htake of '.wn will conveiio In Iho Atlcinlly hall tomorrow (Hiturday) at 11 a. m. A full attendauco uf theHlakc, ward aud locil authorities, and l'tleithooj generally lsdelud. J. D. Hrim inu, clerk. NOIITHKIIS -STATES MISSION'. Ildcr V- . hlajnrr (lltcs a Ury laiorolilo Account of ILo lork lhcrclo. l.lder Chariot W. Htoyner, who has Ueu president of tbo Norlliern Htatct mission for ntarly tlirto jiuti (ast, made a welcome call nt the Nrus olllco today, Boinu two aud a hilf ytars hvu olaptcd eluce his former Nit to Halt Lake. JIo arrived from Waihlogtvn this mornlmr, and will remain lu our midst until ufier the Tinirlo dedication, 1 he mlMlon.oTor whlcll JlrolherHtay tier prtildri Is divided Into Ihrtu con fertucei, which h vlellt twlcu vach year, aud tho epilog or milt annual nuttings of thtso havu Just boon hold tho l'enus)lvaula conferencu at Littleton, Wist Virginia, the Indiana tuuferoboo at Columbus (Iruve, Ohio, an 1 tho Iowa conlerotuo at Council lllullr, luni. l.lder Htaytier reporta that all tlleso cnfeteuces are In excellent ooudltlon, and ea) a that although only eomo four teen tmptlsmi have taken placo during the lait elx mouth, utvlng to the luvero weather, et ngood many jir soim Intind to be laptlud In lhotry mar future). Considerable mid luoriae iLg Interest Is being manifested In re gard to the Uoij el lu mjkt parla of the mission Held, while In others thero la till much ludlinroucu eliown. Thu l.ldcrt re inerllng with kludncat on marly uviry hand, nnd making many frit nds. '1 hero havu been twcnty.ulno I'.lilors laboring In thu ISorlhern stslea mlislon during tho past half year, and between 600 aud OJD ineottiito hold by them, aud within tho (erlod uanitd tin ro was only one Instance reportid lu which iin 1, dcr was left without a meal or a placo of shelter. No mob violence had Wen encountered, nnd only n few threats. Tho aohool bcusea In most of thu districts had boen thrown opon to the Lldersfor Iho holding of mtttliifauJ It was very rarely that an application for their uie won met with a refusal, DIJer Htayner It In the enjoyniLht of first rate heullh, and IsUcllghlod to bo oiiro moro among tho people of .Ion, JIu will irobubly return toWaihlcg tou, tho htndquartori ol his mission, towards tho und of next week. The Jlarbeo &. Wulkcr mill nt Silver Itetf Is to bo started up In nthort time. It will irobally bo workid to aopao lly of twenty-five lona of ore n day, though It Is cipablo of doing double that work. DliMATlC MEETING. An Undo and HIec. Hatt Under Romantic Clrcam.taaces AT Till; StM'ATlUN AItV SHSStOV In llio Tahcrnicli I-nl SUlit.-Ttirr Wcro Captain Illnc!i Cot aud an Old Salt l.1tr. Tho Hslvatlon Array meeting to tho Tabernaclo last night Wil n largo and Interesting one. A great deal of curiosity had been orjuiol by thu newipatior annouucouisnU that Cap tain lllauche II. Cox waa going topreacb. Thcso brought out many persons who would not under ordinary circumstances have attended tho meeting. J'arly In the evening the local army ai-embled at lit btrracki ou Third Houth street and to the muilo of Ihelr band marched through Iho prlncl;al atreeta ol the city noglng aongs of gladuemlu their own toullur tuantitr. When they arrived at the labernaole It wai filled wllhieoilc. AD opening selection waa rendeiid by tho band after which Caplalu Cx addresud tha audleuia tor moro than an hour Hho Is a most onthuilaillo and mi ul nvangelUt, pot-tued of a tleop and trong aud not unmusical voice. Hhu touched upon many topics of a religious clmraoter, tut confined her self to none In articular. Her talk was principally on whit the Army baj dono for the unfortunato In tha slums of London and other largo cities. Hho n pealid to all to lead tetter lives aud labor for fallen humanity. A most Interesting and unexieclcd tnoldent uccurroi In tho Tabernaole after tha services. II hajpeoed In ihlswIstiOn Wodnoilay uvonlngat Ld wild Cox, who has oharge of lha carpenltr work un the Temp u block, went bunio lu auppir, Mrs. Oox slid, "l.Jward, don't you know that I be llevo the Halvattou Army lass who Is going to lecture In tbo Tabernaclo Is your brother Charles' daughlet;" 1 "Why, wife, ou startle me. Wbat makes you think ao?" "lliavobocn reaJIng about her In ltiepaernndnll the particulars point tomy cotiolutlou. Kow I want you to go aud find bir aud sco If I am lib! right." Mr, Cox replied that every moment of hie lima woe medal at the Temple In tho great rush to bavo It ready for the dedication nnd did not think It worth whllo to troublo ataiut. Hut ho promised to go to the meetlog last night nnd ha wont. "1 knew by her voice, enthusluatn, peculiar k enures and every action that my wife had divined correctly," said Mr.Cox to a .S'l.u a reporter tod jy, "as soon as I saw her und I was glad to maho tn) eclf known to her." HMlis Cox, excuse me, please, and don't consider mo rude If I Inquire If j on were born In Lunuou7"iald Mr. Cox. "No aauie for feeling ombarraiaod, at all; lamalwnjapletsol to auawor questions," replied Ilii Cjx, smiling ly. "Vec, sir; I was born hi Ljl Uon." "1 thouzlit sa. Your fa'hor's namt?" "Charles Cox." "Ho limy youugost brother." "Whal7"exolilmel .Mm Cji, turn log pale and stretching out her bund toaavoherielf trout falling, "Vee, It li true." "1 knew I know I had an uncle somewhere In Iho United Htates somewhere lu tho West, but Just wbera I did hot know." "Woull ycu know your father's picture If you saw II?" asked Mr. Cox. "Aly own fathei? Indeed I would." "Djyuii reoognlis this?" naked Mr. Cox, as hu drew an old and faded pho tograph from au Inner pocket. "Vos, yes," Joyfully exolilmol lha frail evangelist as aha aUVctloustoly grail ed her father's llkonrai. l.iplauatlons ijulckly billowed and thv.uuclo and nleca separated with fti vent liandihaklng,the latter I romlilog Io write regularly to her uuwly found relative whether her labors would taku her to China, Jar an, tho Dark conti nent or clsewlnre. In iptntlug of the haipy meeting Mr. Cox laid today that tils brother Charles was educated .".r tho ministry and held very extreme views. When tho former Jolnod tho Moimun Church Jhe was virtually ostracliud from hli family, Hu oorreiionjed lonio with bis brother Charles alter coming to Utah, but soon all communi cation ceated betwion them and lliey appureully lout each other's addreuer. Mls llUuclio wm born alter l.dward lelt l.uglaud, and when tlioy met In the Tabernacle last night It waa the lint Hue. The l.ngllsli branch of the Cox family from which tho two oomu li iroud, sensitive, well oducitod nuj wealthy. .'oirtccunlc Society. Tho monthly meeting ul the Poly technic society will ba held at the society's rootui, this evoulug, at 8 o'clock. Topics for dlicuiiloni "Thu Hclwyn .Metallurgy," dticrlbotl by Admiral Helwyu. "UndergrJuud Condultalor lhctrlo wires." Other matters lu their order. Th ra will ba present several vlilllng engluttrinndotherilulerestoJ, nifi a full ntleudancu of tho members Is ro ijueited. llmlneis meeting of directors same oveulng at 7.40. T. C. JUn.ev, Hecretary, About to bit MbeTittoJ. Acting Warden H lulrus of the Utah penitentiary Ibis morning forwarded to Oovirnor Thomas a liitol convicts whoio terms will uxplru ou the datta named: Hiram Ulce, grand larceny (committed from thu Fourth district court, one yenr for grand larceny), Iligltcitofall in Leavening Toner I alci t s Goi'tRrport ABSQWmnf P8JRE April 1st, 1601; Jacob Johnson (from tho Third illitrlct, oncar let oranU larceny), April Ird, 1801; Wni. Beeg miller (from Iho Third district, nno yair for housebreaking), April 11th. 1891. Toi.ri)'s l'rolmto Conrf. Instate of Andrew J. Uurnam, do ceased. Heating on petition for letters of almlnlittatlou. Cha. C. nurnam apinlntuj administrator on tiling a bond In thu sum ol 200. 1 jtate of An Irew J, Allen. deceased. Hinrlngon petition of Louisa Allen citing Win. C. Alien, executor, to appear &ud reuder final account. A Tliletes' Cnclir. Tho police today nrrcstod n quartette of suspicious characters wheso names aro given as J. W. lladcllllc, J. W. Hspgood. Mattln Olion and l'cler Klein. They aro suitcted of bolttg counectod in some way with a thieves' cache whlcll lha ollce ran across and lha location of which they refuted l give. WITHIN OWL (1ATE3. l.ll Upomhaw, who HveiatHanU quln when at homu but kcets on living wherever ho may be, Is doing that samu In Halt Lake Juit now, M. H. Ilrowulug of Ogden, who Is I art mitt i arcel ol tho firm of I rolhers uf thai naiuo whoio fame and wares have circled the globe, was In town yesterday and dIJ not forget todropln. Joseph Clerk, lliu mill owner and general capitalist of Ogden, llko many more ol bis townsmen enrno duu n to seo us today lor n short time, returning this afltmoon. Hu will return ou Monday aud etuy n whllo longer. Houston It. Harper, of tha Cliatta noogH Acus, prevlouily mentioned lu tills department, mada n call ou Ills -iptr's namesake today nn I spent half an hour 111 thusanctumiiulta plvaiant ly. Do so again. - IIOTSI. AMlUAIA Tlla MonnAM thirlli llicher. Framton, Wji.IIJI.u.i Jr, Uhll llnJ A lop, I irk curt Ml e) enaliaw, ainlKinlai l(orUllli4Di ItUaniibill ml slti. Mtuliu, Huh I) a, Uleli A t anin I art nntl wife,, Dliin i Hum CeiuplDl m, Melllmili JIo J eicb, rule II e. Ill) Jul.n J itiu. in, Mii-lUin. Mlclll J It llililon, iiilou li 1 Mullm, umma, Mob) IV V 3loori l'o atallo Till Hmrc-Mr and Jlrl A Q McUia, Urinue Miut. Ju i linn. ron. III U J Mini HiMioD,MriM J iriDcn, Mm M r rririee, I li lu Mm IJjrl, Itller, Uiiioi, Mo I. Unite Itol eiouJ, .N.o.ll V li o.1-r, enake l.irer I tali, Ike ciuleniin nuiklm, ICIHI U 1 mon, UraniiTllle, Uuh, t II U.MnolMr. ei J.ihmt J J- Miluian, llinstiam; lilwlrl Hctior. liaise, N Ul Ullilain Mill Url, IUieeola,Jlia lloylo, I rk tllf, Jolio MrUouil e, Hutu. Hunt) J clir illiolm aoo wife, eiultfornu a V )i binrer, It (J llorarr.iu doni H lllliin llkiloo. 1 irk I Itr ; O lun.lo, IKIsalLJ mr.lacoms, Miaitl) A licksr. los.tloir Crick. COMIMEUOIAL. Ill VI. I 1TATK Trfintftrt 't i th vfit of fW nxinfjf rf torJtr of 8U Lk$ Von it y ilnti J y.m. Htiturdat A.P(lnctBt ti HlrjmCt(iri, lot 1, block I, lift. If. Mlthll tlly siurvejTw. - ..s. $ 1 on f rutf..te..M wito to . m. Kirk bum Uto lou In 1 trcU tlto.... 2300 00 John , Tftjluf nl ir- lol. T. irtimon, arl lul V, bltx-k 1 Jotiu llfl'ib'ief ' to lT7ichonci: loll 1, Mnni t-J, block, ft, Ijirwa labdivttion. ...... . 1303 CO Win. Motftonttutlvftfo to II J Mao tarUnl lota bltxk 6-,i UttValt iimer., saoooo II. I'. 1 anon atx. wit to Inbtll llnarf, 0t A, (j, T, 8. 1, 11 aiiJ IS, bl rk n, ff nlor' I lal hn 100 W Win Ell -'-Lara In rnV. Tailor, lot II, 1 anil U, block 1 lUit Waterloo ubliTlilon ...,. , 073 00 A 1 rio ftn 1 0.1 nee l Kilwartl Mar tin lot 1, block 81, plat V, bait I ako ittj aurrer M 1"C0 00 Samuel UoQllcrtoI-aura Pnrrr, lott) block 1 IIamiionaauti ., 1 00 It l t nrion aod Ho tuLcotiflr I Hum incr. Iota tn btork ID enlor No 1 COO W Jot M lltilvtitU to JoiOi'liU. prl, tart bits, blutk 01, t lat U, Halt 1 nketitr urtty -, 300000 AnntniimKi J hnA DurrtllJ it 7, bloo I I i lat , oU 1 aka Lily 1 09 Ale lander MlttliclUmlwUttta t'ratist hiiflx.biuo 10,11, Llock 1,1 ir kin A0 lilloa 1BS0 00 tharletll linker totharlc Nowlao. art of airtlon W, tovtntblii i . .mh.rinaet oit .- ..... loo Cbarlca Suvrlan vial tillirotnll. Uraliin.part met lou .n,lowDilnt uulti.rtsnRf eatt .... . . SHOO Will fttulM J Iovorick to William It berti. Iota 1 an 1 91, block I, lona A llobvttt' a Idlllni 1 CO J It .Wkrr.Jr ti Hank Harm an 1 K W vViUun. lloro Hhuoanl 5 1 on to Cruto JIluli jr tlain 1 00 Hsra. J Ajcrtnl Iwartl IU tritrh low, lou In Kinocy ft Uour I. I tllilhlwlfii'Vo JolnSl Cannon, art aoetlon ti townihlp I north. mitral !... .... 100 John 31 1-anauntuM il Corhrano, tttlon tl townthlii 1 noitb.rsnsg Iwett .--. -.. , 6,000 00 L 1 Kit ant wlfo to JubnM ( uo. non lotft,itaclton SI, towuiliiji 1 north raime I mti , . Oliarlit r Uurilior an I wife tolfc f vuut, lota 7J, ko, Vlaflld TCI res it it 'I ctontu. Kollowlnii ara theotoalnr(aot4tioni yeitcr daruvonloic nt tbo aecufltlix In whicfi local Vtjattlrr aro moat Itkol to bo intcroato li AT.itM. (tl), t ( H. sni t onlral Tacillo 21 1 reTfrrcd , (O'i It A It (J ,. ... M flrli......,. Ta Noi-il cm I aclUo 17U V, V. ,,. a'', Ircferrol ... IU iu I .. ll't Or n Miurt I J no m V oatern Union vi Couu-Uraca UamllU dughter of Jamia and Camilla Cobb) Aged 0 yo .ra ami 10 monttia otlc of funeral hereafter if3rJM1Baking Tlio only IMro Crcaia of Tartar TowJcr No Ammonia) o Alum. Used in Million, of Homes jo Years the Staudard CnMntk.Ncr. MFiioits dislrlng Io savu their money era Invited to full at zron'iBivlngsllauk. The popularity uf this Ir-tltuliou Is uitiYtcu ty thu laet that lis deposlll nro shown ly ofllclal s'aleiucnls Just lulllshed to In thu largest of any llsnk In Utah. Jist yesr nlom- 5110 now lavlngs aecouuts were ca.ntd, 11 recur I greater than that or nil oilier Havlnci Hinki In Utah com bined, l.conumy Is a virtue. Afler practicing tcon my you should liavo a safe placo tj ilejoilt your tmuty. J.lon'Havlnjsllink nnl Truit Corn pany oilers you a iafo dcsltory and pays S per cent lnlert Itranuuni on ODy sum fiom$l upwarJ;coniound lug said Intcreitlour limes njtnr. lis rlllceisarei Wlllord Woodruft, prcil dent; (Jan. (J Cannon, vice tis. ile nt; (Jrorco M. Cauncn, rnthlrr. Directors are Wll ril Wocdrutr, (leo. tj. Cannon, Joieth l'.Hmlth, l.oreni) bnow, Francis M Lyman, lltberJ. flrant, Anthonll. I.und, Angus M. Onion, r. U. Weller, Jame Jack, II. II. Claeon, Cieoro Iteynotdi, and li. U. Hard3. Itnliltivnn llrnl I I: lei ore eaiy ou fed nnd pocket. 49 .Vest, lit Houth Ht. B CAI1PCTS in tho Lntost Doslgns and Colorings and nt bottom prlcoi at Novo A Child's, 37 to 41 C. lot South St. lorllargalm In Ilrngt and Medicines, go tn Iho fiiiulsfiiril l'li.irninry. James U'Conuor, proi rletor. When llred ondjou want something to help you renew your outh try (lold Hand lonVe. A Uiia.nii llAIl. will la given III honor of tha dedication ol tbo Mormon Temple, at Cllft'i Hall, ou Markelrit., April 7th, 1691. Admlislou 73o per uouj to, ladles flee. Halt lnltrSeai-HaiTto. Closets and I ewimols Cleaned. All kinds of Scavenger Work done. Hex MS. PROVO MILLS CLOTH Will outwoar nnythlng In tho mnrkot. Wo Make. Mon's Suits to Ordor. Wo also huvo autock of Roady- mado Clothing on hand. JOHN C. CUTLER & BRO., 3G MAIN STREET. (let jour butter, milk nnd cream from llio Nctherlaud l'luo Hloek A, Dairy Co , thu largtit mid but dairy In the thuwesit. I' Q. lloxti43. ANOTHER CAR LOAD Of Dddrcom Sultos nntl othor Turnlturo lust rooolvod by Novo J. Child, 37 to 41 C. 1st South bt. NVcbor (fJraw Cn-rk) Coal, 163 B Main. THE CELEBRATED "Condron"CarrlOBCs, ncknowl odRod to bo tho Bost and Chuapost Baby Cnrrlagos In tho mtrkot, sold bv Novo & Child, 37 to 41 E. 1st South St. lluy j our Trtea from thn rialt I,ike Nuraerj Co., for Arbor Iliy planting Htat el net between Lloventli nnd Twelfth Houth. The attention of economical house, keepers Is called to tho (lold Ifnucl Package lifTec It Istlmhm. As an alter dinner collco J ou will be plumed with (fold Han 1. Aiikiiioan Km. March 23, Jso.i Mr. J.H .Mnt-"i', IS ComnuiclalrlL Bait Lako Cltyt t' DearHIr 1 rtctlvedtbuplcturefrom you on i-'oil, julcrday, and I ba n iramed with mm of tho best frauits In town nnd It Io I a as. good, If not better than any large picture I have icen. Thewiitk Is cood, and when I want soma moro pictures taken 1 will knorr where to gel them done rjood and cbiap. Thanks for tho one you tont mo Ly mall. VoursTruIr, William 'lhornton. WE MEET ALL COMPETITION In prlco nnd workmanship with our now nnd chaloo Wnll Papers: Novo &. Child's, 37 to 11 C. 1st Soulli. (let your Atmracts nt rilla nt tho County llecoriler'a oilier. They nro inadoulrectlyfrnm thunrlglnnl records. One lllll.ii, llullare Io li, Blx loll per cent. Conw vA Uo.N.Nrti N, 8 It ii in .". r'limiiierclal lllock, (I) to Hcir'l's lor rrctcriptlonr. iir.tSTfi). iiiiito hMiiir iiiat Y iltorla AMIer mil Veep i It lin in I trrlilf, amt rrnlir the iVin tor? mrt an 1 irnooth tor Ills lr Mr. 1' J. Mnitti 1IL, Ki eeioiU fct. Aaenti wanted irylbral term. NOTICE TO CiiCDITOitS. belltsot AnilrewJ llurntaam, Iho rill Noticb i itKiit in i.iwv n tiiii un!tniiini.llBitiiiiiiliitralor of the r.t te nt tnlinie t lliiruhaii Ice nleit. In II t u tl llor-or, and all irr-'ti- lanne r'rinsiir nut ltd d eecuei i, elli biltlitiilttldtlheiic -. laivt.urber- wilb i I n tn mil- all, r lliu Or I iu( lesion riLli ti lire, Uillnint altumi. tralr ilir t ivr . alee r T II lali,lei, ro. m alt su t n i ni n i ui dua iii 1 io CUT, In liiecoii. ly r ealt 1-nkr- an'l Teirllor ol e II Al r M IILIIMUM. mlnUlnlnr ol tbo Ci ate of Aiiilriw J. llnrnliam, doren-ixl liallO MerelUl , IVU t See Our RANGES, They Can be Bought at Tho Samo PRICE as a Good Cook Stove. sold nr Jit iikai ms , , , r--5Csaci!juiMSEzi ggsr-T-.- r.mggtf Do Yod Use tteitowBranfl? o Most Popular Baby rood Known. Cold on tho can, bottor than Hold In thoenn. FREE EXHIBITS all tho Wook. Look for dally nnnouncomonts, Tomorrow A. SJoblorm, 130 W. 1st South John McDonnld, Jr.. 208-270 Main St Weight & Sporry, 470-472 S. 1st Wost. THE OLD RELIABLE Boclbe-Pitts Dnlg Co; Arc sllll at lha Old Stand, Corner Main and First South Stroeti Tha Lsrocit and (Jest Stock of Drugs, Chemicals and Patent MEDI CINES In the Territory. Prices Very Moderate Everybody call and SCO ui. q)0.UU illE COilTIIUflS Of Ibis advortisomonivo will papur any room 12 loot by M icot and 0 foot hiyli or about tbat slzo) Including sldowalls, 1 border and coilltig for S5.00. Tlie'.e Wall Papors aro perfoclly I new and iuclmlo an Immonso varloly of boautiiul dotlgii3. They aro not by any means tbo cboape3t papor3. Cill an J SCO tho fJ00u3. HlooirT WE HAVE MOVED, Co mo and soo us In our Elogant Now Storo In tho McCornlolc Blook, IB W. First South St., Just Round tho Cornor from formor location. Utah Book & Stationery Go. Duncan M. McAllister, Manage.?