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lm JDESERET EVENING NEWS. EUS J I TRUTH AND LIBEkTY, H I 1NO. 1107 'IIIUHsIjAY. M1IIL (. 3 &'. frAM I,Alvi: CITY, L'TAII. Vo"ErXXVr.- 1,W I CRUELTY OF A KHM" I And lbs Punishment Meted Oil to Him by the Eogllso. I oi'i'osiMi iii,miM ronci. llic Mir In the I lannllcJl (.linrcli. I Jliinlorcra lucutcil A M Double TroKciIf. KOitA, April 0 Further Itifor. H mitlou lu leganl In lli atrocities M committed by the khan ol Khclst le to Wi Ihu inset that, Mil acting live ol hit wives of Infidelity ho caused them lo bo cruolly put to death. Tho Khan n, aierced to deliver to the ililtlili Indian governruont tbo surviving ptmons, wliotn ho wasreiortod aa lor lurlig. Aspunliliuiont for hit con. iluot tbo llrlllsli agent will withhold forty thousand of tbs bundled thou sand rupu allowed lilm u luleldy and will Uuvolu It to thu lent fit ol II. o lanillkhof those unjustly exe cuted. Tl.u khan lies UeU uu the iuronualniol837 and Im ltn iinii' blly well conducted hiretofori. llihitM .mi vt Ith Hie I an. llimi llifh, Vermont, Airll U Tliu Urn sp Mention nr Culm so labor irs In Vermont tor cerllficatu of ml' ilenco under the deary net ban Lien Hindi) lo tbo collector of Internal rev i dim, 1 y I.eoNuug, a laundry uiuu.nt Motitrollor. 1 bo deUty collector for Ibn Mutptlkr illusion has rtrutly taken ihu cetitus ol Chinese cmoni residing In tbl stale und flndi tint tbern nru tweniy alx. Up tu within four niontha Ibn Chinamen In Ver inout bavebcun disinclined lo register Dd In some Instances poeltlvely re fuied to execute tbu u Mention id lers, I ut recently a changu aiems to have couiu over them an 1 h majority or thoao residing In (tils itntu haa alg tilled Ibolr Intention of cow lying with tho law, A lrililj. Aiie.tiDI.ES, 111m, A( rll 0 A double tragedy la reorled Irom Htrong'a ritatlou. Thomas Hedlry H was asssultuJ by a negro firm hand, BE Dunn Moore, and shot btm In self de H feme, killing him. llradley u prob H ably totally beatiu. H imii i ri ititiriiiti. H tlis I uilisrll Tables lllll llrlatlnir lu H HlnSilRlrlineil llueftlloll. H rAHLUlUAII, I. 1'., April 0 Ilia H Uheroktu aiiiucll boa Indefinitely B Uliled tbn bill lo eond a delegation to Bft the International oougresae locoualder HB thu atatebood quiatlou. H .MiuUrrrrs I asrilUit M Pirrsnuiio, A rll 0 IJunnls Cloo. fl usu was iiaugeel bore ibla morning tor tliomuiderut hli wllo lln waa per- fuclly cool throughout, alept well lait IilRli(,le a hearty bicakfoit Ihla mom H Iiik nua aipearetl terftclly cbetrful. H llu aild he waa rmJy for the ordeal at V Hiir lime, and mounted tbo Kallowa !V wltb entire cjolntM. riieciecullon l went oil ainootuly an! tbu murderer M uleu of a broken neck. B l'llll AHKLI MIA, Af rll 0 William f Moin, colorid, waa liauged here tnla gi morning lor tne murder of Charlra yjt Madden, alio Oilore I, hli rival for tbu im allVctlou of Amelli Jobnaou, who X had thrown lilmonr for Madden, 9 (IiIIk not iillilee llflll I . '' IcjUlyUI, April 0 A telegram from ifl tbs auieanurLS from whlilillin alarm- H lug reporta were received Jtaterdry H concerning tbu altuatlon lu Chile, M tata that the condition of allalra waa IB eitKRerattd by tbo iieTloua ata e- ' I menu nnd that martial law baa not B Leen declared at Hantlago. M Heeelvee Appointed. K Cleveland, April C rrcelvor n line Leeu a oluted lor tlrt. Watblugtnii V luuralicoconiony of thlaclly, Uuu ,V of theolueal lu tbu atale, having been 'M In bualneaa aluco loM, It la mid thu 'M aaieu uuJ llatillltlea aro imall. I AMII.I till, lllllltll AII. H The llukke or Uuu llrtiralneil Irom R llulillUftuulereuee HI DE3 Moinis, In, April 0 There MB weiuaeiiiatluual develoimoma lu thu IH evangelical church war today growing H out of tbo recent dulilou lulliol.aal Br 'I own cunfeiuucu. rbo Dubb faoilou, Hi which la In a majorll) lu Ihla alalu W met at Centre Joint, but waa Lately IB called to order when a writ of Urn- US pjrnry Injunotlou waa aerved on tbu b body rettralnlng it from furlhurUellb- HI crntlour. An immedlatu hearing lu A thu uouit wuagrAiited both the Laber M, Ld DuLLa faitlou. 9r Hie lerliril mil Tailor. Nlw Yuiik, April 0 Thu locked K out garment workera renulued up all H night mnlllug boycott iiulkeaagaluit Mf their lalo imfloj era. They roj otu to V bring thu couajlraty (uiea, ua a tett ,m u(,alutiomuol Iboumployera R Till Mlllllll IIM I'KIIK. IB Hie r...llli, (l 7Tlerd In Hie urn H nn uuu m upln.!!.!. M Niw Vow,, At rll Utb Ju fimct m fuja inuili haa Uenaalu among rall- roud min ami Wall .Ireet baukera ubout llinry Vlllard'. Intention lo m rttliu thu cualrmauahlp of the .Nor m them l'aUllo director), Vlllard haa lejeatedly aulhorlita Ihu atolerneiit M that hu Old not Intend to realgu and pcriona oppoaid to hla mniiagemeut Ui- clured that hu would reaitiu, lbuallui- lion u ptare to be tblit IllurU'a l ollcj M haa untanoiiuid iKiwerful Iluanclal dl lntereaUi,whoau frlemlly uld liiu Noilh- ru 1'atilla would nitriclnlejuit now. Thnt conipan haa an euormoua Iloat. log dearimeutlo tnku catu of mid It la nlaolutely nuionry ti mum tin tialatancu of oa Itullala of larifu mentia. Such en Itallata aru ready tu take hold providing Vlllard atcpe out. lhe) III not have anything to do with the , lomiany aa long ns Vlllard continue lo bu IU financial hind, Very nutiir. Illy Vlllard doea not waut tu nalgu inder audi an lni utatlon uion bla iaj ability aa llumuul oUlcer. Hi, lowaver, aeema to be lu much tbu aauie I calllon lu which Mcl.n,il f und liltu elf aa pcaldenl mid tictltir of tbo lleadlri. finable I'iiIiiiIiiu- IKnlrojen ItoMK, AtrllO.-Initreltu'i otlrat of ii Venetian uublemau III tlm alirv of Djruo Venice, baa bean I cd tu pleiea. It la valued at KO'.'.OJJ. .No cluo. A IUIII. MSMOV 11k. Ilerlna: Hen Atlillinlor, I rel Men r 1'Aiita, At ill 0 The morning tea alon ut the Hulnir am lourtorartl tlatora waa dull. 1. veil the ileuueiice otauch pkuderaaa Atloincy ltutkillaudJ.Oarttr failed to nunkin any liitiriti, l.vui the numbera ol the lourt itemed bored und It notlcud that the nuguil htnJ f Hlr John Thoiupiiii, oiioofthu llillln arhliratorr, iicijui utly noJJuJ, u,j. Kullug tbu aw ul auaplclon that he ni teralcd toalumlrr. Hlr Chnrlia Ilimall conclujed hla nruniilit In relytu tbu oljcolbna nt Hull. U. J. I'liilf, counnliorlho United HI ilea, to thu li-gal character of cirtalu ovl dencu (llered by (treat lit tnln J. Carter thou rocitded to r ly to alx chargia AlltlNOr I IIOI11H i I nllnriii Kj.ihii nr niellon HI ennl NfcW Ventre, April 0 Tho nattonal coufrn ncu ut the atatti boirdaof hialili luullnuid tbedlicuithuot tl'o oailblo pinna for aecurlug u uniform ayatem of Interatatu Inaptctlon to be adopted In tho cam nt Ihu cholera epidemic tbU lunimer, nnd a nuw committee vtai ap limed for tbo turpnie1, that of yea It rday having failed to rraoli n eon clualou. Tbu number of In atlendancu expttaie J tlm 0 Inlou that audi arrangement waa Irupoaalt If, le cetiae a number of boarla repreiontel did not have tbu power to maku audi arrangement and urged that the only fiaalble Ian waa co o elation Ii tueeu tbo United Htatta and Cautda. A llrulal Irlnlf. Haiin, ICau , Al rll 11 An un known oolorcd man entered tliuhouae ul Mra. Kroit In tbu abetnro of her huaband an 1 anatcbej tba child from hernrui, daatied It to thu lloor and fatally Injured It. Hu then brutally outraged tho mother. A oatu la lu purault He will be lynched If caught. McLEOD'S SUDDEN DROP. Ills Resignation Had to be Dinanded Peremptorily. Ilul It (nine llrnlllr-lli 111. enter! if Wrlnii. Irrranlarlllelll Ibe lendlua' teeuunle 2,'k Vokic, Atll 0 Philadelphia apeclal to tbo llera'tt The publlo will be attonlabed when It la ci lalued McI.eoJ'a realgnallon la not really n matter of hla own eolecllon. Hla lealgnatlon wai demtnded and bo waa given only a few houra to make up tils mind. Iaaio I,. Jl'cs waa appjlot ed by tho reiiua)lvaQla Trutt Co. na the exiiert to examine the booka of the Iteadlug, aa tbu Iruateu uf thu iteueral inortgaitu bouda camu lo Philadelphia ten daya ago and demanded to look at the hooka llu had not been at work much before ho dlaoiverel Irregular Itlta In thu old management, ltlcu In formed MoI.eoJ he woul I glvu him a certain llinu to realgn from all hla ofllcta lu connection with tbo com. I any. If Mcl.eol ahould neg lect to do ao itlce aald reaaure would bo brou-fbt to toar to force ltlcu uut. Mcl.tod decided to wrltu hla realgnallon at once. Itlcn waa uveriu to Baying much but admitted tbo facta aa atated. llu eald It waa bla foimal demand that aetlled the blialneaa Itlce raid bla examination had abuwn unheard of thimblerigging at every atep but be would coualder It a broach of onlldence to dlacloie the reaulta before ho madu a refiort to thu Truat Co, which he,re reaented In the eapaclly of expert. Lven then hu would not make any rtatement for ubltcatlou, That rnuat come from tbu duet Co. He thought hla la bora might bu tlnlibed within a few Uaya Talk ul Ijnetllua. MoitUANBHblH, Ky., April 0 Ueorge Henry, Ueorge Delauey and 1 rank Holt aro under arreat for the Oliver murder. They claim In nocence, but Mra Oliver poaltlvely Idcntlllea them. The limn all be long to prominent families and If any attemit at lynching lu mado tbu couitry will run red with blood. I.ach man la unJer a abodyguaatl. Lynching talk la aub. aiding. Taylor Oliver la not dead yet, but tbo end U not far oil. Moinim Nnllrni.e1ii IlllneU. Hir.lNtlktl LI), Hla, April 0 The aenate aaaed today tbu bill exttndlng thuiullragu to wurcen In municipal and lowiiablp olectlona, Neliraaktt Nlnle lllllrrr-i lobe I In. lienclml. IiiNCOIVab, April 0 Thu Joint eeaalou of thu legltlaturu Ihla morning adopted articles of Impeachment agutuat Secretary of Htatu Allen, At torney (Jeiieral Haatlnga and Com mlaaloner Hiimi brey. Artlclea agaluat ex atatu Treaaurer Hill will ba aoted on thla afternoon. A heniiUlnnvlmi Mamiiee Iaiiu- elver lur Nrw Voitu, April 0 Ihu atenmer Hekla, Irom DenmarK, orway and Hwedoii with Wurld'a air tililllu and BUil paaaengerr, la eight day over due und the anxiety la growing I he hrnille I Item linker., WABiilNinov, A rll 0 Uormaii In tbu Kenatu oirere I a resolution that the body proceed to thu election of aecre lary, lergeaut-at anna, iloorkeeer aud cliaplaln, lo enter on the dlachatgunf their dutka only on thu aaaeinbllug of thu 1 Ifty-tlilrd Congiris, In either tegular or e xlraaeaaloii. Laid over till Ihu debate on thu admhulon of thu appointed tunatora waa lnutued. lVir.iilr uel njaluit then nlit l I At. uVock the riajntlol for the o ittionuf otlleera of II e eeiiit eanie "I "in wa egieeil lo a It r eio i I cniEplnneiiiary u llie naint Ultra. v mi tin frjui liotli inttn. The n illivrt am W It t x, ?ow Voik, accretarj; Itlciinrd J 11 ghl, Imllatiu, aert-eunt nt.arn: A. I M. I nr llhi ul., uhai lain, 'lie Keuato then proceeded lo eiioitleo buni.i,. I he rieiule u IJourneel till tomorrow .ShTTIMS OP CIVIIi JUin I'VSUS. Ur Trial tletunu ilnilaj, tprll 10 Ii, aid Irlitni, (pill Jl I, liiltialtr. Chief Juslk'o , mo undo thu follow ing aetlliigatoOnj: Muniia, Atnih lOrit . Hiniucl Wiolf vr. Uatnuel Ilinak ital-Attorueji Wm. MckajjH. II. I . A JetTa va. It (1. W. Hallway Co Jo ii M, Cannon; lleuuitl, Mar thall.v lln lie. Jntueapowler v. I'aul Hammer II. It. Watroui, I). II. Wen:tr. Tifuti, Allllb lllll. UeoreH. Cbhtuler vs. O. II. Kelly el al. II nntt, Marabali i- llradley, lite A I W, W-II. I erry Lumber V M Us. va Aiuii t ' r 1 1 man I rank I'iuroe; J, A Wilnniua, Mr-t Nsitoiat II ink vs. Jellerion M, Hovtll Denton .V MoNali); J. M.Hleel. Ul UMfliAV, Al uu. 12rn. Co-op. IuriiHiiru Co, va. Cathe-lnu Allen iVui, .Newton; J V. William-. J, II. Mabati et al, va. (1. 1) Anion J, W, Judo, Mollowal .V liylea. Wm. 11. (tor vi. P. i:. MeUurrlu et al. Ittllly ,v Kane, W, II. Dlckaou. riiUKinv-,, Mini, la nr. 1'ro I Ilea Itr v r. Jamea M. Kennolly 1', H. llnreer, tr-. I Hel. Hamuel C. 1 "Ing v. HI. V'I.e Hleur llu, th A. (,'rai, Uraol H, Hiillh. John C. Hliarp ut nl, va. (Jilllord J. Inviuetal I'.L. linker, llooth A. Uray. I ihiia-i, Aiiiil Urn. C. I). Dartva Vlu Krotoa-llald-wlu .(. latlocal Walter ilul hy, Crlrudel) Allen va Daniel Alex ander Wllllama ii Van Colt; W. C. Hull. Win. V. O'itaara vs. II. 1. Phelps, et al SlienarJ, Charry V dUenird, J. 11. Hum. Mo.NiiAV,, Al mi. ITtii. John llobluion vs. O H. Ii & U. X, railway com) a J Sutherland A Judd, Wllllama .v. Vau Coll. J, il. Welling vs. 11 O. W. railway ciman ahepard, Cherry A rlhep ard: llruuelt, Maraliull .V. Hrauley. Jamea II. Taylor va. It. (). W. railway company ShepirJ, Cherry A. Hhepard. llannctt, Merahall &. llialley. lUUDAY, Alltll. 16TII. A. 0. Ileal vs. Aujrew J. Hurt al ul. HaldwItiA. ratlock; Huepard, Cherry A Hheiard. John Mouahau it. Jlulllon-Ileek & C. M'g Co J. J. Uogers, C. 1'. MoJ bourow; Marahall i. Koyle. Martha IJuuiie va. Hamuel Kalin 8. H. Mtrkbam Wiiraimv, At mi, lOrn. J. H. Paine otal vs. Jaiura Carngan rank Pierce, Hogua. llurmealer. A. W. Murray el al. vs. John (,'. Wteter et nl ahinrd. Cherry A Hbepard, l.oofbourow A. ICahu C P, Hallway Co. vs. (leorgo ( KUder et al rhomaa Marshall, 1', Walker, 1 rank Holliuan TnuitsiiAii, Aim LOtii. Arthur Pratt vs II. II. l'araoui II, Prati; Hawllus A Crltchlow. H 1j. Harluaru Co va. dearie C. Hllerbeck-i:. W. Wheelei; J, II. Hurd II. IC. Illoch &, Co. vs. Jamea Al lurtl ital. Itelllj it, Kaue, Coad A. Coad. 1'lllUAV, Alltth 218T. Martha Turner va Wells, Fargo A Co McUowallJ. liylea, Marahall A Koyle Martha Turner vs. Union Nat. Hank MoDjwhII A l.yles, C. K. Ullobrlal, Marahall ,t Hoy le. A. P. Andeiaou vs. U. Diuwoodoy rurnlture Co Walter Murphy, ltlch. ards i!L Moyle. Maltha Turner vs. Utah National liank MoDowall A Lylea, Marahall A Itoyle, W, C. Hall Marthu Turner va. Clati Title 4. In surance Co McDowell .V. liylea, Hen liell, Marahall A Hrauley, W. C, Hall. Vienin the Temple. I.ait evening about one thouiaud non.Mormon cltliena, Including lead ing olllclala nnd butlneaa men, and eomu vltltora from the eaat, weru ad mitted by luvllatlon of Ibe 1 irat Preal dtucy to view thu Interior of tbo reui lo prior to Ita dedication. 1'uiaO rullllil. A rurae, containing a return ticket to one of the Cache Valley atatlonaou thu Utah and Northern railwa, baa been found, und left at this olllce for the owner. At The Deillciiion. Thla morning nearly J,o(lt) persona wero admitted to the flrat aeaalon of thu dedication eervlcra About 400 who wrru lo bavu gained adinlaaloii wero unablu lu uuau, owing lo tneru being more than thubulldlug would ac commodate. I hey will be ermltted to enter at thu extra aeaalon tomorrow, l'rlday eveulug, on presenting them aelvra at the eaat gate at fi o'clook. riilaaflernoou all of those Hated un der thu apportionment for thoaecond aeaalon wrre a knitted 2,'.0l) In all. llftllllUll Jlfssloinii r.lder A iwlloa II. Walker, of Pleaa nut drove, haa uat rettlllied from thu Xorlliwisttrrittatea. ml. alon, Huleft for bla field of lelior pit October Ulh, IbOl, and waa. engaged nearly tbu en tire time lu southern Indiana. Hu met Willi moderatu success, and waa everywhere treated well by the eoi le, 1 Ider Walker regrets, however, that theruexlalaa alrlt u( ludlirerence In aoniu plates which he vlalted In regard to tbu Uuapel. ADDESSSlLVEIi. Ilia ni till nnslaess bluet U ah to President ClereUnd UI COdt HON (II MM 1. 1 Vrtklll. Ilii New liullc I iiiiipiiij- lllll Hill Incarporntfil Ploc'io Mln arloui 111 mi. Thu meellug of mining an 1 1 ucss men called for lalo ytalerda) a i noon ciuveueil at Ilia Chamber f I ni nurco bulldlnr. ItlcharJ Ma itiah lalloj thu mcetlnj lo order, and I I. Holdeu olllclatul al Bccrelers heveral utrueat aeeches wero made I j ( C. (loolwl.i, Theadoru II. Htebtl - aud U 1.. HoIJod, and an aJdr-a wat then uuanlmouily adopted by the mittlug. It la ua follows: rU Ibe l'rell lent: Tho men of Utah have rcac with unfeigned plcaiuru that yo-ir excel. Itncy baa determined, Ifo I Lie, lo cause tho reconvening of tho I tit ma llonal lllinctalllo Congresr, nud at a nnta meeting of the eole of Ihla lerrilny held III Halt Iiake Illy Apill 5, 1 03, ndoptod uuanlmoualy the fol. Ion lug, anu gave thu commitl e lu atrucliona to forward tbo aaruo to your cxcelloocfi Wukeepln mind that tho r eilly of a country ndvaucea or ncuJea In direct ratio Willi the amount ut real money money of ultimate rotetnp. lion In circulation among tbu 0.le. That tbu fatliera made thu ellver Uel larthe unit of valuer. That thu ouly real money knawn to the Coiiitltutlou la gold aud silver. lhat gold and allver circulate! tMe by aide ulthout material variation for two hundred jeara prior lo BU, and this, too, without regard lo the amount uf ell lor metal produced from the Morli'a mines. That the ouly eorloua ur mitella' variation that haa occurred bet eeeii tbuprlceaof the ireoloua metals tor two hundred yeara haa come, not througlvleglslallou; through the with drawal by the natlona ol reconltloa from allver aa money and tho making of gold the only hsaiaof aeltlemciita, Wu know thla withdrawal of national, recognition from silver waa a violation of uvery then existing con tract, and nellevo II was prompter and worked through hy a eyndlcatu of boudholJcra nnd bankers not number ing ilfly peop'u altogether Wu believe that fifty bondhollera nud bankers III rvew Voik, lundou, Atnaterdaiuatid lleilln could cimbinu and put in motion cauies lliat would fully reilore allver to full aud universal recoArUbin, on a arlty with gold, within riity day a from date. Wu del lore '" '"t that fifty Interrat gilberera can hold Ihu world by the throal and e hoke thu life out of the builutaa of roducera. Wudepluiu the fact that 00,001,011) free Americans aro afratd to do what Illty b inkers might do. Wu ascribe Ihu lulgblyfall In prices to the demonetisation of allver alone, because the purchasing ower of allver has not decreaaed In the leaai; ounce for ounco In Ihu rough bar, allver will lurclueeaemucu of all the world's products, except gold, a, It Uld oroould in tho elanieil dollars In 1871, when, lu our country, the silver dollar coin mauJed n J retulum uvsr thu gold dollar. Iiiaamuch aa the worU'a bualneaa is moitly credit buslneaa, and luaamuch nathe whole volume of money la al most aa nothing compared with the volume of thu world'a buetueae, wu denounce aa uutruo Ibuchargu thai thu cauae of Ihu seeming decline In sliver Is duu to over ruJuutlon, and Uerldu as groundless auy auunied be lief that thereover bss been or (an be any over reduction of either gold ur allver. Silver haa remained aUtlonary, (.old has a predated 4) per cant, an J Iluan clal troubles have tnkkened until one of thu great llothchllds admitted lu the ltruteela cougreas that only through a greatly enlarged usuof all ver coulJ uulveraal anlo and loaa boavulded. rtiuusufor allver for all time haa been for money, Ita value up to 1ST I rested eolely oil tbu recognition of thu natlona that It ma tea erfect money ofllnal rc-dem lion. All tbu trouble haa come aluie, aud tbtru can never again bu a rkct bualneaa equilibrium uutll that reoognltlou shall bu restored and both metals le given the same treatment under the law Thla fact la becoming okurer uvery day, thu ablest men ae,roaa Ibe sea accept II, thu cry for luatlcu la growing louder and thu conviction la fixed lu uur mluda thai there waa no ruaaou for destroying all ver aa money, that there never waa and la not now nuy reaaou fur cbang. Ing thu ratio between tbu ruelala from sixteen ouncea ol silver to one ounce of gold, and while our foreign trade amounta to but .1 1 er tent of thu whole, thu 117 per cent of domes lo trade la en titled to moat const Jeratljn. Doubling tho money tif tho country, through thu gold Irom California plac ers, doubled the valuu of ropurly be tween 1841 and 1S51, what wonder If striking uut half the money of tbu world haa cauaed prlcta to fall 40 jar cent up to date? rheru rnuat bu a restoration of all. ver, hunce we rejolcn to read that your excellency la taking etepa to re convene ibe International lllmetalllo Cuiigress, Wu closely watched the work of the American delegaka III Ihu Hrueacls oouitreea, and should your excellency decide lo return the full delegation, II would be a, nlatldr of gratification here. Finally, by Ihli if alt uieetlug of tbu men of Utah, be It , lteaolftol THAI (he Piealdent bu pttltldheil lb reconvene the Interna, llonal lllmetalllc (tyHiroei, and to llittri.c. IIIU Anlerlck J delegatus tbero. to to use their' ulnliat Cllofie to procure a greatly enlargid use of allver, u leading lip toward It filial full adop tion aa perfect liHmey hy thef natlona, and Id accejil ail that hlay 1 tendered In that direction. lleaolved. That utxt to the full rec ognition of allver aa rrfect inouey of ultimata rajemtitlou, w believe some 1 1 in for Its enlarge I, like the auial lOmillou of the prupisllloni ol the mil .Muutillofi) In the Ural reatl Hi of the collar. -, will be n glial slip Inndvaiiee llv uu Comuitti,!, Hi linn drover Cleveland, Preside lit uf the United Btntes TIM M VA TI (TIC Theslockbollcraof the ISsw Tintlc Mining nn 1 Hnieltlnf ijiuiiiii)' mat ye-steriny niternuon mil eleclel the lollowlng olllcera P, A. II. I rank lln, prraldeut, Hamuel limes, vice prialuuat; 1. J Diumilck, arcretary an I treasurer. Iheae, ultii Christian Trloilernud Judu Clurlca (' Dey, fuim (heiboar 1 ul directors A reaolu lion waa laaae'd reducing thu rs Ital slock of Ihu tomiany Irom j,ilnu,iliKI toJOJiyiW. It will now be In abnrca of the par value of $1 each luatead of 310,00 1 snares of the ar value of (111 each. Thu owners dcellol lDuih work on the Inoshalta which nru now on thu roperty and sink them to a dej th t f Soil feet. They nre nlao expecting to erect a large ateani holitlug phut un the roperty. tiir i lrri.K iim i. Artlclea of Incori oration of the I.tttlo Hill Mlulng company have I een filed with thu county clera. the, luoorj or ators ant Hugh Kllkenuy, Malta Kilkenny, Wllllu llreiinan, Michael Klltgerau, John McCarthy, Patrkk K.O'ilonuell, Mlchiel 1', Clark au I l.lliabeth P Kelly of Park Illy, Thomas Matthews, P. Ij Williams aud Charles D. Hi very of Hilt litkr, and HobertTultot iliiltu city, Mont. Thu company pronoaus to tarry on a general mining btiilnes, In the Ulutiih mining district near Park City, but tbu general butlueasutlku will bu In Halt Lake Ha ca Ital stock Is 11,700, 1100, divided Into lSJ.OOlahetesuf S-3 each, rheelllcersatt: P. Ii Wllllatus, I realdeni; Hjgh Kllkenuy, vlcu real denl.anu Charles I). Haver), secretary and triaiurer. AT llucitu Tbu P. C. comiauy aro now work Ing twenty men In dlllerenl nails ul this mine, aija the Plucbe '. lteg. utsr alil ments aru being made to Halt Iiiki, notwltlislaiidlug Ihu low price ut silver. Muitof the labor Is belug iunu In tbn luwest luvels, where here tofore but llltlu respecting has been doiiu. While Lilug wuiked under learn by Messrs. Hwlndler und liljyd aomu mouths agu these gentlemen commenced a roaect urlfl from tbu 1.30 level auu hit run but a abort ellatance wueu a good tody uf hlah grade allver ore heavy In lead Wsa struck. Tne shift Isbelng retlmbered lu laces, tho old tluibera which have done service (oryears being taken out aud new onta substituted. Inu drill belug ruu lo tho west from the 1 100 luvel la now tun lu 1000 feet, at Ihu und of which a lalsu has I een driven about forty live feel. As tbu old survey a of Ihu Ma xell a aro Inacouratu eouvldeinble pruipectlug will have to be done lie rdre thu connection will bu made. Three 8 hour abide aru nt work In the alee, and It la thought that thu Ma lei a, whloti In thu early daye re duced a great deal of blj-h graduure, will be te pod. A drill tu thu cast la alao being run, and Is In ndliliiniool 1)0 feet. Ore which averages lu the nelgbtorhoodut lSOuuuees silver aud II) jor out leal la telug taken out, rheorechutula two nnd a half feet In width, and about 10) feet III length anl nearly thu same In height la blocked out ready for extraction The greater portion of Ihuure belug ahlpied Irom the Yuba la taken from thla drill. Un the 1 1 10 level drifting lo thu eaat la being uel ed. (loud ore wai atruck In Ibe face 100 feet from the abaft, and la Ihu same In character and richness as that found below, riuiu tiniio. llslllfl deoigu Walton returned from l'.urska last night. Hu has been tlieru fur the past week. Hureiuila affairs aa iUlct there now. He raja the lluliioii'lleck haa seventy tlvu men In the mine, aud that about luily tuna of oru er day, are being taken out. Kin M. Hfty thouaand aharea of the Ilountl fulgolj and silver mining com) any have Iwcti dleposed of at eherllT'e sale, thu price belug (CO, Ihu tunnel In tho Houerluo at Htooklou Is lu .'001 feel. It la ex. letted that II will have to bu run 400 feet further to reach the velu. Wm. Helover Is tho re rescntatlve of a syndicate which propuststo erect at Han Francisco a smelter lo cost a million and a half dollars, riio People's Coal company baa been Incorporated In Arapalion county, Colorado, with a lapltal atook uf tSOl'.UO). At the Hefner (lueen mine In Dry Canyon, thu owneia are working lu good oru. They ran n uroat cut tunnel 1,000 feet, then Uflttud 410 feel aud made a raise 100 feet when the oru waa louud. lllngham Jlulleltn. A force of men la engaged lu cle-eulug the wagon road lo tbu loik aud Petro mines of anow, eo that the produota of these rowrllea uan be hauleJ down for shlj nient Thu anow banka tire anIJ to be from four to lllleeufiut deep. The alxty tons of coke par day that la U log turued out at the 79 coku ovens of the Pltasant Valley Coal company ut Caatlu dsto la nil uaed near Ihla oily, mostly In thoamelura. Ihu out put of the coko ovens la aoon to bu In. creased to 70 tons erday. Pile corn pa uy cui ley a some .10 men. Ploobo liidn OverllOl worth of all vur bulllou waa abl ed Hum the M. A It Cu's wurka at ilulllunvlllu tu lay to Halt l.ske. ililaauuuut waa reduced Irom aulphldea assaying $701. It has been thu custom ut tnu ejonij auy heru toforu to ship Ihu tukhldea, but the above metlud Is found to be the most prolltablu aud convenient. Unite Viutr, III), l.ugenu Hulllvan waa caved un In the wurklngs uf thu dreen Mountain mine, belonging to the Anaconda company, last evening, audall,tly lijurcd about thu tack and left aide or the head. Hu waa taken to the hospital. At one of the other syndicate mines Hunday afternoon, 1.x (Ifllcer Dan Noonan met with an accident Ibat rem He I In Ihu breaking uf hla left leg. HewasUahlug a cur un one of the drills and got Ihu mem ber caught betweeu the tlmbera and the car. Hu, lou, waa takou to thu hoiolul, A Pueblo, Colorado, ulipatcbsays Pueblo la nil excitement over the wonlerful relurna from nuaya ofmln. i nl from Unhlr camp, near llruheli. A I ropeclor by the name of llaker bus illit ivertd n lead nr ore which aassys J8,O0J ounces to tho lou from presum ably Ickt-d specimens. Ills allver oru lu tho form of mil and la eild to bo al umlaut This week several of (he ollkera of the Pueblo Htiieltlng and Itetlnlng company will leave fur the new camp, taking with them ahcx ll mineralogist, an I will nnko a CJieful eiamlnatlon of tbu field. Thu c nip la I ut e Iglit miles from lleulsh In nilliect line, but uwlng tu the inker ublu toida tattlee, aiu obliged to travel about seventeen miles to reach the illtglnga A lelttlou Is lo lo leicnted to the cuunty com nilsilouera asking them to open a new road, riie camp Is directly ucruet thu ratine from Ihu famous lltsilck mine, and at Ophlr the morning an I evening whistles Irom tho lilsilck eugluraarn distinctly heard. The formation la tnnoumedby old rosrclors to be Identical with that which has male Ihu Hltslck ao famous. Have rat Isrgn and well-equled allies of miners hire left Pueblo for the new camp. The great llurlclgh drill at llio' Itetrlbutlon mine in 1 urcka waa atarted ou Monday an I It la driving tbn tuuucl at the rate of a Utile over four feel cr day. Thla drill wsa tut In place some weeks ago, but owing lo the Iniulllclent bono poeer of the engine, work bad tu be abandoned until a nuw engine could be procured. This ha, been done nud now tbu work of tunneling with be lushed will all possi ble vigor. Tbu main shaft Is eiowu now !! feet, while several drills have been ruu, the Ingest nf which Is 10 1 feet. Thu workings are allll lu tbo limestone, Ibe uy streak not having yet been cucouiittie'd, but tbu cuiui any haa plenty of money nnd Intends lo push the work until I ay ore Is struck. lll,c-ect ilttiat the vein will be reached within Ihu next sixty days as the lay of the main vein ludl tales. 1 he Itsltlbullon Is oil thu same vein at Ihu llullluii'lleck, the Mam moth nud other heavy roducera In Ihu 1'urekn hill and the owners are conlldeiit thai a few hundred feet more of work will 0 eu upnsIendld roerty. Him coiupanyie eomposel entirely of Ogdun men who have plenty of uervu k go ahead with thu developmeut wurk, nud they will nr tallllv bn rkhlv rewarded for their I atlent labor and m3ney Invi atment. MV1.1 I.AM. Clt AIIIMI IIUUtlK. Today's e,!earlng house exctinngea amounted lo (110,817; iimn day Issl year, 271,o03. lucteasr, Ufli. TUIIA'il ejLOTAllOMI. New Velk-Hllver.SJjc, lead, $3 03. on I ami HUM ios. Wells, 1 argo (. Co. received today! Mlugo bullion, fti:o. T. II. Jones A Co. reoelval today! llulllon, (5400. ores, (4100. Total, ISoOO. MiCornlrk K Co. recclveil today! hllver and lead ores, $10,00 J. W, (I. M.HtewarjhaJ In today for aisay two lo a ol Uld Jordan and da lenaore, 111 tons, one lot of Central l.unka ire, 61 toil', and one lot of ISast ore, G I tola. Aaiayer Hodges had lu today for (rating one lot of Horn Hllver ore, IJ) lona, one lot of Anchor ore, 140 tons, and four i ther controls J, W. Currle ha I lu today for assay one lot of Hloui ore. WIiiTK M.IKS A I'AIIIIO.V. Hit I'fllllon Ii Supported hy Persona uf High Standing In llio loin. liniiiltt. dnvernor Thomas today received a number of lettirs, lu coiijunctloii with a petition, I raying for the pardon of Harney White, a youth ubout nine teen yeara of age, who In December, 1851, waa sentenced at ()(den, ly JuJge Miner, to six years' Imprison ment lu the penitentiary, for Ihu crime of housebreaking. It u j eara lhat the lad's parents, who are very resectable leople, resldo In Chicago, that yotiuj While waa led Into thu trouble by two others much older than hlimelf and that they weru the actual lotture, White having btuu merely a tool In their bands, this ellllou bears the signatures, among utbers, of Probate Julgo Illalr, Heleclmen Cahoon, Ham burger, and Morris, 1,. U. Karrck,and Ham J. Keuyon. Jujge Miner haa written favoring thu Luy's release at tills time, think ing the tinlsliineiit he has already undergone may have the dealred i licet and tend to reform him. U. H. Marshal Heutou wrltea favor ably ol thu Meaner and eayi. "You ctnnot do too much for the young man In the way of n pardon," while Acting Wardeu Hpilrea aiya lhat White's record as a rlsoner la flret-claas. Hu la not a "crook" nor a "tough," and most carefully avolda aaaoclat! in with men of thai claai. It seemed a pity that ha ahould bu In thu penitentiary at all. Mr. John lllter, Horahy A Hons of Hrlgbaut City aud a number of other realdeutsof that lacu,aa wellas several promluent Chicago llrms aud Indi viduals, also write aii porting Ihu e lltlon and rjeak lavorably of Ihu irlaouer. Thu crime for which White was convicted was that of being coiicemel lu I risking Into Hie freight houiu of the Uniuu Paollla IUIIrond cumj auy at HrlghamClly. It Is thought most likely that tbo Governor will net fsvorably uon the up llcalloii under all tbu clrcuiuatnuiea of Hits ossu. TIUNjS-MlbSISMl'l'I IGWUitESb. ttpih (input tif Hi legale, tu Itcpicscnt Ltah nt the Cuming Scitlou In ll.ihu dovernor Thomaa this afternoon anointed the following as dele gates to represent the territory of Utah at tbu aeaalon of thu Truoa Mlsstsiljpl congress, to be held at Ojden on Monday, the 2llhlusttC. U, (loo twin, Henry P, Henderson, John Henry Hmlth, James Duvlue, mid duiiige 1, .Nye, of Halt Lake, Frederick J, ICIesel, O. It Leonard, Davit Ltoles, L, II Adams aud Wm. A. Lao, of Websr oouuly, ,.. i.1.1,aJilirHlliii eaejearavlrar.i. .,. ANGRY ELEMENTS. ' Tbo Winds Lash Themselves Into i ! Terrible Fury Today. Tin: Moitsr Mtmn i inns. IB llnllillngs Illonu Donn, Trrn Uproot j tU and (.cntral lontternatlou JiH Among l'cdtstrlanss jiH The worst windstorm, perhaps, jiH which ever vlalted Halt I.aKs, pre- j alled betwren 10 30 this morning and j H 12 o'clock noon. It was precedtd by M an unusual atmospherical dlalutbance H which raged throughout thu grealet II lartoflail night and almoal rocked jH peuplu In their beds. At the approach VJ of dawn Ibe wind Increased Its H velocity and by IU o'clock was blowing hi n hurrloino and many there ueru who IH wondered If It waa going to assume t H cyclonic proportions The air waa H tilled with uust, gravel and drbrlinf .II many kinds and ledeatrlans siughl IBJ shelter In thu nearest buildlugs. Out )' liousua and small bams wora b own H down aud trees u rooted In all arts of M thu city. Many fences were badly 11U damaged by falling shade trees, tele. !' I hole, telegraph and electric wlrat ! w ere crossed and maJu useless, while , BJ sign boards throughout the Dullness 11 diatrlcia were torn from tiielr fasten- lBJ lugaand carried In some Instances bun- 1 BJ dteds uf feet. j BJ 1 ully seventy live feet of the twelve I BJ foot board fence surrounding thu exoe- TbbbI vatlou near Ihu City Hall waa blown ! down with learful force. The pastor ,jB of IhuHwedlali liuiheraneihiirch waa fl caught beneath the falling timbers and I btliy liuit He was knocked to llio IBJ ground nnd tendered piscllcally help- IBJ Ires. A couple of gentlemen Icked tBJ him up and assisted him Into tbu H iollc station where bis Injuries, con- BJ elating irlnclpally of bruleea on thu ! lower llmbr, were bandaged, after , H which hu waa sent borne. A lady, 1 t whosu tianio waa not learned, waa 1 fH alao hurl by tbo tailing fence, but not 11 seriously, due of Ibe horses belonging il to Ilia tiro dej artmenl became fright- lYaal eued nt the nolsu occaatoned by the IB topllngwall and atarted eastward ot, B 1 Hat Houth attest, but waa atopped II alter running aeveral huudli'd yards IB without doing any damage. BJ Thu liandsomo ornamental matal lBJ torulcu of the Culruer-ICenuelt IBJ block on I lrat Houth street between IB Fast Temple and Commercial atresia, IH and a largo portion of the brlok front fH crashed lo the aldewalk with great ill vlolencu during the storm. Thees- ii3l cs o of a doien ur more pcoplo ImmeJ- JJ lately below waa mlraculoua. ef H A heavy late glau wai blown out IfBl lu thu drug atore at tho corner ut sjH HeoondHouthand West Temple streets, while a large pane waa abatterej In & the 1 miorlum blo.k. SJ BJ ('nine .Near lleilli on the Trmjilo VjB (fniuiiJ. IH Ilrolher Henry Chatwln of Heber Ifal City, Wasatch county, favored Ibe - H Nt ws with a friendly oall this morn- ill Ing. He was one of the laborers on the H Temple ground lu 1832 and 1833. In 11 lhusrlngof the latter year, while at 11 work In the excavatloi a csvoln Hj oicurred aud Hrothar Chatwln was 'sjB burled under the falling earth and DVJ boulders, sustaining severe Injuries. BJ When rescued hu was aduiliilatered IfBl to ly President Wll'ord Wuodrull and ,! soon recovered so that hu could wit- il neas the laying of thu oorner stone. Bxl lhe gentleman la now 71 yeara ol age, B and rejoices excee llugly lu Ihu prlvl- liaVJ lege huhaiof aeelng Ihu moat bvautl- ,l ful lemple ever elected dedicated. (BJ Notwithstanding (he accident which llBfl came so near costing him hla life, and lM the etlecU of which he yet feels, he UH looks atrong and capable of living for JBfl many yeata to come. MB! T1IKV ASK f'JJ.OUl) IIAHVUKS jl The I urrka lllll Mining luuipany "vuu Tl tho ek Company ht lur lriapavi. rl lu the Third Diatrlct court thla nf- ' leruoouthu l.urekn Hill Mlulug oom- lt'VJ pany brought mil against the llulllon- jfl llrck nud Champlou Mlulng oom any, JH AloDii i:. Hyde, John Heck and VJJ Delinte Hulllvan. B The complaint seta fortb lhat the . aVJJ dclendauta have been working mlulng (! ground ndjolulug that of tbolalulltIa j at Ihu nuritiiuateud Hue ol the taker's claim, auuilhal letween Nov. 27th, Jl 180), and tbu commencement of this 41 acttou they aecretly and Intentionally, i1byJ by means ot levels, atoea and other 9 underground openings, luu acroaa a M plslntlll'a claim, entered theiuon and 1 aVJ removed and convened to their own 1 usu u largo quantity ot urea, carrying l 9BB gold, allver aud iead, to the extern tfll ur, Il la believed, 1,300 (tone, IBLBJ and of tbu valuu ot $00 er aSVJ ton lly ruasou of said treapaaa aj'jB ptaintllla claim they have been dam 4sBl aged lu the amount of (90,000, fur ill which amount, with tints of suit, dam- JBB i(,es are prayed itiB llurueit, Marshall A llradley arir tU thu plalnlhl's attorneys. ml tO.NHUlKMK 1KM.N AU1I)I..T. SH Mauf Pcoplo on Hoard but Aonu iH seriously Ii Jurcel. Ifffl A Uulon Paolllo Couferenco tralu xrJil with many posseugera was thrown jM from llin track about four mllrs north Jlvl of Juab yeaterday afternoon, shortly ' before 4 o'clock. Thu acoldent was ' VJ caused by a broken tall. The engine, . vjj tender, baggage cars, smoker aud one aTafl isasenger coach ssaed the break lu tiBBl as ety, but thu remalndet of tho train, lIVJ consiatlng ot four paiaenger cars, JflBl lumped the track, ono of them toipl- lirVJ ing uver on Ha side. Thu passengers , vfl were considerably frightened, ahsken , 3rVj up nud bruised, but fortunately no one ' was seriously lujured. A delay of ffl about ooe hour ocourred, lH siensasissswsvissi xMMjbjtaiUafrxm- JPr 729CJJJJ