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IM J ijitimi.wwii Iirrrrr!!)!!!!!!! if" aM ' H 10 nr.sKitr.r j:vr,xiyo yi:Avsi TiirnsnAT. Anrrh o, asoa. I ' prBMSDELsl Cmtace Vi5ite .IniritBd I I We are prepared to furnish Goods at BOTTOM PRICES. H TILE SALE OF DHESS GOODS 5 REMEMBER, THE SALE TO LAST DURING APRIL. , -j NICKLE-PLATED ALARM CLOCKS Just Received, 1 VllUeiintcuall.Jlarlconnclqiilllr. " j allp' Hlraw Hata one tlilr 1 leu llian milliners' prlcer u3T3 " UB ' "' I I ii I I,, JJ houia will tell to low or kits iucIi valuet ' IJ tathrnerM, worth31i! to10l) pcrrem1, will l ol I 10 lM pfccmt lo r-T"- Mwera now anJ rich lueljlca Jotlrrccl'ed Illicit teterved, cheap for jZ rOUU BTOltl S are embodied lu ono great Haiar 1 KRk We haeo eomc cut lengtlia of HII.K for Trimming, wlilch wo will tell 5 (..'"") OAHII . ,.... w0 will takeKOO.1 cateof our cmtoratrn 1 per cent btlow tout 00 Meii'a HA 18, tho latettanil newett atele., from 75o lotlOO ' HandeoniH Wrar., 1 niplru Caca nod Jacket", M largo mi lutorlment of Mu milIIOJ.3 In end!e Tarleljr an I prlcea rf Jutt receive.!, alot ot MI Vri hTHAW H VM at low flicuret -"J--J color lenglhe, ileilgus and stlcs lacould be wlahtil for aBI i .,ii..i.i riiii.inHhnoif riitniia r--J .. . I fteweat elTeUi In Waliti, 1'laldi, l'laln Colora 1'oIkr Doll, Haterm, 1 or M ladle, an I Children'! eiiooi at cut prleea. PiT..?! Men' HUITH at H OT,tl 0),$? )), 11100 and up to f, 00, unequalled In y ZZ calo etc H We will return you 10 per cent on eicrjialr of iboei pircbated forcaili f quality. I.varjbtdy aliould attend toll, at no iucIi chanco will over occur Tlielieitawiorluiont of Howcrr, I eitliera l'om l'ooa and ltlbboni. H dorUg lliltmli- again lleraemlcr, a low prlcumcini iiotlilogunlceatlieiiuallty la good H TEMPLE DEDICATION. fl limit and ArpvMmcnti nf Aumoera M to donm Me .Irfrilirton of the H Satnliof tl ulljjtttnt Staltmf Zion H following It a itatement of apor tleumente of the tlmea when the Balnlt H of the rereral rjtakee of .Ian will be B admitted to wltneaa the dedication of H the Temple of the Ird In Ball 1 aka H Lily, alio the allotmenta aa to the B numberaof eopte to te admitted at H the different eeo.lont H Tbla arrangement la bated on reporla R received from the 1 re aldcnta of Btaket, B and baa been made with a Tlew to, ao PPJ far aa practicable, ault the convenience PPM Ine wnole people PBftj ' lfaddltlonato the numbera already PpM at hand are herealler reiorted, auch Pftpj eitra contlngenta will be laced at P&PJ the foot of the HtU Title muit I ecei PPJ eerily be done In caaea of thla nature, PPJ aaaddlllona could not be Introduce) PPM Into the body of the program without P&PJ deranging the whole plan Tho op- P&PJ portlonmenta are bated numerically PPJ upon the capacity of the Aaatmbly PPJ I lloom of the Temple PftVP ' 1 hiday vrniL "Til Moutiia PbBJ Meileo.. H hhhm 30 I Nu alley- .. .. 40 Han I.uli . .. m Hi b .. JO Mlllartl sou Morgan H M IM H&VB Kuinmlt H nM 0.) ) Hear iMke . -.. 3U0 J lerler . . .... 1V1 J Haupete (Including cholr) ... ba B TolaU 2133 pftpj l I mi at, Aran. 7th I rciru H Mextro. ..... 13 ur alley .. 41 Han I uU . U) N Jaaeph ...,.. .. Jl bt. Jotina. H HH M Jl Marlcopi.. . .. Tl lUnnock. H 100 V Han Juan . Si W. (leorge .... 1 langullcnn ..-. .. m laiowtn . m.. HH m M r0 inory V Heaver... w MalodHHHH M J5 HLVI Kanah M , rt 30 P Hear I alee ... .. 150 HBw Utati "lio Br, Cbolr (tan) tto) .. w PBFJ KlllDAT, Alllll 7T11 AlTCIlVOOV PBp' Cacl o ...... 10H) HBf aaatoli H HHHH mUO U Tooele IIJ J nail 4IKI ( Heater .... ........ M LI olr (Maopete; ... W PVJ Tolal 2.1(1 PPJ Hatuiii at, Arm i. 8tn Montixn PBM DUh . 2100 (.Loir (SanKlo) t0 psj P&B Hatuiuat, Ainu em AnriiNoav Choir (Nil no) CI V j Total .. iUI PAV ' hUNDAY, Arilll. 1ITII 0HNI(1 Hall Ute ...,:(kV) B Kanali M ftV Choir (h1i Uke) ... .. M PVS Tola! HuinAr Ami Otii Arrrnioox Halt Uke . ...... 14) Tooele - , - 4i J ena M Choir (Halt Uke) Ut Total . ... tlJ) Moxdat, Armi IOtii Miiniiia Hear Uke 2.U Weber (Including cbolr). ll00 Tolal -. m H3o Moidat, Armi. lorn Ai-raiiNooi Ulh.. lK) Diolda .. b CholriUebr)M .. . U) Total iiZ TucanAT, AiniLllTH Moiiniio Millard .... too morgan .W) Sun mil . IM Liclednclu ling choir) (00 Hal I ete M Tolal zita TiraiAV, riin Urn AnKnoii rfeTler SIX) Jnau.. j... .. iuU Halt Uke I JH Choir (Cacbe). W Total M 2IM) UrnicuHAT, Ainu 12 Moniiio atalch .. 300 IUtI... ...... .. .. 155 1 Hoi 1 1 ler ... .. M Choir (Cache). . ... l Tolal . 2M) Axi)fKat AY,Ariut 12 Arri.iirooN W eber- . 2IOO CI olr (Caoho). ........ CO Tolal 2IC0 TllUUKhAT, ArHlLlJ Mm Nil I Halt Uke. .......... 2loo Choir (Hall Uke).. . ...... W Tiitn-OAT, rniL 15 Anunsw i Halt Uko. - .. 21(0 Choir (Halt Uke .... U Tolal . .. . . .... 2130 1 miiAr, i i lb Ilrn Moiimno Oaclo 1100 Halt Uke . 7UO Cbolr(Ulah) . M Total .130 1 IUUAY, Al Itll llril AKTKItNOOS Ulali (Including choir). . If.) llox liter uio Tolal . ... . .M Hatihdat, A l in l. 14m Moifmu oielda. . :m Hanpeje . . . 023 suvlcr ... . .10 Hall Uke. - "OJ I mery. ...... DO Cbolr (Hall Uke). .. 30 Total. ... . IT Hatuiiiiay, Ainu IStii Aitriixoov Millard . . . .Mi) n.alch . . . iU) hallUki . 11 CI Choir (bait Uko) . i) Tolal 2IS) HuinAY, Ainu loin Monvn i Sail Uki .. 2100 choir (ball Uko) M lolnl .... . 2130 Humui, Ainu IOtii Ainui-ioox Hall I ke . . .100 LI olr (Nail Uke) .. 0 Total . ZTi Mokuat, Armi I'm Mouilitu Hall lake, . ... "00 Utah. . HjJ Choir (Malt Uke) .. . . 30 Total . . CWO MoxnAY Arm 17th Aktkrnooi Ilox 1 I Irr MO Halt Uke 1000 Cbolr (Hall Uke). ..... 30 Total ... . ..JIjO TunanAY, MniL Hrii Mnntlt i Halt Uke. .... ..2100 Cbolr (Suit Uko). ... 30 Tolal ... .... tlA Tumi at, MniLlSrii Arrrnxoox Hall Uke ... 2100 I loll (Salt I ake) . Oil Total. Zui LP1E1IIAY, Al nil. IOTII Mouviia Morgan.. . .100 Hear Uke. . .... . 100 taclo . . . 400 Hill lake . . . roj Juab 13 Hoi Udor . ... ... "W Cbolr (Hall Uke) ... 30 Toll!. .... M kdilujat, rnib lJm rxtnxool Tioele l.l Weber l"l"1 Halt Uke l0 Choir (Suit Uke) 30 Tie Hoiilli (Jatu ul the Temple lllock hue been aeleoted aa the lace of eulrai Co for It e err Yli-ti Tin re who apply for ad mlntlon ahould ) rotent tnrmielvee al ham lor the morulni, aeatlon, and IS II p m lor tho allcruuon aexlon, ou the da) a leslgnate I, ni they la mot bealmlltedonoiher dojr, uor at any oilier arnlon than herein Indicated It will be uecrtairy for tacli nppll cant to aliow hla or ber reoommenJ to tlogatrkuer Inorlerlo paw Tho riiommenU will t e taken up I y a ticket man Inaldethegnte Aiixriori utllbe wlmutid uitltout u rtcummewl, ou any ociaalon 1 acli Blake 1'retldent laexpccteil to make thedlTlaloni f the people under hlaiuperTltlonniaordliigtotlie flKUrta and datee given above Ibte la of great Importance If II la not promtly and roperly nttoudud to, coului ou will I a tho reault Wtuoiiii Siiui uuiv, (Jiaiii II () ( NNUV, JuaMU I' Hjlllll, J-lint 1 rtaldcncy. HnlfH to lie Olnertcil Notwltbatnndlni: thv fact that In ttruitlooa have breu kWen to Ibe ellict tl at only meuibeta of tbe Church who obtain rccomineiida will beadmlttel to tbe dedication aerelcea ol tie Halt Lake Tem le, uunieroui In pilrtra are made aa to wtiithrrtmall OnMren will teernilttel to t-naa In The rti,ulA tloue do not allow tho nlmliliu ol rlilllreu who liavo not Inn tapilted l'urtnta and knar liana mould not at Uuit to treax over thla rule, aa Ihoao whu will bi In charge 1 1 the 1 1 tiaucta oui,ht not to tc compelle I to turn a ,ray tie little oneaaa will aa thore having II em lu their pari. Thu tlmea f roi ruing theaoutkutid wrel galea I lr all tealuua extlualvu of tie lint (that if the mori Irij, of the Oth) are Ba in and U 1) p. m iVxTin will, under any clrcura atancea t aJmlltctl at the iratea later than 0 to a in nrJ m ripi lively. In nil irolatlllly the gatej will bo cloeil before til to boura The eertat fr m the Temle alter oafheervlco will bo by th northwiat an 1 norlheaat doort reteotlvely, an I frcui tho Itlutk by the north al I i&it gatel Wlttonii Wiaiimuiv, lr mil I l Cansu-, J( 91111 h, Hjiitii, I Irrt l'real leuoy (oulirrnre Vnllr. The fact thai tho rni In Ualea will cloie at 8 IW a in dorlng thedrdlcatory carimonlta of the rrieollvn tlakta ahould not confound the peoplo that for the regular conference Uaya It Ii i rccttary to I eon hand o early Tl u i ltlodrande Wratern train from ly on, B an ah ! ik, H rlugvllle, 1'rovo, I ehl, Amerlciii hirk and Inlcrme Halo polula arriving al Halt i ake at I 10 a in latulllulotilly early fornll ur Gttt; It It II o Intention of lie III ran le YVYtlern en the ejeolalduye allotlo I to the varloua tlakea In run i it aprclal Iralua which will nrrlvo In Bait I lake not lalrr lhan Sara Thiaf tralna will Ulitance all roiifi tltore Tie ieopln a ould v,atch for tl u chedule Blrcet cira will lulu you , from tho It (J W Ur it lo tbe Tem pie Square wltl out cl ange lUIUrria anew Ilnlmam Mn Ilamlllan, (amlrllgi, III'., aayi: I had the rheuinallam aotaJ I rn 1 1 1 not ra re my I au I to my head liallard'i Snow Hnnntnt tin untlrtly ourolmr I lake pleaiure In Inform log my nelglibora an I Irlendt what li baa done for me Uhaa Handler, clerk for l.njr i I,yn an, ICi-wanee, II a, advlaea ua 3no o Lintmtnt cuiril him of Ilhematlam Why not try II? It will aurely do ywi good Itrurixal Infltmmallon, woundt, Boier, Lute, Bpralnt, etc BolJtyZ O M, I, Drug Dipt. l Ulvo Hal I Haul (ifTa ulTliI It la tho teat of all package cclTm tio SA Ml AM ) All atockmen while lu Belt Lake will Hud ll to th lr litenal to vltlttlm Union Block) arda comianj uud rr telve the laleat Infonuatlon aa reaar la I rlcra In all klnda of live atoik Ulllco riml Juoiilnga lull Hi g oer Ulan Nallnual Hank, corner Main and I Irtt Houth, where are lu I uted Ihu lari,et buyna In Ulib UOMIIIto Iten llojau will give hla grand rlcturetqueexhlblllou of Wondtra of the World, IncluJIng Hawaiian lalandi A hugo laho of lire Tho everchauglug almlie a d colore fir Inuly and grauJiur, are ludtacrlh able, thowlng thu crater lu cuurao of erui lion Tne volcanoaa are eo tiue to nature that the varl ma coljre I llree are teen belching forth In all their awful urinltur and convey a reallatlu an I vivid lui nation Hilt la the Hunt renter) ol the kill I evir lccd uiion mum. Alao tlm alatunry In the atlcan at Itome Na lea and Jeruia Inn larhanllsow nrk City I y nUbl Mrtt Mrthu II t Church, 31 1J eatt Third B uth. A ImUel n Jk. dtr When tlrr I aiidjou want eomethlnir to brl ynu renew jour) oulli try (iold Hand lutrr. Col I ma Collro Is ui itiualud for I urll) and Havor A.U BmllhA L.o,I)rigtlitt,axenta of lteberU' lleaperlau foalo Heart! e.111 treat )ou tight. Oct yoiir Ala rncU f Title at tho lounly llfcordor'a olllcc They ore mi teiilnclly from tho original rttorde PCLOUDCT CHUPCH ORGAN, Vtn tn I (tiurrh lnpi I r n ( -" -It Mr M-orvt r. .. I n a l irm n r IM in i DID LYON &, HEALY. Gtato end Monroo Sts CHICAGO SCiirrit,andTra1t Mirfci Mi(ri.t inditllkt i 7 tnt I u nn c I citUlor MOotftATt rtfl SOufiOrPtcciOrtoi rtO.B Htif ornce JinUinitH t r f nt 1 1 Ins t tua llta ItiowJ 4ttOD lrwfn UiWirft n 0 cntmolld4W gofrrioo ivlth dtvr p. Jtlin UiiItIm II iNtttnu tot 101 ttf tli , ttiarie O r(enrtti1uf I Iralrnt ttr u rl r AP4MniltT,aall0 tnObt 111 ntitt thj Jcoit ol itoio Id ihfl U e.uiJi'uioisatota tmJ if t fief AtUicit, 5 JC.A.8NOW&CO. J Ore UTterort t wi-m Tee DC A Wolcomn Mosaongor litlt IrtBxcrot foodntwi ua ol 1 ltt Vti ci rttjn tbia tic nntioanrtrarot of our itilo of Mrn.n4( hi drfiiir oth iff II welrt mt tec.utt 1 co at wtll for von ti t lor the on nO unr uu iou 1 r i 1 l n tt u wlwten ion wvtr U Wl umo lou ritortl Yui ullol to uniwdcraclis to hi f tt gooi ilf in ago Mo nre ofTt-rlnn rlnjc HuHk (or 31cti thkI 3 fro 1 R4 fi(r In 8-" 00, nil 1 fur ( till In 11 r it nl'iX from $1 OU lu VII 00 Thee pood tun not nhop worn lemnunti but Iref h parchaieiforttio iprlnRtrirfo Co ne in t mtcti ever). tin la tbe frit Uutn ol tiring ttooro J. P. GARDNER, Ul MAIN &TR El. (A mimkX 1 l?) IF? wyb well lnow7 4"", i tUIv- ... , iljebfarrofanwjlW)"-', 'PSW r , A1wryDoodpl4ti: V 1 l,J 'I IfyoullgivemoAiiome. -V ' AWW M y V w''? charter oak in , t , f WiA M4U IN bakeand III brew vw) SSfJ 111 boil and 111 sfev jivM uB!rf And frjp ciaintipj wellfpajtonqi.'i-'i iiS Wis - .. 5hflllnpv?rb?f?tv' (I ; v TN via Tor lljf food tijat was ruined jWT ' ." "''Ilii Mt -r- uAnd loif hewtoforp ), . . ilaJW Jf Tijpr? can bo no excuse- (f , n lu y viHlratviRc&AuzcOooA'lStiaediV ron HAi.n ny !Z. C M. I,j Solo Agonto In Salt Lako City. I&ae A GtOSE GARDENnwJgfl J7 vln?J O riMI R050 PLANTS Your atltcllon Iron loa UlHtl V cr1-jje' & SUnilird arlllci -o.l v"IJ. ,Ci' I J JK V" JA OarCataloginef runlt and 1 loral : onlltct for 9J It nor tcaity alio III V fiooWtctltUogliow 10 La aucccHful with Garden audltouteria&la QS r'cAT" THIS OOOKLtTTCLLS HOW TO RAISE DIO OnYJAMTHCMUMS. 5X ffK'K ao.utoe.ttM,.,iw.iu.Jn,ev,Mtlil. W -V2 S3 ci.a.ov.i. SOUTH DENVER FLORAL CO. f 2 40,000 Sa ri Ou a h, MN M q,,, ,,. C2gg eaeoaaai acore paw a. com. HXtSHlMD ,tiQiSflg an iiTAYi'& roon f0 crLiNAKi'" Tmiticli:. ron iAn iiy niooMHH and imKaaiwiii. FASHIONABLE and HEALTHFUL t Jackson ff Corset WalstM, SUPI Ull I OHM ITRrCCT TIT. J) AltltCor..l .dJW. ia n . r.nuiil Ut I Myla ETUitul iymm.irj ,nj I. at kM ijutrka l,t,Jlil j iSlj, Mfalmli jmfmt 1 111! I '"BSaiA,.!. JACKSON CORSET CO., Jackson, Mich. IK YOUR ULALEK HASH T IT WRITC TO US B i iniiitjTfgrwnTTfT'"ja""rl'"-TT iiii'""'-i"aiiejaHiw-iTTiTrrrrir;rvi.'iriw,if 'Vi'irwaiTrmrTrTn riTTiTbiHHi'Fi n in H B 'iin: tiMtntsr ami oldest i.srAiiiisin:i iiusio nousi: i am: avjst. m Solg j'Viioaits Tot llio lollo-winp, AVovlcl-Roii cm-nod Also a Beautiful Assortment of i I ORGHNS! PIKNOS! GUITHRS, H ( MASON & HAMLIN, STEINWAY & SONS, Mandolins, Violins, Banjos, Accordeons, Etc ' I W. W. KIMBALL. George Steck, Mason & Hamlin, 7llflt otohot1, IIU niOBnnt stook of prices Lower Thm, Eve, I Sold on Easy 'l ums I BEHR BROS., KIMBALL. SHEET MUSIC and MUSIC BOOKS. H ' Speoial Inducements offered During Conference, so don't fail to take advantage Qf it. Call and see us before purchasing Wo can satisfy you in i ' QUALITY, PRICE and TERMS. Do not be imposed upon by others acfvortismg these Organs and Pianos, for they are either bogus or second-hand I i , 4S & 47 VEST FIRST SOUTH ST. . i ) i yf slslslslMsslslslslslslslslslslslLsWMstst.ssi firFfpIpJ- T