Newspaper Page Text
1 TELEOUAl'HIO NEWS. kiintniMi i-Aitiv 10 Determine fit. Iliu.i.l.rr llttneeu lnni'l mil tlnvk. Ottawa, Out., April 8. t'n'nin Klrnr.chlef astronomer of Ilia Interior department vino liftn le-eti chosen llrltlili commissioner to ileurinltie tlm boundary lloa li.ltTreti Iho Dominion nml Alik,li(l joiliTJay for Vlutorle, 11 L'. Tim putt miiitier U lit I Oil Including representatives of the Cana dian groloKtcal survey, llu wa.Jolno.1 nt Victoria by Professor Mctuleuhall, the United Hlnln c rninl-slii er, nlm ncronipanieil by laigu all. Two steamers will lie placed at tli .ib-poia! of lliHiurvejr party by tlio Djrulnlou Kuvurnmont. Ih.Nennte t air Neailnu. Wamii.iuto.i, April 5. Tlia Honalo reMnicdcoiinldaraltonof Iho reiiortof t'ls corntiiHlea on prlvllee and tleo Mans In favor of rating' the srimiora appointed by tho imvernor of Molilalia, Wyomlnir mil WMlilUitton. Uliaii dl.raJdriuslheHeiiate In support of Ilia ftpttl. i A ivrinslilrs lleporl. Mim.niai-oi.h, April 3 Tlio report of tbo failure of (Jrocker.Fisko A. Co, la preratture. rim manner of tlio lonipatiy ajs today tliey will munn budnesa on Monday. Tlio llablllliri are half n million with niupln property to cover tuun. JlarllnllM. Inllille. LuiDON, Aprils. It Instated on Hie aliened authority ofn IvICMfrom Clilln that martial law lis. lcn diclaioJ lu that republic. Tin: niiiivi m.a cisr. Arximienl. llrnr.l In tlia Nca.lon To. l'Aitts, April filhs oourt of atbl tratluti roirarillux tho llerliiR tea re turned mimIoii. Hull. i;. J. l'hilp", counsel In behalf of ths Utillol Status, contlnuoi Ills uriimont. Ho contended that tho llrlllfti supplementary report wa In ndmlstatile. Iho B'lnillllon of new evidence at this flage amena to I o a grins Itijuatlcu lo the United Hlatee, became It deprived Ihu United Htates of any ohanco to adduce rebuttln In tlmony, l'nulf a illoouri.ui at iniui lengtn on tho technical mullilnrf u( tlHtnalyof mbllratlon and Iho con illtluuuu.1 methods of priosiluro lo bo f llowrd under tho treaty. HlrC'hmlei Itui-oll, replied In behalf of (irrat llntaln, paying hit tiltutulo the lain Jarnta 0. llitlnu whom ability ha s .lid vrsa recognlzsd lu bitli heruli. iihore.. Tho oourt aduurml for luncheon. Ileaillnrli I nlirolini I.rN"OLS, Nob., April 5. Tho dead, lock over the minimum frelich! ruto llll ti etlll unbroken ut nuou. Nothing of note tMiisplreJ during tho night or thla mornliiK, the members were loo wiary from two nights' vigil to do an) thin; but alerp. lur I'emloulommL.loiisr. WAOiiiNaroN, April S. Senator Palmer, Illinois la authority for tho ttitement that l'reilduiittjievilaiid hat decided on n man for pension com mUlloucr nuJ that lila name will be -ntlv the Henite wtthln i turns. Underlined lo Rive Mix name, tut mo hint liu drovnnl ut, i, huTe, thorn In It JuJijo Wlllli-u Imiireu of Miuneiota. Ureal I err. I lire., 1UI.F10II, N. C. Apill o. The trentiai orrr. Ills" tvtr known are riitlng III Iho heart of thu Ine dl.uloi. llioueiudiul Ireeajust b'jrel arudre trvyod. Many peoplooarulnir lurpen tlnu orchard aru ruireJ. One mtn loa twu thuu.Aiid aorta f treea. The town of Wm Ho I It nearly I pedum. Three laro store., with ointunte, lh-io-ti fllce, nud rcnrl dwellings are burooJ. At li it tvol'e turieutlne ilttlllorlea and econa of dwelllri(a tottered In the wooJa hao leen burneJ with C"' 'luantlt i of ruin. M) iiiont aniKiitiH' vxm tAtloim lm li n liu 10 than rukliaei! wuh tin llu tits nml I haw never bundled iiiitm Hint huatflvou ion aalnncll antlifm n orthnt Ima shown in as bin mid i.iu n relurn iu (Jorati uwoa. Lnt ( m ii luaal luul orer 100 Inmbi that im . 1 Iniauru und sight tu so. Tlui D.iixt Kreatest mlinntot iivT nil other lttr I Is that they breed twloo n your, nl mi lanliaiolimbafori.iarktt at any Hiu of tho )ir, mid often nliuilii Mmuc for ono nt Clirlitmus as for twu of In enniv hk nml also In April I can lionri II) recommend thetn at to tlidr luinli licss, fecundity and antral utility Mj intlre stock cllppail nu nrmifo of n lit tlu oi er elubt iiinils of wool, whlib sold iu tU I'blU.lilplil.l iruirUt at m cents ik r pouuil. T. 8. Cooper lu Itural liow orkor I'or tho nett two ycirs certainly tlicr-" will liepKiil rices fur iork,su that then toiillmtio rUk lu breoilliiK liofff cxteie thi'I. After tint, howiver, if eer fanner rnsliiv Into thn tmtliif, liko one slieep folloM in snotlier o cr n gate, then tlicro v. ill Im a Ur drop If tho Unlle-1 hlateiidoes annex Ha waii, It III oomo tons ranclly ns n many of Urmt llrltalii's culunlea Iuto coino to her. I'irtt Hie inlssloiinricsueut ont with lllblrt to conrtrt tlw lirathcii. Then folloniil tlia ujmlnK of tho coun try to thoullto man's trade. Tlicn It beenmo necessary to protnt tho trwlt Interests. Then followed soldiers, nn ncxatlon an isweion. Tlio lueu foro lnontin tho roiolutlon nml atuieintlon moctnent nt Hawaii nrothoilosoeiiilntits of mlstlonarliM uhu Miit fnnii tho Unllnl btate to tho Sandnldi Iilutnls jenrsngo JudgoKinford 11 Dole, pres ident of tho provisional Rnvcmmcnt, U tho son of laMonnry jwirents who went from Massachusetts to thn lilamls In IS 10. Hon I.orln A. Thnrston, pnl dent of tho nnnoxntiou commission, U tho fcTaiidson nf mlssloiinry jmrciiis who went from Massachusetts in IBID. It seems to bo tho old 1 llarlm father blood that is stlninif up this rumpus again. It li cdncatlon mo want, not mrru Icaruinjr out of bools. Moro than half of th street rallwat of tho United btutot uri now operated by clcitrlclty. coops rort ihickcns. Inilcnret iriilch tirnnt I'rnlerllnn I mil Murm.. tUI, ll. slot lllhrr l.nrmlr.. Suicees dtrd irrj- largely on tin iiinairninit(i(t1wrlttlerhleka. Anln ..rtaot item i H , kind of cnop na1 f ir, wWIe umler fav , rnl 1 .imilil Inramn) eld box or crate or I urri 1 turuod on ont fi tkin orrrxfrwrm v Mnvm r nirm. n ! will dn, such conrH will not nn.Hin i ii I ' r f r extreme of hrit or iiild, drlv liunl or ruts. Iho but nnniel i i f lo 1 o Kuanloil oirolnst with n grvat en i,j ratnstprm. It i k ncrally ocmceilM that lioth hen enlilil ksthrlTolsntincxmiiiet withthc mriii, bi tlfntwttnraleasciKipl ploii-1 li-'n the itrorM rats onnnut. nil Kit In, I nt Hi" Inn will srratch li ,li ,. hi h U- in hlli d with water In u of nine. A 1 1 iu followed by nun) Is ha hur 1 ti. ' II Hir with earth an Inch or an deep. I I ii i U1 li, even If ilnmp. wm drlea find f rtiisiiiMxeellelltdeoiloririr. rrorpient. i n e-tit.crmn twofold piirji" li n 1 o pixl Knur for tlio ben nnd br I i ndn valuable adjunct to the nia Mir pi ,iMltluuabsorbedtlidroprna if UiM wl. ii i-i ' nnd raids of Ilia coop must Ho. ri t ujio i tho floor, Unt limovor,eoAs toiml - it ntherwiso dnrhiK storms nil Iho 1 1 dripplna from Iho roof nnd sides of tho (nop will lie onnulit nml at liutht run diriH th umler tlio lien whllo brooxl Incli. rdiia ms. In thoflrstitit isnp. res, tiled a itef tton nf n euop with n mor able Aim r, an-angnl. ut It should Ik1, hi suehnwa) Hint torrents of ralti may be jioiinil uimn tho roof undiiotnilropnill touch thu tlixir In tlw wHond cut Is shown n nitt roof chltken coop rerommendoil by Stoddard in his Pouliri An hitcelme, friuu which tho foregoluu' i ltpmdiieed. Ilenty of niniro on r i low mi nrd. ulteniutlng w ith enliivutml around, I' wliat eUkkenj tliollld lilnv 1 nlloweil If ioslblo. Hut lireunixi lines ult, i tus, nil 1 when doH cats ui d rats in liic, and lien hawks orth moru troublesome lltfoon a luTrnoor nnrKr- poor, ljiwk in tho cotuitn , m.iko trotthln It ti somi times iirt-eason to deprive cliiokfm nf rangv, teinpiTarily ut lsost. I'or this purpiem tuch v in 1 1 tli, lourso meah, in li uitd f r i 1 itn u . ft i.ool HntidoV rrin ffirlli" cFii h 1 1 , hen may Iwf o awaas nr i t l-s.lorlnsMlini riirnrln;rw!islsnntiiii t ii rro)i wh-ii tht I ' ' t th luxurlonasrowtlivvlilcliu imiK pr v 1 1. oiirifiMl. In With eases -i i-l fl 111 will In Imwlllrf rattier ih i . n rwisa Th piHtniina;, howrr -I U I I- .t.rri only wlwll tho soil li in u i i r rondi tkm to nJmlt of tin tru , of nrd mala VTitliout crushing Hi 1 1 n down Into Iho mud4 rlli. In t lillwlien tlw vrlamt U growlnf; (tn n mlt uik, a itawMsmbla niBctmt of i i inru may 1 rooHaod from It nt n lunei leu tht cows are on aliort roston i r mm fid etsowhere. OcetMtonalH Hin,uh tht wroteretocli rnay rtm on il 1 n.flsld whllo tlw gronnd h fr nil uleu Ihawtnaj iViys siaMHilroll n .n . they should lsjkoptotf, U) ' iu' an liirliiit of wheat Is cflni I 1 n mn ,i Ilyothrralt la tbotujht n i i ...rllv I mi wlwre tho uronili wirr n ,md the pasturing la not too clo titlnn.-d too Isto. In thla, M lu m i I r lining iwrtalnlnif to fti inai . m. says IhoaifrieultiiralaJltor.i i! . ork World, no at flt c '" ' ' l ' "'own tint will t nppliaatile In 'II ..and tho fsuntr's own elr i n nnd ex perlcnoc, noooTuioir nan il mil the season inay ftvot the i of the i plants, or ties contrary, vm i 1i Ins best guide in tho mutter. Treatment eMYII' l I n. tor. Iii nn agrionltant - . iinllciln rei nrs this ad vie Ale. i r ,w Iho lrl from fellail tlul'T , nlng. but not from tlio itnadin, tr Xner nlb.iv tho lug to lis illrri i .-. tin, mob t sol! If wtiittr fellail, -I ilietlmlmi tn slzo vrlthln two wiv I i i felllnR nml leave it plifol on I not ujion soil-In tho foraW. Orlf ' lntliome, phwe In ii dry, airy, not I position, nwuy from sou nnd rnm li drliil tiu rnildl),woolvnirrtiand tin crnrlts ooll'-ct water, nud tlm i r li then easily nttacVul nnd d'ir . I bv rot. With lanrn lots cberkm : iv be pre vented b coating ilie ' l-nh soino fatty or oily substance, mm I uli brick ilutt. llrre .ihM l,.rr ThWontcniAgrln1tnii.i m 'IJati is tlw standard fml for hi I i bono and mtutles uorn nUi f n i i m sum. mer and liay, root, dlnu 1 nn I n rarl ity of irira the 1 1 m ,u to lev lop the i-rowili of I in I ll.uite illgi'tlou. mid to raalliK Hi u -i n -nits from tho foolvaluo an I inn n mi the Isnltli and viiror of the vnux iHiraa for early maturity or liard work in tho team." rroni California come reports of an hlarmlntf iiest lu tliafloiirinif luillstlw Mediterruuean flour niotli. At n tlate convention in Cob rado 11, C Aiken mid "noun but tin miert n; lariat will mako inou out i f Uis." If J on want tend and witf) city gov eniment, elwt goad and wise men to iiiuiiu ami ofilce. -.d,Sor'd.,,,orVu-"' "' I:""r- The San. Dining 1HIU Tilt: M S villi be of siirpatatiijr rteellrnre mid villi print morti news nnd more pure lllrmtnre than ever tftore lu Us hlilury, "i fiic" Sunday Son 1 Is Ike greatest Sunday Hinspaper in llio world. Pr"co 5on co;y. By mail, S2 a yoar Daily, by mail, - SB a year Ddlly and Sunday, by mall - - S8ayoar Address rllKHtlN, New ork. It 4. Prirn iS--!&r. ixeMin .ro,iM rSa. isaVauis IMter rnw, lolam.., irwfc, AmOh 11.,,.,, tninhmt. If.- Him. sJis tirtfc sua,. Ut, ! IIM.IM. S.llMii. ruwirilMSMNilal S.M h trf t rf.liM. m4 m b, ) w, Im mt-tts cnicsa'.KSttee . rsnes. UL WE KHOW OF NOTHING THAT CAN COMPARE WITH TIIC GRAEFENBERG PILLS A3 A FAMILY PILL. THEY AtlE NOT ONLY MILD BUT EXCEED INGLY EFFECTIVE. THE BEST HEADACHE PILL. THESE PILLS CURE ALL TORMS 01- MALARIAL DISEASES, BIL IOUSNESS, LIVER AND KIDNEY TROUBLES. THE BEST PILL -rort-YIEAKnES? AND KERYOUSNESS. Sold by All Drugjltlt. GRAEFENBERG CO.. Ill Chamber. Strut, N. Y. JAY 0. WEMPLB COMF Y M .BUWIV NEW YORK. Wa,:ii,tiV,OIUCAGO. UM TP.TnTT?.Tn vM WINDOW SHADES! SPRING ROLLERS I AHE THE BEST MADE. ' ! A'oM by all Veulora. J'fieie Qootta are all Hand Matte. r H v- OaaslaBaniassssiaisjUMSssjau. "VVTVj' j M Slj!$S fLLY(OLlCHT!X f0$3& 1 Thh reason ijtfmkiw VM ' 9 ?r WHEREOF ( 'M U H 7 I WILL TELL:- Jf IT 15 NOT BECAUSE OF HER BEAUTIFULf fl 6uT5HtocookonTho5C S fM & CHARTER OAK 5TOVCJ I That how she became gf 1 fl SUCH A BELLE.1 M ron nAi.n nr ;H Z. C. M. I., . Solo Agento In Salt Lako Clly. " SpoiHsraon's Ueadq-uartoi's ! ! BB0TfNING7.BB0S., '' 155 S. U8ln Sl, Si;t Lake City, Ulab. 2461 Wasblo0ton A.c.,Og!eo, Utati. fl!, iUKSangtrrri-''TI'T'rlr''T:i alllnsotFlihlng, ' riitoli, Amniunl- vrOStutSJ Snorting mj tlonandioentr. M" Alhlollo Oood!, EST THOMSON WATCRPnOOr BOOTS AND SHOES. , ifl AKtiitaTor Mtrn l'nvriler, (anml I ux, llu I'ont Niinrllinr ami lllavtliiit l'oir. i jH iliraml NailinalTteivrltfrs. IT7"Tiiadw Nil rtian. M 4ts.p ran nvx invatmrtn cjialvovc mis 10 jit. ,' H iai;nri..'iriyvfxjawitijiui'jncigsaaiaei V 1 J TrUI Whrir from Ih. tail tUtcll o 'i M I j U U IJill p., Urns luck KMner tlm ' M 1 V 1 U 1 IMmie, llbeamslistn, Is'lUc.tioD Hx,.p. ,. H T 0 J C -HJ tr-4 sis, sj Hail efwtakatis ralUr ills. 'In (! " "in Ut'irtrltrwill ,Dr. ion s4 H 1 I k"P rou In lillli. (UllilsrUrallercillB -H 4 bl J u J oos Bnoativ) To rrovs Ibn, 1 sUlitad Is JL JL. M n ,H fl ,,,,. oa trial, fi... DR. JUDD'S ELECTRIC BELT. ifl Inert, fi, w.fioin-u b If ittifOfit AUnK ictrlo Trunct od Hoi Iiittrrie rmit iffiaB noibio 10 try O.em Cto Im rtnuUted to tun tMiBiranttidtvUitrurytin A IIU IBf H d IUtrjcoiT lined, tn t irulii,e mfflcUtt I Irclrleily Olbock Ire Ufdlral Mftc MM Ulltfltftdij. (.lie wiitt merorf irle tbd lull pirticoUrt Atfiila wnnirt Ad M H tirw Dn. JUDD. DetroH.MIoh. nH A City Full of Sunshine and Glory, AN AUSPICIOUS EVENT. A Modern Establishment Full of Royal Bargains. :fl SBEif SPECIAL SJlLHS MUM OOIFIMM!. I Wo arc the People's Popuhr Store. Our One Purpose, Our One Aim is si determined resolve lo bo the People's JJesI Public Servsuil in furnishing them ' with Dry Goods in sill its various ramifications. We can and will oiler such Bargains in every department sis will and must bring the People sH I to our store in vast crowds, and cause them to remember us with pleasure in the future when siguin visiting iho Capital Cily of Zion. f I SILKS. OLOAK AND BEADY-MADE DEPT. Matchless Offerings During this Sale. Boys' Clothing and Gent's Furnishing. W W SludrtotlllnSuriitil, onh .toe. rr yard, as ctnti yatil. HrtlMlru lii.liirrinrnl. i.rrinl lliirliia: fills, iilf In mr 1,111 T r iin.i, Ill,, iho lulluolne hnvv lirrii mlili-it Irmn ur Ih" f.iwtnr. ,il our llurunlii. iliirliiE IlilsSnlrnvlrrl runllilriil I aaaaal ?llynll.allS,lkSorili.0nli7Scra.foliiwft,sictnliyard 1 1, ut III.IMII I tll'Vr. Ml,r.. , ..,. .nil. Una i.Mirlir-nl ,.V. ....... .. , , ,LI , lll nu.l anaihsr Hilars I . it I I.I .if I ni,iim I. Ilnr. H llUck s4in RhjAime solnMUfc. north leo, 6octnllvnl ..r .nrli ' In. Iinui.t. ll, nnllnillr.l I .illrrllim M lioll-KImU. I'rlm llml nlll Multi IIiciii Ulrl. Imi bnn ,.,,,, ,, , ,M,mlflllr, , ,. ,, , lll.lrlbiilor. if lB UUck Soft 1 Inlih Gro llraln sl In wld;, worth,iocaiUyaril ..r ru Mlr. nn.l I'.tlu.l.,. NiMrlll,,. I,, l.lllll M mill I IIILU- innitn llrE.inlli.. ul I ...1 ,ir V slur. Boj.' I Lulling lu I lali. Ilujliiir ror I, nml In Inrer-I fH l,ro.aS,,laK.udan,.w.rlhJSo,,,,;T.,u ,.vs ,,.,,, j ,,,, M!,, u.KI.IS I lc. Ir Cottoa !.., Uack, rUr .5a. quail.,, l.-npai, XiruV." " ""' ' "" I M Vlclorlv fipei. llilwnrosi anil Ikw of riUion, hnorUack Jj no Irtdiet' Fmi Ilkck Colloo I love o rnt quallly, 15 aeals pair -H DRESS GOODS. ?T&tii ttZXteSL. c--. gKKJ..,, Gnat Comblnvtlon Sale of I)rc Goods .HO.olN.ynKl, !ii,thSLpr: SiTK: TSJlVJ1" CMlrrrtDM. RMsM II. nh .,,.. ,eh pair HoJ! WJ'nTl'iS. s; "a,",,0 ' J able ColorlnB Your 'choice for' 30 cents r.ard, worth from 50 lo . . ' "? U" 1 Capes. V.fc.1 ami Clort M.,Un.ul,o. lu all golon aai C, IVOotjet. Wi plak ulu..anlii "s.oJri.i5 Itoy.' Wmtr, su Kood. Hut k.IJ from ., s 1 6 uo, mini b. Uov d, v ', oScentipcrv.vnl. IUC",,"M S. Ctml, hilo,only, worth fi 00. only l.Jo Mojs UngtUnuNiilii.lio.n tbrok, w.illiHoo onlyjj.5 sbH ..,.i.nnllM,H,l.,rr.. mrl loicl. L'tivlll. Dalcm orlh i( cu nr v,l ""r "" "' " ,,,'l,,: ' 'l " In iM-aulUiil aliailca f lau, l.rrru, Mlans-UatVKId (Mow .ls 10 6 , as csnls lr Hoys' Unn I aau Hun. I rcy l',ail our v a, .ail, J n I ' H SI dud no iin.Hllncl. Isiiof is lis .,iisllil la Hi ll, no 1110 alll.r. Ud' mack Kid Olo... all aire. 50 iiiir lljys Ij liiu Suli. l.rev Iwdl rrgular to!, now , B 3 nMB&JuTaJ.'(hmre.ourj.ntqiulli.lnwW.s.'c.a.fTarl rinsWal.t, m W.irr Silk. Pnng-c. In lllli SPRl'UNlIM , .1 Lsd Wsrk and Colnml jer..y Olov, w.,.1. aj mis, I J cant, pair ofliSShl lnM' " ' H Colored and 111 lAITIllUntlno.oiir 75 cent nuvlity 36 In wld. 40 centvyvtd lUlloon Mreves, I .MIMU-. In Colon and HUck, ldcs Chiffon lUndkcrchiefc, a wall each. Mm UlibuaUrH m ac'crau V ' alnclly all Wool Chevron hmtlnti, In lulr ilrlpM, checki, and nilvlurei, worth l.ed lllfck HUier Jti 00 JTi, , ,, , , 5 V,T "T . ." n.ita! SniS vTJLi. v saaal ((aadiicenii jo centi yard l-vdlM Snrlnr kei. Wbrlh j only Jsjo Ijidkn" Coloml Hofdtr I Undk.rcW.h. jdi.seli. Hoys Ottllnu Kinlwl alil. anesntt , 9aaa jirprlncMriidMOf .lilcily All WoolSloini Srrtei, ny blue and black la- A fine I.lns of I jdiei and tlc. Diner. joo Udias' WhlM 1'jnbrold.rsd Hem RUlchsd IIn.Aer:hUrs,;M cnu each MnU'"3,i li.i. ','. Mi'oiliMsa u 'l aaaal eluded, our 75 rent ualily lo.entt yard Udie.' run JicVcl. orlh y, now ; 00 I-(lw WhllaSHk Kmbrolilored Hera Sim lied llundluichlsav, locnuasch nI linj lmli "oMhfl w. oily Ij rsall J! : . An..egla.lJn.o!SWJkt.f,omJoo.o Ud' Su.sli Mk lie,, Uacy nakAc.l, J5nu. Ka.r.,liTll.d nh .!.. ,,.!. jfl BLAOK DRESS GOODS. W!Wll,,k,:r' nmvMiMv.$,m, M Dlifnaal Striped Satin lliilxnir the kadlnr new wear.. 33 cent, yard " " " ,0 U 0"'- rr ' N"1 " U '"", f! , 10 AM t:X' sz:sX3t:$SZIiZ carpets. extraordinary shoe sale. fl Bet I njllih Qie, lot SerSe , noil durable and wear muuaS raaterdl. In J.I fj to NniA.k.ulh.lsl.o,n I..Jow Jxi , .ml( ,l,, Miurs .liirl.m'll.l. sal ll.l lm,. r fcm. ' hlick.worllisioo, to cents yurd III II ST1 1. s lll. I Dlllll I I . Ol II I'ltll 1 N Till: I.OH I s r. jotl I'll kjr l'l'lllll 0II'ltft 1 1 1 1 Ml II I'MW. or.rnl. lli.l rely . on 10 m llieiii. liaH - " I.tllll'.V I'IM. Kill Minis. IH Hu,:z:'zX;:v,u.,l,v., Roady.Mado Dresses sold for the Price ""'Mtuu' rzz:x:x:r L zss&ssssiis ssssastaisS,. DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT. of Matcria 13. . rrH.", , ."a7rliSeil5;.wo Nuv;iJ..Erlne.,imcHIr.l.v.orU,Jf rEnK.ard uSS&fiSSS, ' S! '', S," '" ','1 "''T T" " I 'IsM CiLfntcolo, Lyard dtttt'' SSH 5SS ' W" Vf - ' ffl InuUlnalnmf north ii)(ciiu 7csniiyr1 1 jdle. H innrln Wtar ,-' Mb raw. now $1,75 All. Ill IIS t r liisr I'llll I . SlasB 10 io' for i wi, fi yj ' Oriental Cord worth 15 cents yard, 8!S comi yard I.ood IIUckMtcen 't 1 ',ul! liiiiiieii.ii llnrirnli.s In lie mil. nr I nrn I.. ? , ' 12 ?!,"J. ?." "' '' , , , . , ., tllaai lanvColionllelireyVenuyird lllick l.linn rd-- aSkHJisj Ililiiien.. nnrKal.. In lie Inlinl. shoe, sn I boot 11 in e ,4l new dc5 Sm on 1 nt prue lu r It in ! IliieS1llnci,ne.pnreilcsleni,worthascenti IJntiyard l-adu.. SilkTrlmra 1 1 mo 1 1 nn 1 Wal.l.. wonh ,l 00 now Jj 00 li" Hwinmiii. I -elwl Irnin. o., Soc,ic 7 mm :H ' - - " 'Saal p HUERBHCH hnd BRO- I aJaasjafa)1Mtlt,,M,M,M,,ja,,, ,MM,MM,,JMMMi,.,MMMMsJ, 12;.1T-J' .- -IJ. -' "'-S-T-gsra: '31"VXiL. JLL-IiLlI .l "'. ""syiiii.i.aiaa.ia.jw