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nr-vcnr.T -cvkvivo Kinvs: nmw pay attiit, . ism. r 1 MM. COMBEHGE S.rilces In the Upper Room ot (he Temple. mi: miiui rum. in me ni i). lull T.l ol Ilia Doll itnry Prajrr ancrnl by President iiiidriiir Thoip akrrs ml Millie. Tho services o( tho Conference wro continued till morning to the upper room of the Ti mple. rtio Tabernacle cbolr sang the an Item' Let ill Intel tola and unf (Muilo by Joseph J. Dsyiiet, choir, liters led by Kvan tflephens ) 1 ri stt)IJ.T wit 1 Jill) wooi'itim Made brief iiproprlatu rinmki aod thenoflrred the DFIllCATOItv. IIIAFll, as follows! Ourrnher In heiven, thou who hist created the heaven, ami the carlh, nnil all thing that Ota therelni thou most Llorlous One, perfect In mercy, love and truth, wc, thy children, conn this day bclore thee, and In this house which wo hue built to thy most holy name, hum bly plead the atoning blood of thine Only llcgotlen Son, mat our sins may be remembered no mure against us for er, but tint our pri)ers mayntcend unto thee and hive free access to thy throne, tint we miy be heard In thy holy h dilution. And may it cjiclously please thee to hearken unto our pell thus, answer them according to thine infinite wisdom and love, and t,rant tli it tho blessings which wc seek miy br bestowed upon ut, tun a hundred fold, Inasmuch ns we seek with pmlly of htait nnd fulness of purpose to do thy w ill nnd glorlly thy name. We think line, O thou Great I'lo hciin, tliat tliou didst raise up Hi) ser nnt, Jostph Smith, through the loins of Ahralnm, Uiac and Jact b, and mide linn n I'rophet, beer, nud Kevelalur, and through tne assistance and ndmlnlttra tlons of angels from heiven. llinu didst inableliim to bring forth the Hook of Mormon the stick of Joseph, in the hand of I phraim, in fulfillment of the prophtcies of Isaiah nnd uther Prophets, whiih record has been translated and ut lislied in many tiuguiges Wc also thank thee, our I ilhir In hnven, tint thou didst Inspire tiiy servant and give him power on the earth to elliy Church In this goodly Iind, In all Its fulness, poucr,nnd glory.wlth Apostles, Prophets, Pistor, and teachers, with nil the gi ts and (.races helot glng there to, and all this t the power of the Airotuc and Melcliiedcc l rlesthood, wiilclithou thdst bisluw upon him by the administration of holy angels, who held Hut Pilcsthood in the days of thu Savior. Wu thank thee, our God, tint thou thdst enable thy sirvint Joseph to build two temples. In which ordinances were administered lor the liking and the dead, tint he also lived to send the It.ospcl to the nations of thee irth nnd to tne Islindsof thu sen, and I stored exceedingly until he was mirlyred for the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. U e also thank thee, O our I'ather In heaven, that thou didst raise up thy servant llrighim i oung, w ho held the kt)s uf thy Prlislhootl on the ciith fur many ears, and who ltd thv people to these valle)S of thu mounliins, and laid the corner stone of this grtit Temple nud dedicated it unto thee, and who did direct the building of three other tern, pics in thoo Rock) Mountains which hate been dedicittd untu thy holy name, in which temples many thousinds r f His. living Ime been blessed md the de id redeemed Our 1 ithcr in heaven, wo arc also thankful to thee for thy sirvint John I ii) lor, who followed in the footsteps of thy servant llrlgliam, until he laid down his tile In eulc. Thou Inst called thy sets lilts Wilford Woodruff, George j Cinnon, and Joseph 1 . Smith, to lit Id the keys of the 1 residency ami 1'rlcsthood this da) , antl for these shepherds of thy llpck we fctl to give thee thanksgiving and praise lhy servant Wdluril Is bound to acknowledge tli) hind O I ather, in the preservation of his life from tho hour ol his birth to the present diy, Nothing but lh power could Invu preserved him S through Ihatwhicli lie his pissed during the cle.hlvsix sears that thou has grint ctl him life on the c.irlh J or the raising up of the Twelve Apostles, we also th ink Thee, our God, and for the perfect union which exUts among us U c thank thee, O I ord, for the perfect organisations of thy Church as they exist ut the present time Olurd, wc regartl with intense and indescribable feelings tho completion of thissacrtd house l)clu to accept this the fourth templo which thy covenant children have been nssistetl by thee in erecting In these mountains, In past ages thou ditl't inspire with thy Holy 1 Spirit thy servants, the Prophets, to siicik of a time in the latter days when the mountain of the Lord s I ouse should be established in the top of the moun tains and should be, ixilttd above the lulls W o thank thee tint we havo h id the chorions opportunity of contributing to the fulfillment of these visions of thine ancient seers, and tint thou hist condescended to permit us to take part in the t,reit work And as tills portlun of thy servants' words his thus su mar velously been brought to piss, we pray thee, Willi Increased filth and renewed hupt, that all thiir words wiih regard to thy great work In gathering thine Israel and building up thy kingdom on tilth In the I ut th) s may be ns Amply fulfilled, K and that, O I ord, speedd) Iff We come before thee with joy ami thanksgiving, with spirits jubilant and hearts Idled with pnisc.thit thou Inst puniilltd us to see thlsdiy fur which, during these forty )ears sic Invu hoped, and toiled, md priyid, when vvciiin dedicate, unto Hue tli s house which we I have built to thy most glomus name One )iar ago we set the capstone widi shouts of Ilosinni to God and the I imb. And today we dtdiinie the whole unto thee, with all tl at pertains W unto It, it may be I ol) In thy fcirfht, H that It may be n house ol pr i) cr, a house rj of pmlsu and of worship, tint thy glory m may rest upon it, that th) holy presence may be continu illy in It, th it it may be the abode of lhy Well llelovctl bon, our Savior, tint the un;,tls who stand I cloie thy f ice may be the hallow td uussengcrs w who shall visit It, bearing to us thy wishes nud thy will, th it it liny be sanc titled and consccrittd in all Its nuts ( holy until thee, the God ol Uriel, the 1 Almighty Ruhr of mankind And wu I pray thee that all people who ma) enter ok jpan the threshold ol tills thine house, si am) feel Ihy power and It constrained .0 acknowledge that thou has tauctiliid sil it tint It Is lhy house a pla c or Ihy holiness W'e pray thec Iteivnlv lath i lo accept this building in all Hi parts from foundation to capstone, with the statue thu is on the latter placed, and all the finlalsandnthcrornaincntsthat adorn Its cxtirior W'e pray thee to bless, that lie) tlccav not, all Hie walls, partitions, floors, ceilings, roofs antl bridging the elevators, stilrvvtys, niling and steps the frames, doors, windows, and other openings, all things connected witli the lighting, holing nnd sniutar) apparatus the boilers, engines, and d)tiamus, the connecilng pipes and wires, the liniis and burners, nnd alt utensils furniture and articles used In or i unn-eled with tho holy ordinances administered in this house, the villi nnd the altars tht baptismal font antl the oxen on winch it rests and nil tint pertains then to the lulia, waslistandtnnd basins ANutlie sift nnd v mils In vvhcli the lee irds are preserved, with the records them selves, and all books, documents m 1 pipers appertaining to the ofliet uf th recorder, likewise the library with nil the books, maps, Instruments, He Hi it miy bilon thereto W'e also prut t before the , for thine acctptance all tn additions and buildings nut fo mint, a part if the main edifice, but being ip peiidiges thereto, and wc pray thee to lltss all the furniture, seats, cuslii ins curtains, hangings, locks and f isttnl it, nnd multitudinous other appllinces and nppuiti nances found in and belongine to this Temple nnd Its annexes with all the work of ornamentation thereon, the printing an I plislcrln; the gliding nnd 1 runrliig, the fne work in wood mid metal ol every kind, the embroidery and nee lew oik, the pic urcs and si it u ir), the cirvetl work nnd canopies Also the matemls of which the build ings antl tl eir contents are made or composed the rock, hint, tnoitar ind plastir, the timbers and lath, the wood of various tries, the gold and silver, the brtss ami Iron, nnd all other metili, the silk, wo. I. and cotton, the skins and furs, the gi iss, chin I antl precious stones, all llicso and ill tltu herein we limihlv firescnt tor thine ncccptmcc ami sanctt )ing blessing Our I ithcr In hen en, wc present befoie Hue the altars which wo hue prepared for thy si rv ants and hind maidens to receive their sealing bless, ings W c detl cate them in the n line of tile Lord Jesus Christ, unto thy must holy name, nnd w cask thee to sanctify these altars that those who come unto thcni mty fctl the power of the Hoi) Ghost resting upon them, and reilize the saciednes of the covenants they enter into And we pny tint our cove nants and contracts wliieli wo mike witli thee and with earh other may be til reeled by thy Hoi) bpliit. be sicrcdl) ktpl by us and accepted by tin e, and Hi it all the blessings pronounced ma) be reallml, by all thy Saints who com to t est nlnrs, In the morning ol the resurrection of the just O lord, we pny theo to bless and sinctif) the whole of this block o piece of ground on which these buildings stind, with Hie surround! ig walls an I fences, the w alks, paths, nud orn tmtutal beds, also the tries plitlts dowers and ilnuhhiry tint glow in us sol mi) they bloom and blois m and hteome ixciedlngly beautiful and frigraul, and may thy S lrlttlnell In the midst thereol th it this plot of ground mi) be n place of rest and peace, for holy mutilation and insp'retl thought t reserve these buildings, wc bcs'cc!i thct, fiom injury or destruction b) flood or fire, from the rige of the elements, the shifts of Ho vivid lightning, the overwhelming blasts of the hurricane, the 11 lines of consuming fire, antl the uplicavils of the earthquake, O Lord, protect them llless, wepra) thee, lteavcnh Pither, all who may be workers in this house litmembtr continually thysctviiit who slnll be appointed to pieslde within its wall, endow him richly with tho wisdom of the Holy Ones, with the spirit of his calling, with the power of Ills Priest hood, and with the gilt of discernment. Illcss, according lo their cilhng, his asslsunts and nil who arc nssuenttd with him in Hie performance of thu ordinances, bap Inns, coiilirmatioii", washings, anointings, sellings, endow ments, and ordinations widen nrc per formed herein, that all tint Is done ml) lie holy and acceptable unto thee thou God of our silv .mull llless tho record us antl copjlsls, that the records of the Temple miy bt kept perfect, nnd with out omissions ind errors and tint they ma) also bo accepltd of thee. llless, in their scveril positions, the engineers, witctimen, f,uird), and all others who hive duties lo perform In connection with the house, tint they may pcrlorm them unto thee with an eye single to thy glory. Keincmber also In th) mere) all those who hive liborcd in the erection of this house, or who hive, In auyvva), by their mcins or inlluence nidctt in lis comple tion, may they In no wise lose their reward. O thou God of our fithers Ahralnm, Isaac and Jacob, whose God thou tie lightest lobe called we think thee with nil the fervor of overflowing gritltude tint thou Inst revelled the powers by which the hearts of the children nrc being turned lo llielr fathers nnd the hearts of tho fullers to the children, Hint the sons cf men In all their gencrv tlons cm be mule pirliktrs of Hit glories and Jojs of tho kingdom of heaven Confirm upon us the spirit of 1 lilali, we pray thee, tint we miy thus redeem our dead and also connect our selves with our fathets who hive passed behind the veil, and iiirthermoro sell tip our deul to come forth In tlte first resur rtcliun lint we who dwell on eirth mi) be bound to Ihcxo who dive 1 In heaven We thank ihee for their sake who hive finished their work In mortiht), ns will for our own. lint tho prison doors hut been opened, that dehverince Ins been proclaimed to lhccam!vi,und the bonds huvobeen loosened from those vvhowcre bound We prniMi theo lit Hour fathers, from list to first, irom now back to Hie beginning, cm bo united with us in indissoluble links vv Med by tho holy l'rltstliood and that ns one ,reat fun I) united In thee nnd cemented by thy power wt slnll toother stand itlore llm, ind h) the powtr of the ntonlni, blood of tl Son bt dthvir d fniiiall nil, bt sive I ml saiiedliel, cxdtetl and i brined W ill thou utao penult holy nit m rs tu visit us within Huso aaerul wills and ill ike known unto us with it gird to the work wt should per form in he slf of our dead And, ns thou nist inclined the hems of mm) wliu h ivv not )tt enterttl into covenant with thee to stiaich out their prugciiiturs and in so doing Hit)' hue tratetl the nuctstry of many of thy Saints, we pray thtt, tint thou wilt Increase tins desire In tile ir bosoms that this may In Hits w y aid In the accomplishment of thy w oik llless Hum, wt pny ihie, In ills Ir i ihors, tl at Hny m iy not I ill into rrror in preparing their gciiialOf,it, and furthermore, wu ask thee to open 1 efore them new avenues of information, nnd plict tu their hands the records nl Hit nst tnatthtlr wotk miy nut only be comet but ct inplete alio O thou Great I ullur of the spirits m all fie Ii i.rnciousl)' bliss nnd lull) qual iy th se upon whom thou Ins placed a portion of thine authonl) mitt w I), irllu-rrspors It , 1, n I tl I il ord rof thy bon tits, tl cm ill from nrst to last fiom ihy 5lrv ml who rtpre stntstheein all the world to tho latest hM.,,en ordalne I to the Deacon s oflict Upon each and all confer the spmt of tfitlr calling with a eompre heusion of Its duties antl a loving sell lo fund Ihem Kndow them wlili faith, ilience and understanding Mav their In s be strong In virtue and nilorne I with humility, mav thiir ministrations t ellectual, their prayers hi ivaihng ami their teachlnjrsthe path of silvation 'I y they be united by Hit bplnt and power of (,od In all their labors and In ,irv thought, word antl act ma) they Klorif) lhy ntniv nndvindi an the wis I I m that has made them kini,s nnd prists unto thee lir Ihy servants of the 1 Irst Presl. I lencyof the Church we first of nil pray Kevtal in great clearness th) mind and I will i nlo them in all things essential for the wtlfue of thy people giv, Hiem in nvtnly wisdom, aboimiiing fmh and Hep jwer nnd girts nerrssar) lo enuble Hi nitj preside acoptabl) unto thee sir the officers nnd members of thy t li in h Kcmemher in love Hi) strvint h i"i thou hast called to he a Piophet, S tramlKevclatorlonll mankind whose dijs hue been many tipmi the earth 1 1 ngtht n out lilt span of imirtil life, w pny ihee. and sjraut unto Idm all Hie hot r-. an I gifts, In their c mpleteness, J h Ihct thou hast conferred upon I hlu md in like manner bless his nsso i"i in the I residency of thy ( hurth v t. t r tiioii thy servants tht, 1 wolve ii-.iWs, ii rich endowment of thy s i ii tinder their guidance may H -inns 1 of Ihp kingdom go forth into ! ill Hi. wiiit I, to be preaehesl to all nui i , kindreds, tongues, and people, Hi t Hi honest In heait In every I mil miy 1 1 ir the glad tiding-: of joy antl salt t,n Overrule, we pray thee, In H t mil t of the governmints ol the ennh Hi it the barriers that now stand In Hie w iy of Hie spread of thy truths mav b removed, nnd liberty of con stant L he accorded tu nil fieooles Ktiuemher In loving kindness thy sen mts th Patriarchs Ma) they lie full ol bleshigs for thy people Isrul May tiny heir with them the seeds of comfort and t onsol itlon, of encourage mint and bles mg I III them with Hie Holy Spirit of promise, and be gracious I) pleased to fulfill their wortls of propl ecy, th it lhy name may be extolled by the peo h ol tliv Church nnd their huh in thct nnd In the promises ol th) immsietlng serv mis be iiicrinslngl) strtiiglhined Witn thy servants of the Twelve, bless thiir associates the Seventies, in i) they he p iwerlul 1 1 the p tacliin of Ihv w irtl and in beating it to the four ipnricrs ul tin earth via) an cver widtnlng wa) In opemd llor them until the) shall have raised tho Co-pel siimtlartl hi ever) land and pruclilnitd its sav mg truths in ever) tongue, that all he island i mil the conttiieiuit may re oice In the trstlrnon) of the great or thou art In these latter days performing on the cirth llless ibundinlly O I ord the High Priests In all the varied duties nnd posl lions to which iht n In t silled them As slanting niinl-tir. of thy word In tho iiiulti il)iug Snsos of ion. wilt thou tnili w thtm rill with the spirit uf lluir exilttd iailin,'. A Prisidints, Counselors, ISishup mumb rsof High e. uniils, and In eitry other ofhee which their I rlcsilmi tl givts them tin right to fi I, ma) Hit) lie righteous inuiislirs ef thy hoi) law loving fullers ol tliu people, and ns ju ges In the miiM of the Saints inn) the) dnl out Juit and Imparti tl Juiljiiiienl tempered w ith mercy nntl lose. So also. In their various callings, con fer precious gilts of wisdom, filili and knnw ledge upon tli) strvanisihtl Iders, Priests, itaciiers, and Deicons, tint all ma) diligently perform llielr pirt In tho (.lotions labors thou hut called thy lilesthood to bear. 1 orgel not we beseech thee, thy ser vants Hie tnisslonaiies who nrc pro cl liming the sav Ing truths tint thou hast revealed for man's redemption to the millions who are now overshidowitl b) deep rpintuil darkness Preserve them from nil tvll, deliver them from mob viol nee, ma) thtywint no good thing, but be ,rcnil) blessed witli Hit gifts uiul puvurs of their inlnltU). Ktmimber also their fimilles that they may hi sustained and comforted by the. ind be cherished antl cared for b) thy biluts We pray thee for the, members of thy lit I) Church throughout all the world, lint thy people may lie so guided and governed of thee, that all who profess 10 be antl call themselves Silnts mi) be preserved in the unity of tl o f.itb, In the vv iy of truth, in the bonds cf peace antl In holiness of I fe Strengthen the weak, wt pray thet, and Impart Hi) Spirit unto all. Our lathir, miy peace abide In all III homes of thy Sums may holy nngels guild llicin, may the) Im enconi tased by thine arms of love, may prosperity shine upon thtm, and miy the tempter and the destroyer be re moved fir from them May the tli)s of Ihycotcnantpeople bo lengthened out in righteousness, and sickness and ths eise be rebuked Irom their midst May the land they inhibit be mide fruitful by thy gnce, may its waters bo Increased a id the rlimilo be tempered tn tho com fort anil need of thy people, miy dtoughl, devastiting storms cyclonts, nnil hurricanes be kept afar off, ant! cirtlitpiakcs never disturb the land which thou hast t,lvcn us May locusts, caterpillars and other instcts not de stroy our gardens and desolate our felds, but ml) w o bt i people blessed uf thee in our oodles nntl spirits, In our homes and habitations, in our Hocks ami hcrds.In ourselves ami ourpostcrity, and in all that thou hast nndo us stew ards over Now pray we for the joutli of Ion the children of thy people, endow them richly with the spl It of faith and rlLliteouMKsaiind with Increasing love lor Hue nnd lorthy law Prosper all the Institutions tint thou I ast established In our midst for their well being Give to our Church schools an tver Incroasing power fur good M i) thy Holy Spirit domiriali the teachings gtvtn therein and also coutrul the I e irts nnd illumine the minds i f ti u stu I tits llless mir vilouslv tl y sirvints. the General SuH.riiit'udi!i I u thu prlncipils lend ers a id ml 1 1 Ii i rs md ulso (host whiifuiiiiihc'i i rililnirdnfFdueatinii of thy Churel K fifmlir likewise in th) lusluj. kndut s tht Sundi) schools with all win ,e thtrus leacliirs or schol ars, belong thereto may the inlluence ol Hie Instiiicil u iiven therein broaden and deepen to lhy I'lory nnd thu aalvi Hon of thy children until the perfect tli) llless tin members of the Genu il Itmrd uf the Heseiel Sunday Scho A Unltn with Ih wisdom necessary for tho proper fulldlnitnt of their dut ts nnd fi r the accomplishment of the purpose for u lilch this boirtl was cieattd We also upl old before Hue the oung Men's and suung I. idles' Mutual lm provement associations, will) all thiir olh ers, general nnd local, and tht members M i) they bo prospered ol diei , the r in nil t rshlp be tnlarted am ih 1,00 Hutu y atcomplsh uicriisi llh ivtrv su tiling year lor tin t'nmailcs and helledoii cliiies vvenlsu e Is Ihv M-ss n lie II I) till spi d I poured ut upul) the associate olfieerf and i M ) they keep pace witlr the i it i citional lUbllshintnhs i ' hur so dial from llnlr enrl i n children may be diHtontl) I tup l the ways of tho I ord, and H nm b magnified In their Erovvth n vir ue and Inle-ll genco Nor would we lorget i I rl the notmal training classes mi r ttepco pie, whether those classes mct ted Willi the Churcli schools d I mrive ment nssodatlon or i - in lay schools Grint Hat the I s i may be the means of spicndhie. I c iduci Hon throughout nil tin I r I rs t the Sainis b) the creation ,1 v of teachers who vvl I not unlv I p s si d of rare Intelligence but I ill also with the spirit of tho i n I be poweiful In the lestlmoii) I ruth and Irt miplanlliig a love lor i n 1 1 r Hi) works In the hearts i ui,i ttiey Instruct. We wonl I hold tip 11 t e (1 I ord, Hie Uelltf Soctetl s II iheir members, niidj nil thost wl i tsilem tlclr midst ncoordlmj t i eilhugs and appointments, Jen i 1 lot d llless the teachers In il I dims of mere) nnd limit), vho i i teiing angels, visit the homes el il k nud Ihe niedy bearing sun r i ilatloii and comiort to tho unfoitii d sor row lul Antl Mt-ts, we I i thee, most merciful rather, I r t f thy people, thai the cry of w i t I uihr lug inuy not ascend unu t um the midst of thy Saints wh hast blessed so abundantly wil nl iris of this world. Open Uf t m mi s by width Hie need) can i I veil hood b) honest industiy I No in cline Hie hearts of those 1 more abundant!), to give c,enci I subst inco to llielr, in tl i t less favored brethren and si t i i at thou ma) est not hive reason . h Ic ui I ir tin neglect of even tn t i niong thy tovenant children O t.ti 1 tf Israel, turn 1) (ice, we pi i) thcr, In loving kin toward thy slritkcn people of i lluiise of Judah Oil, deliver tliem I n thos" Hint t ppress them II u their wouiils comfort their lies ir ngthen their feel, nud jive them i i rs ifier thlnt own heart vvho shall le It in as of old, in Hi) way. Ma) i di)s of llielr trihul uion soon cuas I tli y be planted b line In the Mil it pi nns of llielr aneltnt liome, an I s luusn Inn relolci nud JudiM Ik tl i I lirtnc mulll tide of her sons and it i liters tor the sweet voices of rlu ti in her burets, nntl Hie llcli uul i mg of thy sav ui), mere es upon thm Mi) I ri I no more bow the head or I ti ne k to II e eip resoor, but int.. i In b. ma ic strung no the evirlit is. hil s, never more, bv violence, t I u is led therefrom unci Ihoprals and the lury shnll bo thine Iseliiiniher in like pity the ilwindhn; remnants of the llousi if tar i I tie scend nits uf thy sttv Hit I-s-hi Restore them we lira) thee, to t i e t irtent l.u or, fulfill In Iheir coni I ten ss the r misca given to their iith s nut make of thtm a white an I h lightsome race, a lovid nntl hoi) e p t is In former tl iv s Maylhelut t hi nigh it hand when wilt j, i lie r Ihedis persud of Israel fiom the is mils of thu set and Irom every land 1 1 w itli thou hast scattered thtm, and tl s It u tribes of Jacob fiom Hietr hlJuiL. i laeu tn the north nud restore thtm totonimunlon and Itllowshlp with thur kinsmen ol Hie su d of Abrah nil. .' Wt think thee, U Go t of Israel, that thou didst rust up patn tie men to 1 1) tht Ijundation of Hits v.rnl American t,overtimcnt. 1 hou di I i Inspire Ihem to frime a v,ood Con million ami laws wlilchguirantce lo all ot the Inhabitants of tlicland tqu il lis.! ts and privileges to worship Hue accord no; lo the dietatts uf Ihtir own consiii.n llless tho ofh ccrs, both liidichl ind executive. Cun fcr abundant hvorsui on the President, Ids Cabinit, and L iv-ress. I idlghteiied and guided by lhy Spun may the) main lain nnd uphold the lorinus principles of human hbtrly Our hearts are filled with gratitude to th e our lather in heaven, for thy kindness unto us in softening Hit In in I our fellow all iens, Ihe people m tl is nation, towards us That wliliti tl u ht tlonu has been mirvilous in iroyes. Wo think thee that thou tldt iiiovo upon the hi art of our Presld 1 1 to issue t general amnesty, thit ti i vut removed pr ludice and mi understanding from the minds of mill) oi the people con cernlug us and our 1 uiposes, and llicy nte disposed to tr it us us fellow citizens, mid not is enemies In tins holy house wt fet to Live thou glory Ihert for, nntl we Ii mbly ask thee to Increase this fetl n tn their hearts. I mule them to st i i iuour true light Show unto tl em Hi it w are their friends, Hut we lovel heri). lint we will join with them in uplio dun. thu rlihis of tht peoplt , the Constiititi in and I iw s of our countrj, and tit untn us and our chlldrtn nn tilers, ised disposition to nl vvi)9 be lo)il, andt i do iv cry tiling in our power to mini tin toiistltutlonat lights antl tin fue m of nil within the confines of this ri it Republic Kcnieniber In tne ty, O Lord, the kings, Hit print , I nobles, tho rulers midgut trnors, nn 1 1 r great onntr of the earth, nnd hkewi II the poor, the afflicted and Hit oi sett, nntl Indeed, all people, thit tl ir hearts may be softentii when Ihv t mis go forth lo btar tisilmony 1 1 thy name tint their prijutlices miv i wa) beforo Hit truth, and thy peoi I I ml fivor In their e)cs So control th i ftlrs of the in tionsol theciilh i tho way nny bo prepared fur the u t ring in of a reign ol righteousness i I truth. Wo tle&irt lo scu hbeily f u I lhroii),hout the earth, tosee upon n cease, tho )oke of the Drint lir and every dos- nolle form ol k ment overthrown by which thy chll Ii ire degraded and crushed, nud inse tut from tnjoylug their sliaro of the I s ngs ol tho eartli, which thou haste .ltd for their haul titlon O God, tin I rua! rather, thou t nowest nil th , Thou scest the course th) p o I v Instil led to take In politic d inm I h y have, In in my instances, join I to great iiuloual pirtns Cm ii i avo been entered ii on, election been held, and much party teh i cen iiigindered Many thtnos lm ul said and done whchliavcw u die fctlinrs of Hie hunibli and tin ind which have htinaciuse ot I We beseech 'bee, in thins, u I mercy ami good ness, tolorgivn i I P'o whcriln Hiey htvo Binned In t dirnclloii Show them, Olnher i t r fiults and their errors Hi u tint '. o the same In the light of thy II ! ipirlt, and upeut truly aiidsntri s nd cullivito dial pint of ill cu I lovu which thou art desirous ti ' h'Wlenof men should eiitert i t lur another, md which thv Suit hove all mints, should clietish In die Illy peoplu hcrciltertoavoiJI ut moss and strili, md tu rilrim II n words nnd acts in imlliltil di e i 'it shall create feeling md gri v t II. iy Spirit II n i lib 1 t hen tny people all not li iv I limit) of enter. , in.' this holy hou t u oiler their suppli t unto tli e at I l a ill It I ml In tr nl le i r ill r, hu In s tr ass i -I li i,ni nm, il I hall Mini their fin tnwiid. this I list ' IV r t-r I I, i v I I Ifdiii tl I i r w I lite I I t k I i fro II y I 1 ' ti jii In in re) in I tend ret up n tliem ml I ien to the i. , i r when tin clu In f thv p pli, in ars ronu slnll U s piriled. tjiri ugh my i tist Iru u this 1 1 in m I llieii hi nns shall turn In remembrnmt ol th) promises to this holy Ten pit and they shall crv unto thee from tin depths of their affliction and sorrow to extcn I r lief nntl tlcliveiancc to them we humbly entreat thee to turn Ihlnt ear hi mtrt) to Ihem, hearken to their erics and grant unto tliem the b'esslngs for which they ask Alnilglii) I nher, Increase within us the powers of that faith delivered to ind possessed by thy Saints Strengthen us by Ihe memories of the glorious de hverancn of the pnst by the retnem hrnnce of Hit sacrcel covenants that thou Inst made w Ih us, so that when evil overshadows us when trouble enconi pastel us, when wo past through ihe valley of liuinil ation we ma) not filter, may not tloubl, but In Ihe strength of thy hoi) name ma) accomplish all thy riglitiims purposes with regard to us. fi I die measure ol our creation, nnd triumph glurlously, by thy groct. over every besetting sin lie redeemed from every evil, and lc numbered in Ihe kingdom of htiveti nmongsi those who slnll daell In Ihv presence f irever And now, our I ither, wo btesa Ihee we praise thet. we gi infy thee, we worship Ihee day by tin) we magnify thee, antl give thee V inks fur thy great goodness inwards us thy children and we pny ihee In th name 1 1 th Son Jesus clirlst, our SiUir to hear these our humble petition an I answer us from heaven thy holy tilling ilaic where Hum sltlest enthroned in blory might majesty, and dominion, aniTwilti nn Iiifm tudo of (sower whiih w. ihy morial ut itures, cannot Imiglne ninth lestioniprehentl Amen and Amen Alter tloir-jir thu vvhulo unem bniiu Joined In thu liuly "HtssontiB shout," as follow-' "Husnumi, llotaunn, Hwinnn, to Uidnnd the Iiimh, Alnmi, Amen, Antan This sinro.t ixsrci-e was neroiiirellilnj I y im iltsiieous waving of lianitkeiiililebby nil tho peoplu us send let. Flie Hoiiuna nntlieni, (compisel for tliadelloulin by l.yui rt uphun ) wnsaungby thecholr, aril, folbwlii' directly utter It, tliKustsuublig-iiiiliied In singing riio Hplrll ot till tikis u Kiru a lliirnlug." I'llKSIIIlNI III Mid) (j ( vssjosi Addreewd the oiiKregitilun II s ru luaiks ware In Harmony with the on alien Ility weto nut only In slrucllve, t ut of suon clisrscter ns to flirt comfort uuJ comolatlou ti thu ri. lute, pjlutliu their minds to a I tighter day tu the future than they bad ever jet belie) 1 nitjiiiiFNT vviiionti wooimtst spoke wurJa of oouifurt for thu o lo of ion, nud utttlo 1 a ro beey con. ci ruing tho futuni ol thu i'o lo of (JoJ. l inatiiKNT ju-i i it v. Biimi poke ol tho gnat aiiiuiint of wutk that hid letiuluiio upon tbo Temple stneo Apill, Is J.'. Ittisl lien ncooni pllshrd lytho labor nnd ollerlugs cf the Ballits. Ho ulsanlluJel In terms of toninionilitlon tu the ifllclent Hit vlctssof Arch lutt Jish Don Cartas Vuung, nnd tho u.slduous labirs, faith, terslstcnoy nud watchluloess tit II shop It. WlnJer, who was tnlltloj to the gratlluJu and bliHingof thu whole teople, and he, the senxer, i ronoiiiicu I n bloHlug U on him lo endure In llnionud ultr nlty. President Hinltli next spotta of the unlto I cotidltlan of the Priesthood and of tin nattiro ot his feelings, which wirud-eply stirred und riuuy of tho cingnuatloii were nlsu movud to tfiirs. lo ris-pinse toareioit mile bj Idm for nil txi reimi as lo whothir those relent lilt that thu i.jrd h.i I .tietlsl of the house dwllostei tollltil, n trcmeiiloui and uiunlinoiii sheut wsa glvoii. lhBlrltof God filled the house during the seivlces. Die oholr mijj thu iinlheui "Arlto jo Hliuti," (words Iy Dinuottla rimlth, muslu by V. J. lliimas), Itouedielljn by I'roililoiit lureni) now. I'HKSKHV.vnil.S Of fltEKS. 1'. I, itlrlimnti (Idm sltiahlo Ailrlto tu n 1 ti It (Irutiir. Mr. J. C. Lornim ol Perron, I.mery oauut), Is a mntleinitu largely Interested lu trull prowli tf arid who Iiasattaliiod cuusldurablasuoctsMlu his line. Ills Hell Mower "Ills nttrsot td tnuili ulteiilliu at thu rrrrlionul fair. Mr. 1-eliun bus retei tly ell estel sonioijuesllons relative ti thu 1 rrsrrvuilou cl trees, la Mr. li. C, Itithnuli tf thu Axneultural Otllus.1, i-ugaii, Utah ant the it ly oautatiis lulnliintlou of i.iitrul lulurest. It is us follows. lxsuis-, tlnh, Mirtih.sih, HsiM, J, C lailiuu I si I erron, Ifbtln IsuarSir-iouisisJusint hand mil will aiiswiraiouiw I always prefer to spray a pie triea with Paris green bin !,i il 1 1 inrp o ildi IluLiuir uoi-w use no k iiiinl I .Ui nlo ISO gallium or watii Hi ray jus as the blumii are lalliiiiC mil alv itioruiuhly li ) u sboul I liavo a ram waulu itilav or so 1 my again at unue ami lu uuy tsssesjiray tint sets n 1 mil lu mIhiuI leu Uays 11 you spray Uif u tliu utoom talts o T s. ma ulaliii tliu Isms will bti puliono t whtlii cull ttuiit hone) Tur ptar and I turn imaui irs.Uiu tliu iioruu-iux liilxluii,lilMiii aa fjlluwsi tUsNolvesix ptmndsiif t ur m dpha uluatoilt two palls I ill f hut witiur, in or is nil ills, solved till lie lo itl out urn gallon, laku six poun I- frt.sli Mini nn I nUoIs 111 a little ssiiur lb"' inakiitililiilike while wash and strain lul. tho eo ier mix urt, than add w titer suirli h nl lu maUu twenty two to tw ulv list, s.hUiiiis arid Itlsiuolv r.r uw J pr f r n ii o It Irusli All intxturtss sh nl 1 1 o sttitni si Into the bur tut so its not t t iiLutii uiaurial to tlog Hie spray i i tliu ul 1 In st i tyi Iwhoiiilioy lu sh t in ir n is -using tno HllUll II 1 III lltlt s IS, ll II 11 iS for rlu l a I II i in muni I il u U to Ul gall His or viils, , lU II unu II tw o I in s inort at Intnrvals or two weeks ii-li li f ill .ire 1.1 fler this ray onlv it blight is Hon i I riis lump No tin I should think wool I be a eootl ona but So 417 I d i not think would suit ynii m all If you wish aoinelhltig that one iwison can earrv rou n I I think Ihe knapsack spray er is lieal, but thev are n, litis oxpeiislvo St itn silk If rou Inva imieli to spray So II , liimilitrsl on a I ariel an I hallted In tho waion, will siilt you I est If you use Paris green on your apples Ihe water should be kept wolf stirred as It has a ten Innty tu mill to Ilia bottom W all rotlm! manure and bouts-tare good lint If ynu havo any wood mhos ihav will also ho vtlnsble for the x ash thev eon lain If you keep yitiir grttun I In it mI otntltioii I don't think ynii will need a Hpoolal fonlllKflr. but ammonia la sal 1 to tinprtvetho color and rnagiiesK to glvo flavor Ilespectfully, 1'. A llniiM vr. A OICE FKD3I rilK SOLTII. I Delighted ilsltur SpeAks In (Ibiiv lug firms of tho liuipte Among tho callers at tho -Nm. olllretotta) was II. It Harper, usiltur ot the Chattanooga (Tenu )a'whi who raltl "I arrived In Halt Lake City a week ago rait luesttay to wnd two dsjl. 1 hiro leeti so dtllgtileil with thu ploiurestpie iirrouiidluga of the oily antl tho s'urdlal liiwplullty uf the pin pie that I will have staid two witks lusteaJ ol the two days laslore I get awny. In their man era 1 Una the ellli m hern In many resota like our so illiern p oi le "I on aidt red It a great irlvilege to lie p iiniitti est istty loiustii. lbs stio.t rail) l auil Del Hilly reptd lur luy hint Juu uey nud s ay here idihuugii u lit ri I arrive i I did uot aes how I csiillj tiy over tu thu iltxlloslloii. rile lu ti ri it nl thu Templo tid Mtwclallv, tin maHiuflti nl aiiiitence oiiambvr ul tlie lugheat digultsrita of tbtt Clio mil ui d Ihiuliitii txipililluly decorate I littles aim ru m wh.rn the most solemn eirtin mea rtlieC'huroli will bsti, no poms of artletiu besuiy an iitkai radlanoe. thu subdue I elo game and harmonious lileiiutiig uf coins, ear pt, I'liulm and curtains with tin geuerillonu of luxiirltiiiinras inskeu ictutti that -eu r tuugue can tut feebly describe Knit! gotgeous narlnieii , t m only I- loueeivetl 1 1 the 1 1 agination uf f dryland, nud t vtu now It awms I) me ti liavo buna tlruain. 1 lave I tin li rtiugh tl u Isllacu uf the Duke uf We.llilllisler iititr Chta tr, l.ugianl winch la said tu be the finest In l.nliuJ anu lu imny of thuruytil tl.o.s on the ion tlueut of J-urof-o, Hit never have I aetnaucti iiisgnlttouuiu us this T'ln plo of Ihe Latter-day HaliiK which was tlisllcali-l tnisj. "As thu Munsall yesterday, Itts Indeed worth n trip arruss tlie can II lot to no this, shall I ray 'dl. Pliers' csthidralnf tliu new wo Id.' "In leavlinj Hilt Latu Clly and Utah I shall cirry away witn me I lussant luuuinrltti of llm rialnts as au liuiiinr, Industrious and Gad luring peole, wlio liavo dune gnat things lor Ihu amuhoialion of inaiiklnd and who have made a dtterl to Morium hkuatose " A Nr.V 1 Ul Via (il.v.MT.l) In Hie (an of Hid Old Jordan ts. the Msgara. Oilier Matters llrfiiro Jmle .sue. Chief Justice ..tne today rendered his declsilon In Ihu caiu of tho OU Jordan Mlulug A Milling nompauy vs. thu Msgara Mining .v. Bmeltlug obinj tny, ititiitltltHl tin luesday, tu the liturlnsr of u lililbn for a now trial His Honor grautui Itioinotlos, an exee Hon btlug taken. 1. K. l.luyd tit al. vs riiot, J. Kills sit isl. The diiiiurrer totoniplslni In this matter waa nrguod h Attorney Denny lur thelalnillt and Altorne; W. It Dlo-sjn lor the defend mt aim submitted. tne -nit of Geo. W. I osier Tl. tho Jhrald I'ubllshli g toni any, wu ills tolas. d, ua w ru also lhoe of John W Into is. the Union Paelllu Hall oid cuminiiv, and 1.. W. lu'liik vs. ihu X). A: It. U. Uailwny cominy, Jacob Jt. ,-enul it al. vs. Dank 1 .v. (Jo. u uurrer tuouiii. I lulnt vvllli raw u mm iwuuly days ullovved tu answer. .ioii'ariavlnk Hank it Trust Co. va I . J, I Hunaru, oolleulor. Motion fr u new trial dismissed iy consent. Henry llicu el al vs. A. 1.. Hydo ut al. Default, nut Julguiuut entered for JJUIK..', with loU attorney's lie Henry iV. Ws-joii vs. thu Utah Nursery lomiauy ui al. Dcinurttrto tolin limit Lrjue I, suhmltlid and tuktn ULUer ndviseintut. AJlUM.llr.Mi. roMUHT at the Theater, the popular Iliililb Dramatlo club uiihti their lung oXuicd luaipaarnuru lu thu oomody of the Magistrate, madu fam ous bj John r. Hiymoul and Uijus. tin Daiy. Wells, Huelicer, Young, Pierce, l.vuue, Harlow, Miss Clarldge, Jlrr. II. M. Wills, Mils Lliwson and all others aisoelstid with thu club 1 1 the I ail will apt oar, nud n now set of tcci.erv, has heun Stscsy painful by tliu artist, An lersou, Bslurday night tliu iluli will ruvlvethe WurlU. run rAnmtNAOi.K Cost UK i lilt pveulu, was souttlilug if a dlsap polutiii'iit as fur as ulleudance wont, as the u lorruo n througs ou tho street guru pr jiii so of u uiuih larKtrturn out. Hut tho theutir, und thu faes Unit Ihu taternsile eoriccrls are to be dlstrlbutoduvtr such a length of tlliu, cause I only a fair turn out, prohatny nut mere than J JUU or loUJuoplabe nig row ut. Artlslliulie, the tutor lidnmiul reached to tho ttnudard built up at trie i itvloui erfotniuiice, an I Mr. Hie) hens Inn ncry reason to feel tallstlui, Hits plan uf repriseulliig tho lurtmoit nuiluu. ol thu isrtbly chll Iron In ooatuintw, brarlng liiuntrH of thu nutluiialliltf, aid ilngliigtliidr virlout imtliniil byniis, waa a most clever one, aud It inot w illi lmiiiensu tuoomi mien It win Hut ixeuutod. I.ssi ulght was tho same euthiisiaim aa biforr; nril the tiirsls ei apulausn front wiiuus ig llnus' liu t.oiiu as Htolant, Hwt dm, gUnl and lrtlaut's cohn ' nriiet rwarl, toll that th u li u i t-H vvorestroiirfly n it u . I in llm n Heme, t, it tho grime t i uti uil I asm ul OjUisj was uvtuetd wheu our j!a!mMMmMrt:rr. . ,,,, ,, - 1 1 own natlocal colors were waved and JM tho songs of Atnerlos burst from the 'uil throats of the 1.00 Juvenile, artists as 'Jtl before, little l'ederion, the violinist, M walked off, with the honors among thu 'tf?'! los, and thero were several other In ironouucedeneorca. Thu concert. Fi again tonight, aud Friday and Sain-. liH, day. Monday, Profess r It dciilf . U-Jj! vveiho ant Krouso direct a corner , flR t ho toce-di of which will go lo i IU M World's fair fund. It Is anntler jr ill! surprise that In all these ctiua ns c a fit lemnlatH, ncllhvr Ihe taheruai n rKt choir, nor the Choral society Is an- 'Ml nounceJ lo nppoar; tnesu aru the two !lf strongettmuuoalorganltillonilii our iiii ml lit, und Iheir omlsilon Is apt to 181 weaken what about 1 bo tho strongest tf mud at 19 Jet offered. Waiiiihanii J till tconclu fed llielr ft ongngenieut list ivunlng to a tiouie SJ whlcii has seldom been ixeeelol tu k the llnatnlsl hist ry of thu Hilt hike P i Ilieater Two or tiireo Hundred to $ le stool up tliitltu tlin eiitin er ft lormaiioe, an I nuolnt t huntliiJ 7, tleiiikudnd their money r luuuid at n iho lux otlliv. riia reuipa in llin i, thrietiiglin will run oiusu tn jni ?; , Iho performance vras, in ma Iy nil (, resi ecu, a luni tu n miiteri leiti It t was iroutOly theeven.s reii l.tou the J oompiey lias yet given, asln the other , plays, no oniier li iw mo stars shone. 1 lliesuip ti 0f tnelr la His Detracted B somewhivt front the tile, r. if tti Ir B stairs I, si t latlir, I owever, Mlsa E Chapman s nnil leller sulitd with ;. i her pari, unit her Daidem nt will rank rs) as tn bt.t or her aeeomillh if1 ineuls. Janitss I. tint I,. t it O lu Ho, ill thin so mil ntl.tha Hill eyitau n in, r i ice.tion wo Hf tiiiuk siirpnsMis , von hit i Hs-reti W1 whuo w ir l. ', 1 ,g , ,, coy 0f m II .otliV, nd aim ,.l , i,u il io It II ,tn g niiors were r vvardua s or s t ) ' uiplausr, niu War a via I col to j uiitki. theu.iuisji-) Ii ol Hunks. Tho i icoiiery was tliu m at el borate of the I u gagemam, anJ in all things li ro- j ' duiiioii vntsuiirkid with ut an pro 1 lu.uiu that seai volu ne mr the : iplrllaii'euttrirl.uolMr. Wardi. i i Wo.lilcilllld. j . J or the coiifeieiico visitor an hour of I ' pure enjuyniint fn lw lm J I.) attend 9 nigoiiiioi thit hotiily an ws given nt w th a I time in the Curio Hall tho W curious uteiritirtaliiid by John Han ( rou Craif, tho livavleat man alive, and .21 the li!iactlouof the raru flu arms und M other curl -sltles Is abno wnh the rice of admission, while on tho t IJju H alago ii first ilacs vnudevlllo show Is S3 klviu. i3l lu tho riieatorlum the popular stock m conimny aredelUhtlug the lsri,uau IH uleutts In Ihu laughulle coniejy tn H tltltd "A Itunawn) Wife: or 1- uiuuhid Iflf i Itooiui " W -SOI UK. A lo Slalo Siiprrlntriiilrnts of Smuliy Hi scliiii'U. il Iho licturrsof Dr. Ksrl U.Maesor fl ou Hunday sohosl work havo been pub M lislied lu am ph lot form aad are now JH luady for distribution. If the Htske Ml uierliiltndeuta or some representative wt fr.m eai li Hlalo will tall upon Ilrolher W J.sejhll. Parry, J7 aud .9 weitriualh A Temple strett (o oilte tu south gatu uf Jfl Templo block) they can obtain thu W number ulMttd to thtm. Dity will ! In mm Immtdlstely uillver them to Vm eachtilioul In their reiptcllve Ulakei, w so that thu valuablu Information cou- II tolued therein may be ut lu uie. A Uhonnri Cannon, h tfniuui UoniiAitu, 'mk JollN MottUAN, 9 Geperal Hupcrluteudeucy ol Hundsy Hj rlchoole. af .Special Nollct'. ffl The Gentrit Aouiial meeting of ma thu Dtserel bundiy B huol Union will ml boliild lutlio raiiernacle ou Friday, Airinib, lb'JI, at3 i.m. It Is dislred that n re ressutatlou 9 from every rllaku and warJ, nut all l? rluuday sthool wotkets, should be Jf pttsuut. M dm. t I annii.v, (111) GolUJArtll, II 011V ilUKUA-t, eo General Miperiuitndcticy. ill Impoi tntit tu t lie del man .Sniuts, S There will le a luettlug at Ibo S Boelal Hall on 1'rldaj evening, at 7 T) M harp, tr rail Latter-lay Halnts who spesti tho Utrniau fanuase. Hj All thu brutiiiiri Hut have bun H Itturltig lu Ihu rivrtes unit Uernuu H uilssiou aru isjerlnlty Invited to at 9 teud. A. H t-ciIUI.-i HISS, ,ij III Ml. HHtstn, ' Giiittar. Willi. Casli I tuil l.'nlllcs. fl riiu following Hit ol j rtt-nti has rm been rtctlvcl at the laud olllcs from Washington, blaring the date of H March Jnd r C, 1'. No. IID7, to John II. Adams. I ('. . No list, l.Osoar llt.liii. " (M. ,N. 4is, tj Diultl W. Coil. C, Iv. .No 1 l), loKrankC'arrill. , I t . I... , US I loJeiciidah I .Ilea y. CM. N) SIM, tuUiieoUrtui. (.' I. No IHU to M I ni Prle . a7auas.axc. Onions -In tlie 1st oil I. t.nrl, ills liy, Vi r I Willi ut tailDyluu tul ja unctl sljtlut K i ou uf rusrrsl scevi ii wilt be xlsea here Slier M.ti.os -ltilll. I), April , I.oaollsV) n ' tu t i iidu r l I J ii Viwsun a il I s, I ii nl ssi, I tlar- Spiiig Eumors eIKISO III MOItf . ILirr.r. .V n h n , M tlrHJ4trflUuf ktl invwotuaiyr eu itit il,fl tieera feolY3!li I I SKIvrsrslllooi1rurilli.rDrltironiiarall r rtly j BJ Bsl i r ?l " , tliT J sal s of si oltor j 1 hit rvnli.r. InSct- II ItiTTSa Dan JJH . as- 1 r n i c n. t ii -aims mM LejvslUua,ors,6-JuUuaiirs Hn-1 lisn- !