Newspaper Page Text
1 'f l TRUTH AND LIOISKTY, ' y ?' , Tin day. amm, 7. ih;t. saii j.aici: city. UTAH. vdrJTxxvi. ,' WEST ISTIIE HAH. nominated (or Governor of Man To day bj tit President. itoiikkh ion smr.iiooi). OTbcr Nominations. The frffttlon cf a Jiew liilnittlsl Town Coutlilcrtilt Washington, April 7. The rrcil dent lis irnt therollowlug uomlno- i lions to llio Benele: Caleb W. West, Utah, to be gov. ttnor of Ulol-. Domlnlck Murphy, Wathtugton, D. C flrtt deputy commissioner of nslOUS. Ambroso V. Lyman, Montana, col lector of Internal revenue for ttio district or Montane. David 0. ilrown, Montana, colleotor of customs fur the district of Mon tana anil Idat o. The nomination of Caleb West was n recognition of n "ex," lor Welt was the loimir governor of tno Territory under Cleveland, He mado n goal clllclal aud since his retirement from Hint tlllio he hi spent a greater part uf hla ilmu In Washington, where ho has Ucu an ardent worker about Con gress, seeking to litvo h bill loused admitting ttiu Territory to atatehoo I. He haslong hi on recognized aa ouoot tho leading Democrat! of the Terri tory. Inline... Livi:iU'jol.,Aprll 7. Worlhslmcr A, H Co., cotton brokers havufslled. The H liabilities are $T3J,O00. Tho failure II drazgrd down James Hrrloli A Co. M and Maika & Co., cotton broken. H tin: siuirav urciiin, IE Thelnu.eniir II Miik.-Tlie .Number ot I'ri.uu. II Constant l.Nul'Lr, Airll 7. The H cauio ot tho sinking o( tho Hultan'i ateatner, rcrltd a day or two uito, U m u rolllsiou during a galo with the ailmlralty steamer. The Hullan'a H ttearaer was rut down and aank. The Hi number of drowuod waa llfty-fuur, n) moat ot them were tervanla at the W palate. UJ mi: nritiMi aiiiiitihtion. HI apeerli.e nl riirlits ntii Itnistll M IrllltlsiU. H London, April 7. In reviewing and HI comparing thn speeches ol Phelps ami J HlrCharlea Iluasell. the Paris roirt- Hi tpondent of tho Daly Scwi says: W "It alruck in lu lliteulug to n I'helpa' pkadlnRa that under W cover of attacka on tho treaty of arbl- H tratlonthurnwaea great dealnirantto H lellegnlnet Ihn party that agrtedtolt at tbo White Uoute. Bir Charlea U lluaaell arguod that thla ta not a caio M for slicking cloaely to legal ttchulcull. tlea but oue for looking luto Ihelnten. M tlona of those who elgned the treaty. fl llotlt the atatementa and counter statements, he aalJ, contalnod n aorlia of derutlllona which would not be M valid either In i:nitlanil or the Unltid Vj Htatea aa proofs. All evidence of thla aort won! bu inadmlialble Ml If the catobaJ to bedlolded ou purely tcchnUal grouuda, luatead of aooonl. lng to lawa of tijutly and International voualderutlou of iuttlce." H llev. Inarmn l(l It.nil. Ban 1 Khanoibcu, April 7. Illght ltev. Win. Ingram Kip, blahop ot California, died hero aliortly alter K inldulght, after a lingering lllnual, HJ aged 6J i ears. H 'Ihe llonrll.Iluihe llalil. H Nr.w UiiLI'ANi!, April 7. The How. M eu.Uurketlluwaiatopiedn thollOlh I rouud by the reeree whodeclareJ It I no light, Thepurte will, jrobatly la H divided, lloweu wanted to llulah, 1H Tho bonra on both ot llurke'a hauda HI wire broken. J Thero waa very llltlo fighting dono H after tho ninety-third round, lloweu J Iron) that time till Ihe fliilih waa the J nggreraor whenever any lighting waa HJ to he iloue, and landed now and then H on llurke'a body, hut waa unable to do n any damage, llurke'a handa were B practically uieleta and he only p oddud IH at lloweu to keep him (.utaidug, not 1 with any Id a of Uotag uole to knook B him out, IntholUStli round lloweu jj fell huavlly from tbo uionientuin of fl lila own weight, but did not hurt him. HV lelr. In reapousin to the vehement HJi demand of thu crowd the referee, In IB tile lubtti round auuouiioed that un- HA leaa aomotlilug wui djue In the next HI two rbuuda ho woulJ atop tho contest Hb und declare It no light. Thla only made Hff both men cautloun. lloweu did not dare to force th thihtlng. AtthellOth M round the referee Utclated the light no S contett. lloweu prottated wllhout MB avail. Ilurke waa budly punlahod Mj about the body oli.l aomu bone lu both jX handa ariiutd broken Tho wrlata K were much awollon and ho Buffered H ronilderablo pain. Ilewanta to light jK llowin again but l'realdeut Dltkaon j aaya the club will not nuke a new Hy match. Tho hoard of dlreitora Intel ) today to did Jo what to do with tho R puraa. The prealdenl aaya tbo mm W fouiihthard -nnd are entitled to the IH inouey. The lloweu peuple are aore lit MM thed.clalon. HJ Maiiloln llnillh. Hixmlln l-iilr. M Nr-.w. Vo"lc Al,r11 7.-Oolouei W. H II. UllJer proiio.oi tj luk0 another Hjj trip lo thoArctloreElour, thla tlmu for i thepurpoaeof looatlng tho wagutllo HJ I ole. M IMII.M.M1V Hi:tlMCU, m ao,IOU ltrr.ltlor lll.lrllinllou HB tM Ottawa, Unt., April 7. It la un- ileratond thBKOVeriiiueiit haa received J by cable from Kugltnd thu aum J awarded by tho tuipirlal government Hi to llrltlih Columbia aealera fur luaiea J tuitalued by tlitm by being excluded HJ from Uerlug lea during the atallog BJ eaaon ot 1S01. Tho Indemnity HJ amouula to about $100,000 mid will HJ iroLnbly bo dlatrlbuted through the HJ lollector of cuituwa at Viotorla. H A Uritt Enltriirl.a. Cuioaiio, April 7. Tannerloa with HJ Ino capacity of ulnety ler ceut of thu rurlilJtapnJucnllii tlilarouolri,aii i hnrie'a, Inot mid ahna and leather inanufactjrlei larga unuii ;h lo vnn auruo tho grrnler fait ol tlm leather produced, ua well ta ctlur nnd divtr-l-fird iiianiiliclollra contlgujuo, In thirt the crentlou or a now Induitriil tjwn l tho gigantic project now under coinldtratlon hy a Kin or hiiilnr-M concern whooaBre,"tuCiltal laexceeded b lew ojuimerclal Iriumviralca any where. Armour, Hwilt and Moma, the preit I'ULkiTf, nru the pntctor and 4,0'H acna uf loud which t t own at rnnrawhr,i:n,( H e traK upon which tho priioied neiv Indui trial center will be located. johi i-itirt; tovri iii:m iu Niirrrhra unci Ilrnnrla -V llrlulil Hut Inn It llflirr.llll LoMANt.Iowa, April 7. Tlioworll'a general annual coutirouciitf the lie. nrgaulinl Chtmll ol Jetua Chrlit of Litter-day Halnbj aa-oiibled htreia Itrday with over SOU rr reaentalivea and Uehgatte prereut. Jo cph Hlultli, aou ot Juai'ph Hmllh, thn founder el the Moriuuu Church, waa choten to prealdo. The forenoon aeaalon nai couilimi' i with ipaui'i t.y Joe opt. rimlth, W. W. lllalr, A. II. Hmltn unl oihera. Tbeae toi.n claim lo bo tko reprc amtatlvta ot thu aucciaiora of the orig inal churcii and are now engaged In nil Impcrianl legal ttllnn for thu lu rovny fiom thu jteiont occufanta tl o Temple lot In ludeiwudencr, Mo, They allege that all properly rlghteof the original church Ulong to theiu. The nflernoon rosilon wta taken up with IhereadleKuf the churcii treat urcr and recordei'a report and the reporle of tho inlulatry. The recorlei'n report ahowa uu lui'ieate In inemUrililpln thu lait year of over 000, tho greateat Incrcarelho reorgan ization haa ever had, Tho reiarti of the mini. try enow n bruht outlook and neutrally brtathel u hopeful tone. There waa reaching ut ulaht by KlJer Thoiuae Djiy, Calllurula, and u meet ing or prayer held thla morning- tliel.taiigcllenl tliurel, War. Kiikki'oiit, IllJ., April 7. Tho con feienteofths Uuba 'action haa adopt d a rctolutlou declaring thtlr lonlli uul iidborence to tbu faith anl iloclrlpoof tbo l'.vangellcal cliuroh, declailug the Indepeucencu of tbu lhcr lacllou and apintluiacnmmlltrH to cooler with a committee of the Kaherltta aa to Ihe poaieaalon of tbu churcii properly. THE 1IEKLA HEARD FROM. Tbe TblDgwalla Steamer Seen In the Ocean With a Broken Shaft. AbeuC n Tlioti.antl la.euizra ou Ilimrd. ro,irieriire or Ju.eiiliUee. Nr.w Vonif, April .7 The dlublod nnd overdue ateauier Ilekla from BcanJlnavlau porta waa heard from again yeaterday. Tho atoamrr, Veen dam, whloh arrived hit uvenlhj, elghtod the Hokti about OM mllea eaat of thla city, coming alowly weitward. Bbo allowed no algnala thut ahe nte lu J any aaltance. Bho wai prevloualy apoken March "7tb, when abe reporle 1 having a broken abalt, but had made ropalraund neodol no help. Bhe boa been making very alow time alnce,and It aeuiua probablu that In the rough weather the ahalt may hae broken agnlu. Hho haa about n thouiaud poaaungara on board. IIIIIIAIIII'H IIIIIM11.MI rtierlpaeUt ILpiirl to llte I.aiicel mi lli.nulil.rl. Ijonimn, April 7. Tho apeclal re port lo thu Zcinccf en the condition of the Chicago water delatoa ou the vile utaiof the river and polnte out thu dangera In lining the river aa a tig tewer, but faya Ihuaamplea of tho drinking waturfrom tho hjdranta In varloua nrts of thu city failed to reveal the preeenco of aewage, though there) waa aomo vegetable matter, and reouulzts iyn while Ihe water fur nllied,wi iiultolia good aa that of London, for perfect ea'ety, It ahould drat be boiled and Altered and that water coolid with Ice ihoulj not he uted, aa the Ice In Chicago la ery bad. ' Till: NI.1ATE. Ilallrra lomlilrrrd in the Ealra Wasiiimjton, April 7. In the Henate Vorhera Introduce I a resolution which waa re'errud to the Inleratatu oommeroe committee, reciting the decltlon la the Ohio atrlku caaea and directing thn oommerco committee to report what loglalatlon would be ntceaaary to amen I the Intoratato commerce net ao aa to protect the rlghta ufrrgantindlabiir. A reaolutlou waa Introduced Instruct ing tho committee on commerce to v bit the l'aolllo ojaat for the purpoae of ascertaining tho best alte for a deep water harbor aa between Hanto Monloa und Ban l'edro; agroed to. .Senator Hoar resumed Ills apeech In opwilllou to thu propoied roustllu tlonal amendment for popular voto for aenaton. At the conclusion of hla ipeeoh tbe Benote went Into eiecutlvu arsslou. IIIOI.I ill mil tJKtinv IteaotulloiK IMxail Mr llio Ailoiitlou orhlrluaeut nea.urea. Nl.V VoiHC, April 7. Dissatisfac tion In tbe national oouncll of the the state hoard of health resulted this morning In a aeparate mrotlogot the rrpicei ntatlvei ol the etatea In the Mini lailppl Valley, who believe It Impoisl hie to handle tbe matter of cholera Impaction undir a uniform ayittm for thu whole country. At today's meeting fifteen atatea were represented ooverlug n terrltorr from Mlnuesota to Louisiana and from Iowa to esstt rn 1'ennsylvanla. Btrong resolutions wero psaied otpeilolly lu vluw of tho reappearance of cholera lu Ituula, asking the surgeon general of the Marino Hospital aervlcotomake n thorough Investiga tion as lo tho elMo of allalre In Ilutsla and If thu facta Justify ft to ask thu 1'iesUcnt I) rohlblt liniiilnratlon from that nuintry In the Whole ur in pun. The M iritis lirnp til aervleeaalsoU'lle( to umillllli severe Inaieciliu of Inetridaaul Irahto and keep Itupyear nlltr year na loug m 1 1 rwaary, and toloalbuto a s)a!rraof Ini'nliaui lirrcotlou similar to tin. if laU-J. iiwiir ur miMu rtlitr..rl. II ii. I .lollliniicnlhrlr llaaa inlhellitnnllnu, Han I'llANCIfOi), April 7, The Hawaiian t'Oii-ul gnenl has been Uitiflrd by the provial unl government ttiutimill further nutlco no foreign vi-tel will he allotviil to (hanjalier llannJregliter tothu Hnwnilau, It l'tiiidrlood that lomo foreign veascla hnve iiintempliloJ that tnot Willi a view . f becoming United Blatta vea aela lu cuu ot auueiatloti. thlfnsn 1III..I titrkrl. Cltlcoo, April 7. There waa con al Inra I,. ..xoiteinant on M ly wheat In lliui.mrj ol trido this inor-ilng and tiioiM-enlvaiicat 1. Inealmrta b ciiiinupiireliruilvuui thoellrcl of the i ovtr uient rcrt to bolsauod Monday and were dtipoied tj cover, l'.tperl lu,-lo. etihiitirt the total crop at n hun irodiind fitly million bushels Ira nian last year and a huudred and nine nill ion Iras Ihaii the nvrrntu crop. Maytiwnel J higher at 7U,'S, touched 7'l. mil In hi rose to 61. Thu In.rtet closed lit H"!. Till: TKJIl'liE ANNEX. A IlaiiJiema l'ltco of llrlglnal Arclil lultiro by lion Carloi Young. Columns of descriptive matter have boeu written on the beautlea of the teni!e but compuatlvely llltlo haa been en I J regarding the handsome structure knou lias the Annex which atnmle one bundled Ittt north of tho Temple proper. It la a beautiful plrco of architecture designed by llrothir Don Corloa Voting, approaching Ihe rouud Uothlo stylo. 1 la built of Baopcte sand stone takun from the aamo tjuarry fiool which tho stone compos ing the M II Templo waa taken. It Is ll.'lj fret in length from tast to west and eoventy-elght feet wide. It consists of onu story and n biarmeul. In the liaemsnt are thu kitchen and eloru rooms. Above tho ground aro tbe tlllcva of the f real dent, chief recorder and clerka, re tention rooms, dicing room and irsyrr hall, ihe latter la thlrty-alx ferlitpiaru and tbu celling la thirty live foil high, riie annex will buused iw a malu uiitrauoe lo theTumpIo and Is connected with that building by n raagliillcunt corrlJorlwelve Itet wide whlcii la brllllautly Illuminated two hundred liicauiesceiit lights. The es timated cost of tbe Annex Is $00,000. Tbe term "Annex" will thus bo seen to havo another meaning thau that ol nn Insignificant and lufurlor appondagi. In thla caae thu natural thought Ii that the Annex la almost a lenile of Itrelf, ao chaste, (Hire, arlli lluandelrgiiitare lie general dtalgu and Internal eppolctniiuta. It la not extravagant lo say that nothing lu thla country of llsalae and cost surpastea II 111 iiulquu and pleasing stylo and excellence ol woikiuanshlp. It Is a real gem, and rillrcts abundant credit uj-on, aa it will ever couitltute a lilouu meiit to the taste and skill of Architect You us. WM. l I'AIIOO.N DL'AI). An Aged and Itcipcclcd Cltlxru I'ssica treiu .Mortallly. Ytaterday William Karrlngton lla. Iioou died at hla rtaldenoe lu the Twelfth ward of thla tlty, In thetoih year of hla age. In the demise of l.lder Caboon paesua &wy nuothtr of thu comparatively few now remaining whose count ctlou with the Church datea from Ihe days of Klrtland. Ho was born at Harpersllrld, Ashtabula county, Ohio, November 7lh, 1313, and beforo he waa SO yearaol ac united htmsrll with the Church. IliMaich,lb3.1,hnengaged In his first missionary experleacu, travollug lu the Eastern Btatta, ll.ler Cahoou waa a member ol Xlon's Camp, remaining with It In tho iiiemorablejourney to Mhrourl, At the tlmo of the first nrgaulnlloii ot the Besontlea, in 1S3S, he waa ordained to the ollloe of Beventr. Later, ho moved wtat with the Balnts, am waa onu of thu workers on thu Nauvoo Temple. At the tlmu of hla death lie was senior member of thu pro aiding council of tbo Baoond ijuorum of Beveutlta, Ho was un obstruslve In his niauuerr; was an ex emplary cltlxeu ami deeply earnest In his religious convictions. Throughout hla career ho has been held In high esttem by hla associate and actual t ancea, aa a faithful Balut and upright man. The funeral services will take placo at tbu Twelfth ward meeting homo on Bunday Next at 10 o'clock p,m. Hi!ciit)-ilvi) Hays. Wlllllam Croulu, the tough captured by tbo police jealuday, waa taken beforu Justice Gee today when he plead guilty to petit larceny and waa trntented to Imprisonment lu tbo city Jail for aovenlyllvo days. lliu 1 heater. The Homo Uramallo club appoarod beforu a big house at tbe Theater last evening In The Magistrate. With the txceptlon of n recent performance In the Eighteenth ward aoclal hall a week or two ago, last nlgbt waa the first tlmu thu club has appeared for n long time, but the absence frem the boards maduno appreciable dlflereuce. All weru as muon at home and did as elleotlvo work as though closing lu atead of opening if aeason. Thu Magistrate Is almost as well adapted lo the talents and capacity uf the club although it had beeu written for Ihein. Tho parts aru oaat wittt thu same Judlolous regard for elieotlvenesa that baa characterized all llio work of thla excellent organization In tlmea paat. Uf courae the principal work waa In thu hands uf lliisn iUsl viler mi, Me.ira. Breueer, Weils, Voiiin? nnd White an I MeiUinwi II M. Wulls anil LoUle. Claridgr, each nl whom ImiBiitd In the work lu hand n Ihortugnms mil llnldi nol ulton to l seen In iirolcaslonol-, tniioli Imi Inamatiiiirr. Thla runin 'sua that the bitter olojilflcitlOD, aa appllelti tl a ll'imu Ilrnninllctlub o:i..hll y nils tlm-, olltblni;a onlderel, lo In set aside, etptclitlly lurrlotral.tlio reu lirniui prnmlueut members. A great many folloncrs uf the Hke aru ulwaya umntoura.4ifar osabllily Is "iicirnid, while others within n comparatively brut experience omergolr m that do main nrd enter tlir lilgtit-.. e of the luvtr and atuderit of the art thu truo proleliloonl. In this definition nf tho term tho Homo club' nieiiibera miy l ttasied aa irofeailoimla, for they always ex hibit careful uud Inlelllgenl study, ills- lay ability of ii high order, and win new tnumpha with each i'or their rforinanco laat night there ciiilo nothing but prahe. Iho ilia loguu went ac-allr the amTsti was r nipt, n lid thn nlae sellings were ellrctlvu mid appropriate. The Miglitrato goia again tonight, and la well worth aeelog. Tin: TAm ii.nacle Com wit laat evening had whtt looked t , tu an 111 crraxt'd attendance over the pro viuua though tho vast dlinlii-lous of tho building made the galliering look ratlur light. The Ingram hruiiuht forth the famu toaulfiatatljiia of ap tlautoaa before; It will be tejeated Ihlaevculiig. Seet.liiS"Utoife. In the Third district court thla allot U003 Alice O'Htlen planted a suit lor divorce against her husband, Krcdcrkl: O'llrlen. Thn marriage took place at rk'lio, Buinmlt county, on Jaumry .list, ItiDl, and thrru la one ihlld. l'lainllir Hllegtathatin June of last year her huil and dtscrled her without cause, aud has uvar aluce abiented hlmiidf, H. V, Hlgglua la plalutlfl's attorney, Hedim Jmle llmlrli. Ills honor had tbe following cases boforu him thla afternoon: J. II. llisur vs. Mrs. Sirvlis. On motion of drfendaul'i attorney thla case waa dismissed. Thu motion for a new trial In the cateof Joseph K.Utlllgheret nl.w.thu Voscmlle Mining and Milling Co.waa, at 3 o'ct K-k, in cuurso or argumeut by Messrs. Dickson aud Ilawll a on thu one side and Mi airs. Ilrowu, HoUmail and Kalghn ou thu other. The divorce suit or Harriet Cook vs. Jesso Cook, thu ground bslng falluroto support, we.rt tiy default, riiu court grouted thu wile's ittltlju aud gave her thu custody of thu child. ricKpocU'ls At Woik. Mr. Lira IMor.on t" II Irani la noiong tho victims of tho crooks now lu thu city. Ytaterday aa hcateppetl oil thu train at tho U. I'. depot to board a streetcar, bn felt a mysterious lullii. ueualwurkluiieol hla pockets. It waa ouly u brio moment. As ho turnod around lu tho crowd to seo If hu could Ulsiiover any solution of the tnyitery, It waa gone and with It hla lurau, oontaliilug hla mouey and return tickets for himself nuuTfanilly. Tho repeated waruluga tohewurebt ploatncketa ero evldeutly. ndl uu founded. At least a score ol ruis'of ploklug IKickels havo beeu reported during tbu last thlee days. , OGDJflJSr. Tbo Approaclilug 1'nlllnrica'i C.uigrrsi. 1'ailug llliN. llio lie l'luiil Ilullillng. Lait Tuesday Bberia Whllo of Ar kansai, passed through Ugdeu with Frank Hlckoy, tbe i-iaa who la sup posed to havu murJered Col. Clayton in 1539, on hla way lack to Pbimville, Ark. ll seems Inal Hlckey Isudusjier atuaud daogurous character for besides hla record of truuu he attempted to murder Bhcrlll Whlto whiluthelralu was waiting ut Cheyenne. When the Iralu lulled Into that illy on Wednes day morning a large crowd had gathered at the depot to eeo tho prlaouer, who was areildent ol Che), enne during tho cattle boom Units of lbS5-16bL'. Hlckey, although heavily Ironed, couveratd fileaiautly niu Jovially with hla acquaintances of eight yeara ugo, until hu napjiened to tapy u raliroad man whom he had knon in. tlmately during hla resldencu In Chey enne. Calling lull man privately, Hlckey tried to borrow a gun, faying that he wanted to kill the eborlu and also thoouedegged telegraph operator, 1'owtill, or llurkharl, the priuclpii witness against Hlckey, the prisoner claiming tnat l'owell Is "standing In" which aome peraoua to do him up. Hlckey faltol lo gtt the guu aud thou broke Iulonlorreot of abuse aimed at the railroad 1110, tbe sheriff, l'owell and every one elaeconnecled with hla arrest. I lilt through It all humaln. talued hla Innocence aud aald he was the vlollm of a Job. Hlckey, when bo lived lu Cheyenne, was a hotel clerk nnd known 01 a gambler and a daugeroue man, b'ltheaurprlaud even his old friends by hlsdesperatu appear ance and conversation, l'owell told Iho same story there that lie has told else where that he drove thu wagon for Hlckey and others when thu Clayton killing was done, and that the Demo cratic committee aid him $U0O lo kill Clayton. Bheflll While la guarding hla prisoner clostly to proveut eacaw, Onu of the; Important gatherings In Ogden this month Is Ihoi oattleman'a congress, whltli oonveoesou the tioth and holds thrco days. Betuulsry H, L. Armstrong laigraallyuncoiiraued over the outlook nnd predicts it large, aud enthuilastlo oonveallonr Ltlters havu been reailved Ironi scorsa ur proml lient cattle and rantbmen In the Inter and ltseky Mountain region slating their. Utonllou of being preaunt and taking part lu tho iTiomdlngs or the congress. Thorn will alio bs Ipreaant many rapreaeutaliveaof J.aiUrn pack Inghoiiaea, A year ago the first cat llenisii'aonngresa was held lu Ogden and through the deliberations at that tlmo much good was accomplished. In about tusnty days tno atlur bids lr piviu? Pweiily Hllli slrrtt will brntened an I Ilia coutractnwarJ- ed hy Ihu rlty rounctl, 1 hen II Is ox tided that ihe actual work of paving will begin very sonu, 1 oily In May. Thlsoptrtluii will necoaaltato many ehanxfs In varloua ropertlui on that atritii. Dio strict cir tracks will have tube taken up aud the T" rails rr plsced with the Hit rail, nnd sonic cUaugra aud repairs ma Jo In thu gas mslns. Home tlmo ago the parunta ol Charlie Trusly, t little ten year old colored lad, had tno boy arrojfed and taken I eforu Judge llbhopou 11 petition asking I'll admission to the llsform school uu thu chargvor lticoiriglidllly. Yisterdsy thu hearing was hid. nnd niter exam ining a number ut wiliusita thu ludgu coucludcil that tho ltd could I10 better taken care of to his parenta than he could bu nt tbu Itsforiu tthool. Ho atcordlngly ills ml tie I the case and Ulschargtd tho boy with 11 lew words of adiiionlllou and caution. Tho units of the leu plant building arulapllly cretplng up uuJ by llio lime ibo lilc.iineiy arrives, which should be vtry soon now, the central purs oi.d foundatlnn walls will bu ready to receive Ihu litavy boilers and set plrces. I'our oar loads tf bilck weru dellveied on tho groiind yester day. Ueorga Wools, colore I, now occu. pits the "dalk ho'e" and will renu 11 there until hndlulgtalhu locallin ot thu hldlug (lai-uofH laru amount ut stolen prorly hulsiciuset uf having appropriated, ltsecma that Ihe prls outr has been maklug 11 regular busi ness of thieving. Colonel Harvey has aj pointed Ihe following committee oil press enter tainment durlug thn Traus-Mlsilialpid tougriis. frank J. Ceuuon, A Jl. TIijiiioii, MuttHdsall, C. L. 1'uher audO. A. Kennedy. AtlthoTuisday night meeting of the lluiluisa Men's usiuclallon, the mat terof eatabllthluga fbclury to luiuii fatlutoduvraand stall under the (latll tutent will again bu under couiljera llou. Tomorrow Julgo Miner will hold n sisslouol ocurloiid a uectsloa In Iho l'oitai Dam case Is confidently expected. TltAXSOllSSISHUTl COXOHKSS. Tho (ioTrrnor uf Texaa App dills a Delegation. I'nbiradu ami llruicr at Work. The list of delegates appointed by Governor Thomil to reprujent Utah at thu forthcoming Traus.MlsslislppI Congrcra as Ogden wai glveu lu yts tcrday'a A commuulottlon has Leon received from Qovemor Hogg, of Ttxas, con taining a list ot leu delegates aud teu alternates as follows! Dilrgates W. L. Moody, Ueorge Beally, Ualvestou: I'. W. House, II. 1'. Hill, Houston; II. W. Kultun, llock tiort; It. J. ICIeberg, Colllnt; W. L. Douglas, lleaumont, Win. Cameron, Waco; J. B. Dougherty, (I. I', Alford, Dillaa. Altercates W. H.Wcstfall, lluruet; W. Il.riemena,Amarlllo,C.II.Bttiveui, HI l'aso; K. M. Van .tut, l'orl Worth; A. W. T.rrlll, i:. M House, Auitln; 1'. C. 1'rost, rim Antonio; II. Chilton, l'yler; A. Il.Btarr, Mar shall. J. H. .Doughcity, from Texas, writes Chairman Harvey a rliifflug letter In which ho diclarra atrougly for free silver, and holds that the coltou, wheut, manufacturing mid coaimerclal luterrata of thla country are as much Interested In free all ver aaallvermlnufiwneratheniielvnt. He lakta the ground that If thu United Btatea haa Ihu nerval! la master ol thu altuatiouandcan forco Kuropo to pay $1.1.0 1 er ininrn for allver or loss all the conuuerco with all tho ellvor.uslng nations of thetsrth. Lafe l'enoe, a Denver congressman, has written tho following letter: Hon. W. II. Harvey, Ogdon, Ulalu Dear Mr It la mv Intention to attend Ihu coegrosi and I alncorely 1io(mi that all llio members of llio rifiy.llilrd Congress In Ibo Western atalta will lm on band, Tbeiiiio.iloii which dlnwdy airocts iho pro..erliy and wolfaru of the Trans. Mlsds.lppl sta ns urn now rlpo for eon. alderotlon and detcrmlns'luti. It la cer tainly Important that tho West and rl mill O'ct tngoibor amm. Our penpio ha u a erytlvoty Interest lu Ukmo inatto m! I havu no doubt Colorado will so J a full ilnleja'lmi. With bet wishes, raltbfully oura, LaniTicK. The following letter from Olney Newell, secretary of the Denver chain, her of comnurce, is liidlcatlvo of the snap and enterprise that Denverliea are full oft W. II. Ilsrvev, Oglen, Utah) Dear Sir We are thinking of trying to got up an excursion at Ihn close of tho congriisa, friuii Ogdcu Pi Denver and ro litru, for Western and Northwestern dolegalea who might llko lo visit ua. If you can do so I wout.l llko to havo you send 1110 tho nainosnf California, Oregon, Washington, uvala and Idaho dele gates, alao Montana. Rospoctfully, OiMLr Nl.utu, Secretary, round 11 Itccomnifiiil, The volco found n Temple recom mend today madnout lu favor of John Ilorrowminof Nephl, It can he re coverod at Chief Paul's oiltce. Ktileji' Iteunion, At ConlervliV, Davis County, on Tmsdny evening last lit thu residence of C. W, HockwooJ, twelve ex-mis-slonarlrs lo Ihe Indiana conference In the Nortrmtatorn Klates mleslon, held a very pleasant reunion. XotlCc, (Icoixo MilcIll'II. The following rcipiestfor Information explains Itself. Any reply may bu cither aent to thla cilice, or to tho addrtaabilowi 1219 lllalr Avenue, Park Pisco, Soran Ion, I'a. HIr Could you loll me any nay of finding aomo friends that tamo to Ameri ca about thirty )eara ago t. Mormons)? Theycaino Irons Nullliighalii, ihiglauil, namely, tleorgo Mitchell, foriuorly ol Bberwood Lodge, uoar ri'ottluubaiu. My iisinaU Jobn.S. MlleucJI (sou of Henry .MltiiUll)lalenfSberiod,iiear Notllng l...... llngbmd. Ilopliiu I'm not giving yon loo much trjuhie, I reiimlii, Voura roiprclfullr, J. .Uircml.t. SHOT AT TIIKIiUIKiliAinWIU:. A Illilulglil l'ruiTlrr MI tho frem iti suf tlilel or Police Paul aud Ur. Hart. Boon after midnight this morning a burglar entered Iho premises uf Chief of Pollen Paul 011 Boonl Hjuth betwetu I'lflh and Hlxth List streets, aud rarrlrd u ladder from the yard to Dr. Dut's homo near by. He placed It aiialual n rn.-ond itory window and atcended It stealthily and nttoiupteJ lo 1 ry the sash up aud gtt lulu tho b'llldlnr. His opeiallons awakened Mia Dart, who ijuickiy Informed her letter haw of what was going on. Thu latter sprang front hla couch, soiled a revolver mid tired two shots at the thief, who washy this tlmu running ncross the J ard aa fast as Ills legs could onry him. I"no fellow nude good his 1 scape. Whether hu was hit by the da tor's bullet Is not known, though II Is believed lie war, aa 11 gentleman cilli dot n tlrug sloru 011 Haat Temple alitel shortly nlterwsrds, alter haul ugts and uifdlclur.tuyliig that a Irleud 01 his had bten serluiitly hurt. Thu imilco aro of thn opinion that this will reive as 11 cluu lii tracluj thu origin of the lutlliJer. WOlili OF 'I III: WI.NP. Addlllunnl Itrporls as lo llio Havoc I'liridby the Menu King. The storm king reigned supremo throughout the llooky Moontaln re. glon yustcrday, Thero wsru many acclJonls lu addition lo thoso men llonul in Ihu Xi.wa of list evening but loilur.ately uoboly wsa fatally lu Juted. In thu southeastern subutbs suveral houses were unroofed and chlmiieyslu all directions were blown down. Htcrcliry Bears of thu Cham, ber of Commerce bad a lirrjo brick chimney blown from Its fouuilatlou. It Ml upon the roof wltlia tenibiu trash damaging It consldtrably, O . server Ballstury, uf thu wiather bitrtaii says regarding thu storm: "Ihu remarkable high wind that visited thu cllyyeslerday morning was otutud by a violent ulmisj lurid ula lurbaiuu ur storm whlcii has come Inland from the Paclllu ocean, uud which swupl down upon us from Waiblmttun, where rrp.,rl Indicated It lo bu oil WedllusUay, ThursJay moruliig'a report alio .to J the center of low haromelilu preaatire lo bu nt ur near Maker City, Or., when thu baro meter, reduced lo sea level, read .'J 80 Inches. Thu pttature ut Unit nine (Ua. m.) at Bait Lake City was LUM luchur Ihu lowtat pressure riacued here was ro.ll'sen iuvcl, at II n. m, during Ihu litilit ut the storm, "Al IliatuU.llilo , tho anemo meter ut Ihu Ball Lako station tij a wind volocllyol sixty miles er hour. This Is the highest velocity over recorded ut thu Ball Lake it .llou, Ihu maihniini previously havlug been fortj -eight par hour. "rilxly miles nr hour is a velocity rarely rtuched, inept upon tbu sea coast uud tho pralrltsor the Missouri valley. That Is, for n slralght-ahea 1 wind. Thu velocities of the rotary storms known as tornadoes, popularly aa "cyclones," havu riot been de termined, thu facllitlus fur their meas urement being puor- "A velocity of sixty miles pi r hour gives n pressure upon a surface at right unglis to It, aocorJIiig to Ihu old formuls, (!',. UJ5 BV2), or cUhtoeu pounds to Ihu suaie fooi.or 10.' iouuds to the squaru' yard, Iteient experi ments havu changed Ihls forniult ao aa to greatly reluce the Indicated pres sure. Tfio Itoblnsou anemometer haa been round to give too high valuea,aud alxty miles erhour liiuicatas a rtnl velocity or rorty eight milts. This, according to thu new formula (1 ...(Ml H..11HVV), glvia n imssuru or 7,7 I ounda to thu square foot fur Ihu wlud as Indloated hy thu anemometer )cs terday. In the above formula', P. Is fur pressuru in ounds, II thu actual harometrlu pressuru at Ihu lime, rt Ihe surface lu Uito I V Ihe veloo lly or the wind In mllea per hour. Hy thrm llio prttaurea for any velocity may bucomjule.," TI1K GOVKUXunSIIIl'. (Journor Thomas Thinks llio Xcir Ap pointment nu l.xrcllcnt Uiie. It has not until now boon made publicly known that Governor Thomas voluntarily tendered his resignation to President Clevelaud ou March llth by letter to Wiiihliiglon. Asked Ibis ulluriioon by a Nnwn re. ioiter what he thought of tho soleotlou of Caleb W, West as Uluh's new gov ernor.Ooveruor Thomas aald: "I think thu apt ointment the best that coulJ tiorslbly have been made. 1 know from my olllcl il Intercourse with 111 ui, whilu secretary of thu territory, tliat hu Is a superior mail for thu plate, aud 1 think hla ixecullre ability Is gen erally tccogiilted," In (lie Tolls Ailii. W. I Clinton, a young man who claims to bo n telegraph operator, was arretted by Detective Bheets today on a chargu of obtaining inonoy under false pretenses. Ills accuser Is a sheep man uamed Cook, who alleges that hu lasted u worthless check on him drawn on thu Diaeret National for $10. Clinton was arretted ou a similar complaint about two weeks ago but ustuptd prosetutlou by compromising. MooikI tdtlee, Mr. Legal Ciabby If your neigh bor's dog injures one of your chltkeiia you can collect damagua, but If hu injuria ouu ol j cur rblldmn you can. 1101. What it Ihu moral of that? P'rleud Italaa cblckons. Texas Willi!: BUSINESS MATTERS, ! The Ulij Sugar Company Elects Its M Directors ;itfl tiii: ni:M:uirr jhi.i.s mii.i, si:i.i. 'hhI Deep Creek to In Aistited. I llrlck IhHI liorLs Propotlllon. Ilrlcf ' HhI lilts or .News. 'BhI The strckholders uf tho Utah Burtar ojVJjl company hold their second regular iVJH aniiuiliueetltignir, o'clock yesterday IhhI nftctuoou. Thoaltalls of llio nonlpaoy ) weru reported to bj In n satisfactory ihI condition. The old board of directors jVJjH wasre-eleclel ns billows: Ueorge (J. i1! Cannon, T. It. Cutler, II. J. Oram, jpl Moacs Tualcher, Krancla Armitronp, j VJH Jamea Chlpmtn, James Jack, Ueorga ' kt M, Cannon, W. II, Itowe, John Heck, H BiencerCiawaon, L.U. Hardy, Hllas H Morris. Thoofllcsra ol the company i wJjHj an: Prtsldent, Kllss Morrli; vice H prtsldcut, (Itorgo (.Cannon; secretaiy iHI nnd treasurer, Horace (). Whitney, HVJ CiiAMlixit ot' CJ1IMI lien. wJjH Tho regular meeting ol the Chamber itHHl of Commerce dlieclors was held nt 4 BJH o'clock yt-derday alteruoou. Mr. L. P. Kelsey etsrled the Deep Creek railway JHH ball rolling, and Hated that lu can- , HJH vasalng for thn co per bonus lie found 'HJH the railway propotilloii In great Invor. ''aVJoi Ho thought n good sum of money HJ could bu raised fr It. Alter Ulscusilog 1 thu silt ictn short time, Ihu following 'HJ wereapinlutrd as n coramllteo to de- 'HJH vlso some si nemo to ratio local capital HH louldlii building a ruaJl John W. HH Doiiuellau, Ueorge A. Lowe, W. B. McCornlck, M. 11. Walker, J. II. fkj llicuu, V. II. Auerhich, James T. Little, lllclurd Mackintosh, Ueorge M. Bcolt, ll-ber M, Wells, Krank M Knox, It. U. Chambers, Ueorge Y, HH Wnllaoe, W. P. Noiilr, James Buarp, I). C, Adams, C. 11. Waiitland, Jii.lnu HJ Coll urn, James K, Ulllesplr, W. II, HJ Pou ti, M. J. (Iray.Uovernor Thomas, tHH L. U. rrenl, C. C. Ujodwlu,C. O, jkM Wlillteuiorr, Hebrr J.Urant. HJH A comiuunlcatloii was retelved from ,)HJ Iho Laraiulo Iron works In regard lo .HH urrauglng lor tho lemnvat oi the aamn 1 HJH to this city. Thr-ii works ale owned 'BM by thu Union Pacilla railway, and tho tecreury waa Instiuoted tocommunl- HH 01I0 with President B. If. II. Clau lo ',HH ere If nnylhlng vaa bu doue to get the ) HH company to locale. HJ The owners of the Drserel Woolen iHJ Mills suhinltlul it proposition for the i.HH silnof lli-coinpsny'istoik to tho ex- l,H lent if 7o,OtlO, which woull bo no in- !HJ trolling inlirest In Ihu mills, for Iho iHJ purpose of raising mora o.plltl to wk operate with. T e proposition 0 n '.HH talno I n si'tliiment of loo mill property 1 HH and tiisloess. The works are located Hfl at the osrner or l'iflii North and Third IHH Wtutttrccts, thu bullolug belug ol tbo iHH following tiiiriuiisloui: 1 VJl Itslu bulldius; H ....sosloo feet 1h1 liwiler heme, rrstne .. Sua 4 1 reel 'HJ liiitckunitli aa 1 e.rieatcr .M.sjx linsl i iHHi Uteslnre rrsms mM M, 7at else! H eiore Some, Irea.... ....., ,ftx Tl tssl jH Thu nuohluery onsl.ti of one SO- jVJj horse (lower lioller, one 73-horfle power 1 boiler, onu oM horsu lower Corliss en- (H glue, four seis of woolen niactilnes,tte., ,HV mil nveryihliigrtqultliufor Iheniauu. HH faclUiliig of castluicrs, llatineli, blank- HJ els, jams, etc.; also a knlltlug plant t'VJl for making all grales of ladles', mil- iJHJ put, children's, men's nut boys' (HV hosiery. Ihu plant ulsj IncluJts six '.HJI Honing wells aud property valued as IHH follows: faVJJ Und talued al .....I J,V CO i ( visu,lnffr...T..'.V.'..'.rriT,'.V.'lV i! ii if 11 Lait year, wlilla but In oporilloa a THH porllonof lHclvoinnulti,lliuojni)iauy jHJ plouucoj noout 101,000 worth uf IBJi goods, With uu niiipiu stock on hand, 4VJ1 the plant can proJucu from $IS3,ood lo iHH 111,000 tvorlh ol goods and glvu em liwJI idoymuiit to 111) peraoui. The com- lHJ paiiy has Issued stock to the amount JHH of $03,.U, all of which has been pal I "PA lu cash, ut a par valun of 100 per HJ sliato, They are willing lo call HH lu stock to thu amount ot 318,11-13, HH leuvlng thn amount Issued at JUS, OUU, , HH which would leavu $30,000 In stock lit . ,HJ the treasury. This they will sell at thu IHH par valuu of $100 per and Iho HH amount realist I will be uted In Ihn JHJ buslne e. At llio tame flgurei they aaHJ would bu willing lo hell nuy or all of HH the 179,000 lu stock which they hold, to that if It Is desired thu coutrol would ,HJ past out of their hands. JHJ Tho chamber look no action upon tho HJ proportion. 'iVJl I lin secretary reported that he had 'JHH received an eaprtstion from about two- JHH thirds ol thu members that they weru ijHJ averse lo giving the bjuijuot prupomd iHH at a former lurtttiig. A rejiorl was HJ ulto mace by Mr. Cuales that he listl iVJi gone under an appointment as u com. lowJ uilttteto eecuru Ihu removal of tho JHJ Pioneer library from thu Chamber of H Commerce building, but Mr. Dlehl was I H riot dliimsed to surrender the room, as J HJ 11 was u tleatrablu placo lor the library, 1 fH and he claimed thu library had a lease I3aai oulhesamu for two years. No runt J-Bl had beeu paid, so Mr. Contee rnported. 'I'Wjl Hu was requested to further coutluuu lilHl his work and ascertain whether thu HH library held the room under a lone. jHH Tho Utah Prussed llrlck company 'iVJl detlrej an indorsement of a petlllou iLhI thoy hao mtdu to tho city oouncll, HV silting for thu donation of certain HH ground belonging lo tbu city located )rVJI iibar Potinertoli lilace. If Una land la ' Kal given them they piomlse to Inime- aUI dlately establlah a pitased brick, lire HH brick and sewer pipe plant, not to cost ; HH lets than $.'2,000 to bu completed and HJ lu running order on or before the 13th ' pHJ day of Beptembur, 18D3, They also nJH promlted lo furnish u brick lo this fKH inarkttoiual to the Uolden Colorado it? Hi brick that now coats 5-1J at 2A, an 1 LHI 11 ro brick lor $10 per 1000 less than It HH sells for at present. The number of 'DH hauda to bu employed Is rrom twenty- HJ live to thirty. Thu land atkrd for Is HH 21 27 acres, located on thu lilllsldu HJ north of Ponptrtou place. Tho matter 'J1 was referred to a committee consisting fiMm of Messrs. M. J, dray, W, 11. llowo JHJ and L. P.Kelsoy, with power to act. KoHJ Tho news of Ihe appointment of Sfl Uovrrnor West to Iho executive chair 'VhI in Utah was favorably received anil aaHl commented ou by business men this HH alternoou. njjl TJr.ilLSWInaisei. ---- Ti SrrtftfrytPfS 'W'WltlslWlJr1r-yByfB