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pr IL JLif JLLdl M PUf 1 ilid V f kJo EDITIOJ.- 1 I ' " TKUTIX AND LIBERTY, " -- -. - , . . u 27i;U. " ' n'UDAY, 31 AY C, ISOiJ. SALT JAKE ClTYf UTAH." " ''vOhTxXYT. " ' J IK WALL STREET. Oas of the Periodical Squalls Causes Kiclletncnt. hOME VAH.U11KS ANOUM'EI. Tho Market at Noon lloiee Steadier nnd tilth an Upward Tcndoncr. Nnv Youit, May 6. Thr we" lowering and portootloue cloud, over Wall street this morning. Hrokers mid bsnkors hastened to I at financial itorm ecntor, knowing f. tho bind WOUlJ begin to play at the. drop of the gavel at tlio dock exchange, and each determined lobuaintaraa possible to the bead o( Ilia procession. Nobody could '" hefororonlng what history lay Just on the other side of 10 o'clock, when pan demonium ahould bo let loose. Tnoso 111 tho rear attained their anxious facta. Thosouut hovered about from habit, tcaroely leu anxious. Bonie, per chance, felt their toes over the edge of tlm ilietr precipice, nut knuwlbg but that th developments of nn hour rnlKht push them clean over tho brluk, Intu tho financial pit. There wai bur rjrltiK and scurrying of men nnd loya diving ' here, darting out there, rushing Into thla, hurrying outof thai, cilice where their interests contrred. And ao the calm handa on old Trill lly'a grlin clock dial crept up to tho hour when tho turmoil should begin nud another of those daya that wiari thu II rh and nerva of men, be uihcr id In. Auyfoud optlmlit who (Imagined lforooenlug tint the. market might allllen at tLu outlet waa disappointed. I-very oyu waaun the Cordage, and llitro waa movement enough within ten mtntitea alter tho aoundlug of tho gong, to engage every eye. The ap. Iiolmment of rccelvcra for the Nation, ul Cordagu company Into last nlgbt waa thu occasion for n further break In preferred (look tblamorulng. It doted juatcrday at 05. In ten mliiulia after thu opening It waa 16 poluta lower at 61); It hialtitted there for a moment, then tumbled to 45. Then camu a perceptive lerrentni; In the rush to aell and more trail I net p. Cordage, common, opened at 10 Q 1. Ucutraleloctilo waa another weaic spot and III thu first few minute II broke 6 points t 73. Tho fact that certain olllclala have thought It necea- ary to lttuea statement tliat the com pany la all tlgbt waa vlowed with uslclorilusome quarters. At 10:15 o'clock the jrlou vaa CO. Sugar waa alio attacked, broke tu 70 anil Chicago Oasdropped to 00. Manhattan Klavalcd broke Irom 8 to 125. Considering the panto In Industrial itonk, the railroad llat held null. Mauhallau Hlevated wont down the toboggan alldo at great rale, wiping out nil margtni on a alutnp from U0 tu 1131. Tho progreta waa ilayi d at that loltit and a tally tu 120 f.llewrd. llut It alld oil again to 110. Hoon after tho ojwnlng there wero it. newalibf yitterday'a rumori. H. V, Whllu ! In trouble In connection with the cordage, lieloro threu iiiarlera of an hour ultir the opening thu aluaip In thatttock becamo tJO grint for him to land and he went down before the storm. The fact of the falluro of the great lwculator, whero going to the wall a year or so ago in a grain deal on the Chicago board af trado caused audi a sensation, waa known on the etriet nnd found lla way lulu thu dock exchange room before the formal nnnouucemoLt therein, Ac cording tu hla own itatenieut the Cordage deal waa tbo ohlef element In bla failure, but bo waa also intereited lu Chicago gas. The cordagu strangl ed him, tho gaa sullocated him. lie was unablo to go on at present, though bu might get up later on, be said. Boon tueru came from lloston thu elateuionl that Francis lleusbaw A. Co., flock broken, bad failed. No body acemid to know muoh about tin in, but It made Jlttlu difference It waa a lalluru and that waa enough to add to the fury of thu temptst. Aud to liaised the llrtt hour. Whonll o'clock chimed from Trin ity steeple thu record alood llko this: Tho diclluo htul been uncommonly heavy nnd the txcltiment roaohtU a higher pitch than at any tlniotlucu the panlo starlid, with maiket still feveilsh. National oorUsgo bad fallen -j to 03; ii u 43. American tugar ! to 05; referred, 17 to !). Coiton OH a tj III; Nations! Cordage, common, 41 to IS); Amerlcau lobaooo llofltj. Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chi. cau and Hi. hiu o to 113; llurlluglou anil IJulucy 4 to 6iJ Chicago gaa 161 ti60; Kock Island 4('to 77J; Oeueiai l.lectrlo 22 to 68; Manhattan 10 to 115; rt'lonal l-tadOJ tolUJ; l'rtferretl lu tuUfJ UmahaStull8, Jtubber 0j to 80, Western Union 3 to 81. ..lollowlng thu aunounocmont of Whlle'i lalluru tbero wero aomu sharp , ."; y,,loaK0 K" rose 0J, Uontral lectrlc, 6, Manhattan, 4; sugar, 21; cotton oil, 4; llurlluglou .V Qulncy.'.l irs -:. f0""non, 2; prefVrrud, B. Tni roily did not hold, however. The IfnnUf."0" w"'"erlhonn clroula. nf nih ' flmor' n"eetlug the aolvcncy a J; ''?," nd Individuals.! lliast b .?ie,ock "'. tenement In bill iS. riXCl,l"K ttJ OIULWhUI, but thu Uuctuationa continued wide nnd thu prices Jumped lline and four IdU at a time, blU y priwru to V,L ""''"'"'"Hatoly folluwed by a ow.s't lT 7niW..'."riC0T '"""" lowtil, IT lolnlaln gonerol electric. 0luiugar,3Jn preferred. 7 li Man iiuttan, 4 In National 1J, a " Well, irn Un on. Tho abeuo of furlh'r fallurea had a reassuring tllect. At noon , martc WM rln aavi,llcI, ttlllo In Intensity. There wire ,ia,lnS of rlotou, bidding and Mllng'To". ever, for a tune; then action again icmno more rapid, llaiely, if n the history or tho stock exoboZj imvo audi wild lluotuatlous bicn wii. Iiessed. Ono of tho largiet bonus on the Mteet la tald Io I In troublo and cor" ui ? JM', iW."" ,l,1, ""'dlMun existed, daicd brokeiawcru throwing ovtr Hocin regardlraj of prlco and foreign liouiei wero guilty Of picking up dividend payera. It la uitlmaluJ that up to noon LonJon'a purchasia neareualed fully sixty thousand ahana 3atlug luostly of Br. I'aul. Iouls. villa and Naahvllle, and WnUih, pre. ferrtd. Thla Increase In foreign ex. chatigu caused n drop In tho aterllnj ratca to 430 G 40, Lut money con tinued cloeoatll G-l-P" went. The coiitldeiico dlsplujeJ by forclgnera caud the home orator to uku couragonud a general rally ensuoJ. Maulmttanroieiromisstol'nione. ral electric from 51 to 77j uir irom 0211741. Chicago gif from M to 7.',. JUIlwnyariHUVerod 1 toB. Theac ual ralia for foreign ixi hango Uut . j nnd 81 for bankers, J day Mllst ttGf ) for domnndj 490I.lj7i lor coblia. u btcame evident tul tbero will to no gold ahtpmenta tomorrow. Money In tho meantime advanced to M ror cent. , , Then canto another thunder clap lu thu autpcnsloncf W, I. ration, and calls lor loans advatced to 40, causing tho aloika to wcnkiii again. Manhattan broke to lJi; cordage aud elcclrlo lo 72; augnr to J At 1:30 monuy bad fallen lo lb(j.', and by 2 o'clock to 0. Owing to bu.vy ollerluga ol fundi by commission housra thu itooka became comparative ly calm. To 2 o'clock tbo salca of llsUditocka were 415,000 shares; un listed 202,000 shares. The atooka wero then tomewhat feverish, bJt In some Instance! above lost nljht'i closing. rutrln nnd Kimball, whoso lalluru was announced at i::45, went down undur a load of Industrials. No atale mont Is yet made. Tho following alooki woro sold muumably for tbo account of H. . White! 81,000 Amerlcau Hugar; 7000 At3h!son; S00 Cordage; 10J Lead', 100 i:rle; 100 New York and New l'.ng land; 60 Western Union. At mouey wan easy nt 4. In dustrial! closed J to 14 poluta lower; railroads chmd J to 4 higher with it moro lonlldent tone to thu ilnlsb. THE GERMAN ARMY BILL. SloQlOcant Discussion In tho Reichs tag this Horning. Ibaiitfllor Cnnrltl'a Hint llial also rainerlnml Is In Imlurdlale llniictr. Briu.t.s, Moy 6. The discussion on tlits army bill waa continued In thu llclcbilag today. Dr. Mibcr, well known member of tho center, protusted warmly against thu accusation against him by Chancellor Caprlvl, that hu Mas not a jatrlot. Dr, Iileber iiucted lromnewtpapcrreoru, In which bla sroechca were distorted In n fatblon that romluded lilm itrongly, ho de clared, of lllsmarck'p method!. Caprlvl again tpoke. Ho applied blmielfcblilly to tbo denial of Insinu ations from radical rourcir, that ho waa damaging thu prosperity order miiiy In thu lutereela of lucroisud military demands. Thu ohanoellor declared he bid only tbu welfare of Germany at heart, and asserted that tho patriotic members of thu llulcbttag should not inquire tho dticloauro of a state secret In the pretence of foreign countrlea. Von Jlenulgten, natloual liberal leader, made n clover speech In tup. Krt of tbu army bill. tiii: iJiLKi.r.iti. Tntlr Jiiurner I'miiriltteil Ttieuly Imu lloure Urliluil Time. CltlOAUO, May 6. Tbo great bicycle relay racu from llonton to Chicago ended thla morning at 8. , wheu lllisa and Van Ulckln brought tbu message of Uovernorltussell, Mastaohuiotli, to Governor Altgold, Illinois. Thu Jour ney was inado under the most dllllcult clrcumstancti, and completed In n little Iris tluu 12Jhouraor nearly -1 houra behind schedule time. ll'rolert llm lilnrar. BACltASlKNTO, Cal., May fi, Qov eruor Markbam lias received a dis patch from Heorelary Unabaui, asking hlin to protect Uhlnesu from any threatened attack In the state. Tbo govirnor at uuoo led graphed tin col lector at Han Tranolsoo lo keep him Informed aa to any trouble In that di rection and also telegraphed Heoretary Clreulium that bu would take duu pre caution to prevent any troublo. lnilraiieeCuiiiur In Trimble, Han l'liAIscitoo, May 8. Itecent rumora ai to llio uuestlonablu fliiauolal oondltlouof the Htato Investment and Insurance company, this city, tiaa brought a itatement from li. 1. ilrex. ler, onu of tbu atooUioldira, that thu company'j property would bu attached today by credltori wboo claims aio expected tobef 10O,00O.Tbu causa of tho aullclpated falluro la aald lo be expuu. alve competition, loises from haiardoua rlska nud withdrawal ol publlo confl. deuce. Tbo assets aru (00,000. A t-oimer M.l.tlle Trunk I lue. Ottawa, May J.-Tho Automatlo Telephonu and i:ieotrlo oompanr. Canada, Incorporated by tho Dominion parliament last month, proposes lo run a copper metallic trunk lino direct from Halifax to Vanoouver over 850 mlleiloug. Lotal plauU will also bu islabllshud lu towns and cities m route. iomiiimmo mi. tllAHrottl,. Ilia XljMlerlona lllkniinenruuce ater lii I Irureil ti. Xjxrliil MipalcK lo Iht .Vlws. Kvansio.v, Wyo., May 5.i:. A. I'rauks, chief of tho Frank's Delectlvu Agency at Halt Lako, who bus btcn luveillgatlng thu mystorlous dliap Itarancocf Will, Crawford, n young rauebmau, from thla placo lait Christ maa night, haacomo to tbu conclusion that Mr. Crawford Is nllvu and well Thu delicti vu baa lurormatlon that Crawford baa recuntly been nen In Colorado nnd Illinois. Crawford's purpoaoln dltnppiarlng Is n rmatery. aa he was will lo do aud bad no trou. bles to harrats blm. Ills friends bad given him up for dead, and ollered n reward of l.'500 for bis body, A con- slant March has bom mulo for tho niit'lng mau and Hear rlvir has beui thoroughly drajgod. Iln.illni Mrtlelil. fpnlai tiiipeich lo ( News t mlyi:.n.m,Wjo., May C-It liasjuil been learned that naindlcatot f Omaha capitalists has brtn organlzul fur the purposo of lending (nttyof ixutt encuj prospectors Into thu Dig llorn mountains lu Ihu northern part ol Wyoming. It li Ullevsd that theio arumany rich diiioslla of gold, silver, Iron, tou I nnd other minerals In Iboso mountains. Heveril promising leads Invo already been dlicovcrcd. Tin: uiuitv ijii. MttplibeTUeM lo leal ll lou.tllii. Umiantr. NlV Youit, May C Time China men will bu arralgnod In thu United Htules court tomorrow to test thu con alllutlouallty of tho Chliiesu exclusion law, Thla action li taken under an ngiecdcaiobatwten thu Chlnreo hlx Cimpaulis of California anl tho United Htalca government In order lint u ipilclc determination may bo rescind, rite UulleJ Htnlia supremo oourl, will (conveuo at Washington on Wednesday for the final argument. The irogram Is: A United Hlalca mirsbal will tomorrow arrest three Chinamen who bavo not registered lu May. They will be taken before Judgu llruwu lu tbo United Htatea dlstrlot court, sitting as a circuit court. Thu fudge and United Hlatcs dlitrlct attorney on Ubalf of tho government will request nn order that they bo deported. This order will bu grauted aud thu nttorneya for Chinamen will bring haboaa corpus proceuJlugs before Judgu Dacomb In In thu United Hutu circuit court, who will dlsmlrs thu habeas corpus nnd remand llio prisoners to thu custody of tho United Slates marshal, 'this applies lo tho two prisoners only. The lbs third prisoner will be arraigned flret beloru JuJgo Lacomb, Aa thero are tno avenues of procedure open, It has been diemtd advisable to lest both. At tho end of this atagoof tho per formance thu matter will belli roadl urns for thu United Htates tuproma court. It Is expected that Its deolelou will bo rendered wllhln a wielc or ten dayanfter tho argurniula hate been heard. The lawyers for thuC'hluesu will lay tnuoh atrtis on lbs unconsti tutionality ol tho enllro exclusion act, utoclally aectlonslx. nii.ii iv rm: rr.Aiti . AToien In Iulninl lletlrojeil by lire. VllNNA, May 5. The town of Kowal, 1'olaud, eighty miles soulb of Warstw, with a population of 3500, has bron snept by u oullagratiou. One hundred and sixteen bouiei, In cluding thu hospital ond asylum, weru dotrojol. Threo hundred families areboiueleaiandileslltuto, and eighty ptilibej In tbu llamu. Iliires. New Yobk, May 6. S. V. White has failed. IIosto.n, May 6. Krancli Ilenshaw Sc t'o stock auctioneers, have failed. Voiii;, May 6. Tbo falluro or 1'errlann Kimball baa lust been an nounced en thu atook ixchaoge. NfcW Yuuic, May 6. Tho failure of W. li. l'attou and company waa an nounced on the Htock exchange. H. V, White, says Ibe drop In augar was ono cf thu leading cauies of his failure. Ho was a largu seller on privileges aud bis present trcuLlesworo seriously alfected by the fact, aa bla luta were bought right and left and during thu prerent crista and seviru duclluu In prices, lurchascrabad been enabled to put stccks to him at rrlces far abovo the market. Wbltu says bu Is unablo ut present to give a dellnltu Ideaofblillabllltlia. The I'm. .Inn IHel. in, May 6. The lower house of tbu. I'russlan diet rejected thu gov ernment bill rugulatlng elimentary schools, by a combined vote of con soivutlves and the center part). Tho grouud of opposition was that tho measure did not meet the demand for a general reform of the school system. ATTIIK l-AIIU Yery Ilalil AllrueUure Today ou Areounl uriuln. CltlCAUO, May 6. lowering clouds presaging rain and bloak wind from the north madu Ihu attebdauce at tbo World's I'alr very light. Thu first publlo view of the French section In tho ntt building at tbu World's I'alr was given this after noon. M. llogcr llallou, French commissioner general of lino ana, says never alnoe thu division among society of Krenou artists has ao per fect nn exhibition been mado In Franco or elsewhere. Neither of Ibe French ealous, bo deolarrs, cnu be ooiuparcd with It In beauty. Thero are COO pictures In this exhibit, se lected out of 2000 ollsred. WIM. 11E UrTN BUN DAY. A local par or diolaria positively, that thu World's I'ulr will bu ot-n Hundny, It will buopen without any fortnalacllou or formul announcement. It has been Ihu rule to bavo them open on Huuday and Chief Tucker, of Ibe bureau of admissions, receiving no orders to tbu coutrarj, will continue Ibe custom. II" baa madu arrange-i.-ienta accordingly, ordering all ticket takers and guards ou duty. Mi'M Her llillilren. New Yum;, May C, Mrs. Fannie Korti Ibis alternoou gavo poison to her two young children nud then shot them and herself. All weru tukeu to tbu hospital. Pilestliouil Meeting. Thu regular moulhly meeting of the l'llusthood of tho Halt Lake Hlako of Zlon will convene In tbo Assembly Hall tomorrow, Halurduy, at II A full attendance la rnjue.tod, U I'ilst Commission. Qovernor West took possisslon of tbu Territorial uxecutlve's olllco Ibis morning und at onto onti red upon bis olllclul duties, which bu performed with casu and despaloh. His first act waa lo oommlsslou Charles Htevenion, a notary I ubllo. MINES AMD REALTY, Judge. Miner Decides a Dispute 0?ti Cache Coanty Hints. HUIUY J1K.1 AMI Till! IlilMVAV. htilitcrlptlont lo the Deep CretV ItoAil. I'ctr Acllro Canraiaeri. Mining and Oilier otci. Judgo Miner has rendered bis decis ion, In tho Fourth district court, at Ogdou, In tbo caso of II. C. Hanson etal a Mark Fletcher it si. Tbo dltputo between the parties aroso over it conflict In tho boundaries of tho Amtion and llluu Itock mining claims, In Caoho county mining dis trict. Tho llluo ltock was first locatnl but thero waa some mtstaku made in running tho lines, and when the Atnsiati waa located It was discovered that it cimo over the llluo ltock grouud when the latter was properly InJIcitcd, The owners of the Amazm, It. C. Hamuli and others, instituted suit to have the full boundaries of their location awarded to thorn. This would have cut oft a cansldorablo portion of thu llluo ltock, ao a legal contutt followed. Judgo Miner decided In favor of the llluu ltock owners, who were tbu defendants lu tho caso. He held that they bad been honest lu locating their claim, and theugh they bad madu aurue mistakes In runnl Ibolr Hues they weru entltloJ to the. j.I 000x1500 feet. In thla decision the Judgo paid particular attention to Mr. While, ono of thu plalutlll'e wltnisies, and scored blm for taking advantage of tbo de fendant's slight errors lu making tho location. ItUAI, K3TATC KXCIIAKUE. Thu Ileal Hitatu Hxchangeheld an other imitlug at 4 o'olock yotlurday afternoon and at Its conclusion ad Jouroed till 4 p. m. today. C. H. WaLllaud, A. M. Janca and J. M. Kenuedy worenppoluteeln committee to securu rooms for tbu exchange. It la antlclted that wheu a luttnulu place Is obtained thu real ettato men cau meei each forenoon and consult ou matters connicted with rial estate and loan bualntM, aud where, If neciuury, tbo stock exchange may be nttaclird no a featurr. Tbu president of thu asso ciation, J, U. Couklln, was auth.orlr.od to appoint a lommltteo to formulato rulisitgardlug commissions, itr. The railway to the Deep Creek mines was spoken on by W. I.. HubbarJ, Harvey Hardy, Fred. Trimmer, H. P. Hpencer and C. K. Wantlaud. All pointed out advantages lo Halt Lake ., lit ell Ihu road would bring, and Mr. Hubbard staled that lu the committee of 400 ennvassera there were not moro than u doteu acllvu worLera for the load. Shares lu tbu road to thu amount of J5S.O00 were subscribed for by mem. bersof the exebaogo priaoat at tbo miellog. hoiu. A block of Uraut Company slock changed bands today at tho I rlco of $120 per share. Tlio mines In Dry Canyon district are reporud generally aa doing well. There are no Idle men In camp. A amall bridge, costing about 11000, la to bu placed over the Jordan river at tho oo per refinery works. A long llat of delinquent stock In thu Luiky Hill M.mng company Is today advertised for sale ou June Mb. Tho panlo In the Now York stock market laured considerable flurry today among local stock acculators. The Merrlam mining company's mill at Camp Floyd la Hearing com pletion. It will work by tbo cyanide process about fitly to in of oro dally. Tbo monthly meeting of the Cham ber of Commerce dlnotora waa not held last evening, owing to the pres ence of less tliou a quorum. I'atonla liavo been I'auedtoUpbrlam lllanchard, of Logan, for a newly luvented washlng.inaoblnu and to J 1'. Corker, of Halt lake, for a bygleulo device. Tlio stockholder! of the Dlckert d. Myers sulphur company last evening elected the following directors: It, I,, Hcnutiell, C. 1'. Mason, C. F, U. Meytrs, Hamuel Meters and W. A. Neldeu. The testimony In the Itoadsldoand Hauler vs tbu Nom do 1'iurae lodo claims contest win concluded Isst evening, aud the case was submitted. Tho properly Involved Is lu IboTlnllo mining district. Tbo Dup Creole railway canvassers say they oro letting in tho amullaub scrlbers first, aud that llusu aru iiulto numerous. Then they will crowd In Or tbo heavier Invrstmeutr, No de tailed report of progrenn has yet been made, H. V. White, whose failure at New York today Is noted In the dispatcher, failed a J ear ago fur $1,000,000 In a Chicago whiat deal. Hlucu then bu paid up his losses and got a new start, lo be thrown down again by tbo pres ent aula. Ileal ittato mttttrsare Inactive with the excel lion of a lew Inquiries and a small volume of transient between purlieu In the ordinary iluuof business. Hlrong hopeanru entcrtalnuJ, however, for a good movement In Ihu realty business in tbu near future, A forcu of men nru anon to bu put on tbu Coleman-Henry group of mines In Doep Creek. The oro baa to bu shipped by wagon to Toauo, Nevada, ninety mllis, The owners bavo n contract lo ship eleven tons each week, Thu oru runa about 40 ounces per ton In ellver and a heavy per cent lu copper. Tbo minis nt Alia, I.lttlu Cotton, wood, nru praotlcally Idle, awing to thu heavy euows. Thu tramway will not lj open for aomu weeks jet. Three minis ouly are being worked at pres ent tbo Urltily, McKay and Monte zuma. LMward lilJy, who bu served as prueral manager of tho Omaha and (Irani smeller at Denver since 1662, and ns such was llio most cxtenslvo ore buyir In Hie country, tins resigned bis position owing tu Impaired health. He 1 is tho largest stockholder In thuamoll er com) any, and one of Us directors. TaeldnhoA I'lllsburg Mining and Milling ioin any of Hllver Clly.ldaho, started up Us mill un Wedmsday morning. Tbo company has enough ore ou hand t) keep the mill busy Ihrcugh tho season. Contracts bavo been let to Increase Hie plant lo 0J tons per day capacity. Work has begun with renewed cui-rgyon tbo Houth Ulla, Arizona, cnnal, dam and reservoir. One bun drud and sixty teams, Willi Ihu noces. aaryiucu ta handle them, leftriiirnix for the dam alto lastweik, and will begin wotk at once, lu addition lo thu several hundred already ouiloyod, Tho pumping works at Chrlsluval are Hearing com letlon. Thu arrangements f jr the consolida tion of two of Ihu leading mining companies of Mineral, Idabc Ihu Maria mining company, and Mineral Mutual smelting company havu been concluded, nnd tbo work ol delving for precious metals lu tint camp will be vigorously tproseculod. Tbo con solidation la not a Joining of Ibe two companies In q strict commercial sense, but merely n mutual agreement lo work their mines and tbo smelter In harmony, Tho I'earce turret roasting furnace, o recent Invention, IsclilmoJ toelfect an Important saving In tho cost of treating ores. The saving la said to ho nonrly one-half. Tlio enveutor Is thu well known Colorado metallurgist, Professor I'earce, of Argo. IlUlnven Hon lias been on trial fjr several months In (he Argo smelter at Denver, and Ihu lloston smelter at llutto. und from both favorable reports bavo been received. The Omaha-Uraut company, nnd tho Hau Juan smelter of Durango ato now testing It. There came up for (rial In Denver yesterday a rult which npjei red on the calendar under the simple lltlo of titrlcklo vs. Wilson. The suit Is re ally by tho bondholders of tho Gloat Wtat Mining company lo forecloso bonds ou the big lulno at Ainu, worlli over $150,000, now clalmid to bu owned by thu Wilson brothers under thu name of tbo Woodmaa of Alston Mining company, Tho bonds wero $50,000 main value, Issued In 1393 They have been drawing Inltrett and tbu amount la about $100,(M0. This Is thu first time Iho bondholders have brought lull, because It was only In I'ebruary, IbOS, that thu bonds matured. Involving thu earno properly and substantially tbu aamo Interests. Wilson brothers ob talnnd posaeatloti of Ihu initio and claim Its ownership under thu sale of thu properly to satisfy judgments. It Is claimed that no not'eo or thu elocu tion ol judgments over reached the bondholders. Tbu caso has been to the eupreme court threo times and Is one of the beat known lu mining litigation. Thero aru thlrty-Uvo or forty bond holders, of whom "lirlok" I'omeroy Is a notable meinlnir. Hu Is not present at this trial, howover,helug In iLtirotiv. HALT LAKH CldJAltl.Scl 1IOUUE. Today's clearing house exchanges amounted to $104,054. TODAY' QUOTATIONS. Now York Sliver, 61 J ; lead, $3.05. LouJou Silver, 8S 5 10J. out: and Wells, Fargo & Co. received today: Mingo bullion, $5d25. T. it. Jones A. Co, received todaji Bullion, $5100. McCornlck &. Co. received todajt Hllver and lead oris, 1 6000; Hauauer bullion, $4D0t). Total, $11,600. Auayer Hodges had lu for testing today 110 tuna if Horn Hllver ore, 50 tons of Uulllon-lleck ore, two lots of Hwautea ore, 14 tons; one lot of riewaukro ore, 11 ions, and two other controls. Assaytr Currle bad In today for testing one lot of Kmma oro. W. O. M. Hleward bad In today for asiay two Iota of New Highland ore, 0 Ions, aud one lot of Uulliou-Iltck oro. 60 torn. Thu ore and bullion output from this clly for the week wasua follows: 17eirs bullloo-.. . wviv as SI cars silver aud lead oroi l,3Jl,ucu a,s tl cir . i.Oll.sU . JI0R1US C01IKX DEAD. lilt iilfo aud Tiro Daughters I.Iro In This Illy. Thero reside In this clly Mrs. Morris Cohen and btr two daughters, who aro said to possess a liberal fortune In their own right- Mr, Cohen, bowover, has bleu living lu Denver, where bo waa tho propletor of a lltllu tailor shop un Lawrence street. Yesterday's Den ver A'cui records that at 0 o'clock thu evening before be waa found dead ou the floor of bla shop. From appear amns hu had tivldcutly bien stricken with appoplexy whllu nt work at bis bench, lie was last seiu alive on Tutsday about 4 o'clock, when bo cloied bis shop. He slept In tho rear of his work-room and ufivr this hour ho did not go out. He had been 111 for some weeks last, and being an old mau of 00, blsfileuds weru uot sur prised to boar of his death. Tho cor onir look cbargu of tbu remains, but an inquest was not eleemed ueeotsiry, Thu Ueoeasod is said to lmvu quite a largo fortune. WILL LKAVK UTAH. Ex-Coicrnor Thomas Kxpccli to JlaLo Ills Homo 1 IkoHliore. In conversation with a News re porter last night and again today, Uovornor Thouit stated that be seriously coutimplatis leaving Utah In tho near future. "Where ore j ou going nnd how long will you bo anient?'1 inquired thu re porter. "f Imvo not yet decided where I will uo but wheu 1 leavu my will tm permanent." "You menu then that you will make your bomu ihuwbero?" "i'riclmly. 1 have long content- mmmSSjjjmSmmm I latod making luch a ruovo and as I am now free from Die rcsponsiblllilta or pclllloil and ofllrlal life, I shall gladly avail myself of thaopportunlly." It was learned from another source tho governor would robably movo lo Idaho whero bu has n largu ranch and other valuable property. A friend of thn governor said this afternoon: "Mr. Tbonua Is a young man yet and Idaho Is a young state. Tbo former Is acllvu and ambitious and lu Idaho may bo able lo accom plish and command In n few years that wbldi he can never ho(o fn. In the oiuviTV snvi:ii inns. llUTercnro of Cott llehreen llrlcU and llrlck and Concrcto Ccn strucllou. The board of publlo worlj held a lively aud Intercntlng session laet night to consider the fallowing bids for the construction of the grnvlty sower and to determine, if possible, whtlher brick or combination brick and con creto should be modi COVUIViTloX nillOK AXII COXCKITE. ItouUrun .Ortnili A; UonU ....tsnjt! as f nlllTM, Jlrllool.l A io...7Zll s;jK 5i i.rnti&Mrinin M si.uij lo c.'.'0.,!lif1'1 " s .-ii so J. li itouike iivm so A Itaiewiter ivejajil ao it. ""? .... in w ao Meatiam llros sTI.llJ 90 naicK. lloutlhin, Ortmtli A Morris MI U9 HI itrn A unrath , . Ml.s.4 ID J M eritoorse -. IK1II u .ll.inier ..-.... n,mM Milolili. HAJIilnr Itr.otl so Uickliin Itrus vil.lll &5 City l.nglnecr Dorcmus favorol the combination method. Noblospoku for brlok alono as did also Corikllu. Hpencer Clawion and Chairman HnlneasuDportivl thu views of Mr. Doremur, while Major Dawney believed liolb weru good and did not particularly oaro which waa adopted. Thu board will meet again at 7tS0 tonight. TOOIv A LUCOMOTIVL'. l'.lo (Jrondo M ester ii (mptllcd lu Pay lliolaxci. Ovor two years ago tho assessor of Mesa county, Colorado, levied upon n plico of track near Grand Junction aa the property of the llio Clraude Weil eru railway. 'Iho latter declared that the assessment to Ihe company was !mproH.r, and reluiod to pay tbu toxcj, which amounted to $1000. Thudlspulo has been going on (luce thu aulumu of 150 1, and on Monday thu Mesa county court determined that longer delay waa useliss. It lasuud n distraint war rant iiimmandlUK the sherllt In selzu I roi erly of the company to the umount of llio taxes and tull It to recovcrtbo same. When tbo train from Ihe wist camo lu Monday night thesherlirtoik possession of thu engine and i laced u deputy In charge, lla held II until Jistcrday, when thu money was jald under I roteit und tbo engine reloneJ. Tho railway lompuuy will now com memo suit lor thu recovery of tho money, on Iho satua ground that they refused Us payment In the first Instance. SAVJJ1) JUS LIFE. A Well Known Ilinlmss Jlan io Wrllci to .Secretary Sears or tlio Chamber or Commerce. Mr. Hebcr U, Well, cashier of the Hlato Hank of Utah, wroto tbo follow ing cbaraclerlillo lotlur to Hecrctary Hears of the Chamber of Co'mmorcu today: "Dear Hit I am lu receipt ol your pamphlet containing the roort of the Chamber of Commercu for lb9J anda world of other itatl.llai aud am aa p'ta id with It as n child with Us tint toy. Hmoruthttu Allan Ion,; felt want; lu my uaso it fills an aching vol). liijcalid, hi I am dally, adjacent to the rcmiile, Tubirnacle, Hie J live, 1, Ion nud Uaido houies, jou wllluu diiiUml wbata target lam for tourists aud tbilr couutlesi myriads of quee lloua about Halt i.uko and Utah. To tell you llio truth, they huvu madu my Ilfu a burden fur moro thau u year past, llut you bavu given mo something, ns thu doctor rays, "that will laku away all that." My step Is moro elaitlc, my smllu la wider aud when tariff rofciitrnugcrs from Ihu effete cast eon hi In the I auk and with drooping eyclldimk nuta tions of nlo that vex my toul, that "tired feeling" Is nowhere near as "llred" us it waa. Now when thry aru In thu middle of tho first aliable of their irritating Interrogatory, I baud them your llttlo book and tell them It Isaujplcus reply to uerythlng they want In know, with marginal notes and a large concordance. You bavo saved my life. HeuJ mo another gross." SAD miATII W A lUJIK. SuHorated In lied While .Sleeping lie tncou lis Parents. A case, whlob Is a very sad ono and which oame near escaping publlo at tintlon, waa brought to light to day by a Niius reporter. The facta are these: On Wednesday night Mr. and Mrr.(eorgeaud Jennlo Orelsbach, who live In the pronittca nt the rear of No. 101 cast Third Houth street, retired to bid with their two month! old babe between tbern. Judgu of tbclr horror yesterday morning when they nrosu nud discovered that the Ir darllug'a body was limp aud llfo. Iik. Durlug thu day the case waa brought to tho attention of Coroner Taylor, wliovliwed tbu remains and decided that un Inquest win uuuesiary aud that death was due tu aullocatlon, oautod by thu little onu being too close. ly wrapped In tbu bed oavenng, Thu lamlly aro graitly dlitrrrted over tho tad affair. The fjueral took plaiu at 2 o'clock this afternoon, smiii sis nTrTTTirs-tffiTi7JtifTWvnil sttsMMsHlHlsWsBBHsBMMSasaaa. KOLIIZ YET LEADS. 11 The Trial Has Occupied Another Day j , in Ihe Third District Court. m j HIS ATTOUMJYS lOUUIir II VIII). jH Proicctitlng Attorney HKplicin Again jH j t,'p lu the Houghs, but Soon 'iS' Conici Down Again. 'nKt The further hearing of the T,ouls hHE Kotltz case In which tbo defendant MB candynnkcr was charged with making Hi n fraudulent claim of Iniurauco and hHk tberoby defrauding llio Home Flro In- Mil auraucu company of Utah una re- ShY sumed befaruCblof JusllcoKiiie and PVr a Jury in tbo Third district court this Vjl " morning, tbo same counsel again a p. itli' pearlng, viz., Assistant Dlitrlct At- H f. torney Hlephent and Attornoy Moylu SB (Youug, Young A. Moyle) fur M'-' tbo proftoutloi, Judso Powers and MB !' Attorney H. II. Iwwli for thu defonse. LH j As on tbo two previous days, the dc- 4H frndant's wife and sister In law re- 119. msltiod seated beside him throughout ffesm tho trial. IM'- Tliu accused tlitlfleJ In hla own VH bihalf yustorday ntturnoon, nnJ this B' morning other wltucMei wero cillei -1HP' for the dnluuse. There wai nothing atK! vi ry new In tho toillmony, much uf 9 thu ground I ruviously gunu over In v. JHLii Ing uecrasnrily tu bu traversed to somo In extent again. WMl At onu time, bowover, when tho do- fu.idantwai tec lied to the wltnesa 9W1 stand, It looked us tbcugb a llttlo Mill "a LP' might pusilbly unsuu between XM- Prosecuting Attorney btepheus and 9fl counsel for Ihe dofeuie. Mr. Htnphuut' H feathers bioamo greatly milled In- ,itfl cause. 01 he asserted, Mr. Iuw,a"lod" hlswltuiislu tne cjurso of his quui- MB ttonlng. gW "i tlilnk be Isqullo able to take IS1 care of hlimclf without the aulitasca IBi of Ills two aounsel,"Ald .Mr. Htephena w Itli conslderaDlo warmth. iWKk" Mr. liswis, lu bis mlld-manncrod W w)i disclaimed any intention nt lead- '.MMil lugthe wllneis; while Judge Powers, ttm' Who up to that tlmu bad taken no part :H. lu tba proceedings, huvlug left tbu iBl work entirely In tbobnndaof bis nsso- JH elite, said: Will, I am not helping M' this morning. ;T1 Thoproseititlugattorney bottled up iw his Indignation aud managed to keep &m II securely corked for the remainder IW of thu morn I tig. M Thecatowiut to the Jury at noon, jBJ and Ibis afternoon a verjict of not flj guilty nns returned. H ALL ADUUT A DITCH. j I T, Jeremy and Olhtri Apply lo Iho 5 U Court lor a Ititlralnlug Order. ? Thomas I). Jeremy, Joseph Hansen k fi and Irn A. Heed this taornlug brought f K suit against Fratik II. ItuJy lu tbo Jl li Third district court. The complaint l! I'J aela fortli that wltblu Iho last few ' Rj daya thu defendant has wrongfully, A H and against the rights of the plaliitltls j S aud Ibosu ca-operatlcg Willi tbern, iW lulltn daoi across a certain ditch con. fit tructed for tbo putioo ofdralnago jl au J running through the lauds of the vii partita lo the suit, aud obstructed tbu (M II )W cf water therein. As a coiise- PB quince tbu lands of plalulllls bavo ft boeii 11 loded with water and their use I for agricultural purpoaev greatly In- ' f JureJ, If not t jially . estroyod, M It is therefore prayud that thu de- , feiidaut be reslruliied by an order of tul curl Irom III uny manner further ob- u9 slructlng Ibe flaw of wutir through tbo $M dllcb draining jlalit'uV lands and till running aoruaa those uf tho defendant. MB Jlrown i. Hundersou aroatlomojs rflj for tbo plalullfT. HI Nelson Up Unco More. ciD Marcellus M. Nrlion is again before . S thu public. Another charge has beuu ,!JH pnferred ngatuit blm that of embei. JJD ling $00 or tbereabsuu which he Is ffi laid lo have collected in settlement of (Jl a claim for damages made by ono Olu IS Cbrlstunien against the Dily Mining JU company, 'llils morning Ibe legal mm arguments wolo made at the close of IM Ihu testimony, and the cane was sub- IS raltted to Commissioner Pratt, before W whom the lie ulug took place. JA Thedcliudant waa held In a bond of 'HI $500lo await thu grand Jury's action ,( on thla charge ntso. IB Nelson begins to roallze tho serious J potltluu in which ho Hands and during , 7J tbu bearing repeatedly guo vent to Si lean. Ho looks viry dijeited. J Tito .Nabobs'. I '31, A transcript of thu articles of Iricor- 'kI poratlonof a new mining company, 31 known as tbo Nabob was flkd in ! , I Territorial Hecrctary Bells' oMco thla aftcrnron. Hubsequently it was dls- ')i? covered by Colonel Hulls that records ISfJl show that thero was already a Nabob ,lf!kl Milling company und that the new ID corrutlou, under thu law, mutt ;B chuiigu its name. Tbu Incorporators J aro Jack lloltou, H. II. Hulcs, r. M., JR U, 1-. and H. H. Woodmaueee. ' S AMUSEMENTS. SH PiiiMiiost: & WijtM rolnstreli, uE Ihu organization which originally guv H uslleorgoThatchet andBUvlu, visits fit us again tonlgnt. Prom all accounts Hi tbu company Is one uf tho very best Pv-J organization! now boforu the publlo. I MM Tiik UiirilhiraGl.un oonoert at the j X Congngutlona! church last uveulng S fl n was uuforluuato lu having as oppoaU '; wM altlon tbeinamraoth reocplton todov rarW urnor Wist nt thu Theater. Uooct . 4 management would hao prompted a '? chunguotdale. The nltundanco auf- I'tLa fend, lut the nppreolatlon wss iaVil thoroughly keen. The program hlth- Jfi ij erlo I rlnted III tbo was ten- ' A dered, and lit a thoroughly artistlo ur" IV manner. 'fe I U