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--12 mnnr T3vr;?n:xG news; patukday 3rAY o, ienn. j Uaemais Uaderiis, I ODD INCIDENTS OK POKBION TKAVCL AND OBbUIiVATION. i London, April 34, 1893 I'or the purposo of illustration there I as little difference between the Irish fair and the Irish market day, as there could be found betw een "a rate drop of the right sort" and "a drop of the rale light tort," which from time Immemorial has been Inseparable from the proper con duct of either. The actual difference Is this.The Irish falr,hcther held at the lit tle village In Donegal or Kerry, or alien ded by thousands, as at Dalhnasloe, Ath lone.Cotk, llelfast or Dublin Is an affair lorthe display ondsale of animals onl horses, cattle, asses, pigs, sheep, goats, and occasionally poultry. Icrhips eighty Irish towns and cities hold from one to four fairs each) ear. borne are for the sale of one class of animals only, of hogs as at Limerick or Athlone, or cittle, as at Billlnasloe, of horses, as at probably the greatest annual horse fair In the world, that of Dublin, or as at at Cushcndun, lor the exclusive (ale of the noted Cushcndal ponies bred on the heathery mountains of Antrim, over looking the weird and stormy Irish Sea But at most of the Irish fain all animals bred in Ireland are exposed for sale, at many others farm products miy be found, while the great butter fairs of Cork would almost give one the notion that half the world s butter Is made In the sunny vales of Ireland a south The market day, on the other hand, is universal and interminable nflalr. Hardly a day passed in my nearly n year's wandering in Ireland when I did not come upon some town or village where the fair or the market was In lull progress The area of Ireland Is aj las square miles less than that of the State of Illinois, yet Ireland boasts of a66 market towns where market days are held from one to three times every week in the year All this is pictur esque and Interesting to the traveler, but my observation leads me to believe that there Is vastly too much market of the sort, and vastly too little to market, of any sort. In Ireland The shopkeep ers, petty traders, and "shebeen" men like It well enough, for It brings lli people together for trlmm rg at loth ent's of the yardstick, but the tenant system behind It naturally renders this very custom a necessity to the peasantry. The tenant farmer, particularly one with a tiny holding, must hive, because his condition Is never else than precar ious, a handy means of ready money. The market harpies discern with uner ring scent all who are pressed for rent or Interest money, and they Instantly com bine against his need and dependency with matchless cunning and blarney. Thus those most needing fair return for the pitiable trifles they are forced to sell are Invariably plucked at both ends of their need by the constant necessity of providing rent money for the Landlord, and, at the small market towns by the bums who, just ns fortune telling Gipsies, lenrn :!! the closet ghosts ol half a county before they begin opera tions, knowing that tills one ur that one from this place or tint, dare not return home without money, contrite In send him back "o'er on alsy roal for the lightness that s In hit pocket " Mill another reason makes the Irish mirket day popular, though ihsistrouj to the acquisition of means among the masses of the pcoplr.lf belter opporlunl ly forte urine comfoit and competency were possible The stranger to Ircltnd cm hardly conceive of the barrenrc-sof diversion or incident In the lives of the Irish easanlrv. I ducitlon and books there arc not, save In ftvorcd regions. Something must occupy the hum-in mind aside from the scoutlngs of every ihy toll. The market dt), in lis exchange of countryside greetings, Information, forgivable gosslpings, sim ple excitements and general burly burly, with this primitive lolk stands entirely in the stead of the weekly paper of our own remoter country districts. Indeed it Is far more The telegraph and the railway pene Irate nearly every country of 1 ngland and America. In more than one half of Ireland, there are country folk who have never seen a rillway car. 1'ho market village Is still the ultimate uf their horizon The little holding on tho mountain side or In the valley, the little chapel where they ,ilricr for Sun day mass, the little vilhgc where market day brings them alt together, the rustic ilinco or wed ling with iheirrude and boisterous convivialities, the wake which most powerful prltsl or prelate cannot prlvcnt by direst sacerdotal thunderlngs, and finally the tittle grive yard where all must eventually come' provide the farthest metes and bounds of their humble lives One may wish It different, but It is Idle to discuss It all save on the exact ilne of their uneventful lives, and because the warm Irish heart occasion ally yearns for something more ' heart some" than It knows in Its scanty cabin surroundings, I do not want the regird of that better conditioned man who would deny every soul environed as these, every hour of diversion and llghtsomcncss that can be got from either fair, wedding or wake, even If the poor souls return to their dreiry homes ' a thriile hearty and soft" for the dav s or night's ' dlvirslon " Whatever trllle the tenant family may have for disposal on market or fair day, the entire lamlly accompanies it. I ho old mountain but of a cart is got out and sparingly greased the night before, the ragged donkey or illy kept horse, Is given an extra portion of food and ailditlonll combings and scraping, that his old bones may gain new luster, and long before day break, from mountain borecn and mist hidden valley clutter ing groups begin moving towards the villase. 'The chlldre dear" ore stowed away alongside the pigs, ducks, chickens or vegetables, for the common excitement has kept them awake all night anil now over the stoniest of Irish roads they arc 'stipln rings Around their swale selves," thu youths may be trudging hopefully ntoncslde, but the ' ould woman ' and 'ould man' nre ever found lovingly humped together upon the only scat tho cart alfords, often agteeably exchanging puds from the same comfortable pipe Hut step with me here beside the way near the town, and seethe motley crew constantly augmented In number from cveryb) way lane nn I Intersecting road What a queer, kindly lot they arc! Here nre tho byes idglng nlong in concentric groups, settling questions of neighborhood moment in tremendous but friendly harangue and dispute 1 very manner of cart drawn by every manner of animal, but chlelly by reUllious donkevs, and all piled with ever) manner of Irish produce and humans, clatter and rattle through the misty morning -carts with sheep bleat ing piteousl), with geese craning their necks in viciously hissed Interrogation, with goats and kids lamenting In pathetic alios and trebles, with pigs springing on nil fours from side to tide while snorting violent protests and sur prise, and sou will notice as you must all over Irclan I, that the Irish pig boasts a pink In color that vies Willi the most radiant Hush of the rarest sea shell All nlong the way are old men, hump ed and severe, admitting and protesting in rthlcs and politics with other calm old men who argue, n priori. In the blandest and most convincing tones There nre maidens, too, straight as a Croagh Patrick fir, glancing with those entranc ing Irish eyes, milling with thole ruby Irish lips, an I kelllug the lads wild with that most delicious ol allrhodomontade, I lie lovable blame) of the musical Irish tongue, while the great pickages of yam they carry without effort would break an American woman's back com plete!). Not far from them ever ore the old. old women with braldcen covered baskets on (heir backs These contain a few cones of butter, a brace of fowls, may ben dox-n or so of iggs, or any o her product of the holding or their labor that may ' bring a few pence the day," but old or young, they are knitting away vigorously in line to step and gossip, and all still, old or young, with their shoes slung across their shoulders, or hidden in the naskcts, for they nre saving them until the edge of the village Is reached where n brusli from a whlsp of dewy grass will make Ihcm shine Irom their iate greasing, and their owners will walk proudly Into the I sir with their shapely leet hidden from the gate of men, in brogans Ihat Wud harm an hisullcr, Ur bate n deal table, With muitlierln' power U I lie their owners wor able! It Is catch as catch can at an Irish market or fair. The first upon the ground Is best served as In location At Ihe village matkcl there is no attempt at sislcm or arrangement, and the market place itself is never n covered structure, but simply a large walled enclosure nlong the principal street, with gates like a castic, with walls of inormous height and thickness ns though attacks Irom battering arms were apprehended, and usually it Is surrounded, at least on three sides, by the quaintest structures, village homes, inns, groceries and shops, furnishing as 1 Ictuicsque scenes as the excited groups within the enclosure I rom the market gates thcro extend In every direction temporary avenues by carts ranged side by bide with their t neks to the way.and the constant crow -Is com ng and cowing with the lirite nun' her belonging to e sell a" " engaged In heated arguments over values, make much goodnaturcd squccii g nnu pushing u matter or tie csslly. There are seldom Inner enclo tires Latlle are herded ogainst the w 11 1 ol one point nsscs at another, pits oil foot, kept (.cntly moving In circles by the skllllu use of Ihclr drivers long a li p Kes will be massed nt another point, koajs anil sheep, botli extraordinarily combative by tho enforced ossoe atlon, at all Inn othcri while all manner of lollipop sellers nnd brave voiced market amuse ment purveyors ore hud lied together In any extra space that ma) be found I or the first hour or tno of the mom Ing the sale of the small truik.sucli ns butter, egg, poullryand vegetables pre cceds merrily nouh but the ollllude or buer nnd seller of whole cartloads of potatoes nnd of nil animal is amusing Indeed Ilceles ol bu)eis for the Dunlin nnd London markits mui ol gigantic stature with red, ptilfy f cc , nnd great coats hanging over top- jots to their heels, each lurrying a whip of tremen dous length will saunter in take n liasl) run about the 'ace, r-hritgclng their shoulders as If nothing worth their nllcnllon had been seen, nnd finally nastily depart. Ihe while the Irish yeomen, with folded arms, and nose In air expressive of fine sunn, bid Ihcm all n cheerful defi n e In ludicrous attempts to appear unconscious of their presence These double pretenses may proceed until noon with now an I then n bargain stiuck 011 tho sly, but the entire popu lacu nt ihe market arc on the alert for the seductive wiles of the buer, and to protect each other vallintly from being carried nwny for fleecing singly to the enticing groggeries near Ihlsmctap horlcat throw ing of tin t in each others' eves Is carried on during the Ilelfast fair dajs on the first Wednesday of each month, with greater finess and contempt between buyer and seller, than I have seen hi any other portion of Ireland This Is particularly Hue between the factors, or II tx buyers from thcnulls and the hard headed peasantry hi charge of their cart loadj uf flax Scores of factors will make their appearance, surround the cuts, handle the silken "stone" bundles as though It were a pity to bring such stud to the attention of men whoie time was val uable, and condescendingly clap n coun terfoil prfco and order lor payment on their respective houses In the sellers' hands, as If n disagreeable charily had been performed, whereupon the sellers toss them back disdainfully or light their pipes wllli them In fine scorn I hen tho factors disappear Hut that Is not the last of them. Ono by one or In little groups they return These stubborn people must be somehow saved from their fatal Ignorance Then follow pro testation and rejoinder, blarney and blackguarding, as silvery and fine as ever human cars overheard. It is of no avail Away they all contain ' Ihe b,cs ' calmly resume their pipes nnd their ' gotthcrlng ' with the old women and young. Tho next aviault by these sleek and rudd Ilelfitt factors, who are undoubtedly the canniest buyers in the world, is on the confidential line. It Is gelling late in the day They come in droves With military precision tho sellers arc herded In squids Palaver, concession, sacrifice and deference (for price plunder anil division are nlrcady un) Icldingly ngrecd upon) effect pur chases with marvelous rapidity, and In half an hour the entire great market is completely cleared of llax tho sime, old games having been played In pre cis' ly the same manner for tho past hundred years In the average village market along towards noon billing is likely to begin In wlial might seem to a stranger as an alarming not The b g trailers will make aii onslaught upon a wilting sub ject. Ilravely he appirenlly resists thetr efforts to bully ur deceive him If b) main strength he is liken from among his firiends they will rally and set upon Ihe triders nnd rescue him borne rough tussling may follow, but nobody Is alarmed nt this It is n way they hive of impinging upon formalit). The Ice once broken, buying begins in earnest, and higher and higher rise shrill voices, often aided In pitch nnd Intensity by John llatleycorn, who Is ever the real master of ceremonies here, until one would think murder must follow the excited dickering) Hovers thrash the air with their wnlps, and pour fearful otjurgailons on the pour animals and their owners, while the tatter aided by valiant wives pav back the fierce blackguarding with rich Interest, Ihe ' lucky pennj," which goes with each single beast or group of nnhnals sold Is shrieked over as though it were the value nil the market holds Ilibcl has begun The lesser sellers cruwd around and "rise their voices ' lugu briously I very person has drunk cnuujh to be interested In every per son s affairs bales arc now rapidly made, "dinting the bastes ' sold, ur luhblng mud on their haunches to so distinguish them, nnd driving Ihcm Irom the (-rounds ere lies constant commotion, cart loads of pigs are dumped, amid deafening porkers' shrieks, Irom the farmers' earn into carts cf the buicri whose donkevs nre pounded and rushed through the crowds vociferously, an escaping hog diivcs through the forest of legs madly, ollen giving oh' ladies and young en forced aerial experiences amid shouts of laughter, the hurdy gurdies blare, candy sellers roar, pipers odd to the universal din, the young people crowd the dincing spaces and licit the turf or improvised floors amid whoops nnd yells. the emlro place until the evening comes is n wild conglomerate of com million courtship, laughter, yelling an I tilde but j,ood nalured injo) mcnl, w hlch for unrestrained heirtiness and unquali fied decency is something delicious and wonderful to behold Irish literature is full uf the Irish shclclegh and broken heads It Is untrue of these people ns I Inveseen them, for at over 150 fairs and m uket day scenes I have visited, I never yet saw a human being lurmcd save by whtskc) , and Ihat Is Hie "heart some sthroke ' no true born son of I rin ever feared Edgar i Wakkiivn DIM STOIKIIOMI LETrElt. The IVnplt's ICIktil ig IIJnrnsrni If peal to the Democracy or Sweden. Stockholm, April , 1891 The People's Ulksdag or Parliament, which recently convened nt Stockholm, Sweden, was one of considerable Im portance, and may bo said to fairly inaugurate an agitation of much moment to the People of Sweden, and Indirectly also bearing upon her relations to jooooo men of Sweden -. .lsooqc of whom already vole the Parliament met for the express purpose of voicing a demand for universal suffrage The Parliament was n representative bojy representing most fully those numerous classes of llicbwedis'i people now left without a voice In the govern, ment of the country. Tint Its deliber ations where dignified nnd worthy of the occasion is hardly necessar) to ray Tho well known conservatism of the Swedes would vuuch for that. In spite ul all this, however, the Pen I le's Parliament was treated by the government and the authorities as It had been a mob. The premier, walled upon by n limited number ol members delegated for tint purpose to nsk if lie would receive 11 deputation, curtly replied that he knew no representatives of the bivcdlsh peo ple, except those elected in accordance with existing laws, nnd refused to hold nny further communication with tho Parliament. The king, to whom thereupon nslmllar request was prclcrrcd, also declined, the upper house of the regular Klcksd ig was no more to jrlcotn.t te only courtesy extended being by inutvidual members ol the second chamber The Impression made upon the peoples I'ailumnt by this treatment may be surmised It shows conclusively that the powers that he, will )ield nuthliiz to the demand for equal civil rights, nnd the first result of this conviction was the cill for another people's larhatncnt tlueo jcars hence. In other words, the disfriu chlsed people arc Just about waking up, and front tills on stirring times liny bo expected In Sweden The other result Is no less sign ficanl The Norwegian Storthing just then had passed the order of the ell) declaring the consular question n matter to lie settled by Norway alone, independently of Sweden Ilepljlng to this byway of thanking Notwcgian societies and political clubs for their cxprc slons of good will towards the Parliament, this body piss ed n restitutio 1 authorizing Its executive committee to call a special session should the inter stitc conflict ' threaten to be solved lua more or less violent manner " This resolution will go fir towards strengthening Ihe hands of the Norweg ians, hut more Interesting still Is the fact, also expressed hi the preamble, that the democracy of Sweden ns a political organization wilt brook no policy ol adventure that may endanger Its demand for equal rights and privileges The idyllic peace which so long has characterised internal nlfnrs In Sweden cvidenll) Is at the end Ihe. masses of the Swedish people, heretofore almost untouched b uhi)cal ngllatlom, urc real ring their condition an 1 will soon be in a mood lo formulate their desires willi telling effect and in n m inner which must command attention H Hiornson mikes an appeal to the democracy of Svedcn to support the Liberals of Norway npalnst tho Conser vatives of botli countries ' I turn to the Swedish democracy, because that policy which may possibly lead to war between those who are united for the sako ol peace is tho greatest nbomlna lion to me I turn to the Swed s 1 democracy and nsk them if such n pos sibility does not disgust them? I nsk them If they do not understand that whoever Is the victor, the democracy of the north will be deflated? Without support In Sweden the consctvallvis of Sweden are a lost pari), nnd with Nor way as the impregnable bulkwnrd of libertys the present rulers ol bweden can never prevail In the long lun. When I hear members of Ihe Slurihlng speak of the possibility or war between us then 1 am ilumbfoiind-d ihe extra appropriations In N ray list year in view uf n possible attack by Sweden nnd similar appropriations hi Sweden followed by n repetition of tl c san tactics this year to 1110 this Is mad es, from the ngoul savagery When! see Christian men threatening each uth-r that way, 1 think tho rest of 11 1 ought tu teach them what Christianity is " WASHINO THC "BADV I Illicit lllrr.ll.n. l,r llr.nsln. , Its,, terrain sr,.,,lr I lino now owiiitt mil operated con tlnuously an Alpha Del aval No 5, coin 111011 1 j I nnwn nj ' Ilahj No i " for over II months, mid av lieu I mi continuous!) I mean It in the fullest nrrq (atlou o( tho term, is never n day has elapsed stnrlDr; llio tisllra iwrlod that It has not twice each da) separated the inllkofM row, thus nectMltatlii two wnshliigs each dav As soi n ns the tcparntlnrr Is over, I turn the fcpnrnlir bowl with n,,, disks In n Ho 1 1 r lainll tin pnu of cluar, w urai (in t hot) water I hare n stout, hempen corl nliunt n )nrd lonir, .im it through tho I llu f lUsIss, an I the) nroslnitijlIU beads on n string I I ave ri id) in n dish pjn, unli for lids 1 union-, I10III11K hot vratcr in which la imnll nmomit uf concentrated 1, just en ugh to cut tho ,rno nnd not enough to corrodo the tin. Tnklnrf hot 1 if rlthircnliif thoeorJ I roll mil ngl tito the slinks on the string Willi liny aro tiw-iiiirfhly ilertiiicil Iv this lime the) nre real) for thodr)ingiroeoM 1 then t d in) 1 Irro 1 1 br 10m handle, Mwcsl Just long dioui,li to rear li iuium tho It ji of tho ein uol to sir) them on, lift tin ilUks frsm tho water with the t n Is of the flrins, Initrt tlm broom ban din nut withdraw thu string lncu tht h in Ho rtross tho top of the drj Ing pin nnd pour n coujlc (f qnnrts if cloar, b lllnjr w nter ov er Ihedlsks, ixmov 0 Troi 1 Ihotopof tho pan nil t let thcin drain and dr), an 1 wiille thcynn. dr)linfwasli ii) liowl mid tho csntrnl cj Under rnl u ill Hit m Wlpodry mil nq Ineo tin disks nn I cillnler No drylnif with n cloth liticcewuir), ns tho heat from tin lulling viator iraunil over them dries them thorough!), Wnsli nnl nips tho rubber ring and screw dm 11 tho top of tin- liowl I'nlltiKtliorcimiTIng portions of tho ssiurator through tho snino t roots! lakciswnrcelynn) inom tltno tlinn lva taken to write this Itaunt nny timo VTOkll llll 1 1 lit 111) MliriltUf III COIH Kto order in ID mhiutra nn I thai, too, w Ith. out an) nn luo hrskte II) tho two s f tho string It obviates tho necessity uf han dling ench s'Isk or 1 lato nepnrntily 1111 1 prevents tin poMllitlt) sif gttllng tho munis Mint ted Slneo it is Irpi ruth 0 Hint tho j Utss should (,-o into the bowl consocutivily oreonlin r t ) tho number IiU this 1 In of atitngtiiK irixlnlesi tho mll lacitu sr tho numbers -Mrs Knto JI Utitick In Hoards Djlrjmiu At tho I lab rditlon 11 h)drniille en gineer lias bi en tinploj cd for tho comlnir seison t ntiuuli 0 the lrrl-atlon S) ttoins if tho ts rrlti rym tl to nl 1 tho farmers in tho Introtlnetlo 1 nf Irrlsatlon HINTS FOR HOUSEKEEPERS . -OH SPRING CLEANING AND FURNISHING. Before Purchasing- You .vill smely get wlmt wlint you pay 2. lSm .."'""carpets Z, come and see our v ' Of any Grade C IMMENSE STOCK, 1 From owv Gveal A.asovlmoiifc. Unoqimlcd for Designs, Color, Quality and - : "" Stylo. Don't drive nails in your nice wills I -- - n. LS when you can buy our elegant 11 CHEAPER THAW DIRTY ILLS! s " Hoom ' moaidings We will Pjipcr a room for you 12 x 1-i Mfccl and 9 feet high for W aL ttllII0st l)ricc' j $5.00 .' W 1U hoad(luniloi& for Clliuil and y only, loss 5 per cent for cash. Will last for V '!', Japancso lYll S;,,, - . INSERTION MATTINGS, halt, ilium la unous,)) , ,, " " ' VautlinthU' s "$',? Thoy aie delightful for Summer uso. to form n ncoued com . ,' Goodwin's nolle lu Ihe T I 1 1 In ewywoy m .Xiire lllftf itl'l'llFiMI f ' ll SSffiw'SP "' flmMI?. imtv . Oui tains, Window Shades, and all llouso 1 to overilowiiiK f I ' Vemem.n,ycoT-; A caiload of Linoleum and Floor Oil- Furnishing. Ohoap. IT HttiiiUInt: Us re ' I J Tho comedy 0 OlotllS. 1 Q 33 g ,fsdfw