Newspaper Page Text
pssssssa i ! . MUNICIPAL MATTERS, II Ultplcne and Telegraph Companies W to Fay a Pole Tai. k outii muii snwnt distiuct. M ttollnnroir Thinks The Salt lit and Lo Angeles Hallway II"' K Sot llccn tnlrlj- Trelcl I Tho City council met In ipselal in- lion Uit night. The members I relent b were: Jtlcli,FollnJ, KrrtcU, Hsrdjr, jt. HelH, Horn, 1UII, Ktans, Kelly. Motn, Blmondl, Wantiand, I.awraou. . 1'reildent I.oofbourow look the chair I rU 8.20 anil tho tramaotlon of biiilneis commenced Immediate! afterward!. '' uir .iiiiirrisumi. O grBFET if The city engineer reported that tho J eoitof conitructlng a Mirer fromn point midway between Bouth Temple and Pint street to a point midway between Pint and Hecond alrectalu eewer district No. S, would be fjr 41!) linear feet at $1, jcrfoot f 1,237 Sil which amount divided J ropottlonately betwetn the auultlnr; profcriy will amount to$l S7 jtr front loot. The loU and landi abutting and afleolid liy raid Improvement are all I" plat 1 Uaual order. CAVITAI. VIEW AUMTIOX, The clly cnglnicr leporlod that I late of Capital View addition I'l plat U had been Bled In bla clllco and lis. allied for authority to ai,roro tho tame. Adopted. k men's rotr oiiuwancc. The clly attorney submitted an or dlttanou In rrspomu to n resolution Introduced by Councilman llloli at a recent meeting; reijulrlct; ttHhouo and tel) graph loniinenles lo pay jn annual rental upon their pedes I r occupancy o! the streets. Tno seme of the measure wan fully tit forth In the NhMHallttloinor thau a week ago. It wia read a llrst and semnd time In lull, and alter n good deal of dlicuttlon further actlou wai oit ponod until Tutiday night mil. NORTH UKNCH rWnrn. I.awion ottered a reiolutlon provid ing that the clly attorney and city engineer draw up an ordlnanco citit lliblng and extending tho bouudarlia ol nwor district ho. 3 lo alio take In all that put of the north bench not now luclu led lu any district; north of tiouib Temple street Iayln between the reservation line and Clly crrelt canyon and report tame at tno nexi meeting of tho council. Adopted. LOWELL ioiioul em Ell. Lawion alu odered n reiolutlon pro viding that the city attorney and ruperlnteudent of sewers to authorized to draw Ura oontraot with the board ol iducatfon detlnlug lha rll,tl and duties of the clly on one ilje and the board of education on tho other relat ing to the extension of a tower on 15 street for tho benellt of tho Lowell echool. City attorney aud city en gineer. AITEH A ''DELlNQOnSI" CIIAIHMAN. Hardy odered tho lollowlngi lloiolved. That the chairman on rob llo grounds Is horehy Instructed lo mako a report lo thin couucll on certain amra and communication, which hneo been referred to laid oommlttco by ttila coun cil, said liapora bavlog been tn Ihelr (mm union for tho last lour mouths. Commlttee on publio grounds. 11EJKCTKD FIIANCIIIBK. The communication from the Bait Lake and l.oa Augalea Hallway com Iny rojeollng tho frauchlte ncenlly granted It by thu Couucll. The regu lation wrangloemuol. lrtofuourow I want to lay Juat n few worda In favor of this company. 1 don't Ihluk the Couucll hae Uono Juit the fair Ihlog with tUll coiupau). 'lhey aiked, If I renumber rlghtlr,thal they be allowed to come In ouHuulu Temple itreet ou Utlilti Weit and comeeaitaa far as tilth Writ street, and then turn south and go Into the lllo Qrande Western depot. I under atand that theCotiiicll ono night w heul wai absent, aotlug ou leoommondallou of thecllj engineer aet ttrari lomany feetofgrouna In the middle of the stunt just how many I dou't remom her and turned the two comiaulta looie to light over tho slrli , or lu olhtr words to make the best nrraiiLenienls they could This on tho face of It would np ear to bo wrong. riiucity attorney explained that the mntterwas In the lourla nud woult tome up today. Further actlou was pcstionud until ruciday night next. roUHTIt WtJT OTliEl.T UlUlTllUOTIOXe. 15vam offered a resolution provldlug that thu alrett supervisor lie Instructed to riqulre of the Utah Central Uallwny company or other reiponilblu rartles to removo ties aud olhtr obstructions ou Fourth West street north of horth Tsruilu street, nnd to havo tho itreet put In good paixatdo coodltlou. MHO (UBTAINIO. Tho Mayor's veto of tho dry earth DESEItET EVENING HEWS' SATURDAY; MAI" 0, 3800. taiillatlnnicheme was rend and lur Ulncd ou the following vote. Ayes - l'olland, Hardy, Helif, Knrrlck, Lawion, Loofbourow, Mornri, Noes-llsll, Lvoin, Horn, Kellj, Blmondl, Wanlland-O. TO CLrAIl W CMlUDV nrrrj. Kelly oirered n resolution to the cllect that thu clly roeonitr and attor ney Lo Immediately nulliorlxeil nod Instruc'wl to htve tlllej of iroperty vialeil In Ball Like City perfeote I and arcportof lamomado to tills council at an early date. Adopted. uas ami ruxTimo nuiiTtnAS- CIIIM. A reio'ullou granting crrtsln prlvl leges lo the Bait Lske&Ogdou Uai A. Kltclrlo Light company, as nienlhnel In a recent liiuo of llio'Ktwa, a;sln canio up. the nrdlnsncu waa dlscuited for two hours, and alter being rend thu iicoud time It was laid on the lahlu until the iiixlmtetlcgof Ihe council. Aiijourucu until J lui. in. Tuejdiy next. Medina 1 aes s'aprr. Minneapolis cm claim a monopoly inthlscounuytf thu mamirncluto ol lace aer. tlrrmauy la the largest conietit;r. lucre Is an liitcrrstmir alory counecttU with tho foumllngif tho industry In MlnlicRiol!s A certain bnilntss mail, toleintly well known, once ujon a lime loantd some mont nnd nulerlal lo n llmsian liuuiiKiatii who was trying lo eurla gntuhouso ill Bt. l'aul. the 11 rl t as virj graieiulfurthehilp, mt at lha tud u s x mouths Hud not Hpaid hiiy of thu luau. riiHbusiui.91 man hunted him up nnd III uri-1 wnerelore Mils uegll H truer. I no II rlslexluluej his dull cullies at suinu lei glh, niu sorrowful y nverred that In audition lo other buruvi a he had to suj port ills Irolhi r. "Why dociii't ycur .-jotiui go lu work?" "1'ardon, sir. Hols holiest nnd In dustrious, but can Hud uo work ut his trade." "V hat tralocau that U7" "He Is a laco air linker and there nreiiufactoilesof that rort here, nnd lie haa not muoli uhauceat other Iradre nliere holiosiioBliill." After aomo luvratlgatlon several MlumaiolW capitalists concluded tu start n fictory t evolve tho dainty con. feotlons thai luuJeru ingiuulty tsya may bo insdo Irom pJier. the in dunryls still suicw thai Iti resent coudiilou may bo regarded ai only an saruoitof thufuturi. lhn Mil lor laucy lamp shades mikes n speulsl ui artui m wblih wai not at llrst tontemi lated. Crao pilierdeviloiiln all tnu iolt, dainty sheeuof silk. Wuineis um specially good nt this brunch of llieluduitry, us It KiUlre patience nnd llist ecullar "kiuuk" which n man ever had, aim the woman who poiiesacs II Is luckier than If she ha I beauty, though she never thinks su lietiel . Lace paler for lining thu edges of loxis really forms thu Important jurt of this Industry. Loiknt e hitof ibis dalnt) iiernud ete lion fillhfully II reproduces every thread uf Ihe laco from which II Is LOptrd When I eoplo are told that these dillcalo I atterus aru atamiedfrom entraved meUI ltes, they are uj t to lonk Incredulous, mill tint Is lhn recess. Lscu pier bis Ha tljlis Just the same as the real article. Iho joung laj who gets hcrdally box ol bonbons Irom her confectioner Wants thu lace rdgo holder to be 111 the Utcst mode, Tue can al select torcohn, Valen ciennes, spanlih, guipure, hrelon or any other stylo lu the ar Juit as the cau lu tho thread. EXCJLSIOR BfiKBRY. No. 10 Bast Templo St. FRESH BREAD, . BUNS, CAKES, ? AUD CRACKERS. PUnE CANDIC3. GROCERIES, ETC. Buttercup Crackers a Specialty, xirvvjvz.T, li.ploior, Raponifier SSvI'VSfeslrstc 1 1 )0 for FAMIIY si)l' (SilvaC"rr51AhlNU iiikiuos rem Ct-sMMwMTll snr cirli rsn for nuklnf fflnn H!iUtn t&HlsoiiUlckly A!i7t5S. lllsliillelslilsiit ilrenjlfi ' AY fii1 will fck jour sroeer for ' sj31) 8AP0NIFIETI, 3 VS!ill1 snil te no oil er. VTV, ty Pena a Bill Usui s! Co , HKBh I hi'silelj Mv GUNPOWDEB. IM arm now sAmI wAo nri er lAol IWore 4d titmulfalueiiiha ,wt,ot-fSArsMi HAESnil' KsuUckj III9I. nAXtllll'H Tp BbooUof ' IiAEtuii'n "liaeiBiiooUnr', Itaxauis'H "Uisioiudiiisstisr UaZAIIU'H brtod, lb. imJl rslliUs lo ibseiirfctL maciiozossD ar THE HAZARD POWDER COHPABI, llsrardvllls, Conn. ""CTPaino & Lyno.Ajiil!, IHIood's Gyres Mrs C. V. Card 00l.lltKl.Cftl. Mado Over Anew Chronic Koadcho Curcd-WonU Lunco MAdo Strong and Wo!f ' Tor Htt I La I ilk liiVlathM tietj Jar. anil I alio lil i ttj tfrutt Inns, nince 1 HiTO lei 11 Lit. nff lino 1 1 Hamparltlt. I kita s . rcnmttrtlrcnrMcf hc)tJac1)ci,ftn(lmr lunjtiorottroasoovlwfl lYIeiKUoftetiMj' How Voil You'ro Looktna. It U UKtnlt li riM liHtfotli ftinsitarnu. X im mull In ttituro iwt? wetg cd over 100 poll via ttforo lilel ij Hootl i Baruivt rilU, rt nl a iw tleo I tecan 1 1 (as It I lu 1 tui ilon lo B3 pouali Imt nw I "flh 1 1 1 V 'y frlomli thotiit I woi 11 be drnd - U114 nc, but X am ptrfw y well. I tun uiMbl u riprM my llunlu rot tbt fod -3ood'o Snrsaparilla Lanlmsue" Mm. C III Ann 1513 Adeline a ml, UaVland, California. "loocTolPIHj turn all liver IU isillous. ail). Jaulidlee Indlrostlon M k tin Ivho. fc&sDR. CUNN'6 yr PILLS ftLf OULYOtiE FOIJADOSC RESULTS ARE WHAT TELI jtxa' i.,',"i,,i,:i,T svAa.". l .. ,.!. r, Niah K1i,iiVmii1 plHI . . I SvfknirthriMkl IHd,l in- n 1 tSkSctOli Til. f Wrt (,,f 1 .C.lI.l.Iital fTT.,Aaiitm.Ti 1 a imjt ASnacltM.l'aniMaeAUrfM.slAjfc I nllanrs llmvlieuuil hjrli. We guarantee fi's to bo the tttt Cbu;A Syrup rnnnufartured In the whola wide world. This Is raying a ureal dial, but It Is true 1' rCon. sumption, Coughs, Colds, Boro Throat, Horu Ul et. I'n-Jimnla, llronchltls. Asthma, Orcup.Wh ortngCouilinud all dlieate of the Throat an I Lumra, we reitUtly guarantee JlaUard't Jlbrtliouml Sjrui to le wllhtut an equal ou the wbolo face of Ihe Rlolo lu support of this statement we refer to every Individual who hxi ever used It, and to every drunglil who haa ever sold It. Huch evidence lo lodlsputable. Bold by K. C. M. I. Drug Depi. 1 , II. C. Iloellril I oli.mlitu llrrr. Made by Ihe American Uriwlinf Oompmy of HI. Louis Is brewed of the It-rt bsrlry and llohen Ian hop. It hai n 1 eautlful amber color, n delicious hop llivr mil sfarkle llt-j Cham la?or. 1 rel H. Ilnlra, 41 l'ail, I'lrsl Hinth Htrre' ralt laeCltv, Uiah. Dr. llurrowf.Ucnllst, Aurlst andUp. Ileum, Hiwctceini fltlod. Ocmmsrclal lllock. Buehten'a Alalia aatva. TU 11 1ST HjixVI. la the world for Cuts, Unities, Uore. Ulours, Boll thrum, h ever Hone, Tetter, QhapruJ Hands, Chllblalct, Corns nud all htln tiuilloni, and positively cures llles, er no per rexjulrnl. II Is Euarantnd to Five perfect tatUfactlon or money ro unded, trice a cent, per box. Ptt uic by A. U.tlallh U (Jo. A.O HmltrioUo.,lruititi,ainU ol Hjbttti' llejperlas fonlo. hlck-htsdavhe? Ilinhain's l'IMs will relieve. 3 TOiea tiaby iris tlcV, ire sjsra her CatterU. liea shewn a UU-t klie crW f or Owtortt. hen slio iHVsme Mls. ie ilunir to Oatlorlii, M Lea sba liaj L1illho, sLq cuvu throi Lastortl. J. U. Jensen wlahis to Inform hU friends nnd atrons that he has assumed the management of the Inter-Muunt nln Abstract Co ; will Buarauli'e all abstract work entrusted l us to bo ac curate nn I complete. Otilce llooms 80 and 67 I'nmmtn Inl Illm k. All stockmen while lu'.Halt Lake will flud II to Ihelr literest to visit Iho Union blDckynrds conipnny and re colvn thu latest luformaltun as retards rices In all kinds of live stoik. (Ifllce room 3, Jeoulngs bull llnic over Iltsh Satlnnal Hank, corner Main and I Irst Hjlltli, wliens art, also 1 catcd Ihe largrtt I uyers lu U t ill. Vorift lame is fBxjd! ttftld ilia lum Druptu 1L0 Uuii. Mill Ami 1.0 av wo to Ml tlioiw who think tlmy ro pruclUliu xsonnia by bnyh.jf a cheap RruJoff niutr (jttriitn lout Ulnm-dou hoo lcarlngour nam in guarmol, utl mu to deiHDtloil iim h fulllllntr nil roqulremenU . ll U not iho clicajtMUiov iiudp, but will coV ldt4 In tho lotu run n It will Ut for mimvkuntmir4. Our lino or Ii.n Mower. I.iwu Uk(Ht 81 rluUlor, Otrlon tanU, Uoa UmIh, nnl n bOAnnnlilo koiU In tho hiinhviiro lino U yvry couilolo ant will btar mrrfut lllVCtttSfttlOll, oimmy lurnxcon itlU lmo tho call, find tho ctrclo or UMr nlmlrer hHrnrlnu' dnlly AH ir-fiulriMl to bnoomo u mnnihor U to oxaniiiin tliulr morit-u If In want of j luinbhiff of any .nwii. tloii, Itt u talk to you li9fro le UtiKoiir vontraot. rrrrr Salt Lake Hatdmae C- ai TASItB. itilioio wonnscrr, fiaeaoall Cisno trtri't-L uuUtr Cash "-rititi ' w xa Cssa s-rriri M IN'S SS MM TRUST COMPANY, Noa. 1 and 3 Cast Tempi Qtraot 9JLT IAKK Crr. VTAtt XTABU8UXOl97S. lfUORrORATBDiaSl Dinsorbna witroiiD woracrr, ituil OlOfcOB q.Oin' v, Nf iwitft IOtril r. 8UITH OlOlOB lIKTNULDIf ixoci u. (,ijiu llittftt J Qnutjt JiMtl JiOK U ftBXZO ftKOW, T. O tVtlMi FUftCM M ITM15. II. li CtamoM ixtoif M Loud, IlOKlID 0 HlRDT. f!Mi Mavlnf rutt In nh. wtt tfpplu uttmUr iti all albara rmm bUhl, Jttrfiirirr 1'ironr Poiti oa lain, f ! Ifroitn laiof ion from II M ta !ttifii tad lotfreii al aved at A prcat pet aBaera.rtnipoBBlit1 font lima a yaar Cor tpB4tar olnitil in J ktj laui farwardad lj eouaur tlfpoiUM tutttUj auat4 1. UTAH COMMERCIAL All! Savings Bank, HALT LiKK C1TT. CriDital. - - S20O.OOO Surplus, - S4O.0OO GEHEIUL CANEI2I0 DUBIHCS3. The Per Osnt. Intersil Ps'd on Bivlngi Diposlls, Compounded Four Tlmsi a Yeir. SICKEL SATIXU BriJll'S MB 8JLI.B r ium bjx on AWT Of ITS AOtNTM. Dtzinovonci, Tunas AueiTioso, r. w. luais, cs Jn, a. nionuDi, I. w. iluisisci. Iioutui uossari, Taoi. w. Js acs, Osous U. lUaor, tikcal. alciarima. u. K. CrMHiso statT'bam OF UTAH, Ctfrnifcf Vilfi nnl illk Trmtlt blrtrtt S-M LL4 iVy OrlIUl, 1)009,000 n.v!iu, - r ,000 ItFnra 3 o iitt, rr-ndiat. J li Uf 'im !Mi4nt lUuanM WttLi,Lab tr, DtnccToni: Joirrn r uint AnruHAN II t lKOM, Ntl - MTHTIIN. TMkHK 1 At tl)a Hn M KftHf ?M-.crntiiv,iop Hrrni W C l.A.Tn 1 ltOT rAHMlvTUBTn. iiaanr A Woollit, y Cmnmrtial eV4.7t-.10 tnalttfi I tc'i- Mctounu $iAtcittit, iargt an I i-iejJL ELLS FARGO &CO.'S SALT LAKE CITY, - UTAH. L,tMM,J, If 13 not! led l!i Lirhinio, mikes Tilenipbh lri.f,i.u int principal clues ef Ihe I ned autn snd Kuroi , and ill puioli en tha I'.ciOa toi,u 1 11, Itttrri or rrrdll nvillible In Uo irmelpsl, l rt or Iho orld. Bcll Hue. VJ" ? 1 ll s I n or (Jrt. .11 J llu i0a, Aarineci mado on coasljenmeou at It wosl I sntralsr slteslien elesn In eollirllrtri ibroeatiiMllili Sitiils and Idjelmcjt tirrl. lorlw. Aeconnls solicileit , J. U. toor.r. Cutler. Deserot National Bank HALT LAKE CITY, UTAII. rata as Captlnl, - 030O,CSO 00 Oorctas, ... C900,oeCf DIRKOTOBBl I. s. uaui, nuiiM. Won, Tiutcaaa, m Pnctttf' M. W. Illlkk, t. 1L iuhsbi, '.7. LiTir-e, 1 0. Uoills. run suiir, tusar luawooosf XV U. laaur, V w, Jsssisas. us iBoa UoMsnr, J. ILWisusa, EL U. XLoasooa. If. ft. Tooao, cwusa. Qcetlies Deposits FiyiblJ on Demul, Mtfn4 full Kxthingt n Xem T9 Ba Fhuutoto, Olilcsffo, tu Loutl OisVs, LuUm Ktfui turnout i,t,n,-jti cum, 17T osii Dspssii Vsaiti, absolslftr bo C ut CxtstMt. BsaUM tofueirjlu. (OulUflill I.ATIOXAL m -; )Of Salt Lnko City ( 'L ' - JrW?&?t "5 IstiaciT Piin ovinia Dr.roms DlliL nm .1- a Anftl.ich.Jubu J, I11I7. O J P"l -Ijurr, UoiUnll. Vcn,TI" Mntshill, w I. N iila,un,Ko M liowne JebnLon nellin, Lilwin 1 imu I Joua w, uonmUis, Cutler. Japoleoi7- . ., . . Unci llfo lone rcgrotis for lila runh oncuRomont ot i Dut those who have cngsgei and arc stdl cnging building lots In : I ( 1 I J t T coniratuUte them East UatprIoofeS' purchases. Tills SubdMsIon Ins FINE DWELLINGS, cement walks, Kood water, good or service, lovely surroundings Within THREE YEARS these lots should bring 1,000 each The shrewdest business men are bu)ing them, and lots of them, l'rlcc now $325 andopdi Easy Payments. 1X1. E, HBBHt), 41 WEST SECOND SOUTH STREET. u.scimiEi, WHO POII A OENERALVDANKINO VBnSINBSa AT aO,,00 UAIU BTUKICT, tCfpnU4tU Ct tr ). PAYS INTEREST ON DEPOOiTds Miiaai noa oeocna rPNi;v to Xjf2A rOI.LATl.KAL HI CUIIITY, At lles.onstils J Ics. 1 srlles deslnnr to lior rowinootjr can 10 10 wltboul puulicll llusl. brssuictlf 1 IITIlo. II. W. 1 UI.I.1 II, 0.7 K,becond South St nTlJlLlfll k W 04 S. Main Stroot, lluja ami Hollo, limits- lis I'oullrr rtillls mill Vegrlnlite. Illchnt I rlrii, elil for I onllrr ami !. alnre. tlrlle lor I'rlrr Mnurjr re turned ens Itecelnl aireiueilo. maiirfornia"TOm jr. J. WOOLLACOTT. isi . no x m iiiAa sTitnrr, X.OU ArtfOPirjSlH, Onl. I MAKE A SPFCIALTYot lur. Cillfor. iilstvlKfH pul uii io rises 01 oneiloitD 1 isrls, a id w II dellTrr to anr 1 in of Utsb oiiinolina ollbo rs Iros 1 t cssei (11) lIU) lor ttl eobtllalOiCO botl el I nrt, 0 botiles Ansellca n botUr Sherrr. 1 1 wt lie Murcilfl, t bottles uld Crspe lino ). OEST OAK TAHNED Leather Belting. a. o. cook .c soy, 41BMrictfit., Hl( J'IUCl5CU,CaL ut m a. u. z. OOBURN'S PURE OLIVE OIL. ririt prosing guarantied rrrtctly IMrc COIJUIIX, TEVI8 & CO., Aflinti, Sin Franoltoo. 'tV BO TO Hackmeier's Hotel, 123 to 129 CODY STREET, SAN PKANOISOO, Cal. RATES: $1, $1.25 & $1.50 PER DAY. reina-fti la ItSt. iMnyntii JfrU, 713$ TUBUS CORDAGE COMPAI.Y, uuecrioToaaas or m siiss ov MANILA AND SISAL ROPE. tttscia Twnea 1 an A eis ont ae., feii5i"LrS."u,, SAN mNCICO. , Gioaktaan, Huidmt AttnL m it is so. lleraQiesatu-enraio Nnturo ntTcr Una. Poo nyt 1 irupf itii t orror of (loruauiptl. n tbt(t,otyi Hrfaoiil 1 aire jou l&rj euro' IbacaranatUaaaia DR. SCHENCK'S , . . . . . PULMONIC SYRUP, Tli ft ono comanlof mturtt ijent wblea u n will, iwiftcsi anl ttroojce. loneoo ibo luoi aud Utjir appruachs PIfly-eIgM Years of Success bua g ten It tti repuUllon of a pocifli la lanjr lUclion (roratL.ocomuiot.col4 W tot Utrc.i CdDAUBlptlQQ The Marvelous Discovery fist becsree a reeornleeil stinilird reraeijr sna ' today 'I s boil 1 ior4 i(in lor Oolils, eonstis Oorgi.tlOQs, Infliuiilloni. sod Uon laaotl ns loll,orlJ, Ur eibin fc, Irsetieil Trellis, on Cnn ninntlon, Ueor tomul.lnt sod lirsi ersls, mu. llrr. ,on npiic.iion, Ur J U bebenca t u, ILlJsaoltila, H, I rr, icA r. . it imuMitr.n t Tint w. mil eirry a Conii let! Una ot cosiiiriaa is rsnr or Cross ral, lr. One lines Dprllhl, Hill, flatsd, 111 p. I'Niirl, Tenon, t'ritnlec. rMmpais. Ileilehrr, CoW, Ilrjholf, .lcH alio CIrtalar,t)Dt!i Solid fiCMstl Point Tooth And TRIUMPH, for rill nr Tree! wltb, and srs Silltnvst loirrs rnicxa thaxxixh Also a 11111 Stoek or ihetr tnot RASPS and FILES hreie 10. O. -M, 2. Plllil'S $CtKRntTra1-MarVobUlntJ,RndillIiuS Scot b Itiacil conduct-M for moocratc Put jOuft Ornee it Otronc U. 8 patknt orne tttt iwarantertiiop-iifntlaUMUaif ItstnthOMS ieraot8(fODi WathlnBton ... t bcnlmoiltl dnwi norrhottx.wlihdevilp. Jllon. m tdriic, II i4lenttiM or not. (ten o(; Scbire Otr ! not -uu till fiiteni li -mireJ APivuMttT.UowtftObUlnlalemi.'-wlttiJ 5 cou o( ruoio In Ut U. 3, aod foi tig Q counuka J ! nt tjee AtWrcss, I IC.A.SKIOW&CO. toes pstewTO n e wishinoton DC f tSportsmen's JSeadqraartei'S 1 BB0WNING7.BR0S., 165 S. Ualn St-, Salt Lake City, Uiah. 2161 Washington Ave .Oftko, Utah. SdotOuni.Rltles. JTteStSpacaT'f'"lrr"r' alllnoolflshlno. Plitoli.Amrnunl-vrTr??E!Sr Sporting and tlon and a osner-V- Athlsllo Ooodl, f?r THOMSON WATERPHOOF DOOTS AND SlfOES. Tr AKenUforMtrorowder, Cars and Insr, "On Vonl Sporllne and Illaitloir ror. der an 1 National Typswrllcrs. GT Tnann Wei rtircu. tltlD rOtt OVJt lllVSTIUTID CilJLOOUZ. TO All. 1 ! imwM, Will Sell You a riANO. ORQAN, VIOLIN, GUITAR, MANDOLIN, HANJO CLARIONET; In (id anything In tho Musical Line! at Lower Prlocs and on Belter Tormi than any other firm In Iho Weilsrn Stiles. COALTER & SHELGROVE, the Silt Lake HDSIC DEAIERS PRACTICAL GUNSMITHS. Ko-Stocltliiy;, JJurliii iiuel Gonornl Kopnlrliiir. Modols nnd Koya of nil Kinds Mndo. Safos nopalrod. Cfl tOMlIUUCIAIj STIIUKT, SALT LAK1C 011"V. oion oar uzo Jtin'jrJ- JAHES-SPEHCER-BATEMH CO.' (Saocenori to Varld Jainos A Co. and Mponcer-Iljirator Co ,) PLUMBEKS, TINNERS, Sloam and Gas Twitters. i i Wa carry Cornploto Lin or GBII AND PENINSULAR STOYES AND RANGES, Qaiollno and Ollstovas, Tlnwaro, Oranlta Ironware and Housa Purnllhlnz Ooodl. Wo, Gr MjXI tSTJaiJJEI'.'jri-' fm RUPTURE PERMANENTLY CURED OR NO PAY. ,V7 . " d.leollon rrom linslnrss, Wa r.frr you lo Tl ,,,0,"",'nU,n,,''lrt.lornd., anlsli Ka, liv AJ tlonsl Ilinks lu, also Jlttoml.k A Co. IfV T lbenken, Bill Ij,,, Wii fjl i,,!u!,',!S.iM"il'."!"lll'!'l.wfl,t""'ntMtoali. WIS IS.V.fIS2"'.li,J!,."i'.!!Pw",'l elbolhssses wllh. SibtB Tuc.V.unJIKNU L " """-aU no miltir ol bow "I1!!! EXAMINATION TREE. Jk THE O.E. MILLER COMPANY, it-ei-i.r-ffl!;feftl!,l LlS"'!??!"""!?! Oowt'tntlem lllock, Bait Lik. !SKSS&HWJSi2Kr2iaa I'kaUsealor, btMb iUU ClULULAU