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r- TRUTH AND LIBERTY. " f " $ III vn ,,,K "' t 3tOyi)AY. at AT a, TsoaTS-ALT LAKE CITY, UTAH.' VO.XXVli ' 'fl DEATH BY A FLASH, Ca.ljl. Harris Electrocuted at Sing Slag Today. KILLKH INSTANTANEOUSLY. ' lit Prolfilt Hl Innocence llcfore Tak j log lilt Seat l '" VtM' I Doling Chair. Bimi Rim, N. Y., May S;-1" hmik ii "" nicdlc1 ,,u I whoso trial and conviction In New York city for tho poltonlugef Helen Potts, to whom lio had ton secretly marrlod, attracted so much Interest, wos electrocuted In tho prison hf to today. Not slnco tho first execu. lion by this method, when 'our mm, Blocum, Bmller, Juglvo and Wood lasicd beneath tho deadly ulectrodee, ii n. io much Interest been displayed hire Throngs of 1 c uplo gstherod ion tho hlllitwn overlooking tho stay prison walls, though tho only thing wb ch tiny could hopoto sco lu connerllon witn tho execution wat thn display of Iho Mack llegnbuvo tho tower after ho had been cfHclelly pronounced dead. Tula morbid ourloilly Is partly ac counted for hy tho fact that hn la tun first man of Intelligence to die In Iho electric chair, and tartly to tho wide puLlhlty Riven to IIiocmo In tho uowa erf, nnel partly to tho question of the roan's guilt, though m to tho lail, tho chief element of doult lay lu Harm' steady assertion of hla Inno cence. Eve ry t oalblo ellort wai rnado to secure a rovtrsil of tho aeutence, and, that falling, to Induco Governor 1 lower to mlllgatu thu puulibment, tui without avail. Contrary to tho uiual cuitom, the warden did not rend Tim 10KATII WAlll-ANT to the rondemued at midnight, Lut Harris had been told when Iho execu tlou wtulJ tako rlace. II" rttlred early lait night, showing moru evi dences of excitement than usual, hit heretofore Irou nerves giving evldencu I of itraln In tho unusual quantity of clgareltcahu smoked. Ho slept little during tho night, roto early Hilt morn lug and lookui over the monu'crlpt ho had prepared to bu given to tho proas alter hit death, He teemed cooler thlt mtrntug, and ato n light breakfast at 8 o'clock. At 0 o'clock tho medical witnesses began to arrive, and halt uu hcur later the fires wero started under the bollera which operate tho engluo which runa the dynamo furnishing the deally ogeut of ixecullon. Ilia mother and brother had already taken tlllK UNAL I-BAVj: of him, hut occii led a room lu a neighboring hotel from tho window of l (ho black Hag could bo seen when holatcd aa thrnal that hit spirit had taken Might. Tno vigil wat it sor rowful onu u, with strained eyes, thoy looked away toward Ihettall on which thu somber emblem would lloatuhen tho condemned mau bad passed from tart). Thu death warrant waa read at 8:30. Tho reading had no visible edict un tho condemned man llnlf au hour later the prlton chalalu epent an hour with him, and then one of Iho medical examloort visited hlni and fouud him (Mowing tome tlgtit of norvouaiitM,but nothing more, llarrla did not auk lor mor hluo or aoy allmuluut, but wanted a couple of orangce, which wero given him. lie waa elmvcd nud had hla hair cut at 10.80 a.m. and put ou a uuw mil of clothoi. At a quarter put twelve the wll. nettea wero couducted to thu execu tion chamber aud Ihu death llaa; wa. placed lu position to hoist. 'Ihu witucseos numbered twenty, eeveu, coualttlng if seven physicians, ten newrj aper men, ten itatu oUiolalv, aud frleuda of thu warden. Arrived In thu execution chamber, tbu wit nesses look their teats lu a semi-circle around HIE DEATH CIIAMI1EII, aud, everything being In readlnear, two ktcptra brought Harris Into Iho chamber, accompanied by the chop, lain. Jlu lookid palo aa he en. toted tho room, and pautod au luitant un thu thrubold, calmly tuneylug Ihu aaaemblod wltuttner. Uuu uf tho kit pert Indicated thu chair to him and without oven a glauoa ol curlotlly at thodoath-dtalltig machine, ho ate ped forward uud took hla teat, Aa he uid to ho requested permlaaluu toteuk. 'Jills won acicordod him. lie tald, freaking aa 1( every word coat htm great tllort: "I havu no further riaervatlou to mnke. I detlru Io eay I em abaoluttly Inuoceul-" Then hotcttled back In tho chair and tho electrodes wero quickly attached. Tho alguul was glen, the lover clicked elmrply uud Ihu iorm of tho con. demued man stlllenud till Iho etrapa creaked, whllu 1700 voile pasted through Ihu frame. At thu end uf two tcnunde thu current waa reduced to ISO V'lltt which were(ontlnuiil6latcoiida louior, when llarrla waa prunounctd dead. At thu luircnl wua fully abut oil. tho body dropped back limb. An examination thuwed no slgna of lire, and It waa evldeut Unit death waa j Inttantaneout. Tho execution wat mouUucciMful. Thu relatives will laku tho bojy away Una alteruoou. rirnlUor iu Allornar. Ban Fiiamoisco, May 8. Joseph Douonue, aiiutnoy lor tho holra In tuo celebrated Illylhu case, died tuddeuly at night oi nppoplixy. Jlo camo IromLugland aaveralyeara ago ex. prcssly to appear In this ce. '"''o.I.ii,,. nI''Ni11'' ,M,y ?:- Ollaton liu Oflerod tho place ol I'cet Iiaureale li i the dl.tlngul.ucd art uffi, i'm'wrUe'," j John ltu.klii, ' New York Mack IMrkel. i..ff?.v V,)1."r' .J11y 8-Tir wa. a little Hurry lu ttocke at thu opening, eluo to the sudden break lu (Jeueral Lliotilo from 80 to 77, which unsettled the market and caused liquidations throughout tho list, lu which the Kleo trio full to 74, a decline of 71 point since Halurda'a dote. Theralu on thlt slock waa duu to dcvelj mmta conoeri.. lug Its light with Iho Wettlughouso people. Olherdccllnn rangeJ up to It. but recoveries of from 1 to J fol. iJied. At U tho market was tlevly. The atorka wero comparatively quiet nfltr II with narrow fluctuation ns a rule. Arutrlcan lobaoo rw from 71 to 761. Uordao dropped lu 17J, At noon the market waa steady. Tho manager of thu etcca. exchange clearing hoiinu , announccel that tho brokers' abeeta had panoJ nil right. Thlt meant that tho drraded Manday acttlf inenta had been elTVcled without dellruuency and a great feeling of re lief went through tho exchange. Fears that r-otuu woull bo tinablo to tetllo wot what cauted tho eaily weak. nca, and for n llmo It ni reared aa If there would bo eomu morn tnaiiacm, ta on 1'rldoy. Thcro waa uudltgul ed I leMure that the crisis was success Hilly I rttcd. Tnrnril Ortr Io Hie Nlnle. I.ITTLK ltoac, Ark,, May 8.-TI10 act obollthlng Ihu eonylct leato tys tern In thlsatato wont Into ctlcct )es terday and 7UO Icated convlcle were turned over to Iho caru of the stale. nr.tiir.Tiuv roil lir.tii. Charlra C. Illrllnrila AMolnld tiy He ITnlilfiil. WASlil.saTtiS, Moy 0. Tho Prul dent tonight made thu following tip polulmonhl William O. Henfrcw of Oklahoma, governor of UkUhoiua. Charlea C. ltlchardt, Ulah, secretary of Utah. Otiotlra M. llrltoo, Aritona, tccre tarr of Arliona.- , , John(JcodoolVlrclnlo,commlloner on tho part of tho United Htntea undi r I ho truly lor clnlma I'ommlMlori be tween tho United ritatet aud (Julie. ltobert II. Howler, Ohio, first comp (roller ef Ihelnaiury. JJavId JI. Hall or .S'ovaJa, register of the land ofllce, Kureka, Nevada. 11 0111; UTAH AI,l'OIM'l.:".ri. 11. '. M11III1 ur lleilrn Aaaoelnln Jnallro.,1 llieHiineriiiefiiiirl. WAmtinuTo.v, May 8. Tho Presi dent has nnnounced the following nppolntmenli: II. W.Bmlth, Utati,aatocUteJuit!re of thn Hupre mo court, Utah, Kverett K. Klllnwood, Aritona, U. 8. attorney for Arizona. Marthala of tho United Klatci: Nat M. Ilrlghai, Utah, for Utah. William 1C. Mead, Arizona, for Arizona. RAYS OF MILLENNIAL DAWH. The European Powers Talking of an Agreement to Disarm. A rnpnl Cneyellrnl rxeelcil on Hie Mil,Jtel llefure Niw Yonic, Moy 8. According to Jhraltt Paris cablo from authentlo Information, II appears that tho pope It preparingnu encyclical to the Kurop can governments, telling forth tbu Inevitable crisis to which tho crushing military charges condemn them. Ho will call tho attention of tho govern ments to iu necessity of Introducing the Idea of paclflaitloc Into tho general iwllcy, as well aa tho appeasement of the nuge r of Iho working cloaica conse quent upou their mliery. Ills holl uesa will aik for a xetolutlou on tho quettlourfdlsiirmaraent, probably by au enoycllcal,whlch may be thu result ofanagreemunt como to In hit Inter view with tho emperor or Germany. Thu governmenla of Amtrla, Italy, rjpaln, llelglum and Ilu&ela, ere eald to bu already Informed of thu agreement referred to, and willing to accept It. llutsla has mado certain resotvte, lut ItlutLnUt, It la believed, to adhere to the general decision, In which casu she would be charged with tho million of bringing her pressuro upon Franco to Induce her to Join tho other nations. Ilia taiilaillla loiivriillou. I-ouisviLLK, Ky., Moy 8. Tho itolinuUu to tho convention of thu National Asioclallon ol ltupulllcan clubs, tho conveutlon of Amerloin ltoiubllcun college association, Iho National TarllT league und rnenilwa of tho Ilepublleau National committee are coming In rapidly. Among the arrivals Ihla morning weru JI. II. Clawsou ol I Hilt Liku Clly and FrouU Mctjuald, Ban Francisco. t'olonal Lnuioit Ilail. WASiiiMiiroN, May 8Nowa comes froin Mattlnaburg. W.Va., of thu death f C'oIoiimI Ward J I. I.aiuou, Presldunt Llncoli 'a private secretary, and author uf the Lltuof thu Martyred President. On Artiliml of inn e'ur.lan, foiuaiiT. Nmv Yonre, May S.-IIenry Allon li Co., who euapuudod last TliurJny ay their ilabllillot nro $070,UOO, nil of wnlcUlsdue tliem from the rordaso pool. Until that pool's allalra nro set tied thu firm can do nothing. If u had this money It could resume ut nnce. Thu receivers of) thu Cordage company II nil lu allalra so taugled till that they uru not yet able to mulo nuy statement. ' neMiillln'atauilllloii. Ni.w Yomc, May S.-Thu condlllon of Vice-President MoMullln.of IlieC'hl- eago und Alton road, was unchanged this morning. Tin: r.iiu. rrnanect ul Mireie Allendnuee Tlila Week, (,'iiioaud, May 8, Tho day dawned bright on the "While Clly" ami Iho pro.eote have decidedly Increas -d aa to attendance during thu current week, compared with that of last. People began to como on thu grounds oarly, aud before noon, It was uvldent that tho day's utlundancu would bo qulto large. President Illgglubothain entertained tho visiting nnvnl officers In an elaborate lunch at 11 o'clock. Arnngeuients have beuu uotupleted for tho openlug of the grounds tonight. They will bo lighted by electricity, together with Iho gicat buildings, and promleo to mako a marvellous p!o tuio. Owing to an Inability to git them roady, however, tho eloctrlo fountains will not he exhibited, but tho oiherfouiilalns will he lu m tlon nud numerous icarrb lights will throw brilliant rays through tho sparkling fpray, 10 thattho illect will to mag. nlllosnt. To rxtrnil Hie Credit. Nr.w YuHif, May 8. The bankers who nlvaiicod money Io thu cordagu pioplo have decided to extend tho company's Una of credit. Oilman I'merrillnsa 1'llnl. WAtliiNUTux, May 8, The roports In the proreicinnrs ol thu federal couiti In New Vork last Haturdny In the Chlrieso exclusion cases, weru filed to My lu the Hupremo Court by T. D. Ulonlau, Bin Fracolsco, counsel for Iho Blx companies. HrUr lllerrle nlde. Bam FiiAM'ltco, May 8. Onohup dred mllii relay blcyclo road raco bu Iweeu plckul rlJers of tho Jlay City club, (nl city, nud thu Acruu illcjclu I'luh of Oakland, occurred yeslurday. TloAcmu club won In Iho exceeding 1) fist tlmo of live hours uud forty cUi.t minutes, llfly.nno and thrcu qu-nersof aeecond. Tho course was ftom Ihla clly and Oakland via Han Jus around the shores of Iho bay. An Iiijiiiirllu'i Neurit. Nr.w Yomc,May 8. Injunction was served lodny against Ihu ofllceraaud receivers uf thu National Cordagu company, forbidding them to transfer aoy etoclc frum onu to another. Tho gjveruors ot Ihu stock exchange nro in session to take action on the nutter, as the Injunction lire up all slock now held lu Irsus fgr by thu trust. Itecclv crs have taken kgal steps to have tho lnjnctlon vacated. tut ui... Dr.svnt, May 8. The HanU Fo thlt morning announced n cut In strictly Celoraoo rates without equal, from auy point on Its Midland luancb, which can Lo reached by thu ItljUrande. The I rice for tho ticket Is only a eiuailor ol a dollar, except ul Urand Junction, where It wculu conlllct with tho Union Pacific. Tho ltlu Uraudu still malu talus the rato of onu dollar to thu lulnta mentioned. Ills generally be lieved that a round trip to Chicago from here will bo $20 beloro the closo of thu week. LATEST COUUT NEWS. A Dlrorcr (.rsnlcd uu Ilia (Iround of -Vrglcct to l'rotlde. The dlvorco suit of Amauda A. Phelps vs Clut. 1). Phelps was heard by Judge Zenu this allernoou. Tho parties were married lu lbOi) and thero Is ono child. Tho defendant, It np lears, had nearly always been In dlfJerenttohls wtfoand lu Bepteinbor ot last year left beru and went to Ne braska. The court granted the decree on tho ground ot failure to aupport. EXTRA TIMi: (1IVK.N. In the case of Itoblnson vs. Iho O.B. I), and Utah nud Northern Hallway comp my, twenty days' additional tlmo was allowed In which to file statemout for a new trial. A Unlet Morning'. Tho county court held a session this morning, but it was eleven o'clock bo fore anything at all was dono, mid up to thu hour ot adjournment at noon very llttlo bad been accomplished. Attorney Dan. Harrington attended before the bourd and niked that the ditch on Twelfth Bouth, ucsr the slaughter bouse, be fixed up. Bclcct man Cahoon waa deputol to look Into the matter and given power to act. Tho selectmen wero again In teuton this afternoon. Extending J. Hon. Oeorgo Osmond, President of the Btar Valley Btake, was lu Mont peller this week, says the J'oit of that place, on buslnesa connected with the volunteer company of pioneers, who leave some time during this month, or early In June, for thu Jllg Horn coun try, with u view lo Its seltlomun tby people from Bttr Valley, Hear Ijtiko valley, and people from Utah. Mr. Oimoud stated that while bo had never Loen Into tho lllg Horn, yet ho bad been Informed It waa a beautiful farm lug couutry, plenty of water, forealaof timber and nny amount of game. The climate la said lo bo much milder than that of this valley. UNION' SUNDAY .SCHOOL l.KV.EW An Interesting Tlmr. Tlio Young Situ aud Aoung I.aJIrs hlionlog Marked l'rogresi. For week or two past the Hunday School of Union ward baa been mak ing preparations to review Ihelrstudlcs beforu the members of the ward and through tho courtesy of the presiding authorities thero tbu time of tbu regu lar Bunduy alternoon ward meeting was glvoa to thu school. Tho ball waa tilled with an Intomatod congre gation. Tho scholars prssent num bered ubout I'D. After the adminis tering of thu Bacrament tho chart class led Ibu exerclsea with question! and nnswtra on the nanus, blntm nud deaths aud ages of thu tueceulvo Pre. Identtof tho Church. This olasa waa followed hy the second and first Inter mcdlategradesoiitholtro ot Bt. Paul and tho history of Queen Esther, with a recitation, l'hu ehlpwreok,"oy Miss Minute H.Donnoy, Thothoolog loal clasa occupied three quarters uf au hour with extempore speeches by eight young ledtea nud 11 vo young men, ruottof whom bad never spoken lu publlo before. Thuy showed much aitnews uud familiarity with their various subjects and elicited many favorablo comments. Tho singing was alio very nicely rendered. Elders OiIck'i Horn, Jlurtou, Morgan nud JllsiiopPhllllpa made complimentary remarka nud gave some good counsel audlusliuctlon. RAMS RESIGNS. Lis Petulantly Throws OU tbe Mantle of the Utah Dele0ateshlp. HIS ACTION IMJOMI'JirilEX.SlW.r. lilt Urrn Parly Conccdct that Ho list Mado tho Moil Serious MlitaLo of Ills Life. Tho one tUcmeof absorbing Interest and which wot dlscuswl to Iho ex. cluilonof nearly all other questions In political, butlneu and social circles to day as Ibe resignation of Joseph J, llawllnsas Utah's Dolcgalo to Con grots. Thlt Important and unexpected step was tiltcn hy Mr. ltiwllus III Washington on Biturday night by bis tiling n papor with the cleric (f Iho Homo of Iteprescntatlvof, In which ho tendered lilt re.lgnatlon, to tako effect Immediately, A copy of the resignation wat also mailed to Governor West nud it IsoxpocloJ. to arrive hero In tho first mall from Washington. In the mean time thu local Democracy bavo been apprised of tho event by lelegraf b. The newt was recslvoj In this clly yctterdry morning and si read llku wild lire. The Deniocratlo leaden) on J politicians generally wltboiit reference to party wero loth to accept the state ment na coirect nnd many if them did not hesitate to prououueo the whole thlug as n buga Joke. Time toon (loved their conoluilont to be Incor rect and tho rumor a glowing reality. Wbllo thero are very many eoph who deplore tbe conduct of Mr. Jliw Una none nro so teere lu their denunciation of It at mem ters of bit own parly. Men who fought nt lilt tldo and spent their tlmo and mcuoy for bis election being the most bitter. Buch explosions as thoe wero beard 011 all sides: "llawlins baa played tbu baby act to perfection." "Ho bus deserted Ills party when they needed bis set vlcos most," Uu hat dug his political grave." "It It hit pulltloil death knell." "Ho bos made thu mloUku ur bis life and bo will live to regret it." It Istaid that Mr. IUwIlns wat tele graphed to by n largo number of Ogdeu Democrats last week de mandlng that he glvo hla tut port lo C. C. lllchards for Tcrrltorlsl Becrctary. This waa hit reply 1 1 havo recolred your telegram nnd hundreds of other. 1 am tired and dh gueiedt my patience aud jtatrlotlsm aro oxhaustod. Tho oillco can go to h I. lUwl IMS, ltawllns left Washington lait night and will bu met at Chicago by hla family with whom he will tako In the elgbta of tho World's Fair. Hla resignation of course means that the Territory will le put to the expense of a special election. Under tho law tho election will havu to be called by the Uovernor within twenty days after Its acceptance. It was stated this alternoon that thu resignation 810111 ed Certain conditions which If conceded to would cause Mr. llowlle a to reconsider hla actlou. To a News reporter, Mr. Critchlow, Mr. ltawllns 'a law partner, said when spoken to regarding tho rumor! "I don't tellevo It. Mr. ltawllns never attaches a tiring to anything. His action Is bonn fide aud final." Prominent Democrats when asked for their opinion on thu subject said they believed that Mr. ltawllns really meant to resign and even It be didn't, they would sow demand that bo step down aud out. There It much speculation nov ns to who his successor will be and political leaders havu been doing a good deal of quiet and confidential talking during thu day. Additional developments will bo looked for with interest. Salt Lnl.o Woman Divorced. On Saturday a decree of divorce was granted In n Denver oourt to F. Wlldt from May Wll Jt. The grounds weru descrtlou and also the discovery cf the existence of a living husband pre ceding ktho plaintiff. This Individual was Oliver lie Lisle, who, despite bis ornamental name, cannot spell. Ho uppeared In outt through a letter ad droiaed to ".'"red Wild," In which be stated that hla wife bad lived In Bait Lake City five yeara without having heard from hlni or received auy sup port, and 1 robably did believe ho wua deod. Thero weru three children born of tbe first marriage. CAME 1I03IE ILL, Lldcr II. II. l'ufllu and Ml To llelurii from ttiB bandnlch Islands. Yesterday morning's train from the Paclflocoast brought In as passenger! It. II. and Mary E. Duflln, of Toquer vllle, Utah, and they aro now stopping at tho rctideuco of Edmund llutter wortb, lu this rlty. In November, 1801, Elder Dullln uud his wife left this city with n number of other mis sionaries for tho Baudwlcn Islands, and havo bta3 engage 1 In mission ary labors there. Tbe climate was not favorable to Bister Dullln nt nuy time, though until eight weeks ago she got along fairly except for a severe lllueis 111 March, 183i About thu beginning of thu samu month this year she waa attacked with Intense pains In tbe head aud back, nnd some fever. Bh" received every attention, but gradually grew wor.u. About four weeks ago her eyesight began to fall, aud In a few days bum became blind. The president of thu Hawaiian mission, Elder Matthew Noal,declded that It would bu unwlso for her to remain longer 011 the Islands, to Elder Dullln was released and In , V MHHMiiiMi atructed lo prcceed homo with lit) wlfn ot once. They left Honolulu on April 20, on tho stenmir Australia, and arrived In Ban Francisco after a tevon days' trip. Tho voyagu was tleaaant, so far as Iho weather was concerned, thotcabclogalmost a per fect cilni.- At Ban Francisco, Elder Duflln storied three days, to allow his wlfj to rest and gain strength for Ihu Journey by rail, and then proceeded to thlt city. Medical mil, lance wat called In, I lit up to today the exact nature of the nil ment from which Hitter Duflln Is suflerlnghad not been determined. A consultation nl physicians Is to bo held this alternoon, at which a conclusion on this rutjett Is likely In be reached. Tho patient It In an exceedlugly woak elite, but tlnco bar arrival In Ihla city hat teemed to rally n llllle. I.aat night tho ob tained rett and good sleep, which the has not bad for some time. It Ii hoped that a chaugo toward recovery basset lu. nnd that alio will t uo Illy regain her health, aud with It obtain n restor ation of hcrcycslght. Hbuls0 years ofngo. lltr p J roots havo lev.11 In formed of her arrival here. Elder DufTlu reports the Hawaiian mlsrlon ns being lu a more proerous condition at present than for soino yesrspast. All the mhslonailci now there ato enjoying good health. He feutid pleasure In mo work of spread ing a knowledge of thu Uotpel, aud bad It not been for tho serious nature of Bister Dufllu' llluets both would have proferred iiarlng the mutt lime that missionaries from Utah remain on the Islauds. Captured at Ken on. Blierlll Mathla arrested u man at Perron, snys the Price Telegraph, by tho namo Itoblnson. Tbu aneat waa lundn upon advices from Bhrrlfl Ulrardet, Delta county, Colorado, and thu ehatjo wat grand larceny. It a iwars that tho man had been working un a farm belonging to a widow. The lady had occasion to visit Denver and left hlni In chargo of tbu farm, but prior to her departure for the city fbo alaoiuadu arrangement with a loci! merchant to supply tbe man with what bo wanted from the store. A short tlmo nfter the lady hid gone, Itublnsou went to the merchant re ferrod to and got about $ Id worth of supplies, bitched up a good tctni cf bones, lied another good ono behind tho wagon uud stattej for Arizona, but for some reason he stoppt-J st Ferroit, with tho result stated, Blierlll Matuli reached Prlco with thu rrleoner en Baturday night nnd Bbcrlll Ulrardet lclt for Colorado with hlni on Bunday. it is a iioirroity wak. Tho Territorial Hoard of Medical l!x nmlners Takei tho Hull bj the llornt. At tho Instance of Dr. Charles C. Bhlnnlck, secretary of tho Territorial Hoard of Medical Examiners, l)r. Richard A. Hasbroucl: and Charlis W. Uuger were arrested on Baturday afternoon under theto circumstances: Tho complainant alleges that the dc fendantshavu been practicing medicine In Bait Dsko without previously re. celvlng allccnso or certificate from the extmlucrs, at provided for In au act of the governor and legislative assem bly of the Territory of Utah, entitled "An Actio Jlegulatu the Practice of Medlolne," approved March 10, 1802. The warrants weru Issued by Com missioner Pratt who admitted the de fendants to ball In their own recog nizance until the 10th Inst., which Is the data set for the preliminary bear-lug. FOOLISH AND ALMOST FATAL. Hamuli Melton Ties a llsller Kopo Around lilt llodr With tho Usual Scrlout lteiultt. Itasmus Nlelson, a young borteman cfBpanlsh Fork, commute 1 tbu uid and almost criminal blunder yester day ofternoon at tho racu track In this clly of allpplug n baiter roto around bis body and fastening II, when thero was n fractious colt at tbe other end ot It. Thu usual result fol lowed. Tlio horse look fright, ran nway aud dragged Nlelson over tbu raco track at a 1:10 gait. For 11 time be t'.rugglud to release blmsolf but failed signally and was soon after wards rendered uncoujclout. Finally thu animal was caught and Nlelson retcued from bit pt'illoui condition apparently mora dead than alive. His bauds, ficu aud body were covered with blood and terribly lacerated. His huad was cut lu n dangerous munuer. He was takun to Bt, Mark's hospital lu a coiuatoso condition aud remalnoj so throughout tho night. This morning ho recovered conecloui uesa and the hosplUI phyalclaut aro of Iho opinion that hu will recover. JOHNSON'S II1NIN0 SYSTEM. X Useful and Timely Invention hy a Salt l.olio Mau. A New 8 reporter was called In tho other day to wltuest a novel system of dining, tuuluentlon of Mr. Alexan der Johuton, of this city, which en tirely does away with waiters, and the working model has tbe nppejrauco of practicability. Without going Into details the Invention Is ilmoly Ibis: By means of wires rods and cables, a per( tndlcular attachment Is ,un Into any 1 art of the dining room, which attaohmont carries thu order of the gut-it or guests upon tho top of thu table-, nnd Is quickly placed lu nny desired portion uf the room. Thu table thus whisked from tho kitchen It sup posed to contain tlio full order, hut should anything bu omitted It Is only necessary to touch an Indicator when thu ileilred article or nrllcltt heave In t'ght within Iho grnsp ol tho guests, without Ihoaldotuslnglo waller lu thu MMtftf. 1 ' " "" room. Tbe apparatus can l.u workid either by steam or etectrlolty, nnd n sovcnleun-yoar-uld boy con hold II In perfect control. When tbe giietls havo finished, tho lop of the table Is In like manner whisked Into tho washing di partincr.r,whered!ahct,elc.uru cleansed In n vi ry Ingenious manner, ready for use again In on exceedingly short tpaceof time. Theru It also an nl tachmout behind thaiceuesfor moving largo Joints of meat Into tho "uttlng up room." This same contrivance can alto be used for other purposes, arid Ii designed to Lu a great !tbor-aver. Tho wbolo Intention, the Invontor niaerta, can bo fitted lu n hotel such ns the ICnutilordfor about tlSOU. It Is the Intention to havu a lull sized working exhibition, 11 "d latonls bavo been applied for. Alto gether Ihu Johnson dining sslem Is something very novel, and, na already stuted. It has every nppearanco of practicability. Tho urawlngsnnd model have been prepared by Mr. HSnry W. Ilooton, machinist, of tills city, nnd can bo viewed at bit work shop, the corner of Fifth South and East Temple streets. Juit uuw thu waiter quratlou in tho larger cities Is something of problem, and wu doubt not the Johnson Inven tion has como in tbu nick of time. TWO COMPANIES IN IT. A Suit I lied tliN Arieruoon by IlAilJ V. Nailer. This afternoon in Ibo Third district court David F. Walker (through his Attorneys Butherland fe Howat) lllcd a suit against J. Elliott Condlct, thn Bait Elko .1 Ogden Uat and Elcctriu Eight u.iupany uf New Jersej; the Oat, Water and General Iiivestmont Trust (limited) of London, England: nnd P. I.. Williams. PlalntlU praya that tho lllet named com) any be enjoined from voting by any of lis ofilcera or agents, or by proxy, any ot thei capital rtocli now belli and owned hy II, Horn authorising the Increase of tho litue of lit first inorlgago bonds beyond ono million dollars, or from nsngnliig or liaurferrliigany of Its capital stock. Further, that tlio coutt adjudge Elliott Condlct to be Indebted lo plain lltr 111 the turn ol J lO.OOU, $100,000 and tOO.uuoiu ' rstmorlgugo bonds uf said Halt I.ako and Ogden, etc., com pany. On May 6th, 1803, tho plaintiff be gan an actlou In this court against Condlct to recover JIWO.OJO. and sued out nn attachment against the properly ou tho ground that he bal departed trum this Teriltory to tho Injury of hit creditors. Heiilaogirnlsbeed tho do leudante, thu Ua, Water and General Investment Tiust aud tho New Jersey compauy. WILL I.XTKIITAIX THEM. 1 ho Local l'risi Uuti to Entertain tho California Preit Associ ation. The Press club of thlt clly It bar J at work luaklug arrangements for Ibe re cuptlon and ontertalnmsot of the California Presa association, which la expected to arrlvo hero ou Wednesday morning next and remain over during thu day. At noon today tho following commit teea wero appointed uud 1 rogrnm decided upon with thu understanding that It will Uu subject to slight changes if iioccstarj I Commlttco on reception Tho cntiro club. On luvllatlos J. II. Illoor, Grant H.Bmttb, (Jorge E. lllalr, W. C. II. Allen aud Will Buyder. Ou railroads nud refreshments John E. Hsuseu, E. G. Ivlns and W. CD. Allen. On carriages Joseph l.lppman. On baJgts J. II. illoor, J. II. Walts, Oeorge E. lllalr, Will Buyder. Committee ou organ recital at Taber nacle John E. Hansen, W. O. II. Allen ami Grant II. Bmllh. According lo tho present arrange moult the program will bo no follows: Uare forsrScld.-.Z!Z n! OrjtlD, tre'lt.l'T'.! I 30 l! uu limotlioutlliocltir 3 lu i, m. -.curled lo alia depot b 10 ,. in. bciiorortaoKait... ,....- JO i. m. Iuvltatloua will be Issued to Iho Uov ernor of thn Territory, mayor nnl council of Salt I-nke, president nud secretary ot Ibe Chamber of Com nitron and thu mini, olllccraof the llualuiss Men's association to partlcl palu In thu reception nnd entertain meat of thu distinguished guests. Liberals to tlio 1'ioiit Eaily. Judgu Powers as chairman and C. E. Alien at secretary of the Liberal Territorial committee bavo Issued a call to said committee and "such Liberals na dealru to attend," to be present at n meeting to bu bold at thu Kuuttfnrd Hotel In this city ou Monday tho 1.1th Inst., at 2 p. m. Thu chief has already, It Is said, outlined u plan for fall work nnd will submit It lo his colleagues for ratification. UNION I'ACiriO DISSATISFIED. Ill Cut Hate Alllnnco nlth tho hant.o t'o -Neither Plrntaut or Prolllahlc, Tbsttho Uulou PaoIOo Is dissatis fied, tnys Iho Denver Sun, with the amount ol btiatuctui It Is deriving from the $30 cut-rate ticket to Chluigo, It a wellkuown fact lu railway circles. It has been Intimated that Its alliance with IhuBanta Puis not u hnppy oue, and that beforo long Ha potillou will be changed and Its workings independ ent from auy other Hue. The Jlurllugton, although It It tell, lug Its Chicago ticket at fM, Is receiv ing n full train uvery day. The icnsou for this Is easily acc-ouuted for when tho fact la Hiinoiinct-d that tho ltlo Grande $30 ticket reads over thullur llngtou roil I u und has a lturllugton oouio ii attached. rue Jiurllngtou will keep thuSU rate In force until ntter thu rate liecomes staple, la what wus given out by Mr. Harris, president of the llurllugtou, yutcrday. WITH JHDGE ZAME jli A Horning Devoid ol Interest la tto l jTJ Third District Court. 1 1 J .uui ions liuixi) ui'o.v. liH Three Clly Ico Drslcrs Amwer . lo IBB!; Indictments for r-clllug Iiri lH.-! pure Ice iltftl Tho legal machinery moved very ; W slowly in Judgu Zauu's court this , :jM morning. Oco or two motions wero fill ' hoard and detcrmluoj nnd then njury I j! watimponviodtotrythoaito In which 'jjnj1 three Bait I.ako Ico dealers nro indlotod Xl m for selling unwholesome Ice. Tbu ' malu particular aro reported below. llfl'i A SHOUT VfC-elllT IN CJAI. CASK. f Ik ' '1 ho cae of Bile Eiko City vj Win. Mil Knox, wbloh comosupori appeal from Mj the police oourt, where tho defendant tml' was convicted ol selling coal short In f hj! - Weight, was net down far hearing to ftRi morrow. Judge Powers this morning, '" howevpr, nn tho application of City i.'1 Attorney Coad, consented to a contlnu Mi- anco, which thn court granted, Thu ff; reason for the continuance was tho nb ' ' tenco of ono uf Ihu principal witnesses. . ' Si; JiiClI.l.ANi:uUd. , A: Ii. A. Hco'.t Elliott vs Gcorgo C. lil'l Whlllcuoro el al. Judgmsnt was rru- dered on the reiort of tbe re.crcc, and ! ft';l lu accordance therewith. ifi 8 J. W. bulllvan vt I,. F. Kullack. In Leave waa given far Wni Ilurke to f i fl Intervene nnd file complaint within H I llvudavt. 'W'1 II. It. Towndrow va tbu Halt I.iko (II Improvement aud Natural Uat com- 'nl pany. Motion to discharge nltach- 'M merit aud fur order j acted for want of yj James Hughes vs T. J. Psrker. '. i S I Motion of dtfsudant for u new trial . SfM argued by Attorney J. M. Cannon for ' 1)M the defendant end Attorney Frank ; MsM Plerco lor tho plaintiir and overruled. f J jl Till: ICC IIEN A1TEAII. ty'M O. B. Docker, John B. Lewis anl ' 'LI John I), Lewis (who weru defended , t xfl by Hon. F. B. llluliardejaninercd not o?B guilty to an Indictment charging them 'VH with unlawfully nod knowingly selling 'j! H uuwholcsome Ice, contaminated witn 4 vegttohlu and anlnul Impurlllei lo ' M theextent that It wat renJered urDt II for "human food or drink." -J H Theprofeculion was reprcsenlej by ; H Attlstant District Attorneys Btrpheus J and HeiioerN. Sinllh, and Ihore nru ill four teparatu casea of selling alleged , i against lhadeferia'antf. 1 j It wat ttttel that tho Ico pool lu j ! i,uesllou lelorglng to the defendant! II lasltuatolu Hie norihwestern pare ot ILoV thu city, beluj about forty roJs In M length and ten wide, that there are f slables uud outhousei adjoining it.souie 1 H tlghteeu or twenty feet from tbu , OH bauk, aud that a portion of thu bank IlfH un thu uestsldels mado up of manure. it iV Tbe water which fills thu poud tuns ftv'IH Iromclty creek, butltwosssld that th J iisl Jordan ulio ran Into it, if H For the deremo Hon, F. S. IllcbarJs J TM maduan open! lu statement, In which llH ho ret forth that these proceedings ?1iH were tho outcome of Ill-feeling or IIIbH malice on the port of one or two per- ItlsH sous, who desired that thu Ice pond I'l shoulJ bu done away with. A com !, llalntwas mado to thu olty council M that tbutce from tlio jioad wat Injur IH lous to health, and a committee was H upl-olnted to luveitlgste. Thot com H mlltto fouud that tberu waa nothing LSJ In the allegations as to seepage, B but considered that owing to Iho near H pruxlmlty uf tlio stables to the pond , B aud the porous condition of the soil tho M ice was scarcely lit for domestlocou ' ,B sumption. They, however, ,tw no 11 leiaaon why It should not bo uioJ for .BA refrlgeialor purposes. Coiimel dcnleil H that hla client knowingly sold un H wholesomolco for human food, nnd H ulnted out that while the ground was I H Iroztu hard at the tlmo charged there could hardly havo beeu lercolatlou. HJ Thu Ice Imd been tested and the water H fouud t) be Juit at good ai that from "Hi thu hydrant. Vi'non the committee rJM made tholr report to thu City Council, lH however, Ibe defendants Imuu'dlatcly reduced the price of their lee nud notl HJ tied everyone lu their employ not lo HJ tell any more of It without Informing the cuitomers that the Ico would lu H thu futurobe sold exclusively for re frlgerator inrposef. The cote wat jircceicilng this after H outtnx -N'OTRl. U Tho ctio of tho Bait Lnku nnd Lot I JH Angeles ltallroad Co. vs. the Oregon HH Short Line nnd Utah Northern und 'HH Bait Lake City, heard In Judge Ztue's HJ court on Baturday, Wat proceeded 'HH with up lo S p.m., when au adjourn- HH ment was taken. Tho arguments 'Hj will bu returned tomorrow (Tuesday) yHH mornlug. tJH Anna Cottrell hai cODimunced JHH dlrorcu proceedings against ber bus. iHHj bamlCF. Cottrell In Ihu Third din- '1 Irict court. The pnrtles weru marrhd yHJ at Park Clly ou March 80, 1807, but fltHJ havo no children. Tho plnlutltt al- ;i4l leges that sliu has been treated lu n BaHl cruel nud Inhuman manner and that 11 tHildca kicking and beating iber thu HHJ duleudant bat called her vile uamci, H and been guilty ol babliual drunken HH ne for more than u year. Bhu HH lurther alleges that tho defendant 'HHj has real estate nnd other property HK to thu value of several tliousaitd ''; dollar, nud prajs that lio may bo rea (all tralued from ulspctiug ol tho samo iiiHJI pending a final hearing of thu cauao. 'aHH iemtiorary rollef Is prayed for, flHr (lie Chrlstenscn lias Instituted pro laH (eejlugs ae,alnet the Daly Mining ,uBw compauy lu tbe Third district court to MflB collect efamages In thu sum of J.3.Q0U 'flK claimed to be duu for Injuries received , 'HH whllu In thu employ of the company 'lOT on Novcuiber 0, IbO-'. Husaysbewae .'( JaS excavating ou Ihu 1UU0 fool love), '(HH when tho timbering gave way ami HH liotli his legs weru brokeu. Negligence fnjl It ulleged on tlio )nrt of tho company. ifjl Tho dividend of tho Centennial I ifl Etirekn Mining compauy of GO cents MM per share for May hae been iliclaiuJ, Xmt Tho ogsiegalo amount is IS.OOd, I UHI ill