Newspaper Page Text
"ivnsEttET r.rrarTNO news; UaKemais Uapderips, ODD 1NOIDDNT9 OK l?OKIION TRAVUI, AND . . OBSERVATION. London May i, 1893 TlirouRliout the entire South of Ireland, and par tlcuhrly nlons the banks of Mich rUtrs ns the Harrow, Sulr, UlicLsrater, Urelil and Lcc, are found the ruins or the well presetted remains ol huge square castles, built by the heads of septs and elms nt dlflerenl periods dutlne the thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, and a few as late ns the sixteenth centuries Whatever the rcisons for tho time, these massive stono lecps-lor they bore no resemblance to the architec turally beautiful Irish and I ngllsli castles of the Llliabethan and a (till more modern time seemed to haebeeu constructed with reference to conn) Ing Intelligence from one to another, proba bly from slgml lights from their lofty i panpets, as somo which are stllUtand- J Ing are more than 100 feet In height I Wherever) oil may saunter alonrj these southern Irish rivers, you will find tint there Is an uninterrupted slew between the sites of the ancient castle ruins Often they are but two miles opirt frequently from four to six, but In every instance they are In Itwol cich other, and ancient roiels, showing that quick and cisy communication was taken Into account, are invariably found be tween Probably three of the most Interesting of these massive old structures In the south ol Ireland nre v cry near together, and can all be visited In a daj's Journcj They ara cisllcs l.lsfinn), at the ancient town of Tallow on the riser llride, mar the boundaries of counties Water lord and Cork; castle n rhulct floulnj- Into tin Awbcc In the northern inn of county Cork; and castle llhrncy, In the beautiful Ilhrncy vale, but un hour's lovely wall. Iron) tne w In some city of Cork Taken together these three are tin. best existing speci mens of the tower house or castle ol (he ancient Irish chleltaln, while cicli In its way Is world famous In slew of Its dis tinctive associations Castle I Isfinny stands on the side of a gentle declMly, which rises from the margin of the riser llride, with the sleepy old town ol 1 allow and Its low, Kray convent nesillng in the valley on the southern side It Is supposed to have been built by the carl of Desmond, and has undergone but little change during the past hundred jcirs It con sists of a massive square toer with facades ol fully fifty Icet and the struc ture Is nearly 100 feet high lis summit commands n delightful lew of the v. alley of the Ilrldr, upwards of twenty miles in extent, cemmed with villas, slatted with luxuriant firms, and dappled at intervals with witching revealmcnts of the river, here and there appearing like tli y lakes of silver In emerald settings of verdure and woodland Tho late Douglas I'jne, M I', for West aterford, as I knew trom per sonal acquaintance one of the most ovableof men, in the fall of 183; threw the whole United Klngd ni and n part of America Into roars ol laughter, from his odd nnd characteristic)!!) Irish modi of moliling arrest for upwards of time mortis, with tha poller, soldiery nnd a warrant nil literally under his very nosi The 'sedulous ollenses ' which 1ml brought the law upon him consisted in tunnelling, from his own land to the house of n neighboring tenant undergo ing sie(,e for eviction, and in this novel manner suppl) Ing him now and then in his dilemma with courage and comfort in the form of an odd bottle of whiskey, and a snug hamper of victuals cookcu Ii) good Mrs I') no herself Mr I'ync was considerable of a wag, and as It w as October w hen lie w as ' summoned," liis cropswere all In, and ns Parliament did not meet until Januarj, he decided to employ the Intervening time in hav ing a little fun with the minloni of the law. Mr. Pyncwas tenant of the I Isfinny demesne, nnd his home, a few yards from the castle, was one of those old and almost obsolete mansions of the Irish gentleman of half a century ago He had converted the castle Into byre, barn and storehouse Into this stringe structure I yne nnd to ol his compan ions retreated walling up and complete ly barricading the lower entrance, nnd, provided with canned meats, fruits and other edibles, with nil unl nown quanlty of whiskey and clears, here he ,rand losely defied arrest An entire company of Balfour s col diets endeavored to dislodge him. nut that was Impossible An entrance could not be eUccted fvenif one had been made, arrangements were sucli within, that anywhere from one to a dozen tons of rock could have been precipitated upon tho Invaders Mr I'yne from his lolly perch above them, soothingly told the soldiers all this, and much more which made their duties particularly disagreeable. The situation becominir known, 1 isfinny wns the center ol attraction for nil Ireland Throngs came to Tallow dally to cheer Mr. I'v ne, who sagely addressed them on the "wrongs of Inland' from a window ninety feet from the ground, whilo the unforlunato soldiery were the butt of Immeasurable ami Inexpressible ridicule lor thirteen weeks this tremendous firce continued, when finally the great question as to how Mr I') ue would take his seat in l'lrliament grew tote univer sally discussed Irish wit nnd recourse answered tills promptly. Suddenly there appeared placarded all over thu counties of Cork nnd Wntcrfordn notice tnat Mr. Douglas I'j no's grating lands would on n certain liy lie sub-let bv auction lowards even ng of that div ""'pad leading Into Tallow swarmed with Irish cattle and Irishmen Hymn set over 1,000 entile were bcllowimr nnd charging around the base of old Lis finny, while fully i00 tenant larmcrs, f i?,.,nB.i ,ro,?51!l"fr. fiRbtinir managed to ha e the soldiers hopelessly stamp, eiledliy 'the excited herds ' T','l" ,?' '?'i.y mllu bv ""'I fr"" Jrlr "'l- hlfb0r- ,n lll ,nel. o,r,,8e.,byl"?s f'1""1 ""Hong nr,t r',",6 tm,lnen indcr Has lowered from his eerie, nnd by relavs of mi In i?.,CVnS Qnstown Iflore Sfl1 . h " "Shi he was In the 1 ' "fI-nR'l'!.and ten davs later, guarding oil Llsfinuv that the arrant rebel should not escape, Douelas I'v no nuetly entered the H!u, . of G ,0 J 11 Ipndoii,nnderively took his sent in arllament, amid such cheers as never before or since marie llio great stiuctura tremble to its vcri foundation, sm,cture I feel sure that one after cnloilng the glories ot the llhckwater will, tllosS of Its sweet nnd murmurous tributary. thoAwbcg, nnd after a tramp from old Doneratlc tow 11, set like a squalid Gipsy encam; mrlit amid gorgeous natural environs, to the level tract where stand the ruins ol Kllcolrinn Castle, the Irish home of the poet bpenscr would ai.reo with me In pronouncing the place one of the loneliest spots In nil Ireland A vast vale surrounds It; but as far as the eye can reach there Is scarcely a sign uf human hablutlon. The once noble forests have disappeared Only ono little lake In the south can be seen, an I searching In v aln for sight or sound of human activity or nearness, only tie Kray of a fair fiorltone dge settles lead cnl down upon llio Water lord moun tains to the east, the heights of Kerry to the west, the Magic, mountains to the south, and the Hjlyhowii Hills to the noitli It is said tint from the top of tho castle n view of above half the breadth of liclind was once comman ded. If tlieru was compensation In that In Spenser s time, It could hardly be found now Kllcolman or CiI Colin an In Irish, means Colman's Church, there were above tlxty saints Colman, nnd nny of these, to one s liking, may ba taken ns the patron saint ot this particular town land locality The castle, as the ruins Indicate, however rmotc Its date ol construction, must hive been one of strength and Importance Historically it Is known to have hern originally one of the great I arl of Desmond a fortified ensiles The lower portion of the treat quadrangular keen is in n food state of preservation for about thirty feet from the ground, one of its side walls, show ing 11 noble window, rises solidly nrd fiimly for perhaps tvvint) five feel above this, ami n inasr-lve square Hanking tower still lifts Its rough old walls ton probable height of scv cut) feet. It must have I ecu a weird and dreary place tor ono of Spenser lino naturi. Hut three thlr gs of the gravest impor tance to poet, prince or peasant came to this man In his eleven jcars of prac tical binishmentliere, between Island jop The first of these was the chas tening nnd exalting influence of abso lute self denial Tho second was In his wooing and marking a women "of mean birth." vi ho was so lojnl, sweet nndi,ood, that Spencer never knew nil unhappy hour 011 her account during his Hie, more power to women "of mean birth" for it 1 ho other was In his v islts to and communions with his noble friend, Raleigh, at mossy old Yougl1.1l, n few mites distant upon tin sea coast Kalclgh, genius and poet that he himself was, generously recognized the greater poets true greatness, warmed his heart with sunny hospitilitles, sustained his doubtful drcamings wild n strong and hcartsoinc friendship, and In lshouodily took the timorous bpenser tuLomloi, personally Introduced h m in tho queen, and that very )cusaw the publication of the tint tlucu books of 1 aerie Quttn These three good lorturcs, despite bitter financial straits on the one hand and, on the other. Irish ' rebellion 'of such startling frequency that every far line of trees, like trembling silhouettes against the liorlzon, undoubtedly took 011 the form ot Desmond nnd T)rone avengers, made him sing as no I ui,llsh pw.ttx.Iore lis time had ever sung And In these true lhins ol his ll' lav tl e compensations, lor tin littr ., of poverty In London, where, as the sequel Proved, Lnglish indifference was more fatal than Irish savagery, brought him nothing save the loyalty of his com panion "of mean birth,1' ami he was allowed to dlo In wmt In the land he had more Infinitely honored than nny other who ever lived in it, tavebhak speare There is but little here to remind ol Spenser now. So desolate is old Kllcolman and devoid of suggestive association tho region roundabout, that the pilgrim hither must perforce bring Spenser along In his heart, and build almost the entire fabric of life, home and haunts from his own loving fane). Only one real mil sweet thing Is hero which will alwas remain ns it revealing the radiance of tho poet's gentle pro sence Tint Is the near little river, Awbrg, the ' Mulla" rf his jo)ous verse, more jovous and melodious ever, as it sings of him who sung on its sunny, beauteous way to the lilackwater ani the sea There is nothing more beautiful in all Ireland than Cork city, set In stone and terrace ngilnst her leafy heights, nnd the broadening river I ce, which, rising In the msilc depths of weird, wild Gnucane llirra at the edge of Kerr), wanders through lovel) (.lensnnd sunny vales to where the city and tide meet, and then, blending with the salt water, sweeps through the most glorious and picturesque estuary In the world, do in past Queenstown to tho sea. Hut this has been reputedly told by word piln Krs galore My own secret longing led mo first and last to, 'The groves of llhrncy, That look so ch inning Down by the ptirhngs Of sweet silent brooks " One hardly realizes that he Is hi Ire land vvhllo nmong these hindsomely nttircd people who, seeking their suhur ban homes, throng the cars of the little railway leading from Cork along tho sweet shores of a murmuring stream, and for the short four miles to llhrney ono almost leels he Is again within Ilia nlmospliiro of tho clear eyed, active breezv and prosperous folk oncalwavs finds In American an I London suburb in ra way travel At tho end ol this little railwaj, nnd ntthe head of tho valley through which Itnnl the stream have run, n a tin), pockety vilo whose sur face is almost level on t liber side to the .'2cs of noble wooded lilufls is the trilling Iniukt ul Illirncy, ami, not a stone 3 throw from the station, the gray o d vv ills of Its world famous cnstle rise high nlovc the rich foliage if thesvci morp groves, aud tho musical Illirncy rivulet I clow. Altosetlur it Is one of the sweetest and most restful snots oil ever belie Id lllarncy Is the original Irish form of J I una, means a little field,' from lllar, n field, this name having been given the place from its location nlmost In tho center or the liny ne field, which wns no doubt 11 source of rich harvests even under the rude forms or cultivation In vogue In most ancient times As nearly as can bo determined the latter popular signification of thu word palavering rhodomontade, clih specious pleading, or wheedling clonu' eiice-orij,lnated in Lord Clnacarlvs often piomlslng, when the prisoner of Sir George Carew, to "surrender bis Mrongustlepr lllarncy," this very pile 'in the soldiers of the queen, and ns often Inventing some smooth ami pah tablo excuse for exonerating himself front his promise " Hut tho place no doubt became world funous through the celebrity or tho vcrsea beginning wlih the four lines above quoted, attri buted by adepts in I11II1 I literature both l?,.,1."11'" lrol,t " Kichard Alfred Vlihken, the latter a former Cork at tornr) The castle Itself was built In the fifteenth century by Cormac Mac Carthy, the Strong," nnd the old coign stone, the kissing of which convevs the magic power or 'blarney, according to pop ular legend at least, Is still Intact It Is s lid that nt one tint" It bore the Inscrip lion, CoKttAt McCabtiiv roRtis sir FlKKtt-rtriT, rjS It Is preserved nnd held in place b two Iron gliders btwcen huge merlons or its northern projecting parapet, nearly n hundred lect from the pround The ancient castellated pile now consists only ol a lofty quadrangular keep, with a hair ruined tower, through which access Is gained by winding stono stairs to the hattltmcntcd parapet above lUncath the tower nnd keep nre a number of I woidcrfiil dungeon cells tho m stlrul) I Impressive or ilicse I hnva lo mil in any or tho castle ruins of Itclan I while n cave of remarkable form itlon, but a few rods from the castle, permitted of sub lerrnncan Ingress and egress In ancient times. Once having gained the lo't) parapet, I )oil ore among massive Ivies while , man) shrubs and young trees linv e shot I nut towards the sky from this slrun,o eerie Masses and cr uses Invcalnost , completely thatched Ihe old ruin, and If I jou will wait until the chattering tour istshnve none and tho scoldlnj, diws with the gentl evening Imcoiup 5011 cm, ns I ilid in the grewsotnf aud shadowy plicc, stealthily and urn b 1 rv id grasp the Iron girders, nnd, nt the risk of breaking sour neck, crnnc )our hca I fir out and dovvm nrd, to give the sturdy old "lllarncy Sione ' n loud, I resounding' tin irk, nnd then grope )our WMy through the echoing windings of the lonely tower to the dewy, blossom stiewn earth below. I DOAK I. WAMlMAV VwJl7 S3aBjasnrsmr ds CJSJRB Est! 'itl'i. v r" ". til is!h; nTsm OQOOOOOOOOOO OTruo economy Q 5.1 doc n't buy what it O O dotsn't need. Indtfjcs-Q tion, Hiltousn(.sb,'icL-0 llndaclic, do not O need a dollar's worth O Qof doctor, but a Q ! Q quarter's worth of O ' Beecham's0 () Pills QQOQQQOOQO'Q $r$'? DR. GUNN'S wmm syrup (2&tFon COUGHS, VMrirW C0LDS THE CHILDREN LIKE IT. Whrn chllJ rwlhr ta mt onion arnipfar Cour st Co djatsiliro p lai il Kiviittomjr . nt krl lout) nf lh rTn'si w"tbr huini ro ij wbjr Bet try Up loll u M mqh, 7 i . M. I. Dunn Dei i. Aoi n. FAT o PEOPLE". inonl NoliiJamitlahuiiii J nierler. rnca Willi I nilii'i. urilesinrf Ms .1 Alts '.Vi'.k "r. '.."".)' l "l revs II tenrril toalllt bcftullfr Ilia rami l.x miiiil less a t JV.'.'f'.! ..,u A'flMson. H Aukern nr our f )l fitly 1 it rcitu 1 rnf weight from JJi un.1. 10 lraan4laeirrlillluriiisll f.V.l'ni , ."""en plesw't wnh Uj rran t u 1 thill do all 1 rIn to ,,, J0U ,lu vtlII,n, Ipsdfirs or ftKlvtr. Ourxool. sro not.olu in drug filorn I all onlm ira sapi Ilea rtlrtrt rrorn our orUfj 1 tico 1 rr itarkaro S or thttti paek iiff lor lit j ma frei slil I attieiilart liialcill .n.V.,M..,""",,",,"'M, "' WILIARD REMEDY CO . BOSTON. MvSS. 'SJLJNOLI' ROBERT BONNER Superintending tho shooing of Sunol with tho Putnam Nail. rnoBfrrr liar, Brora firm Mil I Kit A Still fY."' rArrOi;rAMo(o Is Icb nirBT tl 1NAS1 .AII CO Vrionaol Jlaaa. llskTMlirlfi-llrpliltietayoiirfatr rnfeho tun hut still itato Hi .1 1 ham irj ih. 1 . nans Natl a,. I oil ora. t ul II I aa ioi! IW, liolul miU 1 10 1 o sil ra I still not alio ,i; Ml r nail lo ba uso.1 llian it a i, 1 i, iKZ lore; I Sail It 1 j ntll win.", VS nay hoolhfraaa a 0.1 1 krtowsshal tl caaaia anjuaiaiilairorftoinak rrrlnteu, ' cry usraetfully ywurr. Tho Putnam Nail Is tho only on cluslvcly Hot-Forged nnd Ham-nior-Polntocf nail. Look In your smith's ohoolns box, If tho nails havo nmooth edges for tho vvliolo lonp,th thoy ero tho PUTNAM, for thoy nro Hammcr-Polntocl and nro not honrorJ. Tla ' Iltur,fTOnliototfPent Ii 11 Mr llonn.r In II aet or liimllnj ill an III alulnaoiall s-iillaauptrlnirr IlimhaaUoa lu t floiu I, still hs tf 1 1 lo tli. fori" ora ; hall Ioi , aiae Axs 1 11 It lik whits numr with PUTNAM NAIL GO,, Kcponsot, JJoslou, Mass. c " rTKWBrwtwKKIKKKKBRKKKiJf tTiXffC Z,-lafl wMX!- SATUTtHAY, ?JJ .t, 3800. 1 U THE THROUGH CAR LIMB. rrncnu 1111. :, isot. Vtfyt " foltowtt ARK1VZ, Tttn flriMernpolnU. . .,, .,,, 8 00 m from Hoite4orUndiiBd Pitrria. From Trk ritr4Cieha Taller " W n rrom ill KMfrn poirtji ,-..... 1 J 18 pm from Cacha tlfj atxl Otdsia Tilt p nt lrom Intii ind InltrntdiAU rcilitta...... , .,,, 9 it tfrrtn VHorl Job N ri roto ir r unit lii"ip v law UrtHi m 'rotnlfrinintiitrislTorrte ... i-OOpta cr rneaiirrn ryoun I CI n crl our, IcrllaDd, San rrasclKO and Cacht alley , ift-oit rorCacho allfj and lark (Jity m ti is t (fdrn Inter mtdiau points in I I ixinucMl .- usipm forOydfrti I )nlritif Ita a onla andeanrranrbco MWW, ltitSv in irororckat JcabtBdMiirord.,,,,. 74lt m Jtrl mvoand Jntennw an (Hjinta - StOpm rerTonolnandTtmitnin , 7iftai I aity, tun data tiecj uJ. t tTralna Lclwcea Joab anj Uilford At not run luDdaji. tn THiirrTirrir, ni miv ir i K. JlUULKl.Uoit AfUtAitfr Depb i- Dicikiok, UaalUtrr K. U UJM4X. UJ.4T Acaau WM m GKANDB band WESTERN. gAilWAYjdKj B'ndird Quac-P i i(l4aH CCHICKT TIXE U8U III rtttti nv 7(1 , 110 L irTa MtiMRfl No,; rnrlruvo.drandJuB twuani all jm Ma Kait . - . . 8rt5 .m. No 4 rorJroro iirftiadJaBcltoaaad all ioinu Yuu ... , 1i71t,tn No, S-ror Itoto I aimn Jvori-k Dd No,Cror luaanam I'nia, aland, andfaiia .KtMft.m, NoSror()fds)n and Wrt ....lltji t1 No. I rnr-Uxdtnand U)aeuHHlliOa.m imiTK KM No,lrrom ltufo, (Jrand JanctloQ andths KMtHHHW .wio "OA.ra. Nct-rrom lTtiro Urand Janrtioa udthflCftau. .-.IliMp.ra. No 7 from lroro, lawn Kurcli . antMlvsrtltT ... ,,,.10 OJa m. No. sWrronlllnxham, WoTOIantl, and hallna . M fVp ho, I from Or ten and tho u tn. m TiM a.m Nd.1 tVrotn Oif1n nh1lhot 7tl9p.m Only n runninr thro j I uMman II alaco Ihjuf Dravrirr Iioom Mpertilitiirer ll t moo Junction and to I armt urand Chit a rati ( otr-rido pnlnU nnlnnl) Ino tunn nr lUtimin hltf i-m ftnltln r ti Hon rranr.A Kochannai cioao'eonntetioni baUtf j ced and comfort. Its-Is tunirf i N.i- Jlnlii ilv-f U t.I)(H)UE,A,iUVLUr W1I.BKNNJCTT Ca&.ftiaBar lon. fenpt. (ib.l.AT.A g "SanFa Fe RuteT"- Are You Going to Hie WORLD'S FAIR? It ao don I fall lo tccur.sonr ticket, resiling Rio Grande Western, Colorado Midland, (Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railways, Tho only line ninnlnf I'ulliimn Sleeping Cars lclffii Ugtlen, halt Luke City nn I Uitoijo without Chance The Slioi(est& Quickest Line. Sconory Unociualod. Cqulpmont Unsurpusaocl. Trnln leave llio (Irsu lo cstcru Do pot, Matt KakoCHy, t" Ji) imh Ticket onico, Mi) JInin St It C llUItMrrCfm'lAuotit 1'iu.tnnor lifl irtnicnt, ua Dooly Ilullillni; EXCLL3I0R BAKERY.- No to Cast Tomplo St. FRESH BREAD, BUNS, CAKES, ? AND CRACKERS. PURE CANDIES, GROCERIES, ETC. Buliennp Crackers a Specially. ' lonWAllD HCI1VVCJ11, 1..,.. lolu.. WE KNOW OF NOTING THAT OAN COMPARE WITH THE GRAEFENBERG PILLS A3 A FAHIU PILL. THEY ARE SOT ONLY MILD BUT EXCEED INGLY ErFEOTIVE. TilE BEST HEADACHE PILL. THE8E TILLS CUnC ALL FORMS OF MALARIAL DliCASES, BIL lOUSNtSS, LIVER AND KIDNEY TROUBLES. THE BEST PILL -rou-WEAKKESS AHD HERTOUSHESS. Sold by All Druggists. GRAEFENBERG CO., HI Chtrabsrs atrail, N. Y. m WMw l5',ltBrtrS i, SJORATED CRltm Whotltor Btnrtlnu out on n ploasuro trip or prospecting don't fall to tako nlonpr a fow cans of tho St Cliarlos Un owootonocl nvaporatoel Croam. Monday. FOULGER BROS., 68-70 K Street. r.B luciuuu. Tims. il ITinnta I real last V leaf l rtsMaaL O II lltCKUaf M'.f and Tiaca gECURJTY" ABSTRACT CO. Otflc In Dosorot National Dan DiilldlnE. Snlt Lnkn city, Utah. Tolophono, 142. DlRscrons K, & Itlcliarfla Thoa (l vvotber, r. r. Clalon ril. Smllb, M r Cin mla, tojl. Chai C ticnartla, A.M Carlson, J CXLoltar fctTJ Tirtoa, a B riOKsar. Irvuni. r.a. anj ZVaa,s TAYLOR, R01INEY,: : ARMSTEONO CO., CLUMBER o Sisb, Pooh, Honldlngs, Etc. aTUXx Kill sail Trd. Oa. Uttaal Kaat r r. f. n.poi.i, ih. cut. I'l.u. filOJOJINH. ,l,nvcr o li ItflMvrT. GREAT - REHOYAL - SALE. T2P o c o 4 - Jk' l'rt"X nlmut toinuro I will 41- sell al coal for tho next SO ilsrs 1 riiyllnoiocitot sNS Chinese & Japanese GoikIs, 'ill, Conalallni: or Silk (locxla, m,, 2. llainluK) (local., tuna ani hau J3 POra, Howls asna, 1 lower Puts, SSlx To, otliin, I !c, 1 o. "ZX t'all sn 1 isa how ft can I will aell. Quong Chonp; Winer, S3 f t cconS hontb. J W. CURR1E, Assayor, 150 Main Stroot.StltLatco City rrompl sttcBtloti clren ti all ordera by mat oresiTcaa. Cbsrraa UDlioria a&d rcaaoasbls. W. A. HODGES, Chemist anil Assaycr, ROOM I, COMMERCIAL DLOCK, lit Floor srOrdora I; mall l rom it allcuJcd to. CJIAS.W.STATNER in i inmviu rcoM WASHINGTON, n. O., IKll tOCATBU It Till McCornick- Ricliaids liuilcling, Rooms 317 and 318, Ul.cro 1 e will recclrai ersosabsslsiconlcilej csica lefors tbe GENERAL LAND OrFICE AIM Aililnglao, or ssboio -4IiAXI) PATHNTStSs- Aro delijcil from nnj cauio. 1 rror In llumrfttrail and Other Kiitrltu Currcctc-I. Prices RsMcaatle ui Lirgsly Csntinjeal Silk BTAVSEll l. a nmUr ol ilia Dar ot tho HJIIttHReol.UTot ibo L'nllc I Halo, al.j ot the tUrino Court ol Ibo KlitrKI (.1 Cotum. lis sn I a rrililtrril Atlornt j- in tho !)arl mcot or Ibo Interior nuil all ot ita Iluioaua. Ilia ataodlufc la uuuscolltij llcffroncva I jr permlaiion IIOV JOHN T. GAINS, so I other iruuiinetit gcutlcincn lu UUliauJ IVaillottoo gAPONIFIER jr?fejixuli!l llOfor I'AMII slisl' JrSt5 any oacb ran tor lu.k nf TJD rlard, aoll IcIl.lloapnulrklT ,TrA 111. loll .llll. .trtLSlt 1 WTaK? jlAikjourrrocerror 0S1 8AP0NIFIER, 5 i.fJjvTyl' Tens Salt ilinrii Co , GUNPOWDER. XM tJm now thoot uiho nnrrihbt Mort rmt him k h u.k-ap thot now ihuiltki mstr MAX x no n KfDinekr MW nAX4Ki h "Trip ffboMtimr kiAZAUl H Dock DhdoUoir', II azahd'n -Uloinj kBd BiMtiar UAZAliU U brstadi, tti tuotl rtlubU iatbmrfctk Kisuriciei id bt TDB HAZARD POWDER COKPASI, llsririlvllle, Conn. ""-PalnoctLyno.ljHli, j fmraanr ' M I - ' Great' Many Ladies 1 f 'I llass TlaltOfl our Hoys' nd Chlldroii's Clothing rjof-irtmsnt )'9 s-ntl urcliwnl Ksrunnts this Hosaon that pleased them tor ilifl inoch, for which Iscl wo are Terr roiid ot Anlwahtr lljl tlio cxlrorne rjrstlllcstlon nl knowlnt; our pstrons approclsts M M ourollorialnhsTlngsuchclothlniraslsutitothotlnios Our jjH Spring and Summer Clothing i BOYS D CHILDREN fl Is uncsjualf,! ans-whoro, ami Is only ivinalcd In larco eastnrn J 'Bj cities, tlmrohy glvlnir you llio astne adrauUgf-a Ihst llioso hsm i 'H who imrchaao abrns I arloly of Stylos and assortinont of Colors i U immESE. i Kneo Pant Suits, ages 4 to 14 years, $2.25 1 12 and upwards. : jl Boys' Long ' f, Pant Suits, ages 13 to 19, $4.75 and up. TEMPLE OF FASHION. - (ii, 63, fJ5 M' S""t I - We are tlie Leaders - I 1 a V f '1 IN I Men's and Hojs' Clolliing, Hals, Shoes ' ami Furnishing goods, 1 AND DEFY COMPETITION. The grandest assorlmcnl of 1 Wraps, Einpiio Capes and Jackets in a ni'icly oi' Colors, Lengths, Styles J and Designs as aiied as tho 'j sSTKRS,: at m HI k SIS. I 7 m I .CD AHTLES, GRATES alLEsTll ,1 I "T A vory 'ifBo atock to soloct i .iH 1 1 from. Do not buy until you I 'M 1 1 ImvoBOon our flno PORTLAND M I CEMENT. CEMENT PIPING. I IS I TIRE BRICKS, ETC. (Wt l -DELIAS MORRIS- jl (j Show Room and Olflce Ho. 2223 W. South Temple. i AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK," il -Or SALT LAKU PITY. ' W Capital $260,000. Surplus $60,000. Organized October, 1890. 1 9 Er tTKttrsr ijioji sauis ao tiui. viposits u W JH n..KlA?S0f,' mJ,1b V .' ",eo" ."slflsnli II SI Ilaofu. ko Ireildentl f I. Holland It, fH 1, 1 ujlH". .' "'"'.'." T!!"'"" "'"" " "" '''rr'rMMr'1iTaWK5iMiMB