Newspaper Page Text
iMBBBBMBBBHilBMBBBi Hi N , prsimrr evening irarsi satuiipay j,ia.t 10. isoa I DKSBBET BYEH1MC MEWS. IB DCSEHET NEWS PUDLI3IIINQ COMPANY. LES3BB8. I THAT l)l.l.l.(lATtSllll AOAI.V. The sutjcct of whether there is cr It not a vacancy In the cuico of Terri torial Delegate to Congress li one we will not brp en nor discuss further to any great extent; we would not resume It at all but for the fear that through eorue Indirection or misunderstanding the Territory may Lolefl without rep resentation In the present Congress. The Nravs wouH he recreant to III great trait did It fill to keep tho tub Jeot In Its proper light before the publle until thcyarooutof dancer, anJ this alone It suftlclent ustlflcaljn for bringing the sul Joct up again. It may he that aome fow Imagine that thlt taper liaa a grudge against Mr. ltawllni or for some reason or other not eipreesed Is ORalnst his -Iltlcalorotberadvanccment. Wehope the number, If It exists at all, Is very mall, for the reason that It brlnge to our aenses a feeling tho roTerie of pleasurable to know that any man or class of men U either wilfully or mistakenly natray. Wo would havo been heartily glad bad Mr. Ilawllr.1 remained at hi poll and mado nucha I ,, recordasa delonaer and promoter of t Utah'irlEhU and Intertill aabowas f capable of making- This was looked HI" for, not merely hoped for. Hut hula jrT the architect of lita own fortunes, and t & If be chose to act atlde the honors con- r ferredupou hlra and forego tho EfnJ HJ ' opporlunltlca placed within hit reach, HJ ' It wa bit own act and there the tarpon J i alblllty to far aa he la concerned begins J and endi. It la now our plain duly to Hj 1 riaort to whateTer of a remedial char HJ acter may bo available. Hj The position laUu by the Nr.WS HJ i baatheendoriement of all whose ex- HJ I preasloneon the subject we have since HJ heard c reard, and theso reprcie nt all HJ f aldee of political oplr.lon In Utah. HJ Clearly tho office of Dologato li recant. HJ t The fact that Mr. Jtawllua liaa not yet HJ ,' undergone the formality of belDg HJ aworn aa a tnomhvr la really nothing to HJ i tho point. Wlllorcauanyonedlriutu HJ ' that on the 4th of March he became a HJ member ol CongreM? If so, let audi HJ 4 peraon conaulttbe Congressional payroll HJ atWashlngton; l( Mr. ltawllni' name la HJ not foundthereonaifromMarcli4,t893, HJ ' to May 7, 160.1, and waa not on tho lait HJr named date or Immediately toereafter HJ dropped therelrom, then we may be In HJ ' error; otherwlie we are right, fol HJ'i none but momhara are pill out of the HJ 1 national treasury. HJ We hold further that It matlera not Hi I whether the UoTernor hai received or HE, ' failed to rccclva the Delegated resigns- HM ' i tlon. The vacancy began when the HH). realgnatlon woa filed with the clerk of Hi! the laat llouso of llepreaentatlvie, and BaHU V II haj since been a matter of notoriety. Ill there were any question about It the (lorornor would be Justified In holding back for the written and eigaod Initru Bl meat wbloh waa mallod to him, Hup- HJ! peso It should bo lost or through aome HM) other agenoy abould never reach the HJ executive and Mr. Rawlins, conclud- HJ Ing and rightfully that ha had done Hj his wholo duty In tho promises, atiould HJ decline to furnish anothei? Would Hi we, therefore, hare to bo uti- HJ; ' represented at Washlngtou for HM, nearly two yean? Certainly noi; HE and we don't think Governor West HA will permit It. After walllnga reason- HM ' able time for the resignation, If It HI ahould atlll fall to turn up be will HM atturedly acton hli personal knowl- HM edge, aa ono who reade newspapers, HM holJi conTerso with bla fellow men HM and la gifted with Intelligence will act HM ' upon bis knowledge of Itiu case and HM ! call a special election within tho time HM prescribed by the law. HM xouway is. an lues. MM' Afewdayasgo tho News published ! an article regarding the Norwegian MM situation, In whloh tho points at Issue Mb between Norway and Hweden were MM; pointed out. The subject aa presented Mb by ua la now reinforced by an article MMM In the A'outetle Jltvua whlob, after re- MMai viewing the situation, sa is MM One point becoinos cloarer every day. H The tendencies ol the party, t bo re con t M debates, have demonstrated tliut the pro- H gram oftlio radicals, aa It Is conceived liy H DielrchteNu ho take no palna H their Intentions, will hud Infallibly tu B the overthrow of royalty and iliu rupture H ot the union with Hisodou. Norway, H pulillcallv detached from tiACdcu, will H thou proilaliu a res ubllo. H At ihls potut tho iiuotttou begins to tn- H toruit Europe. H A Norwegian repuhllal What olianco l would ihero bo of Ua belni; roctignlzod by H tho powenT H franco, uotwlthatandlnff her attach- H niculto reptitillcnii Initliutlona, ao far ai B Hbe la tuncerueil, duos not, hi aliv has , laid repeatedly, caro to ciurt hor H policy. H 'Ihu other powora would porlmpn bo atlll leas fllipo.ed lu grunt u place at tho H hearih lor tlita oung hlstur, lomlng tu H trouble the rt ttoso ot tlie f iuiII) . H Would not Sweden fwt herself tlireal- m iihhI by audi a troublooiuo iii'lflibur, H turouKh tbo loroluit lnitlguui whlili M Wiiold to ittateil thereby T t;ll'puini; H con ttiit sliooonH'ii'iKl, lor her part, to H forget the troivty of Kiel and rtgurd H H aduad htior, would thootlur uitlutlu- HH teiettctl doai intKh? MMpj That Is nunf tho eltuatlou, Thoio la MHJ much probability that tho Hcuudl- MMlJ ImTlan nutsllon will ilnvelop luto a MMMJ i:uropianiUeslhin, ntid thru what? H, MOIIK1M1 UIIII IWiiDTKII MHJ i III.I.MI11S. HM1 Tb Rood brother askod Mr. Cannon H how pullllea woro III St. (horgo, ami Ida H reply . aa wa remember ti, wont tor H word, "When tho uuwh of tbo dUlalon H lumetoH. (loorne, our pooplo did not H know whattothlnL, und I told tlieiutu H kcwp atlll ami I would go up lo Halt l.nku H and dud out what to do." iliern wai ilia whole bmlnu.ii in a uuisholl, Ji i6un HM The reader must first understand MMH ' that the prououu "he" In tUunb;vo mhI HHHHUH cxlrtot does not, a liuiuil In an editorial lu the absence of any expla natory matter, mean the editor, that l, Judging by the context, for lt whole article bears upon the alleged expert enceof two "division It publicans" en route to theeiutli country on political proselyting Lent, aud surely no auo would plioo the writer of tho arllclo In that category. It will hoolxorvod that the reply Is given "word for word," so thero Is no chance for equivocation there. Jlut It Is what tho aalJ writer obtained at least aecond-handed, and It la nlwaya difficult to got before tho people what a person says lu a runnlnir way amid the rumbling of a railway train ixaolly as It waa dellvend, csprclally when It has, as shown, been repeated at least once, and then, Judging by audi aul musasappeara betweuti the mute yet cxprrsslvallnes, could bavo been shorn of but llltlo If any of the mlichlef making nuallty Imparted It tbo words. Jlut waiving all this uncertainty and lermlttlng for tho present the words to stand aa they aro and admitting for tho sake of the argument that the language Is exactly what waa used on that occa sion, does It atlll make out a case against the Church that of courao Icing the object sought? Does an Isolated aontenco taken ntbltrarlly from a runnlnj conversation with all elee before or efitr or ntteudlng cart fully excluded (for obvious riaions) ever count aa against anybody accused ot anything when the remiluder or at least enough of such couvtrsatlon be fore and after to show Its full purport Is attainable? la It not it llttlo singu lar that Is, would It not bo so any where outside ol Utah that only enough of that chat to makti nn un friendly point Is given, when It Is aa plain as la the universal light of day that Ihero waa everao much more of It and that all or auy oilier part of It was aa easily heard and etored away for future use as that detached frag ment? Aud does It not further appear that "we" were very much Interested In that talk, no much so that "we" had ears for nothing etso at tho time, not evon for tho rumbling of the train and the chatter that must have been going on elsewhere, so that eveu If "we" wero permitted to plead a dilemma aa lo that, the aamo disad vantage, by avery rule ol right, must neutrallia the wholo of what "we" heard? tiupposothat thoNi:ws has hisrd something dlllcrunt as to what was aald at that time and lce by the perscna apobeu cf had got It first-handed from the speaker or speakera themselvta Instead of tocond-handed as In the other case and were to give It out aa vvt deucu lu nbuttal; would It bo received except by those who have Implicit con fidence In tho veraolty cf those from whom we received It aud In ourselves aa well? Certainly not, nor would It be ollercd to others for anything more than what hearsay usually goes for. And yet, Is uot a personal explan ation of as much weight as the words ot ono who, by such words-, makussuch explanation necessary? In other words, should not u person assailed be Justified in using the same kind of weapoua that his assallaut uses? If this Is good doctrine, the case would be lost to the accuser without going any further. Hut wa will autlolpato the other tack. Tho one who"gao the Church scheme away" may bavemado iuou statements lu txplanatlon or de ulalaa wuhave herelu auggbilod and then mlghtduny having used such Ian guago or anything similar to It, and atlll, according to thoaccuser, It would all amount lo nothing, for the "giver away" would either deny or atUrm or both If Instructed to do ao by hla ruperloralu the Church; In other wordr, hat he eiys Is subject to re vision aud alteration at auy time. That makea our case a good deal better. II Is not shown that ha was Instructed by his leaders to say what ho did aud thereforo ho doo not blud them; and being, according to that showing, n man wluso txpressloua are not con trolled by Innate veracity and con science, whoie truthfuluiss Is merely lucldenlal and whose position on any question Is that ol n weithercuck, lu acourdaoce with whatever controlling breexo may strike hlru, of what value Is what ho slid that Is reported by the division Itopullitum? Onu can't use such evi dence as that lu auy court norliiuny case outside of court whtro lultlvattu methods and Impartial views vUlalu, and tho fact that 11 Is use J shows unly how dcipcralo Is the strugglo by u hlch It Is sought to be shown that thu Mol moiisaruingagcdlu a huge conspira cy looking to statehood ilr.t and the reducing of tmrylhlng opposed to Hum tuorealtirto thu meroot negation if not lo obliteration. However, we are on tbo candid line uud will frankly admit that wu havo no such words from Mr. Cannon us thorn referred D by us for the sake of bybthctlxliig. It thu Mormons woie -uoh arrubi, uuliulhlul Luaesaour l.lbeial tiotempoury would loin make the World Ullee, It would le tile iiB'ett matter iniagloublu fir us to ray uedtd have such words and mure tun, and all of It directly aud iuarely against what Is pul limed as Mr. Cannon's asser tion on tho train; more, wo could ut his kflldavit tJ that ellcct uud publish It, sluiu he would as Let awtur to a He aa lo tho truth, aooord tug to tho authority name I, Wu will Ku a step further In thee'audld line anil admit the probability oi Mr. t'unnon having said something of thu kUd, wltln tit ku iwlng,nr caring particular ly, whether he Hid or uot. Wo win go atlll furUieii Ilhedldiiot uau the words attrluulvd lo him or uii)thluu resembling them, wo have every ri-a-aon to believe that l:ras others did and for very good reason too. Theiejplo of Utah as a class knew very llttlo eif national politics when the division on such lines o imo upon them. Whether this la Ulicredltabla tD tbeoi or not Is a question that may be discussed apart. Their political auchornje, by means cf which thry wero held to some thing npproaohlng unanimity before, was all nt once gone, and to say that there was soma Utile and pothera In places n great deal ol lloundorlng for n time rwmute of the new situation would only bs to aiy that the usoplii w ,ore human tilings, to oall a spade a spade, bine tho division movement began and culminated lc this city, what unto nstural than that all eyes should be turned Ibis way to find tut, llketha parrot lu the story, what wo wero going to do next? Wei agree most cordially with the concluding sentence cf the extract, ''there was thu wholo business In a nutshell." Certainly nothing more than a nutshell, aud a very diminutive ono at that, would be required to hold the merits of the caro "fskedup" by the organ of the lr reconcilable! and Immovables. svitiAU VL'itMox or mi; cosrr.Ls. The Nkws liaa previously noticed the Interesting discovery of what Is now supposed to be the earliest text of the (Joapels extant, and In which till Ileal soholars tato much Interest. Tho world Is under obligation loan accomplished lady, Mrs. Lewis, for this valuable a ldltlon to lllbllcal liter ature. The manuscript waa found In the library of the monastery of 81. Katharine on Mount Ulnal, where Tlschendorf found the celcbrtlod coitex i(nuu7cui,whlcli he borrowed and failed to restore. Mrs. Lewis was tho wife of a curator of tho library of Corpus Chrlstl college, Cambridge. Hera alio learned the value of ancient manu scripts and also mastered the Hyrlsc dialect. In company with her sister she undertook the Journey to Mount Hlnal and was hospitably recihed by tho monks. Her perfect knowledge of modern Ureelt as well as of soiuo rjrmltlo languages made her a welcome guest at the hosplttuuiln the wllderueas and she gained acceai to thnvaluablo library. Here sho dis covered a palimpsest, the second text of which contained a history of female salnls, written 773 A. I), by John Hthabash. Hut under this text was thu Byrlao version of tho Uosj els. Mis. Lewis took ono thousaud photographs of the varljus p2s and wheu these had been examined by scholars, the Immense value of tho text was aoou found. Learned mun now hastened to the monastery and with tbo aid cf Mrs. Lewis tho document was dcclpherod. The Importance ol the discovery Is best appreciated wheu It Is considered that the text Is written lu the language spoken In I'lleillne during the time of ourBavlor,aud that It may possibly bo a verbatim copy of the original documents of the OosI. The manuscript will bo known. In honor of tho discoverer, as "The Lewis Qospel of Mount Hlnal." What aiih llloiint'a Instruction? Ua ordered tho tlig hauled downat Honolulu, ami a great wave of Indignation Is awi ep Ing the country became ho did so. Was he obeying instructions, and, if in, what farther order of naiiuual humiliation does ho carry In his pockoi? What dis cretionary tiowor, whoso exerclso may inanilo our clwks with iliame, aro vested lu blniT A'cw Yurk Jlccortler. Without being greatly concerned and looklug uon things quite dis passionately, we feel disposed to say that the foregolug reads Use the writer was Jut dying for a grievance, The language In places amounts almost to by; erbolu and la so stilted and stralnod all through that It carries lets weight than It might otherwise. I'erhapa the substitution of Minister lUount for Commissioner lllount may soothe cur rrspecled coternporary's feelings some It is particularly deslnblo that all who can reasonably do so avail them selves of the opportunity of hearing Mr. Woolley's lecture at theTabernacle tomorrow evening. The sulject Is Temperance, n theme that has engaged Ihu aud most persistent atten tion of e-gts, philosophers, phllan. thruplsla and well-meaning pooplo everywhere for ages. Tho lecturer comes to us highly endorsed, having a reputation beyond the courluca of tho repul lie as a profound thinker, a gifted speaker and a mail who seeas to do good. Inim civil service rulu if com. petlllva examination, or tiny other method ly means of which tliu fitness of cundldatiaf rclllco and officeholders wasdeteruilutd, veiielu vnguuluHalt Luke City, Ihero would all at once be a round as the rushing of msuy waters caused by the outward march ot retir ing lueuiobculs and shrinking aipll outs. It would be even sucli a tl.ud on u nuall toelu us Wultrmastiir Hat vey seems unable to prevent on a large one. It id grmllylug uveu to Utah to know that Ihu returns from Tomoua oranges s.nt to England from Cali fornia are very euoouraglng. To get JJ.1D a bax, clear of allooases, Is pronounce I u prollt thatouhtto In. duce many California, grow era to ship their oruugea ucruts the Atluutlouext euasou. "Tin: Wciltl.n'a Kaiii roust net be closed on KundJ.," was a itandlu,; declaration let tun Ilea lot nChiiag. , aper's editorial p.ra.rihs iru'uig Hum LT or lo Hie opening n tin ihnn. t'orroiiiu reason or oilier Ihu uo ds don't appear thure any mure. ! nn. I laaiasrsleetotlie CommtnclnVi'ayt'M"; '" llm, card on the illo OranJe Western bs cornea efleclivc. The time oil lie nUlit train Is shortened eight hours, Irarrovihglho service In all respects on lth through trains. The schedule la arrange I as 'follows! Morning train leaves Halt l-tko at 8:05 a.m., arrives In Denver at ?. a.m.,ora frsetlon over S3 hours, airlvci 111 Chicago at l!l5p.m. The nljht train leaves at 7tMp.w. (Imteadof .5 p.m., as for merlyj, arrives Denver at 0.43 util., Omana i.w p.m.. Kansas City ton l.m4 Ht. Louis V.M a.m.: Chicago HM a.m. Through l'Lllman t'alaco lloublo Ilrawlng Itoom Hhepers to Chicago. This Is great service and commends llself to tho I ubllo who seek sjeed, safety, and last, but not least, comfort. While Ihls fast and elegant ervlcohasleenputon mainly to ac commodate tho Isrge World's I-air travel over the Itlo Urand Weilcrii line, It has come ti stay, and will bo a permanent schedule. . bne miii anallr. It msy mvo you a great deal or trouble Incooklog. Try It. 'Wo refor to the Uall llordrn i:agle Jlrand Con denied Milk, regarded by most house keepers as abwlutely essential In culin ary mee, and unsurpassed In coflee. All (irrcera and Druggists sell the i:glo JlrarnL Kolleelnllie l-nblle. Many nolea layable to the Ameri can Commercial and Collecting Agency (of Clilcso, IIIH) have been taken Irom my office without author ity, and the Individuals executing and owing on any not payable to said agency are hereby notified to make no payment on the same except to the undersigned, ritANCta CJ. LUKP, Ueueral Agent of said Agency for Utah. ItxeiirsliiiiloK'iiver. Tor the Itlo Orande Western trains on May 19th, rxcuulon tickets will be sold to 'Denver at $3 fir the round trip. Tickets good until June SI. This will afford a dellxhtful vacation at low ratea via the great scenlo highway. Here la Ntiintlhlna "" for Tour lltisiiiiixtlc IrleniU. If any of your friends are troubled with rheumatism have them read this! Lynch nuno, Vs., Aril IB, 1603. I dealre to say that Chamberlain's I'aln Halm has curel one of our cltl zsna of rheumatism of twu years' standing. One bottle ittd the work, This gentleman, Mr. It. II. I'arnul, ticket ageut of the C. A O. It. It., now recommends l'aln Jlalm to all his friends. K. C. Helhlg. SI rent bottles for ssle by 'A. C. M. I. Di Uept. d s Uallaru'a Kniiw This Invaluable remedy la one tbat ought to be In every household. II will cure your Hheumat!m,.Ycur tjla, Hpralus, Cuts, Urulses, Ilurns, Frosted 1 eel aud liars, Bore t.-ost and bor Chest. If you have Lame Hack It will cure It. It psnetrstes to the seat of the dlieue. It will cure Htlfl Joints aud contracted musolea arterjall other rom edits have failed. Those who have beenorlpplea for years have used IlaU lard'iSnow Unlmtr.t and tluown asy tbelr ciutuhes and boen able to w alk as well ua ever. It will cure Aou. Trice CO cents. Sold by Z. O. M. 1. Drug DfJ't. VHien Itaby was siek, irs gaTa her CoOJarla. Vhro sbe irsa a CU1J, she crie.1 f uP cutorla. eVben she thecama albs, she clung to Castorla. Yilien alas bad OhlUrtn, ah ka( tlicm Catorla. The soft glow ol tbo lea rose Is ac quired by ladles who use I'otzml's Complexion l'owder. Try It. 4 Chut uhke theater tius 8. tiunro!, afaaager. OSM MCJ1IT ONLT. SATCltD.VY, MAY 1U. 'III! OIIEAT AND ONLT CARW1EWC1TA. llfsurt.0. li JetTcrioD, KUw A ErUnser. ivSinisTCrtnf "Tin) Cuuntnr Uircm" ol,l)i oll(lu,M Kill rrct&ttli fettnoui aodbtautu f ul Si'iDitli diii em, CARMENCITA, la cobJuocUoq with their I rlllt&Qt Comcdr buc, THE PRODIGAL FATHER. CARMENCITA " dancev yiii: I'.tcimrt, f yStMllUlo, nnU J 'I hi: viLi'Nn:i!iis. Priccl-U 00, 75e, toc.iac NKXTATTnAOTlOV. Tucidir sad Wedaesdsy, Msy 10.17. JUVENILE OPERA COMPANY xrv "xnjiaixjvxxr." Bala or seats commences Saturday, May nib. Salt - Lake - Theater, tins B. Junto, Msaaier. arTiit JUVENILE OPERA COMPANY lOO Voloos. - too Vetoes. Ibe Mnit 1 lain rate Jmenlle rrndurtlon of aay vpcn li l .olucojln eal; I As Clly, l'oru'ar frlrei aaleot seals now oa. CH7tttStJH0TE'- T!?1'WeejK a or tiivvsiiai. jr.u iiin. t.Ieali.i en i o .ipenj l'riiant1uv till. I'liiMs.- us vvtt M(.r Ir . A Ix.'i 11 i tt Jlrlisi jcoartlltl, and li c i an J lm J. minima nail al.lo su.i .rl iu i-i fsaiiil .perlallusen llljou hollnlrililu.linis In Carlo Hall. lOo. A1J1IIS310N lOo. l THREE DAYS ONLY As per promise we present a partial list of what you can expect during our three days' ' Gm Ahum. W Sale, Commencing Tuesday, the 16th. Dress Goods department. Laco Counter. I'laln and l'ancv l'abrlca at a Tremen- Heme and Illaok Coral Laoos at 1-3 from doua Rsductlon. regular prices. Novelty Hiiltlnira will beofforod at an un- Valonitennos (gouulno) nt 2-3 reduction. . "- uaual eacrlllce. Scarfs (lllack Lace) at 60 per cent roduo- r"j -. SilK Department. Veilings (all aorta) Od per cont from price. f H I I t..uiiii. if , , , , Taney ltibbooa 6o per yard, worth 15c i I i I I IllacK Silks K bolow recular prleo. .... ,. . . . ., , ,, . ,. I ' I , in,. ,. . ,..-.. .V ., n Kid flloves (a kooiI lino) 1.23, the prlco , I llhadmorea for only ,3o, worth Jl.2.1. worth l.7i. Natxcblnea! hH K ngurort India bilk reduced Irom 7Go to LadloV lllack Hoao-an Immonsoatock- JJ v loopcryd. from So per pair up. ff) Colore,l t'ryslsl Silks roduood from 1 to Children's Hose, lllack and Gold, from HH J J " rer yd. 8o r pair upward. LJ Staplo Goodsjopartment. From Cloak Room. t ' SSSitXr,-. Wr.oPnP.Tr.(Cba,,,,Trc.l.c,).,.a price IUeaobedMutllnonlySoperyd, Opera Hh'swls at loss than i prlcos. r r Oowollnironlyooperyil. lllaror Hulls, 2)iercunt reduction. I I ... . bprlnir Jnoketa, orlnlnal prlco d.W) to y' - StanleO. liOUeich, aliirolniralj3.Weach. P, ' Huminor Drosses. Take your ehnlco at i i cyl lO-tillcaohedSheetlnsonlylSopcryd. half prices. I I , o-iiiieachdnbeo:ini-onirajoperyd. Mlnerv Dcnartnient e"" p Bleached and unbloaohodTablolJamasks IslllllllU y UbletrtlllUU. L off regular prloa. llstsx KxmiiiT is Tin: WlaT. J Q Notion Deputanont. a p TOIlt T for lto mnca Calico and Vercal. Walals M o regular UAYH MAI.II only. 1" in.ckrIl0;.on skirt. Koffrtmur price. Boot anU Shoo Department. ( 1"mIcll'"!U"m SUtU " "" "8Ul" 0'"S '0 Cliango of H.ylos We Can t , . . i a u i .a , Malta You rrloea lu First- 1 lAdlea' union suits from Wo upwards. Class floods. WLadlea' ltlbbed Underwear from&Ooup- -- wards. Children's and Misses' Ueclod and ladles' Hleevolosa Itlhbod Vests from 8JI Hprlnij.lleeled, onoo JlOO per palr.all Wcenla each upwards, markod at J1.S5. r r i Ladles' Bleeveless ltlbbed Vosts, a Job """V..1.!,"0 .,'luJ?.iB.ho"' K00'1 woar' ( J r ,.,.M,,rfaMK",'0m,'mi5l,T ,, dt'.V'?hi.!irln'. Slipper.. Just L ' fl, fnei"TwareU m "' "'"1i a0V' Ke" Blvln8 ",om ! 1 Ijedlos' Muslin Underwear. To n,uoto ; Tj EeJdn'n ube"."" h"f "" "of r' Carpot andPaper Dept. H rl Notion Department. this OAnnrnLLr. Hri I L Afoquetto CrH)P, only ft.'JU per yard. L J L7 Ladles' ai'.Corao'n for fi.23 only. .r,,.iuS?i-,,Ti,ir,!l.,r Jr,U,i Lad,.,' Model 1IIP CorsoU o only a, &&l!jfaSftj5r they miutBo. lneraln I'arnet from iXM to 45o per yd. Handkorcblafs An Immense Hoe, all Ihoso Carpets made, lined amid laid for grades, at 31 1-3 reduction. only lOo per yd. GIaOTHING depahtgqet. Wk Shall Have on Oun TAtiLna ixjii Tuts Halb Only, MEN'S, YOUTH'S, BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S SUITS, MEN'S AND BOYS' PANTS AND VESTS, KNEE PANTS AND OIIILDS' VEST SHIRTS, DRAWERS, HOSE, CAPS, HATS AND FURNISS-ilNG STOCK At Both Sitlo and llouiur Union, and Pntvotiu -will bo Stir pi'iHod (ft tlto Kxtont of Our Stock- We Say to Our Friends that on tho Conclusion of Our THREE DAYS' SALE Regiilar Prices Will Bo Rosumed. as wo expect to oloso out tho host enumerated. V ft WK I T. G. WEBBER, Supt