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ITT i ' It DESERET TiYENiyG ITEWSi SAT UUP AY. 3fAY 1.1 1803. ; paraetti and gpie. Biff Goodwin's Sucooss LaBt Nln"t.-Cnrmonclta To-nl3ht. "Dan" f Olson Doad.-Padorowskl's Caoapo from Chlcaso. Bi': Amu3omont Notos. B It It fifteen years now sluco Nut H' QooUwIn look Stlt Iiks by norm an J 't Kvocur publlolta tint taile of fares H coinaJy aril biirlrrquw blended Inlhe H fan.ous old llobblte llio jilonser '" H Ilia school of tnuilral travesty nnd H fates which Ilia sloio submerged llio B f country. Tho success tba odor thru H ' mads Imprinted lila name Indelibly on B tha public memory, and otory jihae of H hia career alnco that lima baa bteu HG, watched with Intereit. That career H1 baa been n Tarlejated one, but ono that H baa kej.tthenamo of Goodwin Hi goml LH sited typo before ths public eye. Home- i times It waa a newiucceaa In liutlttiiuf, when ba lunged Inch Into tun old fleld Willi somsttalnfcllkelioreiiio Initio Mated; again it waa a Jump orer t B liondou and an entry In the lltt H ' agaloal London' Idui, Mr. Took; B . again It was a llttta divorce episode, BB diversified by Mr. and Mit. Goodwin's IB ' barricading their bouaea against each ctber.and Inlemwrsed with cauitla BH comments made by ilr.Ooodwin torn- BBT tionera toncernuu; bla di-HcMful rela- BBt tlons with his mollier-ln-law; still again BB i ItwutheueuaofhowMr.UocdwInhad BH I been Imodwltikwl by cerialu Hew i York lleputdlcan admlrera of hla, ln:o BBt1! bellevlnir. Hint Harrison had a "wnlli BB'' over" In hla conlotl with Cleveland, BB and how thu actor had "dropped" BB $25,000 the I rotlta of a whole aenam BBt lu backluK up that opinion. HUH BB later cauie tho newa of a ijuarrel wllh BB ' Ml" Amber, bla leading lady, who BB left tba cuturany for Ihrou comccu- BB) tlveuluhUon account of Mr, (JooJ- BB I win's allowed predllectlona for the BJB l festive) and flowing cup, and who waa kM Induced u return again only alter lha itUr had rrglttered n aolemn vow to nb ataln llntKtlol tu and loruver. Ho that It ran not be said Mr. Goodwin hat fjj ' suHeiod from being nllowid at nil to BB 1 '" "ut of ""' vluw 0 tl,s runl'oeye. BB "ut atldu frotn.nll thcao more or leaa pel- BB ' tonal rtatona why thum la audi a BBt Ksneral luleiett III Ida ullilra, It the BBT lact that Goodwill baa utuiu steadily BB mounting tho ladder of fame lowaraa BB I the luou of thu mors legitimate, and BB that ytar alter year uv lias shawn tbo BB great publlo that he hl lu him the BB ttull of n Kayinoudorit JeMVreiii, ami BB that bla laleuta were very larfloinlo- BB Ing olrcumicrlbed by Ibu limit of BBT farce and bjrlcnur. He allowed BB! aomethliig of hla moru aerlotia lent In BB the Uola Mlue, which lie gave hero BBT two yeara ago, and Uit night huatepped BB dlrecty Into tho domain of llnltued BB and high clam tomedy ny lil Inter- BH t pretatlou cf Chauncey bliort In Mr. BBt Uarletoii's admirable play oi 'I'l.u BB Gilded Foil. Allhough the character BBTjj Is moulded In the humorous vlii,it lua BB1 IU miinunta of arlotiinen and even BJB palbot, una la the ttrav.r aa well m BBI t be Hvtllir mjodt, Uuodwln waa BH equally admltahle. In whatever he HB( dueeha exert) tha atrongeit kind or BBL! .- magnotltmon hit nudlenor, and Ilia bnrly curtain callt ha Invarlibly rt calred were given aa much for hi flionsacpncani for hla comedy onia. The hit he toored wot uudoulte-1 and genuine. Aid lo from 111" mar tho pretenlatlon Man well rcndcrul nnd tliormiithly nrll-tlc Tho iccnery and attllngi werebeaullful. The auppul, wblcb lncludcl audi well known or tliti at Mr. Holt, whoto broker waa mindful of Mordauut In the Henrietta, JeanClJta Waltera, nil old-time Halt hika favorite, who wai accorded a waim welcome, Mabel Ambor, a charming leading lady, and Minnie llupree, who lines played Huaau In lltilbylha Kucmy with auch good effect. It la n matter nf regret that .Mr. Ujodwlu and hit excellent com pnny had tu limit their atay tonne night. They appotr lu Option thla ovcnlng. Tha newa that "lMn"0!on It dead, will come aa it tad autran toliuti ilnda who remenilcr hlnl a the merry vlollnlatof plomer ilayn. Ourfathen uud iculhereowe him a neraonal debt forth' many dillghlful eviuluga he gave them, nnd tiie manner In which he exorcltrd melancholy In the lylnit dajaclHalt Ijike'a early aettlemeot. A letter from Klllmore, datod the lOlb, biji: On Monday evening the pcotlecl Klllmote weiuahocked to Irarn uf tl.e death of Dllilil Ulieu, an ntaenuJ rlllten, nnd ono who Is dlatluKUithid ni lu'luij una of tho moat promlacut mutlclaua of ccntlal and toutheru Utah. Hie dltcaae was general tie blllty, and at hla deathbed wcrahla wlte, a family of children and n heal oftilenos. In 1S5I Mr. Ulioli caiun to Halt Lake C'lly auJ engaged In tho musical rolinlon; f r many years he toot: tbo Had aa a ball-loom vlollnltt playing for lha aocial nnd iartlee by l'retldeut Vcung at thu Modal hall. AsiocUted wllh him In the muilial itolealon were Mirk Uroltill, Wm. Potter, Jothua Ml Jgley, Jim G'urreynud others who are Well known lo old Halt Iiikerr. After hla marilagotoDelllaKinghe moved tu Klllmoru. I-ait 1'rl.lty ovenlog h llajetl for Ida last ball; ho felt cliterlul auaaamed lo put all thu enthuibtm huriuBLtttdlnto bla Inatiument. ilia vlclln Is n very llr.u ouo of an eld uakuaud hot been In bla hands In fonitanl um for forty jinn. It la looktdupon by tho famlllly aa their grentett traaaure. l'uuclal aeivltes wero held toJay at too o'clock. (Jarmecclta, tnv noted Spaclth daniiute, Mil raakis her napiMrance at tho Theater tonight In iviuju notion wllh tba comedy The 1'rudlgal Father, Carmeuclta baa aohluvod a triumph which noutherdaucer bat ever before reached. For threo yearaahuappeared lu Kow Vork biforn audiences workvJ up to the gieitcat eiithuilatm and her ilsi'idiigni thodachuca, Haudlatn and llnVvluutitia created u perfict lurjte. Mea.ra. Jelleraon, Ivlaw and l'.rluuger, lha managers of the Country Circus and TLb Houdan, aro alio managing The I'rudlgal Father. Cieo. Danham lain the cail, and hla Impersonation of Illegally l'rodlgal Father Is said lo be veiyfuuny. Uco. C. lloulfaco Jr., appears In puu part of tho oomrdy ilagultid naan Afrlpau king, and Mlia lllancho Chapman Ford npeata aa n acrlO'Ccnilo singer. 1'oor raderowtkl hat gotnntcf Chi cago and nllo.l for his 1'ollth home. Hit ftrrwoll wotdt wtro funny al. mcln fjniiy aa "Judge" l.tnnou'a nldlugoverthedltuleof btriaand pianos: "Ahl Chlcoo," he cried, "Hal iltjl Dlrly clljl I had gooa frlundslure, but lha lommltslonrrs, thu dlrrctor-eutral, they treat mo llku what yni call a convlo'." Hla tupirh mauo IrciuUcd fattitllcally an huahoukhla htad In furlout Indlgtia thu. "I love America and the Amerl ennr," he ttlJ, "I loe Ihem nett to my l'clind, rimy alwaye Irtat 1'ollth ariltttao kindly. Hut nit week, for twenty-four hours, 1 Iclt aa If I had tone acmetbliig Horrible. I was so nbmud by tho Chicago news apart, and watched and si led upon, nnd rait re retenled. I didn't know until a fuw minutes before I went on thaatagu whether I could tlay. Mr. Tnoniat great marl great mail ha aald 'liy,' and I plajoj. Hut Cnluao, director general, prmmlttlonera dlrly buil neail l'al.l" And II. o great pianist llghtoj n Irceh llunlan cigarette, if which ha la nimlonalely fond, and I uflod away Indignantly. In lha meantime it will itrlko moat fatrmlndod paoplo that Inatmuili at I'aiercw kl volunloerod hUicrvlces to tho Fair, hu ahculd have been allowel to name hla own luiltumeiit. If ho praferred n Htcluway, and wta accua toiiiud lo that Imtrumenl, It waa n very pttly pleco of butlaeis for Ibu Fair manaucra to Insist on hla playing on tome otucr piano, merely became the Htclnwaye were not exhibiting. As far 'hli particular part of the illipuie Willi Theodore Thomaa goea,thu ubllo la apt tu tnl.o the tide ol tha mutlclan. A nolo to thu M:M from the Co lumbian Celebration company, Chita E0,uated May Gib, aujtl " There la no In llio luinort tliatTho Chi i ngo Hptctatorlum" la to be abandoned. It It no' Uluu puttied lo nouipletlou." Thu Ji'iiw York llorfif cl Huuday lait, however, laya thlit It hat been known forsomo lltllo lima that Hteelo Mackaye's great aiieclator lum In Chicago could not bit madu rtady for tome monllia. -Uu tla sayr, liownver, that "tun priject ln vail that neither time nor money l lelt to completu It lu Ham ti lw of nnv value during thu World's F.ilr, rourhund red thouiand dollars Is aalj to bo tho turn twiulrid to furnlth thn structure and tu open tho chow. Kolmdy icemi lu huuw where It la wmlig fruin, and lueHnnhlloa huge unlluUti.d building near the Lxpjtltlon nnd n costly working model of Itio Cotumbut epcr taclu nru all that there la to tliow for monthavf prenaratlon and cuormout expendlturts." Nell llurgta's biu; succeat, Thu Couuty Fair has bueu turn before, but without Kill hlmaelf. Next Friday nn nln to have it again, but thla tune with tba atar hlmielf, ao that It will be liken new attraction, Mr. Ilurgeia Lot only brings hla entire New Vork cmipmy hut ale) allcf thu reentry nnd machinery, logelhor wllh his five thoroughbred borsrs which alied ao materially In making The t'ountr I air onoof tbemott succestfulof plya on tho American stage, though not a lit tle of Ita woll merited lucceta la duo to Mr. llurgeoa lilnueir, A raoit excell.nt program la that prepared for TutaJay evening next at the Twentieth ward mtttlog houte, when a farewell conceit a III bo given In honor tf A. It. Wright and Fred Hliumons, who lenvo thortly to fill mluloos. Thoae who aplar ate: The Unlou Ulee club, litter M. Wella, tho vtttrau comrdl.ui W. C. Datibar, Mrs. Agnea Olson- riumiw, l'rof. Joa. J. Dsyuea, John Ilollnton, Maud May llaoojck, l;. H. l'ltrie, Mlia Alinlu Sieenton ouJMr. oinlMrJ.J.T.Duubar. BTaUR ANll SltlSIO OTIH. Bothcni made little If any money In Han Frauclroo. Men and Women ti allU tunning profitably in Ijondon. Duto ornud In London latt Thurs day. It washer tint npicaranco tlure. Tho Howard Athantum company, now Uylng with great tuccere lu Htn Frauclico, will bo lu bill I-aUo 1 1 June. Mn.UimondTcnrlc(MlnnleConway) baa aultlcleutly recovered from her loug lllneta to rijolu htr huibund "on tbo road." Judlohaa been tinging in Home, af. ttr no at lenru of ten yean, and though thowlng many algnt ol wear, haa piovrdalUitlll to charm the Italian public A retfirmauco of Krmlnle, by a Juvenile uj era company of luV, uuder the tutlagu of Mauauie Albtrlu Howe, will to given nt the Tnejlir on next Tuesday nnd Wednesday eveulngt. Harali Heruhardt'a engagement In llomu this eeatuu ladtclard to hau bteu a llnauilal failure, oud aim la luhl to luvo teen equally uuiucceMful lu Noplti. I'ottl has been riually uu fortunato. Hhuwaa "a dead failure" lu MIUu. The enlorprltliiR Caledonia Hoclety kuvh it Ciini'ert and ball at tuo olJ 1, U. U. F. bail last night for the ben efit of their World's Fair committee. Thu hall was crowded with local and vltlllug Hcute, and a very enjoyable lluio was participated In. Two tf John Hletion'i "Cruit of Hoclety" uominules have closed and there is u tvuitthut Mrs. Frauk 1. ti ll u's organlzallou la falling to plecna by lemon ol tho fuel that teverai uf thu playira want their aalarlta und cannot get Ibcra. Jean Clara Wslteit aaya aha will tpend two weeka In Halt iiafcu during llio summer. Hho sprnlts glowingly uf tho old drsmatia days bele when thu utuil to play Lady Macbeth uud the wholu'lnbernasla tliolr went on tna ttu;u aa wfluhes to rtuder Locke's music. Mary An Jeraon's father waa Charlea Jotepu AuJeraoD, a Conltdirale ufllcir, who lost hla llio lu IeOI. Her mother subsequently married lit. Hamilton Urllllu, uf Loultvlllo, and bewaaMlta Auderton'a manager for many yeirr, nud la now apeudiu his old age Willi Iter 111 Tumbridgu Weill, In the atutli of Huglaud. Frederick Wardo and Loula Jamis endeU tl ilrteaiouat'lrenton lut Hat- urday night. They aiy It haa teen ono of marked prcaperlty, and they have renewed their oniric! for live years. Mr. Wardo will spend thn summer lu Hrooklyn making ready fir an elabor ate tcenlo revival nf Henry Ouy Carlt ton's " Tho Lloti'Mouth"at tho Htir Felix Mortli, who haa leen a mem ber nf Itoilua Vokoa's company for Iholait teti years, haa left thecompnny for good. A story has In on currentlhat there had been a terlous dlllirenco ticiween Morris and Actor Mnrlut, who Is rait for parts Morrn formerly lliyed. Manager Fleming dinlesthtie rumors. Mr. .Mortl't la going to atar next staton. It. K. Thomas' "barnacle," n email IhcUnnumln thoHevenlh ward, capa bin cf tutting three hundred piiople, wna cruwdtd tu the back w.ill but night uy frlenda ul Fred W.HIramona, Who nuemblid to listen lo n concert program and glvo hlnl a farewoll tes timonial prior to lila departure to Hctndluavla. Tub muiloal fea'urrs were greatly applauded, and Mr. Him in.. n a haa vvnry right to feel proud of lha testimonial. THE FAR NORTH. swi nr.s. The remains of 211 penous have been cremated at the Stockholm in itiatory alum It waa opanoJ. Thelllkadai; has appropriated 800,000 clowna for ammunition for tho new rlrl ea and loOXIO crowns for theVotbcrg f.rtlflcatlom. Iben's "Hygraetttr HolnisV waa pleiebtvl threo nights at tho Opera rbeatirof Hlickliolni. Tho play was rccelnil with universal apauie. King Otcar attended tho latt represen tation. Congressman Vavrlmky recently delivered nu addreta on 'Tiaoo" in Utali. It atruik thu audleuco eo favorably ilhat a peace uulon wua started with a immbcrshlp if cuu btindreJ. At n mine near Orangtsberg E7 mlurrs alruclt for higher wages. Tliltlt not very slrangt, their monthly wagia iKlngSH.Sj. About line hall cf tho men were dlicbargcd for good, and thu teat went to work again. Tho ac-called "lllg Urowery" at Htcckhohu lost Ibl.UUll latt year. The ciuioof this uuutual statu ofthlnga la duo lo thu auccess of voiiitellug breweries lu spreading thu rumur that the water uaeU at thu "Dig llruwrry" wsa dangerously Impure. Tbo Clitllllng Induttry uf Spain bus made such prognss duriuglbu loat lew years that said country will hi ncorortlil effectively c'utod ugalutt the lraort uf splrila from bvtedeu. Some of the Hwudltn goods already Imported mult bu aold ut n pcaltlvu lO'S. 'ThoIVople'sHouie" cf Malmo la the ubllu lull opened by the social democrala uf Hwidec. It wai ileul eattd the cithur uvanlng in thu pretence of 6U0 aocialNta uf Malmo uLd other titles. "The People's Houie"naeerictid by abulldlnt asao o atlon if tho samo uamual a cestui SIS.WO. A violent tloroi from tho tiorthwett broka up the lea on Like Vettern, and pllnd up Ihn loo blocks Inbin gtllterlng wall from elht to twelve latt high. Much dtruagn waa dona lo lha locka ut Vaditeoa. tho eight wai (rand and nothing like It wai ever wltmsiedat that place. A committee appoluled bv the I ulldlng Inspectors or tho city cf Stock holm has reported tint the prnpoiod contraction of a ayalem of suhwaya for water ami gas pipes, telephone and teltgraph wiles, etc., la notfcrtllblo ex cept In ceiUIn parts cf the, and the plan will be abandoned for thu time being. Thn moat Interfiling coso at llio hcerllolol Lundlu tholilttory of that loilllutlon Is a man who nil Into u tujr attheagaof S-lyrarsand enmo In aealn nearly ten years afterwards. Hu la now perfectly sine b'lt forty threo yeara of hla ills aro a complete blank, atll ho has to learn tne moat common altalrs of Ufa Irom tho begin ning. Mrs. Frvdrlkko Nlelien, a Norwegian lady, who haa spent years and years pre lohluglu Nirway, Denmark nnd America, tapeclally In Minnesota, baa been conducting a aeries of revival inretlugantHt. lMul'j ctiuroh, Htoo holm. For a acrks of yiars Mm. Nlo'sen wsa a successful actiuta at tho National theater titabllthed by Ole Hull at Hereon, llolh HJornion nud Ibicn woro unco her lurtructurs. oIl'AV. Tho present tcasion of lha storthing will cloto lu Ihn latter part of June. Vlggi Ullman, the president of the Norwegian storthing, will talo atrip to America next fall. Twenly-flvo of tho labor organlzi Hone have Joined tho contra! organisa tion of the left. An Aalliorg lady who haa been mar ried twooly-ttirco yeara haa Jutt given birth lo her twentieth child. The chlldnn, flvo boya and flftrou glrli, were all hialthy at their blrtli. The alalement lo tha cilect that l'remler Hlreu Is a grandson of a man who live I In eoulhurn Hwtdeiiprovn tiboerronius. Thennceilor of Mr. Hteen havu lived lu Norway fur giueratiour. l'eole talk, (Me lljormtforne I!ornton, very tightly of dliiolvlng Ihu union at If It conlJ ba dona by the stroke vf tho pen through onenf tho iinragrnpha of cur fundamental law. If Uu country wruMinlulmuui or nearly so, it might be dona on aatltfaclory terms, fur why ahoiill Hwcdun cling to a partnership, which the other In sist on renouncing? Hut for ouo lolltlcnl party In Norway to force or nub thraugh n dliaolutlon of tho union ngalnit uuotber Norwegian party la an adventure which mutt end in n llatco, If uothlugworoo. lilghly-yeara-old talnamuit ba ex ceedingly rare, but thu twin a'ateis Hetty nud Thoriae Bilomouaoii, cf Covicliagen, conilcted their HOth year tho other day. The cicloginurlau twins, whuvrjuy thu eattiui of their town people toa maiked degree, receiv ed n great number of congratulations during the da), Klug Christian him stlf being among tha congrntulators. The Caeper (Wyo.,) Tritium aiya that that oity hla uuuhlud Iti )opu lotion within thriei minlbs. trrct. e,l lira,. I or PAltute. Owincf ti its habit nf liarting r.novrns toon ns mt down, nlmoatvrlthontiegan.' to weather or sc.uon of tlioyMr, if llx gronnd li not frozen, tirclmrd griM tmlci'S nn cxcclloat pmluro when thickly reeded, mvinB food lath early and lato In tho i-caion. It will bear continuous feeding ltter than nlmoet nnylhlng bnt blnogrnu, but it h'uono fiulti If not color fod down, tho lato full growth, whin heavy. Is liable to fall down upon tho irown cf tho roots nud rmother Itself out. Those who !in e It should loolc ont that tin ro la not ranch left standing em the Held when winter comes In. ItUnlsii caily ainolhorcd by weeds when it llrst cimn'1 up, nnl If Ihey nro plenty tiny ulitmld i mown down until tha grass gets uboio thorn. Tor p.turo tow In April or May, nbunt S bushels of scM (o tho ucrc. It may Iw mown tvrlou tlmllnt J ear If it docs well, and mowing ono or two years would recm to mnkolctter pasture after ward llian lo turn tlio cattlo em tho fir t season. Tho tufts ilool nut inoro nnd get a better nnd deeper hold. It will grow iilwii nluiost Lny Held whtro blno crats will, thongli it liken boat nilch, deep soil. If net mown, tho cattlo should not bo turned on It before llio hto fall, but B It might ln cnt nnd foil grcin or cured In July. Wo should ecrtilnly rw bluo gran mul whito clover with it forpislur ago unlcu seen lliat they would cumo In spontaneotisly, naya American Cultiva tor, authority for tho foregoing. Sole. In fatting. "Chemicals nnd ilover" nro bringing about radical change on tho poorer aoila cf I-ons Iahnd nnd New Jersey. "Fertilized (inuln i" la ery much tho fashion just now among progrcasliu farmers in tho casUrn states who nro working om solli. Clover, which Is even inoro readily winter killed than wheat, succeeds best cu land naturally dr) , or which lias Itch thoroughly underdrulncd. Ono of tho regulation of tho Colum bian e xhibltion consists In miuldn;? tho uso ut wldo tin s on tho licmy team was una einployoil in tho (rrjnnds. A Pure Koiwegian oiiistiiCKinfiusci! e rv In tlie production M of Scott's Kmul- (yrtTnY slon Ilypoplios- fJfeiKl0 pltltciof Lime and TSrf V Soda arc added jl J 1 for llicir vital cf- "Y'VifsP" feet upon nerve cs3t-)i.C. and brain. Jt'o -v'SjCJ-S'"" mystery surrounds this formula the only mystery is liow quickly it builds up flesh and brings back strcngtli to tlie weak of all ages. Scoffs Emulsion will check Consumption and Is indispensable in oil wasting dis eases. ?''- 'I'.j1 tV" K Y AllJrtrtltlt. Hi I Home IMnstry ? Home Enterprise? Home Tustef Home Skill! l ' "o" o 6" o o o o s " - " - I -ITHE GRANT SOAP" COMPANY k , H)( ! H'i Announce to the Public that they will put on the market for the first time i ii I MONDKY ? MORNING, ? MHY 15, ? 1S93. I M Their Now Lino of LAUNDRY SOAPS, manufactured by a lately and vastly improved patented process. I TUB "CO-OP." "jgri TflE "BEE J4IVE" H This lino is munufneturod expressly for Z.C.M.I., who have already ill4w given an order for Five Hundred Boxes, as an eneouragemenL jf Is luc lulc manufactured for the regular commercial trade, and H to an important Home enterprise, and as a testimonial to the syM&- .,, , ,. , , ,, superior merits of the new Soap. ' 1 AVl11 be Ior sal everywhere in. the city. I OUR POSITIVE CLAIM IS sH' H That these Soaps aro not only the equal, but tho superior of any others in the market. We only ask H the housewife to give them a trial by applying tho best going test washing out a piece of Flannel H with these Soaps. Do that and we shall bo content to accept your verdict. , I' Out IRHao-siiiTu-. Tmloi ftrMTr.s "E WHITS WIH0SR are equal to the Best Toilet Soaps brought into this market. They arc highly perfumed and put up in beautiful wrappers, and will also bo introduced early I next week. DIRECTORY. j p QRANT jj F. A. GRANT, President. JOHN HENRY SMITH, Vice-President. HEBER J. GRANT, Secretary and Treasurer. R. S. GRANT. J. H. GRANT. f ..i0u. H i H i sLkafaaW