Newspaper Page Text
MBMB"MMHiMIHMHBMM1llll, ;,! s DKSEnrr evenino- newsi satttkday. at ay 10, isnn. DKSERBTEYKHJllftJRWi ' ftntnrelar. "T 3 IKUI 1 , ' THIS COUNTRY AND EUROPE. ' The dlflerence between tbls country t and the countries ol (he OIJ World I" never more strikingly Illustrated than ' In Urn matter of heroes. There, few peoplo ever expect to own thtlr own loot) illll fewer to ever havo title to the land on which their liouto standi. Onlhe contrary, In thli country, any , man poiicseod of health, enrrgy anil Intelligence It uro that bolero many years lie may not only build lilratcll nlioutc; 1st may alio on the land surrounding It. Are lot) tontent to 1 fallen upon yourself and your Innocent children the lystem of tenantry that -1 agcaof feudallira fattened upon the .i countries of Hurore? Do you ny 2 rent? If o, why not pay that umouut f, upon the purcbaie price of a home for yourielf In Korett Dale? In this delightful tuburti you can buy laud, build your home, and pay for It with little more exertion than la required to pay your landlord. If you rout, very nail you drive, overy weed ycu pull goea to Improvo your temporary I quarter, but eventually roiulta only In benefiting him wbosn tenant you are. ' If you buy home, every ahrub, flower 1 or tree you plant growl for you aud ;., your children. If you havo money , enough, pay all cull, and get discount therefor. If yon have only jour vragss, buy on the Installment plan, i. paying ao much each month; and your wife and children will gladly help you lava rather than Ilvo In a tented bouse. We have at I'orett Dale the tcitol toll, flrst-claes water, both from springs and aiteilan wells, dlttrlct icboolf, Sunday achoola and good neighbor!. You may buy land by the rod, by the lot or by the acre. Depth of Iota varlea from 120 feet to ii rods, tf o trouble to ahow property. Call at room Ml Conttltutlon block, and make arrange ments with my agent'. Correspond ence aollcltod. CIeobue M. GAN30.V, Owner. FIUiTUENTS. Tiinnewdltlrlcl attorney Hon. J. Vt .tndd, look Iho oath of olilco In JoJco ,'too'acourttliltniorntiig. Jmtv llnunvo, tlio reoltmin and florlftt, loft 'this mornlnir Hr n throo weeks hnsliiott trip to California. Ji'oTimei special trantpircd In the Third Dlttrlct Court thlt inotiiliur. bouin.l iho 'swelling In" of Ibo new Untied Blaict dlitrlct snorncy, Tiir ninth f lornm of Milan will meet In Ilio Eloveiuu ward me-etlno; hoii-o tin Monday evening, at 'it). Jlldor J. II. Ward will deliver nlectiiro on "Homo." Hoy. ('. H. VarUu mado a gracchi! hi tie speech In Introducing hit surrHwor, Atilttantditirlctntloriifjrt Hieplicnt and Kinllh will hold ou until aubtlltutu hat o bren found. A ontAT many pooplo now ns etnble dvily nt ilio now wlckrt gates mi tho catt Mo of llio Tomplo MocK nnd peor Into ilio cueloiuro with n curlotlty that l nlmott tiiLouiprchonilbte. Juror. IUiitch having cleared the alalo atlleuiicr, ri turned tothodtv Ibis morn Ingutid will uislslnost week wltli Iho trulof civil citutet In tlio m cond hraneli el tlioThltd Dlitrlcl Court. Tuts hat bcon a day o( local Incorpora tions. o fewer lhaii thrcesomef miidf had been Hied wltli clerk .Meloyoftbo Coutitr Jtonrl tcforotho noon hour. They aro nlvim In detail In Ihla liiuoofllm News. A FAIirwi i l concert will he clven In Ibo Ninth ward meeting home, Monday etenln;. M.iy nth, for tbo honollt nf I Idler Ueorgo IVowlet and James Harrow, provfou to tholr dopirturo ou a tnltstou to New Zealand. "PmsTr or water all around but not n drop for Irrlg-itlou purpotoV'ls the cry it up by realdcnu In iho southeastern part of iho cily. It U nail lhaiMr. Harvey tioodaall of tho surplus water tu llooil Ilio premltea of Iho iwoplo living In tlio low,atidi. At tho Theater tomorrow morning Mr. Utter will nla ncilni ol n-r-mom on the higher rrltlchm wlih a ilia courto upon tlio iterlcKl oftholt-ttivlnnlnn Cupllvlly, ahow Inn that tbo Old Ti!.v inent iiuinl orliilnatiil at tnal time, bonlcoa bffrlna at 11 o'clock. 1'oiLowtKU U ho paroitraph adnp'ed by Iho National llepublioau Ijoajuo at Ioultvlllo, ou lliiiitday, In relation m fomalo autfrairrt "Wo recommend to Iho hiorabteronoiilorallonuMlioKopubllcan cluba or Iho United btatot a a matter of education Iho question of granting to tho women of the aiato and nation tho rlfrtit to oto at elections on tho aamo terun and condltloui a main oitlzena." Woutltrlnnii. The engaKement ol the Idoil Opera company wai Inaugurated nt thlt placo ofamutcmentTliuraday.Tliu conn any It a very good one. II In FIoiilo Mooro li excel tlonally good, having n clear, awect aoprano voice. Another notice able feature la the rhorur, Itbotnr: welt trained, and contalna aamo very gooJ voice. Tako It nil In all, thlt It the belt per formance yt loen In Ihla houiv. rroli.tlo Court Today. i:tnte ofltuptit Blmpion, dvceaicd. Hearlog on petltbn for order ol aalo of real ettato, and order made ae prayed. Kitata and guardlantblp of Warreu Frailer. Hearing on account and petition for allowance. Order made allowing account. Alto heating on citation 13 Andrew Frailer to appear and render an accounting to executrix. 1 Carpet Company ao, as, a4, ao, as z xuiiid sovtu. I ! Cash or Easy o I Payment, Especial Sale ol Refrigerators from $5 up.' Mantle and Folding Beds from $12 up. Bedroom Suites $15 up. Carpets from 20c per yard up. Parlor Goods. Summer Stoves from $1.25 up. Portiers and Lace Curtains. Baby Carriages. 3rockery Stoves and Lamps. i l yi tatltttW iiHk 'iiaxtxtxt. MUTTON "AND BEER7 Ths Council, Mayor, and Lid 3 and Water Coinlsslontr Pendleloo. an c.uiv orrui.n, iicitm. Ilio (Jitetllon ufa Illg halnry, Fine "drub" and Yen Tonlt. Spring Orci .llorr. The lot of l.iu I nul Walor Com mlitlontr lVudlcton wat call la gtccn lUliltnul pleiaant plate, by Mayor lla.kln, but thoto memlivra cf tho city courmll wluprldo thennrtvri In op. potlng Lumly til nppolntmmte nnd i fllflnl octt of hla honor nro now arouted ever what Mr. l'endlclon li doing, or rather what ho la not doing Inthewny f rarelnn hit lahry ot UjS'W a year to rldo up nnd down tho cutiyoRt occiilonally, Tho ciunclltuen ncro very lavhh in tholr compllmontato tho gentleman nt their moiling lait night. Kill)', earcaim wae very marked. Ho thlnki nu fault ehould be found wltli tho aplenJId ap pointment ol thu Mayor. When It waauudentxd that thla fllth-whrel-to-lhe-ooacb oftlotal had only bought Jl.riO worth of tooli while ho had vora ciously uataa J500 worth of "rub"and drawn $IS0O uth for rcrvlci, thu ctuuclKwoiild probably atk tho Mayor to nnko other tlmllar ojpululmentt on the ground otrconomy. In regard f I'ondlatou'a projioicd rlii op travilthrouKh thu mountain!, aa publuhed In tbo account of thu Coun cil ptocoodlnga In th'a liuo of the Nl.wa, Hardy openly charged that It waa n nptnllrn txpeudlture of publlo fuuda nnd that thoachomo waa wholly for thu benefit of the browery puoj luul tbo mouth eft'ioianyon. "What, whall" exclaimed I,iwion, eicllodly, at ho tosk the lloor, "It It luiilble that our IVnJlotou (Uughter) li entrnuid In the brewliiKbutlucat?" Moran Vet, tlul'a rlgut. Lawion Well, I Jutt wanted to know If nil of thu Mayor', npiolutce arebrewen? That la all. (llonewed laughter). KoIIju I Intimated that ho wat get ting vrry tlrodof hcarlngroporta about thla man working In tno Intcriat ol the brewery. Itwaiau uld ohottnut and waa na dltf uatlug at thooarcama of the fow abcep the city ha J burled nt an ixpenia of W) n month waa uautc allng. Only ono councilman had the temerity to aay a word 111 delouto of thu ncciited Lomiultiloner nul that waa Hern, who eaya It la only natural fjrhlm totakulho ildo of tne under doi, Mr. l'undlelon, bu enld, win an .nicleuticrvaut of tho public and the Intlnuatlou that he wat a mutton and brewery coniinlnloner Inttvid of a land aud water one waa wron i. PEOVO. Imane Atjlinn Affair. Ilorron lug Slonry a Sicttilly. Iniprotlng the ICrnitlcry. ix-hl Wonmcrflti. Notri. CcrmpivltM llturtl .V.tff. l'liuvu, May 13. A teetlon of the Territorial iLaanvAaylum board wat held ycitarday. The following bull neta waa trautacted: Two blda wero received for tho con atruotlon of flro laJderi, ono fjr Iron hddera from Henry Uaundori of thlt city, at 323, aud anothor Irani T, S Hchcuck of California for Krtable wooden lalderaat J2I7.5). Mr. Hun dera waa given the contract for erect ing the laJdert aonillcred necttitry by tho exrcullvo oomulttee. Tho mcdlotl auperliitendentreporlcd tho dlthurteaient durln; April of 11,003.12 for general expeutoi, aud il,-:.17.15 In payment of ralirlee. The ropoitwai audited and found cornet. Hide for auppliea for the outulngalx moutha nere oponed and ooutractt awardod hi followi; Joteph CCheovtr, beuf at oji ceuU Jier pound for two motitht, and S conta for four miutbi, multouato cent, per pound. 1'rovo MllllLir Co., wheat at U2 conta per buahel; Ilowo A. Talt, grocerke ntU com; rjtuoot Dru Co.. drugs and medtclitr. Tho medical auperlntenl nut twt Inttruotod tu purchate cool uud uoal oil In tL owulug luarkit. J. 1). Jouet, of tho t tcltl ommltteo on atylutu clulmv, itjxjtU'd that Wober Cuuuty would i.otnilow thuclalmaol j:91.S2 for uare uf pjtluntt,at thv.clalni watoutltwid; other nuillcr claims fir enroot pallcuia coulf not bo collected, ItetortadopH'd. Tun tuudlctl auiorlntondout rtlultcl at follow.: IMtleula In aiyluui, lb3: male, 1U2; leuialet, 63; ouo patient rilicliargt-d during Iho mouth. It purtaccetteJ. A rtaolutlou wat adopted by the board, Uol'IIiiIuj tvumildtr tho claim ol rl. J.lddiard uf J51J.SJ, for changing nlrduotaiid walltlu bulldlnou ILo ground that I ilj clolm had bo oro boon Pal upon aud had been considered Invalid. 'iliu fallowluj rtaolutlou waa ndopledl, Thoro aro no fondt In tho Iroiitury, and Wheriut, Tlio 13,00) terrltorUI war rauta now on hind ojnnot bo tuld until uwiuber,IMU,aml Wholoiu, 'Jlioiurrentoxpcntoiof tho atyluiiimu.tbaiirriiniMJ tor, tlioroforo bolt Uoiolvcd, That Iho trcuurcr bo and ho It hereby uuihorizM and dirocto.1 n no gotUto aucll 10411 or lout nt uiuy l,o uoniuary luprntlda lur auld iiutot, not oxootidtui; tllooj; uud to hocuro tho pAini)Ut of hind loam, ho Ithoreby mi thurlztd lo Ilio at collateral aouunty therefor Ihu Territorial warranla In bit pofo.aloii) provi.l it llivt ihorutoof In turett nu Mild loaut ih ill not oxceod U ptroiutper uiniuiiilf Slo.OOjltlHirrowod, nor lu jior cent pvr uuuuui for a lott aiiin, Tho board adjourned. NOTE3. Oirlaud Wood, familiarly rallod "ll," of BprlLgvllIi, who wit (on tlcntd tuthuluaatiuntylum n umplu ofwiekt tiiiot, Ultnl iiuddurily ut Ihu uiy.uiumi nlht. Tho young man wua well known throughout thu coun try, nud inauy Irh-uda rrgrotled hla tad coudltlou, and will I,0 rignt tho I Highest ol'ull in L veiling 1'rmcr. Latfst U. S. Gov't Report AQa&reaiy pure aid event Iwhlcli prevmla tho pout Mlltv uf hit bring retlorol to thorn, lu Ihla life, round and we.l, Tho IVovo cometory, lu tho main, hat n rather oil nndiio;! lolnppcir ancf. To obvlatJ thlt londltlon of allilrt In tho oily or Ilia detd, (ihalr rnan 1'rrer ol tho oiunoilcoiimltteo on Irrlgallon lina nrranci I fi-r lh mo of an irrigating tlrtn'n li thu cvtnelery ouTuotJay aud Haturlay altornoon. Tho Drmocrata of l.ehl havoadort rl rttolullont nondoinnlnc nud repudi ating tho action of tho adalnlttratl n In appointing n man who wat not Iho cbolcool thopotploof lulu, ni being "iin-Araorlcnn and ui-Di'raoerntlc." Tne rljht vycbrowof Charlca Vin cent ol thlt city wj jttlcrday Iclid ifTby a hooking cow. He wiarj a bandage lu couiiqutLie. A largo plecoofiuritwaii'xhlbltod on the atrvit yi.terJay by Mtair. Tnomiwon mil Kidder, which they had brought In from Tooelo county. They claim that a email elected plero or oro from their location nt Hint place went lluOouncM In illvrr,$:3 In gold and II ercont In I'orpr. Mla May llil oicU and her II. V. A Physical culturo olara give nn eniir laliiTntutlu tiieOpimbolllc tbltcou lug. Tho (Ira ml ?faal ltcrtetv. Wo nro nil glad nnd iroud that our country It no Icrg", nnd llnro nro tlioso whohuwtolho till tiny rro it bigger yet. Hut thoro nro nlw i n fow Ineon m nlcncoa nttncheil to gr. .tnna of every Lind, nnd ono of our Inconveniences Jntt now it thu Imipcjwlbllity of even n thou- uiidth port of tho poopb of thla great country ecdng thoungnlflccut nanl in rxnnt which will bo ditplajoil tho liit ilaje cf this month all Iho way from Hampton P.oaua to Now York harbor. April 57 tha veacola will perform their evolutions In New Vorl: buy and thoHtid son rhcr. Tho old countries of Enropo nro co glad Columbns dlicovpiTd America nnd gavo them a sput on which todumpthelr rarplus population tint theyvill join limvllly In tho rcvlev, proceeding to Hampton Itoadt for that pnrpoac. Tho fitt to nrrlvo on the ground was tho KuMtati lltgaliip Dnltrl Doutkol. and ho gavo a wiluto nt rortrees ?Ionroo vvhltU Inclnilcil ono gun for r Imoat every thouannd Jews vro liavo taken oil tho czar'a Lands. Ewill and Argentina will bo rcprwentcil, liccanw on their irt tlicy nro eo glad Colnmbut dltcovcrnl n continent vvhero great republics could lo founded and ovcryinan of common bloo.1, if ho liail brains, could havo n fighting chanco for thb liest this world lint to give. Yes. tlio cuns ouslit to boom long nnd lond, ov Cr tho waters nnd through tho lulls. Let tho caglo acreainl Morolliin-tOwarvconcls vlll partlcb pato In tho review, Uiddcaacoros of ttuill craft. Tho I wgett v csscl built for trav el will bo tho monatcr Drltlsli protected crulter lilako. O.OJO tons. Tlicre, too, will bu tlio quaint littlo "caravcWBinta Maria, rinlanndNlna.hnlltin imitation of tho veatels couttllnllng tho fleet of ColnmbtiJ, nichtofournowcruljcT,all nnincU for cities In this Union, will tako art, besides tho combined dynainlto cruiser and harbor defenvranl, tho Vcauv ius. It It eafo to ray tliat tho Vc envlut will bo Iho tblp of tho American nary which will attract tho mwt atten tion froui foreigners, tlio U In;; of n typo that It Tho Ihigthlii vv ill Iw tho riiiladelpbla, nnd in this Admiral Oho rardlv.111 lead nil (ho rest, homo and foreisn. Our gnnbonta YorMow n, Con cord nnd Iknnington will nlw bo in tho lliow. Tho grandest right of nil will bo wit ncsscil In Now York linrbor. Thcro nil Iho ships will draw tip in two lines. lio tween them will iiasstho hugo monitor Miantouoinoh, bavins on hontil I'rral dent Cltv eland, and us ho passes tach vessel will flro a eolnto nntll WO gniu havo burned thilr powder in honor of this glorious ropiibllo nnd Ha president It stirs tho blood to think of tho boornln3 pins, tho vvnv Ing fag', tho splendid ships. Tho Union forovcrl TopcrsoniofnrtUtlotatteaonoof tho rarest displays nt thoWorWa fair villi bo tho collection of laces from Italy. It la a twico told tulo, how when awect Queen MarghorlU enmo to tho throno iho vi as troubled aorely ov cr tho jioi crty nnd distress iho found anions tho ias. nnt girls nnd women of Italy. On soino of her v Mts to them sho found in a jwor lint an old IWier w Ifo knitting labo. It was ofniuttmi for which Italy's shops had been runout c. nturloa beforo. Queen Marghcrita uudirtook to rtstoro tho lost industry nud gno u)ing employment to tho poor (;.r!j midvioiucn. Sho nsicm bled a number of girli tt n littlo school nnd had tho old woman teach them laco maktng. Tin to in turn taught others, nndm-wpitt nnv..rodoviscd. 1'orycnrs Vr?l! M iri-r a viorhoil nt herchoten task vr inn , la T,0 muit lllu -qualclli.rrTr. t , ,. Thopoorvvom ''' r Italyis booming ngaln fammu for her Tjdantlful lacci Tho collection aent by Queen JlRrgherlla isthoinostvalunbloin tlio world, ltln iludcs not only tho prlcelws crown Lira), liolrlooms nnd (Vncen Mnrglicrita'j own purchases, but nlso spetlinens of nil tho v arlotiua of old Italian laco that can bo found. To compare with tho old will bo samples of nil tho kinds known to tho rovlvod Italian Iaccrm.king Indnslry. Tlicro will Iw at least ono mnn whrxo Iravcllns exjionsea lu connection with World'a fair preparation no man will grudge. 1 liat Is Ptofranor Tcniow, clili f if tho United States bnreau of forestry. Ho hsa gone to Ucrniauy to procuro a forestry exhibit for thocxposition. Ger many tako caro of her forest lttcr than nny other mtion, end l'rofoseor Fernov 'aesldbit will Illustrate to Amer icana how thla Li done, Tl.o ndmlnlttra lion of f.,rest gnvcnimrnt nnd tho inetls odn of ropl intmg, thinning nn I preferr ing woo It will nil bo laid beforo ut lu an object lesson that coao should fall to tako In. Tho lopular iloctrlno that money must lw tisod plentifully tu iiiflumco legisla tion lias Iiecn terribly sh lien up by tho results of Iho trial of tho Trench official briloo lakers. It Is n entljfnctlon to know that tho outraged 1'anam.t stockholders will nt lrnut get hack of their mo-iey tho f:0OO which liilhaut, tho minuter of publlo works, look us his sharo of tho spoils. New that wo boglu to havo n navy we must liav o seamen enough to man it It will lw oulj rensoinbln, therefore, tho tl.iou that will lo mado to congreej next r- -ion to lncrraso tho navy's en listed ritrii from T.fOO to 12,000, IIIT IVIl'llltloV to NILTAIH. MmulilrtiiiNaiiii irnlnol .w ui.n tlrlonrhn 1,111 lliin out lumnrriiw. Tho Ironwork ou tho great bilhlng pavilion has been completed nnd t re tents n Mryplcluietquotcene. Trnvrl lo the now resort has In creased to nidi nn extent that thu comtany n III bring into rcnultltlon all Itaovn air coaches tomorrow which will loinadu up Into ono tolld train. Tho excurtlon will Ii.vvo Houtli Templo and Hlxth Weit strict tomorrow at 2 p. m., returning it fi p. in. re for the round trip Sue. The Halt Ijiko City Btrcet Car core auy will put on a number of txtra rarslo carry tho Baltalr ranengeie from tho clock corn r. Tho Baitnlr pavilion la tho irreatitt ilructuro of lit kind In tho world nnd tlicin who l.avo truii It slncu Ihu Iron Wolkwao cuniileloi) sptak of It ns a bulliluig of magnlMeenca and over whelming proiortliint. I'orflnoTliilyieeof nil s'zes go to Ihu hoto lent near thu Knuliford. IB pictures for 23li. DUTTERI DUTTEmi 5c. Cliotcu aim lif.n AT 1IAHNK8 HA11DV & CO, 2J Main rilreet. AUK 10K1IIIMK1XI. Of what you ought to take when you Fiitothn Woild's I'iWl Your outfit will not bo colli) Iclo nllhiiut n bottle olChamberlaln'a Colle, Cholera nnd Dlarrhiut, Itcmedy. Tho ihangu of water and diet, fatigue end Irregular habits, during jour trip aro nlniott ctrtaln to produce dlirrbidand ndoso cr two cf this remedy may save you lerlous slckiirst nnd icihaps much txpemc. l'rocuro It Uforo leaving home. 23 nnd M cent bottles for tale by Z. C, M. 1. Drug I)..,t. ui s A lAJldl.t 91IIIII IMU Chamberlain's Cough ltemedy has bicomo famous for Ibi curia of throat nnd lung dlicates. It Is intended etpecltllyforcoiighs, toldf, croup and whoojlug coutths and It thu most effectual remedy known for theio dlt- rS". Mr v' " ull, ol Union City, Pa., is)t: in havu a groat talo ou Chamberlain's Cough Iteinedy, I warrant every botllo nnd havo never iiiudotoue falling to glvo outlru est Itloellon." 60 cent bottles for talo by Z. C. M. I. Drug Dept. Uis Holld tins remmieled to cushion for $13, Mirodllh, 200 W. 2nd South. A Maa.r. Hlncelts flrtt Introduction Kleclrla Bitters hss gained rapidly In popular favor, until now It Is olcsrly lu thu lead among rur nmllclnal tonics and alteratives rottilnlng nothing which leimltt Its use as a bovcraioor Intoxk inui; It It rrcognlied as tho belt nnd purest medicine, for all allmonta ol Htomach, Mvtror Kldnoys. It will curoBIckllojdnchr, Iullgastlon,Oon etlpatlon, and urlvn Malaria from tho syslem. KallifuotlonguarauUed with i soli bottle or fio money will bo re lundcd. I'tlio only 60c per bottle, (Sold by A. V. Bmllh t Co , Druggists. I III It. In.. SIS flrit claia ono wny rato to Colorado lulnts, sf.ft round trip, via tho Itlo U.I1U'' Western Jty. Heenlo Lino of tho World. Tho it. a. W. Is nlwsys in II on with tho greatest reductions in loree. Two through fast express trains i)ew T t10 jon isclllc. i Ivsl LUf fa Pi iXn s tl B M ftj a ) The only l'uro Crcaa of Tartar l'owder.-No Ammonia; Ko Alum. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard A Sen 1 1, Iiij tfsrhlnr. Pint It la I ut 11 tck of euioko clri ling upwnnt Into tha clouds; swiftly thii form changes until In a moiueiit It I urls inio gUr t strength as It ruthca madly by nt 110 miles nn hour. Thu big Iron norm Is thu leader for tho fatt overland trains of tho Itlo (Irnude Wf!crn, cairylng pvlico cars of latest uct'gut, Insuring mfcly, spued nnd commit to Iho hundred cr moro ins leiigirslnllarinbrace. Only Inc tlon over 2.1 hctirs from Hail Inke to Denver via tho it O. W. lly. Heenlo llro of tno worll, tinder tho new rcbo :uIo In c licet May 7th. Trains to all points Hast linvo Halt Iiako 8 03 a. m. and ,.l.(,rjakliiacljfocontiro tlons at Denver or I'lieblo with the llurllngtoii, Hock Iilard, Banta l' and Mis.eiirl I'nclfler ule. Thla la truly the World's l'tlr Idnr. Collma C"iro la uut-oualed for rurlty nnd Flavor, llirlow Thominon Urocery Co. Teletrani wheur thu beat Mir llll'i SOU W.2iidHaulli. To Deiivirnud return f 2 1, vln Urlon I'ac (lo. ' Thosoclull tlmonwhon monoy Is Kottlnif Bcarcor bocanao it la uolnK oont nwny for linstarn mado Roods, ovoryono ohotild buy lioma-mndo clothing. Tho monoy for manufaoiurlnu; tho tsoods when p.ild to Utah wool liroworfl, Utah workman nttho mlllaancl Utnh tnlloro to makn thorn up, In turn In paid out by thorn to th& Utah fnrm orfor provlslono of nil kinds, thU3 kooplni; tho monoy at homo, ohn C. Cutlor &. Bro., nirontB of tho Provo Woolon MIIIb, hnvo Just rocolvod nf mo lino of Snrlnif Sultlnco Call nnd ooo thorn. No. 30 Main stroot. . llp.n.nnl .toiler. The attention u Ihu publlo Is called to thu lact Hint Otilid .V Knight havo remoVLd their Carrisgu nnd AVniron Shops to tlielr now luildldg at H3U7 11. lit South Btnet, hall block oatt of Thiktir. "I Am hi, llrfil" la a o-mraon exclamation nt thlt seasor. Thtiu Is a certain bracing fli'Ct 111 e l. air which la lost when Iho weather grows warmer; nnd when Naturn Is rsncwlngheryoiitb, her admirers ful dull, lUiiKhliuid tlrod. 'J til condi tion is owing mainly hi the imtuio (londltlon of ihu I lo.d, nud lit failure, lo supply benlthy tltiue to tl o varloua organs of the body. It la icmaiknhlo how aiitceptlblo tho lyttem li to thu belli to bo derived from n itch I mmll. clno nt this roiion. I'ismsIhk Just Ihoso pnlfylng, l'inWliu.iii quillili which the bsdy rrnvte, Hood's Hirsn. arllla loon overromei that tired ftcllng, retlorts tho ai pullte, I urll ui Ilio b!o-d, aud, In shut. Unpin vlgorout hi alth. lltlhousandt ol ns with out volir uiclalo "It Mnkia Tho Wmk Blrong." lltlll.itrU J. H. Jensen, the Jnweter, hat ro movid to llirro doors ti'ml cf Theater. Only ?13 to iJunver, via the Union rnolllc. The only nllsbli- ticyelo repairers aro Meredith, 2f0 W. 2nd Bouth. Is a tanlalltlng admonition to Ibo n who at thlt soasou fed all tlrod out, weak, without appetltn and dheour oged. lint tho wsy In which Hood's Hariiparllla builds up thu tired frame and gives a good apietltu Is really wonderful. Bu wo iny, "Take JIoiu'j and It will brace you up." For a general family eatlmrllo wo confidently reoommend Hood's I'M), a Wo oulhprlitour Hilvtiti-'ed diugiltt o tell Dr. King's .Vcv Dlicovery for i.oniumptlon, Coughs and 'olds, uixi'i hit conulllon. I'juuaresfllleledw th i Uoinh, Cold or any Lung, Tbrint w theft tr ubie, and will ute thla remidj ladlnctid, glvlurlt a fair trial. n-i x(trltucv no Unetlt, you may return bo hotllo ond hnvu your money r. unded. Woooull totinaku thlt cfTo It wo not know that l)r. King's Kw 0 scovery could bs rellid on. It nover napirelots. T.lil t.ottlu (no at A. (. iiullh i ( '. 1) 111 Hlorr. jiV Vvritl...llraiilf.T It la this. If you have n Cough or a Cold, a tickling In the Throat, which keeps you rnmtantly coughing, or If you aro aflllctoj with any ChMl, Threat or l.uu Trouble, Whcoplng Couch &e., and 0U use Jlallard'i JoTcltouml lrup aa dlreclud, giving It a fair trial, and no benefit It experi enced, wo nulhorlzo our advcrtlied agent to rofuud your money on roturn oftmttlo. It never falls to glvo sttls faction. It promptly roliovts Iiron ohltls. Bold by Z. 0. ST. I. Drug Dept 1 Ob" mm J1.'!0 ""'V'-ocnl Intiiraneo ConiDniiv In the Kooky Mountain Itegliiii. ' Cipttnl, kii-i'i ,,, S,,,tre,,l,u" HiMK n"t illtl.UUC i ornctBj-lleherJ.Oranl. ITemisnti im Jonine,, VIm.itmi.1cbi, iVwVt ' S. , alt i Irtaiurcrlll . IVellt, focrcltrr" h i emlili, (leorre lloniiicr,XIUt A Vmiih rinr I II HeVoorlitrii tWoV. " T ?,mVT, 1 J.ii e Hraiili, VllllMii, II. itoVeVJehiii li llwiia. " " """' """' J u"'. "i IlKlllitt J. OltANT .V. CO., Anentt. C0 5IA1N B1UKKT, 1 Aiiellnn, " I At (1. V. Anint' llanch, south of roier plout mil wiat of noilh Halt Ijvkr, ou Tuimlny, May Kju,, at j( n'oluck o.oi., at Hiictluu, without in. ervr, 40 young, rim inllili i-owe, aim IT lean lutt crmlLg In, s tsuijiil Angus lulU, 2 brood mares with eolls nt tho eiic, 2 flhntttuviarolltnlu, 1 yearling coll, 2 pair good vtoik liortir, A nnd S J tars olj, 2 buggy hornv, it nnd .'i yearaolJ, 2buggHt, with alngloniid iloublu harnets, horc, buggy completed medium spring wag. nut, 1 lumltr wagon, Si) milk cam, luu chickens nnd tuikeyr, 1 mowing machine, plows, hnrnna and larmlng uientlla of all klndr; aleu n lot or Iioiki. hold goods. Terms of tale Nli.u months tlmo nu approved notia with outliitrnil. This la a rare chanoo for dnlrjiinn or farmer, aa thlt la flr.i. floss lu every particular. Alio Ml lots ' niiJolulngthecopiHrpIonl. rriolunch hit'i mild and liquid for friends and customers, ou thu ground), J. 1.. Dunmx, Auctioneer. Collma Coltre.Nectar of tho gnd, at ; tho Harlow TlinuifAoii (irocery Co. Oct yrtir Alalraela nf Tlllo nt Iho County It-rordor's clllee. Thoy aro midrillrectly from thn original records. rnebteo'a Arnlsa KbIvk, Tub Hxst Halvu la tho world far Cute, llrulsia, Borus, Uicon., fjalr lll.eum, KoverBore, Tcttur, Chappod Hands, Chllblalm, Corns and all Hkla Kruptlum, and positively cureo I'llet, cr no pny rcejulrtut It Is puarantoaj to ?;lvc perfect it!rfactlon or money ro. undej. I'rioaUcvnts per box. Set ulo by A. UUmltti A Co. ' A.O HmllhA Co.,Drug9lsti,rents ofltibsrU'JIeiosrlan Tdalj. J.C. Jcriien wl.hcj lo Inform Ml trie m.s nnd ntrons that ho hasaftumol Iho nianagomcnt of Ihu Inter-Moiint tin Abttrtct Co.; will guarauleo all aUlract wor! ontruitod to ut Id t a ac eurato nnd corapletr. Ofllcc Iloomi 60 nnd 67 Cooimnrclal llloi k. t. II, '. Ilollleil Il.ih.liilu.i llrer. 1 Mado by tin, Aniurlcau Ilrewuir Company of Bt. I.oult la browed of the but bariiy aud llohemlan hop;. It hat a I cautl'ul amber color, n elollclout hop flavor nnt sparkle llku Cham ratne. Trcd B. Halm, U y,t,t, p-i Bouth Btrtol. Halt Lake- City. Uinh. Dr. Ilurrovrr, Oculist, Aurltt and Op. Ilclan. Bjoctoolu Utted. UommoroUI To Denver nnd tulurn$S0, via Union Pacific Vlorl.r ilr Vl.ll..r Bhculd luture ngnlntt accident wltli J. A- Young, wltli Fuller t Young, 110 Main HI. 8 Xouoa l In r Jinan n Well tun. Aru yi ii Jllll ur, Constlpaled or troubled with Jaundice, Blok fluid ache, Had taste lu Mouth, Foul Ilreath, Coaled Tongue, Dyapcroln. Indigestion, Hot Dry Bklu, 1'aln In llaok and belaieeu tha HhoulJeM, Chills and Fuver, etc? If you havo any of thrso lymptomt, your llver Is outoforder, and jour bloed is slowly tilng polioned, btciuso your I,lver does not act properly. HerblLn will euro any disorder of Ihu Idvcr, Btomsch or Ilowrls. It hit no equal an Liver Mcdlolue. Price 75 cents. Frou trial bolllca at X. V, M. I, Drug Pt'I't ly NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PAIiT- NERSHIP. miiib t'ATiTM.itsiiin iiniEToronn kv. I X letlrxbcUrPnA II. Ilunlnril tnd II. K. i h ilororrk tno v. 11. Uinunn it iicrolir duiolr. S'l. by l.iuliilroii.pBI,ev M.t'aalion relulox. I All tcfounl, Out tin, ia linn Bro itaUo lo , A n. ln,rrk,wlio will ! !?!".".". all'eouuasiaiiinelsts Una, JJtltd Jlar Ulb, isoj. A. II. liUNKOIlli. (I K. 1.1 LKUIIKOK, I 1 C1IAS. 11. UA.N.MO. THE OLD RELIABLE Bodbe-Pitts Drilq Bo. re still at (he Old Slend, Cornor Main nnd Flrit Soutl Slraoli. i J'1' '"' "H n" Sl0k l Df0. Chemloalt and Patsnl MEDI- CINES In the Territory. Frlcoi Very Moderate Evoryhodvoall ooJ 1 ee ui, ' ' ' THE PRINCIPAL- J CAUSES OP DECAY In Moats and fruits aro dampnoss and varying; tom- poraturo, caualnej tho oxpanalon and contraction of -1 tissuus, which haston docnyj honco n dry atmos- phoro and uniform tomporaturo conduco to tholr ' .'' pro3orvatlon. Tlio ALASKA nCFHIGEnATOR Is ' conatructod on strictly sclontlflo prlnolplos, by which ' ' 1 low tomporaturo nnd drynoss of air aro ntiturally ? nnd Inevitably obtalnod. Tho Alaska havo prosorvod J froah moat3 porfoctly for throo woolcs In tho hot- -1 toat woathor. ij HIGHEST : AWARD ton I Economy o Ico. H.Dinwoodey Furniture Go !