Newspaper Page Text
Rwiw Tirnn"r i.wi TniiriMiiiTn winYifo ir o'clock i I HP papsr of Today, tft 1 IJ W U J? J U ' IW U U - H IS W O ' ' 1 Asagri iFlliufillfj I i v MillYiff ,11 fj W o X moii- 1 " TRUTH AND IIBERTV, ' ' H I ,n . . I'IMDAYTmAY" 1, lt-OoTSAIiT LAKV C1TY,UTAII. VOrTxXVr IH IN O. 1 i I . : ' I iMmm I RELIGIOUS TOPICS, Proceedings ol lbs Presbyterian As- semuly at Washtagton. I THU IEIHIIUY OF Till! Ill MX. When llio tUurcli li Lntlllnl lo Heal H with Political (Janlloni. K Ituiptriuro Work. mh Wasii:nutoi, May 10. The most Wm notable jstt Ur Voung'i annua, lit sermon, dillvered before tbo Prctby- IB t rlan asumbly yesterifoy, was Hut WOt if ntlng lo the Inerrancy of too Hcrlp- V lures. Uponthosutjeclheialdt B "Our own beloved church has again nod again expressed thu firm aud art H tied conviction that no discrimination I oato UutblulneMcan bo made between H illllrrcnt pattsoflhe lllblr; Hint Iron) beginning lo etitt, from loo opening sentence of Oeneala to thu lait verse lu Itevclalloii, tun lllble Is Ibu very word ! ol UutJ. Of the aaiue puipoio (and (Ills abould lo concluiivc) la tho ulcar IH poalllvo testimony of Christ, j-rom mm anil to end be placed tti ! ol royal ! assent Uon tho boob. Upon no other MM tbeoryorbelletcaii we, o it scorns to me, claim n divine, infallible, MM perfect conitllutlon tor a churcli. ! No apprehension should bo felt alio the ttiely of Hie Hlble. No oslble harintnn bsfalllt here. To doubt la disloyalty to (o I. To fear It la sin. I It court the most searching lnvostl K gallour It welcomes the sharpest crltl H olim, From the fltmlog ordeal through which It la now psislur, It will come tortb as It baa from .ill ether titty tests In Ita full Integrity, with HI out a) muoh ns a araell of fire about It. MM Anil when Ibo very narucaof those H raJIcal reign rallonallatlc critics who urn seeking to destroy Ita historical fm truthfulness, Ha perfect Infallibility, H with their widely huralded produc es productions shall have been burled In MM common oblivion, Ibo lllblo, the H whole- lilble, history, biography, pro E pbeay and doctrine, shall by Increasing MX millions of bellevera oonllnuo to t B received, read and prized nbovo ill MM earthly poaaealona aa Ihe Tury work V of Almighty 0)J." H AT Till! ArTEltNOON BU310N, K came the election of u moderator. IrW Thu nominations were aafollowil lleT. IK Dr. Charles A. Ulckty of l'nlladel. Kt lihia: ltev. (Jiorire Hiker of I'blladnl- I this and Hot. Wlllla U. Craig of the 11 Uulveraltyuf Cnitairo; Hot. Calvin WM Btuwait, I). D. of WaahlnKton. Thu Ff mult if the bal ot waa ae followi: km Cralc HU, Hiker 103, tbo other canill- T Untcs having ttltbdruwn. ' VAiitoua itErortTS. ' The annual reports of tho various churob boardf, auch M thoio on tent- ; perance, benellcence, mlrslona of tree. doui, etc., allow uccournitlng reaulta in every brunch of the work undertaken by tho l'reabylerlati cburch. rbtao reiorta will he taken up by Ibe general aneiuhly now in evulou bore and conaldtred from time lo time, Thu report of tho commlltie on tern- perance contemilitee with ahamo the tpeclacleof the "VMt national grog. nop" at Hie World's fair; fuvors the cstatillahnieut by Congress of nnlm- I artlal coruuilislon to lmjtilro concern Ingtho liquor trafllo such has bem ' provided lor In Ihe bill laised leveral I Hint's by the Hsnate but defeated ly 1 tbo liquor Interctt In thullouic. The report emphasises thu statement that church la not a, iwlltlcal organlrallon, lutlf tbuqueitlon of morals becomes aqutstlonof polltlo also, the church Kls not precluded on that uteount from Ueullhc-with It. Thu riort also pro . leitsagalnittbe system known ai the army canteen, In which It Isolalmel t Hiuoflliers and soldiers aro delalledos suloonkcepers. f Tho report of the committee on syi- 7 tomatlo beueflcence showa total re- 1 celt t of ull boards during the year of i fJ,7tW W2, uud lucreoao ovsr last year of $178,705. In Hie Hunday school and foreign inltalou fields, the year waa ouo of proapulty and development. Thu home mission work, however, has not teen so prosperous, partly owing lo lack of funds and partly uwlug to tbe Increasing dllllcul.y ol reaching the foreign and akoptlcal elements of tho cpulatlon. Tin: ciiiMJiK yuianuN. Tbe etooud day'a session of tho Presbyterian goueral asiembly oienid with deMitlooal exercUes. Dr. Ilarsba, Nebraska, moved Hie appointment of it commlttoo to fjrmulsluan eiprertlou ufoplulonon the Chlnise exoluslon act, aa It aflecla fqrelgu mltslonary wnrl.. Adopted. H ltev. Dr. Duncan, of Ihe Kplscopal oliurch, wus iulruducsd. llu Is a H member ot tbo joint commltteu ou NH church unity. lie said tho committee 9K had been In tendon for two days. AiV. There weru four K)luls the Kpleoapal RkjE eburch deemed etsentlal to asilst Ihe wm union. On tbreo of these they pra" y tltolly ucreed, and the fourth InvulveJ C Uigely a dltlerenue In terms. Ho H prophesied, there ore, unity In a not K dlilautluturt. It I'eolral Aulu.l Kuuilnr oponlnc. K Bt. I.uui8, May 10 The Young MB People's Chriitlau Union of tbe mt United l'resbyturlau cbuah this morn- mt lug adopted Kproteht otolnit tlioHun. day opeulug of tbo World's I'alr and W electid Hio following olllren. Proil- WMt iluut V. V. Klllnt of the Mind igSun, WM Ohio, secretary; Miss Koto Mai ion, M Allegheny, IV, Iroaaurir; W. C. fB ftewart, J'itUburgand A, It. Mofllt, Mt Mauimoulh, Ills, SIIHN NANI1H AMI lilt. IIELAJIAII. Wm nnriled at His lliurcli or Ilroiculr H New Yoi.k, May 10. Nellie Vlr elula Hands, this city, aud Joseph ltaphael Delainar weru married at the Cburch of Heavenly Heat. Delumar ta tbo owner of a boll or gold mines In Delamar, Idaho. He owns an entire lownalteof Ibat place. HlslucomuU Jl.UOO.OOO. Mr. ami Mrs. Delamar will visit Ibo World's I'alr and travel for a Jour. Iron t omiMuir Allseheil. New Voilir, May 10. Cue sheriff has received an attachment for -':3,. Ml agalntt Wert BJporlor, Wis, Iron lug law J cr. tim: if Air. Artlvi.1 ol the flpnnlsn ' ,u .few Yurli. Nrw YotiK, May lO.-Tho Brnnlsh steamer ltslna Maria Clirlstlno,l.ear. log I nfanla Kulallu and suite, a".J In His outer harbor last iilglit, nnil cait anchor In tho biy oirfandy Hoo k. Todjy dawned bright iiud buutirul. Thu first vo-sel to visit llio Hpnnlih steamer Hilt morning wia a tug lrj Ing Hie Hpanl.h consul, vice ooniul nnd offlcer. of tho Bpaul.h war Hi rt, win. went lo lay the r respects to tho reprcirnlallv. o! tbo MJeon re gout. It was soon followed ny iu United Btatos ill.pntcli twat IoM'', followed shortly ty the Hpanlihwar shin Infanta Isabel. At ubout II oMock Inranta r.ulallo was tram rrred In the lalter vessel nnd.ptecu led by the Dolphin tiring a royal ailuti, rocceded up tho bay to the dock. . Itelna Maria Christina aocompaulod them. All tbreo weru In gala atlire, respondent with bunUng. Tho Riiua o' I'orta Wadsworth and Hamilton boomodn royal salute a Ui vessel psed. Before entering tbo Nnrrowe the vessels hovo to at tluaraiiilno ud Hie ship was boarded by Hoslth Offlcer Jenkins who was lourlcously received by the prlnoe. Thla ceremony over, Infanta Isabelle wolbed anchor and moved Into tno harbor Mowed by tbe other Srnnlarde nnd tbo Dolphin In the order name I. Tbey made their way to the Pennsylvania railroad dock In the, Hudson river, arrlvlug shortly afternoon. Amid reeowed mornlu-. eruannou from the warshlpi and forU Ibe princess entered Hiocutternnd wns oouviyedtu tbedotkatonconnd tcok a special train for Washington. EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION, Place of Hex. Heeling Chosen by the Delegates Today. Indlcnnnt rrolest An. In. I Ilia Oeaejr kieluslnn Law suit Nnnder Cloilns; of the lr. ClIIOAUO, May 10 Tbe National r.dlt rial asioclstion today clioto As bury Park, New Jereoy, as tbe next place of uieetlnir. I'apora were rtad and addresses mado by l.ruory Her bert and Col. I). li. Anthony, Knna; Joseph M. Chappel, Ashland, Wis. William li. Pabor, I'lorida, read a poem. 18AnHI.AIIEt.OMtU HOOK HI was Introduced by tbo ohatr and satdt "I came hore to arouse Indlguitloii. My husbsnd writes me that the Su premo Court lias sustained tho wicked antl-Cblncsa Ueary act. I protest lu tbe ntmo of Thomas Hooker, onu among those who framej Urn ilnt free CoBBtltutlou en tartti. We, his do rcendautt tlalm to know something about constitutions. The United Btates's Constitution Is based on Justlco lo all people. What kind of luetlcu Is It to perrecuto the Chinese as long aa they aro luw-abldlugT It is not Ihe Justice of Chrlil. All ttioso orien tal eople Willi tholr beautiful rellglull should sen I missionaries to uto teach us CJlHl.tlanltJ. When you destroy tliellberty ofthe Chinaman, you Intuit your Clod." Mrs- Hooker also sjoke warmly against Bundsy closing of the World's Fair. A Nlrlke r Oolil. Sprrtal Ultpctck ta Iht hxns. Uaiiaiuua, Wyo, May 10 Tbo owners of tbe Allaruant Btar mluoln thu Uoli Hill district havo maju u strike. Tbey followed an elgblsen Inch oln until It divided and became two veins of three and four feet each. Blx uasaya give an average of 15200 per ton gold and twenty ounces of silver. A. P. blckman, an asia) cr, has madennlnepectlonof adoicnproperllca In Ibo Uold Hill dlsiriot, and It Is ex pected that tburo will be a large amount of development work done lu thut section this season. Citebou Conuly CohIHIucs Sftclal ilUl alch ta IA Mw s. ItAWLINU, Wyo , May 10. Statistic show that during tbe year U91, the output of tho Carbon county coal ralneaviaa 353,210 tons of lump end 0,4115 tons ot nut coal, employlug 771) men, aud In ISO J thu output ol lump was 6.8, 433 tons and 10,284 of nut coal, employing olJ men. AMI HTII.I. rilLV tour. Ilea llunilerd tlilaese Arrive t t'orllnnil, tlxn. Poiiti.anii, Ogn., May 10. The steamer Danube arrived from Vlotorla. II. V., with 600 Chinese. reealilenllnl AppalntmeulN. Washimutus, May 10, Thu Presi dent has made the following appoint meuti: John Q. llrown, Idaho, regliter of Ibo land oDlco at Illack 'oot, Idaho, Ueorgu It, Young, New Mexico, register of tho lsud ollicu at ltoswell, N. M. John M. Jones, Idaho, rccelvor of publlu monies, lllackfoot, Idaho. Wm. II. Cosgrove, Now Mexico, receiver of i ubllo monies, at lloiwell, N, M. New V.itU Nlnek Market, New YuliK, May 10 There was a break In tbo whisky trust alookat the uieulug of tbo slock exebauge this mornlug of from S per tout to 14 J, on account of the suit ajalnitthu torn I any by tbo attorney general of Illi nois. Ihe general market waa firm, notwithstanding thu statement that two million In gold will bo still pud tomorrow. NUIlTHI 11V I'AOIIIV. Sfesllllk-er Ibe llleeelors Till. Arise- Ni,w Yonic, May ID. The North ern Paclllo ulreotora met this after noon and perfected the collateral trust agreement wlth,thel aruiers'Loan and Irusteompuuy, trustee, aud commit. Osweld J, litis ton, I resident of the Tanners' Loan and Trust company; John A. Btuarl, resident of the United Utates Trust conii an ; James Btlllnun, i lesldrnt nflha National City llu kj Jehu D, l'rolikt, and 1". I. OjiIus, Vice President WlllUnu sojf ltd ston repreienta tho trutteui nl thu railroad coniinuy; Btuurt .tBIIIlnnti, tim subscribers otler than thu iijldir of tbutrisint IndcbleJuiss; I'tvhit, ll.o Dculchtr lletik of lUrllu, Hueyer A Co and their associate, uud (Jitey, Ihn llockefiller liiletrst, Tho entlru suliterlptlon of (1L',0U,'KH) Is now as sured. It Is understood that of the amount tbo fnllnwlngaubi'crli lions am lepre'enlsllvil ltockifalkr, $l,U0J,0Cll; HnjerA. Co. nnd the DtU'chrr Hank, S-'.S'hJ.ois i; C, II. Wflbt, $I,oui),VOi; Henry Vilkrd, 21.00d,(Kl0; hlsnssd. nt.s, ."j)D.I0). VlllarJ wj not present at tau meeting to I ty. trerslriiror lint, silrineiil. Ill jOUtNUW.N, Illf., May 10 W. IliKriiurenuu, proiletor of thu Nor mal l.xUm'igo luuk, which failed last M tiduy, has been nrrrsLd churned Willi einltfzhueiit. His friends nantnl lofutiilihliAII, but bo would Lot allow It. World's snlr foles Ciiicaou, May 10. Thero was no sptoial attraction ut Ibn World's Pair grounds today, but Ibe ueather was bright and warm, and throngs of peo lo took advantage of the fact to visit the gr uuds. lliisa'tcrnosn tho president of tho board of Indy managers and the state vlce-pnsldents held a reception Id tho Woman's bullJIng In honor of tbe dis tinguished women In attendance on woman's congresses. When thu n itlonal commission as rumbled, the judlclnry committee, which has thu question of Hunday u'enlng uuler Lonslderalloo, ou. iiouuccd tint It would bo ready to report tills ufternoou. This woe ob JeoleJ to by sumo suemheie of the com. inlttteauu the mutter was Iluallyrul over till Mondiy. A communication was rccolved from Peildenl Hlgglnbjtnam of thu local diteilory, refusing to outer Into any Informal cjtifurence concerning thu resignation of Theodore Tlioinn', the musical director, but raying lio would bu pleated to bavo a formal one. Iteerleee 4tiinlnled. Cl.l.TFl.ANli, Ohio, May 10. In the United Htolts court this morning a receiver was aprnlute-d for tbo Toledo, Bt. Doula i JCaiisas City railroad, otuerwlsu kr:own as Hie Clover Deaf, ou application of Hloiil A. Cor;, New York, tlaliulng to haven (uilgmcnt of tlU.OJO In the court st Toledo, ou u hich execution has been returned uh satlsflo I. 1 ho I III sets forth that claims "Kgrnutlug nearly $1,000,0)0, unse cured, aru pending liiOmo, Indiana and Illinois, ou some of which suits aru alreatly begun, with others about to bo commented and that the road Is insolvent. A receiver was therefore asked for and granted, B. 11. (Jalloway, Toledo, being named. Colonel 11. U. Ingersoll, louniel for thu ouni 4iuy, was present and consented lo tho anointment. Application will bu at onco undo lu the Ju dicial district circuit court, Chicago, for u similar appolutmeut lor Indiana and Illinois, aitlon having already been taken to that en I lu liidlanatolls. Tho road runa from loledo to Kansas City, n distance of 453 mllos, uud had general olllces In Toledo. '1 J alt appearances It wns lu u nourishing conullloii. Us "Clover leal" freight line was apparently doing largo busluesr. It wus reorganized nuu improved a few years airn by eatt iru caillallttr, Willi H. T. Knoland of Now Yolk, formerly of Ihe Union Pacific, at their head. Aalloual Sorilaso. Ciiicaoo. May 10 Deerlng A Co. have dismissed all attachment suits against theNatlonal Cordage company at their own cost, leaving Hie receiver In Indl-t uted pomesslon of tho property i of theNatlonal Cordage. I Ad Altpnlnliuenl. Wasiiimiton, May 10 The Presi dent has appoltited Knrr Crax-, North Carolina, third assistant postmaster general. Iiplitalou iirs Holler. IlrilLlN, Mav 10. Tho boiler of a locomotlvo at llmensu, Baxe Weimar, exploded, Instantly killing five persons and so seriously wounding eight others that they are dying. Klrlkollreloeeddir, HuiL, May 10. Tbe union dock laborers' strike has betn declared of! nnd tbe men will go baok lo work ou Tuesday. Thu settlement Is tbe result of mu llatlon. The strike began on April 7th, A Chinese llrilleMlon. ClllOA(H), May 18 The Chinese l.ullJImr at tho World's I'alr was ded. cated this morning. Ttie dedloatlon consisted chiefly lu aervlng Invited guests with cups of strong tea without sugar or cream. A llimenllr Nelllrd. New, Yottic. May 10. There are rumors this afternoon that the Pacific Mall and the Panama railroad havo settled their illflloultles and the Pana ma railroad will withdraw the steamer service. Iteiilu .f.illre. Cincinnati, Ohio, May 10 Jarnea 1.. Murdotk, the "11 known trage dian and teacher of elocution, died here today, aged 81. I'Mirlllnir Hie Jena. Mruo, May 10. A new ul.asn has been issued exjelllng the Jews from tlioAsiatlo provinces of l.usalo. It will ciiujo widespread tuaerlng. I lillnrlull Monifo, ClIiaAdO, May 10, Among thu World's Fiilr auxiliary emigres lu session today ero the reprerentaUves of Hi" National Alliance, Unllarlnn anilothtr Liberal Christian womeu, delegates of thu Western Unitarian con. fereiae and members of thu Women's Untarlan conference of Ihe Paoldo coast In unlou meeting. There was u large attendance, when Itsv. Ida C. Iliimtlu, t resident of the Women's Western Unitarian conference called llu, session to order. Itnporls w, re read of thu National Alliance of Uni tarian and other Liberal Christian Women; Women' Western Unitarian coulerauce of the Pacific Coast, and lo'toMco mission work, tho confer i, nee closing with an address by Mrs Kato rupLior, Qalpln, Cat. WHICH WILL Will? Battle li;lv7jon Natural end Artificial Gas in tbe Council Toal0at. THU TWO MI.MA JIUC1II II. (Hilt, lloiieirr, aro Wlven oi llio t'ouiicltniluln llliim'ii.ilor 11 Olil I lino Lxpcrls. Only n great deal of filibustering and niodless discussion will thu resolution graiitllif cerlnln rlvilegia and franchises to tho Halt I.aiu .". Og den Uas and I.leulrla Dlgbt compno from oiulng up at tho meeting of thu City C until tonight. Ibocuttiiany Is tho suctu'tur and aeslgnoo cf thu franchises ot the Bait Dako City Gas ooni)anynnd Ibti Halt Dale Power, Light aud llcitlng company, cor, ora tions heretofore, exlsllrij: In Hilt city. The resolution has been hanging 11 ro for months nud tbo contest at the final leading promises to ba n hot one. In thu ruliiCa of many It li a question as to whetuer Inj natural or Hie artlflelal article will trlumjh. OU experts, hunever, aro giving oJils mi tbe couu cllmanlu illuminator. 1110 resolution aa nmtmtcd standi: Section I. lie It rosoived by llio City Council ur-Jilt Lako Ul), tho Nail Lake and Ugdou Ujs an t 11 ettrlo LI1.I1I Company, u cutpnrMilun ext.Uug unaer tbo laws of thu 'territory of Ulsli ba suc cessors and aaslirna liaee ibo authority aud consent ot tliu slid CouiKll, 1111 1 llio perinl.aloii Is hereby gran ed It 1 1 uso and occupy tho ntreota, lanca, slloa sud pubtloi Ucesof rjalt Lelco City, lor tho purposu ut conveylnggss audeloilrlcsl currants by moans of suitable pls or conduit laid or to 1hi laid be osr itiu sur face of iho ground, or by iiioaua of wires or condbctors luced aboru said Mtuet, to bo usoi lor elooirto llgbtln, and also plpos to ls latd bolow tbu suruto of ibu ground for tho conveyauco of steam for Heating, furnishing ion or andolber ptlr kxus, m Ibultihabllants, prorly uh ti ers and users 111 said city, lor ibo term of tweut)-Ihojcars Iruui and alter Ibo piisHMrfd 01 Una resolution. Hec J. 'that said company, 1 a succes sors uud sstlgus, during said term la, un I hereby aro eated nun Ibu right aud telvllii'uor enterlog ujioii tbo strceia, lanes and alloys or suldehy for tbo lol lowinir;purosc.. cr. Ilia opening of said streets, alleya lanes aud 1 ubllo places for tbo purposo of laying gas mains, elocti lent conduits, or pipe for stoaiu puriiosoa. 6. Tbe irlYUcKOuforocIng and instu lalnlng lu the streets, lanca and alleja of add clt), (ulea aud attaching tin rem aud exieuding and uiatiitalalu tberoon wires or ponducterH tor ihe purt.Ko of trnnsiulttlng electrical currents within Ibo limits at said city, to Ibe iuhabUanta Ibsroof. -. bee. 3. Tbe said Halt Lake and Ocden (las aud Llectrle Light enmp my shall Ills Willi Iho elly oiigluoer a plat aboM lug tbe streets, lauea, alle a sud publlo plaoes of said city wboro iho sal 1 couipauy pro loscs or msy boreafter locate pes 1 Ijies uud oluoirlcal coudiilts.or plios for stoaiu burpotcsi aud tbo said company shall halo tbo right to ojeu trenches for the purposo of laying sail mains and con duits aud for tho purl", of maintaining tbem lu good ropalr. 'Ibo said eoinpany tobsvouccessio all such main jas plHis or conduits aa may bo mco.sary from tiiuo to time; and no railroad track or other like obstruction shall, bo laldoeer said gaa mains, ootidulta or aloatu plpoa, or nearer than one loot In thoclea later ally Irom Ibo bell Joint cf such gas mains, electrical conduits or said steam pipes, except 111 crossing tbo same, I boo. 4. A(letltots,!aues,e!!oTeatid pub llo plaeos Ibat may bo opened by thosald company for tbo ulores ild puritoses shall boitlludand put lu as kood ropalr as they were prior to tho opening or such trenches so us not to unnecessarily ob struct thefreo passage oer thoaireots for a longer time than may be necessary, '1 ho use of street for such purposes shall bo controlled and govcruid by ibo ordin ance of said city rolstlng lo tbo manner tf laying dlatrlt miug pipes and conduits aaaboto spec! tied. 1 ho said streets, lanoa, alloys and pub llo places sbsll be ro avod by said com. I any to the eallefatllon of tho city engineer ot said elly. boo. S. 'Ibo sold Halt Lako and Og den Uss and Llcttrio Light com pany, Its siioco-eors and assigns, shall be rteonslblo lor any damaco to person or rroperty rraultlng from any act or nci;lli,ence ou lis part which may a"true by riaaon of tbe exerciso ot auy of Ibe privileges boreln. Noc. U. The Halt fatko and Ogdon Oas and Llettrlo Llirbt company, during tho perl'd aforesaid, shall b) Its aecotauco of the prlvlleKea hereby grantud suroes with llio ald elly to fuml'li gas to the citizens ot said oily at s price nol oiceedlng fi6o por thou sand cublo fuel; aud Hist the said elly for all public purposes ot strett llgbllng.for building", owned by tho city, lor alt hospitals ond publlo building for charitable or religious purposes of any kind shall make a dlsoounl, from thu afore.ald prlee, of toil por cent. And Iho aald Halt Lako and Ogdon Uaa and l.loo trio Light company aurtes 10 furnish an Illuminating uaa of not less Hum 13 can dle poner,aud Incandescent ill not loss than 10 candle power, ibo aamotobosulject from lime totlmoto tbe luspootlou of a proper olllcor np I olnted by s ild City Council, to deter mine Ibo quslliy of said lllunilnutlng kss audelettriolllhl. hea 7, Unless a Swrllton acceptauto of Hits r lullou, with tho condillous, rostrltllons uud limitations therein con. talliol Is tiled by tbo Hall Luko and Ojjdou Has and l.leolrlo Lleht oompaiiy wltlitlioolty rcoordor of Halt IjikoClly within slxiy days from tho date of tho la.migu thereof. Ibis resolution and Ilia francbho hereby ijrauiod ahall bo void uud of no tlloct. NEW DISTltllT A1X0UXEVS. Judge Judl .Sfbcti Juilgo llonat, Jli.irs. i. I.. Magliiols aud Joseph T. ItlcUard as Ills Aids. U. B. District Attorney Judd late josterJay elleruoon appointed his sec ond and third assistants. As nlready stated in tb Nius, Judgo Howat sucteeds Mr, F. II. Blepbem; Attorney W. L. Maglunls, of Ogdeu, will bu the succsssorof Mr, H, M, Allison, and Attorney J01ej.l1 T, ltloharda(of tbo law firm of lllcbard KUbaida of lists cltyj will Ir.l.otlie plnco of John M. am. Judgo Hownt mil Mr, ltlchnrde will look odor tho criminal buainius ot the I'lrst and Thirl district-, Attorney Mngltinls will tne to tbn I'cutlli district, while Jll.lgo Judd M ill give tils nltetitloii for the present to the Hccou 1 district, whoro thero Is some imporlaut business ou hand. A UUIT A l)Ki'()MTIU.. The lUIIroail Company, the .Notarj nnd Iho Liujrr An Apponl. In Iho Third district court yrDlerday afternoon the cato of tho Union Paclflo Hallway company vs. 1. W. BlnlTord was on hearing. It trims that somu time ago Its porter Prank McUurrln wasimnloyed by thu Union Paclllo Hallway com 1 any lo tikii a certain dejiosltlos. Ills ceinmisslon as notary publlo having expired, ho asked BtaQord, wlio was n notai), lo assist him. Btaftord did to and li sued onu tub)cmia, swore two m itmaits, and did seme other similar well.. After McUurrln had fliilsliul tho deposition he kit It with Btallord, who had to duly sign It nan r-otary tubllc, before It could I e use!. As soon n It had luen cumpleted, Atlor my Van Citt went to Hta'.rtird, there, uima preeeutej n bill for J52 07, but later drooJ tu $41. an I told Mr. Van Cott tb'it ha uould get tbn deposition when ho set Hid. Mr. Van Cott uss taken aback, but finally otlered Btallord $20, uhhh lies thought waa four limes aa much as HiuBorvlu, we worth. Thu notary. however, refused totakutliat sum, rnd ai Mr, Van Ojtt waa compelled to havo Hio deposition ho paid $41 lo Htat forJ under protest aud got Ihu dool. Hon. Bull was then brought against htairord for ?-'l In Commissioner Pr UP court and ludimsnt renderud ninlnst him for the amount, from which Judgment he apcaled. Tho luarlng was bad lefore Ihu court with, out a Jury. Judgo Zsno found a Judg ment lu favor of thu 1 Islntlll for tho amount demanded. HI Honor be lieved Ibu $2J receled by BlaflorJ was much more than tho services were worth, COtltlT NOTKS. The case of W. S. Bimkln tb i:. B. Huolgrop, In whlih tho llalntlll tlalmed that bo furnished brick to Ihe valuoof $71.60 for a bouse which thu defendant was building, and that said delendant had ai;ree 1 to see that Iho bill was paid, tho brick being ordered by tbu contractor has been concluded before JudguZanc. Mrs. Joseph llarmlem, who was charged with liavlmc obtained $ej from a man named Wright bv false pretences, bad a hearing in Justice Whltehoruu's court yesterday niter noon and was aoqullteJ. DANGEUS OK 0U11 bTItEErS. Tho I.IHIe Sou or llrpuly Maribal Jlaiiian I'annoj Knocked Down by a Careless lllcrtlM. His pretty nearly time that actlvo measures were taken for cuttlui; short tbu recklrss career of thu sidewalk bicyclist within the pre scribed districts. He ha enjoyed a laug aud uninter rupted mouopoly lu this city, and the ordlnauco which 0113U fj control his actions appears to bu altogether re garded as a dead lrttur. Marshall, the Utile slx.jear old eon of l)euty Marshal llouian Cannon, is tho latest victim of thu evil biru alluded to. llu was standing on the sidewalk Just lu front of his jarents' residence at Hie corner of Tilth Boutli and l.ast Temple stieel, about six o'clock last evening, und was knocked down by a btcjcle driven at a furious rate, the machine passing over the child' left arm aud badly lacerating that member almost II entltu length, llluod llowed freely. Thu poor little eliap wm lk kid up by a neighbor, and tho father on hearing bis onlld cry ran out to him. Hut thu "man" who wo re al ouslblu for all thu troubln rode away as fast aa tho machine could carry him, and had got clear out of sight before thero was any chance of identi fication. Del ut). Marshal Canuon staled lo a Ni.wb reorter this morn ing, when furnishing him w 1th thu foregoing facts, that Ills son had auilered great palu all night; but no serious results aro apprehended. His great wish now Is that he could learn the name of the careless fellow who knocked tho boy down and then, lieedlissof what ho had done, hurried onuy beyond reach. $1000 Claimed For Assault. The last oosti on Judge Ziue' list jestcrday afternoon was tbo $1,000 damage suit of K. U. Davis va 11, M. Klletbeok ot ol. Plaintiff alleges that on July 13, 1S02, the defendants beat, kicked nud otherwise assaulted htm und that onu of them nourished a gun and tbnateued to kill him. Ihe alleged assiult oocurrud during the labor Iroubhs last summer and n crim inal mtlou wm alio prostcutid at that II mo but this defendant, weru dis charged an 1 still douy that tbey assaulted Davis. The case whs j ro ceeded with up to thu hour of ndlouru ment and was resumed this morning. Die vcrdlcl,uad not I ecu up to lue time the Newd went to press. AGAINST THE CITY. Mrs. I Uzjuelb Tuckrr Demands flJOO lor a tall on Hie Mtlnnalk. The trial of an action brought by Kllxabeth II. Tuoter and BamuelB, Tucker (hor husband) against the City Countll of Halt Lake I1eg.11 in C'llllf Justice Kane's court this afternoon. Ihe claim was for (33)0. damages for perronal Injuries alleged to buvu been sustained by Mrs. Tucker uu March 8th, 1602, owing to Hie Iiep.ll. geute and carelessness of tbe defend ants 111 Ihu construction of a aldewalk. I n August, 1800, on the north side bf Third Houth street, between Main and West Temple, tho defendant oorpor. atlou laid down an Iron and glass and fififilSfifi cemoiitsllenalk,iotHonof which was constructed on 11 sharp Incline, thereby raiislugn sleep and slip; cry d see nt. While passing along this sidewalk on the dale first riamsd tho femalo (lain, till fi II vltlrMitly down, breaking her arm nud retelving ether bodily lnury. Tbo sum of 3H was oxpondoj for medical ntlondancei an I nursing, and It Is statoJ that tho use of tbe arm Is I ermaiirntly Impaired. fho defense puis forth a general denial, moro puilculsrly In regard to the allegation of negligence. Btephetu and Bohiocdir nro thu llalniirj'a attorney,; Clly Attcrncy Hoga represents Hie defeudiuts. AMUSKSIKSTS. Nrih III 1UH-A3 In the County Fair, I lays two nights and a BilurJsy matl 1110 commencing this evonlng. 11 A 1 t.r N ,t Haut will nptcir In Ihtlr new sVllThu Idca.ucxt Wu dnes day nnd riiuraday, Mian Hai ooci;, tho popular reciter and Instructor ol physical culture at the University, will give, with tho aid of tier puillr, u very Ititenstlng and nrtletlo exhibition at thu TheMer on Tueslny evenluit next. The ull-ilr will bo eiieoslumr, ud It Is stir to nttract wide-spread attention. I-utler psr.luihrs wlllboglTou lu Iho NkWS tomorrow 1 venln,-. I'oicit Halo Ml ml ay Sclionl. Potest Dtle Hunday school was ot ESiilxed In January oftbuiiiesent year. Ucder f-uperlnteudent W. D. Hansen nnd bis assistants, H. H. Love and 1', M, Lymnti Jr., tho school Is making C".cd progress. Tu uld In procuring jiks and charts, n concert will be given tills evening nt S o'olocl , A good prcgram tins been prepared and an unjo. ablo time Is as-urt d. CIIAUOEI) WITII IIUIUHiAllY. The Itci'denco nf Jlaysiar,! Illxby Forci bly holered and $1.",() iurtli ot 1,'oodt lakeu Away. Cemmlis'oner Pratt Is engagid this alleruoon with tho further hearing of thu charge against Art I'llnt, James Kiifr, Charlei Carter and W. J. Davis, of burglarlxlug Ibe residence of Mr. Monard Illxby, a mining man, on He 11 111 Beveuin Last street, uud stealing theiufrom a vnrlety of artlclis, oggregutltig In valuaS160. OuBuuuay evening, Ihu 7lh Inst., Mr, lllxly being away fiom home, Mri. Illxby nnd her dauglilur loft the liousu ehortly alter 7 o'clock to go to church. Tho servant gill went out soon altcrwards, revlousl) locking all tbo doors and tissurlug herself that everything was cafe. Mis. and Mlsa Illxby II rat leluriied. Just before 0 o'clock. They weru as'ou shed to find thu front and back doors upuu, a light In the hallway and also In uuu 1 f the front rooms. As Hie ladle onion d a scuffling noise was heard, as thoujii oua or more persona wero hurrying out of thu p!au'. An lusiwtiloii ul tho rooms showed that tbo house had been reliy thoroughly ransacked, and n lame quantity of allver-J lated ware, a valise, several rsiais, baudkorchlefr, etc., carrie I oil. Tho pjllie were null, lied and Capt. Paul and bis men took tbu mailer lu hand, l.vetilu. ally tbo; wire induced to I ay n visit to Ibo dwelling occupied by Hie defendant Flint, where Mr. lllxby's valltu was louud; ulso at thu bottom of n trunk thero wero a number of arti cles forming part of the misting property. Davis nnd Carter, It was j ruvud, had left 11 razor at a local saloon In ayinent for drinks of whis ky, and upon nil llio rllonerr, when arrested, other atolou goods weru dis covered, The servant klrl Is thu ;ioorcr by ajtne $10 for the visit of thu bur glars. Altorney 1). O. Klchnor appears for the 1 rcsecutlon; Attorney John An derson du ends. When I'llnt ia done with on the Mom nt charge thero la another against ilni, of Mug couterned lu u burglary at tbu houiu of a Mr, Clarke und stealing u revolver, otc. PllOVO. Damage) Awarded. Lawsuit ll'lvrreii llrollier uud Milir. (Jiieen of tbe May. inuw In llio Hills. ttgutar Corrrl'onJea.A. Pittivu, May 13. In the oaso of W. II. Winn, assignee for the purposu of the suit, vs the llio Uratido Western rullway, tho Jury yesterday alleruoon returned n vurultt ot $410 for 1 lalntltl. The case of Margaret llouuelt Price vaJauus llonnett, re suit to reoover $0.0 nllCL,od t havo been entrusted 10 defendant In Franco an I not satisfac torily sctountud for, came up for trial juaterday, but on account of a nits statement of fact tbo attorney for plalutlir withdrew thu oomplalut. Tho case, however, went tu trial ou 11 cross oomplalut the defendant clulinliig $ ISO fir servlct a In traveling to France ror, and returning with plalutlir, who I his elstcr. Headers of thu IN xws will remember Hint Mrs. Price was the ajed inaldea sister of Mr. llonnett, and was by him lu luced to leavo her nutlio land nnd come to Utah with tho understanding that her brother would care for her the re mainder of her days. Bin, however, did not long remain with her brother, hut preferred to btcouiu Mrs. Price. Bhe will reinstate her suit for tbu re covery of thu $020 a soon iui her attorneys can draw up a corrected complaint. An exulting eloctlon has bieu held lu tbu II. Y. acajemy for Ibe selection of n young lad) to bu thu "queen u' Ibo May." Thero were a doren caudldutes, uud Miss Ida Ktuwartsctured a plurality of votes, Hhorecolved "10 voles eut of BOO. If tbu weather Is lino tho May day will bo tomorrow. Judgo Junta has received n letter from bla brother, Uoherl Join , wnu Is at tho head of Provo river. The letter is of the Uth Inst, and states thut there utefourfeet of snow ut Klddei'sold mill site. 1 he Judgu has been tamlllar wllh tbo country at tbu head of thu river for twtlvu years past, uud ho statis that duilng that lime-, he has never known snow lo lay at Kidder' old uilllsltoat all aa latu as Muy 14lb; so plenty of watir tuoy jet bo expected fiom tbu hills, ,V!iTVKsassmamtiia THOSE WILD WATERS M The Cold Spell Materially Reduced -n Their Quantity. IH TIILY AIM: M)ii U.MlIMt C0MI10I. iiH m Illnglnui'1 llcvnilatloti. Maltlilnc ' lasB Jordan, Hie Cauah and Clly ''iB ( rcck.-Tho iUh;r Up. ., 1H Tho cold spell which camo on wllh ' lWM yttter lay's storm lias proven n great , JJ boon lo people In tills lclnity, by llraal lousing tbo rapidly moiling process tibial that was being applied to the mouri- it ,sl taint snows to temporarily cento j 'H operations, to Hint tbo volume of ' 9 wntcr lu the croeks, t aiuli nud rlvor ' i fJ has been materially Icste.ieJ. fail 1 11 the canyons theru was more dam. ' Jl agedouo during tho onllnuancs of IlifiaH Hio storm. Parley' crock becamo I Jbh very high und ran over and cut up the llSai read rather badly in plecsr. A force iflH of mcu wentup hat night tj ruako '1aH lepalre. It was repotted that tbo Utah "'vH Central railway traek bal been iXsW washed out, but this was not a fact. IBbI Them weru iultuu number of wathei LfiaW byitreami from thu mountain aides, 'laBI butnonuof theso weru lorlous, aid tbo I'tlalH railway Irslllo was not uutorially In. P JbH terfered with. EibH lu lllngham canyon, howovor, mat- 1 ,j tera atsumed is dlilorent aspect. Homo I 1 daa ugo thu llools so Injured tbo "fiaH H. O. W. traci Hist trains had to stop ' i'IbH nuiils below thu statiin, and patson. I'IbsI gertatid null matter were unloaded at H Dry Pork. Yesterday's ttorm In tbo . ,.',H uanyou was a terror. Tho wlud ' M blew a gale, an! the rain aud Wi hail of llio morning gavo way lots J H blinding anow storm.wblcli coutluued 1. , Wi till ubout lx Inches of snow had 1 Bttttl fallen, lllngham creek came up lo an L 4 alarming helghl, and e,9uilderablu r H daiusge was done. Thu railway track ll'sal lain suih u condition that tho com- liaLH (any has had to reluse Irelght until ! k aSI repaliacaube msde. Nn ore oau be VbVbvI hauled out, und aomo of the mines ar HH stoedfor lack of fuel nnd timber, I'sLH whkh cannot be hauled to tlioin lu '1!bbH tho 1 riseut condition of Ihu roads. In It'jLafl some; laces where formerly there wus tVaal a fair wagon iroad, It Is now almost Im- If H passable lu men uu horseback, fho u WmWM touutj will bu called ou to expeud a jl MWM couslJeroblu amount la repairing j) JH roads. I Wmml Hie Bait Like and Ljj Augilea ? mU railroad eople buve found It neces- L aBBBJJJ atry lo raise their brldgu over Hie V W9 JorJau, aadalargH force of men havo pf4aVaVH been engaged at that work. The If mM brldgu wits iju tu near tho water for l'.aasxal otdlusry seasons, aud too close for ' sufely for Ihe present, but It Is now 1 being locateith Ign and ury. i. IH Clly creek, tho canals und Ihe river it mWM wero carefully watched last night, j! MWM and with the fall In the water are now IF. tLaH under coulrol. Mayor Uatktn went to iWrnMrn the relief of thu water do j fmWM rartmeut by calliug un thu j H other department to send cut f 'H men to aid la Ibe wurk of keeling tbu j 1 waters batk. Under this order mat- BBBBBJ lers are progressing nicely at resent. H City creek Is also belug relieved some by tapiiug tho water hydrants. 1 Boutli aud north ol this city the 1 iHiopIearo kept on thu alert by the tNLxaVH rushing mountain streams. Weeer liBaBfl aud Morunu counties are havlug MWM some et their old lime exierieuco., H and Weber and Ogdeu rivers ure yet H dangerously high, It haa gono H down some Willi iho cold stell. Thu 'fH road between Weber ami .Morgan H ountylsle orlol under water.tu somu H placiB several feet. In Ogden cauyou H tho road is submerged in ; laces; BH wtstol Ogden thu Ogdeu river has H otilloHej Its lunl.s ut thoBouihoru H Paclllo bridge and great streams of H water aro racaplug over Ihn farms lu H that nelghtiorhuod, doing great damago H lo tbe orchards, krolli Held aud gar- iaaLaH delis. Atonopolut wllhln 11 half mile aVH uf tho brldke two houses are surround- ftaVLaB ed with lakia nnd tbu occu; ants are H forced louse rubber boot to gain access I to thu dwellings. High levels havo j mWJ saved many of tbu homos lu that H vicinity from damage but those who jWM weru caught unauarea aro sustaining heavy Iumis. Old settlers say the UgWt rlversare higher thla sjrlng than for H eight )ear. Ilelowtho ojnlluence of H Ihe Weber and Ogdeu river tbu H stream tt reads out all over thu coun- H try uud the settlement of Marrlolsnnd jmWmM the dlatrlct surrounding are Inundat- JH ed. The country resembles a great mWMt mWMWM With tho precaution now being PBBJ taken, however, It ia likely that thu mWMWM prlucllaldauger la past, both ut Halt 'latLaH Lake aud elsewhiru In this vicinity. J WW Ilaniuy Is lllssatislleil. , The ohaneea aro that tho last has not ltamH been heard of the damago suit lodged 'HbVbbI by Harney Morgan, thu mluer,agalns: ibsbH thuOutarle Bllvcr Mlulng company, v4aaH tried before JudgeZanuand a ury dur- iSasaH lug tho early part cf thu present week, ilaattttttal Ihosuni olalmtd was $11,400, but the saasiaB Jury returned a verdict for $600 only, 'LBLal With Ibis the plalutlll'a counsel 'WM ( Powers A. lilies) nru not satisfied. I BsLlH Tliev teem to think that It tho severe I atVaH bodily Injuries which Morgan met , SaHiJjH with are worth anything at all, no 'naaLaH amount short of $11,400 should cover usjbbvH Ihom. Henco thu iueatlou of moving tMBaBaH for u new trial la under the serious eon- ILarH ttderatiou of Louutel at this time, suLKo'sbI iimW'Mi A Snil Couilitlou. IhHbH Theru hat been confined In tbe IflBia'sfl county Jail tlnco last evening n young aaH woman about twonty yoar of ago ''itBia'tafl named Winnie Joyce. Bho has toen J ssaia'tal imployedat the Valley house in this " fni clly for tome tlmo past, but latterly fluH her mind ha shown signs of weaken. iW'aal lug. It Is now feared she is Insane, gaSta'tal and thai quesllou is to bu determined I, vHxaH b bu luqulry In tbo Probatu court thla ( UaYoafl afternoon, llaBia'tBB &&iamwxzzzZ&222SmXJmAtmmmm