Newspaper Page Text
I DE9ERET EVENTXO yEWSt EIHHA1-, 31AY 10, 1800. 9 j I TELEGRAPHjC. I WASHINGTOM ITEMS. Tie Supreme Court Finally Disposes ot the Chinese Case. THE CHIMSE MISISTtll TALKS I rrttnt Imtj( In Trouble -To IfecHe I filial 81ood Kcpcr !. Ajipoliitmcutf. WaciiinutoN, D.C., May "-',0 maudalo of tlio Supwmo Court of lb. United Blalea to lh clrl:ult """i' "J Mk the dUtrlct of Iw I Bfflrmlngth. decision of Uit court In Ri tho t.ctuilon cm... wa. iran.raltled iM yraterday. Tula dlirosei of lue matter Kf finally, untu the caw aitaln con Uforo the court on n.r qur.tlon, th. preeent Indication pointing etrong. M ly lo the auumptlon that a copy of th. rn.lorlty opinion of tu. court will cor- taliily iio 'forwarded to tli. Olilutie RoTernm.nt through diplomatic chau mil before any extended ejitoo. of hoatlle action under the law will be luaucurated. Tho probabllltlea acm i loiavorBprolouj.datatuKiuoon Hie Uhlncae ezpulilon queitlon. T1IK OIIINUR MINOTUt AMD SKCHB- TAKV UKMUAII. An aulh.ntio lUtemenl haa been eb- talnod ai to the Int.rrlew between Hecretary areiham and the Chltwi. mlnlilerattbe atato departraeUWed. neiday lait. The Interview wan en. tlrtly devoid of tone and feature or any luirMitiou of aeniatlomllim. Nothing whatever wai laid by the minister oonoer .In any lty ; that the Chinese lentlou In i aMjl; . ton would lie withdrawn a. a result of v the enforcement of the law, and It can be ataled on tho authority if Hecretary (Jrnliiru that he liai not received an ! Intimation from any lourco I bat any 0 such proceeding! are contemplated. During tbo Interview the OMneio i mlnliter ensured Beorelary Uresbam that he tellev.d the Chluete povorn- intmt woull not reiort to any retalla- itory mcaiurei and there would bo notblnK done by bll governuitnt lhat would dliturb the present friendly re lation! between the United Hlateaand China. The mlnliter li of the opinion that no trouble will mull from the law. The Interview wai pleaiant through out and laited about twenty minute. LXrollTS ANU IMPOllTB. The ohl.fot the bureau of itatlitloo, In a ilatement to the leorelary of the tr.aiury, report! the total value of e.iorti ofmerchmdlae from Iho United Btalei durlnir the twelve monthi ended April SO, 1601, at f.4S,o9M27, decrease ol J102,7M,7J over the pre ceding year. The value of the Import, during Ibe lame period li Ju:o,161,OSS, an lucrcace of 191,000,017. During the twelve tnontbi ended Ajrll 8OU1, the export! of golJ amounttd to f 110,030,020, and the lm lorn to 110,541,000: the excess of ex rU, OO.tllS.OSd. During the oorrei ponding twelve month! lait year the export! of gold amounted la 175,014,702 and the Import! to $49,109,123, au ex net of exporta of $:o,oJI,OJO. During the twelve luontha ending April Ruth, the expoiti of illver ntuounted tu JM,S50,787, and the lm (Kjrlito J.'3,455,'J41, an excel! of ex priiof $15,433,513. During the cor letpondlug period of the precodtng year the export! of illver amounted to $20,755,673 and the Import! to 118, 601,747, au rxcee ol exporU ot 11,273,- B 10 SHOW CAUSE WHY TIIKV SHOULD IE nut 1113 meuiiuiKi). If The commissioner of pilonti hu IK lnued a rule upon W. V. Wmom, late W Lommlmloner of lent, and Poller & W'. Frornau, attorney! for the American Hell Telephone company, directing ., them to appear liefore blm uexi fa Wedneidiy, May 24lh, and ihow i cauie why they ibould not be dli- c barred from practicing before the I'atentOnice. 1MB 1111AL Of THS MONTKREY. Hecretiry llerbert liai detailed a board of ollkert to oonilit of Captain llowlion, Chief Engineer llurnap, lieutenant Commander Ollmore, IdtutenantlluincUand Naval Con structor Taylor to conduct the final trial of the coait defenie vessel Mon terey. I.ADOitr.u Oil UKIICJUNT. BAulitant Hecretary Curtli of the treiuury department bai bien called r upon to decide whethor a Chlueie laloort keeper li a laborer or rt mer chant. I-09TMABTMI3 Al'POlNTKD. l'reildeatlal poitmaitera today wero aopolnltd aa follow.: Cherlea Jjynu,ai Ureut Falli, Mont.; William U.Kallou. at Walla Walla, W.ih.; U. C. illgglei, nt Alcoro, Wyo.j C. W. l.ewli, at Hunter, Ida.; ai.d 1'eter Hhoo, at H Bweet, Ida. lm Arrival or the Inriate, m (JUAUASTINK, S. I., May IB. The W B .ulali iteamtr M.rle Chrlitliuo, lag ixvlngon bourd the Hpanl.h Iniauta Kuliilm, arrlvtd this evening. I'iIiko 1 Auioulo l)e lSourbon, the buiband ol IS tbu prlnceei, li with her on tliu IS a'.tamer. IK Trie itearner bearing the prlcceia K wan not expected until tome lime ft tomorrow, but made au exceptionally m qultli irlp and wan lighted oil I.oug m Jlruiicb thli aflernooii. The bur wai m i.m., wheu tho vrtiel m amhuredforlliunlKbl. A lug, havlug on board a repreieiilatlva of me Alio- elated l'rcir, btarOud tho Marie Chrl FM illana ihoruy oiler 10 o'clock toulglii, Hf UlLordo lluitaniaut, aecrolary of the H I. laiiio, received Idb correipondeiit. lie nU their trip from Havana a VW BI..I plojiaut one. Jleyond fatigue IJ inn ImuutHiudcred but little tuuiu. vculenov. AOIITIII.IIV l-Atlllt). I'litn for runillu nl(l IBue j,,b, Appruveil. New Yoiin, May in rim director! ol the Northern 1'tclllo ttday formal y u Hived the plan lor lunillng tliu Iloa'. Iriicdtbt. 'ino plan iruvldea for un autherlied lone of $16,000,000 col. lairnl tiiutnutoi lotear U percoulln- tereit uud mature in live yiari, Ar- mor'e J-ioan and Truit corupauy Hill be the truitee. The i.curlly tack ol the uotea will be couiolldatod tiond. and other aueti now pledged for the floating debt and in addition HI. Paul & Norternl'aollloatock In the company'! Aroamry and the Northern Lxpreii company'a franohUe. Tho Intention of tho management li to Inuo only $15,000,000 In notei al ire.enl. The price al which Ihey will be oflerod lor iubicrlpllon generally It expected to be about 6. Vlllard .aid the tubjcrlp lion llt to the underwriting ndlcate waanotyetemi.l.ted, but he had no doubt bo would be luccewfully organ lied. He .aid there wn plenty of time to complete the work, ai the debt did not matuie until Heptember lit. reealit lor SJOOO. NKW OltLEANS, May 8'-?e"" f.a lllanche, llio Marine, and Hilly McCarthy of Auilralli, lought tonight foralSOoOtuno In thy aiona of the decent (Jlty Athletic club, which wai crowded. McCarthy won In the ilxtteuth round, llolh men were In oxoellentooudltlon. Thu Marine vim about alx puundi over weight, for which lie forlclted the money po.tod. McCarthy entered the ring flrit, followed iholtly after by La lllaiichc. Imuranea Itntea. Nrw Yomt, May 18. Tho twenly leventh annual mcollug ol the Na tional Hoard of Underwriter; wai i lit Id Ihl. morning, l're.ldent D. W. C. Hkeltonof tho Phujolx tiro Iniurance company of Hartford, Conn., occupied the chair end dellvorcl the annua addrrn. Tho pruldcnt dejlared that lu view ol the expcrlcnoci of the Irul year lie wa convinced of tne ntcoi Ity of an Itioreaio lu tho average rate ofiniuraucc. .n Ujcli Kl.lcken. NriniA8KA Cuv, Neb., May IS Kx-Uulted HtateiHenatorC. II. an Wyok wai itrlokun with piraljili whtlaonhliwaytathe city from till country homo thli morning. tlelhiiinrAleeliol. New Voiik, Muy 18. David C. llouiton, lleutenaut colonel for on glneon of the United Btatnarroy, died thli morulug at 81. Vlucent'! boipltal. He wai as yean of ago and a uatlve of New York. Two week! ago the colocel accompanied by a wo man known at Mn. Minnie 1'orter went to the Kverelt houie, and Ihey were ruilguid to leparate roouil. Mr.. 1'orter pauvd ai hli niece. The couple did much drinking, and the people re luted to tupply Mn. l'orlor with liquor after learning the amount ibo wit coniumlng. Krlday lait aomo of Colonel Houiton't frleudi called at the hotel and found the army otllnr llliuch acondltlou that they at oaco tent blm to Bt. Vincent'! Uo.pltal. The woman keit up the debauch, proourlng llquora outilJe the hotel, rlunday tier luudlllon became tuch that the liouio bilclau had her re moved to llcllovue lioipltal, where the wai placed In the alcoholla ward. He fore leaving the hotel the unfortunate woman told thu houitkceier that her home wai la, and her hui baud, ion and daughter live there. AI the ho.pltal today the phyilolari! laid the woman could not live. A nirauae tlolber. Ijaksimu, Mich., May 18. Lait Dlgfcl the body of the nine-year-old ion of Mr.. Frank Harre, who died Monday night, wai itilen by loine un known periom from Ilia houie w here It lay, A phytlclan requeued a jioll morlem examination yeiterday, but the mother refuted. Thli morning the body wai discovered at the bottom ot a deep well on the farm. The mother literoonfei.ed to having polioned her ion to prevent him Irom growluguptoboatnlef. Hbo wai ar retted. The neighbor! thluk ihe I. ltiiane. ltlir Uoiild lle.lgned. Nkw Yoiii;, May 18. IJeorgo J. Uould refund to accept a new term at prendent of the l'acillo Mall Bteain ahlp company. C. 1'. Huntington will lucceed nlm. Mr. Huntlugtou .aid: "Uould hi! found, llnco the death of hli father, Jay Uould, that lilt dulln are to that bo mutt curtail hit work. Wo would like to have had htm krep the pretldeucy rf Ihe 1'aolfloMall, but lie had a good reaton ot hu own for not doing to. The Hock of the company li widely teal tared, but I tuppoio I am a atockliolJer, The outlook of tho company hat not been to good for twenty year.. There aro more re a to in why they il.ould not light than why they ibould light," THE AFFAIRS IN GERMANY. William Sees Danger 'Ahead (or the Great Fatherland. Vuvelllug Urnndiift'e Ktalue.lion to Nate Ilia Aruir Hill li toluu. tnry Conlrlbulluut. TlcnLiN, May 18. The Unman em peror, accompanied by many notable., proieuded to Uoerlltz In Blleila today, where lie ptrtonilly unveiled the monument to hit grandfather, lm peror William I. A great crowd wai preient and the utmost onthuilaim prevailed. After exerclact at the monument an e aborate dinner wai dlicuned, and thu tmperor did not disappoint hli dlitlngulibed audleuce, lor In tile ifecch lie laid, ipeaklug with greai olemnlty: "Tbla feitlvlly li In the midst of atrloui llnie.. Our army requliealn oreaied remodeling. 1 lummoned the nitlon to provide Ihe necimary meaui and all other ijueitloni are Inferior lo thli. Thu moateerlouiqueitloulionu upon which dependi the very emin ence of thu Fatherland, und we uted uluolute unity In order to lolvo the qUMllin; whatever aeparatei ui ai Uerruati, whatever cautit our luwa lodlvergu mutt bo put ailde heriuae Uliuerlli the future ol the Father land." The ipetch mide a great Imprculou aud u hailed with imtliuelaim, mi: AllMY HILL. Following the ixauiple of banking houtta and leading II rm i oonneited with tho li.urte In ttartlug an diction fund for thu nupportof tho army bill a lolutcomiulttueof the iron audfcleel luduitiUaot Uermanyhaa made are nurkablu fropotal, that part of tho uipvudtturu required by the new army bill bu voluntarily lubicrlbed by the great Indu.lrlal.oommerclal and llaan ilal iuteriili nl Hie cum. try. Thu coin mlttiu calculated that the olut nook tompauleiot the country, reprttontlrig an annual aggregate l rollt of 6110,000, 000 ruarki, would have riodlflliulty In ubitrlblng the neceatary credit and mill of voluntary contribution would I l leu oneroui than tho dangrroui llucluallom caused by the unteltltd alale of puhllo allaln consequent on Ihe itrugglo between tho killer and the relrthtlag ibould tha latter continue to nect the army bill. v lite nml lire. IloiibKAUX, May 19. The wine vault! of Kichonauiri have been del- tronl by lire. Tlio lost It computed at 2, 000,000 francs. Illrielln Innlralln. HlDNKY. N. H. W May 18,-The learner Mlowora lallod here for Van. exuver, H. C today tliua Inaugural lng thu new direct lervlcu between Australia and Hrlllali Columbia. In Unjel Irel.a. ltoiir, May 18. The itory It oon Armed that the German emror hu Invited the cruwil nrlncn if Italy to vltlt 1'ottdam previous lo the military nianeuverr. It li expeclod that hli betrothal to the l'rlncesa Fedora of Hcbleiwlg Holiteln will theu bunn uounieu. l'antalilil lor Tnllilnc. ItcMC, May 18. Tho Italian govern ment haiclotod tho provincial council of llergllmo, owing to a dealiratlon by llm council to thoellect that tho tern pornl right! of tho pope were iunrlor to the unity of Italy. FROM AH ASSOCIATE ABROAD An Ex-Typo Tells ot Ills Journey to the Old Country. A M.ll li rnnnrelleii(.-trroM Hie uetai,-trrlil nl Ihe Heme or Ilia ttillilhooil. CorrtiponJtnct a tU IHnrtt A'wl. 75 Bt. Hiri'ilCN'a ItoAD, off Man ommtkii IIoau, Hiiv"iii, Youic Biiiitr, 1:.nui.ani), MiiyS, lbOJ. Itwn ou thu mcrnlng of April 16, a bright, lunthloyday, that I left my mountain home for a mlitloniry tour lo Ureal Hrltaln. The pirtlng scene from my home, relatives, friends and anocla Mono was one of the tivereit lilili I have passed through, and one not easily to be forgotten by your humblo servant. In company with Our of my ac qualutancti I left the Itlo Urande depot, taking ajarllug farewell from the numerous boat who had come to eu us elf, and we wooded our way through tho lotureique icinoa of the ltocky Mountains. Deuvor wai reached early bext morning, a few of the ilghti taken In, and In thu evening we I rocetded to tho noted city, Chicago (arriving on the morning of April 18), which welouudlullof buttle an! din. Here we took a Hying trip round the Fair ground! aud iaw other light., and lhat evening left for New York city. Thursday luornlui", at 7:30, wai tUu time we readied Jortey oity, crouod the ferry and went to IheCoimopolllan hotel, New York. Having received an urgent Invita tion fromen uuclu In Couneollout, I proceeded to the Central depot to vltil him. A llltl. nver Hired lioura' ride ou the New York, New Haven A. Hartford rallrctd brought me to New iugtun lu Connecticut. It was a regu lar wintry day itioM log aud blowing. Upon Inquiry I learned thtt my uncle, F. W. Fawcett, retlded ulltilu half amlleof theitatlon. A f.w inin utei later I beheld for thu first time lu inr life the relative referred to. "Iithlillobert?" ho asked. Theaniwir wailn the alllrmatlve. "And thla Is Uuclu Frank7" (t The lamo," wai the rei(K)nie. It wai a happy meeting. Slnuo my antral lu thu ltochy mountains wo had olleu corrtspuudud Umu rellgloui toplca ycon ago, but he laid to tee mo wai belter than all tho letter writing. Uur coriTtrtatlon wot of a pleaiant na ture and mostly i ertalned to Utah and the Mormons. He llstenoi with the greatest attontlon, and wai well pleated with the photographlo vluwe of Utah which I allowed him. He referred to the death of hli only brotber, who wai brutally murdered In cold Wood Wlill.t eileep, by Mri. l'olti and her hutband, In Carlln, Nov., on New Year'l eve, 18S8; alto to Ibe death of hit litter, Aim (my mothir; expretied hli desire that at nofaruittaulday he would migrate lo Utah, at be felt more than ever convinced lu regard lo their rolli-iou, aud hli bellif wai that Halt Lake City watlhollowerof tbo Weit. Hahand cd me a five-dollar greeulack, and .aid, "There, that will cover your fare tu Couueollcut aud return," and In nlniolt broken tnuei told me that It wai the beil flvo dollan ho had ever ipont. Hlnce hi. arrival In America hu had had his "ups and down.." When the civil war bruku out he readily volun teered his i.rvloia and fought nobly for tbe cause of the North, recelvlug three allot.. Bhortly after the war lie married, but wai toon bereft by death of wife aud child. He again married and ugaln wai b parted from hli lovid ouo by death. Now ho wai, at It were, alone In tho world, hit only llvlug child a daughter tielng married aud realdlngln Merldon. Next morning I flirted for Mirldeu, wheru I hud u ploasant Interview with my cousins and their fumlllei. It wai with too' Ingiot rcgnlthit I parted with my uncle at the depot at Merldon lu the afternoon of April 21, hoping that ere long I would meet lilm lu my moun tain home., Hilurday, April 22, 1 went on the iteamer Arliona. Thera were thlrty-thrm Uldera and one sitter (who wai tu learch of genealogy) on iKiard the vuitl. There were ubout 126 paiiengera. We bad a pleasant io) age, all feeling well and arriving talely on the lit of May, about 10 a.m. Un board tho iteamer wai the corpse ot J. W. Koisook, ouo of the crew, who had died on tho outward trip to New York. Ou our arrival at 42 Islington wo re ceived our appoliilmenu. About thirteen for Qrcat Hritalu, and tlio re malncr for Utrmauj , Bcuudlnavla and TurLey. Having been appointed lo tbe Leeds Confertui.e, lililer A. H. Farmwortli and myself United lor Bradford at tl,3i), May2ad. and were met at tbu nation by WeilJcntU. D.Merkley and llldirs HiJt.ll and Tullotion aud kindly wel lomed to our field of labor. And hero I am, enjoying a pleaeaut Interview with my ciualni, whom 1 have not turn for upwarutof thlrti. two yean. Your brolhir In the Oo.rel, IlOlJELr AVLWJX. GREAT - REMOVAL - SALE. j Heine about lornovo I will JW. loll ri coal for the next Wdayi -'f a" my line alock of Chinese & Japanese GGoas, JlhSL. rontlitllig of Bilk Hoods Tm, W iumtno(looda,Uuinand Km. J eer, llowla,Vao, 1 lovtorl'ots, E&. Toy., Nolloni, e. X2 Kill ind see how ehesii I mil tcIL Quonff Chonp WlnB. Mli'eeenlOoolh. Whothor atartlnrt out on o ploasuro trip or prospoctlng don't fall to tako alonu a low can3 of tho St. Charles Un swootonod evaporated Croam. To-morrow, 20. I. X. L. GROCERY, Cor. 1st South and 9th East. JC. rflURPHY & CO., 5Iinufeturer of ffir STENCILS. SHIS, STEE1 X!,'.V!" Ug RUBBER STAMPS. No. 210 SOUTH, MAIN ST. SUWOL. ROBERT BONNER Superintending tho shoeing of Sunol with tho Putnam tfoil r0JlrT IlllL STOPIT KA8V, Mil 1 LU A bill! FV, Tu tvtr nr, Vrt aio to., ia., Ytb. in, isw. 1U1SAM NAM, to. Nrnt,itui UKXtlJaUexi Ilvpljlnfllojotir (nTcrof thu 14.b luit i will itat tlmt I tar UMtt llo 1 ut turn Is Ml n I ot icr. tat It lm coiuo to Ua poiut lit) in no utit 1 vlll not tlow any other null to txi uiM tbtu tl 1 ulntru Hot orcM.SllltI fsnir tcnllt. MItU mT bo utliDn f root). I kcow wjil tliutu mo, tvai c&uovt fTorJ lo iuk nrtrinicuu. try tujccUatlj ounu Tho Putnam Nail Is tho cnl ex clusively Hot-Forgod nnd Ham-mor-Polnttid nail. Look In your sinlth'o ehoolncs boi, If tho nails hnvo omooth odboa for tho wholo longth thoy aro tho PUTNAM, for thoy aro Hommci-Polr.tod and aro not chcarcd. Tb al0T9 rt'tor, fr01n . f,i,Ate tt prwnt let Mr, Itonn.r In tbt act or liai, lira tils lAlllu a 1 ntn.iu ur ll.wtillo auirlau edlna tli. iht lejrof bunol.alll t fl la lit. lorm or a liall tone, tlta, CIS, on tltlek, wlilla tini4r, ellh ttW, rntrf;lu,ou recoil I el 3 cent slatup lor iHJltige, clc, PUTNAM WAIL 00., Hoponset, liostou, 3Iass. WEKH0W0FN0TH1HC THAT CAM COMrAlic V1TH THE dRAEFEHBERG PILLS AS A FAMILY TIU. THEY ARE HOT ONLY MILD CUT EXCEED- INQLY EFrEOTIVE. THE BEST HEADACHE PILL TIICSC PILLS CURE ALL TOnMS OF MALARIAL DISEASES, DIL I0U3NE83, LIVER ANO KIDNEY THOUELCS. THE BEST PILL -IOE- JEAKIiESS AHD KRYOUSHESS. Sold by All DruafcUtl. GRAEFENBERG CO., Ill Y. BUSINESS CHANCES. Tr TfOU WANT TO HUT A KM I t."iT Ml ftatd bn,lnc,s In at"! loallon II will 1 trronwstanae. .J. Iioxta,4l9lotiomca llloct. t (.Odii taiko iiAl.rnr litaisriii J ttlct X) lo I'M fir m nib. rrlc.llAX), n . J. lloita, 110 l-oXomc. lllock. W1IOIK till IIAIf IVTFItKST IV A ariwcrr buiDett clttnn tAnu tr month. Unnla intcrcl Ittaii half lotlrttl 111.0, W. J. lloBJtn, I1J l'.u. llloct. AMIWTU.AS IlOMintNO ANIl U)IH1 lot housa lialr a tloct rrom tonotts ctoltr luenlr tlEhtn.iin,. twcnlr-momcrt antl Loardcit nuw la lioute I tcrtlriln coin i!t:,liuo. M.J. Iioitn, iio lotlomc. llloct, lor.Ti Tnnrtiitsiailii) loom at a 1' ttenrtro Owntr Itatiair'iir. plcnlll lorllonilcclrlollililtiritilrai' lo ott i.t;ltirliou,aliillatllr. Iflco, IIXO. W.J. ll(-KtD,llJl'itloll,e HIocl. riiilK 111 st nnori in iiuis'K m Tiin X rllr, cUt,l!ine1 lhrceyparlll star t ata oiftOinTO years' lt,p low tcnl, price, IWl , J. lloilu.tll IVitlodlr. llloct. AllltlTll.Ara (llinCKItr AMI MEAT marktl rnioi lnr.l attrtso taltt IWO I'tr monlli 1 1 rlct 110. W. J. l!o.n, III 1'oilofflco lllock. AtWOKVLODV. nir moolli. K.lab litx. I Ion jcart Kirtt rla.atraloan'tl'icMloti. I:cl .t'.ion ropi,. lion lo lilt cltr- U. J. llcstn, 4IU lotl"lllrl lllock. C'T T 'l'"f" tOW.KTH.Yrtlll OllUU Blthlil hold ol llronmiln Bon.1 focattoD. eko He light ofllro. olnlta room an I ball,, rent Vi Uan rlaar frultr monlli. W. J. llOKin, lu lViwffito llloct. CJ"ri lltlYI inSII'IITK "TOOK OOUU an.l murtt it a Iruil tail rTttr tlTn I. llul I icallon in Ur an rlttr I oo icr inonlb, W. J lloirsn, 419 rotlorfir. lllock Iiiwb wnoir. on HAir tsTrm.T tor tita la liotelt, Inta ilaclorlrt asnrrsl Ittrclisnlue, salooet troctrlet ratilnirttit, laan1rloi, rottmrtnlt, rollllnarr. l,trl,rr,hopt( Iiirnuhc.l rootnfl, mill anil rutr MtnU,ol . ai any J rlro t mm t AO oi. . J Iioitn, 119 I otuttdco lllvoa WANTED. OuisrYMrri'iKrt ami ci.kamsu donoltr Ww rowicr, HAhftttcct, Uij. rANTKI-IIUi8 TO MAIL AMI At) 1 ilrria rnfcloyci, oijtjin numci. M fnr ui At liouio- For If rum rcoi I 1rel IAnu ol rmrloix k. I. nU TJIK Toil LTUU(INC) b&utb ht nd. Ind Tiufky onk iiriuixn cumin 'J rJtuncl, dfpl, rr) n.l l.crct H..u!dralln 1 1 t'int.M Lnnmrn il M All work KanrtnlCP I lu r (txi ii( mill Cone fin lurt iifiilc. ttrona hn 1 clothinjt Lou tit tod told WANTED. a unoii iiuiit HrioNii irNO ws J. ilrrrr Mftcon. mitM 10 (or lr do iiTry Apilr Lrinecn x in) nnt t m itLLAiik.J umtimb u li CrualtaO. FPU SALE. SUIT! SU l-uNlKlMJUBAl.ti. H U.VIN MfCcL AUSK OUNil CI.1IILHHAIK HTL Ion for ato cIica At Hie luwf-utlc(, in Ucti.fouth teu,lo -treut ouo duur Hut ot VaHi-j Home. rpiiurr. louuTtitt jh.fy rovp,mv L inimnk Arpir tu !. Uoini, twu, SdUcitt.1. CliiriitniMLJXvrACiiKAttr,Tiii: j loTrliojt id i tali. Ff lA-in l ind lor m At US (if3) ior m.rc tilodid ujpor iniittr tor i AMioi tfftlrms 1nt( iirin ha alroot J. A ftAArt ALo, Isuk jd t;ub. Itoukk ar nr rMius, iikaii ok 1 UAtnHtrtfL AbRrsAin if lol'l vrllhln bcxt fiw dAfi. Inquire At Stt Linron ho J. OivT r Willi uLKi.MJMruTTA(ir 2lXJ llilMAitbctwron routH nntt Tilth fcuatu. W Vif Itttat, ., K. Jlublard, 41 writ, Cccoml tuuth, MONEY miOKEUS. nAltlll" A 1MI JOS-1W MAIM aTllKCT u lo II prr rent on rval data, bank tloct. roongtcct uail all Crtl thtt tccorllict On cm ami iaiim i nori in v. itui iHrcrnl. tirortbtck A Uoic, rooms tt ajMJW lllara I lok. BUI HMll Kt, Hull, KIT Al K AMI Oil T I rt loaot maJt J, Ulnui, Kl nam St. AM. JA.Mi, nlMAIN MI.KI.I.MAhnii 9 liitnt on crtontl and rual roiarly MOM! 1(1 IA) AT 61, lO I I Kit cant, llscho. ttcoml floor, liooly lllock. 11. I', U COAT1.3 lluyt 0tcl, lltuk Mocks, Uondi, aicr clt. 1 mil ruuilt tor haal 1 iltla. Boom 13 CoinmCMtl llloik. I tl.tM. I 7 AMI Tl, ITU rLNT OSIVSlllKIM )2i protvl I roptrtr, money rttrty, no delay. John J. border. 4W It-xjlr lll.K-t. MOSr-1-lS SUM Ur" 11.01 IO rOtM (liiotollinyeirt lll4mtl ratet city or itrm jropcrlut in tub. Slomyon band and laid wbtn ptpert araexerulod. Nual lorniy let Ivr etaiuiosllnn r line. ' JU1E-.I;. 5IIAW, Uttb Comuercltl ttlonal lltnk, bill Ijili Illy. Mum:) 10 ijjvn (is iaiisis aniicitv 1 roi crly, am) colltleral dool notet liuilil. eliorl lima lotnt on endorted Itotcs. I! tierinan llrot. It&om t Ctnlrwl llloct IJNBT AT C UltllENT 11ATKS. Ml UK lay W.J Moote H A CI Uim'fl.l lUnct. ON IMI'llOMlll l'UUI'rIITY. IN AN niiaiillly. I roby Jt troily,3l IttchtrdiHu Xir ou mum in noimow musi.v (j.II on AIT 1 Ihl. V'AIJKV UIAV A TUUM COMl'ASr, 11 nil, Hill boulb MrtcL "lllSCEliliANEOUS. TJULfOSf llESIMNd TO TtKi: LKS'ONl 1. on tha llano Irom a tint cla.a Toafbrr, willilnoollloeallonMri Amelia lattcr,C9J boulll tetentb a,l. lost! ONR 1IOI STTIS lIKirril three yetrtolJ. branded, ir at all rTTTD romblnud on mlit till'. Allot k l.'. mulcr I ellt., wlulii under bethel, a ,i.B brund rekcnili llns'T onrlshttldu. Iniwiuittlou ttitt ull letd to tbe rnrorcry of tbcto anlniali will bo liberally pud for. a II. II I. Ill', .So. MJ v. :ud Mirth Clrect. SALT LAKE GRAIN CO. Wbolciale And UoUtl Dealer in Hh SEEDS 32 Wmt Mrtt South Stroot, rJ'itJ17. Ball Let Ot). fl I EWIS' 98 , LYE E rjx:i:t3 ass tiztvua E. iiArtmrui ft, 1toH'o ,aed parul lya jUY made. iJollta other 1)0, ll beiair UPh SiS wnaV affi a'il. lln'VliVcSi iKfif Wlli'lHaaaTl'l a'tl leilumtd ft-fi1J Hard otp lu liuuQUa trit ohI afcl uiotiiinz nstlo liet, dltlrfflcl ad luftlnkt. UoliU, utthinir bot- S1K- Uet, I tints, irrtt, tte. m, "Tp btb. A.tult,l'blll.. la. J L li DAYS"MfS I Great CAT T7 Walker Bros, 1 i"goALlj&Fi,ECo' 1 SEE BIG WINDOW. T Af A COO pairs ol Wor.'s Strictly AU Wool Pants, mndo I lm LUL li tii KnflUsh Waist Bands. Finost lino over noon M , , , ' in any oily East or West at S5 por pair, will bo ( cold dnrinrj thi3 salo at S3. A pair ol Suspcudors nlvon with )M ovoiy pair ot pants sold. T at 0 450 paiis ot Men's Fino Imported Worstod and Jfl LUL a. Scolc!l w3l VMti. Nobby Stylos. For this 1 "uu "' salo at S5 a ralr. jll T nf 0 Vo "or Men's Suits sold icnnlarly at S12, , tfW LUl Ui 'or this sale at S8.S0. 9U T nl X OUR LEADER. 12 sly!o3 all wool S ck Sails, ffl JjUL i'. l'nblo or slnglo breasted, all new this season. i &W RefjnlarSlj fjaoJ3. For this 3al 3 at 39.73. AM T nf C nov''3 vnis? Wo w111 Oivo yon tho Fino Importod , " LUL 0. rufllih Hair Linos, Scotch Chocks, Untinishcd : WorstoJ, winch liavo canaol Bncia sansatioaia JIJI Salt Lako City at S18. -or this salo at 514.75 a Suit. Jig! T f p I-OR THE BOYS. Strictly all wool Sails, now and if! hi). U. liaudtomo patterns. For tb's sale at S2.S0 a suit. I IE ijuu ui FinoDi3o Ball and Dat, worth 51.25, given away ; ill with overy Sul . j I y Ai n Ron's iiao Biltrlgnan Shirts an.l Drawers in Natar- I 'M lit), i. als, Vans and Fiosh Color, votta'iSc a ijarincnt. jM uyJl " Forthtsnaloat ooach. M T at 0 Kcn'3 "uo Jfiportoi nalbrisgm Half llo so, worth iV LUl Ot 0c' For this salo at ZQc por pair. T a( Q aSToclvcn i. USTockAvoaT. i fl LlUL Ot Cratdc3t lino la tho city at 23c and ODc oacl. ', ' Shoes. Shoes. 11 Men's Russia Ten Lace, Good Year Well Top Shoe cut from 55 lo M Men's Light Tan Southern Toe cut from $5.50 lo S3. M Men's Light Tan Muii, regular price 35, cut to $2.50. m Walker Bros & Fyler Co. M t ' r 11 FMliHIBRO I Our Croatost efforts for somo tlmo havo boon , jMU dlroctotl towardo this GREAT VH MAY SALC of H Siik; and Dress hk Cloak:, Clothing, Etc, I Wo Imvo dotormlnod to maUo this THE CVCNT OP H THE SEASON Tho Contor or Attraction. This -jkH Salo will bo n Practical Domonstratlon of fiH what It moans to Soil tho ' Ut BESTG00DSi J.EAST MONEY. I SILKS! SILKS! 75o v.l. S7 limli ltaivy lllack l"oni;co. Vortli tl.i. MtTjiiTwliTcli China Hllki. Worth 1.00. ATCUTRTCESssa Wo aro aim arjlllnj; our WATKIU'IIOOI' Hlf.KS. SlliifliforJUoyJi W inch 00oyil.Hvivi:f. HII.IC, tlio Noioliy of l ho bcaaun, lu l'lalu and l'ano l'lgurri. (loo il. Huh ol Hllkt. Cwn I'lnlih, In rlaln anil I'linoy rjlrlpea to Mntcli. 43o il. -J Inch 1'ongpo uud Jupanoto Mlka. Worth Iio J it. llOo yd. Ill Incii and li) Inch Jnpanoso Mlk, In ttrfct anil evonlnj; iolort. Worlh Wo j d. DRESSGOODS! CHALLIC3. CIIALLIES. for Mo d. and C5o yd. licit rreucli C'lmlllfH. "Oo yd, American Chdllloa. I'.leeaiil DcalKlia. Wo d. All Wool DoHtlrca, plolii colors undrhotkt, Wnrlli7Jo jd. M)o Til. a l.lno of Soruia lu nil colora. htrldly all wl. Worth ".'. IJ) N'oclty Jin at Hoods, Imported ltobov, tic. All at rt heavy riductlon. CL0AKS"lCL0AKS ! pfl-Nnto ospeclally our flrcat OIT.ri of wprlni: Jucko , Capon, (Stills,, oto 'Iho l.nllro NprliiK Hionk la uiurkjd dowu uovr to Cost uud Loss. y"',rT''TrifrTi.i"MftiriTi;'riiffrun Jackola frorn'LSOup. H Cifa from ?1 53 up. M Ladlot' Cloth Sulii fromflSJup. H V mppcra from 70o up. H Fca Ibi Temintoi Ilarialas In jH BOYS' -: CLOTHING THIS WUK. aH IJ1 COllltiaand flrey Chock SitlnolloKnoo $(aH l'anltMulu. iH (1.C0 Jlluo and Ilrown Mlrlpcd Kuiol'anli v.1iiH fl.Tr. (lroy l'iu Check Bulla. Spleudld 'flH Valuo. iWafBH JJ.01 -Vlco llroivn-Lhck plaid Knc CaHl l'JIlta bulla. , JaH btrlpod Cheviot Kneo raon Hulta, iiBsa PM l.lkMit-brown Chovlot Kuco 1'anU ,BI ?!.;.'. All Wool (lroy Doulile-llreasled. UWM ItiKluecd from Knoo l'antaSiilli 15. W. , HI Ibo l'lnett Mnoof Kill HuluTTt oraLoivn tBfl In thla city from iW to f7.W, Ml (Oo stilt. Mon'a lllbtied UiiJorwcnr. rtiH GABPETS 5 CUBTAJS I DAnOAINS UNLIMITED. 'B Wo tra Jmt now In tho tnlltt of our Gibat lluaaaal ULOSIXO OUT 8AI.H Ot j dH Carpets and Curtains, Wsm No I.trntt to tho cndlon amount of IiiBH Urand Ilarirslns wo will ahow i, Hfl 'Ibla Wick. All Uoea- ,( YMM uo Itetorva, raH tCT Dox'i"zUa3 It, fit I mm