OCR Interpretation

Deseret evening news. [volume] (Great Salt Lake City [Utah]) 1867-1920, June 15, 1900, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045555/1900-06-15/ed-1/seq-3/

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DEBBRET D EVEN VB1flG G KJSWSt JMMDAT h DA = f JUNE 15 119OO 1900 < wI 8 8wI
L Sl Have Fair Sized Armies on onthe onthe ontheWaYto
the theWaYto Way to Pekln PeklnL PeklnALL FekIn1LL
Hie luterimllonnl Col ColrlfUlnMiu Collllt CotNar
lllt IVIIU JIb
Sttiiiiito Very VerytjidlfactOrY trJ trJalllu
alllu Nar ar rlfUlnMiu rlfUlnMiutii ltklnSltulillolI IrtLti
tii tIIIUruClorJ tIIIUruClorJrrry tjidlfactOrYfltiPtChIl3 ll raelory raeloryDispatches
rrry Dispatches DispatchesTork DIpatchllJforlc
Tork T J June ne 1SA A special to the thefl
fl I iii I Washington Washingtond AI AIaa usJqaneIe >
d aa trill i Japanese troop are on onr ona
r a t t 1ikln 1iklnfu r sill
fu < are t supplementary to toMj toJuJ toj
JuJ j Mj i b IY > the naval wuadrona wuadronaf
iLls t F f far r a known here are aresfKing arehut aret
hut t sfKing king the approval of ofwr oti
ivtalnly the United UnitedI
wr r r
I 4 n n1 r t been approached a It IB IBj IIIJ isthat
j HI that llusalo b IHnt nt on onjiiung ona1I
the preponderance of ofniBllrH oflfl
jiiung a1I 4 l ing l
relief column columnHer
niBllrH 1111 inh in the
Her t r I I I > Ill > 5 to proceed from fromnor tromI
I nor lUt l 1IHlIl IIII n being Informal ot ofti ° 1 1fti
1 fti Ih Ht Petersburg govern goernd
4 d i I f It tho murder of one of Its ItsIn ItsttttVsg
1 1Itiltt1I1 In Pekln Japan JapanM
M hill pl its t interests demanded th that thatr t tr
r irtJ l i by a strong military militaryli mllltlllYIIIUht
li n 41 tii IIIUht icht that at least one onevsl onea
vsl a l 4 tnr Ihrp > p regiments depending dependingiiumi dePfndlngnllf1r
iiumi nllf1r r r of troops sent nt by ltu ltui Itusa
1 i J L > en fl ordered out by Japan Japanr
r II b t iiff 1 of officials that thi th1Isa tIuiand
J 1
huMd Isa < and Japan Is due to toUK tomnunicatIOfl
UK 1 IT f communication with withhe withTlI
TlI he K < n 0111 I ml iii expectation Is that thatf thatkIlIn
f kIlIn i mi will iiI now land additional additionall additionalLWNMi
it i wui lU i imported in diplomatic diplomatici
i hut t JtuMa Uu la and Japan would would4aal wouldt
t 11 4aal number of troops In Ini
a 01 i fully to confirm this tht state statem stateldd
m < added howtver and this thisrrtn thlllrrmJ thistr
rrtn rrmJ tr < J in steral quarters that thatr
r II rrp re gttil tIl acting altln in concert concertnget concertr
l r nget cf the th landing of for foriis torJq forq
Jq q iis m fl their unwillingness unwillingnesst
t u under an ofllcer of a ai atrlr
d 11 i hnifnt trlr nt and the strong pos post poI
t fiir I I r governments will not notthm notI
11 I thm A V I diplomat pointed pointedtat
y tat l thf he I Ja Japanese > anese troops troopsr
r i 11 t Ike i Ke s Rrlng < T Ing under a Russian Russianf
f I nrJ i that the Russians dislike dislikes
s h i MS of an English or orjhttv orr or1I orr ore
r < r
jhttv e 1I H suggestion has ha been > put putimafic putmallt putrnLlc
imafic rnLlc quarters here that thatj thatnil
j nil srg iMhronp thronl the empress do dore dow d01p
p t re e Kmperor KwnngHsu KwnngHsui KWllngUluIplrntatlon
i Iplrntatlon pjr r > ntatlon has been made mader madeHay
r tri < Hay on the subject and andji
j ji I ii rtrun tritit does cltie not contem contemk contmtlng
k ting B su uh < h a policy This Thillrl
rl r 11 4 mad on in the hlzhext < t flu fluiang BUtaring
iang 1 rg bocn evoked by a ai
i u rjrt 1 that the Arrerlcan Arrerlcanand
and u 1 Japanese mlnlst mlnlltos s at atii1 a ai atI
i ii1 I ufrt i I on this course courseif couraemat
if mat 1St who discussed the ques quesiuil quesIU
< iuil IU u Tlild ii atnin a tfl n this afternoon said saidi
i r P t bitef b te > the powers could couldi I
i ispii a pUv t i v of this kind The em emMII emI
MII I 1 1 loor I h haUh > atth and If he should shouldt
t iib 11 I b ncoessary for the pow powdisjrate powdplinate O
1 disjrate d i re his lIucceellllr iucce ft > r which whichK
K t 1 lad ad i insurious n 8 rlous complications It Iti
i < s IeJ O that the presence of large largei
i u l i f frIn r > ln t troops would have a npi aI ar
pi I ral efffit stfs t not only on the em emsi
si l f r Tis Iur 5gs r but upon the Chinese ChineseIf
11 a If the powers can hold the theh thebdy thebe
> h bdy dv i an be It Is thought thoughtALL
r1 I ntlk ntlkm
L > Jjn J 1 1 ri 25 a m mobr mObeerI Obner Obnerh < er erI
I I h msl g at a and Tlen Tsin think thinkI
I I 1 gi iat g > at t deal more trouble troubletta
l r tta h p ni nlprt ert of powers than thanrd
rd Mrs hn r pcktn dUn with 1000 men men3nfancfs menCR
3nfancfs 111 taOIPR CR have taken place placeN IliacINfl piaceand
N Nfl Tu u and MegTie as asM asr
M r nr 5 r pi plnt mts at a considerable conslilerablen
n fm qm ni the th capital The wholo wholoenipir wholoH
H enipir el jijenis to be In a fore ferhi terent forel
ent l 1l1R 1r nf the tli empress dow dowII
I II > > it lil u i juliocal 1URn a with a bal balMtrr balt
t IWmI1 Mtrr r nj on the the side of a de den
it t rxpel the appropriator approprlatornf
o f JIT L F ountry or to 10110 her herit
j it 1J 1 th I attempt attempt1
L > > 41foj 1 f fhr her that on Monday tondoYt
t J I rho h < > mardor of the chancellor
1 jatdr Ja al legation she was wnllII
J I ia II s EnStJ > nso of dancer and went wentt
hi ry < t the tt YungTing gate of ofr
I L I hor r fh h advised the rioters riotersi
h i tI ff jiut sho sh took no steps to toft tor tolhn
r ft I I the appearance of
a 1 u 1 IT rrr r Ihrlltpnlng br atpning than before beforeTMiuiriPfSHINa betoreT1tl beforeI
I TMiuiriPfSHINa T1tl i i n lt lSHINO ON ONtln ONt
5 tln t i i a I 1 Heymour with the In IniC InUlilO
4 i iC f xiiumn umn Is forcing his hisL
t L jkl vial ral i ai of the powers poweruimr powersw
1 imr largiy I w ly y to reinforce rt > their theirfst1
i p lin In Tsln Gennany pro prot
t liS g i > men Great Urltaln Urltalnn
r l 4 > rn n U igkong yesterday and andf1I
f1I i Co i turli1Y ur iuj d Italy Ital has ordered
c it1 1 II nntivcg nl I in readiness
i A e ling hg to t a St Peters
t 1 J I h I lOr if Wpdnesaay Wldnee W tlnesay ay has de dentr deI deIn
I J In ntr r her force at Tlgn Tsln Tslnthe Teintile
hUM the combined forceti forcetiI forceiprobably
r r1 IJI I probably soon U Ur biA >
A 1 J aUh Ii from Shanghai ShanghaiA
1 I 1 1 8 > ° A report has hasll
I I c Itht ll lh Ihp < British American AmericanS
S mi inters Pter In Pekln favor favor1inperor favorlnperor
1 1inperor lnperor Kwaiig Su Sur
r hnh h and Russian min mlnv minIn mm mmfl
1 v ° In n the th powers taking takingJ
I h I J j It Is further re rewtlve retMeetive
Ih wtlve divisions of ofu ota
1 a u already been
as asIn asI
In I f Is that the with wUhr wUhHltI withfir
JTr fir r I IT vIMh HltI tish h ships hs from the thean theI
II h >
I T 13 > an Indication of
1 1 Ci a n r dlnolalmer of the thelANHLASDBD theoj
rn from Tlen Teln Tam con
11 I J 1 8 If f the burning of the
1 1 g11 r bit the rumor that thatI thatbn
I = > b bn cn murdered Is not notRussians no nor nott
r I
t h unlf I Russians with four tourK
I K 11oj d I outside of Pekln PekinJ
w J Russians who have haert ha11tJHI havertm
tJHI a rt rertllin n that the thelIlllPnt
nrwnt will take ac acg
1 t I1g 1g g the murder of the theUr
I Japanese legation legationhi
TI I I hi h h Ur of a disturbance at atin ntnix atr
nix r a hrman rtnan in flagship acshl and H Hreturned 11h H4C
4C 11
returned there th A
I H I III S h J JL I 5 ltb 100 5 00 troops troo has hasBt hasI hasiaJ
r > IrallMA iaJ at QUlnBan QUlnBann
I n i I ITn Tn hanlhal bat HII HIIt seized seizedPP5
In h
t PP5 Ill t and treated the theT th theATTL e
alkallv alkallvn alkallvATIu j
n ATIu
rrrn M rUhl1 rtIIhpa hll the following followlnI
I Ttrn Iefl T Tlln Tii in via 141 Shanghai ShanghaiWtwY Shanghaiiu1
WtwY el rlJUI iu1 ullgaWnleiH Pngagetflefl nga nent < has hasnternotlonal
n r th p
International nternotlonalPuh
I Itl 1
S Puh F uh I Iarnmfllan r h arnmfllan J WtlWIplOf WtlWIplOfHr troop ot otkr ofnsar
Hr Hrw nr ntar Ikln IklnIt
n ra
It C Yo 11 u British Ctlrlul vr cci at
t I w the M r I no tlrW ° in L Londun ° < jiin IIIAa >
troops are ureJ
Women as ltsWeli tall elI as Men MenAre MenAre MenAre
Are Made Miserable by byKidney byKidney byKidney
Kidney Trouble TroubleKidney TroubleIdney TroubleKidney
Kidney trouble preys upon the mind die discourage dlscouragta diecourages ¬
courage and lessens ambition beauty vigor vigorand vlcor1Io vigorI
I ri 1Io and cheerfulness ch rfulntM seen aotndtuppear IMnIi seenP
Ii P dtuppear dluppurwhenthekid dluppurwhenthekidor when tbe kid kidneys kidneys ¬
neys are out of order orderordUeated orderor
diseased ordUeatedKidney or dlaeuodKidney diseasedney
I Kidney trouble has hasbecome haabeQOme hasbecome
become so prevalent prevalentthat
I that ltd It It not uncommen uncommenlor
4 I for a child to be born bornafflicted bornafflicted bornIll
Ill K afflicted with weak kid kidneYI kidt
t nell If Ihe child urm urmatea utlnalOi urinales
ales too often of len If the theurine theurine theurine
urine scalds Ihe flesh or If when the child childreaches chUdreachN Childreaches
reaches an age when It should be able to tocontrol toconlrol tocontrol
control Ihe passage It 1111 Is yet afflicted with
bedwelling depend upon It the cause 04 of ofthe ofIhe ofthe
the difficulty Is I Kidney trouble and the first firststep I1rslItp firststop
step should be towards lowar the treatment of ofthese ofIhe ofthese
these Important organs This unpleasant unpleasanttrouble unpleasanttrouble unpleasanttrouble
trouble Is due to a diseased condition of the
kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as asmost umOil asmost
most people suppose supposeWomen suppoleWomen supposeWomen
Women u well AS men are made mis miserable miserable rnfserabie ¬
erable with kidney and bladder trouble troubleand Iroubleand troubleand
and both need the same great remedy
The mild and the Immediate effect of
SwampRoot Is issoen soon realized It Ills U sold soldby aoldby soldby
by druggists In fifty fiftycent Ciftycent fiftycent
cent and one dollar dollarsites dollar11eI dollarsizes
sites You may have a asample ItIIUTIple r + lu lusample
sample bottle by mall mallfree mallfrM mailfree
free also a pamphlet tell noni OIII of s sIng SIIIJI1oet SIIIJI1oetIng SswpBooting
Ing all about It Including many of the thethousands thethOusands thethousands
thousands of testimonial 1 letters received receivedfrom receivedfrom receivedfrom
from sufferers cured In writing Dr Kilmer KilmerCo
Co Binghamton H Y be sure and andmcnJon andmenUon andmenUon
menUon this paper paperarmed papernrmed paperarmed
armed with machine guns and repat
Ins rlllts rlU rlUAt Milesitt rllltsAt
At Tlen Tsln Tam the th Russians have land landed landd landed ¬
ed d tour eightcentimeter guns These Thesewith Th Thwith Thesewith
with the 1700 men will start on the themarch thamarch themarch
march for Pekln tomorrow tq orro A train trainfilled trAintllltd traintilled
filled with gearchllsnts patrols the line linebetween IInIatWttD iinebtwesn
between Tlen rain and Taku TakuThe TakuThe TakuThe
The opinion Is I trowin that the Im Imperial 1mItrlI impenal ¬
penal troops will attack the Interna International Intematlonal internationai ¬
tional column near the capital prob probably probabl probabiy ¬
ably abl at Ftng Ta TaIi > Peji Q n Tung Pu Slant
is I In front and Gen Men In the rear rearof rearof rearot
of the zuarde zuardeTen uard uardTen uardsTen
Ten thousand foreign drilled troops troopsare
are still nt Shanghai ShanghaiIIniBIOV ShanrholmnrStoN Shanghai1EMRION
Is n IorclRn orcln Country COlllllr Yet In Some SomeI SOIllOUr51I1ctll SonicIICCPCCI
I Heisnects HeisnectsXew IICCPCCINew
New Ne York June Junet4Jutge HJudse W K KTownsend KTowntend KTnvnsen4
Townsend In the United Btntee die district dlltrlct dietrict ¬
trict court of the southern district of ofNew otNew ofNew
New Yofk YotJnklay today handed down an opin opinion ollnIon oplnion ¬
ion In the thecse case ot John H Qoelz Co Covs Cothe Covs
vs the United State In which he de declared declared dodared ¬
clared the treaty of Paris valid and andthat andthltt andthat
that the th tftatun of the people of porto portonico PortoRico orto ortoRico
Rico Is that of Inhabitant of a foreign foreigncountry foreigncountry I Icounlry
country us regards the Constitution of ofthe oflie I
the United States and within the mean meaning meanIni meanlag ¬
lag of the tariff act actJuil actlJUI1e actsJUbe
Juil JUI1e e Town Townsend end held that Porto PortoItlco IortoJUco PortoRico
Rico la part of the United States ao aofar 10tar sofar
far as other countries c < Are re concerned concernedbut
but so far as the Constitution of this thtecountry thl6countr thiscountry
country Is concerned Is a foreign coun country country eountry ¬
try and that the tii United States can cangovern cangoern cangovern
govern It without subjecting It to the theburden theburden theburden
burden of nalonal taxation and that thatthe thatthe thatthe
the status of the Inhabitants will 11 re remain remain ismain ¬
main unchanged until Congress ehall ehalldetermine Iholldetermine ehaildetermine
determine it itThe ItThe ItThe
The decision of Judge Townsend af affirm afrmfl atfirms ¬
firm rmfl the decision of the board of gen general general gsaeral ¬
eral appraisers a a assessing Meeln lng a duty Ilut of 36 36cents 36cen 35cents
cents cen tl per pound IKJU nd on 100 bales ba lee of leaf or orfiller orfiller orfiller
filler tobacco tobaccoJudge tobaccoTudge tobaccoIudge
Judge Townsend said Before the thewar the1fIr he heini
war with Spain Porto flea wan all a for foreign torel11 foret ¬
eign et u country It did not cease to be beforeign boCoreltn beforeign
foreign country when It was occupied occupiedby
by the military forces of the United UnitedStates UnitedStat UnitedStates
States StatesThe Stat StatesTue lI lIThe
The conquest conllueltot of Porto Rico under underauthority underaUlhorlty underauthorityof
authority of the executive made It ours oursby oursby oursby
by military title But the Presidents PresidentsconqueMs Presidentsconque Presidentsconquests
conquests conque ts do not enlarge the boundaries boundariesof
of this Union nor extend the operation operationof
of our Institutions and lawn beyond beyondthe beondthe
the limits before assigned Rs lgned to them by bythe bythl bythe
the legislative power Our boundaries boundariesoould boundariesould
oould not be regulated by the varying varyingIncidents varyingIncidents trylngIncldentl
Incidents of war and be enlarged or ordiminished ordlmlnl ordiminished
diminished dlmlnl hed as the armies on either side sideadvanced IIldeadvanced sideadvapeed
advanced or retreated In this sense sensetherefore eenleIherefore sensetherefore
therefore our constitutional bound boundaries boundarlH boundaries ¬
aries do not follow the flag flagJudge naifJudKe flagJudge
Judge Townsend sold Id this thl could only onlybe onl onlt onlybe
be done by b the treatymaking power pow or orlecllatlvc orleI1814th1 oriegleiative
lecllatlvc authority authorityAslmntN QuthorltyAlllant authorityitehantis
AslmntN Surround Kuinnssle KuinnssleLondon IClllnnsRleLondon ICtitnassloLondon
London June IS ISThe The Dally Express Expresshas
has the following dispatch from fromPrahnu tromlrahllu fromPrahsu
Prahnu dated yesterday yesterdayThere yesterdayThere yesterdayThere
There has been another fight on the theline thelinE theline
line of communication of the Kumassle Kumasslerelief Jumall8lerellet Kumassierelief
relief expedition No details have been beenofficially beenofflclallY beenomcially
officially supplied suppliedThere uppJledThere uppliedThere
There are 10000 Ashantls surround surrounding ¬
ing Kumassle and 5000 GOO facing the relief reliefforce reliefforce reliefforce
force The leaders of the rebellion In Include Inelude inelude ¬
elude Ashantuah queen of Ofesu
VltzlmrrU niul Mullet MulletNew InllelNew MulletNew
New York June 15 IGA A special to the theTrlbuno theTrlbunofrom theTribune
Tribune Trlbunofrom from Washington says saysA AIA
A second communication has been re reoelved receled iscelved
oelved by Commissioner General Iow Powderly Iowderly Iowdeny
derly of the Immigration bureau from frtmSenator tromSenator fromSenator
Senator Platt of New York asking askingthat askingthat askingthat
that the decision In the cane of Pltxhor Pltxhorrls
rls rl and Mullet be delayed for a day or orso orso orso
so so 10 as 10 give ample Ilple time lme for careful carefulconsideration creful crefulcnsideraton carefulconsideration
consideration cnsideraton of the evidence and an anopportunity anopportunl anopportunity
opportunity opportunl for t r the friends frlendl of these thesemen thl thesemen
men to furnish bonds for the excon exconvlrts exconite
vlrts 11 Mr fr nconnell oConnel the th 114 solicitor slicitor of ofthe atthe ofthe
the treasury trelury to whpm whOI the matter has hasbeen hasbeen hasbeen
been referred reen Is expected expote to return returnfrom returnCrom returnfrom
from New Ntw York by Saturday Slturay and a de decision decilion decision ¬
cision be looked looke for early erly next week weekHistorian wek wekIltorlal weekhistorian
Historian Iltorlal Itldpath Jhlpath III IIINew I illNes
New Ne York June 18 iLAt At a late hour hourlost hourhut hourlast
lost night the physicians nhllolans ut It the Presby Presbyterian f1by f1byterlan Iresbyterian ¬
terian hospital hospial said there had been bn no noImprovement noImprovement i iImprovement
Improvement In the preceding preing twenty twentyfour twentyCour twentyfour
four hour In the condition conditon of John JohnClark JohnClark JohnClark
Clark RIdpath Hdplltb the historian who for forseveral torlveral or orseveral
several lveral weeks has been ben a patient tnt there thereMr there thereMr
Mr nidpath HdpJth is suffering luterlng from typhoid typhoidpneumonia tpholdpneunlonla typhoidpneumonia
pneumonia His 1s condition conditon is II critical criticalEnglish crtlcnl crtlcnlEnJlsh criticalEnglish
English EnJlsh I Equality EqualityOttawa RquahityOttawa qunltt qunlttOtawa
Ottawa Otawa June ItIn 1ln the house bou of ofcommons ofcommons ofcomlirong
commons Thursday a bill hi was Intro Introduced Intr Introduced ¬
duced duted by the premier raising riing the toll tolltax 111 polltax
tax ta on Chinese Chlnel from trm J60 5O per pr head hld to 100 100per I Iper 0
per head headSir hadStr headSir
Sir Wilfrid WIr Laurler al RIo o promised prml d to toappoint toapplnl toappoint
appoint a royal r 1 commission commlnol to Investi Investigate Inettlte inveatigate ¬
gate te the whole queetlnn of Chlneee lhln and andJapanese andJaPne andJapanese
Japanese Immigration Immigrton and report Its Itsfindings Ill Illnndlnl8 itsfindings
JaPne findings nndlnl8 to the Imperial 10periai authorltlen authorltlenAnd Authortll AuthortllECZEMA authorittesAnd
And Every Ever Form of Torturing TorturingDisfiguring To ToiiringOisfiguring uing uingDsfguring I
Disfiguring Dsfguring Skin and Scalp ScalpHumors ScalpHumors ScalpIluniors
Humors Cured Cued by by8rieErT byticura byutidura
ticura ticuraSrunT
8rieErT Cms T TssAT14xrCTflth A s3rr nathe the theatrectfd tbeIrelf theatrctd
atrectfd p parts rt mi Uioromciilr TIAT with ll Ito > r WATKB Wnrf urn urnsuit
Soil Irelf suit rwioviu rm totjblr SoAr Srtt ext apply rrncpru Crrlcraa CrrlcraaOlsuloest
01 Olsuloest ntmeit CIIOJU the K greet fu t kin cure cre curean 111 an nl l lul Iutly t ly Uke Ukea ul
a full dose of IvTicciu Irlt n IPLn htPOtYfl51 ottiar ThU ThUtreattntnt 1streatment la
doe CIIC
treatment 1 fal lmfnt will I affonl II0rt IMtMt lllat relief re e permit permitrStaml permtlretini I Irt
rStaml retini Ind ilwpmd ld point to t ioapedyperi ioapedyperineat a updlr V I
Swit 101 neat and ael eeenomlcAleortibep eenomll eoononiir4l JIDt tre sore when all alle size Is fans fansM4 ranfh
M4 fh nrrVir rrlc rrlci Tn t SIT hTn SUSr v e OfTIlUSS OfTIlUSSIsrld n M
Isrld i Oii our If E5OLVIItIlf Jhee JheernlI
rnlI 1r2 DirQ LCD cu 75Il al J 54 Jr4 Ob Obl DoOL DoOLr
l r l Use I I 4 Ca Ciii Em ur1 nUOUTt0lh nUOUTt0lhl 45 I b boob4 fiw
Optimism Optmism Inducod I by Lord Roberts RobertsDispatches RobertsDlsp RobertsuDispstcho
Dispatches Dlsp chos Is Artificial ArtificialMUCH Artfcial ArtfcialIOJ ArtificialMUCh
llotr loer Iorcet Fo 101 t No fUI iuni and nudlew nudlewlurreldrr Icw IcwTltnKlurliktlorf IaWMniClorkdort
TltnKlurliktlorf Surrender SiirronUrrUoro
lurreldrr lurreldrrlore
lore 1lclitlns 11111 Altrudi AltrudifBarly itluradfEarly hrll hrllEaly
fBarly fBarlyNew Ealy 1 DispstehuJ DispstehuJNew > llptehl llptehlNew
New York June 1A dispatch dllptch to the theTribune thefrlbune therribune
Tribune from London Lndon says saysThe A AThe saysThe
The optimism olllmlm Inducod Inuc by h G Oe Gen n Hob Hoberts Hobets Roberts
Gen Mt Mtthuens Msthuens 1 1thuens
erts ets dispatch Is I artificial arUlelal
thuens success In restoring tltornr communi communication cmmuni cmmunicton cornmunlcation ¬
cation cton with wih Pretoria lrttora has b not lot altered alteredthe altt attiredthe
the the fact faetthal that th the Fre F State raid raiders raidprll raidera ¬
ers have taken over oe R thoutand thould pris prisoners prt prusonera ¬
oners onel at Llndley Llndl and Iloodtval Jolval and andretreated andrtreted andretreated
retreated rtreted with lth them and th their lr guns gunsand gl gland gunsand
and that the th raids raiS may be I repeated repeatedDewets rlPte repatdDewets
Dewets commando commandO have bav not been ln dla dlap dlspl diipirsed
p pl pirsed rs d and whatever prtoautlons preutlons may maybe my mybe maybe
be taken there th will wi be danger danJr of an another another another ¬
other raid since Ilnc the railway rlwa cannot be beabsolutely b beabioiuteiy
absolutely ablulely protected prolete by b Infantry Inrltrr bat battalions battalo battalione ¬
talions talo nor by artillery artiery trained triled al alalong al allalong
along the line lnt from tNfl Illoemfontem 11omfontlfn to toiTelorla to1torl toIrtori
iTelorla iTelorlaThe 1torl IrtoriThe
The conquest of the northeastern northeasternsection northvulernIton northeasternsection
section Iton of the Free State ha has not yet yetbeen yetbeen t ten
been en effected eecte and ald operatlona opertlol by b the thecolumns tbecolumnl thecolumns
columns from Hellbroti Jelbrl Llndley Sine Senkal SiI Sinehat
kal and Flcksfount Flcklbul are rendered ndert dltfl dltflcult dll dliiicult
cult by b the transport lran port problem problemQtn
Qtn Duller has cleared olear Langs Llnga Nek Nekand NeT Nekand
and an Oen Lyttleton 1ytteton has h received reive the theubmletion tbelubtlulon thesubmission
submission lubtlulon of th tire Wakkeratroein Wlkker lJ dis district dl dltrlct dlitilct ¬
trict but the Uo lJir Doer r army has not been beencaptured bn bncapturetl beencaptured
captured It has retired ret with Uh all al It Itguns Itgunl its itsguile
guns and supplies 8uppllr and will wi tight fght again againIn agIn agInIn
In the mountainous mountallOUI district remote remotefrom rmote rmotetrom remotefront
from the railway railwayIIOBll rllwa rllwanOEI railwayIIo1t
Bothas Bthas army Irm has also ale withdrawn withdrawnfrom wlhcJrawn wlhcJrawntror
from tror the position which It held for two twodays tOdl twoday
days dl against arlnlt Gen Itoberls HobrlB forces tor east eaelof tll tllof eastof
of Pretoria Prtota but It I has 1 not been bn din dinpereed dil dilt dispirsed
pereed t nor have the liritlsh IJrtsh taken takeneither takeneiher takeneither
either eiher curia Jun or prisoners prisonersUoer prisonersIhoer rllle rlllelon
Uoer lon comnwndoa cmmandul at firmelo melo and Mid Middleburg Middleburg ld lddIe
dleburg dIe burg are ar mutually mutualy helpful and fnd can canbe canbe canbe
be concentrated concentrate In the Lydenburg Lydinblrg dis districts dl dltrlet dlitriets ¬
tricts and Deweta DW1 commando cormanlo can cancooperate cn cncooprate cancooperate
cooperate cooprate with wth them effectually eretualy In the theFree tl theFree
Free lre State StateThe StateThe StateThe
The most mOt encouraging encour rlng feature o oyesterdays oC oCyelltd1 ofyeeterdays
yesterdays yelltd1 new for the Uriilih Urthh was wasthe wa wathe wastire
the evidence that the damage dalage done to ULalngs toLlnp toLungs
Lungs Llnp Nek tunnel and the section ton of olrailway ofraiway ofrailway
railway raiway north of Kroonstad Irontd was not notserious nollrlou notaerlou
serious lrlou and Inl that both bth lines In of commu communication cmmu cmmunlctlon counmunication ¬
nication nlctlon would be b In working order orer In Ina Ina ina
a few tel days da With unimpeded unimpee supplies suppliesfor SUPIJle
for two large larg armies armle operating oprtne In the theLydenberg theLdenlrr theLydenberg
Lydenberg Ldenlrr either eiher from the west or from fromthe fromthl fromthe
the thl southland the resistance real tance of Uewets Uewetsraiders Dwelraldr Dewetsraiders
raiders raldr ought to be b speedily slfdlJ overcome overcomeby oercore oercoreby oercoineby
by the British Jrltth force under Itundle Hundlelh Itundlewith Itundlewith
with lh help from frm Duller DullerFJIKK Duler DulerFm IhuiierF1ticI
Military Miiary men mel state that Gen Me Methuen Methuen te tethuen
thuen will 1 be l left lef In command of the theforces theCorc lieforces
forces Corc along aloni the th railway rlay from Kron Krontad Kroonstad Kroon Kroonstad
stad to the Vaal and that Gen Hun Hunters Huntr Huners ¬
ers tr division after reaching rachlng Johannes Johannesburg Johanneaburg Johannesburg ¬
burg will wi be b sent lnt to Heidelberg Heldtlbrg and andwill andwi andwill
will wi open opn the railway ra1 a to Standerton StandertonEventually StandertonEentual StandertonEventually
Eventually Eentual Deweta force Cor must lx lxdispersed I bedispersed
dispersed dltpr before there can cn be b any In Invaolon II Invasion
vaolon llon of the Lydenberg Lydenbrg district and andGen andGen andGen
Gen Kitchener Klchaner Is II likely Ikel to remain at atKroonstad alIronstal atKroonetatt
Kroonstad Ironstal until unti the campaign ctlpl1 In the theFree th thFree theFree
Free der State has hl8 been ben again set st In or order order order ¬
There have been many lan stories storle about aboutbad Ibout Iboutblld aboutbad
bad feeling Celnf and lack of cooperation cooperationbetwen coperatlon coperatlonbetwen cooperaionbetwen
betwen Roberts and al11 Kitchener but butthese butthel butthese
these thel are ar not well wtl founded tounde Gen GenKitchener Oel GeziKitchener
Kitchener as 81 chief of taff > works In Inceseantly Ince8nth inceseantly
ceseantly ce8nth and Is I Roberta nobrt trusted trultetl lieu lieutenant lieutlnant lIeutenant ¬
tenant especially Iplaly in managing the de details detais details ¬
tails tais of the transport tranprt Kitchener 1lthener Is Isnot I Inot Isnot
not liked lked In the army arm on account accunt of oftils ofhis ofhis
his brusque bru ue manners but Lord Lrd Roberta Robertakonws Holru Holrukonws Itobertakonws
konws how to ret on with him as aswell a awel aswell
well wel am al with everybody eeryby else elseKLOIIKSDOHF elHKLOHKSDOHF elseKLORKSDORP
London June 15 1114 a in IThe IThewlr rnThe rnThewar The Thewar
war wlr oltlo olo Issues IllIUe th the following dispatch dispatchfrom dlR dispatchfroni teh tehtrom
from Lord Lrd Roberta RobertaPretoria Iobrls IobrlsIretorla RobertsIretorla
Iretorla Residency HlldRcy Juno H 1 1040 1040nlKlork p pni pniClorkadorl
ni Klorkedorf nlKlork ort surrendered Iurender on June JUle JUleto 9 9to 9to
to an RI armed arm party prt 8 sent nt on by b Hunter
Kitchener Iitchenerreporte reports that the Boers Der at ittacked attacked attacked
tacked a reconstruction recoltrctlon fvrt train trin early 811 811thlll earlythis
this morning mornlni a few miles mie north nCrth of ofRhenoster oCJhenohlr ofIthenoater
Rhenoster Jhenohlr river He le sent lnt out mounted mountt mounte4troops
troops and drove dre oil or of the enemy elel before beforethey ICore ICorethy beforethey
they could do damage One Onetan man was waskilled wa waskilled
killed kied and eleven wounded wounde Including Includingtwo
two olllcer olllcerA
oltlre oltlreA
A message mlce from Klorksdorf mork ort reports reportsthat rpoltl rpoltlthlt reportsthat
that thlt Cronje < rnJI who commanded there theredetermined theredetermlnl theredetermined
determined determlnl to surrender as soon n as a he heknew heknel heknew
knew knel for certain rtaln that Pretoria lrtorlt wall In Inour Inour Inour
our poeeeeclon Ilon Ills 111 example has ha ben bencopied bencopied bincopied
copied by many man In the neighbor neighborour flghbor flghborour
our possession llon His example has been beenhood bn bnho beenhood
hood ho The court curt house hou exampe Ia s now no said ld to tobe tobe tobe
be full tul of arms armsBOERS armLDOEDS armsDOERS
3M 31 a mTliat Com Gtn a Luis Luisliotlia Iul Luisflotlia
liotlia should hae hi been bn able to stand standfor standfor ln4 ln4tor
for two days against o lnt Lord Lor Roberts Jobortl and andthen andthen andthen
then to retreat without login lolnl losing any guns gunsor gunsor
or having 11nlne any an of his men captured OptUr 8lS 8lSor is istaken 1 I Itaken
taken to mean that he has hs a I force forcewhich tor forcewhich
which the British must still tl reckon rekon as asformidable altormldable asformidable
formidable when acting Blng defensively dtenavt
Lord Lor Roberta Hobrtl engagement with Wtb Gen GenDotha OenDotha Genflotha
Dotha terminated termlnatl as a expected fll expset by the theBoer theDor thefloor
Boer Dor commanderlnchlef cmmanderlnchle retiring r Ir from fromhis trm trmhil feomhis
his hil position pltlon Beyond Ieond driving Irv Itotha Itothafurther Ilothafurther tha thaturlher
further from the capital cl lal lltUe ltO nj seem aeemsto Im Imto seemto
to have been accomplished aIIPIhed ne I lx Ir Lord LordRoberts > rd rdRoberts
Roberts does dON not ot mention rnnlon the h capture captureot Ptur
ot prisoners rlrsner or guns ns or the Imitation Inllilon of ofIOM oCIo
IOM Io A Bo Dr fleer r bulletin bulUn Issued Ilut June llth llthat Ithat 12that
at Machadodorp ehadoorp said saidlioth MidlJth saidhioth
lioth lJth wines wlnl of the federal teltl forces forcestouched to tolouche forcestouched
touched louche the advancing adauclnl army ary at 1 a am I arn
m yesterday ea east t of Pretoria rtorla Fight FightIng Flibt FlibtIng Fighting
Ing continued tnllnue until untl dark dak The enemy elm elmthuugh enemythough
though In overwhelming numbers number were werechecked werechecked ere erecheked
checked cheked along the line Jne of tlrtyax tlrtyaxmi thirtysix thirtysixmiles
miles mi ami al the burghers burh succeeded sult In Indriving Indrllng indriving
driving back ck their right riht 1ng fir firmile fr frmil firemllee
mile mil Two burghers burher were ne killed ie and andten andtn andten
ten wounded woundedDfiinnmls wounde woundeUllnlltl woundedIeiatuds
Dfiinnmls Ullnlltl on the 110 Treasury TreasuryNew TIllurrNew
New York June llA 1A special to the theJournal theJournal theJournal
Journal of Commerce Commere from spRI Washington Washingtontays
I as tays taysTh
asThe Th Tht The treasury treaut I Is facing the tle crop crp met moving metIng ¬
ing season Iun very r well 111 equipped elulppe vlth vlthgovernment vlthgovernment 1thounmlnt
government ounmlnt note nlt but under uner some somejrwur earnspressure e epl
pl pressure jrwur ur In retard rr1 to supplying upplnr the thearce thelarge
large larE volume of new n bank banknotes nk notes which whichhave whih whihhue whichhave
have been II applied applie for under uner the cold coldstandard Ild IldItandlrl gchlstandard
standard Itandlrl law If The probability IlrbAblt of a ateavy ahelY aheavy
heavy helY demand demnl for note ot was W al mild anticipated anllclpated mildpated ¬
pated early frl In the UII n Inter Precaution Precautionwere l auUon auUonwe
were we taken to print Prnt a large lar stock tOk of ofsilver oC8lnr ofsliver
silver 8lnr certificates rtncatp of the Iht denomination denominationof dflnolnatGn dflnolnatGnof
of n 1 and 8 and United 1nle States notes notraof not notof notesof
of larger la denominations denominaton Treasury Treasurynotes Trallry Trallrynot Treasurynotes
notes not la issued ued under the Sherman Shaman law laware lawar laware
are ar no longer 101rer being belnR printed Irlntl In ar arcordanre a acordance r rcorf
cordanre corf with lh the mandate lnndahl of the gold goldstandard goldstandard ld ldtandard
standard law la for tn their thir gradual Irdual retire retirement ItrE ItrEment retIremint ¬
ment A 4s n result ul of the th th precaution precautionaken ireeautionstaken rtcautlonltabn
taken early Nrl In the winter it t linn born bornpoeslble bnplble benpossible
possible plble to reduce reuce the th printing prlntnK of got goveminent ro roernlnt goternmnt
eminent notes omevhnt and to
ernlnt fflewbt tl put putt putthe
he t force tOt of the bureau of engraving
and printing prIntng more mol largely on enlravlnr to new ne
hank note It I U t Ilrop llruiwd > rr > p < > > M4 after this thisweek thlltk thisweek
week tk I to bp bpl ln Work up u upii < > n th tm the new nil niler iiiver I
Hr er certificate rerU clltefor for 3 for which the tie de
+ + + + 4HHMMtHtrMf 4HHMMtHtrMfj + + + + + + f tttttttt + t tt + t + + + 4 + + t H HW + +
j jWe We W Build Buid Shoes ShoesjTo Shoest ShoesTo
jTo t To Order OrderIf +
If I you ru have a peculiar leeular shape shapefoot Ihap I
4 foot tot and we cannot onnot fit ft you from fromour fromour fromour
our stock alcckWe Itok Itokw stockwe
It We w will wl build bulcJ you u a pair pir to toorder toorder
order orderAnd ore orderAnd i
And we e will wl guarantee Irnte you youI a aperfect aperfect
perfect prtet and comfortable cmtorable fit fiti ft fitHut
i Hut we believe IHIV we w can fit ft you youwith youvithi OU OUwih I
with wih R I pair pir of theae th summer Ox OxI OxCor Oxfords
I I fonts Cor Dlack Dac and tan n 1400 1400ROBINSON 4M 4MX tO i iROBNSON
t t 4 SHOE SiO BUILDERS nUllDER 124 M MaIn ln SI SIIzn i iHHtHH 4 4st1
HHtHH + + t + H + H
Izn 11 ha has just been len completed eotpletll A stock stockof tOk tOkor
of these tb the will 11 be run rn off ot as I rapidly as aspossible I aspo1ble
possible In order that they may have havea havttw
a lbl few week W1 to dry before beorl they are art la lamed I IIle Issued ¬
med It I ha hl has been bn the ex uIrltnrl exirhne > c > r1 < > nrv that thatafter thatttr thatafter
after Ile note note have be bn been n Issued ltautd of tf f a new newdeafsn newdeln newdesign
design deln there IK I treat relt unwillingness unllnnt1 tu tuaccept tuacept toaccept
accept acept those thlle of an old Ild iK dsign > slgn even evenwhen evenwhI evenwhen
when whI freah frtsh For till this reason 11 few flW cer certificate certifeattll ccctificates ¬
tificate tifeattll for IS I 3 hive been brn issued IBued re recently r cicenti ¬
cently from the tb old plate plate and piepara pieparatlorm plparatlonl peparaions
ions tlonl have been bn made to IRHUP IIIU < from fromthe fromtbe fromthe
the new plate a as soon ID as l they Ihey are areready areready r
ready rdy The treasury trAur will wi be hI amply sup tuppiled supplied
piled led with wih note for exchange exchamrl but may maybe maybe maybe
be somewhat Imnha handicapped handlcapld in issuIng Ixsulngany
any different dlterlnt class cia of note 10tl from that thatoffered thatolered thatoffered
offered olered for exchange exrbaD because bcule of lt the thrcant thfIcaDt thescant
cant IcaDt mareln of authorised euthorlld imucr Il ue The TheUnited TheUnlt Theltnitd
United Unlt States 8lat notes 10t on hand June U Uwere 1 11were
were 1 U19IU0 321913702 19M02 and anl silver alvflr certificate certificateJ7SW Ierlllcte
J7SW 7332 1332 > S3J This Tle total tott of mon > than 31 129
000000 00 I hi about abut tltOOO000 IOO better Illr than thanthe thanthl thanthe
the thl minimum of last summer slmmr and au autumn autumn sutumn ¬
tumn but It I might tlh very Vel coon lon be b ex exhausted lX lXIaulted oxhiausted ¬
hausted by heavy hl demand demandMoro aemandfor demandsMore I
Moro for ItndloN Bol llotllnsiuiiluu In II Ihl the llclirln llclirlnNew UllrlH UllrlHNew ihirlsNew
New York June 15 11An 1An An unrtxognlsa unrtxognlsable UllnOlnlu UllnOlnluble
ble body b was WA discovered 1111ere In the ruins ruinsof rlnl rlnlot
of the Paul Wledemail Wledemal Cooperage opnge Corn Cornpuny Com urn urnpuny
puny IIU Ilrooklyn I rk 11 last night Illht The re recovered r cicovered
covered cvered now number numbr five lve and It I I II said saidthere lid lidth saulthere
there th are a halt a dozen dozll bodies bole still It I In Inthe Inthe inthe
the debris debrisTo dpbrlTo
To Repeal HOJl1 Union Ullol Label Inlol IIH IIHKan Laws LawsKansas
Kansas Kan City ely ity Mo 0 June JUle 15The In International Inttrnaton1 Interarutlonsi ¬
ternational ttrnaton1 Printers PrlntI Protective Prttctlve Fra Fraternity FI 14rnternity ¬
ternity ternl at It Its Ia ninth Ilnth annual convention conventionheld conenton conentonhtd
held In this city clt adopted RolltM resolutions resolutionsfavoring rlutons rlutonsfavorng resolutionsfavoring
favoring favorng the repeal rrl of all al union label labellaws la labellaws 1 1laws
laws and ordinances urlnalC The fraternity fraternityclaims fratprnl fraternityclaims
claims a membership membelhlp of 3000 0 printers printersThe prntl prIntersThe
The following officers otcer were we elected electedPresident eleted eletedPrsldeltL ciectedPresidentL
President PrsldeltL It I Barry Brry Pltlsburg Pltelut Pa PaVice Ia IaVice PaVice
Vice President Pflident J F Shutz San Sn Die Dieco Diego
co 10 Cal Cal
City Clt Secretary Br t 1 D F Druckemlller Drckemler Kansas KansasCity lan1 KansasCity
CltTrturrRugene Treasurer TrturrRugene TreasurerEugene Kugene Uaeeett DNett Los LO An Angeles Angel Angels ¬
gels gel Cal CalA CalA CalA
Visionary Statement Slatclcnt Hc lejRrlllg ItegaruIing anllng Hym Hympathetic HJ Hyzuipatlietlo
pathetic Strikers StrikersChicago Strlkcrl StrlkcrlChlcaFo StrikersChicago
Chicago ChlcaFo June IS 1Smpthitlo ILSynipsthetio Syni > th Uo strikes strikesare Itrkt
are to be a thing thlf of the past pa It a plan planof pkn pknut
of arbitration can be agreed agred on by the thebuilding thebuldlnr thebuilding
building buldlnr trades union and the sue association 41 sueelation ¬
elation olaloM afllllated anllt with wih the building buildingcontractors bUiding bUidingcnlrctore buildingcontractors
contractors cnlrctore council cuntl Adeclaratlon Adetartlon to tothis tothl tothis
this thl effect etet will wi come today from the thedelegate thedeleatH thedelegates
delegate deleatH who participated prtclptd In the joint jointconference Jointconference jointconference
conference with the contractors contrctor on onTuesday onTuela onTuesday
Tuesday Tuela and Wednesday Wlne ay and fnd who were HereIn wereIn werein
In secret 8lt caucus all al day yesterday de debating dtbatng dobating ¬
bating batng trouble troubleIt truble trubleI a plan Jlan of settlement attlement of the labor labortrouble I tahoetrouble < br brtruble
It I woe wa agreed sgred practically prctcal by b the dele delegates deleGate ddegates ¬
gates Gate that the demand of the contract contractors cntrct cntrctor ¬
ors for aDolltlon of the
or aoltlon sympathetic sympatheticetrlke 1mpthetc 1mpthetctrike
etrlke was one which could culd be granted grantedwithout gante grantedwithout
without detriment to the cause of labor laborand laborand laborand
and a t t committee commite was appointed appinte to pre prepare p ppare prepare ¬
pare a resolution re olulon which would give for formal tormal formal ¬
mal expression epllon to this thl sentiment lentmnt Ie A Asubcommittee AlIubcommlte Asubcommittee
subcommittee lIubcommlte was Wn formed torne to draft drf a acommunication acomununication
communication communicaton to the thl building buldl con contractors contractors contractors ¬
tractors council counel on the same subject subjectThe fubjet fubjetThe eubjectThe
The subcommIttee will send
wi to the thebuilding thebuldlmt thebuildIng
building buldlmt contractors council cunll today tol A Ageneral ngelleral ageneral
general statement of the tht position 1IIItloI of the th thdlegatt thedelegates thodelegates
delegates dlegatt on the sympathetic smJthltlc strikequestion strike strikequestion trlkeQueton
question Queton It I will declare dtlle as a near as ancna ascnl asens
cna cnl be b learned learne that tha sympathetic strikes strikesshould Itrlkesshould atrikeshould
should be b abolished abllhed At the same time timethe tme tmethe linethe
the nubcommittee sub ommltH will wi reafllrm reaOrm the th de determination d dtermlnaUGn determination ¬
termination of union labor labr to preserve preservethw IlrMrve IlrMrveth lreeervethe
the th building buiding trades trad council councilThe counci councilThe
The arbitration arbitrton plan Illn which has been beendrawn bn bndmu beendrawn
drawn up provides for the establish establishment estabUhment establishment ¬
ment of a permanent arbitration arbitraton board boardand bard bardand hoardand
and also all a I board bard of appeals appalll which MAn ahMIact MAnat shallact
act at speedily pedl and adjust every te I difference differencepromptly dlrernce dlrernceIlrmpty differencepromptly
promptly Ilrmpty aa A It arises rlIL Pending I the thefinding thefinding hl hlndlne
finding of the board boad work shall an continue continueuninterruptedly contlnuunInterrpte Continueuninterruptedly
uninterruptedly unInterrpte I In this thl way Wfl strike strikeand mrlkel strIkesand
and lockout 10kouti will be b eliminated elminate and In Inno Inno inno
no caw cae will wi building buiding be delayed
Hudson nud on Hay flityCo Co Profits ProlltnWinnipeg IroltN IroltNWinnipg ProfitsWinnipeg
Winnipeg Winnipg Man fan June IE JTh ILThe The Hud Hudcon Jud Hudson
con 101 Hay Dy Co has declared delre a dividend Itlldnd to toshareholders tohareh tosharehalders
shareholders hareh ldrs of IBs 1 per r share and a abonus aOIUS abonus
bonus OIUS of 10 10 lOs per IJr hare IbAe as compared comparedwith
with a dividend of lln lZ and a 1 bonus bnu of 1e 1efor it s sfor
for the previous prelou year A The dividend dhldeld and andhonue andhonu andbonus
bonus honu Is equal Eual to 1 ft 4 per pr cent nt on the thecapital thectRI thecapital
capital ctRI stock tok as a compared tmPre with Ith 7ft 1 per percent I lrcent r rnt
cent nt for the previous year yearIn YMrh yearIs
In h addition addilon the company compny ha bll baa also al8 set setaside It Itallde et etaside
aside 10000 IDG for the th employe 9IploN benefit benefitfund benefitfund nft nfttund
fund 10000 IDO to the insurance In urnt re rellEr1 reserve reservefund er > e efund
fund and fud carries rarrl forward 50000 SG a acompared A acompared
compared Chlpr with 11 CIL000 41900 Ue In the previous previousyear pvloul prevIousyear
year made This Thk is a the beet II allowing ahowlnl ever evermade everInad evermad
Accident celllnt to Mrs 1 Fremont FremontI Prmont
I Los oe Angeles Cal June II 12Mrs Mr tr Jesse JeseBenton JeN JeNlnton JesseItenton
Benton lnton Fremont Frmont widow wdow of General GeneralJohn Generl GenerlJohn GeneralJohn
John C Fremont has h with
Frmont met a I se severe l astere ¬
vere pre accident In leaving leving the dinner dinnertable dinnertable dinnertable
table she slipped lpp and fell 11 fracturing fracturnl
her lilt > Mr llr Fremont Ffmnt Is I TV years ea of ofage ota ofage
age a and ald her recovery rver will 1 consequently conluenty
I be slow slowDKAIHY slowII1ttIIY
IlowU DKAIHY U JY ifunoSltXIJ JmUSlm lillOSlCi CAN CANForty Co CoPort CANPtrty
Forty Port lolun Persons Ilurncil Jurnct to Death In InHouston inHliosiorus
1 Hliosiorus HliosiorusHouston IIIllon IIIllonlouton
Houston louton Texas June IS 16Thf 15Tim The Pott Potttoday Iolttoay Iosttoday
today toay prints llrntl a Hit llt of fifteen tf women woen and andchildren andchidrn andchIldren
children chidrn who have hae been ben burned to todeath todeth todeath
death deth since lineI June 7 as the result of the theexplosion theexplosion theexplosion
explosion of kerosene kerone oil 01 can ean In every everycane everyc everycase
cane c except one the th iwrson IJren tion Was at attempting atptnl attemptIng ¬
tempting ptnl to kindle kndl a lire lre with wih hero kerosene ker herosine ¬
sine The Tit other CUM was WB peculiar A AMlMSIms AlU AMiss
MlMSIms lU Miss Sims living near Beaton fea ton struck strucka strck strcka
a match the head hd of which hleh flew to an anoil anoIl
oil 01 can cal the flame Was WHI communicated tlnmlnlcted to tothe tothe tothe
the kerosene kllne an explosion eplosion followed flowd and andthe andthe
the 1 young woman wag fatally tatal burned burn
The statement Itatment Is II made that tht since sInc Janu January January January ¬
ary 1 no 10 less Il than forty persons lelns have havebVen hae1n
been 1n burned burne to death dea th In Texas eu as 8 the theresult thenult theresult
result nult of kerosene kerne oil 01 explosions explosionsWOMBS lxplolonl lxplolonlWOR explosionsflOMIN
Some of Thorn arc Present Rcnt at Phil Philaclrlphln lhl Philnulelpiuia
aclrlphln adclfhla for fr tho Contention ContentionPhiladelphia ConventionPhIladelphIa lmton lmtonPhladel
Philadelphia Phladel hla Pa June IS ISTe 16The The first flrstof fr firstof t tot
of the women Republican HplJublean workers to toarrive toRrrlo toarrive
arrive i II is Mr MI J Ellen Rlen Fouler FOter who whotook whotok whotook
took tok room rm at the hotel Walton Wnlon last lastnight lutnlghL lastnight
night More than fifty ff coworkers of
Mr Mrs Foster FOtEr will wi arrive arrn during durng the week wek
They will wi have n n no trouble truble getting gettng good goodHorsfords Io IoHarsfords goodp goodHorsfords
Horsfords Acid Phosphate PhosphateImparts PhosphiteImparts PhosphateImparts
Imparts Energy EnergyWhen
When vitality and nerve nere force forccbave forccbave have
become bme Impaired Impac by b illness Inen its it value I IIs
wonderful Is Induces
wondelfL Induces refreshing rerehIng sleep seep
Ccmiia OcD Ceedasleirsus t an nnuM N Ito JOrkD hioisrosee iro ii oavnppcr O wnp
deepieated deepieatedthe obstinitte d dlKac C Citrrhi t nh regarding it inflammation In of ofthe ofr
Pew Flw realize rtAhze what a 11eelHeate obtinate rgartin as a simple amnlUon
r the no 1e nose e and ald throat throAt little ltle or no attention atteltlon atteiit is isjs I JfYu g1yt J 1 hut ut 1 1 ftcter eer insignificant inlignlfcant it mav seem Bem at first frt it itis itis
is winotts and farrcaclilnj in its > ls re reult results resultsI ult ultThe
srous The foul secretions Iretlous entering elterng Il the circulattbn rculallb Otson 11 th the > < entire ntlr system lte The Th stomach ttoUch kidneys kidneyfn kidneyfnfalt in infact
I r feel the effect of thus Ct Ct P010I Poison 1110 and nd wl whuetr < n t the e are reached its
fact all al altthe the orRans or organsfeel aus fee efect thlSI gJJ lungs reache it progress progreMFt prolr prolria progressStv
i in c9JPPi0t1 c9JPPi0t1t
aml finally cnd n
E ia rapid and destructive all inal 1 C P1 P1It
Stv rand Ft It t frequently detncte itapens that the lie sen5e 1 P Qr h IWIr t jLV1 lf < Ild stud smell smel arl air rp in Prt run or entirely enthrel lost lot the soft 1ft t bones blt of ofnto ofthe ofthe
the nos nose fruenUy eaten into nto happnl aud alt TdMl destroyed y d causing ca ling 1IIIrtel IILCfiKffCT15It te Jni K 001 nl greatly jreltl pr disfiguring difJurng the d5 face WHile Wlfle sprays spraysSS Iprywlhel spraysa
a w I q wlhel whee and selves he 13Y may give temprar teuiipOrsr reI 1 I nQ l Israuaneat fnenl tJneh hneit can b be expcte expected frm from suh such treatment treatmentCAT treatment treatmentCATMO
and Ild far fa beyond byold the reach of mere local lol remedies rcwt1e Those Thos who ho rely ielyIntmrntatnl I upln UPfl Ih h m r r a i cure 1 lose lo valuable vllble time tie meet m t with wih disap disapiiu dlsp disaptiintmflrnt
tiintmflrnt Intmrntatnl ltttltald auid allow ao the disease dis to take tle firmer liner hold Only a real b bloOi rC tCd < > iiu I II troulilciomeand lroultlwe trtIileSOme ad and dangerous disease diseaseu di diS
S S S cum curel Catarrh Ctarh became eats it first frst clean clanf ckanaes 8 and Onl11 builds busdl up u the h hputs t liloOl n p pfw r u i it nUi ru II and healthy he < thy stimulates ltmuael and andSWIFT andput am amputs
puts put new lew life into the Uuggiih aughb wornout orut organs oalA and thus relieyW rcl rd et d t tMr the cystL ssteti fw gf f 6 6and t l ar uruniulatioris uruniulatiorisMrjoepbieePothitIof umulatlons umulatlonsr
Mr MrjoepbieePothitIof r JoMpblse J bIDe MUlll 111 of l bseWeMLCwrftes t WeM We 8 C writf wlU I hid hdCatauh CtUrr CtUrriited eurJ 1 1Cl I h ej ejated r rule
iited ule ated ihii li J w wsa e tlrely tlrtly tul dcii < l f tn II one fr ear r Id sad nd alinlde iii 11 nride of If mv my IOt aceS oe oetl II itith2Tlf Iolt t1 I IdeteiffitaedttryS I 4
tl sisvgked Cl l st C 1 When Wbe thdi lb tb dkl diieeee K h M had d eons on IW Ih this fa tar r the Ile pbrfcUn Jbrill r r4e pv gave n I UP I t ° I
Il LUt 5 5ieat
4e deteiffitaedttryS raiiatd to try f S S U I tut tfort sod We Wintotwpevesta0 a n to lt p t tof e > 1 for i Kf Kfalo
de I reer
ieat < alo of Ihe li IhdIIi4Cllt t Iulc Ir ad nd after al I few wtt iteka tfl kf trtilment tUWtDt I w was r J tntlrtlr tflirdy cu cur crDd CUCL u uYen cI cIven
r Yen n years Ur hire bav hid no 1 lgn 11 I ftlndi ftlndiS f the diauL diauLS dsesc dsescS
S 8 S u made of roots rol herbs and barks bk of wonderful wndeful tonljial tonljialproperties lonlJ 1 And purfYig purfYigpo punfvr punfvrproperties
properties tle U I U I the only vegetable e elble alt blood blo purifier purfer knots n f an and d a aUll t tcure lri ill I qfe qfem s scare
cure m po for all allJCI bltwd troubles truhle w Send Snd for our book on Blood mo and slu SVUl IW DJFee S I at ate 4the t tHe
He e Mine le time tme write rte our phyricians lhyicill about OIt jour our cose c Ther Tey wj wll II 1 cneenuny c cheerfully ertly p tte give > cu cuy OuY iu iuIcy
Icy y information Ilfontiu or advice wanted wal te We make mke no ciarge lr for forthl or this = SWIFT SPECIFIC COT CO ATLANTA ATANTA OA GA
MtaM te a the convention conventon hall hal for or their tbelrcampaign theirpln theircampaign
campaign pln labors labl have have been ben recognIzed recognisedM lflad lfladC
M of C great lrat value llue and they are con conRtantly conItlnty constmntly
Rtantly Itlnty Increasing Increulnf their machinery Inahlle for fornromotlnr forrlrmolnr forpromoting
promoting rlrmolnr the IUCC success UCCM of the Itepubll Itepubllran Iepubl
ran ra party prt They will wi take tke a llv lvely lively ly In Interest InIn intenet ¬
tenet In the proceedings prlng of the con convintlon contntlfn consntlcn
vintlon tntlfn will wi confer with wih the delegates delegatesand dliegates dliegatesan
and an lenders ldel from every part of the thecountry theounJ thecountry
country ounJ and before bforfl they separate llprte will willpreliminary wi wllimsk
msk k preliminary pllmlnary plan for their cam campalrn camplp camp51ti
palrn palrnVT plp
We VT are ar not all young In II experience experienceIn epeience epeienceIn
In politics pltIc Mid Id Mrs rr Fouler FOter Mont Montof Molt
of us u have 111 b bn n students Iludeltl of politics Illtlc for formany tormany formany
many years > wim 1 We organized orgniz In IMS 188 and andthe andthe andthe
the convention cQnvlnton of that year at Chicago Chicagowas Chlcalo ChlcaloA
was A the first ft we w attended Since Blnct then thenw thenwe thenwe
w we have h attended at ndld the party conven conventions convenons ¬
tions 1011 ons have hae b bn been en consulted conlule by the lead leadera Ipadand leader
era er and have done dont an Immense amount amountof
of labor labr principally Ilrlnlpalr In the contribu contribution contrtbuton contribution ¬
tion ton of literature literatureUlthln lteature lteatureWihin literatureWithin
Within Wihin a day da or two headquarters headquartersfor hedquartere hedquarteretor
for the tb association ullllon will wi be opened openeat openeatthe openedat openedatthe at atthe
the Wilton Entertainments for the thevlsltlnff Ihellltlnl thevisiting
visiting llltlnl women oml are arE twin bing being if arranged by bythe bythe
the New Century Centul and other woman womanclubs wOlana wOlanacubs womanclub
clubs cubs of the cltv cl clt and anl there Mill wi be b for forthem torthem forbern
them no lack of social Ilal fta I well wel as a po ¬
litical Itc1 enjoyment enjoymentAnionr enwmentmonr njoyrnenttmong
Anionr monr notable Mta members membr of the as association 1 associatlon ¬
sociation IlaUon M who ho will wi be her her are the tht neo neoretary seeretar eo eortl
retary rtl Mr Ir Cha Ch Chaos e of Rhode Ihoe Island
Mrs re Mary tat S SLOCk LockwwHW Lo twoo4jt f w wton Wttu Wttuton I >
ton editor of the thisDaughters 1 IfQB1 Ot lf lfUaughters I t tDaughters
Daughters eior of the AnfBJ Anfe F > K luM luMwho I 0 0who
who IR a fine orator Qr tor afltiIk 0vf l k up upthe u uthe I Ithe
the campaign stump Mr Jtl t H Htl Hekn Un n VUI VUIwick Verwick ttr ttrwick
wick Hotwell a well el Jkn 111 kqJSin Writer rlt r uf ufew ofNe1 f fNew
New ew York IJwel Mlw Mlwjp t R JB8J f Jjtrce B8 erct of ofton Bop Bopton
ton Mrs Sarah Barh Dapfn n D1 n tff tWahtnClon tWahtnClonIrs Mn MnMrs
Mrs Irs Fannie QrcBhani Ore rcBan Of If T lua > u u Mm Mrl MrsParrer m mFarrer
Farrer Farrr of MlnnesUtft llt and Vllu Mi II Mary MaryYostwood MaryYoetwood a
Yostwood Yotwood of Mlnneloll Washington WashingtonConstantlnoDle W WashIngtonAgain hlnctonf hlnctonfualn
Again itferTlrkeT itferTlrkeTConstantinoulo Ier rktT rktTConatanttnoulo
ConstantlnoDle Conatanttnoulo JunH Junt1ltThe < Th ThBtatM tnll tnite4 tnite4States
States Bttu legation legnton has nlt tt iityt rtc rtcreply received Ied a afply areply
reply fply to the note lote < ngnt4lnr r gfdJDr the in indemnlty Indemnlty indomnity
demnlty qutstlonln quetlonn hOHgot t ot on May MayHit May2lt a aJit
Hit Jit and Mr arlBoonvchac OrlsOn lllj afrmrei datlltE datlltEII daffairesIs < l afrmreiIn
In II making verbal erbalrePrsj rb I reprtefint repr Jtlnl tlonii to the thegovernment Ih IhRoonment thgovernment
government Roonment and pressing pres presstng1or g for fo a solu solution Ilu Ilutlon aeluion ¬
ion of the matter matterHaiti mil matterRaIn Ier IerHal
Haiti Hal Falls PAUln In India IndiaCalcutta Iadl IadlCalouta indiaCalcutta
Calcutta Calouta June lv ISn i54taln naln 1nttU Ml continu continuously cntnu cntnuou conunucushy ¬
cushy ou ly In the DarJefilJnY DarJeellg Darjeetl g Jlntrlct 1trct for forthree forthree forthree
three days ceasing ce plig atljoclock attoClok this thlamorning thl thlmorning thismorning
morning Several Ieeral flight elght t fand nd illpi oc occurred O Ocured o ocurred ¬
curred cured and a a number of of1altr atwater water plp pips pipsWere J IM IMwere s swero
were broken As Al the tie ra railway ay Is un unJlnlshed unInlshec unfinished
finished Inlshec the trains have W8M 1 running
FvEKMET arm rVflLKOMMNL rVflLKOMMNLOR nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnrinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnninnnrurnnnnnnnnfl VELKOMMEN VELKOMMENi VELKOMMENVOR umwmtuwulnnnmwuLtutnn2wulnttn i
Twenty fe 1 feet t wide wldeTIehe wideTwelve Twelve feet tet hlghCANT BE MISSBD 1ISSJD It 1 t Is the thelargest thelargest
largest single lngle entrance entrnre to the largest larjelt Vehicle and Implement Implelleni 1mplenienh1ouse HOUM 10H m mAmerica I inAmerica I
America mela eo f conceded concede by leading Implement Implment Journals JournalsSpecial JournalsSplla JournalsSpecIal
Special Splla corps of salesmen aleen employed for t01 tho thoSCANDINAVIAN thot theSCANDINAVIAN
Own O n Houae Ioule to tlll allFree ree Souv SoumlrNerIY SouvenirgNeariy nlr N arly W 1 Acres Floor Spa
Covered vt dJ with llh Purm Machinery Machnery Implements Im lement Steven teeeto cr etc Foor ONE in IIU N
ln lnt
it TIRE TIE to a I Wheel Barrow Drow set et up A pleasure Cure to show food and In
eiveprlc give prlceJa pricesa a greater gr ter pleasure to ecU Prices greatly reduced o for the
eel Prlo
t week Tek ending June 16th 16thCASH 161hCASH 16thCASH p0sur greUy 1aduct
to every one We have provided an ample Cordlollvlaton supply of aetteec eltof eltofweary for the
weary ve ry and swings Iwlnl8 for the children childrenCOME chid childrenCOME ren renCOlE
HRAXCII nM CI HOUSES IOUHE Idaho Falls O Ogden den Hontpellcr O I r Logan o oOE
Joseph HeberJ leMr JOrntlNshlent J V Orapt Oraut President flea Ge T OdelL Odell Mel Melvin ln D Dv DvK DWels Deil Wif
Smith SIII I VlceIrest Vlcelc t Charles a Barton h11
Olrl Org Q Cannon Cannon 11 I p T urEKworti PUl Farnsworth S 1lrton i ecn Tt
Prh Freest K 1 I LwRn J MSMif fisher M Vellz worh Grant 0am Damp I
Hebr plan planAuUtyyftTmi
John Henry IlearyrnIth smith Wel
lenry Jlt Miller D
OeOrje Olrle Itoinnty ItoinntyHHTAI1I1SIIKU HOla ItcinntyS mith T Jl Mier AuUtyyftTmi AuUtyyftTmiOEO Auf T6 TUI
ODELI Mgr MgrtuunJwuwutruuunhJttttuuuu1JtmuuJuuuumluuuuutrIItnnMctl r ruvmnnnnjtnnnnnnnnruwwutn
aUWWttWUr tuunJwuwutruuunhJttttuuuu1JtmuuJuuuumluuuuutrIItnnMctl uvmnnnnjtnnnnnnnnruwwutn uvmnnnnjtnnnnnnnnruwwutnELIAS J uu uuELIAS
21232527 21232 r27 W South Temple Salt Lake LakeClrl Lakeaty Cltr Utab UtabWood Ut UtabllI
llI j Wood Mantels Matel Grates Grate Tiles Tie Brass Pendeu Fende Fire FireSets fireSet FireSets
Sets Set Spark Guards Guards Etc EtcVt Ete EteIe EtccUtting
Vt Ie ea ire a cUtting cUerls some FINE OU OL IRON MANTELS MEL CoapM C m a ii 1 125OO
25OO 25OOExamine J JEXlnc
Examine EXlnc cur new Hock aoc of Monument MOlument Plies pjltmention fez
1 mention Deoaton Day Plt odt odui J nOl new 10
f < EE
V 8A 8 8A 8A 8A 8A 8A
V A 8A
i A A
if ifV A A A A
ifi V f fV A A A
i A A
v A
V a
V 1la This I Is the sl size youl youil cth catch It you OU bu buy your ur tAckle from We A A
cn can 1 ll you ou a Cnlpltt ccmplete outfit for torOne forOne tckle t ij A
V V V One Dollar Dolar and Forty FortyaNine Nine Cents A A A A
Just fancy tan One split bamboo rod brass
< lt bmb reel rel with c1ioic 76 7
V proof line ln one dozen doen good trout flies nel and tnree feet cln single teetlr
V whole lot for JU We cant cnt sell you ou the thl hAlT because Ilnlle l5dttt
l license lcenle but w Wt have everything ni else III you OU want wantPSALTUKE w e htl A Ai A
1 I A
42 44 and 46 W 2nd South < A
J J Ji j n JJ J
i iI
I i lttttttttttt + + + + + + + + > + + + > T tt ttit + + f M MTHERE
In using ulng our Insect InMt powdor as It ItIs ItI itis
Is I only olly destructive detructv to Insect Insectlife lict lictlfe ifiectlife
lifeIt lfe
lfeI It I kills kis the Insects Insets as ap soon n as asIt a asit
It comes corea In contact cnlacl wlt with It them themIt
It hurts hurt the tll Insects Inllels Instead Id lead of ofthe otthe ofthe
the Imtfcta I tl hurting hurtlnr It ItThe ItTbe itThe
The kind we eell sl are the fa famous tamoue famoos ¬
moue Duhach Juhaeh and Ind the Dalrniv DalrnivIOA Dalmn DalunaIoi
IOA lot Diamond C brand brandYou brandYou brandYou
You wont wnt go astray aatra by getrfctg getrfctgeither gettg gettgeither gettgeither
either one oneIn ontoID oneIn
In bulk any an quantity you ou want wantOr wantOr wantOr
Or In cans Cn JS J cents centsWe centRoW centsWe
We W Mil I sticky stick fly ly paper paptr or the theI theJif thepoison
I poison Jif kind If you want Int them themI thamF themF
4 Prescription Prerlplon Dnijjlit Dnijjlitt DrUI DruglslWhere
t t Where he he Can Slop Slop McCornlck CrnIc BIdE Bldjt BldjWEST Blc BIdEtt4tt4ffi
t tt t i t t t t + t tt4tt4ffi tt4tt4ffiWEST t t t t t t t t t t t tVEST
aT i Stl Yalu I COlt House H U Corner CornerSpecial C CornerSpecial orner ornerSpecial
Special Prices on all al Kinds of ofDental ofDental ofDental
Dental Work Worko
0 3 M WEST Dentist IJentUtLewis DeDtAt DeDtAtLevis DentistLewis
Lewis 98 Lye LyePowdered LyePowderd LyePowdered
Powdered Powderd and Perfumed PerfumedPATENTED Pefumed PcrumerAnxrao
The HtroocMt HtrOCfSt and andpiirott Indparo andpurest
purest paro made made Unlike Unlikeother UDlke UDlkeolber tJshikeother
other Lye re It I U t finely finelypowdered Inely Inelywdere finelypowdered
powdered wdere packed pake In Incan II a acan acan
can having two wo lids lidsone lds lidsone
one easIly eul cat eD and Ild the tlieother theother theother
other removable reloube for fori toroulnt forosaDt
i oittaBt use It will willuake wi willrimake
uake nlke the t > i Per Ierfuraed le lefumed Pertubed
fumed Hard Jar Soap Olp la laM lumlnule inu
M u minute without withoutbolllnc wihut withoutboilIng
I bolllnc blac It I la I the beat bt
for claintloK dlndDJ WMIO WMIOpi W wasloptpel II
I pi pip ptpel pel dlilnfectlncslnitt dlilnfectlncslnittrlo dllnlltlDcslDla
rlo closets 10 < eu cleaning clenlfl paints paintsboUlM psietboUIe al altt
boUlM tt barrel WUB WUBInirirtetaBd wo1ilag
j InirirtetaBd II lag trees t ud killing kaln kllin wi lu lurti luI inierts
I ierts rti orcnirliieftn 10rtn Dea and andmacnlalita ad adIlcollll andmacnlnists
macnlalita Ilcollll use us for forpainter forpaInters
painter palDlet to t remove reDOT old oldpaint oldpln oldpainta
I paint pln etc etcPENNSYLVANIA de stePxNNSYlVANIA
IroprUtora lIPretr Pblla Pa PI Par
r CoD Ctow Drdce firidge firidgeI J JWork
I Work a SpetalT Specitty f
i J fJ
DI r J e8oi e8oiDental ir l lr
r Dental DeutalParlors J JI s sIarlors
I Parlors ParlorsMain l rlor L
r 20 140 8 Main St StN St StNut
Nut N t door dor north northof
of Walker lions UOUMGood loul loulGo lionsGood r
Good Go set etof of Te THt Teeth th J
forlMW forlMWJoseph tor forO0Joseph 10
CrI l lJoseph
Joseph E Taylor TaylorPIONEER
Ot Hah tlah Open day and nlir
ald ntFbs Fact17
lad Warerowag hiota atlbl Ft1
ld WueoIm 10 E I Hrt Scutki
bl biooaastof al of lhfttir r 8utlH
1 M r rf
f propU7pTIt4 pUJpt 01 IOrn SOItI 5sd4lukb 5sd4lukbDkJhw 4 = 01
I 1 f irit iritilltiir r r u IV J DkJhw DkJhwlc I
lc I I tmia illtiir I I ld isr y T TIlfrt IIa4 siTv4 T Vtrlt VtrltA 111
U rut Ilfrt 1 sft t mt tfr tt fared faredLAVTCU w t liitp
A Ai2 f 141 btad 1 4Ow ytlJ Ntati Ntatiwwc I IC
f Hrn4 H < > 4ntt tbirrM tbirrMS
wwc C A A SNOW SNOW co coPATNT CoAssIsSe1i1
i ASSimST ASSimSTn AssIsSe1i1 T SO u 7 7I 7ifY
oClceaiU Illeenl prlaclpal place pla of bu blutD busins lne Salt < at
Jke J e i nl City ity Utah lth Notice SoLeul1 NoUcetshertygiveutlat NoUcetshertygiveutlatSt Uh btI rnbysl van thai thaiFt
Ihillhat Ihillhatf
Ft f KiiiwilsKuftheillrvrlon MltLIIC Ii iawILsg oBhe of the dlIICn dIrectors held lieiuj on tb tbl lllh lllhay Ilb Ilby 11thay
ay y M I June 1900 I an a a aaslnent Minnt rot of IS I cents oentaI al alI
I < r tlmn ahM Isi WM w levied lei on 01 nil al the Ile shut shares o o lira liraJtii Ih IhII theplaI
Jtii II plaI a l stock of the tb corporation crp l iuM Isul mod ao4oi a atatll
oi 0 tuUlng > tatll payable yableon on or before bfo lulv Iut 16 16x
x > t t the UI tp treasurer i urr ur r at hl Ile < otllca at t II U Ui I
i w i i o O5 bank bnk No 190 IS Main aln alt Strict St l tali I
Jik ok city ely Utah lTul Any Wrk aWk upon u wh heb > cb Ialt Ialtok the Uiett theCSCllPUt
Ue UeIal
tt CSCllPUt < > > m Ial ot may 57 1 remain rara uiioatd Utl on the U111 171 htliday h day
i f In 11 luw I will 1 twdvlliiQurat b and ald advortk advortkt advertitifraaiesL
t tifraaiesL 1 r for tle > lr at pablic psbhieauction bUc anrtMn aato nod lnd Isaduumiess unlwn ali pay payint laYrent
rent > n l is made 1d o before for fo N o runny IIY of the Ile shires thtrtr liut shiresby pT
r rIPed iirvtnlcd by each ovrilliatc of the stock stockHidrllMMat stocksodeitisimeat
HidrllMMat M a may be n ceskry wHUwjcld wHUwjcldnlbi will be sold 1104n
< nlbi n Mthdyo Ib < JOth dlY nt July U Iwo io at It I oclock a an n nt ILI
i I p ps f tin d dlllIIUlDt llB4UM > t a alII aecuient t MM nt toctlbor toctlborwiihtb t toaciherettheoosto fotb r rII
wiihtb ettheoosto II Ii tbtl oottof CiOt 0 advertising IId < lbIDI aa4 mp Ill expen el10e tue of otllci1 ofstir
stir 11
WSJ It HlRAuUE B Secretary cr Mry r1
By order orderof of the board of directors directorsvlt dlrtICtoNMI
vlt MI st Like City Clt flab June 11 1I1 1I1I IWfl IWfl1IIB iooi
W iiktaoMen > lh ldeNi of the State S tat Hank of Utah wtll
I ttfhrMai 11 h st4 14 I IUb I It bIIuktlllr oklDchousoe boas corner rnerof of Main
and suaia Triple tJle StrtetiTeall Streete fait Lake La Olty
I tlsb t lib b atioctock at I O040Cic PM pon on Tuesday TuM1aJJuIT JulymK J uly 1M 35th
1W I for the purpose of 01 elcetlnf rilreetihi Ulreetotllio 1Iroswr to
Mr ieree f fM f the tll autaey esplngyesr tn year wir and for tu thl trani trans trana transaiiou
a aiiou l01I at sushi sAner bU buitcess IDe as may proper
Jy 11 before th Ibe meeting
IIJJU hhhlUiit II11 M WELLS Cuht Cashier
SI LakeOltyJunsUtp ke Cltr J 31IOJ 1
Consult County Clerk or the rspee rspeetive r epeo epeotlvc 8peaUve
tlvc signers for further lnfyrm IntormllthJl1 IntormllthJl1IN < tiua tiuaIN
IN TUB TJI DISTRICT COrHT Con l Ill Illbate rWbitt R Rbate °
bate division In and for Hal > j i < vi i1county > vicounty t tcounty
county State tti of Utah In th t ii mm tllilIot iwl I I 1 1of r rof
of the eitate ef t fluaannnh Suaannnhoeed r FII > i oj ojoealOd i ioeasod
oeasod Notice NotlceTh The pftltlnn of ofliri H JfI ri t tJPoulter 1JIoulrer tJI5ouiger
JPoulter administrator of th nl < < st 1 it t tSusannab 1 t tSusannah f8ullnnah
Susannah r oulrer > der d18HII < aH l p jitvin jitvinfor
for the settlement nf final iciiin i e UII tint tintsaid lOr lOrAid f fMid
Mid administrator and forth for th < II i MnM MnMtlon rH rHtlon ritd ritdtion <
tlon of the residue re ldue of mild i ithe < > t < to tothe rothe < >
the persona entitled hUll bf ben u t thelrlne f fhearing r rheartnc
hearing on Saturday the n 11th > tl uv IIVJun C CJune CJune
June A D 1DO at at93Oolnk 930 oVlook a m It Itthe < t tthe tthe
the County Court Home in tii otirt IcJ1Ittroom > otirtroom oortroom
room of said Court In Salt sIt Lai Laii Clt CltSalt CIlalt 01t3
Salt Lake county ooun Utah UtahWitness UtAhWtn UtahWitness
Witness Wtn the Citric ot said wldCourt saidCourt Itl ItlCourt
Court with the UI Wl Wlthereof I Itbert
thereof alUxml this lAb llthday lAbIt ILtday
day It of June A A D
100 100Seal 1100hal 1290Seal
Clerk ClerkBy ClerkDy
By 13 Albert J 8 sare sareDeputy ar arDeputy re reDe
Deputy De u t Clerk ClerkAlex ClerkAlex ClerkAlex
Alex MoMaater to talter Attorney AttorneyIN Attorn AttornIN
hate Division In and for Salt kttJAke kttJAkeCounty Ue IiiteCounty UeCounty
County State of Utah In the matter matterof ita itaot
of the estate of Buaannah Koulnr Foulrceased M Mceas d dceased
ceas ceased d NoUoe NotloeTh The petition of Herbert HerbflrtJ JIr rt rtJ
J Foulger administrator of the eetat eetatof 1i tatt tattot
of Susannah Fouletr Foul r de deceased eased for torrmatlon con ooaHrmatlon conilrmatlon
Hrmatlon of the sale of the following fo1lowiidescribed
described dllrI real estat of Mid decedent decedentto
to wit An n undivided onehalf one half Interact InteractIn
In lots twentytwo It tvrtmty hntytb three
sa 8 and twentyfour 14 block one 011 1 1Central 1 1Central 1I 1ICentral
Central Park Addition to Ogd Ogden n City CU CU1elHr
Weber County Utah for the sum of
100 100 And upon u n the following olio win terms tentuto
to wit Cash on confirmation aa ap apnJ apDeani >
Deani nJ from the return of sale filed filedthis ft1 In Inthis Inthis
this court hag ha been Mt for hearltyc hearltycon heart hearton
on Saturday the 30th day of June A D
1900 at 910 oclock a in at the County Coun
Court House In the Court C urt Room of MU
Court In Salt Lake City Salt S1 TAb LakCounty TAbCounty LoksCounty
County Utah UtahWItneM
Witness the Clerk of o Mhl MhlCourt uskiCourtwiththepesijhegs kt ktCourt
Court Courtwiththepesijhegs Courtwiththepesijhegsof with the seal thl thlof tberlot
of affixed this Ith th day of
Seal June A D 1100 1M9DAVID 11001M 1100DAVID
DAVID 1M VID C DUXJIAIt Clerk ClerkBy CJrkBy ClerkBy
By Albert J Sears Deputy Clerk ClerkAlex ClerkAlex
Alex MoMaster Attorney AttorneyIN AttorneIN
bate Division In and for Salt Lake LakeCounty IAkeCount LkeCounty
County State of Utah In the tb nuttier nuttierof tter tterat
of the estate of Duncan Spears pesre Casper Caliurdeceased oij1t1deceased Casperdeceased
deceased Notice NoU NoticeThe The petition ot Airs
Elizabeth Casper praying for the ad admission lidInlulon admission ¬
mission to Probate of a certain deep document doaument deepmeat ¬
ment purporting to be the last tas Will Willand Willand WIlland
and Testament of Duncan Spears CaR Caaper CaRr Casper
per r deceased and for the granting ef efLetters 8CLetter ofLetters
Letters of Ad Administration mini t rat Ion with the will willannexed willanntxed willannexed
annexed to herself has been set for forheartnfr tMheann forhearing
hearing on Saturday the Mth day of ofJune otJune ofJuno
June A D 1990 at tM oclock a m at atthe atthe atthe
the County Court House in the tb court courtroom oourtroom courtroom
room of wild court In Salt lAke City
Salt Lake County ttah UtahWitness ttahWilness ttahWithess
Witness the Clerk of said court < With Withneat withseal IUt IUtlMI
neat thereof the t affixed this llth llthSal 11thSuI 18thSeal
Sal day da of June A D 1MO 1MODAVID 1tOODAVID 1200DAVID
DUNBAHClark Clark ClarkBy otrkDy ClerkBy
By Albert J Sears Deputy Clerk ClerkW ClerkW
W Wanleac Wllnl attorney No tit S Main MainSt
TO WHOM W 03t IT MAY filA r CONCERN CO CKRN IN I A Acordartce f fcordance
cordartce with law notice Is I hereby g1pe iron ironthe 1 1tile ky
the State of Utab snccMAor 1IOONor to the Ilf Teitory Tei Jectory r rtorr
tory torr of Utah that OB July tad IR4wll IW it itwill t twill
will whoa pr prPtrly > perly audited audt by tto te Stato StatoAudloraod SlitoAu SiatoAuduorand
Audloraod Au tror und duly pre presented entd at the ofllc oleeot of ofthe DCthe
the Mate Tr Treasurer uur r of the Slate of 3tSt nay y
In full principal and interest wcrtert 9 that t t
date on the following oliowin decrrlbMi bond bondientire TV TVentire Tsentire
entire I issue MU ue of Threo 1ln Huodrtd Negotiable NegotiableCoupon NegeisbloCoupon 1tIIM1 e eCoupon
Coupon Itond Jiondsof of the Territory Terrltorrof of Ltnb > mid 114bon midbond ia iabonds
bon bonds llI111 are dated July First 10 and payable payabletuonty 11 iiayabiutwentY 1IIe 1IIet1lentY
twentY year from date or any titoe U after aftertbo litertbo afterthoexplratlonof
tbo thoexplratlonof expiration of ten year tu from their th date dateat dateat
at the option O tJOD of the taaken fb The liAM saIt bwAi bwAiare lupon luponare t tare
are numbered d from J One u to > Three Tht IftaMrM IftaMrMboth Uu 1fuOredboth trl r
both Inclusive Tb The amount of mowy la u the II
band of tile undenUtied itate Trtiiraf Trtiirafavallubl Trrera j5gr j5gravailable
available a for or the thllilurpo purpose of payltuc pa7ingte Uve prin principal prleclji MIcl1 ¬
cipal l II Three IluBdrfd Tbouiand VoilaBad DoJlaM DoJlaMand Ihoilarsnod
and sufficient to pay the accrued interest to toJuly toJuly toJuiy
July Second 1900 1 and any and all of said
bond not to presented pte > ented for payment on the tIi
Second pay of July Jill iMO 15 will O osase UM HI to draw drawInterest dawluIONt drawiooret
Interest from and atur that date and such Mtaltfundi aebrupd suchfunds
funds ball remain In the State Twasorr to t
discharge such bonds whenever prewutea prewuteaAll 1J preseutedAll lIted lItedAll
All persons Into sated In Mid bond bo dI will willtake willtake 111 111talt
take due notice hereof and govern them themuoOHiPM themIOIos thetaCIIIPMtN
State StateTresrorerot Treasurer of the thubtateof State of Utah tah
Dated June lit WuO
location of ofprlnet principal 1 place of DMtaett Salt
Lake cIty lly Utah NotleaTh NotJr Thtre r are re dell deHaqutnt dellqu deIlluslit
qutnt qu t upon the following deterltaa toV jto4fcot IWSIrof toVof
of said corporation on accountteiiment R account fit fituDlent as assessusent
teiiment No II levied Inl d on March Marchfcisoiuneat Ireh ist and andassessment
assessment No o 10 l levied rled on fob FcbqieOand FcbqieOandassesswezui c cHHnimeut MIid MIidtlsolmoot a aIUtesDleIU
HHnimeut No o 9 levied on osiJan Jan Jaa1 110 110ot 2 I Iof rm rmof
of mid a allIItlilo t 9iDnt < beingferone being forolle for one halt halta ha a fClIC fClICa epia
a bare the several erll amount set e qaposlteth qaposltethnames QrJpote tb tbnamfll tee teenames
names of the respective s slows abarobo slrareholOersafeh tin < as t 1
lows 1011NI
NI ot otCOtt
Cort Naill Names Sur Shares Mat
10 R EI II IIN Ruh1008 S 59
Si 10Si SiS4 N NIl00duUtlt Hood trustee trusteeTho IIIII i If I II I
S4 I Tho iej fyb bolt boltTlios > 1t Ie Ier
27 27JK Tlios ThosSobolt Serbolt Rt 1 1a ro
JK JKsa Wm It George GeorgeiusUwle fda 7 7xd 5IJ
sa sax OUI iusUwle iusUwleOut L1nde X5 110
x Out flusLlnds Lied LiedOuiLlnde LI dIt dItI
71 I OuiLlnde OuiLlndePredUarison OUt Lt dl 550 111 11 11U r
78 78n 78II 8 PredUarison Fred uarlsoo 1COO 1COOMr 5
n Mr M Ou Iui Rartbel SOI ro 5
Ie W f 1 Stewart Ml MlOuiLlnd 00 1
107 OuiLlnd OuiLlndOut OUi Lind SoO 53
II IIUB m Out OUI Unite 10 r 1 U
UB I EI1 Co II Ilu ttuh h hN
1Ul 1 1211 N liood trut tttbtee e eJIM 10 101Jt 10lit
Ul roo lbttt I
131 JIM 11 ire rs flu fUrtheL fUrtheLWm hartheLUII liartheLl S
115 115IK l Wm R George Georgetu II
IK Fred Carlson CarlsonArthur
176 1761V7 Arthur ArthurOajes ArthurOajesIts a lM lMWalter
Ire Walter IltdlDR I
IF4 P I A Wooley WoolfjII 1 1I itt ittiui
I iui J8 JShi05i Hlutl IMl 1 I
1V7 le II a f Heardof f II
G II 7tKMII1et R Miller MillerIt lIIer 1M 1
907 907sa It ItLllller E loBUli Millar MillarOat 1lrO
907M List Oat Llode 1 1OuiLlmK 1889 I
M OuiLlmK OUI LI list I 1
sa saSM 3 Oui hai14de LlrxJe LlrxJeJot 140
181 l Jot Josephine phloe Qroiclmer QroiclmerUUR 0 t33
257 n UUR U rc UII Undo UndoKate LID i I 1
t Kllle1J9dlllkh Kllle1J9dlllkhIlte wes i
SM SMe M Kate Kstettsderleh Dtdorleh 2229
7 Mrs E 111lnw 111lnwItulph II lJUIil 24 H 4I
e 11 lDdIoOUiOiWJo lludsossoesOaltalphGuthrie 1M
r Itulph ltalphGuthrie Kuthrle KuthrleUu lOuthrll1L1r 109 I
01 Uu lusUnde Undo Undoi UndoPiwy i
xu i IusI4de II
OM P s IIlckerb ck ck11I1
01w 01 U 1 h hBrlif Piwy 1 lJtIfy lJtIfyrlar ry S
w Brlif Briur rlar Laql Laumgton Laumgtonsi tI
17 hudson Son Co CoI CAlt 1 I
tI lt I n 11 IVerr PltII PltII3i11 11
37 3i11 HudviuSoiu HuchoQ Soraa 00 DoHudsonifota 14Q0 I Sxo
37Ml xo Hudsonifota lIudwn sons Co 1 isa = 5
Ml Hudson NJBH Nni4 Co taAnd CoAnd 1W 5 5And
And ia Mcordarxw aceorda aecordeseewlun with l law w and an coder
of tko board of dlrrotor o1lr dlrertorsinsde < toNl1lUlde made May a111
10 o many bari har ol o each ch naroolof paroelofII parcel of usSr we weWtMtTounta s sa
II a may be necewlUl will be sold At nr
WtMtTounta W Weetrtqspkthwxt thfl Ufttb S day at J JiI4 rt tWat
tb I the btllaour hour otl at tt a m to pay y the b deilMUMit t trne a aMNwmeeM as asaessrneM4
MNwmeeM rne IA thereon < n together with tu tl > BOU of OtadrertialDE ofa4nrUllii ofadvertising
advertising and expense ipo of Nit
V V W V CiaKOIl CUrNOIl Sooreterv
OClco address addros117 117 S 8 West Tmi Temple > te san Lake LakeASSKSSSIKNT S
S SASSrcs3Insp
Company Irlkel iftliCIiL al place or IMslne K Sal
Lake lUy Ity ty ttah 111 Notice Olc U hereby ch lvea that
ff a at I Meeting of th thl board of directors of to
Vwt W lilt fountain Ijacvr Ij r MIning Oompu Oo 0ompay pluU1IekI yl Iseki U
June 7 1VOO J an assessment of I Sua cents MT s sshare
share re WM levied upon the capital stock of
the e oorpuratkm payable at ox ODOIrelarT to o the i tee
rjtarr rotary F M Alrf Irlll at bu or otUoe orb Sa o JST ss K ao o
CwnlcV bnlMlM bullI 11oa1t halt Lake City Uiaa A by y I
itoek upon which a this a II tvHDeat Bar av rw r
main i unpaid OB July w nxw ie will b be s 4eUa
ijaeBt questadadyet aua advert leer for forasleal wto Ie at a tMBUcaw PIt1le
uon n and a d UBlM UIII > payment meat U I reads belies bet ai wttl
lKol bo boO1dOflJUiyf7l5CatlIn lO fon on July tVlSOO rrGl at l Ie a m mtopsuy to pay i
djllD dlllnqat < t a aessmeat r ita lDtlDt Bt together with costs
of adrettUlBr una xptn expeee > of sale
K H Ainu S SIUS Secretary SMrryJIIII
tractor There Tll i re will 111 U all nHd nH 1II14hloll < Jliton ion twlltto bilk 16
the the5th 16th th Dlitnct Dtstrletlohooi Iltre HAool IIIUII house whW will t tie
lilt < to the tow Jo1ltSt owes t relOBIWl4d bidder < ulr l 111111 L
and spMiecatloni can an be e seas JAH at the ml t l
dence d o of F u 3 Johnson u aMtlt architect 11th awL
and 14tb South IIII ltttel fhidi kta wilt W clas
In J taT 1be1U er4IIt to tU
jest any and lid all bids bidsPtOoX
1 PtOoX ato If flbt fthtpubhieitioo PU llelt MyI9 MyI9iw
J iw ut 1
1tus ToateesthIJ ToateesthIJliLT n S
lur liLT LIvt 111

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