t t I IDESEIUtT NEWS TUESDAY JULYcJ4 JULY gJ 1900 0 0f1 DESEBET EVENING 1 0 4 n L I t UtM Z = tiUUOi 0 i aYi o1 d tr 0 0n lal f1 aI HM nt Ilr r r h iIt co r D11I D EH y + r EV EVN1NGNE1s EVN1NGNE1sCr1aac NING EW EWt t Cr1aac TbO citrc t It the Church or Jesus Christ Chr ofL of ofI I aner afterday ttero1Ialnt ttero1IalntLCH < lar Saint Sainttt atnt9 atnt9LththlnfSOW tt LCH LththlnfSOW Fl WO W JNOW 7RUSTI TRUSUEINTRUST TRUSUEINTRUSThllllnr EINTRUST EINTRUSTJin Jin hllllnr i nrn tvcftT 1mlAft r reDlw l lFPIT > FPIT lAft rn rt iir I Icm rUti cm ir t ct f h i r i 7mpIU 7nB6i i i ihiIIAk A1IMIM A1IMIMten i n Mrtt MrttVU hiIIAk ten 1aa ClI ClIPerl1 Cite VU VUPfiTose WR WRC Perl1 C Grt R W PfiTose Pr roans Editor Editorar h t ar 11ob o t tluQBUinIM Rbuueytunelftet0ilndresx V hu tluQBUinIMH uey Business Manager Managernuoej H tet0ilndresx U PIIO PIIOr nuoej nuoejr SJO SJOr r Tif T a te usfasce usfasceIV 1Io trI trIr IV r 11 nt4 < > t teft < t eft M lrot its rataI Ib Ibl I l i it t t n LIt LItt t Welr rtlW loti lotif I > f r rortc mo and other oUItrc Medial niO niOce MM MMb c ce r J i i ion OOttU OOttUlT1 b be MMMNi I IdIJli addv teVBS lld dIJli dIJlif1cl lT1 1a 1 h f1cl a r t 1 tI1mr tI1mraW aff lake Akaw OUr Utse UtseMV t MV aW w T Thi h hA MrrPxrpfdllrtm MrrPxrpfdllrtmr klrP klrPr r A C cc 1 41 TttMi BMldiaf BMldiafrn ct I AxraENStAttP J1EAAd t tto 1 J e to r rrA 1teYdagiela gl glrAn rn rA r v iwo SI ittSSBMYACT ittSSBMYACTK Ii IiI I r K I IdnnaO > Mltmlar1U Mltmlar1UkT Isaauar 1Iaa1 D1I 1 kT T J i hi m IITT JULT141100 JULY 14 1 1100 1100IT 1100t IT t UII All AM Him 1101101111118 1101101111118n IMOVISISUS IMOVISISUSi i n ml nlR at ti wvelllni of the thtI I mnume n nume fo Brlflhara Brlflharai i J r t nd Hhc the Plane r 4T partlcu partlcuh > 011 h i h t are HV r r another part partiipli partOpTnIsto iipli 1 r lJr wrem wre m i propriat OpTnIsto OpTnIstotee to toY toq q tee r > In luny Y y 11 r < M iitfrnpli t e condition of oftl oft11 ofthis tl this l 111111 i I99hts iit rt itthetu t the tll llrv vUien icon President PresidentT Prelldentlan 1 lan yang annun inn < uno unced l t II l < companyTh company CIOnIII Th i s tu It < > lilac end IlnJlllO iin < hftdeiitp hftdeiitpn h IPI IPInl n nl J lao th tht it the fl flt t itlorn tIN had to tott toI tore tt t1 t I r a all relaU 1 I y 1rcsldent 1rcsldentfa lrflld nt ntf fa f Orb s Q 1 C M T ron in h I < blntorUil ad adlirifal addr11 d dIIr lirifal IIr the wonderful change Cba fJltl Ihnt have havebjn haveIrtn havebin bin Wrought by b the bundlrf hand lot Industry Industrythqi ledustoth Industrythppktt thppktt thqi th eplrt I 1t of Inspiration and th tht magic magict t j kill h of art all under th tIM guidance of ofthe ofthl ofthe the Great Creator every reverent r rfnt heart heartI I II ill > hind > l with gratitude and praise praiseUtah pralItJI praiseUtsh Utah tJI ab once a deeert IMU h become an anattractive an4ttrartlye n nIItlr attractive IItlr rUve and Inviting spot where all allba allilia n nI ba < II It I n III > did tor man find flo beast heR t Urrgrcd I IrtIKIVI II IIrr rtIKIVI rr M in Abundance ami < < 1IU whore evl fvld d < 1 epepGJ t 9 of < the hUlhest ouHurt n are R re seen teenan seentn eenn tn n every hand Utah la net only rlilns rlilnsgialneace rllillft t gialneace among th t Flal iat tata > s of tub tubgrind tb tbgrand tblgrrtttd grind Union but bar toni nnd duufh duufhtcrn dllubteflS dauthtern tern are achieving ret refla > vu II us Inventors lnventoranml Inventorsand and ndept In scientl i < and R nd artistic In Inff Innr inU ff U Olrvl olrolr Tb T Tbry fY < y ex x 1 Ito in music to a anarked amatktd amarked marked dfri lr And ih 11 > monument monumentr r w v unviil unvr 1 t Kdind lInd is i i tk RtiiofUtah RtiiofUtahskill kHI n of Utah Utahakllt Utahaklll skill and last ta o that rrimt nn + t li b rccognlaed rccognlaedty ty al bi blbi1 h hv l 1 1Tbr riha1 ri reThr > Tbr mtl 1 mho ho In Inlnhli > tt these h valleys valleysha allfYIba ha1 ba fi rim im mar in i la < and rep repv r > v n 1 dif diMn rmt r > nt brAn in I n f the human humanr humaaHut ran r Hut it they are I ni t > gnlu T n > uv and andT udIring ran > T rIng1 Irjiing rg at net < i ml mixture of ofI ofl oft I da d is I rrnlininj a t hr r > I of f men TnI and andn 11 n in sham himi phvi phIat pha il ind mentali mental m ntal 100 i t i l Btrikiimiy BtrlkI Iy ivsn aitggI Kc e of future futurei i r = i in tn1 i pawn iiowtri pawnunstuneea owcr owcrlcrwlulIE1I i i iiiiiuiices jrundlnR ITI 11 uti linn their thlrh > h I KM j1wlh vth ha t M a KIII I h n 1111 nosvi fa 1 w 1 µ T m nrgy rgy and n i uiix < i irate irateand < ntN ntNcti n nr r cti and J iTnvcran Ij r yeran Th tieressltf tieressltfi i n u hna > been i aaunt unit an and l their theirc c r r rilrgA a have tthlldn f iMIdrn Inertia InrtllI 7 i if I Unger I l rr n ih Ihm < m Is I tbe tbet t f ilmt II luxuiy nlilih com comtt Iomtt samef tt f ni r1 nfy ntyandthent and then the 11 > nfpreslnt nfpreslntn n i in t Jlr ln lniii n sq i y ShlU > fi t i I n l lIJB III mrlhlnr rmethingtrermu mrlhlnrtJ trermu IJB tJ Sf mu a I them to tot v 1111 ik and nllmprove Improve ImproveQti Improveact act Qti 1 a < i rriliHh 1T1II h tool OO und un < 1 worthy ob obt obof f t mi will 111 be b wellI well 1 I r jI 1 t d 1 to th the etar tir lr ant an > r mures Jlr JlrHut prNgrasrkvt mureshi hi i tm nf d Industry nrnl nd practicalrlut practical practicalrJu rJu r rlut JUI < Jt t n then is a Hint 1 > 111 t if r religion rellalonaii aii ng diem that teacli t the value of ofal of1lb ofat 1lb al r thi > MM 1 of Minus ana th the fol folh folh folIs h f everlmluigenee cr mjulgense In nlolnt plea pleame p pu1e pleauxe me It I x under religious Influencet17At Influence InBueMC4t 111 t17At 4t t tfii 1q taim In was n nulb id < 1 habitable habitableIt It DI O iiiiilir th t > inio 01 Influenoe Influenoei i jt It > t MII ell it rontlnue intlnu in I IYn b Improved Improvedw hopruva a w 11 1 t 1 until it f < > we Into tho theJri thon thoI Jri I n of i 11 i i r l and aac1In m mt > the Joy Joyt ja jat t the vh YThd h li 1 enrlh enrlhEl irth artbn irthTl Tl ex nllo exanilde i ni I set ft h b Tr PrJllIt < l Icat Brig Brg1uun Um Y YIJOf unir jn semi J the n v Iluneer IInHnIhf are areTIrs arev v Ihf tnutauoa Ullitlon n 1 will pro prove Inc Incfuturt I Ire TIrs re tifuiur t tlturo gene ii nK n And Ao4lb Ao4lbt eke eker th thnunvnt t nunvnt um nt erected rrl tld to M unnmorywIH II t memory whit wtlll 1 l in k kr ling log alive ti Ht a npitit of en ent n nr bI I r Iris T < 1 i + uraDi ii 1 iiMnination < iiMninationrrl ninatlonOrd rrl o J im term t in iio clod l wh i h animated th the theI I r rrs rs and nj their r it i < nleR nleR5h i lr lrTh terIhI Th IhI i jj In the unnK i it ry > of the lb en enif eaf t if f that valir vail alll i l band > UK Into ther the theiv theeo1 iv eo1 r > a j f nu tI mokunmidi mlj m I Una I should be bemm berom bemm mm Miurated ratld > n4 > d we w i icnuni eoonty eoontyr ta ta1Ilzlnp r c cnuni u lsrnC on Ute ectablUbment ectablUbments ° s our hgul i Ktl < holidays of the lUh lUhi lt ltf i f Ju J t h j b > 0 niH MtItd rr d by the people of off oftr tr I f t if t Utah aa a Plnll Pioneers n Day FOLLOW FOLLO Tim 1ioxmiuH 1ioxmiuHTh lIO 1Ul1ts 1Ul1tsTb Th i Ipae opU of Utah bur hA ferr tea teat re ret t to celebrate the anQlrenary Of theFitaulvM the tbeIt FitaulvM It airtTal 111 In b bll titla > u vt valley Yau > Uer of the Ut Plo Plor r tin and today tocla th the h werolM tro la this thisly thliIT tbllun IT un rt teem II mi relllend itred peovltariy ap apfttote apI aplipilateby I 1IIIIIaU1tY fttote by tl I the i Ill unteilint u lllnc lilli of tke com comi com1M i feted 1M IUU 9t the chief ot tbe He HeWM Pfoprlaet Ploere WM U the priae if C empire bulldera HlMtIII1t ft to orty > Aftrthree yean ean mimeo Uw UteoC Hruoe j said ar ot the th host of the lat latf att f r > e 4iy ejr Jean ANt gaud K upon the won wonnos on onl onof nos l of thh reHoti They Thew M aew Ute vast vaatlOejr vastIaq ut utu lOejr u ftntahlnc out towards t the cl gilshag clfctfig eillIten shag water ot the Lake La and cur turI curIimdld ur urftlUM ftlUM I bf the towering toel1 movutalM movutalMh7 h7 taw a the cryatal streams that thatmailed thatrOIIIMd thatIntldaed mailed the industrial dllat attttm rttlersbnngance attttmabundance tt ttIIlul1Kt abundance of the II aeMtatlea of ofey ofteIIemplated ofy > ey y contemplated that t they th r had hadi i the end II of their loa rah Joanipv Joanipvbe I > be eye of < faith they tll perceived pttetlndIt 11 r H I are if l of tile lord exalted above abovevnl aboveand 1 > and Jill people established bllbM In Inr Inv r y f the th great mission loa that bad badl l t to them and d tealod b by Ute Utei tileIrtrll r t i nyn tnyreShpts IrtrllI nynfinoee finoee I who have gathered at tot to 1 I I v In the aplrit that M the theX thels X ia here bo the iMtroetloM glv glvc 11 Iv Ivlot i iIul c tats lot on the Ant SabUth In nby Inby IIIby by Protldrat t BHgham BHghambe > be for ever memorablecibren memorable memorablethren 1 1I I > thren according r lna to the tbeI theWoodrtW 1 I I Woodruff to keep thenq the thedto theto > nq dto to work dllltentlr oa oatueatly o o1uU oalueatiy tueatly levy tbti were ad adhoaettty 14Mlltlt1 adheaetly hoaettty with Ith all allt mm mmlie mhothe lie t name of the Lordr Lord V r rr IlIII tutee adhered to toJl1 there thenv thereill v ill id b 111 Uti u uY itforiHnatUfactlea itforiHnatUfactlear for d dF dissillttetllp dissillttetllppre pre r > t < > n IPR U g it wu a pointed o oat oatl oattha t tIhtt Ihtt l a = n h he t llrini n of a ytan Z ton tbpitb tbpitbity thi t tItyC ptr ptrJty Jty ItyC f i it t to l th dld n h and first flrirtcondition nr nrcondllllcn firstcondiltn condition I ituari drcurtt < iicuriiuncef ncts e mar cl ja aa4 iM o B ftdvwMk but no noirtHit 110c1OUI4I 00r r irtHit A mnroundlnti c1OUI4I are artt areuot aretho t tho uot who wlwW art keeplnf kP ept S the command commandBwot eonunudD commandmnta Bwot D ot earl atflatttuto mut Ills Zion And Andthdf Andtat AndM thdf tat fMtMby M hklhap as 1 did the flnt Plo PloBter Plonqri PloateN ateN Bter 2 0 fttM > i tN My have many ron for forfratttud forr forgtatltgdet fratttud r o iUlD Hlm fm who ho brought broli t the an anctent aDctent anetat ctent pmthny P to a moet glorious loriGU fulMategtf ful fulfnmetjtt 1111ft1t11 fnmetjtt ft1t11 i ttiy It vatchmen hall lift up upthalr up1M1f upthat that vdf voice s1 with the th voice together togetherhall togetherahallthtg ahallthtg hall ttxr eligl lnf i for they tbt shall 11 11to see eye eyeto eyetov to tov eye when w the tll Ix lArd > rd shall 11 1 bring brln again againClon4 atnlion againikon Clon4 Clon4Muefc lion lionMutiI ikonMuth Muefc lee been accomplish during durlagthe 4url 4urlthe duringthe the plat nftythree flftytb y years tl art often olt In the thewtdtt tb tbdlt themidst midst dlt of opposition and nd advtnltlea Butgilt Bat Battill BlltUlI1IIon till UlI1IIon more 11 left to the ucceaaor of ofth ofthe ofUtt th the Ploneera PI to h be done Their history hlsto hlstooWt1 historytlhoul4 nlitoryhottld hottld be closely studied ftudl d for it re reveala rereal real 11 the secret of their aucceaa ItICC I Thebeet The Tbebeat nbeet beet an4 only onl way wa In which 1Uc to honortheir honor honortheir honorthtlr their memory IIIIn to to pattern pltt nt after their theirfaltft theirW theirfAtt faltft W thelr Integrity their efcorgy and aadit andI n l lto to continue to build on the tll foundation foundationlaid tot iuou iuoulal4 laid by them according to the Inspired Inspiredpattern laplrt4tttrll taspiredpattern pattern tttrll given ttt to them from on high highA bl A 4 ItlStOKT ON OU OUUI OUUIAcoordln CUII1According A AAccording According 10 o tilt reports re Orta of Ckneral CkneralWood tbnerdWoud h1la1Wood Wood the tb condition In Cuba are re eat eatisfactory litlatCIIO atIsfactory isfactory He does not find any III general generalsentiment generalsentiment tneral tneralntlDlnt sentiment among 0 the people for anneullon an annexation a aneutlon ¬ i nexation to the United States ilia but he hebellovei hebeUov heWiloves bellovei tbat thore tb II confidence In the theIntegrity theot theIntegrity Integrity of tbto government There T re Is Istherefore I Itbemon istber tber therefore tore no thought of embarrassing embarraiwingtb 1Iarratl11Iftl government although the theIsland IheII thelalakd the tb tl military mOlt Island to well ell adapted for guerilla war warfare urtar warfare ¬ fare and the American troop there therenow thtrenllw therenew now are re conotderably ntI4trbl l less ta In number numbersthan numberthan numbtorthan than were wen the Boanlsh soldiers eoldlersTne 1C1141trITilt soldiersThe Tilt good CJC14 feeling enHtlng nllt In CubaGeneral Cuba CubaGeneral Cubaanral General Wood bellevM to due to the theeducational tboedueaUoJaal theeducatloaal educational effort orte that have lIa been putforth put putforth puttortb forth On this thi point he sayat ay We Wehave W Whln Wehave have ettabltohed a school system em whichI which I Is based oo the Ohio school law with withsuch wltbJUoh withsuch such modifications a u are re noary to toadapt toapt toadapt adapt It to Cuban condition Thirty Thirtyone one on hundred school are la existence existencewith ezlatenceeith stltactIltb with MM teacher and nd 1NON 1M pupil pupili i n addition to tbe teacher Nat t to Cam Cami Camhcidie ildgo i ld tali won w we have 1000 M more rooruten molIt morettanell uten lIt ttanell ag summer schools W have a ai aIace ai i + ianca in the tb traamrr t and there can quI i b no doubt that Cuba can pay pa all alli ea eal I i MM of 0 government without aid from Ironhe fromtie rom romt tie t ratted Btatos IlaMNot BtatosVor t tot Not ot ha has au UM UIetOlltlc1 political education been beeni bHnItf been4loted i i ulerted Itf td Under American Amari rule the theubant thec c ubant now have trial by Jury JD Bar Bannl a ai nl < > i bra received a republican charter charterr r 1 rr > e election have been held 11 and If now no noHerders Herders II w rd Mtn occur r when w hea UM nest election electioniitld etetlonheld e tloll tlollc c held hft the general think UaII more troop troopm m n b ha recalled recalledAH AH II thin cannot cnllO but t b tie gratifying ttC to toi toth th i > i AlnN American leaD pecpH Where WIll there ar ard aren d agitators 11II1 a to to foment dtoutlifaotlon dtoutlifaotlon1imn 1imn 1 IJ1nllfr the peopl American are N wel woln welme welme > n me II a educator in th the I principle of ofiiL ofIIltiJ ofhtrty i IIltiJ iiL > < rtrand and nd their methods ID prove provefHi satl1 satl1fatoy Ut UtI fHi fatoy 1110 lory The nilpino mlnn AgulnaUo AgulnaUoid lnldo lnldoc1II4 I v c1II4 id da 4ay IY > havbo ha IVf beta B shoat where th thv tM tMIr theMilian I < v Milian t M er In Ibt th prograM p toward towardAmerican towardU towardAmercan American U cMltoatlon cMltoatlonNOT cn illatbnNOT NOT OT IMIMSUIAIilSM lMl0uWliSDLJpnbegs10 IMIMSUIAIilSMB ilia Jpnbegs10 B TfH argument are being beingm4f btlDlthat beingu1Fdt m4f t V WW that the tb expansion of ofUft oftIS ofl l Uft 0d k Wat States tIS previous to the 8pM 8pMIsb 1pUlit SpaiIsis lit war W rwu wan wa a natural tural growth whll whllth wldlthe whUsthe th he expaatton which inevitably followed followedthat lollowedtut followedthat that conflict t I II Impertaltom From Fromtin Fromtill tin itandpoiat rt point lIt of both facts 0 and In logic logicthi IOgICthil I thil thi I hi col coatentlon c tlon must b be ooMldered OOIIIdrt4u ab sbsurd aburd surd surdThe urd urdThe u The TII fact I II that this gentry OUt baa baakept hukpt hosekept kept on adding to 0 its It territory aa the theuecMlity theIttcUllt theneealety uecMlity for so doing arose roe or the cur current curmlt ourmitt ¬ rent of event mad It Inevitable InevitableThe 11Itablthe The LouMana Iou purchase was such anational a anational aIlaUonI national national necwalty neraa ity It was nude in or order ordfr ordcr der to five to this country lIatr1 th the controlAver control controlOver eoDtroIOet Over tM th MlMlMippi th the great highway highwayof of trawl and commerce for all tilt thehates th thState tiltItat1iDr State Itat1iDr bordering berde trhIOIOD Ing upon the h stream ThaoqulalttM Th TMa Theaoqutltfoa aoqulalttM a qultit of 0 Florida Flort Texas I and Calltotals Call Callfornla CaUCOMlII totals waa undoubtedly for elml elmlrUlOa similarreasons similar similarreason reason Th tI commercial and nd other otherobvloua oUMrobvlota otherobvlotm obvloua advantage lItll l to th the country werethe were wenthe wereIhe the leading motive In the transactions transactionsAlaska tra lranaclionsAlaska tloft tloftAluk Alaska I la neither contiguous territory territorynor terrltotlIor nor was It at t the time of the purchase purchaseconsidered purohuconsidered tlrcba tlrcbaoDildereel considered very valuable yet It wan ac acquired acquired c cQui quired Qui with It its 10 UOM Inhabitants for forpolitical forpolltlt forpolltleal political reasons 1OftI deemed of aaOclent aaOclentImportance ntldentImporalN uu clent clentimportance Importance to warrant th the transaction transactionAlt Alt II this tldlll to generally admitted and no nomult affault nofault fault to now found with th tM policy that thatwa thtCor thatwas wa repoaafble for this expansion 011 but butwhen batwhen butwhen when the question I Is of Porto Rico and andparticularly 11141part1cularl andparticularly particularly of th the Philippine a great greatmany mtmo greatmany many III e In a similar policy th tbs ruin of ofth oftilt ofthe th tilt Republic In their vIew all 11 the theprevious theprevioul lhaprevious previous purchase pure of territory whether whetherooatlguous wlltbercroatllUlUI whetherdsatlguoue ooatlguous or act are iunlfled while whileth whilethe th the Iat acquisition of th the Philippine ptael I IImperialism I1IDpu1U is isImperialism ImperialismThey Imperialism ImperialismThey I ITbe1 They furg forgot tlll t however th the chief fact factla actn II la this conaoction Wa W not this roan country COUlltry roantry ¬ try forced into a war r by b circumstance i beyond human control T What admin admtnbtntloa adminstratum adllllnIIIraUoa stratum could have kept back th tM wave waveof waveof of popular Indignation that swept this thtocountry tbllcoun thiscountry country coun aa an American aa ship lit on a ml 811IIlon mis misalon mlslon slon of mercy wa w treacherously sent sentto sentto at to destruction And th the war once be being beiq belag lag concluded how couM the nationwith nation nationwith Dattowith with honor withdraw ltMra Iron fGIa tile responsibllllire respon responIbllitiMi respoaIbtlltltl IbllitiMi that toUdtrtltIt followed T TIt It should not 110 h be toat 1 to eight of that thatby Ibtb thatby by b th the brilliant vlctorte achieved leIdt th thTtMted tbtJ1tt the theTTmwd TtMted tJ1tt States Ita Mea became responsible to the theworld theworld theworld world for the establishment of orderand order orderaad and 114 law la the lb odloale abandoned 401114 by bypain b bIDo bylpsln pain IDo and ah a a long aa Agulaaldo Agul alde and hi hibauds his blla hisbands bands a uf outlaw continue to make lif lifand Ufall4 life lifenad and property unsafe on th the Island of ofLuiun ofLUlun ofLuaan Luiun the tb plain atn duty nt of this govern government lOernmellt govermmerit ¬ merit Is to meet lawlessness with a sat satIlcknl uf ufflcknt C Cttdent flcknt forte to check It and overowae overowaeIt O OIt It The Th world look to us to do thisand this thtoand tb tband and having b bu ea forced Into a war thattransferred that thattransferred to totranltlrred transferred the sovereignty over o Use lbearchipelago Usearchipelago tilea archipelago a from Madrid to toton Washing Washington ¬ ton the th work must b be don an matter matterwhat IMiWwhat wr wrbat what bat will be the tb policy ot Uw comity comitytoward 0IMIatWtowr4I eermd0lrtowards toward the Filipino alter 110ft the tileh tea teaha twig twighie ha h been accomplished U this tit l1i l1iperiUs to IIPI IM IMpertaUsm pertaUsm PI m it to vaaroMahle wnlt There Therei i II a logic ofwhleh of treat agaaMt agaaMtwhich agabeetwhich which no eophtotir tO 1ltltrr can avatt avattIt It dot not 11M niiisiarUr I show that the thefoiled t ttftlred tMtnhted foiled States Stal attar nJr1oIIew enhr aa4 puce aneetablljDed are areextabllshed aretablll extabllshed tablll will AtUHUt t te t tecrlal stems exorctol hn hnpedal > pedal l rial sway swsyufrel w over th th Inhahitaau btta of the theislands th thIsland tll1lln4a Island M wltt 4oilbNau to oubtlee lIII lIIItor b be aeaary aeaaryfor aecis ary aryfor for a time tll st etteeet t lsa to protect them thmfrom themfrom 1m 1mbom from tie u > HtUMiha MY 4 Mrvnaw Itrvn f aatloaa aatloaaDuring NtICIIILrtU aitloeDatist During rtU that period which may ma be b brief briefor brttttbIee1 or ethorwto tbIee1 as n ceaitjr Itr will liter aottrlac litermlac tar tart mlac lac t the aatfcority of If th thf thll United states Itateswill ltat ltatWl11 stateswill will have ha to t be exerc1e TerclMd rprel 4 and respected JtIIItCtt4TItIl respectedThen reepectedThen Then the future of < > t th the Paalleata PlllUMlawto a ato a ato to compute lnap indepeissael ae ao er adlstoa i to the Union of 0 American 4t U willka1 will willhavTto wilthat havTto hat to be h be4ed decided and today II sew u man manknows lIIaritnoWi > m mknow know what hat will b be necesaary n y or poUtk poUtkTo To announce now what then shall be bewould bewould hewould would b be prophetic and 04 premature hut hutnot l butnot tIt tItlIot not itauunantlk or certain certainIn In regard to promise of Independence Independenceth th the tatement of Admiral Dewey In 1ftpi re reply reply ¬ ply pi to th the hi representations of a TWplDOgeneral Filipino Filipinogeneral IIIlpIIIOn general n ral may be read He H d dl1e declares < wr a that thatall thatall thatall all that th the Filipino l lead leadnxioul leader > ad i were wereanxious wendnzious anxious about at the time of the out outbreak outbk outbreak break of the war wa u the termination terminationof of th the tyranny of Spain lln axatntt allllt which whichthey wilielltb whichthey they tb had been lighting bUill After tb the de detructMin d dItUwD 4estTUCtwa tructMin of Montljos Det the city 01 be hesays h hyi says yi 1 virtually surrendered urrnd r d and I a aeattoftod IIItJJfttc1 sm smsatlaMd eattoftod that If we had had 5 6100 troops troopthere tfOOlllhre troopstner there hre at that time we could have gone goneaabor IrODIIboN tomeashore ashore and lIIJ been received rlColv by lilt rut Filipino rutplao tiltpins ¬ pins aa deliverer They Tile had absolulely abso absolutely bIGhllfly ¬ lutely no thought then of Independence ln4e IndependenceThat lndepnihncThat ndtnce ndtnceht That ht wa an afterthought of their lead leaden Itd41rtl leadare ¬ en daring 41rtl the Interim between be the themashing tbetnilllllq thesmashing mashing of th the Spanish Ip IIlaII levt trIt and th therrlval tilt tilturlval thearrival arrival of tb the h United State 8ta troops troopsThta troo troopsThis l lTbll This should U satisfactory It acto to every everyAmerican everyAmerican ve veAmerlean American clltoon If the th tll8ar work t of estab establishing tll tllIlIbllll estabIIsbing ¬ lishing orderly conditions on th the Philip Philippines Pblltppinta Philippines ¬ pines baa b been 11 retarded the fault U Utheirs IItheIr istheirs theirs who for selfish Iflh purpose pu and In insbllad Inblind IIIbll14 blind conceit commenced a campaign campaignagalaat campaignagainst against 111 their friend and nd ndfrom deflyerere deflyererefrom Hvr n nfrom from th the hated Spanish rule ruleBut nil nilBut I IBut But th the Indications are that the In Incan IIline lbsine can conflict to nearing IltarllllUe It nd ad The Thework Thework Thework work ot reconstruction will then b beasier be beIer becaller easier Ier and 1Id ultimately the outcome will willJustify wlUtll willJutify Justify tll th the 000 course taken In the history historyof storr storrof of nation it I II very often found that thatblessings tbatbleulng tbltbllllll blessings bllllll come from unexpected unexpectedeourr tulezpsctedsources sources Ilk like th UM honey hon In th the body 4Iocb of oftb oftile ofthe tb tile slain lion of th the ancient warrior and andjudge aDdIudi andJudge judge of Israel IsraelAdmiral 1m 1mAdmlnl lullAdmiral Admiral says Dewey > > wey say the the Ih Fl Filipino FlUpl Pilo totter letterabout totterabout litterboat about him I is a ttoeu of fabxhood fabehoodaevidently fabxhoodEvidently 4II 4IIhIdII Evidently hIdII It ItiltorJlI Its story to thin enough nou h to h hseen III IIIMea hilien seen through throughA tlarou tlarouA A livestock exchange 11 edrtote tId glees bore boreowner be beOWII horseowner owner OWII to learn their trotter road roMntn man mannen mhannets nets A little Instruction on drlvenmight drivers driversmight drl drlsmbt might act be ami amiAlnttrtoal amlml t tTh Th e American n troop are being Wq Wqno rtJi run sd sdfrom d dfrom from no Cuba The Th Islander will ban III IIIpracUcal X Xpractical 1practical practical test at governing tbmlv tbmlvbefore tII tIIbefon ibsmielva ibsmielvabefore before they tb decide on their Man m na national IIIl0DaI aHone ¬ Hone program programThe pro programTb The Japanese I minister apt of theChines the theChin theCbI Chin CbI Chines governments attitude attltu toward towardforetgnen towardtorrtgmers towareltontn foretgnen that It 1 II favorable but hutWeak butk butweak Weak k The Jap I II probably right 1It buttoo but buttoo btattoo too much weak weakness to anything hut hutfavorable htorable butfavorable favorable favorableAnother favorableAnother orable orableAnoter Another aegro 10 n In Alabama Alabama ha hu beentaken ben bentaken betatalrd taken from a sheriff and net killed In thtocae the tillilCUt thecase CUt howmr wnr th the iherttf b must mu t 1e becred becredIted end endIted Ited with wtUl40U11 doing hi his beat va to Q tuper 4npenIlhng tuperlllag tI tIIII lllag III hi hll own life III In trying to prevent preventth the th lawless lawl proceedingTh proceeding procelllIJbt Th Herald quoted half a paragraph MAttraphtrain paragraphfro I b boountrr train fro a country contemporary tfnd In now nowcomplain nowcossplalna complain plalltl because th the Dr t New Newsupplied NwIItIppUt4 Newssupplied I supplied merely merelO th other half Where Whensthe Whereth I th the trouble In th the absence of th the clear clearthing cleartbl clearthing thing tbl whats th t e matter wltb halfand halfandhalf balCu4haln halfandhalt half halfTh halnTII haltThe Th Herald mall h = ake out that on 0 one of its itsplayful It Itplayful Itaplafltl playful attack oo the Hw x wa waonly Wb Wbonl waaonly only onl to fan But It to 10 c difficult to toaaaay toIt toiwy aaaay th It the HeraMa attempt att at athumor alleged allegedhumor Metedhumor humor that they the should alway be h la labelled 1 lac lacbelled ¬ belled Ilk Asthma A Wards Ward Thto to aThe a agoak a1tJaIL goak goakThe 1tJaILThe The civilised nation are face to face fUtwltb lanewith facewith with an 1 Important Iue era Either Un Uncle Unole Unole ¬ ole Sam a I must admit that h 1It doesnt doesntknow datltbow doesnt doesntknow know a bit of good 004 new ne whim w h ha haIt M MIt sees seesit It or the tb other nation roust m make ill ka the theadmission theadrnlaaloD theadmission admission That message 1DtI IV from Ul UlMlnltsr U vMIDilter 8 8Mlntotor Mlntotor Conger forced tb the hwtt hwttA 1eI1ItA A Denver man Js J thankful thli trut to realm reallisethat realmthat realliethat that lightning tnIDIl I is forked or cl H Me e was u cutImp cut cutting cu cutlDI ting hay at t Sand Creek II Colo when wh wb11 wb11t n lilt htoteam lilttesm team t In front of him and hU dog do behtad behtadboth bthl bthlboth behldboth both were t killed by lightning lie say sayhi III IIIhll alshis hi his position under the tb fork was the thelucky tta ttaludr theleaky lucky ludr one to escape being hurt hurtWhen hattea htutWhen When ea the tb Chinese t government roYlMItIta go rnev meet sheds shedsIts 4teBIt It Its promise to deliver at Tien Tlo Tsn the theforeigners tetorllm theforeigners foreigners torllm now at Pkln we t nh ht l knots knotswhether kno knowhether kiloItiler whether tiler or not they are living < < Meaa Meaawblle Meiwillie Meaawhit willie the European l uropean power po ar are doubt doubtlag doubtIII doubtlog lag III while the United State to arrang arranging 11N 11NIn sxanpjIng ¬ In ing for the th rescue of th t the legatioawa legatioawai Uoa UoaTlae i i t tTh 1The Th following OOID from the Davis County CountyClipper Coon CoonCUpper Countytipper Clipper shows a pretty ItVNIlJt ItVNIlJttom avers ver rut rutfrom resultfrom from till th longcontinued dry d spelt IIMIUtbll hi hithis t tthis this part of th the State tatet Water Wteria Wteriamla la 14 14coming be becoming ¬ coming < > mla quite scarce in Bountiful Bolatl On Onthe onthe Onthe the south branch of Stone creek It Itdid ItdidIIOt did didnot didnot not run acroe tbe county count road lastweek last laatweek 1 I Iweek week On account of this scarcity eome eomeof moms momsof of the garaoMr In the upper part of oftown filltt dtown town tt have hlY commenced to haul ul water WI Ho Hosave 10IIIVt IIsave save their garden 14 and tree treesJapan treeJapan I IJapan Japan accuses the Colorado State Stateboard ltattboard Stratiboard board of health of Ignorance The occ occdon oooa oooaaloe > don 110111 I is th the Butes continued eont1 td quarantine against Japanese Jpan and Chine eta heoaua DKlrtaof heoauaof of supposed bubonic b bollo plague caaef 0U1 Thtr TkeTiare Thtrare he heIr are Ir many maa well tt Informed Ifthrm people pie bu4 bu4the beaMM beaMMthe beIIftthe the Japaneee Japan officials who have ba hem hemconvinced beenconvinced n nronlnct4 convinced of th the Cotoraao board boatdy IIaoraliCt lgnorance ig ignoranc noranc noranceNow norancNow aoraliCtNow Now for a am massage freta A Admiral T laird Re Remy Relal iethey my lal of greater importanc porta than thatwhich that thatwhich 1Mt1Ibleb which came from Minuter M Conger CoII r The TheAmerican TheAmerican tIe tIeAmerlea American admiral to oa Ida war wa toTtsn to toTien Tien 11 Tain TII and u Mitch o0 I farther toward towardPekin tOftrdPekt1a towardPekin Pekin a a mat ma be aceceeary to meet the thesurviving thItImYIIII theeurwlvW surviving mtatotera aad d intemaUoaal intemaUoaalguard hItIoIWtWMIe nternationala guard a fto from the Chtaee aloapttaL aloapttaLptaa capital capitalOtanhiM ttal ttalCIrI CIrI OtanhiM hs Ie kv we done aa much muchaaiaac muchdnslgs aaiaac la t law localities la the th state statethat ltatu Statethat that u eeveral grain Selde Ic1a had to be cut cutt eatts t ts even nave Y the orop for hay We W do donot 40RDf doMt not want a graaibopper plagaa P hr Thepeople The Thepaopl Tbepeop1t people k know w when tta they tIM hay had hadeHoagh liedec beduaegt eHoagh at t a had tI thing They are con conteat 001Iteat content teat with tilt history of 0 0wan former twin graaa graaak0er grarsr k0er sr warTh war wanIIht wareThe Th Chin chines geremment btl appeal 1 tothe to totho totile tile United state 8 to mediate with the thepower thepow thepowers power pow to a farther affirmation of the thenews h Iane1 hnews news from Mr Conger that the tiletlolle lega legatloDerx leptloners tloDerx are ar alive for If they tb an not notthe IIOtthe notthe the Chine Chin would have no motivesinister motive motivesinister tlYe tlYeliulltel sinister or otherwise IIf to make each eit eitIfquelt a arequest arequest request which would be merely a waste waatot wutof wasteof of time tI oa their own part without atfecting at affecting atfactt ¬ fecting factt the policy of th the other ot nation nationMot nationsJot br tM Mot 10 much Is aald of f tb tlat heroic de defen deC detepee tepee fen C of the lb brittoh Uri < garrteoa at Kujcas Kujcasto k kbut sie to but the brief brltlllCOllllt account gtvea glves1 s of their theircondition UIeIrcon41t1oa theircondition condition when w ratteved ettowa that thatthey thattlt thatthey they tlt coatlauwl eoat1 d w reetot aaewr a far hrrester fargratr Ia Iat gratr t strata tt aeeeaHty meeez ty thin did theydoen4ere they theydetenaori tlltrII detenaori at L I ± lwyeMlh > 4IItt a1th Khuhtrtoy KId or ort orlfaaltlac lfaaltlac TM S t fast at dH 10MI IIaet from the heroism berol a displayed at t the three threrifles u uf11 threepteece rifles f11 naB named < h wt + f tt = uigt how howi 110 110I th thlittle the tbelittle thelittle i H he r In fifiMi tr r 1 Is in UfI urure if was little gwrton ArlllUn of Kumaasie KtU uate in Asbantl Asbantlland MbanUland Ubantlland land landPrertdcat landPrllat landPresident President MeXtttey condition COII4tUoDiqulre4 nquh re required ¬ quired quh ed of Chin before he attempt m mdlatlon me mediation that theforeign the theforeign tilltorel dlatlon ar arse re Ith aaeuranc 01 foreign torel minuter mlDII la MID are alive aliveand all allaDd aliveand and a statement of their ltuatlon I IThat ITbat 1That That they the be put In Immediate ooramu ooramunlcatlon oomlJlanioalilln oommunlatlon nlcatlon with their respective govern governmeats loveramDta governments meats STlwt the th Chinese CII authorities authoritiescommunicate atatborltlelOO autboMtiescommunicate with the theTton theTttn thellan communicate OO and co cooperat opente Tton Tain In Mitt reiltezpedllisi ex xiidltloa edlUoll for th the re recue rfl rflCUI recue cue of the togattoner tad tbe restora restoration reeIGratlon restoration ¬ tion of order 0 A AI tn Illustration of orand ei eialted enalted alted diplomacy It II a docuraeat docuraeatworthy doemmstworthy worthy orth of the chief magistrate ot 0 th thnepubllo the theRepubllo be beRpubllo nepubllo which has ha given the world worlda 1IorIa a noble example of fairdealing toward towarda a heathen nation wltlr belter result resultthan Multithan 111 111thaa than lens 111I humane and less inequitable Inequltablmethod laequltabmtbodl inequitablemethods method have produced producedHBTTUM1 producldIHrrTl producedglrrrblG HBTTUM1 IHrrTl io OIlli1 TNUUNiiBaltimore lHUUMrns lHUUMrnsBaltllDOre Baltimore Sun SunIf 8unII SunIt If Burop cannot carn t settle the Chlaee Chlaeeproblem Cbl Cblproblem Chlneaeproblem problem without war among the pow powers po poour powpretence ¬ civilisation I but a sham and andpretence N NfINenre ers our Pektln Pektlnl butcherysat sat pretence If If the tb butchery at Pekln Peklnto It to tobe tobe tobe to I a as horrible a a rumor represent be all th the nations utt nl of f th the world should shouldfoyally houldroyally houlltforally royally and unslahly cooperate co to tomake tomakf tofuture make such an D atrocity impossible In th thfuture tbtutUIl tb11s itnwiil itnwiilnot future future But In order order to to duo do this It will willnot 11I 11Inot not be necessary n to 0 convert a crusade crusadenominally erudnomlnlll crusadenominally nominally in b sbalf half of humanity Into Intoa a sordid landgrabbing marauding ex enestablish expedition eapedIUoa ¬ pedition China should I be ntainl aaslsted ejOYo ejOYoernment to toestablish toltlbUlb establish order and tomad to maintain mad a roy government royrnmnt ernment which will proti proICt ct the lives offoreigner of offoreigners 01fOIPlrn foreigners fOIPlrn and give equal commercial commercialopportunities oommerclalopportunlU oammere1elopportunities opportunities to all 11 the world But ifthe If Ifthe Iftbe the power attempt to dismember dl the theemplrelf theflftplreIf theempireIt emplrelf each to animated by a col cold 00112calulatltuelIOrIU4 coldcatculatinicsonlid < 3 3cnlrulatlmrsonlld cnlrulatlmrsonlld spirit which seeks ad advantage advantage cI cIvlalace vantage at the expenne l of the th other otherpowersthe otbrpuwenthe otherpowersthe powersthe rult may he Ie a world w tld war warcompared Warcompared warcompared compared with wtt which hich the massacre at atPekln atPekln alPekin Pekln would ou1cl b be a mere bagatelle It Ifthe Itthe Itthe the nations IIltlO cannot solve the Chinese Chlaeaeproblem Cbl CblJ Chineseproblem problem J > robl m without flying at each other otherthroat otbethroat othersthroat throat It I II difficult to we wherein our ourcivilisation ourclvllluUon ourclvlliation civilisation to superior to that of China ChinaCleveland ChinaCIel ChinsCleveland Cleveland CIel Plalndealer PlalndealerA PlalndIAnum A Anum number of distant lighted sued states statesmen ltatesmpn statesmen ¬ men and publicists American Kngllh entilshtend Kngllhand lUlb lUlbnd and nd continental are re already gravely gravelydiscussing rsvelydiscussing vtly vtlydlacu discussing dlacu la what to to be fane t01l < with Chi China CblDa Chtna na when the International forces hays havotaken hayssken taken eD posalon of th the government govera tent at atPekln atPellin atPekin Pekln But all speculation latlon of this kindi kind II i as yet premature Before the hare hareI I II enokedsceordni rooked according to the recipe It Itrouit Itmut itmust must be caught There to much to todone be bedone b bdone done before the International force forcehave forcehut forceshays have possession of th the government at atPekln atPekln atPekin Pekln Chicago N New Nelhllll NewWhile w wWhile While hllll Russia H England Germany Germanyand aermlnand Germanyand and Franc and ft possibly other b Euro EuroP lI1utopean uro uropeon I P peon n nations nltlo together with Ith Japan have haveaccustomed baveaccutomt4 haveaccustnmad accustomed tbemeelvn to view it as amatter a amatter Imltter matter of buatnea 1NIiII and a a Inevitable Inevitabletb tb the partition ot China America el elreaiy aireaI alreany reaiy reaI with all the th territory It wants wantstamls wanllItandl wantsstands stands for Chinese Cial Integrity and thefulellment the thefulfillment tiltluUlllmcnt fulfillment of trent treaty right rtbtlbelns as asbeing asbeing being of greatest t advantage advant and bd benefit benefitto ben tt ttto to her It require little knowledge of ofdiplomacy ofdl ofdiplomacy diplomacy dl loma toa to ae that even en were a newcongress new newcongress newlfnrrlJ congress of nation called to consider considerthe the question of Chinese < partition therewould there therewould the would Juld b bl little prospect of reaching a ahnimonlou ahrrcmonlous hnimonlou conclusion In that case casewar c cwar cuewar war would result ard It might readily readilyInvolve reattllInvolve readilyinvolve Involve not only the Ih socalled nines alHeabut aJ aJbut ninesbut but the tb Chinee Chin tbemsel fl e in a strut Struggle IIrtIIlit strutgt lit whose who conaequeace ueDcH no f one can fore foretee ftlteNw totea toteNew tee a New York Mall an and B IDPrtIt IDPrtItIt pres presIt It II worth repeating ting that the Euro European Buropean Europan ¬ pean wan of ofrhe the Ua century have been beenwar Weaot beenwan war of alliance which Instead of offalling oftallln offalling falling tallln apart at + t th the end nl reiulted la laoloeer tlolOltr ncloser closer International relation There to toan IIan Isan an additional toaitderatlon deraUon which win wintend willtend ID IDtnd tend to preveiy v1 any u quarrel over the thepartition thepartitIon thepartition partition of China The huge empire empirehas empirebl has bl shown even In It its I mob manifests manifestations manifestslion ¬ lion a venomous capacity caple to take care caref cltreItllelf < f Itself that might will make nay naynation anynation DY DYnAtion nation hesitate to lodge Ind claims to guar guardianship gustdiunahip u4r111111lblp ¬ dianship Th Chine government governmentmay oYfrnmentlIIay may be another lick man but the thefilnee tit tit1tlnne theChinesepopulace Chinesepopulace < filnee populace has h th the dangeroushealth dangerous dangeroushealth duIIrouahealtb health of savagery savageryHOIlItS IIV IIVJlOQlIS savagerynnnIt HOIlItS ANU SO antic MIOICAT10N MIOICAT10NChlcao m IUCfI trtoN trtoNw trtoNChleao ON ONCIIka w Chlcao CIIka New NewWhen N NWhn NewsWhen When th tilt war I is over In South Afri Africa ¬ ca It ia I sad ld 10M9 naturalised cltliens cltliensof cIU cIUof of the tb Transvaal will emigrate to the theUnited tbeUalted theUnited United State However th the war 1 1not JI JIbot isnot not over ov vet an and d after all th Ue Boer Batsmay Boermay BorIn may In conclude that they do not hav have toemigrate to tojmisrat LoIImasrat emigrate r rNew New York Mall and Express ErpreoThe Expr Expr1hll ExpressThe The report that 1 1001I < M > M Oocru are about aboutto boutto to abandon their home In the Tram TransvaI Tramvaal Tranava1 vaal and migrate mllnato to tiie tit t United State Stateavktie itateIOlIWwut StatessVUis avktie somewhat of exaggeration eralloa Some Someof of tntm may ma drift our way when wb they thayget Iht Ihtet theyget get et through throu fighting th the English bat batno bttno btno no Sat fl et bearing beulnlUcb such a multitude from fromSouth fromSouth I IIouth South Africa A may lOlI b be exp apHhd < ud to reach reachour reachOt reachair our Ot harbors within any ab tarly earl date It Is Isnot III16t s snot not Improbable t1Dprobablltowettr how however w that new poll polltlcal JIOIIacal poll pollheal heal condition la what baa been the theSouth tbeIouth theSouth South African At lcalt Republic tw UbUe mar III Induoe Induoeon Induelamount on amount of social discontent causing causinga caulnaItream a stream of migration That howeverto however to more 11IO Itkdy Itk to flow gradually than thanIn lbaJIla thanIn In a torrent torrentTIIH torrentlUft torrentTIIN TIIH AMltlllOAN i ATllMTrKS ATllMTrKSan tan Ia an Francisco Chronicle ChronicleThe The TII British tIb lions tall to being twisted twistedIn In 11 a new n place and In creel 1 fashion An AnAmerican AnAIM AnAmerican American AIM college collt team t of cricketers la latouring IIto leaurlag touring to England Ind and hi defeating feaUn English Eng EarIIIb ¬ lish elevens n at their own game JIIt New N York WorldThe World WorldThe WorlclTile The theory tIfo rat < 01 our superior foreign foreigncritics forel forelmllea foreignerlUcs critics that the th average raae American Is Isth IItM 1ithe th tM dyspeptic victim of pie and Ire Irewater Ir Irwatr icewater water to not borne oat by b yoaterdayiresult yesterdays yesterdaysremits trelay trelaysultl result sultl la the International athletic con contests contests i itta tests at t Parts Th tbe American athlete la laevidently IIvletantl Isevidently evidently vletantl well able to hold his own ownagalnit 011plDlt ownagainst against all the tll world worldCleveland worldCleveland ori4 ori4Cleveland Cleveland Ptotadealer PtotadealerThe The remit of th the worlds champion championship ship meet for amateur athlete tblt In 1arlswill Parts Pari11I Partswill will 11I probably show th the all 11 around roua nu nuperlority euperiortty u uperlortt perlority of the American contestants contestantsno c atflbmlno no less clearly dearl than did th the meet In Lon tondon LoncIolI London don In which the American were easy vasyv easywinners v winners The prrltmnaites p la Parts on onSaturday fnSaturday onSaturday Saturday proved that they have nllth nothinn n nllthIn tn tnIng inn In to fear and little to learn 1 from their theirEuropean IhllrEurtlttAD theirEuropean European rivals In feet the only event eventle eentla ent entII la which the th American were outclass outclanedwas outclasswas teluted telutedwa was the dtocu throwing throw a sport II tt whose whoseresurrection who whoresurrection whorlltunttIoa resurrection is due to the sentiment sentimentaroused sentimentaroused nUmntarallled aroused by II the International athletic athleticgames athleticgang tbletlola games la Athens some um years ago butwhich but butwhich bUthleta which has never ver been accepted as an anathletic InauJetlo anathletic athletic fixture either her or In S Bag BagKanvas EngKansas 114 Kansas City Clt Star StarTh ltarTII StarThe Th sweeping plll surreal ur ot the American Americanathh AlMrlcanatllll Americanathletes athh athletes > t < at t the cb Pane exUon X Mltion Is I nat natumlly natuII nitueily umlly uII most gratifying INtIl iA fh fttt nationalseine national nationalKn Kn seine of pride but there I k In the vic victories vlcIon victories ¬ tories Ion of the tll these clean4tojhed IIe deep deepbested dPfpIhelltfod deepsheeted bested < young America Amerl A significance significancewhich aanUlcnewhkh stgnldeanewhich which the casual observer may JIIa fall to toircHe 10ht toi i ircHe rcrlve ht Trnwinners Th Inners IlInPll It n may y be noted notedar notedare ar are > cither lIh im UIlfTAdua and < l 11 rgraduatea duatN W our colages ml mlleffr rolIp leffr Ip ages and flO unht unl i titles ltll or graduates poadu tl1ho tl1honI who whom ho honm nm rir s > M tome of UM u numerous numerousithlitli lIurntruUIilthhh numerousthltis ithlitli n > i Iiltlnn itonn of in country countryI countryIhnt 111111 I hat the th + r rr i n are a able ba to wrest vie vier vIetOjr victNry tOjr tNry r > Item all mmers peak lilkl volumes volumesfor ollm88ror for the t growing tendency nf the col collegian rolI collegion ¬ legion I trlaa to take part Ill rl In college athletic athleticThe athleticsThe Ullftl Ullftlrhe The picked plrk < t men wh hr represent rt NInt America Americatoday Amerlctodl Americatoday today todl In Fan ure t > the result of this thistendency thitendency HIliIndD tendency IndD < y Ten y v YlIrll ars r ago 10 the I book bookworm bookonn bookworm worm onn pale sp 1 spetacled < tacied and n stoofMhoul stoofMhoulred stoopshootdrred drred > red rl < was u r emmn mm in enough nou I1 In our eel eolToda eelitlgee M Ms itlgee s Today h hI to i rarely seen If tn W4 YalV 14SIYU ° o 1NIa1iM iaj irr al Y r f r rA rtt n eo n u I tt An A Enjoyable Picture PictureIs Is the scene presented by the splendid stock of new goods just arrived arrivedot s s1t 1t at Z C M I The public ubllc is cordially cordlallllnvlted Invited to call and see ee this largest largestand i iand It cland and choicest assortment of goods ever offered to the public In the west westAll tiv vtstMl st stAll I All departments ore well supplied and prices ore placed at the lowest lowestfigure 10IVesty rr Pi y figure figured 1 d i s a 1 s In House Furnishings FurnishingsW W We has Ie th the grandest ndt display evr nude ma Our fall fallM aUItook M 4 stock of Rug ft I II all n In and I is the choicest tot ever everbroufht everbrought 10 brought to the tla West lIt We have alt slses I trade 1 and andU udi U i patterns pett AU other divisions In this department of our ourstore outi ourtt i tt > store ales ar are n replete with the newest and best at goods goodsDress goodsP 004 004Dress li q P Dress Goods Goodsdepartment Y This department Is the pink of perfection In Its Itsline 20 1 line with Its It new a stock jurt being placed on our tables tablesand tab1eeSI SI and nd shelves Ibelv The Thane goods ood ar ere perfectly delightful delightfulj ttul ttuli i ii j word cannot a t descrlb their tastiness and Rl41MfJ1tf bjattt bjatttY ueaiitr ueaiitrLadles Y Ladles Ladl come and aet see and Judge fo > yoursete10sf 1OtKNI yourselves yourselvesShoes 11 sf Shoes Slippers Etc EtcYou tt M You get no better anywhere and nd It to act always alwaysyou stwaysyou Iw IwGala you can get I t aa good Nowhere else 01 In this region regionto li to there such an n extensive and varied ned stork to select selectfrom sleetfrom Ieet Ieetfrorb from Wo defy competition In price aa well n aa In Inquality h1fl hiquality fl quality and style styleis tlli3 is I i3ChinflMare a Chinaware Glassware Etc EtcThis n This department of our store leads all other In the tblOret thet3 t3 5 Great Wuet There I II to n Immense array both on tb tbground the thei theground i ground Boor and upstairs You get et ere 1 1 but choice at atK t tz qy K Z C CSE X L Li SE i T Gents and Boys Clothing ClothingBverythlng Everything here I II up to date with high quality qunlitand qunlltyadd qualityand > = and prices rlcel trimmed to tl A dose fit Do you ou nant nanthat WBritbt aanthat hat coat vest pants shirt neckwear or a compii compiisuit compitsnit omply omplynit suit of clothes cloth of the latest nobbiest goods at bargain bargainprices bargainprlet bargahtprices < prices you ou can be accommodated ana a ncfp pleaaed at our ourflottyjig ourt ourOlotying flottyjig t department departmentLadies dlpartmentl departmentlcfllCS Ladies l aCles Suits s SuitsThebeet 1I1 t S STbtbelt I IThe t The Tbtbelt best the tbacheapelt cheapest theohotoest In style quality qualitytad qualltPd r tad make cither In Skirt Complete CompJ Suits Waists WaistsWraps aIMI aIMIWraPlt > > 1 Wraps etc are In our Cloak Department 1 > We W hare hauJust hareJUt > Just what yOu want an4 at satisfactory prices JlrlctIUnder 4 4Underwear 1r Underwear Under UnderwearThe ve Jr Jrlb I IThe r The lb very vW b but at and an choicest stock In the West u uX t tit atz titI X C M I L No competitor can equal u it In n quality qualitystyle alt altstyle > t tatI style atI or price We have bargain offers In every line IIn IInlulled linesuited i iaulted lulled to the season seasonhardware 100 100f1ard J JHardware Hardware f1ard vare and Grocery GroceryTh I ITb Tb Thep e department keep in the lead for the beetIn beet heplIn 1 1in in their line In fact In every tve division of our vast In Instltutlon Inmutton G Gstltutlon < stltutlon we w have the th choicest stock i t i li GOODS AND PRICES TO PLEASE OUR PATRONS PATRONSI r I 6 h y m 7 J7 T I Iit ss Z C c 7 U T G WEnnEn Sllpt Sllptu it 1 l lnu u t V Jl JL e JL i iw nu iinU w n ltti tJ i J M iiltl 23rd Ward Day DayAT AT ATLAGOON arLAGOON LAGOON LAGOONI 1 1FRIDAY I FRIDAY JULY 27th 5000 In Prizes Prizesto to b be distributed under the direction of oftbe ottb ofthe the tb Sunday school Contributed by byCannon bYICannon byeCannon Cannon sir Sons toy to book balls eta etaGolden to toGolden toOolcltn Golden Rule Basar Noahs Ark ArkNewman ArkNewman ArkNwmanNott Newman NwmanNott Nott salt shoes shoesR hoesR R K Thomas Tho lady la4 waist watouF wlIF F Anerbaeh h A Bra ladys tan fsnF taaP tanF F C Schram leta celluloid work ork basket baiketWalker basketWalker Iket IketWlker Walker Bro Co pair boys shoe shoeHe1 IbOllo1Inltt shoesHewlett Hewlett He1 let t Bros roe case 011 champagne champagneDeahalter champagneDeahalter blm e eDenbalter Deahalter ft Sons case ca cream am soda sodaMetcalf JOdaMete1t sodalieteaif Metcalf A Sons cast ca soda JOd and caw cawroot oaNroot casenot root beer beerJ J P Gardner suit boy clothing clothingCalloway IIlothlngCailowa clothingCalloway Calloway Hooch ft Francis elegant elegantA elegantvas vas vasA A R Dirge De a beautiful plaqueX plaque plaquK K A An Andrew baseball bon bon box boxScott boltIoott boxScott Scott Strevcll Co two pocket pock t knives knlvaJ J a I McDonald Co box candy candyKollts tadyKolltl candyXollti Kollts box candy cand candhrel Slgl Clothing Co boys boy shirt shirtPRIZE ahlrtPRIZE IhlrtPRIZE PRIZE RACES RA EC S 2 1 PM PMMarried PMWlmed PMMmled Married mens D race 100 yardssated yards yardsMarried rrelslmed Married ladles lite 10 yards yardsHngl yardsngle atd atdtlffl Hngl tlffl men above 1 It year ar n 1 yard yardsSingle yardSingle YlmInriI Single girls 11 over r 15 years farl 76 1 yardBoy yard yardsBoys a l lBo Boy Bo race 19 to U years Tl T yards yardiQlrto1 yardsGirl arda ardaOlrll Girl race It to IS year all w yards yardsBoy1 yardBoys rda rdan1 Boys n1 race S te 10 yars10 year M yard yardQlrto yardscurls art artOIrll curls race S to 10 yesre10 yr re N yard yardBoy yardBoys IrtIe IrtIeBo Boy Bo race raefl to S year yenrs10 ea M eohII yards yardse yardsGirls Girls hII rare e s to toea S years fl M larU larUJoYI yards yardsBoy IfardHoys Boy and gtrhv girl race rae 4 to E year N Nyards IIyard t0yards yards yardsPie yardPll yardsPie Pie eating tin race ee boys or girl girlnest girls girlsfleet Irll Irll8HI nest attendant In 11 theological depart department deparlMfat departmint ¬ mint mentBest MfatBeel mintBeet Best attendant in second InUrmedtoU InUrmedtoUdepartment Intmntdla4I4partmeat im tennedltedepartment department departmentBest Best attendant in lrt intermediate mtermedtotedepartment IDttll intermediatedepartment dlat dlatde department departmentBest de artment artmentnt Best attendant In primary prim depart epal1 ¬ mentBat ment mentBoat DUlltBoat Boat race for men menBaseball mnBueball menBaseball Baseball married v vs single ctngtoAll All race limited to Sunday school schoolworker IChooIwotkell schoolworkers worker sad attendant attendantsG 8 PM PMI OPERETTA OPERETTAThe The Lost Sister or Stolen by the theOypsle the07pllell theGypsies Gypsies by a company of twenty twentyyoung tflltrOu twentyyoung young Ou < < ladles 18dl under the direction dlrll tlon of DP D UP P 1 Felt It Prof A C Lund accompanist arcompanUtAND alrompanllLSTOClS accompanistSTOCKS STOCKS INVESTMENTS INVESTMEHTSAND AND BONDS BONOSUtah BONDSVt BONDStlt1b Vt Utah h auk end CommerrUi Stock aid aidouwr seedother other high grao ta4e > invMimmt Mouritlw Mouritlwnought wollrftlDOUlrt asouritiesnought nought ana InlllOld an old o t Loam in Mocki to = kl s Dlrideud Dladeadpt DlrideudptTii Od r olden ptTii 11 pt 8s tockIICIWfI > iock bowtiit add l od laTMtovnt lnvseuoentolden laTMtovntotden IIlYMtftMtll0tG1I otden hum r InnlUUotu tni traltees t i of otlOci cttKKi ennsesod cttKKisnd lOci captUUtta xUI Tull r c tie e tbe twit bHot o attea atteaiton aU aUIon iton Ion ionet1S JOliA JOII 0 UTLgK oUTLine JK JKTTtttfttfvt JI K TUI1 m a af Mats dsnw dsnw41t4 ± + 41t4 TTtttfttfvt + + t1t1 t + + + fWe + + + + + 11 + + + 4 + + 1 1We f We WeDont I Dont DontExpect j t tExpect Expect ExpectThat i iTh + That Th t youll bring br1 ig your next sortprescription t tprescription prescription here simply Impl be beea because I Ican can ea cause you 011 read our ads adsBut adsglut da daBat But the ad ads may ma lead yen t tMR ti tiask f fMIL MR your physician ptalcltUllbovt about us usAnd uMt msAnd And thats what were wraat aiming aimingat atWhen at When people peo > > l ask their payat payatclans physdelans braldana clans about our prescription de depsrtment d dlrtmnt 4Theyre psrtment psrtmentTheyre lrtmnt lrtmntTbut Theyre pretty sure urf to bring bringtheir brlnrtbflt bringtheir their next lie at prescription her herSuppoM hereIIIPIIO henSuppose SuppoM you 0 try tr It ItF ItF ItF F c SCH SCKRAMM SCKRAMMPrtmrptlon SCHRA AMM MM MMPruulptlon I > II Prtmrptlon Drujjlil Drujjlilt DruSJIsLIllm Drugllstchars I t chars the Cut Slop MtCornltk McCorn Bldj BldJu BldJtt I ICUNNINCTON 44 + u + + + + + + + tt + + + + HHH H + + + + + 44 f fC + + t + + + t tC CUNNINCTON C COMPANY COMPANYSTOKEJ COMPANYF COMPANYiIITC iIITC F c STOKEJopened S STOKEJ 9rOIeac OR OR1M ac tAl aIlIlOUbI i a t > they tbe hate opened their M Mand MW MWaaJ IItWodloiU newt aaJ 1M t ateueodioiu odloiU luau store u Ore > r a tit and W O Mala StI 8U 8UaiMtCHj 8tiii aiMtCHj iii I I Jab CJt City onu an < will ba pl pleased M d to I Irl tOO tOOtilit tootelrr tilit tHe ftlonai rl cd son aa au al tattoo pit pelteAato rofll VAMll eAato eAatoBIL4 An u HILL HI L Mgr lljri r 4 H + ttf + + + I + tfHtttttltttf 1 f + i + H + + + HHHtt4 + + + + t + t + + + t + F H + + + H + + s4 + t + + + t tBIG + + + + t + + + + t + + + H HBIG + + + + + tt + + + tt I 1 1BIQ BIG 2O 0 IMMENSE IMIVIENSEREDUC IMMENSESALE IMMENSEREDUC BIGSALE 3o REDUC REDUCTION ¬ i iTION SALE 0 TION TIONrisoount Discount from 1OIll Ifoua Jeu Colored Color Shirts Summer Shirts and andDrawers andDrawers i iDrawers Drawers and NeckwearLadled Neckwear NeckwearLadles I It Ladles Misses and Childrens Knit Summer Vests and andDrawers nndf nndDrn andDrawers + t Drawers DrawersCUTLER DrawersCUTLER Drn wers f i I CUTLER BROS COMPANY COMPANYI i it 36 MAIN STREET SALT LAKE CITY CITYHH4tMM444M4MMHM CITYt t + + + 44 + + + + + t + + + + + + + i + + + + + + HH4tMM444M4MMHM + + 4N4 + + + + + + + + + + + ifN F + + + + + > + m mf i iN f fx 1 1r + + + + x < N + N N1 + + 0 t r i I A LADYS TEMPER TEMPERr i r Next to her good go looks loks Is I something she cannot be b too toocareful to g gcareful t y careful crful of She h cant cnt take rare ae of t althea > ith > > r unless unle1 the he has a aGASOLINE ay aGASOLINE GASOLINE STOVE STOVEbecause f fbUl f because bUl In a hot kitchen klehen her r temper tempr will wi turn tUn quicker quickerthan quickerUln i ir r than Uln yesterdays yteaYI milk mik while hlle her complexion cmplexion will wUlot look like likethe lke likethe X Xthe = the lat ro t of summer Iumlt Now we hare a very large largeHock lare lareItok largestock Hock Itok of perfectly prfetly new GASOLINE GASOLII STOVES STOVI whleli whlt whleithive whleithivej have havethe hae haef f j the latest patents ptent for making makini them safe f and we are selli sell selling Ml ¬ t i ing them during durng this week at t rldlulowlr rldlllo sl low figures figuresWont ngu nguI agureWont I Wont you OU come and look lok at them themOASOUNE Ihm7X 4 f 4 X 1 4 4The y b by l y h hY Y The TheSALT TheJ Thes s SALT LAKE LAKEHARDWARE LAKEIARDYARE LKE LKEf lI J f J x xi i HARDWARE ARD V ARE CO COt i x I 1 t 424446 West WestSecond WestSecond WestSecond Second South Southof SouthObSOiIyE 5 = OASOUNE OASOlNE STOVE All Al Size Sil All Al Pikes Me MePerfectly Prics Sign of the Big Gun GunTHE Gunf f tt Perfectly tats re and nd vlll wliut list a life time lme limaj5 Bg O r e j5 A THE GOOD GOODHOUSEWIFE GOODHOUSEWIFE HOUSEWIFE HOUSEWIFEWhilst Whilst Whiit busy with Ih her iprtog pr rte cltIng tWInc rteIng = Ing should remember rmembr that now u utime I Itnle t ttime time tnle to exterminate Bus DuC Cockroac1 Cockroac1Moths cokror cokrorMolhl Ceckro6I ILi I Iquid Equid I Moths Powder etc Our Or Japan Japn Japanese Li 1 Lit ca J Jwill 3r quid Insecticide InlUcld and Camphor c cdo For V Vonly s sr J Jil will effoctually tuaUy r do the work el r only < il by the old reliable rellablsGodbe nUl reliableGodbe blo bloGodbc Godbe Pitts Pits Drug Drugi Co CoSALT COAL i w SALT AL T LAKE CITY OITtiRUNK OITTTRUNK CITYTRUNK TRUNK TRUNK RUNK FACTORY FACTORYOLIVER OLIVER OLVER R MEREDITH MEREDITHDealer Dealer In and Repairer of Bicycles and Trunks 29 E First South Street StreetWESTERN Streetf StreetM1N41S14 f M1N41S14 14Ni1SYKNST4IVKSVI tiyS1lMl + yltitilLS He HeWESTERN WESTERN DENTAL CO COBOOMS COAOOM8 s sg00MB BOOMS 3132 3132CAGLCBlK FIB8T OOOH o00Rmats OOOHTO tOOR tOORUGU CAGLCBlK mats BLt ntN TO matte niQHTSECOND nGHT nGHTT3 matteTan 78 WEST WESTaecoND WESTSECOND wserescono SECOND aecoNDSOUTH SECONDaOUTH d deOUTH SOUTH SOUTHSTnET SECOND SECONDFLOORo IICOND STnET STnETW0 FLOORo FLOORoTH rL00nuSCOT LOO LOOBOT BOT SCOT BE BET 0P TEETH TH 1800 1800CROttN 00 01 W0 WOJ WORN GANED 00ARANTEED FIRS FIRST CLSS CUTS tnH CROttN CRO 1 AND lo BRIDGE WORK SPECIALTIES SPCCUIT1ESI IIECIALTS IIECIALTSI < I TIITN TiTH I ismeno onD 0mvaiT OIITIVIT WITHOUT WIOur wii our MIN MINTDDBPflOPRIRTO AM VI VITALIZED ZO AIR AI WM WM OnOADIENT DROADnENT0D6 TDDBPflOPRIRTO 00 8 PnornlaTOn PnornlaTOntSaV4WNS POPRIITOI J tSaV4WNS tSaV4WNSWW4 WW4 t ttiw4yyg A wws + 11