onnnnnnnruutru u mnnnnruinminnn < u uinnnnnannnnnnnnnnnnnrinnna
DoflneBHtB Views of tho Link Botwoon tho Black find
White Man S
iuutn lJU1l11U1JUJuJ
Hooker Washington when passing
through Chicago some months ago
talked In an animated way for nn hour
I or moro to a representative of the Roc
ordHciald about the subject that Is
i now exercising tho minds of some ot
the extremists In tho South tho social
relations between tho white man and
the negro It Is safe to say that It
these men could meet and talk with
cnce such na hns fallen to tho lot of
very few among us
You want me to put my linger on
tho great vital point In nil this contro
versy Very well It Is this ho said
Wo must see to It that we tench the
negro to make himself n part of the
community where ho lives and that In
eve straightforward honorable man
ner he makes friends with tho white
man who Is1 his nextdoor neighbor
But I nAked him do not the
should like other race be Judged by
Its best types rather than by its worst
Hut would It bo fair to Judge even
by that standard
No he answered It would not
Judgment must not bo passed upon the
race too noon For more than twenty
years after we became a free people
there was uncertain groping In tho wil
derness Tho policy of both North and
South as well au that of the central
government was both halting and un
certain The problem wan without a
parallel tho history of tho wmM No
path hall been hewn through the wil
derness which anyone felt absolutely
safe In following It was to bo antici
pated In tho Urat generation nl least
that tho tendency among n largo num
ber would be to seek the shadow In
stead of the substance to grasp after
the mere signs of the highest civiliza
tion Instead of the reality j to bo lea
Into the temptation of believing that
they could secure Inn few years that
which It ban taken other races thous
ands of years to attain
went on I have seen them In their
homes on their farms In the shop In
the factory In tho mines in heir
stores In the churches In the Jails In
the penitentiary and I have talked
with the white people who wore onto
their master and now their neighbors
After this Inspection combined with
my experience and observation In tho
heart of the black belt of the South
covering n period of nineteen year I
havo no hesitation In asserting that
there is constant progressprogress
that Is tangible visible IndKnutnble
Anyone who has had daily oppor
tunltyof studying my race nt first hand
cannot fall to Gain the Impression tint
there pro Indisputable evidenced that
the race IH settling down to n hard ear
nest common sense view of lib that It
IH fast 1 t Ing that a race lllo nn In
dividual must pay for wo thins tint
It gets the price of beginning at the
bottom of the social scale and working
up gradually naturally to the highest
civilization jixnggomtfd Impres
sions that the first years of freedom
the In up Let us teach the negro
youth that any Individual or race that
cherishes nice hatred and practices
cruelty IB crushing and narrowing the
highest aspirations of the human Houl
Some may call this cowardice Ho
It no but It Is tho Wild of cowardice
that the Christ taught nnd practiced
nnd IH the Wild of cowardice that will
win our cause
What then do we glean ns to our
Immediate duty and what la the safe
nnd wise policy for the future There
can bt but one answer On on right
on with the work of education educn
tlon of the head hand and heart In
every corner of the South
My race needs the help and sym
pathy of the American people now IlK
hover before I hope and believe tho
black man will not look to the white
man In Aaln Chicago Record Ilerald
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Cooker T AVojhlngton the learned negro who recently shared President I
Jloosevelts hospitality at the Whlto House may expect to receive anoth J tta4t I t
invltuiion according to an intimate friend of President Roosevelt who says f
tbet tho President Is determined by this means to stamp Mi strong disap R
proval of Cutlnctlon of color Other noroas will clno bo honored vlth In z n Y S
vitations to dine with the President If Mr unstclthtas his own way anti i
Ja not prevailed upon by his pdlltloa advisers give upon idea the parrying Mkt
out ot which they say will undoubtedly 10 many YOKE for the itepublle n +
o 0
Mr Washington and were prepared to I
sum up the result without the bitter
elave day bins that characterizes them
now they would see In the future a bet
ter era for the colored man and might
gather too some little leaven of hu
man sympathy from thocontact
The famous prcildent of Tuskegee Is
so earnest In his speech and has so
much of genuine honesty about every
thing he does that nobody who talks
with him can ever fall to become Im
pressed He Hays nothing at random
You feel while you are listening that
every word has been carefully weighed
and Is based on a bitter uphill expert
Southerners who are most bitter
against you believe that they draw the
reasons for their enmity from what
goes on In their midst
In his answer there was no trace of
anger or resentment It Is to be re
gretted he raid that those who pre
sume to fipcuk with authority on the
advancement ot the negro do not In
more cases actually visit him whore
they can see his better life Few of the I
people who make discouraging state
ments regarding him have ever taken
the trouble to Inspect his homo life his
school life his church life or his busi
ness or Industrial life It Is always
misleading to Judge any race or com
munity by Its worst The negro race
When you consider nil these condl
tlotiH It is plain that Instead of thirty
five or forty years of growth the negro I
has had only about twenty In which to
demonstrate to the world what ho Is
capable of becoming The negro has I
hardly had time yet to collect the bn k
en shattered fragment of his family I
buy a home and settle down to ivgu ar I
family life
There li no harsher critic of the
faults of his people than Mr Washing
ton himself though he more than any
other can realize the tremendous Usl
that all the tightthinking nun and
women of his race hare set out to ac
Within the lost twelve months he
naturally brought are giving way to an
earnest pnictlial VIew of life and Its
Then coming to the feeling that
ought to exist bi > tween the races he
grew eloquent I want to try to teach
the negro youth he raid to take a
high and Impregnable position Let us
teach him In his sympathies his ac
tlons to excel If possible even the white
man Let us teach him to dwell away
above race hatred nnd race antagon
ism Let us teach him that love Is bet
ter than cruelly that It Is more cour
ageous to receive an Insult and endure
wrong than to give an Insult and In
flict a wrong that If anyone would
help push him down he can help push
innruirvnnn nnnnnnnn onnnnnnn nnnnruirm nninnoriprvrinnrinnnan
Our Lively Capital I
Things Being Talked About In WashingtonChairman
ship of the Sonata Foreign Relations Commlttoo Tho
New Canal Treaty Tho Presidents Horses De
butantes and Weddings
u u
uuu uiruuiruuu uuu uuu u u lruuvu u u i
pcclal Correspondence
Washington Oct 23It is definite
ly decided that Senator William P
rr > e of Maine will not bo at the
head of the Senate committee on for
eign relations during the coming ses
sion of Congress Mr Frye prefers to
take the chairmanship of the commit
tee on commerce as ho can In that
position better direct the campaign for
ship subsidies which will be one of the
great Issues of the session Mr Fryc
has been pressing the subject of ship
subsidies for twentyfive years he says
nnd he means to pass his new bill at
this session It the hardest kind of Tight
Ing can do it
t Senator Cullom of Illinois Is the
I ranking member of the committee on
foreign relations and Is entitled to the
chairmanship upon the withdrawal ot
Senator Frye It Is generally believed
that the traditions of the Senate will
not be violated and that Mr Cullom
will have the place However strong
pressure Is being brought to bear on
him to make way for Senator Lodge
Senator Loop la a close friend ot the
President and It was said soon after
the death ot President McKlnley that
Mr IoJRe would most certainly be
made chairman of the foreign relations
committee pr he given u place In the
cabinet Still the President has not
tried to Influence the Senate at all In
this matter Senator Lodge has rcrvcd
ievernl years on the committee quite
as long In fact as Senator Cullom but
the latter had been longer it sena
tor than had Mr Lcdcu at tho time
both were appointed to the committee
and therefore his name was placed
that on the list The committee on
foreign relations will be now more Im
portant than ever because of the Isth
mian canal trcity and the numerous
reciprocity treaties which will come
before It during the winter
The new canal treaty It is said In
London grants tho United States all U
asked without compensation The ta
nal will be panAmtrlcan The three
diplomats who have smoothed the nay
for the accomplishment ot this greAt
work are Spcy Hay Lord Pauncefoto
sad Ambassador Cnoita Mr dictate
Is now on this tide of the ocean for a I
uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu uuuuuuu
well earned holiday
Non that the oinclal period of mourn
ing for the late President McKinley Is
ended Washington Is livening up social
ly The President and Mrs Roosevelt
arc planning for a series of Informal
dinners but no formal entertaining will
be done nt the While House until De
Mrs Roosevelt has It Is snld provid
ed herself with a social secretary This
may be taken ns a promise of an active
social life at the While House this win
ter Owing to the fact that Lent begins
on February 12 tho season will be a
short and swift one
No changes have been made on the
first HOOf of the While House beyond
the laying of new carpets anti few
changes have been made In other parts
of the house Mrs Iloosevelt has chosen
as her own room tho large bright
chamber In the southwest cdrner of the
house used by Mrs Cleveland Mia
Harrison and Mrs Grant
There will be girls enough In the
residential mansion for besides Al
ice the Presidents 1i earold daugh
ter among the younger members of
the Roosevelt family are no less than
tour hid cousins Miss Helen noose
velt daughter of the late James Moose
volt Miss Christine Roosevelt daugh
ter of Mr and llrs Emlen lloogcvcll
Miss Klennor daughter or the late Eliot
Hooscvclt and Miss Dorothy the late
Hllborno Hoosevelts daughter Some
of them nre already well known In
Washington society having been guests
ero of Mrs Cowles the Presidents
Miss Alice Roosevelt will lead the
debutantes this winter nn1 the young
er society will bo swelled by the addi
tion ot Miss Miriam Grant daughter of
V R Grunt Jr and one of the belles
of San f ranrucd Miss Marlon Jones
daughter of the servitor from Nevada
Miss Virginia MackaySmlth great
granddaughter of Commodore Vandcr
bllt the daughter of Mr and Mrs
Thomas Nelson Pass and Marshall
KitId niece Miss Florence Field
Weddlncs this season wilt be many
and brilliant The first Mill be that of
Miss Florence Foraker Senator Fora
kcr daughter to Mr Randolph Mat
thews The marnarre occurs In Cincin
nati Tho President and hit cabinet
and practically the entire Senate will
attend tho ceremony The wedding of
MaJ Gen Corbin nnd Miss Kdythe Pat
ten will bo the grandest function In
military circles which Washington has
M > CII In many years Unfortunately the
marriage of Senator Depew and Miss
May Palmer It Is reported Is to take
place not In Washington but in Lon
President Roosevelt Is well known to
bo nn enthusiastic equestrian and tho
cares of his high office have not caused
him to neglect his stable HIs favorite
saddle horse Ulelsteln n Kentucky
thoroughbred arrived In Washington
almost simultaneously with the Uoosc
vents while Mrs noosevelts YnegenKa
was not far behind The President nnl
his wife take almost dally gallops ulon
the roads of Maryland and Virginia
and they make a very striking picture
The three new carriage horses bought
for the President have been named by
Mrs Roosevelt Their new names are
General Judge and Admiral Admiral
and General are to be driven double
and Judge will draw a single carnage
The three animals are so well matched
that any two of them would make a
handsome team They arc blood bays
sixteen hnnds high with Jot black
manes tails and legs It may Interest
the humane societies to know that
I when Mr Roosevelt asked his brother
inlaw Douglas Hoblnson to get his
carriage horses he insisted that no
horses with docked tails should bo
The postolflcc department has decid
ed to Issue a McKinley memorial postal
card The card will have the head of
tho dead President as the stamp In
place of the head of Thomas Jefferson
which h on the cards used at present
The design about the head will contain
the date ot Mr MoKlnlcys birth and
death bin name and the words Series
of 1M12 The card will be Issued
about December 1
At the Anny and Navy club the
other evening a group of officers wore
discussing the recent difficulties of ox
Senator Chandler with RearAdmiral
Evans One of the officers now re
tired mentioned Incidentally tho fact
that Mr Chandler upon taking up the
navy portfolio was not ns familiar
with nautical matters ns might be de
Soon after taking hold of his official
duties the secretary had occasion to
visit what was nt that time one of the
larger vessels of the navy Upon the
morning following his arrival the com
manding ofUcr alter a brief exchange
of greetings said
Mr secretary would you care to see
the marines mustered on the quarter
deckHh replied the head of the depart
ment so the stoty goes It seems to
me that for the secretary of the navy
at least a hulfdnllar deck should be
provided Nw York Time
I rt
President Roosevelt whs not ntwny
the mighty hunter he In now Ho has
had his day ot being afraid of big
game Hut that was many years ago
when he was n wee little boy In short
trousers and used to play tag In Madi
son Square In Now York
Opposite Madison Square on the east
sloe aloud n Presbyterian church and
the sexton while airing tho building
one Saturday noticed n small boy veer
Ing curiously In nt the halfopen door
but making no mace to enter
Come In my little man If you wish
to nld the sextet
No thank you raid the boy 1
know what youve got In there
I havent anything that little bOYh
maynt see Come ht1
Id la htr not And the Juvenile
Theodore cast a swooping nnd sonio
what nppiehcnflvo glance around thu
pews nun gallcrlss and bounded oft lu
play nsilln
Still the lad kept tclurnlnp once lu
awhile std peeping In When he went
homo that Joy bo told his mother ot
tho sextons Invitation and his unwlll
Ingntss to accept
Hut why illdnt you go In my dear
she asked It Is the house of God out
thorp Is no harm In entering it quietly
and looklr about
With sun shynew tho little fellow
confessed that ho wan afraid to go In
becaurc the zeal might jump out at htm
fiom under a pew or somewhere I
The seal What Is the zeal the
mother Inquired
Why explained Theordore I sup
poto It la same big animal like a dragon
or an nllgitor I went there to church
last Sunday with unce and I heard the
minister read from tha BIble about this
seal find It frightened me I
Down came the Concordance from the I
library shelf and one after another of i
tip tests contnlnlnjr the word zeal
van rJfld IT the child whoso eyes sud
Oenly grew big and his voice excited
na he exclaimed Thats Isthe Inst
you road
It was Prnlm Ixlv 9For the zeal
of thltio house hath eaten me up
harpers Weekly
Among the ninny charming little
ntorlcs told of the late Princess Iloynl
when n child the following Is one oC
t prettiest mincing as It tIM Indif
ference to childish punishments and
pure love of n bit of tun The princes
Hko feO many children > cherished a
wholesome dlsllko to the then physician
In ordinary not remotely unconnected
with delicacies denied and rhubarb pre
I scribed Therefore the princess In
variably and wIth firmness alluded to
him ns Brown This vexed the
queen who Insisted on respect being
paid to all members of the household
Her majesty Indeed punished her small
daughter more than once for such n
breach of ctlntiette Nevertheless one
day when the child happened to meet
Dr Brown in one of the corridors she
said mischievously Good mottling
Brown And then turning to where
the queen etood with eyes of grave dis
approval and meditated punishment
added And goodnight too Im go
Ing to bed Then slowly nnd with
all the sweet dignity of three summers
nnd golden curls she walked to tho
nursery nnd bade the surprised attend
ant to put her to betICos Ive been
dlspectful to Drown Vanity Fair
FMrU11JIU1l1111111t1MnMM1tMnrWll1WI11M1111tUunMJ11JUJrtM r
Visit to Scone of tho Little Dig Horn MowaoroNow a 5
National Cometary With I T
Simple Stones to Mark 1
t 1 Places Where tho Troopers of the Gallant Seventh 5
S hru1t111JtJU Died In f1IW Battle f1U1l Ji jj 41
Special Correspondence
Hillings Miami Oct 2ttThe limo
cistilblllty of HID Crow reservation In
Montana has prevented many traveler
from iwiklrirf tile dllgrlmagf to the field
of tho llttlo Big Hum and the scene of
the Cuitor inafcsaere still unaltered by
the march of civilization No one who
makes this pilgrimage can come away
whir heart untouched
The spot vhero Custer fell Is In tho
midst of real Indian country There
the wild trent exists III UK pristlm
form Tue visitor needs no A iia imag
ination to make real to him the Incl
dente of that frontier wir In which the
poldictk of our Hide army won aim
son glory and undying fame
The Crown live In tepees and wicki
ups as did their father who planned
and oxeiutol tho masuure They are
now peaceful but they are still Indi
ana It IB fear and not love of the white
mon that 111 i3 tiem from the wu
The battlefield as lUctetc nx on the
day after the nuwmere NiMr it IB tin
Indian burying round tntcs In the
branches of vliub were Tiftu Indians
lollid tip in lankts like tnummUa
fill amtovery of gold III the uintk
Hills In M had attracted white ptni
pivtors The Invasion of what the Ii
Ulan corn idered unceded country win >
regarded by them as an net of ant and
troy resisted with bloodj results Gen
look lu Manli 1H7 entered till
yiou > country now Known us Hie Crow
roriMiitlnn to atte npt tn tubltiKatlim
of tine 181lIoU8 rods and met with 1110
t ul defrttt at the hande of Sitting Hull
en tli > < banks of th + Podet rhfl
In tho spring three expeditions w t
Rent out to accomplish what Gen
Crook had failed to lo Gen CooK
coTimanduU one of these oxpedltium
nnd was again repelled nt the Rosebud
rlvii MnJ Reno was later sent on an
lnestlKatlng tmir down ti e UoiiLud
mil uls ooroil a broad trail running
low ari tho HIg Horn live He return
ed nnd reported Hint a large number of
Iiulmip line been awemblcd and irate
on the lino of march
Cuter and tho Seventh cavalry were
rdered to follow ip thlt trail and pf
feet a Junction with Gen Tetrys com
iUUUtJVl1ULMlUU1I11J1Jt1tJU11U1 UrtI H
an I
mand which was to nten1 the mil i
Horn by boats Cuiter Started front
what Is paw Miles City Monl went lu lCV
the trail found by Rene Proceeded ul
forced marches and wits ready fur nn t
attack the day before tho troops com
lag bV boat could arrive The Lulls h 011tl
11I1 Horn river II u rapidly llowliu Y
strjtom from eight to forty yatds wide
Between It and the His Horn U jirnlrH
lend and between the lug Horn nml i
HO ebua rivers are HIP mountain 1ng
II y the latter route Custer approached tost dl
the scene of the conflict From the di ny yer
vide Ins HiYiut discovered smoke and of tho
saw pony herd grazing on the prnlrlo glan
Hetaune of the high bluffs tho cnmp s beer
of the Indians was obscured and In t burn a
lie could only bo conjectured Tho In xve be
liana soon learned of the proximity ol tfl Mcrct
the soldier I d wit
Cutter decided to attack at once The
ngliiient was divided Into three Ieo to list
taihments Heiio attacked the center llxes 1
of the InjlMi camp with three troop nggn
He was driven back In confusion and
intrenched himself In a ravine
In the meantime Cuiter with five 1 i AMen t
roops had assailed the lower end of
the camp Bennett with the rest of tho Men t
Olllnenlll was Ml some bluffs four t Nun
miles distant guarding against the es
cape of the Indian Ya
Custer had expected to find not moro otnlnr
than lMiu Indian Instead he found ncn
ttOC lie threw out a skirmish line es net
and dUmuuuted two troops who fought Jrlo wl
their way along In a course parallel to ijnc fee
that of their commander Ho himself > wed
followed the tunas Tho Indians
swarmed nlout him and his ranKo In wee
were rapidly depleted Seeing their arm h
j < Maeiu danger the two dlbmountil shed
troupe made a ultunt attempt to Join r caug
him nail were aimihllalud In tho at wed
tempt jurerl
Two hundred anti seventyseven mon deal
rod Into the valley of death with Cua prk ha
ter and whIm tIll last hot was fired being
i7T lay dead 01 dying on lite Hold Bcue I
rho fosfliimient has made this bat 100Ion
tlefield u imitonal oemelci and a Illtlo ut nn
vhlte murMo filab narks the spot JOO mt
where each trooper fell On the spot
where CunUin body was found stands Sol
u largest 11 uosii The simple epitaph Jlf N
on each of the little white markers Is fwHl
1 S Solders Seventh Cavalry yell
jero ties
sere June 21 186
ies Ss
j A community of birds had tiblleh d
themselves In a certain grove birds of
many kinds orioles robins blackbird
bluebirds catbirds There were three
pairs of orioles each pair with their
nest In a different tire but all clone
together and nil on good terms And
they were on good terms with their
neighbors too though the male black
bird occasionally got Into trouble by
coming too near the orioles nests
One day the whole communjty xyas
found to be In nn uproar BcreamlnU
nnd flying about In a state of great
excitement the clue of which was
won discovered One of the female
orioles had got her head caught In the
slurp fork of u limb and there she
hung fluttering nnd unahe to help
The birds of every kind had assem
bled around her and were as much
excited and as Incapable of rendering
assistance ns n crowd of human beings
would have been under similar circum
stances They merely drilled about
from place to place and fluttered and
vrcamed all that Is to any except
the other two female orioles which
tried to release the captive by dashing
nt her and pulling at her toll feathers
This however seemed only to lodge
her more tightly In the fork
Meanwhile the three mule orioles sat
side by side on a near bv limb not
making n move of any kind The wit
ness of the strange scene was surprised
to see them Inactive at such a time
r fper a
but they must have been taking coun ytttr
eel with each other for presently one
of them flew to tho place where till nit No
nd b
captive was hanging and straddling >
the fork that held her head he caught with
hor bj the neck nnd gave her a tug IrhauE
that pulled her free Then he dropped On i
her but she mina
recovered herself Imme
lately and flew to a limb where sire tof tl
began arranulng her fun m
rumpled feath
> ilttjjrn
ers Philadelphia Times A Bount
A young oillccr nt the front recently s tars
wrote homo to his father Dear t
Father Kindly send me C64 nt once kfc
lost Mother leg hi a stiff engagement Milan
and am In hospital without means Iassi
The answer wan My Dear Son As i
this Is the fourth leg you have lost ac ppen
cording to your letters you ought to v 14
be accustomed to It by this time Try J Is tot
to wobble along on any others you may f si of
have lettArm and Navy Journal JltlOn
la d
Your ton said the teacher has eu at
missed It on arithmetic sands
Yos p 91d
No triH > d at spelling f cased
Yes 1e Qc
A dunce In history
Yes i Cor
And theres no good In him if
Professor said the farmer havo r
you evar heard that boy cussln of n hcint
CJergy mule under n brllln sun In u
tenacre neldAtlnnta Constitution ltlsm
i hllor
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Strong Intimations If not positive nJ Mid command of the Hurepoan station to Lola
1103 o orders arc to have been sent to neAr Admiral Cromwell In Mmmanl
Mmstlf In rvadirvr for a sudden naval demonstration in tho Mediterranean It Is also stated on high authority that this government Is jouMlng Kuro apier
i > can IIOWIU OR tne question of teaching Turkey and Dulgarla a lesson that they will not easily forget for thOr ISlet lu the caWlly oC Nlsi A me 1 Mi
ot w iiI wiu illan
The tutu departments movements In the nwtttr are at present Shrouded In great mystery but It Is known UNIt dlpJomatl nwmimeoui nth
Importance are jxndlntr thould Prtf d Itooscvolt decide to force the Dardanelles und bonjbarJ Coitttantlnoph the following United States warships Id tn
would prolubly ImmeduloJy It placed inaction The Chicago Ctotuwclli llbirshlp the Album the NathrlBe the Dixie and the JWaonsahcla IP
L1 i liuattt
e rA 11 >