OCR Interpretation

Deseret evening news. [volume] (Great Salt Lake City [Utah]) 1867-1920, December 09, 1901, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045555/1901-12-09/ed-1/seq-3/

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n t 1
Great GF nt ProBoor Mooting Hold In InChicago InChicago n nChIcago
Chicago ChicagoBOUKKE ChicagooUnRE ChIcago13OU1UU
tirfM Cjr rflt 1 Opportunity 1C1 for Irwt lloo UOOMO UOOMOe ItooiO1t ItooiO1tT1 otol otola
T1 e a 1110 lluUoIllmcirintmurtulhiiiia lluUoIllmcirintmurtulhiiiiaIUctlo aIotIicII 1I11IIllIlIIlIIurul NIII NIIIIbelc >
IUctlo toller vlr Irow lrot Curl Curlfhlcotro < hu huhle 1tirtiiIcgO
fhlcotro hle Il Dec 8 8A A program ro orram ram of > pro protent prote8l prodtcL
tent ittfttlnst IUlll t llrltlsh Jrltsh methods 10lhol1 lit tli tliHealth flU thoHvlih flUItuti
Health Hvlih African Arlcol war was wal carried out bo boforo 10 10or bofuro
foro or an 41 imincnno IllelO audloncu nullunco In tim Avid AvidItorlum JU JU10rlun AUUItorlutfl
Itorlum 10rlun theater tonight tonight Following Folowing on oneloquent nnloIIUI1 onelotlueflt
eloquent loIIUI1 nddrc l1resJ i JLy > y W Uourko Coch Cochran Cochran Coehran
ran nmt Iml taronst renst upeeclios sl iece echel by others othersresolutions othorsrColutons oflierICHItlttOflS
resolutions rColutons for tho appointment nlplJlltmel of nconmiltteo n nCUlllllhO acoIiiflhlttoo
conmiltteo CUlllllhO to bring the sentiments o otho or ortho ofthu
tho mwtlng nll lns boforo the tIt President lrcsl ent vcro wcrolulortel werotLUopteL vcroadopted
adopted adoptedAlthough lulortel tLUopteLAlthough
Although lloUlh on al admission ndrlsslon wan M charged chargedthe challNlo
the lo fund tUlll being Intended Intondel to aid tli tlillocrs tho tholoes tliooerti1
llocrs loes oerti1 and especially olpcclalY tholr women and andchildren In Inchllron itntlchiltiren
children chllron Htandlng atan lng room rool was nt n pro pronilum IlroIlum iroiiduin
nilum Ilum uud 1111 many were unable unlblo to gall galladmittance laln lalnadmittance gainadmittance
admittance admittanceThere admittancelh admittanceThere
There lh ro vcro COO 60 people lloplo on tho stage stagewhen stMrowhen stagewhets
when Mr Cockran Cockrn the orator of O tli tlievening Iho Ihoevcnlng 11wevening
evening arose IrOie ind 11 bowed In recognl recognltlon recogniton reeognIttoii
tlon ton of tho tumult tumul of applause 111P1SO whlderected which whichrrcetcl whichgrcetea
erected rrcetcl him hll1 He 10 said In part part110URKE part10Umm ILLrIoURKI
Jlowerovr nowcrlvr men may differ IIHfe about n10ut tho thoInvasion thoinvasion ho hothvaaioii
Invasion of the South African Arll nn ropub ropublies reJu reJuIca ropub11c81
lies Ica all al aro agreed agrt ed that thll the rcHtoiatloi rcHtoiatloiof rltoluton rltolutont
of t pence Is In II tlu > highest hllhcHl dvgrea do donimble dnIrL1b1e U U6lmblc
nimble There arc but ut two tIo ways WIYI It Itwhich In Inwhich ins
which s hich tho war can ho terminated terminatedIlthtr tominutediitliiq
Ilthtr 1 lhtr the Doors IOIrl must surrender BUOter or orthe orthe orthe
the Lngllth JnI18h Kovurnmcnl Hovulnlent must abnndoi abnndoitho nbnnlon nbnnlontho
tho lie attempt atempt to Bttbduo them tlictnJt thel
Jt I Is quite quie generally < cneloly assumed uHsumel that thattho thlt thlttho thatthe
tho resistance rcailtancc of tho Hoora 1lf cannot cOlnot be beHUrccsgful bolurcessful beiiucesful
HUrccsgful lurcessful and anl If I this bo true they theywould theywould theytOtIld
would not bo 10 jUHtlltcd JUIUfo11 In continuing contnulng contnulngftrugulo u ufitniKRlo atrugglo
fitniKRlo ftrugulo which Involves Ilvolvel fruitless trultcas truit1 loan loanof 1081 lo loof
of llfo lo and waste of property oven ovctthough oventhough oventhough
though the losses 10lseB Inlllctcd lolietoll on their en enomy enelY enwily
wily elY wcro ero tenfold greater1 Incntel than whatthoy what whatthoy rlintthey
thoy suffered luIcrell thomuulveo for or blood bloodshed bloolHhPd loo looshed
tlble tlbleBut shed Is UHclcss and anl Is always nlwlYI Indofcn Indofcntilble Indefentlble Indofentlble
But IB II 1 It true tuo that thlt the resistance of oftho ottho ofthe
tho Uoors IB Since
hopeless tho fall falof fnl fallof
of Pretoria It certainly has Ia not nt been beenfruitless heenfrlltesl beenfrtiItlon
fruitless frlltesl It has hnl been Justified justIed by 1y most
Important results Lord Salisburys Salisburysposition Hnl IaliaburyHposition burya buryaplslton
position plslton that tlnt nothing but absolute atluto mir mirrender lur lurrender siirrenter
render would bo considered cOlsllercd haM been beenabandoned hlel heeiahahIl000cl
abandoned and today tho burghers burgherscould burlhera burlheraconll hurgherHcould
could conll secure leelr eotir almost any terms short shortof hortof
of complete Acknowledgement nclcowledlfemenl of their
Independence Indcpellcnce I IndependenceAs
As 8 their resistance realstnlct has hn not been
fruitless fruitess neither Ilhor Is their twJr struggle for I
Independence hopeless On tho con conetrary ¬
trary If their reslstuneo bo hI prolonged
for 101 n few months the ho abandonment nlJandonmelt of
the tw struggle to subdue luhuo them by Great
Urltaln Is II Inovltablu InovltabluThis Inolnbl
This statement atntcnlnt Is 11 i not bnsod Inf1 on any
fredal Ilellnllntolmatol peelnl Infoimatlon concerning concerlll tho war
but on the conviction convicton that thl It will ho
Impossible Jnl10 qlhlo for the government Oernnnt wi to sc scow ae1r fOIIr ¬
ow 1r IIr tho rnssngo of mnny moro war warappropriation wnrnllproprlltonl vnrnlroprIat1on
appropriation nllproprlltonl through throl h tho hous of ofCTfltnonH
commons Crmons The 11 last Ilst btidgn llt get was WIS pass passw 11MAId
w i only after Immense e difficulties dllculle8 All AlliOtIreeM
sources fourC or taxation Inxllon Itavo Iwo avo practltally rncttnlY Al
been exhausted and thq thQIlol1t attempt to of
reel another nnll1r largo war Wil loan would re ¬
sult all in such a I fall tll In trio price of con
Rf IS rats > ls as n would wonll seriously Jeopardize lirlt
jeolJllze Bri
Ish 111 R1 Industries Intu trlelr If tlion t1n the lloer
fhrftccsuan foces foree can ho1 hold the nchl n little Ito ° longer lon 10er or I
the attempt ntomp to subdue subuo the republics
must JUAt bo h abandoned almllne far lack of repuIJlcl means
to pursue l1tUO It Itcapacity It Itliuo
Tho > capacity cnpncly of tlx t > Boors DOlrR to mam mafi
tan tam the struggle strug lo Is placed boyond a I
doubt by tho barbarity IJfbnrty of the meth Ieth ¬
ods employed mllo o < to subdtio them The I
Kng Inulsh English Ish gorermont Aovement cannot avoid aoll sup ¬
porting Iortng the women and ald children chidren madn m < do
homeless 10mol09A by tho destruction of tho
farms tarll Wih yith vitli the support SUI 11ostrlcton porl of his women
and clilldien chldJ Imposed InpoHod upon Ulln England Knglandwinio J nulnn
while whlo his hlf lands have been made de dew o
ate Ilta and unproductive Unlrotlctv tho Boer soMIrr
Is free to continue confnuo In the Held elll as lS long
n n as ho can secure oCuro by capture cl lturo abund ¬
ant nn supplies IUl11111 of food nnd arms from
the English l nglsh forces His Js reputation rcutnton for
humanity hutanlh and courage courgo makes Jnkl 9 the Eng
lisa Ish soldier sllfr prefer frvfer surrendering to
facing his hll rllle rllleNothing rifleNothIng
rle rleNolhlng
Nothing can be 10 clearer than thnl that
tho resistance rCAlstnnCp of the burghers hur lHrs rnnnot
b be uc suppressed lupprl9Bl1l and therefore therefoo the only
possible way to i llence > eaco Is tho with with111WlI
dinwnl 111WlI of Great Urltaln Irlaln from frol the th lie at
tempt to subjugate slhjuRnto tho South African
soldiers allers Tlio Hrttlsh BrUsh government Ho etmcnt Arlcun may lty
prolong Ilrolonl the war but cannot latot change chan o
tho outcome Such lrh a result relult being con consistent conalslelt conh ¬
h sistent alslelt with Juntlco jUtce It I Is in tho Inter Interests Int Interosts r rOltS ¬
ests OltS of everyone oloryonQ to hasten It I The real
Interests Interestl of England En Jand as well wel as ni tho thorest thoreRt therest
rest of tho world will wi bo advanced Ihaneed by
promoting Iromotnu It ItThe I itTJue
The prct 11rctlso V1teflo nso that the existence of
these republics rJuhl endangered endalgered Hrltlsh BrItsh nu ¬
thority thorly over tho rest of South Africa den
Is ii unworthy of serious consideration
If J republics rClub1el nnd monarchical mOJrchtcl1 Icroua consldlljUon authority autholly
are nr so hostile that tholr
10 hORto thnt mere proxi proximity proxlmlty proximlty ¬
mlty involves InvoJen conflict confct between them themthis themthis themthis
this country cOlh would oul bo Justified juslnell In 11 an annexlng nnIpxlng annexing
nexlng Cannda Crulnda as 01 a necessary nec sAlry measure measureof
of protection PotccHl1 for Its IR own 01 safety sntet >
This meeting mlCtnl has hn no disposition lApoallon to toprovoke toplOVO to110OlCO
provoke plOVO bitterness hltcrness or to th Increase the thecrop thocrop thecr01
crop of f rofccntmentn rsentmcntR already nltelly too largo Ilr c
throughout tho world Much ucti as wo worolgbt weTnlfht 0 0TI
rolgbt TI ht deslro the tht Incorporation Inor oraton of lt Can Canada Cnnnlll Canabla ¬
ada nlll In the tnlon l nlon unless It could rouMbo be ac accomplished nccompIAhll acCOu11IhiRbed ¬
complished compIAhll liy 1 the consent t of the t e peo people ie0plo ¬
plo 1 on both sides tles of the thl frontier 1nlor wo O do donot 110not donot
not wish It I but It I may ho well 01 to point pointout pointout pointout
out that there was WI much toss IOS Justin Justincation jUAttncton jtrntltlcation
cation cton for the tll assault n Raul upon 1on the South Southrlcan
African rlcan republics tllblC by Croat Orlat Britain
than there thorl would woull bo for the forcible forcibleannexation forciblenh1nrntion
lorclllo lorcllloannCrntol
annexation tn nh1nrntion of Canada by this coun counContlnulng
Continuing Contnuln Mr Cookmn wild Mi flint rnt tho thoreal t treal hnra1
real Interest of f the th IrlMi Jrl h people ploplo In the
Transvaal Trnlvnll war Is II In n extending the do domain domnln domaIn
main of English FnHlsh commerce not In ex e ¬
tending tlndlng tho domain < of tho English Englishcrown Eng1sh Eng1shcron Englishcrown
crown crownDisaster cronDlsnstr crownDisaster
Disaster to < o the thl English En lsh poplc polle llfc llfcnot Il hl hlnot
not nt In the dfi irent uteat > nt of this enterprise enterprisepaid Inlorprlsl
paid nll the spoaker but In Its success uicee
iA fUCCf8
If the South
I African ArlCln rnpublia rlPtbls WPTO WPTOsubdued WPM WPMu1duell werosubdued
subdued u1duell ami the last Boer disarmed l
HIP men and nlil women now confined In Inraptlvlty Inratvly inraptlvlty
raptlvlty ratvly must IU t be hl 1 returned to the soil sol
To maintain
authority over 1lr these peo people peoplo peapIe ¬
plo resentful r Pltll dissatisfied IlsaUsfC accustomed
to bearlnf bnlnr arms Irml would wDil1 reqUire austomo tho thomaintenance thomnlJttnnrl themniptenance
maintenance mnlJttnnrl of a I huge hlJ army nnd such suchan
an army nrm could cou1 not bo b maintain maintainwlthcut IllnlnfM IllnlnfMwlhCul maintainevhthcut
wlthcut rstabllshlnv rnmmilson
wlhCul fRtnblshlu IOmnlllOr mill 111
tan tnl service In drcit Ilrltnln 1rllln The Th ThtnllAhmtnt es ¬
tablishment tnllAhmtnt of compulnnrv cJ III0rv mlllfaT mlllfaTnervlce mitliyservIce
servIce lrlce In Knetond JJnrllnl would ouil be bf the mIHIL mIHILlrlce ruin ruinof ruinof ruinof
of the RrlMMi Orlbh constitution Ionsttllnn The ilatup ilatupf iahi iahiDf laTI < >
Df f England Pn hnll nilrhf TI hl remain rplRl1 M t tuuigh ill illtulnh lt lttul8h
tulnh a political 01111 division Ihlllon of tho onrV onrVlurface enrll enrlllurtlc eart eartiurface
lurface lurtlc but not no n loccibe l e A country countryof cotuuryDf
of constitutional nRlulllnI freedom freedomTho trellom trellomTho freedomThe
Tho conou eonowsf onoul8t > st of t the Transvaal Transvaalwhile Tr TrAnsvanlhIi n9vlal
while whl hIi It I might bo danperous 16 tl urn thoburghers Ihoburlher urnburg2ier
burghers burlher would 011 III > he < 5 faust to Eniand EniandThe Engtanblrho
The neonlo TMnip who have hot iho greatest gnatlst lit litfrost hf0rtRt inre8t
frost 0rtRt of nl In 11 thi th d Ilnft f > < U of f nnIMi nnIMiirms nfI h hll
arms ll are th o 1opll onophA opl of 1ntlnn1 Hnalnn They Theyan 1h
an be 0 staved fnm fromthin this peril orl erlI TIvHIza TIvHIzaInn 1llzl
Inn can ftfl l b be > e dollar dolrp tt frotn 11011 fhln 11 cloud cloudr lrJI1 lrJI1rhlch
r Men darkens luJlnf Its Is horizon If the con conInrd COl conkb
0 b wa 11 1 fIi tiF bWD1O 111 bl fl nvk nvknhh k knr
Inrd nr To do this the most offootlte offootlteiitTfi IrCdlo IrCdloI eftctennQ
iitTfi is I to who1 nho lo them tti Im m that Ihlt the tht peorn peornf poor poorf elr if
I f this country countr do not sympathize vith tl th
tho scheme of conquest lqUBt which tho ling lingllali I lnghiiu nl
llali Ish scwle iroverninent jverOMllt has hlo undertaken undertakenProvidence Ulllortnken UlllortnkenlloI1lIJll undertakenLrovldecO
Providence lloI1lIJll hn haN n no ft ordered ovontf ovontfthnt ovoltl ovontolint
lint thnttto the Ircnldoiit lrenldlllt of tho United Btatei Btateican SlltC Stategcan
can condudo clnrhllo this thlf bit bltf itfer Cor r iittarrul It I l lan Pu Puno >
an 01 extraordinary oxttolllnlry ox trnord lrutry opportunity oJilotIIU offered ollrQd to tcan tonn toan
an extraordinary oxtorlllnty man 1n It I would wOII not noibo nlt nltba notbe
bo necessary loC lr to draw clrnl the sword Iworcl to tcmake toIlko touinke
make Ilko any threat of u armed Interven Intervention Iltoron Iltorontol lntorventhou ¬
thou tol or to take tal nn Oi unfriendly ulrlonly attitude attitudeQuo Itttlllio ItttlllioOJ
Quo OJ word W t1 erI spoken fjol to tho tw ICnglluh l nHlfh im aimlhnsuIdor imbiwiulor lmhnUluor
biwiulor hnUluor or In II tho hearing hllfh1 of tho Knit KnitHuh tuighiniu 11
Huh sh nation Utlan would oull restore rUltoro peace 110lCO tRtib tRtibll IRlblh esuibhisfi
ll hisfi lh h Justcv Justice securo IIUIU liberty Ihorty to thuxc thuxcburghers thUHblrJhoR tIIuHhtiruhors
burghers blrJhoR promote 11t0l0to enormously lurmoully the theproKiKulty thotlrufllotI I ho hoprouicrIty
proKiKulty tlrufllotI of tho human hlmnl race inul inulbring Inll Inllrlng urnirIn
bring rlng rIn linmnasurablo hnmonlurnhlo glory to t Hit thuAmurlan theAnuricatu HitAmorlcan
Amorlcan Amurlan nation nationWill nntln nationvitl
Will 1 that word bo spoken IPokon N Nlor Never ver
In history hlntor have 110 such sleh momentous 10lentoll ro roHUIH 10 10IUtH ioulttu
HUIH IUtH hun on the th lips lps of a human humanbeing hU111 hiuniruIwlng
being Will Wi Theodore fhechlo Hoomtilt Juof8v l Im Improve Iu IuIltoc Iraiiio ¬
prove iiio thin opportunity Jpoftll for or himself his luecounlty Ilt hisocuatty
counlty co UI t 1 > mid the whole human hUlln moo mooFHOJt Ilop7 Ilop7ImOM nico7 nico7FILOM
A letter from Call Sehtirs
letc 8c111 wan wanlead waoieLtd l1
lead 1lul In which ho salt 811 I 11m am mid 11l of ofthoso ottlulo ofthioSib
thoso tlulo who heartily 111or11Y lojolcg at the ho auliul auliuldniico sukiliHieo uhutlca
dniico lca In 11 this country cOlntry of the old and andmom sadnuoro
mom 1110 or Ol Ics ICfl unrcaoning Inron80lhl o piojuliM piojuliMagainst 11uju pf olu 11 11ngulnt lhru lhrungnlnRt
against England I wltnoBs Wlt8S witri WltJ viti iin iincere ii iicore I Iclrl
core clrl snilsfactlon Hntsloclon and nlil disappearance disappearanceifioin IU o otrol etft
ifioin tft trol oir out Ol popular 0 Ir I oratory of nlIJMtln the t Ie aheap JenJ1trIck
trIck of twisting t twintlui Htnl tho llrltlsh Brtlah lions lionstall IIu1 lih1sOIb
tall tnl oiul OIb I hall hai with wih delight lolUht UH UHgrowth tf thtgrothi
growth of n 1 r real frlottdihlp trlolul hlp between betweenthe
the two nations nationsHut nationsiJtit
nnton nntonut
Hut ut r rl iiftlldhmen I lllcn should 8110ull not nt Induko
In 1101 any dcluslona 11111011 about thin thil Deep Inlllllo eel in intholr Intholr intheir
tholr hearts Ilortl tli this great Ireut manses Jlln ot the HieAmorkim t theAunoricui
Amorkim Al0lcln fl people cherish cllrlih a 1 iirnlound iirnloundsympathy pittninrIHYlJflhitthLY Hnrunl
sympathy HYIIllhy for the llocrs loers In heir tho I wtrug wtrugBles Btruggies trugjlol
Bles jlol anil 111 u1 sutTerliifs What Whlt they tW con condemned CUl eonileunncd
demned IIIJll1 was 09 done lunl by h the Urltlwi Hrllu In InSouth Inr intitith
South r ulh Africa Mrl And If there ther in 11 Puthing xny ny >
thing thln rpt 1Ilt to revive the old o1llltnIJ nntllWllih nntllWllihfueling pntIIbIIhfeJhng h ht
fueling t lng In thin rojmbllo 1011110 It I In II tho torn torrllib tlrrl tlrrlhh tornhil
lib hil npectaolo HIIlCtnlo piesentcd 1011111 by the lloor lloorv
v ar
The following 1010wln1 losolutlons Iosolulonl woro woroadojtcdi vrondoptedi ro ronoptcl
adojtcdi adojtcdiitoftolvod noptcl ndoptediIleaulvoti
itoftolvod That rut we ai II t American Americancitizens Anorlcln AnorlclnrltzolS Atnoricautcitizens
citizens rltzolS believe 0100 that tmt tho wanton wuntol des destruction Ilel destittetloru ¬
truction uuctOI of It pioporty of noncombatants noncolbnlnnti
by ly KngliHh I nIMI military IlltnlY authorities nuthorllel In Inbouth Inouth inboutlu
bouth Africa 4Hrlcl fiicmL without wihout precedent IHecolelt In Inmodern II Innideruu
modern ITI UII times tlOI eavo flVO by Hngllih I nglh olllceis orcn orcnIn olilcetlit
In tho ho war WIl o or tilt American Amrlcll rovoliitlon rovoliitlonIs lollton lolltonIs
Is a source 80lrcu of ncudloss IlUISI suffering sufering to lie thapeople th thIoplo liehiOoPio
people of tlw tl tim South African trlcul republics republicsand VehtlIlICand olullcl
and without advantage to the
nlli cllvlntnuo opera opcmlions ole oleUonA operalouts
lions of tlio tll lit English l nllAh army I ri y and tho thoslaughter thoIlaurhIl theshatmghitt
slaughter IlaurhIl of the to helpless holplosf and Inl Innocent Innocentcaused Inlocent InlocentIHlHPd Innocentoil
caused IHlHPd oil 01301 by 1 Knglish 1nlsh 1n gi i sit prison 11801 pens the a s nro fio a acauseless 1 acauseless
causeless IU80108s oiitruge o f on the humnnlty 1111uniy of ofthe oftho ofthie
the clvillztd clvllz d world WUI < which amply 1111 justify justifyconcuntrutud Justfy JustfyCOlctltltm juatityconcen
concuntrutud COlctltltm concen tinted remonstrance 1010111IICO by Amerl Amerlrun Amerlr11 mneri mnerinait
run r11 and al l huropean Bl1ropell states atatlj nnd In bellovlnj belevInG boIlevIn boIlevInthat
that the thl lights t1glm and al1 obligations ohlgntons of com common com10n ¬
mon 10n humanity hUlnthlty aro lra not determined detcllhwll by bygeographical bygeogrOIJhlcllol bygeographical
geographical geogrOIJhlcllol or political poltcal limitations limitationsand Imlatons
and 111 regarding I the treaty of 1S71 m mmade n nnU1lo nmade
made nU1lo to bo observed obovcl by England gnglald 111 111well Mwel mt mtteli
well wel as n by America do most mostsolomnly mostsolomnlyrOlonolrlo solemnly solemnlyremonntrnto solemnlyroummonntrnto
remonntrnto rOlonolrlo and Iltl protest against Igalsl the theacts thoorta timeacts
acts of the IJiiRlUh J lgl h government governmentResolved Iovernmont IovernmontRosolnd governmentilesolved
Resolved That we W and oIl each clch of us usdo 11 u uO
do O hereby hortby pledge pmlgt ourselves 0lr8elel to use IS0 oui ouiutmost 011 011utmoal oumutmost
utmost powers IJOIO8 to make Ilko this our pio piotost pmotest 0 0tt9t
test tt9t known loWI to our several represent representatives loJrcsut loJrcsutlt representatives ¬
atives lt es In tho American Congress and nndto 11 andto <
to cause n copy of these resolution le olltonH to tobo 10bo
bo brought broulh to tho attention I10non of thn Presi President Presldent Iresilent ¬
dent of the tlO Unltra UnHrr States StntlI with our ourmost ourlost ournuost
most lost rooneotful tO I lttul but urgent petition petitionthnt 110ltlon 110ltlonIhnt petitionthat
that the treuy trel of Wnshltuton WlshhHfOn of May MQ Iay
8 U71 bo strictly 8trlI enforced enrlrcol and that thattho thattlo thatlimo
limo tlo UBO of o American ports and waters watersbo wntfIS
bo honcefoith denied denlld to vessels vlslela oper operating olwrntng oporatimug ¬
ating ntng under IAller lirituih 1ltdl charter chlrtor for tho thoaugmentation thonU theauginenlatioum
augmentation nU Inlnton of supplies lul111 of wnr nu and andthat nu nuthat andtiiflt
that the President Ittlll1m of tho Unllod UnlOl Stales Staleswill StIS StISwi StateshIl
will wi hIl employ Onlloy every possible means 10nlS to tobring tobring tobring
bring to an end the honors of oomtn oomtntrallun I concmmintion onlntmUon
trallun camps nnd old a warfare wlrtlo which by byIts hyIB thyIts
Its IB unexampled unxllplll ferocity ferociy and enormous enoimouscost 110110UH 110110UHost enormouscost
cost of life lfe and Ild treasure trNlslro has astounded astoundedthe ostollled ostollledtho
the civilized clvI2rd world worldHcHolvod wotld1eAolved worldllesohvod I
HcHolvod 1eAolved That rhlt the chairman chRlrlnn ho au authorized nuthlrlzell imuthnized ¬
thorized thlrlzell to tl appoint 1I101lt a committee rOlllteo of ofcitizens otcltzenR ofcitizeuimt
citizens of Chicago to cnl call thc atten attention attention ¬
cltzenR ehlnloto nton ntonton
tion ton of the President to these thelo resolu resolutions resolutons resotutiomis ¬
tions and to Inform him hll him of the senti sentiment son sonmont sentimont ¬
tons Inl
mont of the thl citizens ctzens of Chicago and andthat andIhnt andlint
that suMi su h committed tOJlnlUeo shall shnl have power powerto 1111r 1111rto
to add to Its Il number citizens cltzons of other otherportions otherpOltonl otherIOItlOulS
portions pOltonl of tho United Unlel States StatesA Sttos SttosA
A resolution resoluton was WI alto Ilso adopted com commonfltng comli coiiiiienI1uii
monfltng li hl Go oV Yates Y tcS of Illinois for Is IsKulng II issuing
suing ulnl a proclamation lroclalaUoncnllng calling for as assistance asIIHttnCO asslstftnee ¬
sistance IIHttnCO for the occupants of t concen concentration concentrton concentntion ¬
tration trton camps emnl1 In South Africa AfricaThe Arl AtnicmiThe
The ho meeting meetnR closed with wih a remarkable remarkabledemonstration Iclnnrknhlo Iclnnrknhlo11tn01Itrton remarkabledemonstration
demonstration 11tn01Itrton Following liolowln tho speech speechmaking Hpeeehnllltlnl speechniahcing
making nllltlnl the great audience audelco roaied its itsapproval Is Is111llronl Itsaiproval
approval 111llronl of the Boer cause tho cheet cheetIng cheetIlt cheetlog
log Ilt being btlnR long 101 continued contnued and ald then con contributions cantributione ¬
tributions trlJlonR wcio iiHKcd 1HC1 for the thl relief rclcf of ofthe ofthe
the tlftrlckon stricken women wOlen and children In the theSouth theSouth hoSouth
South African camps cnlps Something over overJ5bOU over5b1OwM over5tOU
J5bOU 5b1OwM 5tOU was lalsed lalsedChill inlsodChill alsellChi
Chill Chi MllV Wi lii Hell Rol Cruisers CruisersNew CrlllCrS CrlllCrSNow CruisersNow
Now York Yok Dec 9 According to the theLima theJlla theLimit
Lima Jlla Peru correspondent cOrospondent of the tlo Her Herald Hernll 11craid ¬
aid nll Chill Chi Is reported to have ha 0 nearly nearlyconcluded nnrl nnrlelnclutlHI nearlyC4flClUtlol
concluded elnclutlHI tho pale falt of a cruiser to Co Colombia Co10mbll Celombla ¬
lombia 10mbll and nnllllothar another to IJcuador IJcuadorSHOOTS gcualor gcualorSH001S 1cuudorSHOOI
AHIinnpli lhonJh ColTco Colll Took Hid IA Eye l YI tlglit 1 to foAwhile tohlt toit
Awhile AwhileNothing1 it wiuf hlt to toNothuing
Nothing Is II moro certain eortnll than that the theuso Iheuso limouse
uso of al So so called ralel tonics tonls stimulants Rtmuluuts and andmedicines ondmClclue andmeIICIUeS
medicines mClclue which depend dlllell upon alcohol alcoholfor
for tholr effect cloot Is II Injurious to health In Inthe Intho Inthe
the long lon run runWhat runWhat runWhat
What goes IOlS up u must come down < own and andthe nndthe andthe
the elevation eloaton of spirits spiris tho temporary temporaryexhilaration telporr telporrcxhlnrnton temporaryexhilaration
exhilaration cxhlnrnton resulting reGultng fiom trol a I dose 10Ro of ofmedicine otmedicine ofmnediolmue
medicine containing alcohol alcolol will wi cer certainly cortnlnl ccrtalmuiy ¬
tainly tnlnl be followed tol owed In a few hours hourI by a acorresponding ncorrcHp acortesptmding
corresponding corrcHp ndlng depression to relieve relievowhich rleo rleowhich relievewhich
which another nnothlr dose muot ruut bo taken takenIn tllwn tllwnIn
In other words wor < 8 many mlW liquid Iqul < patent patentmedicines patentmollcimues ntentmedlclncs
medicines derive their effect Irfert entirely entirelyfrom entrely entrelytrom entirelyfrom
from the alcohol they thl contain containAlcohol contnlnAlcohol containAlcohol
Alcohol and medicines mellclnol containing conlnlllng It Itare HIro ittune
are Iro temporary tempOIII Htlmulnntu Itmulnntb and ani not In Inany InRenll inany
any sense Renll n true trul tonic tollo In fact flrt It Is Isdoubtful 1 1110ublhll Isilotihitttii
doubtful real rell tonic tonicA If I any medlceno 1 CJ celo or drug Is n nreal 0rell areal
A true trut tonic tllr hI somcthlne wheli will willrenew wil rlllrenew
renew replenish 10f1cnilh build hult up Uf u the oxlvust oxlvusted fxhlust fxhlustell xhustehi
ed nervous nrvous system a allm nnd wnstM tissues tissuesof t ales alesof
of the body pomcthlnc 101lthlnf tbn tll will II rnrloh rnrlohtho nrlrh nrlrhtho nnlchthe
tho blood mind endow tlulow It wlh h th rropor rroporiimtiortlons IroporIlrlrtnn vropermhlYhtlOrtiOflB
iimtiortlons Ilrlrtnn nf prd rd and nnl whlto Whl rorpim rT1ullll corptislPs corptislPswhtoii IM IMwhich
which prevent Jre pnt or destroy 11rltto dispose rIAPQ e Bonn BonnThis lerml germvThis
This Is II what a real Jnl tonic shoud d M and andno nOI andno
no 1 drug or alcoholic stimulant will do doIt tloI tb tbIt
It < UI nlcoholc Itlulnnt wi
I s
The ho onlY true truI tonic onlcln in nature nturo Is Iswholesome I l lhuolsome
wholesome hol Aomo food thoroughly thorol hlr dilated dilatednvory 1jltCI1 1jltCI1Bory tug to1 to1Every
Every particle pn rtcle of nervous pn pnr onerey r y ev every cecry I Iery
ery minute muscle fibre npd 111 < Iron lrol of ofbloml orbllnl ofblood
blood bllnl Is 11 created rrtntecl dally daly from trol th food foodw roo roow
w wf digest digestThe 111fot digestTImo
The meio 10 eating ctn of food ha hnl lmae 1ttl 111 it itIn 1 1II t4IC
In II IC with wll the rDnalr onr of wo WPto te tl Uu U but butho huttho butho
ho perfect ptrt1rl llioJrm 11 lnn of o tl h food roll ctn ctnhl1 eaten eatenhas < nt n nhn
hn hl1 has everythlnpr evorylhlnj to dn with ll thi It ItTho I itThe
The Th reason rrnsol MO f few t W reonl Iconl Pnvi In 0 per pertfc fer perfPCt
tfc 01 dlposHon dl ftlo ls II becaiKe hecnut frotn r nm wnn wnnhn Wnhahits O Ohnhl
hn hnhl hahits lts nt llvlno vlnl the Ih rtomAch itonh hni hnl rpl rplunlly S i9Itinily
unlly unly Innt the thl nawor nl r to lobcrf berei he ht f ftrp r P Ptrio
trio trlllult lulrv n flfltonCs ntone nnd adds n dB In rum rnulclnt rumelvut ur
clnt oimrtMv oimrtMvTo ulftlv ulftlvTo
To purr Infllc 1rrdIrittOn tH ton n apii oJllqtonlci tomnch to tohbios < i iblps
bios hll It 1 t lP > mi nrv lo n tnto tIII af Ir tti > lrl DIsame prp prpsupply
01 same 1 h u1l 11 1ritorllfwhh rih1ntino viiim 11 11SUN11r i iautipiy
supply l fbi h l natural 111 rl n lpfM nptone pfonft nrl nrlprn nlI 11n 11nInn dtn dtnwh
Inn wh fVIP ovos qut al tomnrh pir pirni
1 ni prn polI pnhlIv pllv 1 thl lv frst 11 t r Qpnon > 4p alon nf nfq f fnhnM fthiun
thiun q nhnM phnAfnr r HOlucrfii 1 nupr Pvipi TVspInTplitct ln lnvhil
TvlJln TvlJlnbll
Tplitct bll vhil h WPV ha fiuU t11 In I PPTV PPTVw rpr rprrlQ oery4rt
4rt rlQ ltO w nO 1 whir ern < n pr n t ttt riM riMnnt r1pamint In Inoont
mint rnnnl1 rn ° ° 1 tr onn rm Hie 1h hilonne PBP PBPnni p t u utonA
Ir11 tonA nni at al11 dlnrtne lrlW 11 UIh b n nlture turc re relulffl reo reoqltr reqIIIrVR
lulffl qltr fo14 f fhi rf tlianton tliantonOne thello thellonnp llgSnttnnflnr
One or fwn 10 wn o v fieg n lrpl1 ceUn Ilbll Ilbllne1 tsbt tsbtoiier b < > ts tsnlCV
nlCV ne1 n nt rr Tret5 911 ls VMI 1 frlPOtPf frlPOt vmI vmI1ir 1
t 1ir Pf f TcnHtln n hp1 n i v i > l n nTO 1 iIre
qo TO complete cOlplfa digestion lQlton end naslmlla naslmllar allmln allmlnI
ft r 1 1Ptunrf
Ptunrf RtUlrtQ DVVfwl DV T Tnth 1 T nro WIUP WIUPfiitmblrt eujoalumnthb 11
fiitmblrt 11uo10 fn 0 I fH oJilMmi 11 ttlrnt tll i fq > i for forilfs forA fornqlhiltS
nqlhiltS ilfs A n l Mi fhn nt Ih ln nnhlnc hnm hnmui hnmful hnemfuut
ful ui o flti AIuIAtnl qfIulating ulntlnir but only the tw nat natunl nnl11401 naturl
url urlr10 dl7 11401 9i < e eno
n r10 < no nf f tl rltii4 r nvqMfn > iCf > > ln TflblitH TflblitHwill TihPtwill ahll
will 1 I 11 Ihst I 1 11 RM rrrnlns 1lnl of mon mt m ° e Ttr Ttrr scwor 10 < <
11 or r Mfcor pi rchoocnnie hn01 fnnl 01 and Id IdI I Iflr v vrn
I flr rn In 1 fir rr ° R rPUP > n n1 e w rrnut Iput < > fnnlo 1m 1mnu I Inm 1wenhise
enhise nu nm c MW tl 1 l llrntr brlui > rlinrp phtmt > > tjt In the he onlv nat natirnl a aIlrll at atflmif
irnl Ilrll w tV v n rcstrtrntlvc nr llrrlvp 6f nerv nr nnwor nnworhulldln oor oorhull1M
13 hulldln hull1M < r un U of lint lo t tissue U1 nn1 n1 flnpc flnpcitv Ant nmaIIC
mI IIC itv tr I tlii Ihl onh onlY WPV ws V It t ran rl 1 > dnA dnAv 1n II IIu 1tfl
u v v 1 i end tnd assimilation al91mlalon assimilationwholesOme of ofvholesome ofhol
wholesOme hol eeml food
Carnoglo Will Wil Give Gv That for Uni University Unlvorslty Univorslty ¬
vorslty Extonsloiii ExtonsloiiifOBElIANJMDBYABOAKIl xtonslonID
PrtkUlcnt Inhlclt t ItontcvcJI UCOMccl III 11 IrolmblyNnnio Irolmbly lrullbJ Zrobmubhintutc
Nnnio Nnle ntutc flue lo MeinlierNflcuiliiiurlor MeinlierNflcuiliiiurlorlie 1rllwrNIutllunrlcf 1rllwrNIutllunrlcfu IIemIIIhIrN IIsnilhumUrtUr IIsnilhumUrtUrlu
lu u lie 10 In ntliliiuloii ntliliiuloiiChicago ulhlJhll ulhlJhllChlllgo siIiIuttouuChicago
Chicago Chlllgo Deo Jno 0 OO DA A dispatch llSIHtch to the theChicago thoChlcno theChicago
Chicago IlccordHorald Hecon1Iorll from Washing Washington Walhln WalhlntUllnYI ¬
ton tUllnYI says saysAiidtow saysAilrO
Aiidtow 11110 Cnrneglo CITglo Is II to give 0 10000000 10000000to
to tiio time cause of university ullvorgity extension OxtOIHIUI In Intho 11 11tho Intime
tho United Hllmi Slates StatG Announcement Alloll1lont of ofthis otthis oftitle
this great eat gUt slt to toeduentlon education will 1 be beiniido boIUlo homxmttde
iniido IUlo at tho Whlto Whlo House nu o ou 01 Tuocday TuocdayMr Jlo 11ny 11nyMI
Mr Carnegie Clrlcslo was hero a few duytt ago agound 010Ill agoand
und Ill took luncheon IUIChPl1 with President Presidentlloosovolt lIoallont lIoallontoOSOol luosidont1tOStlVOlt
lloosovolt oOSOol when details IIOtlls of tho plan planwere 1111 1111wora imluulwere
were fully tuly dlflcusHod dlflcusHodMr dI dieitatMr CIBHui
Mr Carnoglo has hnl thought best to cre create crenlo oreute ¬
ate a 1 national nntOJl board bOlrd to handle 111110 thin thinmunificent thl thlnunHeeut thimmniunificemut
munificent nunHeeut boncfaotlon olotaotol President Presidentlloosovolt JIcHl lrenldentItoosovelt ent entHoosovol
lloosovolt Hoosovol will 1 probably name nme such a aboard 1 aboatij
board bO Io for or Mr Carnegie or at Itlonlt least set setIn Ict IctIn setiii
In motion muton the mlhlnry machinery which fchall fchalllead mhmtilload hal
lead to a national IItonul organization organizationMr onnnhmtul
Mr 11 Cainuglo eUIglo Is expected < here tomor tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow ¬
row or on tl Tuesday 1loslny Ltmoutda and mil fuller fulI detallH dotlH of ofthin otthIn ofthlmu
thin gigantIc 1Iulto enterprise cltcrlrlao will wil soon 1001 be become boColO beCtiI1t ¬
come ColO public publicNicholas hbtmlhiCNhchmohtis ublc ublcNlchollA
Nicholas NlchollA Murray MUI Hutlcr Butor who iio haw hlH sue succeeded sueLelml sueNCiel ¬
ceeded Lelml Both Low at the Head helo of Co Columbia CoIUlbhL COluumibimt ¬
lumbia IUlbhL college coleHe has hn been he el home holo for two twodays twoIIIYI twodays
days IIIYI a guest of President Roosevelt Joosvoll at attho attho attime
tho While Iuest House and Ull he II has his aided Iiloll In Inperfecting II Inhorfocting
perfecting Ilorteltn the plans 111Rnl Mr Butler Bute loft loftfor Ionfor loftfor
for Now York < at 4 oclock < this thll after afternoon afer afernoon afternoon ¬
noon and ld before going refused refllel to give glvoany giveany lvo lvoany
any particulars altcullri beyond boyold the confirma confirmation confrma confrmaton ¬
tion ton that an UI announcement annun elont would be bamade bemnde bemade
made on 01 Tuesday at tho White Whlo imito House HouseMr HouscJl IfousetIi
Mr Jl tIi Butler has his long 10lU been ono mie of thu thuforemost th thtorcmost hi hiforemost
foremost champions oC university ex extension extOlslon cxtension ¬
tension tOlslon and ald It Is II understood Mr Car Carnegie Co Conello Catnegle ¬
negie nello has hnl had frequent tlIIUlnt consultations consultationswith con8ultntons con8ultntonswih
with him concerning cOlcernlng tho enterprise enterpriseAccording onlerNlseArcodlll onterlmriseAccording
wih According Arcodlll to the th plans prepared by byMr byr byMo
Mr r Carnegie Carleglo and his advisers Id18erS tho na national natOMI antinnal ¬
tional tOMI organization or nnl2aton Is to have Its Ia head headquarters 111d 111dIJI ImendqmrterA ¬
quarters rterf In Washington WnfhlnRtol but Its Is opera operalions OPIt operatiofts
IJI lions lonl are to extend exteI1 throughout tho thoUnited thoUnlo thetTnitocl
United Unlo States StntlA the work ork to bo carried carle1 on onIn onIn onIn
In cooperation roopofthm with universities untvorsl tea every everywhere IHerywholC everywhere ¬
where whereSOUTH wholC wholCSOUll whereSOUTh
Will Wi iii AceompllHh AccolplHh ilecnimiphistiNohlmflhl No Good Unless UnICHIlt UnICHIltNlnret Iut IutNearer lumtNearci
Nearer Nlnret Tojjr Iogethmns IogethmnsNew Ojrtlol OjrtlolNe tlmr tlmrNew
New Ne York Yorl Dec Del 0 DA A correspondent correspondentof corrc lot1ent lot1entor
of the London Ion on Times Tlles and the Now NowYork NowYork NOWYork
York Times < wlilng wllnl from Pretoria 1rotolln says saysmuch snsmuch saysmuch
much remains to be done In tho way waypartitioning wny1lttontnH snypartitioning
partitioning the country by means lennf of oflines otlnes ofilnes
lines 1lttontnH of blockhouses before bolOc the te British Britishcan nrll h hran
can hope effectively ercetvel to clear donI the Boers Boersnway Hoorsnway IioerHaway
nway from the larger districts diltrirtl of the theeastern lle theeastern
eastern taftor Transvaal rnlsvnlll It I Is II found that thatblockhorces thnthlockhol timatliockitoties
blockhorces hlockhol IS a 1 mile mie or moro apart are aroUHoless ar aretmsehess
UHoless U eIOHI In II preventing Jroventng the passage Pl8SIgo of ofUoeiH ofHoelH ofhoots
hoots nt night Ilght when hol they are deter determined dctermined deternulned ¬
mined to cross CrOAI Nothing Nothlnl short ahol of ofblockhouses otblockhouses of1Iockhouses
blockhouses six Ilx or seven hundred Yards Yardsapart vqrts vqrtsopatt vqrdsapart
apart and connected by means of for formidable rorII formnllaiio ¬
effective effectiveTo erClcto midable II < nlo wire entanglements onllglemelts will wl prove proveeffective 11ro0erClcto proveeffective
To 0 thread the country COII In this way waynays Waynays ay I
the correspondent requires time tlmonnd timeand
nays IIY rellulro lmn lmnond I Itary
and men but In the thl opinion of time th mili military mll mliitary ¬
tary authorities althorlhl It I Is tho only method methodof clholof
of dealing denlng with wih itlt nn enemy who lmo refuses refusesto rfuSIl
to flglu and adopts nloltl guerrilla gucrrll tactics tacticsTho tnelcs tnelcsTho tacticsTime
Tho British Brtsh public pUhlo must therefore bo bopatient 10patenl hePatient
patient PatientNortim
patientNorth patenl North of tho DelnRoa Dclnrol Bay railway railwayline rlwny rlwnyInl
line Inl tho dispatch dlslmtcl goes 01 on to say sa flo floBOerR ho hoBoers tmoliOers
Boers are momentarily momentlrly free from tho thopresence thopresonco theiresenco
presence of British Britsh columns cohnnlA rime Thomountain rimemountain ho homountuln
mountain ranges rlnges afford aforll endless chlless hiding hidingplaces hllnl hidingplaces
places for the enemy enelY supplies Rupples are areplentiful arcplenttul areplentiful
plentiful plenttul and wheat whelt which finds fnds Its Itsway Ii Itsway
way WO > nil ni over the th country Is carefully carefullyconcealed caretuly caretulyconcealod carefullyconcealed
concealed for future use UIC It I Is 1m 1mposalblo 1mIloElhlo tunlosuihlo
posalblo to avoid noll this thil unless lleas the Doers Doersarc 1011 I1orare
arc kept moving 10111 nnd to effct erct this thismany thismnny thismany
many more troops are Irc required requiredThe requlrcThe
The most 10t noticeable notcMhlo development In Inthe Intho inthe
the Orange OrnRc River nlr colony Is the concen concentration conrentrlon coneentnmition ¬
tration trlon under undt De Wet south of Hell Hellbron Hel lieuboui
bron broi of a thousand tluousandmnen tluousandmnenSiljiit men menRlJlm
In London ronllol It I Is ihiSthil Bill ltoimled U IIIdcd as asVery 1fIVcry asVery
Very Critical CriticalLondon CrltlclILondon CriticalLondon
London Dec 8 STho Tho outlook on tho thostock thostock thestOck
stock exchange was somewhat brighter brighterduilng brighterdllllng brighterduuimmg
duilng the past wok owing to tho mea message mealIaRO atessage ¬
sage from President Boosevelt the thespeech theRpcech thespeech
speech of the Prince of Wales and the theunexpectedly thoull theumIcxpectehhiy
unexpectedly ull xcctelll heavy captures In South SouthAfrica SoUlhArrlca SotitluAfrica
Africa Those latter also helped the themarket IholIIarkot timemimarket
market for mining shares and Kaffirs Kaffirsrose Jumrarosl 1umrsrose
rose slightly on Indefinite predictions predictionsof llre tirediet 1lctlonll 1lctlonllot < Ions Ionsof
of tho termination of the South African Africanwar
war warTho Tho money situation was satisfactory satisfactoryand
Ilml and thcic wan no prospect of I stringency stringencyIn
In New Nc ov York Paris and Berlin bits It ItIs ItIs Itis
Is thought the promised fr mllec1lo low price of nil nilstocks allstocls nilatock
stocks will stimulate both Investment Investmentand
and speculation speculationThe
The vnlumu In business to date Is IsBtlll IsfltllI Isstill
Btlll Htrlteil 1111 tel American mcrl nn securities were werelethnrplc wcreIttharl1l serelethargic
lethargic In ii spite of Improvement of ofWuI ofTphi
WuI 111 ptr pi rtrft rtrftThe Pt PtThe I IThe
The sller situation Is ntll critical crlllcnll1tholllh al although a atlmouiglt ¬
though diver 1111 < r has recovered < l si ihty jhtyfmonl ihtyfrom tht thtflon11tll1nwcst >
from flon11tll1nwcst Its lowest quotations Tho future futureo
o ror q HII fl l Ii < wild ta d 1en1 ervl enlrolv plI lr l up upon upon tipon ¬
on whMHr viieth ° i the United States refrains refrainsfrom rotralnstrom retrainstrain
from pnsslng pr selog sln further sales salesTO salesi
TO i PIJOIIimrTOLYOAMY PIJOIIimrTOLYOAMYWomans IlCOlllIIlI 1010111 1010111WOlllnnlIlnlcrlllltloll1 il4Y tMY tMYYflmfl
Womans WOlllnnlIlnlcrlllltloll1 Yflmfl as InlcrtmtloiiMl I Vnlon Wants Wantstlni WnllHhI Snmitsm
tlni m imi Vimtltiiiion Amended AmendedWashington 1I1IIIItlCIIWfl stmusriiilctlWnstmiimgton
Washington Wfl hln ton Dec 9At a mectlnB mectlnBh meotlohel11 mneetinheld
h held M her today at the ih First Irst Congrega Congregational Congrql1t1 CnngrgrttiOhal ¬
tional t1 i1t1 rhurrh under the auspIces of the theWomans theWomans theVomns
Womans International union u 1 resolu resolution resohIIdn resolutido ¬
tion was nOoptud Indorsing an umend umendinne umenllmnfl amnenrlmarie
marie to the h constitution 01111 I lion prohibiting prohl JUIIr po polygamy poIYiRmy poiygutmy ¬
lygamy within th the domain of the Unit United
ed StAte anil urging the passage by byih byIht bythe
ih the prewnt Congress CJnl rlns of a bill with that thatobject thlltotJjlct thatobject
object In view viewA vi viA
A preamble expressed tho belief that thatiKdytcamy thato1ygoimiy
iKdytcamy 1 1Uny as taught by the Church of ofLntterdav otIn ofLntterttay
Lntterdav In faints Is still a part of their theirl theIrhllItJr timeirIHiPuf
l hllItJr ell f anti practice that the laws of ofrmli otnah oflttth
nah nr are Inadequate Inn efjlll1to to suppress It and andthere lnllIher sinritimere
there Is no way Lt by which this offense offenwuran
ran hlfl b bi reached so o satisfactorily I1ntl rl1otrl1 IIH IIHthrough UNthtoll asthrough
through thtoll h the constitution ot the United Unitedfitatos Unltell8tll08 UnitedStatti
fitatos fitatosUev Statti11ev
Uev 111 Dr NlccoUt a member mlml > r of the thePresbyterian thl1rpl1 timelresbYterinn
Presbyterian 1rpl1 ytrlnn home mission board hall Ill of ofNew ofN ofNew
New N w York city llY presided lre ldld Addressee Addresseewnro ddrel1lNr
were r > made by Hev ne Luther B Wl VI son sonof lionof nonof
of Washington Itev nt N 7 K 1 Colemon Colemonunn
Ron po JOlor tor of tho Pivubvterlan church churchxl
xl Logan Utah Itev He Frederick D DPower Dpoer fllouer
Power pastor of the Vermont avenue avenuerliurch nenuechurch avenueelmureb
church and Rev UtI As Amta 11 8 Fske > she all far favorlpi ta taorhw farorirg
orlpi the proposed amendment amendmentA 11I1ll1 < l1nlnt l1nlntA
A 4 letter wus cI read reu from Million Y YUi ytlnlt Vc
c Ui tlnlt rlee of Washington In which he heexpressed hecprfIIt1 lieextiressod
expressed the earnest hope that the theamendment theBtnpndmlnt theemneadmont
amendment could be carried mind add addIn rtddIn addinj
In inj ft I is slmnlv in line with all of our ourAmerican ourAmerlcnn ourAmerican
American traditions traditionsHev
Rev Hp Colqmonson declared thnt poly polygamy polygamy olygam ¬
gamy Is spreading In Utah UtahEnslili UtahlinIIHh UtahIngiJshi
Enslili Coat Trade Rltiintlon RltiintlonNew fillnntlol1New SitumatiouiNew
New York Dec 9fho Tho situation In Inthe IntIO Inthe
the British coal trade Is causing a good gooddeal 110011drnl gooddeal
deal of apprehension npprchcn lon on the part of ofowners otowners ofovner5
owners and ama merchant and thoro In I a aresumption nrcsumtlon arestmmption
resumption of ttho time outcry against the
experttax oXllllrt tnx Which formdd rorJl1 11 BO BOa 1II0ll1111 momiOmita nt
a feature of Sir Michael MlohnclWrllfI Hicks Bcacht Bcachtlast 111nchIliiHt flcttcimiikst
last budget hu Iot saya tho Imdon corors cororsjomlaiU cOfotafJOIIIIOIt eurotstOImtiOtt
jomlaiU of the Tribune Coal oal I export exportImVe uxportrllAve etxportihae
lAve fJOIIIIOIt decriiiHod by I 18000 l OOO tout durlnt durlnttliollrat lurllllttho < lunumugthe
tliollrat the first ten months 1II0 lths of thin present yutn yutnnnd yIIIUnnll yttLtinail
nail tho nvoragfl ntmibnr cf o days work workcd wnrtl uric uriced
cd l by b time thucolllerll1I collieries has generally fullei fulleioff tuHontltrhllo ftmieuitmftitilo
off tltrhllo whllo In most of the principal dm dmtricts dISt dlflrtricls dISttriets <
tricts tho supply IH In ex lXIHt < ein of time do doround CloT CloTJllltnd I1Omend
round The Iron Industry > whloj whlojusually whlo1ulIUl1l1y hiot hiotwutlaily
usually accounts for fnun MCOOOOO t tlOOOOOOO tl tt ttioooo <
lOOOOOOO 10000 000 00 tons n year has greatly ro rodtio4d rodtmo
dtio4d 1110 i Its It II consumption owing to tin tinreduction thorLlduotlon thurethmctloum
reduction In tho number tif funuuwB In Irblast Inblast inblast
blast In tho face of all this new newaolllorlcR MYIwlllorl ItOPcollieries
aolllorlcR II which Wcro begun and andwhich 011 011whloh l1 l1itIelt
which itIelt were reopened 1 during tho tholast 1101111 1101111Inst iloOmlilust
last year are Increasing their ra rannd cnlaclty cnlacltyand cmimutityand
and there In every probability of a con consldtirnbly callsldumlib coilnltlttritbly
sldtirnbly larger quantity of coul beliif beliifput bohHfIllIt beimightmL
put on tho market Pi I11lceN Ices Iwvvo not noiydt notyot mmtytfl
ydt fallen fnll n to anything Ilk like tho level ol olthree 0 0thrl nthree
three years ago II but the decline thai thai1ms thatimmis
1ms already token place leaves then thenfive thol1IV timemuire
five IV ire shillings bolaw boi mv the high water wateimark watermntiik nllr nllrnld1Ji
mark of last year and time tendency londencjIH
IH to drop Htlll lower lowerjUl lowerPJ loweriJliiiMT
IIU ii i IYIontlN Mado inuItit n 1iitllo Attempt Attemptin At temniut temniutto
in Itctjouo Him HimCorbln JlIIIICorbin ii lam lamCoritium
Corbln Ky y Doc 0 OFrlcn 01Fnlemmds Friends s of Dnrrj DnrrjHoward DarrylIQIt11I Ihurry1Iqsul
Howard tho mountain feud leader leadermade II1ItlerInule leadermacb
made an attempt to roacu > > him as In Inwas hlJ hlJIns hisas
was as being bin taken to tu Frankfort 1IIII < It to answei answeian 111111111nll
an Indictment Iummhiet 1110111 charging him imi mum with com complicity COIIpUeH coinPiteIty ¬
plicity in tho murder of William Ihhlnmmt Ooubel
for whlot hloh he had been in rested IJle telllV bv Shot ¬
iff HrougrUton 1111111 11 tOil and his deputy dope ty who ho got
tho droll on Howard I I1I111111Q < and hl s body HURl Kunrtlafter HURlaCtor gun rd rdafter
after liilng them thqmlllto Into Piiuvllle PiiuvllleAs
As soon as Howard was va 1111 ni ulrcsioll res tod bin imimufriends
friends who hud protected l him foi foinenily foneatly o oIiCIlIY
neatly two year swore he nhoull novor
bo tnkun to Fruiikfoit A guard of oftwentyfive ottweulytle oftwemityftyo
twentyfive armed men was maintained maintainedover
over O CI the ptlsoner whllo hero and ten tenmen tCIImOil ten1110mm
men accompanied nocolIIPlllildHlwrlrr Sheriff Broughton Broughtonand Brollhtonlnd
and tho prisoner to Frankfurt FrankfurtWhen l Fmnmiicfortlmon
When lmon the train iiwhcd Plnovllle PlnovllleSheriff PlnolIIoSholm 1inovihioSlmviiff
Sheriff Bioughton and his posse board boarded ¬
ed It with itii the prisoner end IIn were given givenono givemione
ono of the iii coaches which wan lookol lockoillt lockoillthoth nt ntboth atiotii
both ends At tho name time thrjo thr o man manfriends InallfllolHls lushfmioimda
friends of Howard boarded the th engine engineThey I1nl111101h enilumtThey
They 1h < y coveted Engineer J John Lailgnn Lailgnnwith Laaanwith Lamtgumnsitim
with pistols nnd cnnmmndod him to tobllal toLhflCIC o oback
back tho train to Mlddleaboro the In Intention IntClltiOIi Inteimtiomm ¬
tention being to rescue Uimuul where wherehis whClohis 1iemChuts
his friends are greatest and where the themountains themoulltaills timeimmothmitnimus
mountains afforded the quickest escape escapeTlio eHCIlIIOlho escapelbmo
Tlio engineer el IIICol Induced the man bft to toguard toIIlInrd toguard
guard him to go 0 to tho iHtlstiuico I1I1HI tlLnl1 of ofHowards orfownr ofhowards
Howards lfj < friends and then pulled tho thothrottle thothrottle thethrottle
throttle Meantime as Sheriff Drough Droughton
ton and nn deputies had an exciting tine tlmowith thnQwith tineItim
with Itim the redcucrs but succeeded In get getting gottlnG gettitmg ¬
ting his 1mm prisoner aboard the train us the thatrain thotralll themaul
train pulled out for Frankfort FrankfortAHUHNT1NA l rnnl rnmmlcfortalLwxrIA < flrt flrtAIUm
Their Relations Hocin to bo on tho thoVerso thoYCI1t11 timecmga
Verso cmga of BeliiR nohl Broken Off OffNow onNow OflNow
Now York Dev pvrho Tbo Argentine Argentinegovernment iJlrontinogonrnment Argentineovernrnemmt
government has received a new note notefrom no notefrom to totrom
from Chill says the Buenos Ayres yres rell cor correspondent corrcspon carrespondent ¬
respondent rcspon ent of the Herald Omit Or at HOCIO HOCIOey lOClIlY tucciey
ey y Is maintained 1 but the note la 3 evi evidently 01clontly cvidotmthy ¬
dently not favorable because after Its Itsreception It Itreception itsreceptIon
reception tho government called the for toreJgn forelgn tarolga
eJgn relations rcla tlonH committee of congress congressand congrtJBsnnd coumgretmsand
and ordered the mobilization of the first firstand tJrHtInl InstOnci
and second naval nnvaI1cflore reserve jcservcIt
It Is announced that t congress will re request r rqueRt reilmost ¬
quest the th minister of foreign affalts to touxphiln toUXIIII1II1 tooXiuhutium
uxphiln tho situation today toda Monday MondayARGENTINE MlilldnyAnOJ MinmdnyAIIGENTINE
New Ne York Dec 9 IThe The Argentine Argentineminister ArRentincI11lnlsor Argeumtlmueimministor
minister Honor Portela has ho delivered deliveredhis
his governments Ro olnmonta answer to Chills hlll note noteregarding notl1CgUrllltlg hatemegmirding
regarding a basis for settling time pend pending 111111 111111Inlf pumutllog ¬
log question rabies l tho Valparlao cor correspondent corTllIpondent curreapomidont
respondent of the Herald In an Inter Interview Intervie Interview ¬
view vie Mr Portela said ho believed b1I1 ed the thecontroversy thoeontrovou thecontrosemsy
controversy > would be ended en eLI In three or orfour ortour orfour
four days daysChill 111 111Chili daysCimiht
Chill has bought a protected Jrotectml ortitser ortitserbuilt orulselbuilt oruilseibuilt
built In Elswlck < England J ng und The vrBsel vrBselIH t IIsei IIseiIII
IH a sinter ship slut of tho TaJtntmgo of the theJajnwae thoJaIanNJO timeJaimmntile
Jajnwae navy and has a displacement displacementof
of 14COO tons She WIIHbuilt to make mal < o 23 23knots 23knots
knots nn hour The government overnmn mut has hasbeen hUHhQcn boutiQCn
been nuthorjzPd liyCMBWBS tI lhycn > cn I lfI t 101i Iojill ° iPN 11 the tloErrazurlz thom theEFnzurizithui
Errazurlz m EFnzurizithui nzurli and hullllIto Pinto two tw small crulsirfj crulsirfjbuilt crulatrljbuiltin cru1iutrbuilt
built builtin In Franco FrancoMad raneo raneoMud rancol1nsi
Mad About t a Smallpox Itosptlnl ItosptlnlNew 1I0RllllnlNew iii iiiNesv
New York Dec 9 DTh 0Dimere there ro Isconsider Isconsidernblo Is conslderIIhlo
nblo Indignation among amol1gtho time people In Inone InOM inmmmc
one of tho residence sections of Orange OrangeN
N J over the fact that the local localhealth loeolhenlth localimertitit
health authorities have arranged for a atemporary ntCIllPOtlt cmtwmmpcmrnry
temporary Isolation hospital for small smallpox I1nlllIpox munmailPOX ¬
pox patients In the th > middle of one of time thastreets thoRtfootll timestreets
streets which though deeded d edM to the city cityhas cItyhas cityimaut
has not as yet been opened to traffic trafficAttempts trnlOcAttempts trafficAttempts
Attempts to locate the smallpox has hasIptal hos1IIIniin imosiimtmii
Iptal 1IIIniin In secluded sections of Orange has hasfailed hastallNI hasfailed
failed owing to Injunction Injun 1l1on < proceedings proceedingsnnd
and the authorities finally hit hllIJIJOn upon the theplan theInn theplan
plan Inn of locating tho building upon lI > on tho thoproperty thororrIY theproperty
property In tho center of the street streetsaid Rtreotsnld streetsaid
said to belong to tho city clt This TimI how however howhns howOver ¬
ever has caused equally pronounced pronouncedagitation prol1ounrl11RlInlion proulrmutmcelagitation
agitation on the part of olth the residents residentsIn rCfilll nts
In tho Immediate vicinity of the build building hnmiklIng < l lIn ¬
ing In I egal < proceedings antI even fore forcible torIblo foreibie ¬
ible measures on the part of the people peopleto
to secure the removal ot tho structure structurehave struoturohave structurehave
have been threatened threatenedCoronn thr threatenedCorean atcne < l lCor01l11
Coronn SIlnlHtors Itrmovod ItrmovodTacoma BfmlllcI1rncoma licimmanemiTacoma
Tacoma Wash De D 9 Advices 9A < from fromthe tromthe fromthe
the Orient state thai several proChin proChinese ¬
ese members of tho Corenn Cor nn ministry ministrywere
were recently removed Chief Cim let among amongthem allongthem amongthem
them was Major On Hok minister of offoreign ottorellm offoroigum
foreign affairs who was absent In Jot Japan Ja1nn Jotan
an attending the mikado army man mancuvres mnnelrcs manotmvren
cuvres His I umlolnir was brought broughtabout broutl1tIIhout broughtnbsotmt
about by b LI Younglk leader of o tim thoIJusslanFrench IhoJusslnnFrcllch timJussianFrencii
IJusslanFrench party who pointed out outthnt 0111thl1t outthat
that Hok was espousing Japans cause causetoo causetoo
too warmly ns shown by his grunting gruntingJapan IrnnthllTTn11In grentluigTnruan
Japan n large Iir o ground concession nt ntMasmmpo ntMa atMmnsampo
Masmmpo Ma am o and his withdrawal of the ve veto yeto 0 ¬
to on grain exportation at Japans be behest hehllt beitsnt ¬
hest Mlrlster of Agriculture A rlcll1turf Kwon Kwonwas 1wonIll
was Its also dismissed ° it us belnc bpln tno pro nroJapanese proTaponese nraTapnnese
Japanese Holt Is to be 1 succecdol as asforelrn natorolln nuttotemn
forelrn mltilftfr according to report reportby
by IJ LI now minister to St Petersburg PetersburgFtmpntn Pctorsburgfoncrll PetersburgCohmuoRim1s
foncrll CohmuoRim1s lnnll III nll Itumussinum llan Ftmpntn FtmpntnNow lnI1eIIINow t umdutsNow
Now York iVo I N 9 OIIIe The St Peters Petersburg Polershurl Petersburg ¬
burg eorreswondont > orrCSTJfln nt of limo London LondonTimes JonlonTImeR LonionTimes
Times and New ew Y Ynr rk Times says hen ClonVannovakv OonVnnnok henViinnovskr
Vannovakv the minister of education educationhas e 1ullIonhOB <
has Introduced a system whereby whpr h1 unl unlvcrsltv unlrrAIlY univotsity
vcrsltv wtiHentH will 111 bo ablp Ibl to choose chooserepresentatives chooscrellrl1ltJtntlCH chooseroprcmwtitmttives
representatives to sneak nl < on thr 1 1half Ihnlt 1unit <
half and bring grievancesbefore grievances before the theauthorities timeituitlmonltlost
authorities authoritiesHitherto 111 ituitlmonltlosthitherto hotlllOfJ hotlllOfJIlIthorto
Hitherto the th only on means of calling at attention littonllon attention ¬
tention to grievances grll nnrll posEassed pO a el by b th thAtullcntshn1 the thestudents thestudents
students Atullcntshn1 has been through mass meet meetings meetIngll meetlags ¬
lags which had no legal sanction and nndfrequently nnlltrellIl1ntlr andfremttently
frequently brought hrou lIt unnlensant conse consenucnoiK eon8equencl1I conmwqucnctcm
nucnoiK on those attending ltonaln them themWithdrew thornWlthllrmv timemVlttitirev
Withdrew from them Jesuits JesuitsNets JcnullsNow II1II II1IIN
Now N York Dw 9 Members of the thoSt the8t timeSt
St Francis Xavier Alumni Sodality Sodalitywore
wore mirprlced to learn at the meeting meetingof
of the eodnlltv that tho Rev 110 Father FatherHatpin I FatherIlalpin atherHalpIn
Hatpin has withdrawn from the Society Societyof
of Jesus nnd Is now u secular R priest priestIn
In tho household 1 of tho blihop of the thedlncese thedlocesc thediocese
diocese of Savannah SavannahWithdrawal Sr1nnnahWltlHlrnal SavannaimWithdrawal
Withdrawal from tho Jesuit JC ull order Is Isextremely IIextremel inextremneiy
extremely rare < and can be effectefl only onlvwith onl onlwith onlywith
with tho sanction of the pope himself himselfFather hlm himgolfFumtimor olt oltl
Father l Halpln had been a Jesuit priest priestfor
for more than forty for years He > was ono onoof onoof oneof
of the themost most distinguished dl Un uIRhe 1 scholars and andpreachers andt1rencherH andvrenehers
preachers In the order of Jesuits In tills tillscountry tnllcounll tmmlscountry
country having served as vice president presidentof 11reshl nt ntot
of the College of St Francis Xavier XavlerIll
Ill health In given as the he cause of his hisretirement hiliretlremcnt imisretirement
retirement retirementDeinnnd retirementDrum
Deinnnd Drum ash for or Jlorlunrjr Statistic StatisticNew fllRtlRtlcIINew tntistlcgNew
New York Dec 9 9LllJorll Liberal newspa newspapers newllpnpers newepitpets ¬
pers arc appealing to Mr Brodrlck nro rJck to topublish topubl1h topublish
publish time October figure of tho mor mortallty mortnllt martailty
tallty In the concentration camps In InSouth InSoulh inSouth
South Afrlqa trlqn says l11 B tho London corres correspondent corlellpOl1flent cormespondent ¬
pondent of the Tribune There has nov never novcr novor ¬
er been such IjIU9 delay In announcing the thoprcvlouj theproIOII theprOvio49
prcvlouj monthly returns and It is isfeared IIIfnrcII isfOittCdrthitt
feared fOittCdrthitt thnt owing to the heavy rain rainfalls rnlntnlhf rainfaili ¬
falls which have been reported the thedeath thodeath timedeath
death rate among tho children cannot cannothave cannothrwa cannothave
have decreased to any appreciable ex extcn cxtenL i itent
tent iu i1
Was as Captured by Native Scou Scouts ScoutsAnd ScoAnd s sAnd
And Head Cut Off OffWAS OffI OffWAS O1fWAS
lurcrl l n Mrmbor of llio Tivoniy Tivoniy1unrili rwoIIIJ1lIIflI rnouiiYilulmnuil
1unrili IiiruinrIllli Imufuimhir 1llIpluuo iio Jonorul Uruornllorrof1 JonorulTorres eiietiiiIorrcuu
Torres VIH 11 ho hoJlnnlla Jlttl1 jluimgett jluimgettlrimmtin ott ott111I110
Jlnnlla Nov No 8Native scouts from fromImtigiibon trompunguhon romfl romflilntmgmmion
Imtigiibon province of Nuuva J Eojn Eojnhave JaJahmutvo oJn oJnIUlO
have killed tho Amoilcan negro David DavidKngln DitthiFtgim 111 < 1 1l
Kngln l u deserter dc ertor fiom tho Twoiity Twoiityfourth 1lonlYtourth TwtiiitYfourth
fourth Infantry colored who for formore for11I010 or ormnoio
more than two t Ill years oala hits been loading loadingFilipinos iOl1l1lngFlllillnoll lomidimigFilipinos
Filipinos against tho American troops troopsThe truopfIIw troopsTime
The Iw native scouts decapitated tholr tholrprisoner tholrIlrlHonOl theirhnIHOrtCm
prisoner Tho innnM head however howeverwas
was 011 recognized as n that of Kagln They Theyalso Theyalso lhoynit1
also secured his conunlHulon in tho In InstiiKent InSUIIl1ut insutgemmt
stiiKent army armyFagln nrll1Yl uiramyFagimi
Fagln l had < 1 on ono of ills fingers I1n olll tho thoclass thoclnsll timeclass
class ring rill of Lieut Fmlorlck W AI Alstaottor AIstlollor Aimutaottor
staottor of the cnglimoin who was mms cap captured cnptUIUI cliptured ¬
tured by > Flllplnoi nupopsedly uudor uudortho utHlortho umidOrthu
tho vommand of Fngln lilm himself elf Octo October Octobet Octobet ¬
bet 28 WOO WOOFagln 1000Inglp DOOtnKI
Fagln has been reported killed on onhovoral onOoll1l onovemmti
hovoral occasion oCI n IOJ1I The authorities lout are arosatisfied 11101111t1l1l1cd arenmmtlstiel
satisfied that former statements of his hisdeath hlltlcoth hmimudeath
death were erroneous and that tll < t ho has hasnow hnsnow luashOW
now been killed killedTOPllES 11I1I11lOmmS killedroi1ilis
A military commission has sentenced sentencedtho
tho Filipino I general Isldor Torres to tobe tohI tolie
be hhngcd after finding him guilty ot otordering otorlorlnir ofordoring
ordering tho tii assassination of Corp CorpFiddlier cr11 cr11lioldumem
Fiddlier 1 ldIlCI of the Twelfth Infantry at atMalolos ntalololl atMmtioios
Malolos province of Dulucan last Oc October OetolJer October ¬
tober Tho sentence of this commis commission commlllslon comrummiisshea ¬
sion has been meen disapproved by Gen GenChnffee OcnChntfec henCimcmffee
Chnffee who finds that the commission commissionhad
had reasonable rensona lo grounds to doubt doubtwhether doulllwhethel doubtwhethuet
whether Gen Torres personally or ordered ordorcd orbred ¬
bred tho ho assassination of tho Ameri American American ¬
can soldier lou Chaffoe e thinks that thattho thnttho thattime
tho high rank occupied by Torres III Inthe IIIthe iiitime
the Insurgent army would hnvo been beensufficient beensulilcient PCI1 PCI18ufTIclel1t
sufficient to prevent such unmllltury unmlllturyaction unmilitarynctlon unnililtaryaction
action on his imt part partCASE partCASi nrt nrtCABI
Tho case of Patterson tho English Englishman ¬
man private secretary secretnr to Blxto Lope Lopewhom Iolwwhol11 ljOhewhom
whom efforts wore made to deport deportfrom deportfro deportfroni
from fro 111 Mnnlla after ho landed tlcro tlcrowithout UCruwithout tierovltimout
without swearing allegiance to the thoUnited thlJUnited theUnited
United States Is still hanging II nloho nlohotoro the ro bo boforo hi hitore ¬
toro tho supreme court Pattorflonii Pattorfloniiattorneys PllttlrflOn1I1ttorneys Pattersonsattorneys
attorneys assert that their client onco oncohaving oncoha onceimavtng
having ha vlnfl landed 1 IlL beyond the jurisdic jurisdiction Itmnisdiothen ¬
lion of W V Morgan Sinister collector collectorof
of customs for tho Philippines who whohas WhohRS Wholmmts
has been trying to effect Pattersons Pattersonsexpulsion lnttorsonlIOXllulslon Pattersomisexpulsion
expulsion expulsionTO I ITO
Time United States Philippine corn commission corn1I1181110n cornmission ¬
mission has pasttcd nn act authorizing authorizingtho 1111thlJrlzlntho
tho Insular puiclmslng agent to draw drawmoney llrllwluoncy drawImmoney
money In gold for tho payment 1l > lI1ent of sup suppllcw SUIFPiles UII UIIPilCH
Piles purchased 1 as the merchants re refuse nofuse 0 0tuso ¬
fuse to sell goods for Mexican sliver HllvcrA
A general K llcrnl fellng of uneasiness pre prevails prealls lirevoile ¬
alls among the bustnesM men of Ma Manila MnIIl1n Maimlla ¬
nila from the unofficial announcement announcementthat
that beginning January 1 tho thoUnited thoUnltc lie lieUnited
United States Philippine commlifllou commlifllouIntends cOl11lT1lHAlolIIntcm1I coramnisslomilmmternls
Intends to reduce by b tho difference tllICcnmceolthe of ofthe oftime
the toll In the price of silver the pros present proset rCR rCRent ¬
ent ratio of two Mexican dollars for forono torono forone
ono gold 0111 dollar It Is hoped however howeverthat howocrthl1t howevertimat
that Rome solution of tho difficulty may
be found oun which may obviate this ne necessity n ncessll nocessity ¬
cessity cessll as for Instance tho taxing of ofeach otlnch ofeach
each Bllver dollar Imported Into the theIslands thoIRlnnlls theishmintla
Islands by tho difference between Its Itsactual It itsnetuhal I Inctllnl
actual bullion price amid HO cents In Ingold Ingoli I
gold o I until such time is t the United UnitedStates UllltlllStnles UmiltedStates
States Congress gives authority for tho thoIssuance thoIsullnco timeimusmumiuco
Issuance of Phlllppln l currency currencyKngllNhTradoHotnrimUiiNatlfinunory cUIrene ctmrreumeyEumgllsim >
KngllNhTradoHotnrimUiiNatlfinunory KngllNhTradoHotnrimUiiNatlfinunoryNew 1 1IJIIh Trade 1IotnrllHUwmth Owtor OwtorNe fluotory fluotoryNew
New Ne YOrk Dec 0 ITho Tho London Times TimesIn TImesin
In Its financial article which has been beenrepubllshed beenre1ubllshed beenrelubhished
republlshed In the Now York Times Timessays TimessnYI Timessays
says the trade returns for November Novemberare
are again unsatisfactory showing de decreases 110creasos 10creases ¬
creases In the vnlties of both Imports Importsand
I and exports However I1oo r a great deal of ofthis otI ofthis
I this la due to the lower prices ruling Ill II nfl
The decrease In Imports equals fiS per percent lieIcelltand er erccitt
cent celltand and that In exports of English and nndIrish nnllIrish andIrish
Irish products Jlto uctll 72 per cent The coal coalshipments cOlliAhlpmontll couchsimipumments
shipments were less In quantity by 500 r o
000 tons equalling 141 per cent nnd In Invalue Innluo invittuo
value by > U39G37 U5 > G37 equalling 379 per pervent 110tvont heront
vent Coal Coalllhlpcd shipped for the tiso Uf of steam steamers ¬
ers shows nn increase of 21300 tons tonsOrrinnn tonsnerlllnn tonsOorumunn
Orrinnn Firm Grin lOngllsli III II h Contract CoutrnotNow CfIlrnotNo ContractNew
Now No York Dec 9 Another electric electricinstallation elertrloInstlllll1t1on electricIhustnllatiomm
installation contract has gone < one to her Otrrrnn lorrrany hernnny
rrany rrnn cables able tho London correspondent corrcspondcnlof I Iof I
of the Tribune Appeals I > l1ls were w rc made < to totho totho totime
tho Leyton Te > ton district council to gIve gl the thecontract tllocontract timecontract
contract to local 10culllllnUfacturors manufacturers Instead Insteadof Inl11cUdotto
of otto to foreign competitors The differ differonce cllrttroneo dIffer111CC
once In the contract price was cll 241 but butIn butIn butIn
In spite of thrcutonlngs the tI council ro rosolved 10Rolveq resohve4
solved to adhere to Its committees re report noPOrt e eIIOtt ¬
port cud 1111 < place the order with a nOer nOermlln Ocr German Ocrmmrn ¬
man firm firmHad nrmIIa1 IrmaHaul
Had UN Henri hleartSotrrrl Soxvrd Up UpSt UnSt hipSt
St Louis Dec 9 IA A case that It ItInteresting IfInterp isInteresting
Interesting Interp tin local physlclami Is that of
Ell Daniels a patient at the city hOI hospital hOIpltnl lionpital ¬
pital who Is convalescing from an n op operatlon OJeratlon oporation
eratlon of the heart hc > nrt Daniels is s a negro negroroustabout neJro10Ullillbout negroioustnbout
roustabout on the steamer City CIt of
Chester He was xtabed In the h heart heartat nrt nrtnt nrtat
at Chentor Illinois and Dr II L Nlo Nlotort Nlotort Nb Nbtort
tort superintendent of the lh city hospl hospltnl hO 1I 1IInl
tnl whore Daniels was nll taken twenty ttsntyour
four our hours after being cut sowed up
tho wound woun 1 taking several stitches and amithe nndthp andthe
the pntlent Is now no well on the road to torecovery t trecoery ti tirecovery
recovery recoveryMemorial recoeryrmlllrlRI recoveryMcmimrlal
Memorial Serviced furJculRli Soldier SoldierNew SoldlerllNe SoldiersNew
New Ne York Dec 0 According to tho
London correspondent of tho Tribune a aservice norlctJ aservice
service In memory of tho Jewish sol solAVIIAT solWI1Al salWlIht1
AVIIAT nom UP UPMust UPlIlHt UPlitmst
Must Co COIIIO in o Down DownA
A Colorado camp cook hud bu to quit his ht
Job because he could not make coffee coffeewithout colT colTwithout coffecwithout
without drinking < It himself and It i was
killing him He nays he used to take tnkoa
a cup of coffee before he got his break breakfast hrellktnst breakfast ¬
fast for tho men for he felt the need needof
of keeping up his strength and his hisstomnrli hisstomndl hisetomnoim
stomnrli troubled him so much muchFinally mueh111na mnucrhFinally
Finally 111na JI he says fln 8 I got so bad I Iwas Iwns Iwas
was taken to the hospital The doc doctor 1I0ctor doeor ¬
tor or told me It was a clear case of cot coffee cottee cotfee ¬
fee twlson and If I did not quit I Iwould Ioul twould
would oul never got ot well I had to quit
In the th hospital and gradually got a lit little littie ¬
tin better then I took to drinking Pos Posturn PORtum Poeturn
turn Food J ood Toffee and took It ou OUl with withmo withme
mo to a Job In the woods woodsI
I hove been using u lng Postum steadily stcadll steadilyor
for or about eighteen months and havo havoentirely hll hllontlrrly hmaventirety
entirely recovered from dyspepsia la and andall nnllItll amiill
all mv m old < 1 mimes and alls My eyes eyesare CYOIIl1fc eyesare
are so well now that I can see tho gun gunsights gunIIlghts gunsights
sights us 11 good n 119 any nn body but two twoyears twoyenrs tworears
years ago I never could hunt bcrniiBO bcrniiBOof becn becnof
of my myereA eyes I know It Is tho Quitting Quittingof
of coffee and using u lng Postum that has
benefited me Nobody could have
dyspepsia any worse than I had All Allmy 11 11my iimy
my neighbors thought I was WR going to
die but I am nil right now 110 r have haveto
to > spnil nd tmm thirty five miles to tho city of
Trlhlflnd Trhl ucd for or my m > Poitum but It Is worth worthwhlV worthlj1iIJ worthWhim
Whim lj1iIJ Wm Oreen Uurwlng Colo Colorado Colorad Colerado ¬
rado P Pi
i I f
iS 5 A L
llL llLci
ci h
i 4LiL 4LiLI
I 1 A AC
C r
9 1
11 r T r is significant that in homes of wealth where wherethe wherethe wllcrcthe
the very best Is demanded Ivory Soap is isused iJd 1 1used
d > used in the nursery At the same time in inhundreds inftj Ine
ftj e hundreds of families where economy CCOflO decides decidesthe decidesthe decidesthe
the choice Ivory Soap is selected Thus its purity purityattracts purityattracts purityattracts
attracts the rich its economy attracts the poor High Highquality Highquality Highquality
quality and low cost is there any better combination combinationcomi
comi 0 OY th i I it i iKti 11 > i ig > t to IIIHI
dlers of time king IlIlI who have hn fallen In InSouth InSouth inSouth
South Africa WHS held < l In the th Central Centralsynagogue temmtraisylmflgogUo ntr1 ntr1lIynngo
synagogue lIynngo uo of London Sunday HlIllIl y evening eveningFully ovenlngPull eyetmlng1uiiy
Fully Pull 300 tioops were present and the themingled thlrnlnRlo themnlmmgied
mingled l uniforms of various torments tormentsformed telll1lentstotlnNl regimentsfottmmd
formed a brilliant and 1111I plettAsiue plettAsiuencoiie Illrtlll ictusquerucomw > Afue AfueRCOrl
ncoiie Tho Rev no L I Cohen Jey JowlMh h chap chaplain dlllInln ehmaphmiimm ¬
lain to tho forces who pnmched the thepennon th thetlnon tillmuertimon >
pennon mentioned that fully tu1l 2000 Jews Jewshad Jewhnll Jetvshind
had fought In tho Boer war and 225 had hadfigured hatlnHUfld haulfigured
figured In tho ho casualty lists As a he heread herenll imeread
read out the names of those tho who had hadfallen halltl1l1on hadfallen
fallen tho congregation cmphutilied the thesolemnity theRolemnlty timesolemuilty
solemnity of the occasion by tiling to totholr totholr totheir
tholr toot Tho service was 011 brought to toa toA tocc
a conclusion by b singing tho national nationalanthem nalloMIanthem natlommiulantimemn
anthem antimemnI0000iutloll
Hecoptlon to Mavquls Ito ItoNow 110Nol I to toNew
Now York Dec 9 ThoMarquls 9Tho rRrqnl Ito Itosayu itonaytt
sayu 81 U tho Bcilln correspondent of time tlioLondon 111010I1110n timeLotudtmn
London Times and Now York Times Timeswas 11111011was Timessvnmt
was present Inst week eot at a soiree given givenby shenI glcemiliy
by I tho Nlpon cub the members of ofwhich ofwhich ofwhich
which are principally Japanese > tu tudents ludentll tudents
dents dentsReplying dentlltopl dentshtemlylng
Replying topl > lnt to a toast to his health h n1th pro proposed 1110110sell prohosed ¬
posed by h the Japanese minister to her flerniany CJprmnny hermaclily
niany M t Inouye Marquis Ito void tha thapresent thaprescnt timepresent
present was the fifth occasIon sine sillct 1 1left lt ltlert iileft
left home on which he had had the thepleasure lit litideusume
pleasure 111 Dlluro of being welcomed by II oduratud oduratudJapanese 1lIllIlntoIJnpnnlfn sdlmcatftiJapumumose
Japanese Thiee of those meetings writ writIh 11lIthAlllollon tvctoim
Ih America im and the fourth In Pun PunTho PoUltfho Vmnmmrime
rime marqulH added that Japan which whichopened whIchm1Unei h 1 1 1OltnNI
opened her doors to nil nations sept septher BNther septher
her sons abroad wherever thoro was wasanything walAl1ythlll wasapythimm
anything to learn learnThe IlnrnIhe learnlime
The correspondent says 13I > S that UP Ih Ihports ie ieports meports
ports In regard to Marquis 1 KOH diplo diplomatic 1I11umnllc < 111mb 111mbimmtie ¬
matic negotiations lJe otlnllonl at StPetiirnburjf StletlJr bur MO MOunfounded fmunfoul1lled Timeuntoummded
unfounded He Is not traveling M 1111 1111omrlnl cciilillciifli H Hofllclai
ofllclai representative of Japan al although 01t nithought ¬
though t his h II reception everywh verywhlle ie u ucords 1cords w wcords <
cords with his personal rank < and oath ouilncnt 011I1nent oathneat
neat services servicesFrom servIcesFrom
From Berlin Marquis Ito goes So oes s to toBniHselu toDruHRelJ tolinimutsehu
BniHselu and London LondonRostandH lon Londonitostatuds olI olIltoHlnllclt
RostandH ChrlHtinns CiimIst muon Ballad BalladNow BaiiiuiNow I INow
Now York < Dec 0 9In In regard to tho thoChristmas thoChrlstmns lie lieCimristunmts
Christmas ballad for European boys boysand hosnnd boysanti
and gltlB published by b Kdmoml J < Ro Rostand Bo8tan liestand ¬
stand l tho author of Cyrano C rnno do < Berg Bergerae Hongirae I IIrae
Irae the Purls correspondent of the theLondon timehommlofm
London 1011 < 1011 Times and Now York Timed TimedFays lhllIRmYfl Timmmessays
Fays It Is a paraphrase of lying and andcruel untlcluel 1101cruel
cruel tales about tho South African Africanconcentration Afrlcnnconcentration Africanconcentration
concentration camps Not only are the theverses theversos timeverses
verses bad says the tie correspondent but butthey butthe buttise
they the are bad bn and bitter from malice maliceprepense mnllceprollollSO malicepropommee
prepense prepenseTrumpeter prollollSOfrlllllletrr propommeeTemuuumpeter
Trumpeter Herbert Wallace Killed KilledLanunle 1l1Iell1lItlLmle hilled1araumiie
Lanunle Wyo Dec 9 9Herbert Herbert Wal Wallace WolIlce 7al 7allace ¬
lace who served as trumpeter In Tor Torleys Tortt Tarteys
leys tt 11 rough riders rl lcrs < during the Spanish SpanishAmerican SpanIshAmerlcnn SpanIshAmnericami
American war was I1 Instantly killed by byhe b btho bythe
he premature explosion of a shot In Intho Intho Intime
tho Copper King mine nt Tie Siding BldltiRThe Sidingfho Sidingrime
The dead man was nll a native of Win Winning W lVyoaling > o omln ¬
ning mln mlnlan alingIntm ning1ftii
lan American 1 Congress CcII rrIIR Troubles TroublesNew flolllJleRNow FuommblcsNow
Now York Dec 9 9A A sensation 1ms 1msjeoii htl9bee Imasbeemm
bee jeoii II caused IIPIO by tho attacks made madeby I11nlloI
by i theChilian tho lit Chllll1l1 delegates dl at the Pan PanAmerican lllnmerlrl1n lanmenieuin
American congress fI against Senor Bncz Bncznfter Bneznttor Ihaezafter
after the latter had read his essay on onArbitration onArbllrotlon onArbitration
Arbitration cables tho Asuncion AsuncionParaguay Asunclol1Pnrl1Juny AsimacionPnnmiguay
Paraguay correspondent of the hit Herald HeraldTho Herald1ho heraldTime
Time press nro requests tho government to torecall toNcalliho torecall
recall Ncalliho time Paraguayan PltItun > nll cadets now stud studying studylnlr studying ¬
ying at the 111 Ihlllan military academy academyAll l1ademII
All II of the papers attack Chili even Fl FlPals EIPnls ElPals
Pals the official oriui or I1I1 which Is per perhaps perhllps p r rhucis
haps the rnont mo l violent violentOperations violentOperntinmms IolontOItrrl1t1olllll
Operations Against nlllst time Mnhiudfi MnhiudfiNew lnIlRIlsNv lnimsiulsNets
New Nv York Dec JJecTho 9 0Time Tho present cpor cporatlomi OlllrnUOIItJ omonations
atlomi against tho Mahsuds on thn thnnorthwest th thnortllllost thnorthwest
northwest frontier of India are areattributed nrenttrlbuted areattributed
attributed partly to the par partial Jilltlat pamtint ¬
tint failure of the British blockade blockadewhich hlockndrwhlrh blockadewimlclm
which was Intended to enforce the IY payment IYment iYmont ¬
ment of lines for tribal trlbalmll1s raids and all l out outrages outmHes oimtrages ¬
rages and nu partly to the growing a agresfllvoness aK aKrlslllvonC8 aggreslvummess <
gresfllvoness of the tribesmen trlb mell them themselves themselves hemBehfI ¬
selves says BILYSI1 a London dispatch to the theTribune theTribune theTribuume
Tribune In explanation of recent n nports rlports riports
ports from India Taking the th Wuirl Wuirlcampaigns Wuzr1cnn1l1allns WszrIcnnipnigmms
campaigns of the last forty years Cl1rl then thenhavo thlrrIUle tfmorimno
havo been probably more loss loss H to the theBritish lheBrItish thelinitisim
British than to the tribesmen Tli In Indian Indlnn Indma ¬
dma government Is l reluctant to initial initialoperations InlIKIoporntlono intriaOlmorfllonfj
operations on a largo scale find time thoBombay t timeBombay e eBombay
Bombay correspondent nt of the Mall feai feaithat CPIUthat Ceaithat
that If the recent annihilation of n party partyof IIHIat hiartof
of troops Is left unpunished there may maybe mil milbu maybe
be trouble elsewhere elsewhereValue eiscwhmereVnltme lsewhereYnillc
Value of Danish West Wc Indies IndiesNow 1l1clfeRNow ImidicsNow
Now York Dec 9 9A A dlnpntch from fromCopenhagen trilmCo fromCopenhagen
Copenhagen Co nhnROII to the London Times and andNew aliINow amidNow
Now York Times says lJa 8 the economic Hll Hlllnllon ffl fflhutton n nnation
nation In tho Danish WostlnilUs WtIt Inllk If I bad badowing ballowln badowing
owing owln to the fall In tho prig < e of sugar nuiraibut sugarhtml UWI UWIbut
but St ThonmH has nn oxcell Oxceltnt nt harbor Jmrborwhich hlrbnrwhich harborWlmihm
which would bo strategically and rom rommcrclally eoiflmnerclaily Jln JlnIllcrel1111
mcrclally > valuable to the Unitfl StaLe sttuIt StaLeIt tll tll1t
It Is significant lgtlltk l1t says M 11 the correspond correspondent orrll Jno Jnont < ¬
cot nt that In U67 tha United States of offered ottlrld offued
fered for the two smallest Islands l land near nearly IIfarIy nearly ¬
ly double tho sum now no offered otrtlr for all allthroe allthnl allthree
throe throeThe thnlThe threeFime
The Danish party which Is I opposlm opposlmthe OPIIOlllitthe OphhOsimlthe
the sale points out that it would IH IHunwise I IunI 1w 1wtmntiiso
unwise to sell ell the best harbor In th thWest thWest tilVest
West Indies Jndl s just when the th luthm IAIIIII1n IAIIIII1ncannlll1 isthmmmtncanal m mcanal
cannlll1 canal Is about l1 OUt to be built but the th ma majority tnljorlty matjonity ¬
jority of o Danes have only onl > agrarian In Interests Intercets increate ¬
create and have therefore no special IIpeclnllaterlst In Interest increst ¬
crest In retaining the Islands IslandsAmerican IslandAlllellcl1n Islandsmumeiicmujm
American Flour J Iur In Brazil BrazilNew Brn7lINew BrazilNew
New York Dec 9 9Tho Tho pnate con continues r1ntlnue9 earltinue ¬
tinues the discussion on tlu irnin < d dHour
Hour duty cables the lllo Janeiro car correspondent carrespondent or orrCllpon ¬
rCllpon respondent lent < of lie Herald Senator L Iltp IltpIInlll LltPsaid U Unald < >
nald that the United States did not notserve d dnerve IIHore < >
nerve special favors from Brazil HP HPDeclared Jl Jldeelnred liedeclared
Declared that the free admission of Bra Brnslllan Braallian rII rIIzllll1n
slllan coffee was us due only to the fU fUthat fadthl1t fctthat
that no American colony colon > won producing
this article and that the tli theUnitetl United Sttwa Sttwajovernment Stal611government St1 St1government
government would modify its attitude nttltudf
If T ono Io of i its colonies olnnll produced il lI u t tIliough coffeo coffeocnoueli cnffoemiuuglm
cnoueli HP added that I the ponding bill billcould billeould Imlilcotiiil
could not change nnytlnlnt as tho Ar ArKiiitlne Argll1lh1l Argummt
Kiiitlne gummt lime producers probably IJroIJ JI would use usoliHnels 11110bRtIelH usebatmelt
liHnels InHtead In lmHl nf bags fin the export of ofHour ofhour
Hour Senator Hainlro Ilarccllos Inter Interrunted IntttrU1II interrupteil
runted > 11 Senator Lelti HiiylnR Then wo wowll Witwi weivihi
wll wi t adopt other mpasures mpasuresHave I11Ca8UlIIHave mneastmuesHave
Have You a aPrivate aPrivate aPrivate
Private Savings Bank BankZlono 1 1Zions 7Zions
Zions Savings Bunk andTrust andTrustCo
Co No 1 Main oln street tho larc larcst 1111 1111ut largest
ut st and oldest oldQ t savings bank b nk In InUtah InUtah inUtah
Utah will furnish tuml h you free of ofcoat o oCOlJt otcost
coat a small stool teellllllngll savings bank bankupon banleupon banktmpoim
upon deposit depo lt of U 1 or more Your Yourdeposit YoUdeposit Youmdeposit
deposit draws Interest t You Youhave You11111o
have tho bank < and we keep tho thokey thokey thiskey
key keyF keyQ11
Jo9ir1I Q11 rtll F SMITH President PresidentM PresidentOlOItthh
OI OlOItthh Oll IE M I CANNON Cashier CashierB CnshlerB CushierB
Cnshlerc c
JOHEPH JO oniriVM EP P SMITH B lTU Pro8Iden Pro8IdenWU
VM n PHKBTON 1RJR10NTIC ifl5phCIA13 treePresident treePresidentCHAH
CHAH a UiniTUK lItiltFOithltNRY Caihlet CaihletUENHYT
UENHYT T McDVANAMiitant lc1VAt Afptauit CuBhle CuBhleDIRECTOR8I CashietDiRtCTO3i
H fIebor bcr J Grunt llfbcr M Wells WellsiJostpli Vc1isJoseph
Joseph F Smith Ilyron Ores OrooChae OresChae
Chae 8 Burton P I T Famiworth FamiworthWin
Win H 1roiton Isaac llarton llartonA
A W V Carlson CarlsonCommercial CanleomiCommerclmti
Commercial Banking In all Its DronchB DronchBACCOUNTB firanchmeeACCOUNTH
Special attention given tc t country trade tradePr
150 South Main Street StreetU
U 8 lULIA lULIAMOhES Prtdst PrtdstlOlt8
11 t hI YOUNG Oa Osehien OsehienU > hl r rU
bURiLtJS bURiLtJSSetety
Bifcty Ueoojlt B hoses iw for Heat HeatICORNICKICO UetPc
Salt Lake City City1PTAs1usuisa Utah UtahFran
1PTAs1usuisa 1TL 1TLNIIOL
Fran Kiwi FtMt ice A Lowe Vlo YicePtoit Pr H
7 F Adimi Cuhltr CuhltrCAPITA CahleroA1IrAhj
Pnuldoic la all Its brinctiM traniivcUl traniivcUlKiclionf trsneicctelEiCluiitug
Kiclionf drawn on tb tbe principal oltlei oltl ot otKuropo ol1ucope
Kuropo laterott paid oa tlus dipchitu dipchituv dpotuaTHE
fllflrOTOItdu fllflrOTOItduiv
iv v sv V Itlter President PresidentMc lreIdcntIdries
Mc Idries 8i Thatcher VlrePreiiasut VlrePreiiasutCllas Vice rresidsmmt rresidsmmtEllis
Ellis A tmlth Ua CahuIep CahuIepJames hltr hltrJamti
James fharn John IU HMBMfohn 0 3 Cut Cutler Outten ¬
ten DatlJ Fccloi A W Y Oarlwn Oa lson Qeanti QeantiFomner GeirtsRoronef
Fomner bum II wilder Read moot 1C H HKiilrrOgo itEgiliedge
KiilrrOgo W V l P Jams JaraoFour JamsIour
Four pai iol cent Interen paid oa irluzt eviozmCo1JII1CICJOI f irluztCAPITAL
Occ Gecenil ral HanUtnr In nil Hi llrnnchav llrnnchavDlrectonDr hlMmuchstVhcctonl
DlrectonDr Vhcctonl hr Theodore Meyer John J Jn 1July
n July lyO 0 JHallsburrMorlauO Jtahmburc ioyauO toxJboaM toxJboaMJohn lox hhomu hhomuMrursighb
Mrursighb IV I obto fleoro L floiyoe7 floiyoe7Jobn
John DonnciUn A I Holdon HoldonSALT lloldonWALKER
Etabllshc1 1t5 1t5A
A General Iltnktnc Huslntsj HuslntsjSAFETY Traimsactet Traimsactet5A1TY
SALT LAKE CITY UTAH UTAHtitJtllihd UTAH1utibflihcd
titJtllihd 1552 1552Tnnnct 1352Iraniact
Tnnnct i Otntrtl Utnklnj Butlnoi
1 1 L DOOLY Cuhlf CuhlfIttitltlheJ CmshitImtabhtsbo4
IttitltlheJ ltd lJ90IHcei lJ90IHceiTHE eottbeesTI1
OEOIton RUST Oenoral ilanayoa ilanayoaUtth ManasUtchi
Utth Idaho and Wjomln WjomlnUullilnt yominz yominzQLsii
QLsii In itireu Uullilnt Uilt tt Liku La C117 C117jL CJt
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tarra tarraaiint
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thhTc thhTcndant
ndant ndanttas
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tushibi tushibikyOi
kyOi kyOihim
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at atiueilo
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