OCR Interpretation

Deseret evening news. [volume] (Great Salt Lake City [Utah]) 1867-1920, December 10, 1901, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045555/1901-12-10/ed-1/seq-5/

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1 I
HB n Sends a Lottor Lettorto to tho English EnglishJockoy EnglishJockey EnglishJockey
Jockey Club Stewards StewardsWIO StewardsI StewardsWHO
r fIie7 er fia jb 1 JIY Sea ° N NCmo No IrcLI1flI IrcLI1flICNo c oll 1 h hJII
JII Cmo Should Slll ultl tie HOiow Ie Jh JJcoponcd JJcoponcdYork UIIICli UIIICliNuw
Nuw iowNew NuwNew
New York ork1 cDo 10 10Whon When Lester Lesterrultl LosterttlCf Los1riidtt
ttlCf WIII V < rultl off ° ft tno turf t lJ by y tn tim ° Jung KnBHsh r Jungisfl na naIIsh
Hsh Jockey club stewards ho uonl a aletter nleltel 1 1tette
letter to them utMnu for uny ovldenco ovldencotluy OVtCIICIhc
tluy Ihc might hao 111 Ifl II against him which whichMOB whioliwag
MOB 08 not l produced at tho th tlmo tIn he was nabrailed wasrilned waseIIed
railed before them th 1I1 for an oxplnmitiun oxplnmitiunof
of his till on lo 1 Lncoy In tho flew flewBurns NovUurn3 NowlIurnJ
Burns plute Hlil lIlIllutter lulter Is us follows followsIho CollollSIlho followsa1ho
Iho evcrlty of tho sentence aonte co which whichjou whIchou
jou ou have IW paaxcd lS C upon me ami ntll Its I to icr icrrltla tnttlile itrtibia
tibia Importance Inl > ortltco on my m life will I Itrust r11It Itrust
trust Juotlfy mo fl1 In appealing to you youto OU OUto
to state whether nny nn evidence wao waobrouBht waHhrouht wabrowht
brouBht before you ou nhowlntf Hint 1 had hadIllicit hnlIIIlnt uiidIllfrit
Illicit transactions Unn I1t1utlli with the thuwiEli ilnu 01 01ilh 01wllh
wllh ilh belling nsonls OIfentflot of any un description descriptionif
It mien cldcnco wns brought nofoio nofoiojcu nei neiou
jcu 011 1 clnlm from your our sonao Bon o ot ju jutic JUlIIc jutIce <
tic to he Intoi InfollliOtl nied of f Its nutttio uo uothat lIuthaI Hothat
that 1 may rcbutl It and show It tu uo liohil uoulc bo4je
ulc hil e This 111 Is 1 nm conddent of ofIf Iolllf Iolllfour
If 1 your our senttiiLo was bntiud bntiudlely oxcluH oxcluHIel OXilUsjyeiy
lely on tno ovldiiire of thtw who whoihc uw uwIhe w wdtc
ihc rate null who formyil rorm ll the oplnlun oplnlunihnl ol pIItt1flthtt > llIlon llIlonIhlt
ihnl 1 did ld not do o iny 3 best to win lii my mycharacter tI tIchuraclcr mychr4CICr
character Will bo much loss affected affectedthiin ifteetethtifl
thiin In tho other 11th l tape taperollowliiK lUREFollowlnK taseFoltosvng
rollowliiK i 18 the leply 1 llly of tho t stowurda stowurdajust itovarIJtnt i
just Ju t rccplveil recel ll from London LondonIn
I In J reply to It youi letter l ttor I urn am Ihcclcd Ihcclcdby
by h I tho lie Htoauls of the Jockey Hull to toInform toInCorll totnfurt
Inform yoi yO that iftor cartful consider cIIIHldolnlloll t4nsldertUlofl consideration ¬
ation of tlio ilicunstances they tlio BOO o ogOhlfls no nogrounds noIuunls
grounds for roopimlng JOnr QHI iir ea cnfb b The Theliac lhfl lhflhO rh rhh3v
liac hO therefore th reorc nothing to ndC to tht thtnotice thlnollce tli tlinotlc
notice puhllshod puhll liod II tho Jlaclng Ualcmlar Ualcmlarof
ot October 3 3The 3Tho 3The
The stewards IIt < lwnrds > egrot that there thereshould thereshoull thereoud
should oud ha Mt a been home deltiy tloln In rcpt replIng rcptlng repIIng
Ing but It wns uimed tise4 by the absence absenceninond alJsencenbrond abseReaitbroad
ninond of the senior ttowurd ttowurdLcstoi IilowllrlIe 5tovitrdIete1
Lcstoi Ie ter lleiff had 11111 ils IH brother Johnnie Johnnietll Tohnnltwl111
wl111 tll Ituvo uvo foi 01 theji1 Ih II homo In Han itn JoseOolltornl Jose JOI3itolUornl JesenlitornI1
Oolltornl today toda Tjporo they ijO u Ueif UeifKill ntlcwill 1leifwill
will usk u lt W C Whitneys advice about aboutapplying nlwuloppII1 aboutnppltfl
applying for an English llcciua lIeclI o to nd ndnext rldnext rflIiicxt
next teason
A FlUmI FttlJIOIATjT FttlJIOIATjTHtnrtllng OnAMIo OnAMIoHtnrillnot
Htnrtlln iVriiilnntl6n n to n n Prlzo PrlzoFl PrlzoFIAht PrizoFbdit
Fl FIAht lit In Tiomlon TiomlonLondon rJOlllloIILondon TOIIdOpELondon
London Dee 0 DChnrllq Clmrllq McKcovcr of ofrhllndelphla atPhllndelphln ofFhIl8delplIlft
rhllndelphla and Jack Pnlmer met at atNewcastleonTyne ntNewcnMlc t tIewcntlonTyne
NewcastleonTyne NewcnMlc > nTnle lat In t night In what whatwn
wn to have been bce a fifteenround bout boutfor boutCor boutfor
for a ptirso tirso of 5350 McKcever weighed weighedHI
HI and Palmer ICO pounds Palmer Palmerfouled Pnlmerfouled Pnlnterfouled
fouled repeatedly repcntedlydurlng during the first round roundMcKocr routHIMcICocr rounlMclCeover
McKocr clearly clearlyoutclnsslng outclassing him At Atthb Atthe Atthe
the beginning of o tlm second round tlio tliocrowd thorrowd UioroWl
crowd broke Into the ilnj and nnl a t gen ecntittl gennnl general
tittl fight ensued ensull The referee after de declaring doclorln tiedaring ¬
daring the thel1ght fight No contest rnado his hisescape hisescape hl hlescape
escape escapeLondon escapeMntJon escapeLendon
London sporting papers this morning
describe lant nights fight between Me MeKeevsr MeICeevr MciCeevr
ICeevr and Palmer as a disgraceful disgracefulfiasco
fiasco They Tho nay ty that both Palmer and andMcKcovcr nntlMclCeoQr andMC1CeeOr
McKcovcr continuously Infringed tlio tliorules thorulell tliotutes
rules and aiu Ignored tho warnings of the thoreferee Ihoreteree therefcreo
referee They The Indulged In what hn t Sport SportIng SportIng sportIng
Ing Life calls a i regular Western We tcrn bar barroom lJarroom barroom ¬
room temp Finally FlnuJ tho refereo stopped stoppedtho top1iedthe
tho fight Tho pollen Jumped on tile thoftripo tllOtngonnl tilettRge
ftripo tngonnl and threatened both the pugilists pugilistswith
with arrest A scene of pandemonium pandemoniumfollowed pllndemonlulIfollowed pandomonliinifollowed
followed followedIMIjUAItD followedIUMjliItD followedIllhjIdAItI
filoisonls Slo son III Dcfbntcd by Sutton Suttonpens K Kports fix fixIlcrts I
ports Woro Surprised SurprisedNew
New York Dec 0 GTlo Tlio surprise of ofthe ofIhe ofthe
the International billiard tournament tournamentoccurred tournnmentoccurred tournamentecUrred
occurred In the afternoon game be between Ilctween 1utween ¬
tween George Button of Chicago and andGeorge nndOcorge ftncIGeorge
George Slosgon los on of No wYork Slosson
having won on the bank failed to score nt ntthe otthe atthe
the start and IInl Sutton by careful nurs nursing nurs1n ¬
ing 1n and open table piny ran up u 39 30points 39points 39points
points lie followed t this up by b score of
H 1 22 45 20 BO Q and nnl3S 33 2 while Slosson Slossonvas
vas nll unableto make any double figures figuresAt
At the conclusion at tho th seventh Inning
the score stood 230 to 25 In Buttons SutlonlIfavor
favor From this point to the end cnl of ofth0 atIhp ofthe
the game nmeRlosson Blosson had no chance of ofInning atwinning ofwinning I
winning although ho played desperate despeTlleI I
I Sutton won the game In an unfinished unfinishedrun I
run of 34 III his twentyninth inning
Sutton 400 Slosson 130 130The 130The 13aThe
The game In the evening which was wasbetween
between Schaefer of Chicago and nnl Baru Barutel
tel of Franco was a very swift one oneSenacfcr
Senacfcr nfter his three days rf rrt t was wasIn
In fine form and nn his nursing of the ball ballNns ballswas i
was 08 equal to any nnyot of his best previous previousperformances provlousperCorrnnnces previousperformances
performances In open table play ho hoshowed 110showed hoshowed i
showed wonderful dexterity Uarutcl Uarutclhlle Barutelhl1o IJarutciwhile
while hlle badly beaten plnyed a firstclans firstclansgame
game Schaefer will play pIa Mornlngstor Mornlngstortomorrow Mornlngslortomorrow MorningatortOmorrov
tomorrow afternoon nnd In the evening
he will meet his old adversary Slosson SlossonBcoro 810ssonAcoro SlossollScore
Score Schaefer 400 Barutel 203 203nnusHssoiinsn 203nnusllS 203BIWHIIS
nnusHssoiinsn nnusHssoiinsnWould nnusllS SonE SThIiI SThIiIWould m mWouhllJlko
Would WouhllJlko Like National Nt stlonaflinscla11 Hnselinll League Leagueto rjca uo uoto
to Hnvo Unlimited UIIniijedtew Tower TowerNew loworNew
New oYrk Dec 10John T Brush Brushof
of Indianapolis nnd Cincinnati who Is lihew
hew to attend tho National League Leaguebwball
bwball ba bnll meeting hopes to change radi radically rudJenlly mdically ¬
cally the control of baseball nnd to give giveine glvoIhe givethe
the National League complete power of ofall otall ofall
all clubs and players outside of the theAmerican theAmerlcnn theAmerican
American League From a reliable reliablesource rclllbloMurce reliableOUrco
source It has been learned that Brushs Brushsphemo nrushBsehemu flrushslWheme
phemo Is to abolish tho olllco of presl presli preslflent prealilnt
flent i nt of tho league nnd Instead appoint appointft
ft mrd J nrd of control on tho order of tho thoJockey
Jockey Jocke club or the A A U only onl with withmuch withtnuch withIllucli
much greater powers > Brushs Idea Is Isio
to nave the palyers licensed nnd aIR regis registered ¬
tered leretlllke like the Jockeys and athletes anti nndto
to i be nt all rt times tlmossubJect subject to the he control controlof
of tho board boardHAMIIISOtJ Joard8A3UI
Utah Nor Maintains the flamo flamoPosition Ball10loRlllrm RaiziePORltlHI
Position In Mix hay Race RaceN nneeNew Raceitw
N New w York Dec 10 toThe The beginning of ofjne
jne the second day do of the Fixday bicycle bicyclew
w met nt MMIson Stiuaro Garden Gur < en haw hawnut 111 as
nut lihut doveri of tho ti sixteen teams left In
me t e struggle The Italian team Icpou Icpoure II pou
tre re nil Muller quit nt nl320 320 oclock oclockinroiigi ocl k
TllrJugh inroiigi tlu tb cary cnrl hours hour thJ mn 0lcj loatednbout loitfetiabout 0lcjnoout
about in circuit the lending riders rldurss rld rlJ
dO dogging ° < < s lng ng each other and all made futile futilef tulliofrtorta
f ftorts to gain grim a lap
At s oviock olockthe the riders vcr were sktcon sktconnilles slteenmiles llxtetnmiles
miles bthind therecord the record Tho scoie at atFlshor ntnnon atflrlofl
nnon nnonFlshlr flrloflFIsh
Flshor FIsh and nndChonllero Chevalier Duller und Me Meienn e
Lean Nowklrk Whirk nnd nm Munro Munro aicKnohcrn aicKnohcrnflnl fcitlitflRnl rn rnanll
flnl Woltliour Wlilth ur Maya and Wilson Wilsonmiffs 719 719milts l9 l9i11Ii8
milts S laps Lawson ami Rnl Jullua King Kingjnd 1lnSntHI hlnganti
jnd anti Sannielson Ilabcock k nild Turvllla Turvlllamiles
719 miles 7 laps Fredericks nnd JaJkall JaJk JUJ1JInli
flail all and HcLarcn 719 71 miles 5 laps lapsKnrnaladt Inpsj lapSnmnstatlt
Knrnaladt and Krankfl 707 miles mileslaps C Claps Iilaps
A meeting of the board of ot4truntee3 ot4truntee3of trustees trusteesof
of the Orphans Home and nndDa Day Nurs Nursery Nurstv urs urscry ¬
cry < < tv wall held yesterday and Rntlbuslness Rntlbuslnessat business businessof
of mi nlllntctc Interoiitliig tlllii nature nntuewil was trans transacted trmsacted trn5ted ¬
acted ted Among other things committees
I I T r Louqhe Coughed CoughedIts Jl JlIts i
Its thccxpcricnce tho experience of every everyone everyone everyone
one Sooner or later we all alltake niltake alltake
take cold Colds naturally naturallytend
tend downward thats the thetrouble thetrouble thetrouble
trouble Aycrs Cherry Pec Pectoral Pectoral Peetotal ¬
toral stops this downward downwardtendency downwardtendency downwardtendency
tendency and quickly cures curesthese curesthese curesthese
these early colds Ask your youidoctor yourdoctor youtdoctor
doctor If he says this Isnl Isnlso
so dont believe us usI
11 I know from personal cxncrienci expor encl
that Ayers Cherry Pectoral qulckh
breaks up a heavy cold on the lungs luneg1DCSnedcker luugsLD
DCSnedcker D C Snedeker Pine Hill NY NYlc N Y
lc Se tOc 60 II0 It J C AVER A tEn CO Lowell Mm
for or tho
comma yont wrro appointed nni nnitTti
tTti rClIorlH V Wero ° VJ 1l1d of donatIons natfon tecellel ccjvS
hy toe o I1RsorlntJolJ ocln l0
which > Wloto > o o1C CI cty
gratifying to Ihosa hi charlie ot time
vortimy orth
IIIHtIllillolI lilt Hlllhel MilloI
1111 nplolltlll to servo OM your House
cOll1lnltteco e AllfI N Nettlo ttlo Pnlnwr Mrs J
1 Ornllt MtH l Fred relt Olllhmn 1luen
tlonnl COnltnltlee Mrs rorglll Malher
Mrs f1llrnrUI fillunc fihlaijceetjmnmittoe committee Mrs
Arthur UroII Mrs h 11 II 1orhuno TerimunoThere 1orhunoThClo
There will jII 1C ft l PMHellento lnnlIolI nle ban bani
rluot UII Jnnunl Junuaty f nuaiY 9 rtt onidsleys Uorll sleys ray rn
erim tll and dlai1 i Inn
lleht tho eon cOll1lnlttle nl 8e ap
limited to make
nriniicomonlB met at atami
Upm1sleya anti while hllo dl dIscussIng ouiwln plani planin tunas
anti appointing n various rommltteps lI on
jOel1 lln n lulrloli banquet Following
are the commlttpos Commlttoo
on Invi InvlwinSn
winSn tation Judge c > U 1W 1 > 1thl chairman chairmani
Wllllnl11 IilIamn nlKlclmalt hflehonrt Cln Clllnmlttlf lttnon on menu
Judge i Dnnn Pl I
f Ftm Smith ClIlrmlln an VII
iiaui HillnlgJehtnrt I Ifjlihiart I oommltteo oIiI1 I t tee on tnuslu in tlniu and
Mronwimnt Dr William I L Jllleibeck
Dr r John p 1i Crltchlow areeklottor
irnn not alipatly mombim of orlhe the Pun Iutmi11tIoiiJc
IMonlo society will lio Kindly welcomed
Into tho organization It they will IiI com
IlUnlcafiMsith tllunJcl1le with Judge C1 U Diehl euro
nf the Itt University tn J1Jlt club Name Jlttrnlol pf if frater ¬
flIts hit t uiittje and II1l present 1 > address should
be IHUtu 5ltttjrnlght
Tonight gnu 111t Lako Camp No 63 3
Woodmen of tho World War will gIve their
annual boll at Chi litwiuotis ChllstlIlJRetl ChllstlIlJRetlMr litwiuotisMr
Mr nnd MM Joseph J solh 11 Young have havogone havegone
gone to Now York YorkTho YorkTho
5 5 5 5Time
Tho Shakespeare class meets this thiseveningwith thlaovenlllg thIsevening
eveningwith ovenlllg with tho jilBSiB Maddlson ltat1 laon at
Fords hotol hotolMrs hnlolUrl Ii tol i
0 0Mrs
Mrs Louise firnedloySmlth will lIlre ro i
tntn tl1 11 this morning from her cistern cisternMis ca torn I
vl VLiit lt
ltMt 5 5Mu
Mt Mis James Jennings entertained In Ih1Illly
fomally at dinner last night
Miss Jfarnarct lutarguurctPr1 Park Is In Ogden viII
Hiii with lth Miss Mlss1lellol Mlss1lellolm Klesol KlesolUHVOLVKH I1eselrLivor4v1
Tho aesarslnntlon of President Mi MiKlnley MilJJnl MeKtnloy
Klnley JJnl Y rocnlled to acorgo Plowman the thewellknown 1IIQIeJlenoVn theciIiunowii
wellknown theatrical architect of IMit IMitrlly tlllrlly tlmIrltyt
rlly the murder of President Lincoln Lincolnby
by Jy John WIIKoa Uootb at Fords l oll11 the thentri thenlr thentru
ntri > Washington D C on April It It1C5 hlH3 141s5
1C5 Mr Plowman Is the possessor of ofthe orthe ofthe
the Dorilnijer n small v stpockot re revolver rcvohor revolvor ¬
volver from whfcli Booth fired tho fa fatal Cntnl fatai ¬
tai shot shotScuoial shotHorlltIl shotSototuti
Scuoial tImes It has been doubled doubledthat doubiculthat loubltllthnt
that tho Den l errllHcr > inger which I have Is the theona thaOM theone
one with which Lincoln was murdered murderedralu
ralu 1 < 1lu Mr Plowman but there Is abso absolutely nbsolutell absolutely ¬
lutely no doubt that Ihntll it Is the same wen weapon wetspon ¬
pon Three rlurcoorrour or four yeais n nfter nft r the th I
UlloOlln willie 1110 Geotge K uoouwln ana anaInynrlf nnaluyscl anaIuyself
Inynrlf were ere running tho Walnut WolnUrSUcet WolnUrSUcetthcntru VnlnUtSttcOttheatro Bttcet Bttcettheatre
theatre in this city ell tho stage carpenter carpenterwho
w who ho was working at Fords l theatre the thonight tha1hht theIglut
night of t tho assassination n9 put In an anappcnranco an1ppellrlnco armppearusu1ca
appcnranco at tilt Walnut Street the theatre thlrtre theatre ¬
atre Hu informed Mt fiootlulu they theyhad the thehllll theyhail
had been friends trlen lI for many mnn yells in a aconildcntlal aconfidentIal 1 1onlllentlnl
conildcntlal mnnncr that he had In his hispossession hisposscsslon hIsposseasion
possession somcllilng that had caused causedhim cnusc1him causedluau
him luau great anxiety The carpenter carpenterwhoso carpcnterwhose carpenterwhoo
whoso name 1 do tb not n t recall told Mr MrOoodwln MrGoOdwin
Ooodwln Oo llwln In my presence that ho had hadtho hallth hadtio
tho th Derringer that llooth had used to tomurder 10murder tomurder
murder Lincoln LincolnThe LincolnThe Lincolnrhe
The reason he had hntlllOt not said anything anythingabout nnYlhlngalJout anythingabout
about It prior to that time ho said saidwns saIdnH saIdwas
was nH because ho wns afraid of beliifj ar arrested 11rcstcl tsrrested ¬
rested Tho carpenter said ho picked pickedIt lclccdIt
It up on the stage of Folds For s thcatro thcatroafter thentrontler theatroafter
after Booth had lied to Virginia Ho Hopocketed Hopueltlei lIepoekCted
pocketed the weapon and kept It se secret secrot ruecret ¬
cret He drew up upa a 1 statement of tho thooccurrence thooccurrenco theoccurrence
occurrence and signed slgne it In our pre presence Ilresonco preonce ¬
once Ho then gave the Derringer to toMr toMr toMt
Mr Goodwin When Mr Goodwin died diedhis dlcdhis dIedhis
his widow wd W made me a 1 ptesrnt pl sent of the thoweapon IhowCC1J10n theweapon
weapon together with the stage car carpenters carpenterH ¬
penters signed statement statementMi
Mi Plowman prizes tho weapon very veryhighly veryhIghly
highly nnd no amount of money could couldpurchase couldI1urchnso couldpurchase
purchase ItPhiladelphia Inquirer InquirerWASTED InquirerWASl InquirerWASTFI
Tho residents of Lawnvlew avenue avenueucic avenuewere
were Cle visited vl lted by h two hucksters a few fewmornings fewmorplngs
mornings ugo Each of the hucksters huckstershad
had a wagonload of garden sass and andeach nndeneh andcacti
each wagon Was drawn by lJ a horse that thathnd thnthnel thatlund
lund seen bettor days daysThe daysThe nY nYThe
The first huckster was a man of ofstrong atstrong ofstrong
strong vocal attainments lIe bellowed bellowedforth bollow1dforth bellowedforth
forth the nature of his goods In a voice volcothat volcathat voicethat
that penetrated penctro tcd between bel ween the pickets picketsof
of the side gates and nn meandered menn ercel clear cleararound clenrarounl cleararound
around to the back doors doorsIt
It was a large robust volco that left leftnobodv leftnobody ertnohodY
nobody In doubt as to the freshness of ofhis othis ofhis
his vegetables nnd tho ripeness of his hisTho hisberries hisberries
berries berries1ho berriesThe
The second huckster who followed followedthe
the first flr t at a discreet distance was not notgifted notliltteit not1iftea
gifted vocally ocl1l1 Ills mild voice VO ce how howover howoer however
over Was 19 farreichlng farreichlngPotatoze tarrenchlnGPotntoze farreaciulflgPotatoZO
Potatoze kPbbagcs k onions straw strawberries strawlJcrrlea strawberries ¬
berries rawsberrles ripe currants currantsshouted curmnlsshouted currantsshouted
shouted the first huckster hucksterVo
Vo liaf dc same on dls vaggln crIed crieathe crIedthl criedlt
the lt second huckster hucksterAnd hucksterAnl hucksterAnd
And no they tIie passed down the street streetthe streetthe streettIme
the first huckster fiercely yelling yellingPotntozo elllngpotnIoz ellinifPotatoZe
Potntozo kebbagcs onions straw strawberries stmwlJerrles strawberries ¬
berries rnnsberrlcs ripe currahts currahtsTho currnntATho curmnitThe
Tho second huckster mildly adding adding1Vo addinghat
1Vo hat de same on die vagglji vaggljiCleveland vnggllCleelnl1l1 vaggtCleveland
Cleveland Plain Dealer DealerNOW DcalerNOVIS DealerNOWIS
NOW NOVIS IS THE THEflllE THEflllEScasons TIME TIMESeasons TiMESeasons
Seasons change We V c cant cantchange can cantchange t tchange
change them We V c cant pre prevent prcvcnt prevent ¬
vent the coming of cold and anddamp anddamp anddamp
damp airs airsBut airsilu airsBut
But t we can C < 111 prpvent the sore sorethroats sorethroats sorethroats
throats the coughs colds and andlung andlung tiidIting
lung troubles s by faki takingScotts takingScottsEmulsion takingScottsEmulsion tgScotts tgScottsEmulsion
Emulsion Nothing does more moreto
to make the tender throat throattough throattough throattough
tough Nothing Nothinggives gives such suchstrength suchstrcngth suchstrength
strength to weak lungs lungsDont lungsDont lungsDont
Dont take risks riskswhcn when its itseasy itseasy jseasyto
easy easyto to be j safcN safe > afe Now ow is the theseason thcseason theSeason
season for taking t tal ing Scotts ScottsEmulsion ScottsEmulsion ScottsEmulsion
Emulsion in season seasonWell scas seasonWell n nVcUuIlJ
Well VcUuIlJ Mai yon 70na O a Imle I lItt1cttrY lllel 19 try lyoa l IHii IHiigCOTT l lttscorr u uCOn
gCOTT COn 110WNE w 409l J reml Allltn iJ iUiit Newicrk t1r w crk
r r
Exciting and Perilous Experiences ExperiencesOf ExporloncosOfWoll
Of OfWoll Well Kucyn Business Man ManDODQK8 ManDODOES Man1DODGES
In lUll I n I Icit lieiIi ltflf r to 1 nn nieCnno Ho lie lieiilc UeIltc
Iltc > iilc Iiicldenu ifiirroiiutHuiT She ilioCupiuro tboCillllllro SheCumihIlro
Cupiuro of Colon
Mrs 1ms A W McCuno Is In receipt of oftow otlow oftow
tow lettois from from her husband dated nt ntColon ntColon atColon
Colon Colombia Nov 21 and nnl Nov 25 25hoy 25fhlY 21flioy
hoy net et forth the exciting oxcl tlng nnd nd ptilloua ptillouaexperience IHlluUIIeXl1urllICu tEhhoUlieXperieisc0
experience that Mr McCuno hnu JinlllJl1eoli JinlllJl1eolilhloUSh pasted pastedUuoueh inSsctIthrough
through while on the way to his mine mineUo mineUo
Uo wns In tho heart of the Insurrection InsurrectionIn
In Colombia nnd nn wns In Colon C lon when the thorebels IhotcLuls therebels
rebels took that city Tho Hut letter
Is fts s follows followMfhI1 follolIHI
fhI1 HI I arrlvc1 < 1 horo Tuesday nnd find llndin
that J 1a1l1 lia au > got to it lIe heft eight l ht or
limo > in ° duyg I novnr was 111 u mud In nil niln
nl 1110 ° MS UII L COllW lmvt tWO1 Ul the °
week n k In n Nun York ull mulch then mil9 nUlII time
HILll1u 1 ° imitclonsi lIII1UevllonlJ < Ill Is H Ul limO ° other ° h r lwat
fiom M Now No York will w llnrrlvo arrive Hera hCI bofoio ljm
w Wet can HUM
to add to thu pleasure of tho all
uaiion Uio rebels attacked ll tho town
thu ho night wo 1M o hero and tnptuicl eaptu tcI It
l was down town IOWllilbout about a IUlllta < juai ter of
u inll tnlu fiom tho hotel when hell the th llrhiff lrlll
commenced anti the sensation sellsa thlll waq Willi1I11thlng VIOIanything
anything hut pleasant 11lcn llnt Thura vmis us u un
othw man with me and thu Ilrluf fIrin was > as
grnduiilly spieadlng 1IlIca < 1lng nil ocr cr tho city clt
wlion thm ui I conoluded It wns limo for iw iwo
to o make tracks for tho hotol W V tool 10011Jlg
lug chanfos of being III lilt by stray bul bulot
If1t ot for they ioie vei e Hying Uyltlj11I In all dlroa
t tltJns Ona at that tlmo but we arrived ut
tho hotel hOllllI11 nil right rightAbout rightAllllut rIghtAbout
About us exdtlng a tlmo ua t have ahrVeS1011 Jmveseen haveaeon
seen In n I long timi by II 10 O octocK it itwas Jtwas itwits
was nil ovur lt3l The rebels liad killed killedand kIlledand tilledInd
and Bounded the moat of too govuin govuinmont govornInOnt govomuimOat
mont forces s I went down < town nuxt nuxtmorning nuxtmorning nextmorning
morning timid undll It was a ghastly h lIy sight to
look nt They lund hu fouiteen men lying
d dead ul some of tiicm terribly mutilated mutllateilpiled mutilatedplied
piled up upon on th the sidewalk sl lwall thrown In 11 il ildirections
directions dhe llol1S some face down and there therethey therthoI tlertthcy
they lay 11 like so many dead aheap or orhogs orhQII orh
hogs h gs
hogsTho gsTlui
Tho town Is still In n 1 heavy stato slatoof
of excitement as they the are expecting an anattack allnttllCk nutattack
attack on Panama by b tho rebels Is and andwe unllwe arulwe
we go there today They lho are also r rpcctlng IX IXpcctlng x xpccthumg
pcctlng the government troops 10 Olund Olundtolces lund lundforces mmmdforces
forces with u vIew of retaking Colon Colondo
do o taking It nil around It Is a 1 deucl deuclpleasant l1euc l1euclllealll1n dsucuiticasant
pleasant t place placeTho IllnccTho PlaceTimo
Tho government war vessel Mnchlas Mnchlashas nchuiasiun
has iun 1111 landed tome marines mn rlne who are aroguarding 110gunrdlng areguarding
guarding tho railroad station It gives givesti
ti person erHot it HOI sort t of sense lIen of HCCUI HCCUIlt Ity to tolook tl tllook tolook >
look nt thoralloWs tho fellows compared to a alook 1 1look rilook
look nt these troops around here Timers Therowas Timersa hlrowns
was a largo Inr o French manofwar hcu hcunnd helcunl iierand
and unl she sailed for Martinique the very veryday vem vemday el1dny
day the trouble broke out outIt OUIIt outIt
It has mined ruined rained over oversince Ivrrrllnca eversince
since I have been hero It malt mnH11 this thoweather thisweather ho howenther
weather very vcr cool and pleasant You Youneednt 1 au auncednt outneednt
neednt worry partIcularly aa 11 theme theicsno ut
no danger of Americans being assailed assailedexcept I1snnlllilexcept assailedexcept
except It ba a stray bullet At Pan Pannma Pannmlt Panama
ama tho Iowa Is lying and she he has a aheavy 11heCivy aheavy
heavy force Cor e of men so American Inter Interests lutreals intereats ¬
eats on that side sl < lo will bo tmvedi It nec necthov MeIIIIIV nectMfltt
tMfltt IIIIIV thov will inko nil Atncrlcnn cit ¬
izens z i aboard nb rd of her icr n I nm i well veff ac acquainted it itI1lJululell acuainted ¬
quainted with tho American consul consulthere o consulthere > I19ul I19ulthere
there Mr Oudgcr Gull gel and he hI li lives close cloaoto CIOKto
to the hotel that I will stop In over overthere OCIthero overthere
there so ho will keep me 1110011 well posted postedTho pOlilciIThe postedThe
The second secont letter Is written from fromPanama tromInntlm fromlanama
Panama and It Is supposed that Mr MrMcCuno MrcCuno MrMeCuno
McCuno Is now nearly to Lima The Theloiter TImeletter I IJolter
loiter Is as follows followsI
I am still here 11I ro and nn have got to rr rrmaln rrmain remaIn
main until tho 2nd of December bo bofore bofOlo hofore
fore J get n boat OIl t I could have re remained retnnlmlln rcmalnel ¬
mained tnnlmlln In New York two tw weeks longer longerIt IOll rr rrIt
It Is simply awful the heat hero to today todny today ¬
day Is almost unbeatable unbeatableThe
The troops have Just had another anotherbattle nnothetbnttle anotherbattle
battle about ten miles out of o Panama Panamaand Iunmannl Pmumamnand
and nnl havo been bringing In the wounded woundednil
nil day n lighting all alont nl > nlr tin Unit of oftho oCtho ottime
tho Panama railroad now but there Is Isno Isno
no danger hero as there are 300 ma marines imutrifles 111 111rlnes ¬
rifles In the city clt nnd a largo number io ioup Iroup Ifotip
up nnd down on the thotrnlJts trains every vrr day daynnd clolynul tbyamtd
nnd nul both sides ore careful not to ntur nt r
1rr rrrrJJ rrrrJJiJ
iJ Q1 0
OtAL OtALBaking
Baking Powder PowderMost PowderJ
Most M MO st healthful healthfulleavener healthfulI heafthful1vener
leavener I ner in inthe inthe inthe a
the world worldGoes worldOo worldGoes
Goes Oo farther fartherrottti
aCYAL ruo rottti to kilN voim voimfcro YO YOtero OMr
r a aZero
Zero with tho III Americans At i30 tnst tnstnight tU8ttll1rht tuistnight
night thtic tI1r rill JIIH mtn a 1 big tr racket jf f guns gunsilrlng RunsIIrlng gunstiring
tiring and barnla IJnnc1aaYlnlr playing In nil parts of oftho elttho oftime
tho town I r tot i t up to HOC what the thojacket thl1l1chet theiActuaL
jacket was proved to be 1 some of tho thoctoilotis tholctollous theictomloths
ctoilotis troops returning reI urnlng from n nbattle aIinttio I Illnttlo
battle that hnd been fought tolUhlllt nt 4 d clock oclIcl oclIcllallt ociockinst clocklast
last nlghti 11 Igh t Tho government troops troopslalm troor1achilln troofeehmtlmn
lalm to bo victorious victoriousNothing victoriousNothing l torluu9 torluu9Nolhlng
Nothing special QI Clnl to May I a oxeopt that thattheres thedtheraB thattheres
theres smallpox ever twwhero where In this thisbeastly thlfbcostlY timIbeastly
beastly town t I1 I t tli ell ll you It 1 18 a 1 plentnnt plentnntplnro 11tlsnnt1loeo ileamnntvinco
plnro to tl1111WO have to tQlttuy stay two weeks weeksTO
0 0TO
TO 11118 1Olt FOUIINi KING KD KDDaniel IWWAlla EDARDaniel
I IPnnlel
Daniel Maher tho American jodtcy Jodtyvho jocitOywho jodtcywho
who went to l England thioe years ago ngoto nJoto agoto
to ride the tholiJrs horscn 1J of the lato 1lcrro 1lcrroLoilllard lilmoIollIInrd jtmlerroLoiilhsmd
Loilllard ban boon engaged to ildo for forthe or orthe orthe
the Duke of Dcvonshtie This means meansthat meansthat muenumsthat
that Mahor hu4 hl been tngagud to ride ridetor rldotor elitetor
tor King Jug Udwatd ldwardVU VII 11 tho king < llIg of Uiitf Uiitfland EII EIIIanl Ezugland
land landWhen When Quecij VIctiiilRdlcd VIctrhus tiled the then thenPrince thelllrlllco thenlrlnCo
Prince Of C WalcS retired 01 red from tho turf tuifHe tUltJIo turflle
He transferred t alllrt 11 all his hi hureuo to the theDuko thoJultl theDtmk
Duko > of o Dcvonahlio uhu hUH bacn tJC ll rue racing rucJill rueirmg ¬
Jill them In hlu niuno and colorrt nil nileeuson 1111eUlIlIn nilseason
season eeusonAmong seasonArnon eUlIlInAllton
Among Allton tho stllng of thotouKlibio thotouKlibiowas
was ftL4 Diamond Dl tnOlll1 Jubilee winner of last lastyears 11lIty lastyears
years y urlJ Derby Ho Is ntiw 1101 ew i years old oldnnd oltUI1l oldand
and UI1l bias been tunning and winning winningthis WIlIlIIIlIthis wlnnlmmgthIs
this season enHJ for or tho dule duleMaher 111110Mnhert dtmkeMaImer4
Maher It Is said will receive a big bigsalary bigsulnr bigsalary
salary sulnr It la reported that ho will lll get got25OOO get2OOO
25000 for his services R This It time lug largest lugfiil lamgest ¬
est amount ever paid to an American Americanjockey Amollcanjoclto AmericanJocitey
jockey as n retaining Ice Iceln la either ollh l Hug RIllald Ezugland
land ald or this country countryFour c countryFotmm untryIoUl
Four months ago word came from fromEngland trolnI trainlmiglnnd
England I that Maher would have to give giveup glvolip
up riding Ho had had h II several hemor hemorrhages homorrhaltell Imomorrimages ¬
rhages and nIJI his doctor warned him him that thatIf
If ho persisted In ridIng and reducing reducingriish rlduolngIIIsh roiluotmighleshi
riish by training In order to make tho thoweight thowulght theweight
weight hh contract called for that ho howould howould hovntutd
would go Into n t decline Thu result resultwould reflllltwould reemmitOuhtl
would Ouhtl bo consumption consumptionIn
In 11 splto of this warning arnhIi Maher con continued COIltlntlellto corkthmumed ¬
tinued to ride Ho took a 1 test however howeverof loloveror
of a couplo of weeks This did him himHO him1i0
HO much good that ho has not been beentroubled betltlollbled beemitrouh1el
troubled with his hints hintsOf
Of all the boys who went ent to England Englandto
to ride Mnhcr has been the most IIt081101 IIt081101trlnr pop popular POPuuiar > ¬
ular The ciltlcs Have always had IH n nKood 1 1gool agood
good gool word for him and he has escaped escapednil eSelllelnil
nil charges chlr tll of Infraction of tho turf turflaws tUltInwlJ turfJasa
laws In this respect L liclff nnd T TSloan TSlonn TI3loan
Sloan have not been so successful successfulNow successfulNow
Now York World j
COUGHS AND COM CotIN JN JNllccofflnicndntlon n VUlLUk VIIILUMLtN1recoamnmcndnthonotiWc1 N NIltcowwcndRtlon
llccofflnicndntlon 1recoamnmcndnthonotiWc1 of ruf n Hell l Knoun Clilcn Clilcnto chien chientD
Ito to Iliynlclnn IliynlclnnI
I Use ulonnl and prescribe Chamberlains ChamberlainsCough ChnmberlnlnaCouGh ClrnmnberioinCough
Cough Remedy for or almost nil obatltiatc obatltiatcconstricted ob obstltiateconstrIcted lIlultP lIlultPconstricted
constricted cough with direct reuts reutsI
I prescribe It to children of nil a i1IIS i1IISAm pgeaAm rs rsAm
Am glad to recommend It to all nllln In 11 uiced uicednnd ici lel lelJ11l1 > d dnnd
nnd seeking relief from ooldn and nndcoughs nu nucoughs andcoughs
coughs and nnl bronchial ndllctlons It t Is Isnonnnrcotic hanonnarcotic I Itlonunrcollc
nonnnrcotic and safe In tho hands of ofthe ofthQ oftime
the most unprofeiilmml A unhcrpa unhcrpapanacea unh ulmIvorapanacea rlla1 rlla1panncea
panacea for nil rnniiKlnd mnllllnllJltrl Mrs Mary Maryn lInnn
n Melcndy M D Ph D Chicago III IIIThis 111This IllThIs
This remedy remed Is for sale by b nil druggists druggistsWorms dru 8Iatlf 8IatlfWorms
0 0Worms
Worms take refuge In tho small In Intestine Intestlnt Intestine ¬
testine where they the can easily multiply multiplyWHITES multlnlyWIIITES nmulUplySVlIITFEi
WHITES OnBAM Cn M VBIIMIPUOE will willdestroy willdlstroy willdestroy
destroy these parasites rho verdict of ofthJ atthJ oftivi
thJ people tells plainly how wall VAllI It has liaosucceeded JIIiBaucccetJetJ hassueceded
succeeded Price 25 cents Z C M T J L t
Jntorostlng I Romlnlsconcos nom Inlscances oFFltz oFFltzslmmonsMahor oUItzsimmonsMaher of Fur FurslniinonsMahor
slmmonsMahor Prlzo Fight FlglitWKSTBKN lightVESTIRN
11 11ii
11d d
yV yVnlill
Dan HtiiarKiMtiilii Hlllnrlt Human IKhllWl1l of IM iwtlo llo lloml tl nrIui nrIuitmih rlW rlWnlt
ml nlt outwiitfdtoooo outwiitfdtooooOn Wordll WordllOil oimiI oimiI0mm
On ruli Nniil lnll out OuftAssistant outASI1I 0111Assittsmit
Assistant ASI1I taut Superintendent Brooks c cthornstern Of Ofthe ti titho
thornstern the W ostermm tlrn Union tYn 10mm Telegraph > h company companytold tlrnl COil1P11mtold > lIl lIltold
told nit 111 interesting romlnlBCcnco lomlnl Cct1CO of t thu thuFltzslmnionsMtihor thu11tzhmnnmomsMtmhor h
FltzslmnionsMtihor 1 prize lrl e lIght to th thNewu t hQ limeNtvmt hQn
Newu yoatcnlay n lellny before leaving for forDonor tott forlormvor
Donor > t Ito uald that Dan Stuart limO thQKingpin th limOlclmmgtiri i iIInln11n
Kingpin nf the Jlsllo carnival fct lIEt El ElPaso LIlutso
Paso had demanded 10000 from lImO thQWestern UI UIWostorn lImOVostoit
Western Union for the privilege othtUltllhl1l ot otuindlliiH ofilttiitulhimg
uindlliiH the news about the light illmtwheim ami amivhon MIItwhen
when Mu > u Utooks refused rctu etl threatened threatenedto l lto
to ditch tho BptclM train in which limo thoIflegiiipli 1MIflcglllph limotftlegiuhplm
Iflegiiipli ofllclul of1cltlll1rOIOsetl projOHed to follow the thonigillHtlc theltmgiJltutIC 111uglll
nigillHtlc > uglll llc crowd to Lnngtry Jcxas Jcxasupt iexaIUIL cxaiJupt
upt Drooks apHiiHl fat piotvctlou to toAdjutant IIIAIIJulnnl toAthjUtnmmt
Adjutant Qonoml Wabry who was lms in inKl 11 11Cll UIHi
Kl Cll PdKti < I1I in commnna 1 > of time thirtY StattS StattSHiinitois StntlltallHOII btatdItmumigors
Hiinitois sent hero by QncrJior Cul Culh Cuilhurlun
h hurlun r uon on to ptcscno 1111 lIel 0 order as Ihp liv local11111rlulll local localoillciuli localflhilcbtuitm
oillciuli wets utterly poweileas Uon Uoninhry U01IItlJ Ion IonMmtbry
inhry IItlJ 13 tavo Supt IJiookH u 1 llMKtr llMKtrei IltsmitrSOimtmt
aOl SOimtmt ei > cunt and live 11 vo men to curry atr on Ol lt hm hmtrulu lillYhLlln IrISttaIi
trulu and Dun un Htimrt novcr lifted it itiliini U1hlmg
iliini i to Interfuiu Interfuiudupl IlItclCOItdlil
dupl Lul UiookH hail aa a pcuco attntMg attntMgoffered IJrtellIlitorcaell uftemilmoffered
offered to clvo btuarl J500 IiOO OO hut that thfttJoidly that10l tintloidly
Joidly 10l ly autocrat dcnandcd limo th full till fig flBuro Oauro fignrc
uro and noor got n cent centTlioro centlIaelo centTlmemu
Tlioro ms but Jut ono Western Union Unionwlio Unionwllc Unionlio
wlio lio tluough Lan IIII1tr try tho others boln bolnmllioud belmmrltlhmouiul olt oltmlhoal
mllioud wlrce BO feupt u1it Brooks out Eliot thfltIn EliotIn
In two uiuls nh > separate wires fioin fioinwhich 101which frOimmwhIch
which to Bond fiolltllollortR roporlfl of time th flrhtH6Ud flrhtH6UdIng
lag oft 60000 words boforo tho follow following toJlowIng followlug ¬
ing inoriiliur Tho rejiropcntallvo of oftin orthl ofII
tin II United Press lund to vrlto his re repoit re1I0rt mepomt
poit on his knees besIde bo lOII u barrel who WhObC WhObChtnll wlmoobeau a ahead
head ho ottcmixnlzed UK n desk The Thertpiescntallvt TilertjH1sculnUf rhorlmescntatlvc
rtpiescntallvt of the Asfiocluttd Ive11 Ive11over lmessheat
h heat nL over on hlu lmI knees kncclltQ to utlllza a I depot f
doorslll In lIeu of better accommoda accommodations ccomuwfl1101I ¬
tions 1101I and tho lormpondcnt cOIr Jlolltlcnl of It the theaiobiDemocrat theGltllllncl11ocrqt litOalobereimiocrt
aiobiDemocrat and other coriCHppnd coriCHppndonts
emits wero forced Id l liitis use u e tile sides of the thedepot tIreIeIt
depot against t which to brnco iima their rA rApor 1 1pfJr rper
per while they tho prepared copy for spec speclals IIIICOlalll stieclain
lals to their respective papers papersAsldo vaporsAIde
AIde from rom what Mr IJrooks related relatedIt
It Is Interesting In this connection to tonote tonolo tonote
note that annpparontlylnslgnlllcitntUt annpparontlylnslgnlllcitntUttld
tie group of KlPnio JoI II o Christian mlntttcrJ mlntttcrJaro
aro said to have been tho main malnugenoy malnugenoyIII agency agencyin
in dilvliif Dan Stuart and his gang ng out outof outot outof
of Il Pa Paso o and Now Mexico and send ncndIng Ren RenIng sendIng
Ing them down own Into Couhulla Mexico Mexicoto
to fight over 400 miles distant These Theseministers Theseministers fheMmlnllitorH
ministers woio keys Oxloy Oxl of It tho thoMethudhit thoMotholIut tImeMethodist
Methodist church fiouth Hoffman of oftho littho oftime
tho Mothodlsl church notth Hallam of oftlm ofthu t ttho
tlm Christian church and Mllllcau of oftho oftho oftime
tho Dnptlst Bal > lIst church churchCnrtluiunkn churchLnrthlultkn churchI churchEmurtliqimako I
Cnrtluiunkn at atWashington l Irzomuiim IrzomuiimWashIngton rZuIJI rZuIJIWOHhlngton
Washington Dec D c 10 toAn An account of ofn
n serious earthquake In Erzoum Tur Turkey Turkey
key Ito Nov S Inst la contained In n dis dispatch dlspntch d18patim ¬
patch Just received at the state de department depnrtment depnrtrnent ¬
partment from Vlca Consul Ogalvo at atErzoum n nrzoum atirzouin
Erzoum rzoum rime hock brought down n nshower aslmowem I
shower of stones nnd nl1 < l plaster from rein roofs
Lurid walls and the pcoplo were worecQm worecQm1I0lled com compelled coatImohled ¬
pelled to put up tents on the thelJJltW snow In Inthe Inthe Intime
the streets Many houses w wro ro do destroyed dotroycd doatroyed ¬
stroyed twenty persona l r OnR killed nnd fif fifteen hfteen ¬
teen Injured The damage to tho Unit United UnitN UnItCd ¬
ed N States consulate was ionsldorailo ionsldorailoand I Innl
and nnl tho vice Ico consul was nblo to save saveonly snvoonly saveonly
only tho typewriter r anti nn reglstciB from fromtho tromtho fromthio
tho olllco Report has It that 200 house hoUMhavo hou househave e ehlo
have been destroyed nnd a 11lnrlo largo num numhor numIIClr numher
her of others rendered uninhabitable uninhabitableGornninTariff uninhabItableOemmnrmti
GornninTariff 0011111111 flUln Bclirmaln Iti Cominltteo CominltteoNew
New York Dec 10 toTho Tho Berlin cor correspondent correllponlent correspondent ¬
respondent of the London Times and andNew IndNow andNew
New York Times says there seems JJcemsto to be beno beno beno
no doubt that the discussion on the de details lielallA tietails ¬
tails of tho tariff scheme In committee committeewill
will ho protracted < 1 until next summer summernnd lIunllnernnll summerand
and that tho bill It passed nt all will willnot willmint
not leave the releasing before the fol following tollowing 01 01lowing ¬
lowing winter In tho meantime timers theraIs
Is an opportunity to consider points pointsconnected poIntsconncclell pointsconnected
connected with the Economic situation
4 At r 1 VIJ p pI i
I i pV pVi I i c
s r rs rcfs
I 4
9 2 2t
cfs jeltfy
t cs PJcsatty PJcsattyis
is ¼ Acts cts BerveficiaJlyj BerveficiaJlyjv
f 1 1I v
I I ii Syrup run of Figs appeals to the cultured nnd all tho
1 pp J y1ivi 1 II Informed and tothc healthy becauseIU bCCatlS com ¬
th K ponent parts arc simple and wholesome nrcibe nrd be
m 4 m Ld cause it nets actswlttioiit without chturWng the natural func unc ¬
uMw Lions as ills it Is wholly free from every objectionable objectionablequality
4 I 1 quality or uibstance In the process of ofmanufacturing
I s m manufacturing figs aro used as s they are arepeasant
id peasant to the taste but the medicinal medicinalvirtues
virtues of Syrup of Figs are obtained
Tt t from an excellent combination of plants
I J known to be medicinally laxative and to toT
j act most
I I 1 T iif tanuficUlly tanuficUllyrx
5 rx Jm To Ret its beneficial effectsbuy the
H V 8cnulnc gCnUlflemanumactuye man fQctured by the thei
J Xf i f
5YIU p pI r Q
I LouizviJI LouizviJIroe
In awwow ocr rYIan1 aria the Buitu attitude o of torcKln
coumitrleHmItherto ablihcrto lherto
countrlc countrlefIt too lime r gorlled
The corrMfondent sa sala says 1 8 the IIlnlement
In rellard4t ami RuUlan M MIn romtnerclnl Policy
In the ollc4l Organ uf f M 1 Do i Witlc the
It ltusslan VMnJ u8 lnnt1 K hlnnce nce mln18 minister shows Unll1ll1 n
th the the
takably mm of raIsin tho thomain th thgrain
main duties dutl8ll1i1l Wll bo a tariff war i with withto
nUUllliQenntlly lttmssla Uermnaay Inlghlntteml1t might attempt to re recould c
tllllnte bumtt ltit 18 doubtful It she could couldSince
110 aOilu so uOc5S1uhIy uOc5S1uhIySImice ctul1 ctul1Since
Since thCp tli Cclulon lu lon of the present I >
RUdsoOcrmpn commercial treaty treat Ocr Qernmn Ocrlinn Ocramen
linn export to Russia haw more than Ihunl1oubled8bQ
doubled l1oubled8bQ showlnj rlnr the terlausnesi of tlu tiuainterestS
interestS IntorMlaDollwlterTlltchuinii Intm > itaptake itaptakeftl aittake aittakelohu1ter
< ftl ftl1IJIaultcr1
DollwlterTlltchuinii 1IJIaultcr1 1tcbulIIA iiiininntlon iiiininntlonNow tllrnlnallnllNQWY
Now NQWY y Yrl m W D Dee e 10Accordlng to a
Saratoga 1 Nn special s eclnl to the Tribune
U S Cornrnteloner Hiss has M Davison
lia hlfJfixcdIII harm fixed on Wednesday morning at
II 1 oclocktfoi oclock lr the examination of the theChas
Chas L EFJ Plfliiin hQI11 the defaulting teller tellerOf lellerpr tellerof
Of this First National NaU nal tank < of Hallo Halloton Ballaton Ballston
ton Spa Sr > tlCtn YOen Logan of Albany Albanycounsel Albnn Albnncou Albanycounsel
counsel cou 1s lt far rirltcbam itclam offered 20000 ball ballpending IInl1pendlngl baillOfldlflg
pending the Rumination tmlnallon This was as de declined lr lrcllned dodIned ¬
dIned by b Otnviutoner tl1l18sf Mr Davlson who whoplacdd whoplnc vhuopiacod
placdd plnc d the ttt AttouM at a 30000 which will will1J0
bo furnlshwjtour furnlshwjtourUtobbtr Nrnls urnhshtoay urnhshtoayobber
lfiIIIIO lfiIIIIOobber Utobbtr obber Hilled JUllcdUail HilledUrtdSD KilledLead
Lead UrtdSD S DjDec tPi Dec 9 9The The general Gtn6rnlltore Gtn6rnlltoreor store storeof
of Edwardlsffiooil EdlY 1rd ood at Oajcria 8 D Dl was wasrobbed Wll8ro witsrobbed
robbed ro bed of otae sefte l merchandise nnd J40 to In Inmoney InmO inmoney
money mO CrlQst laatnltM 1Ilfht and Sheriff Doten of ofDeadwQod oCDeadw ofDeadtvoo4
DeadwQod Deadw 04M ani Deputy putr Patrick Patter Patterson Illtors6n latterson
son of this ci7 lrl started after tho l iob iobbers iebhers b bbels
hers early rlrt t ttay iiy 8r They camo up to tothem tothem
them th n thr0ita th illl number In a 1 wagon In InStrawberry InStrnwb 1mmRtrawberryguich
Strawberry Strnwb Rtrawberryguich rrY plth and a n tight ht ensiej ensiejOno ensttJOne ensiciOne
One of t the HWtfre bm whose name could couldnot couldnOt
not 111 be l leerni4 arn < A vat killed and the drl drler drlor drior
or who ewftjd d wu Bounded unded In tho tholight thoIIgbth thetight
light IIgbth The thiil was captured Q NeIther NeItherof r rof ror
of the offlcMf omc offleemixas was hurt hurtDetect hurtnetc hurtletectem
Detect letectem i e Harollccppnrr Hams Jlooppllcr
New YwkltXc Ytrk l Dec 10Word lino been beenreceived beenr beenreceived
received r br byfe u pJllce p llce from Detective DetectiveSergeant DltectlveSonr DetectiveSergeant
Sergeant Sonr ant Me MeQiltttty 1feltY of his arrival In InLiverpool InJlVefVtJowtt InLiverpool
Liverpool JlVefVtJowtt wltt Illlam William Hoeppner Hoeppnernhom lloeppnerWhom
Whom 11 om lie 1 tuttited in Buenos Ayres AyresThe ArtsThQde AyrosThe
The ThQde tlekotlv deeojyersd otlVt ind his prisoner will sail sal1from sailfrom sailfrom
from Lv IVtr rp o I la a 1 tm te du days > s Hoepp Hoeppne
her ne r Is Isa aocUwi of embezzling between lJetweenOjOOOQndUiKO between3O0O
130000 3O0O OjOOOQndUiKO andJRW trom the A W Faber Fabercompatyr Faberc Thsbercompany
company c mp ny Hftws fl a a bookkeeper r for the thefirm thefJrl1 thefirm
firm Detfc4tlTe Det 1re Sergeants McCafforty McCaffortyunfl McClllC rl rlnndPrlcote
unfl nndPrlcote Price fold cd that Hocppner had hadbeen hndoen madlucen
been oen llvinr r at a rate In excrns of ofsalary iis iissalary Is IsIHIlnryT
salary IHIlnryT Th < c jlw learned that after afterhis IIflerhIli afterhis
his dlsapManiM dlsQI1 J41Cf Mrt Hoeppner YuU eppncr placed placedher Illncedhor placedhot
her furniturCfe furu1tur itomgo and sailed for forrUo tornllldo forRio
Rio nllldo do d J J1U61rl Jmts nf5i The police ther wre woreaakcd wreukcd wreasked
asked to tfrrsJlHoeppncr rretIJl rret ioeppner ppneron on fl his arilval arilvalThoy antnlThoy armIvalThey
Thoy seftre5 IOOr seareittt atkMe8ielbut the eSelbut found that thattho IhatIho thatthe
the Hoeppn r3 had gone to another anotherthlp Inotherfillip anothernluip
fillip Thet The Thetl ttilit SJ xis 18 8 lot w t for a rouple roupleof rOUileot
of weeks w ek3 nail 1 11Ihn then McOnfferty aac AsCr AsCrtlilned nitcerlamed r rInlned
lamed thatti Hoeppners were in inuuenoi InnUeM inBuenos
Buenos AiM He Ie got the necessar necessardocuments l1eC umecesimrdocuments II > ar ar1Qcuments1Iit
documents < 1Qcuments1Iit WM st t to Buenos Ayres and andarrested nndIlrrestedII andarrested
arrested arrestedNo IlrrestedII IIe ntr ntrI nero
No 0 otlort AOtlori I R Agiloit Japanw IQlt o Cabinet CabinetNew CnblttNew CmmhlmmetNew
New AVorldpet Wor cIOA lOt dispatch from fromToklo fronlToklo fromToklo
Toklo to tot1t thUadon 1London Times and New Nework NcwYork NewYork
York ork Times TlmtMlr MTI tte action against a l1lnsl the thocabinet IhocllbJnetWhl thecabinet
cabinet cllbJnetWhl vhi vhWi sam a apprehended from fromtno Cromtl10 fronttime
time chief chletPttl4J11 pMttlul party Is now unlike unlikely
ly > y Th e jmrtj Prt Ui adopted n colorless colorlessmanifeeto colorlc8sIt1l1nlrCfto colorlessImmanitesto
manifeeto Trli WmI Ih docs not nOllndlO Indicate te any an anhostile ammyhostile
hostile InkftHtawd In D nd disavows obstrut obstruttlnn obslrutlon obstructhomi
tlnn II k hsIJ2Mbe itm > iBriiAl bable > ie that the theoflhedl SC gessiomi gessiomiof slOl slOlor
oflhedl or the rIlet dl f p3l1 off quietly nnd that thatwithout thntIIle tharthe
the tJdg tJr1 be adopted without withoutt withoutrl1dICla ritimoumred
rl1dICla red leal arnMentm arnMentmNew
A t Ne lftili lftiliA 10llnl5t Inlit Ari Ari10Another plrnrll plrnrllNw
Nw Y k 1tC 10Another r young youngusirian youngtU5trhan
tU5trhan usirian vWfclrt named Koclnn IO < fnn has hasJ ItuJut 1153just
J Jut t m msdehant d dll1J iu jnt I1t appearance In Lon London IonIn IoaIon ¬
don In undt tlndlet tlaWrKccd d rlerced management managtmeutof
of Mr MrYerla VeriHbihai I has been received teehI with withIt wllhIho withtime
time ham It to the art of Paderew PaderewjitDS latJeraski PaderewskI
ski PtW o jitDS the I London IIn < on cor corfoe corre corresrondtr
re resrondtr londt tt foe be Times TimesIMM
lie Is a IMM me e youth Outl1 whose play playtrily
lag III tiflt rw pIll tdlJ dexterous HI tone toneilltr toneis
111 or b6 habit oI lII qua1ltr illtr but immaturity Immsturltyof
Of IItIII tk of breadth of Inter Intershown Inlerpretatlon InterDretatlon
pretatlon shown In Ills hare of ofHank oftime orlhe
time timehunk ICtt tr S < cota cotanAlk
Hank of ofNew of lCnICnrr Psro Tcentcnary CentenarY Modal Modal10Thf MtdnlNe rltnlNew
New NewfespomSwt Ne 10The Pens cor corLondon coreSPandntmt or orle8PfJtHjtnt
fespomSwt eSPandntmt 1 Ibe London Lo L0fli If1D Tlrm and andihatJf andlha andtheNew
lha theNew Ne Wr llIItuar ihatJf that U 1 Roty Rotyhas not notthece flotythe
thece the cci Ier has just fnt fntfor Pfltto nt ntlo
lo the i91tAtf iuhms e mcrv fino de81 eslgn n for a aof aflCdai I
m flCdai dalot II ratlnlhe the ctnl fltaary Qn of ofPan oCI f fthe
I the e foutt of Ih Pan Bark IIIIIIIp IlRhmeo I
tso o Fr Preim ltl1ton MIS the cows cowsfrancs torrlsDO1Cftt corrBnOndcimt
DO1Cftt DlrlbUItd moM to the thede time4eveIo
de 4eveIo In I IitA
lotI Otrad trade and IndustrY
itA tr tlons 10181111 I Il
l OC l U s OPIr The total In tnJ9 tnJ9frane IR IRI
I 4 1000 ° francs francsTo
Tn I i of r Traab11 rroQbI me Cam Camiklte CornI COIwarm
to softrr softrrM Jlorl1tlh snttnrflhp1y
iklte lIIter mater
warm arm
I tlh 1II1 frf dJIII M tl tln tlCSCb 19 pos posl1III1i i
l1III1i the blood IIn IInlttPIyC
lttPIyC flhp1y FltJcfiII c ilnh1n n m0 hahn twJre twJredalri twhcedaily
daily 1111 D IV for fo rain Inlnt rainiltesi
Ii1 °
iltesi t at t IIcatlon 15 A com 1111 1111rr PI 1 1Cr
rr toVldIlt ltoi r toT a tCA days to tolItf toroet
roet lItf It f f dC the hot u n gCMrt1 gCMrt1lloJllMatt gcnr3iiiIMth
lloJllMatt iiIMth brulsCJ 13menM 13menMM lmefle1I
I < M iMr t I r n r31n ia Balm Is un unffJUI
ffJUI jale e by 1 all druUhti druUhtit druUhtittiiJ ggh1t5
t 1
ttiiJ ttiiJj j r
0 > I IT
French China Cups and Siucersand Siucers and Plates
Aro dliplajod In our window ahoy are
t wortli up p to 300 each For ono waoK
it boBlnnliuf Krlday rnorninj Nor Mlh Mlhour
t 3OUrCbolcoof our choice of 100 Uylw at atCoW atCoId
lItttjy CoW Weather Promised Promisedfor
Our skits nook Ij ready for yrnm Mmimlqas
SOVL COflipIto hinetJm
tOme MltflitHhott
4 Skatoi
for tlio tlioN 0
0 kids 13oy aut1 OlcIs Bluatos
Ladloi amid Oeutlomnonskse
t tScottStrovotl
iSoottStrevoll SoottStrevoll Hardware Co
N i HOur Hot Wan lJIUtStocur 8toToij rot tldll llnittlia tbo town bystorra bystorraA by storm stor m
A 1 i rf1 A I
0 1 1
0 e eJohn
John 0 WdLaln Prcst Prcstx
1heo x 7Ututon T 1Il11ton gcoy
W WJ J Burtdn Weaa WeaaftflJM lrcll8ALL
Telephone BOO 808Dfflco BOOOfficI
J Dfflco CO W Second cond Bout Soutli
4 nDFlttb i Couth end endThird nndThlld
Third W Ws touth t
i + hV < I o H IX < <
i iAt
At thoFactory thoFactoryA tha Factory f
f A Largo Lino Of OfTOY f fTOY
4i Suit Cttsos fiockot fQck ockot t Books BooksPuruos BooksPurous +
Puruos OardOasos and Bill Docks DooksI X XIltesT m mYies
IltesT I sr LUll JN s N IIIB U immm Oil OilOliver OIr1 OtTOILVC1 S
Oliver R Meredith MeredithIB5M57 y f
1 IB5M57 Main St StT StJLA X JX J
r V M > X V VUA
0Y H
Y 0S
1 Is S R RA
A PRICES PRICESROCK jji Largest LargestStocK
1 1 T ROCK ROCKBOTTOM IiStocIc StocK West Westof T Tw
1 W I BOTTOM frof of Chicago ChicagoSAMPLES M MA riIi
M i Ii Iif A
1 0 L 0L 0E S
I A L I THE LACE LACEliOUSE HOUSE 228and230AajnSt 228and230AajnStUtahs 22 land 230 ain St StE 0 0VWAXWVWXAA I IIi
E Utahs Uicatcat Store Salt Lake City Utah II s stVV
N X O < < < X + + W WI
q qOUR
The Hartford of Hartford Ct CtNorth CtNorth CtNorth
North British Mercantile London and andEdinburgh ondEdlnburgh anddlnburgh
Edinburgh EdinburghPennsylvania dlnburghPcnn5ylvaflIa f
Pennsylvania of Philadelphia PhiladelphiaNorthern PhiladoiphiaNorthern
Northern of London LondonFire Londont LondonFire i
t Fire Association of Philadelphia PhiladelphiaTeutonia PhiladolphiaToutont PhiladelphiaToutonI
Teutonia of o Niew Orleans tnd tndTHE lndTHE nd ndTHE
> H < > Mo > t

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