X 1 r 4 DUSKIUCT DSERETWflG EVENING 1is NWSi J SATURDAY FEBRUARY 15 190 ID02u u thRET RETEVENING EVENING NEWOrg NEW NEVSOrgftn Organ Org n of tlio Ohuroh of Jotras Christ Ohrlsof Ohrlstof of Latterday Saints Saintsxvtnr SaintsJntl a1iitErVLtnED Jntl rVLtnED nED xvtnr zvgnTvJv11 mnwo mnwoOtnnm IUlllIoVIlli Otnnm VIlli vJv11 ncjM IiltlnJD IiltlnJDOor rzcznsnVoxnotPobthtrnple n nOorn Oorn VoxnotPobthtrnple u f ot o B Io tlh lh Tempi and nd E Eut l Ttiapli Strl StrlChurlesWPenrose IItruhhlltake tr tt hlltake 511 Lke 01111111 01111111Charles Vit1 Vtb VtbChnricWPsnose ChurlesWPenrose Charles Wlenrose EdItor EdltoiIlctBceQ EdItor11otllC Editor11cnceO IlctBceQ 11otllC G Whltnoy WbltnoyDualn Business ss Manager ManagertiiMr ManallerlOll8CIII1710l ManagerItfl5Cflh17WN lOll8CIII1710l I IJUVTt IJUVTtrlTr l rs rsVb tiiMr Vb fur II ILI4tica tdn oM oMBIlMOiilil tiM tiMIi BIlMOiilil Ii 1oit 4 4W 4Wlire 455Zbrfe SO SOtbrf lire Month flotthOe1fonUi1 13 13OeeltonUi 12 12Ju OeeltonUi Ju 1ionUl t HJ 15 15e J JCM sOu CM e Week v t t w wItt75IIO t 1 1itt 11 11hturda hturda itt Itt75IIO < l 7 eilUOIIj liuon n fr trr r It JW JWM 201hMlWte 255F hMlWte F M M1Wel71 ll 4 I > 4 ass aoolIlT assNZW > M MNKIT lIlT TOUK orrico orricoIn OrllCGtn owgct1n In tlitrto of p V 1 oamtnlhk O mllllhlr Manaiif ManaiifForolgn MnnalrForolfn Ian3rrortn Forolgn AdTtrtiiinr Adf tlMnrl from our Home Voice OQiceJH1KS OWcemIIII Voiceft4It JH1KS Tm Timet llulldlnr llulldlnriiiiuoo 11111111 llUIldIntIIItcAoo nt ntIIIIC400 iiiiuoo orricis orricisln In churn of II r 1 Ouimnlnin Manmtet ManmtetForeign I tGMUI nl et etI I Foreign A MlIrtlAlaK < wrll lu twin cue o l1l1um Horn Offlco OfflcolyK0 omeoItcpr Ut1coeproento1 I Itcpr eproento1 lonto < 1 lyK0 111 X ii V Ediwils Ed rlls 67 8 Wuhlnit WuhlnitMif WishuigI < I On tiLroot Mif nUKCisoo nrricr nrricrIn orICIIn In charge of I 11 J Cooper CcoOO MOcsryBt MOcsryBttcrrfiiwnicnco 00 Geary fJt fJtCOfl1mOndon EtCorrcwonlcno tcrrfiiwnicnco o anlt tii1 other OlberJualnlf rotdlnc dtng rnattoi rnattoior IIIAtiertor mutterfor for or pan III1I1Cillol1 lctlon should bo a dressed ddrois < J to 0 tlxi tlxiKurrou LII LIIJWl1olC UIdEI1 Kurrou JWl1olCAdle EI1 IOII IOIIAddress Address all bUlnu buetnMimmuntcettou buetnMimmuntcettouTft1 IJImmunkatlon IJImmunkatlon1ln TUB UKSGtln1 DI NEWH NEWHtult NFoIVtJfull full mln Ulca k OUT UUh UUhBAM UtBArT UtsiArkE2 = BAM BArT F ArkE2 LAKH i CITY VEUII l 1004 1004A 1003F 1003A 1o 1oA A MATTI3U OP BIQMtJNT BIQMtJNTTho IO mN mNTho Tho water Wat r rIGhts of tho th ell cllY tinder tindertho um1ertho undertim tho conntltutlan aria arulllws law ot tho State Stateextend I3tutecxtetI Hnltutenl extend not only to their beneficial inw inwwithin UtJewlthlll tluewithin within tho city limit but to tlio con control cuntO cfrntoV ¬ trol of tho fltrctims which Bra tho thotources thoJoureelil therources tources of supply before they cnt enter enter1h080 r rthoso thoso llmltt in commenting comm ntlng upon the tliodecisions thodecIllions thei1ecIn decisions nf tho theIInreino Hiiprcmo flll romo court In 1s favor favorof of tho thoElectric Klcctrlo Toner company we ro rofurred roo rootirrcd roerred furred to the question of lint control controlnnil cOlltrolfind conttollInti find Us It II apparent Invasion by b n private privatefcumpany prlvAtoumpany privatetimtany fcumpany fcumpanyU umpany1t U t has been b asserted In reply to what whatvo vhAtco t vo 10 mentioned that tho decisions do not notput notput riotput put tho cltjrn clyulghtilln rights In Jeopardy at all allAnd AlliAne1 aliAlI1 And tho roason nsnlcncd for this ns nsfortlon alferUor UCrertloit fortlon is Hint the cOmpahY after Ink taking Inkhlgoul totsngout ¬ ing hlgoul out th the water which the law places placesin Illnc 8 in 11 control of t the city Is required to ro roturn toiurn rohim turn tho vntt > r to 0 tho citys ditch un uncOtUarnlnakd unclllltl1mlnated uncontti cOtUarnlnakd contti lnaled undiminished and an at the tlmlovel thtJovel theluvel lovel established by tho city cityIt cityItls cityIt It Itls Is true thAt tlio courts decision decisiondoes decJuionoe oclsloni1o does i1o oe make tlnit requirement which IB IBnit Isfill lenil nit right eo far as It goes 001l Hut sup mipliono up upNI liono NI o tho prlrnto company which Is lathug IstllU isthtm thug permitted to Interfere In with th thcontrol lhll lhllcnlrot thcqntrot control vetted In a public corporation corporationfor for or the benefit ot tho people fails to re return ref reftUrn yeturn ¬ turn tho wftter In tho condition and andquantity andqUllntlty andquantity quantity nnd place so designated designatedvliora dtslgnntellvherl deignateMhortS vliora Is tlm peoples remedy The Thecompany ThoIQrnpllny Thuccnnpany company Is viewed as In on Insolvent Insolventcondition Insll1entconlltlon insoWenttonijition condition bccauso It Is In tho hands handsof of a receiver In n what condition docs docsthat doCithllLlclIt doesthat thllLlclIt that leave the people ieop of this city cityIt cityIl cityIt It should bo remembered In viewing vlowlnJtht viewingthLi viewingthis this Important questIon that It Is not notmerely notnerely notSnerety merely a conflict between two Individ Individimls iflIividstats stats or private corporations cor orlltlons but be between between betveen ¬ tween a public body composed of rnnny rnnnythousand mnnythouslnd manythunnt1 thousand cltlzcnn organized Into a mu municipality municIpality musiclpa1ity ¬ nicipality and havlnit special rights rightsconferred rlihtsconCerre1 rihteconferred conferred by statute OB B to the control controlna na well as the u use o ot o certain waters for forpublic torpubllo or orpubHe public purges and a private cor corpartition cororntliJn coypprtti partition n taking tho watoru wlltcrlfsIIPPOSC wlltcrlfsIIPPOSCto supposed supposedto to bo b under public control cOlltrollllld uml not diverting divertinghem dlvcrtlnthem divertingthem them for private uses nnd personal personalProfit perllonnlNOfttl pernonni1yOflte Profit That to tOUII us Is a very great dlf dlffcrenco dlt1crenc diterence 1crencHow fcrenco fcrencoHowever erenceUowcver However How ver It Is useless S perhaps to torommont toromment tokommcnt rommont further on that phase of the thenltuatlon theltUllllolI thetdtualiuii nltuatlon Wo have not presented our ourViews our ourJeUs ournons Views of o the subject by Way Of t adverse ndvcvsotrltlclsm ndvclIIotrltlel adversetrItfc1m trltlclsm trltlel m but that tho facts may bo bounderstood 110tmdclIJtood hounderstood understood and tho conditions now ex existing ex111t1n ez1stlng ¬ isting may mB bo fully met The decision decisionpf pt the courts does notdeprlve tho city of oftho oftho ofthe tho right to go above the present J1r ont point pointbf bf r the city diversion of tho water In Into Into ino ¬ to o Its canal The city may go on with withtho withtho withthe tho project which was W S long ago con contemplated contemplnted contemptated ¬ templated for the purpose of taking takingput toklogput takingput put the Jordan water UI the stream streamhearer strMmtlCBrer atramrenrer hearer to the dam and Into the IhoEast Gait Jordan canal which would give ho a fall fallnf CnllfJt trillat nf nearly eighty feet nnd permit the theVater tbolItllr thewater water to bo conducted on n higher lev level levd Icyci el than at present which gives but n nHfty niUty atitty Hfty feet fall ColInnd and bo of vastly greater greaterbenefit greatertJenofit greaterbenefit benefit to tho public Wo endorse tho thorecommendation thorocomnumdallon therocomniendation recommendation that the city proceed proceedfet fet once to secure this right from rpm Invasion In litruslon h hnsion vasion by proper action actionWhen nctlollWhen actiotiWhen When the bonds election was under underton IInlleronslderntlon undertonsIderatIon ton tonsIderatIon = lderatlon the representatives of tho thoHtypleUged tholtypl thut HtypleUged t ltypl ity pITged iJged Itlo It 10 the expenditure of a afertnln nertnln atertntn fertnln amount for tho lowering of tho thoChannel thohannellll1 thorhannel Channel hannellll1 and aii the prosecution ot this nee neefcssary neotasary nectssary fcssary work ork This was a great Induce Inducement InduclJIIent Inducenent ¬ ment to voters oter In supporting tho prop proptuition Ilropbltlon vrovbeitlon tuition for the Issuing of thoso bonds bondspho bonl18trho bondsirho pho pledge has not been satisfactorily satisfactorilyifulfllled IlItistactnrllyull1led H ifulfllled Something ought to be dono donopt donof doneonce f pt t once In that direction and we urge urgeihls urgef f L ibis upon tho consideration ot tho pros present prosI ¬ I L ent nt City Council with the Mayor as of ofuch otl ofnuth l I1uch uch greater moment than a prolonged prolongedUlspute llrulonsollr Prolonged1l3pute r Ulspute ijl pute over the th removal or lr r appoint appointment npllolntrl1enl appointinent ¬ ment of a city omcer Gentlemen pro proMod procod proeed Mod cod at once and take the proper steps stepsIn In this Important Im orlant mofemohtl mofemohtlTUB lIIoiinontlTilE ntosemohtlTIlE TilE 8AUDAT1I QUESTION QUESTIONTho The question which day of the th week weekh h the proper day of rest seems to be botroubling betrollblh belroublhig troubling trollblh r some church members who whoJmve whoIne whoava Jmve Ine como In contact with teachers ot otBevcnthday oCf3evcnthduy ofevcnthdny Bevcnthday doctrines That nectar nectarlans Reetllrlans sectarlane lans should find It dllUcult to meet meetpome mcotfomo meetsome some of tho objections raised to tho thoNew thoNew theew New ew Testament Sabbath can cause causeno cousel0 no l0 wonder Hut the Latterday Saints SaintsImvo SaintsJII1VO aintelavo Imvo a Jinn foundation to stand on as asregards nlNnrds asregards regards this plain question as n well as asothers aftothers asothers others of Importance They need not notputter notutrer notriutfer putter shipwreck of faith In controver controversies con trover troverfilf ¬ sies filf pf t that nature natureOn natureOn natureOn On the 7th day of August ISJt the theRalntB theahts thegaints RalntB ahts were told In a revelation given giventhrough glvonthrough giventhrough through the Prophet Joseph that thin thinIB thllIs thisI IB I a day appointed unto you ou to rest restfrom restfrom restfrom from your our labors and to pay lJIl thy tit dovo dovotlons dcotlons ilevotions tlons unto tho Most 1 > High This reve revelation revelation roveintion ¬ lation wan given on a Sunday as can canbo canbe canbe be ascertained by reference to the cal calendar OIltendllr oatendar ¬ endar for the year 1SU This fact factelves factges notgives elves the greatest st significance to tho tholanguage thoi i language tan nC of the revelation But re remember remember remember ¬ member that on this the Lord day daythou dart dart1hou datthou thou halt offer thine oblations and thy thySacraments tliyJAeraments thyracraments Sacraments unto the Most High con confeulng conleulng confeasing feulng thy tins unto > thy brethren ad andbefore adbetore adbefore before the Lord This leaves no noroom noroom noroom room fur doubt ai uto to which day dB has been set t apart by b tho Mont High li lithis In Intills Inthis this i1lin L11 dispensation entaton n utlon nt ts the UI day of t ros rosnnd rcst rcstoud rostand and ittivotlon This tho Lords day day1can al1Ycnn dayCan can moan no other day than that or orwhich on onwhlah onwhich which tho revelation wn wnll cvon And Andthat Andthat Andtlilit that wai WB on the first day of tho wcclc wcclcAlleged wcolcAlltod wecicAlleged Alleged private revelations to tho con contrary contrary cotstrary trary may ba rejected aa Spurious I Iat It Itat Ifat at any ny time Usa Lord should deem 1 1good It Ittood itgood good to reveal rovealllnythhl anything further on the thoqucitlon 110Q thequestion question Q etlon Ho would do so through the thelegitimate Ihelegttlmhto theIegtttmtito legitimate channels find not through througlprivate Ihroulltprlvllto throughprivate private Interpretation nut until unitlint untiltbnt untilthat lint occur the ho revelations already alreadygiven Blrcadygiven alreadygiven given on the subject contain tho wen wenot word wordat ot the Lord to the Balntu SalntllBnll and tho con controversy controtr8Y cOntroversy ¬ troversy Is thereby ended endedIf If wo look to the New ew Testament for forlight torIIcht foriigiit light on the Babbalh question we flnd flnithat flndtha flndthat that t tho resurrection rOlu rrlctlon of f our Lord took tookplace toolcplco tookplace place on tho first day 1111 of th the week as asdid asdid asdid did also that Pentecostal l outpouring ot ottho ottho ofthe tho Holy Bplrlt Prom these facts tho thoconclusion thocOllclu lieconclusion conclusion cOllclu lon Is I Inevitable that tho first firstfollowers firllttcllower firstfollowers followers of the Nazarono azurene should look lookupon lookupon lookupon upon that flay with special 11 > eclnl reverence reverencennd and obnervo It with appropriate de devotional c1evotlonal devtlonaI ¬ votional cicrclMfl excrcl tfl It I Is certain hat thBtv thatvery hatvery very v rr early the Christians hold regular tegularmeetings tOBularlIIeetlnlrs regularintetitigs meetings on that day Acts 20 7 71 I ICor ICor ICor Cor 10 iCs 2 It U I also certain that tho thoday thodny theday day was called the Lords day Key Keyl l 1110 1i 10 10What 10lVhat 1110Wl1at What particular teaching wire given givenby tlvenby givenby by tho Apostles at that tlmo on tho thoSabbath thoSallbnlh thegabbath Sabbath question qU atlolJ Is not on record but butIt It would bo Inconsistent to assume that thattho thnttho thatthe tho Christians gathered for special edl edljlcallon etJlI1caUon cdlIlcation jlcallon and the partaking of the Sacra Sacramental SacrAmenta i3acramental ¬ mental emblems a on that day without withouttho i tho wincllon of their divinely Inspired Inspiredcachet In inspiredteachets plrc1 plrc1teachetl cachet In fact a n Haw day for such suchexercises suchtX sudsxercIsee exercises tX < lrolfls waa wa absolutely needed Tho Thoold Thoold Theold old Sabbath observance had no bear bearIng bellrIng bearIng Ing on tho new Christian life Tho es esBontHUfl uCnUntll ussenilnis BontHUfl of n 1 Christian day of rest had hadno balltIO no loom In the Hebrew Babbath ob observance obOrflnCe ohperyctoceS ¬ servance Both could ho kept but not noton notOn noton on the some day Their ulunlfloanco ulunlfloancowas was IIS HO different one l being > Ing th the sign of ofa otn a covenant botweendod and one nation nationthe nnUonth nationuse the th other being a commemoration of ofthat otthnt ofthat that victory by which salvation was wasmade WIUInode WUStriade made possible Jo lble to all nations to tho tholiving tholiving theliving living nnd tothedrad tothedradThs to the dead dfRdTh1l1 deadThls Ths seems to hive been fully real realised Tenlbed realizeci ¬ bed In tin tll first ChrUtlan churches churchesFor churcheI For I or wherever Hebrew Influence Influencewas was paramount both olh the Babbath labblUhand labblUhandthe and andtho the Iordfl day Were kept holy But ButhU DutIhls 131stthin hU could for obJnui reasons not notbn notbnpermllnent bo bopermanent hopermanent permanent And when it was deemed deemedleccasary deorno1neccssJlty deemednecessary necessary to choose between the two twothe twothe twothe the Lords day wAs given Iven the prefer preference preforeM preferonce ¬ once Emperor Constantino endeavored endeavoredjy cnd lvored lvoredIy b jy Ural enactments to make that day daya a day of rest Unnecessary labor was wasrohlllted Williprohlblled wanprohibited rohlllted UK sere also public I > ublle per pcrormnnces Ilcrtormoncc perforrnancee ormnnces In the theaters There could couldbe be 16 no stronger l proof roof > ot the popular popularIty ¬ Ity ly the Christian Sabbaths had attained attainedo to o nt that time timeConcerning timeoncernlng timeConcerning Concerning tho ancient Hebrew Bab Babnth Bnb1nlh Sabhath nth > much has to bo learned yet be before betore beore fore ore the Institution Is clearly under understood understood understood ¬ stood It was wa different from tho KgypIan Egypt l Egypttian gp gptlllll Ian day of rest which seems to have havooccurred hnvoocCUrtCIJ haveoccurted occurred every tenth day Instead of ofevery atevery ofevery every seventh To do any an unnecessary unnecessaryabor unnecessarylnborQII unnecessarYlabor labor lnborQII on that day was Wllllo o capital of offcnse eftemRe offence fence Whether It occurred on every everyseventh overyovcnth everypvCtit seventh day dn of the week Is nn open openquestion openIu openuestion question Iu slln The theory has been advanced advancedIn a aIn In lIter years car that It w was s n movable movabloholiday movBblohtllldBY movablebol1da holiday which toll In rotation on every everyday ovoWdll evet7tiny day dll of the week like our ur movable movablololldayp lIIovlILloholhtnyp movablehoiidaV lolldayp and much can be Bald In favor favorof of this view According to L iAvlllcuII vltlcu 21 tha fifteenth day dB of the first month monthof of the year was always a Sabbath SabbathPhe SabbnthXhO Phe entire week commencing on that thatlay thnt1111Y thatday lay wa wal n Sabbath week Ie k with special specialconvocations spec pcc1flicoVocationa In I IcOnVocntlons convocations on tho first day and tbs tlwseventh th4seventh tbsseventh seventh Then Instruction were given giveno 10 o count seven complete Sabbath from fromhe Cromthe fromthe the first day after the Babbath week weekind weekndto weeknd ind ndto nd to celebrate tho fifteenth day BB BBa a aIl aa a special BabBath This gave tho Ho Horovs Hobrows liebrows brows > rovs nt that thnt time of tho year two twoSabbathg twoSahbnth twoSabbnth Sabbathg In succeaclon and It this Is Iscorrect I Icornct iscorrect correct tho Babbath would In fwveucars seven SIIVOUellr sevenyears years cars fall In rotation on every day In Inhe h hthe itthe the week There was a similar nr nratigomcnt astatigenient I I1lItlgomcnt atigomcnt In regard reinr to the Babbath Babbathyear Rlbbathy fatjbathyear year y lIr Rvery seventh year elr was so di digitated desIgnated dccignated ¬ Ignated Hut every fiftieth year was a I year yeBrof of Jubilee j bllce and consequent 1 at athat I1tthat atthat that time two Bnbbath years ear the the9th the49lh the4th 9th and Oth como together It fur furher turther furher her Investigation should prove thti thtiheory thutheory tltictheory theory to be correct tho contention for forSaturday forSlItllrday forHaturthiy Saturday as a permanent Sabbath ac according ncCOrlUng according ¬ cording to Hebrew pattern would ap appear nppear oppear ¬ pear utterly void ot sense senseHut Bensenut sousahut Hut we may let that pose it In coy cornln certllin coytsthn nln that tho Apostle Paul distinctly distinctlycachcn distinctlyt dltinetLyteaches teaches t that the law relating to the theSabbaths tlllIanhbatbs theI3abbathe Sabbaths In tho old sensn ot that In Institution InsUtlltlon Inatittitlois ¬ stitution Is not binding on the disciples dlsclplonHorn 1IsolplollHorn Horn Ms 14 6 L Christians Christlnnsahould should accept accepthi hi ils teachings even cv n of they reject the therevelations theroveintlolll therevelations revelations given for the guidance of oftho ottho ofthe tho people of God In this age ngeT1IIJ aeTim ageTilE Tim TWO WOULU8 WOULU8Dr Dr Lyman Abbott has recently pub published puhlIshbc1 ptthslislibd ¬ lished In The Outlook some excellent excellentthought oxcellentthollghts excellentthoughts thought Intended to throw light on onthe ontht onthe the > unseen world He nays It Is the thepostulate theIofttlllt thelOettliate postulate Iofttlllt of all his hl thinking that thatthoio thattholo thatthese these are two worlds worldsnil an outer and an anInner anIllner aninner Inner a material and a spiritual a aworld aworltl aworld world governed by Inflexible law and anda a world orll1 of selfgoverned liberty a aworld aworll1 aworld world discerned by oye and oar and andtouch andtQuch andtQuchi touch and a world discerned by con conHoioutnetft conlIoloulne eonsolouSnees Hoioutnetft It the philosopher he hecontinue heoolltlnu hecontlnuee continue asturoa me that these two twoare tvoare 0 0are are one 00 1 do not dispute him porhap porhapthey iorhaithey > I Ithey they art nuy probably they tbe are but butIn butIn butin In nil my thinking I think of them as aatuo astwo astwo two worlds cooperative oooP < < ato but contrail contrailod od 01 Then he continues continuesI I think of the spiritual world wo1tJvlr M Mever asover ever itmnlfMtliiR ll Ila U throuih tlir tis ma matorUl IUntotlal material torUl world worlda orI4 a perpetual but inl Inlltble InlltbleIrellfnct tnistblelreeence lble lblePresence Presence veiled yet reve revealed rd In all allphenomena nilhtlolJ1t altphesomena phenomena htlolJ1t A love of lx 1I811 neauty tity In all allfoinifl aUrOlmA anfotnie foinifl of beauty b > Quty am Intellmtual tllteIlN tul skill skillIn IklllIn ekhitits In all mechanical contrivance eGntrlv a true truespiritual truer truespiritual spiritual r trtual ronnclouimeiw In nil stemlng stemlngly eeemtnly ly I unconscious un ollslou8 operation of nature naturean an orerpreiint and nndotornal eternal Knerry Knerryfivin 1nertyfiosis nrf nrftl6m fivin whom all things procetdan Un UniKT Iueig 11 eig iKT 0 wllo lione thoucht Is In aJl 51 Nature Natureliigtnulttn Nature11I1f aturee atureeingotsuitlas liigtnulttn 11I1f nulU WhOM who imrpor Is in all alllirpprof allIIrrplOff allllrepmeNL lirpprof llrepmeNL ws I conceive of Him th thevercootclous the tbeevercoucloUIi theevercorisCtO113 evercootclous Artist In wry doer rtowertbe doerIbe dowerthe the everoorwcloui Artisan In all II cor corivlated corltlated carrelated related fore forces the Alllathr Is all hit hittory blltory lit littory tory and In all lives 1 conceive Him HimKttlng I1l1nttlng Ifimsetting setting ttlng me off from Himself U < M a avpark apark aspark park Is struck by b tile hvnmtr h lmtr fromthe from fromthe fromthe the redhot red hot Iron to 1 be like Ilk Him a alover fIlover aloverof lover loverof It f beauty and n I creator of beau beauty ¬ ty t a lover of truth nnd an uttarer ot ottruth ottrutb ofS S truth a hover of rIghteousness and anddoer a adoer adoer doer Ot rlKbteouineiw and yet like likeHim likeHIm likeSlim Him tree to choose th the ugly the U MM tal taltht falsethe MMthe the unrltfitcouti and because e thus free freelined tlNiUtd treeLILQIJ lined to I lit His companion eomJ1 nlon able to b bat be beat heat at one with him or to separate myself front rom Him ubla bla ta t think HU thoughts thoughtsflliaro thOujrhtllIlhDJo thouhtshiAya flliaro Ills1 JI jjurpoM he h pivrtuker of HIwe HI HIme Hislife we OF r to bo hldltteretl tldlil retit or ji ttverno t tHim 10 101IImj sriHim Him oftpabl of bln l being > flnr HU m colnpanloi colnpanloiami ami Jill friend Anti therefore capable capablof of being b 11I1C JIIj enemy enemyDr cnemyDr enemyEr Dr Abbott further describe > tI th thntftte tho thobtnltR thustages stages through which the Individual Indlvlduupasse IndlvltJunlpllIl Individualpasses passe pllIl e whllo ponMMlntt > l1HHlnu an wirtlilbody earthly earthlybody < < 1rlhl1bOdY body and tho part the phydonl organs oreuniplay organsllay organspiay play In the development d v lopntn t Ho thci thllIconsldollI theaconeidoro thcicoiisldorn coiisldorn death and resurrection ni nifollows 1lII 1lIItallows asfollows follows followsI I think that Ufa ROOM on unbroken unbrokeiby by 1 what w we owl death Hint the rcsur rcsurlection rOllllreetlon resuricotion lection of t Jesus Christ wan not ar arextraordinary nnexlrBortllnnry anextraordinary extraordinary ovont but only nn ex extraordlnary extraOrtJlnaty oxtrardInary > traordlnary evidence of nn o ordlllllry ordlllllryevent ordinaryevent nil nan nanevent event tliut Ho wna the llrst fruits oi oithem ot otthem ofthent them that eleell sled lc p that all 1I111 flm I > from th thdead the tbedelld thedead < dead as Ho rosa 10 > > 0 from the > load nni nnillvo anti antilive antilive live as Ho lives Uiattinllelilodepari Uiattinllelilodeparinnd 111M to dIe thi II depart tellepartnlll to departtitid nnd nlll to bo with Christ which IH far faihotter1 tllrhotter farbotter hotter that every death IH a I resurroc resurroctlon resurrocton r surroc surroctlon < tlon and that to ovory spirit U URlveth 0011 0011Rlveth 2041gieth Rlveth a body an It ploti pINII th Him 1 1think I Ithink Ithink think of denth nit a II gill < l awakening awakeningfrom fVllkonlnJttrom from this troubled i sleep lc I e < n which we call calllife callIItoj celllife life IItoj as an emancipation from runs a worM worhlwhich worMVhICh 1oridwhoh which beautiful though It bo I h Is mill milla a lana of cnptlvlty as a I erftduatlon erftduatlonfrom from this hIe primary dopartmont IntoBorne Into IntoIIOnl inLosonic Borne higher mnk in the thehlerrlrchy hierarchy of oflearning7 otloatllln oflearning learning learning7A loatllln A IltHHIAN IU1HH N TUIIIOAT TUIIIOATWhat TIlIUMrWhat TIIILthtTWhat What Is called eal1 tl tho official view of ofUumila otBuurn ofRussia Russia on the AngloJapnriene alliance allianceIn In that the ox preyed pre fId ptirpono of that thatentente thntontento thatOfltefltO entente II l In oomplet accord with the tlmlliitfllnn tit titH1I8f1lnn thellussinn lliitfllnn policy In China Itutsla ltu lla too toodetlres to todulre toGdesires desires peace and the preservation ot ottho ottho oftime tho integrity of China and Cored Co roo Hut Hutto 1Mto Hutto to this pacific asurAnco Is addodthin added addedthis thin significant threat If peace oaco Is Isjnonttccd I IInonlcctlln ISnenttced jnonttccd In tho extreme orient IlUHnla IlUHnlalor nll Ititesiltfor III IIItor for her part will not fall to take all alltho nilthl oilthe the measures meB UrOS necessary to safeguard safeguardher her interests This Is not ambiguous ambiguousIt It is a plain laln reply rOlll to the olau clause a ot tho thoAnglOJapnncio thoAnalooJapanoso theAngio4apnneso AnglOJapnncio agreement according accordingto to which tha two powers bind thorn thorncalves tholllolve themtehves calves lve to fight for their Interests In InChina 11 11Chilln ittCilifla China It is a declaration that force forcewill torcewlU forcewill will bo met by II force If need be beIt beIL beIt It may reasonably be supposed thattho that thnttho thatthe tho effect ot the compact will be In the thedirection thedirection thedirection direction of peace Kngland and Japan Japandeclare Ja Japandeclare nn nncI declare cI clare that they thl will defend their theircommercial theircommercial theircotnmnercial commercial and Industrial rights in ineastern Ineustern Ineastern eastern Asia and although IluKsIa la ladetermined hIdetermined isdetermined determined to hold Manchuria nh she h will willproceed willproceed willproceed proceed with greater reatel caution In view viewof viewof of what may happen should the Japan Japancso Ja1nncae cso be stirred to action A war Involv Involvng InvolvInle involvlug lug ng Japan Great Britain and to soma somaextent SOIMextent someextent extent China on one hand and Ituiela Ituielaon on the other might easily develop developstaggering dcveluptllggorllll developstaggering staggering proportions It would not notjo notbe notbe be jo confined to Chinese Chln so waters and terri territory terrltory erritory ¬ tory It would soon rage whereverRussian whereverItusslan wherever vhorover1Iullln Russian and Urltbih interests are open opento opento to assault Its It llamoo would break out outn outIn outin In n tho naltlc In the Levant In India Indiaand IndIaand Indiaand and on the high seas The very mat magiltudo milleIIIIudo matmtitudo < iltudo ot the conflict would maka the thegovernments thegovermnonte thegoveramnonte governments hciltato to provoko It For Forthat Forthat Forthat that reason the dual alliance may be bedepended 1IeIIclenled bedonotided depended upon to be a great factor for foreaco torpeaco forpeace peace eaco In Asia as 8 tho triple alliance has hasecn hasbecnln hasleen becnln leen > ecn In Europe No doubt It It I tha thafruit thaCrult thefruit fruit of Marshal Itus recent journey journeythrough Journeythrough journeythrough through tho United States and Great Greatnrltftln Orcatnrltaln Greatflrltain nrltftln nnd It la justly regarded as a amoat umoot amost moat Important International combina combination combination combinetton ¬ tion CONFUCIUS CONFUCIUSTho Tho following historical data concern concernIng concething concernne Ing ne tho great Chinese reformer Confu Confucius Contudus Confudun ¬ dun are from a lecturo by Hon Clus Cluster ChlYtel Cheatome ¬ tel Holcomb delivered In Uoston Dos ton the theother theQlhw theothet other dayConfucius day tlayiConfucius aYI aYIContuelus Confucius was only twenty years cllrs old oldvhcn oldwhen oldwhen when he opened n school schoolnot not for boy boyntut boybut boyubut but for men of mature uge ulreto > to teach teachsocial telhlIoclal tenlmsocial social and political ethics Whatever Whateverils his source of Information and Bn learning learninghe the more Important portions of what whathe whnthO trlmatho hO taught cannot be Identified with the thevork thework thework work of any of the earlier writers writersvhlch writerswhich writerswhich which makeR It plain loln that If ho obtained obtainedits its Ideas from them ho worked them themover themover themover over In his own mind until they be became becamo becacao ¬ came distinctly his own His school schoolcontinued Bchoolcontinued schoolcontinued continued through his life Feudalism Feudalismvan van then at Its height It was his am amiltlon amhltlon amhition iltlon that floino feudal chief should shouldmploy shoulll11II1lo shouldemploY emploY 11II1lo him for a stated term ns a aeacher IItel1cher ateacher teacher that ha Ijo 0 might Inculcate his hisdens hisIdenll hisideas dens In the government Hut he heould hocould liecould could not rccclvti r < < ol recognition One of ofhese otthuo ofthmeso hese chiefs was not averse to his ap appointment nppolntmcnt oppointment ¬ pointment but was restrained by the thedenunciations thedenllnc1ntl0l18 thedenunciations denunciations Ioured Into his ears by byhe bythe bythe the ministers It was a trying time timeor timetor timefor for or the great sage sng He desired to toeach toteacll toteach each and guide and ho traveled from fromone fromono fromone one province to another In queot of the theopportunity theopportllnlty theopportunity opportunity Finally lllnllI hIs return to tohis tohie tohis his native province or little kingdom kingdomof l < 1nglol1lof of Lu opened opene < 1 the way n for him He Hemd Hehllll liehad md had become popular and now wan giv given gtvon ¬ en the reins of government over hU hUown hisown isisown own people lJCo llc Ho was a model governor governorJnder gonrnorUnder governorUnder Under his administration crlmo Is said saido flnltlto to o have censed In the district Imt his hisjrood hitsgood good 0011 work was suddenly overthrown overthrowny b by > y an Influx of vice Ico and Intrigue IntrigueDeath IntrigueDeath intrigueDeath Death come at tho age of seventy ncventyHe He was burled with groU ceremonies ceremoniesDisciples cercmonleuI ceremoniesIisciple Disciples I > remained three years at his hisgrave hiliravp hisgrave grave ravp which U the official ported of ofmourning ofmourning ofniourtitng mourning and It Is Bald that some of ofIhtfin atthenl ofthirstS thirstS played there another term of ofthree ofthreo ofthree three years Ills death was a shock shocklo to the whole country Ills followers followersbecame tollowclllb followersbecame b became camo active In the dissemination of othis ofhis ofbits his doctrine One ruler ordered the thedestruction theIfslructlon thedestruction destruction of hits books nnd seine of otIlls ofhis ofhis his dlselplen I1l clple were burled alive In the theliapo thlhopo thehope hope of crushing the doctrine Ho had hadbeen lIal1bflcn hadbeen been dead 300 years when tho first cm cmlieror emheror I lieror 11 lOr recognized rtcognl ed him and Bncrlllced to toiilm toIn toSun Sun In It WAS ae too OO years after his death deathlieforo l1tathbetore deathbefore before ft 1 Confucian temple was a8 erected erectedIn In China Many ot his utterances re remain reomalt remust ¬ main Chlneeo puzzle to scholars of all alllanguages nillRnguajtes altlanguages languages While books contain ut utterancw utteran utteranees terancw teran R of Confucius ho wrote rot very verylittle verylittle ory orylittle little himself Ho claimed no divine dlvlnorigin dlvlnsQrlgln divineorigin origin and Instated that he was as not notborn notLorn notborn born with any knowledge knowledgeStrange knowledjOStrnnge knowledgeStrange Strange enough the teachings of ofConfucius ofContuohls ofConfucIus Confucius which have excited < l such suchwonderful Ruehwondertul suchwonderful wonderful Influence upon millions of ofAsiatic atAslatlce ofAilaties Asiatic and throughout many centu centuHen centuVt ntu nturiM Hen Vt embraced more particularly min minute mlnuto mum mumuto ¬ uto rules rul for the nurture and educa education edllcntton edusealion ¬ lion of children for the lh paying of ham hamnge bomnge hamnge nge to auditors a nl1f < stOtl for etiquette and In Intercourte Intercolrte Intereotiree tercourte bitwwm nil cl classes ws And ranks ranksof ranI ranIof of eocltty One would naturally tup tuppoat 1111114I stmppose pose that a philosophy with no wider widerHorizon widerhorizon widerhorizon Horizon should bo b tthortllred Hut the theruler therill therulers ruler rill found In It excellent arguments argumentsfor for the maintenance ot their authority authorityand and lint they embraced it itIt ItIt ItIt It aim at < appears that to the teachings teachingsat of Confucius can I be traced the thI1Otlrlno thI1Otlrlnotht doctrine doctrloothat doctrinethat that the people constitute the most tm Important tmportnll tmportatut ¬ portant el element ment In the nation and that thatthe thattbo thattime the sovereign though Gods reprenn reprenntatjve repreNntalJve representatjve I Igood tatjve hold 0111l his power only for tin tingood thegood good of th the people and that conne connequtntly conMqUlntly renaquenthy qutntly If he abuses this power ho can canbe canbe canbe be removed by tho people eO le This Is lareally Isroal1y isreally really a remarkable advance ot the hd no notion nolion notitni ¬ lion prevalent pr vlll nt In other ancient em emplret emJlr emplres plret Jlr that the people are merely merelylaves merelySII8 merelyyes SII8 SII81t laves lavesU yes yesIt U U charged that Confucius h hU done donebis donehIs donehis hIs people otle an Irreparable Injury by ste at ¬ reotyping as It wen we the Ideas of tli tlinncltnlN the thennclentH timeancients ancients and handing them over I Ithat In InIIlllt inthat that form to posterity Hut probabl probablho PfobBblyho ho gave Ilve to tho people p opl what thoy could coulcornprohind co1l111cOIllf1Jehntl couldcomprehend comprehend Whon western torn civilize clvllUttlon dUIutUun civilizelion lion shall finally plant It Its Htnndim Htnndimon tttnndardion on Chlnoso soil tho bearers of the no1 no1light now nowlight slowlIght light will nnd much of value In InthBt InthBtwhIch tin tinwhich that thatwhich which tho Chinese Chtn e ngo beaueathed I Ihla to tohis tohis his race They thl will gain much mu ma metorlal materlal matonal tonal for tho lie foundation of the n MW MWtructuro nivstrUcture < v vutructure strUcture And until wextcrn clvlllzu clvlllzutlon clvl1lzuoHon olvihizaIon Hon learnt to utilize tho material th thoast the theoaat theeast east already possesses 088ollnell there wilt t tbut bo bobut bebut but little progress there will wl1llle never r I Ia bQ lJ lJa a perfect IIndorlltllnlllllr IIndorlltllnlllllrUMOJtH tsndertttmmdhmtghIbMlt8 F llliAOKH IN CITIIIH CITIIIHAccording jlTIiHAccording f According to the Kansas City Cityour Sin Sinour Siarour our national capital 18 s the Iliwt cityli citylithu dity lIi In Inthu inthe thu Union n 11II regardo its number IIlIm 0 0colored ot otcolored ofcolored colored Inhabitants It ban no II leu Ic l thai thalsaooo thanse000 80000 blacks The retUnn t9r this i ithat III IIIthaI Isthat that It offer Northern North r liberality Iberalltr and i iSouthern n nSoulher aRoulimern Southern Soulher el cl chittmato Him IB to whllo thew Ihe arc IIrO HU HUmerouit 11 iltirneroum merouit government positions pORI lon to bo b hrtilTho bAth hI hIfho bAthrise rise city oly of Baltimore Jnltloro ranks nitxt IIIXt t tWaHhlngton to toWn toVashirtgtot < WaHhlngton Wn hlngtclI with 70000 colored inhab inhabItnnto Inhlb Inhlblnnto lnInbltnntn Itnnto lnnto Philadelphias colored colore populu populutlon pop pondlution lu tlon 101 Increased Incrclod CS G S per Jr cent front troll RIO 1 0 to toO toIO0 i i1JOO 1JOO O rind Int now nol numbers IUlbere 02000 t OO Wimhlngton Wl Washing Washingtons hlng hlnglon ton tons gain aln WOH al only 11000 100 to Phlladol Phlladolphtao IlhllniQI IlhllniQIph1 lhiiadqlphits phtao ph1 33000 10 if J this rate of increase InoreMOconthtuel increasecOntInues Inoreamcontlnuen cOntInues conthtuel the Quaker QUlleor City Ciy within wihin i ifmv I a atow tow y years llrl rs will wi outrank outrRlk Washington WashingtonIn Wash 111 ton tonIn In Homo cities clUel of t tho South wo 10 ar artold are nrotold aretold < told lie negroes am arl about nu numer numerous IUmer IUmeroue numnercue cue as th t the whites whln Thin ThIl IH Ktild Inll1 to b btho bo botho behue < tho hue cane cae In Vlcknburrr Vlekllburl Memphis MomphlNCharleston Mamlhll MemphisCharleston Charleston Savannah Snvannlh Montgomery MontgomeryMobile MOlltomlryIuble MommtgomnoryMobile Mobile Iuble Wilmington Wlmlnlol and flIl1 ttaton nntol Kongo Kongolooker 10UKc 10UKcJlooker ItougoIlookur looker T I Washington bellovcs belov11 It would wouldbo wouldbo bo bettor bolar for tho negro to remain on ontho Ontho Onthe tho farm nut the t o urban centers enterl seem seemto seemto em emto to be aa U attractive nttractvo to the young YOlng no nogroes 1 nogroes i groes Iroel as to other young people peopleA A SALOON RAJON AI AIThe AUho AlTiso > The ho following foloIIIr advertisement ndvertsement was pub pubIslied pubnhell publishietl Islied in the Fayettovllle 1nyetovJle Tenn 13x 13xttat J Expreee J Jrtl preee > ttat and Ind wan Bq sold to have have been paid paidor pal1 pal1tor paidfor for or by a I ealoonkeepor named II F FJohnion FJohnlon Fjohnson johnson Wo WorproducQ reproduce It verbatim verbatimwithout vcrbtImwithout crbntlmwihout without wihout vouching for lt ItS < authenticity authenticityFrlendut iuthentcty iuthentctyJrlendu authenticityFrhendu Frlendut Jrlendu Ilavlnir lavlnaopeMd opened a commo commodious COllllnodlou dominoiftous ¬ dious shop eho for the sale of liquid fire I Iembrace Icmbrlo Iembrace embrace cmbrlo this opportunity to Inform Informyou Intor informyou you ou that I have commenced the busl buslieim buslle ieim le e of making miking drunkards paupers auper and andbeggars aMbeJ8ar andbeggars beggars beJ8ar for tho sober industrious lnu trlous end endrespectable andres amidrespectable respectable res ectnble portion purton of o the commu commuilly commuIlty commitlilly lilly Ilty to support I shall lhlll deal In tarn tarnly tAI fainIly Ily ly spirits that will mexcltc excite men to todeeds todeeds todeeds ly deeds of riot robbery and blood bloodnnd bloodnnd bloodnod nnd by so doing diminish the com comfort clm clmtori cornfort ¬ fort augment nuilnmt tho expense ep nso and endan endanger endllnBtr endangee ¬ gee Btr the welfare welnro of tho community commttiity I IHliull IIhll Ishall shall Ihll undertake Ind rtako at a short notice notce and andfor Bld Bldtor andfor for a small sum lum and Ind with great gelt ex expcotatlon expeolntlon cxpeotation pcotatlon to prepare lrepnr victim vlotn for tho thoisjltimi tho1lyhIII Itoacyltmrni isjltimi 1lyhIII poorhouses poorhouHP prisons prlonl and Id gal galows gil gillow8 gallows I article which whichwill whIchIm wimichwill lows ows I will I furnish an nrlclo I will Im Incrtase the amount of fatal acci accidents BCc acetdents ¬ dents multiply the thl number nlmber of distress distresstig dlstreuIng distresshag hag tig diseases and render those which are aremrmless Ilrolrmlo arelmxrrnleee mrmless lrmlo incurable Incurablo I shall shal deal In Indrugs Indru Indrugs dru drugs s which will wi deprive some SOIO ot life lifemany lte ltemany lifeninny many of reason reson most lost of prosperity prosperiy And Andnil hindalt nd ndal nil of peace which will canto the futh futhrs talhers fathera al ers rs to peae become fiends wives widows widowshlltiren wldoUslchidren widowschildren children chidren orphans rphan and all Al mendicants mendicantswill mentlcnts 1 will cause many of the living lving genera generainns IIICrl generatinims wi inns to grow up In Ignorance poverty povertynd tnnl amid nd crime erllc gow and prove a I burden bUrlen nnd a anuisance 1 1nulsnnct anuisance nuisance to the nation I will wi cause causemothorn cllusemolhern causemothers mothers to forget ndton their offspring oflprlnr ami amiin 1111 1111IHv asmdqitptt qitptt in IHv iiv to take the place of love I will willometlmes wi wiltsometimes sometimes some limes even corrupt corupt the tllollnlslerl tllollnlslerlor ministers ministersf or f religion obstruct the progress of the theiro thegospel iro gospel retrlan r l defile the purity progess of the church churchand churchand churchan dene thlJurty an and 10101 cause CIU O spiritual Iplrlu temporal and eter eternal eternI eternal ¬ nal death deathIt deathI It I is t one thing to bo ransomed rllomcd but butquite b butquite t tquie quie quite another to be released releasedNo No doubt Sheriff Bherlt Storrs would W llld rather ratheruvo ratherhlo ratherhave have uvo Wright Wrlghtthun than be president presidentYoung IlresldentYoung prestdentYoung Young Roosevelt loosovcl Is out of the hue wood woodlay wootlsMay woodsMay May he soon be out of the house houseIn In n the Philippines Phlppincs tha thooldealv old saw is made madeo to o read reld Out of the frying pan Into the therlari theflr thefriars friars flr flrTh friarsThe rlariTh Th Th The oil 01 men are BrE at n peace Borne one onemiet onemuet onetaunt taunt have have poured oil 01 on the troubled troubledntors troubledwnters troubledwaters wntersI waters watersIt ntorsIt It I la 11 expected that many IBn persimmons persimmonstil pCrslmmonswi wi wtht til be knocked down downby by the new Com Comncrclal ComIcrclot Cornmeretat ncrclal Icrclot club clubPerhaps cub cubIerhnps clubIerhape Perhaps It 11 Is natural that there therehoulil theresloull thereahould houlil sloull be a fight fGht over the division of a anllltory aInltnry amilitary nllltory Inltnry reservation reservationCommercial resentlon resentlonCoI1morol1 reservationCommercial Commercial CoI1morol1 strategy strutcy may InIY be dc dcncd denned dofined fined QB al overreaching overrcchlnl rivals rhlls and under underlining undermining undermntaing ¬ lining them th m nt the same time timeWhen timeWhen timeWhen When the Doors 100rs dashed d hcd through Kit Kitholers mtolumcrs Iltciteners holers olumcrs carefully < drawn 1m WI cordon curdol his hisordihlp his10rdhlp hislordship lordship doutlcofl loute8s Bald Dash It I all allWhon al alWhen stIllWhen When the woman RUffraglnts lutraglls meet in iniow InNol inhow I Nol how iow Orleans Orlonl may mn they time secure lecure as a com comdetc Coml11etc cornplete I I detc a victory as did Jackson over overftclienlmm overIJAckenhmn overPackenhmamu I ftclienlmm IJAckenhmnAU ftclienlmmAll i All the nations ne seem m awfully awfullypleated ntsCuhlpleased I nwfuly pleated pleI1 over oVlr tho AngloJapaneso ngloJllpaneo alli alliance alI alIance nihance ¬ ance It I is an In era ern of o gush If I not lot of ofrood ofoo ofgood rood oo feeling feelingThe teellnl teellnlThe feelingThe The price of brooms has been Lren ad advanced advnncBlt adwinced ¬ winced Having IavIllhgnd regard to household householdxpontes hOUSQhoidexponls householdexpenses expenses exponls the hired hlr girl will wll not t want to toso touse u use so It oo 10 frequently trrquentY now nowThe nowThe amyTime The kals knllr kaIser r bids bll1 his brother bther Henry Henrypeak Hcnr Henryspeak peak In English Inglsh while whie In the United UnitedJtatfH UnltetJBtutel Hattedttcs I Btutel JtatfH When he sent him him to China ho houndo hebllo isobdo I undo bllo him talk Turkey Turk to all allThe Allflc allrho I i The flc establishment 1tnblshment by the French gUY govrnment gUYornment guyorornent I rnment of an engineering onllntring school 1011001 at atPittsburgh litPltuurgh atPittsburgh Pltuurgh Pittsburgh goes les to o prove that they tley do doot donot donot not ot do all al thing thinG better betor in France FranceSantosDumonta IrllnceSantoDumonts FranCegantosDumonts SantosDumonta almhlp collapsed collapsedwith colnpsed colnpsedwllh with him while whie soiling ng over the Mcd Mcdcrr McdIterralenn Mcditerrasmeun Iterralenn iterrasmeun crr neun it I Isnt tho first castle In Inhe Inthe tothe the air built bui on the chores lhts of that same sameten sae saeMn ten 0 that tbt has ha collapsed collapsedIt clllpud clllpudIt It II charged chrro In Europe that Amen Americans Amerlrans Amencans ¬ cans worship wor hlp Mammon Tho charge Is Isnot Isnot isnot not true yet et It mutt mus bo b admitted ndmlle that thatMammon thatII thatlmiammnon Mammon II mon Is not nt condemned condemnd and revIled rovlledijy revied reviedby by the people of this tl tlml country countryYoung cuuntr cuuntrYoung countryYoung Young Ted being beln out of the woods woodsand woodland woodsend and every one rejoices rejoIce that h he Is he hemould heahould me meshould mould remember that U t Is Iabctho IabcthoOtoot8l abojil abqiiLthe abqiiLthebarefooted the thetxirefootetl barefooted Otoot8l boy by and not tb the bareheaded bareheadedi buroheaed buroheaedlJoy boy i > oy that the poets Inc Ilnr IlnrA sIng4t IncA A Chicago o paper askiTi alkl Is John F FMortan 1 1Mor PMorgan Morgan Mor An In liti dola dotlld dotage 7 If I ho Is the theworld theworJI theworld worJI world may ma bo thankful for If I he docs docstho doel doeltho docatho tho thlncs thin that he does doe in his dotage dotagewhat dotge dotgewhal dotagewhat what would h he do In the vigor vlKr of his hisra hisluanhood hsamanhood manhood manhoodSenator ra T TSenator TBen Senator Ben tr Depews Depe 1 record rcr of having havingthe the best blt and most mol expensive 6pnt watchowned watchowned watch watchowned owned By tr any senator anlltor has b passed to toSenator toSenator toi3enstor Senator Kiarns Kur s of Utah who earns crln a aI A 4 I timepiece 6 dlhUflnest < l flh finest rnf t Swiss 818 workman workmathlp workmanIIhP lVOrkmaflimip IIhP hlp which whl h cost COO IAyl 5AH ay an Anchange c cchange x xchnnso change Tho man who can ol beat Uah UahJunior Utah UtahJunior Utahsjunior Junior senator lenatorln In that kind of a I game gamhas clmo clmoBs gamehas has Bs to wake up lP curly rarlyPrlnco eJrly eJrlyIrlnco curlyPrince Prince Irlnco henry J nry will w scarcely be r 10r 10rturbod per perturbud > i iturbod turbod over Iteprwwiitatlve J PtOltathe Wheeler Wheelermad Whethersmad mad 11111 attack nttnlc 6n 6nIJ Kurop ipropenn nn flunkcylsm flunkcylsmTho tunlceyl m mTho Tho AinorTtarf AIIQrTc AitertCtpeObd people P O Jro jl tire Ir1 not nl anti unl the thewill they theywi theywill will wi welcome welcolnej tiehcomnIIsn film lhn M f a dUtliiKUlslic dUtliiKUlsliceuost 11tIJUl diatlngtilsimedguest hol guest gutt and Id the brother brther ot a friendly frlcndlmonarch trlaldly trlaldlyInollroh friendlyinontiralt monarch Inollroh To do 10 low lOl titan this would woulbo wouhJbo bo to aiotv 101 themselves thCIl elp1 boom boomA boo booA A commuter COllutor sends scncs the following tolowllg froi tr11 tr111lro froom froomItrc 11 1lro ro Ho Jl ays elYI It I interacted him an anmay nlll1 nlll1la Atidtony may la bo boot ot Intcront Inl rest to our other readers rondertSuperintendent rOulars rOularsRIItlntoldent readersRuluetiritepdemit Superintendent RIItlntoldent Street StecJallvy StecJallvyHere Hallway llalhvuyHere HallwayJhra Here In nn article trtcle Haying 11111 the average averagAmerican Iwrne IwrneAmerlconla averageAtnertclmfl American Is gaining SKiling III II weight 1runl 1runll 1 lruiiIentThat rtl I Itlthl tlthl iIentThat l nt Thatn too bad we wont li linlilf 10 10ahll ho honblt nlilf ahll to nook HO 0 many of them In a 1 iui iuiAn llLrAa ttLrts An It la wo itro only onl making milk I about aboutper 900 900or 500per per or cent on Oi each eachThe o h psesemigem psesemigemThe anUQI anUQIfhe The Dojorct D6urc News Nfs flcknowlodsOH QCklolludCI re recoipt recelpt yeceipt coipt of an In Invitation luvltUon from tror rosa Jr Ir Hour HourItldder lelry lelryItder ltemmryJitdder Itldder Itder to b bo present precn nt n banquet mluot to b btendered le letpntJertd be betpndertsl tendered tpntJertd II 1 It 11 1 Prince Irllo Henry Jlnry n nat ot otUU ofItimesia UU Itimesia II at ho Waldnrf Astoria Htoril Hotel HotelYork Iotll IotllNI hotelNew NI York on the evening 11nlnl of Fob 2 2Mr 2Mr IC ICMm Mr Illddor nildor Is IltrtIUrroC treasurer uf the grca grcaOerman great greatGerman greatGerman German dally The lhe fltnuto flatll XellunH XellunHUnder 70111 eitungunder Under whoso auspice the dinner lnner I Igiven II IIRiven Is Isgtsea given to representatives roprOOltatlvl1 uf the dull dullpress 11ly 11lyIlrS daily dailyliress press of tho United UnJ J States Slatel Although Alhollh tin tingumt thoIUIMt timeguest guest IUIMt of honor hOlor IB l a Herman Genlln tho Invlta Invltatlonn Inlto Iniitmttiotma tlonn tlUIII announto announ that all the speeches SIcohfs o othe or ortll oftue the tll evening ovenlnl wljl wll wIiibo bo In Kngllih KngllihTho lCngUshThe ItngltshTue The position posltol taken by the Dosoroi DosoroiNews DOBorotNews DocoretNews News im tho matter IUlter of the lemoval lolno11 01 01three oC oCt1 ofthree three t1 0 Killue 111 utlloers olors was nl correct torrccl ac actordlng t nocording cording tu time thl halest legal opinion oi oitlty ot otly ofp ofity p tlty ly ity Attorney Nye Nfl our remarks won wondirected worodlrocte woredirected directed dlrocte oifllrely iirolY to the question Iluutlol ot th threconsideration t1 time timereconslderattois < reconsideration reconslllrltol of the notion Ietlon of tho City CityCouncil CItyCounrl CityCottoeti Council Counrl and Ild not in any Iny way wa to the themerits thmeris timemerits merits meris or dcmlrtU of thc thoremoVII rcmovnl It Itcarried I Itcarried carried no reflection rICton against Irllnt time police policeolllcers polce polceolcers policeohilcere olllcers olcers and nd wan ID entirely enlrely a matter IIter ol olparliamentary otparllamentlry ofparliamentary parliamentary rule Tile olllcera or ers liay liaybeen ho imaebeen 0 0bcen been removed and 8Jd that ooUtTiTTiie con contention contenton contention ¬ tention tenton aa 1 to a the fact rlot and 11t to Hie do doclelon docelon doclehon clelon celon of time council counci Now let their theirplaces theirplaces places plncel bo properly HOjrl filled Iled and put ut an anesmd anesmdto end endto elldto 1 to squabbling squabblingON squl1bblnr squl1bblnrON ON 1UJL1010US 1 LIUSOIICt LIUSOIICtTI TOlICH TOlICHTh fOtlCtmThu Th TI Pariah 1nrloh News Nelsl flstvulloly Holy Trinity TrinityBrooklyn BrooklynLent Brook Brooklyn IrookfymmLent 1 Lent 1 < lt begins beglnl this 1mm year almost olnnt no early earlyas ctrly ctrlyC as C I is i possible pO llble Ash W Wednesday dn day falling fallingupon flIll failingupon upon UpOI Feb 12To 12l0 speak l ellk frankly trankl It I In Innftt II isnot not nt very easy to know what to do with withLent wih wihInt withheat Lent when U I don come The church churchand chllrehnnd cimurchand and society both have their convention conventional conventonI conventonIal a al regulations regulatons concerning concerlnl it I but this kind of obligation oblKatlon alts very lightly lhty upon uponmoit u uponmost on onmot mot people It I i may help to remind remindourselves remindouraevee renmindourselves ourselves of the tint lnt principles here One of them Is that Lent li an affair affairwhich orralr orralrwhIch affairwhich which concerns cCIQorl1 comm ern Christian ChrIstan people alone Alon It I has Its It source SOlrco In tho affections atectloll and nndnot Ind andslot not 10t In the conscience Those Thos who hold their Lord In dear delr regard remember rememberthat that during durlnl one ole ot the rgar years of Hla Is life la He spent s ent forty days in spiritual dIed dlnclpllno dl dIedplhtmo pllno plllo and abstinence nbstnence to splrlunl our great ad advantage ndvanlBgc advantage c ¬ vantage They are therefore moved to something of the same Ilme thing There Is no law commanding themthey do It because bccalllo they want to That II Lent LentKaneau LentInll Lent1anetuj Kaneau Inll City Ciy Star StarTopekn StllrTopeka StarTopoka Topeka which Is the center of a cult cultwhoso cul cultwhose whoso devotees make mlke bread their phy ¬ lacteries and enlarge the borders of oftheir ottheir oftheir their garments larmente and lay stress on the thechief thechlet thechief chief seats selts In the synagogues and es especially espcclaly ccpeclally ¬ pecially pcclaly greetings rretnll lynllolls In the market mBkel U Ugreatly IIItllt isgreatly greatly Itllt scandalized scandalzd because ono on fresh freihman truhman freshman man nt a class prayer pryer meeting meetng at Wnshburno Waahblrna Congregational CCnrrelatienol Institu Institution ¬ Inltu Inltutoronthe lost toronthe on the confines contne of the city clyven clyventurd cityyen cityyentured ven ventured ¬ tured turd a prayer for the success luaCUI of the thecollege thecolego timecollege college colego baseball b8 b1 team tam for next lext season seasonand sCConl seasonand and another offered otered up a I petition pcttlon that thatthe thatthe the freshmen might beat tho sophs sophsIn sophIn In the annual nnnuallcrlnmago scrimmage over the t1e erec erection creetlon crectlon ¬ tlon of the May pole The members membersot of tho clans clal have h vo been severely con cenBured consured cunsured sured by the faculty taculy but that has hasnot hal hmnunot not allayed nlnyel the agitation agltlton among Imong the thesensitive thesellsllve theacimsitive sensitive sellsllve religionists of Topeka who whonro whoate whoare ate horrified over the use of prayer In Inconnection Inconnecton Inconnection connecton connection with such luchg81y grossly secular secularand secularand eculllrand and trivial matters mnters as a baseball baleball and andMay nndray andMay May poles polesNew poluNew polesNew New York Mail Mal nnd Express KtprtsjIt l tpreu tpreuI It I Is proverbially proverbialy not to say IY Im Impossible Impossible impossible ¬ possible to prove n 1 negative but many manythings lRalY lRalYthings manytimings things are believed blItWol1 which cannot be beproved beprvetJ beprayed proved prvetJ Otherwise o there would not be bemuch bemuch benwcm much belief belt outside outslJe ot material facts factsand toctsand factsanti and there would be no room for faith faithBut faih faihDut faIthhut But can mere negation or unbelief unbelef be beorganized be0rglnlzel1 beorganized 0rglnlzel1 organized and havo n propaganda propn ulda or orIs orIs orIs Is Idea It1e9 a 1 necessary neCIsary substnntve for pro propaganda proJlnlnda proimaganda ¬ paganda Jlnlnda 1 This rather formidable tormldlblo In Inquiry InQulry inquiry ¬ quiry provoked by tho statement etltemcnl that the church churh of this world which whichnecms whichleems whIchseems seems leems to have established Itself ltel at atKansas at1nnsls at3ansns Kansas City Mo Is sending forth n nmissionary nIulonnry amissionary missionary to preach pench agnosticism Bnotclsm and nndendeavor ant andendeavor entlpavor endeavor to organize oralll e agnostics n nolUcs into intocongregations Inloconsrelltons intocongregations congregations consrelltons In different dlteront cities ctlel Ag Agnostics Aeno Agnostics ¬ no nostics tlCII are nr supposed uposet to be persons petOIS who whoneither whonither whoneitbmer neither nither believe helevo nor disbelieve dlbelevt but just justnonbellevoor justIlnbellevoor justnonbelieveor nonbellevoor Ilnbellevoor dont know and anl even evendo evendo evendo do not want ant to know you OU know knowthose knowthose knowthose those things which are ordinarily ordInaI tho thosubstance thosubsll1nco timesubstance substance of belief belle In matters mnters religious religiousThe The ho Congregatlanallst CongregatlanallstTho Congregationalst Tho current discussion discusion ns to the pre preGent present present sent drift lrl of pulpit discourse gives 1C8 spe special R epecial e ¬ cial value Ilue to the recent remark of nn nneducated In aneducated educated layman who Is 8 a I regular at attendant attelJnllt attendarmt ¬ tendant telJnllt upon Sabbath worship and a aman 1 i imuman man IAn of keen discernment I1I cernmcnt as well well as of ofsincere ofslncero ofsincere sincere faith talh Ho said that he did not notremember nt ntremember notremember remember to have heard for a Ilonl long time timea a single linle sermon touching upon the thocommon thecommon thecommon common wrongdoings rongdotn s of eecular life lifesuch litesuoh lifesuch such as lying 1lnl stealing and tho like likeand lkfj lkfjBlld lIkeand and he has ha often wondered why the thepreacher thepreacher thepreacbmer preacher did not 10t sometimes sOlmtmcs for th thsake tll the thesake sake ot variety If Tor no n other otler reason reasonemphasize realon reasonemphasize emphasize those subjects In his potl potlJon 101 pomItion Jon ton however ns IB n judge on the bench benchind bemichand and a constant observer of the preva prevaence prevaof prevalenee lenee ence of those thelt everyday everday sins of practi practical frlct ¬ cal life lto he must ace another nnd nndstronger antistsonger stronger reason why vlY the recognized recognizedicachcr recognizedteacher teacher techer ot Chilsllan ChrIstan morals morlll should of often atten often ten rather than seldom Icldom make truthful truthfulnous truthtull truthufulnose nose l honesty and purity puriy the th topics of otpublic ofpubilo I Ipublc public publc address addressTho oddreITho addressTim Tho Christian ChrltBn Register RegisterThe Iorlster IorlsterTie The Tie Puritan lurlan was wa not a I fool fot and his hisobjections hisobjectons hIsobjectIons objectons objections to pleasure plelre of the kind so socommonly BOcommonly socommonly commonly enjoyed by his fellowmen fellowmenwere felowmen felowmenwero were not wholly wholy ascetic acoUO not n01 tokens of ofa otI ofa a narrow mind Macaulfly MncauIY said The ThePuritans Thepurlnus ThePuritans I Puritans purlnus hated bearbaiting bearbalnr not be because boCIUSt because ¬ cause It gave pain to the bear brB but be because becouse because ¬ CIUSt cause it Rave javo pleasure llelure to the thl specta apeetataro apeotatorn spectators ¬ taro The Il gibe Ilbe has in It some wit witand witIInd witand and some truth trth but It Illustrates luetrate the thegenius thegenlull thegenius genius of Macaulay MaCBullY rather rather than thln the themotive tbemaUve themotive motive of tho Puritan Purlan The ThePurltnn ThePurltnnoftm Puritan Puritanofttn Puritanoften often tried trIe to repress pleasures that thatsoftened thlt thltsotened thatsoftened softened sotened the muscles and enervated enervatedtho enerlted enerltedtho tho minds ot th the people without wlholt givingthem giving ghlngthem givingthem them a substitute lubstltb for their pleasures pleaiuresin plclure in enthusiasms which would make maketheir maketheir maketheir their pleasures 11untR seem vain nut their theirmain theirmain theirmain main impulse Imlllip was positive poslo and admir admirable admlrIble admirohio ¬ able Ible Rejecting 1IJe tlnl now the method etbod of ofthe otthi ofthO the thi Puritan Purian we go to the other ex extreme e cxtreme treme treme Wo make everything easy for forthe forthe forthe the children chltJrtn and try to arrange nrr8nre the thework theork thework work ork nnd Inll rmd study of our youth so that thatnothing thatno thatnothing nothing no thInI shall shal be a J burden or a task taskAVe task taskWe We adapt everything cnrthlng In art literature literatureand lerature leratureBnd and religion reliion not to the needs neds but to totho totho tothe tho wishes of the people Then wo wowonder wowonder wewonder wonder why no one is I willing llng to en endure endure endune ¬ dure hardness why wh men and women womenrefuse womenrefuse omenreeule refuse to worship orllhp unless worship 1 1made II IImade ismaid made attractive nttractvl refuse to think unless unlitsthe unl unlthl unlessthe the process procal It I made agreeable and an re refuse r refuse ¬ fuse to work unless untul they the are paid p d for forIt forI form forit It I m I r 1 1I r Have a Lovely Home HomeWith I With WJh dingy walls wnls mul nnl unkempt floor foor covering cOormrV You cannot do It il 1 and thorq thorqla I la I no uso trying t hlg Tim right way Is to get some SOUO of tho thoNEW thoNEW NEW STOCK AT BARGAIN PRICES PRICESAt At z C 311 N 1 Our 1002 Carpets M and Llnokums n for lD 1002 arc cheaper thautJlni than thantrying thantiyhir trying to patch and cover almost nlmostworn worn out floor coverings and nll there Is I no 10 com comparison comJal cowiiai1oii ¬ parison Jal tJlni onln in results resuls Tho samo can cal bo said of Wall Wn11 JPapera > apols Etc A now nowCAR nowCAR I I II CAR OF LINOLEUMS LINOLEUMSIs LNOLEUMS Ii IiII i Is a just ID and Iml Includes JnCh11es a largo assortment n OltJClt of tho wnll Ill known Stains Inlaid lln llnoleum IJII 14111I 1 1I II I oleum 010111 Wo have also Ilso just opened for our 01 patrons a 1 full ful and RII complete com pIe to lino lno of all allgrades ni allgtaIc I I grades gl1tC and nUl now lhos patterns IJtels of oiCARPETS ofCARPETS I 11 CARPETS FOR FO SPRING OF Oft902 1902 1902Another 1902Ahtotitol I III II Another carload cllloml of 01 our out Immense stock of Houso Hono Furnlahings Furnlahingsconsists 1I1lshlng9 1I1lshlng9I FiiinI1i1ngCOltSftS I I consists ot ofNEW otI otNEW NEW PATTERNS PATERNS OF WALL PAPERS PAPERSWo Wo also have Ilwo a n now no mid 111 elegant supply of WINDOW WINDOWHIADER SHADES POLES POLESEtc POLESII POLESEte Etc and 11 tlio FINEST LINE OF LAOE CURTAINS CUUlAINS AND DRAPERIES DUAPERIS IN I N THE THEWEST TIE TIEWI TIlEwEs11 I II WEST WI S11 y Prices arc 110 down to lied cllocl rock in all ulllCS lines linesZf I II Mf I Tt r 0 WHBBBB WEDDERi Zf Z C M i 9 l 1TJU e JU Superintendent SUPCrJltc ldolt ldoltI I M i iI iI I I = = I n Vn VnS SALT S Sjj4KEjlIEA7RE Sjj4KEjlIEA7REcnoitoi LAKE fJJ fJJarOJI THEATRE j V jryys JJ w y yA i XPy > < Vvyvyvs VvyvyvsOKOKOS OKOKOS arOJI D PYPSK PYPSKLAST PJPBR MOMr MOMrONIGH ilenagsrONIGITh ONIGH ONIGHLA LAST LA T TIME TIMEWM TIMEJY WM JY M A AProduction 1 1 7RA1YJ 7RA1YJfrrcton 7JRADYS 7JRADYStrothsctkn Production frrcton of the Oeautlfal Oe utultostorl utultostorlIl Pastoral PastoralHay lasoraIWay Hay HayDoWn Il U Way WayDoWn DoWn DoWnEast fobn DoWnEast East EastSptxlal Special Spl reservation I5 rt Patntu PatntuTONIGHT rltrn rltrnTONIGHT IdftonEiu ton for OuMTewn OuMTewnPatntu Outf Out fTown fTownIdfton wn wnrltrn Eiu EiuTONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHTLast Last Llst Time TimeFirst ime imeFlrlt First tine tm at Popular Prices PricesWalter PrloelWaler PricesWalter Walter Waler G Perkins Comedians ComediansPresenting ComediansPrselUnr ComediansPresenting Presenting PresentingTHE PrselUnr PrselUnrTHE PresentingTUE THE MAN MANFROM MANFROM MANFROM FROM MEXICO MEXICODy Dy II I A DuBouchflt DuBollchft author of My MyFriend MyJr MyPntend Friend Jr end from India IndiaAn IndiaAn IndiaAn An Established F Laughing Luchlnr Success Successfrom Suceu Suceutrom Successfrom from Maine to California CaliforniaCoat Cliltornlll CliltornlllClt CaliforniaCast Coat Clt of Superior Merit MeritH Merlt Merltttttttttttttitt Meritif H + + + ttttttttttttitt + + M + f + M fti M + Ht f + ftf 1 1 1If + + + + + + + + t tIf + + + i If you dont feel like lke getting BCttlncllnner eottlngilnner gettinghtnner llnner at home 10mo some evening eveningcome eVeningcome come down to the Tavern Youll Youllfind YOll Youllfind find fnd something on the bill bi that thatwill thMvI thattrill will vI suit you and ad with music musicgood musIc musicgood good food and 8lld the perfection perfecton of ofservice oflervloe ofservice service youll youl enjoy enoy your our meal mealenough mealenough I Ienouah enough to repay you ou even it I it itcost I Itcost cost you ou twice as much 21 E First South SouthAnything Southt t 44 + + tttttt + + H + + + + + + lttttlttt lttttltttt + 4 4 + + + i + t t 1 ii iiIf 1 T IF If 1011 OO W IINI IINIAnything J j I Anything la laFAMILY Int b bFAMILY t FAMILY SUPPLIfiS SUPPLIfiSft SUPPLIS SUPPLISCal ft Call Cal At At113th Ati At1311i 113th 13th Ward Store StoreDialers i t Ii Dialers D In Int SotMERCHRE i tMERCHRE l Mm t 72 Main St StJOHNT Strl StIOIIN rl JOHNT TOU IOIIN T THORIJP i Manor JfanafferEDWARD mfanaorEDNAR 1 t 6 o 1t 1tEDWARD EDWARD L 1 BURTON BURTONBROKER BURTONStock I Stock and andBond nnnurn nnnurnBond Bond BROKER BROKERII D1WMfl3 11 I I East Eat First South SouthLocal SouthLoonl SouthLocal Local Bonds DOldS Commercial Stocksand Stocks Stooksand Stocksand and Investment Securities SecuritiesBought Seourltle SecuritiesUouht Bought and Sold SoldTel SoldTel Tel lODOx I lOOxO4rftn4m ODDx 0 O4rftn4m Aoltod AtI5ited HnnHHnHHHHHHnHn n nf f o > I > OXo OXoCutler < > < Cutler utep Bros Co CoOFFERS t OFFERS OFBRS TO OLOS E Es 76 Mena Menl good strong stron Suits Sula at 1200 a lult cultto l llOMels s lOMels to 0 Mens good strong Suits Suis at EC O cents on tho dollar dolA dollarIC 1 + 26 per cent discount from all 111 other SulU Wens renl Boys Dos and Childrens ChldrenI a alot slot e lot of them only onlyJlst just in but we must make moke room for a n hew w itoelc itoelcon stok utcoicthe S on the way wayoo S 100 oo dozen Mono Overshlrts Ovohrts worth CO p per r cent more al die up lp upioo 100 dozen Mons fleece Undershirts or Drawers lOc lOcCO 40co i CO o dozen dozel Boys fleece leece Undershirts Underhirts or drawers drawer all al slzti slEt 25o Holot 100 dozen do en Mens and Boys Sweaters Bwclers less than tilln cost coatWE costWE Z S WE MAKE 111CE KNITTED GARMENTS OAIMENTS 1100 10 100 UP UPI I X I CUTLER BROS BRoil CO 36 3BSalt Main St I CUTfl SOllokeClg SOllokeClgM Salt alt Lake City CityTMJJlJjEATRL CityTHECRAND M < o XM XMTHE TMJJlJjEATRL TMJJlJjEATRLH THE THECRAND CRAND 1 1ENTIRE THEATRE Paul PaolllammerJr PaolllammerJrManager Manager Manager8TARTI a e H n T yL j T g fT i r = = = STARTI STARTINaMONDAY NO NOMONDAY ENTIRE WEEK MONDAY FEBRUARY 17th 17th20oMatlnoo3 17thOoMatnols 17th2oMatInoes 20oMatlnoo3 OoMatnols Wednesday and 8aturdny25o 8aturdny25oBDHLEH SnturdfYUSODUHLER 8aturdmsy2OBUIILEII BDHLEH JUNKS Tremenioni TemoDdol Production Producton of WM Wl L ROBflBTS ROBflBTSPicturesque nODJB nODJBJetureQuo ROBT8Plctureiquo Picturesque Colonial Clonia DramA CraniaMost DramAA Most AMost A MAO MAOCENTLY AT A T VALLEY VALLEYNIFI A dUc dUcTLY duction Stupendous Scenic StupendousScenic A Great GreatCut Pro Production and andA NIFI NIFIGENTLY Cut CutA Clt CltMOUNTED GENTLY GENTLYMOUNTED PRODUCTION P CENTLYNIFI MOUNTED MOUNTEDPRODUCTION MOUNTEDP ODUCTIONA TLY ED EDPRODUCT1ON FORGE FORGEA FO R G E A TimiMiING TIULING DRAMA OF TRUE I1BABT UEAT INTEREST AND COMEDY COMEDYA COtDY COtDYA A PAGE FROJI FJOl OUR NATIONAL NATINAL HISTORY lSrORY OF COLONIAL CLONIAL TIJIKS TIJIKSSEATS TU1S TU1SSEAS TI11lSSEATS SEATS ON Special Bpeotal1Utlneo Matinee Washington1 Washington1HIrthdaj WlblaatoaI I SALE S HIrthdaj Jrhar Saturday ltnd Fob Job 22od 22odALT 22DI 22DIS 2od 2odt5ALT t5ALT ALT LAKE THEATRE THEATREgHMjL1fgrt J JCEORQ S > gHMjL1fgrt g it i i GEORQS CEORQ 0 PYPBH fY Man Manso MansoFour ManaSO ManaSOFour S < HV HVr r Four re Nights NightsOno Beglnnng W d d Feb F b 19 19Bon Ono Matncu Matincu MatincuBeglnnng BeginIng Wednesday e nes ay 8 I IBon Bon Storn Presents PresentsBLANCHE PresentsBLANCHE PresentsBLANCHEWALSH BLANCHE BLANCHEWALSH BLANCHEWALSHi WALSH WALSHWEDNESDAY t i Iu II a Magnificent lajUloent Boenlo foeaL and ad adWEONEBDAY O CG1Ia t ua uaflootlon i iWEDNESDY WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAYTHURSDAY WEONEBDAY flootlon dntoa of o the Intense BmotUatJ GmoU Wf Wffey 1al 1alTJUnSDAY la7ThURSDAY THURSDAY THURSDAYand ThURSDAY I fey 1 B B J W Dam DamU na naanlF Darnanti and EVENINGS EV15NINGSFebruary anlF EININGSIb EVENINGSFebruary F1UDAY F1UDAYEV15NINGS IAY I IEVENINGS MADELEINE MADELEINEA ELEINE February Ib 10th 10th20th b U A M AD 20th and nd 81st 211 211I I A Story of Modern 10011 Parlu ParisBtTUiLDAY Paris ParisBATUIIDAY BATUIIDAY u BIATINEU BIATINEUAND TNG Special I Presentation of ofPaul ofANt WASHINGTON WASHINGTONSBIRTHDAY WAS AND H KVBNINO KVBNINOWASHINGTONS EVEilNOWAS IN OTON S I JAN JANICE i MEREU MEREDITH MEREDITHPaul TH Paul Leicester Ford For Joman JomanBIRTHDAY floniantlO floniantlOBI om ntlo ntloDrama to Lloelter BIRTHDAY BI RTH DAY Drama Drla of ott tlw R Rllct T ln 1ti3fl lan D I I