j m mr r J 3 4 i DESEn BiZ1 T EVENING t vS1yJoDNESD4Y FEDnUAUY 19 j 0 190 u uu ESEHETEVI NING NEWS NEWSOr6lln Orjiftn of tha ho Ohuroh of Josua Christ Christof of Lattcrdoy Balnto Balntotmtimm SailltsI SailltsrlJtLI I f tmtimm rlJtLI U Mm msm msmto ZIfttlllo1I11VUa 1tIFJr 1I11VUa norun noruncorntr flUnIoBer to nD nDorn r corntr orn oBer rotF of Foutb t > UiT T1pl > mpt tn o11II1 i4 > Ktil 1a T tllllpl sip sipninrloBVlenrosc Itrtll ItrtllhllLAU 9triIc c hllLAU ft Oil VIAll VIAllh VIAllChtlrlOR V14bCjittroaV1Ienrose h ninrloBVlenrosc ChtlrlOR VI 1enrolo Editor EditorlictecsG 1 1ltol 4itarWhftnoyBtsftio < 1ltolUou lictecsG Uou a Whituoy Wbltn WhftnoyBtsftio WhftnoyBtsftioIvl8c1lIrTIo yDuslno Business Mftnflfjor Mftnflfjorfln MII1 r rUIIaC11J1l10X UIIaC11J1l10X Ivl8c1lIrTIolJ11ep rnicti rnictiUMrtnce rllictsI1nTeu fln I1nTeu T r rMi UMrtnce II aivneeM 10 M Mi I M Montis MontisT1u 1 oii lIlt II 4 4ThHe 4 411 411flu M M1ft flu ThHe 1ft 1 Mflnttl Al nUl p pOn On 1116 Month 78 10Ou 16Oft SW Ou Ihlk V It 0 0atIitddltIQ 91 91Rrvr 71hlll14l hlll14l atIitddltIQ dllloD pr7I H t 2W 2Whllll9II 2IU hllll9II U U t II 21 21NF 2 2NTV Rrvr NF lonit onl ornrn ornrnJn o rr rrIn 4 Jn In tbiwo of t > t a r Oumralntj iiintcIn i Macaw forot Aamthlnt Mmtl II nlf from our Homo OWe ODIcoIrMM UflICt31p41rI IrMM 1116 Times Hulldlnif Hulldlnifcmaioo JlulldlnJtCItI flulIdIntCUJOAOO s cmaioo CItI CUJOAOOIn < UOO orifice orificeIn In tihflnr ot II I1 Oiimmlun Mane ManwrPoreljtn ManeForezm lIlMerForerD Poreljtn ArtrertliKiif K from our Ijpiao aiM 1 111I00 111I00reprlontod 10100 10100tcptontod 1 loo looreprmontoJ reprmontoJ if I K J 1 P Edwards I d fards 87 7 W WatulDI WatulDIton WbIait1012tlUOt > blax blaxton ton 1012tlUOt gtieot MR rnANCinco orriuc orriuclo orrlCiIn VEI1 VEI1In In thaw cbargoot ot I1 I 7 Uoopar tJooj > or M 0UoaryL 0UoaryLYOrreqmlnco Potty Bt BtUorrwixnulone ItV V Uorrwixnulone rr 1plmdQnC Inll nd older rtldlni dIn ra matte mattutor mattefor U Uor for or publication hU bllCktloll Iboujd bo I Rliitoiuei III drollje W 0 th thAddict tbo tboLVJljol1 thuUflroJt LVJljol1 Addict all liu Lu8lnm lnrMo mmunhtlolUl < immiinli1 mmunhtlolUl11W tlonii tloniii 11W i UIUKRKT JJJ NLWH NIVtlMOJtI1 Alt a N f lo rfilVI rfilVII1h Ultr 1L 1LlI1om I1h ni > b bM01UJ M01UJ WATUll LITIGATION LITIGATIONIt 1 It is i to t bo hoped hO Nllliat Hint the city ltr au authorltles I1U1horltl18 ftUThor1tJ6 thorltles will act upon u on tho oOlolal nd ndvice ndIcu ctdvIce vice Icu ot City Attorney Nye and lal lalo laloImmedlalo L1k0mm1lato < o oimmediate immediate stops top In In reference to the therights thetlghls theltthta rights of tho city to the thCuRo use and control controlof of the waters In the Jordan1 JOrtJltnrlvor river hold holdby holdby 1OIIby by the cIty for many yearn nnd nnl whichJuwe which whichImve whichiave Imve iave to nomu extent been Invaded by bythn b bthet t ttilt tilt Electrical r Imver nwer Company It is ismost IsInost haInout most Important f flat at the water hall be botaken betnken bea1Ct1 taken out at a Jllah higher I10I r level than at atPresent Itte tttPreuent Present e enl so tha tim exchanges that thathave thathnwo I Ihuvo have been lIon contH iplatod for the benefit benefitot ot the city may mn be effected In In good goodilme good1ime i time Them rher ought to bo no delay in incommonclng Incommencing IIIcommencing commencing this work and it should b bpushed hI hIpusbell b6puahed pushed to completion as rapidly an n po ponlblo IIOlIle poshbIo nlblo nlbloIt lIle lIlen It t in h evident from the recommenda recommendation recotnmcnathan ¬ than of the City Attorney nnd also alsofrom 010from alsoS S from the petition nnd complaint complaintWhich complolntWhich complaintVbiCl Which will soon bo filed In court courtthat courtthnt courtthat that tho notion noll n entertained by norno nornopeople lIomoJcorl omopeople people that tho city haw not been boeninjured beenInJurfl ccl1 ccl1InjU injured InjU d or its rights Jeopardized jeol > l1rdlzed by bythe bytho bythe the decisions that have iaVt been IJlcnrcndererJ IJlcnrcndererJIn rendered renderedIn In favor of the th Electrical Power com company comImn cornPat1 ¬ I pany Imn Is not endorsed endor ed by tho city clt au authorities nuthorltles fluthiorlthe ¬ thorities nor by the attorneys ntt rney engaged engagedin engagedIn in defending those thonon rights rightsIn rlgb III IIIIn In n considering tho hole matter It Itshould ItIIbould ItShould should bo lo clear to tl those who > lnvestl lnvestlgate InvcRtnll Invoatigate gate nll It that there U a great difference differencebetween dlterencobetween dttterencobetween between taking water for mechanical mechanicalpurposes 11IechllnlcallIrpOsea mechanicalIdlirposea purposes out ut ot a stream or o natural naturalsource MturolBOUrO ntturalHourco source ot supply and returning It to tothat tl tlthnt tothat that stream unulmlnlshed In quantity quantitynnd qUllnlltynnllqunllty find nnllqunllty quality and taking water from a aconstructed aconBtrllollll aConatrticted constructed canal cah l belonging to a pub public publie ¬ lie corporation using It for private pur purPOUCH purpoae purpoae poae and returning It Into Intothl1t that canal canalAlso conalAlso canalAleo Also that It seems n strange propoal proposition propoaltlon propoalthan ¬ than to declare declnrothnt that the private pdvatecompnn pdvatecompnnwns company companywas companyvnsentitle4 was vnsentitle4 entitled to totM th be use of waters from fromthat fromttnt fromthat that ranal during the llmo when n nsuit nllit aMitt suit was pending for tho acquisition acquisitionof ncqul llIol1 llIol1ot of that right under tha ho law of eminent eminentdomain omlnentclomaln eminentlomaln domain The dissenting opinion ar arthus or1fU fir1U1 1fU 1U1 j thus thusIn thueIn 1 In tho pending suit referred l to the thaBait thoSntt theRalt Bait like I lko Water nnd Klectrlcnl Power PowerCompany lowcreompllny IowerCompauy Company does not seek to acquire the thoright tlloIhht thelight right to divert from tho htad of the theHalt tlleHnlt tileiaLt Halt Lake City canal thin water as asaforesaid n8nloreH astiforenaid aforesaid nloreH l1l appropriated by the city but butWrongfully bUIlVrot1lffully bUtWrongfully Wrongfully claims that it has already alreadyacquired AlreadYntqulrell alreadynequirud acquired that right under Its said no notico notlcoot noticot tico tlcoot at appropriation of tho same and andpniy anllnlV andonly only seeks e elcu lclJ to acquire the right to 0 die discharge dlscharjte diecharge ¬ charge Into tho city canal ono and andonehalf nnllonehnlt andonehalf onehalf miles mll befov US Trtafl lTln water waterwhich Wll1elwhich 1 which It wtongfully claims It has hnlltha hnllthatlcht the tlmright theI I right to divert under notices notl s of appro appropriation opproprill uppropriatton ¬ priation prill lion which ore Invalid so far us asthey usthey usthey they relate to the prior vested rights of ofthe otthc ofthe the city cityThe cItyThe ctyThe The petition to bo entered for a aconstruction ntonatrwtlon aVonetrttion construction of tho original decree In Inthis Inthll Inthle this cause for Instructions thereon to tothe tothe tothe the commissioner appointed by the thecourt thorour therout court rour and for or a supplemental decree decreemodifying IlecreomodIfyIng decreemodtfylng modifying die tormer decision Is ot otvery otvet o oeny very vet great Importance to the city and andto nndCo ando to o nil parties concerned In this litiga litigation IIl1gnlion UtigaLion ¬ lion Tbo dissatisfaction felt Is wide widespread vldosprelll vIdospread ¬ spread anil It Is l of no uaa UM ui to intimate intimatethat Intlmnlethnt Intimatethat that th the citys water rights lave not notteen notbeen noti i been Jsopardlzcd for the contention will willgo willBO willgo go on onunlll until those rights are vindicated vindicatedMeanwhile vlndlclltcl1fttennwhlle vJnUcatcdlt1ettnwhlle Meanwhile the work of taking tho wa water vaor n ntel ¬ tel or qut qi at a higher level than at present presenthhonld presentthonId hhonld not no bo delayed dela cd or retarded retarded8AN1TA1W1M fctn nctrduXI nctrduXRANITA1IIIIM ert ertRANITAlUU1 8AN1TA1W1M IN RUINS RUINBAnother RUINSAnother ItUIN8Another I Another great rebt Ire Is added to the al already clteady ulleady ¬ ready long Ion I list of the present year yearThis yearIhl ear ear2his This Ihl time a disastrous conflagration conflagrationhas has laid the great sanitarium at Bat Battle nn nntlo linttie ¬ tie Creek Mich In ruins ruinsThis ruln8Thll ruInsThis This institution notwithstanding 1U 1Upeculiarities 111IJJorullnrltles flitpeenhvuritles peculiarities or perhaps erhat > on account of ofthese ufth060 uti i these had become one of the moat moatfamous mOlt1antoull mostfamous famous bealth resorts r Bort8 of tho country countryt it t was founded by Seventhday Advent Adventiats AdonLIBts Adventlets lets or Seventhday U Dalllt i > u t as I they theynre the thehro theyare are called sometimes for tho double doublepurpose dUllbleurptlslI diublepurpose purpose of benefiting mankind physic physically l physically > hlIlc hlIlcaU ¬ ally aU and propagating the th peculiar doc doctrines doctrInes doetrines ¬ trines of the sect In accordance with withthese Withtlmlo Withtisee these objects the stockholders derlrq derlrqno no financial benefit from their Invest Investmont Invest Investment tnvosmont mont it Is Ill1nld said and the ho employes from fromthe fr fromi ln lnthe i the boll boy bo to the trained nurse and andthe Ulltt Ullttthe umithe the doctor enter the institution as a a1lous aligious re religious ¬ ligious duty The highest salary paid paido z to o n doctor Is it is claimed JDS 116 G n i month monthAnd monthAl1d monthAmid And yet et there are live hundred em emrOYei emiloyea i 1 rOYei loves In the Institution all oMtstlng In Incarrying Incnrrylng Incarrying carrying out the object for or which It Itwas Itwas itssas was founded foundedAs As for the treatment of the numer numerous numeroUa nurnerone ¬ one patients this consists entirely entlrel In Inthe Inthe inthe the application ot the laws 101 of hygiene hyglenoCoffee hgleneCofec hygieneCoffee Coffee tea malt and spirituous liquors liquorsspices liquorsSplCll1 liquorssplcee spices pickles baking powder meat meatcheese mootr11 mcotcbecse cheese r11 clle sweet sw et cakes Ice crwim cold colddrinks collIdrinks colddrInkS drinks and even milk unlew sterilised sterilisedare l1 l1lite are entirely enUrlyllIBCArllcd discarded and the diet l llimited IlImltlf ii iihimitod limited to fruit cereals creal nuts eggs ORCBend OCISand eggsand and getabtes t > Only two meeln mesore a dajr dajrpro itut1TO pro allowed ono nt night oclock in tb tbrnorninK the tbemDlnlnll themorning morning md < one at three In the at attcrnuon otttrnoon attrnoon tcrnuon It Is seriously afwort 1liortfJ tht thttho thatthe thtthe the effect of this diet la shown In the thebind thetntI thehind bind tntI disposition it It produces vrQ uces in all thAt thAtpartnke thatpartake tlmtpartake partake of it Everybody eI qdY Is I gentle No Noliarsli No1mrah Noharsh harsh words ma eVcr heard on the thepremises the11teml thevremlseL premises 11teml s AH are ar anxious to help helpeverybody helltcrrbodr helpeverybody everybody and complete ccm ld hansony pre petj j VI111 I 1111 i li t lh thy > tKtlrmmv 1 of the thef IhertlullJ thettlutnUs rtlullJ lOr f III I llHlllUllHM llHlllUllHMHi 3MI jn jnflepIds nhlr Hi diet dm dl dMtrlhd rll rlhJ 1 till kind Of Ofbaths O ObnlhB Ofbaths baths mo given Ivan including the alcotrlo alcotrloVHpor atotrlovlIPJr eutrIuvspir VHpor Unili I > > lh Massage treatment U i also nltodmlhl 11110lr1mltilIIIeII alsoIdnilhtatsrecl lr1mltilIIIeII dmlhl l rcd Plenty of nlr and light lightml lI liltiltsail < < ht htnll sail ml much InUOhll1usoulnr inusoulnr oxorcU complete completetht OolOpletth the th treatment Ir The fundamental tllnilurn lllni ucla prlnclpliw IlrlnGlplo uclacipleson clpliw cipleson on which whl h It 11 bawd are nrelhttllll nrelhttllllDlleAlI hess hwisDisease hesstlluesae Disease Is 1 only 0111 the result o oe wrong wrongimblm Wrolllrh wronghabitit imblm h bllll In life and o Olin n be gotten rid of ofby ofby ofby by following < < the propheto command commandCenat commllnICen eommsnflCease ICen Cease to do evil and CllIIllollfn leurn to do well welland welliand welland and Nntur Alan can cur phI physlolmis phIciani olmis fflnnot lies modlcltiM baths batliannd balhnnll bathsUndi nnd other rkmedloi tire IIr Powerless to tohiol tohol tohmenh hiol tilt h healJllrtlIolVor allriy power N I In tao tk blood bloodand bloollnOli blopdcmi and It Is the blood that must do lie thehellln tileimesliim liehealing healing hellln by b repairing tho wast rwtor rwtorInt teIItorIn mestorIns Ins In the lit dlsoTl tlUlI1deyw rd funetlons and nnl re repttlrlng ispairing pairing 1 > < < rlnrr the lie domaKwl atrlalfltlllllnI thence The th con consistent conIatnt conIstent ¬ sistent npplluatlon of HUM th principles In InMid Inlaid InMid Mid to have had wonderful reeulti In Ina Inn ina a Rif grit t many rnies of slokness sloknessTlm sIelnasTile 10111I0 10111I0rill rill iranag IIInnQelllnt innt ot 0 the Institution Institutionlias lias suffered a great IfNft t loss by the fir firbut firebu firsbut but t appears to be piiparwd to rebuild rebuildnt at once It wag Wl oitnbllahed by philan philanthropy ilihiantiliopy IhllanIhropy ¬ thropy and It will no doubt be re reestablished reOlllbllhell reoatstliliuhied ¬ established In the Mine 1110 way In tine thomeantime Iho11191L1tUmO tinemeantime meantime tho illMBter has widely Iitol ml mlvortletd nity adortlsed vortletd y rU ecllt It It will bo better known l < IIown In Inthe InIh Inthi the Ih future than it has been hitherto hithertoTimiIJ hltherloTJIltlm hIthertoTIhltJH TimiIJ MOUH MOUHTlm 1tOiIIirime JSluNII JSluNIIfhG rime Senate hav iia ratified rnII fIII the treaty treatywith tttntywith ttaywith with Denmark regarding the ho transfer of oftho IIrIho if ifho tho three Danish West Indian Islands Islandsto to tho United States The further furthersteps furthertIlPS furthersteps steps neomary neoessaryfor for tho completion of tho thotransaction thotrtnlfloUon thetransection transaction will follow In n duo course courseof of time The > conaldorntfon oonall1 Jnloll l III 5000000 5000000nml 5000000011I1 5000000ntiil nml the Danish government is I to re retuln rtIlIln retiUn tuln the III responsibility for to the public publicdebt IlutJllc1ltbtlll pubticilebti debt < < of the tb colony amounting to about aboutti000000 aboutf ti000000 ti000000The f 2000000Tim OOOOOO OOOOOOThC The entire area of the three Inlands InlandsIn In sold to tIt be1223 hni 23 square miles and thu thunumber thoIIUmbel thumnumbor number of Inhabitants Is estimated tit 32000 It Is not a formidable addition additionto to the United Blates area unit popula population Ilopulttlon iiopuiulion ¬ lion suCh as might justify ju llty any fears fearsfor CoarutOI fearsfoi for tho nppcarunco ot if now Island prob problems probloml probiema ¬ lems On the other hand It la l sup supPOHcd IIUPpe supposed posed pe > Hod that the ho acquisition will lll romilt romiltIn In many advantage to the country Tho Thogreater fhoItWLlel rhogeaer greater part of if tim people there are arecolored urltcolored arecolored1 colored but there is no color line nil nilmvliiff 1111hnvlnl allhavIng havIng equal privileges Educa Educailon Ritucno1Ion Educaton ton Is compulsory and nil children go goto goto 0 0to to school Tin Kiiglloli RlIgll language InnlUoIIOIIIIIII InnlUoIIOIIIIIIIl1etstood IH un understood iii iiideratood ¬ derstood by nfl or nearly so Itcllgious ItcllgiousIbcrty Jtellrrluuliberty ltehIgIoueiiberty liberty prevails and several denomina denominations denomlnntlons denominatons ¬ tons are represented In the Islands IslandsA A native of 8t t Thomas nays In 11 the theIndependent lie lieIndependent Independent that life In those Islands Is Isvery lsVel isvery very Vel delightful Tho people are hospl hosplable 1I0pltable hospitable table During tho social season from fromDecember tramDecomber fromlecombei December till April there are numerous numerousamusements numerousamusements numerousamusements amusements The cost of living IIvl is ischeap IsChlA1 ischeap cheap A largn mansion can bo lJ rent rented rentcll rented ¬ ed for or82 12 G a month and a good servant servantwill servantwill emAntwilt will work for or from 5 to t1 7 a month monthFruit monlhcrult monthFruit Fruit and vegetables can bo had in inabundance Innbllndnnce Inabundance abundance Time meat Is l to a large ox extent oxtcnt oxtent ¬ tent brought brou ht from Porto Rico cattle cattlesheep cattleheep cattlesheep sheep and plus being sent over alive aliveThu nllveThl aliveThe The waters about the islands are 10 teem teemnff hemInll teemlag lag nff with fish and fishing Is I a consld consldcrablo conshlcrablo conelderablo crablo Industry Tho colored people peopleare l1oplonre are the best In the West Indies They Theyarc TheynrQ Theyare arc faithful kindly moral Intelligent Intelligentnnd Into1lg nt ntI1nd and religious When slavery was 18 abol nbolshed abolIMIl abollshtd shed lit 1813 they cOntinued c to work workor workfor Workfor for or their old masters und as n a result resultthare resultthoro resultthere there have always been tho most cordial cordialrelations coritlnlrolallons cordialrelations relations between bot ween the thewo two wo races An Anearthly Anonrlllly Anerth1y earthly paradise like IIkethls this deserves to tocomo tocomo tocome como under the blessings of American Americangovernment Amerlcllnrrov Annericanrovernment government governmentTho rrov fnment fnmentThO Tho New York World gives limo bl blowing folIlIwlnll f l llowing ¬ owing figures showing the tholerrltorlul tholerrltorlulcxpanslon territorial territorialexpansion territorialexpansion expansion of the United States by bypurchase bypurchllse bypurchase purchase and conquest since the he year 803 18031 18031Ioul 1803Louisiana 803oulslana Louisiana Ioul lann purchase 1803 115000000 115000000To IGooOOOOlorldlL 15000000Florida Florida 1819 68 6489768 6489768Mexican 76S 76SMexican Mexican cession Um 18260000 18260000lurohao 1V280000Iurchiaa lurohao tront Texas osro 10000000 10000000Onlhd 10800000ladsde Onlhd n purchase 1853 JOOOOOOO JOOOOOOOAln 30000000Alaska Aln Alaska kl1 l8G7 7200000 7200000Ihllllllllno 7200000PhilIppIne Ihllllllllno 181ndn J59 20000000 20000000MlItJounllhllpplnea 20000000dulttioiinI MlItJounllhllpplnea dulttioiinI Piiliippines 1901 100000 100000Danish 1iO000lanlsh Danish Wcat Indies 1902 GOOOOOO GOOOOOOTotnl 8000000Total Total oo 02039763 02039763To To this list Is added Texas In Ml MlOregon 1mt Oregon In In ISIS the HaNTnllan Islnnctj Islnnctjn Jllinm JllinmIn sIantin In n 1S97 Porto lUau anA Ouam in 18381 18381nnd 1S 189 189and i innd nnd one of the hO Bainoan Islands In HOT HOTThe 15 15Tho 1609The The aggregate nrea of territory added addedo arldellto to o the United States by purchase ces cesIon cesIon ceezion Ion or conquest from 1800 to 1902 in inelusive Incluslve inelusive elusive Is 2071376 square miles Tho Thonrrltory Thotorrltory Theterritory territory now covered by the American Americanlag lag including both hemispheres ox exceeds oxCllfllls oxcoeds ¬ ceeds an area ot all Europe by lJ my just justmooo uat uat23a000 236000 square miles milesWAIl 1111108An autosVAU WAIl An IN i KENTUCKY KENTUCKYIcentueky l lICentuck y yKentucky Kentucky SCtnt ras to be in the throw throwof of war ar At least some of the battles battlesreported bnttlollreported battlesreported reported from the Philippine have havebeen haebeen havebeen been no noppro appro disastrous to > the partici participants IlIutlcl11antR particlpants ¬ pants tlmft the one that was fought a aahort nIhort aabort abort time ago near MIddlesboro ICy KyAccording ICyArcoNtln IcyAccording According to the reports the opposing opposingforcM oppo opposingtores lng lngturctfl forcM consisted of a deputy dOI > uty sheriff sheriffwith shorlfwith sheriffwith with forty men end ani an outlaw with withtwentytwo withtwnty withtwentytwo twentytwo twnty two and nine persons were werekilled wlreklllud wereklilud killed and the sheriff among these theseTlio thesoTbo theseThe The outlaws escaped capture though thoughUi thoullhUllr thoughUncle Ui Uncle lr fort was burned burnedDut burnellDut burnedBut Dut the end is apparently not yet yetTlio yotTho yetTIme TIme leader of the moonshiners Leo LeoTurner I1iTurner LeoTurner Turner Is said to have rallied a force forceof of two hundred mountaineers and andto andto andto to be determined to take his revenge revenrcitizens rovnCltlzenll revengeCitizens citizens of Mlddleeboro fear that an anattack anauack anattack attack will be made upon tho town townand town townanll townand and tho thOQ111cers ho officers are armed and on their tholrguard thllrjunl4rurnel theiruarul guard junl4rurnel Turner says he will rebuild his hisfort hiltforttil1lt histortint1 fort forttil1lt and keep a standing army arm of MV MVoral MVentl isvcciii oral hundred men ready to defend It ItAndan ItAnd itAmlns Andan And 8 he has no lack of money mone It Itla ItI itIs I Is thought that hewill lIe will certainly en endeavor endeavor ¬ deavor to carry OQrr out his plans All Allthe Allthe Allthe the coat mlntrv of tho ho region to the thenumber t thenumber be benumber number of tOOO 000 and nnlllllVtrallnountain nnlllllVtrallnountainfttIrI MVtral inountiUu inountiUueara eara are tald to sympathize with htm htmmid blmnnd litnianti mid If that Is the cam he may 111I be able ableto ableto ibisto to cause some trouble to the author authorities outhorItle antheritioL ¬ ities itiesTie itioLTIne ItleTile Tie Tile otllcers arc ot count formulat formulating ¬ lag their plan of ce < mpIeti in lII to kill or orcapture orMllturo orcapture capture the lawdefers nod If both bothsld lothtld8 mothsides sld sides a nre an n mu determined M they the up uppear il ilIINI isppanic pear to he b another battle hal may 1111 wxur wxurIn In the mountains of c old Kentucky And Andall txmtiLu nll nllaU all Lu for the sake ot I1U lIIe1 I whltkymak whltkymakAYe We hoar It r a u gnat deal about the long longilrae lonJtll1HI tongtime time It takes to ajtnblUh tabll 1 law II and or order ordor oriter ¬ der In the Philippines hll > l1lnel w wb wince litre tor cen centurion Cilnturl centunes ¬ tunes turl there has been but a weak gov governnwnt IOYrllmNI geyerurnct ernnwnt Hut we 1 Vt ice 1 our ur own coast ooiiBtr 00111thy coasttty tr hy > n tllhatllnulr rt tU tanul R 1 fan oaIM oftjnwh oftjnwhinr ot 111101 111101Inl 1chlog log v lnt4luaf nd tia on tu ouda tlU aa emln emlrantty emlranttyobldlnli emlnMtywabldIng ntty nttyvvabtdlair vvabtdlair obldlnli and an well c ulppea Jp ppe J to be Ii a tracer of momfe among nil the nn nntlutiB nnUull anlulls lulls Vf We should not bwxime so en enroMlJ Oflgrossed n nOrofwd grossed In reformatory work abroad abroadtlmt nbrKitthut abroadthat that ffo forgot tora t to nw sweep cp our own back backyfirds liLcklItd back9P6ltdL yfirds lItd What Is this parabld about tho thoboaiil thtLOI1I1 thobflUlll boaiil und the hints mote7DUMONrH lIole1u hintsIi DUMONrH u mo rH NAItUOW NAItUOWDutnont N Ni hilt hilt8tntoe W HJOAIIY HJOAIIYflAnlolJ flAnlolJ Dumont flurnonttho the noted Hrazlllan Hrazlllanneronuut JlrulllannlJronnut Brazilianaeronaut aeronaut had I mu narrow esonpe from fromdentl fromi1 dentl i1 li the other day when hIs airship airshipiiemmo alNJhlrlIalnlJ airshipimicatno imicatno iiemmo lIalnlJ unmamigeublo ulllUnnn ablu nnd fell Into tho thobuy tholJty ho hoby buy of Monaco MOIIRCOHis Monacoills lOURCIIIII His III Intention was to make a trip to toCnpe toI toCape Cape I o Murtln anti back again Whei Wheihe heii heiiho he left Ihl ho aerodrome noro lromo lie weather weatherviio viio fine and tho motor worked VQrk d smooth emoothly ly I Hut suddenly tho propeller became becameentangled becnlnoInlnn becameentangled entangled Inlnn I I lit one of the wires and the theaeronaut theaoronaut theaeronaut aeronaut lout control of the ship Then Thenn n qutll struck it and oarrled It sky skyward HIywalll shywarui ¬ ward M Dumont pulled tho cmurg cmurgtnoy ellloulnO eniorgeney tnoy lnO cord and let the gos fls escape but buta IJU t ta a gap 8 flfl P WM IM torn III th thit ololh nail the thoship Ihohlll theahiip ship fell wltli UI great velocity Hvery Hverytlilnf Unr UnrIhll1 Bverything thing In the lUll was Va lion On throwlI own out outto outto outto to lighten tho craft lUll this checked checkedIts Its descent somuwljat OII1tW t but finally It Itdropped ItdroPIJelI itdmppiI dropped ilk a ston alon4 Into tho water waterThe walorJho waterline The master of tho pratt became en entanglod on1RIIIIJd entangled tangled in the wIm rirjpi nnd A 1111 hurled bo botionth IJ IJI10lIth honoath tionth tli time Ihvelopt nvelol IOJlt 4f thtf balloon Ho HoWM Itowas i WM 1 finally rescued by th the crew cre of one oneof 0011of oneof of the many IOIUI1lIfJ1llt boats just hat hud hurried htlrrltlliothe to tothe tolie the scene and nd It aiiwaro IHIIU that ho Wit wiunone WitIIone waslions none the lie worse ffr r the oxcltlnj Clxcltl ex exlerlonce CXerJence x xterl terl lerlonce lerlonceM erJenceM ne neM M Dumont haS b been n talking about aboutmaking aboutroakln aboutToaking making roakln A trip across VF0 rMJI the Ih Atlantic In Inhis 111his inlila his airship Ills fall nUllilo Into lift Medlter Medltertaneau Mcdliiilancaim 111IIIIerneoli taneau neoli should mnko nlm oon oondldor oonIrlor nonshier shier well whether such an un undertahltiK tindllrtlllllnl 110iurtaltml1 dertahltiK would not be lUlrldnl lUlrldnlIt ulrlitolI It has h 1I IKMII denionstrattit more than thannee thinlice thanlice < lice we believe that his craft ounnot ounnotbo QAnootbe be managed In 1111 H wind und If lIe should shouldencounter shou1llencounler shouldencounter encounter nn Atlnntlo storm In mid mimioceamm midocean rnleOCNUI ocean timers might not be any IIn boats boatsready bOlltlrtnlly boOtsready ready to tush tu his rescue Aerlnl Aerlnlnavigation Aerlolmlgntiolf Aerinlnavigation navigation has not yet ot developed bo boyond boyonll beyond yond the first experiments Home day daym daytllO daytime time m eftrtli ulll be circumnavigated li III IIIthe hthe lithe the nlr but that cannot be done In a atoy IIlay atoy toy mnclilne The nucccsNtul airship nlrahlpwo nlr hlp wo 0 presuma will ilnqlly bo ono con constructed conIIlruoled constructed ¬ structed mate on the plan of the Ih birds birdst binIIt It t will be a contrivance with nlr celln cellnhat ctllltllat coilsthat hat can to b no filled with aiis ns to non neurtillze noutmllte nontrahize rtillze Its weight and with an ipparn ipparnus rlllpllltll tll us cviTMpondlng tojlie to Ihe wings of the thebirds lh lhblrl1a lbbirds birds to thriVe It forward In any un desired desireddirection deslrlllII denlreddirection direction II I An Inllated bag with a gon kon1I0in Inondola gondola ¬ dola attached nltllohallwlll will not be 10 the coming comingairship comingnlr conmingairshIp airship nlr hlp Man must mu t leant to fly from fromhe trorntho fromtime he Inhabitants of the air that have Imvorun havobroil havebroim broil run pmutlclng the art since the th morn mornng lIIornIng mimornlag lag ng of creation orftl tlon and that perhaps > S may mayto 11111 11111o maybe be to o wondering how it Is that human nmnman bo bongs boInrs holags ¬ lags ngs are BO slow to catch oMoholl oMohollHlMIJ on onItUAh onRFittj ItUAh FHUXUH l WOMiV WOMiVA Wo mN mNwriter A A writer In tho London Chronicle Chroniclequoted ChronloleqUOICtI Chroniclequoted quoted by Publlo Opinion endeavors tu tugive 10Ilvo togive give his readers n moro correct opinion opinionof of tha th Pi 1rollh mill women than that which whichgenerally whichg whichgenerally generally g prevails Ho denIed denl ll that thathey thatth thaithOy hey th y as o a rule are frivolous empty emptyleaded emptyheatlell emptyheaded leaded and Immoral On the contrary conttaryto ho to says they the are very ver practical and andactive nullnotlvo andactive active Ho concludes his argument as asallows liSfollows asfollows follows followsThe followsTime allowsThe The desire to please which Madame Madamedo do Qlranlln ono of the most brilliant brilliantnnd brilliantnnd brilliantmind nnd witty wilt of French women calls en 11 I the thevhole thowholo tinewhole whole duty dut of woman has a vastly vastlyvldcr vastlywIder nailYwider wider meaning In tho eyes tC of a French Frenchvoman l Freitoliuoflanm rl noh nohwomnn voman and la not limited to the con conquest COliI1l1cII conquest ¬ quest of ellglbln young men It Is nn nnnstlnct nn nnInRlInct anInstinct Instinct that has been lJ en sedulously ciiltl ciiltlateil oulllatetl cuhllvatemi ateil In place of being repressed rCl1res ell as ass asla asIs la s so often tho Irnctlco practice with worthy worthyind worthyIIl1d worthytimid timid oven noble English nIIBh women as a anora nInoraillutynllli amacoh Inoraillutynllli macoh nora duty dutynail and the desire tlo lre to please bo booming bocoming hocoming ¬ coming a second nature H extended extendednot not only to husband children and andrlends andtrleOlIIl andfriends friends but also to tho daughterIll daughterIllaw last aw limo motherinlaw the governess governessvho IIOIornCRSwho who teaches the children tho drcssmnk drcssmnkr er r the servant The humblest shop shopgirl shopgirl shopgirl girl shows the same Instinctive desire desireto to o pleaso Instead of vexing and re repelling reo reopeillng ropehhing ¬ pelling and does not rest content with withmo with011II withone mo sex And ad with all the defects of ofler other ofhem her ler convent training which Is not as asuniformly a auniformly asuniformly uniformly bad however as depleted depletedand and the lie chief defect ot which Is the theoo thetoo too oo great domination exorcised over her herronadcnco herJf hereonmsclcnco ronadcnco Jf clenco by the IholollloUII religious directors directorshe thin he French woman has more Intelli Intelligence Intelllgonce intethigenre ¬ genre more mastery over her special specialmetier RpeclnlInotlcr specialmetier metier In the scIence of life a greater greatervariety groolorvarloty greatervrsrhety variety of knowledge than the average aveiagowelleducated averngoelledllcntcd averagewelleducated welleducated English woman womanFOR womnnpon womanFOR FOR PUIIU FOOl rooThe JOOUThe FOOlTha The oleomargarine bill passed by the thoHouse IhoJJ thehOuse House JJ uso ot tieproftfintatlvcs alms at the thesuppression lhelIupprcalon ihosuppmeulon suppression of the Bale ot that article articleunder articleunller articleunder under false colors col r It Imposes Intl > oes n tax of 10 cents n pound upon oleomargarine oleomargarinewhen when colored In Imitation ot butter butterWhen butterWhen butterWhen When not no thus colored col red the tax to be bepaid bepalol bepatti paid Is l but onofourth of a cent a apound npounll apound pound poundIn pounllIIIReeralatatOB In IIIReeralatatOB several states the taws prohibit thin tlutmanutactuie th thmllnutaatule thinmanufacture manufacture and sale of colored oleo oleomargarine oleomargarlno oleomargarine ¬ margarine end nmcl kindred products but butIt It seems that tho laws have be been n Inef Ineffective Ineftotlve metfeotlve ¬ fective M long lon as such products were werelegitimate worololtlllmlle werelegitimate legitimate articles Of Interstate com commerce commroo cornmneree ¬ merce The bill sets ta aside this obstacle obstacleto to action by th tll9 tl Individual states and andplaces andplaces lndplncCll places th tIme substitute for butter undir undirstate unl1trsllteoontlol undsrstate state sllteoontlol sllteoontlolrhere control controlThere controlThere There la of course no reason why whyoleomargarine wh wholeomlrtnrlne whyoleomargarIne oleomargarine as such should be thin tlmobject th thobJlIJt thinobject object ot special legislation If It Is Ispure 18pure ispure pure It II In every OfI respect toss objec objectionable obJectlonablo objectlonabio ¬ tionable than much of the butter that tlmtfinds thatflndl thatfinds finds Its way to the market Hut It Is Isproper Ispro ispmover proper pro er list the fraudulent practice ot otcoloring otcolotlng ofcoloring coloring intuit selling It as butter should shouldreceive IIhouldreclv shouldreceIve receive lerlstatlve attention If that thatpractice thnlpraott thatpractice practice con be stopped bV b the Impo Imposition tmpollIon Impoultion ¬ sition of a tax that tax to I it Jut It Ifliowvr Itbowver Itliowtyer liowvr th the article Is inadu and sold solduxt eo1 saidjust < < 1 1ju ju just uxt t for what It 10 I there II no reason reasonfor reofIOnfor reasonfor for nwolal Ial taxation It jKHiple prefer preferolfomormtine pMInlflOlQar prefiroieoimusrgminlns olfomormtine nlflOlQar rlne on account of otlta its cheap cheaper ¬ er r piles pl1eeor or for r any reason 1011 they tbe hlluill shiUuitlnut hlluillnot r ud udnot not be made ml tt fli > pay nn extra quarter of ofa a cnt to the ROTernment for the priv privilege prhliege prlvliege ¬ liege of eatIng the cheaper ch llptr njttcle The Thepoint Thlrolnt ThepoInt point It to prutMt l > futGOttho limo public agaInst asalnstfraud IIplMttraUlI agaInstfraud fraud And wj e presume such protec protection prottltlon mrotseIon ¬ Ion can b be hind only by IJ making It a acriminal act1mlnal acriminal criminal offense to sell sellImitations 1I Imitations under underalso unilerII1I1t1 underfaiset also names namesHut naln nalnDut namesBut Hut Iowa ngalrtW food ndulterntlon ndulterntlonshould 11lultll1lIonhoull1 amlulterstionhinommid should tAke a mush wider mUll than thanth thallllw bait1w th llw 1w dairy lIllyprol1uotll productS It ww shown n nfew aSW few SW 1 years ago aK at It t pure food congress congressIn In Washington thftt our annual food foodbill tnoibill bill amounts J to In the neighborhood neighborhoodot nethborhooletnve ot etnve live billion dollar nnd that about abouttivo oboutl abouttlvo tivo l to per ltl cent of till IhI Is I paid 14 for worth worthIMS worthISis I ISis stuff ult unsuitable sult IIIQ for human tool foojThat toolTMt foejThat I That 1 Is to wy 6A lI the American Americanpwpla AmericantI1p1e Americanppie pwpla JlPf pn > Annually one hundred hundredmillion hllndrellMiUlon humOredsuflhlon million rtolkirfl for to worthiest worthl Iniredlenu Iniredlenumixed IDlN IflSNdientJnIzed lentl mixed 1 1x with their food and 10 10per JOpt 10pC per cent of this joe i iea e to > > pay for poisonous ollfonuu ubalarirei dangerous id life lifennd litennd Dfeand nnd health Dr Laltjrrier analyst o otho ot otIho ofthe the Now York Htatu Hoard of Health HealthIB IB authority for the statement that o ot 370 articles of diet lit common use us it itevery tli tliIvet Iievery every Ivet jiounolioM 25 are moro or orlen orlenIIdlllternttcl o less lessadulterated les lesndithtersited adulterated These figures lI urt oven If IOl1ly IOl1lynpl1toxlmntoly only onlyapproximately onlyapfiroximmnatoly approximately correct glvo a good 011111e 011111eot Idea Ideaof of the mnunltudo of tho fraud thai thnlill thnlilldtlll1 In Indally Indaily dally perpetrated nnd they no nocount nocCJunt nocount count to woinu extent for torlnany many ot tho thonllmentH tho11llIl1onllll thetilimhtmntit nllmentH and dIseases 1I of which hu humanity ItuIl1l1nlty hutimaftity ¬ manity In I the victim victimPeoplo vlcllll1Peoplll Viotitmnheoplo Peoplo have an undoubted right rj < < I to tocat tooot taeat cat whatever they please Hut Uu they theyalso theynlao theyalso also have n t right to know whiitthey whiittheyreceive what tho tholcclJlve Umoy Umoyreceive receive when they nail and pay 111 for a acertain IIo acertain certain o rttlln piuduct If they nre willing wlIlI tRto tRtolIat to tooat toOct oat ground soapstone sonll tol16 with hOle th ll flour flournnd flourrind 1ournnlt rind lisa olive oil nuida of cotton aCed nocdK If they timC Imvo no objection to pipe clay clayIn In theIr vermicelli or orsllnd nand In their theirsugar theirIIUlnr theirsugar sugar mustard husks and red clay in intliilr InIhdr Inhair hair nllrpico unit 1111I1110 so on hero It I noth nothing nulhIOff n th thlag ¬ lag to MY ty about It Hut if It Is i wheat wheatflour whMtnour wheatflour flour that Is usUed for nnd much of It ItIs ItIII itin Is ground peas p8l rice nnd soapstone for forVililcli lorwhlJh forwhileim Vililcli tIne prlco of wheat Hour Il hr is iscnarged IIc1IUlell isctnnred cnarged tho fraud Is apparont apparontThere 1IJ1IJ1rentThllrll zinhmarentTimere There Is n wide field for legislative legislativenotion IClJl 1egilatlvotiothoim lallvo lallvonotiOIl notion If one at ntUola tide III to be bct taxed taxedwhon taxt1when x ll llwhon whon colored Olor lI to Imitate tho genuine genuinepooJH gQOIUIpOg000ie QJulno100I1I1 pooJH other BpurlouB articles should ehQ h1 be besimilarly beaImrIIarly e eallTllarly similarly lAUd < I The prlnoiplu If soc correct socrect OI OItlC1l rect should bu extended over thq en entiro ontiroIheid n nUrolloid tiro Urolloid tiroIheidIt Held HeldIt I IIt It Isnt htwlthy to run up against llInln t tho thoHealth tho1Inlth thellealthi Health department departmentThere delUrtmantlher There In I no lass iusswitimbilt without t xnmeonln Come ml1l1 smnhigain ml1l1rlln gain Champion Jim Jtffrlcs has a 1 cold coldwhich cIIllIwhich coldWhich which prevents Mm talking talkingIn In Now York It Is proposed IHOPO oll to use useautomobiles useautomobIles t e eIIUIOIOOIIIIOll automobiles as dump cotta To Towhat Towhat Towhat what baN bassuaci use do wt t > coma Jam at Iltlq8t Iltlq8tIteprc InjU InjUIleprcjcntutlVB hittBepresentative IleprcjcntutlVB Iteprc enlatl1 Wheeler Wh t > lor lac the th kind kindof klnltot of n man who wimowhmen when ho nays H Y that Ui Uiinulo thInule lid lidmule mule wan sixteen feet high ntlakH to It ItAn Itn iiAn An n oil gusher I Iii said III o have been beenstruck beenstruck lpen lpenalrlelt struck In Hmery county rout It Is sold snldto to I b ht of great tat value in fact It Hili I IH he tidyam heyoulI heyouth yam Prlw PrlwNew ltI2 ltI2New PmiyIow New ow York reception to Prince Henry Henry111I Hunrywill Itunrywill will present n riraumlOOftUun ofjlcc ofjlccproblem cilkeIlroblell ofliceorobleni problem to the ofllclals of that thatoly cl clt ot otliow ofbow It110W bow not to do mm It ItCongressmen Iteongloumln ItCongrosainon Congressmen cannot agree as to what whatour whntour svhintour our duty dut to the Philippines should t tflfty bil biltltl boOfty flfty tltl novontyflvo or twentyfive per percent vcrront percent cent of the Ulnglny bill rates ratesPrince rntollIrlncc rtuCPrInce Prince Henry hits be bNn n engaged ongn In Inreading Inralllng Iiireading reading Tlm Winning of the Went WentIt It It will aid him materially In wlnnlnt wlnnlntils wlnninliii lnlIlnf Ills ils wuy Into the thi Presldentii good goodgraces Ioodgracell goodgracca graces gracesIf It tine Ilopubllo In Breaking away awayfrom Iwa IwaIrom tufi9ftOIn from Its moorings Inoorhl as lonutor ell tor Welling Wellington Volllnnton ¬ ton on declares It cannot be haul fast by bya a string of hard words and nd harsh epi epithets epltl1ets ciiitheta ¬ theta thetsThe tl1etsTltt thetaThe The AngloJapanese Cio alliance agree agreement ngroument agreemont ¬ ment was shown Secretary Hay before beforeIB IB Its ratification Peihnps this was in intended Intend91l intended ¬ tended as nn amends honorable foe foeI lo lotord forLord I Lord > rd Pnunoefotcs s neglect to show him himthe himlhe humthe the second Joint note noteMr IoteMr noteMr Mr Chamberlain Ch m orlnln had millions for tilt tutWelshmen tiltWelshmen theWelsimmen Welshmen In Patagonia when he hethought Mthought hSthouglnt thought they wanted to go to Houth Af Africa Afrlcn Atrica ¬ rica but not ono cent when ho learned learnedthat lenrnedthat learnedthat that their great wish was to migrate migrateto to Canada CanadaKorea Cnnnllnr CanadaIorea Korea r orea the Hermit Klngddm l ntlt m is I pro progressing progresRlng progreasing ¬ greasing very r well In the th ways of the theworld thltworld timewotld world TJio TJI second son of the emperor emperorhits hits just had a judgment t by default defaultfor for thirty thousand dollars entered enteredagainst enteredagaInst enteredagahmist against him In Washington WashingtonIt It Is snld that President Kllot I lIot of liar Harvard HnrlIrd liarvimrd ¬ vard never makes a slip In his English Englishnot not even In an extemporaneous speech speechMarsh speechMarsh reerhlIIarsh Marsh who was nn authority on Eng Engl Englieu II lieu l h said that tho most perfect English Kngllnhhe Engll h hhe he had ever heard was used by a bar barb barber barher b her r and an Alsatian AlsatianThe IsnllanThe The sentiment in favor of electing electlnuUnited eleclnUnlttit electingUnited United States senators by direct vote voteof voleof voteof of the people continues to grow The Theover Thelowol Thelower lower over house of Congress Is unanimous unanimousy Iy y In favor of It Oneof OM ot these days daysthla da9this daysthis this same a sentiment will have U1Y such suchstrength suchstrength suchntrength strength that the United States senate senateMill Renntewill senatesihl Mill no longer dare to Ignore It and re refuie reCUIO refute fuie to submit a constitutional amend amendment amendment amendmeat ¬ ment to the various legislatures legislaturesPrices leKlslallrelrlces hegisiaturesPrices Prices of many man stocks have gone up upvery upvery upvery very much In the th past six years but buthe buftile butthis tile he greatest rlso ot f at hall been In time tlnrlco thpI timePrice > I Price > rlco of Mats on tho New 5V York ox exihnnge oxchllnge oxchange change The following figure show showlow 8howhow showhow how low great has been tho rise 1895 JIG 16 000 1S30 19000 1S97 20000 1898 30 000 1899 110000 0000 1900 10000 1901 80 O < 000 1902 170000 Had a man bought bounhtseats boIlthteats boughtseats seats for his family In ISM and oU 110111thrm soldthem oUhem hem In HOI Ws hl J fortune would have havje haveLetn haveWcmm Letn je n mode modeTho mnderhe madelimo limo News In I much pleaded to see tho thomovement fllrmovement liiinmovement movement tn gIve n oompllmtniiy oompllmtniiybenefit oomlllmtn1Ihenellt oon1pIimenm3benelit benefit to Mlsi Arvlllti Clark prevlum prevlumlo to her departure for IKrlln lJ rlln Germany Germanywhere OerrnllllYwhere Germnnywhere where she intends to finish tier mualral mualraliducBtlon mu nuusieahethiceition Ital ItalO iducBtlon O This Timh young youri lady Ind has very verygenerously virygenerously pry pryGonerou generously Gonerou ly rospondad fot1J > olll1ed to many culls for foruratltuous rurItIltltlOUI forgratitumous uratltuous efforts to please the puliu puliuand IuhlkInl1 iuhUvand and aid some some good OOUEO It will th thfI thfI01l1 throre > r rore < > ore bo a titling recognition of her vain vainnble alviable ahlnMe able services and arttallo merit to show IIhowIvpreclntlon showappreciation ho hoappreciation appreciation of her vork and talent in inthe Inthe Intime the manner sucBtfltod Go ahead with wllhthe withtime withthe the testimonial and make It a 1 rousing rousingsuccess rouRlnluectu rouslnsuceut success successThe luectuTbe suceutThe The Detcret News takes pleaitir In InfongratuldtlDK InfJqr8ulnIIlJf Incoungratutatiug fongratuldtlDK Innl Innllnlater ItOfititer Prank D Dllobbs D1I11l1bt Bhobbs hobbs on his ronL iOOllPtntment POtntment > by the thePnwldlent thetretllIlIent thePresluhlent Pnwldlent to the th olllco whrh he nun nuntivtas nul1I111d8 nowIwbhe tivtas and In which 1w h has ha wrved the thepublic Iheublle thepublic public ublle faithfully and well lie is I one oneof onee1 m8Of of Of the veterans dleabled 1111C11i1 1 to some ex extent IXIt oxttnt ¬ tent It > nt physically but abundantly nlJt ll1lntl capable capablet 1111 > 1111 1111aUendlll1 c0 t attending to the duties duU of his oftlo oftlomi om omu mi 1 all persons am IUI1ranl nvare who hat > had hadcoca hadc hadoccasion coca c occasion llo lon to do buMnow with tlh him Ills HIHconnrmation JllIIcon IllsconfirmatIon confirmatIon con rmlUon by 11 the Senate In confident confidently ¬ Iy looked for nnd the tim public will l lrrallfled 1Jo 1JoraUlted Lwgratitted rrallfled when they th hear of It ItT11U ItTue Itrut rut A AStllUJAIuiym AuloJaIAtntudtmcei AuloJaIAtntudtmceiNess SOIOJ AlAMMK AUI LIUNCJ LIUNCJNil ANCi ANCiNew New York Hvenlng Post IVstTime J PostTIme > Oat OatTime Time must decide whether wh LIm the treaty treatyof tNlt tNltor or offensive ulfn lU and defensive l tlUIIIII alliance to totween tKotwn Ixtwen tween Ort Ir blat at t litltuln and Japan Is M Mimpor aaImportiunt impor ImllMUlnt Uint as It seems on the day of its itsannouncement itsmumnoummeemnsnt announcement lInoun emftnt to the world One has 1msfieen lisaIteM IteM 1 so many Iflflfl trumpeted solutions of ofthe olche oftime the question of the far easttho Anglo AngloQeirnan AlIloOell1l1n Angloaeimnn Qeirnan agreement for example examplebrought nxnmpl4brought oxnmpibrought > brought to naught by misunderstand mteunUcrstandIngs Ings or tli time tep ta lapse of y years are and the thechange theehunle thechange change of circumstances But then thenoan lh lhonn therecan can be no mistaking the Immense echo which whle will tor the present at least leastfollow lenattallow leastfollow follow tlilH diplomatic explosion explosionKansas explosionIanlln8 explosionIaneas Kansas City Star StarAh StarAll IJtarAit Ah alllancd a1lln 0 to preserve tho present presenstotus presontstlltus presentetittus stotus in the Orient la l prImarIly prlmallIylllrect prlmallIylllrecttld direct directed ed toward the hialntenanco of peace I Iincniio It Itmoany Itmoamme incniio a I fair field and no favor I IChina In InChinn InChilnim China ro micli I h a t policy even Hussl Husslcan nuslIlCM hiumeshitcan can offer no reasonable rCnOI1U 1M objection Th Thscramble The ThoscrllI1bll Thescramble scramble over limo breakup of Chin Chinwould ChinawoUld Chimmatotiid would menace rnenn Cl the peare of the world worldIf If England and andJrmpamn Japan can maintain malntalthat malnlalnthat maintainthat that unplrefl Integrity they will dlmln dlmlnIsh dlll1lnIsh dimninhsh Ish Die ohatiru of war Of course th thManchurlan time thoMnllchurlall timeMatmciiurlan Manchurlan problem Is t not yet ot solved solvedDut solvedBut olvellHUl But time new alliance outfit to lead t tgreater 10 10Rronter togreater greater tallborullon on both sides am amto and nndto andto to tli the uviildanco of the first tlrlllllrlPn open frt frlrlion fritlois lion which Is BO apt to lead to furthe furthecomplications fuirtimeteutnpllcrn I Iompllcallonll complications complicationsNow eutnpllcrn ompllcallonllNow lions lionsHow Now YorMVorld YorMVorldShould York World World9hould VorldHhouhI Should war result between Hussla art artJapan nM nM111110n amIdSnpan Japan over Corcu us has been antic anticpntiil nnllollnIJ untichintcl pntiil tlio latter power would now hAve linvtlm hAvetho havetime time support of Hnirlnnil I whoso nnvn nnvnuponitionH nlIII nlIIIalJl1rlltiOna imnvmmiuimormmioims uponitionH are unaffected by time trouble troublIn tloubleIn In Houth Africa further moves on th thInternational the theInterMllonn thehlmternfttiommai International clieKHboiml In tho CM CMwill tnt tntwill Crustwill will be awaIted with worldwide Inter Interout interomit nllreNt out Now York YoI Kvenlng l Sun SunWhen aunWhen Sunhen When hen the United States appealed to tothe totho totime the powers to do mb tho right thing li liChina In InChina InCiilmum China it wns Vl1l1on on the 1mm ground follnll that the In Intorasts Intlro Interoste torasts tlro UI of tho Ihbwhola whole world demanded it itLord It10rd ItLord Lord Innsilowno In his mu dispatch of ox explnnatlon ox1Innotlol1 oxInnatlon plnnatlon to Sir Clnude Macdonald MMdolloltldoll MMdolloltldollIwt dons donsimt doeslint lint tithe any such itttltudo as that thatHis thatHIli thatills His maJostyH rnajo lH government ho says nayahas III1YIIhos sayshas has been largely Influenced In their theirIwiKlon thl1lrl1pd thisledecIsIon decIsIon l1pd rJ1 to enter upon this dim Important Importantcontract Irnpllrlnntcontract importantcontract contract by the conviction tlmt titt It con contains culltabs JontatnN tabs no provisions which can ho re regarded rlgaldell regarden garden as nn Indication ot aggressive nggrwmlvoor nllllr 8llvo i or selfMoklnj aelf cukltU undonaloa In tho re regions reogOI1I1 reglans ¬ gions to which It applies It had been brenconcluded beencondudet1 beencommeiumlerl concluded purely pUI ly as a mensuro of pie piecaul Iecaullon lirecaution caul caution Ion to be invoked should occiulou occiulouarise occluluunrl oncaslomiarise arise nrl e ln defeiiRO Icren o of important Urlllsh UrlllshInterosld BritishInttroUJ BrltisluInterests Interests It In no way threaten tho thorrcxnnt thorreRnnt thoyesint rrcxnnt position or legitimate Interests Interoitsof Intero ts tsof of lIther poyiri poyiriClilcogpHecordUoralil Olrll OlrllI OlrllC1I I ClilcogpHecordUoralil ClilcogpHecordUoralilTho C1I flg4 sq Uecoid ItecodUorald ItecodUoraldTIme llorallt lloralltTho Tho very vor cOnnrVBtlvo cjIlR rlIlIo wording of the thoagreement thlnlfrnlont theagreentent agreement bdlwton Ureat Hrltnln and andfupnn andJaJlRn andJapan Japan concurnhiB conClfn eormoocmupj F China and nnt11orlarllI nnt11orlarllInot Korea can cannot cnmmnot ¬ not disguise nU ihl Ii lilt fact that It tll la meant to tooJicckmate toolwlkll1lltc toulueikmitte oJicckmate Iluwla In For this Ihl purposw Urn UrnAnxlnClcrmnn thAAlllclnOormAn thinA AnxlnClcrmnn A nginOemmnan1mbminurt ebrnpart mpnrt which was first llrHtri nNttllIed firstroeivol ri cMved with Until Hclnlm in Knglaml NnglnnllIII III 11 utterly wortlileM When Ix Lord > rd Crntt Crnttwrno Cmliborimo tnll tnllborno borno wrno tlicnrcd tho IIOUKO of coniiuona by byassertlnfr byIR byuasemthngtmtthhmi assertlnfr IR uasemthngtmtthhmi IItlnlUI tlmt tthI thla Inttor ml Icr treaty pledged pledgedhe pIM pIMrhl he rhl allies 10 o Wfect direct their pollry to mnln mnlnnlnlnir mnlnlalnll1 maintnlniimg nlnlnir undfmlnlJiliml undm nJIhad till territorial territorialondltlon territurllliondilion torrhtorhmulcondition condition of Oth the Jhlnose empire and andgnve nndIra antigmfl gnve Ira gmfl 1 out tho idea lt1l1 that the plodl dodgo ilwl o vui uuuammnmumaiiflqm vuiimitmllfl IUIIIInIIl1qll imitmllfl IInIIl1qll l Ule herman gowrnment gowrnmentinstencd govllrmnenthaslened goveramneinttmastemietl instencd to uxplnln Hint Manchuria lay laymiHlilo II1YIJUIHlllo layOUtlihilO miHlilo the sphore of the negotiations negotiationsIIO1toii negotlntlonsI mmegotlatiouma1iotomm IIO1toii I Alon Herald HeraldIt It hardly needs to 101m be stud that JOPlin Jnpaiinnd JOPlinnnel lapmimand and Kiiglutid J would control through throughliplr IhruughIhllr thmrumugtitheIr theIr naval forces oroI1I the high seas and nndlint andIhat nmmdflint lint the Jnpnnere urmy nrm with such ad adItloiiH nd1IIII0IIH additlommmi ItloiiH no Rnglaiul might make could coUldhi hi ic easily Ialll landed both In Korea anti nndManchuria nn nnlItnnrhurltl antiManchurIa Manchuria ninth when there could b btwill hI hIrlIII insroadhi twill maintained by supplies 8ul > lllIell carried carriedv hy > v water Japans military weakness wcnkneaehaa has been want of money but JIlt this Is Isomethlnif IRlIomelhllll Issomethhmig omethlnif which can bo made good goodhroiiMh gOOlIIhroulCh gnarlthroimgln hroiiMh the financial resources of the thoIrltlsh theUlltl theiiritisis Irltlsh Ulltl h empire e1l1 pI 1p Wo Ye trust anti believe believehat bellevothat believethat that time ItUMlans HI lIlnIlB ulll realize the tallY folyof tallYor of endeavoring to a develop a selfish aelll h Chi ChlIORO hl hlIIlae IORO policy In the face of this stern op op0gtfon aimpositIon IIIIlosltlon positIon They The wcrf 0i apparently njpar ntb Indls Indlsiosod htdl110sfd Immduslosed iosod to heed our protests but the sit situation slLII sItnation ¬ nation II II lion which now onfronts them Is ono onoliirh 0110lhlrlt oneniulrlm liirh niulrlm cannot be put aside by the smiles smilesof of f diplomacy diplomacyTONIGHT II diplomacyTONIGHT I IIII1I11I1CYTONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHTAND AND ALL THE WEEK WEEKMATINEE WEEKMATINEtt8ATUADAY WEEKMATlNEaATUI8DAY MATINEE MATINEtt8ATUADAY SATUHDAY 26 OBNT8 OBNT8Huhler OENTSUllhlel OUNrshumbler humbler Maims Immense Production Productionof of Wm It Jlobcrta Colonial Drama DramaAT DromaAT DramaAT AT VALLEY VAIIEA VALLEYFOR6E VALLEYFOR6E FOR6E FOR6EABluppnilllu Stupendous Scenic Production ProductionCant A ABluppnilllu Cant of tnequaled Excellence ExcellenceStory Excellllncefltory LxceiIeneeStory Story of True Heart Interest InterestBents InterestHents InterestSeate Bents on sale at the box office officeALTLAKETHEATRly otnceS officeQALT S QALT ALTLAKETHEATRly ALTLAKETHEATRlyWHS > h LAKETHEATR LAKETHEATRCoo tIt < WHS WHSrrs J y yCoo rrs rr = r rQoo = Coo D Pypor Manager ManagerFour lour Nights and Matinee MatineeDeglolng MntlnoeDeglolnl Matineeflegicing Deglolng DeglolngTONIGHT DeglolnlTONIGH1 flegicingTONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHTEngagement Engagement Engnge 1lnl of the Distinguished DistinguishedAmerican DlsllngulsheitAmerlcon DistinguishedAmerican American Actress ActressBLANCHE ActressBLANCHE ActressBLANCHE BLANCHE I WALSH WALSHTonight Tonight Thursday antI Fri Friday FrItiny rl rltlay ¬ day Nights NluhtsThe Nhrht1Iho NightsThe The Intense Emotional Drama of ofModern ofModern ofModern Modern Parisian Life LifeLa LiteLa LifeLa La Madeline MadelineSaturday Saturday Matinee and Night NightWashingtons NightWluhlngtons NightWashlngtons Washingtons Birthday BirthdayJanice IJrthdnyJanice BirthdayJanice Janice rleredith fleredithPrices Prices PricestThe 1 1 I j lrc 0 to Mr 100 100Matinee 7e 0 l 1 Matne Matinee Matinee lltln Hale ale TOlin TOlintttt Tommy Tommyt + + tttt + tttttt + t + tt + t + The t + Table dhote dhoteLuncheon dhoteLuncheon dhoteLuncheon Luncheon for 35c 35cIs 35cI 1 Is I becoming bleonlng vory popular H I ItWould 4 would oull lx > hard to Improve the thot theI thet t bill II for tire tlt prlco anti then the thesurroundlngn theurrounllll theI I surroundlngn urrounllll ate 111 In II such perfect perfecttnsto porfecttnete I 1 taste that It I I makes Inkel an Ideal Idealplace Illonlplnoc lileutt t place to take your our noonday 10nl11Y meal mealt n1 nmeait QI QIt t t THE TAVERN TAVERNI I 21 2 E First South SouthMusic SouthIslc Southt t Music every cvr evening eveningEDWARD evenlmmgt t 4444 44441VVARD + + 444 + 44l44444444 4 4EDWARO + + + EDWARD L BURTON BURTONSXS BURTONnnd SXS Stock Bond and andBond BROKER BROKERIt BRO DflUIUJl DflUIUJlI KER KERII It I I East Elst First South SouthLocal SouthLocnl SouthLocal Local Bonds Dords Commercial Stocks Stocksnnd Stocksnnd Stocksand nnd Investment Securities SecuritiesBought SecuritiesBought SecuritiesBought Bought nnd nd Sold SoldTol SoldTol SoldTol Tol 1008x 1008xCorrespondence IOmxOorospondence lOt3xCorraspondoncoSolicited Correspondence Oorospondence CorraspondoncoSolicited CorraspondoncoSolicitedkirokrg Solicited Solicitedllrok Solcied Solciedi llrok kirokrg i k < rf rf HOCK uOI ot otJOHN atJOHN f fJOHN JOHN C CUTLER JR JRIn JRrnttm JRInvestment In rnttm Investment InvestmentSTOCKS f tmtnt tmtntSTOCKS nt ntSTOCKS STOCKS BONDS BONDSU BONDSJURb U JURb iisht Rht sad 14 Sold SoldIltak Sld SohiUsek Iltak 1nk ant Ild anti ComtucrcUl oluuertlllock Stocks S 8eurll 8eurllI ecunitig ecunitigci cntlll i iII II I UiluHI 11111 T TL L U7 lt Or H N M rr M f N t c Tf 1 H n f N nn nnp mN n L a I p t i LADIES 14 DI IS 5 Have 1Iwo Opportunity Ol Anollirr AIOlhEl OllUllty UonoySiiviiiff in tho GREAT GREATAt G j I DE AT 1 1 1JthlSlill Musln JthlSlill Underwear Sale SaleAt Ji JiAt 11 11J 11ggi i At Z C c M I This Jhis Week WeekJinny WeeltrIIY Week4IflhIV Jinny rIIY of our OU patrons ltol9 have haveurged 11 liavolhIgdd VO VOUgcllo urged Ugcllo n repetition of our Solo Stilodvcii nlo j dvcii Lhcl in fnTolunl January lUpotiou thereforewo thereforewoIiavo tlclollO 01 wo 0 i Iiavo 1 derided dcdllCI to jiliieo oui1 01 cn cntiro 25 5 Discount 9iscotIlltdeiyeat II tiro tro Now Stock of oj Muslin 11911 Un Undonvcar II 1 donvcar OIWCI1 on 01 Hnlo Hnlont at atDurliifif atflhh11miL 0 n I Dl Durliifif II > the 10 Week cok Comlclcll CoimncnchiR Monday Fcbnmry cblla 11 171902 171902For 171 17 1002 1002Yoi dO j jIiol t For tho live 10 days ays wo w will wJ also 1150 sell sel our cutiro cutiroHneoiPJlKNOH cltro J Jlliic HneoiPJlKNOH 110 lliic of mUCNOnFInNNI F1tENO1 FUNNELS r J in lulJIII Plain Stripes StripesPersians 50 > C 4 e I I T d 1 I PCI Persians lols and luHoley Fancy Patternsworth In I OIS IO 11 I 7 The e tu 90cut 90cutpire DOc lt at J tj I J Yo YoI 7 o I pire 1 r e IjmbroideriejI Ijmbroideriej m b r o i d e r I e 5 5eXL eXL eXLI 1 ICES t tI I I k44 I T t G WEW1EH w WFllBEULL mHm Z C M I LL 1 9 Superintendent S lllte lllteI llltew 11 n R I P I m i 3 J 6 < W 6p ggi p j w w ww 5 w w i iZ g gC Z C M MHas MI MIclothing I Ii i Clothing Department fThpartmentH4s I II I I I Has H as RemoVed RjemoVedTO emoIJed emoIJedTO J JI I I II TO ITS IT TEMPORARY TEMPORARYJVo5 TEMPORARY2UAIWEiS i iUARCE7 2UAIWEiS 2UAIWEiSNos 1 UARCE7 II i 1i Nos 51 and 53 Main N ain Street StreetDURING JtreetJ I IURING DURING THE TIE KECONSTRUCSIOJ 7ECoNrTRUCcIONot f OF OFTHE OFA Ii A THE TIE MAI MAIN ft J6QRE J6QREWe rGORE SQRJWe I I I II II I I II We are re now opening our New and Elegant Iegant Stock Stockof I of Spring Clothing and Furnishing furn shing6oods shing6oodsCOMf Goods GoodsCOMf Goodsmb = mb COMf AND 4 ND SEE SI US lS AT 4 T OUR OUI NEW Nif W STAND STANDG S T1l ND NDG I I G G WE22E7 WEBBEK Superintendent l About the most mo t dangerous time timein in tho year ar is 1 coming February FebruaryMarch FcbrullrMarch FebruaryMarch March and nn April Apri Wet and mud muddy muddy muddIr dy and hd the mouse damp and andchilly nndchiy antichilly chilly chiy One needs a fire then thenabout thenabout thenabout about us C much mich as at any time timeand tme tmennd timeand and If he needs a I tiro he certain certainly ¬ ly I needs that thtt good coal coalDAMOERCER coal11AM oalDAMBERCER DAMOERCER 11AM UEROEr1 101 MolghnSt MolghnStTelephones Molsln St StTel StTelephones Telephones Telephones2SS Tel Jbones Jbones2SS 2SS and CiO CiOF G 00 00IF O OIF IF F ITS PHOTOGRAPHS PHOTOGRAPHSGOTO PIOTOORAPI5 T Tco GOTO co TO I 0 P ELLIS vi 8 IQTHE i THE PHOTO PHOTOCRAPHER ELlJU LLLIWCRAPHER CHAPHER 04 WEST SECOND SOUTH SOUTHlMt host M work Lowest 05 prices price Picture Frames Franle and fnd Enlargement EnlargementWONDERFUL EnlarremODt EnlarremODtWOtlERFUL EntargemsatsWOIIDEIIFUL WONDERFUL WOtlERFUL AND TRUE TRUEPROF TRUEPROF TRUEPROF PROF J K CULLIHUR CUUIHUROne One of Americas morlrl greatest rr atet magnetic magneticiealers mnJeto healers during 11urlni isis hI three thre years ears stay In Inthll Inthis his thll city It linn Ilol performed some of the themo lhemOt timemost mo mOt most t wonderful cures on record Many rcr who had be Iln been n given up to die by b the thentillcul thettlcll timemnetltcai ntillcul ttlcll fraternity traternly have been restored restoredo rstortJ to o health htlth and nll vigor Ills Js electric baths bathsre btths btthsQr Qr are re the finest fnt In Utah Uah H He has an ex exerlenced experlencd experieneed erlenced lady to superintend the la dle dies lea department and nnt give gle magnate magnateuring mae r During Dunne > the month of February Februl the pro proessor essor t 80r ulll wi give magnetic maJnetc and electric electricreatments po treatments fr trt fret i to all at his hisHEAUTH hI hIHEALTH hisHEALTH HEALTH RESORT 2466 246 Grant Ave Ogden Utah l 1 1ONLY I ONLY 99 CENTS CENTSWe CENTSIQ I IWe We have hlne hau competitors guessing again comptors guoillng c s They aon dont t know how we do it We of ofI I iiJ ler l lotm 01 n nfor for forithe for ithe time next ten 10 aw I your ih44 choice of a I dozen ozen styles of ofDecorated ofDeoolatet r ri4 i4 Decorated Deoolatet Table Lamps v vOM61 crc OM61 FItted with ctllcr eiher D Dom ° roo Shade Shadeyou or ort0 orI I Ool Oioi Al All we want you to do I Ii to t0K tiJtk 1 come anti lIolc tiem nd Overwe know I you will wi niii buy buyo buyi4J t1em overWi knQW i4J o SCOTTSTREVELL SCOTSTREVELL HARDWARE 00 001 001c 00ici 163 Main nln Street StreetP frcet Streetr c r P 1 B SWe We still stl have n little lite high highgrade hIghcratc highgrade > grade cratc enameled ware which Is going at qcr 1 j less 118 than thln costclosing out the line Ino Inoj C CHEBERJICRANT001 c d r w t tfH K ttWW fWs W WM WMINSURANCE fH HEBERJICRANT001 HEBERJICRANT001I R f b l A I I INSURANCE iNSURANCEwwwvwwwvwwv AGENCY AGENCYj NCY + j WWW wwwvwwwvwwv wwwvwwwvwwvOUR WWWWVWWVWWV VWWW VWWWOUR i OUR COMPANIES COMPANIESThe J The Hnrtford Hartord of Hartford Iartrordf Ct CtNorth CtJ Ctt t North British BrItsh 6 Mercantile MercnnUeLondon London LondonEdinburgh and andEdinburgh andt J t Edinburgh EdinburghPennsylvania EdinburghPennsylvanla EdInburghPenn8ylvanfa Pennsylvania of Philadelphia PhiladelphiaNorthern Phiadolphla PhiadolphlaNorthern PhiladelphiaNorthern Northern of London LondonFire LondonFire f Fire Association Assoolaton of Philadelphia PhiladelphiaToutonia Phladelphin PhladelphinTeutonln PhiladeiphitiTeutonla Toutonia of New Orleans and andTHE and andTHE I t THE HOME FIRE FIE INSURANCE CO OF UTAH UTAHJ