OCR Interpretation

Deseret evening news. [volume] (Great Salt Lake City [Utah]) 1867-1920, March 14, 1902, Last Edition, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045555/1902-03-14/ed-1/seq-4/

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r r r ia iaw
l > Organ Or 11I of tho Church of Jesiw ChflU ChflUof CItrItVLLIIlrn
of Lattorclay 1lIt iorIY Saintmnv Saint 1l1ll1tlI
I tWIlrD mnv mnvChnrlenVPohrose rvrlwm rvrlwmIIU
CQM orDf 01 FvolI T roll Anrt n1 tll1 Nmpl 11411 11411ihll t4i t4ilAbO
ihll IAh CII tJla1J tJla1JI tJla1JCbftrleRVPotros Ub4iChT1e
ChnrlenVPohrose ChT1e V1PotToSe Editor EditorIkincuq EditorUtfllCIJ ElItOVkinctiG
Ikincuq G Wbitney VIitneyDuslnoM slnoiI Mnnq hI1AII r rIkliitllllTION rIUb6CIIIItION
IkliitllllTION Il1lION rillUUt rillUUtrfr
rfr r tAt II > < lTAtlC9tM I ItOnth W WflJIOnlhn l lfIt
flJIOnlhn fIt IOnlhll tOnthbr II i 4 411I 411I1bru l llhrr
lhrr br Xlnnijl XlnnijlH 110nl 1 0 0soiith >
H Lt 1lollh soiithOt s sk n nOne
One Ot IVHk M MAIttrd 21 21Ahlhl
k Ahlhl AIttrd lur < mlltMn rr rrt 2 2h1U1 2u2l1ekI
h1U1 t ml u2l1ekI Wwklf 8 kl M MSMV N NthW ltl
SMV 11 voaK orricn orricnIn OFttCln
In cIr 1I nf II I F Oiimuilm Murmur Murmurtorelvn MD MiiDVfly t10r t10rOrelln >
y torelvn Adwtliltif M from our Ou Homo omc OIHWIfMW omcIIIIM OMC1r4
IfMW 1r4 w Tlmr llulldlng llulldlnguiuuno lIulld BuIIdlnz BuIIdlnziIIIAflO nil nilfIlWAOO
uiuuno fIlWAOO owe oweIn OIl OFIIULHi I IIn
In Intod ltllrllt of II l Oummlaiy Oummlaiyiiv MOUllt t tIurettn
Iurettn iiv iIrLciInf rLl rtlduf < lnfi from our Roma uilloo uillooby ul1l11tllllr JIIliXIPtqre4ontod
tllllr Ptqre4ontod senlol by K t 1 II Iton Udwardt 9 87 WAtlilnf WAtlilnfIn
Iou Mreot troe
RAil R rJcINct f eISl ntICI ntICItn flPlcIIn
In Clmrnoof hdr hLTgQ oor nf IV IJ I J 1 Cooper Coo or MOoaty IIOI10f1tlortllOn 4 lotiry St StCorrMpondonca 9tft
ft CorrMpondonca lortllOn lonco < tnd iw othor rtarihu r mailer mailerfor
for to iiubllcutlon l tliuulil bu nili nllllto IIe tc i J to O tbi tbiMUTOII IbaJ1I1UIL lb lb1flult
MUTOII J1I1UILAddress 1flultAddruss
Address all hluln I11Ifli1 Irnmunlratolill IrnmunlratolillIII
TUI III uwniiKT l lmnI mva N NIVLb IW IWtalt
fait Uko thly Mr ll UUY UUYSALT UtII1SAIT Lft4LiEti
Tim twentysecond Oll1ly oconll nnniuil nnniuilfpntetcnce K gtnor1 gtnor1Oh1left J1erl J1erltonteleI1N
fpntetcnce Oh1left ot th Church hur ll of ofChrist JIt JnUa JnUahrlst U9 U9lhrl
Christ lhrl t of Lattordiiy Halnw will con convene conIno cont ¬
vene Ino t Ilo in Ilio th Tabernacle I in thi city cityIViday clIYPrlda cItrVrlday
IViday Apill 4 1002 nt 10 oclock n in inThe mfhe infle
The general authorlllo tif tha Church Churchof CluirclireI4k1Ct1t
Ilrt reI4k1Ct1t ldtnlll of Maltes und nlio fli all en enin ellKIIlCe11 enageI
KIIlCe11 in the Ih tI ministry who ho can mnkd mnkdIt
It convenient t to nttend urn cordially cordiallyInvited eordlllllyInvllell coriIl1nitet1
Invited to IHJ prevent preventJOSKiH IIIo IWOOfltJoE4I11I enl enlJO
ANT110N H LUND LUNDrimt UNntlrllt 11JNIrirnt
rimt Pjeilitanoy of the Church of if J JcsUfl JcsUflhrillt JtsuChrIHt m mChrlHt
ChrlHt of IntttMny Hnlntn Hnlntnpou Anlntl Hnnt1I1LIfLIfjlj
pou l OH TJiu mmiiio 1I1LIfLIfjlj uiuirii uiuiriiThe
I The health department of the city In Into 1Mo
to o bo f commended for tho work wrn k Hint HintIn
In 1 being performed lrUih ke1 In tlio Roncnil lIcrnl clean cleanInif rlennInll cleanlag
lag un which hlch H l In procom by II which whichtlis whichfhll shilchitl
tlis tl ifunliury situation will certainly bo bolargely boricl
2 largely ricl Improved It Is u great mlH mlHfortune InIHoltuOI
r fortune that v sC C Imve no 10 rrotmilory lohIlIltoC In Inwhich IIIwhich Inb
b which to o dMlroy the KUrlmgc defunct defunctnulfniilft defunctJ IetunctllIltnrllMnnll
J nulfniilft llIltnrllMnnll nnd other waste mutter Hull Hullought III1IlOIlRht unitought
ought to ln > Vffeotimlly tlfulIlI disposed cllspo ell oC l hy hytire bytIre > y yflro
tire If the tuillltlpn afforded by BUfh BUfhn
n building wrro Iro nt the dlspo dlSIHnl al Of the thehealth thlhcnllli theIieIth
health oMIccrii much better insult insultroil lOlultoultl insultcotikI
roil oultl Id be iireompllnliOil ncompllll M lion tluw th s that thnt11I1 thotnie thatnro
nro now nchlVeil nchlVeilAnother 1IhlcllAllother flIl1VeIAnoLIir
Another rmnmonddlile utep toward towardtiu IOllnldIhe t wnrdi wnrditimo
t tiu pvcfcervntlon lII tIvnUun of a t tic I public health healthwas IWllllhwas heal t li litaken
was taken by b li Kng Chemist Hrtnnii Hrtnniirnd UIlrIllNrnt1 1fur1liNmu
rnd mu Attorney AttomNc > e In uifilns before tho thooinmltko thoommltt theoinnnIttec
oinmltko t an municipal JIIII HH nnd 1II111II1nl 1II111II1nlIlltiun until untilutlon onnlsitkn
utlon tlio Ih necuSlt iiece mty for the passiiRe of ofn ofI ofnew
n new ordinance roKuliuliif the Role nlc of ofkt orIce atleo
kt ThlK article of merchnndUo nIOIihII lIsI1 him himhccorno hn hn1I1Iomo hnliecortie
hccorno moll limo n luxury 11 1Ir DtttlOK DtttlOKnevfral DUIlnllJ finIngnevemul
nevfral J tIal irionihH in the yofir IIt It t Ik IL ILhIi IWH IWHlive 1101I1 1101I1UII
live ncriSHliy to comfort nnd pnlntnbl pnlntnblfood 11IllItnbltoJt jntbntnbhefOid
food It I t Inns cnmo Into Much lenernl lenernlUPC
UPC lP Unit I It It U fnrn fnrbohed > hcd In an Im Impure liiiIiirt ¬
pure condition contli I Ion It leromun a incline c to toti IItile 10tIle
ti tile < > iiublli < health That It ought I to li lioljklnlly Itotlklall lie lieIftObaIly
oljklnlly InipwtiHl 11I 11 tll L1 uppenra ie to t o iiKd u > 11 no nontRunieni nonigumnnt I InlrUlIllnl
ntRunieni to imilsf tllstv ronHonabln ml JilIIIlI JilIIIlIWe nmmu1Re ml a aVe
We Ve e can nii undoistttiid Ulld 018 hlllli lu lilt > teuvon why whypome wll wllflollle
pome de tit1I1Pr1I lcr ohjoct utJJICllo to the meusuro lI1ell mneourothat mneourothatin lIr1thnt tlmt tlmtIn
In no mow inorcosiil Wtt V ilu 10 riot wlHh JHII to tofiupport tll1IIIIIIIIIrl 11Mipirt
fiupport utiytlihiK that would be In Injurioim InjUrloliK Int1rIuiio
jurioim t1rIuiio ui their litiulneHH If It Wfl MIH not notliroxenailio IHltIlrI1IItlIlho mliiijir0ernihIte
liroxenailio of tho Btnernl lICOIClrt lICOIClrtnllt wItarBitt lfftro lfftroHut
Hut we w Ie think tlm nrguuicniH lI tUI1IPliltIllllenle11 tUI1IPliltIllllenle11In picoenieil picoenieilIn
2 In 1 a their behalf l to tjio t u conunlttcp 1 1I1II1II1t t It ti wern wernfully WEIfully 1I 11I 11ItUlly
fully met I and completely covered 1Ver I by bytlu IJythll bytht
tlu < renoonx offered from tile Iltell1nlle Iltell1nlle11I111 gentle gentleiniti gentlenied
initi Wt c hnvti bin nnnud nnd LIII the puhllv Inter In Interwt fl
1 terwt ter t niuit 1111 1 b consulted far beyond heyondthai htonllthal beyondthaL
thal of It Individuals Iopndlmnn l Thom Thnuin
tt fill n was undoubtedly 11 11I1 ou htllll rlslit In his ron rontendon rontentlnn coiI
I tendon that Halt lAke IH unfilled to topun toJlurl tojiUre
pun ice UH much IH Cliletici ChllI u Is 1 < nnd nndthe IInllthp 801the
the orilinalice oil I notice proposed IJtOIJ hitoh > ttl helug modelml modelmlUpon fliXICIOtIupahl I
Upon tin line of If the thl IhleiiKu pn pnviiloiu lfIvldon lirniVIutonio
viiloiu which have been found to op 01111 01111Rtn opernt r ratn
atn nt beneficially b It ought undoub lIIulnlllJl1 lIIulnlllJl1h1 lly llyto 1l 1lI
I to be paused nu rccunun rtcUlIlInllIllltl ndiNl by I the thecoinmlttcc Ihtr011111111 thetOlflflulttt
coinmlttcc coinmlttccIn It ItIn
In tiioxv I h t lilies ot adulteration nnd nndhe ntHIthp nm nmth
thp th he pieviilencb plll pm nlPIlr mieiic of foinmeiclul ncliem oehennennull H Hand Ml1uII
and piutireH lila LIrei pIr o > r public and private privateHiterfHtH 1IIIInt6ltfrtHIII IE111 tO tOhtmertinmi
HiterfHtH for jinwulatlvt IeeU1aIVe purpose OtI It Itliei
1 liei 1111 iiin nbiUiiuly IIIJ PII I uewwwry tt IICP M7 ty tlmt n nHfirt II1I1lrt aI
I Hfirt t uriTHight rMI11 MliflUlM iimlntnlnKl 11I111111nlllll19to n nto ne neto
to the food Kiippllii offernl for ml 1 w wthat 110Ihllt Q Qhint
that the uublii uiuy I1ll b bll jtnvtected from fromimpure tmil1Inllrl fromillillire
impure HIM lid deleterious artklt that thatOKV tllatihr titithry
OKV ihr iiiav IIII ncii tu t > imioMxl i1 upmi In Ini Inloket Inioik
loket i ket n injimii in h hPftlth lth U In Illaritl IllaritltJlIg Rratl Rratlio retI retIfIng
tJlIg io O knoll kn v hut our mr benWh dfimrt dfimrtm
men I m i alive in ii the Ih h nituntton ntuj 11th the theAV thlnld thIneI
nld r 1 hI liII liIIS t I ii iivxri
AV S uxsirnKi US vxri 1IJJJIJ I4l1i I4l1ii QUKSTIOV QUKSTIOVTic
Tic 11 i UP UItc IIrp committee mlttft of the fltyf CIt Ity Ityhn
fMiiiil 111111 hii h > rH3t pn3tled l WU for thirty dnys dnysm dniyt i
t m 11111111111 i I of th Ihl 8p alllOll1lm > ointmento ointmentoIM l1tot of offlh <
1111 < IM i 111101111 > iuon lUlUfl n n All J nomUwtoa by 11 the thehi UI UIh teii
ii hi h > or r ioiii ltf The h r rlQlMlllort1tlI renpoft moti offered for forti tortlh fortii
ti tlh > iinv in I iiint I further urtll WMtnglliis WMtnglliiso 1811111
o > ill I IK Klh Hi I l i intention In I not tl tlm dl dlIIi
I m iiii d for Hi I h plwnt plwnti I nl nlP
t P i ih H nwv IIltt it I ion ljn onlderd < l hhm ler d good goodpoUrr policy
I in n i n of tli < iibxtmlm h 111I1 In th the w ay y of of11inlit ofI ofi
i I 1I1lIInl T 11inlit nt i dJIIOIIl1Ont > IJu tni < nt Of tile illl illli 111mrUIi hl hlT
T rUIi i < < iirri II rIIIII1 > i Ilinpr iiw II i III jiic itua IIltuaI mltuaII ituaIut
II I Iut It I is I v ry rtgrMtabl that tlmtMI
r lhi lhilinn In I MI i him i b < Irt In Hi IIIP < oQdl oQdlittndlnt IIOtlitinn mdiIi
Ii linn linnmen tm ii ii ittndlnt ui it dprlvutli of Ihr1 Ihr1hrti Ih Ihnwn lhreTIfl
men hrti i < i r r m mmbtr mbr of th Ihto orfB fnffI C Cl orfBI
I nxdcii an emil ih number ought I i be belnn be1111 bei
i lnn Iii > mil It than illmlnl lImlulhIJ hJ A Afitit Agrfl Am
m fitit tiit < l 011 tl IH I Ii xlclltI xli qiiM tod of i Ih hi JM IHI > I f At AtIBMinni 11 111ft tipre
IBMinni 1ft lfInt II it In MIP hf i prwimBtlon IIf < > the thotub Iltllub the1ub
tub I pcu iiid III the lh hi ariidi c aI ft i rind muiMnilnxrnent fll1IlfnoIoynnl rind1Ifliirfl1flt
Mnilnxrnent of offpndem a nlllalnl alnt the thertiy thedu thecI
rtiy cI orilinanc < i It lalinot IM rMson rMsonably r on onobi
ably obi exiwiv tXI hat llitKe ilutlcn m < ii iisatlfattorlt n be benatlBfiutnrll JIIQIlstlllorll
natlBfiutnrll jvcrrirnHd 1 l imy > > tim rill mvrmen rillmen rqcmen
men now cniiluytl on the Ih lit HIK rrL rrLl < nt ntTh rl rlTh
l Th The < > rununn uMl lIullCnel1 ned rill Jr nmlng off offcon 0 0ronllld1IIOl offconsidmttittott
con ronllld1IIOl iOihUloti of thM Ih upiiiintmrnti upiiiintmrntiM
M I a 1 tall confesiilon nf r Inaltltlty In InbrIng tobring n nbring
bring uliniu that harmony In thr heCourill rity rityCouncil II IIround
Council vlilii U l cKKcnllal tn nucreu nucreuIn pueesii
ii In th i onciui t of cm mualrliml affaIr nftalriThe afCalrTht
The Idifl tlh tlld I iomjHtcnt m tnn n nnaln RIRln1whnl11l1Ulhlng agalntWhom t tVthom
Whom whnl11l1Ulhlng nottilng nm be b urgii on the thescore Ih IhIcore thacore
score ot fllnc i foi 111 the iMwIlmn cannot cannotbe 11111101be cannotbe
be iila IllnrN ed In olk W flfO < < betduso of a i dttir dttirmlnntUii Iletlfmlnatlo detcrmbnatlnn
mlnntUii not I ot lo i infirm tho th nomina nominations ¬
tions ot hn bfircr b er who In not a together ntogmthrpvert togetherIn
pvert fI h m ma Itln In I A rr r p
H 1ITbICqlttrle elT6 I11 > rqrYtIie the Judgment public itibii oplrl oplrland IIlrllJIIIOlllrl1 epIritld
JIIIOlllrl1 and ld regard fqr Iqrtillt the cltyfl cIty fl welfqro lX lXp cxcp0tOdb x xpotodn
potodn p ot rt 1I10I official Clnls flleottfd to ulteml utlel1l1to utlel1l1to11Uhll iitt ntl ti tipublic to toimbUe
public bUjflrittinn1 hlJ ln j nl111 not to jrutlfy Per tierennI Peron er ertIn1
tIn1 on l plan or or l private > tlynt predilections predilectionstlnra prQlIecllonI
I tlnra 11lrelt nnvillkillliood tttl lllfllhoUtl that thin mnl mnltcr mntolerwllJ mlii4tel
tel lerwllJ will 1 11 In Ii any 4n better ilmpo In t tmontli II IIhlQnlh ftnionth
montli from rob ihlo tub tlin thun lit nrownt nrowntIf
If not will limo 0 queitlon have to hi hiliBlwl 110hellftl beshsItetI
liBlwl fiom monim month to month IndafJ IndafJnlt III imidefnttaly I Inlllf
nlt nlllf lyr And 1111 I Ii the police orvlce to bi bitlU 1111Ibn beui1Lit
tlU Ibn oontlmiouifly crippled wlthoupiMDiwt without withoutpIft withoutprOSftVt
piMDiwt pIft of a Html mittliinciit of the thetrouble theIroUbl timeroflie
trouble Jt It t will have to b bl Hquaroly Hquarolymot HIIUllrolymot
mot mot At torn time iid the inonsr onr It HIn Itt ItIN
I Il
In t ilUi d14110d > owil of tli the bettor It will be fat fattB forIe
tB l city nnd IIIlIIIII1trllli ithliEiII all verNon concoriiod concoriiodThe Co QhlOUrtUdhis 1100 rl1 t1 t1The
The Duwrtt Nu Nell a hILtS no iileotloni iileotlonito
to niolio 110 Individual or Indlvldunln Indlvldunlnlo
lo oomtomn or wupport but It retards retardsthis r rRrrlsthiN
this pollco muddle UK ti dlflgrftetful d trtl trul to the thecity tileIll tinocity
city Ill nnd the depletion nf tho jiollco jiollcoforce IlolIlotorc POiIOforce
force an very unfortuhnlt IIlIrortuhnttltlld and nd prflgnant prflgnantwith IlreanantlIh
with lIh dniiftor to the e mfminlt lIOlOfnunlty > con conilderliiH conlllorllll conattlorilig
ilderliiH the small number of Ir Its peace peaceonicern peaceonlCEJrR peaceoflicere
onicern evcn when the force In com complete complrlo cornniche ¬
niche an n provided for by law lawJrA 111j lawAIIO
y VA A number of ChlofiRO citizens cItIze cItIzestarted hnvo hnvo8tnrted hlloHlnrttll
started n resulur ngltatlon for tho pur purposeof ItirPOPG
poseof 110 POPG dt it inducing the state le legislature leRIMlnturto lHlatnre lHlatnreto
to tax liuich property They nro am hold holdIng holdInl holdIng
Ing mn loose meetings anti paiwInK rcoo rcoolutloiiK relOIIIUOIl VesAItitlotini
lutloiiK In tho Inteiest of their cjuue cjuueThe C11 Citusinrite II Ie Iefhe
The movement In supported by h the theTurner IhoTllrllcr theTlrnmern
Turner tho Federation I of Labor nnd nndHomo nllllIJIO nitilsOmino
Homo IJIO other societies reprcaontlne fprc cntlnlr It in inestimated IIIfltlO1IN1 Imioetlniated
estimated about 200000 perionh perionhThey lorsonHlhflY iersonMThey
They think tho th churches In the Unit United Unitell Jolted ¬
ed HtntM Hold < 1 nu Immense Irnm nse amount of ofproperty orIlroIWIl ofltrOIelt
property IlroIWIl In fact on one billion dollars dollarsworth Ilollllrsworth ilolinretorth I I
worth and that It l is a groat Itijuntlce Itijuntlceto
to other Jtli r taxpayers tlXl1n ellI Hint this property propertyIH IlrOl rty rtyhI
IH exempt Only onethird of II tho lieu people PIpIc lieuplc ¬
ple they argue have Interest enough enoughIn
In oliurchPH to become mombflin of ofthem orthem ofthini
them ahd rtlHtlho the other t othlrds IIoothlnl9 do not notthink notthink notthInk
think tho clmrchOB chureholldo do them much good KootlalthoiiKli KOOlInlthoulh goodttItiottgli
althoiiKli they are not nil free thinkers thinkerby thinkersby
by II an menna The tcHUlt la It tlmt two twothlrdH twothlnlH twothirds
thirds of the people are IIttcnl cnllfd lIl on to topay 10pA topay
pay pA taxes for or the benefit of thC other otherthird otherIhlrll otherthird
third They must pay pll just jU 1 as much muchmore muchIlOle rnttcitbore
more than they ought to n nK the thllilinoullt amount amountof
of taxe trom which the churches ore aroexcused nrcexcUHN1 oreexcuiel
excused excusedTliu excUHN1rilll excuieltine
Tliu lenders of the movement mo morather lirarather nrcrallier
rather iwpleloim of the church H They Theyclaim TheynOun fhe fheellhll
claim to tee oe In Inlhelr their existence a dan danger llnl1gel dungee ¬
gel to our free Initltutlonti bnstitUtl nms One of tine thoupenkera 1MptlIker tinesiienker
upenkera at a ma maYH n meeting exprtsned exprtsnedthat Ix relsetl relsetlHUlt
that fenr coo no follows followsThe tollollsThe folboteTime
The problem before in In whether whetherwo 1
wo tire to have hlll1n n secular society or a aspiritual 11splrltulil asiltrItual
spiritual society Arc we W to bo able to tokeep tokeell tokecim
keep tho Ntaln distinct dl tlllct from the t o church churchag
ag the Constitution ordalno It or KO KObark tobllk ff0bock
bark to the boil times of n relIgIous rcllgloungovernment rell relIgIousgovoronnent louR louR1I0Vernlllnll
government Taxation l is a powerful powerfulmennfl 1IIWlrtultnlnn iitverfulmorons
morons of hanging noclnl conditions conditionsKvor condiliona1er
Kvor sInce omen begun to thmk clearly clcuilvabout 1lpnIlvnbout clearly1liOtlt
about It they the have unduratood that It ItUUH ItIUII itvnN
UUH wionn HOII that snino men Hhould be betaxed bttnxtll 10taxed
taxed for tine benefit of other If the thechurch IhlhurcJl thechurch
church property > keeps lncr Incrnlhll n lntf under underltd
ltd unfulr privilege the lime may come cnmewhen comevheii
when 111 the Ihurch will 11I Imve It e power powerenough Jliwerl1ollh powerenough
enough to destroy free government governmentThe
The mllllonnlrex In Wellington Wu hlnltton might mightmnke mlllhtIntlko1I mightmuike
mnke n deal with the church nod crush crushout crllHhout crnnstmnut
out the liberties of tin people peopleU
It IH Oinirult to see how ttniv In any anymore ouripore I
more danger In the purchase of the tiicchurehen thlChurchcK theelnurcinca
churehen by millionaire than there 19 19ot Istnt 1 1of
of their buying up tho various or organlzntlona orgnnlzllUlJlIs orgnnlznttotne
ganlzntlona that clamor agalnm the thechmchex thlChlllchllI theeutiteim
chmchex Hut If there Is any 1111 danger dangerlit dnn dnnIII
III that direction It would certainly e tlalnlyt1Ulrm1llt 1 1augmented be benugmented
augmented 11 by II time levying nf taxex on onthe 01tho otttin
the church property Kor many manyrhurchM manychurohM ninnyeIntirette
rhurchM nice now ow struggling with II IInnnolitl nnttl10hll iinouwIttI
nnnolitl problems that Ice cream crIll III partlei partleinnd 11nrlllnnll tortIeand
and other clump methods of obtaining obtainingfunds olJlntnlnKr obininbngtnuunti
funds r fall nhi to solve satisfactorily ntl rnltorl Wore WoreUio Woretllo OrC OrCthe
the butdeiiR Rtlll IIII further augmented augmentedfalling nllRmlllltellH
falling H sd IIIIIC I I nig out 10 rnlllloimlicH nniil bun i mes would worn wornto 11111Ito eemmito
to be b illi Itlltut ut tb IInl inly Iii recounto npvn to tou 10II
u 1 numb nUll1hl1l onto tt of thirn The piopowl rem remedy ramtlly remthy
thy would perhupM precipitate tine Ih > very veryevil veryevil er
evil now r rtlMr regarded tnrJca et1l1 as it It future poulbll poulblllt
It > f
ItThl Tho fTho fa tacit L l is tlmt tUIII Urn property of the thefliurvhoa Ihe1lurllhu tineflnArchst
fliurvhoa Rftntrally rvpiwuntx t i55fl but the thevoluntary lhewlunnt tinevo1inntnr
voluntary contribution of nil nih claiuei claiueiot Inlso InlsoIltlt
ot citizens Iltlt lIs that pay lR tliulr proportion of oftho attiii
tin bites To require them to pay an anextra 1111Xlm onxti
extra xti ft rlbuts to the public treaaurl tten trenuris5fpi UII1I s sfpr
fpr tho privilege of contributing tu n nliliinthroplc nlillilnnithrolmle I IIIlII1lll1l1l1OIIr
liliinthroplc Institution from which whichli IIhlllI1If tthiehthey
they li y Imlvo no ilnanolal benefit lJ lIellt Li Lihardly 1111IIml lo1utriIy
hardly 1IIml Ju Just l and equitable The state statemid stnleI atatefun
I fun mid lIIM cliiirtli trtJh are xopamted KOpn Ill t 611 In tills cOlin country cOlintr cmiiitry ¬
tr try Hut thafltnie ennnot InlllOldo do well with withant wllhout withnut
ant ti the religIous lulluenre of churches churchoaThe c11Irchosfho
The Chicago ngltutora may think thin thntther thattine3 thinthey
they derive no benefit fiom ruin the pulpit pulpitnil JlulpllJut p011111but
nil hay 10 t3o o Tho Influence of Ood Oodoaring Oudtootln Outifooting
oaring men inen nud wuiiicn In a commit community Iommunll commitpill ¬
nll pill oyoti If they art few Is so o great greatthat grentthRt greatthat
that It cannot be measured In doling dolingand do1lnrnmu
and mu rent Why lty the Almighty we are areold urololel aretoll
old would have spared Sodom hail hailtlier ImlllUIl hailthiefe
thiefe tlier been llt n but ten righteous portion portionn JI ilern000in IOI1ll IOI1llIn
In n tho tlpomd IIQoln city Ill In theme no nOin lewlm lewlmn hjIlR11 hjIlR11In
In n the fact that the world today clear cltary clnrIy clearly
Iy y shows that I mattrlnl prosperity prllsperttIlrORrtlllP Irosperitrprogress prosperityiroRrenc
iroRrenc and enllghtencnwtit < Un 111 111tlltt1f hstly hstlyfollOw < oly olyfollfny
follOw the path atit of thu cross What Whatffffliht WhAIlhl Vimatpiitt
ffffliht lhl < IP tl1l1el lied Hlntwi be wwo this thacmintry thte
e cmintry IIHry deprived of the tellslous life lifeanil liteaM lifeand
and light Ihllt U en tnJoYIIT Joys T Krnnee lilt trim trimthu trhtdtJJu triodthu
thu experiment xp rlment of oxtlnguUdilnK oxtll1 ulhlnK Kuohht Kuoh l unto1Iht uohII
II Iht ht ax It tad awl ubxtltutlng roneon roneonjut rOIlPon rOIlPonJill rensontiut
Jill jut the failure was terrible Tha Thaclturchw 1hllctunl18 Iiusclnutviiv
clturchw may tna be weak eak anti erring In Inm 111man inmjiy
m man mjiy ny eap Jesritl4 > ctH tH Hut they the more than thanri thAnhe thanrihiy
ri rihiy y the he mate for the privilege they theyWJoy theyjoy theyjoy
WJoy joy of promulgating the Inc principles principlesof IlrIOE prln IPles IPlesat IplesOf
of murrtllty nnd nd Injwlly III n houw hOU free freefrom lrtotom I reo reomm
from mm taxation tllK tlon
Oeneral U lcllll M 1Cthuen tt thu > uen n It seenta Inns hn been beenMt h8 beenmist f fNt
Mt fr tree t and wnt to into frlunda In tho thocan thocart thecare
can at a British phyalcMn > That Thntlil U th thconolliifon the thecunClhl theeunltti1On
conolliifon cunClhl n arrived at by b tine HHUih HHUihwnr JltJtI IiItLsttRr h hftr
wnr department from the icporttt re received ICchoo ieceived ¬
ceived Th Doers on could not very well welldlajiote ve1I4isiose
dlajiote 11110 ot their captive In nny other otheray otherway
WA way ay unlei unl an exrlmnRi CI lhalltT > of prlxoneni prlxoneniof fJrl Qntfll Qntfllur
of war ar could lm cfffcied CrN1 and that t nt hp hpIietm hpIIIII
Iietm 5 to U out of tho attention attentionGeneral qllelltlonQlnernl questionlmterai
General Methuen has ha not no been par piirre piirreU61 particu1y tic ticuirfy
uirfy U61 fortunate In his hI African war ex exAt expM1reflAt exiPiiC5K
pM1reflAt iPiiC5K At the beginning of that thathe thatbm thateniw4lgn
eniw4lgn bm he h was placed In command of ofto ottxJMi ofcli4
cli4 to xpMltkmilhat txJMi ItIoI tha t wan Rent to relieve relieveKltnb reiipvei
Kltnb 1 i < 1nbrltY rly Ho had i d a serlei of dMp ttllpr dNperate r rnte
ate battles and advanced but Mowly Mowlyand IIlowlyamI lowhyand
and at 1 last lie encountered nceunt r x Cronje In Inalrong a a8romt IIRrGllIt
8romt position on the Modder river lie lieoompftJIwl It Itoonip4iel 11 11rrjJ1ftl
oompftJIwl rrjJ1ftl l thu t e ynmny yntl netiy Y to retreat to Mag Magrafontem Magerafontein la laratolllln
rafontem but Ul wlien h ansln attacked attackedthe nttacklIh
the Ih strongly ontrinched l Doors ho h wax waxdefeated 1OUrlPfatllI wasOefated
defeated and forced torc to retreat with tcr tcrtlllV lprIII brilhmp
tlllV III I IUIII IUIIIhlr Itoisinto DIM DIMurllnatc
into tnn Ilnln lUll 2ts h brIm IJ a t tiirlnnate pu1 pu1lIrr1tnalr
urllnatc position but Rfveral Iel 1 Iio 11 n td tdopr > l lrr
opr < rr tile > liners ar Mil rro Itll1111111 < lliwl tn 0 III 11111 zeal
and ann energy ergy Doloroy Del rOy U said nh to bo on onof one 0110of oneof
of the RrcatW rclltQllt Htrateulst lllIte fsti of thntJden thntJdenPrevious thl tinelioerarrovIotth tJoerlf tJoerlflrolotll
Previous to the war h he wan va n mer mcrchant merchnnt merchont
chant lie lI voted ngalnm the ultimatum ultlmaturllitit ultlmlltumthul
llitit precipitated tho ho9tllltl 8 bu burh hiltvhfJri 111cIlmon
vhfJri rh n tho die iJ was n en luUh cast t he took < tine n field fieliloil fieldoh li lioil
oil wlllfh wlHrhht ht linn to signally tllntln tllntlnBtiUhwl tilatinitttshn
BtiUhwl itttshn I lilm I imimsuif imimsuifvttt olf olfnusioiw
7 vttt Irt rt nusioiw IN INMIJ INMIJA ASIA ASIAA
A Mottle 8 Attlc dlrpntch 11IIOIU 8lv u 1111 the opln oplnIon opinion
Ion 6f I r an RiiKlUh captain Just arrived arrlvoifrom nn arrivedfront e etlOlll
from Jnpati thAt war between thli thlicountry tltcllllnll thttcotmntly
country Ind RUHIA l Is Immlnont Werthin WereIhls Were VItretints >
thin an liolaird rumor It would no noattract not nOI111IIIcl notat
attract at tract much attention but when M Msame tlieIIIImo thesenile
same opinion are oxproswd exprClH d In differ different I1llterrllt dIffersmt
ent nuarter one on naturally conclude concludethat couolu1es couolu1esthnt
that where there U much smoke then thenmUJl IheroIIIU4t theremud
mUJl mud bo some lire lireNot OroNot fireNot
Not lon 10011 IIgo It wan reported that thaKutila thnlHIIUIIl thatUushi
Kutila had dlapatched COd to troops to In Invado Inode bitn4e
ode Cliliicsc c territory In the district dlutrlcof dtalrlotIr
of Ir it Johrl no mom JQIO than a hundred IU1l1rel1 mllitfrom mllit mll mlltrotn nihliofronu
from Iekln Tine rhl exCuse eXCUl was found Ii Iithe In InIhe intine
the fact that Chinese bandits bllm1s hat hatseised hnt had5c2t4
5c2t4 seised Iu ll A priest The telegraph wires wlrtihad wireshOld Ir Irhlll
had hlll alto Ito been cut nnd 111 limit thIs t1tl furnished furnltdietan turl het
an extra ltrl reason reu100for for tho Invasion InvasionThe Illylon IllylonIe InvasionTiii
The Ie trouble ls that Husala lus la may JIY notconfine not 10t 10tCllnnl mnotcmnflno
confine Cllnnl her operations olllrntons to the release releaseof o olt
of lt tho captive 1111110 priest and Inll the repair oi oithe or orIh ofthe
the Ih wires In II the Ihl disturbances dlstlrbnnrcl thai thaihave thaiha thathave
have ha occurred cccurrell she IhlltlY may find an ni oxcust oxcustfor oxcusofor OUII
for tho twlxlng lxlnQ ot territory t rrllor or at loam loamUs Inlt InltIt loadits
Us It temporary lpnury occupation otcupnlon by froopHwhich froopH trooPHwhllh froIwhiehi >
which whllh linuovor amounts nllnll to the mime mimething Inm Inmthlnl sautetiming
thing thlnl Hut Hit Japan and Great Britain Britainhnvo Irlnln Irlnlnhllll Britainiiiite
hnvo declared their Intention of ¬
hllll Illollre Intllol1 pre preventing lreventng ireventing
venting ventng any nn further cncroaohmont OlcIoaohlont even evenIf evel evenIt
It It I has to bu 11 done by force For thai thaireason ttiiitmenmtolt
reason there Ilero IK f riothlng Incredible Inlwllblo In Inthe II Inthe
the rymor THflmr that thll the llURslnns 1uIIIIII Are hur hurrying hurrhIJ imurryting ¬
rying rhIJ on the the work of fortifying torttYlnl Port PortArthur rul rulAlhur PortArthur
Arthur Alhur or II that nt the 1m Japancno JflpanpMo lire Iro pre preparing pre11urnq lirelntrinr ¬
paring for or an In attack itlok itussla appears appearslo Ippelrl
lo be II currying clrrylol out 011 her plflim pllll with re remini teurd tognirtl
mini urd to China without Ilhoutthu time tllghtest slightestregtmrI slightest slightestregurd
regurd 11111 for tho tie tint alliance 811111110 that wag an announced anMlncNI anmidttmtced ¬
nounced MlncNI to check chlck her progress jrogrclI Pen Pcihaps P Penhns J Jhnl
haps a great grelt foreign tOlell war with wlh pros prosyctt prostth prospsct
yctt tth of Kldrloim Idrlol Victories VIlottel would Qull not notio 101 notho
ho io 1 entirely llrly unwelcome ulIWelcore to the Russian Russiangovernment Hu flinoslangovernment sllll
government ocrlllenl at a n I time when whel the empire empireIn
In II In rcndmcd rll tlol shaky by b Internal Ilturlni rovolu rovolulunacy revolubounty
lunacy 10111 uKUMIonn uKUMIonnIt IUlltonN IUlltonNh
It U hMI linm1iy irtr < lly to bo 10 Hii HI su1nposed pOKed pOICtl that 1111 tho thoJapanese th thJnllI timoJnpimmwo
Japanese JnllI O are ur anxIous 11Xlou for a I Hlnglehund Hlnglehunded Hln lehnnll lehnnllell
ed context with wih the Ilusslnn Riant Ilnl1t Ilnl1tStl
9111 Stl If I they Ihl bcllevq IwlelQ that Much 1IIh II con conest rontit conUt
tit est la in innvltoble lloltnbll sooner or later Inllr they theymay theylUll they1m1a1
may lUll pcilmpwconcluuo IllhLp lethmflpe I conclude OIClldl that thC the present presentmoniotit preKent11I0nlu presentatoitnoult
moniotit 11I0nlu IH 11 moro favorable tlvorbll than thol any anyivlilih In nutywlmhh
ivlilih h 11 tin II future may Ily bring At t all allcvrntfl ni nilevrotq
cvrntfl orntl the tl slttn ltuatloii Iuatou tlotn In eAstern ostcr Asia J Amti ln Is Isfull I Isfoil
full rll of indent just now IUI When hen tho thostorm thotoi thestorm
storm toi there brcnifH bren loose loosengain again lgnin it may mayattain mn mnAtnln mayattatni
attain Atnln dilistroul dlvttstrous l iairoun prdportlonft prdportlonftMOST Ilro trdhortbuniiosr ortioni ortionilsr
MOST lsr iijoiip PHOlTi 110111 KUOM PIOI IiAHOtt IiAHOttA 1 hA UOt UOtA
A contributor cntrlhulor to Potiular loulnr Science ScienceMonthly SelenceIonlhh ilelencelonthIy
Monthly raises the th question queslon whether wh lher lhertenle fu futonne timtense
tonne activity nctvlt for tOI comparatively cOIHjlmtlcly brief briefperiods brierl briefpencils
periods l rlI followed tololed by 11 longer IOllllr periods of ofrest orrest ofrest
rest In not Jol thO Ih jnoat n mtost t pWfltnblo way la of ofworking oforllll ofworininnr
working orllll H tl Ito Units Inlls proofs for tho tim at affirmation atnrmnlQI atflrnuttlgmt ¬
firmation nrmnlQI side of lt thin Ihll tiii proposition VIo1081ton In Inwhat Inhut inwinmit
what hut may bo hI observed In tho liven IIel of ofinlmlils atIllnhls ofntmmllnttl
Illnhls inlmlils of o children llldrel and Ind of women WOINI en engaged IU eniaged ¬
gaged 1111110 In the field leldlln In which their thlh tenlun rceiiiustlssert9 tenlunaswrti enlul
aswrti lHrh audit Il1tlr As Al quoted lu tl In Public PublicPinion lubli lubiiepjumlon
IJllllon Pinion ho hl sums IUIS up his argument argumentthtin Irlell Irlellrhusl
thtin I
We W P hAve now UII ion consiiuttmt onAIIlltllt ld rod tine Ihl life It of ofthe otIh ofthe
the Ih nnlmnl the thchlel child the woman Olal tho thoKonwt tinegenius
genius 1 lt the Ihf in criminal rlllnnl the savage f II e the thorare themitre
rare 11 the Ihl lit theory tI10I Illt h ht t brief hller periods of ofwork otwork ofaonrk
work at 11 the th very Vvr Ir hlghcHt hlfhell possible loa IIJc ten tenKlon tenHton tentsion
Klon nlleinutlng nl lllr with lh longer purlodH of ofreal ofret ofrest
real ret lot 10 eimhged rhahge aitlvlty 11llt renrcHcnt rCIIH nl the thebest theb timebeSt
best b l ttorkliig 1orkIIG conuiilotm cItnll nnd navo hl lints u found foundnot tOlnl tOlnlnOI foundriot
not a ltli 11 11 > evMenee tvtlonre to support It In Inevery IneVOI Inev0uW
every eVOI iiiurter 1IIIIrtel The III exiwrlenco IXIIrl nltJ of ufother ufotherIhnn other otherhan otimerIIifmn
han mpie IIIII profwuslonal IltOClllolol nthlelen IthllIOII thi thinuthodi thIfwllh thoamothutis
nuthodi Ifwllh of nrlllnhl otstmniumffil inlinal trainers 1llllrrs the ro results reultsIr uts utsif
Ir if halftime iHliiiiila Idnl the piogrcoidvo piogrcoidvoreduction lIUe lmiogmessiveruduotion Hlvf
reduction rldlrtol of HIP Ihl hours hourI of labor Ilblr for forvarklngm forlorlllngmln forworkingomen
varklngm lorlllngmln n md c shopemployes IIPCfllloH will willuinlih wi wiltfurnish
furnish CUllh ninny mun moru data dntl of the same samednil pOle pOleklll snimmekInd
kInd klll It I I I him III been 1E1 aiuuixl n I II that tll two twoiourn tl twohmoure
iourn physical phy lllll labor Ilbor liar 10 diem 11In would wouldsuffice 10uM 10uMulr wouldsutilee
suffice ulr were tho pioduct OIIIt economically econouiticnhiymIItribnmetl 1010111111 1010111111urlblltII
llstrlbuted urlblltII to keep 11111 the whole world worldveil worMwel worldtveil
veil wel cuiiplled lIullplell BO ril great rnt has hs been belli the themUnnie thethIt thealtmnt
mUnnie thIt In taborsaving InborRlllg machinery machinerymelhotlit IIchllel IIchllelmlhltl mnmichinerymethOds
methOds mlhltl of transportation trllpJOtnton tlc la l It Italtogether ItallJllelhI Italtogether
altogether allJllelhI unreasonable IltePllnhle to suppose IUP1081 that thatwo thattwin
110 twin wo houra Intelleotual Iltolleotlnl work wor I under underIflht Inler Inlerrlnht tunderitiiht
Iflht cnndltlong l MmTil lJlllolB limit ana fnd with economic economicllstillnillim Icolmlc Icolmlc1191111110n economicr1Itiibtitton
llstillnillim 1191111110n of the product nrolurl would nut nutIco outlIce
lIce 110 lo ke k ke 111 p the whole world wold supplied suppliedu IIUIll011 IIUIll011hlrl
her u > ri > iilw IWO hours tf itt < if every uvor ones onesje onesheat
h0111 118S 118SlJet
heat je t vould 0111 bo nomethlnff MOlet Iln worth ndiley ndileynu mmihnbeiu1t
111 iu1t nu ploslvnlly lhBlvIIY and IltlnlellctuIIY lilt liitehiecttitmlty lntollt > ctuully An Anend Anonl Altunit
end onl HnniHthlng loJ thll like Ik this la I the III Ideal IIIlnl to tovlilch towhich towhich
which thIngs thin are bound 1luml to tend HOnlO HOnlOioet HJI HJIpoot 01110poet
poet ot Ir tho future tttllre may m bo able Ille to tl Hlng HlngHotter sillg11lh1r sIuighotter
Hotter 11lh1r the Ih New Nu AVorld orlll hour than the theong thelanK timelong
lanK ong Uuropcun J ulpeln day IIY The fhelnclll racial nary nervousness netVolsnlU naryotmsness ¬
ousness olsnlU of the American AUlerletl people Iple non nonHitholoRlcal lon lonIlthollllcll nonlJtliOlltieal
HitholoRlcal Ilthollllcll In II reality rlull la l perhaps the thegroundwoik thogroundwork thegroundwouk
groundwork for orlhls thin nchltvement nchltvementUenfrnl nhl nciiievemnentCbeneral emcml emcmlOenHnlFulslon
Uenfrnl OenHnlFulslon Funston captured jturet Chicago Chicagovlth ChlAgoIflh Chicagowith
with Iflh nulch 1IIlh greater gr ater ease COUl than ho did didgulimldo didgulunllu didguinmbo
gulimldo gulimldoWhat gulunllu gulunlluWhlt guinmboWinat
What Whlt care 0110 tha aiUomoblllstn iutomoJllaty for the therule IherulOH timertlen
rule of II Limo road flll when the Automobile Automobilerules n automobilerule u lomoble lomoblerulrs
rules the rrtnd rrtndA
A burlesque hurleHIUI trust Is proposed And Andt A 11
It t trill ll1ot hot be 11 any burlesque burlolue on n trusts trustsjut trustshut trustsiUt
jut the tlo meal Ie l thing thingftggg IhlnggKf thingIgga
ftggg gKf at i eighteen olghleqn cenln cenR n dozen tozon can cantIto nn nnIU
10 IU longer uo bOll considered ldpred a I delicacy dclcl for forthe forthl forthe
the thl table tnbleot of Dives DivesIf DiveRt
If t Neptune Neptun treats Irlnll Henry Hou as well wol as asUncle aslnie
Uncle 1101 Bam did lilI the prince Jrlico will 11I have havenothing ha hanothlnl havenothing
nothing nothlnl h o > complain mpln of ofChicago orClllctlo ofClmlcmmgo
Chicago Clllctlo Is making Inklnl war llr on the h smoke smokenuisance slnokenulnncl anmiokenuisance
nuisance nulnncl The fhl smoke of battle here herei thereis
I is i bituminous blumlnu coal smoke smokeKing 8 sumiokcbng 111 Ikt Iktl
King l lnl bng Kdwnnl l had lnk nbandomxl nIItton hits pro proposed jroposed ro roP06it ¬
posed trip to Ireland lr llll He will wi not
thetoby forfeit tO r 1 the love of his lrl Irlh IrlhlubJerts Irlhsubjects h hsubjects
subjects subjectsf3om lubJerts lubJertsSoma subjectslOmnG
Soma pctple JNle siam to think that a aImpimerless nhnllmelJes aimaptmnerless
Impimerless hnllmelJes gun Iun Is a 1 ImrmlMH llrmll on onThey onTh4y one oneThCP
They Th4y should shllll understand undet nd that there thlle are areno areno areno
no harmlM hltlleu gun gunThere Glnl Glnlfhere gunsthere
There never were so many nIIY automo automobiles IIUtI0 IIUtI0blos nutrnohues ¬
hues blos at lt Monte Carlo Cnro as lS now no Still Stl fast fastrollMD tnltrollrl fastrollers
rollers rollrl will I ne llr never ft wpplant IIPIllt high rollers rollerst rollnl
at t the tb famous resort resorthealth lot lotlullvle rsottlouisyifls
lullvle louisyifls health IAllh o01c omcr officer r has 13 opened openedwar Ipne
war on 01 the ale ste 1 and 11 munnfneture nntlelur of ofIlinburuer ofIhtbUrl ofiluttbtmrger
Ilinburuer IhtbUrl t obese 0 In that city dt cf He Heha 1 liehams
ha hams ha a 1 Wrong ftrong hctnt 10nt and Ind Should Ihoul aecom aecompllih 1 accoompitch 01
pitch pllihA IIh IloJ1nr IloJ1nrA somotIinf somotIinfA
A fontemporary llemaOry nils cl Strwtor Sntor Berry Berrya Derr Berrysmall
a small tan tart bI rt It 1 pi 5 a time of small smallbow 1101 smallborea
bow lol 0 Qlr r own Rod I ll every ver I > other otherrmnt nov government novrimment ¬
ernment rmnt haw hUt Adopted fdopttt thorn tltlh for their theirl thelMII theirarnIee
arnIee MII I amul l r rlt rltTi rttts rtttsTint vlt vltThe
The Ti Iowa 101 fmrlilatpra t rsl < tPre hat h ha killed kl1el1 the theviomun thooman thuwoman
oman suffrage Bulrage amendment Im8nl1mel1l but IIlt lowi lowiKith 103wih Iow8whit
Kith wih all 11 her lIa cabinet portions IHfjltonl and andsi ondSI8 andimakrihmtP
si SI8 akrihtp8 t > cannot Cnnot kilt fle the suffrage suffrageinov lulras suffragsmtioiemneimt
inov mUlpment mUlpmentA mtioiemneimt mtioiemneimtA ement ementA
A 1ryn lryn Mnwr tlwr protestor tfnC lor think the thl
cradle cratle of tint tUI human 1IIInl race tu O was WI In Inlolh InlolhIulorn soUth ooutlicustom soUtheastern
custom Iulorn Asia A II It I may IIY bu bl but IIlt tho crddl crddlot crd crddiuof li
ot the human race tllcejl1 lias mtts become aboU aboUtho lll atUthe
the most tost ublqulious ublllOUI thing thimiglnmiho Injho In Iho world worldMen trorhilion 011 011Hon
Men W S McCornlck hn hnl huts 81KnIO algimiflel algimiflelhis ljrnin ljrninhli ll llhi
his hi w1lnlnHI vllllnnnMS to II accept IQrelt tho poiiltlot poiiltlotof oMltlrn oMltlrnor
of secretary crllnr of the Interior Jnttrlor Interiortine NawWo NawWotho NI lp
tine Pronldvnt Irtl I nt signify llnly hU wllllngnosB wllnlncssdi wllnlncssdi1111olnt wihiingicastbuIflhtOlTmt U Uappoint
appoint 1111olnt him atidall all nuid 11 all vllljw wi tttil bo wolU wolUPerhaps tteliierlmps 01 011orhnI19
Perhaps 1orhnI19 aetiiial OeltI1 M Melhuen llm n wa t nl ht htlidseti tre treUdiMd to
UdiMd 1111 because IICltMO the Hoers 1Olr8 thouiilit thouiilitwould thoGIIo thoGIIoull o owould
would ull he of o more urvlce rYleo to Uin t tttti4 ltil Ir Irlanding Ittisodutig
landing 1111111 Ilrltlsh JrlU h troopd Iroo l Into trapS tlla t tlmAu tlmr tlmra l
a IQ Au u II prisoner prisonerThe plaollor plaollorTho prisonerTime
The health henlll department deplrtment U going going tu tot toto cei ceilo
lo It that tine people ore nrcwith funllnhci funllnhciwith i ll llwllh
with pure leo Doou D ll the dcpurtineh dcpurtinehundfiritand IloPllrtr itopmttmrtehundrstund l lulldcrltnnd
undfiritand that It line undertaken a ajob ajobornpared jot jotcompared JobtOI11PIlNll
compared with which that of Blsyphii Blsyphiiwas 1i 1iII
was 11 05 II easy easyllnere Q
I JI JIlhere
Tlioro Is some prcmpoel that thmtOJt an agree agreemont agr ae aemoot i Q Qment
mont regarding t Cuban reciprocity VI VIlie will willhe
he reached This shows more rcclproea rcclproearegard reclprocnlIlIfllrll rcctprottIrugmird
regard for cither nldo than line hnllb beef beefdisplayed beehdisplayed en endl
displayed dl plllyell heretofore All eovernntfntU eovernntfntUIn goVernnl tltl
with wIIout without vfllnout
In II moasurc n compromise and
out It the progress 8 made would bouorrj bouorrjIndeed 1 bosutryIndeed 0 orr orr10I1eell
Indeed IndeedThe 10I1eellfhe IndeedThe
The fashionable devotee has nliluc nlilucroom atihtiroom o hlUt hlUtroolll
room In which to pursue Jlur uo her Lenten Lentenmeditations L L nten ntenmedllnUon ntthnmenhltations
meditations Blue Uluolll Is assured ot noclq noclqty8 ociqtys I ItyS
tyS patronage for or some time to conic conicfor eoirltotor coti cotifor
for It Is the favorite cplor of Kng Knglands I IIUlul
lands Ilueon uccn Bays a AVashlngton Waliingtunttier pif pifper II IIIer
per It looks more II like ko iv color sclmin sclminto
to diaw attention tu tho devoted than thanfor thlll1tor thanfor
for meditation und IIlIlllIlJlrltunl spiritual contempla contemplalion
lion lionA
A novelty In automobiles la says IIIIY IIIIYtho rtyitho
tho London Oraphlc the automobilenlulgh automobile nUImohliefllll automobilenlelh
nlulgh fllll h In this vehicle thin motor la laconnected IIIconnected s sconnected
connected with a paddlewhcel The Thewheel Thewhcl Finewhei
wheel which Is constructed entirely entirelyof
of steel catches In intimo tho frozen now and andso
so drives thu sleigh forward Those Tho o mo motor 1110lor urntar ¬
tar sledges are said to travel at twlcotho twice 10100tM twicethe
the speed ot f II sledge drawn by horses horsesThey horsiosrhe horsinThey
They rhe should bo useful uRetullt In countries with w withlong vltiong
long ong winters and perhaps III Arctic ex explorations oxploratlons cxpioratbomis ¬
plorations plorationsItcv
lint Hc Lorrlmer of Kw York thinks thinkstha thlnl19tlH thinhcethma
tha In fifty yearn the people of oftbl oftblUnited tliuUnited limp limpllnited
United Mates will havo no 8ahbathr Babb th If Ifth Itth ICtim
th thrpresent rpresent Pre elt rato of living Is kept up uplie UpIt upIto
lie It does not believe bel that religious life lifeIn IItlJIIItho lifeinthe
In IIItho the country Is l nt quite M low ebb as asHonio niljoulo amsonic
sonic critics maintain but he admits admitsthat ntlmlllil1It mimitHthat
that It would bo Imprudent to lanoroentirely lanoro IlJpuroontlrely laporoentirely
entirely the ncctigatlonflthey tire If tirelug 0 lI mak maknir l1k l1klng
lug nir We live lIohe he says for money moneyjy
by jy day und untllll pleasure ll8urc by b night 1 have haveno haveno
no fear III saylnir that nt tilE present presentrate Ilrfsentrale re rerate
rate nt which we e aiq living It vi lilt In llfty llftyyears Jiftyyears Ittyyellrs
years wo will have no Sabbath SabbathA h hOItMm
A OIIAM OLD ai aiLos 5IrLos Mvrt MvrtLos
Los Angeles Herald HeraldThe HernldTho HeraldFiuc
The last of the European trinity trlnltyot trlnltyotgranll ot otgrand ofgrand
grand old meiraiadstono Hlsmrirck HlsmrirckLeo
Leo Milhas just entered upon hU hUninetythird hishlnelythlrd lit litninetythird
ninetythird year ear of life and the twen twentyfifth tll1nIfirth twentyflttlm ¬
tyfifth of his hl pontificate Not only onlyhe onlythe onlythe
the vast membernhlp 1001111 > ellIhllor of hits u church churchhroughout churchIhrouRhoul churchthrougiiotmt
hroughout the world orl but eullnhtened eullnhtenedicoplo el11hlenct1poollo omnlightenedpeople
people of all classes regard the pop popas pottsas 10118AS
as the Branded figure now ontJf on ur lfo lfooutgo fl flstnge 1singe
singe His personal purity and the therue thetrue timetrIte
true rue Christian lhrl tlnn spirit that IIOH ahvnya ahvnyacharacterized nh aitnyoclmnraeterizecl s schllrnllerlztt
characterized him havo endeared him himo hIm hImto
lu o till Intellgent IntellK nl people of whatever whateverspiritual whnt whattvorspiritual or orsplrltuill
spiritual belief An n amazing change chntiKOhas ehnn o ohll
has hll been wrought In the worlds evohi evohitton ell otohJmtton h hlion
tton since the day da when Oloachlmo OIoachhnoPc OIoachhnoPcI P < fc fccl
cl I firm 011118111 saw the light March 2 1810 The Thenap TIeimlap
nap of the world In fact hall Vofen Vofenchanged Ioenchunllliin imoncimitngetl
changed In nearly every cnr purt since tint tintlute UlaCIIIII ttzautile
lute IIIII Hoforo many 1111111 grandfather ofhe of qrIhe qftine
he present day Ila were horn the present presentope lre uresentiope e t tlolle
ope > held the distinguished position 111I ltlon or ofninclo or11I11Iilotu oriflhIitYio
ninclo 11I11Iilotu to Brussels UruIlPels18 1843 3 He vnn 11Mtnnlill Ivasinath vnnnade
nade An archbishop In 184 18 181G G and next nextcar ntxtyellr nextyear
year car It will be halt a century slnco ho hoccamo hebccnrno innbecame
became a cardinal cardinalNow cnldlnulNow cardinalNow
Now York Herald HeraldWhen 1I11lIldWhen lJemaIdWhom
When JaokNoit was 119 president IJrc hl llt for the theIrst IhoIIrlll timefirst
Irst time and Webster was servIng lib liblr III IIII hmIilrst
I ilrst lr rill t term t Im In the Benate Leo was va a aujinl 11Jlullnl alnimal
ujinl ambassador ut tho Helglan l court courtIc COllrtHe cotmrtlie
He Ic was an archbishop nfchLI hop before our ouriiiorlcun oUrAlllellron ourAmmiemicait
iiiorlcun war wan IIH fought amid nlllll a car carllnal carthtmtal
llnal when few people beyond their tlielrmmedUto theirInlllellalo tinelrlutmmmtedlato
mmedUto nelghbornood lIol < hJrhooll had ever everlenrd evplhlnrtl everheard
heard of Lincoln and hunt < nnd Slur Slurman Shprmnn iierman
man Ho was elected IICIC t Pope twenty twentyfour tllelltruur twentyfour
four years urM ago I where his sixtyeight sixtyeightyearn lxIY hht hhtyeurs
yearn his extreme oxSrtnme entnclntlun cut clRtlon und into tliurecblu hilirlebl intofetiilu
recblu health made it seem Impossible Impossiblefor
for him to live Ih more thnn a few fewnotiths tellI towmonths
months I Yet he has been the lnces lncesmtly Inc Incnnll incCssanti
anti mtly alive nll active head of the great greatlomnn Jl gieot1omnitmt al alIIml1l1n
lomnn Catholic church for a longer longerperiod 10ngcrJlprlol longerperioit
period thun artv hut a 1 very few of the thespliliual IlwplrltUnl timespimlttIal
spliliual sovereigns of that Institution Institutionvhleh III immstittmtbunwimich tlttlllollwhlrh
vhleh was centuries old amid a viodd vioddpower wutlllfJO wotttVower
power fJO IV 11 t when the oldest ot existing lu lunations 1mr
r JrcI1I nations was In Its feeble and andchildhood 111111JrtIl omit omitrnlerible
JrtIl rnlerible r1blt childhood childhoodKansas chtldhool1lSl1sClty childhoodWansas
Kansas lSl1sClty City CI Star StarJn SlarJII Stariii
Jn a country where wh re the church lIRa liassuch lIRasllOn hintinticim
such a hold on time people JI op1G as In Italy Italya
a qpnlllct mmifhlct with wltllthe the papacy Is a dospor dosporate Iiollpernil desperate
ate struggle The stiite has hma not Onto lillIceelled Ontoceeded uc ucceedcd
ceedcd for Instance In making m kln mar marrla Inllrrllllo marnave
rla rllllo re mertly I1pl IY a civil ceremony erelllon Soci Society Society oci ociety ¬
ety In Home Is sharply divided Into time tbeHcds tltl1tCds timehued
hued and Planks Most of the tlt old oldand 01t1IInl1 oldMul
and noble families refuse retu o to go to the thetiulrlnal Ihtqulrlnnl timequirlnai
tiulrlnal or to admit to their clrd clrdthote clr clrIhOft cirmlthose
those who are nt on good term wlih in inmonarchy Iii Iiimonnrch lieummonarcimy >
monarchy rime papacy has notner notneradvantage t1OthrntllIntoge fothrimdvimmmtege
advantage In dignity nndprestlpo nndprestlpothe
the viitlenii lien occupied by b Leonvernli LInverKhttl LInverKhttlOWl Leo4hrersimndIV d dows
OWl IV the iilrlnal where tjUwelli llleiIo lwplt ijic ijicyoung th thYOUllif utm31011mg >
young Victor Yl tor Emmanuel Notable Notablepersons NOlllblpersons Notablepetsoums
persons from every land KOO IrO 0 Home Homeand tornilInll homeand
and they usually seek an Vudionru Vudionruat IIrlln IIrllnfit
at tlw Vatican In preference rerotenc to tfrt ifI1J at atthe ntthe atthe
the qulrlnnl The church party is J J1lnr h hlying V Vlying
lying on the consequent humiliation t tthe tthe tthe
the king kIn I UH a power opr working In favor favorof
of the removal of the ennifnl lIttn to nn 0 th thT Iller timCr
T city cityNew aauraranin aauraraninNew
New Ne York Malt Midland and Kx 1 Express ExpressIn press xpres9In pressIn
In the eyes of all the world tho CPH CPHtral rntrnl cciitent
tent figure Is that of n fragile and oma emaciated omaelnted omaelated ¬
elated man so old that all the droll drousof drollot
of the flesh secmi to have IIn 0 fallen from fromHim trolnhim fromhim
Him leaving lut a shadowy hnllow mortal mortalnrli morlltiarll mortalgarb
garb nrli for a benign spirituality fused fusedvlth tusedvllh usedteitim
vlth a master Innll l IntelleCt t The earth Is Iscte IItleJ isbcted
tleJ > cte < with the millions who woriililu woriililun
III n the faith of which he Is the head hendHut hMI1Jlul headhut
Hut the pontlficlal jubilee of Li Leo > o XIII XIIIs
I is s of scarcely Mcnrce greater Interest to them themhan thfll1tllllI them themtimamm
han to thoughtful men of other creeds creedsor rraed10r creedslor
10r or those tho who do 110nOl not bow to him him as asPope 1111loPf sahope
Pope of Home claim full share In the thereverence the11erenet thereverence
reverence duo him as A mighty man manWhei Innnhrl omanimcm
Whei hrl the final word oritls Is written of the therUnner therl timeprtsner
rUnner rl ner of the vutlcan shorn of all allcniporal 1111Iltllrornl alltcimmporiml
cniporal power crowned In the papa papacvs JlllpaeYs iapacys
cvs dark days dl helpless In nations nationsvhoso nntlonslhOl41 nationsobese
obese monarchs once cringed and did didm tlillII dIdpenance
II penance m nanee nco when hlo predecessors f1rid clIlors frown frownd
ImIi d that word will Do U that few men menas Infntruly tarnas
as truly grfAtrtnd grf tln none perhaps perhapsgieaier perhapsgreater crhnpsgllllcr
gieaier ever e r sat In IIllIi H > Peters thalr thalrTIIK chlllrTit chairnh
TIIK Tit cMTtniK OA oAtTuluEor lTItH or IUKIIAV IUKIIAVThe ICltn ICltnThl tugumtxTine
The Plttsburg Times TimesThe Tlllle9TM limesThe
The taking of Lukban presages lie U UJlmllse thecollApse liecollnp
collApse e of the reslitunce to American Americannuthnrlty Americannutimorlty merlltlnIIlIthnty
nuthnrlty ln 1IH tmm8aniur Haniur mRr Just ns that of ofKUlnnldo otuIIlAItIO ofgutumahho
KUlnnldo was followed by the paclfl paclflcation IUlclnlIllon Imacificattilim
cation of nil but n WI very mall portion portionof
of Luzon Fninnr Is I iunly only 1101 about oa oaenth one onetenlh onetenth
tenth the he area ot Luzon and the tak takUK IQkInK takbag
InK UK of Lukban ought to o hive oven n ngreater 1grelltcr agreater
greater effect In that Inland than had hadhot 111111tllllt listthat
hot of AEulnulito In the larmr tine onrlecont onpneeNl1 tineIteeent
lecont wonl fiom lilt disturbed OU OUrlct libtrlct illstrict
rlct In Luzon Is rjlM fY encouraging encouragingThe
The last Invurrcnt In urct1t Mhu If opcrnllnp hear nwrCnlambii I1ft1rClllnlll1l11 hearCniamnlmt
Cnlambii Han ben tieIIt1l aHn In anti only UII oniyPi it itev 11lvlIl1
Pi ev lvlIl1 day n 1ItO o needier nool let Important cap capUfo cainttlitas 11 11t
t ttlitas Ufo fe Was announced The condition of
affairs is such uc that IhA thu Philippine com commission coalimmission OlllIIllslon
mission U I a IIlrl1 I moit st 1 ready to declare the thewholo thewholo thewlmolo
wholo of Luzon padded an announce announcement AnnoUncetIIenl annotlnctmmont ¬
mont that will probably now not bo bolong blIon bebug
long Ion delayed 11oldItNew delayedew
New ew Yott Ol Wvcnlng Pout PoutHhould 1041flhoUltl Posthiouit
Hhould Lukban8 capture mean th thtermination time thotlrmllultlol timeterrninmmttiofl
termination of hostilities In Bamar Hnmnr1fmlI11 Hanmarlenimal
1fmlI11 1 niinl Chafffo o will be relieved of one oneof 011or comeof
of his hil greatest t anxieties I and several severalrefilimnts severalmeguinntH
refilimnts 1 > will be freed for service olm olmwhen ollllhpr oldmiier
when As Iispeclori1n tspr lorlnernl ral Hreck HreckInrlOge IIreelInrhl Itreckinrtnige <
InrlOge Inrhl e pointed out on his arrival nt ntBan ItSAil atSnmut
Ban Pranclftoo the rainy season makes makesmilitary 11I111111mlillalY mimfilmsnmllitury
military movements Imponnlblo IInponJlbll11lro14 at hOCK present hOCKeii1
ent Hut the itflnurnl f nurnl Is confident that thatIhi thntIh timatth
Ihi next dry llryaenMol1 season will see 111 tho cud cudot IIHIot emitof
ot th time lighting It l 18 earnestly Irnelll to b bhoped be behOJlioIlhnt heholier
hoped hOJlioIlhnt that his sanguine view ot the sit situation sitUUtmoi ll llUI1IIOII ¬
uation Is correct There have been beenenough beenIMUgh beentnotmghm
enough Filipinos Idllrd to satisfy the themoil lhoInn theunost
moil Inn 1 bloodthirsty ty and with nit peace at athand nthnlll atmatni
hand the future of the archIpelago can canbfl cnnbll canbe
bfl diniumcd 11I uHcll In many quarters innrtorM with withmore withmore withmore
more sanity and umtt icason than has been beenpossible bUllpoUlbjp hiestipossibie
possible hitherto hithertoRECENT hllfl imittmrtoUEOENI rlo rloHECENT
The American Joy tJo for or March lifts a anurnhir IInllrohlr itnumiiir
nurnhir of Interesting stories t1III ttmm les R among amongwhich ninonwhlth amongwhiim
which are A Bohool Lookout by n nH III flIt
H Hoblnson 1l0bln on Cuthberfu Rattler by byKdgar byIllglr by1lgnmr
Kdgar U 1 Price A Night In the theNorth IhpNorlh timeNomrtim
North by Frank Halrd A Grand Grandmotherly Orunllmotherly iruntmotherly ¬
motherly br Lark urk by Minima Ptnnwnod PtnnwnodToby IHnlllOll1ob h4taImwnodTohy
Toby a story for Little hays by byRoberts byHoberla byUoborts
Roberts Sllvay Among other leading leadingfeatures I0l1111ngrmtUrlM leadingfeatUreS
features wo notice The Pioneer Amer American AmerIcn AmerIran ¬
Iran Ostrich Farmer l lIrmlr A Hoys fount RellelBorioty fountIoilmty
Borioty Two Boy at time Passion PnsilonPlay lnR PassionPlay lon lonIIIIY
Play of Ohornmmerisnu by Harry HarryStecle BerrySteele
Steele Morrison OI1 and The hay 110 with an anAim nnAim onMimi
Aim The special departments arcinteresting arc IIro1IIIIre14l1nC areiimteredtlnff
interesting and Instructive Handsome HandsomeIIIURtratlonti lIonl180l1elIulratlollll hhundsontelilustratittml
IIIURtratlonti adorn nearly every singe pagoTho JlIIOIho singetime
time Sprague Publishing Co Detroit DetroitMidi DetrottMkh
Midi MidiIn MkhIn 31 him himIn
In th the March number of the North NorthAmerican NorthAmerllnn NorthAmerican
American Review Wolf von 011 Schler Schlerbrand Sehllrbrnnll ReimierIntitnil
brand writes of Germanys Political PoliticalTurning 1olltlcnlTurning PolIticalTurning
Turning Point nhowlntr how the thechange thelhIlU1 timeiimnmmge
change in national and International InternationalcondltlonH InllrnntlonlllconllIonH Internationalcoimdltiona
condltlonH which has brought about n1 > oul n nvirtual 11vlrtunl avirtual
virtual dissolution of the Drelbund Drelbundmakes DrelJunllmnkoq Drelbuntmakeo
makes It necessary uectI ar for the government governmentof
of the empire to adopt a policy of ac active IICIIvp notire ¬
tire friendship toward Clreat Britain Britainand BrItainnm rltalnnM
and nm time United Plates Hannls Taylor TaylorIn
III Iniutmtlonal Arbitration and the thePanAmerican Iholal1lIIerllnl timePanMacrican
PanAmerican Conference explains explainshow
how the PanAmerican conference In InUs InIts inits
Its inclusions i on luslons regarding obligatory ar arbitration IIIIJltrultoh arbltrottoti ¬
bitration took a hopeful step beyond beyondthe beollt1tht
the limit nt which tho action of the theroncriss IhoconltJY thecnngruss
roncriss nt Tho Hague was stayed I IMiner 1Mlnlr L LMiner
Miner u teacher In tho North China ChinaCollege ChinoC ChInaCollege
College C llelfe Teklng gives a historical ex expose I ¬
pose 1111111 of thu development of Muscovite MuscoviteDeilgns MuscovlleDII MusuoviteDesigns
Designs DII ns on Manchuria J 1 H Walker Walkeradvocates WnlkerIIlivoeale9 Walkeradvocates
advocates a radical reform rerortl1ot of The TheHanking rhoI1anklnl ThePankimig
Hanking and nnOTrenslIr Treasury System of tho thotnlted thotnllel1 theVomited
Vomited States A Friend Jlrlondot of thp Navy Navybrlnxs NavybrIngs
brlnxs to notice Some Neglected Nillecl 1I Naval NavalLessons Naval1essolls
Lessons of the Spanish War Claude ClaudePhillips ClnlliloIhllllls ClaudePhilliuis
Phillips discusses The Quality of Kmo Kmotlon l lmnolion rno
lion In Modern Art Hugh H Luck Luckexpounds LUckoxpounlla Luckexpounds
expounds the reasons for tho antipo antipodean IIlIlIpoIlenn ttnttlmotlentm ¬
dean legislation Ilgl llitlon which Is t designed de81 ncll to tof 101ect totttcct
f tttcct Tcct Chinese Exclusion In Australia AustraliaDr
Dr S A Knopf t nopr rails attention to the theginvltv thePTuIIY timegiimvity
ginvltv of The Tuberculosis Problem ProblemIn
In the th United lInllcdStlltclI States Representative RepresentativeW
W H Mood Moonlyimm In reply reI to Muurlco Low Loweomlnc8 towOll1lneH Iowraninimmes
eomlnc8 < the Constitutional l Powers Powersof
of the Britain1 In Tho Philippines Philippinesnfifr
offer an n Knrthquako 1 Stephen Bonsai Bonsaiwlio Uonllalwho BonsaitriO
who his just JU t returned from a protract protracted ¬
ed visit to our recently acquired posses possesflorin POIIISIonll possesdoom
florin doom tells a dlseourgntng story of the therondltloiu thonllllulI timeconJitiOmm
rondltloiu nllllulI now existing pxl llnr there and Mr MrHarold MrHnroM Mrunroll
Harold Cox CO describes Tho Public PublicTt IubllotlpK PublIclids
Tt lids > bH of the BullIsh Possessions PossessionsNew
New Nt York YotkQALTLAKE
OFO 1 II rrrElt Mauujsr MauujsrTONQHT MI1I1I1IHI
Jutes Murry presents pre enl the dlstlnBulshed dlstlnBulshedemotional dllltlnguishollernllonlll distinguisimemiemnotional
emotional actress Miss MissIn 1 MissRose ISB ISBRose
Rose Coghlan Coghlantn
In her superb Impersonation of Lady LadyDarter 1ndyBurlel LadyHarlem
Darter and Countess Stephanie Da DaMohrlvnrt DeMohrtvllrl iJe3iohmivart
Mohrlvnrt MohrlvnrtFriday MohrtvllrlFrhlny 3iohmivartPriday
Friday and Saturday Nights NightsFORGETMENOT NishtFORGETMENOT NlglmtsFOKGETMENOT
Saturday Matinee MntlneeLADY Mntlneo MatineeLADY
Written by unties hnrle Coghlan preceded precededby
by b it oneact comedietta comediettaBETWEEN earned comediettaBETWEEN Ie tin tinBETWEEN
AND NIGHT NIGHTParticular NIGHTPurtlcUlur NIGHTParticumler
Particular attention Is called Inll d to the theQXiUlslto theexquisite theoxmlulslte
exquisite costumes wont by Miss Coglt Cogltnn Cogl1Inn Cogliinn
Inn nn In nil three plays They ate II from fromthe fromthe rom romthe
the atelier of Worth Paris ParisPRICES ParisPRiOES ParisPUIOES
J1M LO 5100 100 7Cc lc Me 2IC EDO OO seats at atl00
l00 > 00 Mntlnee26c tOe to 75e 75eNKXT 7GcNBXl 750N1XT
William Greet will present the heroin hcrojoactor horolonetor heroinactor
actor actorCHARLES netorCHARLES actorCHARLES
And a strong company com llny In InTHE inTAE
Seats now no on Sale SalePR SaleDtiPlQ
PR DtiPlQ I CES Nllfbt NlrhtctOTc NlrhtctOTcA w 7 7MIiUntc
A I I 1 i JeJ MIiUntc MIiUntcTonleght > iutin o ec ecT AcTonight
T 2 f1 4 And Tomorrow TomorrowNight
Tonight A
HolJen Brothers rother prosont prosontThe prl prosoimtTIne ent entTile
The Most l st Iowcrtul Melodrama Jclu Jrumn < ot the theCentury theenlur theCentury
Century CenturyOVER CenturyOVER enlur enlurOVER
Monday and Tuesday March 1715 171Special 17ilpecial 1715Special
Special School Matinee Tuesday at 3 3p
p in
Daniel Bully In InTHE InTUE inc
SCAt now on dale daleU 81111It SaleOld
ttt + tt t t + f t t tIt t tH tHIt
U Old nip Van Winkle It were to tostep toetep tostep
step Into the Tavern what u Mir Mirprise lIurrtse curprise
prise rtse he loud flnd nndIel flndlelephone Telephone phono nt ntevery ItI atevery
every table tlbllheHt beat ot service and andgreatest I1l1dgreatest aimmigreatest
greatest surprifc of nil the low lowprices lowprlees howprices
I prices
21 1 Kast First South SouthMusic SouthmItnsic l tl t
t Music cnjili h evening cfcnju cfcnjut o
+ + + t t + 4 + + 44 + + + + i4 + 444 + + + + + + 4
iiii 1 1jet 0 0NeW = = =
v NeW jet jetand r i ir
and andH
H Stylish StylishGoods
Goods in rich profusion are noW being shown shownat hotcJnat
at Z C N f 1 Cloak Department Where there thereis
is just opened a large shipment of the Very VeryChoicest VeryChoicest VcrpChoicest
Choicest Ladies Goods eVer brought to this thisCity thisCity thisCit1
City comprising comprisingNEW comprisingNEJV comprisingsPRIfT
and other Fashionable and Useful articles of ofWearing ofwearing ofWearing
Wearing apparel made of the neWest and best bestWeaVes bestWeaVes hestWeaVes
WeaVes df ft ftr Jf rff rffT
Z C c M I
T 0 WOOER Supt 4m 9 V
We Hope to tohave tohave tohave
have you see seeour seeOUt
our stock soon soonLYON soonLYON soonLYON
F PLATT 4s 00 I470 ftnta ttuue St StCULLEN StCULLEN Stcu
s C Ewing Prop PropSalt PropSnIt PropSalt
Salt ImUo City Htrecs Cum Prom nil nilTrains oilrralnl allrrairms
Trains 1nss tho Door DoorFOR HoorFOR IoorIT
A 4 Secret SecretTho 13eeretTho Uecretrime
Tho only onl way to be sure sureot IIureot stmreo
ot o good broad every time timeIs
Is to use only onlyHDSLERS Ql1lyDUSLERS pithyllSLS
mr mrARE
No only your our ey eyes Y s are areweak nrewellk areweak
weak and nn you 011 have hnoto hnotokO to tokeep tokeep
keep kO blinking and rubbing rubbingthem rullblnIhem rubbingthenm
them themConsult IhemConsult thenmConsult
Consult Us fdr a Pair of ofGlasses ofGlasses ofGlasses
Glasses GlassesYou
You may not need neetlto neetltowen to towear towear
wear I them all the time timeand timeul1cl timemud
and mud you OU will be a differ different dltterent differcot ¬
ent person personRUSHMER personlU5HMeER personK1JSliMaER
Mtnuftclurlaj Optician
73 W 1st Co Salt Lake Ioke2H Lake2It
21 2H Washington Ogden Ogdenrallarara Ogdenflrkrag OgJenHrokirar
Hrokirar noon at atJOHN orJOHN atJOHN
JOHN C CUTLER JR JRlarcitmtnt JRIUllatmai JRIsvstnietil
larcitmtnt larcitmtntSTOCKS IUllatmaiSTOCKS IsvstnietilSTOCKS
lloaiht aDd nrt laid laidU BoletUuk ColdUak
U Uuk k and itd Commercial Clocks SeoorltlM SeoorltlMT SacultlIlIlIal
IlIlIal 5 MahimSi IU T Tel l HI HIEDWARD 1117EOW 157EMARO
Stock nndBROKER nndBROKERII and andBond fl flUond
Bond U UI
1 II 1 East First South SouthLocal SouthIocol SouthLocal
Local Uonds UOrtdsOommorclal Commercial Stocks Stocksond Stocksftnd 8tooksAnd
And Investment Securities SecuritiesBought SocuritlosBought Socuritiosthought
Bought and Sold SoldTel SoldTel SoldTel
Tel 1058x 1058xCorrespondence lolSOxoorrolpond iOt8xCorrospondanco
Correspondence oorrolpond nco Solicited SolicitedBONDS SolicitedBONDS 8oilcitedBONDS
All kinds ot court and official per pertonal pertonal personal
tonal surety surH for employers contract contractrs
ore > rs corporation officer trustee and andftdinlnlitraton andlu amm4adhiini
ftdinlnlitraton lu adhiini tratoti milan burglary Insurance Insurancewritten Inrurancowritten insurancewritten
written by b United States Fidelity and andGuaranty 8JdOuarenty andOunrenty
Guaranty Co of Baltimore Md MdTHE MdTHE MdTH
ES Vest Second 1 ond Scuth street streetWE streetWl treetWE
II IIJr Jr Jrf JrOthers
Others Are Offering Bargains BargainsAtthljieaipnof BatgalnsAt i iA iQ
Atthljieaipnof At thli 8no00 or thi r 1t11r ar In ordor to make roam
tor ne I1001 loolh bllt Win M m iMina forth tor
iiHf Jlrl el wr1r II ro ° mik2f to l01ll P Ol Ullt t stOJIC KW A At aa the a
stauciol llIneo 01 till this
VII aoToryoii 01101 YOll weac weacA lOIHA
A Solid Brass Hoohcstcr Table
Q Lamp for 199 1998COTTSTREVELL 199Wltb
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day Schools Improvement Associations
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