r r DESEREI 1tTTIrn EVENrNG YrTT7Tti NEVS sT1V FRIDAY PTTfl 1V ir FF rt1Wfl1TA1TV rm RU < nTTAnT ARY 6 fl innn 1A 1 t lUf8 WANT WANTMR RANTMR MR ROOSEVELT ROOSEVELTBritish irritated by Mr Bowens Note toteTo I ITG e TG British 5tt AmbassadorYGOTOTHE Ambassador AnbassadorlyaoTO1 YGOTOTHE HAGUE COUl cOUflT cOUflTl l Furlher toIlItIIGUI toIlItIIGUIII 1 G II l Coa4CI oay oaylIb aUnIM JIIueJlU 11 VtI VtIJJtfpllO lIb lIDjitfP1 nil L lrlllofUI lrlllofUIu IrOtUCUItrgtD IIral JJtfpllO jitfP1 rrb 5 Irrdatfl by Y the theVenezuelas tie tieo u lnttOJ r fII en Venezuelas Venezuelaso enozuela er2ozuelrtettthe s srIenttl1le 0 1lnJl addrs to o the British BritishPayments lJrltlshblllador Britisht rIenttl1le Mon Mondt i IIISI ie ieaccept rdUslng rdUslngaccept adr on O blllador o 1I1 for n nrille flee II pM all accept the rtlILI > Payments by byGermany bych y yct prt prrtfl rille 01 ° Germany nnd nndP nndlIert nd ndwere ch Oreat Gt to wohO DrllIIl o P pr r cent and andoJtor andlemlllnlM UflIining were ining eight t oJtor nations nationsonmofLaCluay lIatlonsrer mtt1ner lemlllnlM ustoillS onmofLaCluay onmofLaCluayi ot Ln QUaY Ouaylod QUaYertD cent 01 tll ff10 rer er bell the tie IIl11ed pow powhare POWhive ruertol ertD lod i Instructed n trusted tblr rcpresenta rcpresentai represen ta taf hare i here to aubmlt ul Ut1TiI n > tha th ha question Ct Ctt otmntJaI ofert1aI f seiiieinnt seiiieinntlt seUlementrruldenl ettfeH1CfltNaInt mntJaI treatment t tyr v rruldenl 1I0ofc clt lt and In the theik ik tbllllJe that i he dei deelines 1IJKS to lilt 411 l as n Qrbl nrblto t 01 thl ttIIt III j IO I oiL1 bl tho hO entire entiree entfrorielin 2 2fof to takl e rielin cl1II questliln ta The lIe Jlague foremrnt for toreiteflt emrnt Ihereb IWd king kifl oft lIego lIegoions flegoO with Vj1 Nt Ir Bo ItOWfl ItOWflI n nIIi ions O otlok tOlTlorrvw at the lint DrltrmhauY lintiUibEy IIi I l there 111 U be a conference conferencebHtPtfentaUp9 rmhauY bHtPtfentaUp9 hr 1 r ot If Ihe III atIte atIteitc lies lieslifoi that th thhrewit thu London Londonrnmenll Londonrttflt lifoi itc fof 0 of tho tIO fct It the lead In InmoUUons In1gotItIOn hrewit rnmenll It nw takIng K moUUons 18ions the H British mboMtt anbassaIII mboMttlllPKsUent 1111 lllPKsUent III prtslJe Al II thli conference In Intaexn 1nlIIa fl flaattae lIIa aattae Ume taexn he h expets exrit ti to Bavpnn nave nnln an In InwItit LjJIf 11 lIltll lth th Ihe fc rtary of it state statefacfthe stnten n he will Round und as c to the prolla prollatt facfthe ot the president a acceptance of ofjf otlUlU ofithe tt lUlU requel It It Is found that thatnienuwwt thatIJent thattt IJent nienuwwt tt Jlooseelt l IR n not ° t disposed dlspo ed to tottmself toI totInistif I ttmself to be dragged Into the theotUtloni thetlatlons theUatlna otUtloni the Instructions of the thoireiVs IhoI I ireiVs are sudi as a to peimlt them to tor tofO Co r fO the tt tmbArrlu mbaratneflt nb rrasiinent tnent of a rejec rejecat Iitthelmridscf at Itt bad ot Mr Ir Hoosevelt and andta4 Eeid ta4 14 of OlluI ipaHing lng known their wishes lshe4IrdlttP tshe tshedl Itat IrdlttP dl itei will be taki takln n to draw dia up uptjidcol liptoeo uptocot tjidcol toeo with Mr tb Dowen for a refer refert t of f tbe cm CIlsetn ca ° t The Hague as RUg sugifl RUgdbjl ougb ifl dbjl bs b him him In his note of last Mon Monr MonThe IonThe r The British nmbassidor nmbass dor was the thettl thet ttl t tbe reprfffntatlves es to receive receive4rtctlors receheroctlons receiverCCtIOF 4rtctlors rCCtIOF to this effect and the lie mat matii miltUI matdauo3ed UI ii discussed at the noonday con connet cone late net e Mwn OL the three reprcsenta reprcsentai i of t tAe e alllei allleinovaccnient alliesnounccment ilIlerijocernent novaccnient uf the dei derision Islon of the thein theItO ItO in ihundan further tiecotlntlons d Mr fr r Bowen DOlIenhasnot has not been received receledurprlle recetvettrrIe 1 iiirprlse rrIe by the th few officials of tho thoShlDto thoblnton theojton ShlDto blnton ojton government who have h baseil1id vc vcadl1d t idvtsed of It Ithlllau Ithe tut hlllau he llajue tribunal said one oil ofnol oilef ol the ho administration tonight has hashMtl hasionr tinsIong hMtl Iong b bl KO ti kept ke lln In night as a a l port portiMjrtn portMy portbiy iMjrtn My In case ca the negotiations nt > heio heionot heronol heiorrt not produrtlve of a final settle settleL I L And Aa M II for the suggestion that thatruldnt thattnltrt Irrtildnt ruldnt act 01 arbiter that hat hata a favorite Idea of the allies since sincejUf sInceterlnnlng sincetqrtg jUf terlnnlng Inning of the trouble troubletfti troubleUlhet tfti te Ulhet tr r ppsjaent Pr sJdent Hoosevelt will 11I ac actills acllils aclbs tills Invitation of the allies IB not notn I fen n An n oiflclal of the admlnlstra Ildmlnlstrunpremd adnilnistruuased Itiirnsed npremd his surprise tonight that thntIlIIfl thatillifi lilllfs IlIIfl were rre willing to submit this thisJon thistlOD thIsoo Jon oo to the president In view vie of ota ofat I act a < 1 that their thelrrepNsentatives thelrrepNsentativesa representatives repriasentattveso Ill a the toot few dajs hale Informed Informedp p br table c ble that the president views viewsdllOr viewildlitvor J dliftvor th the contention of the al alfor alfor atfr for referential treatment There b bIHulhorlty btst t authority thorIty for the statement statementetherfIreat I teller etherfIreat Great llrltaln nor Germany Germanyu Krwi roi u of submltUng Its cane to The TheInstructions TheInstctns Ihet t e Instructions received by b the thesh theLolbasiador lib sh imUsudof IIn 4SI Or arc not quite clear clearthe lo the ilttnutlve to b be pursued In Inevent Inmnt IniTent event that the president declined decllnetJtll V tll t as arbiter ortir o i question of ofjrity ott ofty jrity t ty of payments l1ents It Is not known knowner Bltr er the jirolocol which ulll then thenp thenIln p 05 Iln D up with Mr lr loen will pro jtora for a refcrtfaca ttfrr nce of the entire case casot pt tt t hague or whether the allies are arer r t to t haeThf han Thr Hague arbitrate orbltratoe toe e iiuwtlon QU tlon of Ir inferential erehtlal treat t I Th TIle drafting of the protocol It I Ii i expected of orup O upy some time t It U the undentanding that upon tJlcrujion of the oh matter either to rWdeni Went or The Hague the block ii 1110 I to b bt < raised at once oncmI01ed ievnortd h ooid today tcxll th thllt t during llurl ng a call oast ljujdt the Ilrst secretary se retary of ofjirntan Gmnln jirntan etnbas embassy y upon Mr Ir Uow ai I nornlnr th > latter stated to til a RlIllhjneBa IUllhnI 3 to make to Ger GerPr17M y II sal Ital > a cub payment ot t Pr17M Jr r 7GOO enh en li This was as done UI of Mr r tow Dowens en a nc lid tlon Ion In tho thoH H am w a the nceututlons nrlljtl llans In con r to Great uniiu jj a similar similar1I Jt ° 1I ttQrsatlsfactluii fjr r wtlsfaction s Uol of Co the alleged all ed 1II n lne Lfl British govern tahned Its dtlztn have suffered suffcrejPI CIIUll PI This l > amount was named e Bntlih anrtui anrtuiV I1IJIb I1IJIbWII i V WII intimated Intlmat d t o y that Franco FrancoiM t no flow come fll11 fi i 1 iM and Mlt tor torr tII1t au CUh fen 1InWII Ivr r herself liS s sout the alllr alllrtlolf tlolf InllnntloM h l4ve P leaked out outstalls ltrardlnl ntJiI1 stalls ttII5 of the r rihd d by t lvwPrJ flnj 0 0Us al AttePled b by 11 rt1a for tile Tlnl of their Us Ustu against l tUflattlr rutfal tllp tii xdl tu > Question of ofI I Th The tcpttl1le1t iatme l b I have been An Aiv Ku I 1 Vm 1I Is 011 to State In 19 s t cruty llety the i UPOn plan Luau Mtr Ih 1011 OO hu h 11eferentlal ben GI Ibtcalm p I J tllp ttu adJudlea Ilon rall r the credl Intere tnteret t i I t be taken y a SIparate parUe tJatalt h mni lIm one for tio lOt r flit hg 11111 ft tr lll1 comnls uprn rpreanta ii e ctdl cr4ft1 1 ruo flilUOti tth dl1d a rep > U 7 4 > In cise of offyaln t JVtU tt th the K Kthat Intuce > fyaln Ialn U In Ltt tM that 10 V VIII II r t > < iblter Iblt r H 1 poInt olnl III t tQR cr 1 111 it power poweramoas rn tr I QR QROthr t r amoas to toinn LCatro t hPlfon inn and andr WtIJ ia rnlnst to fllher the J IC Othr t P 01 r r rfgi IRI affairs affairstne 55 1 tne ne foreIgn tP tPeZUo Uf j r rfIqpnlatlve rfIqpnlatlveill C1SPntatieii r Tentative TentativePostmast ill ii Make iikLeas0 Affidavit Affidavitlease lease of Lifo for fo an Iowa Postmast PostrnlstcrLStuR er LStuR n II a Iohte4fto el tI RtDdaI Dun1 Dunlap I Ta nDI 0th tot r IIw1retlon Ithi restion and r re 1 lOon kDeft j55 Leon Finally 1 t tried led letibolttd 1 baJ round what or 1 am In beller btt JtfL lot I < today I xtollwe 1111 iu rive me ne L AnTone tan ca tara the III r truth ohs ti statement dJCtlIIJOUHOOd L ti al Iulmuls Qlh foj ThunablO1 Th t enablj the try tiTian utP1IeutreDglhen and tr5torlDit Te5ttitKi1cltth bealth dj 04tlNakes Makes You Stronll DtfttO t t DllVltT OoChlcato toalUzJ i uol w ARE YOUR YOURKIDNEYS JOD1YS KIDNEYS WEAK WEAKThousands WEAKThousands YEAKThousands Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never Sus Suspect Suspect Suspct ¬ pect It ItTo ItTo RFo To Prove Pr v what wli t he Iheareat Great Kidney Remedy SwampRoot Will Do Dofor Dofor Dofor for YOU Every Ever Render ol the Deseret News May RY Have a aSample nSemple aSample Sample Bottle Sent Absolutely Free by Mail MailIt Matitused It used to be considered that only urinary ami amibladder nnllbladdor amibladder bladder tioublea wero to be traced to o the kid kidneys kidneys kidads ¬ neys but now modern science 8 proves that nearly nearlynil nil diseases have their beginning In the ho disorder disorderof of these meat Important organs organsThe ofganSThe organsThe The kidneys filter and purify purlythe the bloodthat Is Istheir I Ithclr Iitheir their work workTherefore worlTherefore workTherefore Therefore when your kidneys nre weak or out outof outot outof of order you can understand under tllnd hov ho quickly your yourentire yourcntlro yourntle entire body Is affectad affect c1 nnd how every organ ortanseems organleemo organseems seems to fall to do Its duty dutyIf dut dutIt It you dee re sick or feel badly begin taking takingthe takln taklnthe takingthe the great kidney remedy Dr Kilmers Swamp Hoot because as soon as your our kidneys are well wellthey wellthey wellthey they wilt help h lp nil the other organs to health A DR o KILAWS KILAWSSMPROOT 3 trial will convince COllvnceanyone COllvnceanyoneWeak anyone anyoneWeak anyoneVeak Weak end unhealthy kidneys are responsible responsiblefor SMPROOT SMPROOTKldnijairerBUldit i for nmny moon kinds of diseases and If permitted to tocontinue tocontinue tocontinue continue much uurfcrlngtrlth fatalresuIUare rutal ruulture sure sureto sureto SUreto KldnijairerBUldit KldnijairerBUlditCURE to follow Kidney mdne trouble Irritates the th nerves nervesmakes fIervcsmnkes CURE CUREslclans CUREmakes makes you dizzy diu restless sleepless and IrrltnBle Irrltn le Makes you pass Water often during the day and andobligee andobll obliges obll es you to get up many man times during tho thonight thonIght tImenight ° night Unhealthy kidneys cause rheumatism rheumatismravel rheu111ntlsmrlel rlueuuinatisuuigrasel ravel catarrh of the bladder pain or dull ache acheIn achein In the back joints and muscles makes your yourhead I Ihead head ache and back ache causes Indigestion Indigestionstomach Indgeslpnstollllcil Indigestionstomach stomach and liver trouble you get et a 1 sallow yet yellow YIIlow yetlow ¬ low complexion makes you Ol ou feel as though you youhad youhad youhad had heart trouble you may have plenty of anibl anibltlon ambltlOII uinmbltion tlon but no strength ret weak we ale and waite wast away awayThe awayThe I ITime The cure for or these troubles Is Dr Kilmers ft itSwalnpltoot SwampHoot the worldfumoua Kidney remedy In eking BwumpKoot you ou afford natural help to toNature OLT PT 0 0Nature Nature for SwampHoot In ii the most perfect J healer heal r und gentle aid to the kidneys Idl1ne 11 that Is Isknown a known to medical science scienceIf > c cIf lU If there Is any doubt In your our mind as to your our 1 r Condition taKu 1111 from rom your ollr urine on rising about 1 four ounces place It In a glass Or bottle and let I IIt It ntaiid twentyfour hours If on examination It ItIs 114 114Is itIs Is milky or cloudy If there Is a brickdual set settling settllag ¬ W WtJlng tling or If small particles float about In It your kidneys are In need of Immediate attention 9MBlp noot Is J rcmnt to t TakflJ rab BwampHcot Is pleasant to take and Is used uDedl In the leading hospitals recommended by ploy ph regular r fiftycent and one dol dolDR slclans In their private practice and Is taken by II lar size bottles at the drug drugstores drU doctors themselves who have kidney nllmentp stores everywhere Dunt make makeany becaUHe they recognize In It the Greatest t and nndmost any mlttake but remember r tht thjname most successful remedy for kidney kldnc liver and name SwampHoot Dr Kil Kilmers ¬ bladder troubles troublesIf mers SwampHoot and tht thtaddress If you OU are already convinced that SwampRoot I address lllnghamton N Y on l Is what you OIl ned eIJd you OU can purchase the thevctY nery bftttle bftttleSPECIAL hCIUleSPECIAr hittleSPEcIAT4 SPECIAL NOTICE NfJTICETou Tou may have a fnmplo bottle of this wonderful wonderfulremedy wOhdertulremed iii iiiremedy remedy SwampRoot sent absolutely free by mall also a book lio k telling All Allabout lullabout IIIabollt about SwampHoot and containing many IIIl1n in any of the thousands < 1K upon thousands thousandsof thOIl llrfdK llrfdKot of testimonial letteta received eiVed from trcI I men 111 en and women who owe their good health In fact their very H liven to the great curative properties of Swamp Hoot In writing to Dr Kilmer Co Hlnghnmpton N Y he sure to say sa saOU you OU read this generous gen rolls offer In the 8 nut Lqke Dally Dcserot News Ne s Where the services of on arbiter are nreneeded melIeelled areneeded needed the king of Spain will In all allprobability allprobability allprobability probability Mlcct for this mlnalon the theSpanish theSpanlRh theSpanish Spanish minuter at Corneas who hC1 Is Isiccognhcd Islecognl2cd IsrecognIsed iccognhcd as an able ablodlplomnt ablodlplomntAtter diplomat diplomatAfter dipiomatAfter After the commission claims liave liavebeen 1111YObeen luavobeen been adjusted they ate to be collected collectedby by the Venezuelan officials from the thecuutoms thecustoms thecustoms customs receipts of the two ports of ofPuerto otIuerto ofPuerto Puerto Cabello and Lu itmyra 30 por porcent pelcenl pemcent cent being tIme amount which Mr Bow Bowen no noen Uowen en and the allies have agreed agree upon uponshrill uponRholl Uponetinit shrill be set aside for this purpose In Inthe Inthe the event that the Caracas government governmentpermlti goernmentptrmlts governmentPermits Permits 30 30dnsat days nt any time during duilntthe dUllngthe the settlement of the claims to rasa rasawithout IH189without aea aeawithout without prompt and and full payments to toany totill toany any till nation the plan provide Unit tbo tboIlelglan thaJlelglan lie lieIleiglan Ilelglan government shall then atep st p In Inand Inand inand and take charge of the administration administrationof of tho customs receipts recelptsto to Insure fair fairtreatment fairtreatment fairtreatment treatment for the foreigners This ThI Idea Ideawas Ideawns ideaslts was suggested Suggo ted to Mr Howen by L the thofact thefact thefact fact that the lie Ilelplans are now In en entire entire entire ¬ tire charge of the administration of the thecustoms thecustOllS tli tlicUetoflil customs receipts of Persia where Mr MrIiowen MrBowen Ir IrBowen Bowen was minister beforo his ap appointment apOlntment appointment ¬ pointment to Venezuela VenezuelaAn Venez ea eaAn < An official of the Washington gov government government go goeminent ¬ ernment upon learning 1 l rnng tonight of the th thIntcnllon Intention of the allies to appeal to Pres President PresIdent Freeident ¬ ident Roosevelt to act ns mblter for forthem torthem forthem them In the matter or ° f preferential preferentialtreatment preferentialtreatment Jreterentlnltreatment treatment made the he point that If the theallies thoallies thealUes allies appeal npp > ol to totho the president without withoutfirst wltholltfirst withoutfleet first consulting Mr Bowen and gaining his consent Venezuela will feel that her rights are being trampled on and andunless Rntlunles9 andunless unless her permission Is gained will willcertainly willcerwlnl svlllcertainly certainly cerwlnl not consent to the powers powersnaming powersIIImlnlC powersnaming naming the arbiter of this vital ques question queslion queaIon ¬ lion in the th event that the ha matter goes to The Hague the allies will only be beaccepting b baccepllng beaccepting < accepting the proposition made by Mr Howen In his hi ultimatum addressed to tothe toIhe tothe the British anbassador last Monday Baron Sternberg find a conference conferencewith conCerencowith conferencewith with Mr Bowen at a Into hour tonight He went to Mr fr Bow DOIIljns ng hotel hotelrom from the White House whero he had attended attendedthe the congressional congr ssional reception and the two remained In consultation for n halfhour Neither one would make a astatement aitatement statement at the conclusion of the con ¬ ference An Aged ACcllFnrlllcr Farmer Murdered MurderedBird UiirderetlBird IurdlrellDlrtl Bird City Kan Feb I eb 6 Benjamin Knott aged 70 years yen cais Ill a welltodo firmer was found dead In his rooms here today tOda his head crurhed with sonm blunt nistrument and lying In a pod podof of blood The dead man came here heroroam from roam York Neb whore he has a broth brother ¬ er J 1 S Knott lIe had just sold Bom 80mlklllI Irnd and aiuu It Is believed he was murder murdered lnu er eret ¬ ed and robbed robbedFiremen robbed1lremoll robbedFiremen Firemen Almost Asphyxiated AsphyxiatedSan San Francisco J Feb 5 SA A flrc ire nt C31 t3 Market Street a threestory build Ing tonight caused JWOOO 9Q00 < 1 damage Th building vats occupied by b Le Count Brother Co stationers AbrohaniH near fancy good and tho Laglecon shirt company Five firemen were weivstalCn Iftl IftltIIn weretacen talCn to the hospital Buffering from fromasphyxiation fromaphyxkttion I Inphxldtlon asphyxiation Incurred In llghtlnff the fir dcv I lIellV Heavy Ullzzard In Wyoming WyomingAnaconda WrornlnlAnacondn WyomningAnaconda > Anaconda Mont Feb 5 GA A special tn the Standard from Billings sayn sa the tbiwestbound UcHltboulld the5rstbontmd westbound Burlington train which whichreached whichreached whichreached reached there 10 hour late passed Ims ui I IlIuough through one of the flerpest fi Ip1 1 blizzards In the northeastern part of Wyoming that thatrt hrs rt ever Cl l been en known In that Btnti Toltgraphlo Tl rnlhla and telephonic communi communication communilotlon coinmUncation ¬ cation Is paralyzed cattle arc as dying dlnJnnll end traffic U practically ut t a stnnd stnndltIIl standhIners Htlll Minors Dcninmln Ilcliuoil IlcliuoilIndianapolis HchIPIIIndlannpolls IteinsedIndianapolIs Indianapolis FebI FebSAt Feb At the opera operators opC1ntors optiontore ¬ tors and miners Joint wage meeting meetingthe meetingIhe meetingtile the reViort of the Joint scale and subscalpcommittee sub rubscale Iublommltee scalpcommittee scale cOmmittee ina ns made It howed jhowedthat howedIhnt howedthat that the Iheoperl1tor8 operators hnd refused to grant the miners demands and had offered 10 cents mlvatice IIIh ulce on one and ant one one10urthInch tonrthlnch screen coal 0 cents In Increase Incre Increase ¬ crease cre Ie on run of mine and hat the Inside day dl labor should be b Increased Incrensel1ln In In the same proportlonjwlth roportlonJ with lIh the ex exception uceptlon caception ¬ ception of drivers who Xvould oulll lx be > ad advqnced ndVlh adsqn vqnced Vlh tr lo 0 ot1iSa JS ttS1I a day ta The general ad advance ndonce adVance ¬ vance Would Increase intreasethts this to t2SC t2SCPolitic 25GPolltici c cPolitics Politic In French Schools KclmnliParis SchoolsParis clm01lParts Paris Fib 8 eIn In the discussion dl unlon of oftho otthtl the budget budt t of public Instruction In tho thochamber thochalllbtr thechamber chamber of deputies the Nationalist Deputy Syveton attacked the govern government governSmacnt Olenlmfnt ¬ ment on the ground that It had encou encoucgcd encoucld encoucage4 cgcd and ftn < J even forced torceclteacherll teachers In the tleprimary tlaIrlmar theIrImary primary schools to UN u their nHuencii nHuenciiviJh ntluenculUh ufluences4th viJh the pupils for political purpose M 1 Chaumle Chaumlel minister of public Inatruc Ion replied re replIemi lIeu that the tearhtr were werelnAklllfC weromaking werenlA3ttng making an admirable political POPPa giinda nnd were forming good citizens In leaching the pupils to love the re republic republic ccpublIc ¬ public and their country countryea ° Yes ea continued I the minister WItHO wo woato ato encouraging them In doing thfe and I do tb not think that any nn republican republicanchamber republlcl1chumbtr republicanchamber chamber can reproach us for no o doing A 4 resolution was adopted unani unanimously unanlmnusl unantmotusly ¬ mously mnusl approving the declaration of the thegovernment th thIoerrunellt thegovernunent government and expressing the sym sympathy 8 ebinpathy Jn Jnrnth ¬ pathy and the gratitude of the cham chtmnbar ¬ ber to all the teachers In the primary primaryfirhools prhnnl1ndlool nrimnarorhmoois firhools for their devotion U ttP France Franceand rnncf rnncfand raneeand and tho republic republicThe republicrime The house then adopted tho remain remainIntT remain1I1t remainmit IntT clauses of the public Instruction budget and ndjourned ndjournedDen ndJournldOen Den Luis Torres HCHllnHTucson Ilcwl HCHllnH fleilignITucson ns nsTuc Tuc Tucson m ArIa Feb I eb C GSfnr Star advices advicesfrom advlctarom adviceefreon from rom Hennoalllo Mexico state that thatden IhatGen thatlen den Luis Torres has resigned his com command command coonoranol ¬ mand of the first military mllltm zone by re request fCflueRt ccuUeMt ¬ quest lIe Is succeeded by tJ BrigGen BrigGenLorenzo DrlgOenIorclzo BrIgGenLorcnzo Lorenzo Torres The reason assigned assignedby by 11 iy the th minister n nlstr of war are that Torres TorresWM TorresWRt Torressvn1 WM not active enough against the Yn Ynqul YnIGI qul Indians Torres friends clalnt that thatMs thatJ1ls thatliim Ms close clo e friendship with Gen Reyoi Reyoiexminister I1ee I1eelxmlnlgter Iteynsoxminister exminister of war was M the thocnuso cause of ofthe ofthe ofthe the call for his resignation Reyes Is Isconsidered 18cOll8ldered Isconsidered considered a formidable candidate for forthe fortile forthe the presidency The removal of Torres TorresIs Is said to be In accord with the polio polioof pollcoC policyof of the administration regarding legllrdlngll1eell legllrdlngll1eellUmfonlI Re ltoyes ltoyesHawaiis > cs csllnxvons llnxvons lowers May bo Null NullParis NullParIs in II IIlarls Paris Feb C CTht The correspondent o othe ot otthc ofthe the Maim at Caracas telegraphs that thata a pamphlet Is being circulated In that thatcity thatlIt thatIt city lIt It In which It fs s asserted that tho thopoweis thopowers thepowers powers conferred on Minister Bowen bjPresident b bPresident bj byPresident President Castro are null because o oan ct ctnn Citan an article In the Venezuelan V conatltu conatltutlon constltutlon constitUlion tlon providing that a representative 0 qt qtYenezuelll qfenezueia Venezuela In n such cases must have at atauthorization Inauthorization anauthorization authorization In order to serve the ro ropublic rDpublic ropublic public and the pamphlet t points ou outhat out outthnt outthat that Minister Bowen has no such nu nuthorlzatlon nuthorlzntlon nuthmorizatlon thorlzatlon Moreover according to the thepamphlet thepnn1lhlet thepnnphlet pamphlet any an convention lie may tie tiecollate neotlll nogotlate collate otlll will be Invalid Unless It Is con conllrmed contlrmed confirmed firmed by the Venezuelan congress Negotiating With Prlnoctn LonlioVienna 110ulloVienna Lonlio hoiuiseVienna Vienna Feb FI > 6 GIt It is stated author authoritatlvely authorItntlely authorItativouty itatlvely that a meeting has been ar arranged nrranged arranged ranged between the former Crown Princess of Saxonyand Slxony and an authorized authorizedrepresentative authorizedrepresentallve authorIzedrepresentative representative of her father on thc ex express express cxpress press condition l that she stall come to toAustria toAUlltrla toAustria Austria unaccompanied by b M Giron OlronShe GironShl GironShe She will ihi not be allowed all w l to enter the house of her father Ferdinand IV 1 non nonregnant nonregnnnt nonregnant regnant grand duke of Tusqnnybut th thresidence the theresidence theresidence residence of her brother Archduke P Pter Pc Pcter lsten ter Ferdinand Algen Igen near Balzburg I Is being prepared for her reception receptionIrctcndrrn receptionIretellllrrlt receptionlrctendnrs Irctcndrrn Ksunpo I cnllo Confirmed ConfirmedLondon ConOrll1ldLondon ConhlrmnvolLondon London Feb 8 GThe The correupondent o othe ot otthe ofthe the Morning Leader at Tangier tele telegraphs teleraph9 Idegraphs graphs that the escape of theprctend theprctender er Bu Honiara 11 a ilia 11 In confirmed It Is an announced announced announced nounced says the correspondent that thatho the American missionaries mlR lonntl ll tlll star start for Fez e today Friday Frida Frida80ml1 Some apprehension exists regarding their safety IF YOU FEEL FEELTIRED FEELTIRED FEELTIRED TIRED OR ENER ENERVATED ENERVATEDA NERr r VATEDA VATEDACUP VATEDAcup A ACUP CUP OF TREE 5TREEI TREETEA TREETEA I TEA WILL WILLBRACE WILLBRACE WILLBRACE BRACE YOU UP UPI UPCHOICESf 1 1JEOFJAPA JEOFJAPA JEOFJAPACHOCES I CHOICESf CHOCESIMPORTEOSY i IPANTEA IPANTEAIMPORTEDBY IMPORTEDBY IMPORTEDBY1iIlBHUI IMPORTEOSYMilR1IIrn 1iIlBHUI MilR1IIrn MilR1IIrnSAN C CSAN SAN FRANCISCO FRANCISCOc c PREFERRED DEATH DEATHTO TO CAPTURE CAPTUREAn I I An Oregon Fugitive From Justice JusticeCommits JusticeCoiriinlts JusticoCotir Commits Cotir tts Suicide StiicldoUE SuicideI SuicidelIE SuicideHE I UE IMITATED iMiETIIA1tItY TIIA1tItY IIAHUV Y TltAOY TltAOYlleen IltAOYt t J JUnllll 0fluvIng I Unllll lleen Wontiiteit olliider i by > y n 1 Iurtu Iunhll Fursutug Iurtuliij tug tone lie Turin luruu llarolv r oil oilIltmieir 011IIl1uelf oilHlinelr Iltmieir Seutllnu Bullet In Head HeadCorvnllls lIeallCorvalll IliadCorvallis Corvnllls Ore Feb 5 Edwnrd 5EdwardWhite EdwnrdWhite EdVari1White White the fugitive trusty recently es escaped escaped ascaped ¬ caped from tho Oregon penitentiary penitentiarymltatlnt penltentllrIrnltlltlng penitentiaryImitating Imitating tho noted flOt d outl outluw w Harry HarryPracy UarryTrnc harryTracy Tracy Trnc killed himself yesterday near nearIddyvllle nearl nearEddyvlhle Iddyvllle l 30 miles west of Corvallls Corvalllsafter Corvallisafter after having been wounded by the pos posse pospe poeCe ¬ se In pursuit The body watt brought broughttere broughthere broughtlucre here tere at noon today en route to the pen pententlary licn licnlIenUary pdnItentlary tentlary for burial burialIn I IIn In tho encounter White had been beenrought belllbrought becutbrought brought to his knees with a shot shotthrough sllotthrough shotthrough through the body bodyantlln and In that position positionlaced positionllacell huoultionplaced laced his 4tcallber Colts olts revolver to toils tohIs tohits hIs own forehead and sent n 1 bullet liullatcrashing bullatcrashIng bulletcrashing crashing through his brain The tight tightmppcnpd happened within u few yards of the thelouso the1iouo houso louso of Ilobert Warnlck WarnlckAfter WarnIckAtler VarnlckAfter After an encounter with Sheriff HOSB SUndll Sunday near Wnldport White worked w < Jrkc hi Us way back to the Yaqultnn river riverlaving laving hllln been nrcn at a sclioollioaso schoolhousenetlr near hltwood tarly Tuesday morning Olll Ollltors 0111cers Oihicore < core were on the trull Aa Warnick Warnickway was passing along the t1 railroad with withsection u usection asection section gang ho observed White at atsome atsomo atsumac some distance In the county road The latter secreted himself in the buslica buslicaand bush bushnnd liusliCuSamuol and the party passed on to u distance distanceof of 150 GO yards ardK where Warnlcl took the back trail trailSoon trailSoon trailSoon Soon after White appeared In the lane niinrunrhlni Warnlcks house where n saddled horse was tied tI d War Avarnlck Warnick Varnick nick commanded him to o halt but White Whitepresented Whitepresellted Whitepresented presented Ills revolver but did not fire The olllcer leveled his Winchester Wlnche ter and 11m White hito wheeled and ran toward the Ih horse As he attempted to mount a bullet from the rifle tore through Whites clothing cothlngfbls This caused the con convict ¬ vict Ict to change his plan and he left the horse and ran toward the Warnlck tiara Then u shot from the olllcers olllcersrllle olllcersrille oillcersrifle rllle struck him entering the email of the back and coming out four Inches Inchesabove IncheI1bove lathesabove above the naval lIe staggered and fell fellto to his knees kn s Placing his revolver to his forehead White tIred lIe fell for forward torwnrd forward ¬ ward and died In inlive live minutes minutesArizona minutest minutesIlzonll minutesiIzouia t Arizona bmellera Shut thiutTucson llIIt Down DownTucson flownTucson Tucson ArIa Feb 1 lb C 6Flv Flva of the big bl smclteis of the Cannnea Copper Coppercompany Coppercompany Coppercompany company have shut down owing to a aBtrlke IIAtrlke astrike strike on the narrow gunge railroad railroadwhich railroadwhich raIlroadsvhlchm which bilngH all the ores from the themines themines tImemines mines to the smelters The strike of ofthe ofthe ofthe the railroad men has been brewing for forsome forsomC forsome some months and the company has been able to keep the smelters nut rurtnlritt r nutnirig ln lnnlll nlritt nlll only onl by promising to Increase the thewages thewacs thewages wages of engineers en lneers from 350 to U Uper 4 4per 4per per day and firemen lire men from 53 3 to J3M J3Mper SUGper 5O 5Otier per day The men demanded the In Increaue IncrenYe Increase crease the company com pan refused and tho thomen thomen thoIneOl men went out outTo outTo outTo To Iluy UU nitdon Iron ron Work WorkSan WorbSln orka orkaan San an Francisco Frnhrl co Cal Feb 6 GHumors GHumorsamollA Ilumors Ilumorsamong llumorsamong among the Iron trades trad s are persistent persistentaays perllslentS says S S the Call that the ultimate ob ¬ Sect of the western tour of this high highofficials hIghofficIals highofilclnhe officials of the United States Shlpbuild Shl bulld log company Is the absorption by b put pur1chase purchase putchase chase or I consolidation df the liltdon Iron works II plant 1 > lant which directly ad Joins the Union Iron works In the Po PoThe P u utrtro trlro trlro1ho trtroTime The plant of the Hlsdon embraces embracesabout embracesabout I about 35 5 acres of land that for many nUlUYellr8 years ellr8 was 5Va occupied by h tIme Iaclllc I Hollnlg mills of which the late Senator James G Fair was the principal fJrlnclpalsttock sttock holder It has about IMO feet of deep water frontage frontageCapital trontaeCnpltal frontageCapital Capital of New ew Kriipp Company CompanyDerlln Compllny1Jerlln CompanyBerlin Berlin Feb GThe The capital of the thenow then I Inow now n > Krunp company will 11 be J37500000 I37LOO000wIth 37500000with with ltli 110000000 In debentures The hoard of overseers Includes exHall exHallroad exRallr01tI axRaIlroad road Minister von on Tlilelen Guutav Ouwtl1Jlllrtmann Hnrtmann of the Dresdener bank and Ludwig Delbrureck of DelbrureckLeo DelbrureckLeoCompany DelbrureckLeoComJIIuy DeibrnmreckLecCompany andI I Company CompanyCost ComJIIuyCost Cost of German Chin Kxpeillllon KxpeillllonBerlin lxpedltIotiBerlin xelltlonntrlln Berlin Feb I < pb 6 GThe The total cost to Ocr Germany Ocrmany Geemany ¬ many of the China expedition up to todate toda I Idate date da te Is 56250000 6 0OOO and the further re requirements reo reoqulrements requirements ¬ quirements are cutlmatcd at 550000 Serious Hinting HInt hIlt at Nnplcs lplr University UniversityLondon UniversityLondon Vuiiversli3London London Feb 0 GA A dispatch from I Home published In theMorning the Morning Lead Leader ¬ er reports serious rioting among the thostudents thestudents th 3 3students students of the Naples university In Inconsequence IIIconstljuence I I Iconsequence consequence of an unpopular govern coverninent governblent overnment inent regulation The professors have havebeen hach hmavbeen been h n maltreated the windows of the theuniversity tileunherslt thiiUniversity university inahed and u bon fire mad mndpof mRdl1ot madof of the furniture On the troops being beingsummoned beln beln8umllloned beingsummoned summoned the students lied The uni university uIIICralty mitverelty ¬ versity Is now closed closedSnulalUi closedSnclllll SnulalUi t Leader Io ilcr Intirl Hurrrndcn HurrrndcnJfcw HurrendcrNess S New York Feb 0 GThe The notorious So Socialist AoclaUst lIeetallst ¬ cialist leader Fabrl who ho fled from hot Holland 1101land hotland ¬ land 10 o escape Imprisonment for rnrtl rnrtlclpntlng 11arllclpntlng Purticipating clpntlng In the Antwerp strike lust lutiyear lustyear t tyear year bus Hirrendered and has been re returned r rlurned returned ¬ turned to prison at Antwrn > < according to a dispatch to the Times from fromUruasels tromDrus I Brussels Drus els via London LondonIll LondonlUg Ill lUg ICnilcratlon r Co Canada CanadaMontreal C CanadaMontreuti nnlla nnllatonhenl Montreal Feb C CI U O Armstrong Immigration agent of the Canadian 1a 1arlnc Illrltlo Parifle rifle railway says 118 100000 American AnierlranScandinavian AmerlranScandhla AmericanSnandlnavlruim Scandhla Scandinavian Inn and Kncllsli farmers from western states French CnnaiH CnnaiHnns Cnnadlans Canaclians ans fiom New England I factory towns townsnnd tOII1Cnnd tomvnuarid nnd Swedes from New York orkwlll will come cometo COI11to cometo to settle In Canada next year cnr Mr MrArmstrong MrArmustrong Ir IrArmstrong Armstrong finds an absence nb ence In th thUnited thUnited thw thwUnited United States of the old prejuill prejuillagainst preJutlkngalnst prejudiiagainst against Canada whose wheat grolr grolrbelt belt he says 1I1l Is the admiration of all allwho allwho allsyhmo who have considered the thernatter thernatterJurl natter natterJurisdiction niatterJiirisitlci Jurisdiction Jurl 11Icllol1 Inn Over hatul Unlverslt UnlversltHome UnhtrillCnome UuiIuersItHome Home Feb eb C CThe The Vatican In con contemplating IontemJllallng contempinting ¬ templating placing the Catholic um umvcr unlcrs1 urnversity vcr versity crs1 lty of Laval Quebec Que tc under Juris Jurisdiction jurlRdlcllon jurisdiction ¬ diction of the congregation conJTe uUon of studies studiesthereby studiesthereby studiesthereby thereby removing It from the Jurlsdli Jurlsdlitlon jurtsdlttlon jurisdlilion tlon of the congregation of the prop propigando propganllll proptgandu gando as was done on Jan 12 12In In th thcase Ihca8e timcase < case of the Cat Cathollo hollo university at atWashington AtWlIhlnglon atWashington Washington WlIhlnglonicRlI WashingtonNearly WashingtonNearly Nearly icRlI Overcome lay Ons OnsSeattle GnsSealtle Ga GaSeattle Seattle Feb 6 5A A special to the thePostlntelllgencer theJ timePomtflteiligencer Postlntelllgencer J > from Everett erett fays faysGreat IasOrollt saysthreat Great Northern Passenger > auenrcr train No 4 4known t tknown 4known known as the eastbound overland overlandstuck oerlandstuck overhandetuck stuck In the Cascade Ca clld tunnel tunnelllllCt last night nightabout nightabout imiglieabout about midnight and ten xuiiencers pIUIlen erlf in intho Intho Inthe tho sleeper and five members of the thetrain IhlIraln timetrain train crew were more of less seriousarrfCtecl serious ccrlouiijaffected scriousiaffected affected by b gas No death have taa bcn bcnreported bcnreported bcnreported reported at the division buperlnttnj buperlnttnjnt eats nt offlce hen henThe henThe henThe The train left this city elt nt n t 91S 9 IS on ontime ontime ontime time bit night A hrtper I h used u td tdpull to topull uopull pull It through the Cascade tunnel On Onthe Ontho Cmthe the western slope Iop of Ole tunnel from fromeome tromlIome fromsome some cause cau e or other the train stuck stuckand stukand stUckand and the helping engine broke away aWQ It Itwa 11w itwas wa w was soon back recoupled and sn broke brokea bro1waWfo brokeanna anna a second and third time On the TOOK A STRAW HTItA W VOTB VOTBlnteroitlnj VOrEInterotlllj VOTFInterestIng lnteroitlnj tCipfrlment In A linea lineatlUlrallt lies liestntirant lIesIn tntirant tntirantAn tlUlralltAn In U cc ii I IAn An advertising nderll hlt agent representIng n npnmilnunt nprtlllliltont aPromlnon pnmilnunt New iork tor mngnzlne while whileon whllon vhmItnon on n 1 recent western trip was wa dining dlnlncone one on evening In I ll ft Plttaburg restaurant While waiting Wllltln for his order he heJIQn heglanced glanced JIQn ed over his newspaper neVs llller and noticed IIOUCelIho itoticetithe the advertisement of t a well known knowniIlmepsIa lyipepsla preparation Stuarts Dys DysepHla IsIWpHla Dsepsla epHla TabletHi fabl tHj as ho himself was ns a aegulur IIregular aieguar regular user of the tablet he began beganApwulutluif bl1ganII beganpottmimttlIjt Apwulutluif II IUllltlIJ us to o how many of thoollwr tho thoother thetiisr other traveling men In the dining dlnlniroom room Were ere also friends of the popular popularreimdy popularrernI polmutarremndy reimdy rernI for Indigestion lie nays I counted twentythree twentythreenen men at the tables and In the hotel ot Ice I totk the trouble to Interview lutorlewtlwln interviewtheta hem dnd II IIlI was Wa surprised surprl ed to learn that thatline Ihntnlnl thatlilac line 11 m the twentythree twenty three made a prac lee tiC of Ulitng one or two of fituarta Dyspepsia I > IlleL > 11L Tablets after each meal Onp of them told me he hud suffer suffertil ell to much from stomach trouble that thatat at one tlino he hud been be n obliged to totult toquit toquit quit the rrad t cc ad but since using Stuarts DyspcpHla D spepMla Tablets had been entirely entirelyrec free rec from rommo indigestIon but he continual their u us specially t eclllll while traveling on onucount onnecollrt onaceomiurt ucount or Irregularity In meals rind nndXcnusi btCr htcrus Xcnusi R lll 11I0 all traveling men he Was WIlSont Wasoften vnsoft oft often u obliRed obJlR tI to tt tat what he hI could pet petand Iretallli and not always what ho wanted Atiotlur A who looked tho picture of oflealtti lealtti mid he never ate n meal with without withoUt wIthout out taking tmlln a 1 Stuart Tablet afterward afterwardjcrauie jcrauie bcrau e he could eat what ho pleased pleasedand pleasednnd pleasedand and when he pleased without fear of ofa ota ofa a sirejilcss sir > Jless night or any other trouble Still another used lie ell them because he hewn heWUs wn subject to gas on stomach causing arcHnufe on heart h nrtnnll and lungs shortness shortllesllot ot f breath it ond ml distress In cheat which whlrlile he le n nu < > hunger Ipiig r experienced since using the tablets 11 blet regularly 1GUlttrlAnotllEr regularlytnotlmer Another claimed that Stuarts Dye Dyspopsla DrsJ1epsla Dyehiopata popsla Tablets was liS the only onl auto rem remedy remed remcdl ¬ edy ed he had ever found for sour stomach stomachand slomarha stonmachamid and a 11I1 acidity lie had formerly used uiedomomn u usedcommmomn ld ldcOlllomn omomn soda to relieve the trouble troublpUt hut Ut the tablets were much better und undNifer nndtMer mindiafe Nifer to use useAfter liseAttN miscAftet After smoking drinking or other et etCCSIPH excessls e ecessea CCSIPH which weaken the digestive or orans orRaM 0rgans RaM ans nothing restores the lie Htomach to toi toIi toft Ii i healthy health wholesome condition so et fectually as Stuarts Tablets TabletsStuarts TabletsStuarts 1abletsStUlUts Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablets contain the he natural dlgestlven pepsin dlastna dlastnawhich ihltnstastwhIch which hl < h every wwilt stomach lacky III illwell IIIwellal iiisnell well wellal OH nnx hydrastln and yellow ellol pat lila and can b be JP safely relied upon as a aladlcal IIIalllcs amadlral ladlcal I cure for every eer form of poor digestion Sold by druggists every ¬ where third breaking away EngIneer l Free FreeInnn man ran the helper through to tho hue east coatend eastend end iid of tho tunnel tunnelConductor tunnelConductor Conductor Weston and the fireman firemanwore tlrernllllwere were both unconscious when the mouth mouthof of the tunnel was reached rcachetSWhen When lmeum It was found that t the helper helperwag helperIM wag wa not going to return the train was backed out and run to Wellington En Engineer r n nIlneer ¬ gineer Sheerer of time main crew his llremnn and head brakeman and ten tenpassengers tlllIlasslngor passengers were more or lets though thoughnot thoughnot not dangerously overcome by b the gall The whole time the Overland was In the tunnel as a stated by b the Great t Northern office here occupied about 30 30minutes 30minUte8 30minutes minutes The helper later returned returnednnd returnedand nnd the train was wnalUlled pulled through the tunnel all right with the name crew crewALASKAN crewAf4lSICAi crewthjtMiCAN ALASKAN IIOUNUAHY TJILATY TJILATYIts TltIATIts Its Opponents In InSenato Senate Will Not Notlot ot otLet otIet Let It bo Hatllled HatllledWashington UatilletlWnshlnltoll ItatihleollVaehlrmgtomm Washington Feb C iDurlng During the past pasttwo pasttwo 1l1Rttwo two days President lloosevelt has had hadseveral hnlleycrnl hadeveral several conference with prominent prominentxenators prominent1lIIlors prominentsenators senators concerning the status of the theAlaskan IheAlaskan timeAlaskan Alaskan boundary treaty trent and the thopresident theresident thehrestdent president has been Informed that the thoopponents theopponents timeopponents opponents of the treaty will not per permit permlt permIt ¬ mit It to be ratified ratifiedLONDON ratllledLONDON ratifiedLONDON LONDON DISCONCnilTED DISCONCnilTEDrNew rNew N I York Feb e 61he The news that Ihe opposition of the northwestern northwesternsenators northwellternsenutnrll omortbmwesternsenators senators will probably ltobllbl prevent the rut ¬ fication of tho Alaskan boundary teraty Is regarded here as very VCr disconcerting disconcertingfnys df8contcrllnFn rays Fn a London dispatch to the th Tribune The Dally I > nll Chronicle considers that the thllf failure f llure of the treaty treal will mean the In Intelnltl ¬ definite continuance < < e of the deadlock oleadlociCanada Canada It nays will loose the thechance theclmnce thmechance chance of obtaining a free tr e port III the thoJ1ondlke Klondike district and most violent trio friction trletlon triot0mu ¬ tion must arise If gold should be dls dlscftvered dlscbvered oilscbvered cbvered In tho territory under dispute disputeHill Hill 11 11 of Torn Ill rll Hold HoldDublin HoldDublin SoldDublin Dublin Feb CThe historic 11111 ot otTarn Tarn a was sold at aucttlen today and andrealized andrealized andrealIzed realized the sum of 18000 The pur purchUscr purchliser purchmtSer chUscr waa a lady whose name was not notannounced notannounced notannounced announced announcedSAW announcedSAW announcedSAW SAW MINNICK MINNICKBut IlUltDEnII IlUltDEnIInut > But lIens Idfes ilyesTImseateied Tliuealoncd If They TheyDlVUlgO TherIHvuljo TheyDivulge Divulge NRlllt NRllltDenver NutiiieuDenver HlllfH HlllfHDenver Denver Feb 5 iA A special to tho Re Republican nlpUblican Republlcan ¬ publican from Cheyenne Wyo says saysLatest BaY8Latcst saysLate Latest Late t advices from the scene ene of the therecent thllrecent therecent recent raid on the Mlnnlck sheep camp near Ulack Mountain In the Dig Horn basin Indicate that only on I two men mencommitted mencommitted committed the deed Hen Mlnnlck who whosus whoIIIS sus shot through the lungs died IIKt tent night There Thert were two eyewitnesses eIwltneSes to tho th shooting Ihoolng of Mlnnlck lnnlck the dyna dynamiting dyn dynamntIng ¬ miting Inilng of 200 OO of o his sheep and 1d the burn big hi of oftols his hll wagons wlgons and outfit outfit but they th tile < have been threatened with death It they Inform Infon the olllcers otcers of the Identity Identlt I of the raiders rider Jllnnlcks lnnlcks herder who also witnessed winesed the raid raldimas has disappeared disappearedWOMCV dlwppeat dlwppeatO dlwppeamehOML WOMCV hOML O mN HUIFJlAOi HUItUtUI IN I MONTANA MONTANAHccchca MO MONTANAltceeIica TAiA TAiAcochos Hccchca Iti Jleh htsfleathuhlowln Death Illnw Jow In limo Stale StaleKcnnlc RtotoSenlie StabSenate Senate KcnnlcDutte Senlie Senlienule SenateButte Butte nule Mont Mont Feb l eb 5A Helena Helena spe special speclalsn specmi ¬ cial clalsn says I Woman suffrage received Its 111 death blow In the he senate today todll na far farns Carns ns a tho EIghth 1 legislative IlgIKlalo assembly In Inconcerned IKconcernt isconcerned concerned concernt By y a vote ote of 16 to 10 the thecommittee thecommitee thecommIttee committee commitee of the whole decided > d to re report roport ¬ port tho bill bil back for Indefinite Indelnlte post 1111 r ¬ ponement poneltnt WJiftn Wlr the bill came up fur final defeat 16 senators voting oln for In definite definie postponement while whie 10 voted votedagainst votedagainst ottt against this this In the matter mater of politic there Ih re were six Democrats DmortM who pltcs voted for cans the ladles and only four Itepubll Hepull oto Colorado Antt Ant AnftTnuat Trust I IDenver 1111 Legislation LegislationDenver lalon lalonDenr Denver COlD Feb S SAn An antitrust bill bi which It In II said hag the endorse endorsement endone endonement endorsement ment of President lrtsltIent Roosevelt no lt and Atty Al den Knox II Is to be le presented IJreSente to the legislature le slntu of every eerYstate state In the Ihl Union vile is Introduced In the len ienntc lenate seaate ate this afternoon nrernon Accompanying the bill bi In a memvrJal rnemQrlaln In its Ill favor ta or from trol the National Nalonnl Livestock Llvelok association Ioilltlon The bill bi provides heavy hev penalties ItnllltlPI for con conspiracy fonIMa conspiracy ¬ spiracy IMa to torelllrnin restrain or monopolize monpolze trade tradl tradeor for or giving or accepting ncceptn rebates and for torontlnulnr forontlntmIng < ontlnulnc In business bUslnesl after oflertalure failure to tomake tomake tomake make annual returns ntUlS us specified IPecllt In the bill LI LICr Cnal Cr Mlnrrx SlnrM hlneraWaxes Waxfi Walf1 Increased IncreasedCumberland IncreasedCumberianmi norlieli norlieliCumbrlanll Cumberland Cumbrlanll Md l F Feb b CNearly GNeaIY all allof ni nilof of time OIJeraton operators in time Ihl Mcvcmlalc leveriI Pa 13 bituminous biuminous coal col region annoum annouivuthat that a material materlnl mnatrful1ncreamoe fncreits fncrcnse in the thl wag wnges wngesto B Bto to the miners mluet will vU be b made mlde on April Apri ApriltPout About out IMO QO OQQrnen men In will I be affeUed affeUedTo atede atedeTo To Marry I r fleer r hIdowi hIdowiQenCra Mow MowGeneva IdouGeMa Geneva Feb SrThe The Swiss papers paplu as astert a assent sent Str that thoHoer the1oer Ferret rret committee cmmltec In Inurop Inurope Kuropc urop Is I rendlnsr rendlnr out fully tul equlppid equlppidnd equlpp and nd with wih their passages p llU paid French Frenchand Frenchnd and nd < German SwiM to the Transvaal Transvaaland TrnllQI TrnllQIatd and atd the Orange Hirer Jrr colony to marry mur the Doer DCer willows and orphan girls IIrl8 with withi i view Ie to repopulatlng reJlfulatlnJ the country nn ant onII antreveting < l linventing inventing I elllng the British nrtt h lronl roni bfcomlnjf dominant f redoinlnantInrrnia dominantr otlnant otlnantC r C Inrrnia nrrll rr ir IJ Jrch hIash nih Not nl Con eonnrlned eonnrlnedWUhlngton tinned nntlrmnezlWashington tinnedWashington Washington K Ftb Feh b 6 5Seern 5Several Several days daysoco dls oco a press pr dl dlttwh dhstoh p4Uh from th the City Ciy of Mexico announced InnOUnCl that an American Americanmined Amerlrnnnlnecl mined nlnecl Carroll had hil been killed Illed by Ya Yaqul YoguI i a aqui qui Indiana Indln near San Marclal At the request of Senator Perking lerltlnl ot Callfor CultCr nla in which dtatu atl the father of the man lived lved the state slte deportment depRrhlnt eta teleirraphed teteIraphed etairrapimeit irraphed Iraphed to Atnbnasrulor AmbnKnror Clayton CInYIOI for to In formation torm tlon Today Totla the Ih tollowlnG fohloovlmig follow Ing reply Ieply came tlOI from the umbaxtiador umbaxtiadorCuernavnwi umbllMlador umbllMladorluerlavnca umnbaesadorCuurnavaa Cuernavnwi luerlavnca Max Iex F Jtib Feb b 4 tTII 1TIme Tht con conmi confular commfiular mi fular fiular I a r agent at Quaymas aua mas telegraphs tllelrnllhs the following followingAlleged tolowlng tolowlngAllgell followingAlleged Alleged Allgell killing kiling of Carroll Conol not au ni ¬ thenticated here A party Inrt of Amen Americans Alnerlcans Amencans ¬ cans Just in from trol San 811 Maiclal and sur surloumllng surIuundlug stirmoundimug loumllng country know nothing Au Authorities AUthorltles Antthorltles ¬ thorltles hero not 10t advised advisedAm alhIRCtl advIsedAums Am AlI awaiting nwnllng reports throuch Ihroulh other otherchannels 01111 oIlierclmannels channels CLAYTON CLAYTONfiTIUKi CLAYTON81lmm CLAYroNiTlthibI fiTIUKi COMMISSION cml COMMISSIoN ssHIi HIMItlNOS HIMItlNOSof 11 IICA1IINGlITuuklmig AH GS GSTRkln TRkln Tuuklmig of 01 Testimony Mnilpd Hlllcll Ar Argot ArgotImuetibs ru ruIWulM u uinciitM inciitM IWulM to ItrKln Ifll Monday MondayPhiladelphia ilomidu3Philadelphia Ionlu IonluPhllndelphla Philadelphia Feb 5Aftrr Attfr a sitting sittingof Rltlng Rltlngot of 51 days dn1 the ito antliraclate luthraclllte coal utrlko utrlkocommlBSlon Mtrlkcommlslon etrltcieomtmmlssion commlBSlon commlslon concluded conclud11 the hearing hellng of ofwitnesses otwln ofwItnesses witnesses wln < sse at 5 oclock this afternoon afternoonand ottlno afternoonatmd n nnnll and adjourned until IlItl noxt MonUaywhon MonUaywhont I It t wi will begin to hear heal the argument alllenh of ofcounsel orcOln ofcounsel counsel cOln el representing relrlsentn tho several sevell sides Rhle1ho sidesThe ldi > < i The arguments will take up he le and nnl a aialf half days tho operators hnvltiff hnln bevn bevnasslKiied het1 becimmnsslgmmed asslKiied nsslKIe1 three days and ald the miners miner the theremainder th thrClalnder timeremumaimodor remainder rClalnder of the time IUe Todays 1odIYs BPS les lesSIOM seeBlons Ions wore taken up In hearing heurln the last lastwitnesses lastnItmmessos witnesses presented IJroseltll1 by the miners In Inrebuttal II Itmrebuttal rebuttal rebu Ial Much of U related rcln ted to tl the thealleged thcallegt timealleged alleged allegt unequal distribution distributon of mine minecars Ilne IlneCllrs tattoodotes cars nearly n nrly n dozen toun witnesses wlne se Untl Untlylng tcst f111 tying that they could load moro 1010 cars than thll the companies furnished urllshe1 them Ihtl In all al the commission commlRKlol lipard 5Ct 6Gi > w wit witnesses wItnesses It Itlessen nesses Nine Of f these theiI were wlr called ralell by the commission cOllls810n 2ID 219 by li the union unlol min miners mittera ¬ I ers 155 by b the nonunion miners and I Its by the operators The stenngraph stenngraphttH stenoctph I IH ttH H took down llowf approximately lproxhnnte VW 20 typewritten tYJorlten pages of trstlnony testimony or 2 2400000 0000 words wordsHANKnUITOY wordsUAilcn svordnI1ANiCI4tJlTO HANKnUITOY UAilcn l LAW LAWIrrsldont IjAWrlshlont LAWLrciihtlont Irrsldont rlshlont Signs Mill flIIIIII Ainnnillrie That ThlltQI 01 HUH J 18115Washington 1H1IHWashington HUHWnshlngton Washington Fob n rIhe 1Tlme The president prealdentate ate this afternoon afcrnoon signed signd the bill bi which whichamends whIchnmends ihIclmanmenits amends the bankruptcy law of lIPS ISl8Thu JV8 JV8Tho lIPSTime Time bill bi modifies odlleR the existing IJxIICI law 1m In Inseveral II litseveral several Important particulars partculnrs the principal prlnolpal prin irlmlolpal ¬ olpal one on of which Is n provision In re rerard regard reyard yard to preferred rcedltors rcetllor8 Under tho thoemitting thoexhtln tineLaleting emitting law aw thop tho r who had received receivedmyments recelvct receivedimaYimuelmte myments IIYlcnts from a person who had soon soonafterward SOOI soomiafterward afterward atterlnrd been declared bankrupt could couldnot coull couldot not n ot huvo other claims passed upon uponvlthout upunwihout wihout sv vlthout surrendering tho amount nlount re received recelet ¬ ceived celet ce lted This hls provision wa WUI Wail modliled so soaa soas sos aa a s to allow allol the thl creditors crotllorl to retain time thononey Ihomoney timeomiey renln money mmi received unless the piuvlousi piuvlousipayment lircviausnincnt Poloul payment pnmelt p was fraudulent This change II Is In conformity contormly with a I decision tecilon of the thesupreme IheSUprcmo theupreme supreme s court Another amendment amendmentprovides nnenlhnent amnemimentrovides p provides four new objections to a oils discharge oilsmmirge ¬ charge chlrgc ci mmirge Intended Intudet to objcelons prevent peent persons imersotmeoimi Ils Ilschlrgc from fr oimi going through tlrouKh bankruptcy the themost themost timeoet most nm oet Important of which are the giving of o f a false mercantile mercnntle statement stutemenlald nr tl and the s V 45 e1 I HUNGRY HUNGRYFEED II U N GRY 1c 4 I FEED IT ITIf I H1 H1I I If I i your hair Is turning gray or falling falng out It Is fsstarving Isstarving j starving There Isnt life Ifcenough enough In the roots The Theremedy Theremedy Thercmedy remedy Is simple Feed your hair Feed It with withAyers withAyers p pA i Ayers eiyer A s Hair nair YT Vigor VigorIt IT V igor igorIt It I will wi not do Impossible things but It I often does doeswonderful doeswonderful i wonderful things thingsIt thingsI It I always restores color stops falling falng cures dan dandruff dandruf dandrufT ¬ druff druf and prevents splitting splting at the ends endsII t uwuViSJ uwuViSJMy 1 1I I II My y h hair r was wa three parts gray before I used Ayers yers Hair Vigor Now there Isnt a gray Iuy hair to be seen I have many friends who hive had the same sme experience with It 11 Henry Coleman New York City Ciy N Y u making of a fraudulent transfi r of otoperty ofllmOPeltY property The bill 1IIIIso also proji proIJls i that Ihlt a ashall itshall shall be an objection to a 1 dlHiiutgt tlKlmlKe I if ifa Iea C Ca a voluntary oluntur bankrupt seeks ekl to KM through bankruptcy moro 10ro than once In Insix Insix Itusix six years yearsAnother y yearstmmotiier nrs nrsnothfr Another nothfr amendment provides 1loldel that thlt the appointment nlllollttlnt of a 1 receiver for a for corporation forIlorton conIooratlomm ¬ poration Ilorton which Is Insolventla Insolvtntls an net of bankruptcy banl < uftcy entltllni tntthlI the creditors oredltoll to tochoose tvchoose tochoose choose their o oln own n trustees Anothei Anothel im important 11 tim timPortfttot ¬ portant change chlnKe Is one which given Ives thu thuJederal theIctlerut federal Jederal court concurrent jurIsdictIon JUrl dlcton of ofmilts ofstilts milts 1ls to recover Ie oer property which ban been fraudulently frUllullntl transferred Uunsllrred Other Otheramendments Otheralenllnwnts Othernmmictmdommentuu amendments alenllnwnts allow ulow the thl wives of bank bankrupts blnk blnklptR bankroute ¬ route to testify In the Ilstlt II proceedings proc dlng pro provide prosImIe ¬ vide hl for an increase of lt the Res ea of ret rcferoes reterNS retcross cross erNS and trustees to an In average averge of ofabout otIbout ofmibout about 50 per er cent cfnt over th the fees eees eee allowed alowed by b the present prelent law I 1 I and prohibit Ilrohlll lImo JHocourts tbecourtK lImocourts courts from trm allowing alowlnl greater gfater fees than the law permltn Ilenlts In any an case and anlladll add to the list of It t debts from trm which a l bank bankrupt bankrupt bankrupt ¬ rupt cannot be relieved rtlee by a dlsclmuro from bankruptcy rime fl new CW law In Includes Incilldes ineludes ¬ eludes debts to wife and children chllren and andalimony In1 In1nlmon andalimmion alimony nlmon alimmion The list Isl of corporations corllrotons which whichmay whichmi wimichmom may mi mom go Into bankruptcy InnklUlltC Is Increased by byadding byadding byaddIng adding mining corporations COIIOratona U P I TRAINMEN rUAIJmS HtiNrUNOKD HtiNrUNOKDThoy HI1Nfm OD I ITho I II p pTluoy Thoy Tho StoIc floods InmIetruuss Irniu Jrnll Tralnn 1rlnl Ua Uatwren 11 Shelmcemi < twren Sydney nail Hif imeycilliC jrmir jrmirDenver I IDenver 11 Denver Feb r eb 5 5A A special specnl to the no RePubllean Jj I ill publican IJuhlcnn from trol Cheyenne Cheyonn Wyo yo any Judge JUd1 Scott this afternocn Itternoc imsjed imsjedccntencc IIIRm I Iaentence V ccntencc upon a nutnher nurher of the Union 1 1Inctfic Pacific trainmen trllnen who are alleged aleled to I l l have been members of a srlmr 111 of box boxcar boxcar I J Jmr car Ihluvis that operated opernell for three threeInotmtios t months between Sydn Sydney > Neb and Cheyenne and IIHI stole several thousand thousandorth IIOlllnll1 thousandnyortim worth of goods goodsL I L I G S Drake got four years year In th thpenitentiary the theIJulltenltnry theuunmoltenitary 1 penitentiary Arthur Athul Austin AUstn cot Iot 10 < < days dU1 In Jail and a > 10 fine tne Frank Cue Kllo lelo was wa dlHchoiged and John Meyers Meyersgot MeyerJot ll got Jot CO days d 8 In jaIl jul and nd J5o One lne Con ¬ ductor Phuerei huerc and Jirakeman nkeman Curran Curranpleaded CUftO j jpleaded i ipleaded pleaded guilty gll to granu runu larceny and will 11 tt I be sentenced tomonow tomonowArthur tomorol 11 11Artimur Arthur Wermuth n 19yearold 19 Nlrold boy boywas boyens 1 was wal today sentenced pentenccl to SO days dt s In Jail Jai Ho lt pleaded IJleHled guilty lult to petit 11ct larceny larcenThr j i The Ttm three alleged llleetlmrglars burglars Scott Sct Me MeGulre Quire and Laybourn JaYIJurn were this eve evening eY eQfling ¬ I fling discharged dlschane there being bell no evi evidence 01dence cmldeuce ¬ lllt dence ninlnJt oHRlt them ther l h Rw flJ I IIt It lightens lightensyour lghtens J reserve of ofstrength ofJ ofyour ofyourheartfor your yourheartfor heart hear for forthe strength and anderve andthe andthe the mor moringiasks erve ervetrength ervengtasks erveingtasks 5 I ingiasks ingiasksgives li trength trengthhat trengh trenghgives trengthgives gives givesstron f t hat stays staysyyou staysstron staysf staysstron stron I l yyou yyouFather y you youA q S l J ftfI I m 9l 4 I Ip II I p 1 t I IN N l lI lI lI I t I > I I 11 11aw aw t I I1Il 1Il I 4 1 1tk l I tk J The TheAmerican Th ThFather Father Fatherof j American AmericanWork Americanof of ofCereals Work WorkFood S I S ti tiCereals Cereals Food Fooduakeroats f I Quakeroais QuakeroaisA uakeroats uakeroatsA Jt JtS A Ccreta Spoon Coupon in in Every Ever Package Packa e S I