p I 6 DKS3CHKT EVENING NEWS WEDNESDAY JPEBinJAIlY 8 1105 I MINING BUSINESS AND STOCKS I COLUMBUS CON1 ANNUAL MEETING Jld Board of Directors Vindicated By Being Elected to Serve Another Year BEST OF FEELING PREVAILED President Jncohsou Says the Mill Will Probably Co Into Commission Again Next Week The nnnual meeting of the stockhold ers of the ColuinliUH CcneoMJuleil JMn ink corn > nny was hold yrntfrilay ut ternoon and resulted In the reelection of the old board of dIrectors The bent of harmony prevnllwd and It nny dls RitlefaKtlon exIst over the way things liivvft hen conducted the past It did not come to the surface On the con trary the result vas a hearty approval of the management ot President Jacob non who vlll continue In that position for another year The other officers nro Clarence K McCornlck vice president j Arthur 13 Know secretary and treas urer who with William H Jeffs nnd U y Clieyiiowoth of Houghton MichIgan constitute hoard of dlrcctorK President Jacobson cnlil today Hint the water nhortngo Is gradually dl ni licarlnsr and In nil likelihood the mill will be started lignin Rome time next vok The pondlnc nsiessmf nt on the capital flock of the company becomes delin 1 quent next Saturday nfl It la expect ed that practically all of It will bft raid In by that time although It In usually the case that some will rut off jHirtlnK with their money till about tha tiny of Hale nnd pay additional the cost of advertising With thin nmosment l > nld In the Columbus company will bo entirely free from debt and equipped UH It In there In no reason why tho mine should not enter at once upon Its money making career Th construc tion period Is over with for nwhllo at least and thn cxpenncs will now bo reo Ouced to only what Is necessary In tho operation of tho mill and mine 0 In a report Usued by tho board of illrcrtor recently the statement was mndo that with the mill running at HH rapacity the earnings of the company monthly should aggregate about JJBOOO Unless somothlnK unforwen lmppnn the Columbus should pot Into the divi dend column before very long ON MINING EXCHANGE Hulk of niitlncis Done Was on tho Open Hoard Flue brokers who are members of the Fult IJilio Stock Mining exrhaiiRO did more business during the open board HitHlon this forenoon than they did during the regular call During the latter only live stocks were brought out these being Hllver Shield Star Consolidated Uncle Bam Consolidated Victoria nnd UulllonHeck Tunnel Hll cr Hhlcld remained firm until It wan called out on the open board whm It uluckencd NllRhtly Uncle Sam Consol idated held fairly steady thus stock soil ing nt 26 and as high UH 2C 6 Con Mercur passed tho calls tin changed New York opened weak but strength filed slightly May Day sold at 8 > i centK Tim clotlng fiiiotatloim and sales were TODAYS QUOTATIONS Htocltll BId 4tmmked Allco 10 AJax 10 U htdhiomm heck 70 IIIIIB 08 lO Iulm Mcrur 36 3ry rcolo II 40 Ilnly M 2 62 1 nlllyJtIlI 611i 700 nIYctlt 1410 H 60 lIIRlc Illume Bell M Olllfl1l 12 lra11l1 ClrRI 116 3 o 310rn Silver 110 200 lIlot ot1t Loser Mammoth 11 a May 1ty os OSIa Jlnnlll1nth 110 t 40 Jntarln 3 10 1 60 Jctrll 08t4 12 fJnolIIMllo 10 1011 4iitsm King M 00 60 00 RllvOI Hhlelll 11 151 fJollth HWIIlIlel1 MtAt fltRr Con 2 13Y Sunshlno nt fhIIISell I 20 tltnh 13 O Tilde SIII1 Con 6 ½ 21 I 1 S Nimmleg t 3 00 Victoria 1 81 I DO JJutler Ilblrlll h24 13V eeiliury oa 12 Joe I10WPTS 00t4 03 Utth1 Chief 01 0IV Olnrtha WaRhhIKlntl O frv york 47 ½ 4D ll1elnnolld nneOlllln 01 02 fdro 1S 194 Iclorll eOIl 08 05 iVabnuClt 110 I 8106 Tniulcce dj STOtTI rt 1 31 2 ronoptmh 7 ilHfot 11 21 fonollflh Delmont TO 00 1I1opnh MltlwAV to 91 fonopnh xtenlln A 00 G T6 lonlRI1II TOllopth 2 7 ½ 2 TG Jim lIuller Tonopah 49 LO lnoNnmnrn 110 JlorcoUon1tlIllIk 10 iolihileh Bonanlll OS HKOUMU CALL HALKII I Silver Shield 100 at It Star Con KOO at It undo Sam 500 nt 26K 500 at 2GI4 Vlctorbi 60 at 100 Jieck roan 6W ut CH 1600 at T OP N 110AUD SALUB Con Mercur 500 nt 3 DalyWont 10 at 15N I Little Chief 1000 at So MayDay 1000 at S li New York 100 Nt 47i 000 at IS tOO nt 4SVti UOO at 4SM WO at UM > s 10 I Hllver Shield BOO at 11 500 at H K i I l COO nt 11 Uncle Bam 500 nt 2CU 1000 at 16 I Victor Con 1000 At I IlKCAlITUUVTION Sharei Amount ncgulur 3550 GOStt Open hoard 15410 1159o Forenoon totals 159 0 S0 I75 r A S OAMIUIILL I d 1 Block IJrokerJlG n V Yallte Blogk TEA What else can you buy ns you buy Schillings Best I LIKt mmr ro f r1OUfUO4 do IHh EDWARD M ASHTON IDAHO SUCARS BOUGHT AND SOLD Rooms 301303 News Dldg 1hones neil Mk Ind M7 IF YOU FAMILY IS SICK YOU CALL Off WU 1OCTOR lo tLlD 70 1 rot wi SMITHS F LOU R NOW PRIVATE WIRE SERVICE JAMES AI POLLOCK COI BANKERS AND UROKERS t VEST SECOND SOUTH ST BAIT LAKE CITY I OHDEHS IUOMITIY EXECUTED IN STOCKS BONDS COTTON CIIUIN AND PHOV18ION3 IHIVATB IKASKD WiniCH WITH IO CAN AND IIIIYAN COWIES PONDIKOMIMDE S Now York Block Exchange New TnrX Cotton UxchnriKp Boston Stock KiJ chance Chicago Board ot Trade WU IIANmK AM PIIOMINKNT UTAH 11ININO AND roMMKHCIAL STOCICS p I Time Table B IN EfFECT Dec 41904 I AUUtVlJ Prom Ogden Portland IJutto San Kranclico Chicago Bt Iouls Omaha and Denver 8W am 1rcm ogden and intermediate point 93 am From Ogden Cache Valley and Intermediate points 11M am Prom Ogden Chicago St Ixml Kuniai City Omaha Denver and Jan 1 raiiclsco IMJpru Prom Ogden Cache Valley Ht Anthoti > Portland and San Itanclsco 740 pm DISPART For Ogden Omaha Chicago Denver Kansas City and Hi Louis 700 am For Ogden Portland St An thony San rrarcUco and In termedlnto points 1030 am For Ogden Omaha Chicago Denver Kansas City fit Louis and flan Francisco 110 lrn Por Ocaen Cache Valley Den ver Kansas City Omaha St louls and Clilouro 545 pm rot Ogden Cache volley Butte Helena Portland Han Fran Cisco and Intermediate points 1143 pm T M BCHUMACH15H Trnf Igr IX B IHIIUBY O P T A I > 8 SPKNCim A U T A City Ticket OfrU SOI Main Street Telephone XO COLORADAUTAH SHORT LINE TO ST LOUIS Through car Bait Uke City to St Louis and Jan nll Clly Only one change to New York Iluftolp and principal point cant low ratl for summer travel Es > cclfil attention to ladles and chil dren Tourists sleepers through to Chicago Boston nnd other points without change TWO TRAINS DAILY Inquire nt ticket nffko IN D < v > ley Block Halt Iwikn City Any Information cheer fully given II C TOWN8BND 0 P A T A MUsourl Iucflo Ily fit Ixnild Mo I 1 Through Standard Sleeper daily I Salt Lake to Chicago Also through Tourist Cars Lands you at the new i Laualla Street Station in tho morn I ID The ing Best Dining Car Serrico I Intimate to us you expect to take I Heart of a trip Well do the rest I z We have superior service to Flor II It ida and Southeastern points Chicago If yon are interested in Oklahoma 0 I we can give you valuable informa 0 tion = Write or phone 245 We will f come and sea you 100 West Second 5 South street I i 1 I I OHAS D SLOAT Qanl Age Donvor I 11 > > E DRAKE DInt PBBB Apt Salt Lako City Utnh 4 4 i 1I1Ir J MlUJ v IF ALL GOLD BRICKS Were Gold Zu I Forlunntfly or unfortunately m Just ns you view Ittheyre not The name with credits Theres plenty of gold brick credit and always Homebody to accept them That what ware In bus s mess for Huddle them up and I send them to in Let us apply I our syxtcm and convert them In ri r to coin of tho realm Meet of us rJ 7 could use a little more of it In ri our buslnenH and we beg to nug w 6 goat this as one way to ease the tension of the dull season THE Merchants Protective Association Bclentlflo Collections of Bad Debtacncr offices top floor Commercial National Hank Building Bait Iako City FlUNCtS O LUKE den Mir Some 1eoplo Dont LIke Us 1 W jli7 OZ L NI jI TIME TABle San l r les A gelea anu S tlQ El I n n 10 4 DE1 Anr 0 1 Irllll Line rg Shri ko 11 eLU for Irovo Lohl lalrllold nru fly d Mercur connratlnc nftir 11 for Mont and Intermediate vKlnli0S fnV lo Vafle II M i or Clarneld Dean Odil > w a cv Stockton Mammoth iVirki and Silver City via r > um mjton cutoff For Irovo American Jolk w Lam Ichl Juab Milford KrU o Caontcs and lntiriji < lIlolft points I6 Abut IVb I From Irovo American Jtk 1ihI Junb Mllford m Q Clillentc and InterllleulJllo POIntS iiiittii A From Provo Uhl Vamut SI a Mercur nail Banpeto vS y Hallway points From Hllver City Marnnvti I > 11I llurokn fjloclllon foooo arltl IJnrtlcd Hench Oally I pro Dally Pullman Duffel Bplnir p vice tietwten Ha t Lake CIty ad W9 MouVna and Call on UN It i Direct Stage oonnocllnna tor t11lIrlclro In aouthern Utah nOd Nva I I n Va4L City Ieket Office J bln II tal Telephone to K W OlltETT j t aim IaS3 Agt Diet his ACI The Lag 0 llRoaj Snit Lake nndOgdon Railway Time Trtbl In effort Spl I lxc Leave Salt lAke 63Q and t t 11 3 and 1 tn lcave larmlnlft n end ZlgLOfl 720 In4 10 a In f3 < nnd 630 II m rxtra trllln8 al 11 a III and 1 on Sundays and hioiiday 1 I A D liEISUN Gnh PISI A tl J 0 IICAN rxrur81011 Agt Ofnce 161 Main Street Curront Time Tnbio In effect Oct 9th 1901 MUVK SIT luum CITY No ioFor Hcbcr Provo and Marysvale ROO am No 103Kor Iatk CII City j > lIn No trI or Denver and IIlt C a am No 6 1or OKHIMI and set H ii < 61 No 1Kor ogden antI Most II pm No 2Kor Dcnvnr and Kist t pm No SKor Irovo and IJureka Wprn No 111For Hlngham fi IG um No 1UFor DlnKiiam oo pm No lllor Ogden nnd Lt > < al polntB 6 re pm No IIor Denver and KuM 8 unm No 3For Ogden and West aw pm Aititivu stir laiti CUT No eKrom Ogden and th Went 19am No liKrom Ogden and 1001 point 9flam No 7I roll IMHka and Irnvu limLm No frFrom Denver and Eiist 1 i m No lIrom Denver and UaM l M pIn No SFrom Ogden and the West M nm No 101From Park City 01 > pm No oKrom Hebcr Irovo nail llIrYllvlllo 6 pm No mFrom lllnghnm li lam No 115Froin TlliiKhnni M n m No 4From Ogden and tho West 7 prn No S From Denver nnd East 11 10 Pm All trains except No 1 and u n in t Intfrmcdlato points Ticket Oftlce Dooly Block 1h 1M 31S I A lUSTtV len ACI la3 li vip h I p When Going East Try tho Illinois Central H R The Short Line to Mlnneapollj and Bt Paul Unexcelled ser vice to those points na well as Chicago nnd all points south Be tween Omaha and Chicago The line runH through the best dls trlctn In Iowa and Illinois pass ing through Fort Dodge Water loo nnd Dubuque Iowa and Ilockford and Krcrport Illinois For full Information and liter ature call or write I J A FOLEY Commercial Agent 79 West Second fjouth Salt LAke City Utah I A Fast through trains daily to Chicago via tho CHICAGO NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY tho doublotraok lino be tween tho Missouri River and Chicago Direct connection with all lines to tho East Two trains daily Omaha to St Paul and Minneapolis i excellent service to Duluth Und Superior Cfio Dest of Everything Pullman drawingroom aletpicg M n bullet emoklng and library UrI DookloTera library dlnlcp cam u carte earvice trio rflmlnz c Wlr ran and otandartl couliei p tsn ItiUfli IIQ 5117 hi CA WALKER Cenl Act 0 4 HWRf 30 And 40 West Second Sooth 51 SALT LAKE CITY UTAH I w14u it 1i I 11 t SUNATOK I WIS HAST UlnhXevadn Project llnptdly Apprnnch I Ing a Ciilinlniitlon fitate Senator A H Lewis of II aver Ififll county who shook hits lecliUtlve duties I 1 mmmmrr4mrmmrrrrrrrrvT townrdd the und of lust week and boarded tho tmln for Now York Is now nt the enitcrn office of time UtahNo vsda JllnsK and Smelter corporation and nrlvato advlrei from them indi cate thai tho financing of the new corporation Is programing wtlafaolor Ily and that then la every r en son to hellovo the senator U uolng to pull out on top AwodatCMl with him arc men of folld financial nlandlnr and who lire able to tacklo nlmont any mlnliu enterprise of mugnltudo Hen tOm Uewln won wired that his pron mice wits desired In the east calIcO fluently ho niked for a leave of nli H nco from the LegUlaturo believing that ho could nerve tho county whluh ho roproientH bettor by bringing tbe NovmliUtHti project to a Hiicvoeiful culmination Inictlcully nil of time iletHlh It IH said havo been attended to and that In H ihort while vigorous steps will be taken owards the opnr utloii of the Comet Imperial nail Mon treal proportion III Deuvcr county the Manhattan nt 1loche Nevada nnd tho Knot Chance of lllnghum which mx to ho taken over by the new company upon which Senator Lewis has spent rrors than n years time In promotlntr Hom thlni definite Is expected In u few days H + HII + IHHiI + IHI + JI Todays Metai Juolalions j Local mttllns priced as report I ed by the American Smelting ± and Holnlnc company i SIIVKR 6154 ± COPIEK CASTING 14 F II ELECTRO 1 4 136 t LEAD 13 5Oj445 New York Quotation 4 LEAD firm 4454 6o CopiER quiet I 54 LLL LL THK MIDWAY HTRIKK Oro Shipped Title Uouk Hint Will Aver uge tOO to Ton HpeaWni of thc recent bib Hlrlko In the TonopnhMldwuy mine tho Tono pih Uontuiai nay Ore iiinnlni Into tho tliounandH of dollars wna oxjiosod In the cast ami Ufrst dilftH The hedge run cant mint west with n dip of 10 degrees to tho north anti fulrly glitters with native and ruby ullvcf The values arc mostly In silver being the came aw tho Mon taiialtanopah In that reHpcct Threo carloads will bo Hhlpped on Monday that will average SOO to th ton nnd If the packs were at hand 60 mOO worth could ho shipped Immediately nemo of It JlCOO ore tho result of only two weeks work Tho strike of the rich ore was no unexpected thnt time company was unprepared to handle I I Tho Tonopnh company kindly loaned limo Midway people 181 sacks yesterday and 111 nrdar has linen placed by wlro for Havtrnl thousand Judge Dlckfou of the law firm of Dlckson KlllH Kills of Salt Lake City nnd it director of the M on tuna 1ouopnl nltendcKl the director lot Thursday Flue Ing of tho company 11 11 ay brilliant Is an enthusiast on Tonnpuhtt brlllt futtlio 1clgttt C IIOX baa been eleced sec retury of the MontnnaTonoimh sue ceedlns I 1 Dunlap Ho will arrive In Tonrtpnh In a few dayx Pun MolmwkAlplno la pushing de velopment work on Its property nt Hllvor Peak The drIfts stl Property In linn ON and large quantities of 0 Ino ore arc being placed on the dumpe The now mill Is practically completed I JIn m Nml Shlpmiint bnniplcil < ll ra NbonH lincour 11111 ValucN A mniill lot of ore fiom time Little I Mindha mine at Iloche Nov was Bum plod II few days rw and tho controls showed values to the amount of M per cent heath 852 OUIICOB In silver and 03 ounucn In Kohl rime result WitH so oncouraKliig that those Interested 1mm the property have decided to Inaugurate 1 vigorous cnm imlgii of dovolnpmont Immediately An Incline lmft put down to limo depth of 78 feet oticauntcred the ort OIL MltN Oi lNO Largely inmcrgtcJin Wyoming and Utah IlvlJi A Party of 1l tel cnpltnlbitK stock holdll In time 1lltiiburgBult Lnko Oil campnny tire elm mute wet on I tour of 118101 nnd wi be piloted about by A V Tuylor mannser of the propoimd Kail MIC Houthern HallroHil couipnny MrTiylor will meet the jnirty at Grand Junction tomortnw sail tins arranged for It special train to convey the visi I tor frnm MouniU lo BuntiyHlde There are 1 In the party nnd nil of them urn experienced In the I business The fompany hu procured In thn stile mid WyomlnK something like 200 000 ncien of oil luplmltum and other iiyti rimes bon inndH The UtAh inter t s Ave located In Carbon county nnd those I In Wyoming At Spring nlly In tho latter fluId the company has dtiVlng tlu < imit yanr xllenllo1 n cry large amount of money mmmmd bus several oil well 1 ready to be brought In nail mad productive moll thl things to ho considered by the vhvltluv capitalists In the construe tlol of I rellnery nt SprlnKValley nnd poMlhly one for the aspliiillum deposits nf Carbon enunty i I Ncvndti Allnlnu Stocks Todi yH cloflng tuotnttons of tho storks called on the Ban l < nmol co Tonopih Stock oxehlnA tlrnlshet by Jnmot follows A Pollock Co brokers ore us ikm4 I YIf Amlaummim S 1 1 1 OoiulflimhL IOlt11 4 Oolden Allchol T3 7 Ooldlleh 1 1 Mohawk 10 1 Jim Hiler 11 1 Jumbo 07 Q9 Jumbo Uxtmlull 1 a lacNRmar 17 1 lay O1irtuu 06 08 loltllnTlopnh 202 30 TllOp 11 HfuL 0 10 fndllor GT TO clolbIlmolt 8 S ooph rmmoi 11 11 Tonollh lhttnilon 50 51 Gold mlountiin 18 13 North Star 4 41 Tonoh Midway 3 94 Conlll 3 1 oi lul1 1 3 1lcler M i on Irllnll tO 210 lfhl 748w T1 Caleonia lexlcln TI 1 Iug 40 1ltol till I 14 Union Jrl1 I I 1 t ICxehecquer I 48 I IOrrl I 40 1 t WARMING UP ATNEI1OUSE Fires Were Kindled Today Under The Hollers nt Great Power PI 1 n t WILL TAKE ANOTHER WEEK lo M tIN the Concentrator Heady to Go Into Commission Metallurg ist Ikttlct on Ground i I The new concentrating mill nt New home which In to r duco thoores of the Cactus mile to conccntrntv li practlcRlly ready for operation The boiler of the power plant are being wiirmtd up today Manuftr Ise Ilnnchttt who returned from camp this morning nay It will probably he a week before everything II In readlnoH far tho formal placing of the mill In commission ns It will Inko that much time to x U thing llni bared up Until the pow r plant Is stalled will hi biought through ItUIC no ore wi brughl thloush the tunnel but It will only hia mat ter of u few hours at most until the electric haulage system will be In op erutlon nnd the work of lining tho bins begun On coming from the tunnel the oro passes through the crushing depart meat whldh Is located near time tunnel ontrnnco After being crushed the product la brought down over the trucks of the Newhouse Copper Gulch A Sovlrr Lake railroad to the mill where It goes through the procois of concentration Chief MetnllurgUt A J lleltlan Is on liand nttcnUliiK to ovary detail rotative to thu starting o tho plant and expects to hnve ovrything In splondhl running order by the time Mr Nowhouso whole return from time oast Is expected on any trnln reaches tho scene Mr BellIes will remnln nt his post until tho plant Is thoroughly tried out und when this Is determined It will will bo formerly accepted nnd tho con tractor released The cornmciromunt of mllllnK oper ations at Nowhouxc will add another Important copper producer to Utahs brilliant galaxy of bonanzas U will murk another grand iichlovcnujnt In the states mining history Morn than 2000000 has been expended In mak ing tho Cactus property rendy for re duction and In building n town which Is u model of perfection CGNNI ANSWERS Denies1 iikIng Ore I rmn notion It Mon tana Ground Untie Mont Feb SJohn MacOln nlm vice president of the United Cop per company Iliad In the federal court today hU Reparuto answer In limo case of the Uutto Boston company ngfilnst the Moitaim Oro Purchasing company Basin Itcductlon company K A Helnzp John MacGlnnlss Alfred Frank 11elnze A Wldn y The action Is for 5COO000 ilamagus to oro alleged to have bten wrongfully taken from the Michael Davit mine by tho defendants MacCltnnliM denies taking any ore from the mine ns alleged Ho also denies that he over smelted any ore from the Mlulmel Davltt claim at the Uwdn plant und alleged that the plaintiff has ever not been damaged In any aum what Mr Mncdlnnlss also flied n demurrer In the case of the Hntto Hoston company ngalnat tho Montana Ore und others which Purchasing company other InlchralllS case for 16000000 begun to secure damages for ore alleged to have bteu wrongfully taken from mines In which the plaintiff In Interested CASH CON IlNuTD Dig Mlnlne Null Agnlim llclnie Ones ther fill Monday nuttc Mont Fell 80n account of tho writ of prohibition secured against him by the Helnze attorneys In tho Ml prcitio court Judge Douniuln han con tinued till next Monday the further hearing of the order to show cause In tho big 1 ton Montana ease which was to hnve como up today Thls IH the proceeding In which It Is Bought to strike out the tinnwer of de fendant Helnze In the suit thnt was brought by tho Boston R Montana com pany to recover W750000 damages for oro alleged to bivc been lootod from veins belonging to the plaintiff com pany itamiTiMOHili Mcctl niv I A sptclal meeting o the board of di rectors iof the MontaliaTonopHli com pony was hell In the oillc of the com pany In Tonopah Thursday afternoon to consider n number of Important matteiH Including tin election of I pucccsnor to fill the vacnney caused by the leslgnatlon of K P nun lap ns HOC r tftry and treasurer of the company cayH tho Tonopnh Miner The resig nation of Mr Dunlnp was accepted to take effect February 15 Instead of Jan tntry IS ns heretofore announced and KdBur 0 Knox a brother ot Prraldent I Chi K Knox was elected to till the vacancy The now Incumbent who will arrive In tlm to nesumn bin duties on the iJth haR Just completed u course In the Golden School of Mines nnd IK In every way ciiolll1ed for the dllllcult I portion CONCKNTKATI5S Four CAtS of Tonop h oresi Are report ed at the samplers today Samuel Newhoune Is eX1Itll to re turn from the fat on Rny train Secretary W 0 Ijttnbourno of tho DnlyJuJg Mining connwny In In Park City today The last of the mntsrlsl for the Con tln nt lAlla tr msiiy Is expected to arrive today Amos I Uoynton of Chicago who Is Interested In severed western inlnlni entcrprlMfl Ie In the city T W Il nnte general manger of the Shannon Copper comp ny Clifton Aria Is looking over Utah camps I A carload of high grade IMM ori from tho Uncle Sam Consolidated reached the uumplera this motnlng Manager Pitch and Supt Allen of the United a tales mlnw aro at thc CentennlHlUureku proporty In Tlntlc today Tho ore Qiid bullion ruttltmenU re ported late yesterday were ax follntva Crude ore und concentrates 139000 base bullion UOCO Managing Director Honry Catrow of I the Ohio Copper company reculvad thi congratulations of friends today over the arrival of I son at his hOI President John Darn aiul Director A W Cheittrton of the Consolidated Mar cur mine are nutklntr an Inspection of the Honerlne at Stockton today Owing to a serious accident to the hoisting plant operVttlomt nt the Scot tlth Chief mine nt the head of rug Cottonwood od canyon have been mispend The new Aboard of directors of the OulumbiiB Consolidated Mining com pany expected to go on an Inspection trip to the mimic today but on account of tho etqrtn postponed until tomorrow Supt Frank Jardlne of the Century mine of ltrk Valley Is down from onmp Tho mill will not bo marled up again for Komu little time the Inten tion being to devote all energy to ux plomtlon The Tonopah Ilnllroad company has ndveitl ed for bids for tho construction of Il proposed TunopahOoldilelil line C C Higgins a former well Known stock broker and u brother of Will C higgins editor of the Mining Review has arrived nt Tonopah and Golducld The ore shipments over the Tonopah railroad this week tigrrgnted 130 tons of which U tons cnmo from aoldtlcld The hlpmentfl are divided as follows From Tonopah Tonopah company 908 toiiH JlontanaTonopah Iii toim Del inont 39 tons Tonopah Kxtenflon 210 I Imu From Qoldfleld Sanddtorm 1 tonn Florence 16 tons Uinuaiy 10 Crow Springs Qttlncy 22 tons Tone puh Minor The Mnloncy brothers who have been developing a property at flood Spring Nov will coon be prepared to Inaugu rate ore shipments to thn local market F C Richmond at the head of the ma nohmnlli chlnery department of time Salt I ikfl Hardware company received an orij r today for an aerial trxniwiy which will connect the mine with th loidlng sta tion Mr Richmond also shipped two 60 horsepower boilers to the Frisco Con I tact property at Frisco Uoovor county STOCKSACTIVE t PRICES GOODI After Some Advances and Declines They Surged Upwards Under Leadership of Rending IMPORTAIIT GAINS WERE MAE Selected Stocks Were lilt Up Spas nioJlcallj HonJs Were Steady New York Feb 8Prlces otartoil upwards ward briskly In the opening dealings In the stock market 6n well distributed de mand After a succemlon of imnll ad vnncpH mid rtecllnfs nrlilnir from the opening strength nnd traders realizing prices urged strongly upwards under the leadership of Heading and Ontario A Western Iloth stocks were absorbed In IIUKU blocks ant Htatllelicil gains of 21 and 2e respectively during tho lint hours business Tho numerous special ties figured extensively In the buying movement and made material advance but the standard railroad stocks rose only moderately Among the important giilns were United States Rubber prifmed 6i Orcat Northern preforrcd and Federal Mlnlnir 3 and Northwestern New York Central Chicago Terminal preforreil Pi clllo Mall United States llubbef Woolen and Henlty I to l ½ Hiiullnp was well eusUlncl old I num ber of Tndustrialii wcro lifted sharply hut realizing at other points rmilo Inrmuh oni prices The Metrojiolltaii stocks Ten iieswo Coal Chicago lon ICunsas City Southern preferred Detrolt South crn arid National fnd were forcfd 1 to 1 < 4 under last night and BalM of the maiket loiulfiH n fraction Central Kall rold of New Jersey Hock leland pro forred Texas Parliic General KJectrlc Pacltlc Mal and Hepubllo Steel pre ferred rose I to I point There win n sale of IDT shares of Iturllnciton at l ° n rnoi1lc bidding up of selected ntockl V Iut little effpct on tho general mar k and much Irregularity vn manl tled In the meant at the prlies Man Imttans rapid rise of 3 polntu after 13 nclock and Readings bulgn to 97 did lit tie mimic than otendj thf market Metio polltnn Street Halluny moved up a point over hint night and MetropoJItnn R curl ties recovered Its tss Northwestern pie 11 ferret jumped 6 points vhllo American V5jire ii foil oft 5 The recovery In the MetronollUn Trap tlon carried Metropolitan Street Itnllway 8H nnd MMrcipolltim HecurlllCB Ti ovpr last nlpht IMclllc Mall row 214 and Federal Mining S The general tOM was rath r heavy and the local traction reacted I to Wt Irfad and Pnclfta Coast ii Rt 1 1 O was < run up a point at 2 oclock UVIWTOCK CIIICAC10 Chlrago Vf > 8Cattl RM > elptn 2 WX1 market slow Good to prima steers BliOflOX poor to medium 3i d4J n1elum tockrs amid feeders 2JW480 cwwg 1 25 etl35 hellerl 2roffiW mnners 1 S > tt 5M bulls 2C008 0 calves 3CMI725 Hopj Receipt today BOtO tomorrow 4O mark 15 cents lower Mixed cud biilchers 4701f48S good lo cbolco heavy J5S1 rough heavy 4cl17l1si lights 1fi5405 bulk nf sale l 4WHJ4fO HhffpnerrlplB lSOOti mnrliet stfadv lambs stonily Ooml to cholro wethers SOlflCM fair to choice mixed 4 Km 23 WMtern Mioep 4rAi48 native lambs 5755OO i western lambs 7HJ80 OMAHA t South Omaha Feb lCnttle Receipts 3Wi menthol slow Native steers 34X 801 cows and Ixlfern l75iM10i cnnnern 13366 tnpkers and feeders BlOfN 2J 376 ciHlveo 380S675 bulls slugs etc lSOffc UoRffRecetpts 7iO j market 10 cents lower Heavy f i mixed 4 m75 lights HMNM pigs 3WV bulk of ml s 4tUl 3ft40 BheepRncelpts 1lm mirkel steady Western yearlings K71610 wetlmrs GO f i ewes 496OT J lambs 9MMJO KANSAS CITY Kansas City Id b Cnttlclleeelpts flOiO market steady to 10 cents lower Xstlve PiPers ir > tt7K native cows and h lfrs 17MT4 X itnekera and feeder 37Ml4i hulls SXfnffi cnlvAs lWfl 8 K western fed steers 35085 western fed cons 200 i llngii Rfe > ipts Uoxi market 10 cents lower Hulk 4re1o heavy l 8fl4W4 pitrkera 47Hr4M pigs nnd llghti 4009 in in8hte > Receipts 800 market steady Mutton 4IOC iff lambs 6t04T7GC range wetimlins S 467 fed ewe I7WI3 puonuci CHICAaO Chicago Fob iLMey wheat oponM oft U Chcalol lHliMriii4 and told at 116ft July opened > i to > i lower at lttH t Im After selllnp off tJ lol i time price HtMdUd round 101W01U Cash VbeatNo 2 r1 1a No t red 1110117 No 2 haul llim lll No 3 hard 1C03113 No1 northern 1 3 No 2 norlhtrn JltfllSVii No3 sprIng 1O6iItG 1tGI f p 2 1liG4J14i No 3 tb HIU OmtNo 2 SOiiflSOfil No 3J ½ 3 f li May Roll off to 116 and July to lOOMP LOOK May closed lower and July was down L CioseWhutMay lUWi July 1sT Bent WflCCtt 55fT tept Dm May 45U July 41 i Hint 46 < atekeb 30 May 30I60OtI July 2Ji > X Sept MVOW 11 PorkFob 1 Vii May 125214 July UtlV Feb U70 May BSTfcs July 700 Sent 710 C0M34 HibsKeb UI May 6MM JuUvGtt UvoKelj 74 rlaxC h northwest 12 Tttuithyreh 265 CloverlZ HurleyCash JJfllD IV VOrtlt PKODUKK New York lab 5Sugar raw dull Ifalr refining 4H i centrifugal 0 tout ifc milascp stiRnr 4H HellnedOnlot Crushtd 673 powder ed SU eramilatMl BO CorteeQulet No 7 Rio 6V4 WOO ST LOUIS Rt Louis Peb 8Wool steady Ton rltory and western mediums 210J One medluinit 1701S line 16017 DAILY GRAIN LETTER Memrs LoganUoiiA of Chicago tele graph their local correspondents James R Pollock Co over their private wire on the grain and provision situation as follows ChUago Keb 8 Wheat Uronrnhall ca bles the large Incicave In European visi ble and weather In India cuuseu clhlor cnblos on the Ilvcrpool markets MIn nonpolU stocks dccreatcd 4COul for hive duu 1rliniui maikeu report Blow ron illtloris prevailing In tho cash Munition Repotts In the northwest show a slight Increase us comiviied with I ye ir r but tho southwest continues small Con milerubly under the last year Trod In thll niiiltut hue rutid extremely iiulci and maintained a linn show of strength throughout the nefsl n up to about half an hour before tho close Tho heavy nowRlo1 reported all thiouKh the south west caused ionic helling of the July wheat bllnglng about I sympathetic de cline In tho Mny The speculative sllui thin Ktlll seems unchanged to us Mar kct continues to KO back and forth with in a narrow range Market still rellocti 111 rrfed tho strong potlllun or tho bull interests and we Incllns to tho belief that any fur ther hrenkH will llnd market oversold CornTim situation Mill looks unchang ed Acceptance still continue fairly lib ernl with absolutely MIO cash demand While these conditions hIt wo nro uuablo to seem any hopo for Improvement In price present and fear prices mnrltet will do well to maintain Oatse sec no Immediate prospect for I mmlrovmnent Improvement Provl lon ronsld rlng tho largo boa receIpts the nctlon of tho market was en eournRlnp nnd eern to Indicate support by the piVdnp clement While hog continue pIlng tinue to ciiinc to mqrKet us freely as at iiiewnt It Mema out of tho question to ry bull provisions H + I + + I + IHH + H + H BOSTON MARKET s Closing quotations today as re Ij 1 ported by the Brokerage FInance 1 1 broken wen to Hudson Sons Co C Hid Asked Amalgamated 7376 7100 lllnghnm 32CO 3300 Con Mercur 36 40 PalyWest 1537H 16CO 1 Utah 4162H 4175 U S Mlnllifr 2325 237714 1 TONOPAH STOCKS f Tonopah 1175 1200 Mont Tonapnh 260 275 Belmont S3 85 1 North Star 37 SI Paymaster 03 01 111 1 111 1 1 + 1 1