OCR Interpretation

Deseret evening news. [volume] (Great Salt Lake City [Utah]) 1867-1920, February 08, 1905, Last Edition, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045555/1905-02-08/ed-1/seq-7/

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ai VmC I
Talks Finds No
feirfd peace
Mo in Official and Diplomatic
Circles in St Petersburg
Sense of the Word the
10 rBlleit
War Never IIns llectl I
rttenburr Feb 7 1110 p m
Et talk reaultlnB from
fneW pea a
Jffot Ambawaaor Cas lnl and
Takahlra rt tho iiato depart
5 ter Whlngton and the confer
S of In AmlMMdor Dumnd and Mr
film Brit
aetur ot the
nnt Be
S at St IMtrbunr with
Ilh Bumlay llnd ll
nooeelt on
ent ROOM
IreslLIent oll1Cll11 lllltl
mishtcl echo In °
il matk IIP an 8t IettiHbnre
jrnperor Nlcholn
Tr must be curried to a Hutla
tbat tho lelOb
COllduson leinain > >
laltorY COI1Kldernblo satin
cr the 61tutlOn onctuentlY nt tho
18 HI
lalon tillltll1U thnl 1111
llIhlngtQn a IJCIII given by AmaH
ural lMslr1 that Blr Iortlrncr Du
dr Rnd Mr 8j1flngmccl presence
rand Whltc llouno was In no way con
8t tM i termination of the war
ietet wllh readily Del evcd be
the more
1b IS
I rfminC M0r d IH awani
tau Mr I SIrlngIIro P III a personal
ttal other
On the
hand f lend thO of Mr vWti of Count 1nMlnl and
TuKahlra to 8ecy Hay are
willy nttubuted to dlscuHslonu of
ire hlnsa Heutrallty than to terms of
The prcxulllnu opinion among
monati in M PrUrMmriJ la UMl Jon
sla would choose
n and liusia ncee
utter than the I ntld States fllw he
Jr arrli it ilHtiM torina oWfcn
InMmlult if not impoilablo to tell
thw tunn will iome
i hti Tuft i went Uedlt of pus and pub
II oXon h nu gla appears to be
letting toward ja c The newspapers
n Higer Pro aim the necessity of foil
imuinl oil cot Articled
iUt4 the WII ut
Sring In tlr lluH and tho Novoo
frfmii urdrr th signatures of well
rma unr corrcBiMindontu who have
Sir returned from Mnnehurla criticize
JlhM ndurt of opontlons there In un
neaiurrd term while the o papeia
lltorwily IIlaro that hopes of victory
a rtmol < > The Novoo Vrcmya blunt
I 1 go out buying evening editions
ronlnu to hear news of A llusslan wno
CM but little or nothing Is done to us
IJr It
The war novel has been In the fullest
5 of the word popular rue pres
it dlitr w and discontent of the work
IIii < liii and the general desliu for re
farm by the upper class may develop
A strong peaco niooment with which
M government may have to reckon
tIt on the other Imnd It Is generally
milled that If peace should be con
uikd under dlsadvantagenui condl
tioui It would materially strengthen the
rmies of the present government
nhirti will not fall to keep this fact In
r jtt and hope that some means can ba
f I jnJ of rai hlng an adjustment satin
fury to llunila nnd Japan This
plifM trwtlril importance tho mis
alm entrusted to M Adbadara director
cf the committee on the far east who
li Ulleved to have gone thither to re
t Tt on the possibility of reaching a
mpromlso with Japan without ma
tilal prejudle to nusslas Interests
Bumos yrcs 1cb 7A council of
lar for this trlil of military Insurgents
f < hlili n uni ll 1111 MontcsDeoca
ii president mid tol Lynch necretnry
Us been In ff > Ion In the arsenal since
T 010 < k this mm mug Tho government
Ins urdfrul that mllltnn insurgents
be brought to Buenos Ayres for trial
In a flglit yeitMxhy near Vlmvano
oMnca of Hucnos Ayrcs the nvolu
nonary engineer icv and former
nator lihur wero killed nnd several
others were lulurfd
Tli tran port Irlinr Mayo has left
IK > MMc 1 with 300 political prison
Heal h of the ruins of the working
ni union hitt rwultcd In the dls
nvfy if Uo bombs
Ths gov rument is In full possession
il lonlnlx nnd all other provinces
ho PrMu nt AlorU and other prls
i itrs lull iw tlif inaurgentH have been
rtllfl J ih iniurgwit leaders are
flftlng IP all directions and lira being
il1rly UIIled Constitutional author
rti u liffn rep tabll hed at all pOint
1 UP republic Tim railways aro iigaln
r lug their full train service
ifc Ill the bour nro all higher
lid Ky ti i K of public alarm has
ipti ircd
ircdrppr sentitlvea of banking
lId OI IMrln interests went to this
oerutncnt hou1I today for tho pur
ilfhiv Mnr lnff their satisfaction
in th ntitiudc and onnu of Iresl
iIt 4ull1taI Hie latter replied to
ielr lonitIUJlllionH and thanked the
DUtttlnn 11 Rnl 1 there hlll IHiCII no
reolullon JUI muriy n lIIutln the
I rll lniofi III whlrh would bn dealt
t 1111 other IJnder nhlrratljns 1 1I1try lav irremipective
Tho rrnilent
IlerJared that the got
tflfloettt tus CIIIIblo cif
4o 1l1lntl1lnlnc
tlsflef ty nn 1 only lIeel111I the con
I tha people to MKllro extllIdeli
Al > OrniiRc 1TdTcr
IIckcr Lived on
010111 for a Week
ha n Ill
Smith Mo 1eb Viiiiam
vnt into 1 f nl oraK Picker who
rtllnon I 1 I oranll refrigerator car AtM
from Ih I to tnke helter
fla ran fn 1
Isleell nn1 tSft
h ti 11 h 1111 10l10
r ll1rd here toility when the
r h1
1I cOl1slgnee Ito
111 Wt 0 had
Ii 1 oft ornllKoS and tho heavy
n Ih Irolcclod him from t ha
illhr lit h 0 in thlilly claili Rllt1 the
Itod ft Wro lug t cry colt hlH III
I t a soon after he len
pit 1 mith Is now in tho city hos
Ins IJII Ills
Sty to Fol8om to
> ervo Six Ycnrn
4rBrutito 1111 Feb 7Uoputy
Iroullht Simons nt AInteda
tUI tql oed 1Ierman here today Oil
It state prison to
yea for servo
alellllnlf bicycleR
IftttIng at h Whllo
ortho j i hflpot for the lolsom
Irk PnnMlon to
ll I ten get a
IIty ri r but Wn ft tow feet
rlllh1 it III through tho door and
I erov S
tCM tb ra outside end ran
hhl1 all ilrond Uvcn pllrd dodging be
lOloWtl1 hilt Vh earM rtla deputy
th lIrlsOMr
rlvPrliIOner atvy In
kd a ut an rlrr brush Con lable
canto to fihnons
aid but the escape has not been found
Herman has served one year In Han
Quentin toy second degree burglary
The Lovo of Eating
In our largest ceo
tern of population
such as New York nud
Chicago we dally ice
more attention given
to the Inner man
Cafes and luncliroonis lire filled with men
and women who teem to rIve all their time
and attention to thought of properly or
improperly feedlup their ttomacbs It Is
of course beet to eat lowly but not too
much says Dr Pierce chief consulting
phyilcUti to the invalids Hotel and Sur
gical Initltutt of HtlfTalo N Y In this
aoth century people devote so much time
to bend none that their brsln li fagged and
there Isut sufficient blood left to properly
take care of the other organs of the body
Thc stomach mutt be assisted In Its bard
orktlle liver started Into action by the
use of ft rood stomach tonic which ibotild
be entirely of vegetable logredlenti and
without alcohol After yean of experience
In nn active practlre Dr Pierce discovered
a remedy that lilted these condition III a
blondmater and ftudUl1dcr lie called
It Dr Vietcea Golden MedIcal Diicoverj
an alterative extract that mslrw In tlid
dljeitlon and Asilwllatloii of the food in1
the ttomaclt so tbat the blood get what
it needs for food and oxidation the liver Is
at the same time darted lulu activity and
there Is perfect elimination of waste put
ter Whuu the blood it pure aud rich all
tbe organ work without effort and the
body II like a perfect machine
IREiil Dr Pierce Common Senirj
Medical Adviser Is entnt on receipt of
stamps to pay ezpente of mailing only
Seed st onecent tUrnpi for the Look In
paper coven or 31 atantp for the cloth
bound volume Address Dr It V Pierce
lluffalo N Y
Buy Schillings Best it
Isnt buying its trying
Your crout rtlurii yaui mait7 ityeudrnii liV ll
A Pill At NII1I No II Morning Altar
Dont uiTer when the remeily Is
10 near at hand
It 1 n 1IIIs < llmlntt wd rrmort
all OOIMUI Dor IMt miuls In diMrttrtt
tin function of th < Urtr KUlntii Md
lm3nlI und thMrUM Inuin S rflt1 log
SOAr uti health cootltllon 01 tk jittm
I BHIouiniu
ronlll athn
ICirrHOHMtlTtTM I nnuu
ror ki ii 11 flriithi Op TI
tOo and Sspr Jlu ircuicii
Slops Cures i
t Pctinkn e
Chills Cold
and Gold
Obstinate racking Coughs that matte
your head ache your throat and IUDJJB
sore and Inflamed that rob you of
sleep until your system become t > o run
down that you are In grave danger ov
Pneumonia or Consumption are quickly
cured by Foley Honey and Tar
soothes and heals the inflamed air pw
sages allays the feverish conditions
stops tho cough and prevents Ecrioun
results from n cold
lit the only prominent cough racdlclno
on tho market that does not contain
opiates or harmful drugs of any kind
and OB this account safest for children
It Is unexcelled for Croup and Whoop
Ing Cough and will quickly cure tho
racking cough which follows raciilcj
and leaves so many children with weak
lungs unless properly treated
Remember the name Foloys
Honoy and Tarand rcfusa substi
tutes that cost you tho ama as the
genuine Do not take chances with
some unknown preparation
Consumption Threatened
C Unger 211 Maple St Cbamplagn
111 writes HI was troubled with a
hacking cough for a year and I thought
I had consumption I tried a great many
remedies and I was under the care of
physicians for several months I used I
ono bottle of Foleys Honey and Tar
it cured me and I hAve not been trou
bled SInce
Three sltes25c SOc 100
The 50 cent size contains two and
onehalt times as much as the small slia I
and tho 100 bottle almoit six timed I
A3 much
m Change
c oJ i
z T I EmfI1E t 1 14
I EcJ J2
t4 ° N I
This perfectly natural change
In a womans life Is too often accompanied
companied by painful distressing I m f
symptoms due to female troubles I Need Not Bring
and slight Irregularities In her deli 1 Suffering
cate organism I and Misty
The woman who passes this A
change without the development of 1 p i
tumors cancers or chronic Invalid 1
Ism enters a new Held of happiness ii
and usefulness In the domestic cir 3
cle and In social activity Her phy
sical system should receive tho v
necessary assistance at this critical
EPinihamsVegetabte Compound
Is exactly suited to womans needs at this time It strengthens and
cures all derangements of the female organism It overcomes the hot
flashes and dizzy fainting spells and all other distressing symptoms
I WGS in Bed for Three Weeks
DEAR MR PINKHAM 1 suffered a great deal during Change of Life I flowed
steadily for eleven weeks and It made me to weak I was In bed for three weeks
I began taking Lydia E Plnkhama Vegetable Compound although It was against I
my doctors will and I had to hide It I took It regularly until I had taken live bottles
and It brought me out all right a perfectly strong well woman Any ono can tell how f
healthy I am by looking at my picture and any one can write to me or my daughter
about our wonderful caret
MRS F M MusHsuiH But Chicago Ind
The whole secret of safety at this time of life Is thorough prepara
tion before the change begins Fortify the system with a course of
LydIa E Plnkhams Vegetable Compound This wonderful medicine
has carried thousands of women through this danger period
No such helpful advice to women who are sick can be had any
where as will be received free by addressing Mrs Pinkham Lynn
Lydia E Pinkliams Vegetable Compound Cures Where Others Fail
I 0i
eu II
One k
I V 111111 i19 IodoI
To get rid of Indigestion fj
I iflilliii o
Dyspepsia Sour Stomach 4
Belching of Gas Catarrh of
the Stomach or any other
i 4 0
disorder due to Indigestion CO
A f I cz 2
I I fet
If alter tiling twolhlid of the contents of a dollar J
bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure you ate not satisfied with fl
I have been i dyspeptic all my life hays tried all kind ol II or can honestly sa liutit has not benafited iou taKe 3J P
DysptpsU remedies but continued lo eel woria Could eat Ihs bOllle back to the deer from whom you bought it J
but Illlle and suffered greatly I was reduced In weight and and we will refund vour money All ws ask Is that YQj j > 11
run down to nothing In strength After using a feY bottles of bs honsjtwilh us Stn tills guarantee coupon and rav I4 j i
Kodol Dyspeptla Cure I began to Improve and am now fully It with your deaer who must mall It to us with the outjn t
restored In weight health amid strength I am now able to dj wrapper from iruuid the boll Ie I
my own work and can eat whatever I like i
MRS MARY S CRICK Whits Plains Ky mme pj
lull ii only ODD ol 5
oilrbtlh4Isa4 minjr neb ttitl rrpn it ti L5 J
llom u Ut 1 monfali en file inTo orIIO WII
Irlti > r eo 1 h oaroliln II CJo Cu UIA
TO ALL DEALERS The 100 size Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
is guaranteed only to purchasers who present our printed coupon
properly filled out at the time of sale with name and address
We will protect dealers only upon presentation of this coupon m
< s
nefllll ladl
T > p wllr ritbon
IIW and W 110 pr box
9 don Ilitpald nn > i
The Ulplrallllg OKI > nrt to Kc f I
b K 11I1111 100 wirlh of
C W i Bv tialt Laku sample pvatpald
A h Til UN
tp 1OOrAI II
I c W llenj Ititnam Mer
Ir Hath 1honm hi
I en Let Put Collect It
V I N 0 8 T 8
I H W 2nd Bo lit i
i 5
1 r j frA f i dr
v I
i I
London Fet RTho Daily Tele
graphs cortcspomlcit at Constantino
pip reports that owing to the sultanS
decision to borrow money from a Oer
man tfioup of Ilmimlms for the 10
arming of the Turkish artillery M
Constant the Trench amlmiiiilur has
delivered an ultimatum demanding the
Instant N satisfaction the various out
standing Krcncii eltil moon foul I I III which
ho will leave today Wednesday to
consult his government Tho German
condition of the loan the orre Jon
dent says was that all the guns should
be ordered from lermany A Ileiuh
syndicate has been competing for the
Special Conference to be Held
To Revise I1telll
St Petersburg Feb 7Tloe commit
tee of ministers has decided to Insti
tute n special confctcncc to revise the
cenxoifhlp arid iircss laws The presi
dent of the confqifnce vlll be appoint
ed by the emperor and Its membership
will consist of officials especially COif
nlnant rt the Clucs110nlI1el11urs of tilt
imperial academy of science prominent
writers an drupresentatlvos of the de
pr rtnilts Tho president of the con
foriiice will have the right to Invite
Certain peons from wham i0ful In
formation cub lio secured ahd members
of tin > provincial press The president
will pretent ajdraft of the revised bits
direct to the council of state
An Imperial decree will be Issued to
morrow appointing the censorship con
fmlirp Privy Councilor Kobeko vlll
be the president and the membership
of the conference will Include nunier
OIM senators and other olllclals The
Hit Includes the editors of the Euro
pe MI Messenger the drashdanln and
the Novoo Vremya The conferences
will begin their labors about Feb 18
GorUyrt Wife Visits Him
St Petersburg lYl > 7lllIxlm Gar
hy wife hOil been permitted to visit
him In the fortress of Ht Peter nnd St
Paul Gorky h stiffening from a slight
Indisposition due to Imprisonment Ho
Is receiving every attention n high
officer having been specially detailed to
look after him
Wounded In Head and Decorat
ed With Crosi of George
St Petersburg Fob 8 12 Iii n m
fount Andre Tolstoi has returned from
Mnncliurln where ho received a wound
in tho bend ami vam decorated with
the cross of Ht George He Is visiting
his father Count leo Ttihtol nt In B
liaya Pollnna He intends to take tin
cxumlimtlon for a commission and re
turn to tho tar eat
Count Andre Tolstoi served as an
orderly attached to hloutdcn Him
liolcfta Sixth army corps and was tie
corato for repealed bravery hi curry
lag dlipatchis nider lire Ho rnrtlcu
larly dlstlniTiilshed hlmsolt dii ring tIm is
stiver nKhtlng of Got 14 10CH when
Skilbolefftf corp was preventing Gen
OKun movement hlrh threatened to
tunt tho Jtusslan light
HornlninUs Dig Success
Paris Feb 7Snrnh Ilernhnrdln to
vlvnl of Vl < tor Hugos Angclo at tho
Theiiter Hnrah Iternhardt tonight was
tho dramatic event of time season Tho
large and brilliant audience warmly re
ceived Mme llernhnrdts i > ortin > al of
tho character Tlsbe
Given by LcRlslature of Oregon
W hit an Expression of Con
fidence in Him
They Were Rather Reluctant to Express
press Such Strong Approval
Of Ills Course
Bnlcm Or Feb 7 In n rather In
geniously contrived resolution tho
state senate with one exception today
ndoptcd n resolution carrying with It
n Vote of thankn to United States Sen
r ntor John II Mitchell and tin expres
sion of confidence in him nt the same
i tlino agreeing to adjourn sine die not
later than Friday night Feb 17
i While come of the senators did not
I came to cxpicss such strong nppiovnl
I of Kenutor MltcJiellH coursa us that
t voiced In the rtHOlutlon they did not
I care to go on record as favoring an ad
I join nod sessIon it being the program
I of a certain faction It Is alleged to put
thtuugh un mljourned ne slon for tho
pinjioBu of electing u succcstor to Unit
i cd HtfttcH Senator Mitchell should hu
from any cause relinquish or bo de
prived oC his neat In thu United Statin
Many of the senators here of the
opinion that the resolution would have
hew divided one section providing
for adjournment and time other provid
ing for the cndoineiiient of United
States Senator Mitchell but owing to
the complex nature of time resolution
nnd to the fact that an Adjourned ses
sion an claimed by sonic of the sen
ators would have been unjust to Ore
gons senior senator they were obliged
to vote for the resolution as It stood
The resolution follows
Whereas A rumor has been circu
lated to the effect that the legislature
of the state of Oregon Intended at the
end of a 40 days session to adjourn to
a day and that such action vn to bo
taken mi account of want of conildenco
In limos eenlor senator from tho state of
Oregon time Hon John II Mitchell
Whereas Said rumor Was wholly
without foundation amid
Whereas The state of Oregon Is
under a lasting debt of gratitude to our
senior tcnator for long > oms of faith
ful holiest and effective service and
Whereas During till of them years
of public service no charge has bent
made detrimental to the personal hon
or or Integrity of our senior senator un
til the recent Indictment by a federal
grand Jury and
Whereas This leglslutuie believ
ing in the personal honor and Integrity
of our senior senator and desiring to
express to the world our belief In his
Innocence therefore be It
Resolved lly the senate nnd house
concurring that this biennial session
adjourn without day on the 17th day
of rob 1006 no later than 6 p m and
be It further
Hesolved That we declare our con
tinued faith In the honesty honor and
Integrity of our senior senator lion
John 11 Mitchell and that wo nt this
time Extend to him 1 a vote of thanks
for the 22 years of faithful service by
him rendered to our state nnd nation
and that wo hereby record our hope
and belief that his Rood minnie and the
fair name of our state will be cleared
from any charge of any nature what
Charleston W Vu Veb 7Jolul
Worthlngtoii nnd tnltotl States Slur
shah 1lllott today appeared before tho
West VhBlnla loginiat lYe comnlittco
InvcBtlgatliiK the charircfl made by Kl
llott In his letter to Woithlngton of ill
Itced corruption In connection with a
bill before tho legislature to regulate
time oil and ROB buslnena In the slate
Tug principal mystery Just now Is tui to
tho method by which the letter was ex
tractMl from Klllotts possession T3I
llott could throw no light on tho sub
jectTho Elliott letter contnlnlng views of
nillott on the position of each ICRls
lators nttltudu toward pondliifr oil and
KIIH legIslation was delivered to tho
committee Oovolect Dawson Secy
of State Swisher AttyClendcct
hark are mentioned III tho letter UII
opposing tho measure atul using their
efforts t6 defeat it
Charles Brooks Smith who produced
the original letter said he had found
It lying on his dok at time hotel but
rould not state by what incaun It hud
reached there
c 1 > Elliott author of the lette
followed Smith on tho stand lie nd
milIeu writing tho letter nnd said ho
placed It In his grip When ho left
01mrK lon tho morntntr after ho open
etl tlw trip and found tint tho letter
hnd been stolon from his grip It was
therefore never sent to Washington
Klllolt denied that he MILS employed
by tho Standard Oil company to light
RUM and oil legislation lie said that
ho load no knowledge of any member
of the legislature receiving lilly money
to count hlll votn against the bill
John Worthington Standard Oil
agent amid addressee of the Hlllott hot
ter followed Hlllott Ho said he never I
offered any monetary Inducement to I
any member to cast n voto against
the gas meCl urn that ho knows of no 1
deil between flovelect Dawson and f
tho Standard Oil company by which
the latter company was to give Its I
Inlltuiici In West Virginia to tho Inter
ests of tho Itepilbllcan party on the 1
promIxo of opposition to any legislation
detrimental to the compnnyn interests I
Crusade Agnlnst Ionlroomt I
Now York Feb 7Dlst Atty Jeromo
said today that ho had IKKUII a cnisadu
ngainst poolrooms In till city and
Intended to close nil of thorn
Says Witness Swore Fnlacly
Hertford Ind Feb 7Fralllc Evans
who was discharged after a prelimin
ary hearing of charges that ho was Im
plli nted In the murder of ftvrnh Shafer
today sworo out warrants for Dut
Cook Jack Acton and Hochel Kolly
charging that they testified falsely
Tight Oycr Anmiulii Heeds Will I
Portland Or Feb 7Holrs of
Amanda W Heed hnv filed a contest
against her All which devises over
11000000 to trustees to found an In
stitute of learning In this city to bo
known as the Heed Institute In
memory of her husband Simeon f J
Reed The petition tiled In tho county
cojrt today recites thnt the county
court loss no jurisdiction to probate
or allow the will to bo proven In Mult
nomah county Mrs Reed died In
Paindenn enl of which place she was
a resident Sho owns property in Insar
dent valued at J150000
rho contestants bus their petition
on a California statute which prevents
the devising of more than onethird
of an fAtnte to benevolent or charit
able put roses when the testator leave
legal liolm rime contestants reside HI
Qulncy Mass Pasadena Cnl and In
this city
Two Woniua llir4 vvhlp n WHen
I I 11114111
Hen Nay Tfb TQfotRB W height
a resident of tkui IVanclsru VMIH jrlvnf
frln dnldHelil jeatertlay by two vmrncn
lialght went to Uio gold camp n foil diyn
logo amid licutvd on the lrcp rly of the
two women Tliuy denianilNi thel rights
Height demtirrlrg and the result vus a
bor ewhlp > lng The Incident wiu ullnrn
lid by a large crowd The w men us I
buggy wlilix neil nigit ifr n
driven from the premIses nurrendcria alt
clafini to tho prupmty ana W a M rI > iJ
to leave town
Telephone War at Fertile II C
Vancouver 13 C Fab 7lhe tele
phone war In Fertile U C him resulted
in time defeat of the British Columbia
Telephone company which tried to es
tnbllsh its system In that town against
the wIshes of the cltlzem After numer i
ous urrcats of company employes for i
erecting poles in the streets nnd of
Fertile olllclals for Interfering with tho
companys business the war has been i
settled by the withdrawal of tho tele
pione lompatiy and the purchase of Its
jilant Ly the Crows Nest lass Coal
company with tho approval of tho
citizens I
Golden iatc Limited Wrecked
fianta Fc N M Fob 7Thr Golden
State limited train of the Itock Inland
system wai derailed today near Carl
vozo Lincoln county New Mexico
Tour persons were Injured but no no
fatally A transfer service lum been
Irnulgtd until tho track can bo cleared
Lliuy Owens Jumps Into a
Tank of llurnlnu Oil
Slstcrsvllle W Vn Feb 7Ilnz
Owens a prosperous fanner living
about fourteen miles southeast of this
city suicided In u horrible inaimrr aftti
an iiiiHUCceitsful attempt to muiucr his
wife Maddened through jealousy so
it Is alleged Owens shot nt his will
with a 3 cnllber revolver while both
were In the house and then walked to
the farm of it neighbor F T Mi Cul
lough where nn oil tank was located
nnd after petting fire to the oil delib
erately plunged Into the burning fluid
When the lire could be extinguished
mill the body recovered It hud been
burned beyond all recognition The
bullet fired at Mrs Owens struck her
just above tIme light temple and
glanced off Inlllctlng a dangerous hut
not necossnrly fatal wound
Wreck on Northern Pacific I
Spokane Wash Feb 7fht North
Cor tt Limited on tho Northern Iaililr I
was vrecked DrUmmond Mont this
moinlng and several passengers were
hurt Two women were Injured so that
the had to be removed for medliiil
trtitment nnd seven men were DPI at h
ed and bruised The cause of the act I
dent Is not Known Tho track was torn
up for jcvcrnl hundred feet and trafllc
was tied up for 12 hours Tho mall
car baggage car smoker and one coach
vvcro thrown at right aiiKles with the
tracK upon their sides All curs except
the observation car wen derailed

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