ci 1
p N
Indian Territory and Oklahoma
To Conic In as One State NJW
Mexico as Another
On Scnator tarns Amendment the
Arizona Strip Comes III
e Umli
I 42
I WnnhliiRton Fb 7After a contin
uous newiloii nt ulna liouin tlia Btnatn
nt 845 tonlKlit punned tho Joint strito
hooJ bill AH punned the bill provides
for the admission or the HtnteB of Okla
P4 homa to be eotnprlBed of Incllui terri
L tory and Oklnhnnm niul Now Mexico
Recording to tlio pioKont bounilurleu
I with Arizona cllmlnatftl
Tlio long session wan cllllllIeterlz
liy many nurprlHcg KeglnnliiB prompt
g Iupon tho rmivcnlnif III 13 oclock
J tho Hcnatc proceeded In coiiHldor the
vnrlous amendments which hud teen
PUKKtBtrrl by tin1 committee on tern I
lorliS Hid which luid been punned over
One of tin llrnt of hw + > nlii > n up Willi
Ilio jim en ii neflt prohibiting the wilp C
It tnxicntl ii g llquois In wlmt IH now III
1 iHin trrrltnry for the next ton yeurs
nnd thin HUB dlHiiUred with a Biiuntl
lute offered hy Mr f lull Inner which
cxtcmltHl the iitmiidmenl to the ontlio
Mute for H pcrlocl of twentyone yeais
uiid tlilH wnn adopted
The flrnl mirpilHo of tho dRy cuino
wluti the committee iiiraplcd Mr For
nkors nmciulinDht providing for u wp
c nrnto Voto by each or the territories of
Arlzmm mid Now Mexico on tlio con
j Htltutlou to bn adopted by the proposed
1 utalo of Arloim That provision hud
ecu rcei y been made n pint of tho bill
c when Mr Hard pienented his amend
3 ment which had IJOPII nilslimlly offered
by Mr PuttcrHon nnd which probled
for tho admission of New Mexico as iv
4 Muto without the addition of Arizona
Thl amendment pioved to be the point
around which nil the subsequent pro
cwllngH of Iniportnncn revolved It
wan nt first adopted by tho clone voto
of 42 to 40 Thin vote HK taken while
the spirnto was lIlting In rointnlttteo oC
the whoto and was reversed In the sen
nto ropcr by the do voto of 38 to 38
Hubsenuently tho Bfiinto derided by I
1 vole of 13 to 3G to entirely eliminate
a Now Mexico and Arizona from tho bill
t nnd this result had hardly been an
nounced when Mr Hard In slightly
I changed form renewed his proposition
for the ndmlHilon of New Mexico UK a
Mute and thin tlmu the nincndment
Prevailed by tho vote of 40 to 38 One of
the atntmntlvo voteM MIH cunt by
Mr HeverldBi In ehiirBO ot tho bill
for the purposo of moving tho recon
sideration of the vote lie witH prompt
in making the motion os noon nn the re
sult wan nnnounced but thu tnotlon
I i wns laid on tho table by n vote of 33
it to 38 The effect WM to eliminate Arizona
cHtnbllnh n
zona from tho bill and to
I f Mnto of New Mexico nnd another of
q Oklahoma nnd Indian territory In thlH
form the bill wim pnHficd
The detent of tim Hard nmiiidment
4J In the Heimto after It lull been adopted
In commltteto of the wholo gave rise to
c dome InterrMlnir Incidents Mr Bailey
Intimated that there hnd been n train
i 4 m regarding the adoption of m amend
t l ment nddlng a portion of Arizona to
r4 i Utnh
i u 14 Tho Mormon qiiMtlon also received
4i Ml ntrliiB during tho day While the
I provision for the seprtruto admission
crj L of New Mexico wn under lunIlI < Jell
M lion Mr llunon8 chairman of the
committee on privileges and elections
I J IP Announced bin opposition to tho bill
and stated It van duo to tho pnirllne of
I rlolygniny In that territory to such an
tl extent Hint ho considered It unwise to
I L take the administration away from tlio
f L j federal authorltkB Mr Dulxils Mr
+ MuComnM and Mr Platt of Comircll
g p i eut referred to tho question of polyg
t amy and to tho revelations before tlm
committee The bill originated In thu
h boone nnd will go to conference
t DK11AT13 IN VKTMli
t Wumlnprton Pelt 7l1ndrl the
iujrceinent provloimly rmirhcd the ecu
ate entered upon the consideration of
the mnendtnenlH offered to the Joint
Htntohood bill Immediately lifter con
vening nt noon toduy That agreement I
provided that the entire cloys debute
he given to the ron ltlerltlolI of tho
lunemlmcnU to tho bill under the 10
P minuter rule utah that a volts shall ho
u t t ken ujxin nil thn amendment and
c upon tho bill itself prior to thu ad
I journment of the day H suasion
Tlio first amendment consldored pro
i i Ii hibits tho mile of liquor In the Imllnn
Territory for 10 yours Mr anlllnger
1 i offered nn amendment rm a substitute
for hue committee PIOvl lon tanking
Kit I the time 21 yearn and extending its
it operntlon to the entire Htato
The nmendmont wu debated by nev
elk f
erill senators Includlni MOM rn Ont
hnifcr McUurtn Stout Onrmaok
Morgnii nd nwr Mr Stone advocated
It alt mi Interference with the stilt
riKhtn anti Mr Morvun mid ho would
favor It If domestic vjnsa could be
Mr Teller and Mr Spooner spoke In
oupport of the sUbstitute nnd lerI
Dailev Itacon Hoybum IIrRker and
Mallory against It The oppuiltlon WHH
buMU on the ground that tho provlnlon
10nllllllll ted an Interference with the
ollca powers of II ttUto
Ihe substitute won carried by a vote
of 66 to 20 lIters wax no division on
porty hines on the vote
The text of the Ollllnicer ninendment
Applying to the entire state of Okla
homa Irt tiM follows
Thn inanu Curt tire stale barter or
glvlni nwny of Intoxicating llijuorn
within tlilH state M hereby prohibited
for n period of 21 years after thu date
of admlfudon of this state Into the
Union and thereafter until tho people
of this Htnto Kluill otlierwlne provide
b > aniendment of this constitution In
tiro I no titter prescribed herein Any
perron who shall manufauturo sell
hurter or give away any Intoxicating
liquors of any kind Including beer
ole and wine contrary to the pro
visions of thin section Is hcr by dcilur
ed to bo guilty of a misdemeanor and
I upon conviction hereof bcfoic nny
ourt of competent Jurisdiction ShiLl
be punlrhcd by liiiprlHonmcnt for not
IIHH than 30 days nor more than 100
lays nnd by a lino of not lew limn K Q
nor more than J2M for mch offense
mid haIti tho admlealoii of this utiito
11111 the Union the provision of thlM
section fhnll be Immediately enforc I
ablo in the courts of this Hlnte
Then rnmo tho llrst surprise In con
nection with I he pioceidlng Thin WIII
1 ito adoption of thu amendment aug
gented by Mr Kuinkor piovldlnir for
the subinlHslon of the constitution of
the proponed stilts of Ailona to the
voters of tho Present territory of Ari
zona and the territory of New Mexico
sepal atidy
Mr Doveildge hud KUggostcd that
the committee tilnelith in cults Jiould bo
pa8 ol upon In order to perfect the bill
when Mr Foraker secured recognition
to formally proponn his it nituci men
Flits lint for weeks been considered a
crucial amendment and surprise was
depleted on many facet when It wan
penultted to go to a vote without II
siiKgustlon from any senator The our
prlso was no less when the supporters
of the committee bill failed to demand n
division on thu vote
Mr Jlcvcrldgi1 In ilmigo of the bill
sat In his customary cent on the front
row on the Itepu hi lean side but mada
110 sign rite result created n rlpplo
of excitement thtoughout tho wnato
chamber and when It subsided Mr
Hoverldgo on behalf ot the commit
tee Indicated the purpose of accepting
several amendments HUggerted by Mr
Iiig One of these prescribe the pro
portion of the public lands to bo de
voted to tho bcnctlt of tim higher In
Btltutlonx ot learning III tho proposed
state of Oklahoma Mr IZMIRS amend
ment then was formally accepted
The amendment suggested by Mr
Long Increasing the donation to the
Oklahoma agricultural nnd mechani
cal college from 150000 acres to 2SOOOO
acre Was agreed to
Mr Bailey spoke In opposition to tho
union ot Oklahomiv anti Indian Terri
toryHo said Hint If Texas had hnd slit
tlelent population In tho beginning It
would III nil probability have been di
vided Into llvn states
Mr Iarmack offered nn amendment
eliminating tho piovlilon In the bill
requiring the adoption ot a constitu
tion by the state of Oklahoma many
of the provision of which shall bo ir
revocable without the consent of tho
United BtatcH file amendment was
agreed to on a viva voce vote
Mr Hard then proposed an amend
ment providing for the admission of
New Mexico as a state In accordance
with Its present boundaries the effect
being to eliminate Arizona as a part I
of tim proposed state The amendment
was In the language ot the amendment
formerly suggested by Mr Patterson
nnd was offered as a substitute for th
piovlslon III the admitting Arizona
and New Mexico as one state
Tho reading of tho amendment con
sumed much time and was followed
with Interest UN It was realized that
It probably would furnlHh the that test
vllteMr Hard explained the provisions of
the amendment and n number of pen
atom Ppoko for or nlllllllsI It
tho senators speaking for tho
amendment Among were Messrs NVswInndH
IKyburn llnlloy Klklni Morgan and
among hose opposed Messrs Hopkins
and Hpooncr A
Mr Spoonor declared that It was hue
to compare New Mexico with the orlg
html states
They did not come Into the Union i
they mode the Union New Mexico Is
not lit to come Into the union
mineral ru oirri B are a bagatelle her
agriculture a trltlc her population
tint HUdi an to justify admlsidpii
Mr Elklns replying wild ho had
lived In Now Mexico for many years
and know tho people to be In every way
worthy of statehood Ho sold the
Democratic party was keeping ltd
pledges by supporting statehood for
New Mexico while llepubllcnns were
violating a pledge three times inadp
Mr Polllver oppose the amend
ment etpieasing the opinion Hint thfre
could never bo n general civilization
without rain I have observed he
said that mud and civilization go to
Mr Kornkor spoke for separate Mate
hood for Now Mexico us did Mr Teller
1jth defended the Hpanlshsponklng
people of New Mexico saying tint
they compared fnvor bly with the rural
peonlo In other sections
Mr Rtowart find Mr Clark of Mon
tana supported thi1 amendment
Mr Burrows announced his opposi
tion to the Hdmlwlon of New Mexico
nnd based his antagonism on the revo
lutions concerning Mormonlim which
have been made In the case of Senor
Smoot before the committee on privi
lege nnd electloliH of which ln Is
chairman I cannot vote for the ad
million of New Mexico ho mid be
cnu e to take It out of the Jurisdiction
of HIP United States find to lift It Into
xtntehood would b to remove the
probability of bllngliiR to justice hose
who are violating tho law
The bill no It stands he wild recog
nizes the pxlmcnrc of the crime of py
rainy In New Mexico by prohibiting
Its practise Admitting that when It be
foines a sovereign state It may remove
the restriction and nullify It This
he Bld hrlngi us fate to fare with a
condition thm should alarm the roun
rvies not the senators objection np
IU with just as much force to the ad
mission of a state rompoted of the two
territories of Arizona and New Moxlco
as to the RdnilMlon of New Mexico
alone ticket Mr Ilalley
Mr Hurrows admitted that It did
nddlng I will vote against the ad
mission of New Mexico aloim or against
Its admission coupled with Arizona
The condition with reference to poly
Rainy U much worse In Arizona than In
rscw Mexico and the conditions In both
ore such as to restrain me from voting
for cither Today polygamy exlstn In
I N cw Mexico It has been declared to be
the breeding ground of that practise
I am In possession of Information con
cerning HID condition In that territory
which Is absolutely startling 1 cannot
now enter Into pHrtlculurs but I do
want to rail attention to the conditions
and I say that III my Judgment it
would be a fntil mstnke to admit
cither or both territories and I bellevn
the country at no dlitant time would
rue the step If taktn Neither terri
tory should be admitted Until till
abomination IN wiped out
Mr DubolM who Is alxo a member of
the committee on privilege and elec
tions spoke for the udmlMlnn of New
Mexico saying that the revelations con
ccrnlng polygamy made In the Smoot
ease have been so startling that the na
tional government will lake control of
the question of polygamy In the states
HS well SB In the territories
Mr McComiiB also Hpoke ot the rove
litlons before the committee anti rx
Pressed the opinion that In view of
them fur more effective strictures
than arc now In force against polygamy
are necessary He opposed separate
statehood for Now Mexico
Mr Ilatt of Connecticut nnld there
won no doubt about the power of Con
gross to restrict polygamy nn limtltu
tin mm which li he paid so Inimical to
our futuie
fIle vote on tho amendment for thn
separate admhslon of Now Mexico was
then taken and It was carried 12 to 40
t It ann evident from Iho outset that the
I oti would bo clone and the progress
wan followed with deep interest Fol
lowing Is the vote In detail
YeasAliicr Iiacon Hulley Hard
hit te Berry lIIu 11111 rn Cii runt ik
riwrlt of Montana Clay Cockrcll Cnl
bernon Daniel Dubols Hlklns Iornltr
1 ester of I uhlana Oalllnger OlbKon
lot man llnnshroiiKh lleyburi
Koiuns latlmcr McCreury Mccum
her McMnery Mcliurln Mnllory
Martin Money Morgan Newlandu
Owiimin Intlorfon IViiroff Perkins
HlnimotiH Ktewart Stone Tullnferro
Teller 1olall2
Nays Allen Alllnon Aiikeny Hall
Hevorldge II II Ill hllll1 II II rrolII Clapp
tluik of Wyoming < arke of Arkans 11
I ii I haiti Dopcw Dick Dietrich Dllllng
ham Doll Iver Dryden 1a mba ik Fos
tel of Washington Krye Fulton Clam
bit Halo Hopkins Keali Klttredg
Lodge Long Mel onitis Mlllurd Nel
son Ilatt of Connecticut Plait of New
York Proctor juarleH Kcott Hmoot
Hpooncr Wctmore Warren Total 40
Iettus and Crane and Mesfis Till
man and I Iii wly were paired on this
vole amid MesviH Aldrich Hurton
Knox and Mitchell were absent and un
Tho result evidently WUH u surprise to
the nil vilcates of tho house bill and Its
announcement was followed by many
conferences among them on the Moor of
the satiate
AVhllo theo wore III progress Mr Me
Cumber proposeil an a substitute for
the provision admitting a sIn to com
posed of Oklahoma timid Indian Terri
tory combined an amendment admit
ting Oklahoma as a state
Mr MeCumber reported the HUbstl
lute and Mr Iloverldge made an earn
est plea against U saying that It strikes
at tho entire ineamire and deprives tho
poopln of Indian Territory of tho relief
they io much need Mr Hallcy and Mr
Hate Hpoho for the amendment It was
defeated 45 to 32
Mr Oalllngcr offered an amendment
that It require a majority of both Okla
homa and Indian Territory to adopt a
criiHlllutlon for the proposed state of
Oklahoma A motion by Mr Halo to
ll tho amendment on the table was
An iimcndment was offered by Mr
Dolllver providing for tennis of court
lit fulfil In addition to tho other cltVi
In Oklahoma provided by tho bill Mr
Dulley opposed the amendment on tho
ground that tho senators and repre
tentative of tho new stato should bo
permitted to ask Congress to locate the
courts Ho said however that It a
Ksluh of the court Is to be held at
Tulsa he had friends ho wnnjed to ne
commodatc at Chlckasaw and he of
fered nn amendment providing for this
Jloth amendments were agieed to A
number of the other amendments of
fend by Democratic senators were laid
on the table
Mr Jerry suggested nn amendment
which WIIH agrcd to providing that
nothing In the act admitting Oklahoma
shall ho construed as prohibiting the
establishment of scpaiato while nut
colored echools
Tho proceedings on the bill through
out the day had been In committee of
the whole but nt 71C the senate ro
muted Its sitting Mr Bpooner gave
notice Hint ho would demand a
separate vain on tho Bard amend
ment for separate statehood for
New Mexico This notice under
tho parliamentary practise of the
tonntc hnd tho effect of reviving that
question rind It vns again taken up
amendments to the provision weio
declared to bo In order
One of these was offered by Mr Du
bols and was u reservation by Con
grosi nt lie right to legislate on the
subject of polygamy It was voted
An amendment wns prnJlo ell by Mr
IfiwiiR providing that all lint portion
of Arizona lying north of the Colorado
river shall be annexed to Utah Mr
Ileverldge In botialf of tho committee
indicated n willingness to accept the
amendment but the chair asked If the
yens nnd nivs wuro desired Huveral
senators Indicated a desire to that
end and Mr Hallev sitting In his seat
but with voice sutllclently raised to bo
heard throughout the chamber saldi
Hofore tho trade IB consummated wo
certainly want tho ayes nnd nays
The chair did not hoar tho remark
of the senator from Texas said Mrt
Iryi1 who wan presiding
TJio remark was not exactly Intend
ed for the ear of the chair loiponded
Mr Hallcy but I will repent that be
fore that trade li consummated we
should certainly have tho ayes and
nayMr Ilevcrldiro responded Hint the
piovlilon bad been offered early In the
KOHInn and hud been printed Tlie
nyo nnd miyn were ordered nnd tho
amendment was accented 1R to ft
The vote sync then again taken on tho
amendment to admit New Mexico to
separate statehood This tlmo tho
amendment was lost by a Ho voto as
Yens Alger Italley Hard Hate Her
ry Hlackburn Onrmack Clark Mont
Clay CocHrell Cllborson Daniel Du
bold Hlklns Kornkor Foster In
UnUlngcr llhuon Oormnn hans
brought Hepburn Latlmer MeCrrarv
MeCumber McKnery McLtuirtn Mal
lery Martin Newlnnds Overman
Patterson Penrone Perkins Simmons
Stewart Stone Tnllaferro Teller To
tal 3S
Neys Allen Allison Ankeny Hall
Heverlilgf Hurnhnm Hunws Clapp
Clark Wjo riarko Ark Culloni
Depew Dick Dietrich DtllliiRham
Dolllver Dryden Fairbanks Foster
Wash Frye Fulton aamble Hale
Hopkins Keun Keanis Kltlredge
Lodge hong McComas Mlllard Nd
win Ptatt Conn V Proctor Quartos
mutt Hmnot Spooner Total n
Mr Hncon then offered an amend
111 ell t eliminating Arizona tint New
Mexico entirely from the bill The
amendment was adopted 38 to 30
Mr Hard then In sllghjly different
form renewed his motion to admit New
Mexico as a separate state and the
motion prevailed 40 to 311I1 follows
cPBAIjOI Halley Hard Hate Dec
ry lleverldge ninckhtirn Curmack
Clark Mont Clay Cookrell Culber
lion Daniel Dubois Klklns Foraker
Foster < Ia Jalllnger llbuon tier
mnn Hnntbrough Hcyburn Latlmor
McCrenry McCumbor McKnery Me
Murln Mnllery Martin Morgan New
lands Overman Patterson Ponrose
Perkins Hlmmoni Btewnrt Hone Ta
llaferro Teller Total 10
Nays Allen Allison Ankeny Hall
Hurnham Hilrrow Clapp Clarlt
Wyo lark Ark Depew Dick
Dietrich Dllltnghnm Dolllver Dryden
Fairbanks Foster Wash Frye Ful
ton Gambit Halt Hopkins Iran
Kearns Klttredge Lodge Ixitig Mr
Comas Mllard Nelson 1iatt Conn
Proctor Juirlos Scott Smoot Hpoonor
Totil 37
One of the affirmative vntts was cast
by leerl < lip He had originally on
this call voted In tho negative hut
seeing that ho was defeated ho changed
his vote In order to be In position to
inovo to reconsider the vote which he
did when the vote was announced Ho
spoke In support of his motion
Mr Fornker moved to lay on tho ta
ble the motion to reconsider and that
motion prevailed to 38the only
thnngo from the previous vote being
that of Mr IJeverldge who voted In the
This was the last roll call The bill
ns amended then was passed without
division nnd on motion of Mr Forn
ker the senate nt 305 adjourned
Phoenix Aria Feb 7The action of
the senate with rcipcct to statehood
Was not definitely learned hero until
late this evening when tho news
spread quickly There Is much enthusl
ir and satisfaction Is expressed The
opinion Is generally expressed that Ant
zonas chances for admission have been
greatly Improved by the favorable ac
tion as to New Mexico and that the
ttrritory will be admitted by the Fifty
ninth Congress
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I I havo for several yenri suffered nt
i tlinM with heart troukjle 1 got to
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Let Y o
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For Infants nnd Children
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Bears tho A
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If the root is white and shrunken
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In these days when youth is the moving
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In the social world it is equally bad for a man while for a womanit is fatal
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Few people can afford a bald head Even those who can
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undue mental effort sickness dandruff
What caused baldnesswhether an inherited tendency j whether through
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Millions of dollars have been spent in vain efforts to grow hair on bald heads Other millions have been spent
dandruff And still dandruff
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hair tonic has at last been found
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REXALL tji liii II i UIIIU positive that microbes are at work on
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1 liMit TONIC Ita thorough trial helene wo offered temhavobccn morefait 1 An
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matinf Keall 93 Hair Tonic as a dressing I 0
It to draw Us own coloring matter to the hair If she desires to keep her upon LARGE BOTTLE 50 CENTS
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Gardner Dally Store News Gardner Dally Store News
i Surely there will l >
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L m1 remainder of this winter
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