a At7uYrxFcc T i T DESEK1ST ISYEMMim jNcm8t rrlunal lta vrurjUJHJI Ll 1005 t M AD BRANCH N W COMPLETED Will probably bo Turned Over to O S L Operating Depart ment Next Week CHANGE IN STANDARD PAINT rrlmnn Buildings on Knllro Iliirrliunn Sys tem lei Transformed From j Bcd to Yullow I Jjalad hue been connected with the outflde world nt last by a railroad and jt Is now possible to travel to and from that point on the cars although It will bo souls ten days yet before the branch line Is turned oer to the operating department of the Oregon Short Line Apparently there has been no hurry connected with the building of the line for It was commenced Inst April and vas to have been completed In Sep tember hut It was deemed ex pedient to turn Inmiudlato attention to the Yellowstone Park railroad In the tare of developments In that sec tion or Idaho A guns ot turpcntttB In now at woik on the depot which Is to be tome SO feet In length and rests on a solid concne foundation The stock yards hay li n completed and work Is belnjj done on the now section house These buildings will be painted with the new standard color for tho linen man lines which Is to be buckskin yel low with black trimmings In due sea son every building dn the Oregon Short Line Union Pacific Southern Pacific and 0 R N will he painted this color nnd no more will tho old red buildings be familiar sights along tho load JUDGE KELLY RESIGNS General Solicitor of the Ililoii Paclllo ltcllrcs on Jan 1 Judge William R Kelly of Omaha general solicitor for the Union Pacific resigns his position Inn 1 His suc cessor probably will be John N Bald win of Council Blurts who has been Judge Kellys assistant Judge Kelly has Ions been known In this city for during the past 25 years he has frequently visited Salt Lake on business connected with tho Union Pnelllc He was appointed his pres ent position In 1893 when John M Thurston resigned It to become United Stales senator from Nebraska Falling health Is assigned IB the reason for his retirement IMPORTANT IF TRUE IJnllroatls Agree to Abolish Kcliatcs To tlio Shipper New York Dec l1ha Times to day fays The big railroads of the country have agreed to abolish rebates to shippers according to reports which were clrnu laUd yesterday Several conferences on the subject have been held recently This action is the direct result of the many prosecutions recently undertaken by the federal government rifalnst railroads nnd railroad olllclnls for In fringement of the null rebate clauses In the federal statutes The action be gun against the Clilcnio Alton and several oillclals of that road mid the Indictments just found at Kansas City against n number of railroads Includ ing the Chicago Milwaukee St Paul lire cases In point i An olllccr of one of the railroads the officials of which were Indicted ut Kan sas City while denying that his own road had broken the law said that there was not the slightest doubt thnt the giving of rebates would come to an end an a result of prosecutions In his opinion tho results of these prosecutions will be seen not only In the ehlllanCe on the Dart of tho rail road oltlclali to rebates but In tho hesitancy of shippers to ask for special concession > The Information that rebates would bo abolished came not only fiom rail road oinduls but from prominent bank ing Interests which directly or Indi rectly control many railroads The agreement to do away with re bates Is Intended to weaken the aigu menu advanced In favor of rate legis lation Much of the discussion In re gard to rate legislation resolves Itself funny Into an agitation against the granting of rebate which h recog nized by i nil road oillclals thomsclvvs as a serious uvll The confeienco which have recently been held have ap parently resulted In tho belief ntnonj railroad presidents that under existing conditions each road can trust Its com petitors COLORADO MIDLAND Work at Last Commenced on Xcu Shops at Colorado City Work has been commenced the Colorado Midland Ry shops al Colo rado City on three dining cars which will be placed In service Within tile next 90 days These cars will be tlio lest of the kind over built weet of Chi cago and tho fact that they can be con structed entirely at the shops of the Colorado Midland Hy IH evidences that these railway shops are among the best equipped In the country Efforts were p first made to have these cars built In the east but on account of all the I eastern shops being overrun with or des It was decided to build them at Colorado City Inasmuch as these cars arc needed for the tourist business next summer These cars will be finished In mahogany elegantly upholstered and equal In every respect to any cars put out by eastern whops In addition to these dining cars oth er new equipment Is also being built as the present outlook la for an exceed ingly heavy travel next year In Colo rado and to the Pacific coach Travel over tho Midland the past season has been the heaviest In the history of the road and It Is rapidly becoming the fa vorite mountain line SANTA FE CENTRAL PlttKburg Dec Announcement Is made that Eastern and New Mexican capitalists will Join tho Plttsburg hold era of the tinllnlshcd Santa Fa Central railroad of Now Mexico and complete It A syndicate has decided to take up the Incomplete rallcnad property sub scribe 5500000 and complete the road which runs through a rich coal terri tory to El Paso Francis J Torrance president the company Is In New York arranging the flrml details The local holders of the Santa Fe Central say they will not have to sell the road but with the eastern and New Mexican men joining forces will be able to du plicate It and meet all the obligations that arc now held by the defunct En terprlso National bunk of Allegheny Pa UINTAH ROAD Contractor Rrtnrni and Tells of Con ditions nn the Hcfenntlon Milton Ridges member of the firm of Davis Judges of this city which has been working during the past sum mer on buildings for the Ulntah Rail road company returned this morning I from the reservation In order to spend the holidays DulrnB the past few I months he has been superintending the erection of a chain of hotels wve = ILLINERY 116 Main st > Half Price Sale Will Run All This Week It Presents Greater Opportun ity For Selecting USEFUL CHIRSTMAS PRESENTS To the Ladies and the Children lhanany moneysaving event offered in this city The stock consists of the Newest Cre ations in Winter and early Spring Effects in Ladie Hats MA TERIALS Ribbons Laces Chiffons Veiling civets Velveteens I Silks Ostrich Plumes and ffioas French Flowers Wings tBrcasls JJraic Childrens Hats Caps and Hoods Everything Half Price Until Christmas Day i4 = = T Z fIt It is a bonafidc Christmas Offering to our patrons that is half the purchase price is saved for other things lnyiocll known Patron of ours knowing of poor and needy families where a hood cap or moderatepriced hat I would bring joy to the hearts of the little ones can hate a suitable present sent out free of charge by leafing the I ad dresses and names with us Saturday Write each childs name on lie card you Would have I the present go to IVc Will do the rest 10 Y > C < Hi houses auto shed roail houie stngo barns hospital barns 1ROOO bushel capacity granaries and other buildings for the company He reports conditions to be decidedly flourishing on tho rc ecrvutlon with the company shipping from three to five carloads of gllsonlte east dully The stage automobiles plylnir between Dragon and llonanri and carrying the United States mull Interchanging with tho stages to Fort Duchesno and Vernal he PI8 arc do Ing a great business On Tuesday When he left the autostage carried 22 passengers thin number being the title rather than the exception Among the buildings he has been engaged in putting up Is a big oillcc nail auto bulldlni tor the company at Vernal This Is a brick structure built of I brick manufactured right In Vernal He nUo assisted In the luslnlling of private telephone and tpvgriih line to Fort Duchrine nod has completed I the rrmodelln1 of a Urnom lioiiio at that place fur a telephone station Mr HldKef states that them Ill lJro no dlljlculty In keeping the Ilntiih load oren all this winter To date there nun been but a IIIh full nt mow with splendid weather prevail ing He predicts a big rush and great developments on tho reservation an soon as spring opens up I SPIKE AND RAIL K M Irttt the Salt Lake artist ban been ipolnted commUsiry In tho lln fig car service of the San Pedro road with hcudiunrtts In this city W H Huntsbcrgcr chief clerk of the Passenger department of the Hlo Grande Wcntern here will resume his duties In Mr Ilintons olllce next week lie expects to be discharged from the I hospital on Saturday The Salt Lake Route has called In Its passenger engines which have been leased to the Southern 1aclllo out of Ogden for tho past six month They have been thoroughly overhauled In the Ogden shops nnd are to be used on the now limited service On the Nebraska division the Union Tactile In handling stock trains of 7G cars In Weber canyon It Is not un it ma I to pans freight train made up of fit cars Tills would Indicate that the Union Pacific IH handling Mme busi ness In these piping times of pros perity The Salt Luke Route conductors who will run between Halt Lake and Los An geles on the Limited and the less Angeles Express arc J K Berry L H Moore William Adams J E Me Carty W F Drannan J II Mulligan W H Blood H K Deacon and W F Furrier H W Edgcrton traveling freight agent for the Chicago Northwestern was discharged from Holy Cross hoa fIlial this morning He Is Hill wear Ing the black eye he received when he was slugged nearly two weeks ago by a holdup In addition his shaved head shows three bad wounds that are now healing In good shape It will ho several days yet before he will bo In condition to report for work LOST MONEY ON FITZ Theatrical Man CliafRcs Snloon Keep er Vllli Having liuncocd Him As A result of the big fight In San Francisco last night between Phila delphia Jack OUrlen and Bob FUzslm coons one man In this city was bump ed for about J700 The man who claims lie buncoed Is Clifford W Grant manager and owner of the London Gaiety Girls playing nt the Lyric He was for old man Fltz up tp JlOOO Hu drifted iota the FalnlalT saloon on State street and offered to bet any part of 1000 on the sorrel topped warrior of the prize ring Four hundred dol lars of his money was covered In short order The fight by rounds came In one round at a time nnd It looked like Fits would get away with the big end of the purse Grant bet some more Then came the Hash that OBrien had won in the thirteenth round But according to the complaint made by Qrint to Mr Wllley assistant city attorney this morning the flash was withheld from Grant by Billy Plttman of the Flagstaff Thinking that Fltz was a sure winner Grant plunges two nun dren more plunks and of course loses Tho bartender said Grant who held the money refused to permit the the atrical man to be buncoed saYing It was too raw When Grant learned that the flash had been withheld he mode a holler and now wants Plttman ar rested The matter will probably be adjusted Mr Willey gays that unless the money Is paid back to Grant there will b9 something doing In Judgo Dlehls court Grant says he cores nothing for tho J100 as he lost that on the square but he does not propose to lose the other 200 + SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr and Mrs John B Cossrlff an nounce the engagement of their ulster Elizabeth to William Edward Fife the date of the wedding being as yet unset tied A beautiful table was that at which Mrs MeCiflkcHB guests sat down at the Alta club yesterday Its decorations of yellow chrysanthemums and greens with exquisite pieces of lace making It a pretty picture After luncheon a few games of bridge were played and about 20 guests enjoyed the affair 1 Samuel Xcwhouse has returned from an eastern trip SS The Commercial club will keep open house on New Years day One of the large Christmas events will be the hop to be given nt the Unl verolty by the member of the Alpha Il fraternity on the night of Dec 28 the patron and chaperone to Include some of the prominent people of the city Last night the wedding of Miss 1lv Inn Haymond took place nt the homo of the bride with Her E I Goshen officiating In the presence of tho near relatives nnd friends The rooms were bright with lowers and many presents were received After the reception Mr and Mrs Haymond left for the Pacific coast for a fortnights stay e Miss Winnie Ithodes nnd Miss Louisa Sullivan leave today for California CHRISTENSENS CHRISTENSENS DANCING ACAD EMY UNITY HAlL Clirlftmns matinee and Grand Dill at 4 nnd 830 p m New term Juvenile classes will form A GOOD RESOLUTION Resolve to UK only the best tele phone service for the coming year The phone that talks HAVE YOU Tim cuuncii WORKS No Latterday Saints home should be without n set of the standard Church publlcntloni the center ta ble or In the library S no for the raw free catalogue Ierer t News Book Store Salt Lake City Utah A LOCAL MARKETS The local markets continue quiet up to date but by tomorrow evening the Christmas buying will begin and the inurUot men will have their handy rail Cars of omnKM haiumip lemons and other fruits and produce from Oullfor ila continue to arrive and they uro re torted all tn Rood shape A part car of Malaga Italian grapes arrived lust night In bargin packed with chopped cork BO that the fruit Is well protected The fourth car of date of tho Benson Is also nt hand and the fruit IH nailing a ready wile Smoked calmon In nt hand from the coast and white fish from the irrit lakes with eastern cat fish also Tnero IK n slight tall In but ter wholesale an premonitory of a flight drop In the retail price Cheese ID up a little wholesale but not enough to affect us yet the retail markets Poultry li stiff and turkeys are whole saling nt 18 cents now Instead of 15 cents Hnveci thiie in Il falling off In broilers 1vorgrcens are pretty well sold out and the wholesalers report only a few wreaths left with them liven the llor Ifts have not nil their tock In and wholesalers Ml there will be no more ImportutloiiH this season English wal nulH are reported to be the best ever Imported Into thli country and their flavor IN fresh and sweet In fact the entire nut market Is In acceptable shape The prices obtaining in the Salt Luke markets today are as follows RETAIL Timothy per cut 80 Alfalfa 65 Corn per ewt > 135 Corn cracked per cu 140 Wheat per cwt 160 Oat 163 Barley rolled per cwt 150 Hour family per cwt zuO rinur straight grade per cwt 22f Flour high patent per cwt ZM Bran and shorts 110 I Straight shorts 120 Corn meal cwt 13081 MEATS AND POUlTKY Dressed beet Ib 12M25 I Dressed pork Ib 15 jJ17 < Dressed veal Ib 1241320 Dressed mutton Ib SMJ15 Dressed lamb Ib 10020 Lard li I Dressed springs Ib M Dressed hens Ib 17 Broilers each 40 < f50 Turkeys 20tl2ZI i OAIUY PRODUCTS Butter Ib 30 Cheese Ib 15O21 Utah eggs WfM Eastern cheese Ib 25 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Cranberries per quart 20 Grapes per basket 75 Fresh figs Ib 1R Spinach per Ib 5 Turnips per peck 25 Jelly dates 25 Carrots per peck 20 Utah celery 10 Mixed nuts two pounds 35 Oranges per box 350QIOO Chile concarne cake 25 Citrons each 15 Lemons per dozen 30 Utah cabbage per Ib 3 Onions per peck 40 Utah potatoes per bushel 75 California lettuce 3 heads 25 Bananas 25W30 Cider per gallon SOfCO Honey > 15 Stuffed dates 1pound packages 25 Dry onions bushel 150 Tomato per pound 20 IleetR In cans each 20 Maplo sugar per Ib CO Ilatilshes per bunch 5 Apple peck i 50075 Dates Ib 1020 fiweet potatoes 6 Ibs 25 Panned pumpkin 20 Hot peppers per pound 10 Walnuts IICr pound 20 Almondper pound 2 > Mixed per pound 20 Pecans n 20 FISIl Halibut per pound 15 Smoked halibut per pound 20 White fish per pound 20 Rea bats per pound 15 Shad per pound 15 Select oysters per can BOflSO Selects per quart CO Standards per quart < 50 New York counts per dozen 25 Kippered salmon per pound 20 Kteollioad salmon pound 1715 Codfish per pound 15 Perch two pounds 25 Striped bass per pound 20 Soles two pounds 25 Flounders two pounds 25 Smelts per pound uy Catfish per pound 15 Sturgeon per pound 15 White fish per lb 20 Eastern cat fish per Ib 20 WHOLESALE FARM PRODUCTS Alfalfa per ton baled 1100 Timothy 1400 I Wheat per cwt 100 Corn per cwt 123 I Corn cracked per cwt 130 Oats 150 Barley rolled per cwt lio i Flour family per cwt 170 Flour straight grade per cwt 190 Flour high patent per cwt 210 Bran nnd shorts 100 Straight shorts 110 Corn meal per cwt 1000200 DAIRY PRODUCTS Creamer butter per pound 25 Ranch butter pound 22 cheese pound 14915 Ranch eggs 1050 Eastern fancy cheese 10 Eastern eggs 7EO MEAT AND POULTRV Dressed beef pound HHCC t Dressed pork pound 7 Dressed veal pound 8 Dressed mutton pound 6 > j0S Lard in Dressed springs roundII Live hens pound 11 Dressed liens pound 13 Turkeys pound IS Broilers per pound n HOLIDAY RATES Via D R o R R Ole fare for round trip between any two stations In Utah Tickets nn sale nee 23 24 23 30 31 and Jan 1 Final limit Jan 4 See agents for particu lars ROBERTS COMPLETE WORKS Outlines of Ecclesiastical History 176 250 n76 Tho Gospel 750 125 si50 Now Witness for God 150 210 Succession In the Presl nency 30c ouc me Rise ana jail or Nnuvoo 1125 J225 Missouri Perse cutions J125 J225 Mormon Dor trine of Deity SI00 1125 and 1175 Deseret News Hook Store Salt Lake City Utah 200 DISCOUNT ON ALL TOYS A + DINWOODEYS I y 4 v MEHESY t Ll + tJ tiottjoj r1 sl ± tm + UiM > wMTBaB Pd lLlt1 q S a II 1 i atsni 110 sas 41 ero > emmnsssumaer r c FURS i F or Christmas Gifts FOR BABE SWEETHEART WIFE MOTHER BUY RIGHT FURS RIGHT 1ItWIi r Ti tlllt e MEHESY THE FURRIER KNUTSFORD HOTEL BUILDING rmawnnsosr H + H + I + H1 + + IHI + i ± + + i l IF THERES A 1 WOMAN INj 1I THIS TOWN I Who Is ashamed of the looks of j the stovepipe In her kitchen tell her about SAFOLIN ENAMEL our window shows i S MORRISON MlRRlll g co j r No 28 MAIN ST > i 25 cents worth will convince I 11 I + H + H + I1 + IHH HH + H + u FARMS AND LIVE STOCK I make o specialty of handling farms ranches and livestock In Utah and Idaho I It you want to buy consult my list If you liav to loll call on Ine for cut amen Properties handled for non resldentrt and loam negolIId M SKEEN 4JM lit Natl Hack BIdg Ogden Utah utah A SPECIAL Dental CO DIt XIMMiIIMAN Mgr 114 Main Ht MOST HKUAI1U I KNTI8TS IN THE CITY HrT OF TKKTII < teat Ited nubbert Ji M fioid Crowns ak JUQ to Uf HrlitS1 Work bent J350 to ti 00 Gold Ulllncd SLOt up ethers Wo to 70 12VKAH OfAHANTEK TKETII KXTKAlTKIJ WITHOUT 1AlV Open till 6 p m Bunilijn 10 to i Thonei Hell U3SK t Ind IM 299Fo For First Class Den tal Work AND REASON ABLE PRICES SEE DR WEST 2 < 1 Main St t u Sign of Didnt Burt a Hit I Roy Didnt Hurt a Dlt Boy Tol li7Jk Saponifier jMiiji i Pennsylvania So ar as 4 i iiS > VP nrrls the Drill k4 81 atd old rella psi JIl sit Ie Concentrated le for family soap along aril genet na h ugh Id uses Imware of counter I 111 The success f IhN article hat e niliictd unprlnc pied nartUs to imi tate It None genus ire unless Pennsyl w inln Pall Mmu 1 C fiVturlns fo Phi MIIA51Lf t mlrlphtn Is stamp I ed nn the lid Ask your racer for it ana take no other i I Do It Today YES BUY A PIANO Even if you dont buy from us All the same we would like you to call on us before you do buy t jI jI jI d f Daynes Romney Piano Co 2527 East First South Street Salt LaKe City L t4 CHristmas V rr w ii7jt Y I = Eighty = five Cents and up obinson I jirosCo o ICt MAIN STHCET JI 7J 1I d ADVERTISERS SHOULD USE THE 4l SEMIWEEKLY NEWS jt II thoy desire lo reach the people of tho Western Slnto and Torrllorlcs In their homo Circulation Books Open To Advertisers I