iiSTORM iS OI ICt Churcn cd J s Christ LaUerdall Saints The Quest of the Useful Hi tlio er Want ndt need > n > t ho next to iiirn I rind Or In linlf wlrenctlng of Its llv aspects multitude by Hie Himlo fluil raster habit DESERET EVENING N E W S matter they lst rend I UK nre of matter tliemohcs the Itlcht for iiiiiiiin rent ns n reading rule Inter WIDTH AM 1IUEHTY 28 PACESLAST = EDITION SATURDAY APRIL 14 1006 SALT LAKE CITY UTAH FIFTYSIXTH YEAR j thG STORES WONT CLOSE MONDAY y Arbor Day Observance Procla mation Being SideTracked This Year FAILED TO GET TOGETHER Banks Will Business Post office Will Have Holiday Hours What Others Will Do t chJol Will ilo Much Tree nnd FloWer Planting and Citizens VIII Malco GCIllInl Clcilllllp Not In many years has thero been niion n division of sentiment on tho jmt of Halt Lake merchants as to whether or not they should closo their I Ptores on Arbor day ris thoro Is Just now It appears that some were qulto willing to 10 to If others would fall Into line and do tho samo Hut there Is whom trouble was iiicountcred others would not and RO the matter Is off so far as the mercantile establish ment are concerned at least Yesterday Z C M I signified Its willingness and signed nn agreement to close Its doors on Monday The document was Hunt down the street for the ilgnaturo of other iatabllshments of like nature Auerbaohs qnd tho Paris signified their willingness by af Jlxlrg their names to the paper Hut Ji is stated that the work censed theio r some of tho other largo stores Bald they saw no roasai for doing II w Then those who were nlreudy In the compact taw that as n mdttcr of selfprotection they would bo obliged to remain out its well This afternoon It was hinted thii there might be an effort before rtenlnR to have a general half day ciruins It wai thought that this movement might succeed BANKS ALL CLOSE The banks will be closed for the en tIre day So will the city and county bulJIiig the schools postotllce an4 courts Thero will be a general tree nr1 flower planting campaign on the part ot tho teachers and pupils of the ntnt university and the public and oth er hoots The Mining exchange will do no business and there will be a cy decided cessation from work The bu hers and grocers expect to doss Pe r establishments In the afternoon PUOCLAMATIONS IONORUD There Is very general regret that tic proclamations of Gov Cutler ana M yor Thompson are to bo Ignored by li many particularly at this time when l1e i Ivlo Beauty league Is working fo hard to have thi city cleaned tip and nn 01 < sanitary nnd presentable It Is jiroiiibly the first time In the history tr Ie rlty that there has been such iv mailffst indIfference over the observ RiKe of such proclamations WHAT ° NEWS WILL DO Ml departments of tho Deseret News Xppt the newspaper will have a half n ihliy and the employes on the news Fapir end will be allowed to drop work lIS soon as the paper Is Issued The rninagement of the News bolng In hearty sympathy with the proclamation of the governor and mayor urges on fit nf Its employee to spend the half hOil lay In following the recommenda lions as far as possible THIRTY DAYS FOR GAMBLER nc1o DUIil Follows Out CJmxl Policy nnniinml by Him II the cilmlnnl division of the city t 11t this morning George D Harruh I1 v had previously been found guilty It mining a gambling house was sen 1 wl by JUdgo C B Diehl to servo > t un of thirty days In the city Jail ft Kt1Y of execution was requested by In defendants attorney who Intends n r ke nn appeal In tho case and 0 tla were fixed In the sum of J100 J case of engaging In gambling IgI51Ihe defendant was dismissed V Hoy who on Wednesday was con fl ed of gambling was fined 25 today A 81 iy of execution was nlso uskod for > > this case not for tho purpose of 0 king nn appeal but because the de I1 iJint Is absent from tho city 11 the case of John Bramble accused > f decent exposure and whose hear Illg has engaged the attention of the t Jrt for several days tho defendant II today declared to be guilty of the Off iso nnd he will be sentenced on ihiuBiay next nt 2 p m i ie hearing of the case against John r inr alias George Burke chanced p 1 stealing brass journals from rail irs wns continued Indefinitely r r Irs li In the custody of the sheriff S < l1 c more serious charge that of r larceny hanging over him Hr > Holtzre pleaded not guilty to a rhflO of vagrancy nifd was placed PMfr J50 bonds to await a hearing if Tuesday DETECTIVE MPARIAND Han un Broke up Molly Mrdnlrcs VMird Knit lnko Todny James McPnrlnml the Plnkertonde Ie t v who was instrumental break o up the Infamous Molly Mngulrcs of Ff SyUnnla and wlo Is now working p llfl Steunenberg assassination case laj to Salt Lake this morning unan II Inl l As soon us ho arrived he S t to the Oregon Short Line ticket rip anti Secure a reservation to Holse J tonights train Proton that time ho prf mcil totnplctfly of sight In II 19 nt Ihe police headaunrtcrs state m antI other places where MePar JIrd wOuld bo likely to RO were he ANklng on the Idaho rase drew a l11k ol > o < ly hud seen him A round Ip r P the 1lotrlH nlso failed to disclose i K l2 whereabouts to rt II suggested that tho famous detec IB here working on a clue con t 1 with tho alleged plot of the In I 7 Ircll but those who nre acquaint 11 wth him one and nil declared that IQ nod cot been near them VESUVIUS IS QUIflNGOONI News From Region Surrounding It is Good and the Sun Is Shining PEOPLE RETURN TO HOMES Bwrr JlIIIIOII Ioo bet Ion Todiiy n Tloo oikgli I oi for tliu Danger Ju ed Naples April H 810 n mThe news from the Vesuvius region contlnucH to be satisfactory the sun ID shining brightly this morning mid the last vestiges of tho eruption are disappear ing from Naples Tho work of elcntilnir anti auponlnir Is u Htlll going on here but the city has nbout resumed Its normal appearance while the reports from tho villages mid towns In the region of Vesuvius pay that the people are crndually returning to their homes that the stores lire be ing reopened and that the Inhabitants of the towns which HUffeted the least are actively engaged In repairing their damaged homes and churches and In opening up tho roads In which they are assisted by the troops and government engineers This being Sabato Santo or the Saturday before Kastcr tins churches of thin city are overcrowded with worshipers of nil classes fiom the lady In nil elegant velvet gown ar riving in n magnificent carriage to the humble beggar girl who rinds Il dim cult to afford the cheap handkerchief on her head as the churches In Naples particularly are common meeting ground for the princess and pen ant I vry religious function today was a thanksgiving for the danger passed while requiem masses were celebrated for tho repose of the victims of the vol canic disaster Near the statue In the cathedral of the patron eLlIot of Naples Han Gen naro a child was engaged In especially earnest prayer Afterwards when she left the cathedral looking particularly happy Him uas iiueuloned as to what was the boon she had been asking of San Clerrnro to which the girl replied That the saint will cause the queen to come and live In Naples 03 she brings good luck The volcano Is afraid of her The feeling of joyous thanksgiving In Naples contrasted strongly with the mournful scenes witnessed In the des olated districts relatives weeping over their dead and priests going fiom house to liotise blessing the homes of tho bereaved while above them was Mt Vesuvius still wearing u Uneaten Ing appearance The British cruiser Leviathan nr rived here today to express the sym pathy of Great Hrltnln for the suffer ers from the volcanic outbreak Sir 1 Thomas Upton also Is bore on his yacht Erin Another visitor Is the Duke of Abruzzl who Is hurrying preparations for his trip to Central Africa It Is said he contemplates an other attempt to reach tho north pole CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS FOR FOREST RANGERS Special to the News Washington D C April UClvIl service examinations will bo held ns follows to secure eligibles to till va cancies In the position of forest ranger forest service Utuh Park City Mount Pleasant and Pangultch May 14 15 16 IdahoMeadows May 10 11 12 Boise May 15 16 17 Pocatello and Kooskla May 14 15 16 yoOlnlllIckson Lander Wanltl Saratoga May H15 16 Applicants should apply Immediately to the civil service commission AVnsh Ington D C for aJ1IUC1 lIon form 1903 0 0 SHADOW LIFTED FROM D D TOMPKINS NAME I New York April Hfhe Times to day pays In nn obscure vault In tho church yard or St Marks with a sninll weatherbeaten slab of stone to Indi cate his last resting place lie the re mains of the man who was most con spicuous In tho stale In the cathy years of the last century mid who althougn nt one time n national figure died nt Inst In poverty and under the blight of accusations which wrecked his life Tho shadow Is now lifted from his name but It Is nlmost forgotten ex cept to students of history nnd the members of nn organization by which it Is cherished This man Daniel D Tompkins was live times governor of the state of New York and twice vice president of the United States Through his endeavors slavery was abolished In this state He was one of the most active figures In the war of 1812 It remained for one man Judge Irnnk Hurd Hoblnuon of Honiellsvllle the present Grand Master of the Ma sonic order In the state of Now York to start the movement which will re sult In erecting a memorial to Cloy Tompkins In city Hull Park Gov Tompkins was secretary of the Grand Lodge of the state from 1802 to 1804 and Inter grand master of tho organ ization The mode of the memorial has been completed It represents bOy Tomp klns sentid In a chair The figure will bo of bronze resting on a white nuir ble pedestal with figures In relief on the sides It will be 20 feet high los TompkIns was the son of Jonathan O Tompklns a revolutionary soldier and wits born nt Fox Meadows now Scawlalo in Wcstchester county June 1 171f Tompkins was first elect ed governor In U07 In April 1816 Gov Tompkins was nominated for vice president nnd elected He wan re elected vice president In ISliO lie was again proposed for governor In the some year His popularity had waned In the state however enemies unable to understand his accounts during the war of 1812 made charges of dlshos csty against him The shock of these accusations was so great that the pat riots mind gave way and he became tho victim of n settled melancholy In desperation he sought refuge In dissipations which hastened his end He retired to Staten leland and died there almost In want on June 11 183i Tardy Justice was done In the matter of the war funds and the state paid a considerable amount to his family w SCENE x AT THE UTAH COUNTY HORSE SHOW IN PROVO YESTERDAY I I UTAH COUNTY HORSE SHOW Biggest Display of Fine Horses Ever Shown in Utah County OVER 300 HORSES IN LINE Valued ntIUtlnOOAlIhnllls Inhibit o < l mill Xnmcri fir Ownoi4 Proo Xiws Notri Special to the News Prove April Hlh Utah county horse show hettlwre yesterday wnc n perfect success Tbe day was an Ideal one and thousands of people gath ered on tho sidewalks anti streets to view the biggest exhibit of fine horses that hag ever been inado In Utah county Hxpresslons of admiration Mere heard as the line of tine animals passed Tliero were over 300 horses In line with about tiO stallions nnd 100000 Is a safe estimate of their value the stallions ranging from 1000 to 3000 Draft horses predominated but there were couch horses and standard breed trotters all exceptionally flue spe cimens of their clasH The procession started from the courthouse block at 10 oclock In the following order Committee B Y U band Commer cial club oitlcers county draft horses and gets driving stallions and gets driving horses standard bred trotters draft horses brood marcs colts 1 to 3 years old visiting horses ctUens In carriage citizens on horseback The tlmo of match was as published In Wednesdays News On return liiir iii the rniirthoupc sriuaro the horses wrro exhibited in tho west half of thou square and tho people crowded the tldewalks and streets around tho block to admire thorn Speeches weio de livered from the band stand by Presi dent Irvine of tho Commercial club Mayor Frlsby Dr George II Hrlmhatl H L Chlpman Uenjnmln Argyle and William M Hoylanto nil comm nda tory of the Commercial club and thu committee which hod brought the ex lilblt to mich a successful Issue and complimentary encouraging to tho men who butt Invested In the tine ani mals and bad brought them to the show Dr Hrlmhttll advanced n valu able Idea viz that puro bred inarei as well as slrrs Hlumld bo Imported that Utah might export rather than Import line animals Several of tho i speakers referred to the county fair project and such inference was well received nnd It may bo paid with safe ty that the county fair was given a biff Impetus The following are some of tho horses exhibited with th lams of tho own crs Gentleman Percheron J n Allen Bro Draper Hrlghntn Young Dan W If Selcox Itlver ton Mohifiln Pcrchcron J II Allen Bros Charleston Chieftain Major Percheron W Hnllldny Pt Grove Ivanhoe Pcrchcron 118 Lott Lehl lox Hambletonlan Chas Barney I Lake Shore Nig Percheron H L S Assn Benjamin Poisson Percheron Salem P Co Salem Mountain Chief Percheron J 0 Bullock Pleas I ant Grove Prosolt Percheron J O Bullock Pleasant OroVe Vellcy Percheron Pleasant Grove P H Co Pleasant Groyo Michael Tennessee Hal S W Lund Pleasant Glove Joke Standard A Holman Pleasant Grove Amiable French Coach W II H cse Payson Artolan Perchor on Seland L H Co Spanish Folk Brown Heckner Hambletonlan Ily Lcmnion Payson Cendrto Pcrcher Oil Puyson P D H Assn Payson Plerrot De Hrezer Belgian Llewel lyn Holley Maplatuu Uirson Pereheron H O Chlpman American Pork Konton De Monti Belgian Lake View L H Co Utke View Salisbury French Conch Kobt Dud ley Benjamin flanchy Percheron L S H Co Luke Shore Jolly Shire leo B < Watson Jr Mapleton Golden Cross Standard T N Toy lor Provo Massowan Standard J T Furrer Provo Duffel French Coach P P F C AMII Provo Crlepl Pereheron P P V C Assn Provo Star Shire J H Stubbs Provo Duke Hamhletonlan J J Craner Proioi Iloscoe Hambletoti Ian 8 I Bunncll Vineyard Major Percheron Joseph Ashton Prove Bench Blackbird Standard Jamef Oakley Sprlngvllle Jack Percheron B ltoth well Sprlngvllle Sky Mor gan It Palfreyman Bprlngvllle Ban ner Jack J H noach Plcasaiu Grove Krcso Standard It W Creer Spanish Fork Slur Humble tonlanHlncklercBltJUProvo Lcid cr > Mtatnlarn T7 t Dvnns Provo The Lake View Livestock association owners of Fonton De Monte distributed the following prizes to yearling colts from their horses ranging In points of merit as Indicated by the prizes The SHERIFF GOES TO QUELL TROUBLE BY GREEKS Men Quit at Bingham Junction to Go to Idaho at an Advance of Fifty Cents a Day Shipped Out Last Night and Others Want to Follow Them This Afternoon Deputy Sheriffs Disperse Crowd There is much uncertainty this after noon over a threatened riot nt the smelter nt Hlnghnm Junction Tho trouble commenced lute yesterday afternoon It IRS cnuned by n number of Greeks who had null work with the Intention of leaving the state to get employment In Idaho nt an In crease of 50 cents per day In wages The men who quit work being about 40 In number demanded their pay from the company which was refused on the ground that they had not given foo owners of the colts were T L Men dPiihitll Sprlngvllle 8 John lIe gan Sprlngvllle 5 Heber Stubbs Provo JI Thomas Snelson Sprlng vllle 3 MotIon ClinKer Inke Shore 2 ofl Win J Clegg Vineyard 260 The afternoon was spent In exhibit ing the animals on the courthouse square uiid on the streets nnd ciowds remained out all the time In the eve ning a ball was given In honor of the visitor in the Mozart inivlllon YOPNG MEN LHAVK SCHOOL A rather strange disappearance of tIm students from the Brigham Young uni versity Is reported Fergus Johnson son of Judge Jacob Johnson of Spring City nnd Clustave Andeison son of Ole Anderson of Pleasant Grove left March 2S to io to Halt Lake They stated to the people with whom they were boaidlng that they would remain about a week and that they were go ing to investigate athletics at tho Uni versity Johnson especially Is promi nent In athletics holding good records In the broad jump and the mile run As they did not come back Inquiries have been Instituted but nothing of Importance can be learned of any Cause that led them to leave and no cause Is known why they should leave They have not communicated with their parents so far as known tn fact Judge and Ms Johnson were hero yesterday mil the judge has taken steps to learn af the whereabouts of his i < oii Anderson has written a let ter horn Ht Antlvmy Idaho to a joung lady In this city He states that both of them arc homesick but each Is tiylng to keep It from the otherH knowledge Ho also states they nro going to Idaho Falls and asks that a letter be addressed to him beret under the hump of Jumps Urnivn care J A j Taylor Thou young men are about 20 years of age WOODHIADDIUSCOM WBonixar i A marriage licence has been Issued to Kdwln Drlscoll of PocatIlo Idaho and Kmnm Woodhend of Provo OAHDKN CITY NOTKS The Black Hawk Indian war veteran have decided to hold their annual en campment In Provo this year on AUR SS 29 30 and 31 The Lake resort grounds will be occupied by the veter ans Elnyas AJiv charged thc Fomorth dlstlct court with obtaining money un der false pretenses was not present when his case was called yesterday and I his bonds were declared forfeited on application of the district attorney the company the rqulred 10 days notice The men declared that If they were not paid Immediately they would pre vent the afternoon shift from going to work and Aould declare n strike Ac cordingly they attempted to Interfere with the men who went to work on the afternoon shirt nml attacked one of them end beat him with I cub Depu ty Sheriff Ucckstead called several special deputies to his assistance and soon dispersed the wouldbe strikers The men stated thnt they would re turn to work If they were given nn In crease of 60 cents per day The com DIES IN LONDON FRIENDS IN UTAH News of Death of Mrs Sarah Everard Cabled to Presi dent Smith LEFT A LARGE FORTUNE Much of I IimUll III Salt laU In Ilu cloth and Commercial Stocks Hriiiiinbors Utah Irloiid A cablcfiram to Prel enl Joseph F Smith from London today announced tha d lth I1baltIYlt Mri8Iruh Kverard n wwillhy member o the Church There were no details and tho cause of hT demise Is not known here at this lime Mrs Lverard was about seventy years of ago and a thorough business woman who had Accumulated a fortune out of brokerage which sloe conducted with all of the ability nnd during of a man trained to that uncer tain occupation For fifteen years or more the hOle of Mrs Cverard was open to the Elders from Utah 1 was located In 1 fashion able quarter of Ixmdon and Important meetings were often held there Hoc I pltallty and generosity were prevail ing clmracteilsllrH of the hostess and her home and many 1 needy mission ary alt other person who was In dis tress had occasion to hlees tho hniul of this woman In HOle respects slip was a contradiction and was often gov erned by Impulse but she wan ever title ant loyal Her character wl strongly nfllrmntlvc There was noth ing negative or weak about her When sho liked a person thcro was no mis taking I and when she disliked one the fact was quite as clearly known Mrs Evorunl paid two visits to Salt Lake the first In 189 Sho remained hero for n year or t o and then ie turned to her native land where she stayed for another year or two Then she ale back to Utah for another 811Inl period and went hOle when It appears that death has overtaken her While In Vtah she made heavy Investments and hUB I fortune In the industrial and commercial stocks of this city ion approximate value o which Is not less than Jjr000 I Is mi dorclood that she lies some other hold Ings the value and nature of which are unknown I was on the occasion of her second visit to Itah that Mrs Kvornrd be came a member of the dominant faith Her parents It secant Wfre long npo Idfiitlilcd with I lie Church but this was In her girlhood days and she knew little or nothing In relation to I One of the first Elders she met In Europe was Elder Joseph W McMurrln She also met Mis MrMnrrln at the same Hint and thenceforth too family were tho warmest of friends 1 Is stated that no leas than n dozen nr llftceen Utah ireisons nre probably beneficiaries o Mrs Everard as I Is known that she remembered several of them In her will The names ami amounts how ever cannot be learned for the pres ent Mrs Kvcrnrd also had relative and they probably nlco iccclvrd be quests In various amounts pany refused to concede to their de mands In this respect and refused to allow them to return to work They were given their pay however nnd were shipped out of town last night so that no further trouble Is anticipat ed from them Homo of tho other Greek It Is said have become dis satisfied since the trouble was started and H Is feared that they will endeavor to Interfere with the men when they KO on shift this afternoon According ly Sheriff Emery and Deputy Sheriff Stcele went out to Hliisham Junction this morning and will be on hand ready to handle the unruly Greeks should they start any trouble o BITTER ATTACK ON THE PRESIDENT Rep Towne Makes One at Jeffer son Day Banquet in Kansas City SAYS HE WILL EXPOSE HIM Dedans Ho N < Ira tct Irtimlsrr a aol Simillrt Performer Since Dajs Of Jscarlot Kansas City April Representative Charles A Towne of New York re upending to a toast here last night at the Jefferson Day banquet went out side his set speech to eulogize William Jennings Jlryan and to bitterly attack President Hoosevolt Both sentiments aroused the most Intense enthusiasm the reference to tho Nebraskan ending In a demonstration that amounted to an uproar Mr Towne did not refer to 11 Bryan by mime Your toastmastur has put upon me tho duty of referring to our gloat Standardbearer of 188 aId he I feel almost that he himself In far away India must be catching tho en thusiasm of your homage tonight Sir Tone then read front an edl toilul In which sympathy was offered to the Democratic editor who wus wont free to write silver columns on Imperialism and 1 am an thankful as anyone that the money question has worked Itself out po satisfactorily resumed Mr Towne Hut I cannot accept In silence the popular version of why the predicted panic that was to follow the adoption of the gold standard did not material ize The panic did nut occur because since ISM thou country has produced enough gold to supply the money mar ket without material Increase In the silver output We OWl our prosperity to Providence not to a policy When men refused to open the mint God opened lie mines Then Mr Towne attacked President lloosevelt Im going to take you Into my con fldence this much aalil tho speaker by telling you that I um going back tl Washington with avowed purpose of exposing President Housevelt He Is the greatest promisor and smallest per former Inco the days of Jidutt Iscarlot He filched his rate legislation program from a national Democratic platform and Is now laid down on his own bill he sends for legislators and lectures them like boys And his tools consider hem for l minute They arc a speaker and a de geiRTivtr house Nowadays 1hernre three steps in national legislation get ting the permission of Uncle Joe to Introduce I bill and then securing UM passage In the house and the sent i get no show In lie house I mliht a WlU make I flower of nttnttinv tn ho speaker and go back home and got to i work I would not stay In Congress or In the Democratic party if I did not be lleva that Democracy will eventually triumph In national affairs It was for after midnight before time speech making was finished and Mr Townes response was to one of th last ousts on the program OFFICE BUILDING FOR U S REPRESENTATIVES Washington April 14In the pren CMco of a distinguished ° i dlsthlJul aH emhlige with the president of tIre United States i taking a prominent part with the sup i remo court and the Benato the house of representatives anti the diplomatic corps ns spectators and before a large concourse of people tho corner stone of tho otllco building for the representa tives will be laid with Impiesslve cere monies this afternoon The address of the day will be made by President Roosevelt who will speak on the man with tin muck lake lows The official lrornl as made up tot Selection Star Spunqled Banner U S Marine band Laying of the cornerstone by the grand master Of Masons of tho District of Columbia assisted by the ofllcers of the Grand Lodge Vorol selections Octette Address by the grand master Walter A Brown Cornet Oll Walter F Smith I At lresl Joseph O Cnnnon speaker of the house Selection by the IT R Engineer band Address by Ilepresentntlvo William P Hepburn of Iowa 1 1 Selection by the U S Marino band Address by Jnmes D lliohardcon former representative from Tennessee amid grniid commander of the supreme council of the Scottish lUte Selection by thl Lnglnecr tund Address by the Addrls president of the IJn Ited State o Selection hy the Marino band JACK BOYLE RANCH MAN ASSASSINATED Cheyenne Wyo April I IJIOCIC Boyle 1 well knoll rnnihmnn wns in > Nas lnatcd last night at the Kutchum ranch 25 miles southeast of Choyenno and just over the Colorado line being ahnt tirniifh I ivlnrinu ivlintt nt R nrt l < er The assassin escaped POPULATION O LOS AMJIXHs Ins Angete f al April 11Tiie popu latoln of Los Angeles ncronllng to the city directory censui of April 1 lo is 2282 The population as glvtn In the dlreetnry for May I i wits 1CT 6I On this basis tho oily has Increased 80631 In population In H months OIullllollnl NO MOHK SHOWS roil SCOTTV San Bernardino Cat Apill I 4Waiter Scott isho with his brother Wllllim IKMit last night In the county jail her hays he IB done forever with tbre how business and that ho his nmlfUO his mtintger to come hf Inlet hid ISMO riifti hOld out of the hank Scott s f 1 he will put up 1 hood hit Intend to stay In jull hem until his preliminary hearing on Mny I 01 I iAHTiuiKi IN TOUMOSA Toklo April ItA vfol at enrlhqlllk occurred this morning In the southern purl of the Island of Kormom The rns ualtlen and dammr done ars reported U > I hap hfn heavier than the oj the last earthquake I As n remit of the earthquake In For mosa last month 1011 persons were kill I td Oo InJiitiMl and 1900 houoMf vtre oW I mollshnd The prosperous t0n Of ca I lye was ileitroyed V = MAXIM GORKY IN HIS TRUE COLORS I t1 Sends Greetings to Moyer and Haywood Charged With 4 Conspiracy I MY BROTHER SOCIALISTS Says Day of Deliverance for Op t4f pressed of All Lands is At Hand H Homo of Ills PrlcnilH Arc Apprelirniho That Ills lc sie < > Will llllclit Purposo of Ills MK lon 0 fo 1t oils New York April 11Time Tribune to V day says i Maxim Gorkys fourth day In Amer ica wan sIgnalized by the sending of a telegram of sympathy to W D Hay wood and Chas Moyer of the Western 1 Federation of Miner In Jail at Cald well Idaomm the charge of conspiracy to murder former Gus Steunenberg t Gorkys action It Is feared by some of 1 his friends blights the prospects of his t i work here at the outset The telegram f follows I q f W N Hay wood and Chas Moycr County Jail Caidwell Ida f mt Greetings to you my brother Social ists Courage The day of justice and deliverance for the oppressed of all the world Is at hand Ever fraternally i t i yours Signed MAXIM GORKY Gaylonl Wllshlre whojie apartments at the Hotel HelleClalrc are occupied by Gorky was Been last night and said 1 T am responsible for the telegram It was not matter of deliberation I IIS n matei dellberlon I but It occurred to me when I saw Gor t ky at the reception at tho HclloClalie 1 s I asked him It ha wivild approve 1 mes sage of s sympathy to Hajnvood ind j Moycr find lie said Yes I then fc phrased It and hal It typewritten sign 7 ed his lame anti wnt It I subsequently 0 submitted I copy of the messagp to young Nikola Plshcoff Gorkys step sari ammo he approved It as expressing Gorkys sentiments I certainly believed when I secured I Gorkys approval that he was thor t I oughly familiar with the circumstances under which Hnywood and Mayer floe I p restrained of their liberty On more m mature rollectlon I would not feel war I ranted In Haying that he appreciated In ° l aJl of jH aspects the rftinitof puch ny > t ti 1 telegram i Oorky mud nn appointment to met I John Mitchell at 2 oclock this after noon t The KUKMlan Soelal Democrat league y f gave 1 dinner last tight at which f sympathy with lie llusslnn rovolu if tlonnry movement received cmhusl I f nMU approval hooky appeared and 1 II was greeted with an ovation Ho made n brief Bpccch S amid vns wildly applauded h 1 wY WATCHES GORKY t t ow York April HTho Times If 14 says it I A trusted agent of the Russian ac t i crot police Is iii this city friends of 1 I Maxim Gorky hnvo learned for the f i purpose of organizing nn effective sys t i tf tem o espionage on Gorky and his two fellowriVolutlonlHtH who hero fellow11olulonlst whl are helt 1 to raise funds for the cause of the llus l I i I Hlnn revolutionist The emperors npy I 1 J crossed the Atlantic on lie Kulccr Vllhelm der Oiose that brought i CJorky to thin countiy lust Tuesday tiltt l HP has managed to keep his place of ft residence In this city a secret thus r fur 11 I t YACHT RACE FROM SAN i i FRANCISCO TO HONOLULU Ji t f I I San Francisco April 14 Increased 01 1 interest is Dems taken In the Interna ij 0 tional yacht race from San Frunclfco f to Honolulu a distance In I direct line I 11 of nearly 2100 miles Alrendy thero I J have been five entries for time race r which Is to begin on May 13 It Is I probable that the winner will reach the bland port eight or nine days Inter or I I perhaps In less time for the yachts are r fast sellers The live already entered t r are the British owned yacht Mopleleaf I of Vancouver 13 C the Ua Palomn f i 4 owned by Clarwnco MacFnrhind of I Honolulu the Nlxle owned by Fulton I t O Berry of San Krnnrlsuo the loin I t owned by Comrmxlore Robert Vincent of Oakland and representing the Cali 1 I fornia Yacht club the Lurnllne owned I 0 by I 1 Sinclair of Santa Birlm and 1 tho Anemone owned by C L Tutt and 1 tf representing the New York Yacht olub t I The last mentioned Is now on the way i I i up the COlS I having recently passed i t I through the straits of Magullcti for the purpose of entering the big race There t I o is a strong probability that several I 1 mor yacht will be In tho conte rachs wl contest yacht owners I over the United Sfates t I a I nnd In many foreign countries having i 1 I bfon Invited to participate i ii The first prize for the race will b > f II I JMO ruu onlnbitsh shaped of solid fl I ftlvcr toad lined With gold D Inches On one side there will hI a sketch of I Diamond Head the picturesque head b f land near Honolulu and on the other side ppBro will bo left for the name of ii the winner and n suitable Inscription V 1 I pulnbl crlpton The men Is glen up II the Hawaiian 11 J Promotion committee Valuable I Ir01l10lton commItee lluabl prizes will also b given to every yacht par ticipating I Is likely that the Call I fornla Promotion committee will offer i 11f n cup for a return race from Honolulu l ii f to San FrnnolHCo f I APPEAL OF MOYER ET AL i Ii r DOCKETED IN SUPREME COURT f T Washington April UAtty U K ii nirhiirdnou of Donvr today Ooiketcd In tt the AIm court of nppp < ils from bbs J I vlnltm of tho Inltcd Stale circuit rcwr Idaho In the easuns at Charles I Ir i tort er William D Haywond and Oforyo A L Pettlbon who ant held In ruatmiy nt Ca well Idaho un the charqt of com j I I i plicity In the murder of the isle los j Stonn nb rR Moyer is president ant It Havwood rclnmy of the estrro Fed HHtlon of Miners and lh 1 Pllton lner Ald > ua well us 1 I pittlbone w rt Implicated In the rim I by n confession altagiM to have been 1 1 triad by the mm Oronaid who M charg 1 I td vh placing the bomb with which Ktrunenberir was killed The appeal II from n decIsion by the circuit court re m f l fining 10 grant writs of Imbfa tl ganl wrt t hlM corpus 4 In HlctmrJsou will on Monday uk the sn f promo court to advanc the casts In or C1 der to secure a htarlng during the proa J l t po enl term of court 1 I I H II fj 1 i It IH H 5