OCR Interpretation

Deseret evening news. [volume] (Great Salt Lake City [Utah]) 1867-1920, April 16, 1906, Last Edition, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045555/1906-04-16/ed-1/seq-1/

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Cl1urc1 of Jews Christ
fI IuUcrlay Q1i
Quest of llio Useful In the IT Want mis luod not bo npjt to pure
rnml of lIt i multitude innito cauler rending matter for us n rule
fn hair Its nhicc by tho lUvil habit they 11I1 > tlieiiivlves real rending
ut ndrcudhiK DESERET EVENING NEWS iimtUT st of llio hlcst luiniun Inter
d Flower Beds and Grass
plats Which Will Add to
Salt Lake Beauty
Man With Hoe and Rake Was a
Busy Chap Today and Did Much
In Way of Cleaning Up
Goncril Regret That His Store Did
jiot Ofoicrvn Kltlirr Spirit or Let
ter of PriKliiiimllon
I Is doubtful If Arbor Jay was over
before such a living Issue In Utah ns It
Is today Lafit year probably marked
the lowest ebb of Arbor day Hplrlt as
the celebration then was much moro
Jn form than In spirit but the revival
this en has trnnsversed conditions
and tlio tree ban come Into Us own
The banks wouldnt cash chocks to
day nor tho courts render decisions
because It was the day for tho young1
tree to bo godded In where I will do tha
most goo ond crow with the most
promise of future usefulness On Capi
tol hill the stain oIllclulB foregathered
nt 1 oclock tho governor surrounded
by his orllclal family and like other
governors of territorial and statehood
days planted trees In tho rows which
will ole day bo veterans around I
great state capItol building IUd as bor
ders to beautiful capital driveways
At this University of Utah the men
planted nnd fqr one day overalls and
tpadca were tho correct student cos
tume At noon the girls came forward
with a lunch nnd then there was rough
house dance nnd Impromptu entertain
lent The work lasted for two hours
In the morning and tho play for a
many hours after lunch Then the stu
dents dispersed to go to work on their
homes repairing painting and making
things beautiful Thousands of school
children helped the good work alone In
nil parts of the city
The now arbor day spirit IR I recent
growth In which It Is recognized that
one citizen can do violence to hlH neigh
bor by presenting him with an unkempt
front yard and nn unsanitary back
one Just as forcibly an by the vihyaldal
processes of which tho police court
judge takes cognizance and tot which
he meets out punishment The new
H > rlt of civic pride and I craving for
civic beiuty scema to have taken a firm
hold over the nation generally all
Salt Lakes celebration of Atbor day
today was in fitting keeping with the
general movement notwithstanding the
fdot that the stores continued to do
business throughout tho day
OX CAllTOIj llllU
filnto OflUlnl Ilant Trees Al > oo the
CiyOut In 1orcc
A large number of elate and federal
cflrlals assembled nt tho state cupltol
grounds this morning at 1030 oclock
und took part In the regular Arbm
day tree planting ccrcmunloH Among
those who participated In the ceremon
were Gov Cuter formcr Oov Thomas
former dov AVells Secretary of State
Tlngey Atty Gen Rrecden Stato
Auditor Edwards State Supt of
Schools Nelson Internal Revenue Col
lector CaHlster and wife IT H Marshal
Spry U S Surveyor General Hull U
fl Land Olllco Receiver Thompson
Stat Fish nnd Gamu Commissioner
Hharp State Food Inspector Peterson
W 1 Lynch J D Dixon W 0
randland J X Hnyos and W H
Tlniln members of the state land
lioanl Oen Naylor nnd Col Keslor
o the Kovernoru staff Fred 1rlce
5tal Htatlstlclan N 1 Nelson prl
tf secretary to tho governor A C1
Mathoson clerk In tho oillce of thn stnto
superintendent of schools Mifl Keslcr
MCP Fred PrIce Miss Lillian Phelps
Tlpprescntatlve Gcorgo Austin of Utah
runt wife nnd daughter and rcpre
Killves of the Telegram Tribune
url News
hirty trees wore added to tho iimn
1 on HIP grounds by tho ceremonies or
< idaj Of the total number of tret
r ned IS were cut leaf birch six wcro
iiropenn mountain ash nnd six were
HimtliiKton elms
The llrst treo planted was by novo
f uler who chose a cut leaf birch
N xt timo former Gov ThoniiH alI
t mor Gov Wells each with a birch
I retary of State Tlngey planted the
I1 t ash tree and ho was followed by
v tv fen Rreeden with the sninn
1 < ml Htnto Supt o Schools Nelson
tod 1 lino birch tree for tho chlTt
f 1 as ho expressed It Then fol
li Aed Col KfHler with an nsli troo
1 S Surveyor General Hull was tho
r 0 In line with I birch tree nnd ho
S followed by Stain Auditor Ed
ds with an nsh tree Ilccelver
l itnpson State Statistician Price
foHfrtor CnlllHter Game Commlsaloii
r Hlmrp Chairman Lynch of tie land
1ld Gen Xnylor Marshal Spry
lDOI Inspector Peterson Messrs Dlx
m Ilayis Tlmln and Cnmlland of tho
I Ill board and State
hOlltl III Stnt Representative
verge Austin followed In the order
> lined and each planted I blroh tree
Next cnme newspaper row where tho
r pr sentatlves of the three papcrfl
Pr sent Joined with tho goveniors prl
wte secretary and tho secretary to tho
to superintendent of schools ntul
v Hi the kind nsslstnnoo of Oov Cut
I nnd all of the stnto olflclals planted
> flue
I Ole mountnln ash trees
The ladles who were present wore
1 el Huntlngton elms to plant and
y put the men to shame by their ex
P linnilllng of the shovel Those of
fnlr sex who planted trees nre itrs
> kr Mrs Calllster Mrs Price Miss
J Ulan Phelps Mrs George Austin and
IS imma Austin Kuch
uRtn 1lch one vus
P1 PI I Huntlngton elm to plant
The onlv department of the Btnto
< n eminent which was not represent
0 1 In tho ceremonies today was the
f nrrmc rourt None of tho Justices
pr tlis court were present It was
81 fl however that two of them weru
n t of the city
The only trep planting dote by the
Htv omcli tpaay ivas tlitit by Mayor
inornpion who drove down to the ely
nnd county building nt 10 oclock nnd
planted a tree on the city side of thcj
rounds The other city olllclals nnd
councllmen homo uid their Irce planting nt
SludenlM Turned Out In Kull Forco
Tills Mornlnj to Vlelinito
Today tho University of UmU stu
Mutl turned out In full forco to < ole
brnto tho fifth Arbor day since tht > y
hnvo lived on tho hill above Salt Lake
Unlike tho day nvo yearn ago they
now have a great number of trors In
bud on tho campiiH and In tho tttlilotlo
field Tho faculty WAS there and so
were tho college girls The faculty
grovo started on the llrst Arbor day at
the UnlverbltyH present homo now
consists varieties of about 50 trees of different
President Kinpsbury dug tho nrst
hole today and planted n horswcliext
nut trcu near tho walk betwewn tho
clrclo and tho Metallurgy bulldln Tho
olhor professors set out about 11 true
mostly sycumoro and catnlpan Prof
Lyman was kept busy for an hour
carrying water as tho other faculty
membors sifted tho soil around tho
room of tho saplings I
Northeast of this grovo nnd west
of tho Metallurgy building the seniors
cleaned their class roc and tho Irri
gation dltchjs around
Tho juniors cared for their trees
which arc Mouth of tho
grand stand on
tho athletic fell The sophomores
nnd freshmen planted tiees botweon
the Mechanical laboratory and tho
Gymnasium Meanwhile members of
tho pivpnintory school and some from
the other olnssos hauled all of tho
boxes and other rubbish behind tho
shop building where professors and
Htuilents stacked tho wood Into neat
piles and burned tho useless refuse
The fourth year normal cleaned tho
grounds nrouml tho training school
nnd planted thetr trees where they
would afford shade on the play ground
Not to bo oublone by tho college
people the womens clubs of tho city
planted four rons of trees mostly
horsechestnuts from the gate at
Third South and University avenue to
the athletic grounds fence nnd to the
training nchool Even the younger
pupils of the tralnlBj school were there
to plant seeds nnd trees tbelp
tlllnt seCls on tlelr cx
poilmontnl farm In the athletic Held
lrfeRsors Cummings nnd Wilson were
busy Buperlntendln the laying of about
400 feet of pipe along tho Inside of tho
track Mr Maddock hud n force at
work with him fldng the field for usa
ot the track team
While this wns In progress IRs
Wheeler of the domestic science de
partment was preparing n luncheon for
300 students JiHc was assisted by the
girls of her department who took great
pains to fee that the boys had sufficient
cent to cat Uhe Gamma Phi and
ThetnJJpsllon glvls served the luncheon
In the assembly room at noon and It
was wonderful how much of the re
gents hour money disappeared In about nn
The faculty liopes to be able to con
tinue the Arbo day work nnd imtko
I one of tho lilg days of the pchool
year The college students me nil
heartily In favor of tho Idea and hop
to make each a bigger success than
tho preceding one
Naples April 10The North Ger
man Lloyd steamship Uirbaiossa from
New York April 3 and Gibraltar April
13 having on board thn American
nthletgs who nro entered to take pnrt
In tho Olympic games which begin at
Athens April 22 arrived here today
Tho men who wet Injured while
crossing tho Atlantic with the excep
tion of James 8 Mitchell of the New
York Athletic club the weight putter
and hammer thrower urnl Harry L
Hlllman Jr of the New York Athletic
club runner have recovered Mitch
ell arm Is still In I sling nnd may In
teifere with his coiiuietlng and Hillmans
mans left leg1 Is still bandaged The
lulel Is Improving and expects to com
pete II Athens
The Anjeileans landed soon after ho
Rnfbnrosas arrival Some of them vi
II tho scenes of desolation In the vi
cinity of Mount Vesuvius but the
duly VII 11 blt ma
jority of the athletes accompanied by
their Iralners practised running Jump
Ing ete In order to test their condition
after tho voyage I were In good
sphltH nnd Insisted that the accidents
would strength not appreciably affect their
HlltninHs Injured knee Is slightly dis
colored nnd tlvollcii I was treated on
board the steamer by Dr Calaras of
the New York Athletic club delegate of
the United Htntes to tho medical con
gress to be held at Lisbon April 1925
Thi > doctor massaged tho Injured pirt
which gienlly assisted In limbering thp
Joint and restoring the strength o the
Mitchell suffered the most from tho
el voyage remaining In bed thrco
days nftcr his dlslocnled left shoulder
had been et by the ships surgeon Ho
was nble to go about with the rest of
tho American party nnd landed here
today with his arm In n sling Although
Mitchell continues hopeful o making
I showing nt Athens and nays he cer
tainly will try for n prize the other
members of the team fear thnt he 14
badly handicapped Referring to the In
juries sustnined by Mitchell and him
self Hlllman said
Only six out of 32 of un wero struck
by the wave nnd four of theso six are
In line trim Only Mitchell nnd myself
arc slightly ailing My right kneu II
bandaged nnd I little stiff but It hnf
been greatly Improved by massage
tientmont I hardly think I will Inter
fere with my running I took a prnc
tle Jog on deck yesterday without any
pain nnd had easy jogs tflday without
dllllculty I hope to be entirety fit In 1
few dnys The main drawback la the
Interruptol of practise
St Paul April lOJudgo unn In
the district rourt of Ramsey county
today filed nn order upholding the In
dictments brought by thn grand jury
ngalnst the St Paul Dispatch tho
Pioneer Press and the Dally N wn for
publishing detailed stories of the hang
ing of William William a muuicrer
who wns executed In the county jai
hero March 13 Tho newspapers wcro
Imlletcd under what Is known MB the
John DaySmith luw xvhlch forbids
the publication In newspapers of the
details o nny public execution
The newspnpeis demurred to the In
I dictment and iittixMj th constitu
tionality ot the luw
Little Four Y car Old Patsy Sul
livan Lost in the
Scrjhll Uolierls ll > ooiT < t Illlle Ole
In tlic Mek of Time Wiuiderecl
Ior OUT Twenty lloiirf
Members of the family of John Sulli
van who reside at 466 south Ninth
West street wee made exceedingly
glad yesterday afternoon when Patsy
a llltlct fouryearold was broiigh
safely to his home after wandering
alone In the hills for more than twen
ty hours That the child Is alive nnd
uninjured Is almost I miracle as Ihe
little follow was not only exposed to
the chi mountain winds but all
night had tramped through drifts and
when finally discovered was lying tan
gled In the brush In the midst of deep
Sergeant John J Hoberts was tho
person who found Patsy and the big
Dlllcer quickly and tenderly placed the
benumbed and exhausted child In Ills
own great cOlt and lost no time In
plating him In the caie of the almost
fienzled mother
I wna late on Saturday afternoon
that Patsy wandered away from his
elder brother the two of them being at
the time In City Creek canyon where
tho father ot the boys Is employed by
tw city In the capacity of n tankman
Mr Sullivan was performing hU duties
about the waterworks In the canyon
nnd the lads busied themselves gather
ing wild Ilowers Soon the younger
child became separated from the other
and It was some time before the parent
became nwnre that his children were
not together He Immediately began
n senich for Patsy but could Hud no
trace of him Other len nt work In
the canyon Joined In the hunt with
no better success Finally when dark
ness had come lanterns weie Plo
cured and the hills
hl were scolred In
quest of the lost child This contin
ued thiough the night
At nn early hour on Sunday morn
Ing olllcers from
otlQrs police headquarters
went up the canyon In the patrol wag
on and they were reenforced by
mounted policemen They with the
searchers nlreudv on the ground exam
Ined every hill nnd m vile for many
miles around Tho childs naino wns
called at short
loudly caled Intervals and
the sound echoed nnd reechoed over
the hillsides but the voice of little
Pal gave no answer
I was about 10 oclock Sunday that
Hcrgennt Roberta mid Officer Carlson
Joined In the search
They went oer
the divide Into liotintlful canyon and
after traveling nbout four miles a
faint voice nt length responded to the
oftrepeated shout o Patsy1 The
child was tangled In the bushes nnd
could not extricate himself BO weak
had he become from exortlon and pri
vation added to the cold His little
cap filled with the ilowcm he had
gathered wus tucked under his over
alls and hu woe no coat
At the tanl lou Q the child was
placed In 1 carriage and was rapidly
driven to the parental home where the
mother wns found almost In I stnto of
collapse Her Joy nt once lore be
holding her darling child nllvo and
well can better be ImiiRlned than described
I Is estimated by the searchers that
the little fellow traveled
lte felow tfueled several miles
In his wanderings and young ns he Is
he tells with considerable
tell wlh cOIRIlerblc clearness de
tails of the fearful nights experiences
The family nre very grateful for the
kindly aid extended tii hem In the
trying hour by the oillcera nnd by
friends In general It Is comrdently
expected that tho lad will not surer
any bad results from the ordeal
through which he paused
Chicago April 16The muckrake
speech of President Iluowclt was dis
cussed yesterday by Dr Emll G Hlrsch
In his lecture at Slncl temple He In
terpreted I as an expression of tho
presidents belief or feeling that the
emotional exponents of the tl
cmotonll eXIollnts gospel of
unrest are likely to rush the country
Into the vortex of the grcntent of the
worlds revolutions unclss 1 hilt h
What the humanitarians philoso
pher und sociologists are solicitous
about today Is not that a revolution
snail cOle but the form It may take
lull Dr Hindi Is It to bo revolution
or evolution 1 Is I to bo a revolutol
lEI11 that may have tho Immediate
effect of setting back the cause o prog
ress temporarily at least or will It bo
a peaceable change from Industrial In
dlvlduullsm to Industrial cooperation
Thojc are the questions upon tho an
iwer to which will depend to a large
dfgree the progress and prosperity of
tUo American generations of the near
That I take I Is tho thought that
Inspired the great address of President
Itoo3ev lt yesterday In Washington He
Interpret nrlght the signs of the times
Ho nee ahead for his beloved country
the viMon of a revolution Infinitely
moto fai reaching than the world has
evO Known
Hut let there bo no mistake about
the presidents meaning To me It
seems clear that his warning against
what may be called extremism Is dl
rfctcd nH much to the rich or Socalled
capitalistic clans a to the critics on the
Incessant quest with the malodorous
nnd unrlghtly rake
The crying Injustice of the Individ
ualistic philosophy Is Its pretense to
pay lilor for 11 devotion of n life
tltie with u mere subsUtencfl for labors
pilme And the poorhouse In old age If
It be Socialism to flY that the trm
liiduUrlti cure I cooperation then let
us have Socialism The true nnd Just
course for employers 111 capitalists li
tn ojiulder wealth not n nasscMlon but
I tl ldshlp
Question is Raised Whether Wo
man With Him is His Wife
Or Companion
111111ltlol OllicInN llino No gI
1llO That tlu Uuly b Not
MM 10 Cork
New York April IC Tho Tribune
todny pays
Maxim Gorky and his woman com
pnnlon were lot found by newspaper
men In this city ye 8tllday Their bag
pnge I was ascertained wns shipped
to Chicago on n morning tinln nnd
theru was some reason to believe they
had gone on tho same train with tho
baggage together with Nlkolay Rles
cholf Gorkys adopted son After be
ing turned away from the L Fay
etleHrovert hotel on Saturday even
ing they went to C Socialists meet
ing at the Grand Central palace with
the understanding that they wore to
have rooms nt tho Rhinelandir When
they not to tho Hhtnelnndcr nn hour
bcforo midnight however they weie
told by Frank Qernty tho manager
thut they could npt stay there and
that their baggage must be removed
Immediately Gorky and the woman
who has been traveling with him as
hln wife went to No 3 Fifth avenue
In company with Mr and Mrs Leroy
M Scott while the baggage was sent
to the victoria hotel In chawgo of
Gorkys adopted son An attempt to
get looms nt the Victoria failed nnd
the Jmggngo was taken to the Grand
Central station and left In tho bag
gage room over night At the Grlnd
Central station yesterday It was said
that the baggage had been shipped to
Chicago but nobody would nay posi
tively whether or not Gorky and his
companions wcro on the train ns pal
H Gaylord < 1 Wiltshire who wan re
sponsible for tho appearance of tho
Gorkys at the Hotel Ilclleclulne Mil
lust night that he did not know what
had become of them He was unable
to communicate with tho Scots or the
I wanted Gorky to core to my
home he said I told htm thut hI
would not be able to setrooms In any
hotel Hi the city with his conventional
wife when It was known that his real
wife und children wee In Husila und
the trouble he Is
I think II encountering
will teach him a lesson Ho will tlnd
out that he cannot accomplish anything
the In thU Socialists country except with the hid of
Abraham Calmn editor o the Jewish
Dally Forward mid last night that
Ofirky had arranged to go out of the
city for n few dnys nnd keep out or
sight In I quiet place where he could
wrtu In pence In that way Mr
Cihnn said the Russian uuthor nnd
ievolutlonlit could get ready some
speeches he Intended to deliver In this
country and In tho meantime the trou
hla over his companion would abate
Immigration Commissioner Robert
Wader when seen nt the hotel Chel
sea yesterday said the case wag no
Ictiner In the hands of tho local linml
Ite lon bureau It was up to Secy
Mttclialf of the department of com
merce and labor ut Washington he
paid If Gorky Is tm he says mar
ried to the actress and nt the siilno
lime not legally separated from his
wife In Hussin then ho Is liable to de
portation said the commissioner For
both bigamy nnd polygamy are under
the ban of the lmml rnlloii laws As
tit cine now stands however we hnvo
no evidence against Gorky or the wom
an who came hfre ns Mme Gorky
Word was received yesterday through
the central committee ot the Uund o
this city that Maximo who wns tho
leader during the revolution In the Ilil
tie provinces nnd head of the federal
copirrlttee during the three weeks of
thf renubllcnn government would be In
N York In a few days Hln mission
to thl country Is Mmllnr to that of
Ofrkv He will make I tour of tht
Tnlted States making speeches and lec
New York April HWhen Maxim
Gorky arrived In this country last
Tuesday he stated to the Immigration
oinclals that he was ncompanlcd by
Mndiime Gorky This morning the
statement wns published that his com
panion wns not his legal wife who
with his children remained In Russia
As n result of this publication Goiky
today Issues I statement which trans
lated rends as fallows
I think this disagreeable act agalnit
me could not have come from the
American people My respect for them
does lot allow me to Muspect that they
lack fO much courtesy In their treat
inent of women I think that this dirt
Is consplied by the friends of tlio Rui
slnn government My wife Is my wife
the wife Of Mlxlm Oorky She nnd
I we both consider It the lowest to
go Into explanation nbout this Every
one may say about us what he pleases
For us remains to overlook the gossip
of others The best people of all kinds
will be with us
The published story went on to sny
thut the Madame Oorky who Is now
with tho author Is Andreeva tho Rus
sian iictrcss with whom It Is stated he
haH lived since his separation from
his wife about three years ngo The
explanation wns made that being un
nbU > to secure I dlvorpc In Russia be
cnunc of the strong oillclnl feeling
ngntnct him Gorky Kecured n divorce
In Finland nnd wns married to Andree
vn before 1 notary
HI Petersburg April 15 Mme Oor
ky Is In southern Russia nnd her er
slon of the question of I divorce from
her husband the novelist has not yet
been obtained Maxim Gorkys friend
ship of Mme Andreeva Is o more re
cent dote than was supposed An late
ns 1503 the novelist with his wife nnd
two children touied the Caurnsus Tho
children nre boys lined I and 8 years
St Petersburg April 16 115 p m
So fur ns known at this hour Easter
passed quietly throughout the
pl elulrl throulhout empire
No dispatches chronicling antlsemltlu
disorder were received during the
Ht Ixjulit April 16Snmucl T Rnthel
one of the bent known real estate deal
ers and auctioneer In St LnulK killed
himself by shouting today ut his hOle
Ten Hours From New York to
Chicago by Electric
Road Wil bo 7IU Allies loiis anil 1MO
Miles Shorter Than Tlnit of
Any Steiiin Une
Chkiigo April 1611 hours bo
tet Chicago and Now York on trains
operated by electricity nnd making an
average speed of 1 miles nn hour Is
the plin of Incorporators n the Chica
go und New York Klectrlc Air Lino
The scheme appears to be for In the
future however
I Is asserted that Voinc of the light
of way his been secured but the pro
Jectors dicllno to gay how much They
hope to have the road In operation In
flo years >
As the name Implies the pioposed
road will sacrifice everything for speed
und distance According to the qtate
tnent of Jonathan D Price president
of the Cooperative Construction com
pany which wns organized to hull
the road the line will be 12 miles long
or 200 miles shorter than any team
iotd now connecting the two cities i
part of the line already hug been sur
lcd The llrst section of the road 1
to be bull according to the promotoiXy
Mill be out of Chicago and the work on I
thlt one of the IncorporatorH said last
night will bEgIn soon I
In choosing the loute no attention
Is paid to whether the lino runs through i
large cities or not AH now surveyed
the road will be eight miles south of
South Hend Ind and nt that point It
U proposed to iulld a station and run
1 spur Into the city The same plan
will be followed where the rond passes
mar any other city These spur lino >
will be connected with tho street rail
way systems In each town nnd It la
proposed to run freight trains at night
The details as tri the kind of cars to
bo used his not been thoroughly
worked out according to F H Wood
I lawyer living In Oak Park 111 who
Is one of the IneorporntorsHe suggcwt
pd however thnt the Germans have
attained great success In building third
rail roadn such ns It Is proposed this
olio will be nnd he mentioned the fnct
thut OIIL specially constructed road bed
electric trains there have been operated
nt 131 miles an hour
Washington April 16Thc fifteenth
continental congress of the National So
ciety of the Daughters of the American
Revolution assembled today For the
jecond time the proceedings were con
ducted In Continental hull n building
erected by the Daughters An unusually
are representation of delegates vnH
In nttuidanee when the president gen
eral Mrt Donald McLean of New York
culled the congress lo order
The coigress was opened with prayer
by tht crnnJnln general Mrs Tunis S
Hnnilln if thin city which was followed
by on address of welcome by the presi
dent general Urlef responses wero
iroilc br Mrs L Uradford Prlnco of
New Mexico Mrs John L Stevens of
Iowa Mrs John R Walker of Missouri
nnd Mrs Mary Wood Swift of California
The congress then took a recess until
afternoon when the reports of various
committees will be rend and referred
New York April 10Thf Metiopoll
tnr horse racing nenson will be opened
tullY with the running o the > 10OOQ
Carter handicap nt the Aqueduct track
UIll the auspices of the Queens Pouti
ly Jockey club and from this time or
til Interest of lovers of sport will be
divided between the baseball diamonds
and the rnce track
The opening day found the track only
party dried out after the heavy rnln
of Fimdny nnd fast time was not ex
jiifteil The distance of the Carter han
dicap Is jevcn furlongs With Rosebon
Hi fa1 orlte and Whimsical I second
choice and the entries Including Hall
Hctr nnd Phi Finch the Williams en
try fiom New Orleans and Lord of tho
Volley and Ormondes Right the In
niiRtirnl event of the season o lOt
was expected to be a worthy one Five
nth > r events besldon the Carter handi
cap nre on the card
llio meeting which will open todny
will run until April 26 aCer which the
Milne will shift to the Jamaica track
with the Kxeelslor handicap as the op
ening feature
I May 10 Belmont Pale will open
vh the Juvenile for twoyearolds and
the national stnlllon stakes Oravesend
Sheepshcnd lay Hrlghton nnd sarntn
gn will then In turn complete the
Surrounded by Cloud of Smoke Hut
Allies llno Almost CniMd lo Pull
Naples April 1CTho condition of
Mount Vesuvius In unchanged today
The volcano Is still surrounded by I
thick cloud of smoke but ashes Ivivo
almost censed to fall Many Ameri
cans Including pnnsengcrs on tho
White Star liner Cretlo mid the North
Carman Lloyd Menmer llarbarosM
vlsltwl tha Vesuvius region today
The polloH nnd rarblnorit tried hnrd to
prevent ome of them from going fur
ther up to the ObHI tory saying that
It wns not safe
Prof Mnttuecl todny snld that while
all danger appeared to be over the
nortnnl condition of the volenno would
not be reestablished for severnl weeks
Rodles art still being exhumed from
the rultm at ottajana nnd San Guliep
KiiKlMi Coinii < i > Cr Arrhc nnd Will
Pro luco n New Oratorio
New York April 16Slr Kdward F
gar Ihp KngllKh composer arrived In
New York yesterday on the utenmer
Coltlo H omes tn Amerliii tn ron
duct Ills cantatu Thu Dream of Clor
ontlus and his orutoro to rite Past
at the May mualc festival In Cincinnati
The DeHin of Ocrontius hai been
produced once ut tho Cincinnati festi
val but The Apostles which hns
had few hearings in America will bo
produced there for tho flrat tltnw
Sir Kdward nnd Lady Klgur wore
met at the pier by Prof Sanfoid o
Yule whoae guests they will be during
their stay In New York They exped
to return to England nbout tho middle
of Muy
I inn not n Mrnjiger lo America
said Kir 1 Mwaul I have been here
biifore have friends
IICrl and Heel so lam
that It ceems like coining home In
faet I am more at homo here than
anywhere elce I urn In thorough sym
pathy with tho modern life the hustle
nnd bilskness of your life
Chicago AprlI 16DUII1 1C Pear I
pons millionaire and benefactor of
Mnnll colleges celebrated yesterday the
cUhtysixth nnnlversiuy of his birth
Illswife died I short time ago but In
spite of the absence of his lifelong nd
vihtr lie carrkd out his Irvorlablo cus
tom of making plans for the years
lAst ell Dr Pearsons aided nine
small colleges in eight different states
pwch received either 123000 or 550000 01
condition that the college raise three
times tho amount He has placed only
two Institutions on his list this year
Nenbury college In South Carolina and
Divine college in Nebraska each to re
relVf 25000 on condition that It raises
I am going to stop now ho ex
plulned and rent for six or eight
months Ill spend the time finding out
Avrether the 40 colleges I have aided
luvi kept their endowments Intact It
t have spent them or turned them
our to any other purpose they will
hfir from me
f want to tench the colleges cood
burlnes principle all Im going to
Ihfin with a sharp stick I do as much
good in teaching theie people the rnlun
of conomy and the yacrednesH of on
dowment ni I do with rny money
Dr Pearsons has helped 40 Institu
tion In 21 states the endowments In
eludng the amounts raised In ordei
to nice Dr Pearsons conditions
rouehlng a total of about 15000000
s j Shaw SHJS It and Sunday School
Yllally INcnllnl lo Counlrjs Welfare
New York April 16The Tribune to
duy says
Becy Leslie M Shaw of tho tmisuty
depHrtment told 1000 young And old
people In the chapel of the Janes Meth
odist chinch Sunday school In Urook
lyn yesterday that Ulble study and
Sunday schools were vitally essential
to the welfare and progicss of this
country Mr Shaw said
I have been Interested In Sunday
school work for a lanK lime I be
lieve that the Sunday schools nro doing
I gieat work for the country I be
lieve that they uro essential to the
country You young men when you
get through here and go out into Urn
world colt forget the lessons Ol
hnve Iciyned hero I do not say that
th Bible should be taught In the pub
lic school but 1 do sny that It Is
not might In tho public school I
Is tho Ulble as I book Is not tnught
In the puplt either I nm lot pre
pared to say that we should have ex
I pository teaching of the Hlble fioin thc
pulpit I nm not sure thnt It would
not drive many people nwny from
church l the Hlble Is taught you at
nil the chances are that you students
here will Jet most of your knowledito
of tho hook from the Sundayschool
study of It and for that reason tho
Sunday school Is the greatest Institu
tion in the country Secy Shaw will
go to Utlra tonight nnd will deliver
n niecch nt the chamber of commerce
dinner thero tomorrow night He ex
pects to retutn to Washington by the
middle ot the week
New York April lO Tliomns Mnhor
I well known contractor 48 yearn old
nnd whose hOle Is nt Cnmbrellng and
Pelham avenues was waylaid and mur
deiously nssnulttd on Pelhnm avenue
I shoit distance from his homo purly
todny He wns knocked down nnd re
ceived a dozen cuts from a razor He
wan removed to a hospital where It
wns said he had I fighting clmiire for
iccovery The assault was witnessed
by several persons who later cuined
the nrivtft of Robert 1 Scot aged 3T
years and colored who Is Mil to have
been formerly In Mailers employ Heott
arrested only after the police reserves
wns Irrmlotl I f ulco
serves had been called out to pioteet
him from I crowd which attracted by
Mnliors crlea had followed tho negrn
to his home several blocks from tho
assault Scott had bnrrl
scone of the IR aul hltl
ended the doors of his home and for
pnrcd to make n stout resistance when
two policemen arrived forcing their
way to the front of the house the olll
COlA drew their revolvers and stood
oft tho rapidly Increasing nnd ugly tern
pored crowd until the arrival of the
reuervec The reenforced police se
cured Scott and after some dllllculty
got him through trm ciowil nnd to a
stntlou house >
Chicago April 16The preliminary
hearing of John I Walsh former
president of the Chlcnco National
bank wns todny set for April 26 Mr
Wnlili today filed with the Unltwl
States dlttrlct attorney a detailed ac
count of tho transactions on which
charges of mismanagement are made
against the former bank president
Cleveland April 16Thp Stamford
Oil company today announced an ad
ditional advance In the price of refined
1 and gnsollne of halt I cent per
gallon The new quotations which
took effect today nrs as follows
Ohio state tent refined 9Vi cents
water white Ohio state test 10H
Eocene 1 vnrnlih nwkor und
painters naphtha 12VJc deodorized
Hove gasoline 13H i to 76 degree
gasolene 16H 86 degrees giuolene
191 87 dfftrues gasolene 20e 88 de
grees gasolene 21
Clnclnnnll April 16 Thomiw 1
Fleming nn engineer on the Que n
Crescent rond LId hers toddy of bul
let wounds Indicted by a leAr whom
Fleming had refused a ride nn hll
locomotive Th murderer eclpl
New York April 16 All gr of re
fined Bugnr were reduced in iit t
hundred pounds today
Jeff rson flty Mo April 18 Atty
Gon Hndlfy punned 1 uomfortoula
night and Ibis morning only II flight
return of fcvor was apparent
f il
W 1
Maybel Eclmondson Declares Pos t
itively Duncan and Copclanci jJ
Were not Her Assailants d
t t
r rf1
Special Grand Jury Has Been Or iff i
dered to Investigate the t tW
Springfield Crime r > J r
r 1 I
Uvery Kffnrt Will ln > Mndo to Sccino 1
Collection Nesroo Who Tied to t1t t
Tho Wood4 Aro Rut timing 1
1j I J
j I
Pprlnglleld AIo April lQulet pro in I
vnllod hero today nfl the Indications 1 I
wore that the race trouble waN over f I
Tho presenco of the troops has had the l t j
effect ot bringing the people to a full I
realization of the situation The Inst
of the stnto inllltln ordered her bj t iR
Gov Folk arrived enrly today nnd
six companies now patrol tho streets 11 J n j
With the Irst appearance of the sol j ri
diers last evening there cnmc n revul 1 I
sion of Bontlment Befora midnight a i
decided reaction had set In and people II
begun to condemn the action of the mob
thnt lynched the three negroes nnd 1 j i1
burned their bodied Today this feel l J
ing gained strength especially when It h i
bocnmo thoroughly appreciated thnt 1
Mnybel Kdinonclson jhn white domestic i
had declaietl positively Hint Duncan
poltel j
and opclandhvo of the negroes lynched t I r
ed Hro not her assailants This wns r t1
nUo heightened by the arrival from t I
Jeffetwm City of an nalstnnt attorney
genernl sent by Oov Folk to nld the I
county ofllclals In ferreting out nnd 1 i > rL
prosecuting the members of the mot t
the nuines of mnny of whom nre known v
Judge Lincoln of the criminal court 1
todny ordered a Bpeclnl grand Jury con 1 t 1 4i
vened on Tuesday morning Tho Jury I t
will be Instructed to make n thorough I J t
Investigation of thn lynching nnd tho 111
olhor ncte of the mob nnd to indict nil b
01 i
tho leaders that may be apprehended r ji r
Tlio belter class of citizens were strong I r 1
today In their demands thnt th < riot 1
ers bo punished to the full extent ot the L f
law nnd every effort will be made to Ii
Hccure ftmVlellons l
Untlor tho direction of Copt Wills r k
I of Company I of Nevada Mo who i r
Is tho olllccr of the day the soldiers f
pitched their tents today Outposts i i I
win1 maintained during the night on r 1 J
nil the principal streets leading to the
Jail No dlsturbanco of any kind was I
raported Today the neeroes who fled t t
to the woods returned to their homes l 4 i
nnd many others who hnd hidden r
tliemMlven In their homed made bold r iif f
to appear upon tho streets Crowds ot I it
icopli today Mill walked th6 street I
passing from point to point of Inter
est but no ntlempt wns made to In
terfere with tho negroes Ij
St IouK April 16 Expressions t
wore sought todayfrom tho visiting J
Kovnrnors Iioneernlng the Springfield
lyttthln l Goft Hagermnn of New
Mexico said
Such a lynching as took place < lli 1 j t 1 <
Springfield under 1 status of Liberty I
with the police helpless could not have jt
occurred In Now Mexico Our mounted ft
police are men who would tnko no no
rount of the odds ngulimt them In en Iii
forcing law I wouldbe I laitlug dis 1
grace to I lie riff In the territory to
Imvn u prisoner taken from him by a f
mob ns I 11 lo have 1 prisoner es t
cnpi J
Gov lloch of Inn 4 xald I I
HIll prejudice II not bounded by
H < t > gniphlcal IbiKB This outbreak In I I
vhlrh the mob did not stop to loam f
whetlinr tho prisoners wuie lull Is I f
nnother InsUnce of this hyonnllkt I t
spirit I t
Inurfliico Man Who Mndc Attndc j f H
Commits Suicide
Des Motiie U April 16 Following
an attack on Abedlah Smith and wife
nri uged couple living near Hampton
A Kvans an Insurance man ot Wnter
loo committed milelde todit Eans
who WM secretary f the Properly
Mutiml Insnmne company vent to
Hampton Saturday to transact hunl
ness with Smith He nt tacked tho
couple leaving them unconvclotu end
Iknl The mottv for the attack IB not
St loul April 10 A convention ut
the commercial elubs and newspuper
editor of the southwest held under
the nunpleen of the Huilnes Mens
league ot St Iouls wag called to ordm
horc todnv at thu Mnreantlle chili
Clov Horn of Karieus Oov Ktblwy
of Arliona and Gov Hagerman nf
New Mexico were present guests
of honor Oov Folk of Missouri ex
ports to arrive thU evening HM < I Onv
Frnnti of Oklahoma also mv onus
Among the topics that win dlj
ruM < l will b Irrigation and imiirovr
menl nnd icttlement of the southweit
Over NOO biMliiHM men nnd editors
are In
J II KUUTlsrilMDT 11 1
New Orleans April I Krnear B
KrutUormlrU chairman of tli Pomu
etiitlc state central coniinlri < m otio
of th niot prrnnln vu n the
smith died today HB < I l Julius
Kniltsrhnlt vl < piedlilent ot th
Southern Pacific U hlti brother

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