OCR Interpretation

Deseret evening news. [volume] (Great Salt Lake City [Utah]) 1867-1920, April 17, 1906, Last Edition, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045555/1906-04-17/ed-1/seq-1/

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J E I lrfhrlt
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voulcl not buy advertising You order our own pr onnlsupply
Merchant MWICC It uorlh c OIIOH they while were to able read to nmko vlint P 17 of fall badhick torwul the day ads by ullluvinlly day Simply Ueeu t < >
they hau tu eay S E R E T I I I jour 9 > MJiply from runnhii nhort 1
rntjrn AND LIBERTY > j
Most Daring Attempt to Rob and
Destroy Two Farmlngton
NItroGlycerlne Used Terrific Ex
plosion Shook the Town and
Caused Great Excitement
Robber Mmlo Their Escape on an
Oregon Short Lino HandCar
Officers In Purhuli
Special to the News
Fnrmlnjjton April 17A most daring
Attempt to blow up and rob the Davis
County bank at this place was made at
nbout 3 oclock this morning by three
robbers They wcro ucc i < sful In neck
Ing the room In which the vault Ic
and doing a Teat deal ot damage to
the vault and to the safe and other
Iroperty of the Commercial store In
the paine building but they failed to
blow open the strong vault and were
frightened away before securing any
thing except a revolver
As a result ot the bold and desperate
notion ot the robbers this place Is In a
high state ot excitement and citizens
have Joined with the officers In an ef
fort to run to earth the perpetrators of
the outrage It Is confidently predicted
that If the fellows arc overtaken a
bloody battle will ensue before the men
lire taken as they are doubtless IIrmed
and prepared to make a dcupcrato fight
for liberty
The wreckers had laid their plans
veil but had not counted on arousing
euch a furore Their first act was to
go to the Oregon Short Line section
house and secure what tools they need
tI and also n handcar on which they
made their escape The section house
nn opened by use of a skeleton key
and was locked after the robbers se
cured what they needed They wero
armed with a Jimmy and with thjs
Instrument prkd open the front door
of the bank The bank building Is sit
uated In the business part of town and
opposite the cotirthoue
After gaining entrance to the build
fnz the men bored holes In the vault
and In the Bate belonging to the Com
mercial store Mltroglyccrlne was used
and the explosions were terrific rock
ing the building to the foumltlon ren
dering the contents of the room to
kindling wood smashing all the win
dow breaking down nil the doors
tearing up the floor In places and doing
great damage to the ceiling and walls
Three distinct explosions were heard
for many blocks around They wero
ro loud and with such force that many
residence houses wero shaken and th
Inhabitant nt first feared the town
had been visited by nil earthquake
People ran Kcrcamlng out of their
houses clad only In their night attlro
Women and children screamed and
cried while men yelled murder po
lice robbers etc Several citizens
Hit out of their homes In time to Beo
yp threo dcspsradocs running south
us though a legion of lend were after
them They Jimped on n hamlcnr and
It In believed they headed for tiult
Although tho explosions wrecked
the Commercial More san and did
treat damage to the bank vault doors
tho robbers failed to got Into tho
money compartment There wa 110
money In the ptore nfn but therowcro
some valuable records and somo ot
these wero damaged
lRlIm TO DIG Timouoii
After trying to blow open the bank
vault by exploding the nltroglycerlno
in tho front doors and being unsuc
rwsfu the robbers went to the rear
i > f tho vault and tried to dig their way
through tho cement walls but In this
they also failed Tho damage donu
to tho building was great
Immediately titter tho explosions
Deputy Sheriff Archje Drown was noti
fied Ho at once secured the assistance
of two other olllcers nnd several cUt
april and started In pursuit Wheth
< r or not they nro on the trail of the
robbers has not been learned AVon
was at onco Kent to Ogden and ofllccra
from tho > police and sheriff depart
ments hastened to the scene Hal
1ike authorities wero also notified and
are doing what they can to locale the
mfo blowers
The tools stolen from the section
house and pieces of fuse vera foun
nmong the wreckage The handcar
has not been located and for this rest
ion there Is considerable speculation IlII
to which way the men went It will
he days before the excitement abates
Mid tho feeling against the robbers Is
FO Intense that It would not bo stir
pricing If they were handled In no gen
tle manner If apprehended OlHrer
and cltzens are determined upon cap
tire and are not sparing time or
trouble In running them down It III
understood that orao of tho officer I
have a description of one or two of tit
The Davis County bank wus organ
zed about 1890 by Ezra T Clark who
tiled eevanil years ago Joseph S
Clark Is president L S Hills of Salt
Lake Vice president Amnsa L Clark
cashier The bank had connections
with the Deseret National bank of Suit
Tho news that a bank bad been dy
namited nt Farmlngton created n gen
erai sensation an it became generally
known In Salt Lake this morning
L 8 Hills of the Descrct National
Bank received a partial report on the
occurrence at 930 oclock this morning
but the telephone wires wero working
so badly that ho Icarijed but few of the
details Me Hills stated thnt his bank
vas not much worried over tho funds
as the Davis county bank never kept
on hand any large amount It drew on
Its funds at tho Deserct Hank when
ever It had a large call and Its money
In excess of about 1000 was deposited
regularly In Salt Lake Even had the
robbers wrecked the safe they would
have secured no valuable haul of loot
Mr Hills took no action tliln morning
Sudden Passing of Mrs William
H King While on Visit in
Kansas City
Left Here n Month ARO for Brief So
Joiirn With Ml < i niirl Friends
Health Was Not Die Hist
Information was received by the Des
eret News late yesterday afternoon nnd
published In last evenings semiweek
ly edition to the effect that Mrs An
nie Lynmn King wife of cxCongr v
man King1 und daughter of President
IVIfo of JltCougrcfeniun King Who Died In Kinisis City VuMcrday While
Visiting Friends There
In the matter as ho learned that the
local olllclals had the matter fully In
hand and that the vault of the bank
had not been wrecked with the building
The bank building was occupied Joint
ly with the Farmlngton Cooperative
Mercantile company which constructed
It especially to meet the requirements
of thc banking Institution
Commissioners Decide lo Dlpofo of
Mill Creek irlJlI t
At the meeting of the county comtnls
nlonna today a resolution wus adopted
providing for the sale of the new site for
the county infirmary purchased by the
hut board of commissioners The pile Is
In Mill reek and was OUKU for about
113009 As tho Infirmary haw been ro
built on the present site thu n MV land > s
rot needed h > lho county The property will
ho put up for sale on May 21 nnlwlllb
auctioned off by County Clerk Jldredgo
at the lest door of the city ant county
A renolutlon was also adopted author
izing the commissioners to employ rom
netrnt expert accountants to < xaniln the
hooks of nil county official who havo
charge of either the receipt or rilshiirto
ment county funds The resolution was
Introduced by Commissioner Mackay
At this afternoons mooting the board
will make arrangements for tnorefumllng
of the countys JttOOCO bond Issue on
July 1
That of littrpti 7rrnniiil luirgcil
With SlalibliiK Michael AIhllo
Tho hearing of Joseph Orovinnl who
In charged with having stabbed Michael
Antelmo a fellow Italian March 0 1 > > 1
Is engaging the attention of thin criminal
division of the city court today As the
two principals of the affair und most of
the wltnesMs are unable to upenk and
unilcrttmil the Kngllah language an Inter
preter Is necessary and the proceedings
tiro somewhat tedious The main wit
nestcH on lisa stand during the forenoon
were tho man who was wounded who tet
tilled In behalf of the cmuvnml the Oc
fenilant who was heard In his own be
half Frank Lettler Is employed In the
case nt Interpreter
Bert Miller who was nri fitted In connec
tion with tM brass stealing case far
which alleged nfTcnxo ncveriil men have
already been taken Into custody was ar
nilgned before JUCK e II DIehl todny
Tho defendant took the statutory Into
In which to plead nnd was placed under
bond In the sum of StrM
Ouantnnamo Cuba April 17 An
other otllccr according to reports here
has died ns n result of tfut explosion
on board the battleship KcMirgo Ten
of tho sailors who were Injured nt tho
time of the explosion wero believed to
be In a serious rendition Tho cruiser
Maryland Is conveying Northward the
remains of Lieut Jrneme Time bodies
of seven of the victims have been In
terred at the naval cemetery here
Naples April 17Tho American ath
letes who nra to compete nt the Olym
pic frames at Athens left Naples today
for Hrlndlsl They were all In good
isiii rile
Francis M Lyninn had died during the
day In Kansas City
The news came with shocking sud
denness and surprise to friends In this
city where Mr and Mrs King have
lived for go many years The latter left
hero for Kansas City a month ago to
visit with Mr and rsE M Miller
former Salt Lnkers and now residents
of Missouri She wna notlti the best
of health when she went away In fact
her physical condition has not been
very reassuring for a long time It
wns hoped that the change and rest
would bencllt her Hut she seemed to
grow worse Instead of better nnd about
10 days ago Mr King left tn Join her
mind from him yesterday afterno
atternonJ1 came I
the first sAd tidings of her demise I
An Associated Press dispatch says
that two weeks ago Hho was stricken
with meningitis which resulted In jar
niysls and death The passing of Irl
King will carry sorrow to the hearts oi
Innumerable friends for she was a
widely known ant highly popular
young woman In Salt Luke social cir
cles few women were more esteemed
Hhe wa n native of Flllmore
but removed to Tooele with her
parents when she was yet a child ami
pnsied tho major part of her girlhood
days there and It was while living
there that she became the wife of WIN
Hum H King She was 37 years of
ago and leaves threo children Ro
molts 15 Paul 14 and Adrienne S
IDs Just 17 years ago today that
Judge King led her to the altar am
It M more than strikingly strange that
on the anniversary of that day ho
should he culled upon to start homo
vlth her remains which he did hear i
ing Kansas City at 10 oclock this fore
noon Ho will arrive home If no de I
lays occur on Friday morning over the
lllo Grande Western
President Lyman Mrs Kings fain
er was at yillmore her birthplace last
night when He received the news ol
his daughters death He left there for
homo today nnd In expected to reach
here this evening In addition to her
husband father mother end threo chil
dren Mis King leaves four sisters and
ono brother Her Utera ale Mrs C
R McBride of Toocle Mrs D D Houtr
01 Provo and Mrs E 0 iowans nm
Mrs Pharcs W Dunyon both of Salt t
Lake Her brother Is F M Lyman Jr
Arrangements for the funeral mire to
be perfected later
1ret lloosevell landed as 3lost Con
flIrIlOIl 1 ianijilii of It
Chicago April 17Pre ldent Hoonevcl
wa lauded as the moit conspicuous in
ample of Dutch courage hy Juilgn C H
Cutting last nlKht at 4ho eleventh annual
dinner ot the holland society
There never will lie n time In a re
public when wn shall not need this tral
nf the Dutch Mild JUdge Cutting New
problems nre coming up There can be nn
such thing as populig government unlem
there 11110 is popular unrest The Amer
lean people havo nolved their problems
lCcuii8C they have quarreled 10101111
nlrfd them out nnd settled thorn throiiLl m
the enlightened majority
Currently Reported in Washing
ton That it is All Ready
Drawn Up
Far From Certain That Majority
Of Elections Committee Will
Vote for It
The Chairman Says Ho Will Not Call
The Committee Together Before
rtt Week
Special to the News
Washington D C April 17Cecy
Carlisle filed his amended argument
with the committee on privileges and
elections this morning and It wan sent
to the office of Col Worthington for
Ills Information
Hut Col WorthliiRton U confined to
his houso today Buffering from an at
tuck of lumbago Ho will however
prepare the necessary papers and sub
mit them by Thursday
Chairman Harrows salt today that
ho will probably not call tho commit
teo together biforo next week an mcv
tral Important matters heforo other
committees of which ho nud his col
leagues aro members will make It Im
Possible to necuro nn attendance any
thing like full membership
Although It Is currently reported that
Burrows has already drawn up hlH re
port to submit to the senate In which
he will recommend that Senator
Stuoots sent be declined vacant It Is
1 > y 110 means certain that a majority
of the committee will vat II with the
chairman for tho adoption of any such
report Many stories which have been
lent out from time to time In which
efforts were made to show that the
majority strongly Indorse the posi
tion of Senator Uurrows were general
ly bared upon Information obtained
from those In tho employ of time pro
testants It Is certain that a majority
of time Republican members have care
fully refrained front expressing their
sentiments In any manner whatever for
publication and during the last days
thivhesrliiRt questions propounded
by Messrs Hnox DIlllnBham Dolllver I
and other members If thijy Indicated
anything appeared to show that all or
nearly all the llepubllcan members of
the committed take the ground that
no evidence has been adduced to show
that Senator Smoot Is until to occupy
a scat In the senate
Batavia N Y April 17The first
trial for many years In the Protestant
Episcopal church Is scheduled to
begin hero today when tho Ilev Alger
non Sidney Crnpsey 1 n for 25 years
rector of St Andrews church at I
Itoehester win placed on trial be
fore an ecclesiastical court charge
with utterances from the pulpit of that
church and In print which are ollegci
to be In violation of the tenets of the
Protestant Episcopal faith
In IDOl and 180fi Dr Crapsey de
llvercd C series of sermons Theno
were afterwards published under hit
authority under the title Religion end
Polltcs The presentment against him
contain 15 extracts from this book
which are the basis for the charge that
ho Intentionally expressed disbelief In
these doctrines of the church
Th Ulvlnltv of Christ the Concnp
ton of the Holy Ghost the Virgin
birth the Hodily Insurrection and the
A second specification under this
first charge I that he made utterance
of it like nature as recently nsDec 11
last with the same Intent to deny th
same doctrine as enunciated In Iho
Apostoles and Nicene creeds
The second and last charge In th
presentment Is that Dr Crapsey vlo
latest his ordination vows by falllnh
to conform to the doctrines discipline
nnd worship of tha Protestant Episco
pal church
Under the second specification of the m
first charge the utterance attribute
these to him In his December sermon Irl t
First Jesus was born of parents be
longing to the middle class
SecondHe was born of a slmpl S
father mind mother
tor Third He was the Son of I carpen
Fourth The fact that thin earl P
Christians predicated a mlraculouu
birth to Christ was to be regarded al
one of the greatest misfortunes that
has ever befallen mankind
The truth or falsity of the churchs
doctrine Is not to bo argued at tho
trial The wole question Is whether
the things that Dr Crapsey said are
contrary to those doctrines anti did hI
to Intend them to be
l is understood that Dr Crapsoys
defense will Judd tlyt under a liberal
Interpretation of tho creed he has not
contradicted Its doctrines
r he Is found guilty of Intentional
denial of the tenets there 9 but on 5
punishment dlsnilsial from tho
The complaint against Dr Craprey
was filed by 10 ministers of the western
New York dlocwe DIshop Walker
dlole Dshop ap
pointed a special committee of five aprj
Investigate It The committee
InRlgale I reported
three to two against taking any fur
ther action against time accused How
ever the standing committee of tho
dIocese believed It for the welfare of
the church to have a trial and unani
mously decided to have one I was
tho standing committee that drew >
tho presentment The bishop approved
Guards Fired Upon Them and
Three of the Rioters
Were Killed
Dead Men folly rorolcnorK Vliu
tyicbrated lUi tcr Mondiiy by
Johnstown Ia April 17Acr
weeks of anxiety the situation brought
about by the controversy of the coal
miners with tho operators culminated
last night In u riot at Wlndher near
this city which finally ended in blood
shed Threo are death and a number
are Injured and throughout tho night
the town wan patrolled by tinned
guards The shooting was brought on
by an assault upon the Jail maid by
striking miners who attempted to res
cue comrades who had been placed un
der arrest The riot occurred In the
early hours of the night and contin
ued for several hours working the
residents to such a pitch that the night
wait one of terror
Tho dead are principally foreigners
and weie miners who were out on
strike They are Pietro Martini An
tonio Mnrucit and Paul Zllls who WRY
the lender o the mob Curtis Kester
10 years old a bystander during time
trouble was shot through the bowel
and viiil probably die
When the deputies llred on the mob
they ted leaving three of their num
ber on the ground dead Tlm strikers
refused to permit the undertakers to
remove thu hod lea and they remained
where they fell until un early hour
this morning The situation was so
serious that Sheriff llegley was mini
momil from Komerset to take charge
of affairs and an appeal was made to
Clov Iennypacker for troops At 8
oclock thin morning the conditions
were mote quiet and no further trou
ble was expected until later In the day
The rioters worn for the mot part
of the foreign element who hud been
celebrating Master Monday a holiday
Hint has always been ureatly observed
In this section by them Yesterday
the streets of Wlndber prc ented a
carnlvnl appearance There was much
liquor consumed and many men wero
under the Influence of liquor When
the trouble broke out tho constabulary
nt OreensburB was Immediately ordered
to Wlhdbcr and a special train was
ruihtcl toward the rrene of the riot A
tel miles west Tif this city however
the train MOB blocked by a freight
wreck and the troops did not reach
Wlndber until after 4 oeloek this morn
Ing At that time the
tme town had
quieted made and no demonstration was
There wero ninny altercations and
boisterous arguments on the streets
through tho day but no serious clash
occurred and even a lurgo maps meet
ing was held without any disorder un
til Deputy Sheriff W M MeMullcn
appeared The foreigners are appar
ently antagonistic to McMullen and
have an old standing nntlpathy to him
Hn wns for five years county chief of
police of Wlndber and during his nd
mlnlstratlon It Is Mil made himself
unpopular with tho miners
The sight of McMullen Infuriated
them as ho was looked upon ns n epy
Many of the men rushed for him and
threats were mace against his life mind
he fled taking refuge In tho homo ot
Charles Davis The crowd however
gave chase anti soon a mob of 2WM
surrounded the Davis homo and stoned
It until the occupants wero obliged to
seek refuge with neighbors
During the riot about 20 of the mln
em were placed under arrest and landed
In Jail
Under the leadership of Paul liis
who rita shot dead Hiibs iiently time
mob assailed the jail throwing ston
mil any missile that A at hand Tho
deputes surrounded tho Jill and wltli
the aid o the fire department trl cto
restore order The mob was persistent
und refused to listen to eooler heads
who ndvlsed them to disperse amid RI
home and closing In on the Jail b
Man to nssill time deputies The latter
tried to stop the onslaught with bayo
nets and when It seemed that the dep
titles nnd firemen would go down beforn
the Infuriated men the deputies fired
This was not done however bofoie
knives nnd revolvers appeared In tho
hand C this strikers Hut one volley
was fired and at the ound of tha gutih
the mob broke and fled
More serious trouble was expected to
occur when tim strikes appeared tht
morning and saw the tate otllcers In
charge Thoro were no development
however up tn g oclock but there was
a feeling o anxiety 1 to the action
that would Ixi taken when the strikers
saw their comrades taken from Itt >
Jail to Somerset which will bo dorm
sometime today There tho prisoner
are to be held until Wlndber has been
restored to nn orderly condition
This morning Deputy McMullen nifido
charges of rioting against eight men
foreigners before a local Justice All of them nrf
Mining Engineer Delaney who was
hurt by 1 brick thrown while the riot
ers were storming the Jail and was tak
en to the hospital was reported Ills
morning to be in a serious condition
Johnstown PnAprll 170rler ageui n
reign nt Wlndb r after a night of riot
nnd bloodshed In which three Hves
were loH and a dozen men wero seri
ously Injured With daylight arrive
the state constabulary ordered to Wlnd
ber by Oov Pennyparker and the tow n
Is now practically under nmrtlal law
prehended No further trouble In at this titus ap
To avoid tho possibility of a conflict
ot authority the state police were
sworn In n deputy sheriff
The miners did not return to work In
great numbers this morning although
four mines of the company nr In op
oration with limited forcon 01
A short time after B oclock this
morning Sheriff Ileglcy arid a force of
deputlel escorted the eleven len ar
rested List night to tho street can linn
did started them on their way to the
Jail lit Somerset
Tbs offlotrt were all urine ulth rids 1
a ml formed a cordon arountl > thtfVrl9
mers who were handcuffedVtoKrthcr
urtls Kestcr limo IfoliSwJywatlshlt
t through tho bowels wjvjf rphcpusly ro
iorted dead during thl IBIitVljut the
hnnce i ihyslilatiH for recovery believe ho Sroii I Ifghllug
All the remainder of the yonnded alp J
doing nicely except one n Mrelgner
named Paul Hill whoso condition Is 1
New York April 7A movement was
begun yesterday nt a meeting of tlu
layers club for the erection of 1
u Monumental memorial to Kdwln Booth
It IH now 13 yearn since the great actor
t lied Thu project was net forth In an
uddreM by David A Monro lironson
toward milan spoke I wan also unanl
noualy voted that a committee of 100
take tho movement In charge and carry
i t to n conclusion Thin committee will
loon be organized and an executive
committee will be named tu manigu
ho details
Among time members present yester
day weso Francis Wilson David Wil
leld John Blair Barton Hill Albert
limning J H Uourlmo Daniel Froh
nun John W Albaugh Wlllurd L
Mctcalf Gen Hush C Hawkins Ee
ret J Wendell Thomas J Hallow ell
Jr U M Welsh nnymond Hitchcock
ind Charles H immune
Tills letter was read from Mrs Ig
mlufl Onwsmunn the dauuhter of Ed
Win Booth
Mrs Uropfltnami having been ap
prised of the generous project on the
port of the Players climb to erect I
Etntiio In memory of her beloved fa
ther Edwin Booth bogs to exhiriuss her
deep appreciation und to a nure the
Players of her sympathetic approval of
their really nobo effort to thus com
memorate her fathorH achievements ai
well as his personal virtues Mrs
Orossmnnu hopes that time Players lay
meet with success their worthy under
taking merits
Though no special efforts had been
nude before ypHttrdiiys meeting near
ly 0000 has already been subscribed
toward a Booth memorial
The form with which the memorial
shall take has not been determined
Vnrlous milieus hove been nuggestcd
Thf one that append to llnd mont fa
vor S fur Is that the monument what
ever It musty he shall he erected In
Clrnuiinorcy square within the park or
possibly set Into the purk fence so ni
to face the Players club of which Ed
win Booth was the founder and to look
In fact upon the very lmtows behind
uhlch thu great tragedian breathed his
International Kmiithr Hoard Holds
KenIon II Indianapolis
Indlanapollc April 17The Interna
tional executive board of the United
Mlno Workers of America began today
a session during which matters playing
an important part lit the existing con
be troveisy considered with the coal operators will
Tho offer of tho operators of the
Kanuwhii Held in West Virginia to pay
on advance of 1 per cent In wn A
In teCt of the 1903 sealo was placed be
fore the board The protest of the
Illinois operators against tho failure
of the union to keep at the mile what
they consider il stifllclent number of
men to maintain the properties In
good condition will be taken up nt
once President Perry Secretary
Treasurer Ryan and J II Walker are
here representing the Illinois miners
Herman Justin commlpsloner for the
Illinois operators la representing time
Ohio LcfiMiitnio Had no Might lo
Order IlHillRntliui
Cincinnati April 1Tho state sen
ate hail no authority to authorize thn
Investigation of thin public officers of
Cincinnati and Hamilton county ns
carried on by the Drake committee
according to a decision filed by tho
common pleas court In thll city tn
Tho decision wilts miido In tho case of
Thomas J Davis cashier of tho First
National bank of this city who re
fused to appear nnd was arrested The
court holds that tho committee had
exercised Judicial and not legislative
power and that the senate wns with
out right to authorize an Investigation
of the kind conducted Time cashier
watt right In refusing to answer the In
formation requested being of n confi
dential nature between the bank and
Its customers
After Two Year Hard Work Seorge
Prod lines I on Holler Skates
Duluth Minn April 17After two
years of hard work Clnorge Proff of this
city has succeeded In looping the loop
on roller skates Proff his hell seil
oiisly hurt on several occasions hit
huts persisted until stivers has crowned
Ills efforts He aIM leaps R 23foot
gap after coming down an 80foot In
cline HP used skates with 10Inch
wheels and weighing 27 pound
evcrely ill idre Irocnt Attitude of
Ainerlcniib Tonnls Chlnet
New York April 17Membars of Ihn
ConKrPK tlonall l club of New York gave
1 receptIon unit banquet last night lo
Jtcv Arthur H Smith of fhlnu
Iev Arhur nn au
thor and student of oriental nutation
Mr Smith waa recently called tn thu
country by time American board of foreign
inlsflonn to dollvfr several adilresxft ami
In aid In obtaining fnnli for additional
missionary work In China
Mr Smith mvcrly crlllclse the present
nttltuiln of Americans tntmril the Chi
nue He thought we were maklnc a fill
take which would effwt tn vitally In a
commercIal wiij Speaking of tho dom
nKer empress he said that she wai t u
In compaiil with time Vknr of Dra Im
who rapidly chanced his beliefs and
creeds In meet constantly chsnKlMj condi
tion He termed tier the greatest np
partunlil he hAd ever known of or
had ever read about lit likened the BOX
IT movement tl our spirit of li6
Chicago Aphil 17Tha will of Berthold
Ixexr nthAl deposing of an eiitate v lIlut
ul JtfiOOW won filed fr prolnite > s
tirlHj Mrs Nnnnln Loewanthnl tin
widow und Julius W Loanenlhtl 1M
pnn are named as executors Tlm hulk of
the cttutt IH Klvnn to the widow stud the
children Julius W Loewenlhal and Mrs
Julia Wolf n daughtui
Thf turn of S S I x li given to vurloui
chnrltablo Institutions
Now Yolk April 17A murnlng papi up
py that Murk Twain linn vent a cable
leul1 to Bllen Terry t Ixmdon pre
paration fur whets stage jubilee are be
Inc mints Haying
AKi baa ant wlthenHl nor rumoni alHle1
the admiration and altcttin we have felt
for you fur 10 many ynam I lay time n
lit rur hunor teSt with the utmnglh
nud frcuhnatj at their youth upou tti w
undlmlnlihid lmn
Wi 1 f
i l l 1m
4 1
oung Man Dashed Against Telephone
K cphone Post and Killed Al
W most Instantly Ij t
Came From Monroe to Attend
Theater Started Homo and I
Was Racing Back
Ills Xiiino WUI toopli Smith Aged 21
Vonr Mother Kcnchcil Bedside t 4i
llefnro the End
Special to the News
Richfield April 11 V shuokliifr and
fatal aocldent occurred on Main street
hero last midnight when Joseph Smith I ml
aged U yea re from Monroe was l < llle < l 3 m I
by being dashed with great force I
against a telephone pole The hor o t
ho won rldlnsr won killed instantly J
Young Smiths skull was fractured t
aiuluKhou li he lived for about threo
hour after limo accident he did not 9
tegaln consciousness and wan vnahln
to recognlzi his mother brother and
cousin who came from Monroe after
being notified of the accident They t
had a ruee with death and arrived be m
fore the grim reaper
I la dlflluiilt to arrive nt all tho par t
ticulars uf the gad affair aa dtfferen I mi L
accounts were given o tho actions at r If
Smith and his companion Alvn Hunt r
after their arrival In this place from tJf < 4i m i
their home They iauie tr attend tho I tl
theater nnt I U wild by sonic that the LI I t
young len hail been drinking This H
statement IH denied by uthers and by il i IJ
young Hunt He admitted however f
that they decided to return liter start I 1 IJ
lag for home for the purpoua of going jI i
to a saloon to get nomethlnfr to drink j i
I uas just before midnight that they t t t
mounted their horses to gi to Monror I t
When on the outskirts ot town they 1 l
had u dispute about going back Peopln t t i
livlni In the vicinity gtutud that It wits k 111 i
Smith who rsm muted to jro bark whll I I II
Hiinfdemurred The latter finally con fit
cented and the yoiliiff men started back 1
to this place at 1 high rate ot speed I
I In believed that they wero racing l C t f I
As they dashed down Main street 1
the horn Smith was riding swerved il
IIS rllng l I
and ran full Into a largo telephono I I
pole The terrlflo Impact may be Im 1 I
agined when It Is Mated that so great j
wnn the force that the big pole was j
inovud fully an Inch Time horse wan
IriHtantly hilled Its brim his being dashed I
out youiiB Hmlth was thrown against i r
the pole his head coming In contact j
fractured with the same IUd the skull wan badly 1 I I
Young Hunt hastened to his com
panions assistance as also did several
persons who wltneMPd the accident I
among them helng Dr Herbert Tho i ft i J
latter after making an examination I
pronounced the Injury fatal Smith j
wns nulckly carried to the Knee Camp j sI
house and Dr
r JlcOregor was eununon
ed and did nil In his pwer to revive I
the unfortunate young miin
Mrn Smith van notified of the trag I 4
edy and hurried with all poMlble speed 1
to her suns bedside she wax accompanied 1
al nccol
panied by her son Thatcher Smith and Ji
by Mdvln Hmlth cousin to the victim
of the mishap fht father of the youth j l t
JOH A Hmlth IH working In the inlius i i
at Klmberly and was not notllled of 4
hint Fonn tragic fate until this morn I
In1 He hagtened home and is doing nil
ho can to console the Rrkfstrlcken I
mother t Inl j
For 1 time after the youth wni till
en Into the Knco Carnphou there wm JJ
hope that hte would evetlttully recover
hut about 1 oelock this morning he n
breathed bin last The remains were
tnnderty placed II C vehicle nnd lnkrn
to his honif Arrftnenuntrt for thl
funeral hove not been completed ru 1 j
jet but will bo announced later ii
iSpecltxl to the New 1
Washlnstnn D C April 17 Con
gressman Howell lies been notified by I
tho cmomutmlss loiter of petitions that tIme t i
following citizens of Utah have had u t
their mimes added to the pension roll Jm
come of them as original pensioners j g
others for Increases over what they I I j
already are receiving Mrs Prbcllhi 1
Hnwloy Mr Henry n Burton Peter I t t
Hums John D Dllllngham Charles t i ii fi
I duodoell LevI Lader John W Heed t I
of Halt Lake City Klslnh Hutrlion 1 h
guardian SprliiKVlll Hiram > Bert 1 h I
net Jainetf Duncan itdow Robert
J Smith lUnchum Canyon and WIN Ji
Jam F UlU011 Citllao 1
Patents Itrued Utah Ulynsai M
Arwon Park City finger x roio r I
William U Hfttlion and A hayes II
fonlvlll automatic device for dump
rI U uutolntc rump I
Ing ears Jam C Oler C A Fumal 1 I
nnd J J Hayes Pleiwnt drov sliced r
Idaho Wm U Raen Ixike screen
for Irrigating dltolies Kimrm I Sweet It
Walacv book fUN 1 i
I r
William R Duller hitS bMn appoint I m4
ed regular ftml Annie 1 huller sub
stitute llral tree delivery carrier t J
route l at nolr Ida I
Samuel Oliver hl been appointed t B
postmaster ae OUnns Ferry mmei 1
county Ida vice Sarah Hcrkloy r h
SHOT illS mvonnini VIFK I U j
Mlnnoapollg April 17 Harry Spen I F t
cer who was nearly mobbed In Chi i
cago three weekst < on account nt 1
his threnis iigaliitt hl < riivt rc d wife 1 t
last nisht shot hoer three times and p l
tieaped Site will pmbably die anl I
Sine the Chicago nfTnlr Mrs dpeniw 1 II
hRI been trying to hide from her form
or husband and immes heeu living with J J
friends In Mlnnenncli Spencer hut f I 1
boon In the restaurant buitntss et l
Kansas City
Iormrtnts April 17liulllon amounting I
to JIOlcoo VIM withdrawn for chip I
utut t the United Qtut 4 tov J U

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