OCR Interpretation

Deseret evening news. [volume] (Great Salt Lake City [Utah]) 1867-1920, January 25, 1907, Last Edition, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045555/1907-01-25/ed-1/seq-1/

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r Q4T2 7 L LCyc yn < <
r plll l tho 10 wiilrhr1lcnnIhllll wllnt It IUI II I tSt dllt11 I II r Is DESERET EVENING N n 1 1jr S Tho f lint < Killc rrcncli IJlr Is ulioiit stocking or sny sell lie thronsH Mint without only Xothliitf tiling nlhcrtbll n ICRS on cannot l and a
i lfscis
All Ages and Con
people Al Aes
Ions Flock Therein Quest
ditons Of Fuel
Hauled Home in
Coal Thus Far
Every Sort of Vehicle Imagin
able Except Automobile
Offers to
tcrrt1t fawnbroue OICs
ntcn J
Ilrlrl n BIac1 Diamonds
L3fl Money I Unc
Ln Xo Coal to ttiwii
H > I
1 LottnCl On CoalThts i
JoshDrln In Your Dock
1 Is No Cash X
I Plimonds And f The A 1
o I displayed coiwplc
t This sign I
wInlOW or n Ialni
UOUSI In the wlnl
It inealts just
t tflet pwnshop tho menls 3
It says sWf
what I 1
rcgular prlcc 1I
Advance reg
1 tor Ill n vlncc I I
V u oIcoal
< olces chorus
or IflIXCl
4 chorUs next
or WIoas GlddIPs Im within
hNrl when YOU are
be whn
lIe can
turn Ott
ou 01
block ot tIt pI3ce
ft t
I Ftfth south a lon
West from Filh
S ond
and hu
manlty omntIOt ts the or first horcs and Wlgons mo surprlslig
Thcs men women
thht to be seen
thng becn there for two
M chidre to getcoal
and thw are therp
dos thy
they appear
morning tally nPer
or racks oi
veon nhccltariows fllled there
backs and for herder Iled
crowd thins
arc many more ready The >
out towards tlenlug and by suppcr
wnEona oulj left
Ime there arc wron
ton day bc
The WOT1 eprta1 aroud 13
Th woro that the Ccnttal Coal
tote re5tcrdW Ccntji
I nnd Cofee company Via4 recelCd 25 carl
nt c031
rush to the yards ensued nnd
it has been 01 for hQ days Tho coal
S rJJ Irl < e far bvMnd In Jt s or
il < rs that fidCD If not liromlsel
Hithln n iiumih end persons really In
neil of fuel fathered at the l >
It h al wrts ot otivcjancesi rThoy
were lro to cal nnny whatever
Inrc they wttlJ bo allowe All day
long M two ia > s tho crowd has lined
up ncros ftMnd West street in front
of the coal yard offices and each
daj tram go and come A checker I
Hanis a > the entrance to the yards
and as each person appear taku hs
rdcr dire ts him to rt certain por
tion of MK jaids and then shouts
authoritatively Youre next Dont
coI Vhi n n wagon or si saclc
1 whatever recrptuelc used Is tilled
11 Is weIghed Its original weight sub
trscted end th customer leaves llght
l In heart and purso
The swnc in nn animated onoa
irange fight Hcio Is a long column
it anxious clllfn of all qlasses
there k u Kt1 at guthnrliiff wagon
of all deacrlutloiib The HQI o My
Thumb btitph wagon With a cu
I lty of tw o stcakh and u peck of
Wtatow crowds tho hayrack for
cat place while tho wheelbarrow
wshtd bv u n vtly dressed man beat
w jihaeton to the xcalos and Into tho
Y irttr in tii line sill waiting Just
tfore uper trrsUI
tfore Pler trr Ilst evening was IL
1010an wllh an old rniuao
lc1 hid probaljlj done service nn u
1 bUg 5 > for Hmt grandchild n
h Olg van butclHi wagon two
NI and wIth a box back or the
1at dCklvr 1III0nI f S IlUCk l
J c jrlwel wagon covornl lit
II5ce fhtug I bni little light for
I nwny bae t the end Wn8 tt big
1 nn tty riipl ICIne I
I nd 1 IV n Shot
n Jho xvolu afflllr in chargeS
O Mfll
a b 0 chnrro
not le L Iln muli Piled I tlx Quid
a S
large M the
Ie man ahead
fhlm ahelll
1 dl1 ei > by tWO Tlloao
Ih < tll 1 wore just
fhe UII Ihlele lu tl10 long IlUf
lhy amm Hhltca and threatened ni
nuS lnto tlc scab
thrJ stllo ontrnneo
innumber or iorrdrlrig men Imldo
> nnmcsco woGhc en
order nnmcs
IQL tttsII
0 thl Wih tllr wii 0 ono lakes
t ll 1e lait word
orl of a dlng man
The SOME or H citcnvo
I Of mcli worneiz children
I 1 11n chiden
l bnaUted Wh cold 110 other
Llf IUe I jU f1 fet ahead nro
10 7RflIn z oal Ilulln tl bo carried
tovel flro11t es ttd huiiKry
tDIJimTI115 UII h mixed the
tDIJim IH xl1 UH tlo
Irrol II bIg
lean > tlrcssed
tb 1 drealc1
11 u
11111tb gUI uclt right behind
ol WWh rllhl
htrD tOflttpt
1 < lomuI with a baset un
e glrl IJeh111 hot II a girla iii
5 IhI h 1 I i ald on which brother
i bon Ihkh lrother
Is f rth balcll u box Jlrolhor nih I
tr rthor
up i 111
liH iho check
o not fe tlho
LrQther IYI a 1Jud tt loxful al >
an au I MlkCUI wfl 1rt but two
tatly I th aElernopt This no Is gone
S I nMuK011 llvldunls
IlM can
DI S nly ni thou wants
IIo it tel arc
I he 110
11 mot 0 Illnl a 1Uolul Ot
11 I
rochThrtvd Hal Lulcers unahle to
4chlrlq lheiizieIres
1lb eizt I
lQr CI Olt Inept
tt Jdtll coal One nel
blrld 1111 known
tl bl f luau tl g ot a
UtIi 0 1 ot
14 tireI his joh hog hnllntent
o h
ae11 Q wc fleI4r
nptiite 11 Jlelt
trllce In
tYnrtrllce paid hi
5 the 1
i ° eOIIr tlhi
iinQIUretlal 1 the 11rISlnJOI
tr hlv ItCpt t1pIIlICd the
llh IJ Yanpis will Ilj IIIIIO
nlr d Kay Cutnpr4ppy f IUrl1
1 others oOIllls
dllli hhhimg Iii
r t Uli lriviii lhID Qlt
1 IO lHt IOr 111 Ilf u the
ol W018 Fhcre wore
1 rl
QPUflr5 Ion fill thu Cen
14 8 rYlltlil 3o terday
S Llna a r tlll
ln sten iiii lr
8 onl t tlths
1 IIP 1 nUlnbel ot
Y Tpis lre In
vrcat lemanti
kl t oa Ctt emnl1
111 tQI 5 al CnI181 In HtuIt Lakr
J4O1 a dOze U cacti
1 bel rrc n4lert Prent Ihift Int Iim SItu
I p 1 Ihll
over bifor from 1 supply standpoint
Each railroad Mays It IB bringing
enough coal to supply tho city and
neighborhood Vcl your ° tnrlc Snin
IPhhorhtI of tho thri hulls IH nd
vunelng money upon coal neatly
mclnl men and women nru ntnndlng in
line nt th coal yards and tho an
nonneenvjnl that n cur of coal has
reached Sal Ialco results In n month
orders bring plotfcil Immediately n him
mho belle Salt Lake II shiverIns
and wondering
ni ondern
The following statement was Issued
by dcncral Manager HIde wny of the
Denver t Hlo Grande last night re
garding the coal shortagfi anti the ef
forts of th Gould line to rcllovo the
situation I
sltlton shortage Bltuutlon In Salt
fu City and the Salt Lake valley Is
better taU than It hus been for
S During tho past three day iricoa
DurinI and cake ImVo been
Ion of coal nl coltl hllO
brousht Into the valley on te Kjo
Grande Western road alone Of this
Salt Lake has received I very generous
For the fRt two 111 tho Castle
Onto and Clear Creek mines have pro
duced and shipped nothing but lump
coal for domrHtlc use
The Rio Grande has plenty of cnw
io haul coal In nnd plenty of locomotlvu
equipment Coal Is being handled In
preference to all freight except perish
uble stuff
The mines nre producing us much
ns they over have and probably
more The trouble Is thit the demand
has exceeded nil expectations and this
old mines cannot supply the coal need
The situation Is looking better and
better and tho next few days will sea
this shortage greatly relieved
General manager Rio Grande West
ern load
Jinn Who niilto < l Mail Carrier
Hound Ocr Io Federal Court
Harry N Licbenthnll had n hearing
before United States Commissioner
Hnldwln on charge of assaulting Uu
special doll ory boy from tho postotnee
last Sunday The boy ran Into Licben
thall with a wheel knocking him over
whereupon the latter grabbed the boy
and administered nn Impromptu cor 1
rfctlon For this Llcbenthull Was nr
rested and on being heard this morning
nnl bound
ing before the commissioner was
InS to the federal court In 5200 bonds
which B Itlch furnished
Another Fall Kiicctal to Occur To
lilalit niul Tomorrow
The weather continues unpropltlous
developing local low barometric areas
HO that snow Is expected tonight and
tomorrow The mercury only fell to a
minimum of 22 degrees last night with
a maximum of 26 for the 24 hours pre
vious The cold Kjiell continues In
the far north 32 degrees below being
reached nt Havre The precipitation
wan light all over the country
Paul 1oiMnlrli Unrtemlcr Pleads
CSnllly and IK Ilncil 25
Paul Popovllch a bartender III a
saloon nt ISO west South Templu street
pleadqd euljty before Judge Armstrong
today to the charge of violating the
Sunday liquor law and was lined 25
Popovlch was found guilty In tIme police
court and appealed his case to tho dis
trict court whore he pleaded guilty He
caurc o his violation of the Sunday
closing ordinance the license of the
saloon where he was employed was ro
voked ago by tho city council several weeks
AVatiTxvorUs Committee DNfiissct the
Question of Enlargement of Sjstciu
A meeting of the waterworks com
mittee of the city council wua held yes
terday afternoon In Mayor Thompsons
nlllco diid discussed the matter of tho
tntnigemcnt o the waterworks ays
tom of the city PO ns to bo able to han
dle I greater volume of water It Is the
Intention to increase the size of the
mains throughout tho principal streets
and thus secure n better distributive
system Those present besides the mem
bers of tho cmnmlttco arc Mayor
Thompson City 1nglneer Kcisey and
HUt of Waterworks Hlncs
liirlln IOTM Closed nutS nnshll
Late In HrtlimliiK
Berlin Jan 2rho voting In the
relchstng elections began at 10 oclock
this mOll nC In clear freezing weather
The boersn was closed and all business
was Into in beginning today as many
of the merchants and their employes
did not conic down town until after
they had voted No disorder was r
poi ted
Kmperor William callcd on Chancel
lor von Buclow during the morning
after which the chancellor drnvo to u
polling place 111 secretary who bad
gono tih oad handed I111 I ballot as ho
left the carriage The print thrust thu
ticket Into nn envclopu hlmclf as rn
ciulred by law gave bin name to thu
election commissioner and thn latter
took tho envelope und placed It In 1
bullot box Von Iluelow appeared jo bo
In good health
Iftrln Jun 25 Franco II manifestIng
Intunno Interest In till CUrmun doe
lon fill newspapers mire illlrd with
coluiniiH of dispatches alvlng prognos
tications Tho editorial comment hero
openly expresses tIme hope for an and
Kovcinnifiit majoilty IIH likely to curb
tho nimmiii I Ions of Kmporor William
which nro iihvnys Interpreted an being
n nioimcu io tho peaco or rrnnce
Foul uoniis UKCOVISUKD
Tiliildnil Colo Jnn KFiiir moro
boillCH wuio tvcoyoicil this morning at the
PiliiKHi mine where Z I mel won killed
by nil nxpioRlon on WiHlncitluy Twelve
lioillcn in all bavo llOfl eel ircovered
Hpuclul to tho tnwu I
Silmingtcmn D C Jnn 2V Ulnho II0Mt
IIStOIM uppolnteili Bpnld nB Neziwrc
couiiiy qurninj Andrew viva W
Ilnltlmlln 1011111 HII NePerct
Ulh Ira I CVOIm vice
Lweed y IIIIIM Qllnn111
This morning HerReunt IlobnU went Io
Ojrflcii for thC purpo or brlngdiff tmrk to
this city Mrj OUIII nllaco wlioio bun
tl ii now I Jil here un4erthn ncrUKi
lion ot pettInp lIre tOl box car rho woo
inApt I t 11IndlrIIOol was urretid
n3hea lcoawUClp wIIlrrchtu 111
They Burglarized Blacksmiths
Shop Last Night and Secured
Necessary Tools
In the Meantime tie lriftnrl K Out In
Hopes of Jotting the 1iolc
sale HIUIIJIcnlwl
The police need not be alaimtd It
they receive a report within 1 day or
two that I safe has been cracked In a
Salt Lake onice or nearby this city
This may servo as a bulletin to the de
partment That something of this kind
Is contemplated by members of the
gang which operated In tho city night
before last Is Indicated by the burglary
of a blacksmith shop last night The
place In question Is located at 729 State
street and bclonpr to a blacksmith
named White
When ho went to work this morning
he discovered that the lock had been
< < lad
pried from the door and that 1 sleds
hammer a braccandblt and other
tools had been stolen The articles np
piopilated are nearly always used by
safe crackers of the first calIber With
the brnce a hole can be bored into n
safe and the hammer is I useful Instru
ment with which to knock oft the com
bination knob
As the articles in question woutJ
bring but little from a junk man or a
secondhand store 1C Is not unreason
able to believe that they were taken for
tho purpose suggested especially in
view of the fact that Sergeant Ilcmpel
when he IcarnjJ of the blacksmith shoJ
burglary said Well wo can expect a
safe Job now
Since the discovery of 10 burglaries
Wednesday night the pollen Sot busy
In rounding up alleged VORH and Inst
night nn even dozen were hauled Into
pollco headquarters and this afternoon
they arc explaining to Judge Diehl their
reasons for being on earth
Forgery Grand Larceny Embezzle
niciit Among the Charges
In Judge Diehl court thin morning
LeI IU > se aged 17 years was arraigned
on thij charge of forgery Atty Walters
W Ito represented the youth at tho
courts re quest and waived prpllmlnary
hearing after entering a pica of not
guilty S
Sliy Klllot charged wIth obtaining
jnqnej under falso j > rrtenq sti wiIcntoc
hla plea tomorrow morning e
Henry L Gibson thumad who posed
here ns 1 physician was arrnianed 01 iha
charged of forgery embezzlement mind
pull larceny The Jftttcr two chargoa
worn continued Indefinitely and on lie
charge of forgery the mnn was ordered
bound over to the district court In de
fault of SC boll he was token In charge
by time sheriff
Mike Earli1 who WIIS arrested several
days ago on the change of grand larceny
was discharged by the court upon motion
of the county attorney who stated thero
was not sufficient evidence against the
fecion Children Xlcliola Twleico Ccl
climb nirllulays lu That Month
May Is cennlnly month for birthday
celebrations In the homo of Nicola
Tcdcsco who resides at No 3 OntarIo
court as seven out of the e > ht mem
bers of Mm amllv vi > ri Mini jli that
month and four of them were born on
tho same date May 10 This Interest
Ing bit of Information caIn to light to
day when Mr Tcdcsco mndo applica
tion at the county clerks olllee for hln
final citizenship papers The new blanks
used In the office call for a com
plete history of the family of the ap
plicant HO Tedcsco wax called upon to
dive the names and date of birth of
himself antS nil his children I
According to the records he was born
In Cosonza Italy on May 10 1872 his
wife tLIH born on May f a few years
later and the first child was born on
May 7 18D7 the nixt was born 1 May
10 1898 and on the samo date the two
following years a new child was born
In tho TcdeBco home After these tho I
next ono was born on May 18 1B01 an < l
the only one In the famllv that arrived
outsldo of the Month at May yflB tho
youngORt child which was born In Salt
Lake City on Sept 09 1BB6
Following ire tho names and dales
o birth uf the entlie family us shown
on thn records In tho county clerks
Nicola Todesco May 10 1872
Mrs TedCBCO May 6
Aqulllno Tcdcsco May 7 IBB
Mike Tfdcseo May 10 1S98
Pete Tcdeseo May 10 18S9
llosn Tftdesco May 10 1000
Xmedco IVrtesco May 18 1801
Nellie Todcbco Sept 29 JBOC
Scrloim Collision Between Troop and
Iopulnro nt Van no France
Vanncs France Jai 25 Thero wan
a fierce collision today between COO
troops amid the populace led by tic
Marquis dAnglude during the eviction
of the ncmlnarlstH of Bt Amine ilAuiay
The crowd cried Long live thl Prim
slitiw and during the lghllnl inn umy
nenxinu vro Injured on both Hides
Time Miirnuli1 do CuvervlllH knocked out
tile eye nf I coniml H ry of pollco with
nn umbrella Tho Marquis iVAnglado
Wil urreated
Jmuidon Jim SJ There In good 10101
to licllovn that Uov Hwrltcnhum of JH
mnlcu hUl forwarded hil rtnlcnutloii iy
the colqnlnl ofrtce Tho officials toT nay
they eta not proparod either to coiifrin or
rt < w > Iht in > i > rt Imt I hey le1nl having
rccilvcd irltitrnnn of I ruiiflikntlul churt
tctn from the eOV lnor I hal been ful
I > expected horn that n solution t r tut
altnculty Mould bo found In Bwpttrnriama
iiKnMlqn 1 Imn iijiii frteii muifi in
thu colonial iml othvr rovcrnmcnt ifncti
that u wai quite impo iii fur tiwuten
liani to contmuA in offlro not emily be
cause oCti Incident Involving the with
drawal of tilt Amrrkun vvarthlt from
Kingston but AII un urcnunt of the rrOI
Unix anuliivf hla conduct itcclvtci Ill
the tnnibUmiU 91qu3Ito
Addresses Made by G L Farrell
Logan Dr p A Yoder A C
AndDrWidtsoe Provo
Contention Hulltlimdciinntc to Aoconi
niotlnti AH wi tljournmcnt Was
inlcmt to Jlaptli > l ChuiTli
D lrr Jnn t 300 ncercd
lt < U del6ettti > 3 from tales and terri
tories west Of thc MltsouiI river were
present at the fcCMloiiH of the dry
farmIng coneiess toduy and visitor
Mvellcd the attendance to l total of
about 1000 AlGanv hotel coincn
lieu hulL vhich4had been engaged
for the convention wan too small to
accommodate UnjJnudleneos and the
convention mnoedLtO tho First Baptist
church The congress has been In
vited to meet liext year at Ohey
cane Salt Laleuli Los Angeles
President B Oftyles worth of Colo
rado Agricultural college presIded
S over the consfress1 today The morn
Ing program Included the following
Farm Machinery for the ArId Re
gions by Prof H it Balner Colo
rado AgrIcultural collegp
The Western Limit of Precipita
tion for Dry Land Farmlnr by K I
Brand otburg director United States
vseatber bureau Denver and W S
Jnlmer director United States weath
er bureau Cheyenne
Address by Dr E n Nicholas pres
ident Kansas agricultural college and
Dr F JI Tlhdel piesldent Wyoming
Agricultural college
Utahs Prowess in ArId Farming
by G i Fairoll Logan Utah
State AW for Arid Farming by
Dr P A Yodor Utah AgrIcultural
Utahs Problems in Arid Farming
by Dr John A WIdtsoe llrlghnm
Younf university Provo Utah
Addresses and short talks on dry
farming In various states wnie given
Ircnch CliamlMT of Deputies Ailoj ts
Hill Jrotlillns for Tiicm
Paris Jan 25 Against vehement
protests of the Right the chamber of
deputies today adopted the bill pro
viding for the automatic granting oC
decrees of divorce If cither party per
sists In a suit for three years
Mr Lasies d claredtbat thcmeasuro
meant the disintegration of society as
it would make the family tlo practically
dls50 1 QbI at v1 t r
Made of Steel amid Lmugstnf Its Kind
In Ilio Uorhl
Butte Mont Jan 25A Helena dispatch
patch this morning says that the gates
will be closed In the Hnusor lake dam
this morning I will be three weeks
before the power Is turned on as It will
take this time for the lake to nil The
water will hack up 18 miles on the river
and through the Prickly Pear canyon
six miles in tho valley below Helena
The dam is 640 feet long and 70 sot
wide and Is made of steel throughout
The dam is the largest of Its kind In
time world
Fifteen thousand horse power will be
generated and this with the Canyon
Ferry plant will make Helena the larg
est producer of electricity In any place
In the country with the exception ot
Niagara Tho power will run tho
Woshoe Iteducllon work > the Ana
conda Kalluaj light that city and op
erate many of the Butte Mines
i > 1 JM MUiinuit lIEU
Chicago Jan Following a pro
tracted quarrel with her husband
Mrs Anne 7Doiuitll was found In a
dying condition today having fallen
runt a window In the third story of the
building in which are the apartments
occupied by the couple
The husband Informed the police that
his wife was walking In btr sleep but
neighbors late flarcd the couplo had
been quarreling the greater port of
tho night and that ODonnell declined
tb allow his wife to bo brought bark
Info the houie after foiling ODonnell
menuuhllo his dlsapponicd
What is Sunday
Without The
Saturday News
1 E many artistic orig
T inal and carefully select
ed features of the Satnr
lay I News arc more thal cvcr
causing that paper to be held
over after perusal Saturday
night for rporc careful readily
on Sunday fact pf import
ance to advertisers
will contain several special feat
lire among them the fglpwlJg
Senator IIopkin great ad
in defense of Scnatoi
S Smcol
Frank G Carpenters special
letter to the New from Af
rica Ills subject t ing The
Young Sultan of Morocco
Another V S Revenue story
in the series now appearing hI
the New York Herald and tli >
Saturday News
Special letter describing Mir
ring events hi the old world
Sixth Man Who is to Try Thaw
For Murder of Stanford
White Selected
flu c Thus Far Chosen Are Said to bo
boo time AMrugo In In
New York Jan s 5Oime more Juror
making six In I was added today to
the panel which Is to try Harry K
Thaw upon the charge ot murder In tho
frt degree He was selected near the
close of the morning session Ills
name is Harold L Pair a printer Hu
Is the first unmarried man to bo selected
lected and Is about 2S years of age
Mast of the talesmen excused from
service today had formed such decided
opinions as to disqualify them
There was but one peremptory chal
lenge and this was by Mr Jerome In
excusing a talesman named Charles I
Nesblt The similarity in name t Har
ry K Thaws wife caused the examina
tion of the talesman to 1 > followed
with much Interest until bo apparent
ly was about to be accepted when Mr
Jerome challenged him
There were five men In the Jury box
today when the trial ot Harry K Thaw
for the killing of Stanford White war
resumed bolero Justice Fitzgerald Mrs
William Thaw mother of the defend
ant was present at the opening ot to
morning bespfon having fully recovered
from the Indisposition which kept her
Indoors yesterday Sho was accom
panied by her daughter Mrs George
L Carnegie tho two having been pre
ceded some minutes by Mrs Evelyn
Nesbtt Thaw and May McKenzie Tho
prisoners wlfu still wore the plain
dark blue suit that sho had appeared In
on every day of the trial Today she
had discarded her white veil for one
of blue chiffon The effect was to
bring out more distinctly the features
of her face which appeared unusually
pale The elder Mrs Thaw was In
conventional black
The Countess ot Yarmouth did not
attend tho trial today owing to a slight
cold Edward and Josiah Thaw were
early In their beats
The live Jurors selected during the
first two days of the trial appeared to
men above the average In Intellect All
som to be In prosperous circumstances
Two are Just above EO years tjf age
QforgcPfaff hardware dealer Is the
I a at
Charles H Fecke the shipping agent
Is possibly 40 and Arthur S Campbell
a superintendent of telephone construc
tion is not more than two years older
The other two Jurors Doming 13 Biplth
a retired manufacturer the foreman
and Henry C Barney manager of I
piano concern
When the elder Mrs Thaw came Int
court she seemed oblivious of the pres
ence of time prisoners wife In the next
seat to her own Tho latter assisted
her motherinlaw however In remov
Ing her furlined cloak
When tIme elder Is Thaw came Into
room his familys attention was dls
traced by tho arraignment of a de
fendant In another case Thaw noticed
this and as ho passed his mothers
chair he reached over with ono hand
mid grasped both of hors Site looked
up quickly and answered her sona
Mrs Harry Thaw gave her husband
an earnest look of greeting and dur
ing tho examination of talesmen she
assumed her customary attitude lean
ing well forward In her seat eager to
catch every answer to questions put
cither by tIme district attorney or by
counsel for the defendant
Counsel for Thaw wcro Informed
today that Htmry C Barney tho lUth
Juror his acted as a Jtnor In tho caso
of which Edward Ickarz was convict
ed of murder In tho first degree Pc
karzs pica was Insanity and several
alienists testified that he was mental
ly unbalanced when ho murdered a
woman from whom 1m rented rooms
The verdict was guilty and Pakara was
sentenced to death
Daniel OHellly of counsel for Thaw
was quoted us saying today concern
ing Juror Barney
We went upon the amimptlon that
u man who has voted to put n man
to death on one occasion will novor
vote for tho execution of a second
mini Wo wanted him upon the Jury
Mr Harnoys Jury bald the man was
nine but it wits proven before GaY
HlBKlns that he wiis Insane nnrt tho
governor saved him
The first talesman today wan Walter
M Jackson n real ostato biokor who
was excused on a challenge by tho
people when ho declared that ho
entertained certain prejudices which
might make him it partial Juror
Ashley C Jennings was examined
In iiftiill and I scorned RS thouch he
might ho accepted as the sixth Juror
but at time last moment he spoke pri
vately with Justice Fitzgerald and ho
was excused by rotntcnt
Charles A Kullor Charles D Hal
Miy Charles M 10 vy nnd Horace 1
Smith hud such decided opinions that
lmlh believed they could not bo moved
by the ovlduncu end were excused
by consent
Jatneu M Koialinm time lox tales
man caused something o A stir by
Homo of his answers Asked If hn had
any scruples agnliiht capital pnnUh
mrnt ho Mid
I haw not but I do object to the
application of electricity nll means
of carrying out such I penalty
There wan I decided murmur
throughout tho court loom whets Law
yet Hnrtrldgo nuliod time Uileamiin it
be know Stanford Whlto and lie n >
Iltl pleased to nay 1 Ud not 1
A Imlllff bad to rap tor order
Krtchnm said he hail a pretty dn
elded opinion but ha thought 1m could
Iny I u lne In the face nf the evidence
Thor was ft lively argument between
Mr Jrroino and Mr Hnrtrldgn OK to the
extent and effect of time tnteimnn opin
ion Rlld tbts led to thn HrtU Incldfiit
oppronchlnfr a clash bCIWII counsel
Mr Joromo wan apealdnir when Mr
HArtrldge aroit cad was about to In
terrupt Jerome turned on tho young
attorney and mild with u show of Irri
tationWill you allow me to finish my ar
Mr Hartrlfg vat down without a re >
Kotclium wow excused
When Charles J Na bt wan called
to the atoM ul ayes turned towurUa
Mrs Evelyn Ncsblt Thaw because of
the similarity of names
Ncsblt said ho In not In any way
related to the prisoners wife Hfi had
read about tho case and had formed
un opinion Any reasonable doubt ho
would give to tho defendant
Nelbl r was challenged by Mr Jo
romo This was the ninth challenge
of a peremptory nature used by tho
district attorney Thirty such chat
lenges are allowed each side Tins de
fence ban employed <
Harold It Fair proved to be the sixth
Juror secured Ho was In tho mils
of a clothbound novel when ho was
Interrupted by the clerk calling his
name Mr Fair was the thirteenth
talesman examined today mind the nlx
tythlrd slnro the trial began Ho took
his place after the oath waR admin
Aaron M Klaw the next talesman
was excused localise of prejudice
At this point time luncheon
thll lunchen recess un
til 2 p m was taken
Ormond PlaJan 25 Perfect weath
er and beach conditions javored the
last day of lacing today There were
five events on the card for today In
cluding Marriotts attempt to reduce the
present record of 2S15 seconds for the
mile The other events are I Cnillo
club championship for drivers of tho
amateur class and special match races
at one six and 12 minutes
The sixmile special match between
two 30borse power runabouts wan won
by Laughlln In 7 minutes 35 seconds
was won by Laughlln In C Mhorso
by Laughlln In 7 minutes 35 seconds
Tho sixmile handicap for amateurs
was won by Laughlln In 1 30horse
power gasoline car in 8 minutes 8 25
Keconds actual running time Laugh In
had I handicap ot 1 minute 6 seconds
Marriott failed In his attempt to low
er the mile record Ho covered the dis
tance In 2S35 seconds twofifths of i
second lower than the best previous
performance >
Tho 12mllo event between an English
and American tour car stripped woe
won by the Hutton In the English car
llmt 1312 2S
William D Hay of Brooklyn oatub
lipr ti now mile record for two cy
lInden motor cycler Time 44 25
In the third attempt to break the one
mile record Marriotts steam car struck
I bump in tho beach and was hurled
Into the air and shattered to fragments
when it fell Marriott was seriously
but probably not fatally injured
That Marriott escaped with his life Is
regarded little short of miraculous He
was helpless after the car struck the
obstruction and sprung Into the air Ills
efforts to bring It under control when
It struck after a tremendous leap had
no effect whatever and It wobbled and
plunged and finally turned completely
over Tho driver was pinned Into the
machine as it was burled along rolling
over and over until it finally was shat
tered almost to splinters Marriott was
freed and his unconscious form slid
along for yards before It came to a stop
The boiler of the engine rolled along
down the loch a great distance Mar
riott regained consciousness quickly
but It was peen that one rib was brok
S en iindroneo hiaeycs probably de
> utroycd besides which lie was badly
bruised Whether he is internally In
jured has not been determined
juJd hu bcendetlnnlned For
tunate for Marriott the fuse plug in
the boiler blew out at the moment ot
the accident and permitted the steam to
Marriotts car was running at the rate
of nearly 125 miles an hour at the time
of the accident
Madrid Tan fiThe Marquis do Alinllo
having proved unable to ton the Llli
crul cabinet which resIgned jcstenlay nv
tho result of dimensions between tho Lib
erals and the Radicals over tho proposed
law of 11toelaton Uio king today called
the Conservative to power Formal an
nouncement was made that the Marquis
do Armljo had failed to reorganize tha
cabinet and that King Alfonso had >
proved the following Conservative ministry
Premier Senur Maura
illnlttrr of Foreign Afrilns Conua do
Allcndo Salaeir
Minister of the Interior Senor Laclcrva
Minister fop Finance Bcnor Osnuv y
Minister of War Gen Lono
NIno Minister of Marine Capt Fernandez
Mi muster of Education Sanor Kodrl
giicz Han Pedro
Mlnlnstcr of Justice Marquis Iflguenu
st Iuul Jan 25 AttyOcn YOUIIK
today began mundntnua proceedings in
tho supreme court to compel tho St
Paul Minneapolis Manitoba Railroad
company to show cause why its char
ter should not bo forfeited This com
pany formerly known as tho Minne
sota Iaclflo company Is really the
parent company of the Great Northern
Hallway company and the Great
Northern Is joined In thin Jttquc U it
If the owner of time Manitoba companys
AttyC Young bus given time As
sociated Press a digest of lh allega
tions sot up In tho bill filed In the su
premo court The complaint coveis
about 80 typewritten pages and goes
Into all transactions of thu droat
Northern Railroad company with Its
constituent companies forming thu
rnuiffer known us the Great Northern
Hallway company
Chief Justice Stuart ordered the writ
to bo Issued and dinctrd that u rulurn
thereon be made April 2
lleifms Ireland Jim ii Uy thu over
whelming majority of S3JOU vote uRiitniit
10 as rcprceantcd by tho delvsntau the
labor conference thin inoinlnt ivjectvd 1
I proposed amvndmcnt to the constitution of
the party tile rfect of which would hat
been to transform U lute an avoncdly Ho
cUlltUn orKimUatlnu Tim proofed
amcndniAnt tiantalneil In
wan u roaolutlon
iitfufnllnK time Innfrtlon of thu following
now object Into the con > lltull n
Thl Minual confertmru btreby sIc
dares that Its ultlnuX olijort hal hi thw
olitalnliib fci the work ls the full imuiltH
of their labor by tile ovcrihruw lit the
> tttll cniiHHtlUvf yntein of cupltul
Ism and the InHtltutlnn of pullli wnar
stile end conUol ot nil innnim of 11 >
Tlio opixn nt or t F proposed IKIIMHI
menL declared that it would nut II
reparable illiann Ji > n In Hiu i > nrt > as Ihl1
trades imlonlata were pposc to 1tidg1ui
themselves to socIalism
WAlhlnltt Jwi X Tin hou > v i > >
unanimous Consent today panuvd dime
providing for an mldlllnnal Juduc fn ili j
Northern and Bouthern dlnulcw of C4li
= = = rL h
Interstate Com Commn on Its
Investigations of Discrimina
tions and Monopolies t3
i il 11
Every Common Carrier Should be
Required to Make Public Sys i
tem of Distribution
Should bo Torbldden to Own 01 lao
Interest In Operated Coal Property j
Except for Its Own 11c t
Washington Jan 25ThG Jnterstilo 1
commerce commission today transmit t I
ted to Congress its first report on Its
investigation on discriminations and
monopolies under the 10lnt resolution
Congress of Mnrch 7 1806 known as
the TIllmanGlllesplo resolution The
report deals with bituminous coal com
panies east ot the Ohio and in territory
bounded on the south by the Norfolk
Western Railway on the north by
Canada and on the cast by tho Atlanita 5
seaboard The roads Involved are then I 5
Norfolk it Western Chesapeake S
Ohio IJoltlmoro Ohio Pennsylvania r
Buffalo Rochester c IMttsburg Bench
Creek division of time New York Cen
tral Hudson Illver Plttsbursr Shaw I
mut Northern Buffalo Suaquehan
na and West Virginia Central
Plttsburg now the Western Mary S
land I
The report says all the above com
panies own directly or by stock own
ership In other companies large Inter
ests In coal lands
The report III practically a summary
of the Information gleaned from the In
vestigation thus far made together i
with the presentation of facts pertinent
to the general Inquiry and makes rec
ommendations for legislative action as
That every common carder engaged
In Interstate transportation of coal he
required to make public tho system of T
ar distribution In cTtcct upon Its rail
way and the several divisions thereof i S
showing how the equipment for coal i I
service la divided between tho several S
divisions of ie load and that the car
rier be require to publish tit stated
periods the system of car distribution S
In effect and the actual distribution S
made to eacli mining operator That
whom the capacity or the mince ISj tin
batfls for tho distribution of equipment
n fair Just and equable rating of the
mines be required I
That after clsonnbJa Hmo carriers en f
gaged In Interstate commerco bl pro 7 a
hibited from using Individual or
private cars for tho handling of coal I
trafficOWNING jit1
That carriers engaged In Interstate I
commerce bo forbidden after reason
able time to own or have Interest di
rectly or Indirectly In any operated
coal property except such as are fix S
elusIvely Inn their own fuel supply
and that ownership by officers or cm
ployorn of common carriers of any
coal properties or stock be forbidden I
A Eumamray Is given showing the
Jntcrcst of railroad officials In cor
porations or companies operating
commercial mines or engaged In coal t
traffic S
Ownership ot stock In coal com I
panies officers and employee of tho t
Pennsylvania railroad tho report says
has created a serious and dangerous
condition on tho line of thin com
pallTho policy of permitting officials
and employee of railroad companies
to hold invnstments In coal companies
furnishing traffic to the railroad if
In the opinion of the olmmlsilon K I
mistaken policy and responsible for S
favoritism In any event It subjects
such offlclalH and employes to crltl
clsm and suspicion
Stock In coal companies was given
ontilght says tIme report to certain
officers and omployos the Penn
sylvania railroad Those getting the
stock says thn report usually wart
selected from among the officers and S
cmployci of tho railroad whose Influ
ence It was thought desirable to se
cure This prnctlsa has grown to hl
n scundil on tho Pennsylvania rail
road and no ono appearing baton the
commission attempted to Justify it
The commission cannot too strongly r
express Its disapproval of thona Proc
ices S
The report laYS 10 officlnJa of tbrf I
Baltimore Ohio own an aggregate
of 7178 shares of stock of coal com I
panies par value J100 rind theo
companies have their plants nn and
nre doing business alone the line of
tho Baltimore Ohio This stock won
acquired In ome cases by purplinm
und In othora by allotment an a bonUn
With bonds purchased and In a tow
Instances by gift
Regarding the New York Contra fc
Hudson lllvor railroad It JM said Hint 1
no ownership by any otflcer or employ S
of tho stock or bonds of coal companlrx I
lu illifcIOKCHj except that certain nharoH 0
of the Ueich Creek Coul mind Colco com
pany and of the CJearfleld UHmnliious I
onl corporation In which the New
Yorlc Central nun Htocjcs were laaurd S
In tIme namcH of oartuln nlllcoro uf thv
railroad company to qualify thorn UN
directors of those coat Lompnnlcji that
they might irpronent tho railroad hold
ings S
The IoporL sills It Wa nppurunt to till S
cominlusinn that the vim riotis rnllway S
and freight at oclatlons wore uuuil for
the purpose of ngicelmr upon and main
tnlnlng freight rates nnd that thn UIn i
Irjbinlon or tonnage to tliteo eeuimi i S
loads iviiu only maintained liingfu 1111
thft samo WHH uucompllaheit by nlCllI
1IJ7eli1 freight ruled S
Time cmnnilktnmi nidn In tho Avnoplut
wl Hullroailn of Virginia amid tho Cal
Imin an agruement iimong tlm 111111111
railroads lnllIlIlI thuroto not to reduce
coat riiloH without consultation
In the OIlItrn New York and New
England All UltmnlmniB Coal Traillu
vsoolatlon the puipoue of thin uvsoohu
tlon lu tea that the priced of coal ant
freight rates wortt mnlntnlncd
In the bureau of bituminous coil S
vKitlmlcH Iiuffaln dlKUlct oilglnolly I
illlrd the Hnffalo foul agaiulalton thin
nlnclpnl piirpo 1eIII ID huvu been I
time malntunanec of raico botwton HIM
urtlM S 5
In the Ohio foul Traine mivsociaIop S
located at Columbu Ohiu nil agree
nrnt ippenrs as to rates on all tIme s
road nltlioiiHli In many Inutimcci intls
are Ilxed thorobj1 ivhic eliunhl be roin II S
p ltlve
The ocJatlotia buying allot to iv

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