i 1
> 1
I I The Brifham Y oun J FamilyEarly American Colonizer Interesting
j I Will of First Known American Ancestor Viiliam Young 1747
Ii I JosepK Young Physician and Surgeon in French and Indian Wars
1 His Thrqc Sons Soldiers Under General Georjc VailunjJton Sur
name Yountf of Common National Occurrence Intermarriages With
Prominent New England Families John Young and His Eleven Children
11 l
dren All Join the Church and Remain Faithful Unto Death
i I
i i Thli department In prepared II y tho
BcneuloKlcal commlitco or the Daugh
ters Of the Ploners
11 Ell llfl no diillculty In tracing
T the Hrlfjham Young family baric
to 1721 In America jUt that It
comparatively recent for them
dajH of research and ilftvoloiuncnt
TUcro arc ffv of tho fnnillliM of tlio
Church foumlurs that cannot iearh
bilck nf Unit date by n hundred ycafH
Thorn 1ms never been hut one at
tempt III America to tram nny of tha
immeiiHiH lines ni American YOUIIRH
nltd that one s > rll liook was written
by ti Mr William Young ot Phlhiflol
hla Yvhp save some scattered Infor
t mation about somo of the Youngs Who
s had conic over In early days This
worthy gentleman took especial pains
V tttnl part of his wsiy to atntcj that
the fnmlly of the notorious HrlKham
Young Is not connected with any of
the VOIIUKH of acquaintance He etC
very differently however to many
t people Who write to the BanoalostRt of
t the Young family In recent years for
i scores of them claim relationship by
tradition with tlo famous Urtghnm
c Surnames me lint ns old as ninny
fleoplo think back t > ten hundred H
1 about us far ivs anyone may ever KO
for Btirnltmcs except a few dlicci
royal llnqs merging usually In the
I Nor cmen or Gauls All nations Iw
used the suinunu of Young In some
t A > rni as It was KO obvious and ew
1 to call the son ° Lo Yang or Yuoga or
t this Juvenal
thisOne nnllnuarlan In speaking of the
Youns fumlly status that the mfll ot
I 1q the name wfts a certain Willie lo
YoiifT who tame over to England with
William the Conqueror and that his
t font spread Into the other nations of
f Circal Britain While another writer
nsserts that the Ural Young was n Ger
man JUHKO who settled in Knglamlj
i irid from him mining the others of that
Ji nnd associated namcri Others Mill ns
t nume thlt the ancient Ilcts or yents
r had the original Young However that
h ih may all 1Jclt proves that It Is now a
vry dtincult thing to Ket back On nny
I line of YounBY It may sound Incredi
j l ble but the name of Young Is almost
I I as common 01 was in Great Britain
I UB Smith or Jones There were over
i 7000 Youngs In Scotland alono In the
year 1831 Them are over n dozen
eminent and titled lines or Young In the
I ancient English peerage Of recent
years they have greatly declined In
numbers and some linos uro extinct I
nltogether I
I But you will ask how about Ameri
4 ca 7 Surely there are very tow Youngs
1 In Now England Now that may be
I true ot today but there wcro over 10
Youngs who fought In tie revolution
ary war and over 17 ot them were
culled John One may therefore tee
something of the difficulty which as
sails the seeker nftur any particular
John or William Young oven In Now
A very otlgulo11I tho study of
NoW England genealogy la given by
the Christian no mo In omo families
Simon Stephen nnd Thoman may fol
low down the line of sons whllo oth
ers carry only John James and Wil
liam Genealogists have great confi
I dence In this clue for those Chris
I tian old worthies tllletl to name their
sons after themselves and their fath
i ers They had Hot evolved Into the
i Vcrnons and Ceclln und Irvlngs
I 4 I of nov uia II these modern panics
I which mean nothing but a morbid crav
t t ing for the romantic and unusual
i Itomanceu guide Christian names of
babies today ulas Instead of seimo
f or family loyalty Have wo not lost
t Homcthlng nf the real spirit of genu
ineness and fealty with tho changed
i nomenclature of our babies
The name of Illchurd predominates
among tho various English Youngs
William and John following close unon
I his heels
However some one here remarks
I i there Is but one YouneMti the Church
of Jesus Christ Hold Oil dear friend
tt I be patient There urn nt least four ills
h llncl lines JTOIIQ of them connected
i with Brigham Young no fhr as they
t ran tell There Is Henry Young who
I With the doorkeeper oC the Nauvoo
r Uliiploj and bytheway Henry Is a
t name rarely found In tIm Young tam
mlly there Is a family of Youngs liv
ing at Provo there are the Dukn fam
I 1 ilies and thn Stanford and Milne taut
I Illcs who urn Youngs on the mothers
l Hide whllo the wlfn of President John
Taylor Mrs Mnrgiet Young Tnylor Is
the mother of 1Ynnlc Y Taylor piesl
dent of the Granite stake Homo of
those have the tradition that they ore
S related to IJrlghum Young but no
pioof of this In to hand
William Young who was the list ot I
I Jirlfiham YohiiRH ancestors whom we i
S can definitely trace was o llJOC the
original settlers or proprietors lIar
1k I ilnston und Nottlngion N H in 1721
I Tho county history nays Thoso town >
35 were settled by men women or chll I
1 drcri of men who hud shown faithful i
b ness nnd bravery In the Indian wait I
Ihe landu woro Riven those men by
S the government then English bo It I
loniombered In recognition of this ser
1 S vice William Youn was one of these I
men lie speaks in his will ot hU I
sword his null and apparel with all
j appurtenances as being bequeathed to I
I hlu POM AVe may willi suppose him
I onoot thOHo YoungH who came to
America III the early years of 102030
I William married Hannah Ilcaly The
Jlualys wi n > educated nnd wealthy
Hannahs father nerved in time Narra
KUtiHGtl warn and received from the
government several grants of land In
S recognition nf bin services For live
fioiierntloMH this family was noted us
scholars and rofesHors In Harvard
Jlnniuili herself was well oducaied and
ovldriilly u woman of considerable ubll
Ity This III evidenced by her hand
A Gold
f S Easy to take
Hard to break
unless you use
Cough Remedy
0 I f jII 1
25c aud 50c al All Drnuglsls
writing and the varloys elremnlltn tiers
lecordod papers and deods now stored
In the Middlesex Co courthouse Wit
lloni was a warm friend of the Ilov
Siimucl rwnctl who nas tmstor In Ihe
old Houth church noston and who re
moved 10 Hopklnton before 1715 Hop
klnton In a vlilaeo about 1C miles from
Boston and was originally formed on a
tract Of land given by a man named
Hopkins to tho Harvard college The
college icnted the Ibase out for a term
or 100 years nt a dollar an acre The
town was settled nioatly by n part of
the conipitny of the famous tfootchIr
Ish immigrant who came over to the
Massachusetts colony In 1713 H nan
I been raid tInt the Young family were
ScotchIrish Indeed President Hrlg
ham Young has > lafd this to some
I members of the family Others have
been told by himself PieBldent Young
that the family descended fiom Edward
Young tho English poet Both of these
BtutiMnents could not bo true togejlwj
Indeed there Is much doubt di Id either
being truth There was certainly n
family by the name of Young who
came over with the Scrttchlrlsh Im
migrants but this family settled In
Won yter and they wcie on Irish
family not < i part of the oilglnal
Scotch settlers of Londonderry It Is
n little fclngular to say the least that
William YOUDK should be among the
orlglrfal proprietors of Nottingham and
Biirrlngton and should be buying and
Felling land in these townships In 1721
calling himself of Boston while the
other HcotchIrlsh Immigration who
tame only two yoaro previous were
settled In Hopklnton nnd AVorccsRT
An Idea of the dllllculty made In seek i
ing to trace out those genealogical I
matters or data may bo gleaned from
tho fact that there were four William
Youngs In Boston at this time 1721
all members the old South church
and two lit them hod wives who were
named Hannah William Young had I
two children The unit Elizabeth I
married Ellsha Hall The second win
Joseph who was a boy when his father
died In May 1747 William Young
estate was probated his soninlaw and
wife being the executors Them was
constant trouble nnd wrangling be
tween thu widow and her conlnlaw
over the estate which amounted to
about J10000 In real estate for n period
of 23 years Meanwhile Joseph grew
up and married a widow Mrs Eliz
abeth hayden Treadway lIe was
u surgeon and physician In tIle Indian
wars and was killed by a tailing fcnco
pole In 1709
The will of William Young was pro
bated In 1747 In tho Middlesex coun
ty records These records are all kou
now In Cambridge The document In
a fcood sample of tho genuine religious
atmosphere which permeated those
grand old American pioneers and he
roes It readH RS follows
In thn name rtf dod Amen I Wll
llum Young of Honklntown In thin
county ot Middlesex his majestys
province of the Ma sachUi > ettg bay In
New England cordwalncr being
through divine mercy or u sound dis
position of mind and memory but
calling t u mind tile uncertainty of
this life knowing that It appointed
of all men once to die do make and
ordain this my last wilt atld testament
In manner and form following here
by revoking and making null and void
nil former nnd other wills by bo made
at any time heretofore made First
und principally I commit my precious
and Immortal soul Into the hands of
I God my Creator relying solely on
His mercy through tho merit and sat
isfaction of my Lord and Savior Jesus
Christ for the pardon of nil my sins
and gracious acceptance with Him i
My body I commlt tn the earth to I
be burled at the direction of my ex
ecutors hereafter named An < lna
touching such worldly goods and es
tate ns It has leased God to bless
mo with In this IIre1 give and devIse
and dispose of the puma In form and
manner following That Is to ny In
tho first plac I will that nil mv In
dcbtedness paid Item I will that
all my lands In the province of Now
Hampshire vl < IR lIght In Notting
ham originally Blclmrd Giegorys and
also half a right orlglnallv David
Chaplns In S town us also three
rights In Harrington Moses Ingrain
Lazarus Noblo and Klchard Swain
original proprietor be sold and this
posed of to tho beat advantage except
what was given Ruth disposed of for
Item I give my executors liberty
to IM 30 acres of thnt lot of land ad
joining linns Parmlnter In Hopkln
ton aforesaid
Item I give and bequeath to my
well beloved wife Hannah onethird
part of my household furniture item
I give and bequeath to my wife afore
said till Income of onethird part of
my estate during her natural 11 to as
also house ami Improvemniit of one
thIrd part of ny house and the Im
provements of the garden adjoining1
Item After my Just debts are paid
and money deducted to pay my legacy
1 give and hcqueath to my wife nforo
buld onothlrI part of tire money for
which the lands above Mini br > Mild
da nlso tho interest of tho money that
hall be reserved to pay my legacy
Hem I give alIt bequeath to my well
beloved friend Pamuol Rarrtt of
Hopklnton tho sum of f M to be paid
after my wifes decease Item I
give amid bequeath to my wife aforo
wild after thu end of four years one
cow to bv maintained hoth siimmei
und winter by thon that shall have
the Impraveinnnt of my place
Item I will that after mv NOD
Joseph conies of ago he together with
my daughter Elizabeth executrix
may Jointly have tho Improvement
of my oHtatc paying to m > wife her
proportion is aforesaid item I
will that aflr my son JOHPUI Is ot
ago my petsonnl estate bo equally nil
Justly divided uvtwoun my aboxo men
lulled children JoHcph and lIt IZIbC1 II
Item I will ami hoquciuh to my
daughter Ellnibath ovocutilv one
third part of tho inonov for which
the lands nforusald shall ho Hold after
my Just dabts Ore paid and legiu > 11r
ducted 1 will that the other third be
hired out at lntvri > t by my executor
till my son roniCH of age
Item I will that aftm tm n ifr
deceive and dncent hll 1111 I in Lout
cslato be divided Into two equal
parts Item I give and bequeath to
my only son Joseph the onclMlf of
my rent estate referring to him tho
ihnlcu after division as nforetald to
umiilu to him and his ucsluiicp foi
ever lIe and bla hilrn In cafo ho
I they shall sell tho cxliitc nfore
said remitting and paying to the
reNbtcrlun church meeting In Hop
Idnton the hum of ts AH und SII for
the hooch of the poor wldouu at
the dimration of the pastor and don
conItcnr T aho and bequeath to
mv daughter Elizabeth executrix tho
remaining halt of iiy real estate
to romuln to her and her assigns
furovcr she or her heirs In rote they
1 slush veil lIB estate aforesaid render
I liiir and paying lo the Iresbylerlnn
I liuMtlng lu Hopklnton the rum of eight
puuiulu fli sIt iii logs und clbht penco
for tho heniiU uf the poor uMuws at
the discretion of the pastor and dee >
Item I limit my stIll under the earq
and dlwctlun Kovarnmcnt nnd dlncru <
tint 11 C the Rev Hamurl Barrotl one of
my exiciitois till he comes of age I
will that my wm bu Kultnbly and com
roituhty situ I n t at neil hal t In victuals
and clothes till IIP hecurnes of nee
Item In cane my von Joseph liven with
Mr Atwooi on my place during the
i turn of four vpura I givo him mv ICI IJ
r + 3
M M > + M = = + H
Vlirrc William YOUIIR Grnndfatlur of Brl hnni Youns Uas Chrltcned
u u u nnn frk flttflflisrtflJstlkt
n n
sword wearing apparel and nil tho ap
Item I give and bequeath to my
daughter Elizabeth the Income of one
third part of my estate both real and
personal during thq natural life of my
wife nfnresald Item I will that out of
the third part of my estate remaining
my son shall be provided for till he
comes of age and that the overplus bo
divided between my wife and daughter
i Item I hereby appoint tho Rev
Samuel Barrett and my daughter Ellz
ulioth executors of this my last will
and trstamunt Done at Hopklnton
aforesaid this the sixteenth day of
April and In the year of 1747
In the 20th year of the reign of our
sovereign George the Sacond king of
Great Britain Und Ireland 7
James Lock nldad Atwood witnesses
Johns pioperty amounting to about
10000 was dissipated and quarreled
over by Ellsha Hull who married
Elizabeth Young nnd the Jolhor timid
Mr Barrett Joseph had nothing when
he came of age but his maintenance
in the past
Tho Items of tho appraisers wero as
Dwelling house and barn 45000
116 acres In tho home place 105000
66 acres woodland Of 36900
63 acres of cainmqn and 600
Total 19S2XK
Joseph had a family ot children The
three sons Joseph William and John
fought in the revolutionary war John
enlisted when he was but 13 years of
age und fought through the war At one
time he went homo on a furlough antI
his superior officer Issued a recommen
dation to all loyal supporters of the
home government to administer com
fort nnd sustenance on his journey tak
en by him on foot Ho had as the pa
per states served faithfully bearing his
own expense throughout the war and
accepting of no pay This paper can
be read by the curious who geek It In
the Boston state house among the other
war papers He Is described In these
papers as having enlisted nt the ago of
11 being live feet 10 Inches tall of a
light complexion Kb light hair and
blue eyet A Mr hayden of Unldella
Forks Cayugn Co N Y has a cannon
ball given him by Brigham Young
which was carried homo on foot by
John or William Young most probably
John a distance of 100 miles President
Young speaks of his father In the fol
lowing terms My father John Young
wall born March 7 1763 In Hopklnton
Middlesex Co Mass Ho belonged
the Methodist church At thu age of 16
13 the history states he enlisted In
the American Hevolutlonary war and
served under General Washington Ho
wus In three campaigns In hln own na
tive stat nnd In Now Jersey
No paitlcular effort has been made to
follow up tho history of Ellsha Hall and
wife nor have the Young family ever
obtained much data In regard to the
brothers nnd sifters of grandfather
John Young Mnny letters havo been
received from all over the United
States from people who claim to be re
lated to President Brigham Young But
diligent ffort has failed so far to verify
any or those claims His the same with
these heurlng the name of Young who
have Joined the Church It would be
pleasing to verify such statements and
to find the family In posscssslon of oth
er relatives nnd kindred no matter how
distant But HO far no Information has
been obtained Which would Indicate
that here are any family connections
excel thORo lefcrrcdt to In the Broad
side or geological tree published some
yours ago by the Youngs John Young
nuirliil Alilril Howe of the famous
Howe fatuity Some 30 years ago a
reunion of the Howe filmlllts In the
Pulled States was held In Bolton and
Apostle KrniiMIn D UlchardH whoso
giandniothcr watt a Howe sister of
Nabble Howo was Invited to attend
that gathering A poem was bread
by Julia howe and the speeches were
made by famous men and women be
longing to the family At that time It
was decided by the Howo family to
publtHh u Kineuoloby of the Hiwcir and
u Mr Houc of Boston undertook the
tusk He collected a good den of ma
tulnl but died before the oilc was
Is a perfect food aq
wholesome a lit led
d delicious Igh Iy
S nourishing easily dJ
gtetcd fitted to repair
wasted strength pre
serve health and pro
long life
Ue sure that you
y get the genuine I
bearing our trade
mark on every can
utrr iui
Walter Baker Co Ltd
Ji w Iiitchsalrr Mam I
5 y
half completed Inlecent years
Judge Daniel AVnltc Howe of Indiana
polls him taken u > this work and has
collected over SOtO names lIe Is a
wealthy man nndithls work is as he
says himself simply a fad with him
When It IA publlsMd It Is hoped to
have thin various bpnches of tho Howe
faintly In lie Church together tunA
have a definite understanding ns to the
temple work Involved In that mam
moth production Some years before his
death Apostle P D Illchards turned
over the uork for the Howe family In
to the hands of the Young Family asso
ciation cerned so far JIM his I family was con
Tho little Intimate glimpses revealed
to us by such a document as the will of
WillIam Young lye many side lights
on the personal character of the man
who wrote and life times In which he
tll tmel
lived There are also many clues for
the genealogist itt the will For In
stance AVIIllam speaks of his holdings
In Harrington and Nottingham Now
Hampshire ThIS makes It posslblo
I that ho was born iii America he refers
to himself as 1 cordwalner this dif
ferentiates him from the other four
Williams living under the pastorate of
Ute famous Old Sjmth Church In Bos
ton A cordwalnjr was a shoemaker
Yet he possessed sword gun and ac
coutrements so Ip must have been a
soldier also at aor several times
Ho speaks In the riost endearing terms
of the Rev Samurt Barrett And this
pastor was OtC of the most famous and
beloved divines of that same old South
Church Ilev Mr Barrett went up to
Hopklnton at about the same time that
AVIIIIam did And this ma rks William
as a man of Influence and prestige no
man of common ability amassed a for
tune In those days of 10000 of real
estate besides personal and other prop
erty These clues as described here
may be of service to others In search of
light on such matters Hence they aro
treated of In detail
It will bo remembered tfmt tho best
of New Englands cltlzuji ti were en
rolled ut oilo tIme or an < thor In the
Old South Church member hip
A great grandfather wh was one of
tho original settlers of New Hamp
shire a member of tie old South
church and wealthy and influential
citizen holding many civil offices in
his adopted town a grandfather who
served long and falthfullyln tho French
and Indian wars who was sufficiently
well educated even In those early
days to be army physician and surgeon
a father and two uncles who fought
under Gen George Washington
throughout the War of the Revolution
this IK not a record and pedigree unex
pected of tho man BrIgham Young
One expects like ancestors of such men
as Joseph Smith ant Brigham Young
To the genealogist ns to the hlstor
Inn there Is something of more than
common interest In the various strain
of maternal blopd which enters Into
and partakes ot the final molding of
such men as the founders of this
Church God Is extremely careful of
this matter and surely It should be In
teresting to His children In examin
ing their pedigrees It Is not enough
that we know the pedigree of Joseph
tho carpenter but also that of his wife
Mary of the house of javld must be
given And therefore the maternnj an
cestors are of equal and siVnietimes of
more one Importance thnn the paternal
The first maternal ancestor of Brig
ham Young was Hannah Henly ot
whom his been spoken The Hnydons
of whom came Lucy Haydon Tread
way was a One old New England family
ily famous In many of Its early
branches rite Howes were even In
those early days famous and powerful
Brlgham Young resembled the Howes
much more than ho did his father Tho
mother of Abigall Howe wux Busnn
huh Goddard another wellknown old
Massachusetts ftynlly And so the
pcarch might be continued Among nil
Brlgham Youngs ancestors tHere does
not seem lo ho onu disgraced or de
graded member They wcni patriots
soldiers all men of nffulrsrns well as
women of marked ability Tho mother
of Brlgham Young was 0 I most su
perior type an Is attested by those
who knew this able woman Him was
an Invalid for years but who had her
self cntrled about to her friends
homes nnd wns I counselor and com
forter for the whoU neighborhood The
family was nil muslculf both tho Hnwcx
nnd the Youngs they IA > d qunriets nt
both the Howe Msterri and the Young
hiot tiers
Perhaps the most rcmarKablo testi
monial to the worth and genuineness of
the whole family Is that out of n tutu
ily of live Young brothers John Joseph
hcph riilnens llouf Brlgham and
Loitiiza How Tonne and six Algiers
Nancy Fanny Ithodn Nnbby or Abi
gail Husnn and Loiina all of the 1
Joined the Church of beaus Christ ant
icmalned true to their deaths to time
plan nf salvation revealed In thotn days
thiough the 1iophot Joseph Hmlth Tim
father uf this family John Young the
evolutionary soldier nlso Joined thu
Church and died its recorded by the
prophet 11l as n martyr to thin
truth nnd was the list ordained patri
arch In lie Chuiuh having been or >
dallied under hue hands ot the Prophet
Joseph The mnthcr Abigail Howa
Young died before tho Church won or
A B Cnnman Chicago wHIra March 4
1Afl I HavMiK been troubled with tjjin
Lmitp nt dlfMrutt times and tried one
pliynlclun after unutrier Him different
ointment und llnlineiili save It up ul <
toumhcr Ho I tried once mot ana eat 1
oWl of Billiard Snow Liniment willed
eavo mo nlniott liulnnl milef I can
rhefrfnlly rfcoimnepil It Inlet nAil my
hattie to Oil alot luttcrtrt Hcila by
I Mall C 71 Drug Dept l1 WA nl LJptutni
There is subject for dis
crimination in the flour you
use Most prducnt discrim
inators say
Elder John 0 Edwards of Charleston I
Wasutch Co passed tnrough this city
Jan S 1007 on nil return from the Cen
tral States mission tom which hu Was
set apart Jan 10 BiOS The Missouri
confernce was his Held of labor over
which he presided being released a I
this time on account of Illness ot his
i Elder J W Sattcrthwalte of Lake
I Town Rich COUluharrled home
I Jan 12 from brief missionary labtmi
In tho slllesoCOhlo alt Michigan
principally among relatives In the ilru
named He was assigned to this labor
July 25 1906
Elder Carl V Illx Pehrson of Wllford
Salt Lake Co arrived homo Jan 18
from the Scandinavian mission for
which ho was set npart Oe 4 1S04
The Skona ant Norkoplng confcrncces
In Sweden were his debuts of labor
Elder Abraham L Smith of Smith
ficld Cache t C passed through this
city Inn 19 on his return tiom tho
Eastern States mission where sines
Juner 1906 he his been Inoorlng In
the North West Virginia conference
being released on account Of poor
Elder Nlc11 A Petersen of Elwood
Boxcldcr Co passed through this city
Jan 19 returning from the Scandina
vian mission whither he was tent Nov
22 1JOl The Copenhagen conference
was his Held of labor
Elder Herbert D Brown of Blackfoot
Birigham Co Idaho passed through
this cltyJan 19 on his riloii from the
British mission to whlcn no was as
signed Nov 7 1803 Tho Liverpool con
ference was his Held of labor
Elder Jacob Brandt of Eureka Juab
Co returned homo Jan 19 1007 tijm
the Swiss and uerman mission tor
which he was net apart Oct 4904 The
ZurIch conference Switzerland was
his field of labor
Elder Charles P CQcleo Tooclc City
Tooclc Copase through this city
Jan 19 on his return missionary
labors In the British confernece Bng4
land to which ho was assigned Nov
22 1004
Elder William White Jr of Salt
Lake City returned Jan 19 from the
British mission where since Oct 5
1904 ho baa been laboring In the New
castle conference
Elder Hans C Nielsen of Mink Creek
Oneida Co Idaho passed through thIs
city Jan 19 on his return from the
Scandinavian mission for which he was
set apart Oct 4 1904 The Esbjerg
Odense Svendborg and Bogense
branches In the Aarhus conference
were his fields of labor
Elder Paul AE Hennlng of Colonlfl
nubian Chihuahua Mexico passed
through this city Jan 2301 his return
from the Swiss and German mission
for which ho was sot apart Nov 22
190tTtle hem office and the Frank
fort conference were his fields of labor 1
In all tho fields represented the gos
pel work 13 making excellent progress i
many arc being added to tho Church
and much prejudice Is being allayed
through the labors of tho missionaries
In Germany especially Is there great i
need of more elders There are many I
cities there of more than 100000 Inhab I
itants without an elder to warn tho
Elder Lot Smith Hess of Goshcn
Blngham county Ida returned to his
hgmc Oct 26 from the Northern
States mission for which he was set
apart Nov S J904 Ho spent 19
months In tInt Wisconsin confidence
the rest of his time was spent in Mani
toba Canada conference
Elder Parley P Christisan of th
First ward Ncphl Juab Co returned
homo Dc 3 from tho Northern
States mission where since Jan 17
lOOfi ho has been laboring In northern
Illinois conference as president dur
ing the last year
Elder Wallace Young of Brlgham
City Boxeldcr county passed through
this city Jan 12on his return from
the Southern States mission for which
ho was net apart Nov 2 1904 Tho I
North Carolina conference was his
field of labor
Elder Thomna M Iferbcrt of Sallnn
Sevlor county passed through this
city JlnU returning from tho North
ern States mission for which hu was
set apart Oct 24 1905 Tho Indiana
conference was his field of labor Ho
returned nt this time on account of
poor health ThO work Is progressing
nicely In ni the conferences referred
to and especially good work h89 been
done during tHe past year
One who stuffers from chronic constipa
tion Is In danGer of many serious ail
ments Orlno Laxative Fruit Syrup cures
chronic constipation as It aid diRcatlOi
cie loJ
and stimulate the liver and bowels re
storing tho natural action of these or
gans Commerce taking It today and you
will feel better at once Orlno Laxative
jrult Syrup does not nauseate or grins
and is very pleasant to take Ilpfure sub
stitutes Kpr eal by K J Hill Drug Co
Keep Yourself Strong
And you will ward off colds pneumo
nia fevers and other diseases You
need to have pure rich blood and good
digestion Hoods Barsaparllla malice
the blood rich and IIIIOR no other
medicine can do I tones the stom
ach creates an appetite and Invigorates
the whole system You will be wise
to begin taking It now for 1 will keep
you strong and well 4
Hoods Plllf are nonlrrltatlng Price
tIc J
For this very good reason that I pro
iluccH bent results when blond cake II
or other pantry In In qucitlon No ques
tion however about White 1nwn Klour
Its all there OI IT unto Its used 1
the malt or woman who known how lo
bake The only qutMJon lt Do you know
White Fawn rlourl
Salt Lake Jordan Mill Elevator Ca
Sold Uy Z1V1ILvug lHiiU2 Muln
1LUk ou4mad ia
M i
J r
i 0 v 1 I
0I iI
I f COlQc
I 1H I
ril A
1Hrk jr
f c TRD
we law tfl rl ta
one < tIe ta nA vte faavt i tf
C a4M U oI W
at f unte t M and U U
docint t fwee e aUatjoi t m 1
L ta 14 rnoive
+ c fiaw Meb good tdm too
fa go tf a
Mt them o J < ebedlt U t
e2 ttteefo vntfo death m
fwe 4i + i + a ee m cu
Ask Your Grocer
For the Bread
ic9 4Ai7 5 Made in a
c5 Clean Bakery
u J
The Above Label 4
On Every Loar
A Canyon of the Grande
Panorama Eagle River Canyon
of Natural Wagon Wheel Gap
Glen vood Springs
I Beauty all >
the ay al Canyon of the Gunnison
T11 Garden of the Gods II
daily i Manitou Springs
train The Royal Gorge
I Pullman and Tourist Sleepers
To Denver St Louis and Chicago without Change
For Folders Booklets etc address I A HENTOV fi A 1 u
Fait Luke City Utah
Salt Lake Sanitarium
Acute w
of Acuto nml Chronlu niirmnatlMn Gout
For the treatment Cl nhtlmUt l oi Ilium
Chronic Inflammation of Kidneys Nervous lilscuccf lJlwiiw htitSI
Slonincji Drug isnil Alcohol Habit homo Ircalinrnt Chronic 11
lillsni cud Cancer by Xllmllntlon
AVo tico nil forms of electricity SuNcrlientua nlr XHiijii Median
Vlbrnllon Klcrlrlo Light JlnUm SlnnnKi Phototherapy rtc
Plain of ChIli95
offered for colonUtit III thus
liun host proportion ever hrtwron two < if Iliti 1111011 hat
fll I irsc Iruct tIUllcl ivuoa cuI tie ami hnri
lands Huou to l
Avricnlturul nml Briiilns IUIII IOC I HIIO
at n isiirgii itt
Fenced mill Improved land at IQ per acre
S4genis tit Turin Idaho ami iIi shleIil Vluli
I r4 I