w Ti 10 m JJqsJ4JJii 11AGAL S 1J n J Jc J L2 UO I THE Thel Great I SEMI Country I WEEKLY Pnpcr of the Vest 3t NEWS Issued Mondays and Thursdays i and Contains All the Cream of the Daily and Saturday News I LOCAL DRIEFS1 1 nlrh 1iiko n Iroi Strawberries hrI taken a drop nnd nre rolling at 10 cents u oxOn U u I On 1 Sail Mission U JlIur has J gone to Eldora Il In response to a telegram announcing the death thcro l of his rather 1 Tentli of Irs TI ii haH reached thli city o the death of r Mrs J P Kckors at Oklahoma City II loimerly D resident of this city UlU Ho Deported Carl IIolKnicyor t nn InHano Swede will be taken Satur day to Boston by Inspector Ionglcy H und sent back to hM native land iti Interpreters Iltcliiiiine roy JCwal i locnl Interpreter for the immigration 4 agency has pone to rtlchford VI and Chin Wily the now interpreter here has arrived from Vermont l Jour JfiW Mall CArrlcrH Four new I mull carriers were added hU3t evnii it Inir to HID locil force 11 John A Cednraulst Walter S Price William h It Leonard und James 1 Kirk r4 rt Institute otrlcersrhe iollt < vs fng officers of the Utah Art Institute were chosen for the following year t nt the annual meeting Edwin Kvnns l president AlMa B AVrlght vice JI Ident CL Vesloy Jsroxvnlng sciirotary si and 31 M young treasurer i lltIIIIJnl for Vial Uvlilblt treil ilo nt Thomas Judd of the stulo board of horticulture and secretary J Ki t4 Taylor have gone to Saciamunto to if prepare for tho Utah exhibit nt the Irrigation eoiiRieas for which tho last legislature devoted 58000 i f McnhiKltl Claims lllllo One Irene S the Syenrold daughter of Char enco S anti Man 8 JoHnson Lambert t was burled at 11 oclock today from the funeral chnpel or Joseph Vllllam Taylor Tho little ono dlcd Juno 10 from ccrcbrosplnnl mtinlngltls I Unknotui Suicide llurlcd The stranger who suicided Iliu other day by throwing himself in front of the wheels of n heavy dray was burled yesterday afternoon In the potters field of tho City cemetery with Un known marked on his headboard llllly Dmmlnp In Line From gos ii sip among local hotel men It la evi dent that DiY Dunning oC tlw Ant hers Colorado Spring end for 4 merly of the Brown Palace ut Den ver can luivo tho management ot the a XewhouKc hotel I ho wants Itj and if he doesnt ho can name thu man who will 4 J > a > c for Simltaii Adjt Nelson t and wife or the Salvation Army left today for Spokane on a two months visit to that point They win then remove to Denver Sir and f Mrs Nelson were given a reception haLt evening b > their friends and pre 4 sented with a fountain pen and ti Jllk umbrella umbrela Policemen Help Urhc nppolnt rent of live additional officers for tho IOllcc department by Chief of Police u Sheets has horn held up by Mayor fhompsol pending nn Investigation u 1 ItJ 16 their < I uni hint tlozi political und i otherwise All other mater passed upon by the city council on Monday t 2 night have beon approved by thc t mayor Itoil In Vickie for Hoodlums Tho 4 I water committee or to city council 1M very much worked up over tho action ot vandals who have been caus ing trounlo along tha Biff Cotton i wood conduit by tearing oft the manhole oot hIc covers nnd throwing rocks dirt nnd d fibrin into tho conduit and thus contaminating tho water The work is believed to have been clone by hoodlums Tho committee will task the mayor to offer a reward at JSOO for tin arrust nnd conviction ot any person who tampers with the coders nd will Jilno ask the council lor u i jiatrolmun to patrol tho conduit ench L day I Celebrate Golden VetldJtnrOn jMi Monday Mr ami Mrs P A I Monlny I Xolison celebrated their golden wedding anniversary In a pleas J nat gathering of relatives and friends tit the homo oE their i laughter Mrs Jvephl Peterson The Torlml wore bright with flowers nnd t tho lawn lit with colored lanterns h nnd dullclous refreshments served During the evening niUlressOH of con t jrntulatlon and good wishes were t matte by Prenldunt Anthon 1 Lund Editor J r SJodahl nt tho Desoret Xows Andrew Jcnson John Lawrence fti and C M Nellson About 60 wore iL present to cnjay tho affair First linptlnt Concert Tho Viral h Baptlat ladles have made extensive preparations for the concert to bo given Friday evening in tho church In r RId oC tho building fund for the new church edltlce The nilolti will be I F Horace S Knslgii baritone Churls U I Berry Htixaphono Will n Slbley tenor lloso Qotwold soprano hIss P Florotiao Gilbert reader Miss Nan Butterlleld contralto with violin oh llgnto liv Mr Anderson W 13 Hhnrpo hMKHo Mlsi litllth Mudgett recitation Jim lcd B Jones violin 1 and tho church choir The jiccon riinlhtH will be Miss OrlitHle avon Mis Wnltor Chrlntencon Mrs Fred t r B JOIICH ll Gordon Garrett I1 7101 Sjutng Balk I Tnnt Co Pays 4 per cent on deposits safety L deposit boxes for rent JOSEPH F SMITH Treat 4 0 C UnnUE Cashier MAHTJN COM CO l Al kinds of coal Phones CJO Musio in our Orlll Boom every even ne from t to 8Royal Crt EXCURSION EAST 1Ht dote for Teacher Kxcuralons viu Oregon Short IJne June nth p Drently iixiueeil roles u > mal cavtrin etr liolnts Hci ng At for colas Umiifi i tl McWhirtcr flron QuHllty fake de h livered wholriwla and rutiill lloth 1 phoney IS Main I HELP WANTED J Jll < lolhi Ironers j II iIu ulrlt fur oilier ileimrliucnlH Irll TIIOV laUNDUV 1111 till Ho 11th Kadt St I1 4 The TliinMlclul Ilfc Tnsurnncn com pany havr rtnuoved from 3H Drsoret 1 News building to 1 IJoBt Hputh Tetn I Pic ground Moor rem Pleton burl I iii tug 1 where they will bo plfitted to wulcomo I the public i BXOURBIONB NORTHWEST I VIA O H U Jlllin 3rd 7th 13th annul I Hh J31DO to Portland 01 Hitnkano mid return Limit Kcptcmber ttUh I Rt taco value JOHNE HANSEN LAID IN TOMB Friends and Relatives Gather in The Assembly Hall and Listen Tributes IMPOSING FUNERAL CORTEGE Killer 1 O Whitney Ornm P Wlill nev nnd H If loltI11 Were Tliu Speakers Thn large congregation that met yes terday afternoon to honor the memory or John E Hanson knew neither class nor treed and the majority of those present had known the deceased and loved him for tho uprightness of his Ill Tho obsequies were hold in tho Assembly Hull commencing at 330 deloolj Stands and pulpit were draped In white nnd potted plants and flowers were much In evidence while the floral emblems that surrounded the casket were as profuse as beautiful The speakers of tie occasion were three In number naincly Elders J G Whitney Orson F Whitney und J It lloherts All had been acquainted with Mr hansom r > many years hud been closely associated with him In buslncsi smut otherwise rind the wofds of eulogy alt commendation expressed by them on his life and labois struck n rcspons hut druid in the hearts or their listeners MUSICAL FISATtItES lire music rendered was most tender and Impressive several ot the leading musicians of the city vocalists and In slruinditallntn contributing to that part of thus uxorclfleu Prof John J MeClcllan presided at the otgan play 111 an opening voluntury uid nccom parryIng various numbers Whim the Swallows Homeward Fly wus sung by Messrs George D Pyper H O Whit ney John I > Spencer and If S En sign A Hiring iinnrtct composed Qr Ulllard Ullhu Anton IVderaeii lId Mlilgley and J rrelss rendered LP mmes To My Wife Kdnn Evans Claudia Holt Fred C Graham and Hugh V Doutrall sang Tho isle ot Somewhere Messrs Grnham and Doutnill rendered the solos I Need Thee Bvcry Hour and Hold Thou My Hand respectively Mrs Emma Bum soy Morris sang Love Divine and Wlllanl Weiho played Traumeiel ELDEn H a WI11TNIY Elder 1 0 Whitney said that the specter dealt had come dose to him In cOlocosc the taking away 01 John E Hanson For nearly nine years he had been In almost dally contact with the deceased and ho had always found him to be kind generous thoughtful and true As a newspaper man he warn to the manor horn und his course through life was so manifestly U upright and exem plary that those with whom Inc assoc ated loved and respected him The I lovei 8tl leBpecle 11m suc cess that has come to the Xewa Is due In great measure to the able and I Indefatigable labors of Mr nsen Ho had stood loyally by and remained lf the paper during sore trials through which I had passed despite the allur lug inducements that wore held out to him elsewhere His taking away at hum time was I calamity and his 10al Is deeply felt ELDER ORSON F WHITNEY The icmarks ot Elder Orson F Whitney iMre 1 tender and fcellne tribute to his friend and brother lie was generous and Just to me told the sncnher arid my heart la in hi casket The deceased had once resided 10 sided In the Eighteenth ward and It was Inure that the wal sterling qualities or heart and mind possessed by hint had been revealed to Elder Whitney His soul wiia filled with faith and faith nilnctig and ho never wnvetcd In his loyalty and devotion to truth and hon or In the early part ot Mr Hansens I experience UH a I XllrloICe 11 newspaper man It had lcin said of him that he was the best reporter in Utah and when ha had won his way to higher position the honor nnd distinction accorded him were no less marked But j was as a humanitarian and friend that John K Hanson most shone observed the speaker He would ruVer desert any one because misfor tune Cue but would blond by a mal In nil that WUM Just and right Death I 1 doorway to life eternal nnd were it not for this belief and hope those who remain could scarcely reconcile recnclo the taking uwuy of so useful toni worthy a person as was the deceased Just tit tho time when his Influence for good was so marked Absence Is death and death Is but absence und again theme will be a meeting with the departed friend Tears seen and sorrow felt are for the living und not for the dcnd for the passing or 1 soul is but steps forward In development growth and expansion In conclusion Apostle Whitney recited the beautiful und up propriate poam Sometime ELDER B JI KOBE11TS Elder n JI lloberts was the last speaker The occunlon ho said was I forceful reminder that In the midst or lift men Ntand in the Irl II presence ot dcnth I was dllllcult for him to re alize that the friend with whom ha hud so recently associated was num bered among the departed ones In two capacities he had known the deceahed as u JitflsltIpCr man and us 1 friend As the he hud 4 one admired him as tho other he loved him They had fought battles together and Ibo spunk 1 know John is Jlnnscn to bo cour ageous arid true In defeat ho nan sympathetic and composed Ill was tern erate when triumph came Thrown u K he witH Jn his prnfCHslon to look upiin tho wornt phases of human UK I wuii wonderful to witness how dl otr > d nnd loyal he had been to the boat there In In mortality lie was proof against evil and It MUM not mur velous that those who knew him belt IHNJ him best hl broken threads of Ills life will Ix tnkcn up and woven ititu I huaulltul mu nut otcrnul rubric Hlthop itcoifid liumuiiy In whose nnnl the deceased hud lived for a num ber of yinrs presided nt tho obsequies nix associates of Tho Pallbearers were Ihe lelocllle Mr JliiNbuii from the edllotliil depart miiit Jlut the News namely J M HJodiihl Cleorgo E Carpenter Alfales Young Alexander McMimler Robert J JCKHUP timid J C remose nnd nn iiUil number of Biinday school work ire from the Twentieth ward O D llomney JI J llnltnn A I ChrIsten ncii George F IVHIIH John W Dulluy nnd leorge 1 JlcynoldH The op nlnif until closing prayer worn orturotl by Kl ilers John W Dullcy and Ooorgo II Wullac Hlipccttvely and tho grave In IIcctul Inl JIIe the city runietery Wil dedicated by Priiddunt lllchurd W Young lifter the InllduutJchlrt Host riiidered t the hymn DONTI I I 10 1 Dont lot your child gutter with that commit when > ou can CUr I with llil lard llnrihouiid Hyruii A url cute fur lorollll 1rul fciiBtis Ilronchllls Inllucnt1 Croup and rulmuimiy Dloiiimi Uuy 1 bottle and I r It ll II J iuhter llvlmlla Minn wrllrji I I huve two clillilun who hrtruI croup I trltd many illlfuivnt ifinnlfuii but I mutt shy yuur llorthouiiil Hjruti U tho bUt Croup und Cduuh inflklno I ever uied HuId lv C M I Drug l > el1t 1U MId IX South Mfllll Street U Il > most raxes lieailachea can be cnnrrcj with Klniner H o Jensen fit I them correctly 63 Main Street i w i WHAT IS DOINB AT THE RESORTS Notwithstanding Chilly Breezes And Weather Man Summer Outings Flourish MUTUAL DAY AT WANDAMERE All RiilloxvN StmlontM Spend Day at Siillnlr Grnml Anny annul Kctall ClirIS Will Visit lJijoon Although Dame Summer remalni retiringly In the rear and demurely refuses to show her face to a patient and longsuffering public the resorts seem to care naught for that and continue to entice the public In large numbers to come out nnd rejoice with till their old time nnlvete The weather clerk continues to predict ruins nod cooler but the resorts keep on never mlndln Tho ottering for the next few das include the celebration of the Klig day by the Mutual Improvement as sociations at Wanilntncrt by the Grand Army of the Republic and their friends nt Lagoon us well nn the mi nuul outing of the retail clerics gnu carl clerks excepted nt Lagoon to day and All IIullows college at Sal tnlr Ladies and children wIll be ad mitted to Vnndainero free tomorrow find the little tots am promised the time of their lives Gnuilto Vlplrt Dnr nt AVniulniuerc On FrIday June 14 olllccrs and mem licis of thc Mutual Improvement ns Koclntlon oC Grnnlte stnko ftlll dis port themselves In holiday attire at the beautiful Waudmnere purk A program oC Held day sports md alit Ictlc eventS maim been prepared for the occimloii paitlclpatlon In which Is Continued to the incinberHliip or the Improvement associations of the ttrun Ite stake All visitors will be made welcome however und n moat enjoy iiblo time is promised Iolluwlnir is the ptogram of elut 1000 a m Junior Bosket Ball goino 10MT u m Girls Basket Ball gume 1130 u in Senior Basket Ball gmne IOU p III 100yard dnah Senior 100yard dash unlor AEIIeitin Senior 220S ° urd dash Junior 220yar diih Senior Hnlfmlle run finilor iruirmllc run Senior 410yard lash Junior HOyard dash Senior The field events will begin nt the same time as those of the truck The following Is the order Hummer thfow Junior and Senior Hhotput Junior and Senior Droad Jump Junior and Senior High Jump Junior and Senior Pole vault Junior and Senior 100 p m Toning Ladles races Country Horse Koces free for all 400 p m Two harness events one I running aol a goasyouplease event IontIl8ebail Baseball game at same time as horse races Bowling content between teams of young ladles will occur during the dayKntrres Kntrres lire limited to active mem bers of the JI I A anti no person may enter more than two events on the track and Jleld events A beautiful medal will be given to winners of first second and third places In the races and field sports also to each member of a winning team Cash prizes for the first three places In the horse races Event will be called promptly at the scheduled time A team not ready to play will for eflt the game 800 p m grand presentation of prizes on dancing pavilion 1rnj Dny lit Wunduiiienv Tho man agement or AVandamere will tomorrow throw the resort open to the ladles and children and a large number Is expect ed to ncceut the Invitation To the children a whole days sport IB offered on as tine a playground as may bo found In the land where they can jomp and play to their hearts content To the ladles Is offered the pleasures ot the dancing pavilion the skating rink and the boating pond and a day of en joyment Is guaranteed to all who come All Hiillims at Salliili1 Tho students of All Hallows college their Instructors and friends are spending the day at Saltnlr todiy While no regular pro urani has been arranged there are op portunities siitnciqnt at tho lake for the enjoyment of the day without set events it will bf n day of relaxation from Mental effort or friendly associa tion between the students and their families and friends Indian Ilfilitors nt tagooii In memory again were the battles of early days gone over by the veterans of the Indian wars Incident to the settlement of this state at their annual outing at Lagoon yesterday Somo oC tine vots can still dance to the music or the conccitlna and did so runic or them cnn sing the old scrap nrc songs which cheered their heai on the event hattie with the treacherous foe nnd they sang them yesterday and omo or them told in reminiscent mood it the dangers encountered and tho victories won by the brave volunteer who re npomltd at the call or duty In tho days when men were few and dangers great George HarrlHon woke up the natives with his battle songs while tho address of Veteran Seymour B Young described to titus rlnliiR generation the Ice net enacted In early days and of the vlaciH ftltudi of lIre men who wore called out to Unlit the depredating Indians Tho day turns lUll of pleasure for the older people present OH well no for the younger generation who gathered In large iiumlivm to dn honor to the sur vivor of the Indian wars Clerks nt riUBiMin Tho retail clerks have their day out nt I tcoon today AH ItrIH corrupt grocery stores will emMa at 1 p m to allow tho clerks la participate in the afternoons onjoj anoint Tho following progrnm inns bcnj arranged 430 p 118011 game mnrilcd nivii against single men first vrUe 10 hot ties or wine nine cigars to each Hum Hint makes K ond base 6 1 > mCosh beys liKe first prize suit of clothes mcond prIze hut third unite stick pin 015 p m Mens 100yard run ilrcf prize 36 hut cecciitd prlzi pulr danc ing pumps third prltll3 strnw Imt 020 p 1I111111H 11100 first prize K hat iccoiid pilzo nice citke K30 p in Murrled unupla with lure est funnily suit or clotluH M 700 p m Hetnll elerkV race lOg yard slush Hint ptlzc j hut Nrrond prize bux elgarn third prlz < S pair mens Oxfordr 715 p InMlln jumping mntiV first prize nDO ulrnw hat second prize U lint third prize pUll tiiinli Oxfiiidd 780 p m HKntlntr mnloli couple first prize pair roller skates und 11111 puniHol SM5 p 11IJ1rize wilt first gcinilo > inot 410 iMtluohe II uj bet lady hand hmnuh second iflItt lAtjy invati Oxfonls 0 p m Turodtop Inapt gMitlctnon collar and turf box l > w t lUll line 11 u 30 p m lrt heel ynune lady Iwo pound box nut i tidy Ii x it ill IHKIMHI Irliln Flag Pav nil be ctlebratrd at 1rtOQn on 4 Friday June H Kvctits nnd prUcs to winners will be given as follows Guessing contest on number of tick ets sold First cutglim second vase third statue Fnt mans rnce Flril umbrella KOC end beef I Put womans race First Imndbiu I second three boxe of filet creani Blindfold Irlghmnn buggy rrtee FllPt sack or Hour second cult but tons Indies nMHlrlvlntr enntesl Fltt cliocolatce second patch seals ThrcCleBBed race First bnok sec ond knife Hoys ploeo hug olllertJI1t two pound box randy second oncpouiii box candy Girls race ages between R and 12 First tirrfumo second book ARCS 13 to oFlrst Iwopottsd box candy PPO tumid book Girls rare linden 10 ycarsIirst cup und saucer second one picture Boys race Cage under 11JFlrll neck tie second box paper third driving whip Boys I to 12 50yard dash First sack of flour second book Ages 13 to 1C First Itlko trousers and hose second book Pack rnce First perfume second cuff buttons Oldest lady on grounds Ncek tuff Oldest couple on grounds nockor Tug of war between old find joutig veterans Winners box cigars Tug or war between adiesViflnsrs flvn pounds ctmdy I Twostep CotlfllfFlrltt gentleman two poundfl of candy Indy Imndpaliu cd aisle Vult 70 contwt Gentleman two pounds candy lady dress skirt pat torn Omnge rCliWifltir two pictures second one picture IO NOT NEGLECT TUB CHIM > KrV At this season of the year the IllIt un nuturnl looscnois of a childs bow I1 should luivc Immediate attention The best thing that con ho given In Chamber tylni Colic Cholera turn Diarrhoea Rent fdy followed by castor oil sun directed w ench bottle of the remeilv For alo by all druggists I CHURCH NOTICES The scmlaimual conference ot the Hellef soclfcly of IloniPi stakn will l > o held Friday June 11 W at 10 a m and 2 p 1tIllllh Iloiipcr stake ball All who are Interested In Hellef so ciety work aio cordially Invited AXVIB WELLS CAVXOV President IUCY S ACOMB IlEBECCA JI IKTTIT Counselor The quarterly conference ot tho Salt Juke stake trill be held on Sunday June 1G 1S07 There will be three ses sions the first at 10 a m In the Taber nacle under the direction of the Sunday school officers the second at S p mIn In the Tabernacle mid the third nt 7 r m in the Assembly Hall NEItlt L MOimiS GBOHGE R EMERY EDWARD T ASHT0N Stake Presidency The regular monthly meeting of the high priests quorum will convene In the Granite stake tabernacle on Sun day June 13 180 at 10 a in It Is urgently requested that all high 111I8 be present JOHN COOK X V JO ES C U MILLER Presidency The priesthood meeting of the Salt rAke stake will be held in Sixteenth ward meetinghouse at 70 p m Mon day June 17 1907 NEPHI L MORRIS GEORGE Tl KMEUV EDWARD T ASHTQN Stake Presidency COLIC AVJ DIARKHOI2A Pains In th stomach < ollc ad dlarrhvea are quickly relieved by the use of Cham berlains Colic Cholera and Dlarrhoei Remedy When In ned of such n medi cine give It II trial For sIlo by all drus gists EXCURSION EAST Last date for Teachers Excursions vja Oregon Short Line June lUn Grtfttly reduced rates to many eastern points See agents for rates limits etc Salt Lake Photo Supply Co Kodaks finishing framing 142 S Main Street ONLY 3150 To Portland or Spokane and return via O S L June 311l1tl1 12th and 14th via O S L Limit Sept 30th SPECIAL i Mall orders are given special atten tion in our Job printing department THE DESK RET NEWS EXCURSIONS TO LOS ANGELES June 9 to 1C Inclusive via Oregon Short Line Sec agents for rates and I particulars CALIFORNIA EXCURSIONS June 9 to 1C inclusive via Oregon Short Line and Southern Pacific Greatly reduced rates to San Fran cisco and Los Angeles and return di rect or one way vlti Portland See agcntu for rates limits Lurid further particulars City ticket office 201 Main EXCURSIONS TO SAN FRANCISCO Juno S to 16 Inclusive via Oregon Short Line See agent for rates and particulars EXCURSION EAST IxiM data for Teacher Excursions via Oregon Short Line Juno 14th Greatly reduced ratrs to many eastern points Sec oRcnls for rates limits i > tc iiELr w1iiio ACIISNTB TO SilL WOOKB CALL 311 Tribune Building VVOIIK WANTED UY Tim DAY from U n m to ii p in liy A Ropd tUor mnn woman AiMlctn T A Hasement M Kimt Jrlrit Houth 1lKino tXfi hid 1JS TWINTT fliRtS AXTiruUPj Si Set Innily Company 13 Kant FIrst Bo IIn1 VOlt OIhNERAZ IJOtJlilWOJm no ixanhlng uoiid wanes Apply K fiiioiv Ave GUn FOil GnNKRAL HOUSK work at IWi Znd Ave 4 I per week nv washing GOOD oim rbnciRNnnAL iiousii work 1M 1th Street In nhone gm nxCltNJ1 luau oiiAin PIANO 1011 I > L mond jlnic or stud Adilrcm IKJ rare of listrrt ewp KSTHAV NOTIOK IN rim BIXTII IlliecINCT OF HAW Oiiiuly ot Hall 1111t1 I tmvp In mr mosses lion the follenliik liuBCilbed < miny ulll mul wlilili If not ehilinrd amid tuknn unai Mill be Mild til public mid Ion to the lilglimt bldiUr at my corral In Inlun PrMnct on Saturday tire lull day uf June 1M lit HID hour < if I oVIcjck p m I One sorrel rims > > branded P with J mi trim ml left ttilKh udiflit about II > hatred Hilil I IIII > wa s taken uii by mice In said 1recliKl nil the Tth duy of June lOOT JAMKH At OBlinilN P > iinikciTi r uf Tnlon 1riMlnct KWJOTIUOAIi L1 II Kurdley tro > for goon wlrlrw and fixtures 14 ilark t Ht Thoim f l 3Ol > von SAMV ivi J n IL m TMss Lot lit the Mnd llKon Addition 10 Ins pity limits titer Jordan now on sale i MS erich dot cnr service IIUllr > d splen 1111 11J11I1I well wntcr fresli all und ad vl1ntAlu of country life Ulthln easy nc cffn to thp city nnd Onrlleld I lav 1 choice xelecllon of vfiontil Hltd ImprowJ piopsrty htMl pail of the cly I haw omo splMulId OACUB VALLEY I FARMS for snlc I hnvo nioney to loan It R rnTIXlIhl1 n1 Kstale Loans lllIllrl1oC Pooms 3dl3 Now Uriillil IJulldlns KKK KKK K KK K FC K OX SI I K 311 l I Groolll fOt1 III 111 Con tot iron k nllll aUlncllvr K K lf I TIRMS I outhealll I I rillS tA A HIM ur K J KIIIJALI AnICNt h K n IIMN St 11I0t 3Otd I KkK K K K K KIt K 1 pROPKirnrAT THE LOWHHT MAR kit mice llnlod nnd old at tfcn RANCK REAL ESTATE INVT CO fluito Zl D F Walker < Th IrnIPJrk 35 LOTS NOW ON SALE At J17J to JMO Easy payments LoCtld crust side of Stale street Letwtfen 12th and 33th S < nilli SplendId locality good fill tervlcc good water Coll soon for further pnrtlculais at the office of L 11 MAnTINBAU Rooms 31 and Mi New Herald BuildIng LOTS IX EVANS POPLAR OUQVK addItion easy truny Aicnt on property venliiRS and Sundnjii A L Conlcy lolS West Sth South Sue IK TOe A VE PROPHRTT TO SELL lIt with Cannon Cannon 19 E S Tern VVB SELL REAL ESTATE THATS all Tuttlo tIres red ball signs liS Main WILL SELL TGI AT A RAnO1N vacant lotll a cottage or v model house In any part t tho city James K Shaw 10 Co over IK Main Street SEE HOUSTON THE HQUSERS S53 Main Street LIST TOUR HOUSES AND LOTS with us Wo will buy or Nell any claP of property you have KELSEY X GTLLESPIK K K lat So St FOR RENT MODERN FLATS KV > NORTH Seventh West Street FURBISH liB ROOMS AND BOARD for RR men 373 North Third West St ROOMS FURNISHKD UNFURN slied for lodgers or light housekeeping clo In to Apple St Boil phones C7 iRWIN MACHINES PER NOTH White office 30 W 1st flo Phono lSt7x Inrt Phone 12SR 8iOR FOIl SALE MILK BtSINESS MAKING 101 DAY ror JKW cash Address CSil News SUACRR FARM FINE BROOM isTcic house shade and fruit trees barn and outbuildings In Hunter Utah Reason for selllns owner wishes to leave coun try Addrecs J P Johiuioii Hunter Utah IDAHO WATER POWER MILL KOR sale Capacity IS baircls In Si hour Equipped with latest Improved machin ery In good wheat country In thriving town of LOW people and growing rapidly ICSrol slapping faellltlef with well el tabllfhid nade Water prlvllescs alons worth ill we nsk for the mill Address K S W Useret News CHEAP SIT OLD HOME NO GEE 1st South Street 11 looms modern con veniences Jonathan C Jloyle ROLLER SKATING RINIC E ouipT merIt good condition good location good buslncsB III lllg Tourist Resort all year around huelncss good leason for BelUns J F OHInijcr Rink Colorado Splng Colorado DESBRKT FURNITURE co 343 AND ill south West Temple Street 1 6hole steel range almost new cost J03 will sell for taaJO a bargain BILLIARD AND POOL TABLKS AND supplies W ii Wethcibee 50 Richards St lCCO YARDS FIRST CLASS LAWN sod C William Gold InS phone 1W1 LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US A3 79 have many buyers looking for a horn or for an iuvo tmcnt Hoffman Dro C2 West Second South Street NEW AND SECOND HAND FURNI ture bought sold and exchanged 55 West First So St Washburn Furniture Co OLD NKWS PAPFR FOR WRAPPING etc 1 cent a pound told In 23 lb bundle Apply at this office Lowor rates given for iSO and COO lbs STORE FIXTURE LINE GET aiv prices W L Welherhep rfl Rlchnrdo St WANTKD A FIRST CLASS I1LIC cow W AV RUM Zn Eaat rlrst South tilts YOUNG LADY TO TFRN TUt book nnd statlQiiery luiMneiui Apply In your handwiltlnK inntlnR references etc Addri > AR Box 1JW tltj ClutO ao VBORBRB 8TBADY EMPLOYMENT WAGES Zc PER HOtm ONLV tXKtt WILLING TO WORK NEED APPLY P J MOHAN APPLY AT EMPLOYMENT BUREAU BOARD OP TRADC J1UILD INQ Ot ON THE WORK TO IIinB 2i TEAMH WITH PLANK wusona for grading work Bteslx employ went Wognx Iro fur 8 licurs P J Moran Salt IlIkD City MEN AND WOMEN T LEARN THU barber ttnilc sltimtloni or locations turn > Ishml tuition learned while Innrnln Sjiiclftl Inducfmrnts New calolopun gee Mulcrii College tS East lt South Street WIHS1 R1cnPl i FOIl UIINJ turn rarp u stoves LnchH in W 1st Boulli fmmerlx on HUto Ht 4lionn roSs HhICONDhItNfl rplTnTfjTunr CA if pel ntnv leveled Htur irurnlturii CP M Ntato HI Tel DSCU ITAII JlNK CO IIIOriKST PRICK I paid for KLTap Iron rags batik rubber copper r8lS etc 13 K Ith Bo Tvl tft 5UTPVnW I MOVING I PACK1NO TltU ItKOMAN VAN U BTOUAOB CO only ilrrn In the cIty owning n Si trolllmt Its own tCtnmS wnlPa WIU 1011110 threeiuorsc value two large wu lulul house tcp rt furniture ptlckl1r c08ri1tll 1 your Ruoils to nny port ut 10 r binlrr nml tve you money tcmbers the New York Furniture St nTclUs i n oiTCfpondon Liens imoclntlon Have nil the principal citIes If yU want 3 cit cods hipped cm any point cnst or It irumo with other n Ire in 11 i our conrwtlon COmuCtflll mike It nnsslblo to save I I money and trouble Office U3Uc South tvett Temp Street iloth nl08 CX COVIj N KINDLING K P DEAL COflt Klndllnp nnd Block Wood US E Thli < l South nulh lhorc XInu iiE1AIlUrO SIgn of thus nil K < y Bicycles and Ma chlneiy repaired 14 Rlchnrtfs Street UPHOLSTKItlNG UISlAHUXG WK ItEPAIH UKtlNlSlI AM nun tutu colors In nil kinds of fur in tuitO up hnlvtcrini caning etc I tlnintel frpol Sic cun new unto of furniture The Illley FurnIture lltptlr Co J5 llmket I St Phones Bell SlWy Ind 111 tTCLLttl rillTiTlKlT pilONK Iron sample nnd eitlmalM on anylhlrK In this upholstery ilno Silt Inks Mattress > lff CO iOILKU SIAKINO SAMtTKI riOMIBP MKHS AND UK pair deem tnlien tank snioko stacks etc near 150 W So Temple Phone 1e311 BATrES INTURMOtJKTAIN SAFE LOCK CO distributors fur IKrrlnsILillMarvln Sato tX In Utah Nmnla AVyotnln Idaho Montana New nnd second hand safes constantly on hand Cash or easy pay ments Snfrs taken In xchango Bank work a ppeclalty 53 W 2nd South CO tIcld tan Ctr New and secondhand Cash trndo or tern SorensonStoutt Co 43 U 2nd So TIN ANH SHKKT mON WOUK8 C IJYAVATKR V OllOO H4HG WKST South Temple Hot air furnaces Root InK Gulterlitr Cornice Sk > light etc WINDOW CLEANIXO UTAH SANITARY HOUSE CLKAN Inc Co Phone 155 CLEX1X AND DYEING TESIPLUTON CLEANINO CO BUY cleaners and dyer All work guaran teed trot clnrs lIt Ii Cad South Street LClUlnY PUItiEiS SHAFTING HANG RS enelnes boilers tahe hoists gasoline engines ompJ < sol motors stint pipe J M 5WKM MS South Third West Street H TA1LOHS H F CLARKE U W SO TEIJ LE N J Anderson J4 E So Temple St Low prices Rood work Bell phone S221y I SIGNS AND SCENERY SCENERY AND STAGE SETTINGS calciums etc for rale or rent Chas Peterson y Richard Street FLUFF HUG WORKS AND CARPET CLEANING 2SO AV S Temple Phone 1W9X Ind Ill NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS JtEbl1NO IBEX GOLD SJUNINC COMPANY NotIce Is hereby given that a Speclnl W1Ib rJ Stockholders mcotlnc of the Ibex Gold Mining Company II Utah corporation will lie held at the office or the Company Rooms 411412 Atlas Block Suit Luke City Utah on Mpnday July 1 1DOT ill the hour of 11 oclock n m of said day fur the following purposes towit Flint For the election of officers Second To amend article fourth of the Articles of Incorporation so at to chaiiKO the general place of buclncrs of mid corporation from Salt hake City Salt Lake County Utah to Provo City Utah County Utah Third To unHid nltlclo fifth of tho Articles ot Incorporation so n8 to In crcitFP the mmilicr ot shnrei of capital tock from 250 0 shares to 1000 stances and decrease thc par valuo of said slmrej mom one dollar filCh tu ten rents each Said Increased number or chared to ho known ns Treasury Stock sort to bo dlspoxefl of liy tine Iloii il of Directors rturth For the transaction of such other business aw may come before said special xtockholders tousling L H0T ROOK President AUTO GARAGE AUGUST STOCKKR 71 South State St Peerless Hayncs Autocar THE AUTO EX C9 B MARKET ST Pope Waveily electric and the XlRscl Klr 4cy 9 hp S speeds 51 SCO Painting mid repairing UTAH AUTOMOBILE co a fAn kct Slieet Franklin Pope Toledo cars for nle slxeyllnder Franklin Just In SnCUNDIIAND STORE WE HUT AND ShILL AND EX clmnso ctoves ranges furniture and any old timing Wnshhurn Iurn Cc 5 West First South Slrt WE PAY HIGHEST PRICK FOH8EC oniMmnd Roods Phone 0 K Furnlturo Co 8M South Stole Street JIcHIEflT PRICE PAID FOR SEC ondhand household goods 21 BIt St TI > V1k r STOVE RKIMIRS STOVE CASTINGS SOLD ANI PUT In by AI workmen Western Foundry Stove Repslr Work Doth phones BICYCLE REPAIRING FRED C SANFORD ttl STATE ST dennis bicycles for < 1A Plione i7 MOVING AND STORAGE KIMRALLS VAN I 8TORAOE CO 10 W IliBt Houth Street lloth phones TYPEWRITERS ALL MAKES RENTED RKPAHIKD ifxclmnced houKht nnd snld Utnh Tyns writer tx liunte Co U Wint Sfcond Kit < CHINESE AND JAPANESH GOOns WI HAVE MOVED TO THE OTHER nib of Ffteds No 7J iGeist Third South licht lot uf China wuro In city Our old filends life InvKed to rail Wo Hone Co 71EYS IlTTED MAIN A COTTRN SI fiOLTH Wl JT emplL Ind Phone 175U Hell WnUlt BUYING AND HmrINO ALL KINDfi HECONDHNO ClAJU lag trunks valises best pilres PaId t Cnm Ht Hfiid pumn card phonf STTlK Z3II RJCGJSTEHH NATIONAL CASH IIIXlIHTKRfi Oft car Grcslicii tolen agent for Uluh Ex port cAKli uid tT lupnlrliiK Nrl til Main OAKMSNTI AND OAIIINICT WORK STORE AM OJTICW ItXTIHUH mud and repaired Cam of mousse for real iUU nnl1ulnd phone Eli E N Rave PROFESSIONAL CARDS ATTORX12V lI1UI1IN WKDOUWOOU UIVINI 2317 Atlas flock 10Wlma MlllQNtiAUN AttorncyintLaw llooins Sos3KW lOV IM New 1 lent Id BldK JJilt phonu 38tf JAM1S or hAMMOND 3JO3IG JlcCoinlch flock J II DAtLRY Jn Itcotn 7 Ucaprct National Rank Building JAII it rlOYIt Deceret National Ilmik Iluliaine AJtCmTtrr N Rrt MMKNWillU Arehitert Ji > ai comtnerdnl Club Bldg Bait Lake Clu Phones hill kft Hall Mifc DENTISTS nn J THOMAO JUBNTIST ru IC ttouth Main Sticeu DR I n GOUIIK Specialist Correo tlon oI V ° ven tctth mid fractured Jaws J1S3M Heuild Building OSTEOPATHY rind a31WLI UAAtULK OtiTKO path Cl Constitution aiK Tlione 4Gty IfiS it iR riiioxD 0 rU ori3litnjtboin 11111111111 PhI hell G2Sk AhSAVKUS nfr t UJSOP oirosrri DOOLY JJ11 Illcclul attention to until or expuesi older 1 v CmiHK ASSAYER 70 W StU South SUrei Tel 1Q11 > h urncivxs COLUMBIAN OPTICAL CO 2SD MAIN St j IIUUlufneturlllg oiulclAtls wholesale trod retail Ooullsta uescrlptlons Ailed SlnmnlO day M lcetlvetJ Complicated louses Hmllcntcd GilndliiK on iemlsos MOM2V TO LOAN MONEy SUPPLIUD SAUARIUD TOO pie au ottltl upon their own names without fccuilty cheapest rates easi est payments offices In 111 principal clt lea savo yourecll money by gettIng oul terms iiraf Tolmnn ss Atlas PlOi DONT Jon now MONEY ON SU ary until > ou nee me My system Is tli > best for railroad men clerk booXkeejv era Ill eel car men find fill other em ployes Busings Btilctly confidential Y A J ewtuii 421 Herald lliilldlng Till STAn LOAN CO LOANS moiuy to salaried people without inert wise or imlarser flWT Atlas Block IIIOQ Idek ASK YOUR KntKNDS WHERE TO borrow money We will treat you ns w have treated them 14 years in Utah with Out > one foreclosure In our record C KUSSEL L TRACE 11 n let So CUVNESG i notan CUJAXINO OF ALL KINDS WINDOWS WOODWORK ETC I scrubbing wall paper wnxcd floors HUGS cleaned by the month National Houst Cleaning Co E3 E 1st So St CAHP15TH HUGS called for rind Ue llvercil like new NATIONAL HOUSB CLEANING CO Bath Phones WALti IAPEIfl CLEANING WALL PAPER CLBANINO UUTTB Paper Cleaning Co Leave orders at Smith Diug Co Uotii phones 4360 NATIONAL HOUSE CLEANING CO fO K let So biiscmvnt Dell phone K5S tad 078 KAPLAN HOUSE CT CO ROOM 1 un Offlrp 31 Kn MolTl Phnnco IWSv OAUPET EwXG QTUAT WIISTHHN STEAM CARPET Mattress Cleaning Co Hi North Main Carpets taken up steam cletmed and re layed AH kinds upholstering Satisfac tion jjunraWeed Bell 202JX Ind flOe COMPHESSED AIR NEW SANlTAuV process National House Cleaning Co fa K let Bo Carpets called for and Ie llveicd promptly Phono 4266 InS WS CARPETS CALLED FOR OR CLEAN ed at the house by our dauntless method compressed nil and vncuum Utah Seal tnry House Cleaning Co office rirdman Von 11 Plnrac fn Phones SS5 hAY GiltIN ANI > SEEDS BAILEY SONS AUK THE RELIA ble acciiaircn of Salt Lake 40 years In seed busIness C3 East rod Soutli Street STATE STREET PnODUCD CO d llleroS In lucy grain Hour feed pota toes wood count etc wholesale and it tall Shevta TIres 316 State Street Itul nhrn Win lloll JISS LAWNJIOWnilS SILUIPENED LUVN iNJOWKUS SHAUPKNED itS palrol 110 flies used mmrautcid to cut like new Lewis lllile 735 Sth East Bell Phone 3913x Ind SX TCmulPon Novelty Mfc Co 3Mf E 2nd P IIOTI3U LINCOLN HOUSE C6 Uuat First South 0UOOMSlOi > Itntos 1Ec Kc anJ Me Paul hem Prop PLUMBING fIND HEATING 4 RTAM di FLOWIUIS I PlumblHK and heatlnc sewer coneotlcum Ind iilionus tuiol lieu < hon 12ty lit KaJ nrat South fittest Conlam t Taylor plumbing and heat ing mind gas Idling u3 II lint ho whale thu prIces are zirrt mall xa Ind 1174 D W JAMES CO PL1JJIBINU steam and hot water conlractnrb C7 East First South Street TAVLOU FOX PLUMHTNO LOU ntnam amid hot gutter cnntinrturi 3 Mntn BtiTt Tel sy i 1UNK VT8TK11N JUNK ANtI M15TAL Yard dealer In rags scrap Iron hottla metals anti rubber hlde nullii 113 ann 1M4 Bintii St Phone ITOk SCAYENG RJth UTAH SCAVKNOEH CO Obl JCi renr m K blh South Hell phono 2193s InS JIlt IlllnKJworth A Coocluln Mgn HALT LAKE SCAVENOim CO Of the AlliiK lilock ilininenient Tel W HOUSE CLiAMNO7 NATIONAL llOllbh CLEANING CO III K 1st Hoiilli lIuBeinant Phones lid SCi nd 887 VATLAN llOL > SE crco Cleans cv nr > tiling Ofneo Ill Main Ilion 1G0 nriiixiirYT PKIVATIJ SIlLLlNKTtY PAIU > On HntR HlniiniHl tu uiilfr nt low prices Lniltn liloik ml lot turn is lint olennlni n unrilidly 14 Smut Ii Main Kcor linonu 7 1v HAT IACIOUX Sail UiXe Tint Factory Uitest ttyl St K im Ho fft Until nt factory price I I inn letnodolei IIIIHIIIUII bleached JOWA HTAI1LES TADIIIII AND HUNTB Bnrrhllo llortn for Dire Jlirmo 1405 icu CIIRtM Wll IIAVU 11E1W IX JMJfllNIJSS IN Still Iak for 18 years If you want > uin KO Crrnm In puuliuiies he suite urn nu S Amerlc IB on the Clint und each pact trIte Amvilcun let Criun Co