OCR Interpretation

Deseret evening news. [volume] (Great Salt Lake City [Utah]) 1867-1920, September 30, 1907, Last Edition, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045555/1907-09-30/ed-1/seq-1/

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L 4
1 =
t r tirrt ih nto M Ihe full t1nftl1ll fi Ir t iininUlnttnbl Bhnrm HIB to itort liter D E S E R E T EVENING NEWS Some OWXHIIH tlip o of column the tontarrnw real todny rMato will ndvcrtlscd tmro nc In 0 I
rJ KS TwkjT Dmpy MOXDAY sKPTKMJBEua ir i I f I
wmally Declared Open to the
Public at 130 P M
sgpe visors of All Departments
Report All Space Taken And
An Excellent Show
I Vnili 1ItlIiIt Ion 1ktI ned to
to History ai KSMMI
It 1 ikiv
IIII the UIgget mid 13t
+ v
g A
2 m X
Hatt races p
A tf J Lion Tnmer 100 p m
ijiKiiiT Twin BXhlMUon
I I I n 1 1
I i Knlfwrn 4 p m A
Ib 1 1 11 Hucenelon ItS p m Y
Adj 700 P 1ft y
rilorkl 11 p in Y
MI i anJauer 730 p m t
nn vr ii < i McnoxAiH Doesnt
r q4l1Iifl look uplonrtltl Tills Is
o v HIP b1gittbfl best
< tvUlliltn tire nioro complete nail
oinposedI of better fruits nut Hu
nock ami never hUH > niorolmnts or all
KvnptlonN tnUcii Mich nil Interest
It lnan with cnrli other III bullillni I
nml nc exhibits
H v isir Stc1ClnrOh If
I was not so buxy lit lull yon bow
jtltt l 1 am with tho shotting ill
md on TIll building arc oroilcNl
Mill tlhlbUlIl1t an Inch or floor
> imit is vacant Tho races nut other
euii thU year ulll I elloo pIeasi
Die riiullc mow luau vcr Tile horQ
niln this ear will IK oao or the
i bier ilinrms
Ut XK J iirwLirr superTiwir
Mtnufnotumt Wliiii the Riitcs of
tIi44 grounds nro thrown open to thin
juIh lit 130 today OliO of the illicit
tt v rtrr liclil In Utah Mill 1m vo been
iinujeiuHMl AVhut I mlsht s It y now
wndti tA l > o lUlU as entbiiylnstlo or
Inning n ° > the PscpnwRlons nlilcb will
i hi ml irom the tUltor
t llI11 n FJIKIJI Snpcnlsor of
JIll Th rutvs will bo bettor nml
blf i1 Uuu crr Knch afternoons
nun At ill bo Miirtoil promptly at
oVliKK Ao lIao nearly ISO taut
IIOTM In the bfubtes ami thLi Innires
faIr rino Tomorrow Derby luy
will bo an oojit III Ilulis ruolns his
tnry for jeurs to come
At i 3D < > < HHK the gate ot the State
fni thrown Optlll formally Long
btdn < that hour paid admlMloiu were
Dining into the gal ltOllper till for
an nils at 9 oclock visitor were ar
IV frnntl opening at Ibe fair was
prncitua and imiir e lvo
Gor i Cutler and lila staff In blue
inlform were on tM band plat form
u vtru the fair director omddls and
tiller lh program was all follow
rravr IT Rabbi Fru nd
PrttaUnn of fair heiya to Coy Cut
krVntl nt J O MJDonald
Aci nee and addrccji ef wJcome
4v CuU < r
TIle 111II1 were thun turned on mov
aU iiRtoQB put Into motion and
Ih Mr 14 on
Teidtii John R IVtiMtor who hal
t ba l < bI nter atd In Utah fair
mf II itielr beginning halt a et n
lurr I ypok brleJly of hla thltl
a MI > MM one opn It auiptolouily
The r grounds pr Mnt d one of the
huI1 lIeN from daylight Hundred
if fit wve scurrying about put
UhJ t1 1hPB touches upon their
Ijpl tifclhll Many exhibit of
DirI nroduau were left vacant
nuI t h wom nt nnd tbU naels
11I1i notch jHl to gi evr
Unit I I tor the formal USJeDlaK
a Uilnap had aaaumcd a nat
ll lll III aM compute J partm HU
I sad < jIIlIt v re 0ftIpete
Out in wmed to be aIment
11II Iuu pmduaUy Came order
M i > anny of workmen wu
I iMiiii i MA but thOM In ulurge
l 0 1 nd wblMU remained TM
i 1 toll I II jww inside tbs man an
I IIWi t itilad with fruit and term pro
tet M nfl w wn vulUllns la
lIuii with nMMilacturer exhtblli
I betwaaj the two II the
mMii hUM jtM U given lo the
1IWtr iuw tHe HvMtutk lieu au4
11I4II It to tl e we t of the big new
iXlanulBatreik ham und
ttL 1 ulMHlt ar buildings devoted
IIlhI IIW aNt IIOClhr und
oA Lii o OI55 where title
pr 111 ehow will be hld tie IMM
t I ev1 hundred do > 1 10
ii Ih I lmat5i iiut wf ui Hit
4 rl Mlilwl w 11111
bill 1 u iun petit ni niornlnf ut
1100 ihoaiera bowllu al
li pmids and vlintlai puce
p1 ir f mniM Hid mil t iterat
iruiui uf all PH II y bit loire
Uu dufi liiiiiioi I < kept
I fii mine than fiiii Jay
tilt I Ii 1 ii nfii ui ihl > iiiuiiiiiig alul
f C roo thu 11011 utij iiurllj b
L niw kirirlU4 < is not
1r Hit i I ig huM will not W
ii A aumbi uf Kill
I 4 < i imrterd in Ilion
p >
Iio hli II the lm UMI ni < M mi
2 II Lrwhloeil J IJ Mi
hull I l1IiOIIIII 11111
L4 l I iilair Ito lot I Tn
I r lIi MIw iIIII I o
Vlin Will Probably IJo Nominated for Jlnjor nn the Rcpiibllcaii Ticket
rate fast enough to make most men
dlcy but not them
AIr Knrijrn ha hlfl oiflcoc in the
building located jut behind the race
track grandstand Thus Office have
been crowded all morning by hundreds
of persona anxious to make entry A
start of expert stenographers and ac
countant are MilMlng Mr Rngtgn In
handling the rush The pouultry how
dog show and other are atlll coming
In and no end of work Is necessitated to
get them In shape aa fast as irascible
Mr I < reod who has complete charge
of the racing portion of the week pro
gram has 11111 offlcB at the corner of
the Midway and maui path where with
the aid of a number of cardmakers he
In arranging the race for each day un
til Saturday
Mr McDonald and Mr Hewlett have
office In Manufacturers halt each un
der the iiavlllon running along the
south side of the building In these
two otHees PubliSh telephone have been
Installed for the accommodation o f
those attending the fair A telephone
exchange has also beta Installed In the
Hollers and sprinkler were at work
nlmont at daylight around the grounds
this morning and by noon the roads
and paths wore In sut tine shape IUI if
thuy were macadamised The rain
yoatorday lItllllll the dust and mado
the entire grounds bright and attrac
The usual llnoup of popcorn pea
nut and oandy stands extend from
Manufacturers hall to the Midway
Adfreeg performing lion will perform
back of ihe race track Growling at
being shakan around so roughly the
big beast put In an appearance thl
morning While they were being un
luMded the usual crowd of everpres
ent small boys watched breathlenly
There will be more horses in this
years racing at the state fair than
eter before Heretofore the stall
built In past yearn have boon adequate
to aocommodate all thu buries entered
but this years entries are so much
heavier that half the horses brought
out to the ground will have brand
now quarters Carpenters were build
ing until midnight last night and were
again at work before daylight thl
morning fly noon today K new
stalls will bo finished Lumber ti be
ing rushed down to the ground aa It
In tupeol > l more stall will be needed
By laat evening timers were 75 running
hore and 40 harnae horses entered
for the various style of racing
After the local horse had been Bar
tered and the workers In tbe table
thought affair were practically in
shape for the race whole car of out
lde pdern began to arrive A car
of boraas belonging to Brandt a rac
ifltf man of Mountalnbome Idaho was
the lint warning of the unexpected
rush Than following In quick sue
eensjen war oar from the coast and
us far east aa Grand Junction ColD
Billy Kant of Logan sent down a car
of handswH animal J d Heed of
Ogden was another contributor of a
car a Dr Shank of Los Angeles sent
a car of wonderful looking horses clear
from Los Angel and three car cam
from Grand Junction raolng own S
J Kelley J Hobart and B Irvine
With nearly 110 animals raady to con
test on the talc ground track the
raoeIoviQR public II BOlu ty sen
bteKor and better race than ever run
In Otoh At let Lester Freed su
pervlwr or fltt howeg says this
ymit rates will surpaaa any ever held
In this elate
A feature whleli will more than
pleaM inoa who tallow him hurses will
be the itoolut Mllltr to time an
nouDOetntII Mf Pted say 1 every
rao will M run on time whether
tharo U lit jwraon IH thi rlIclatltnd or
not All rMg will bo commonoert
nrotnptlr US oclock this yearh
Nays WlhjRifiidllr This old tWl f
of a > tnooWl 3 Ngea at I oclock and
then MtKntrl graaditandfuii of po
pie wait Wtlt I or t oclock Is not
ping to b ljlaraud thU yemrn0t
for I WUlCU JJch and eveiy race
11 oolug M gtHrt at I oclock not u I
irlnute totT Xo i xCuNue r tie ui
uuIII will be oonaidtitri
lra ttoallr all the running mo < >
have basil 04Ud aiul rntrlrn i < > r the
name o Htt am coming III tlthl
TU Judt K selected < m t Tuiu
haiti Jud1s Putnam Jnu bkliniei
Hal rwA ttarUr aul Inii Suiin
mitts in charge jf the iMii K Mi
Fr1 hU hamj 0 10 I U I
1111 duy iitiiiri > lil I > Ih
ehit 0 the r anil > 111
UMorMMuC ill ul JUI lIMb l it am
ianc 4 Thto ttotrntII rater n Ii
predicted bf everyone fium Mi Yred
to the alUM ubi biy alit pro I
u huruiU to ih public ml In I
IIIIK u bli ilieiiilatiLi 11 lie bin
I I > 1 1 iM Im illil it
THAIh IN il < b 1 llUl
YMterdayi ram iu > mime titw in
teulUnl UOH4IUOU IhiIerN md m kC5
mornlne putting tlu fill
I ri out this I
I I tiuch ui < on the c > ui > < > iiid iiI lIu1
bumii < M iibblr oul1
liUn inn i
t Mta itijHblv Th Ulaiil H I
lu rleuu truiiK aitol ami the b an >
ux or Hit ni lnii rlitut iJUrllu
of 110 turf ftI1I i micau eid I
built with rwaid tv ldII trl I
en and liable boy Wetle Ht xerd
IIIK their anlmata thin mornnp and
the proionlon wa an Inspiring one
Not H ngn ot ateknenH exlt amonc
the impatient animal
The Cheep department I claoMd by
the manngenxnt arn of special excel
lence oi this tutu fair the improve
m nt bring noticeably In quality The
veteran nheep grower J H Scaly of
Mt Plfjsant IN handsomely reprotent
ed here M In other department He
haa eight pine containing SI head of
itambuullrt sheep of as line II grade 1111
can bo found In the United States They
are well kept with Iteocea trimmed
neatly and their exhibitor U said to
have the largest herd of regIstered
thoroughbred XUraboutlet sheen lit the
world W P Caadlftad or Mt Ileanant
1a one pen of four Rambouilet sheep
of a high grade and well appearing J
K Jensen of the sam town exhibits
four pen 21 head of Rambouilet cheap
aluo of fine quality Allen Droll of
DraPer display 11 IMMIS containing 45
head of cotwold sheep very large and
IniBodng looking with their long Aus
tralian like fleeeea that stand out fOIl If
the animal were enclosed in bags
Q 0fa Oybell of Gbarleeton exhibit
fix pew w K head of CotawoldK An
Imposing dIsplay II that of B F Blun
ders the well known veteran livestock
Kiowr and handler Mr Saunders al
waYI makes a One showing and haat
thl state fair 2S head of Shropshire
sheep M head of cress between itam
boifllet and CotuwoM breeds and 10
head of straight Itamboullet sheep The
Utter are all In one Urge pen The
Shrov hlr look to be a vpAclnlly
well kept lot The premises are kept
scrupulously clean As a News re
porter went through the abe this
morning he was unable to debit any
odor whatever and wan Informed that
the pen are carefully disinfected and
cleaned out dally Any visitor from
other states who Is posted on sheep
and note the prevent exhibit at the
Itah state fair cannot help being Im
ItnMd that Ihlll state cannot be sur
insetid for its mutton and wool pro
duct The entry book IncludM Hamp
shire Down sheep And Cheviots Blo
Angora goats Cheater White Poland
China and Duroc Jentcy Swine These
ought to be In the pong by tomorrow
morning with collective exhibits
of lambs
There were only a few swine In the
pan this morning but enough are
coming this afternoon and tomorrow
morning to mikc up a display that
the management gays will exceed In
number and quality anything hitherto
brought out C Mentor of Nftphl In
tarmountaln tock Farm has In the
pen 20 head of black Berkshire In
cluding a fine 2yearold boar weight
ing M pound J L Mltohflll of
Farmtnglon has a pen of Kngllsh Tam
worth DeIW and litter of six a
breed held by epicure to be especially
dealrable for bacon J 11 S ely of Mt
PUw n hums two tterkdhlres one be
IMC an unusually flue boar The man
ner of feeding IK attracting ome at
tention from visitor Exhibitor give
the swine dry bran In the trough and
ay that the bet way to feed In on a
flat floor It being dry compelled the
animals to take more time and maatl
oate It thus ensuring perfect dines
Hon Water is given afterwards Ex
hibitors say that where wet toed U
given the pie gulp U right down with
out proper matlo Uoii lust as Mine
people gulp down their food and the
reault U often stomach trouble Ktod
lug our twill II deprecate ag It Is
already more or lea fermented and
th procee Is hastened In the stomach
of the animals
Ttt an dewotmeul as all olbr at
MM ttM kulwlnx II not yet oenatvlot II
coajjiSra lively few plcturoa being as
yet 6 dionlar J T JIanvood Lsa
Or tM fttCMrd cml J Ieo KUlrnank
heel a Biunber M pa IB Una hung the
moat cansislouous VrtBK that of Mr
arMt airtralt of a l 4r which re
IWd heOYbk wantl n at the PrU
IOXI itOd b hea ojetilb4to4 In Lon
011111 a4 ether iota hVjpop jB eltle
Another noUU Hust Hlah
II < 1e la a Mew 054 a flgur fat 4Ualiu
iid ttiuned tpMiNMia wH a enu
Iii r PltrltJly t4ded hip hBI large
I MIin I JI TW picture was eon i 1
i I I nt J < ust fomptoud
Anolhti aV MI Rli hards picture on
i nn i i iiiitinlt of his father
I nume cxuiuii > < t tin ui lists talent fur
INh traltu S J i > Kalrbanks ha u I
t null tulli lion oil display the thief
i in Utliu a 1iin 01 cite lii Purls un u
Uik iwllUIn v hlli Uiur nnullii uii <
iua sluitlee if 1ieae AM I tin hrnlke
The iit trail of LiuJy m Biaek If
un uuBnisuvU O ure paJtitUu M hi
4IMI Inlet which evn M Kb abIlity
M tMln A n tvS A T the
ari display in thf wUittur al > 4 IU all
i i u uf ibm iiitvrt ur the ilaklir
< li sigh if time II 5 tguli lauliuiftMIt b > M I
M VUUUK TI Y tamprJv UM u slau
> iuto wild tl > hlstarlo blrj blood
j < jntluu J oil VAt Iwo
Senator George Sutherland Pass
es Out Some Very Timoly
Hot Roasts
He Compares the Tribune to An
anias Judas Iscariot and
The Devil
KnthuriaMle Gathering of Dlwlplr of
Lincoln nt the Into Nom
inal the Ticket
+ + M + x x +
Y i How thin Ticket IwjpEctl at 2 4t
1 p m Todjv X
Ior Mayor Dr Iluninier J
A Per ortlerF A Inoqur X
For Auditor J ff Iojers X
For Tmisurer liili Ussr
nell 1
AhtoriioW 11 lltitclilinun
o y
Improvement AVlUioij Extrava
gance la the slog AWMtd hy the
Ileiwbtlean for their citr oampatirn
Ihlll fall Wnen Senator te rge Suth
erland acting as temporary chairman
of the enthusiastic KatheVlng In the
Lyric theater this morning roundel tiie
keynote under which the diirIFi <
Lincoln OarnoM and MOKmley hope
to earn tttelr banner to vf tory in th °
city election IA was greeted with
round after round o gpusc And
it enthusIasm rounta for ijythlnjt the
Republicans aro making a good start
In the baUH of the hallots
Sii9ftUv titter UI aclMk this morn
ing < W Thalrman AVIIktrd Hanson
oalled the convention to older and In
troduced aa temporary presiding of
ficer Senator Oeerge Sutherland Mr
Sutherland was greeted with applause
as he took the gavel and he Immedi
ately launched out upon a JOmlnute
address which placed pearly before the
assembled delegates the position of the
Republican parly in tIe coming cam
paJgn 141 well an that of their
friends the enemy Chairman Sujher
land paid particular IrUtmivn lo She
attitude of the MoalleiJ American
party In this CMtMpAtgn which he des
ignated as unAmerican and hypo
Mr Sutherland began by announcing
tl > al he had read in the Salt Lake Trib
une that he was to be appointed tem
porary chairman of the Republican con
vention and that among the many
dreary years of Marching for an Item
of truthfulness In the Tribune he had
at lest found an issue which he pro
posod to keep as a souvenir the paper
had at last for once toW the truth
The Tribune ban Mid many vituper
ative things Mid the speaker
against those who have dared to op
pose It In thing political There are
two ways of paying them agaluat people
lu malice and vlufousae and the other
Is simply telling the truth about what
people do Ananias Jute lecariot
and thd devil are certainly undMlraMa
associates far a pious man but neither
of the oharaaiena named could compare
In subtlety and trickery with
the methods adopted by the
Iea4ers ef the soeulled Amer
ican party 1 their political
g m They are a gang n f poJIUomJ
rate and to g their poUeia
would forever sink this city Into n
n dtgredatto
The SUK Lake TrtbuiM l lie self
tohiiew Manta a monopoly of vtiu
ri ratlon I can stand te deliver
blown to Its enemIes but It cannot
MAne to have blow delivered In re
turn I the Tribune had lived In the
days Qf Jonah and the whale It would
hav denied there ever was awth a
part ae Jonah m any whale sad
moreover It would have itxiMod that
tho party called Jonah was a Jaek
Mormon and that he hud kus awai
lowed by the Vbal Hie ooaaaMitd
of late lb hlerarch Out upon swaM pol
The Tribune arid the teaman o g Ut
Amerloan patty rlaim Ihajn o tl
lorty of reform mid proaraaa I W
lies that the rank and 0U of that
o ht
t bellev the v ai c orklng for tte
b 8 of tht ii > bat 1 brand
54 false and 11lchr 504 =
oritloal the lester of the party a Nt
o man who seek to prrpMualo upon
the people as their ruler th ruM of
I clOM that hu pruen greater rob I
XX + > rw1
1 1 r i
I during x
Fair and Conference
+ Thousands of Coos M tha
News Daily Edition will be y
To Country patron of the I
1 paper who will Ix in the city Y I
will make a note of it X
j f o + + Xxo + oo + + + + +
Only U Americans Need Apply jj
Work Resumed on Cottonwood Fume Today by a
Choice Gang of Selected Laborers Whose
Politics Stand First on Mustor Roll
WMk nu thus Cottonwood house to today hieing resumed W
only American
UAlrrleat on Kiiard
Wliy n Minn Mlth n jrtel sail shovel who trotmbir pay I lh
x tle lau linn to nmko a declarallnttof III wltHR iHtMiOoiM toataira
t hi DIP right to throw u mUry front the treasury In which all the
Mxiple oonlrllnilo M I thine for Mr IHnlr awl Ills f4m viny i
of Amerhnu party leaders to eilnln
to Of our t I It iirrKunint In HK me irf lira niintB Hint HKI lab
I 1 nrert unto hoinoililiiK slightly moors unloose to iii then taml
x KiHird hut the unard feature of thrtr ntk h nmMilerml m Itn
iHirUuil that 1 iUItP bccii iHsmlohnl who ate not O the tqJKIeBl
t IHrsimtloii of tlio city > eii n < lir
x Tlie nintlcr line imrtlcular anti upetrlfl fgntllcmsnce In that It I
onlv tuo liar since the most AkloHi acwulta wn nmrte 01 lh
x imrtv thou In jiouor hy tltn tory iMojiln now Inshtliis sei this ancient
1 HilK polo Ill cnrgc < almost this hlrullcnl IMCI uwttite
t iKiunml with coliiinn utter column of prlnhr1 lithe ns HiiAnterlrau
S lIlt tilt Inborlnt cUnient sae urged tit come Ill u hmunuer hit
1 Mould free It from Mirh InldkMi5 pln4tteqa
j AVluit there II In the ancient swHle a uhMi e > np larijw
oily limit iibamloneil lieainw I Mork for the jxtlltteal nmrtitno Iww
1 hind the imrty In ixiuer nut against UK city an n viu4e to Hiake
+ 1 so nttnictUo lo the select circle of Hie MAmrrlmii > party who i
t two jcnrt IRO so tirnily denouucm II II I qn 4Jo4i no eialml fw
Rnwr 0111 nt the council > which Inshlml Ui It111 Imllr
1 title ny toiH as a definite Amwlcan jmit noMry
1 1
1 Ho > I I + 4iz +
here than any oX the common holdup
chase Men who were plaee4 In of
flcej to protect and guard the welfare
of the people and with what le
suit Within two year If the ad
r < nt of this groat reform administra
tion ne have the surprising spectacle
nf a chief of police a mayor of a city
and a chief of detnetnc resigning
from heir powltlone because ot the
rharar nf graft aDd conrtlon with
which thjr are surrounded Is this
tim party of reform of progrees so
touted by the Ball Lake TiUmne And
this is net taring anything about
tho 16040 conduit steal
I stand for absolute separation of
church and stale for the elimination
of boca a to politic and for the ex
erctoe by eVftry one of his Individually
In tWit political Does the Trtbuuj
and Its honchfaon the avowed advo
rta of Individual liberty in politics
ftand for Individual freedom in things
political T Let us see In the Fourth
preonet III thlc city and doubtless In
every other one before any condldate
for councllmantc honor on the no
railed American ticket could a cept
the nomination he was pledged to use
hts influence and his vote 10 requite
of any applicant for any position upon
the pfurroile of the city of Salt Lake
a eerllBMt that he van an American
voter and belonged to the part coun
cils of the American before he
could give bin consent to his appoint
ment Bvery incin who signed this
pledge surrendered his American
cfltzenshlp to a clique and a coterie of
vulture who would rend lids cUr
from end to end It thy but could and
mcrlBoe It dignity and progress upon
UM altar of alflan sand rapacity
These men would surrender the right
ef the people and play the hYprocrlte
for greed
The American party was founded
nn alleged upon a platform of reform
They sseumej a lION of we arc more
holy than thou atUtude and yet In
the two year mentioned their chief
of police theIr mayor and chief of
detectives could not stand the spot
light or Investigation and have re
signed The history of the ATirter
robbery has gone forth from one end
of the country tc the other and so
failed Amerloai party from wnoe
ranks there officials have dropped on
ficoount of ths Kraft and corruption
niwoclatlng with this case still ha the
effrontery to brazenly and openly ak
the people of this city for a vote of
confidence I say ladles and guIle
moo nf this convention it shall not be
Senator Sutherlands remarks were
freely Interspersed with burst of 01
nlanae and whoa be daubed the dIr
inR lasted several minute The next
order of btMlne WM to elect a tem
poral secretary and John Samoa wan
named for the pottlon and L M Earl
for erg ent aUanQ
On motion of Harry Joaeph a com
mittM of five each upon or dentai
platform aid resolution and perma
nent ort < nlation and order of bui
5S54 WM named by the chairman an
CredentlMl F Lawson S 3
Meyer W P Oilleopto C P Holleu
34 W Earl
Permanent OrajciNl Uon Howard A
King EJ Eardlor Moses C Davis
H M M4M11IM William McKea
Platform K Van Pelt B Cloajr H
A Imlth A U Thorn Jam logs
An adjournment wu then < Xen until
t II look to enal the various commit
tee to moot and prepare their bUalAeM
htI1UBUC4 lrflOIUI
It Deniawli Onidal Is owlrMt ii of
City llnunclal Comlllkm
Th dekfiet of toe Republican
wuty of Mlt fAlls City in oonvetttion
m mbld MbwUtfd to the sour the
fenowtw deotaratlon of Itl prtooipl
and ixsUcle
1 We rsalnas our fealty and devo
tion to the grand old Republican party
of till atloo tbt party of Lincoln
Grant OarftaU HniTlaen McKlnley
AM Roosevelt
t We affirm that KoiwblSMa prln
clple and IIlkl4ll are no Mtfy to the
uccehtful devflcpmtut of the tfimt
wept lot Which Rait Lak City is an
Inll1 part as wl aa the oUter
nui HOIK of our oountry I
1 We docUre there U not any jus I
UnV tion hi nelnc or justice tor
t h dutlardly ttemj > t now bain made
by a few Individual who iMfMred br
a nisliee born of dlappomtd political
ambition 141M to dtlO nation
party lino In Utah hud thug wreak I
theli levonv upon tile JtepulIoIHt
I w doclaro titer II no valid p o
ut lui l reason 6r the xltence of tho
so ailed AOMrtcAJi party that Utah
Is a sovereign stat of a lorlou
tnluii mid all Ita people a part or UM
lint American pofulatlon which 41
iin ii natIonal patv lines and that
suet 11 IIon La healthful and neoea
MD iut unly In Utah but iMwbare
thet only thiuufh national parties an
t MJ 1e naopUd and policIes w
tur4 liuh me nevoaaarr for thi
I > inif H 111 Mtvuiieenunt of our Mat
mill uomrj and we butter 4rlrM
ihi ltmL rich m mineral ABTtouliuraj
t i I lam tunus of natural vaajth In
0 i r HI fosterinc cai of fiUudiv
4l I inKldtloii I tfeo laM place
aim i upjr havIng thus vat in
in < ri 11 nk nhould oK to 411t1OY
natiiiiiu pat HUM and that the He
pul IK a pfily which retlt9t Hit con
science Justice progress and grandeur
of the nation will in good time situ
fsctorltr meet and adjust ewrr Issue
which arises In the political Held of
K Wo emphatically declare In fa
rot of public Improvement and pledge
the candidate nominated by this con
tention to support wise and liberal
policies In this respect we condemn
the wMtcful extrava aac of the pre
nt city admlnlitratton which In the
face of a largely Increased revenue
amply sumclent to par the citys Poe
lion of the cost of public Improve
ment has Jd to a legally questionable
And altogether
unnecessary lncrea of
the taxes of an overburdened people
and we pledge the voter of 8alt Lake
City that under a Republican admtnls
trallon these Improvement will be hon
estly and economically made without
Increase and possibly a reduction of the
tax levy and that every dollar paid In
to the public treasury ball be sacredly
held arid applied to the purpone for
which ll woo paid antI the widest pub
icily be given of tbe details of every
financial thansaotloo We will not
present to the people at the close of our
aclllljntl ration the outrageous condl
tion which exist today of the dlsap
penrnin nf specaJ Ux funds collected
for In iinoments never made without
exrl < < iiili > ui being offered for the dll
opfiirnce If a Itepubltcan admlnls
tritu can not make the improvement
for ti lnch a lax is levied and collected
the money will be refunded to the talC
payer He will not read on the door
of the city treasurer the American
party IfK nA > V > PianOs Wo believe
upon this lTj nd UM ax > cLlled Ameri
cair party anllttw to ION patent
by right original rllooovecj that tom
w f llim1IM It tb utt4WtiI
tit irW a S lite pr
city admlnlHraUon
C On behalf of the taxpayers of
this city we demand an Intelligent
clear and concise statement of the
financial condition of our city From
the Inoomplete Information published
ll Is apparent that with an increased
revenue of over 100000 the present
administration will close Its book on
December list next with a deficit and
that for the first time in its history
Salt Lake City will commence the Nw
Year without a dollar In IU treasury
available for current expenses practi
ally a bankrupt 3e deny thl deficit
Is due to expenditures for public Im
nrovementa Recently expert were
appointed by the city council to audit
the financial accounts of the city and
their report has not yet been mad >
public We demand as their right that
the taxpayer be made acquainted
with the true financial condition of the
7 We condemn the couwe of om
dale of the present city 4mlnltra >
tlol1 In Witllholdln from the public the
evMenc of crime committed and re
mind the voter of the exposures
recently made which viPtoSSl
TSslgiitions from public office and
brought disgrace upon our city
I We
e call attention to the resolu
tloiu recently adopted In the prednot
eonvM > ti n of the socalled Amori
can party pledging its eanSldiae7 la
the maJcing of public appointm to
divert UiemMlvt of ixrtltical IIUUIItoott
Mid become the creatur of a partUa
committee not responsIble to UM pep
It WM known at the time time 1818I
Ilona were adopted who were to bsthi
candidates of the party for mayor aid
other Importajit oIiIIeea Thw was pre
sentM the smiling peotol of a tmrt v
which condemning alleged 9IUcalIUc
Litton on the pan of othor a4eDtd
unblMiln ly a policy of abtoUi dtot
thin aa to Its own candldatea and rtv
leg notice In UM moM publIc way that
these oandi4at wotiU
It elected eater
the public assvioe not a the vItta
of the people but M the Isols of an II
reponlble and awrupt political III
chine and this In u reron party
whlon as an axooae for its
alley IU bJ aairpt u tG seater
lor veryon oltlMn or ollell perfect
freedom of Lotion In all political mat
5 Wo declare in favor of th con
tlnue buUdlnc and 1lIIovemlllt ot
oW present great me public achonl
Iyc one ot the best In the na
tion oommoniurate with the raid
growth lilt Our city > alld tor adequate
salarIes to teacher Money
opoy uj not
be better lJelll than In aid Ot hum cause
or edeatIo
10 We declare the time h dllIe
o the history o fait Lake Qlly hn
ID the
publication of mattI1 afte t
lug our city and uoopie aaoooi
tender should
oeaa und w 1 nt
OJ public spirited patrlat IUIJ h y
oitlmens u > uHe with ua in the work
adorning le
of Inureots laUd welfare
rf our beautiful city u Iho end tat
It shall take UI rlfhlful
place II the
leading and most protrroiitva corn
monwraiit or the wwSto Ibe aL
complishnii of thlv great
purpo tbe
KeimWI m paitv plede ftji best ft
OltUICII Ol 11111JMK
TttJIIllflrtlrt Omerrstpe 1I1ftW Itposis
wow for Tudaje Cassendsat
V your lommlite on partnajient or
taniMiiix and order ot htr lma TIIOOJM I
mend M follows
Klrit Thai the mfltoe i aa citiij torn
porarlly br tmtd ih > nUCtlllt otlcer
of ibis oiiventiii
itootid Thai IIH > CpIJl lIn party
udopi s ilutr ixiay Problem durlii this
turning campaign the AJWttMM Ie
Nmnliiallnn rr Ihn olc
r dlferent omc a
i < i tx made as fullows
aU nm
1Ir 11
fre iurri
A Ilunl
Iitwctfuliy submit d
H A McUILUUir Chnlnw
Monumwit to Martyred President
UnvoHod at Clinton 0
His Homo City
In Apprwiitivt and Appropriate
Language S ets Forth True
Charwter of Great Min
neat of AM
a Christmw d te ui
Or pnins Home am Iulilte J
AM lEaMfHrte to tltt
Canton 0 fefrt fusjsjm
Roosevelt and party UTtveC at 1010
I m on wlMdui
Urn He wp tftft
by the reception committee
The weather condition this j
were favorable for a aiecel dig
attending the dedication of the McD
Icy memorial The dy brofc clear ajV
crisp All day yesterday tbovaanto ot NJ
people poured Into the city to wltM v I
wa fllld and and by night tile e 4 r N
every available
In hotels space
boarding houses and private
residences was taken t
latecomers wr compelled to
walk the
street all
night sad
these were a few men of prominence 3
had neglected to
rerv quart f
Saturday night it began to rain
Thin kept up mow of the night Mid
yesterday morning It had module to
a steady drlml
Early this morning the streets were
closely packed with many thousand of
visitors Throughout the
morning the
trains continued to arrive at short
Intei Kin
bringing additional crowd
By 9 oclock everything was In re4l
Mill for the dedication ceremony Can
tonlans had learned well the lnon
of caring for Urge crowd is a rerolt of
their experience in 18M when McKln p
icy then exgovernor of Ohio wa the
Republican candidate for the prMn
cy During that mmmer over NMM
visitor were cured for who made the
pilgrimage to this cny to greet the
Among the prominent roast here
early thin morning were Secy of the
Treasury fortelyou Cornelia N Bliss
treasurer of the National Republican
committee former Gov Murphy of
New Jersey < icr Andrew L Harris of
Ohio who also wo president the
day former Qov M T Herrtek of
Ohio John 3 Mllburn of Buffalo at
whose home McKinley died U year
ago and Lieut Jam rcpfWMnOa
the BrltUb embassy Miss Melon > fc p
Klntey of Cleveland a data 0 tile
nvmrr W1Hm wW usesil the
1lrn AHORBSi 0 I
Hh t 1
ittrvi I
t 1ita M
I v t
hasrt ot 1M medca ierm1iI II
but three or fear of all the I I
of till country have over wjk waa
of singular uprlgbtn and purity tt
character alike In pubHo and In pri
vate life u cltlMii who loved voao hit
did his duly faithfully and well fpr fear
years of v AT when Ute honor of the na 0
tion culled him to arms 8 congress
man as governor of his state and
finally an president he rose to the ton
mot place among our staleemn
iihlns a pudltion which would sails
tv the keenest ambition but he never
inst that simple and thoughtful kind
iihb Inward very human being great
or mall lofty or humble with whom fl
he was brought la contact which 10 fl U
rniicured him to our people He bad to Ji
grapple with more serious and complex i
pioblems than any president since Lbs
coin and yet while meeting every de >
mund of statesmanship lie eontlauad
to live a beautiful and touching family
life a life vary healthy for tide jtatton
to so in its foremost cltlcen and now
the woman who walked In die aaadow
ever after his death the wits to whom a
hi lois was a calamity wore eniKb
log than It could be to any other human
beIng He beside him here In the same
sepulcher I
Than la a singular appropriateness In
the inscription on his monument Mr
Cortolyou who relation with him
were of uoii ales Intimacy give RM
the following taformadon about It On
the prwttents trip to the Pacific iofM
In tlM spring of 1M1 PrUe Wheeler
of tbe University M California con i
ferred the degree of LLD upon him III
word 10 well chosen that they struck
tM fastIdIous taate of John Hay then
secretary of state who wrote and eked
for a copy of them from Pnident I ft
Wheeler On the receipt of this ospy III
be sent the following letter to Pnwl fA
dent McKInley a titter which now tjJ
aMmO Ailed with a strange and uncon
ado prnscleiu
Dear Mr Picsldcnt Frost Whl
6 r sent UK tin inclosed at my request Ill
You will have the word In more per i ft
manant shapi They seam to SAC ru M
rnaikably well rhoael and stately and I
illgnlft enough to srv long hence
please Ooclu your epluph
Tout faithfully
faithfullyJOitN Y
In of California
OKtea of the Frertdeni t
By authority ssted In me b the
regent of the University of CaJUoroU r II
I confer the degree of doctor of IMTI ill
upon William MalUnWy prMldMt of fit
the rotted Staten a ntmaii lingo
larly gifted to unit the dtooordaui f
forese of the government and mold
tie llvaw put O of ati toward
pjMgreaslvo sad saltttary aotlon a
maglatrat Whole pots and joagment
his bn Mt4 end vladkited In a
uictaston of natloual Mrgncl
god cltUen brave aolaler wise 0 a
eoutlw help ir and leader of mn
exemplar to hiS people of tbe virtue
thnt build aM onerv the tau
dety and the MJM
U rkty Mar la 1M1
li wosid be hard to Imacia mi epi
taph which a good el t UK n would lm
wore oiurious to deaorvi m M sWat
would more happily dex rltt thr n al
itlf of that gid mJ i id 4lUaii
hoe life wu ItiTf i iimini rstnraIe II
imomasI lu u S < i V rxtruUiliiiiii y tie
irroe ilii gIf i > f uiuing aiMxii Unt
firef nml cuiingr from Ui a a har
niuplou action hkh lulu for good
ritment Front porpoise uot
nit 1 ih dlvitiw hUt bitterly reiUllcilng i
i IK hie i i ktviii > > nialiiiful aotlnii
ui ii K 01 i u tui in boiii
I l d JUIMIII in h 155 Iti tn
UK act 1101 111 5nmes he bad l
ii ui I nii < iii > nittloa and l
nil nifii will ih i > oi or true pi
lies n lu Uiiiu liu mt l 0 steMdItY

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