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Deseret evening news. [volume] (Great Salt Lake City [Utah]) 1867-1920, January 04, 1908, Last Edition, Image 12

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045555/1908-01-04/ed-1/seq-12/

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> lJfSI
I nroan B illik Simply
Muraerc for Business
1l1rn jj hnvo been men who have
ri1 murdered for revenge for pas
for money fur iovo
1 But Herman UUHk dltlnl
for any of theo reasons HoI
rder huehrnsstK life
l11u I murdered U8 a biwInnH A
jUtgh 1000 tor him or only
111 fhat Willi all the Baine to Him Ilo
6 100 whether It was a lltllo
ant man llllcd with lie
or n grown
ch lid Ho needed the money
ry otltllIg I meant to him Just us much
t death luud working salts
flic to a
81 a lawyer or u new ni
cnsc to n
a tidhod
man U I pliyslulau Ho killed JIK
dent tu n ti VIIS caught trod now he Is
bCCltlng dunththlH meunuu
hll awn
alf nttlnK thlll over Ilved
J1ur derer almost pOstiblo to forKivo
11 Tlfo kills another In tho some
n iympalhq
a L Thoto Is Mympathy some
of sIOIl murderer who smya because
lnl jealoUS rm a nml icpentM his act Hu
h iicnt It Is done
his our
input 1111I11 dHllIt KU nboul
d rJlO killed carefully WilY mothotScally
flc BomethlnK more tliuu U
elQa < IIC lng P up Ho Home netted JtiOOO befoio thu
011l liaiu
dhrlotr up of his Chicago buslneBS took Now a ho la
d c hangmans noose bcctu a
yetiflu kill by cioctilclty In Jill
like Bach who married
nmik isnt
i Dllllk kill them Nor was hull
o inaptmuru
amen W Vhlludolphlu inultliiiur
of either
1 S ho llulllttho genius
derer ihey did their murders in
C them lllllllt wall too mea lu
ofd bNali syay
o Its WilY
d It hint the Vrzal family and
lie kllkd 81Xrco
kallt ldl
tried to kill thrco more
UoJ each Info thero was Insurance
JS sot It all Ho absorbed all the
Dl1l1k allowlns tho survlvorj
yrtaii fortune tooonly enoUgh
he trIed to kill ofulieth
hhom ofu
topay fllneral uxponsos of tlleu
ale pay tho
deAd The crime for which 151111k was ttiud
J bent outented
for which liu Han
if wan thu murder of Mary
death earn
vJl the eldest daughter 22 years
oId lie has been ulmrgeil also
thedeatlrinof Mnrtln VIal the father
Ihe 18yearold daughter lloao
the Isycar
Tope was 14 and Ella who was 12 Mrs
Vrzal died too but she
liken the poison herself
DUnk killed the father first becauso
to ro wod him Insurance wiped
ihls out and not his Insurance money
Ssldo Then he set about kllllnR oft
the rest of the family systematically
Martin Vrzul was a milk dealer Ho
wanted to win out over a rival and
be consulted Bllllk who said ho was a
tune teller Bllllk saw his opporlun
It Ho had
sty to murder and ho took
Suio friends with Vrzol who wxs
making J4000 a year he got loans
from him amounting to 2000 80 ho
proceeded to put Urn head of tho fam
ily out of the way rather than pays
back the money I
nilllk went to Chicago from Clove
land about three and onehalf yarn
age Ills business according to Hit
slcn he hung out when he wont to live
In a building a fbw doors trout the
home of tho VrznlB was that of tl card
reader and seer Ho had learned till
fortune telling business from his inolh
er She had found It an easy means
of livelihood and n quick road to af
fluence It was not rapid enough for
Bllllk however and even that work
he found to be too hard to suit him
I But ho piled hit vocation steadily for
some time after cominG to Chicago
It UBS shortly after his arrival In
ChlcaRa that ho became acquainted
with the Vr alB Martin Vrzal was a
i hard working man Ho owned n mllit
lstore and had accumulated a few thou
sand dollars by strict economy
nilllk with lila family collating of
his wife two lion and n email daugn
ter moved Into a house a few doors
from the Vrznls and became custom
cr at tho milk stole From that day
the Vrzal homo was turned Into u house
le et mystery find death
Today these Is no Vrzal home only
three of the family are alive and Bllllk
Is awaiting hIs sentence of death to
bo curried out
When Bllllk began to buy milk at the
Vrzal store the members of tho family
were all In excellent health
Shortly after Bllllk made tho ac
quaintance of Martin Vrzal he told
him that a rival milk dealer wiia his
enemy The fortuneteller offered to
east a spell that would protect Vrzal
from harm and destroy hla rivals
dww i + yvw
6OR fii
ldoX24r m
WHO BID FOR 4000000
TIr Ju has been much speculation In
n mi circles as to the Idonllty of
csortu f AiiRtln und OftoiffO A Ito
nfr cash Ham t0 hn reBldentB of Now
liOIk wiiose niunoH figure In the In
2 nrlloll prucciMlln ought liuuliiBt
trrutllY Oortulyou 16 restrain him
rem coinplntlnR the del lyeiyllIf the
Panama hands recently nllottod to
I a1Ik Justice Gould of the dlntrlct
u premo court In WiiBhliiKton lion cit
M e relay Oortulyou to show CIIIIBO
r II itlp Jui Canted 3 why the Injunction Bliould
Hoinui1 In wull known In tliu cato ot
Ier Hroadwuy nnd Wall sreotufo
id aiao knpwn lit pollen liendfiimrUtrn
I H hens awlndlcr and n hotel heat
le lia twlco ut bust been convlctei
4t prizing worthloBB check and has
tC N two ncntoncea In tho ptwIKn
haynn Iqucitluallelslunslno
lure on HiuckttnllH Julunil His plo
lIaM formerly No ton In HOKUM
t5llery but WIU removed Ihrouuli tho
piaehre of liuffulo friends
in < Vrziil agreed and a potion of
w powder was brewed on tho stove
In homo und thrown across the
gill v of the homo of the rival across
lieFor y
For this service Ulllllc refused pay
but consented to accept a Joan of J0
That was thin entering1 wedge Vrzal
fnlliM lo oxptiIiiico harm from WM
Ivnli hiM business fostered by his IMII
ncrgy continued to Increas Bllllk
got the credit for thin good fortune
Hoon after this UlUlks services wire
requited In an affair of the heart
7mmu rilllll thb eldest child of the
tiinlly and one of the three survivors
of tho family today was courted by
two men One was a prosperous buleh
er named HUBS the other the man o
whom she Is now married Nieman
Russ had Blown Indlrteienl the girl
he paionts anted her to marry hrm
1111I lie took HUBS to u theater und
ound out that thc butcher had no In
1011 lion of marrying tho girl Nleman
was courting the girl at the tine hut
Mr and Mrs Vital did not favor hlK
Ill llx It BO that Xleman will stop
omlni to lIce J nuns und Russ a 1I1
many her nilllk told Mr and Mrt
Vranl The parents were overjoyed at
ho Diosnect
Ho produced Borne white iiowd1
vnlkcrt a mile and a half In the road
front Nlcmans hours toward tho Vrzal
That will Prevent NlPinnn coming
to see nmmqi ho told the Vrztlf
One tiny lifter his return from a
California trip Martin Vrzul complain
o a of not fetllng w ll nilllU by that
limo hnd become Indebted to Viznl to
the extent of about 200ft nilllk vol
inteored to cast another charm and
make the milk dealer well Ho gave
Vrzll madlclno In whisky botllct
rrnlh stomach trouble grew worse
find nilllk continued to rave him medl
elnl per onnlly find Aiznl continued
tn grow worse rapidly Then nilllk left
Chicago again nnd whllo he was gone
Yrnl died nilllk wlrd Mrs Vrznl
for money to attend the funeral It
Ivan sent hut Instead of coming In
person nilllk sent flowers
Ho tried to murder Emma Vrzal after
she married Nlcmnn The poison made
her deathly sick but It didnt kill her
Martin Vrzal was Insured for 2000
Us wife collected the money and gave
most of It to HIIHk at different times
until It soon was gono The woman
ro WaUlornnr Poulncn belongs tho
honor of establishing wireless telephone
communUutUmn He han xiiokon
through npiii0 a distance of 2SO mlles
In speaking of Poulsenu achlcvo
merit Nikoln Tosla wiyw
Telephonic rorumunlcatlon be
tween continents Is assured It need
not bo dlHCUEsed My own experi
ments have demonstrated Its practi
cability The transmission oC spoken
measago by Poulscn between Berlin
and Copenhagen should not be a sub
ject of wonderment
The next surprise will be tho utili
zation of electrical energy for the pro
pulsion of airships which will carry
no batteries or other generators and
whoso passage through the air will bo
controlled by electric waves generated
on tho earth planet
To escape from hor husband Capt DeanReld recently released from
prison aftcr serving1 a year for bigamy Sarah iolano Denn Ileld has
fled to San Francisco
Ho bewitched mo orT never would have man led nho declared as
she left He lied to me and I could not beat to sec hit face again
Her brothers hud Miss Delano placed in 1111 anylum for tht lnam In
order to keep her away from Deanolt chI but for awhile she was loyal to
her bleiunoiin husband After her eyes were upend sho claimed > who was
bewitched y tt
Capt lieanndJ wan Brat jnairlod in England
tvus completely under tho spell of the
fortune teller She kept up the milk
buslnesH loft her by her husband and
for some time the proceeds from this
were a source of Income for Bllllk The
Vrzul girls Homo of them wont out
to work that KllUk might have mom
money to spend
One day Mary Vrzil went with hor
sister Emma to Riverside where nil
Ilk wax telling fortunes In a tent Inc
told tholr fortunes To Emma hI
showed a mysteriously marked card
from a pack lie liMed In his card rend
Inuii Ho told her It WUB the card of
death1 and that Mary uis noon tv
die ICnuiui Nieman told thin on tho
Hncis Htiind and Identified a on id In
n pack belonging to Bllllk AH tho one
ho had tmowed her at Riverside that
A uhort time Inter Mary and her
mother visited the grave of Martin
Vrzal Standing ovur her futherH
grave Mury Viznl sold to hor mother
JIlIII not going to live Ions I
kow It
Mr Vrzal lopoutod Marys words to
Ullllk Ho answered MH ho had done
when the father was sick nnd ns hn
aftorwaui dirt when the other children
worn about to die
Never mind it will canto out nil
Two dnys before Mary died liar
mothor visited 1111111 In MB tout at
Riverside Hho returned with some
incillclno for Marv The girl dlod
In nilllks nrms In the Vral baron
The alltiunt that killed Mary Vital
wn tho homo hut killed her father
eloinnrh trouble When her body
WOK exhumed and 1lKnrilnts made an
rxnmlniitlan or the contents of her
stomach thoy found It contained nvo
malls of anuiilc Two atalnH lire suf
lleloiu lo kill tlm ordinary human bo
ManB life WOlf ItiHiirod for > SOO Tin
uiiuiul cxponncii earner out of thin and
UlllIK trot that rest train Mrs Vrrnl
Martin Vizalu denth occurred
March 27 190B Mirv died Julv 2J
of the sane year Ullllk after the
death of Marv continued to collie U <
tho house olul control thin farrllly
nouflu IN rjucAao Aviinun
Then Tllllo bocamo sick with atom
nch trouble Him wits shale two
ill out lie and thumb
Mm Visit tins through hot nilllk
collected 620 liBiirunci oil her life
There tvcro no loom death In the
family until Hosy H cars old with
ISOU life insurance was nttaoknd
with etomuoli trouble and died
Throe months Inter Ella 13 years old
seas taken with the same nooullar
Btomncili Icnulilii and site too fal
lowed tho way or the three other
iiiiiiiilicr IIr the family Only 5100
wits unlloctcil rin her insurance
Ullllk hud imlannod lliom ulll
Hut even this wusnt onuiiuh fur
Tlllllk Ho must have more Mrs
Vrzul wanted Komotliltitf back Her
editors worn luHlHtent the liusluess
left her by her husband wee going to
tin bad
You must pay mo some money
Mr Vrzal Instated
My mothor Is rich 111111k Bald I
will got money fioin her and give It
to you
Hut your mothers money Is not
yours Mrs Vrzal inalntod
Ill got It all when sho dies im
plied tin fortunetoiler Ill fix It
How will you fix Itl Mrs Vital
You know what I could do1 thin
man replied + I could ltlll Wr Alth
my power In anveyk < ti
Ho was willing to iiolfipn h < uovn
mother I gtfj
Tlinn Ullllk wanted thin VrzaUhome
Hu DcrHliuded line widow to sell It for
3000 Ho collected tho mouoy
Sho drank poison Wliopier hr
gate It to hor or not haft no been
jlotoi mined I
Hut Kite Is dead Throe or her emit
llv till live no thanks to nilllk who
iiuultH tho loose meanest murderer
on earth
OhlcuKo hay produced many strange
criminals but nilllk IH tho Btrnn ost
of them alllIw York World
ultli u dose of lIOHtcttcrs Sloimioli
Illlicrn and see how touch good It will
do you Reside Hlmrponlni the uppe
tile and toning tho btomach It will
also iiroicnt any iiftcrmilnc distress
has also given complete BntiRfactlon
for 111 tars In cases of Indigestion
Kidney Trouble IVimilo Ills olds
mill Malaria Try It today also task
your druggist for freo copy of our
1UOH Almanac
An Appreciative
Xmaa Ilrc ont for the onus tlmt use
and need glasses would ho a pair
1NO QLAHHKB Wo ue only the
beat material In tho manutactur
Inn of our KluuB make and fit
thrill the cornet way and tent ayes
frcy far lasses
faker Of Perfect nyegla ic
Doth Phones IM TS We t lit Bo
SemiAnnual Shoe Sale 1
IrA SUCCESS FROM THE START Splendid satisfied crowds daily throng this r
t crowning event in the shoe trade annals of Salt Lake Cify Think of the con
1 venience and comfort 01 coming to the store where everything is arranged µ tJI a
t in a thoroughly systematic manner and where only the highest grade of A
thoroughly experienced salesmen are employed to wait on you Add to
that the biggest and best popular priced shoe stock in the intermountain
country and deduct from it the ordinary profits that prevail throughout r E al
the year and you have the answer THE MOST SUCCESSFUL SHOE SALE WE HAVE
Bargain table cleanup of every line we have discountinued from stock and than
means your size in a good many different styles But the main stress is laid on the
splendid reductions from regular stock the very superiority of which makes of the
casual observer an eager buyer WE HAVE YOUR SIZE
All goods exchanged or money refunded as cheerfully as we take it r
Complete lines of the very best quality of Misses Calf skin shoes
2 value Complete line of the very best quality little man 175 calf r s
skin shoos Complete line of thc very best quality 150 and 175 1
elastic side house shoe or lace oxfords comfort style Broken lines of
womens fleeced lined shoes fleeced lined Juliets mans house slippers
and a number of other lines F
Values range from 150 10300
t95 169 285 rR d 1
The best shoe Value ever quoted in Salt Lake Mans and womens shoes n
Complete line in patent or kid City Discontinued lines of womens shoes best standard grade makers complete
light or heavy sole button lace 250 300 and s 350 values Stylish goods lines regular stock All the wanted
leathers and toe shapes values J
or bluclier style Valued to 350 III splendid materials and nicely made to S r
350 5oo
r y
3 8 S that can Shoes not be from duplicated the from very cvcn5 best makers i5 7 and styles even and higher materials priced S 3 8 5 j 2
models Equaled by few and surpassed by none This special makes
c = = its appeal to the trade that demand absolutely the best =
20 25
Discount Discount r till
On any womens fleece lined On any Ladies Misses
shoe Alfree DoIge or Dolgville and Childrens
felt Juliet In case of odd lots t ± t
the reductions average about n1iiSnoes
one half
20 to 50 Discount
On Mens High Top Shoes several lines that we are cleaning up on
at actually half their value
106 South Main Street
E if rl f

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