OCR Interpretation

Deseret evening news. [volume] (Great Salt Lake City [Utah]) 1867-1920, July 11, 1908, Last Edition, Part Two, Image 27

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Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045555/1908-07-11/ed-1/seq-27/

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1Qf r t PkF r 1Jf > Vr I r l 1I1 ll r IIMrr 1 i 1I r < vr r
n n
> tid r r t X1 r e < L 1 I 0
An AJJreM Delivered by ELDER ORSON E WHITNEY Before
the Salt Lake Stake Conference in thc Tatirnacle
Sunday June 28 1908
I neporinl1 > r I W Otlcrstroin I
I nnd myself today more In the ami ito u d
of a listener than ut a speaker
Inclination I
j yielded to my own
while tonio one
would remain sealed
coiisregntlon Wit
else addressed the
I yield lo the solicitation of
thIs Ion
Morris who presides over
tcrence nnd if I may have the
voice a few
of the ixird I desire to
that havo
thoughts and reflection
rinw taking
passed through my
stand It has occurred
scat upon tho
my entering the bulk
curred to me since
big nnd hearing the
boon rendered thai this day 11 turnout
great and sorrowful
tim anniversary ot a
hlftory of the Latter
fill event In tho
thought ot It some days
day Saints I
praoccuptcd with other
ago but being
matters it slipped 1V mlnd
Sixtyfour years ago the Prophet
Smith und his brother Iiyrum
patriarch of the Church
Smith the
murdered In Calhago Jail Illinois
i prophet was then In his thirty
The cnr having been born at Shar
ninth year
county Vermont on
on as
ot December 1805 Ills career
3rd icllglouB teacher and reformer Ita d
n he
of 1820 when
hegllnln tho spring
was living with his parents at tho
village of Manchester In the
western part ot tho state of New York
In his own narrative that
He tells us
greatly agitated upon the
his mind was
subject Df Ills souls salvation What
was known as a religious revival was
taking place III his neighborhood
Ministers of the Methodist church of
the Baptist church of tho Presbyterian
church and of othcr churches I sup
had mct together for that pur
pose of
pose and were holding n scries
camp meetings near where Joseph
lived He was the son ot an honest
farmer and at that time about n
years ot ngc Sonic of his relatives
wero proselyted to the Prqsbyterlan
faith hut ho himself was Inclined to
sinrd Methodism Ho had a friend
TOM a Methodist minister to whom he
confided his thoughts nnd feelings hut
for some reason ho did not connect
himself with any of those churches
Nevertheless he was much concerned
for ho was n slnccro seeker after truth
and it was common In those times far
moro than now to have A religion and
a church standing of some Idnda con
dition of things It seems to me prefer
able to one in which the people irrs
careless about religion Indifferent to
ward the great things pertaining to
Ood und eternity An a general rule
It Is better far better to belong to
porno churclr than to none nt all es
pecially If to rofuiln from Joining a
church piesupnoen disregard for all
religious principle
That was not tho case with this
young boy Ho fain would have
united with one of tho churches if It
could have been shown to him that one
of them was the true church of Christ
Which onn of them was right That
wns all ho vjmtcd to know Ho heard
tho Methodists declare that their
church was the true church and he
heard tho Presbyterians affirm with
equal enrnestncsa thai their church
was the true one imri the Baptists In
urging their claim wcro Just nil earn
est ns the others The boy was be
nlldsrcil lie did not have enough
wisdom to guide him to a choice and
so IIB held aloof from all the church
nnd went to God In prayer asking Him
to solve the problem
He had been reading In till Bible
thoso uords of the Apostle James If
any of you lack wisdom let him usk ot
Gall that glvoth to nil men llbernlly
and upbraldoth not nnd It shall be
gIven him Trusting In this promise
ho wunt Into thc foresli for western
New York was nlmost a forest at that
time nnd bowing down In tno silence
of the grove he besought the Lord that
lie would let him know which otnll
tlw churches wan the true church of
Ihrlstt Joseph tells us that the llrst
manifestation he received was one of
darkness a power seized him that h
Imil never felt before It paialyzed
his tongue so IhHt ho could not sponk I
Oral it seemed as If he must glvo wnv
to thnt overwhelming Influence which
lidd Hpi In the pinup of misery mid
despair n tho continued to pray
not orally hut In thought and ut tile
moment when ho felt that he must
nbundcn himself to destruction dellv
ran < cnmo He wiw n light directly
over IIs bend MJ surpassingly brilliant
that UH hplemlor dimmed the noonday
sun In tho mltUt of thin pillar nf
glory he saw two beings In the linn
of men nnd ono of them addressing
Joheph by name ZIOn pointing to tho
other wild This Is my beloved Son
hear Him
Tho boy waR told that ho must not
Join any of the churcltex thai they
hntl all gone out of the way that tho
rhureh nf ThrlHt was not then upon
tho onrth but that It wan about to ho
recstiihllshcd tho miclent gospel re
stored nnd n work done In the midst
or miinklnrt that would prepare tim
world tor tho iocond c0111I1 ot tho on
o C5ou Tn his nsVmbihniont he MIS
informed thnt ho had been selected II1
fm inHtmmont ns u sonant of Clubt
to Insltmtu this work nod to Htnnd as
1 prophet at tho head of the Inst gob
tei dlRlenslln
i4uhnucuemltiy ho received the vlnlta
tlnu of an iingul who gave hIs namo
M Moroni and revealed to Joseph
Who wal then three years older tho
Mao of concealment of mi nnclont rc
fonl giving the history ot America
Jrin the rarllCBt times IIOWI to about
thr Ilttli ccntucy of tho riulHtlun
IUh cClltlrY o Olllsll del
rid record oilBnuoii In inyHtkal
ha rurtyrs upon metallic platc hal
IIN > hidden by the ancients in n imi
alid rumorah nnd there the hil
di i led by tho angel discovered It
Ipsltlvoly cured by
theso LIttle Pills
Tlicy also rcllcro fluE
trees from Dyspepsia Jn
IITTLE digestion find Too nearly
IVER Eating X perfect rem
edy for PUilncsa Kaojoa
PIUS DroKtlnfbs Hail Tnsta
hi the Jloutli Coated
Tooguo Tula in the Side
ffpiltta tto nonels Purely Veffetable
CARTERS Genuirm Must Bear
FasSimilo Signature
Genuino Mutt Dear
PILLS j pacSimile Signature
and by enl of the urlm and thum
mlm found with tha plates < trhns
Jated them by the sift And power of
God the result being the Book nt
While translating thin record Joseph
Smith lecelved a visitation from an
other angel John th Baptist who or
domed him and Oliver Cnwdery to the
Anronlc priesthood which holdH the
keys of the ministering of angels nnd
of the gospel of repentance and of bat
I tlsrn by immersion for tho remission
of sins This mbssengcr told them that
a higher priesthood would yet be con
ferred upon them which would give
power not only lo baptize with water
but to lay hands Upon those baptized
and bestow upon therii the Holy Ghost
Under these two authurltlcn tho Mel
chlzodck and the Anronlc priesthoods
the Church ot Jesus Christ of Latter
day Saints was organized
Within a year after Us organization
the Church migrated to northern Ohio
and had Its headquarters at a place
called Klrtland on the southern shore
of Lake Erie Theio n temple was
built tho lust tcmploi erected by the
Latterday Saints There twelve apoS
ties were chosen to preach the gospel
to all the world There the first presi
dency was organized There a great
principle known a tho law of conse
cration was revealed na the means by
which the world would be prepared for
the glorious coming of the Redeemer
Involved equality In temporal and II
spiritual things It required the mem
iKrs of the Church to consecrate all
their possessions to the building up ol
Zion the New Jerusalem where gath
ered Israel arc to assemble and piep rc
for the coining of the Messiah and the
millennial reign of universal peace
In the summer ot 1S31 a colony of
Latterday Saints was pent to Missouri
to begin the work ot building up Zion
The place for tho New Jerusalem was
at Independence Jackson county and
thin colony was sent there to lay tho
foundations oC the City ot God thai Is
yet to rice upon this continent and be
come the glory of tho whole earth
This Is the belief of the Latterday
Saints In the autumn of 1S33 misun
derstandings arose between our people
and the older seniors and BO fleEce be
come the opposition thnt tIlt colonists
wore expelled from tho lands which
they had purchased from the govern
ment Their houses vera burned
some i > f the people were tarred and
feathered and they wore driven In n
body from Jackson county
In the year iSIS the entire Church
moved to Missouri and In Davlcss and
Caldwcll counties they numbered from
12000 to 15000 souls showing how thu
Church had grown since April 1830
when MX men organized I and only
about 36 persons believed In the doc
trines taught by Joseph Smith Again
there wns trouble misrepresentation
JcaIOiplesstrlresnnd during the win
ter of 1BS8 tho entire community was
expelled from the state under the ex
terminating order of Gov Boggs
Illinois received tho refugees In a kind
and hospitable manner Tho saints
there built the city of Nnuvoo In Han
cock cquntj and made other settle
ments In that region They there gath
ered to the number of about 20000 from
erc o
all parts of the Union from the Cana
dian provinces and from Europe for
by this tlmO the Gospel had been
preached in Great Britain anltho
stream of emigration had begun which
has slnco peopled with the best blood
of Europe as well as tho best blood
America the Rocky Mountain region
where now stands the State of Utah In
the midst of other states and territories
found which these pcoplo have helped to
H was on tho 27th of June ISM that
the prophet and the patriarch were
murdered whlielmprlsoned In Carthage
jail They had surrendered for trial
They were not law breakers but were
willing to answer to the law for nil that
they had done One of those who hal
plotted their assasBlnatlon said Tho
law cannot reach them hut powder and
ball shall While these helpless pris
oners were awaiting trial under the
pledged protection ot lIla governor of
the state n mob broke Into the Jail
the guards conniving with thorn nnd
theM innocent men were shot to death
Those who slow them escaped punish
Morinonhm was not to bo < dPHtroyed
because Its lenders had been slain An
other great man WIIM rallied up to lead
hut Church Brlgham Young at thu
head of the twelve RUeS and under
his masterly and Insplicd guldancn tho
exodus was undertaken thnt brought
tho Lalterday Saints Into tie western
wilderness At that time the ground
upon which this Tabernacle stands was
Mexican soil roamed over by gavago
tribes wild beasts and 1 few him torn
and trappers who with their Indian
wives and halfbreed children halted
the boar trapped tho beaver or RUlrtefl
tho occfiHlonnl emigrant train or chance
traveler to and from tho nentorn ocean
Tile Missouri river was tho frontier of
the nation Beyond lay tho broad
plains of 1M Louisiana Purchase now
divided Into the mutes of Kansas Ne
braska the Dakotas and other com
monwealths Farther west was n re
gion called lho Great Basin a broad
stivtch of elevated arid country bu
tween tho Wusatch and tho Sierra Ne
vada mountains Then came thu fer
tile ulnpiH of California and tho wooded
hills and vales of Oregon Early In tin
forties n proposition was mudo II
Congress to establish 1 mall routa
from Independence MIssouri II the
iiuoutii ot the Columbia river for tim
accommodation o 1 faw Americans
who hnd settlod there Oregon ll
claimed by Qrral Brltuln as well hs by
the United mutes and
lllCI tl uld 1 war oemcd
Imminent between the two nations over
the question of ownership California
which Included Utah and Nevada be
longed to tho republic of Mexico Such
wns the situation when Daniel Weii
utor arose in hue vennio of he United
BtaUK und oppovrd tho proposition to
IlldWhM HtablMi the nuill route to Oregon Ho
Vlmt do we wnnl with this vast
wnrlhletH area Ihll region of savages
and wild boaatn of deserts of shifting
scuds and whirlwinds of clunl o car
tine all prairie toKS Mr Iren
dent I will never vote one ont from
tho publlo tieoNiiry lo plure thn Purl
fie coast ono inch nearsr to Boston hun
I now Is
And yet It WHS to tit very wort of
thus bniTtiii nnd forbidding region
known at hut Him UH Hut Great Amer
ican tlevert that Hilulmm Young led his
exiled people and her1 under tho
bletilnir of divine providence I work
wit done that founded the State of
Utah and nwda founding
Ullh Ild 11110 ponnibla the tOl
of the mates und l eriltorles now clu
tiding rotund her
The world lies awakened ontowmt
tunllly to the Idea Unit nrltflmm yminif
nan u great man and did I ilslily
wurli They can toniprehfiH tho re
iliMiiptlon of a Ileurt i In tmlliUnK of
cities the fxtenelon of rallroiula 111
tclcgraphf I he etree tints of ffrwit hull
Ink hike thin tuheniacjo ur yoildot
temi > l Thoj oan iipjiru Iat achieve
MM > ww
> > 0
Amdng the largest and handsomest stake tabernacles of the Church the one at Lohl has place As will he
seen from accompanying cut tho structure Is most Imposing and has beautiful surroundings It was erected at
1 cost o J15000 and was dedicated entirely free from debt two years ago this summer rue foundations Including
the basement arc of black limestone the walls proper of cream colored brick The seating capacity of tho main hall
and gallery Is 1200 and with added chairs and standing room 1500 persons can be ended Into the Interior There
are four wards In Lehl and Sunday services are conducted at the tabernacle by the First Second and Third while
meetings are held by the ourth In Its own chapel
uu uo HuuuuH H HhA
muntR of that nl und fairminded
len who do not ali prejudice to sway
and warp their Judgment praise tIle
woilc don by Brlgham Young and his
people but they do not yet rotnprahend
tho work done by Joseph Smith Do
you know what resident Young said
of tho prophet He said I am Joseph
KmlUiH apostle T have built upon his
foundation I Is a fact that Joseph
Smith foretold and to Home extent
proixircd for the exodus of his people to
tho west years before they were led
hither by Brlgham Young AH curlY ns I
1842 tho prophet declared that the Lat
terda Saints would become 1 mighty
people In the mldbt of thn Rocky moun
tains Brigham Youngs highest claim
In relation to the work that he per
formed was that he had bullded upon
the foundation laid by Joseph Smith
Ho was a fulnllcr of Josephs predic
tions the executor of Josephs plans
But tho greater part of Joseph
Smltho work and J muy add of Brig
ham Youngs trkin not comprehend
ed today by tho wisdom of the world
I havf often been surprised that In
telligent people can come hero and go
away or remain anti have no better
understanding oven of the temporal
concerns of Mormuntsm to say nothing
of UM spiritual concerns than they
nodal to have There are many Inlelll
gont falrmlndod men and women who
nol sallsllcd with what they hem
come to Utnh lo see for themselves this
muchtalkrdnf people and their In
stitutions And what do they seo
They HCO the tabernacle lhlear
the great organ anti the music of tho
choir thoy behold tho temple they sur
vey tWrfarniR the llelds the orchards
and they praise the Industry of the
people but they go away entirely un
informed or at least unconcerned re
garding the greater things tho spiritual
thing that pertain not to tho redemp
tion of deserts and tho building of cities
alone hit to the salvation of souls and
the creation and redemption oC worlds
There arc phases of Mormonlsm that
entirely escape the attention of tho
wise and mighty and why Is it so
The glory ot God It Intelligence
said Joseph Smith It Is Impossible for I
n man to be wet In Ignorance
Whatever principles ot Intelligence wo
attain to In this life will rIM with us I
In tlio resurrection These teachlngB
show that the founder of Morinonlsm
had an appreciation of Intelligence His
follower also appreciate It and be
cause we appreciate It we marvel that
It can oiirvoy him great problem that
stretches from ptcriilty to eternity and
comprehends time 1 I drop In tile
ocuan survey It listlessly Indifferently
and go away entirely uninformed re
garding It And yet thee 1 > an explan
ation and tilt germ of It 11 In that
ancient paying
Thoro Is a spirit In man but It Is
the Inspiration of tho Almighty that
Kiveth It understanding
Mal by searching cannot find out
Owl The spirit of mun can compre
hend the things of man but the things
of God are to bo comprehended only
or tho Spirit of God and our own Intelligence
In tho absence
telligence does not count
sence ot the higher Inspiration Paul
the apostle made this plain when he
said Eyo hath not seen nor car heard
neither have nlen > tl Into tho heart ot
man lho Ihlngs which God hath pro
pared for them thnt hove iiiml Cor
2 9
Spiritual thliigH are spiritually rtln
corneil Paul also said God Jwth
revealed them unto UM Ho was re
ferring to those who bellowd In Christ
who lund faith In the Savior of tho
world thoso who had repented oC their
sins who had hnd their hlna washed
awny by 1111 and had received the
Holy Ghost by thin laying on of hands
Paul Will speaking of them and to
rhiin when he said
Clod hath revealed them unto un bv
ills Spirit for the Spirit nearcheth I
things jvn tho deal thIngs of God
For what man knoweth the things
of a man save the spirit of man which
U In him even 1 < the things o God
Unoweth no mun but tilt Spirit of
So tho explanation Is fllmpln By
their own wlxdom their own judgment
their own Intelligence men win coin
prehenl that It ivqulifd a great mun
to lend llimiHumls of people IUUIHH the
Krcut mcml rice ii nil plant toioti Irs Iwro In
the mltlMt of the Rocky mountains to
found n state tenet dot lie empty ilwo
into land with IOWIIH and village or
chards and vlnoyirds II build lel
ides nnd I abeiua elsa to extend full
run < lH anti telcKraphu to deitl justly
nnd wisely with the Indlnnn fo e1
them do ilOt MRhl them wan Brigham
lfht to do all
ham YOUIIKH Indian policy 11
this and more inquired n grout man
and pipjuduod of
and tll moot IhtOIHlllul prfJUlleeft
anr fiirmlPH o 111I1111 will tuisree
ly deny to lirlftham Young Urn attribute
mm quality of grflatneim His work
Ilul quulty
Mpeuk for him On would stultify him
naif It hn ilonlN tutu Brlhhum Youni
wax 1 giant fillIp
Dill Jptwph Smith Ihu founder of llm
Church tlw mighty prophet HIIU
brouglil faith Im revelu louts uml i
which 1 in gun itt Young aoivd and which
ho inaili lie tile und Ruvcrnititint of
1110 1110 j1jIlnnt
his Ufa Joteiili Smith who prodlotiwl
IhlClllu1 that BilKhnul yiniB U
nculcd Joseph fimlth who levraUd tn <
nowmlty for tll lempun that llrlgham
YOIIIIK built Jowph Smith echo umlir
Ood ait ito great founmin if Intcill
Konce an J wltilom that Iii Jo lod
I lieu work rolled Mormoniem nl tm
heatS Qt llin UH A linuwnothltiK it shut
1lc 11 fureoolhl AM 1C thu milt cull
bo good and the tree that produced It
evil The ray will come when len
who think use anti arc sincere will
have to acknowledge themselves mis
taken When tho roll of great names
Is call Id tho mime of Joseph Smith
will Etand the head alxtvo
wil near Ihoo every
other namo connected with the LurdK
latterday work But wo do not ex
peeL tho world without tho Spirit ol
God to recognize this truth I
Joeoph Smith held tho keys of the I
spiritual mysteries Ills light was
measurably hidden It broke forth In
tho midst of darkness nnd the dark
ness comprehended It not Not until
men and Women humble themselves
and become ax little ciliiulrenlmntlh
thoy have faith In God repent ot their
sins receive baptism that their sins
may bo washed away and th Holy
Ghost time Spirit that scarcjuth all
things until men and women take
tho > < o steps and receIve of Unit Spirit
they cannot comprehend Joseph Smith
and hU mission neither can they com
prehend tho greater part of tile work
Uonu by Brlgham Young Thoy will
only DP able to appreciate the out
ward phases tho Kitrfnco of Monnon
cHin The Inward tho spiritual the
things that are as much greater than
the temporal as heaven Is above earth
arc only to be Interpreted and com
piohendcd by that Spirit thai search
eth tho deep things of God
I bear this testimony which God lisa
given to mo concerning the Prophet
Joseph Smith concerning President I
BrIgham Young concerning the work
which the world calls Mormonlmn
but which we know to bo lho restored
gospel of the Redeemer of mankind
AVii lo nol worship losoph Smith
we worship God and our Savior IH
Jesus Christ but wo recognlzo Joseph
as a prophet and Brlgham as a
prophet We hold that men cal lio
servants of God today can bear the
holy priiiithimd and receive eonimunl
alloim from on high tile winui ns
ancient men could I depends entirely
upon whether or not the laws govern
ing such things have been oboyejl l
wo follow Christ I wo embrace tho
true gospel It wo receive of the Spirit
of God hero Is no good reason why Hu
should not reveal Hlmsolf and com
mune with man today ns Ho did form
erly This Is the preaching of tho Lat
Mormonism terday Saints thla Is the atlllude of
I do nol testify to the truthfulness of
the gospel do not like the phiase I
can understand hoW wo can pal I lit
tie boy or a little girl upon the head
and compliment them on their truth
fulncss But tho gospel ot Jesus
Christ Is truth Itself and I cannot
treat It us a Ito child and pralso
It for UK IrulhfulncHs I do nol like thu
phrase Neither will 1 testify to the
truth of the gospel I would b too
much like gilding refined gold or paint
Ing the lIly I 1M not necessary to
any that Old II omnipotent or thut
eternity Is greater than time These
are selfevident propositions There I
fore I do not testify that truth Is true
but I testify that God has given me u I
knowledge ot the truth lIes brought
mu to know that what the world calls
Mormonlsm IK the go pol of ChrlM
That gospel being truth Itself can
not ho made any moro so by our testi
fying lo Its truth or Its truthfulness
Wo can testify to our knowledge of tIle
truth and that Is what I do In your
hearing today
I am not IL Mormon bcconeu my pa
rents were Mormons I am not a traditional
ditional Latterday Saint I am nol
t Latterday Saint bccauso I have had
a dream havo seen a vision or heard
an unknown tongue You may call
thebo tentlmonlesthiey are In a cer
tain sense A testimony Is the cvi
ilcncu on has concerning n thing But
tIm greatest ovlilonuo that God over
gave lo me concerning lhln work was
not a droam nor a vision nor nn un
known longuenor the gIft of prophecy
nor any of the gifts of tho Spirit
thOM signs that follow the bellovoi
When God gavo me the testimony that
I prlzo above nil other things I was
whel Ho mado clear to me the mean
ing of life when He showed mo my
place In history In the mlds of man
kind and gave mo the Unowlfdgo of
what Ho rcnujred of me In order that
my life might bo a success nnd that
this mortal span might melt and merge
Into eternal life when all things earth
ly have passed away God did the
trreatest thing for mo when Ho gave
me the reason for my being here re
vealed to mo whence I came why I
am on earth anti what awaits me In
the future
Thai is my testimony and anything
and everything thut hua helped me to
that knowledge Is a part of my tonG
mony hut tho nuinmum bonum th
chief good of It all Is that I have been
brought by tho power oC the Holy
Ghost to a knowledge lot the truth
and I know what God requires at m >
hands I know that I lived before I
conic bore imd that I shall lIve hfltr
I leavo here and that It depends upon
my conduct while hero whether my
future shall bo happy or miserable
And tho same with you my friend
You who lack that testimony should
wrestle In prayer with the Lord
should give Him no ret day or unIt
until He has I I brought you to that
knowledge and gIven you that key
so that you may work out your salva
tion nnd bo tho arehllects of nn eter
nal destiny Houses lemplcs taber
nacles will perish
Tho cloudcapl tower the gorgeous
rue tolcimi temples lie great globe
Yea all that It Inherit shall dissolve
And like the baseless fabric of u vl
Ixsavo not n rack behind
So says Shakespeare I Is true The
earth will pass away tho clemenls will
molt with fervent heat Gold and sil
ver houses und lands catllo and bhecp
orchards and meadows all thcsu Wll
perish But there IH ono thing that
will survive thw wreck of matter and
tho crush of worlds It Is eternal life
and to give the knowlcdgu or how to
obtain eternal life Is the greatest thing
that God can do for man In time
Slay tho Holy Spirit soul upon oUt
hearts tho testimonies that we hale
received May Ho keep UH In tile
straight and narrow way May wo bo
nblo to lay hold upon eternal life the
greatest gift of God through JCSUH
Christ our Lord Amen
Is always found In tile same hounn
with Mallards Snow LIniment I
koops every mcnibor of the family free
from aches and pains It heals cuts
burns and scalds and euros rheumatism
neuralgia lumbago and nil muscular
koroniMiB nnd stiffness 3Dc SOe and It
1 bottle For sam by 7 C > J I Drug
Dept 112 nnd 114 South Main St n
1 communications tam this depart
ment should ho aiidrosaoJ to the prtiil
dent of tho BiuiKhtoiH of tho Pioneers
Mrs Snsa Young lutes 012 north Fliat
West Salt Lake tity Utah
Tlu throe following article which
will appear In thl department wore
prepared by Joseph I Keiler president
or tno Utah H tuk < of Inn They will lw
tend with Brent ititrst by all saInts
Thoui In probably no othor obligation
either or duty or of late no binding
upon thud Liitterilny Hnlnu an that of
nttrmllnic to oullnanrCH of tho gospel
for lho iirail I HIP priacnt ago of HIN
world shall ha rtmrnrUrlMd HB pn
cnllarly dlffftrcni from any ot tho past
In nil probability 1 will IMI IwraiiKn it
Is iv tiunplftbiilldliitf ago nn age for
the redemption nml salvation of the
millions now uluruborlnii In tile dint
I U n mlKhty lgay loft to tho saints
of hut
lt thIs dlEpaniuition to too to I thlt
not one noul vhall ho left In tho prison I
honso of I ice mhor world
nm important nf the subject there
fore Ip our oxcui for 11550 remark
bearing on tint doi trlna of baptism for
thn dead nnd of tcmpit work Kcncrillv
And Ihu hope I xpre jcd that ths
who hay work to in for their ili > iu1 he
onrouraffcd through Ihoso word to go
forth In JIII porformanii and labor lo
iMcomq unvlnrw on M uni Zion Ntigift
n nns a future ilte tilled with mid II
11 mets Of lout opportunity The llr i
inplo coii drCij will 11 tilt cnndliion of
the jOIJII deed will have riled without tha
IT U clearly net forth In the Scrip
lure and by thou sutylmlgs of Innplreit
vvrilur oulnldq of wjiut IN tejined ncrlp
turo tlmt tlo 8Jhihl ot uii nm iro Im I
modlatoly fit death to the world of
spirits That InvisIble homo ot tIm
departed U called by vnilou names
n HudOH Hell Sheol Paradise and
by phinKcD uc world of spirits or
spirit world the other world bo
hind tIm a veil and othQr Ills of slinl
lur Import I u not probable how
nvcr that the righteous and tho wicked
ilwojl there together a great golf
npimi < 8 them If wo muy uiidurstand
correctly the story told by JeHus of the
rich man und LuzimiH Juko 18 3220
That portion oC the spirit world which
ID divided by lie jfiuul gulf ppoUen
of In th quotation and which
In all mutability If tho iiboclc nf thin
dead who In life served not hit Iorulls
deelirnated tile pit und the prlHon
1Vli n the ret ntructll of the tin
rlKhluouM icoiirs in tho lam 118 thin
pruphul Ibulah doNorlbi their fate
Imilnli 21 2122
And It sluctil conic to pass In tlmt
Ony Hint HID lArd shall punish tho
hunt nt the high ones that nro on high
and the kltiK of ho earth upon tho
earth And they nlmll Iw gathered lo
sothpr nn prisoners ore gathered t thud
pit nml fhall bH shut up In the nrlHon
and vHitd utter lan dnyn nliali thoy bo
Again tim Hook of 1 rIOI Kpealt
plainly upon the condition of the
spirits of the d rl1 Alma 10th
Ufhold r It has bncn made known
Unto me llj > nn ntiBCl that the spirits
of all men ns soon as they are de
parted from this inortnl hotly yea thn
spIrits of nil men whether they bo
Rood or evil are jokcli homo to that
Sod who govn Ihll life
And then It hall com to PUPM thai
HIP iililtaof those who nro tlRhtenim
Itl roochotl Into I state of happiness
which 16 culled paiiullo 1 utato of
lest a rtalp of iicucc Where tiiy hal
TMI from III their troubles nnd from
all fart and porroxv Ole
Now this 11 the Mule of the souls ot
thin wIcked yn in ilarlnei and n
Rlnto of awful feu i nil looking for the
len IndlRnatlon of thtj wrath o iod
upon them thu they remain In this
Btnlp as woll ns the rIghteous In par
1181 until tint time of thin resurrec
tie ii
The Prophet Joseph Smith when
preaching tho funeral normon ot El
der Kin Kollott waid
Journal ot Discourses Vol 1
I know thai my t sitinony ID true
hence when I talk to Ihcsn mourners
what have they lost Their relatives
hel lates
and friends nrc only Hoparated from
their bodies for a short season their
Bplrlts which cxluted with lad have
left the tabernacle of clay only for n
llttlo moment us I wen > amid llwy
now Ijtim in the place where they con
verse together this samo an we do on
the earth
dilatory of Joseph Smith Juno 11
1843 will criticise a little further
niero hqa been much saId nhout the
word hull Bt what IB hell
1 Is another modern term and Is tak
en from hades Hudtn tho
Greek or Sheol the Hebrew thcs two
flKniflcntlons mean 1 world of spirits
The rlBhteoiiM and the wicked all go to
the name world ot spirits unlll the res
Tho great misery ot departed spirits
In the world of spirits where they go
nftcr death Is to know that they como
short orthl Klory that othern enjoy
nod that thJy TniRht havo enjoyed
IhernsolvcB and they aro their own ac
cusersuf says one I believe In ono un
iversal heaven and hell where nil go
and are all ullke and equally miser
able or equally happy
What where nil nro huddled togeth
erthe honorable Virtuous nnd mur
derers nnd whoremonprers when It is
written that they Bhnll be Judgtd ac
cording to tIle deeds done In tho body
But St Paul Informs us of thna
glories alit three heavens Jesus said
unto ills disciples There tiro ninny
manHlong In my Fathers kingdom
houne It II new not so I would
have told you
At least one Inference may he drawn
from the above quotations which Is
that thoso who have obeyed the lawn
of tho gospel am separate nnd apart
from thoso who have not obeyed Wo
ari not to suppose however that tho
prison spoken ot IB n IIOUBO of walls
strong door and Iron bars hut it la
a portion of the world
I porion spirit the con
dition nnd environments of which are
not conducive to the complete happi
ness of thoso who Inhabit it and tn
soint It Is a place of torment To tho
righteous to thoso who have known
nnd kept Gods laws that world Is I
place of bliss a place of rest I II rea
sonable to Infer nlso that yonder as
here there Is n Church and kingdom of
God Should not thin knowledge be nn
Incentive to mints to strive through
tho ordinances of tile gospel to bring
out their kindred dead tromthose
klndrol those regions
gions of darkness nnd that state of
hopelessness Into the light and happi
ness of that blessed kingdom of Christ
our Lord
Ono of the great objects sought In
preaching the gospel now or at any
time Is to get men to repent Evident
ly It the dead are preached to It Is
for the purposg of bringing them to
repentence thai tho ordinances of the
gospel may havo u hold on them When
1iesus was with his disciples he an
nounced his Intention of preaching
to tho dead
John S 25 2S Verily verily I say
unto you the hour Is coming and now
Is when tho dead shall hear tho voice
of the SOl of God arid they that hoar
Tho bread that retaIns its fla
vor arid frenrmeH with tho liter
S cury at SO In mao ot
Ask any uousewlfe
shall live 28 Mttrvcl not at thIs for
tlio hour If coming In the which all that
Are In the graves shah hear his voice
The Apostle Peter tolls us that while
Christs body lay In tim tomb he per
former n very Important mission In
the spirit world
1 Peter 3 12OFoi Christ also
hath once sintered for sln the just i
I fur the unjust that he might bring alit 1
to God being put to loath in the flesh
but quickened by the spirit V9 By
which also he went and preached un
to the cplrlts In prison Which some
time wore dlBObsUtent when once tho
longsulterlng of God waited In the
days ot Noah
1 1cter 4 6 For for this cause was
tho gospel preached also to thorn that
tire dead that they might bo judged
according to men In the flesh but llvq
according to God In tho spirit
Many other passages ot Serlpturo
could bo pointed out to show that them
dead have the gospel preached them
I the dead therefore have tho gospel
offered thernthen It surely follows that
the principle of ropentenco Is mani
fested also Tho dead may thorcforobe
llevo and repent
American genealogies ivhUh can bs
purchased through tho Genealoglcu
Society of Utah Address tho secre
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torians office Salt Lake City utuh
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