OCR Interpretation

Deseret evening news. [volume] (Great Salt Lake City [Utah]) 1867-1920, September 09, 1908, Last Edition, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045555/1908-09-09/ed-1/seq-8/

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Sccretary Iloeb Says President
ed to < MixlWithJon
> Ci Ilioy itli Iollv Gilciai
on tlilcf rwuilie He
Was Xiit nl Home1
Chlppcwa l ills Vls fctjit Judge
o1iu1Jl IJenklns oongttisniaii fiom the
jEleVrnlli AVfbrortsirt dlstrHU today te
cciveujl Iptlei from Will tin Loib Jr
to Piesldcnt Roosoeli In
Spoiuldty Locl > afcsqit that
statcmciilsinadc In a ulrcului pinpmt
edHoj jaVpibPcn frsnerl by Judge Smith
I tti hOjSupCrloi on the evu of tliu ictcrit
It ifJaTleged bj > Judge TeiiHIns friends
diciilar 111 iticstlon brought
v1 defeat of Jenkins bj Iivln
3 Ii licnjool for tire Reiiitblliaii con
src ilonli nottiltifltlon
The Hti Ih dated Ovti Bay fspl
Jf nudlPads
Aly DcaivlutlBe J il5 < ln r utn In 10
telpEiiff join lotjoi < f tliu iiid vvltli In
flousuic The stntqiiienl hkli the
VIrpiJa buys eio mado by the ptp l
dPiit or hlH BccioUiv ato nhsolutply
Smith called at the os
ecutlve oflltp and aked Q see the
L 1 picsldent Ho n > ns told by Aeflng
ijfly Sees rostpi that the president would
I not sec hljn 01 aily one elso on a mat
1 tqr Gf1 local holltleulnatuiD and would
not discuss lt anv waj
JifdgQ Smith then wioleia note to
i ithe piPstdent asklng him to as whith
er oc rot the claim of llqpioentdtlve
I Jenkins that the prisideritjiliad vrlt
nhlmsll tier urgliiB hlsrononilna
i vTudgo Smith was again told thnt
tnc preMdijnt di cllnedto saj anything
t jvhateKr about Uie matter or to1 dis
icusslt 111 anj was
> MrT rorstor told Tudgc Smith that
R a sreat manv Appeals lo Inlerfero with i
Political protests weio spnt to the
t i pldslflent but that Ulia pioMdenl Urns
ilnvarlttbly reft sod to take pirt in anv
JioftthfSm Mi loistpi nPvpr made the
y Btntertient hat tho piesldcnt had heun
preslstentlv importuned in JIi Jtnk t
Jng jXnd ihlst friends to dorsof Mi 1
Jenkins candidacj
f JiiJThls was no denial of any claims
1 rhlshva < jslmplv a iLdlsalto av ailvf
Mjfff ubouttthecontest in anj vvav
> i In enclose ar cop > of a telpginm
vas sent In answer to t telu
concpinli1gthls mlitter
veiv rispei tfulh
erretaij to the President
Wlng Is the telegiim sent to
e poison in iSuperldr wliosc name
Oyster Bay Ailg27 Tho president
hasYjttit Untcrfered anil d > v 111 not Inter
feiofljn aSi > such matter 1hu presl
Wioto Mr Jenkins avheliaswrlt
varjous otheis who htiveiboen as
d becaugo oC cotlng for the i < >
renry hill in tho bill foi esthbllahltn
i analHInes sa > lng he s glad to sayHo
any ono tha UK UIQ congicHsmon vlio
supported these measures judge Ithose
fleci es ns upholding Uie administra
tion iand ItSiipollbles
A riling Secjretary
c Tnllisifor rionkness nntl llininony
a n < I Currlcis
Sv E If Hairl
antmjwho4ailived hero yesterday fi6m
v o3Jth m Oregon7 v here lie spent Ills
Mflummor vacation wiis glvpn a rocep
tl ftTattHhe Palrmoiit hotel tills aftoi
Jipoii iwhlch vvasKvttendediby lOO ottho
leadingmerchant1 bankets and busl
ness flion of iSan1 Fi anclsco and other
Ibay cities ImniPdlately aftqr tho 10
crptioHfMr Harriman and his family
leftsfor tho east on his speclitftiatn He i
said hq was hurrying to Now Yoik so
nsto be able to icturn to California to
attendthe lansmlsslsslppl commeicial
congress wlilchmeetslin San Trancls
cd Oct C to 10
ndrevw Sbarboro piesident of thp
IUllanAniTican bank and president
of tlib jManufactureiSi Pr ducois as
gO9iatlon of California which tenderea
the reception to Jit Harrlman presid
ed1 In ihls address of welcome Sir
Sbarboro assured tho financier that Snn
iFrancifco had nor forgotter hit Kenei
and the promptness vvlth which
o you tthink nqu Jcnow
all here is Jto tlfqse tfhree
letters fcea
Your s ottr returns 70 nonr If Toudoat
IllccShiUnzs Tint ne psy ImnV
he had come to the nssHtahco of the
jClty at the time ofithedlbastcl in Apiil
Lieut Gov Wai ion R Porter repu
scntlng Coy Ulllftt also made n brief
address1 owelcome
Int respondliig Mr Hniilman
pitvfecd his pleasure In beipg afforded t
the opportunltv tto meet tlip business
iiiun of Sun FrtnciHCO and thanked
Uiini for thtli eildcnt gooil VitJ and
thlnpr putilnjng to tlib blithe of the
cllvtand tiiif
Xou mo UK piodueerfi AYe are thtj
larilcis Oul intci hlsj iTo nncl should
be tha same ild he
Jla fiank iith u4 Let 115 know what
you vimts tiio iitfd I can assure you
that nothlngiMlll ho turned down until
It lilts utelvcd out consideration
Continuing ho said
I bulling In fall dealing and u fair
ictuin foi chptnl Invested and the
thoughts hialn oik nervpus force
intl work that must he put In laiga en
rpilscv Vp are cntltlcrtto jOiiiethlnfj1
foi thai We n < f inoie than a mero
machine and Just as human as the lost
of you ure
I have been puictlcally out of the
uoiljl foi boyciul ucpks btk IamsBUul
d say that Hit outitiy getting back
o a PSM historical and more tom
IIOIIKIW view of looking UL think
iVo all knotv what o huve hud to con
tend Utd mjntfitbp past IS months
Dojoil OACI thlnkof he amount of
Ut iitOjthc uorkiot n la IBP ontcVpilso
I hae oftPii ilhoughl hrtherill vai
cully Woith white Whelhcr It would
iot be bcttn to settlo > < lpuiiincamfoTt
iblo circumstances and1 llVo1 In quiet
and contentment But them Is iomqj
Ililiifr3tn man that makes him vantto
Ko n o finish what hehastbtartcd It
b such mcllTrga asj ths that seems to
make It worthwhile to 50 ahead
Befoiu leaving this opening Jir Ilnr
rlmari denied the reports ithat he bml
icqutrcdHhieosatcamer ofthoOceanic
lino 01 that hejnas iicgotUtingijfornho
riurchase of the United Ralltoads thq
San Francisco street iallva >
Dreads tho Hlo 1 ho dread Is whole
some but not the burn that can bo
heiled nml finMantlj relieved Iby npj
pIMilB Billiards Snow Lnlment Be
nipjaroilfor nccldeuts > keeping a bot
tle uhvnjs in Uio liouso Best for
Miinlns Ijrulses cuts scalds rheuma
ttin neuralgia bunions any and all
nehcs and pains PfIrc < i < M80c and It W i
ro > sale by At t Drug Co 112
and 114 fcouth Maln Stroet B
sPiano Tuning i
fClajtonDajiiPs Music Co Three ex
pert regulal prices 109113 Main st
Or Robert R Brownflold
Offiee iiemoved rto Suite 406 Judgo
julldlnsr Spoclnl attention to surgery
and diseases of omen < Eautppedijfoi
11 to 1 and 2 to 5 Bcllpione 2443
Ne Hiuen Conn Sept 8 No He i
publican coneTuioiiJheldyn ho stateof
Connerticut since tiat of the rfall of
WOO mhPnMhqrMcLcanWainci flght
fo tho B0euiorshlpislvook up thepar
ty broURht out so much Intjrest as
that which vns called to order tonight
In the Hyperion theater United State
SonatorrianktS Bramdegeel as tem
noiarv ch ill man
An Incident In the political struggle
In whichthelllepubllcanparty hasbcen
Indulging foi > n peks pant Ieadlngrup1to
itjje stato convention uhlcln tomorrow
lll IJOIMO ttfstato tlcketl wisUhe meet
lug attlre chambei of commeice this
aftoinoon of manufacturers represent s
ing jltf Is = ald 53 dlstilcts a capital of
J50 000000 and an rtggregato payroll of
10000000 a year to formulato a pio
testto be presented to tho convention
against the nomination of Congressman
George J IMcy of Walerbuiy for gover
nor Resolutions vcre adopted reciting
that the nationalShouse of ropiesonta
tlves has so overwbelmlnglytropudlated1
Mr Ltlleyvthatihls nomination for gov
ernor Mould bea direct affront to the
dlgnltyand Judgmentot thatbody The i
publlcirecoul off Mi alllcyflt > isufncent
proofof his unfltness for thg office
lYoik bqpt 8 That Judgo Alton
Pirkci nominee for the presidency
In 1804lit llkcb to be selectcd aayeitlwr
temporarv or permanent1 chahman of
the Democratic stato convention it
Rochester next wey > k became known
1 I Whateyer food can do is best done by
7 whole wheat Here are all ine elements
J needed for body brain
or for health or
jl owth or strength Here alone are they
jperlectly balanced here they are whollv
> > i i i
any food expert to tell you
i ideal food of the world His
answer will be Yholc yhcat
vAk nm to 11 you its ideal
r form He will say That form is
In1 no oilier form can a fierce
ihW be made toatlack every atom
Inno other form can the particles
so the digestive juices
can get to them
is the reason for
tFlalcc It is not a fad food not
ff 1 s a f ° ° d Inac by experts to
i tiheet all experts demands
tv iSf Theprocess of making requires
M hours The result i Natures
premier food made so that it all
MaplFIakc better than anything
else supplies what you seekfrom
The food that 5s right the food
that is best wilbJcvcntuallybe
come universal Vhatever food
you now use you will come in tlie
end to this
Whatever you seek health
strength or Rrowth is best sup
plied by MaplFlakc >
You will find it perhaps in half
the homes of your city And you
could noi pet oneJiome to change
Whenvviljl you serve it in youra
Tiie tKeJMapIe Flayor
pipS x
felft FffC19H945i cnlicJhMnaVpr > conics froni pure
jKSj iiift = yW I0iirvvlijatjs all cooked in
l fe > 1
g rn > J iVMiK M Utbjimakc < thctbcsf food seem best
ss J w sinlyifp itJfeicHiiWreiiJ isake
iI cicjT5ilf of it ijor <
Tci iouncc wiitf rpuncc bf nourishmehtrthe
3 1 fejVSlJj9ii H Jji brain or the i muscle
jtq compare
t RcpjibHcaiih Say Tlicj Will
VJglit TJh 111 iDooni dfijj togfcop
HlniOii of lie Semite
JDes Molncs Jo Sept S Triio vto
thelr pledge to ono another H2 sta iid
rat Republicans In tho state legislature
todiiy prevciitedjthe election of C3ov A
B Cummins to the United States spn
otc > to > nil out the utlcyiphcd term of
the late AV B Allison These 12 sen
atorsi and lapmicntatlves rofiibcd jo
cast their votes farciov Cummins and
ltf tho 45 Dcrnocints who voted for
Portcrj they outnufiibcrcd the 65 Re
publlOaht hfl volcd foi ummiiTK Not
only did the standpattcu picxent an
election today ibut thci declared 4that
It I their Intention tf continue In ther
couise deadlocking the legislature l
It lu necessary to keep Cummins oul
of tho United States senate Both
sides say tonight that they nlllJiOt
Thort1 It a disposition among many
linen o both factionstri huny the pil
mary law legislation for hlch the
extia fjObslon was cnvQn9d and then
adjourn Todays votlns Va comluct
cd b > elrh branch of the legislature
nepaiatelyf Ihc house pioceedcd to
19 lull call on senator In tho morn
nK i
With ithe qiy first icstionso from a
stHifdpit Republican it hcoume evi
dent that the standpat plnn to jnp
vent an clcrtloji would Lc iaiilecl out
E > cry standpatter stood > y his pledge
and when tlio > nto was announced lt
vat found to stand as folloys
Cummins 14 Claude in Putor
BeiiiQciat 31 Punki I Perklns 1
VIIllamI aiabqp I viithUhostriiurpit
ttength of 28 voti s vast foi varldus
anaidatcs jn < ludlmc Wnltei I Smith
W P tUcpbuui G N llaugen and A
r Daw son of the Ioa delegation In
in tha senate the vote tiK pohtponed
until afternoon Theic Cummln ic
celvcd 21 and Poitei 14 while the 11
voles of tha standpatters wcie tcst
eied a3 In UIQ house In fboth houses
ho standpatters ttplalned thqli op
position to Cummins on tho giound
hiit tliey dldl not believe In pioceed
ng with ui election until ithe pqopl
hcd a chance to exprebs their prcfci
enco ln ptlmaiy election
Governoi Cummlnsj was seen at his
offlccuaftei tho vote In the senate He
aid that hc hadTnothlng to sav for
publlcntlon put that he regretted that
to many Republicans 4nad found It
iccessirj Q bolt thedeclsfon of theil
puitj caucus
jronlght much bitterness Is expiessod
tnong the progressives ivho talk of
jolting the state andMeglsIatlveatickets
t tho polls ifjthe standpatteis refuse
o give their majority recognition
The standpatters are much elated
heyjflgure < uiat tho defeat of the gov
inor at this time effectively desor
ganlres Ihe piogressivo forces and
nakejhlssuccess ImimMSlble Thero aie
hose vyhd think the effect on the
novement which ho has been leading
vill be voiy detilmentalifand thattlf
vill begin to disintegrate
Democrats were Jubilant at todaye
vents They ate hopefulthafthe joint
esslon will disclose the fact that the
standpatters Jiavo forced a deadlock
and 11I hasten thq enactment of any
tlml of pilmary law in order to com
pel adjournment as1 quickly as possible
indjtvhlle the Republicans aio at log
There as talk tonight among the
standpatters that they would stand
onthc electloalof any maiiflnXthe joint
session except Cummins and sug
gested that he iwithdinw1and permit
ho eloctloiftofS1 > soiri bhe eltlier the
choice lof the jtiajprlty oftho paity
caucus or ofitho total number tot rep
resentatlvcs of the assembly as icpre
s nted In the caucus
Your life against 23 eiits iSj Just ev
ictly Tvbnt jour are doingif you iieg
ect a iouslKor cold onHhe chest JnstenU
treating Iti with BallardsUHorehouridt
Sjrup A 3 > Lcenl bottle of thlstspUndld
omedv will cure ran ordinal j teough
lenli the lungs nnd aet as a tonic fnr
our entire nystem For sale1 by C
1 I fDrug Co llZ and 114i > South Malnj
treet B
I have the exclusive sale of Dr Ble
ms Goitret Romedj which has been
meeting with marked success For
prlceafld particulars address Chas Si
Vatson Druggist1 St Anthonv Idaho
Ojster Ba > Sept S Sensational re
orts that anattempt had been madq
o ahootliPrcsldent Roosevtlt aparpntly
mve their orlglulni the fact th r thu
lunttng season has opened on I ong
sland and there Is considerabloshoot
tig daliyin the outlvlng dlstilcts Closp
nvestlgationfails to show that them
hasbeen any overt act directed against
he president It Ishis custamtoirlde
ut every da > xoverlng various routes
n the countrv > Ide and it ils not un
sual for him to encountei parties of
umtcrs Also there Is a shooting club
vhlchj engages In target paictlsennot
ar fiomSagamoie Hill
Mr Loeb secretary to tlie presldfnt t
aid tudaj It was not beleved Xoi a
iioment that anvone had tried to do
harm toJMt Roose > elt KOI attention
vhatevcr was being paid to tho mattci
omolallj he said
Mr Loeb stv thlsafeinoon thaLqnfe
ensatloml rcpiirts that someont > had
rled to shoot the president wcro with
out the slightest foundation The Visit
f Chlof Vllklo ofthe secret seivice
o Long Island Satuiday was to see
Secretary Coitelvou at Jtluntington on
natteiH vholly unconnected with the
ensational shooting tory
3Can Sept 8 Capt
Robert Moore Fifteenth infantry died
t Tort Leavcmvorth tonght after a
hort illness of typhoid fevorT His
eath came as u sjurprlse as it was1
thought hejvyasrecoverlng Capt Moore I
vvas one of the best shown officers In
the service having distinguished him
self in thepiiban Philippine and Clilna
wats He arrived from the Philippines
Aug 20
Capt JIooins last duty was asijudge
advocate in the depaitmunt of Minda
nao in the Philippines where he be
came 111 lie came home by way1of
Utiiope He was on thiiiway fioin New
Yorki to Join his relment at Foil Doug
las Utah when he stopped hero
Wimiun Tells Jlou Knslln iintl She
AVer o Die ut Jlcr Hands
Omaha Sept S The coronet < < In
riucst Into the death of Dr Frederick
Ku < tln whose tragic death at the door
of him home In this city has given the
police department a puzzling nroblPtn
developed several sensations today The
first vah the testimonyof Mrs Abble
nice he woman nho vas last known
to be In Uu tlns company on tht
night of his death She declared that
for some time Dr Kustln had been
talking of commlttitiBisulclde but that
ne ulbhed o dlsgalsp the att so as to
protect his life insurance for the bene
llt oC his family After much Impor
tunity he induced her to promise A
kOl him and then take her own life
Arrangements for this were made for
Friday night Aug IS but her nerve
failed her On Huesday night follow
ing Dr Rustln pointed out to heron
the street carva man who he said had
promised to do the deed saying that
It wnnld be done that nlcht
Tatorshe IdentlfledChnrlesB Davis
n clerk In a lncalbank and a member
i of a piomlnentJfamlly as the mart re
foiled to by DrRuatin
SDavh was < placel < jn the stand and
festlllcd that he attempted to commit
fculcldoonjthe nightyn question by tak
ing drugs fun1Ishea hln1by Dr Rustlnc
butlenied thftfha promlspd to kill the
doctor or that hohad anythlnirtf 0
with tho latter death He said thu >
1 drugs taken made him sick and he
r vomited thus savlngythlsllfe He gttvo
rib special rpason tor wishing lo end
his llfu cxcep thnt he Ihnd no desire
to live He said he hnd made pie
vlous attempts at suicide
Davis hasnot been nrretled
Toil ANJ
Npxv York Sept S Results of the
application of the HuKhesutest1 In 13
of tha asMJUibiyAllstricts ofNeVV XOIc
and a < lnBS county sin thp Rcpublijan
pilmary electiontoday wcie decidedly
Interesting andfdebldodlyricontradictory
according to ligtircs obtainable late lo
night Six ot the Now York districts
cast hitjorltlcs foi the renomlmitlon of
thelgoviinol thieoAgaliTt All ofHllo
Kings cpunty dlstilcts cast decisive
mljgiitlija against his nomination
The Kings County totals show i net i
vnlo Qf mote Ihan two itp one against
fthe governor
Aio vou Just bul > iteUlnf atnund by
Ihe nid of crutches or it cania Unless
ou luvt lost a > llmbfOi luuoia deform
Itj If > our trouble Is iltcumatlsm lum
bago spialn stiffpointsor unjthln6vJ >
like naiurct use liallurd s Snov > Liniment
mil in no tltno oui um throw away
votn tifutrlu 5 nnd bn nd lyoll as nnl
unc Irlco 25c Wo and 1 00 For sile by
P M i Ding Co 11J and 114 > South
Main Ft U
Cut pilces JlqWhlrter Bnklni Co
TAicrf Yomitauoicjr
Bljnchard BUttor The veiy best
DatediatiJfsenJedat the cfeonnry Hasi
no pqual llurekl iBiand Moderate
price ciimoiy buttei Xot up to
Blftneluul but equal tb any othei
butterjon tho market c < iled dustproof
pacKasps Harplnut Butter Pure
and Hv hoMomoJ sold clicap In spaled
pnckiges We guarantpp all of our
rnortucN If they dont suit > ou AVo
5lvc vour money back These throe
Drands of buttcparofallpure andvvhole
omevbut theie Is adifferenceIn the
SoUUbyneailj all grocers
Go Xonls Itcnoiiilnntcil T I
Cmulldalo lor Congiq S
nuconda faopt S The Democratic
state convention met heio today and
> T J Walsh of Helena was Delected
chairman The sesslpn continuediinto
the night and will probably not ad
journ tillyoaily morning
f Gov Edin Norrls vv assnominatedi for
governor by acclamation Thomas D
Long1 ot sFlathead nas nominated for
Congress W G Conrad1 Great Falls
ThomaSi JIcTague Deer Lodge and
liowls Penwell Helena piesldentlal
electors T M Swlndlphurst of Liv
ingston vas named for lleutenantgov
C C Johnson of Yellowstone county
ijwa nominated for associate Judge
sChailps Nevm of Silver Bow was nom
Mnated for inllrond commissioner for
the Tslyearterm
Toronto Sept 8 Mile Marl < > LJI
Jlachc one of the pel formers at the
Torontotexhblllon was probably fatal
y InjuFedlast nght Her act was to
dlde down a wire stretched from a
ilgh pole lo tlie ground hanging by
icr teeth Last nttht she had hardly
staited when the pol < > began to lean
over causing tho wire to sag and
tin on Ing her to thoiground Her spine
Tas bioken
Ills nnmo isj bad cough He doesnti
care for gold 01 silver but he wlllistealj
> our hoalthaway II he appears inijour
ipuse arrest him at once with JSallards
Horchouiifl Svrtip It may mean con
sumption Ifjou dont A ciuo fortioll
coughs colds and chest troubles Price
Ac Mo and 100 pet bottle For sale uy
Z C M I Prug Co lli and 1H South
Main fat B
A BpeclflCifor pain Dr Thomas Ec
ectrie Oll strongest cheapest liniment
ev er devised A household remedy In
America for 25 years
New Yoik Sept S Dlst Attyv Je
rome > said today that he Is not Inter
ested enough In the Thaw matter io
care whcthoi thev take Hairy Thaw lto
Ittsburj 01 not andt added that he
knew offno law b > vvhlch hlrf remov il
to another state might be accomplish
ed 1 havo no authorlt > o opposohts
> elngHaken to PIttsburg Ho vvas re
moved ftomi my jurisdiction when the
was committed to the asylum said
Mr Jeiomo
Richmond Hill L I Sept S The
Haulage1 the Rev Dr William H
awrence pistor of Trinity Methodist
church of this placet to a w oman w ho
unl previously fc3en divorced vvasjsus
alned by theitofflclal board of Trinity
chuich ln resolutionsadoptedjesteiday
andcannounced todav It also vvus an
lounced offlclallj that aftervdue tlnvei <
Igatlon the boaid has ascertained that
Mis Lawience dlvoiced her form r
husbandbefoierRev Dr Li wren ce ever
paid court to Jier The resolutions
idoptedb > thtfboaid extended churchly
ovo and fellowship to the pastoi and
lis wire exoheiatod both ffbm any
Jlarne vvhlch ma have been cast upon
hem b > the publication of false statef
ments and expressed unshaken qonfl
dence ln Ui pastor
Staple Minn ScptS A Noithern
Pacific sleeping cai In the jards caught
Ire heie early todaj and Mis Joseph
Pits of Lisbon N D vasn burned to
death All others escaped
San Juan P R Sept S Th Demo
cratic party of theislandlof Pjoto Rico
hag nomlhatedKJacInt6 TeIdor a law
jor of San Juan as its candidate for
he post of lesldent commissioner at
Washington This Is the first time tho
3emocratle party has participated In
he Island elections It has endorsed
the national platform
GenuiiiE Must Bear
FacSimile Signature
Positively cnrcdiy
thcseZlttlo rills
tress Irorapyspcpsla In
dlfjesUoa and Too Hearty
Eatlaf Aj perfect rem
edyjoj pl77lnes3 Nauapo
Drovrilnesi Bid Taste
tlie Hontl Coated
Tongue Pala In tno Side
S Sk S i SS SfsS
un PII i uii irnfi Pir iJAi HBiPC1
OMnU rlHiv oM LL UUoui OmALLrrnluCi
GenuineiMust Bear
FacSimile Signature
e BAISK X iKhi iJjiiv v > < y
i iSwS
iir piiJHi Wrii i cMi BHfM
4yil3ipa jil tliei isoml
i si 1
t iilTrectphecoat < witiy iJouT ivcjs an t
r v1
j u
Jr Tlig1EI rNfTAltORBpyous Qm i
i 5RATj EAl i > ii
jr 5t < >
n rrayVof h r 1
I EFFICIENCY Impossible for New Method ovens to
explode or flare out in your face
ECONOMY New Method jHeaters willjkeep your
house comfortable Cheaperlhan coal
No fear of a coal famine with NewMethod Rangesand Heaters in
your hoiiie > No dirt no worry No bfg coal bills
Jtibt Heat and1 Happiness
Salt Lake Electric Supply Company
151 Main Street Terms as you like t Phones 6
Farm News wants ajeliable person in each neighbor
Kood to act as Local Circulation Manager and repre
sent an attractive new proposition Just now ready
forthe market A permanent position with good pay
foretime given is assured The work is easy andspleas
ant and niayvbe the source of a regular yearly income
The boys and girls can do the work while going to
school the country school teacher can add to her salary
theshousewife can make pinmoney energetic men
young or old can make Just as much as they have time
We pay liberally for this work in cash
We haveva special new plan
Write a postal at once for particularsand1 state what
territory you an coyer Address
whVelit iexceltsl hnithiera
j iprlzBs statpJralcAlM r
l nr
Our Line of Perfumes and
Toilet Wafers
Is Very extensive and complete
Wo have overs thins that Is
dainty and popular
You cannotllicip < butibe pleas
What Is more pleasing than a
delicate fragrant perfume vo
have tlie kind that you will ba
sure to HKe
i II
Who conduct their fountain
WITHOtrT JLlquors
Strictly casluor COD orders
50c extra4lf sacked and carried
Screened slack especially for
selffeeding heating stoves 423
net pel iton
50cextra if sacked and carried
Authoritlestsay A shortage of
luel Is Imminent which 5belng
interpreted means FILL YOUR
Gas Coke Co
I 6165 Main Street Phones 4321
I iJ
> Bpg Kilter
i fBugs ants loaches allianlmal
and1 garden Insects instantly ox
1 jteunlnated These pesky little
brojvnpests thati disturb jour
slumbers vanish llkOfa dream on
one application Lai go bottlei
25c Special price by gallon to
t hotels < Both 5Pl10nts 457 Ka
member the number
Ceo T BriceDrug Co
AF Hallows College
Boarding and Day School for
VIOJH Classes begin Wednesdaj
September 3th Classical Sclen
tlucanJ Commercial Courses Spco
lal DepartmentJor little boys un
der the care at a trained teacher
For terms and Information apply
vVcry Rev J J GuInanS M
f President i
ItjwasJfseritr to iisr indi we
Ban amljpresseqltvi y j
j jtimbTlto isjtpfSi iybur iTJt
> ChTs > vinteivl8ntegolnKtoworry j
Tincf anyVraldone fofpUiicua
bVnerstneotheridayC i
WeJniIctlhlSblriijlast veete I
JWHX r > QNar jyou IEH t

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