OCR Interpretation

Deseret evening news. [volume] (Great Salt Lake City [Utah]) 1867-1920, March 16, 1910, Last Edition, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045555/1910-03-16/ed-1/seq-6/

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iI6 m l i
11IIII1 ii I i L 1 1
J 1 I
Jlv f j
2 j 1 I I
i t J
J 111
r I lit
IiI q
ii I f
11 I 1 jl
f lf
II >
1 H
I j I
11I1nII1 SHMUlna aiwl llrllnlii
flMHIMHt Will Not bf Tr ItlllllHl
In ntiWiliw ID 1lanl
rdlnlr to import that are lOinini
fr Hi Ill International HmoUtru and
itmans plant In Ilne canyon there wll
I I lIt little delay In having th unrl
i4i iinih < J nhortly after thf contrkd
nun lor the nmnltlnir of the Ttah cn
HiM IOlflloo4 oie It may be poailbl
t hll t the smeitrr will bP ready befon
th rtah II although neither lde l >
willing to wy anything Th tontracl
t ilk for the lmatin or ore tay the
flirt < f nat month It will be an Inv
li1lhilUy for the mneltT to be rtnUheJ
hv tht time but It will only Ie i
hrt Um after that the flnUhlm
U > UIIKII will be added
about Nt melt
At penen there arc
tpl11 at the plant Work la holing
rHhl to the limit C H lUpatn
engine r In charge declare that Pie 1
IP tioa coming In In good ht pe aad
ther will bn H < I
Oit ii It keeps UI
cliffi ully In havin the plant InUhtH
IT ii Hurry Dortnc the put
k he Hy more work ham been
rtn than there wa In the two month
111001 to that time The mod wtber
to iinf taken advaatac of In every
I r
Vii Me moke MaCk hju basil Ha
IHI The brteh work m the du l
> ii I ern tie been completed Work
hi Ion tane < on covering up tlM
dn and within a few day thl will ta
j p1rtl
Th 12 McDougmU for the Initial plan
h nil been Inctalled and before th
k IH over the lining of them will
mmnce Work ha been omewhal
riliiMil nn the roairter buildings and
nihor larer btrt loat time II now being
jllkly mad1 up
llnikcr lholv A TOIIIHIIIICS on Local
Mlnlne lUcliiineu
Conilllloni on th local stock ex
ihntigi wrre reversed thl morntn
ha Len
and rimi a llxely market P4
Ili yl fur Ntter than II week trad
Ing dropped to a funeral march only
Itot ult > an lively The liruton were
as adve ae tombstone anti quite am
enitgilc There wa not a real 1gn
r lift on the board It might be Mid
thin the trading thl morning wa
lirely mechanical and the handful of
iiikiTii that did do any trading hung
t iht rail as though dlny from the
frfM paw or the languid dealt to
whittle a stick and sit In mm back
yard r < M In the nun Even the pro
fnHirnn i luTime tired of tailing
dcrigut i siiiles and celling short
It the iirik > is were hanl up for corn
iTilKrlDns IdV they ovule enough to
buy hri ktit and no more The
amount < < k mM thl morning
ptipP ami tb
ntnountcl t 00 M1M
amount i tII OIut for the stoeka amount
yl tn 3 > Y9 75 which II the mall nt
trading during a morning eMon tur
Heveral Mars
tilow t > ling pnt most of the stock
down might The lone were small
Otlnrad ivilnmbu Iron Bam aid
Hloux ot lightly off this morning
Idur Tnlixman wa about the only
rixk thit nliwl an Improvement
i in thO < iirl > niitrket there wee con
ilderalii ldlII The following were
the ix lf one thoiwand share of
rintah rrmiure Hill at 18 cents MO
rhare r Domljohn at T cent 110
rhure nt R cent 1004 shares of Kly
OnlennlHl nt M cant 1M share of
npex it M i rnl MO share at M 1M
pharel lit tMat sU 160 at M
I Forenoon I Afternoon
lJtst i Hid IAktl hid tAkd
Aildle 1 t M
Hk Tun 11 11 11
Itlg Hill I a 81
Illng AII 13 111
Hlk Jn k ltl4l 11141 10 11
Mullock 91 61
Camp Unit 81
arise M tIt 61
Cediir 11 4 MM W
I tnt M nn
Cenlur In M 11 10
fnlorail 00 11 W III 77
Columliij 4711 48M 4 4t1I
rr INllt01 M Rs
Duly 14g 1 ITO 4M 411
Ttmker C
Iirucon 1 It
K C Pt 11011 01 04j 01
K T ConK 11 1111 Ol ΒΌ
E T DeY1 Ml I4j tIIlKl 04 U
K T o K I 0 j tIOIIt 00 04t
Kmnrald I 11 M
II o Ctwn M M
i runt cwI 1UI4I ltt IM lU
UPK 01 et
inl Q I M 1 00 II 1 es
I If O D IM lMH 110 lM
I n vo IMn M 4 91M
I K I Ton 10
Jin Bofrs 00 Mi 10S
IIng Wll 04 10 M 10
little HM 170 lW 170 lM
L MainII lWM 41 494
UJ Bvans 00 0 K 1
MH Val I ltt 1 1t4 113 1 111
My Day I IS 4 1 03
Mil Hill J M 01
Mln Flat I 01 S1 H 01 8111
Mt Lake I 07 07
Mt U ExtI 01
Moscow I ar 11
N lieU1 50 4 u
N rJr 01 M
Nev Hill 11 M 13 U
Ne house < 17B 171
New York j 0064 It
Ohio Cop 4MM 1 lM 433 411
iipuhongo M 1 11
Ploche U 04 I 03 04 11
Hutu I MH M 04 11I
1rlnce Con 71 11t M 12
Provo 01 MM 00 04
H Shield M 04
acram 1 01 01 I
KH King 240 I VIII 1 240 1 21141
Scot Chief I t nn t 004
Schwab I I 001 I OOh
Steel Filing Cases
1 Of fonrKc thevr
lilohtVrnlcke thHt
maks H strong talking
Point Th look like
Wood hilt lire made of
all ited flrilnhd tn
Imlliiie the 10 t of our
flint furniture Are
il thlrdK plp e of the
rgulsr cnblneln You
shtithl hAp them for
VtthiHhle pNporH
Are Fire Proof
60bt Sj
SILVrlt M 15
OPPKH cnthralcs IS110
LKi in inn
COPPHH dull 1101180
Toilajs JUOI lHftnl
Murcll In lOnil U172IISKM
B Trough I M I 10 I tol 10
RlchAnaci I M 10
linux Con i U 1 11 I
H Col Con i 04 044
M iron Bl I OH I 01 1
Iwall conIIN 1
Tin CentMt 07
Tin Comb tl Mtt
Tin Empire
Tin llame 01
Unclafism 11 M
1nlted Met
Utah Son 1 1134
Victor Con 06 0630
Victoria 11I 706
West Nov It
West fun 109
Yankee c1T M
Ter Copper1 04
Stock iMll lAehed
Ijintb orr lUll It
McbostaM 1y 17
llilver Kine eo 111
PlOlIM lnMin Nlne It
Dfmljnha tIII
Mullinn 8fek Tt
Bini Cent Jtind 11 11
00I Chain 43 45
Opax Ie M
Kty Centennial It 06
Baa Jack l ee at It
riM 4lJt at W
Cedar Talisman 10M at SH
Colorado ill at K
Columbus KO at 48 100 at 44 selter
CO 100 at 48 seller M
Iron IHoceom JI at 91 1X at M
seller W 00 at M
New York MO k 0 sW at 10
Prince Con 100 at 71 I
Bux Con 1M at 30 H 1104 at M sailer
30 Tlntlc Ceatral III at T W4 at 6
Tlntlc C MnMnalton 1COO at 1V1
Black JacJt lW at 11401
Carlsa MO at OSt seller M
CotoitMlo IM at 16
Columbus 190 at 47 M6 at 4TH tTOO
at 41
Cvihr Tat lC X at Mi
Ibex mo at >
Iron Illometn 300 at 94
New York UOt M 10 LWO at lOtt
buyer M 100 at 10 buyer 60
Sioux Con HiO at 3TH seller 0
Pouth Columbus Con 100 at 4
Bharei Value
Heetitoroall 8TOO SIHO3fI
Open board 14450 18c39M
Forenoon totals M1M ttOW7S
Beck Tunnel SM at 11
Black Jack lOW at 11
Carlsa JOO at 00 19 at 19 seller M
1080 at 61 JiIIfI at M seller 30
Colorado MO at M 11 W at 77 600 at
71 buyer 00
Columbus 100 at 4S 1W It n seller
601 Indian Queen 1000 at S
Iron liloseom WO at 91 roller W 1300
at M 300 at 91 seller 60
Lower Mammoth 104 at 49ft 160 at
49 Mason Valley 100 at 187V4
May Day WO at 7
New York 10W at 1914
Ohio Copper ill at 43i 35 at 445
111II at 411 H 1M at 441 W buyer 68
IM at 41T14 buyer 09
Prlnc 100 at St buyer W 100 at W
buyer M 100 at SO
Sale of Kn lInn Ailtl New Ufo to
Mt Noun Il trlct
Conslderabt activity and Interest
hall been added at the Mt Nebo min
ing district over the reported sale of
the Bva Mining company It II under
stood that control of the company
which wa held by Sprlngvllle ami
Spanish Fork people ha paed to an
eastern capitalist who will Inaugurate I
an active campaign of development am
soon as the snow pout of thu canyon
sultVclsntly to allow the work to be
don The Bva ha been an Intermittent
shipper for a number of year It ha
the deepest workings In the Mt Nebo
district and some high grade leed ore
ha been taken nut The property
consists of something like 14 claims It
I two mile up the canyon above
Star switch On account of tr loca
tion It has been neceary to haul the
ore out by burro A shipment mae
o out by pack
some tim eg hauled ot b pk
animals ted the company SH a ton
A tramway could easily connect up
the mine and the mouth of the canyon
where a level road run down to Star
switch two miles away the entire dii
wlch from le mine to the railroad
being four mile
Another rich property that Ic coming
to the front In the district Is the Nebo
P P Chrlstlson
JKar Mining company Crltln
llnlnt tmpnr
Is superintendent Among those In
terested In the property era Jam 1
Pexton Walter Mayhew and T I O
Park This company will shortly
tart up A great deal of active work
H I declared that there IA a fivefoot
vein of 1 per cent ore on the property
The district Is close to th gantaquln
and Eldorado Mining districts where
there Is unusual activity this yr
Mfsr 1mcU riicorvii
Throe SlilfU nf Men WtMUiiif Ihl Id
rallim Jniutnl
The S250AAA lease and bond on the Its
rallon pioiierty consisting of two full
hump and a fraction at Jarbldg re
iiulred not only a substantial u
payment don but that three shift
of miners be employed on the property
< nttniiiti ly up to th time o th last
A Mfoot shaft
1 ui > ment Ny I 111 fot
itt hen sunk on the vein and when
Mr Emniton left there the miner
tr > > Just getting Into the vein proper
honing values Mom light hoisting
machinery Ii lA used but the dl
rector of the company have about de
i lo d to abandon the shaft and put
their entire efforts on a great 2500 foot
The property has a splendid tunnel
Ite lit the foot of the hill fleer the bot
tom of the creek the proposed tunnel
gH Ing a vertical depth of not less than
I O feet
There has been no little real mining
In the ramp that the cost of smh a
tunnel can now b only estimated hut
It will not be less than J0 a foot
Mid Mr Rcallon That would re
quite an expenditure of lltOM to drive
ZMW feet This property is two and
a half mite south of the original
llnurne ground and many expertu who
hate examined the two think the fu
ture of the Hralnn Is as bright as
the other All the ground between the
two prtpf rtlen which are no doubt nn
the tsirA veIn hun hren taker up ant
is > n t < lPre < l thr most aiuablo in th
Will Iliitf Irfirve rnoutit IH Hum
llcnilv for Slilniiient ii u SHIII nn
Itooil to Ciiinu IK llnllicd
According to reports from Pinch th
Demijohn property I railing consider
able ore from Its WO foot level and by
the time the railroad reaches Ploch
again the company will have betweer
II and I car of ore ready for ship
ment The ore Is of a high grade thai
will net the company consldernbli
money In spit of the deprewlor
caused In Ploche on account of rail
road facllltle th Demijohn IA 11
gokig ahead
General Mcnager Owen Bailey de
claris that from eight to II b and i
half ton of a a being taken out
very day Thl is being done with
a whim
I Ii probable that ap soon as th
railroad is again ebb > to handle the
freight from the district that the Dem
Ijohn property will be fully equipped
with machinery The development on
th WO level where the same ore wai
neountered ai on the llfifnot level
A turning out In cllent ship
thus far only one wall b been sun
by the drift The or that II netu
taken out Is that obtained In develop
ment work
Warren C Bogue tle I bank
ruptcy of the Continental Mines A
lltn company of New Torkbrought
suit In th Third district court Tues
day against the Unity Mine company
In which he I to set aside a leas
and declare It null and void I II
charged that through misrepresenta
tions of the Unity company many min
ing claims In Little Cottonwood were
au the Continental Inlnl com
pany o Feb 15 1W7 The complaint
eta forth that th Unity Mining com
pany I n a corporation and had no
right to make a l ae and draw up a
contract Th trustee ask to have
the lease declared void because tho
Unity company never paid the taxes ai
Jam A IHilleck A C banker anti
broker furnish the following recslved
over Mir private win tbl afternoon <
Ophlr 1111 Mla 111
Gould A Curry I bj Con Vs tfl
1 74 Bavag tl43 Hal A Norcrecs
Yellow Jake 9 bid Belctwr 1
bid 1 110 b Sierra Nevwl
I a Kxoheqiwr I bio Union >
K Chollar sel ItS3JTONOIAl exchequer ii bM Union 7W8
Montana Tononah ft bid Tonopab Kx
tnwton TfUn MacNamers SI tipI Mid
way t4l Tooopah BctmiHit 2 W t M
Went el Kad Con J9t Jim BUa 11
HandMrom I 14i1 Cal Mt 8 asHd
0 > a
Jumbo BxC I a Booth 11 Blu I
Bull 1 Stiver Pick tot Blu Bn I
Vft Lone Star e6 0 70s Atlanta I
M askd 0 Bead > 04 R Top But I
1011 Florence 140M4K i Inlaid B B
Coo 1 ake4 Ooldneld Daisy 07
Comb JU 30I Or at Bend
xUuiton le Kwaao 70 t
Comb Fraction aI Kewano 75
Iortland 1 olid Crackerjack 181 P
Mohawk 1 bid Hed IIUI 486 T Tiger
a 4I Oramim I hid OoTdAeLj C
f17 bid IVfleM Trlaogss 1 asked Plo >
nee Ext I asked
Notional Rank I bid Amt 1 b
Hennle Clan tlO Maytlawer Con MJ4
MonlKy Mt I asked llumestekft Cons
1 caked Tramp Con 4 asked
Manh 0 2 asked Dexter 4 asked
8 I7ntt 1 ue
Knlrvlew Eagle U asked Nevada Hills
M b IltUburg Bit Peak n bid Kacle1
Nmt 3063 Rmind Mountain M44u lUw
hid Queen 101 Kawhlde Queen Re
gmt 10 asked Rawhld Coalition 91 bid
Accunllng to M special dispatch re
ceived over the James A Pollock A
Co private wire this morning tb
visible supply of cupper on March I
ua recorded at 111710 Inn This I
a decieaw of 730 ton o metal since
March 1 The amount on hand March
1 w 24f ton The amount on
hand March 15 IM wa I2S7 The
foreign vlolble supply Is estimated at
111M Urns a decrees of 4M Wi
since the tNt of the month
JanvM A Pollock t Co banker and
broker furnish the following received
over their private wire thla afternoon
Stock I lllch I Ix > w
Hoton Consolidated 1173 10M
Butte Coalition 11 II
Calumet Ik Aruwna 714 71H
Consolidated Mercur 15 15
nllc 8 1
Copper MAn 7014 7314
Gael Butt lOW 10
CMroux Coal M 10MH
Uranby Consolidated I MH
tlrecnt I satpne 10 10VI
Nevada ConsolMated MH 1
Nevada Utah 1 44 VH
Nlplfcslng 10 2044
North But 4 40 4
TrinIty 7H TH
I 0 BmeHr M 4 17H
U I Rmelter pM 111 ni
Utah Consolkh p I I
Sup 4 Boa 1 1144
Ray Central 14 1
rRe 4 4 1
North lake 11 2l1
Indiana HM fsl
Chieffons 1 3 71 1730
Jam A Pollock ft Cn bankers and
brokers furnish the following received
over their private wire this afternoon
Butte A london M0M Cumberland
Kly 1Ct Qlroux Cunsolldated OH0
U NAvada Consolidated 23 e Nev
ada Utah HUf NlpUstng 10440
H NewMouxe 244 i Tennessee
Copper 3244044 Utah Copper 43O
5 Davis Dalv m0 Dominion
Copper 207 Kly Central 1 11 OV4
Kl > iVinsolldated 91110 Kurnace
Creek Ht Oreene O B com 7
asked Mitchell 3130 V Mont nm
rr Hhi honc eVl Nevada Smelting
t Ii T b Silver Queen UUO Silver
Leaf H > n11 King Kdwsrd 4W
Poster VhHlt 2U M inbalt Central
ItHfM Mi Klnlv Iungh C14f94 Tin
Hi Mini i iH Dlhrnltar 1463
Hrnf Null fopi r 4S li S North
Putt1 Kxt nMin 141 T itItini IIt
E Sugar City Townslte I M 00
10 TliHlch r Ilros nmtklng IMO
6 Stile Hunk of liSt 1W
SO IMah Mnlii Sugar lfd IM
400 rtahldaho Sugar m lM
IVI fish Sugar Bond
MOOO auniptsr Valley R I Bonds
Edward L Burton
4 South Main tit Phan M7
We beg to announce that we
have Installed the
Duplex Wire
0 K F Hutton it Co members
New York Mod Kxchange etc
Inl special attention to Cop
per Quotation and offering perfect
fet facilities for execution
order In New York stock and
cotton Mouton copper and Chi
cago grain
Badger Brothers
100 Main Street
21H 4 B f < las KKfifH Ienna
Wyoming Iffd Kl Ran S 111
Kay Consolidated 21 o2t Inspira
tion Copper I 314011il Kay Central
1 C7lfi lila Copper Sq S Chin
Copper 1444sf 14
The following were the quotation nil
the New York curb this morning on
the following Colorado 7t9M Sioux
rolll Color 7
4ft Iron Bm MOM
G W Lmboume general man
ager of the DalyJudge property at
aR o pprt
Park City will return from the min
this In
n N IAn general manager of lh
Yank Coiwolklated ht gone t Tn
tlc t look after dcvwtopnstntn l
IU the condition of tno new
eJ market will elite on Friday
March n 0 account of th day b
Ing Oood Friday
The dividend from the llotnetak
mini will b Id on March X book
doe March I
As Boon as th mad a are In pawwhl
bae 11 BuCNUo Con nl1d td at Ophlr
shipmentS will begin ming a number of small
S 1 WIlcox of Bountiful hAi re
turned to hi mining Interact on Sat
and draw river tributaries to the
8nak river In Idaho
Fred C Whltmore a well known
mining and mill man has patented 1
belt clamp that promise rt cup
erlartty over old method
August Conlee representing the Pad
tic atcellt company of Ran Francisco
has returned from Kly when h wa
nuceeseful In mall demonatratlon
with the new powder
Maurice M Johnson for several
year chief engineer on the Nmvhouso
ftaff leaven for the raM In connnnec
tlon with n number of mining
ton numbr proposi
tion that he ha under control
101 eonlrol
A U Klmball representing th nich
mood Maoblnery company Is at
Mmlena Mtp rintendlng the Inntalfau
thin of the gas producer plant for the
CkMd Sprlns Power Mining company
pW drilling oil welt No 3
at Mt PUarnnt will rommenoe II a day
or KI The derrick hi up al there le I
CMrkMMl of coal on the ground With
a few minor necessitIes the work will
po ahwwl
C C Inman a former mine opera
tor at Ooldrteltl 1 In the city on th
way to the Wilson Mesa place In
Grand county Mr Inman goe to
build a i ton mill on the Well and
Ilorean property
The Conolldaled Mercur company
lisp just made a shipment of Its
February clean up at the mill amount
ing to tKOMO Tit ta considered good
when the hard winter weather and
Poor ore obtained are taknn Into con
About flys oil conipnnlna am operat
ing In Ux vicinity of Ikyron Wyo The
lrk Herwon Cummings company
I JtrtHtont over Ite recently developed
oil now and Noffle of the member of
the company am tieok east ordering
more drilling outfits
The Conolldatetl leasing company
has just signed up a new lease for
three year on the Signal Peak and
Eureka claim of the even Trough
8nl Peak company Manager Cleg
horn will leave In a few day to look
after the affairs of the company
Rxperlmenta are being made on the
line ore of Plocha at gait Lake Den
ver Boston and New York The ex
ment In securing a method of
treatment for 10 SnIP lead 1 ounce
in stiver tl In gold and 10 per cent
line ore is being worked out by the
Concolldated IHoche Mines Thl com
M ny has an anormou tonnage of
ouch ore blooeked out
W H Tlbbal of the Seyen Troughs
Monarch Mining company yesterday
received return nn ore from the
property that ran 1480 In gold and
74 ounce In silver for the pay
treak In the company north drift
Sample of what wa supposed to be
low giud opp and wa piled on the
dump gave value of J 1 In gold
and lt ounce a In silver
A company ha been tore at Oreen
Klver for the purpose of ualng a chemi
cal bath on gypsum am transforming
It Into mal The company own a
tarn b of gypsum four mile below
Green Hlvor The oapltal1 Uon of
the company is placed at tlO000 and
the Incorporate p I MIa E D
Robert C C MnWhinney Sea 01
pen D a W Middle ton J 8 tjbld
Warner R L Underbill J B Walton and Mat
After remaining In th hoeplUU In
flail Lake City for just a year Her
man FrenoenthaJ a brother of Kd B
Kreundenthal the lochs mining op
erator b returned to his home In
Iloche At t time Mr Frewlsnthal
entered 1M hospital It wan undenKood
that he would be oat In a few week
The week became month Mr
Freuoentha I still quIte weak and It
will b some time before h Is wale to
hdk mining tfirs as he formerly
Stockholders In the Boston Con
solidated which I now a part of the
Utah copper are able to pay their
55 cent aemnt out of the first
dividend paid them by the Utah Cop
per The purchase of the Boston wa
made with S10960 share In addition
to the JSS11SO commission received
from the Utah Copper Samuel tinier
mryer was to receive the ad
ditions 15 cents a share from
Boston Con The Boston Con stock re
ceive 211 sOO iw the dividend on the
JHIflOO shares of stock Deducting
the s cent commlwlon from each
share nf the 771000 share of Boston
ion original stock there II tlltTIt
to go to the share e holder
Pioneer Hooflne
Sold laid and guaranteed by
Htock certifiCate bonds and blank
honk nf any slxe or tyle mat to
orr Fstlmate promptly furnished
Vacate by April 1 Is the order r
celved by the tenant of the onstorj
buildings occupying th corner of Matr
and Poetofllce place The Walker cc
tate will noon after that date begin the
erection of a big omen building prob
ably not lee than eight stories wltri
a frontage of M feet on Main and J8
feet on Iotofllce place The vacate
order semis the INrterson Heal ectat
company the Doull Drug company the
Postoulce Confectionery company Rni
the Colonial cigar company scurry
Ing about town for new quarters
The Kemoh hotel corner Secant
South and Stale Itnt will be open
about April 1 according to O f
Holmes h nan Just returned from
the east where he purchased furniture
for the new hotel Five carload of
furniture will bn uhlppeil oat of Chica
go and It is elaJmml the Betnloh will
l > e one of ih moot handaomely fur
nlnhed hotel In the wept
John T Lftne b purchased from
Oorge IX Maleer the Del mar reetau
rant at 141 south Main trN Includ
ing a leejw on the btilMlng The place
K will h remodeled and opened March
Mr I B Brown cashier of the Firs
National bank of Tellurkle Lolo
ii vMllnfT In the city for a few dayt
on bin way to Los Angele being thl
guest o Mr A M Wrench of the Tel
lurid lleally company Mr Drnvrr
firmly bHIevea In th future of gall
Lake which is shown by hi purcha
of two Iota In Federal Height thi
beautiful addition to the city situated
at th head of Kaet South Tempi
tNt Tb Iota chosen b Mr Brmvr
are tttl on Wolontt avenue over
looking the nUN city and which Mr
WTOWH cnnetders superior to any lk
amount f frontage anywhere on South
Temple streetS
r t 0
T nrnetnl pal of Highland Park
which wai recently annexed to the rltv
wj flleJ Tuesday In the city engineers
office The streets In the now addition
are arranged alphafcettcallr but will
not Interfere with the northmt plat In
the city The first street eat of Thir
teenth East In Highland Park addition
In Alden street The next to Beverly
and then flk ChartwIcV Dearborn
miA Xllmore Olenmare Hartford Im
perial Jaamlne Kenwood Laurel Mar
shall Nelden Oxford and FreMon
KlmtMll A ItlchBrd the owners of the
tract expect to see the car line laid on
Stralfoni avenue Thin extend from
Htehland Park drive clear thrmwrh to
lreatnn street There are a number of
other street In the new addition which
run on the north and south widen of
tb tract
I New Incorporations I
T Warranty ItMl Uslata Invest
ment company of Salt lAke flied arti
cle with the county clerk yeoterday
placing the capital stock At JICOOOO In
dollar nhttre of which 40090 Miarea are
held In the treasury Tho offlcors a
W R HuMmrd president V J Dooley
Icy vice president 1 8 Anderson ret
retail Phil 1 Miller treasurer Ad
dltlonnl directors are M 1 Cummins
T I Cartwright and I leo in The
company take front Anderson Cur
mlng and Miller T4 lo8 In Pak Cm
cent subdivision which ii the west one
half of Ito 16 township I south
range 1 east Mat Lake meridian at a
valuation of ICe
o 0
The American Button Sowing At
tachment Novelty company of Halt
lAke filed article with the county
clerk yeten1ay taking ovA patent to I
1 button wtn device twued to Wil I
liam S antI 1 J Holdaway The cap
ital took 75 JM > O In shanyi of Z
cent each of which 400600 share Arc
held ae treasury Mock The officer
are I wter O Naylor pre4dAnt Kr
net I Woolley vie prelff nt Fred
R Woolley secretary and treamirer all
of whom ar dlrrctnni with IV H
Holdawmy and Bamn 1i Illoh
Article o the M A Keywr Fireproof
Warahoune of
proof Storage War company
Bait Lake were filed with the county
olrk yesterday T capital stock In
HODW In dollar chaos of wMch 9600
ah are held In the tmuiury The
offkora are f A Key er preeWent
eretary and treasurer O D Keyser
ton pnwldont and Jamcn IngertM
the additional director 0
In an amendment to the article of
the tat Tlntlc Gold King Mining com
pany lIbel with thn county clerk yes
terday the 4MOOO nonanemab har
are made subject to awwwment with
the other 680000 share all of which
have a p value of a 5 cent each
JnxAph Luce and wife to Paulina
Ulllls part of lot 4 block e plst
a p1
B S 7369
John I Iron n and wife to Joeph P
Palmer part of section U town
ship S south ranice 1 west H7SO
Thorns H Walk and wife to Jonas
Johnson part of section V town
Jo pri I
ship 2 south rang 1 east I
AndronTaylor Co to Isabella S
Armstrong et si part a lo I
block n plat A tU
Ie B Wicks to John C Psareen
part of lot II block K Waste
A 1
KABwiekstt > KftiK iveVly
part of lot M lot U block 0 ml
Perk Itoh t
AshtonJenkins Cn to OeMrn Roth
tot J Oltmer Plae Sub M
Arthur D Lynn and wife to Haiti
Barton lot 1 and 1 block S
Pop pert on place 1
Salt Lake Bee C Trust Co to Klm
ball ft Richard Co It I f M
a U Hollywood S Tract M
Nephl HI raw of Springvlll W In
dftlt Ittke Tuesday afternoon on his
way to Idaho where he ip connected
with lbs StrawCharrington Miller
company which I finishing up a con
tract on one of the big lot river Ir
rigation canal
J 1ewson Hmlth ha gone to Mon
tana nn engineering business
Mr L 1 Hbaub wa able to return
to her home today from the droves L
D I hospital where abe b been r
ceiving treatment for two week
Charie L Berry ha returned from
a bulnej trip extending from Hpotutne
to 141 Angeles He found the country
went parntiy prosperous wherever he
Manager Burton t the Utah Impl
meritVehicle company Is at Preton
Idaho on bu1nee
Word from Colonel O B Squire In
California state his rapid Improve
ment In health which Information II
very gratifying to hili friends
RxUov I M Well ha returned
from Maryivale He say the snow is
all gone from the lowland hut there
I plenty of It In the mountain and
the general outlook In that section of
the tate iir the coming spring I
very encouraging
Knnpp nnil Xclll I avc for ChIcago to
Arhllrnto I
Wsushlncton March Cbalrnwn
Knapr of the interstate oomnwrw com
miN n riuwl w p Nell com
ml4oner of labor medlatrir itnder the
Krdman at left tn Chicago today to
undortake the adjustment of the con
1mver between the western railways
nn1 their engtnemen nnd flnmen Roth
mediator r rfiiMNl hope nf a UlH
ful outcomo
New York Msr < h It Belling of stocks
In considerable volume Was rMUOird to
day with the opining of business at the
eto exchange and small fractional de
cline resulted American Smsltlnic lost
1 and Norfolk 4 Wsslurn
Kuppurt was leaking to the njaxkst and
stOcks were poured out steadily The cc
tram weaknwwshown by Union 1aolfic
and U 8 Steel created nn unfarorable
Imprecelon oil speculative SMitlmtnt
o epwaUV
Unlon Pacific lost IV Ama4g mated Copper
Uh llc
Mr ud V H Steel 14 lh prafened and
Southern Pacific 1 an1 New York Cn
8ulbrn Paul Besdlag Northern t
tr lt Pl
cine Brooklyn Transit Amerloxn IJMO
motive American Smelting and various
ohM I
IJquktattoa In peculall stocks pro
IIutn J
weeded during the morning Mote wend
dence wa JP maae labor trouble
settled stocks were pressed
would be but eka
ul b th p
to sie Humors sprang Into drcuta
Lion which Indicated apnlf activity The
money outlook wo regarded as unfav
orable Yesterdays sharp break In prices
In Itself Indue further soiling Lrt
selling order were said to come to
w ro source Th dlstrlbutlan of the
1nlted State Steel pamphlet report wan
followed by mauling saId Kadlmc
folow1 Southern Pacific 2i rnHeil
StstM Steel 1 and American Hmeltlng
Itt Noon price were a fraction sLot
the lowest
Bond were heavy
haunt traders ceased active operations
ltt tn
and the market fell Into dulnms with
fluctuation unimportant Itulinc price
nuctuul large percentage of losses of
from 1 tot points
trm to
With the cetwatlon of the forenoon
liquidation the market got Into something
thing of a rut the profesBiciul preferring
ferring to wait until ther wn Indies
tloiin of Urge market movement again
Chicago < rrat Weteni prefered lost I
Th market closed W An eJTertlve
rally In price accompanied tile cover
Ing of prl Study of the U I 11
pamphlet report conduced to the recov
ery Heeding reeotuid reached t Booth
edln Td
P Pacific and Amalgamated Copper IH
and Union Ioolflc 1 rIte demand cloed
tnlon a force toward the end cf the
day and prices ran off again
Chliigo March I5CittlflSOeIlte me
tltnated at UCO market U higher
Reeve 3841 Texas 4loO1O western
ern 4b5470 lk1 and fteijers 300
100 640 cows 10 and heifers lTetKls calves
IlowKlteoelpls MStlmstMl at Jlft
market tc lower Light WWJWM
mixed 104107 heavy WUCllOi
rough 10M0IOJR good to choice heavy
UisSf llfi 1061 pigs I0l04I bulk of sales
ghpep Hecelrts eetlmated a ItftlO
market strong Nail IOfi6 west
NI J81
r 5nB yearllogs 7804IIW t
ern 8C041 10 SOKANSAS
Kane s City March Cattlelie
celpU to market stroag to Wo higher
mrke II
Clp Native ten 47 410 cows and
heifers 1X9700 stockers and feeder
hfH ITO ant
4B0lZ bulls 44505B OOIVMI tO9
300 tt bul steers 5350700 western
cows 400510
Hogsllecelpt WOTO market steady
ii lo weak Hulk of sale ltl
heavy 161351476 puckers and butcher
o4 9feffi light l to > WW pigs S6M4T
BtwpniscHpU 01 market strong
Mutton 6Nr Iamb I 09fl fed
western withers and yearling 7 3 ao
fed western ewe 7f < 7Ti
OmsUi March l I CatlleHe lptB
S700 morkot strong to 1 higher Native
steer lW 8W cows and heifers 4504T
610 western steers 004KOO canner
Ii t4un stocker and feeders 4004147
calves 001611 bull stags etc 409W
efxHog Hcelpt fjoo market S to K > o
lower Heavy 1 4 10IO mixed MD9C
1444 light 101003075 pig OOO 90
bulk 1OM4
fthe pncel > t TAfffi mnrkt steady
Ixmbs 10 to lie higher Teartlnifs 8W
SH w th rs 7M4HOO ewes 7600100
Iamb 901t
Ht Louis Mareh IIIWooI unchanged
Territory and WtA meillumo 14937
fine medium 10ft4 nn lM ax
Boston March ttTh > keel wool
market remains very quiet although the
sentiment Ie somewhat firmer because of
the strong tone of the London salem
Much Interest centers In the prices that
roust be paid for the new clip Montana
growers am still holding for 35c and
very little contracting Is being doe by
local buyer
Pine medium territory sells at Me end
a little quarterMood Michigan has sold
at lie
The leading domestic quotations range
all follows
Scoured basis Texas F1n twelve
months TOtrTl fine MX to eight months
tS 64
liforniaNorthern 104t4 middle
county M0a fell fro gf AX
Oregon Rastern No I staple 73871
eastern clothing TOO 71 valley No1
TerritoryPine sUiple 7M74 flno
medium staple T64W1 fine clothing 640
M am medium nlolhlng MttW half
blood BOSS threelghthbTood 99
12 auartoTblood 407
Pulled Kxtra non fine A S7 rTO
A supers 004
Chlctlll March IL1h what market
was Arm during the early trading today
owing to active covering of shorts who
bought freely of the distant deliveries
An ofHolsl forecast uf fair weather gets
rally In the southwnwt was largely re
sponsible for the buying Some otter
Ing however were based on private re
port of rain In different part of Kan
sas The July and September options
opened from H to H up advanced slight
ly In the first hour and steadied midway
between the hlgu and low points July
Mid between IWWi and IV7S Slay
opened H off to ti up at IiB t to lUH
and sagged slightly In the first hour
Trading In the corn pit was without
feature and price were generally steady
at the outset and moved within narrow
llmlte May sold between MU cad M
Trading wo of light volume Opening
figures for the nearby month were a
had lower to a shade higher at MS
Oats started unchanged to a shadn
higher laflumced by the strength of
wheat la the first hour and prices kept
close to the opening figure which for
May were 41 fc to I5O44
Provisions were higher at the outset
on scattered buying A rspetfllton of
ywterdayn large offering from packer
howver took the edge off the market
and quotation sank from I to Me In
the first hour Opening figures for the
May products vere
Pork 1010 7H up lard 11M to III 2H
to 7H UP and ribs 1144 Ie higher
Whentljler In the day 611 away
In the distant futures July dropped tn
lel and May fell off tt touching bot
tom at 111 Th close was Inn for July
and September with July H H up at
107 and wak for May which finished Vi
off at 1 HV
enrllTha morkt cotiUnue1 hmvy
throughout Ihe seen May dropping to
6144 Th clove wa weak all around
with May HOTS 0 at 0 1t
Corn coh No i m NO I whit
1314164 No 5 yellow 54400 No I M
aM In i whit mq6t No 4 yellow
I7 44 Olt
CIWht4Iay lUH July 107
ept 1A4H
iCornMty IS H July 1111 11e t tH
0UMay 4t July 41 ff pU 4M4
Isles Pork per bblM y 3IM July
Lard pr IC rt OM UM July
IJTi Ssjit U Ie
Short Ribs per 100 Ibs AIay 114JH
July 11110
TlmnthySlarch 4 n 44A
Bur1yOuh 570
Clover llorrh 671111
Rye Cash 7ff7 May 7944
fhlmgo Murh IKTluttcr Htsaxly
Crrsmertts ifitni dairies SB
BeetSteady at mark cases Included
10 rn Walr j 1
tia dnt 8
1OZC2 t j 1
Dondo TloJ K
11 1thIdI fo I Ii
10 COIn Vsg M 1
10 AmJt4 II
John C Cutler Jr
1NVESTMIM Iititiii1i ISArI lJ
139140 CONIiTITJj I
DOlh honi 04 E lJ
1 P to 01
C leea04ted I
18410 I
YOIUjf t
long linen lli o
Nw York fr i I
muCOVS4lO M IN c K
lest 4 M molaiwei 1
Refined steady iruMi
110 powdered Jai I
Cofteeps th
No 4 Santo 0
Last sale Wnh
malltlUDated IPI
American ot 11
American Car A Kmn1 > 1 x
American Cotton i MI 4
American Loconmtu 14
American Smelt I a A v >
Amer Smelting A i > i 44
Amerloaii Sugar Rnn i K N
Mining <
Atnhleon NI
Atlantic Coast Line 11
Baltimore A Ohio Ii
Broklyn c A
Rapid Trait
Snadian ItIcln S 1
< 1Ike A Ohio
Chloagn Northw I
Chicago Mil A 8t T >
Colorado 4e
Fuel A I n
Coloratlo 8 Boothf
Delaware A HuN
Denver 8 Hlo rinm >
Denver A Rio < > r ni >
Orent Northern prl 5
Great Northern Or f
Illinois Central It
InUrborough fel J
Interboroug Met pfi
Lotllavllle A OOhill
National Biscuit hit
National I < ead 1
New Yrk Crntrnl
Norfolk A Western i 7
Northern Pacific
Pacific Mall >
Pepleii 14
inillmnn Palace cur
Dock Island Co
nock Island Co Ifol
Stottthern Pacific
Southern nallwnv
Union IVwIAc
United States 1101
United State Hlr H i <
Wabh pfd
Western Union
Standard Oil
New York March I > > M
steady 101 per < rnt I
oloctnK bid 3 ol1r1 a
rime loan firm o
per cent six month IM i
Close Prime m > r1f t I
to 5 per cent
HterHng exchange 11041 > nti IM
liuelnee In bankers hills nt 4M009j
for 60day hill ami a t 4 t rr v 1
Commerdal bills 4 SIt i i
liar silver II 44
Mexican dollar 44
Government bmiN i
bo heavy
stock certificate
book of anv si < > >
order Kstlmsti M t
Jas A Pollock Co
No I V fot 8fonrt p i 1 Strut
locks and lint Jjhl ml
Sold In any markt f v w fi t
Fait t servlc 10 t I 110 Bitl
of Trod
Table showing the range ol
price of
ofUtah Stock
by month for year 1909 will bt
sent you on application br aG
dressing us
Kelly Montrose
Ilrokers 410 McrornlckBlfljk
Will Buy
nv CMI I 110I
1 Dewret National Dank 110
Will Sell
S UthM Cp Stork J31100
We handle all good bakL
You dont require
a lot of money I
o ii p1 J jj
I i I
before you can place
Interest Our preferred pt I
at tl 00 per share imd n U
row hni a
RS man or as
please It draws
Pajo1le QUUI icriu
nnd ynur monev is Mfr lh II i
easels nre gilt II 11DAT
panVs V ToDA T
bllltle nil Ak bit
Stocks may lie n rl1a1 on c
tlty st the ennpiIflP nqr7h olfr
Jtt went south Temple I OIIot1l
at John C Cutler Jr hrhr
Ion building

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