DESERET EVENING NEWS TUESDAY JUNE 21 1010 tt1 1 If ASEBALL AND ATHLETIC SPORTS I I ITNNm TOURNAMENT Orf S N XT fRIDAY tnrII III UlllltU tlllll fla IIII Ilw I culull Jrnrl I nte h mplon hln Ion E irlM cor II ve opened at Ii oclock 11 hen Ihe enrcuttve com rlda > > nnll II K < > nyon hole rho mltl me tJ III la afternoon nl flnt ftC I d Ihe draulntcH for it COJ wllllRke place Kri 1M M I v ih Iwo weeka o dI111 wleldln lh < rllcl1u1 pHrt n Imp ha Ilikon 1lnro an410 VN will enter Iha tounm 111 I thn H before and v r Ibtrt fI rbl I baiy be iomo urprl eB In Ihl m wa I hI 01 fft Aa Int Ihe Conlltr elub 4JT anrt IAlc chumrloll de dfl Im It J I dl An olorn cruk tHird J II aroro or 6 1 0 iM vll Va lIueal or Ham f 4 fit A Ii fitSejrni J wi ymterdny put him In i J 11 N If n1 II olllVu i h r a ra > > 0101 10 dofmn hla tills aL 111 111 111 much troulilc In nmthi yjlr 1 n j sallnbur and IM mon i hild me ehnmnlonitlilp K W fiw mi arrld lIt tho lion Mlii Kl Ie > I l < ncie laii year and Ih rI In form now than belter i in m i 1 pla > lnr MIS WHIImna anrt h Wn will nlr the double SMtbls wllh IhO y hold tho JID 11 > 1 u nlnBtBl fallomjl T IHrhrl Inmmerclnl build Iot II T m xneret National In G J f B wn Hell Teln > hone tk In or Ihc nlrles an < 1 an j b 4111J rrl h I t > rllall1nle In Ihe iI rQurald 10 aehd their pIIIIIUar t l n A nrrHiiglnp for a tour Iht ivrni In Js e limtltu n1 iO 1 t1 m itlon of Iliynleal 11 UT it noingri li to arrsnuc a tour r < < 1r the M l1 A AI CoIornJo mtnt will lrohAhl takl SUlVn ZKUKtIffShAletaVr can he de llttt upon NATIONAL LEAGUE xv u ret 13 16 m fTI 0 Sf York 91 g K Fluburl 24 610 rintlnnttl 17 471 J4 ft Ipul J4ai 37OT 400 I lIrttktn ji OT 417 I JlllIldllha 18 31 3 If Jlon CUllS 1IOMI IIHTIXC HUB iTilo Jun S Chicavo won a I > trdIin > me from Cincinnati fi to I < l < dv HheK ar1 kno < k d a homo run with two on liases in the seventh Score H 11 K s i n nic lo J r t I Clnrlotiti P tUrle Colc Iliihle and Kllng R vrtn Uurn s > nl Mi Man J Vmplrcs niuler andl2mslle IW111 HliATS < JIAVIS Broikvn Jun S Cy Ilarger reg litered his nf1 slraight victory today 1non Ilrooklvn If f < aie < l New York 4 ti > i mrrr had thr New York puzzled In t rj innlnr tXPI tllO seventh whan ltiln irlpirtl and scored on a hit that a n ItrldN t Hrsi WUtio nns effectlvo I 11 ill ftiept tWee Inning Sro t n H K Ne Virk 1 G 1 Brooklm 4 9 0 rUtlerlejWilttd IInd Myers Uarger ml Utrgtr Irtplrfi Klein and Kane nosTox iosrs ox JI 1ft 0 itS rblidlp JI > f rhllndelphla d f f ilM iMinn t iiiv > 10 t the former cunVn their hlis Two sacrifice tiles wf tro err ri and three hast on balls It iv inninKi were also contributory rt > cri 8w 11 II K BM i S 5 J rhia1tlp l 6 4 4 IUtlr troivn and draham Me 9iillft nun liK in Implres ODjy and Hrennan tvuiixus nr mnuTia > it Ixnili jun 3J Ilttuhum won l Brit MID rf the nerleo from Ht Uoli l < > < Iar all < r a rathir dlncouraKlnp ittrt i to j Beore TP ir IT 8 u1 lr tlllh 5 9 2 I1Ir1 tllll HRrmnn anl TJrelnn 11 Whit nM liE IIn1 JIbon Implrr Johns and Morun The Army of Constipation II Crovint SmAller Every Day CARTtns UTTLE UVER PILLS 11 < 1 poGIiUorJ 0 < 1 101 f tJ tlllnd UtI cutlp Ii M lio lie Ior liIiu kitiol Sidt HiJclt SUcw SUa SMAU MI SIALL DOSE SMALL PRICE enulne J1IM f < = < < X A TRIB I maranteed rure for the Jaw and TobtKCO Habit t PRICE 1250 scnn lI IIOIf1HOl nnncs e Blotta t lltre the Can Slop tr + WI Irl1 tl t yon thfJllk it1 liS n Ilfm i I t us fiB I Fil1 NOV I In I Western Fuel Co 2 1 c 3 tllchlow F cher Kittle 4 Cble acJdrrss Wesfuco 8 Phollts 6 79 73 Main street I II I CRACK LAWN TENNIS PLAYERS ENTERED IN METROPOLITAN CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNEY 1fJffXAiVOEH I Newport mid lon wuo1 for many earH have bocn thn tcnnl center of America dettiltn the fnrt that New York and vicinity have produced Iia nmjor part of the cntrlox for theie lour namcntfl The New Vork public hai novor boon Riven tho opportunity of Kpclns the American tennis experts In action until thlx neawin Tho motto tiolltan chiimnlnnhlrs which Ktarted June 18 have obtnlnetl an entry lIt which bldn fnlr to give to New York AMERICAN LEAGUE W L IcI Nr York 30 16 r 3 1hlladclphla 31 11 16 Del roll 1 tI r lIoAon fi 21 610 evoI81111 19 2t n lIahlnlllon 23 29 U < hlcaK C1 4Z11 SI Ioul 12 31 Ii SOY PUY IAST Cleveland Juno 3 Chicago defeated Cleveland 1 to 0 icorlng the only run of the game on ttme Infield singles and u wild pitch Olmstcad was very effective Kctire It It K Cleveland 0 C 0 Chicago 1 10 1 Hstterle f Kalkenbcrg Kerslner and Easterly Olmstenil and Payne TIOKItS WI3IIK VlliI Detroit June 2u Hay held Detroit O fivo hits hero today whlln 8t Ixiuls hit Bummers hard and took advantage of the wlldness of WllletU who started the game Score K H K St Iouis 4 11 1 Detroit 2 i 2 Hatterles Hay and Stephens Wlllett Summer Pcrnoll Mullln Blanage and Schmidt WESTERN LEAGUE W L Pet Sioux City SO C3 177 Denver 31 23 fill Wichita 31 SI 6 7 4 Omaba IS IS JM Lincoln 2 < 21 491 Dex Molne W 3 49 Toprka St M 4J9 St Joseph 19 31 SKI At I > cs Molneailwa Molnes 2 Wichi ta 7 At Omnha Omaha 3 Topeka 6 At filoiuc lltySloux City Ill St Joseph 10 At Uncoln Lincoln 5 Denver J NORTHWEST LEAGUE IV I Ict Rpnkann 31 S Ml Vancouver 9 > X IK Rfftttle M 30 CU Tacuma 2i 31 4ti Tacoma Wnsh June 31 Score n HK Vancouver 3 4 0 Tacoma 2 7 1 Seattle Vah June 3 Score n II E Hoattle 0 3 Spokane J 7 Hatterle Ilcndrlx and Cuter Daker and Hruoki AMERICAN ASSOCIATION W I Pet Minneapolis 41 18 Toledo M 14 r l Bt Paul T 27 W5 Indianapolis 30 32 4M Milwaukee < 31 4V Kansas City IS 4o7 Columbus K S4 tM loulv1IIe 24 37 3M At Milwaukee Toledo 8 Milwaukee L At MlnneapolU Minneapolis S Indian spoils 2 At lifiiinns City Columbus 5 Kansas City in At St PaulIxnilMllle 5 St IMul 3 PACIFIC LEAGUE I s AnKleK June 3V Score n II H Portland 4 6 fl Vernon o 4 J Ilatterles opegg and Fisher Itrackcn rldge and Ilrowne COLLEGE BASEBALL Wllllam towi MHFU June aiCol 1CK < Wllllamp 4 Amherst 0 Tho AWiltorii Monthly will tell Thn MUll Hack Kant about this city and tho Intermnuntaln went Sutwcrlbo toilay Our roprefentntlvo will call SIX BEST SEttING BOOKS UICORD ron MAV ccordlnR to reportu from the lead Ins buck n lltr of the country the nix book flctlon which have noM bent In th order of demand during tho month arc A Modern Chronicle Churchill 11 to WhIle MaRle Phllllpn 150 The no ar > nrcillr Put man 135 Lady Merlon Colonial Vard 150 Ily Inhrrltnnce Thanet UBO The KlnRdom of Blonder Bwordic ntva 1 150 DEsrunr xtsn HOOK STOHK The Ixaillnc Hook Concent Main St IIIAC Th the position that It merits In tho tennis world This Is tho fourteenth year that 1m inero > olltan ciumpoiuhlp him been pliiyoO for nnd In the 1imt It has been won by Hitch well known experts ns I P nicher llayiuand D Little Harold H Harked Holconib Ward F n Aloxander and K CO Inlnnn the 100 winner who 1ms to play through thr tournnniciit this year All of these men with the exception of Holcomb Ward who hall retired will play In the Motn > polltnn chumplonshlp this year ALEX SMITH WINS NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP Philadelphia Juno W Alexander Hnilth the luofesslonnl of the Wykagyl Uolf club New Hochelle N Y won tho cpluyoft of the triple tie for tho open golf championship of the lnlted titaten today on the links uf thn PmUdelphla Cricket club with a score of 71 for the IS holes J J MeDorinott of Merchantvllle N J won second money ulth a score of 76 The champion younger brother Mc Donald Smith of Clalrrnont Cal was thlicl with 74 The three men had tied In the competi tion last week with scores of J s for the 72 holvi In thn play today McDermott finally outdrove the winner but tho great steadiness of Alexander Smith en abled him to lead throughout the match The winners card wast Alexander Hmlth out 4 4 S 3 I 431 In a 4 S 4 4 8 3 4 334 Thn winner received the gold medal em blematic of the championship and a curse of tail The second man purse HS 1134 And the third noo 21IIOIJK AUTO HACK New York June 21 Arrangement arei being made for another 24hour automo bile race at the Ilrlghton Deach motor dromn on Irlday and Saturday July 15 and 14 IJKATS WKSTOXS HKCOHD Knn Kranclirn June 21 Slmlllmr leis urely Into town Jack Kldredge of Hoi ton nalked Into the Yoijnn Mens Chris tian association home here last night and niudn his claim to the ttOQ which h8 Imn von as a Wltllf from ttie Boston Athlrtlo club for his walk from Iloston to Pan Francisco In less than 104 days He hAS been Just 77 days In coveting 4C > Y miles and claims to have outfooted Edward Payson AVfuton hv 2S day In his crxuit toroast walk Kldredge Mked El miles a ilny on an average HI best dlstanco wits 7fi miles In 0 hour The start wan made from Iloston March 16 IHO KAixmny THOUT T f Siiulres a mall carrier caught a rainbow trout In nig CottonwOOd creek Hunday which weighed 7M pounds This H the record beating It B Jones catch In Provo river by a quarter of a pound The fish which Hqtllro caught was welghe1 by AI Smith nt the Western Anna and Sporting Oood compan vuirHT HITK CHOWIKY Ixindon June JOllealn C Wright of Iloston defeated W C Crowley In the first round nf singles In the open lawn trnnls championships which wer begun at Wimbledon today The score wns I 7t 3 6J SCTOH sirNKn uv SKAI S Chicago June a H n Jfthnson president of the American league todAY announced approval of the releaie of H Putor bv Chit ago to Kan Rranclsco Small Accounts Am particularly ilewrc liy the National Copper llnnU not iKcaiix they MIT MIUlll Illlt ItCOUUM Of HIP crcat urobahlllty Hint Iliry 111 Broil lanrrr Mono hr o < N inoitry Tho Iriiosltor If lid 1 > rt > lla In irll ilolnc toon hai rniniEh iitonry tn crnup a fntorntiln liniMinont op ixirtiinlty PortuiiM nre hiilll flrxt nn Ravines MT ind on wilt ln > ri > t inriilo TIle man MIO oornn n Iwiiik ncrount linn takrn llm first t < n > on the ronil tn fnrtiinp If roil linto not now n Imnklnc con nect Ion open nn account today n NationalCop nllllk SAND STORM PUS HAVOC WITH RACES Cloud of HIIHt Oh curl lliir > ci < anil rill Cinnul Stand llrlilni Specimen To tv > ii > r The Uiiena VillA race were run Mon day afternoon In a bllndlnic and Iorrn which Impend tlie 1 > 0nhN at they came flown the stretch and sifted throuHh lh grand alnnd drlvlnv the upectntor Into the four corner It WII la < ll duy too and thn imuil vrnxd wua prevent but the betting dropped oft Wlmt money wan waRored however the hook i car ried off for only one favorll romt > + d home a winner The wind unset tho form and tho talent too for that matter In each raco the borne were met with a stlir wind In the stretch and a cloud of dint which obKuurrd tho nlh from the Krund Htand lllskru n ft to 2 favorite was the only well pla > eU horn that corn over for tho talent lln beat out Itanion Corona In H hard drlv In tlie Mretrh with Tavora third Prometheus H 10 to 1 ohot fhe Slicker 7 to I and the Native Hon 6 lo I were the three lonit idiots which wun yesterday and broko the talent In tlie laat race Manawr Dick Uwyer gave the liolDf a bud mart Obcron tot aw y bratlnt the barrier while Flora 11 ley who niiK plnyrd heavily In the lift linK wa > almost left at th pout In the stretch lluckthorne ram up and won In a flnu drive with fl < > ia fllley second arid Captain Durnett third The summary First rncn lt furlong purro tyfl telling lilnkra Cotton 6 to S won Ramon Corona Carroll 8 to 1 nocond Tavorn UaiiRiin 7 to S third time 1156 Ocean Hhnrc Vbor Itoy Hhum ay Chief Uefmond Sahailo rilover Kyle 1laniBOIha Tuir Hunt und lion Stone alto ran Second race i < even furlong purse N > > elllnit J IIIJ Coburn 3 to I won Iloynl Hlver f Iloiand I 5 to n c ondl Silver Drain Jnlmnen I 7 to I third time l2i Mlsprlslon Mlllern Uaucli ter Minnie and Sum Ueriiard also rnn Third race reven furlons purr o tjft cllln r IrometheuB GaUKnn 10 tn 1 won Veymouth Nolan 3 tn 1 second Swede Sam Fluchor 11 to B third time 129 Htxclnl Delivery fnniera Proteuc Littleton Almcna The Mclntonli and CorrlRan nlpo ran Fourth race lx furlonu purne Wrt wlllnic Native Bon I 1lncbcr 6 to I on Lena I > ech Cal ahlin S lo J i er ond Itoy Junior Otis IZ to l lhvTI tlmelH3S Ilfn K Sleet rhnrllo oherty Salpearl Yama and Wicket alno ran Fifth race lx fiirlonB purw > SZl I nelllnB The slicker Irem 7 to 1 won roonskln fKcderls 7 to 5 nerond Va lencia Wander 13 to 10 third time 114J6 Pmlley Mctrntr Aoqula Mr Nu > r nt and Cavallena alo ran Sixth race one mile tmr c P Illnir lluckthorn lIu lon 9 to B won flora Hlloy CJ Carroll 7 to 6 second Cap tain Durnett Helden JO to 1 third 1114 JS Obern Kiddy Lee Ana Swell Girl also ran FAST CARD SCHEDULED AT SAUCER TRACK TONIGHT WRier Domara And Gordan Walker Are pitted n alnst each other at the Salt Palace Muoer track this evening In a special match race iist two heat In pcal the wprlnterM will ride I hal mit threequarters nnd n mile single paced DemrK has been showing all kinds of speed In his races this year and Walker who Is one of the favorites on the track of several years standing will be given a hard conteat Jackie ClurXe the Australian will go another worlds record tonight after InCtI r I crd tonlrhl when he will try tho quartermile unpac ed The record Is helu by Iver I > awson and Is 2346 seconds lnt K Whit tier the worlds champion motorcycle racer will attempt to go 1 mile In lean than a mlnutn In breaking mie track record two weeks ago for two miles h rode the first mile In a mlnuto flat re flatThe other events nre an follows Twomile Inp handicap prufenslonnl IIII halfmile oi > en profcuslonat one mil handicap amiteur twomil open lap amateur CHRISTIE STOPPED CHRSTE ALL THE POUCHES Ulil Ilehlrr Ooo in Iho Floor lUl U nclous Umlcr llaln or Illr Hani InliH Jack Chrlntlc an old professional prlre flshter of former day tried tn como back and pleas the fight fans at the Salt palace Monday night when bo fought Jack Ilogers After threo roundo of hard and vicious etuKglnu Chrlstlu went down for the count and Hefere Hardy Downing gave floger the de clslon While Christie showed I flash or his former cleverness he was matched against a younaer and stronger man and was beaten to tbe floor unconscious twice before the mill was stopped Itogers aggressiveness worn Chnstiu don in tne nrat round In the second round Chrl tle went down under a terrific rtln of blows but the tons ravin him He le was carried to hla corner revived nnd tn the third round was floo < ed with a stnUulu right to the solar plexus After he had recovered the pugilist staggered from his corner and protested against the decision He wanted to jro on again but the crowd shouted for tno next tout to go on Christie says that he was fit t continue the flehtlng and vants another msteh Kid Iuxan ILH knocked Insensible In the nrst round of his fourround contest with Tommy Hnlllvan Hultlvan was ton much Tommr lighter opponent and rush will ed him about the ring hitting him at willKddle Kddle Johnson kinvkM nut KM lan niui In the third round I was a fast nght and the crowd enjoyed It Dutch Erne and Jack Delaney fought four lon rounds to n draw and Kid nose and Tounc Tommy Han also fouehl a four round draw rount The Manhattan club held Its prlio fights In the Bnlt Palace saucer track arena There were about V right fans present and tho lite pleased the crowd bal r truin Ih4 Halt Palaje pavilion HOT VI2VTlliit UIiMINO mutt not bei to heiavy yet Instructive and Interesting enough to keep one awaiie Try The Castle Hullder liy Nephl AtidnrBon the story of Iovonnd adventuro In the Uind nf tho Mid nlKlit Hun I In I largn l > ook for llui money 0 For sale at the Doseret Newt nook Htoie FIVE BULL TERRIERS ATTACK AND INJURE WOMAN Run Matro Cat Juno 1MI ncrtha 8pphel Alien wife of Dr I A Alton and a loader In local t o clety circle waa attarkrd laat cvrnlnx by five bull Urrtfrs belonitlnK to her huiband who Is one nf the beat known dog fanclern In tho Hate Mrn Allfn hear tho dogx rn rllnr In a rrar yard n h r home She found them riitntlnir Whrn the tried to Hrpnrate them all five turned upon her and mAngled her an M > verely that hr rondltlon la Ira The flmh wa torn from her right should her rlrht hand and forearmi were bitten and torn and her limb ernteil fr AlUrt beat tho animal on with a fence mil all the while railIng Ing for help and finally nUcgereJ to the 1oor ny of the houfe where nhe WI found In H falntlnK condition The dogs are rrgtntered and arnonfr the In eat of their kind In the country I FIHT GAME KNOGKEO DOT IN CAM 1niiiintrrH Him siirrrmlrriHl Coin plrlclj lloiilM In 104 iF diH Cnlle < l OIhlt lll > otniln Do Sn IIHII < ro Juno siTo all IIPIOr lcea Dip IKhl promoter nave Hurrvnd er l completely o fur I California la ronroniPd ItlcUxril ni viiii Illut and the l er uroinotrii In Hun Kranclwo und tho IA > H Angele nri inoter have rrnMd all talk uf n trht I UK the mnmlate of nov Ulilott In I lie f VII > Th covvriior IIH Imuiil ordciN tn atop IniutH itrliediilrd for the prvmnt inmill In L Aniielen HlmMx Him Koin iininllB The latter liirliiden th AttollMoran Idround affair iluwn for next 1llJuy in ta AnIIO Thi last villKe tit UK Lrpood uiiponltlon to fill litt K innliinii hao ceemlngly dloil nway ml tho fighting fraternity apparently liavn roiii > liid rt mat the game la dcml in CrtllfornlH ilunnx Illlnti term nt least JelTrla will break camp m Ikn lomonrt thlM morning Tin boiiermaker fill reach 8nn Kfancliici euilv thin afternoon uml Hlult lor lUnn I tf thin evening John ami will nroliublv not lart for Nevada bfore > inf > uiiy and po Mlbly not until ThuiHtlay inornuiH The hoard or unervlHom of Han rrmi CBCI Iwve nut ofr any lon on iirndlnu flKht pcrmlla The Kitchellxingforl mutrh nil I 1 pulled off In Iteno I th > morn II of July 1 Coimlderable nnirliin loii wan ruutetl In tho call of the fighter luot nlnlit by I report to the erreot tint Oo Dlck erw > n of > vada would follow ullloUii lead ami prevent the flirht In 111 atate Johnkou neemeit more dlnturhecl UMII any one l r and announoed 111 night Hint he would nut move towardx Ilenn until definite am uranren cre given tliat the Neada ic < tinui wotiltl net Inteuere I IN known IKTI that ationg pretmire la boliiK brouKht to Ixar to ilop the light In Nevada hut < luv Dlckerton I wild to be not aer e to the fight and utll not go out of hi uav to pi < vent I AMur unres to the latter rffert were recelvfil from tho governor late lait night IHJiiT siiXiALs oxciiii New York June 31Since tbe nn nouiii tliif n WMF llrnt mal by Ouv Oll lett that the JflTrlenJoliiKon flxht could Hot take plxrct In California many spe rl11 trama ulaniiil for the bnnnflt of New Yorkers have bit n ubiii > li > npil anil the fragments of all these abandoned pe IluU will be gathered together niaklne It iirobabln that only on speclaj train will be cnl tn tbe htl1 L Affording In tbe nluim glen out todny this train will go to San Francisco tlrnt Inuvliiff tbnre mlv Jul 3 for Heno alt arrive in Iteno July I In time for the nght JOE CANS IN LAST STAGES OF CONSUMPTION Baltimore Mil June Jl Word cornea from Arizona Unit Jo Hans former lightweight champion IH fighting his last battle nnd flip end Is near at hand Oans went from lultlmore lo Phoenix but within the 1181 week he 1ms remove to preseott which Is hlnner He bad vet his heart on seeing the Jef frlesJohnsnn tight but according to the latest advices from his quarters be de ltyed hla dcpnrluie from llaltlmoro a bit 10 long The onetime champion Is 1 victim of tuberculoKlt anil Is sald to h t plllnbU sight When he bado farewell to Haiti more Clans wns hopeful o regaining his health In Phoenix which wna recom mended Nelson to him by his old foe Hattllng YOUIt MOVUYS WOHTII Is what you want In books nn well ns In everything else The lHld Jiulld er the book recommendftl I highly by the Y M t I A reading course cnmnjlttee Rives you your moneys worth I Is by the well known writer Nephl Anderson and l an Interesting ptory of lovo and Adventure In tho far north of Norway For Hale by the Dos erct News Book Store price JlW GOLDEN RULE FOR DRUNKS IN CHICAGO Chicago June ITh golden rule will be applied to Intoxicated ixirxons In Chlcaiji If nn ordinance now In the hands of the Judiciary uommltteo la pasied by the city council Thr Judiciary committee yesterday decided In fhe future all drunkn found on the street by poHcemen must be taken to their homes I did this dcwplte an opinion prlxeti by Asst Cor poration touiiFBl Hayes that It la Il legal for a policeman to take an In toxicated person to his homo Instead of I police station ami nfter Judge McKenzIo Cleveland the father of tho proposer nrdlnnnce had told the com mittee that he hml gotten around tho objections raised by tho assistant cor poration counsel by changing th words found on the street In an In toxicated condition to found on the street In a condition of physbal help UKStlOSS The committee will report the meas urefavorably lo the council Monday l Ixht CHICAGO HIGH SCHOOL TO HAVE TWO YEAR COURSE Ching > Jiipe 21 Kor the first m In the history of the IliluiRo public schools I tivo years roume Is tn be offered In the hlRh whoolN beginning Sept I Announcement nf th Innovation will be jnade bv Mrx Klla Huge Young superintendent of piihMc schools In a bulletin to all principals und to pupllx who will graduate from the elementary fihools this month The purpose of thn abbreviated course U to chr ck the tendency of ichool children to leave whool upon graduation from the elementary schools or eighth grad I ess than 3 per lnt of Chicagos school children Bmduatu from the high echoota the chief reason assigned being flniiliil Inability to complete the four yearn course niii PHICIW AUVANCIID ChlcJJu June Zl Jfcllowlnc prmllcl UnO made last week packers yenterday lift of for clrculnteil a new Ir price dresaexl bnt cut whl h showed varia tions of Interest to housewives Moro oxpenslvn cuts of beef were ad vanced half n Cfnt for the pound while choapor cuu were reduced a quarter to one cent The revision fax ored the poor mans pocketbook while It ell for n larger outlay to furnish the table of the rtcli Ioe on the hurls nf the reduction In beef prices came the ret ort that a consignment of 70 dressed ho had been reeclved In sn Fruncloeo from China These hogs were said to have been Imported by a HI Louis whole saler who will distribute them to all partH of the country CUSTOMS OFFICIALS WATCHING SICILLIAN LEMONS Jfflw York June 21 Three pal CiUrtom offlrlals from Wahln fin nra ftlxnding tie niltn month 01 June In rjult vatfrtitint oh enitlon nt the dockn In Manhsttnn and rr klyn nt which Sicilian lemon are ijnla < l I fhe purpo e of their visit iJ to invxtiifat report that lemon lmport are nt IwylPB the full ultun me fut vhli h they Import T duty amountu to P > ccnU I pound but the Kovornmrtit elvo1 1 ra ale for the pruportlui if tho fruit on each uhltmpnt thut II deemed tin Ml fur cijiuiimpllon nnd which the Im Mirtira aro mipn > i Ml lo ilmtruy Tho IrnoUlKMtiini have lln trjrlni to learn uhother the amount of decayed fruit 11 over rttlmatwl when Ihe ilullfj are ixunputeO The pniH > rtlon uf Uwiiywl fruit hai txicn Inrife of la t On mnny ihlpmcinti 2r per ofiit IIRK l > en roiKjnod I until for roiimniptkin nil rebate on ihd cru IHIHIH have been refunded the linpvrt Imixirtetr wiy the InrrfKiiwd pmpor tlon < if ilwayed lemon from Pl < ly In dim to unfavorable weathiT affecting the rn > > In Sicily They wiy that 1al nun California leinnn Krnwen mate the complaints which are the cau < > l th pn ent Inquiry The Mllfornla grow er are trying to put an Mtil to the jrlv Int nf rebatex It Ix mill If thla In done thf ImiKirteri v the Callfnrnlmi vuuhl put up the prko of Imnoni WOULD IDEMNIFY SENDERS OF THIRD CLASS MAIL Washington June 21A rw xnmpii datlon h been nifule to Cangreiui by lolmloOtneorl Hltilicixk that law Ihl ermitod to Indemnify the en < 1 n nwnem of third and fourth rlonH dOIlt rpgiateriHl mntter 10 In the Rto Th M > atnva terB > nefH urK that no rrowth cf third and fourtll class rril tered mull inn he expected unit 111 h ninlty for I msll > li > losn lan IM KrAtlt ed HefuKiil to grant ouch Imlennity h inKlnlaliiH Is an unfHx nible llmrlin Irmtldn ugalnst ilninetlc n > aj l n nil In dinmlty IM iipivlded fur lhe low of reg 1 Ir1 inifkHReM In foinlgi inall < GENERAL LAND OFFICE FIELD INVESTIGATION Washington June 21 The general land oltlre In shapltiK Its iirogram for Held lnv tiKiitiiii lurinfr the n < > xt tlcnl > onr uf irmttei onwernlng the IMlhllr ilonuilll n HH to iOine ulthlii the compass of the RpprJrlall > iu of 1750000 which the mimlry civil i > er > l < r bill now In tonferenre v41l carry tI the work InmmlMiliiner Dennett of the gtwieral land oiTlrn expntc thu Held division to be rediue fnmi 1 to Ifc Htnl the tell service of the land of llee ilcrreaiieil nhout 25 per PiI Thr rrxliictlons will be due to the furl Unit llOdOOOO Wil appropriated for tho work during the current llral year Thrt np proprlatlon of J750000 for next yenr liowever wn UKHRil upon the csHinut of the general land cilllcej a the amount iexulr to carry on the work PERSONALS I A Callahan Ims left Krle In where he WHS visiting relstlves and cone to lluffHlo K V en rule fur ther oast Attorney Oe onre Jny fllbwin leaves early In the month for nn extended trip through Xew Kntfanil nnd the oant He will visit New HavenwluT he graduated In l6t and then RO mi to Quebec to attend tlie annual m < et Ini of the Knight of Columbian Miss Kdythe KVHIIH leaven sh riu for ho a lonlhl VHoatlon at 1ike TI Mt I P Oufl sliter of V I Hhe ir man of this city will arrive from New York Thursday with hir two elilldri > fora two niontlia vhlt In thUvtv with her brother Dewltt Knox YAle 1 returned home ycfcterdny from New Haven to fp ml tlir summer vacation Prof W 1 Steivart hal mifllili nil recovered from a protracted Illn i t > resuma his etlucatlonal duties Mrs Margaret TngrKart and son hnvr BHiP to Idaho on I two weeks trip Dr Charles 1 llraln hRI returned from IhlladelphlH where he frm lhladelrhll graduat ed from Jefforson Medical collese thin month with honor IlfiAI WHY I AM A MI1IIMOXT By O K Urionbacli I la n now book of 220 pal re cently iMiied from the preiw of Tho Doseret News wherein tho nuthor from scriptural mMentlUr nnd logical phnaos presents tho Mormon phl lrelnla ques tion In 1 very Intorestlnc und con vincing manner j To the young Inn preparing for missionary work to the Lalterdty Saint home and to the enrnfst Invts tlgHtor of MormonlHin Is tho little work esperlallv rerommrnde For snlo at th < nlSI thO DrSKUKT NEW HOOK i I STOIIB Prices postpaid Jl 00 IJ 1 ESlILU NOlJI ltnl J IIAVB IN MY 1OBSEflSIOV THH to followlnjr ileccrltied ani mal which If not 1 I clalin tl And taken away will bo old at tf o public auntlon to th nlghwit bidder at m oorral In 1nton Precinct on Slur i day the i t day of July 1MO at tho hour of l oclock pan One ijrxy homo wvlchC I about It Ib blind In unc err rio marlc I 1 I or brand Ole My hurse woltrht aba 1 lHO II no lark or oniml One any I mar weight Hbout ft lus liraruled E on left tlilnh On Korrel miirp vtelRht abut k tin Itj branded H on left thigh BaJd I < stray were inkon up by ten In said J 1reeUKt CU Iho Itlh d y o June ITia JAMK8 SI OIIOUN loundKeeier No 6 Precinct f n I XtUIXNOTICg I QIUXITK IOIIKK COMPANY Bait i 1 Lak City Itith Th rp are delinquent r I upon tlie following decrtbnl stock on no i 1 count uf aMt Mmnt levied May 1111 131J f the lerll amuunts nee opposite the i nm Ile nupcctlvv slisrwholdcrs 1 I i No No Namr Cert HhrsAmt O on A l > nyder 4 6O < 1 CMdeon A Snyiler 4 C > W 0 t M IxV 1 2 > Hlj mHk guytler ft IIQ 15 Kay 8 IKiwman 7 110 IS JI FothnrlnKham M 511 f A M KotnorlnKharn 5 MI 123 Toni KotheriiiKlinra 4 < 810 1 C K Murdock 1J 78 JuBhuii tjrvenwoud 3 a 0 Clement Tbb It 3J SCI Ckmoat Tfbb 37 2OII Sl Ddn Jy M 15M nw Ixulii 11 nd DwlRlit Fullmerffi tU CbO Ixirln Pullm 200 JfO O Iothertnxahm 4V CO 1 O KullnTlnKham 10 lto W O HiHkcnbrnd 4 SKH I W I Ituckenbrcd 44 2r 375 I Jonw 61 6 > 7W W H Yarillny 52 a1 7eo Arthur 1eternon 54 61 790 And In amordnnre with lav and an or der nt the Ho nd f Dlrertorj mrt1 June Iklh 1910 no nmnv ha res or eMI parcel of au1 slock MS may be n ary will b oll at the i > rtl < e nf the Secretary In tha Tolton Hlo < k liaver City Utah oa Bat irday the flth div of July 1910 at tin tl hour of 7n oclock t > m to pay delinquent asseiaimnt thereon toirmher with th4 cost of advertising and rxpersea or IIe J F TOLTON Becy Offr nfAver City ttah RACES roiiTY HAYS or IIICIICUASS nxcivr I 1 BUENA VISTA PARK SUMMER SEASON m jtoxiixv ifxis nrii TO TIltIlsnY 11 1 A 21ST J USf nlle jmiiicilrrs to lino tin In i liivonllo llamllcnp Satunlay Juno 2 > Dont inNs It I I SIX 1 K IIMIV SIMM 11 tlt iu < ivr 1 1 M I hlI 111 rt vV xt < e nl Sillth 1IES nxv OSIYI 1 1111 LIr AI > IITTKII IEE Special tralni lenvo Inion utatlon 110 1GO 230 returning to the rlt > Immediately after Iriat race Hound trip 25c ADMISSION IVCIrmNK < iXD i STAND 7V LADIKS oOc I JOHN CONDIION Pre niCHAUD DWruil Oen MET Lake r SaI s Turl hlr ent CliforIa E XC h ang e ed Eaatcn 48 EAS SrCO SOUTH f Salt Palace Saucer Track TONIGHT 815 f VAITIit IiMHA VS CiOItnON VIKiK HcI two In three Hair threciiuarlcr anil Miinilli1 lirat lnclo paiol yriirnit MIUJ INPACTO AUAINST TISIK 1rofesiionai 1 I M A 1 Clarke UorMs ntonl 23 ln iii Tnomlle lap hundlcap proC slolal Onemile handicap amateur Halfmile open professional Twimlle open lap nmiteur oxi Miin MOTOU rxiniiiriov i > n > fi wionni 1 i viiitticr Will alliinjit to rid < 1 mil under 1 iiiliiiilc J Milliard Pnn < l dmlsidon 6 Tli Keta on rale it Stlckncva C jar Store I TIII IVSTIST UIDI its IN TIU MJHID I I > I Why Have an Overheated Kitchen in Summer 1 When the sultry days come and the coal range makes the kitchen almost unbearable and cooking a dreaded task put out the range fire and try the newest method of cooking in hot weather use a f g n il Cookstove What a contrast I The kitchen no longer Is stifling hot the work is now done with comfort and the housewife is not worn out with the heat She saves her strength keeps her health nnd is better able to enjoy the summer The New Perfection does everything that any other stove can doa1 the fam ily cooklnB baking washing and iron ing No smoke no dust no odor Heat I applied directly and not wasted A turn and the flame I out The New Perfection stove has a Cabinet TOP with shelf for ieepinc I plates and food hot drop shelves for the coffee pot orsaucepanj and nickeled towel racks I has lone turquolseblue enamel chimneys The nickel finish with the bright blue of the chimneys mates tho 8tove very attractive and Invites clean liness Made with 1 2 and 3 burner 1nus and 3burner Btoves can be had with or without Cabinet nsmcplMe Trerj rrwb i If not at r 71J41M read New Perfection pJlcriiv meal lo 7 MMUI s ocj ft u Continental Incorporated Oil Company its