OCR Interpretation

Deseret evening news. [volume] (Great Salt Lake City [Utah]) 1867-1920, November 02, 1910, Last Edition, Image 10

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045555/1910-11-02/ed-1/seq-10/

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fe p fi f
61 flINDS
Shows That Appeals of Demo
crats and Republicans Are
Substantially Alike
IliiinliH nt 1 InIL I him
Democrats llau
riuttslimg X Nov 1 Midge
Alton U 1arkei In a speech here to
night colled attention lo Col llbose
elts dlscovcij of ait illcged al
lla ce lalwcen Mr UK and all
slrTet1 and said lhal tho oiiiv < vl
dence tiio colonel Ind pri tended to
naklng for
adduce tit u eliiulai
funds Issiicd by tin clnlnmn of Iho
finance1 commltlec of Jamnianj hall t
I hold that cliinl u in mj hand
lie fald Tid ISO Jmiln riietilirs
IssueiT bj Iho llt iiblicin committee
In tTie apuals therein for fund tiny
ilo not differ livsubstance hut there
110 murlud diff < rcncvn In tin riaaon
juislgncd foi llienttd of funds ti well
afln tin afflllallons of the mn who
sign them
i cannot help feeling that th
Dcmocrutlr nppcat I more Impressive
than lint of the Hpnulilhani Thej
iff JPC lie of thi > pioidc who will bo
biMidlted b IhH eHctlon whereas Iho
dotnln ml Itipnbllrin thought npjii irs
tojbp of thr pirtj and whntmn > 01
maj nol happen to It Miereuflci
IN rifllll
The Oemocrits sa > there aia h
iiues Inlhli light which siMtransccnd
Inlmiorlancc all party ties and BO af
fect all who placf ipatrlotlsm above
purtv as to ju tlf > and rcilrc llnj
diving of nn To > potunltv to all to
harejhjlhe vuirlt aniUbave cndlf In
Ihe tiluniph 1ir > point to III memiee
or the new jliatliin illsm and ahe
hllghtlng cffe < t It will have1 upon
business and labor lo tho clrnv
iiganco > of lln inrlN Jlciihas for so
manv < j > e ra uuitrolliil uff lr > at
VaUilliBton and a Albanv indj to
itho corruptlondf official HfoMn Alhiny
Ihe nepuhllcaiih tvldonlv mo
luvlngja hard lime In Impressing the
H merits of illicit ausn and Ihcli cindl
datcupnnt thp nvor i e niiMiiesS m uS
ofyNevfYorK this 5 car Thcv npproacji
him1 vlth a false rppicspntntlon In
their opening enit nre Ibis < n < t u
circular the > fav but an appe 11 to
And how Urn noptibllcaiia dbroxont
lhecrfoith nf Ihc Democrats to gather
111 u llttlu moncv for Iho leglllmato ex
penses of thili cunpalmi Their own
erics fop help hive Oiled ihe air of
Mnnlntlan Inland south jif rulton
streetand wli9n lie dlsiovcr a ilitu
lar from Tnmmrijiv nl n nsllug con
tributions foi the legitimate PX
pensciftor Its cnnimilpnvthci wirn
frantic rills jfoi Iho ipollciT nnd loud
drtnandsifon tho colonel lo jus listen
to thls
Tlifi cfrpijlar slmirlv sy lluil the
lppinocralC < iirt ulards fen tnii
uulHU jand Is oppotedi totbo wlI
jloctrlnes of Ilopscv iHr which wnnld
unsello alur nnilillslifrliij > iislnes
factSjWhlih tboH outer iithT forces of
thercpnntrv Ifojlv rp ilte now aljtor
tihn coldiipl B Unop vciks if Klrfiiliqiis
lampalcnltir1 frnni ti Uepubllpaiu
jolnL of view lll > npo llve riidp ffir
nnvhnH lint TKtiniblloniis tn lontc foi
funds In the lUflnes renter Of Nev
XAAirs ritcni WAUL ijiuELrr
I don t Mud on the iKmoeratlc
vclrculai the name i ol imm Wall street
jmntvvhn woul by sui posed to have
Kiibslantlal Inllueucu with 0m Wall
street brethren but I do find a treat
vnlunip and vnrletvot all stint In
terests reprcsonli d anying the sUtneMl
of theltpriullli ih elrculnr w
Thesi cnUer Iheii ineiitloiicd foi lni
Htanci the nameaioCiCornellus Aan i
dcrblll Ogdeu Y Mills Otto T liau
nardj I Avmni sahd Coincllus jsi
Dljss and other men ns dln > oiH of
conioiatlons llituliil Institutions
etc an Jielng on itliu Iicpubllc in
elrculnr 1
tlpriHCiil tlntipAfirlH > ti oii Tudgo
Inrkor said ln loncluslon not1 In
Criticism1 of the iffoils of thwo
gpntlcnion to help their pittv bill
solplv to show how ibMird h Iho
lotonels cimtentldii tint hero can
ho am coniKctloii betweiii AVall
strict nnd ntiv hoilv of men that Is
dlllgentlj Mpplvlng to iiomntp Ihp can
dldaej ot Mi Dlx for govprnoi
Jft hcnV poldbuomcf spttlqd Ip tm
Kj lcnrltvVIIUaKJ sovWil ilajs1 trnnt
i makes clean healthy
J R i
DUST acts like
magic on dirty floors doors
f ana woodwork You do not
have to bend until your poor
back is nearly breaking in an
effort to scourand scrub away
the dirt Add a heaping tea
spoonful of GOLD DUST
to a pail of water and the
do the rest
floors and doors spotless
white It searches put diit
germs and impurities from
every crack and crevice
hone sweet home Sivc
your strength by calling
GOLDDUST to vour aid
H So
Ltllhn COLD DUSTTWINS Jo jour work
TKj l s
Cured bj Lydia E Pink
ImmsVegetable Compound
Milwaukee Wls LytHa EPlnk
ImmsVoKotfiblo CompouniVhas niatlo
mo ft nell oman
tell tho hole world
of it I suffered
and fearful painslir
my back Iliad tho
besfdoctors and
> thoy > vall decided
that I had aturaor
in addition Hoi my
female trouble and
advised anvopcnvT
tlon Ljdia E
Ilnkluiins Vegetable Compound mado
me aTell woman and I have no moro
bickacho I hope I can help others byf
telliiiKthomwliatI < ydiaiPinkliamH <
Vegetable Compound haaidonofor
me Hits EMMAlMSE SSSriratSt
Hilnaukee Wls
Thoabovo is only ono of tho thou
sind3of grateful letters which nro
constantly being received by tho
Iinkham Medicine Company of Lynn
Mass lilch pro o be ond a doubtthac
i > dlatU Pinkhams Vegetable Com
< pound made from roots and herbs
actually dots euro these obstinate dis
eases of i omen after all other means
have failed and tint every Buchsuf
onng ominowes it to herself to at
least givoLydia 12 PinkhamssVegeta
blo Compound a trial before i submit
ting to an operation or giving up
hope of recovery
1111 s Pliihlmin otVIiynnMnss
invites all slclc womentojjvrlto
her for advice r She has guldcA
thousandsto licaltn and her
ndvico is free
Ilcllcvul to Coi respond Vllir Audi I
piikil UutictiM InMlie Males
flimil Population
Washington Nov 2 During tho
lust dcuulc lown hnsisWvvu material
ilcti oiitcs In the tolatt number of Its
tarniB farmers and Ihe exlenUof farm
acreage but these losses nro ovtr
shudoncd by thu enormoiis Increases
In the Niliie of fin in Innd Imiilnnvcnts
ami biilldliiK and the expenditures for
farm labor TbCfe facts nru set forth
In ustoUMnenl iBsuid bjtho CCIIHUS
lnupnimregitrdlnK lunao jiiKrlcuttural
hUitlHtlrfliderlveil fion a recent
lenilia ofaBiltnltiire an apart of tho
thlrteentlidccoimlal ccnsiii av
This falling off In the number of
farms itlie itntcmenU ajH Is one
that luis been anticipated by all
dtudcnts of agricultural conditions In
loua and Is liclleed to correspond
iliilll closlj Alth nn antlcl ntpdf de
cioasc In Uio inial population In tho
slate V
Tho farm acreage ri > n rted In 1910
In 130flfi00n as ioiiipared ltli 14
riQOO In 19flOr a decrease of O6 000
net os or U > pcr cent
Mnxlcov Mo Nov 2 CoiiKie snian
Uliiunp CJIarlv tonight nlrcd PoHtmast r
CIui Hitchcock chaiaglns that seeral
I ostna > tuis In the Ninth congressional
tllstrlrt otf this state were oiltlng
Diiilng President rioosoelfa admin
stratlim several posimastcis lost their
position fur becoming too active in pol
ncglnneis class commenced Thurp
ilij Nov SrdS p m Odcnn
Gafb d as Working GirlsPoiice
iqidNotKnowTTfcm Sp
Arrested Them
Mls4lilen Slnir Sn > > Tho > JVcic Do
Ing AhHoluIrl Sothliifvi 1c
yond IliifJun
Chicago Not 1 Mouiiteil policemen
uhurged thnatcnlng mobs of ntrlUInu
garment orkeis and made nurnqroifs
arrests In three sections of Chicago
today only to be dumbfounded when
met by obdumle groups of well known
club andjHocletj wotnen Tho produced
calllngi cards at police stntloris ln lieu
of ball bondu It was a now experi
ence for tho police land plalnly con
fused them A HCortTot these women
champions of thogarmentSorkeiHvho
faced todayslotlng eie taken iltito
custody They were Immediately re
leased how verwhen their IdcntltyCbe
came knywnlto the police
Onci of thein was Injured wlteh
struck by a pollcemans club but net
name did mot becomeknow n IH who
was hurriedly plated In nn automobile
urn takento her home
Most ofr the women of pfomlticnce
lnolved In todays demonstrations
were gaibedcns worklngpglrls andfor
this reason Uio police could not dla
tlngiilyhtthom from strikers until after
arrests had been made
niotoiiH and spectacular scenesf di >
veloped In the downtown district on
ho inorth sldo and onthe west side
ilorojlhnn DOO men and women engaged
madowntown demonstration which
was broken upvby thepollce after1 con
Blderablc trouble As they left their
icadiiunrteia In U Balle alrcet tho
strlltcis and lliplnsympathlzera clanged
bellsfblew whistles andtooted horns 1
Tliofdowntownjllne of march pio
eeded Intotthe wholesale district ncar
lie rlvci passing before largejtailoring
establishments where employes were
leckoned los join the strikers Morn
haril2pOOtook part In one of oevcral
emonstratl6nsLonthel west sldes In
ach Inslniicewomcn headed the crowds
of strikersTind their friends
I wouUMnkejoath thatwe wero do1
ng absolutely nothlng beyojid the law
aid MlssDllen StanTonoiof the cluh
uinen who has become a strike picket
Thejonlyipersons whoworeviolating
ho law were tho policementwho trent
d us roughlyifnd hurt dreadfully with
heir clubs some of the poor ° boyn who
ere leadjng peacefully pnst the shops
t there had been a real riot this morii
ng und It would not havetaken
nuph lo have made one It would luue
beenInclted nltogetherby the police
MlssSVU Franklin anotherof the
olunteer plckot J has Indignant be
cnuseioflhernnnnpr In which she had
bWntreatcd by the police
I know they would not hneMclme
go IfI had not presented my caul1
nalcIjMlni Frank11 Thojv seemed to
thinkthat I WBS Dmlcularly danger
OUH characterPerhaps Itwould liao
been a good plan to letlthcm take mo
lo Jail and just prove to them how
little legal foundation they hae to
stand on
Promises from welltodo womento
OIM n their homes to destitute striking
girls volunteers for picket sen Ice
from among women uell known asixo
clal and club leaders and pledgesilof
any assistance wltliln thelrpowor from
many other women were1 rcccUed by
Mrs Itaymond Itoblns president of the
Womens Trade Union Ieaguo today
Helen MiToddi a deputy factory In
tppctor who addicsscd Ix innctlng of
Btrlkern today volunteered to address a
meeting of University of Chicago girls
tomorrow night Mrs Iloblns vwlll
speak onMhe subject of the strilto to
tho members of the Chlcngoi kinder
garten Institution In this manner It Is
evpecctd to carryjthp flght of tho strik
ing garment workers Into eery quar
ter of the state and to secure NUuablo
nld for the cause
llngMheSprogrtiiB Of the euro to tho
ipallrnt byt prodiiclnR clldcflncd re
intliiivUliln averj sh rt lime notmnt
Ucr In what form < > r ° serious or
mi > be
contains no opiates or dan
perousi drugs Is safe for joung nnd
siOlilJanil MHI eaallj assimilated us tlio
weakcstiStomach or 53tnl
Mr C II rnrgo Warsaw N Y
sas I iliad rlicurantl mj for seven
3 ears My legs were crippled Ilia
piln wa fierce It wtn agony to touch
them oven iwlth IL cloth Ill began
tccrtlln anj toruhmrj case1 wltlueverj
purchaapjoftsiottlcs or moncj refunded
If your druggist cannot upplvjioult
wlllbo henttogeth r wlth iarnnteo on
lecelpt of prlcoJbN the DMF Medicine
Co 21G Lincoln Ait Clilciigo Ill
DMF Us gold In Salt Lake1 City
andrecommendcd by The > Smlth > Drug
Co CorhcrHpd So andMnln also
The Smith Drug qo Xo Sl 215 So
TUaln nndDruehl and tPrnnken 271 1
So7Malri I
wTi tf
TilrsvRoblns dcchrcd that at least
M volunteer pickets from womens
clubs and other sources out ldo the
workInggIrlsKwIII bo actlvelyScngriged
tomorrow twhen fiirther demonstrations
nre expected
Wocannot give their names at thlrt
tImefsaIdMrs Itoblna Wo found It
ndvlable lnlNoTw York and I amosurp
veAWllIfhervij to keep thojpollco gucss
ngastovvJioour nlcketsfarc v
Although sevcial tailoring icaiabllsh
ments whereiBtrlkebrcikcrs aie being
employed vrero stoned today only a
fovpersons were InJuredJiand there
vi ore nofatalllles
TuesonttVrIz < Nov i After a search
of seven years during which he was
racedfrom Chicago totHonolulu and
ihanghnijandUhoncp toTucson Henry
P McCoyrwn irecently located > here
and jpsterday ho recelvedJajinswardOf
l000 cashlanda sllvei medalfrom th <
Carnegie hero fund commission The
award was madoforihls hcrolc rescue
of a man who had been Imprisoned In a
ivellnc > ar Chicago
Washington Nov I A nolnble de
parlurn In th customs policy of The
Netherlands isl contemplated by Ihe
lircsent session of lha slates keneral
according lo a report icccKed hero by
Iho department ofcoimncrc and labor
from Minister A M Beaupro Tho
present tariffed wllh the exception
of a i few amendments i dales back lo
1SC2 and the rales of duly havobeon
conspicuously Ion Tho budget fjr 1911
howeer aa reported to tho second
chamber of thq states general on Sept
20 last emphasized Iho considerable
and Increasing deficit of recent years
and the llnanclal situation brought
forth an announcement from Queen
Wllhelmina in her speech fioni tho
throno that a bill i elating to the 10
vlslon of the tailft would shortly be
presenled by Ihogoveminent
Tor Iho cnsuingyeai the government
Intends to derive large icvenuej fiom
temporary mtabures lion In operation
Imposing a surln on private Inromcs
nnd nn excise duty on splrlts IJesldf
Iho depirtmcnlnl appropriations i en
lloned In Iho Imdgcl tho outlas for
ithOjjflseali yeai wllll bo aUgmcntcdiiy
largo oxpcndlturcs conleinplatpdilnjblll
for tho Insurance of worklngmon
against pecunlaiY loss ifnin Inilnnllj
jOfoldtugo or Accidents and hu bills
compichendlng a plan for the con
structlonnnd inalnlcnancofof coast dt
fpnseg Tho latter alonojdu iposf nn
expondlture of 1B 000519 iTho tdellclt
ihovvnib > thdtbudgCt itselll being less
ilhanihilflhls sumrt7COO 000
1 r
Kansas Cltv AIo Nov 2 Dearirig
lt his lifelong imblllon to learn to
read and write John Vt bmlth CS
ycarssold a negro and a former slave i
lasl nlght appeared atUhe night school
for negro children In Kinas City
3 < an and asked1 to hot ridmltlod Ho I
will b < cnrolledibut will hio to IKIJ
J1 aiiioiith ytiilLlon
ThooldnegrorwhOjfollotted his own
fb Col jPnlk in Ihe Civil nrjivlnn
Iho masler fougliU tho Union troops
cxplalnedihls Ignorance b > saying Ms
foldSmnstervvas mlghtyisood to me but
nobody used lo think of teaching a
slave lo read 01 write I haven given
nlllotinj bojs a good icducallon nnd
now l am going Io4ha > e my tuin Al
most over body can read and yvvrilc
andiwhen I want to know what Is in
u1paperIhave to got someone to read
It to tine
Atanj jschool chlldrentHUffor from
constipation which Is often theiinuto
bf seemlng stupldl > ntjlessons Cham
berlains Stomach and ilJvcr 1 ablets
arc an Ideal medclne > loigtvoa1chlld
forithev arc mild and gentle In Iholr
effect and will pure tcven chronic
constipation Sold bv all dealer
Chicago Nov 2 Tho lot under tho <
lloconfHorald building at 154156t
Washington street has beom sold hy
tho tmsloes for tho plearlnghoiiAO
banksto the Kvanston hospital Ffor
2f > RG66 1
ThoJ lot was leased bs Tohn n
nlshf the banker now In Leavon
worth prlson tortho Chicago Horhid
companv Mn lSSO Iforia tenn of 99
> ears the lease stipulating that the
dnnunl ground renUhhould bo2S G < 0
grains of pure TunalloycdJgold Fol
lowing the failure of the Chicago
National bank Mr Wnlshturned over
thepropertv tothpf banks In7 jpart
satisfaction of what hoi owed them
Chicago Nov 2 A > bonlo hellovod
bvlhe pQiiceiclo h ivotbeen throvvTi bvJ
the Black Hnnd > vvrcckedthe front
of a baildlngfat 2107 South Clark
street earlv today throwing the owner
Anlon > Frcn his wife and tvfo
children who wero sleeping on tho
second floorout of their bpd
The explosion caused great excltp
ment in Iho neighborhood populaled
chloflv bviItallans Mnn > hvlndows In
adjoining buildings wcio tlnoken by
Ihe explosion i
Thousands nowise This
Recipe forljCough Syrup
iasllj AIndc lit Home
If it 1 ails
ThejspcSllviiihfwhich this simple homo
mlNturotaKes bold of iacough andcon
tillers It will surprise NJOU Tho recipe
Klven b low makeSL moro and betler
coukhf > > ni > than > ou con buy rcodj
marto forj50 i
Mix ona pint of grnnulaledsucar with
ii plnl of warm water and stir for 3
minutes Put ii ounces of Pinex flftj
cents iworth In 11 pint bottio tlion add
tho Sugar 8 > rup It keeps perfectly
lake < i tcipoonfiil even ono two or
throe hours
rills slves almost Instant relief and
UBiiallj stops a de p scate < l cough Insldo
of 4 hours Splendid too for whooping
cough chest pulns bronchitis hoarse
ness etc Iho tiiatn Is pleasant and It
Is Just liitho enough to help cure a
co iRh Its tonic properties restore thp
nppctlto which a couch tends to dcstroj
IhH recipe Is now used in thousands of
homes In HIP United Slates and CanIda
Its populiilt bns losultcd In mans tml
tatlons none of them as good us tho old
successful formula IKwllI not work nn
les jou use Iho pUie genuine Plnex
ivhlih 11 the mostlvaluablo conccntraled
LOinpound of Norwegian whttcpln < > nx
inct aiKPcontnlnsi the neccasarj < uan
llt > of gulalcol and other healing plno
A guai antes of absolute satisfaction or
noncj piomptb refundpdrgoos with this
itlpr iour drujBlst bos Pinex oiwlll
etit foi jou If notj sond lo Iho Pinox
ojn I AViyno Jtid
Madam Morris jHns Arrived
Attractive Dccldcflly BO Sha
will command the admiration of
overy lover of grace nnd benutj
A wortb > addlllon to our family
of elegant sterling silver Jibleirnro
VeFcordlnllyInvHo > nuto come In
and get acquainted with Mndam
For the >
CorrectiTIm j
tpr Mattels geniale Pills
Presorlftdjnndrecommenowl tor worn
enaf aliments a ocIentlflcJlyi prepor
edfrremedy of provon wortln
fromi > th lr use lauqulclciandpermanent
rdcmonaVrallpn IprovasJ this
Wdv ertlslngf may1 help iis fscllj
ourcIoth VLbutlt > l lipnlvf by
claims AvoinVakb
750 iTO27r 0i
Y on iiuiowv
y vliats
it is
cjiayciiIicJitcsf macfe
iiVnd ipu r p rlcos
j fctmnotJboySup
i licatbd iany
j rot detalliJnjjevcr > jileco priniii
jfarprftwoijlauridcr itho color
J iritTBnKDjyATEn rcqulfedJ
jto7pfrfec rtjhoiwork j
arid p
jOneBlockfrpm Newi
0ennaivRE Station
ifopUIotk swIUi Tnrlff Sclicdnl
liiallcdiifrcoVon rcaucst
rv fc
tRK <
Ippb Scff
L SUtiS > i V ± i lTi
i s pi i
7 svT r > s > vS 1 I i
> c V v y io j <
Ji J j fe 5

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